PowerSchool SMS 8.0
Who can use this version ........................................................1
Important notices.................................................................2
What’s new in PowerSchool SMS 8.0...........................................5
What’s fixed in PowerSchool SMS 8.0........................................ 12
Performance..................................................................... 13
Known issues .................................................................... 14
Using the customer support web site........................................ 15
How to report an issue......................................................... 15
May 25, 2012. © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. This edition applies to Release 8.0 of the
PowerSchool SMS
software product and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise
indicated in new editions or updates.
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Release Notes
This document outlines the enhancements and fixes in PowerSchool SMS 8.0. All
enhancements, updates, and fixes from previous versions and HotFixes are included
in this and subsequent releases.
For instructions on upgrading to or installing this release, and for information about
system req
uirements, refer to the System setup & maintenance chapter in the
PowerSchool SMS Administration Manual.
Who can use this version
Customers running one of the following versions of PowerSchool SMS can install and
use PowerSchool SMS version 8.0:
Chancery SMS 7.7.0, 7.7.1
Chancery SMS 7.6.0 to 7.6.2
Chancery SMS 7.5.0 to 7.5.4
Chancery SMS 7.4.0, 7.4.1
Chancery SMS 7.3.0, 7.3.1
Chancery SMS 7.2.0
Chancery SMS 7.1.0 to 7.1.2
Chancery SMS 7.0.0
Chancery SMS 6.7.0 to 6.7.3
Chancery SMS 6.6.0 to 6.6.8
Chancery SMS 6.5.0 to 6.5.5
Chancery SMS 6.4.0
Chancery SMS 6.3.0
Chancery SMS 6.2, 6.2.1
Chancery SMS 6.1.0
Chancery SMS 6.0, 6.0.1
Chancery SMS 4.3.0 to 5.0.0
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Release Notes
Important notices
This section lists important issues to be aware of in PowerSchool SMS 8.0 or in
applications used by PowerSchool
SMS 8.0.
Data conversion for contact and enrollment schemas
The data schemas for student contacts and enrollment have been changed to
support the enhancements for these features in PowerSchool
SMS 8.0. The
SMS 8.0 installer will convert affected data to the revised schema.
In addition, during the upgrade PowerSchool SMS 8.0 presents three options for
matching and merging duplicate student contact records. Based on your selection,
the system combines each student’s duplicate contacts into one contact record.
Important: See the Converting to PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Technical Bulletin for actions
districts should take to ensure the conversion has minimal impact on your data.
Family Management
Prior to PowerSchool SMS 8.0, siblings and contacts could be linked to a family
through Family Management. With version 8.0, much of that functionality has been
removed. Siblings as well as contacts are now managed on the Contact List page.
The data conversion process does not automatically populate the Sibling List on the
Contact List page with the information from Family Management; however, a SQL
script is available to do this. The script also generates a list of the affected
Click here to access the script on PowerSource.
Temporary compatibility views
Through the 2012-2013 school year, PowerSchool SMS 8.0 will provide compatibility
views for the new contact and enrollment functionality, for grade level, home room
and home school, and for some reports. This will ensure contact and enrollment
customizations, custom extracts, and reports remain intact until districts are able
to change these items to point to the new schema.
See the Converting to PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Technical Bulletin for details.
Note: A compatibility view is a SQL Server view that has the same properties —
names, data types, etc. — as the original table for which it provides compatibility.
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Release Notes
Utility to identify triggers affected by data conversion
Certain tables have been altered in PowerSchool SMS 8.0 to support changes in the
contact and registration/enrollment features. Your current SMS system may contain
custom triggers that must be disabled or dropped prior to the upgrade to
PowerSchool SMS 8.0. Pearson provides the
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Prep Validator
utility on PowerSource and run prior to the upgrade, to help you identify potential
issues with these custom triggers. This utility also identifies other issues, such as
with customizations and calendar overlaps.
Enrollment tables:
Contact tables:
PowerSchool SMS Web address and task manager
With the product name change to PowerSchool SMS, the Web address (URL) to
access PowerSchool
SMS was changed to include PowerSchoolSMS rather than
ChancerySMS. For example, http://.../PowerSchoolSMS/User/Login.aspx. In
addition, the task manger name was changed to PowerSchool
SMS Task Manager.
Supporting HTTPS for Online Course Requests
By default, the web.config file for the PowerSchool SMS Online Course Request Web
service is configured to support only HTTP. Districts that want to use HTTPS must
edit the web.config file as described in the PowerSchool SMS Online Course Request
Support for HTTPS technical bulletin.
Back up the SQLDataprovider.config file
A full Web server uninstallation and reinstallation is required to upgrade to
PowerSchool SMS 8.0, which deletes the SQLDataprovider.config file. Ensure that
you back up this file and restore it to the 8.0 environment. The ptServer* segments
are required for proper operation with PowerTeacher gradebook.
Browser support
As of PowerSchool 8.0, Internet Explorer 8 or 9 and FireFox 10 or 11 are supported.
Internet Explorer 7 is not supported. Safari 5 is supported for Macs.
SQL Server 2005 support
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 is the last release to support SQL Server 2005.
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Release Notes
PowerSchool SMS Resource Kit
The PowerSchool SMS Resource Kit is available for download on PowerSource.
ParentCONNECTxp 4.1
Because of the contact schema changes, districts upgrading to PowerSchool SMS 8.0
that use ParentCONNECTxp must also upgrade to ParentCONNECTxp 4.1.
Districts must update the URL for PowerSchool SMS in the ParentCONNECTxp Admin
Application. Districts must also change the PowerSchool SMS database server in the
Admin Application to a server running PowerSchool SMS version 8.0 or later where
the contact conversion has been successfully completed. See the
4.1 Release Notes for more information.
PowerTeacher 2.2.3
PowerTeacher gradebook version 2.2.3 for PowerSchool SMS will be released before
the start of the 2012-2013 school year. Districts using PowerTeacher with
SMS must upgrade to PowerTeacher 2.2.3 prior to running the first
stage 1 PowerSchool
SMS export and stage 2 PowerTeacher import. All districts
running PowerSchool
SMS version 7.6.0 or higher must upgrade to this version.
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Release Notes
What’s new in PowerSchool SMS 8.0
This section describes the enhancements made in PowerSchool SMS 8.0. (The
SMSMAINT numbers are tracking numbers for changes in PowerSchool SMS.)
General changes
Product name change
With version 8.0, Chancery SMS has been ren
amed PowerSchool SMS to align with
Pearson School System’s branding. The new branding:
Consolidates Pearson’s SIS brands under the P
owerSchool brand umbrella
Leverages the strong brand identity that P
owerSchool has in the marketplace
Enables Pearson to share newly built functionality across SIS solutions
User interface redesign
The PowerSchool SMS user interface
has been redesigned to simplify navigation,
improve usability, and provide a consistent look and feel using standard Web
controls. Navigation to key areas is now done through a horizontal menu bar, while
the left control bar for a student record is used to navigate through student-specific
information, such as Contacts and Enrollments.
FIGURE 1. New user interface
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Release Notes
Release of PowerTeacher Mobile iPad app for PowerSchool SMS
The PowerTeacher Mobile app for PowerSchool SMS is now available on iTunes.
PowerTeacher Mobile enables teachers to use some of the most common features of
the PowerTeacher gradebook on the iPad.
For the mobile app to work, districts must install the latest version of PowerTeacher
ok on PowerSource, version The app will then work with
PowerSchool SMS 7.6.0 or later.
For more information, see the
PowerTeacher Mobile FAQ on PowerSource.
Data conversion for contact and enrollment/registration changes
To support the changes for contact and enrollment information, the
owerSchool SMS 8.0 installer will convert affected
data to the revised schema. This
includes the conversion of 2-line addresses to 5-field addresses for contact
addresses, cTools contact data to a new cTools extension schema, and
Customization Data Management (CDM) status codes to cTools fields.
See the
Converting to PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Technical Bulletin for details.
Note: Custom triggers that depend on certain tables will be affected by the data
conversion. See
Utility to identify triggers affected by data conversion (p. 3
) for details.
Support for Windows Server 2008 64-bit
The Web and Database servers for PowerSchoo
l SMS 8.0 support operation with the
following versions of Windows Server. Windows Server 2003 is no longer supported.
Windows Server 2008 R1 32-bit and 64-bit
Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit
The 64-bit version of Crystal Reports is a
lso supported on 64-bit servers.
Switching roles
You can now quickly switch roles on any page in
PowerSchool SMS using the Role link.
The currently active role is displayed next to the Role link.
FIGURE 2. Role link
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Release Notes
Switching calendars
Administrators can now quickly switch between the
active and planning calendars
using the Active and Planning buttons.
FIGURE 3. Active and Planning buttons
Audit log
Audit log updated to support contact and enrollment changes
The audit log has been updated to support the schem
a changes for student contacts
and registration/enrollment.
New themes for active and planning calendar
When working in the Active calendar the color scheme
is now blue/gray/white, and
when working in the Planning calendar the color scheme is now green/gray/white.
This provides a clear visual indication of which calendar is currently active.
For this release, the color theme cannot be
modified, but a future release will
provide a way for districts to customize their color theme.
Course requests
New Course Request Approval indicator
For those districts using the Online Cour
se Request system, a new Course Request
Approval indicator is available with this release so that approval can be required for
individual student contacts. This indicator replaces the use of the Lives with student
and Has custody of student indicators for online course request approval.
By default, the Course Request Approval option for each student
contact is set to No
(0). A SQL script (Set_IsCourseRequestApproval_Flag.sql) is available to set the
IsCourseRequestApproval field to Yes (1) for contacts where the Lives with student
and/or Has custody of student indicator is set to Yes. This script is available from
Support upon request.
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Release Notes
District Setup
New Preferences area
District administrators can use the new Preferences area in
District Setup to manage
registration and enrollment, permanent record, student behavior, and health
preferences in one location.
The Student Enrollment, Year-End Processing
Enrollment and Withdrawal Options,
and Required Enrollment Fields areas are now located within the Registration and
Enrollment area.
FIGURE 4. New District Setup > Preferences area
Current grade level shown when re-enrolling in a school
When a student is projected into a school in which
the student was previously
enrolled, the student’s current grade level in the district is shown as the active
grade. Previously, the lowest grade level achieved at the previous school was
Student grade level is now a district property
The student grade level is now a district-le
vel property rather than a school-level
For a school that is not the home schoo
l, the grade level is read-only.
Grade levels can be mass assigned only from the home school (for other stu
the grade level will not be assigned).
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Release Notes
Registration and enrollment enhancements
The registration and enrollment process has been streamlined and enhanced. A
registrar can now register a student, enroll the student, and add contact
information during a single process. In addition, the management of enrollment
history and the management of district enrollment preferences has been enhanced.
Important: To support the changes for contact and enrollment information, the
SMS 8.0 installer will convert affected data to the revised schema. See
Converting to PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Technical Bulletin for details.
Note: The mid-year student transfer functionality (the ability to select “Transfer
Students” from the Actions menu from student search results) is no longer available.
To end a student's enrollment at one school and add a new enrollment at another
school, you will need to go to the Enroll Student or Edit School Enrollment page for
each student.
The following pages are used in the registration and enrollment process. To begin
the process, click Register/Enroll Student on the Actions menu.
Registration/Enrollment Search page - Used to search for an existing enrollment
record, copy existing enrollment data to a new student record, or create a new
blank record. This page now uses a search interface similar to the Advanced
Student Search page. The search results are displayed using the new global
district views DistrictRegEnrollSearchView or SchoolRegEnrollSearchView. The
search grid views now include Student Name (LFM) and Student Name (FML) as
selectable columns.
Register Student page - Used to register students in the district. When adding a
new student, possible matches are indicated via a hyperlink at the top of the
page after the last name, first name, and birth date have been entered; clicking
the link opens a window showing the possible matches. After a student has been
registered, the registration data can be viewed or edited later by clicking
Registration in the control bar of the student record.
Contact Information page - From the Register Student page, click the Enter
Address & Contact Data button to enter student contact information. See
contact enhancements (p. 11
Enroll Student page - From the Contact Information page, click the Enroll button
to enroll a student in a school, view enrollment history, and enter additional
student information, including program management for districts using
controlled enrollment.
The following pages have also been added or enhanced to support enrollment
Enrollments page in Student Demographics - Used to view and manage school
enrollment history records and status codes.
Schedule Change History page in Student Demographics - Used to view and
manage grade, homeroom, and class change history. The single grid for grades
and homeroom changes has been split into two grids: one for grade history
changes and one for homeroom history changes. Clicking the Undo Last button
will provide the option to undo the last grade and homeroom changes at once.
Registration/Enrollment Preferences page - District administrators use this page
to manage registration and enrollment preferences. This includes defining which
data entry fields are available to registrars and whether they are required or
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Release Notes
Additional enhancements include:
When enrolling a student, a warning is provided and enrollment may be
prevented (based on district preferences) if the student has behavior enrollment
The minimum age for enrollment is validated during the enrollment process.
The Enrollment Status link to the old enrollments system on the Student
Demographics > Personal Info page has been removed.
The changes made to registration and enrollment support existing state cTools
localizations. In the cTools area of District Setup, the following schemas have
been added: Student School Enrollment, Enrollment Status, and Withdrawal
Status; existing fields will be converted to use the new fields.
Both ParentCONNECTxp and PowerTeacher gradebook support operation with the
revised enrollment schema.
New Permissions:
Manage Student Enrollments - Controls the user’s access to the Register/Enroll
Student option on the Actions menu, the Enrollments hyperlink in the student
control bar, the add/edit/delete icons on the Enrollments page, and the Enroll
button on the Contact Information page. (To add, edit, or delete students, users
must also have the appropriate existing permissions.)
Withdraw Student - Controls the user’s ability to withdraw a student from a
Registration and Enrollment Preferences - Controls the user’s access to the
Registration and Enrollment preferences page.
Edit Enrollment For Other Schools - Controls the user’s ability to edit a student
enrollment record for another school.
Changes to existing permissions:
The existing Add Students, Delete Students, Delete School Enrollment, and
Registration Information permissions have been retained. The Enroll Student in
School and Student Status Code permissions have been removed.
The Delete Student permission has been renamed to Delete Student From
The existing permission Delete Student Enrollment has been renamed to Delete
Student From School. This permission allows the user to access the Delete School
Enrollment item on the Actions menu on the Advanced Student Search page.
The Multiple School Status Access permission has been renamed to Add
Enrollment for Other Schools.
ASCII Import updated to support contact and enrollment
The templates for the ASCII Import utility have been updated to support the revised
contact and enrollment schemas.
Tracki ng users w ho made scheduling changes
On a student’s Schedule Change History page, administrators can now see which
users made scheduling changes.
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Release Notes
Student Demographics
Generation field is now a dropdown
The Generation field on the Student Demographics Overview page and the new
Register Student and Contact List pages is now a dropdown list that refers to the
Person Generation setup list.
Student contact enhancements
Important: To support the changes for contact and enrollment information, the
SMS 8.0 installer will convert affected data to the revised schema. See
Converting to PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Technical Bulletin for details.
The management of student contacts has been enhanced as follows:
The Contact List page displays additional details for all student contacts. This
includes the communication methods, the type of communication (such as home
phone, work phone, and email), and icons to indicate that the contact is an
emergency contact, has custody, can pick up a student, and so on. See
[Figure 5]
You can quickly link to siblings to use their existing contact information so that
contact information does not need to be reentered for each sibling. The selected
siblings appear in the Sibling List on the Contact List page. Note that any edits
made to a contact are reflected for linked siblings, but additions and deletions to
contacts are not carried over to linked siblings. Linked siblings can be removed
from the Sibling List.
You can also link to any existing contact using the Link Other Person button. This
opens a contact search similar to a student search, and allows you to easily
define the relationship with the student. The search results also display all other
students associated with the contact.
Up to 20 communication methods can be added, including e-mail, Facebook,
Twitter, and other contact information. Contacts are displayed in the order in
which they are entered on the Add/Edit Contact page, and the rows can be
dragged and dropped to change their order.
When adding a new contact, duplicates and near matches are identified by a
hyperlink at the top of the Add Contact page. This hyperlink appears only after
entering the last name, first name, and communication method. The hyperlink
opens a window with possible matches to select from.
The Contact panel on the Student Demographics Overview and School Info tabs
now displays additional contact information.
The two-line address fields for contacts have been converted to five fields:
Number, Street, Type, Direction, and Apt.
Both ParentCONNECTxp and PowerTeacher gradebook support operation with the
revised contact schema.
On the Add/Edit Contact page, you can quickly clear the contact address fields
by clicking the Clear button.
A password or phrase can be entered for a contact to pick up a student.
The Homeroom Roster Emergency Contact and Student Directory reports have
been rewritten to support the new contact system.
The ability to add, edit, delete or view contacts and contact relationships has
been removed from Family Management. Family Management is still available,
but to work with contacts, you will need to use the new Contact List page.
Clicking an e-mail address opens an e-mail composition window.
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Release Notes
FIGURE 5. Contact List page
What’s fixed in PowerSchool SMS 8.0
This section describes fixes made in PowerSchool SMS 8.0. (The SMSMAINT numbers
are tracking numbers for changes in PowerSchool SMS.)
When backfilling grades, the elementary Student Grades page does
not display subjects in non-homeroom grade levels
The Student Grades page did not display the subject (and grades could not b
backfilled) when Backfill Grades is enabled for a subject in a grade level other than
the homeroom grade level. For example, 6th grade subjects were not visible and
grades could not be backfilled for a student in a 5th grade homeroom.
Precondition: A
n elementary student has a subject in a grade level other than the
homeroom grade level.
Fix verification steps:
1 Sign in to PowerSchool SMS as an elementary school administrator with
permission to backfill grades.
2 Search for a student who meets the precondition.
3 In the control bar, click Schedule.
4 Select the Backfill Grades checkbox for a subject in a grade level other than the
homeroom grade level.
5 Click Save.
6 In the control bar, click Grades.
7 Verify that tabs are available for each appropriate grade level, and that all
subjects are visible and grades can be backfilled.
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Release Notes
Schema changes, new and enhanced functionality, and the new SQL Server views
introduced to provide backwards compatibility impacted the performance in some
areas of PowerSchool SMS 8.0. Pearson has put significant effort into maintaining the
high performance standards expected by our customers; as a result, PowerSchool
SMS now performs in a range approximately +/- 10% from the last major release,
which is Chancery SMS 7.7.0. We will continue to optimize performance by
capitalizing on the new possibilities now available to us from the 8.0 schema design.
While some features in PowerSchool SMS 8.0 show improved performance, there are
others that perform more slowly. To help ensure your system performs optimally, we
ask that you report your findings to Technical Support, which may be able to provide
you with assistance to ensure your system’s performance is acceptable in these
areas. For example, in the area of student search where specific searches may
perform more slowly than in Chancery SMS 7.7.0, Technical Support can likely offer
you information to improve the performance of these searches.
Regarding page loading, the time it takes to load new graphical controls in
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 has been reduced significantly. Consequently, these controls
often appear on a page before the data does. This can give end users the impression
that the page is loading slowly when in fact it is loading as quickly, or more quickly,
than it did in previous releases.
In addition, Pearson has optimized the performance of a number of reports to work
well with the new SQL Server views. Please ensure you upload the PowerSchool SMS
8.0 Report Package when it is available for download on PowerSource in June.
Uploading this report package will mean your district has access to all the benefits
of the performance updates made to the following reports:
Failing Grades Report (Secondary)
Teacher Schedule Matrix
•Class Roster
Student Cumulative Attendance Report
Student Schedule Matrix
Missing Grades Report (Secondary)
Missing Grades Report (Elementary)
Course Request Tally by Grade
Discipline Profile Report
Class Add/Drop Report
Student Contacts Roster
Course Request Verification
Immunization Delinquency Letter
Immunization Next Due Report
Immunization Non Compliance Report
Student Academic Plan Progress Report
Student Transcript Report by Subject Area
Student Transcript Report by Year
Student Transcript Report by Subject Area PR
Student Transcript Report by Year PR
Student Test History Report
Student Health Condition Report
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Release Notes
Student Immunization History
Period Attendance Report
Note that if your district has customized versions of any of the above reports, then
please revisit them as they may perform slower than expected without the tweaks
made to address performance and the use of the new SQL Server views.
Finally, it is important that you review all of your custom reports and your
customizations after upgrading to PowerSchool SMS 8.0. The new SQL Server
compatibility views provided may cause some custom reports and customizations to
perform more slowly than you expect. These compatibility views will be supported
in the application for the 2012/2013 school year; please ensure you update your
customizations and custom reports to work with the updated schema beyond the
2012/2013 school year. For further information, please see the
Converting to
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Technical Bulletin.
Known issues
This section describes known issues in PowerSchool SMS 8.0 or in applications used
by PowerSchool
SMS 8.0.
Browser support
The following issues with browsers are occurring with PowerSchool SMS 8.0:
Important: Do not use Compatibility View in Internet Explorer 8 or 9 with
SMS. Buttons and other interface items may not appear or function.
Please perform the following steps to ensure you are not displaying in IE 7
compatibility view:
1. In IE 8 or 9, in the Tools menu, click Compatibility View Settings.
2. Deselect Display intranet sites in Compatibility view.
3. Deselect Display all websites in Compatibility view.
4. Click Close.
When using Internet Explorer 8 on a server running Windows Server 2008, the
PowerSchool SMS user interface is missing the banner menu items, and most
buttons and links do not work.
Quick links to the Enrollments and Contacts pages no longer work
Previously created quick links to the Enrollments and Contacts page no longer work
because the Web addresses to the pages have changed. In addition, the pages are no
longer available to be added as a quick links.
To remove an existing quick link to the Enrollments or Contacts page, go to Actions >
Customize Home Page.
Server logon prompt appears when Add Contact page times out
A Windows server logon prompt may appear when the Add Contact page times out.
Canceling the logon dialog will return users to the PowerSchool SMS sign in page.
Workaround: Set the browser logon authentication to Anonymous Logon. For
Internet Explorer, go to Tools > Internet Options > Security > Select Zone > Custom
Level, scroll to User Authentication > Logon, and then select Anonymous Logon.
PowerSchool SMS 8.0 Release Notes
Using the customer support web site
Log in to Pearson PowerSource (
to search a KnowledgeBase with frequently asked questions, tips, and
troubleshooting, and the latest information about PowerSchool
SMS. You’ll find
helpful instructions about how to use PowerSchool
SMS, along with the latest known
issues and workarounds.
PowerSource is also a unifying portal, connecting K-12 Technology Administrative
Systems customers together within the same environment. So, no matter what
Administrative Systems products your district is using, you'll be able to find the
resources you need.
How to report an issue
Please report any issues to Pearson Technical Support:
By web: Pearson PowerSource (https://
By email: [email protected]
By telephone: 800-688-9939 (Monday to Friday, 5 am to 5 pm Pacific Standard