Rdbms Driver Guide
Rdbms Driver Guide
User Guide
Rdbms Driver Guide
Distech Controls, Inc.
Brossard, Quebec,
Legal Notice
©, Distech Controls Inc., 2022. All rights reserved. While all efforts have been made to verify the accuracy of in-
formation in this manual, Distech Controls is not responsible for damages or claims arising from the use of this
manual. Persons using this manual are assumed to be trained HVAC professionals and are responsible for us-
ing the correct wiring procedures, correct override methods for equipment control and maintaining safe working
conditions in fail-safe environments. Distech Controls reserves the right to change, delete or add to the informa-
tion in this manual at any time without notice.
Distech Controls, the Distech Controls logo, EC-Net, and Innovative Solutions for Greener Buildings are regis-
tered trademarks of Distech Controls, Inc. LON, LonMark, LonWorks, LNS, and Neuron are registered trade-
marks of Echelon Corporation registered in the United States and other countries. NiagaraAX and NiagaraAX
Framework are registered trademarks of Tridium, Inc. BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE. Windows,
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Visual Basic.Net, Visual Basic.Net are registered trademarks of Mi-
crosoft Corporation. Intel and Pentium are registered trademark of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other
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of EnOcean GmbH. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
About this guide .................................................................................................7
Document change log .................................................................................7
Related documentation ...............................................................................8
Chapter 1 Installation and configuration ..........................................................9
Security best practices ................................................................................9
Database requirement............................................................................... 11
Prerequisite checklist ................................................................................12
Installing the network and database ...........................................................13
Configuring Supervisor database properties ...............................................14
Testing the database connection................................................................17
Database connection troubleshooting.........................................................17
Oracle database and JDK compatibility ......................................................18
Chapter 2 Data management ..........................................................................19
Discovering and adding points ...................................................................19
Adding and configuring a new point query...................................................20
Editing an existing query ...........................................................................21
Point query example .................................................................................22
Rdb Archive History Provider .....................................................................23
Optimizing pre-EC-Net 4 v4.11 database tables ................................24
Configuring the driver to always create an index on exported history
Setting up an Rdb Archive History Provider.......................................26
Chart example, local data ................................................................27
PX example, local and archive data..................................................28
Batch history capacity ...............................................................................29
Updating the capacity property of multiple local histories....................29
Updating the capacity property of multiple imported histories..............32
Updating the capacity of remote exported histories............................34
Exporting history data to an RDBMS ..........................................................35
Export by history ID.........................................................................36
Export by history type......................................................................38
Status and trend flags .....................................................................39
Importing history data from an Rdbms database..........................................39
Unix time conversion for MySQL ................................................................41
Updating an existing database to support Unicode and UTC ........................41
Updating existing Orion databases to support Unicode ................................42
Chapter 3 Components...................................................................................43
rdb module...............................................................................................43
rdb-HistoryUnicodeUpdater .............................................................43
rdb database modules...............................................................................46
January 19, 2022 3
Contents Rdbms Driver Guide
rdbMySQL-MySQLDatabase ...........................................................49
rdbMySQL-MySQLHistoryDeviceExt ................................................52
rdbSqlServer-SqlServerDatabase ....................................................59
rdb-RdbmsWorker ..........................................................................64
rdb-RdbmsPointDeviceExt ..............................................................65
rdb-RdbmsPointQuery ....................................................................67
rdb-RdbSecuritySettings .................................................................68
orion module ............................................................................................71
Orion API .......................................................................................71
orion-DynamicTable ........................................................................73
orion-FoxOrionDatabase .................................................................74
Chapter 4 Plugins (views)...............................................................................77
Device Manager .......................................................................................77
Dynamic Table view ..................................................................................78
Dynamic Table Config view........................................................................79
Orion Db Manager ....................................................................................79
Orion Module Types view ..........................................................................80
Orion Type Summary view.........................................................................81
Orion Type Table View ..............................................................................81
Rdbms History Import Manager .................................................................82
Point Device Ext Manager .........................................................................83
Rdbms Point Query Manager.....................................................................84
Rdbms Query View ...................................................................................85
Rdbms Session View ................................................................................86
MySQL History Export Manager.................................................................86
Oracle History Export Manager ..................................................................87
SqlServer History Export Manager .............................................................88
Chapter 5 Windows ........................................................................................89
New database windows.............................................................................89
New points windows .................................................................................89
New export histories windows....................................................................90
4 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Contents
New import histories windows....................................................................91
New query windows ..................................................................................93
January 19, 2022 5
Contents Rdbms Driver Guide
6 January 19, 2022
January 19, 2022 7
About this guide
Document change log
This topic summarizes the releases of this document.
January 19, 2022
Updated the extra connection properties description.
November 9, 2021
Added a note to the “Security best practices” section recommending to configure minimum TLS version lev-
els for specific databases.
Added a new section to document the Archive History Provider.
Added “Batch history capacity” section.
October 4, 2021
Removed alarmOrion topics. All are in the Alarms Guide.
July 27, 2021
Added the section titled “Archive history limits” and the component topic, “rdb-HistoryServiceArchiveProvider.”
This document contains:
Recommended security best practices.
An explanation of the batch query optimization option (useBulkCopyForBatchInsert and
Updates to “Point query example” topic to include title change, new screen capture and improved
June 24, 2021
Added a component information for the “alarmOrion-OrionArchiveAlarmProvider”.
January 22, 2021
Updated “Importing history data from an Rdbms database” and, generally, improved the history import
January 14, 2021
Added a note in the "Database requirement" and “MySQLDatabase (rdbMySQL-MySQLDatabase)” topics that
indicates the latest supported MySQL connector version.
October 21, 2020
Added information about the Set Hsql Password action.
June 5, 2020
Minor corrections to several component topics to support online help.
Added information specifying that the mySql Connector/J connector must be renamed when installed.
Added missing property (Connector) on the SqlServerDatabase component.
October 25, 2019
In the topic, “About this guide”, added a caution note alerting customers to restrict access to all computers, de-
vices, field buses, components, etc., that manage their building model.
Rdbms Driver Guide
August 7, 2019
Updated for EC-Net 4 v4.8.
September 17, 2018
Initial publication for EC-Net 4.
Related documentation
This topic identifies other documents that provide information about this driver.
The following documents are related to the content in this document and may provide addition information on
the topics it covers:
Getting Started with EC-Net 4
Drivers Guide
8 January 19, 2022
January 19, 2022 9
Chapter 1 Installation and configuration
Topics covered in this chapter
Security best practices
Database requirement
Prerequisite checklist
Installing the network and database
Configuring Supervisor database properties
Testing the database connection
Database connection troubleshooting
Oracle database and JDK compatibility
The RDBMS (Relational DataBase Management System) driver, is a non-field bus driver that uses a network
architecture similar to other framework drivers.
This driver has many properties and extensions in common with other field-bus-type network drivers. However,
there are several distinctive RDBMS driver characteristics:
There is no separate RdbmsNetwork driver component palette. Each of the other palettes (rdbHsqlDb,
rdbMySQL rdbOracle and rdbSqlServer) provide the same RdbmsNetwork component. The rdb pa-
lette provides history-related components.
The RDBMS point device extension is unlike point device extensions associated with other drivers. This
point device extension uses the Rdbms Point Query component to filter database records and provide can-
didate records for proxy points.
The RdbmsNetwork does not have a tuning policies component.
Figure 1 Worker properties for tuning
Some measure of tuning is provided with the RDBMS Worker component, which is available under individu-
al RDBMS device drivers.
Security best practices
Network security is a number one priority for all IT departments.
On the database side:
Create a database user that has the least amount of access needed to accomplish database tasks.
Work with your IT department to secure (harden) the computer on which the relational database is installed.
Change your database configuration to permit connections that use the latest TLS version protocols.
For security reasons, each database connection must support the latest TLS connection protocol. TLS 1.0
and TLS 1.1 connection protocols no longer meet our security standards. Coordinate with your database ad-
ministrator to make sure that your database supports the latest TLS version.
The following table gives an overview of TLS versions supported by different databases and provide infor-
mation about the client side setup:
Chapter 1 Installation and configuration Rdbms Driver Guide
DB type Supported TLS
Connection property
(if any)
Client-side configuration information
MySQL TLSv1,TLSv1.1,
For Connector/J 8.0.26 and later: The TLSv1 and
TLSv1.1 protocols have been deprecated. While
you can still connect to the server using those TLS
versions, for any such connection, Connector/J
writes to its logger the message “This connection
is using TLSv1[.1], which is now deprecated and
will be removed in a future release of Connector/
For more information, see MySQL Connector/J
8.0 Developer Guide→Connector/J Referen-
ce→Connecting Securely Using SSL.
Oracle undetermined | 1.0 |1.1
| 1.2
version or SSL_VER-
SION in sqlnet.
For information about how to configure the version
of SSL to be used, see Oracle Database Security
Guide at https://docs.oracle.com and
choose C Kerberos, SSL, and RADIUS Authenti-
cation Parameters→Secure Sockets Layer Ver-
sion Parameters.
MS SQL Server 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2
For more information about how to enable TLS 1.2
support for SQL Server 2017 on Windows, SQL
Server 2016, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008
R2, SQL Server 2012, and SQL Server 2014, see
Microsoft Support at https://support.micro-
soft.com and choose Knowledge Base Article
KB3135244 TLS 1.2 support for Microsoft SQL
TLSv1.2, or TLSv1.3
HSQLDB is used internally only as a file system
DB. For external (future use case), use the follow-
ing Hsqldb TLS URL prefixes:
On the EC-Net side:
Use encrypted and authenticated connections (Refer to the Station Security Guide).
Do not enable the Sql Scheme Enabled property. This property is on the MySQLDatabase Property
Sheet (to find, expand Config→Drivers→RdbmsNetwork, and double-click the MySQLDatabase node.
If you are an EC-Net Access user, define a strong Passkey to protect your network PIN. To configure the
Passkey, expand Config→Drivers→RdbmsNetwork, expand your MySql database and double-click Rdb
Security Settings.
The RDBMS driver requires a set of modules, including rdb and orion. The specific rdbDatabase module you
require depends on your database configuration.
Palette name
Network component(s) in the
Nav tree
.jar file name in the
modules folder Function
alarmOrion OrionAlarmService, Converters alarmOrion-rt.jar Provides the OrionAlarmService, which replaces
the standard AlarmService so that a station can
support an RDBMS alarms database.
The Alarms Guide documents the components in
this module.
orion OrionService, DynamicTable,
orion.jar Provides an Orion database system. Developed
at Purdue University, this general-purpose uncer-
tain database system unifies the modeling of
10 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 1 Installation and configuration
Palette name
Network component(s) in the
Nav tree
.jar file name in the
modules folder Function
probabilistic data across applications. (source: or-
rdb HistoryUnicodeUpdater and
rdb.jar Defines database ords used to configure exported
RdbmsNetwork, RdbmsFolder,
rdbHsqlDb.jar Supports an open source relational database
management system written in Java. (source: Wi-
kipedia). This database resides in a remote con-
troller station.
RdbmsNetwork, RdbmsFolder,
rdbMySQL.jar Supports an open-source relational database
management system originally developed by Mi-
chael Widenius whose daughter's name was My.
SQL stands for Structured Query Language
(source: Wikipedia). This database resides in a
Supervisor station.
RdbmsNetwork, RdbmsFolder,
rdbOracle.jar Supports a multi-model database management
system produced and marketed by Oracle Corpo-
ration (source: Wikipedia). This database resides
in a Supervisor station.
RdbmsNetwork, RdbmsFolder,
rdbSqlServer.jar Supports a relational database management sys-
tem developed by Microsoft (source: Wikipedia).
This server may be in the Supervisor station or in
another network location.
Database requirement
The RDBMS driver connects EC-Net stations to an RDBMS running in the Supervisor station. The purpose of
this database is to import and export historical data and to populate control points with the results of SQL
queries against the database. The RDBMS driver supports four third-party databases: MySQL, OracleData-
base or SqlServerDatabase, and HsqlDbDatabase.
An HsqlDbDatabase is configured at the factory to run in each remote controller. HSQLDB (Hyperthreaded
Structured Query Language Database) is maintained by the HSQL Development Group and is available under
a BSD-type (free) license. For more information about HSQLDB, refer to: http://hsqldb.org/. The driver
supports no other third-party database in a remote controller.
One of the other third-party databases is required to run in the Supervisor PC. It is beyond the scope of this
document to describe how to set up one of these databases.
Using EC-Net 4 Pro, you install, configure and test an RDBMS driver connection to one of these database
NOTE: Refer to the EC-Net 4 Installation Guide for the latest information about supported database versions
and supported operating systems.
MySQL database
The MySQL database is an Oracle Corporation RDBMS that requires a GPL (General Purpose License) or pro-
prietary license. In addition to installing the database on your Supervisor computer, the MySQL database re-
quires a Java Data Base Connectivity (JDBC) connector (Connector/J).
You download the connector from: http://dev.mysql.com. It may be named mysql-connector-java-
x.x.x.jar, where x.x.x is the version number.
NOTE: The rdbMySQL-MySQLDatabase component was tested with the MySQL connector version mysql-
connector—java–8.0.24”. Use of earlier versions of this connector is not recommended and not supported.
You may verify with the framework release documentation that the version you downloaded is compatible with
the framework, then change the connector name to this generic name: mysql-connector-java.jar and
copy it to this folder: C:\Niagara\Niagara.home\jre\lib\ext, where C: represents your drive, and Ni-
agara\Niagara_home represents the location and version number of your unique EC-Net 4 installation.
January 19, 2022 11
Chapter 1 Installation and configuration Rdbms Driver Guide
The OracleDatabase is an Oracle Corporation RDBMS that requires a proprietary license. The supported ver-
sion may be more recent than version 9i. Contact your support channel for more up-to-date information. For
more information about Oracle, refer to: http://www.oracle.com/database/index.html.
The SqlServerDatabase is a Microsoft RDBMS that requires a proprietary license. For more information about
Microsoft SQL Server, refer to: http://www.microsoft.com/sql/default.mspx.
The RDBMS driver does not support Windows Authentication alone. You must have selected SQL Server Au-
thentication (mixed mode) for any user of this database. This is an SQL Server login property, not an EC-Net
Secure database connection
To prevent malicious hacker attacks on the database or station, the station must be able to authenticate the da-
tabase server (especially if it is remote) and communication between station and server must be encrypted.
Prerequisite checklist
To successfully install and use the RDBMS driver and specific supported rdb database your installation needs to
meet specific requirements.
Use of any of the databases mentioned in this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the respective
database supplier. For additional copyright and licensing information, please refer to the individual supplier’s
In addition to the right to use a specific database, you must have:
EC-Net 4 v4.4 or later and EC-Net 4 Pro running on a PC/laptop.
an EC-Net license for a specific database type in the license file.
Figure 2 License file showing database licenses
The screen capture shows the database licenses in a tridium.license file.
12 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 1 Installation and configuration
A relational database installed on the Supervisor PC: SqlServer, Oracle or MySQL. Embedded (remote)
controllers support only the HsqlDbDatabase database. How to install a third-party relational database is be-
yond the scope of this guide. Look for help on the Internet.
The IP address to establish a network connection to the database host (this can be localhost for your PC).
If you are using Oracle’s MySQL database, you need the MySQL Connector installed in your $niagara.
home/jre/lib/ext/ folder. You must rename the connector to mysql-connector-java.jar.
Appropriate rights for the required database access.
PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)-TLS (Transport Layer Security) secure communication provided by a server
certificate for the database connection and the root CA (Certificate Authority) certificate used to sign the
server certificate in the platform/station’s Trust Store. While you can disable secure communication, the best
practice is to always enable and implement secure connection that both encrypts and authenticates the da-
tabase server.
If you are using a certificate that was not signed by a CA in the System Trust Store (that is, if your company
serves as its own CA), you must import the root CA (signer) certificate into your station's User Trust Store.
The server certificate for the database, which you select from the MySQL Server Cert drop–down list on
the database Property Sheet must have been signed by a third-party root CA certificate in the System Trust
Store or by your company’s root CA certificate in the User Trust Store.
You must know:
The name of the database instance
The user name and password to log in to the database
If the database is using a non-default port number, the port number
The name of the root CA certificate used to sign the server certificate presented by the database server.
This certificate must be in the platform/station Trust Store. The server certificate is in the platform/station’s
User Key Store.
Installing the network and database
The network connects the Supervisor PC to local area network devices. The third-party database runs on
Supervisor PC. The supported database components are available through three rdb palettes: rdbMySQL,
rdbOracle, and rdbSqlServer.
Prerequisites: You are working in EC-Net 4 Pro running on a PC that is connected to the device network. A
third-party database is installed on the PC and ready to use.
Step 1 Double-click the station’s Drivers container.
The Driver Manager view opens.
Step 2 Click the New button.
The New network window opens.
January 19, 2022 13
Chapter 1 Installation and configuration Rdbms Driver Guide
For information about creating new networks, see the Drivers Guide.
Step 3 Select Rdbms Network from the drop-down list, the number of networks to add, and click Ok.
The New window used to name the network(s) opens.
Step 4 Change the default name(s) or use the default name(s) and click Ok.
You should have network named RdbmsNetwork (or whatever you named it) under your Drivers
folder showing a status of {Ok} with the Enabled property set to true.
Step 5 To establish a connection to the RDBMS, right-click the RdbmsNetwork you just created, click
The connection reports {ok} if a database exists.
Configuring Supervisor database properties
Database configuration establishes names, credentials and other properties that enable the Supervisor station
to connect to the external, third-party database.
Prerequisites: You are using EC-Net 4 Pro and are connected to your Supervisor station. You have installed a
third-party database that supports secure communication. The database is running.
Step 1 Right-click your database name under Drivers→RdbmsNetwork in the Nav tree, and click View-
s→Property Sheet.
The Property Sheet opens.
14 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 1 Installation and configuration
Above is an example using the MySQLDatabase Property Sheet.
The Components chapter in this guide documents all properties. The following table indicates which
properties are available based on the rdb database device.
Table 1 RdbmsNetwork database properties
HsqlDb (con-
troller only)
Status (Information)
Fault Cause (Information)
Health (Information)
Alarm Source Info
Host Address
User Name
Export Mode
Use Unicode Encoding Scheme
Timestamp Storage
January 19, 2022 15
Chapter 1 Installation and configuration Rdbms Driver Guide
HsqlDb (con-
troller only)
Sql Scheme Enabled
Base Directory
- - -
Database Name
- -
Instance Name
- - -
Service Name
- -
Extra Connection Properties
- - -
Step 2 Configure at least these properties:
User Name and Password (database credentials)
Database Name
Host address
Step 3 To configure full UTF-8 Unicode support (NVARCHAR columns instead of VARCHAR columns), set
Use Unicode Encoding Scheme to true.
To preserve compatibility with legacy systems, this property defaults to false and must be changed
before you connect to your database for the first time.
Most databases (except MySQL) have a property called Timestamp Storage. This property can
configure the driver to update and export history timestamps using Coordinated Universal Time
Step 4 As a best practice, set Export Mode to By History Type as most database administrators would
rather manage a few tables instead of thousands of individual tables.
When exporting by By History Type, the driver exports histories of the same data type (Boolean,
Numeric, Enum, String) to the same table. For example, all numeric type histories export to a table
named HISTORYNUMERICTRENDRECORD. This table contains an additional column named HIS-
TORY_ID, which stores the history ID reference (ORD) from the station for each record in the table.
Step 5 To configure UTC timestamps, change Timestamp Storage from the default (Dialect Default)
to one of the UTC options.
With Dialect Default, you must set both Use Last Timestamp and Use History Config Time
Zone to true. This exports histories using the History Config Timezone. If you set the two prop-
erties to false, the driver exports histories using the station timezone.
Selecting the Utc Timestamp takes precedence over the Use Last Timestamp and Use History
Config Time Zone properties in the history device extension, rendering them effectively irrelevant.
Switching back and forth between Dialect Default and Utc Timestamp pollutes the database
with inconsistent timestamps, which can negatively affect any query you run to determine whether or
not to export newer records.
Step 6 Select the server certificate for the database from the My Sql Server Cert drop–down list at the bot-
tom of the Property Sheet.
This certificate must have been signed by the root CA certificate of a third-party CA (Certificate Au-
thority) or by your company’s own root CA certificate (if your company serves as its own CA). If your
company serves as its own CA, its root CA certificate must be in the platform/station’s User Trust
Store. For certificate management, refer to the Station Security Guide
16 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 1 Installation and configuration
Step 7 To complete the configuration, click Save.
Testing the database connection
This procedure applies to any type of rdb Database.
Prerequisites: You are working in EC-Net 4 Pro
Step 1 Right-click RdbmsNetwork→RdbmsDatabase Device Extension in the Nav tree, and click
If a valid connection to the database is made, the Health property displays {Ok}.
Step 2 If the Health property displays {Fail}, a connection is not made and you should examine the Last
Fail Cause property for details.
Database connection troubleshooting
This topic includes some general, as well as database-specific, suggestions for some of the more common
problems with establishing a network connection to the remote RDBMS databases.
Things to check on the database side
Check with the database administrator (or owner of the database) to make sure that your login credentials
have sufficient authorization for establishing a remote connection to the database.
Make sure the database is running and is correctly configured.
Things to check on the EC-Net 4 Pro Property Sheet
Make sure that both the RdbmsNetwork and database have their Enabled properties set to true.
Check that you have the correct User Name and Password. These are the credentials required by the
third-party database, not the credentials to log into the platform or station.
Confirm the name of the database. This could be the Database Name, Instance Name or Service Name.
Check that you have set the correct Port number. Default port numbers may not have been used when the
database instance was initially configured.
MySQLDatabase connections
Make sure that you have installed the correct MySQL connector version.
NOTE: The rdbMySQL-MySQLDatabase component was tested with the MySQL connector version mysql-
connector—java–8.0.24”. Use of earlier versions of this connector is not recommended and not supported.
If you see the following, or similar, error it could mean that you are running an incompatible version of the con-
nector. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.mysql.cj.proto-
SqlServer RDBMS connections
If the RDBMS server is running a named instance of the database that you are trying to connect to, make
sure that you have the correct Instance Name. If Instance Name is empty, the driver ignores the property
and defaults to the database assigned in the SqlServer.
For a station to connect, the Microsoft SQL Server instance must be configured for SQL Server Authentica-
tion. This is a property to configure in the third-party database. It is not an EC-Net property.
NOTE: By default, SqlServerExress provides named instances for databases. The default name provided is
To monitor the performance of an instance of SQL Server or troubleshoot problems with the queries being sub-
mitted to the database by the station, alongside the usual Platform-Application Director output it is often useful
to use an SQL Profiler.
January 19, 2022 17
Chapter 1 Installation and configuration Rdbms Driver Guide
Oracle database and JDK compatibility
If your Oracle database reports that it is down or in fault, follow this procedure to upgrade the database.
Oracle versions 12.1 and later are compatible with ojdbc6.jar for JDK 6 and ojdbc7.jar for JDK 7. Oracle no lon-
ger supports ojdb14.jar (for JDK 1.4) or lower for clients to connect through the authenticated protocol of a 12.1
version database. For up-to-date Oracle compatibility information, refer to https://www.oracle.com/database/
Step 1 Download the latest software from Oracle. For example, ojdbc8.tar.gz and extract the com-
pressed file.
Step 2 Paste the extracted .jar file into niagara_home/jre/lib/ext.
Step 3 Start or restart the Supervisor station.
Step 4 Ping the Oracle database.
18 January 19, 2022
January 19, 2022 19
Chapter 2 Data management
Topics covered in this chapter
Discovering and adding points
Adding and configuring a new point query
Editing an existing query
Point query example
Rdb Archive History Provider
Batch history capacity
Exporting history data to an RDBMS
Importing history data from an Rdbms database
Unix time conversion for MySQL
Updating an existing database to support Unicode and UTC
Updating existing Orion databases to support Unicode
The RDBMS driver manages the relationship between the external database and the station importing point da-
ta and exporting historical data for archiving and further analysis. In the process, data can be transformed and
Figure 3 Database devices in the Nav tree
Under the RdbmsNetwork, each device component represents a specific type of relational database and
should be located under the RdbmsNetwork driver.
Discovering and adding points
The discovery process uses the Rdbms Point Query Sql property to query the targeted rdb database and re-
turn only those points that satisfy the query.
Step 1 Click the Discover button (at the bottom of the view). This executes the query (as defined in the
Rdbms Point Query Sql property) and any discovered points appear in the Discovered pane at the
top of the view.
Step 2 Double-click on the desired Rdbms Point Query component.
The Rdbms Point Query Manager view opens.
Step 3 At the bottom of the view, click the Add button.
The Add window opens, with all selected points in the top pane of the window.
The Point Manager's Add button is available when you select (highlight) one or more data item in the
top Discovered pane. The toolbar has an available Add tool, and the Manager menu has an Add
command. Also, you can simply double-click a discovered item to bring it up in the Add window
Step 4 Configure the properties and click OK.
Chapter 2 Data management Rdbms Driver Guide
Adding and configuring a new point query
You create proxy points under the Rdbms Device Extension for any of the database device types. As with de-
vice objects in other drivers, each RdbmsNetwork device has a single Points extension.
Prerequisites: The driver and database are installed.
The Rdbms Point Query Manager works differently than other Point Manager views because of the way it
uses the Rdbms Points Query component. This component (using its Sql property) filters the data to provide
the candidate records that are available for adding as proxy points in the manager view.
Although the default view of the Rdbms Point Device Extension is the Rdbms Point Device Ext Manager,
you may often need to use the Property Sheet view and the Rdbms Query views.
In this procedure, the term “rdb Database” represents any valid Rdbms Database Device Extension.
Step 1 Expand Drivers→RdbmsNetwork in the Nav tree, expand your rdb Database node and double-click
the Points node.
The Point Device Ext Manager view opens.
Step 2 Click the New button at the bottom of the view.
The New window opens.
Step 3 Select type of RdbmsPointQuery component to add, indicate the number of query components to
add, and click Ok.
NOTE: If you add more than one, you can batch-edit most of the properties to configure them all at
A second New window opens.
Figure 4 Rdbms Point Query view
Step 4 Enter the query in the Sql property.
NOTE: The Sql property is BFormat. You can add BFormat syntax to the query string that processes
before the driver sends the query to the database.
Step 5 Use Key Column 1 and Key Column 2 to create a unique identifier for the point.
If you leave the key columns blank, the driver automatically uses the first column in the row as the pri-
mary key.
Key Column 2 is optional. Use it when you need an additional data item to establish a unique compo-
site key.
20 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 2 Data management
The key columns you define (using the Key Column 1 and 2 properties) may not actually be primary
keys, although they often are.
An example situation where a single column cannot uniquely identify each row in a table might be a
table of fan motor types with columns for "manufacturer", "model" and "maximum speed". To identify
each row, you need to look at both the manufacturer and the model. These two columns would be the
Key Column1 and Key Column2 columns. Only with both of them can you identify any given row,
since individually neither column is unique.
Step 6 If you need more than two key columns to specify a unique key, add another key column slot from the
RdbmsPointQuery Slot Sheet view.
Step 7 Configure the other query properties and click Ok.
The driver adds the new RdbmsPointQuery component(s) under the Points Device Extension
node in the Nav tree and displays them in the Rdbms Point Device Ext Manager view.
Editing an existing query
You can change a query that already exists. The Rdbms Query View that opens when you edit an existing
query is, typically, the most convenient place to work with queries as you are developing them because the
query executes immediately and the lower pane displays the results as soon as you click the Run button (or
with some delay, depending on database size and network connection speed). If there are errors in the query,
an error window opens with an error message.
Prerequisites: The query you are working on already exists.
Step 1 Expand the Drivers→RdbnsNetwork, expand your rdbDatabase and the Points folder it contains,
right-click the RdbmsPointQuery node, and click Views→RdbmsQueryView.
The Rdbms Query View opens.
NOTE: This view executes on display. So as soon as you open this view the saved query executes
and displays results in the Query Results pane.
Step 2 To edit the saved query, select and work with the text in the editor box (top box).
Each valid query entry in the Sql property returns a set of data. Two properties define the query:
Sql is a large text editor that displays the text of the Query (if any).
Update Frequency displays when (in hours, minutes, and seconds) the driver executes the
query and updates the control points.
Step 3 To test-run the query, click Run.
Step 4 To save the query for future use, click Save.
CAUTION: If you change (or refresh) the view without clicking Save, any unsaved changes are lost.
No warning is given.
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Chapter 2 Data management Rdbms Driver Guide
Point query example
This hypothetical example illustrates how the RdbmsNetwork proxy points might be created and used.
A nationwide convenience store corporation uses a remote SqlServer database to archive fuel sales records
from each of its stores. The database stores records for three types of fuel every 15 minutes. To graphically dis-
play updated information over the Internet, the store uses the RdbmsNetwork and the Point Device Exten-
sion, as demonstrated below:
1. Each store exports transaction histories from its controller via a Supervisor, to a central SqlServer database
using the Sql Server History Device Ext and the History Export Manager view.
NOTE: Embedded controllers support only the HsqlDbDatabase.
2. For each store, a Supervisor station creates proxy points for each fuel type, by creating and configuring an
RdbmsPointQuery for each fuel type.
3. An Sql query displays the total fuel sold as of the latest update.
22 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 2 Data management
This counter is scheduled to update every 15 minutes, providing a total that updates every 15 minutes along
with the time of the update.
In this example, these Sql parameters are optional:
“1 AS myKey” creates a new column as a key column and is not required.
“1 AS Total”, “AS Time”, and “AS Status” create titles for the respective columns. If these optional param-
eters are not used, columns are titled “column1”, “column2”, “column3”, respectively.
4. Data are discovered and added under the Rdbms Point Device Extension node.
5. Once added to the RdbmsNetwork, these proxy points are used to graphically display total gallons of each
fuel type sold as of the update time.
Rdb Archive History Provider
The Rdb Archive History Provider feature was added starting in EC-Net 4 v4.11. It allows queries against local
history records to be supplemented by archived history records that have been previously exported to a remote
RDBMS using the standard RDBMS drivers (rdbSqlServer, rdbMySQL, and rdbOracle). Because it plugs in at a
low level in the framework architecture (for example, the history module), existing views that query histories
can benefit from this functionality without any additional changes.
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Chapter 2 Data management Rdbms Driver Guide
This feature can allow you to seamlessly compare baseline years of historical trends with new data using a
The standard RDBMS drivers (rdbSqlServer, rdbMySQL, and rdbOracle) can export local history records peri-
odically to a remote database. The Rdb Archive History Provider plugs in to the station’s HistoryService, mak-
ing it possible for any existing views that query histories to benefit from both local and archived records.
While the station still stores local histories, once the driver exports those history records to a relational data-
base, you can reduce the capacity of those local histories to free up resources in your Supervisor station. At his-
tory query time, the Rdb Archive History Provider can easily retrieve those exported (older) archived history
records residing in an Oracle, SQL server or MySQL database.
License update prerequisite
To use the Rdb Archive History Provider, your license needs two updates:
A general historyArchive license feature that covers any archive history provider implementation
A specific rdbHistoryArchive license feature that covers your chosen RDB using the Rdb Archive His-
tory Provider against any supported RDBMS.
Optimizing pre-EC-Net 4 v4.11 database tables
If your archived histories predate EC-Net 4 v4.11, you may choose to run a job that optimizes your relational da-
tabase’s existing table indexes. Once optimized, you do not need to perform this optional index migration again
in the future. It is not required and has no impact on the functionality of the Rdb Archive History Provider, but
you may notice that the history query performance is not optimal when the indexes are not present and/or
Prerequisites: You are working in EC-Net 4 Pro running on a PC, are connected to a Supervisor station and
have access to a relational database on your company’s network.
Although this step is not required, optimizing the existing table indexes can maximize query performance. Since
this procedure affects the tables in the remote relational database, consult your DBA (Database Administrator)
to make sure that your database has available space to add indexes if they are not already present. It is also
recommended that you back up your database before you perform the migration in case a failure occurs during
index migration.
Step 1 In the Nav tree, expand Config→Drivers→RdbmsNetwork, expand your RDB node, right-click His-
tories and click Actions→Migrate to Optimized Data Indexes.
The driver prompts you to confirm that you intend to run this job.
Step 2 To continue, click Yes.
Invoking this action kicks off a job in the JobService where you can monitor the migration progress
and see the results.
Step 3 To monitor job status, navigate to Config→Services and double-click JobService.
The Job Service Manager opens and displays a row for Rdbms Migrate Indexes.
24 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 2 Data management
Configuring the driver to always create an index on exported history tables
The RDBMS driver can be configured to always create an index in the target database when exporting history
data. You can set the Always Create Index For New Tables property (added in EC-Net 4 v4.11) on the
Rdb Archive History Provider component to true to ensure that an index in the created RDBMS tables for ex-
ported histories is always created regardless of how other properties are configured. For example, if this prop-
erty is set to false and the Use Last Timestamp property is set to true, indexes may not get created on the
exported tables. There is no creation of indexes when Use Last Timestamp is set to true, regardless of this
property setting. Setting this property to true in that scenario would cause any new tables created going for-
ward to also have a proper index created. You can subsequently use the The Migrate To Optimized Table In-
dexes action against existing exported tables (also those prior to EC-Net 4 v4.11) that you want to migrate to
ensure that updated indexes are created in the RDBMS. Creating indexes for exported tables can help maxi-
mize query performance.
Prerequisites: You are working in EC-Net 4 Pro running on a PC, are connected to a Supervisor station and
have access to a relational database on your company’s network.
Step 1 Navigate to Config→Drivers→RdbmsNetwork, double-click on your RDB component and expand
The Histories properties open.
January 19, 2022 25
Chapter 2 Data management Rdbms Driver Guide
Step 2 To configure the station to always create an index on export, change Always Create Index For
New Tables to true and click Save.
The next time you export, the station creates an index on the exported table unless one already
Setting up an Rdb Archive History Provider
For history query purposes, an archive history provider pulls archive data into a station from a remote database
on-demand (it does not persist the retrieved archive data locally, but only uses the data in the displayed query
Prerequisites: You are working in EC-Net 4 Pro connected a Supervisor station.
Step 1 Open the rdb palette and expand the HistoryService Archive Provider folder.
Step 2 In the station, expand Config→Services→HistoryService.
The HistoryService contains an Archive History Providers container.
Step 3 From the palette, add a RdbArchiveHistoryProvider to the Archive History Providers container
under HistoryService and double-click the provider you just added.
The component’s Property Sheet opens.
26 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 2 Data management
This Property Sheet configures the Rdb Archive History Provider.
Step 4 Use the button to the right of the Ord to Rdbms property to open the Component Chooser, locate
the relational database in your driver network and click Save.
Step 5 Configure Max Archive Results Per Query and Archive Limit Notifications if needed.
Max Archive Results Per Query determines the maximum number of history records to read from
the RDBMS for any history time range query that taps into it. If more history records are available be-
yond this limit at history query time, the Archive Limit Notifications property defines the be-
havior of a subset of EC-Net 4 Pro views, but not all of them. Web Chart and HTML5 History Table
views (accessible from the browser and EC-Net 4 Pro) provide their own notification when a history
query exceeds this limit. When the limit is reached for a query, in addition to the warning, you get trun-
cated archive history results that always consider the most recent history records first.
The Archive Limit Notifications specifies what happens when a history query made from an
EC-Net 4 Pro user connected to the station exceeds the Max Archive Results Per Query limit.
NOTE: This setting does not apply to HTML5 history views, including HTML5 views accessed within
EC-Net 4 Pro, such as the Web Chart view. It only applies to native EC-Net 4 Pro views that perform
history queries, such as the AX History Chart or AX History Table views.
Step 6 To complete the configuration, click Save
Chart example, local data
The history being charted in this example has not been configured yet to pull data from an Rdb Archive History
This history has only a week's worth of local history data to display, even though the time range is configured
for year-to-date. More records could be available from an archive.
January 19, 2022 27
Chapter 2 Data management Rdbms Driver Guide
Figure 5 Local data
The History Summary View confirms the local history data is confined to a 672 record capacity (rolling). To ac-
cess this view, click the drop-down list in the upper right corner of the chart.
Figure 6 Local History Summary View
The local data consists of only 672 records, basically a week’s worth of 15–minute interval data.
PX example, local and archive data
All views that use history queries can benefit from the archive history provider.
The following PX graphic looks at history data that was pulled from both local and archived sources using an ar-
chive provider for an Oracle database. You can configure MySQL and SQL server databases accordingly. All
that is required is to set up the Rdb Archive History Providers to reference those databases as well.
28 January 19, 2022
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Figure 7 PX report drawing from local and archived history data
To debug queries, you can turn on a new "rdb.archiveHistoryProvider" logger to FINE level.
Batch history capacity
The Archive History Provider feature allows queries against local and archived history records. The archived re-
cords come from an external data store, typically a relational database. Once the provider is configured and op-
erational, and history data are available from an external data store, you have the opportunity to update the
capacity of locally-stored histories to reduce local storage requirements.
Local histories are faster to query than archived histories, so you should consider a local history capacity setting
that balances your local storage requirements with your common history query time ranges. You should also
choose a local history capacity that is acceptable even on occasions when the archive data source is tempora-
rily unavailable (for example, when the remote archive data source is down for maintenance).
Changing each capacity property individually could be a tedious process. This section documents how to use
existing tools to make updating the capacity properties as easy as possible.
A locally-stored history can be:
A local history residing on the station
A remote history imported to the local station
A remote history exported to the local station
Each of these requires a different set of steps, which are documented in the three task topics that follow.
Updating the capacity property of multiple local histories
A station’s storage capacity for multiple local histories is limited. To reduce local storage requirements, this pro-
cedure uses the Batch Editor of the ProgramService to configure at one time how many history records a sta-
tion can store.
Prerequisites: You are connected to a station. The Archive History Provider is configured and operational and
history data are available from multiple local data stores.
Step 1 Expand Station→Config→Services, and double-click ProgramService.
The Batch Editor opens.
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Chapter 2 Data management Rdbms Driver Guide
Step 2 To locate the histories, click Find Objects.
The Bql Query Builder opens.
Step 3 For Of Type, select (Custom Type) from the drop-down list.
Of Type moves to left end and two more drop-down lists appear.
Step 4 Select history and HistoryConfig from the drop-down lists and click OK.
The Batch Editor displays the history files it found.
30 January 19, 2022
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The screen capture shows two audit history files and a single log history file.
Step 5 To configure the number of records to store for a specific history, select the history row and click the
Edit Slot button at the bottom of Batch Editor.
The Edit Slot window opens.
Step 6 In the New Value pane, fill in the number of records and click OK.
The Batch Editor Results opens along with the capacity values for each history.
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Chapter 2 Data management Rdbms Driver Guide
Updating the capacity property of multiple imported histories
A way to include multiple archived histories in the local station is to import them as a batch from the remote da-
tabase. This procedure uses the Batch Editor to configure how many archived histories to import from a re-
mote database.
Prerequisites: You are connected to a remote station that is ready to receive (import) history data. The Archive
History Provider is configured and operational.
Step 1 Expand Station→Config→Services, and double-click ProgramService.
The Batch Editor opens.
Step 2 To locate the histories to configure, click Find Objects.
The Bql Query Builder opens.
Step 3 Click the search icon ( ) beside the In property.
The Choose Root window opens.
32 January 19, 2022
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Step 4 Select NiagaraNetwork and click OK.
The Bql Query Builder selects the NiagaraNetwork.
Step 5 To add a search criterion, click the add icon ( ) on the Match bar, change the drop-down list to name,
type configOverrides and click OK.
The Batch Editor displays the files it found based on your search criteria.
Step 6 To configure the number of records to store for a specific history, select the history row and click theE-
ditSlot button at the bottom of the Batch Editor.
The Edit Slot window opens.
Step 7 In the New Value pane, fill in the number of records and click OK.
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Chapter 2 Data management Rdbms Driver Guide
The Batch Editor Results window opens along with the new values for capacity.
Updating the capacity of remote exported histories
A way to include multiple archived histories in the local station is to export them as a batch from the remote da-
tabase. Configuring the Default Rule, a property of the station’s History Policies, controls the number
of archived history records that a remote database can export to a station.
Prerequisites: You are connected to a remote station that is ready to receive the exported history data. The Ar-
chive History Provider is configured and operational.
Step 1 Expand Station→Config→Drivers, right-click NiagaraNetwork and click Views→AX Property
The Property Sheet opens.
History Policies has a Default Rule (you can add additional config rules) and each config rule
has a capacity property.
34 January 19, 2022
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Step 2 In the capacity property, fill in the number of history records and click Save.
The updates to the capacity are effective from the next time the remote station exports histories.
Exporting history data to an RDBMS
Each RDBMS device has an associated History Device Extension, which you can use to create export history
descriptors for exporting data to an RDBMS (MySQL, Oracle, and SqlServer). You can export data manually or
on a regular basis.
Prerequisites: You are working in EC-Net 4 Pro running on a PC, are connected to a Supervisor station and
have access to a relational database on your company’s network. Your target database is licensed.
The driver supports two database schema, which provide data export by ID or by type. The RdbmsNetwork
driver creates the database tables and schema automatically as it exports each history.
Your DBA (Database Administrator) may consider an export by type to be more suitable for the post process
ETL (Extracting, Transforming and Loading) of the data beyond the flat file produced by the driver. This is be-
cause the driver creates fewer tables and requires fewer permissions on the database.
In the following steps, the term RDB refers to any of the database types. The data export by History ID is the de-
fault mode, which is more efficient when using the Rdb Archive History Provider to read the data back into the
station at query time.
Step 1 In the Nav tree, expand Config→Drivers→RdbmsNetwork, expand your RDB node and double-
click the Histories node.
The History Export Manager opens.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
To create a new export descriptor, click the New button.
To discover existing histories that are available to export, click the Discover button, find and select
a history whose data you want to export.
If you clicked New, the New window opens.
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Chapter 2 Data management Rdbms Driver Guide
Step 3 Configure the properties, and click OK.
The new history export descriptor(s) appear(s) in the Database (lower) pane of the History Export
Step 4 To initiate an export action, do one of the following:
Select one or more history descriptors in the Database pane and click the Archive button.
Right-click on a single history descriptor in the Database pane and click Actions→Execute.
Using the Daily or Interval settings, as set in the New or Edit windows, allow the export to oc-
cur, as scheduled.
The Database pane displays the status and time of the last export action in the Status and Last Suc-
cess columns, respectively. Each export descriptor appears under the Histories node in the Nav tree.
The first time you export histories, the driver creates meta tables. The HISTORY_CONFIG and HISTORY_
TYPE meta tables include a column for DB_TIMEZONE. This column is based on the Timestamp Storage
property on the rdb Database device. The DB_TIMEZONE column stores the actual timezone that the database
is currently using to store timestamps (this is different from the pre-existing TIMEZONE column, which reflects
the timezone in which the history was created but not the one in which it is being stored). When records are
being exported in UTC mode, the DB_TIMEZONE column updates accordingly.
For more detailed information about the History Export Manager, refer to the Drivers Guide.
Export by history ID
The driver stores each exported history in a dedicated table with a name that corresponds to the history name
in the framework. To ensure uniqueness and to make it possible to trace a history back to its source via the de-
scriptive HISTORY_CONFIG table, the driver adds an incrementing number as a suffix to duplicate names.
NOTE: For an Oracle database, the maximum length of a table name is 30 characters.
Numeric writable export example
Figure 8 Example
In this example:
The RdbmsNetwork maintains the ID and uses it for database indexing. The RdbmsNetwork driver does not
use this value in a station.
TIMESTAMP records when the value was logged and can be localized to the exporting station or the source
station. This choice is stored in the HISTORY_CONFIG table.
The VALUE column data type changes according to the type of the point exported, for example, double,
float, enum, string or boolean.
VALUE can be {null}, for example, where {NaN} is recorded in the source history.
The driver does not export point facets (units) from the database.
The HISTORY_CONFIG table keeps track of the exported tables as in this example:
36 January 19, 2022
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Figure 9 History_config table
History_Config when using BY_HISTORY_ID exports
Figure 10 Example
The data types of this example are:
Figure 11 History config data types
The SOURCE column shows the origin of the history. A space separates the source point ORD and the route
taken by the exported data to Supervisor. It is occasionally necessary to extend the length of the SOURCE col-
umn when station naming conventions make the ORDs very long. The DBA performs this using SQL or data-
base management tools. This condition exhibits as a “Data Truncation” error in the application director output of
the station.
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Chapter 2 Data management Rdbms Driver Guide
The INTERVAL column shows the collection interval of the source history extension in milliseconds, the string
prefix is “false” for Interval type histories.
Export by history type
In this method, the driver creates a single table for each type of record exported, recording the source point in
that table
This HISTORY_NUMERIC_TREND_RECORD is an example of the table.
Figure 12 History type example
The data types of this descriptive table are:
Figure 13 History numeric trend data types
The point type to table mapping required to achieve this type of export are described in the HISTORY_TYPE_
MAP table:
Figure 14 History type map
The data types of this example are:
38 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 2 Data management
Figure 15 History type map data types
Status and trend flags
Common to both types of History Export, the STATUS and STATUS_FLAG columns represent the state of the
point at the time the record was recorded where STATUS is the sum of the possible states.
Status flags
State #
State (tag)
State #
State (tag)
State #
State (tag)
0 {ok} 4 {down} 32 {overridden}
1 {disabled} 8 {alarm} 64 {null}
2 {fault} 16 {stale} 128 {unackedAlarm}
For example:
15 {disabled, fault, down, alarm}
136 (a;ar,. imacledA;ar,}
Trend flags
The TRENDFLAGS and TRENDFLAGS_TAG columns record event information about the history record, using
the same 'sum' method described above.
Trend #
Trend (tag)
Trend #
Trend (tag)
Trend #
Trend (tag)
1 {start} 4 {Hidden} 16 {Interpolated}
2 {OutofOrder} 8 {Modified}
Importing history data from an Rdbms database
Each RDBMS device (MySQL, Oracle, and SqlServer) has an associated history device extension, which you
can configure and use to create one or more import descriptors. Using an import descriptor you can pull data
that did not originate in your station into your station for modeling as an EC-Net history. In the following steps,
the acronym RDB refers to any of these relational database types.
Step 1 Expand Drivers→RdbmsNetwork, expand your RDB, right-click the Histories node in the Nav tree
and click Views→Rdbms History Import Manager.
The Rdbms History Import Manager view opens.
Step 2 To create an import descriptor, click the New button.
January 19, 2022 39
Chapter 2 Data management Rdbms Driver Guide
As an alternative to the New button and window, you can click the Discover button and select a
dis-covered RDB table that you want to import and model as an EC-Net history.
If you clicked New, the New window opens.
Step 3 Select Rdb History Import (the default) from the Type to Add drop-down list and use the Number
to Add property to enter the number of import descriptors to add and click OK.
You need to add one unique import descriptor for each RDB table that contains the data to import.
A second New window opens.
The table at the top of the window should be ordered by timestamp as are other system histories.
In addition to Enabled set to true (the default), you need to configure at least these properties and
click OK:
Name provides a name for the descriptor.
History Id defines the history device name and history name.
Execution Time configures when to perform the import.
If you discover these descriptors, rather than create them individually, the system populates the
Timestamp Column, Value Column and Status Column properties, otherwise, you can enter col-
umn values.
The new history import descriptor(s) appear in the Database (lower) pane and each import descriptor
appears under the History node in the Nav tree.
Step 4 To initiate an import action, do one of the following:
Select one or more history descriptors in the database pane and click the Archive button.
Right-click on a single history descriptor in the database pane and click Actions→Execute.
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Do nothing. Based on the Daily or Interval settings, as set in the New or Edit windows, the
import occurs as scheduled.
The Database pane displays the status and time of the last import action in the Status and Last Suc-
cess columns, respectively.
To view the history data you imported, use a history report (expand History, expand the station and double-click
a history name), PX view or chart.
Unix time conversion for MySQL
Unix time is a system for describing instants in time, defined as the number of seconds that have elapsed since
00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1st January 1970. Unix time is a single signed integer
number with which the driver time-stamps the Database records.
To convert Unix time into a readable date format in MySQL add the following query statement: FROM_UNI-
XTIME(TIMESTAMP/1000). This statement results in a timestamp with this syntax: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
Updating an existing database to support Unicode and UTC
The computing industry standard known as Unicode handles text expressed in most of the world’s writing sys-
tems. UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks. It
does not observe daylight saving time. This procedure updates a database to support Unicode and UTC.
Prerequisites: Before connecting to your database for the first time you enabled Use Unicode Encoding
Step 1 Back up the database(s) to update.
CAUTION: This Unicode and UTC upgrade procedure is one-way only and cannot be reversed. It is
highly recommended that you back up the database(s) prior to running the wizard.
Step 2 Right-click the RdbmsNetwork node in the Nav tree and click Update Wizard
The Database Update Wizard window opens to the the Select Update Procedures window.
Step 3 Enable one or both properties and click Next.
The wizard displays one or more databases to be updated to Unicode.
Step 4 Select the database(s) to update to Unicode and click Next.
The wizard completes the update and displays the results for review.
Step 5 To continue, click Next.
If you enabled both options, the wizard displays one or more databases to be updated to UTC.
Step 6 Select the database(s) to update to UTC and click Next.
If you updated UTC, the wizard opens the Timezone Update Timestamp Storage Policy view.
Step 7 To define the storage policy, select one or the other of the options and click Next.
The wizard completes the update and displays the results for review.
Step 8 To complete the update, click Finish.
If you updated to Unicode, the wizard automatically sets the Use Unicode Encoding Scheme prop-
erty on the database Property Sheet to true.
If you updated to UTC, the wizard automatically sets the Timestamp Storage property on the data-
base Property Sheet to true and sets this property to read-only. To make Timestamp Storage
writable again, right-click the database device and click Actions→Allow Dialect Modifications.
When the procedures and databases have been specified in the Update Wizard, the updates are submitted as
jobs to the Job Service. The Update Wizard processes the database tables and changes the data types of
January 19, 2022 41
Chapter 2 Data management Rdbms Driver Guide
string-valued columns to the NVARCHAR data types and adjusts the database timestamps to UTC time. The
wizard provides visibility on the progress of individual jobs. At a later stage, you can view the jobs in the Job
Service. The update operations either complete entirely or roll back entirely if any error occurs.
Updating existing Orion databases to support Unicode
This procedure is for databases that are currently without UTF-8 support.
Step 1 Right-click the rdb Database node in the Nav tree and click Views→Property Sheet.
Step 2 Enable the Use Unicode Encoding Scheme property (set its value to true).
This property must be set to true before you configure the Orion properties.
Step 3 Open the orion palette and drag the OrionMigrator to the RdbmsNetwork node in the Nav tree.
Step 4 Configure the OrionMigrator component properties and click Save.
42 January 19, 2022
January 19, 2022 43
Chapter 3 Components
Topics covered in this chapter
rdb module
rdb database modules
orion module
Components include services, folders and other model building blocks associated with a module. You may drag
them to a Property or Wire Sheet from a palette.
Descriptions included in the following topics appear as context-sensitive help topics when accessed by:
Right-clicking on the object and selecting Views→Guide Help
Clicking Help→Guide On Target
rdb module
This module provides components for updating RDBMS histories.
These components are required to upgrade an older RDBMS to handle the Unicode text required by most of
the world’s writing systems and the time standard by which the world regulates clocks.
This component is available on the rdb module Palette view. Its granular and discrete functions serve as an al-
ternative to using the Update Wizard. You can use the Database Ords property in this component to add one
or more database paths to the Updater.
Figure 16 HistoryUnicodeUpdater properties
You access this property by double-clicking the HistoryUnicodeUpdater node in the Nav tree.
Property Value Description
Database Ords
Specifies an ord path to the appropriate updater(s).
This component is available on the rdb module Palette view. You can use the Database Ords property in this
component to add one or more database paths to the Updater.
Chapter 3 Components Rdbms Driver Guide
Figure 17 HistoryTimezoneUpdater properties
You access these properties by double-clicking the HistoryTimezoneUpdater node in the Nav tree.
This component’s functionality is identical to that achieved by using the Update Wizard. It is available via the
palette to provide granular and discrete functionality as an alternative to using the Update Wizard.
Property Value Description
Database Ords
Specifies an ord path to the appropriate updater(s).
Current Timestamp
Storage Policy
Selects the policy that defines the time zone:
Station Time Zone uses the time zone of the station to update
history records.
History Config Time Zone uses the time zone specified in
the History Configuration properties for time zone conversion.
This component supplements queries against local history records with archived history records that were pre-
viously exported to a remote (cloud) RDBMS using the standard drivers: rdbSqlServer, rdbMySQL, and
rdbOracle. These archived history records are from an external data store, a relational database.
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Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 3 Components
Figure 18 HistoryServiceArchiveProvider properties
You access these properties by expanding Config→Services→Archive History Providers and double-click-
ing the RdbArchiveHistoryProvider node in the Nav tree.
In addition to the standard properties (Status, Enabled, and Fault Cause), these properties are unique to this
Property Value Description
Max Archive Re-
sults Per Query
Specifies the number of archived history records to allow per
Archive Limit
drop-down list (de-
faults to Notify
Once Per Query
Range Per
Selects the message to display when the limit is exceeded for
any history query initiated from EC-Net 4 Pro.
Notify Once Per Query Range Per Session limits the fre-
quency of warnings to once per query range per session
Never Notify turns notification off.
Always Notify displays a warning every time the query ex-
ceeds the maximum archive results.
Ord To Rdbms ORD Defines the path to the archive database.
Use Default Fetch
true (ignore
Custom Fetch
Size) (default)
false (use Cus-
tom Fetch Size)
Does not use (true) or uses (false) the Custom Fetch Size
to retrieve archive history records.
Custom Fetch Size
Specifies the number of archive history records to retrieve from
the database in the cloud.
Fetch Size in Use
Reports the number of records retrieved when the Custom
Fetch Size is being used.
January 19, 2022 45
Chapter 3 Components Rdbms Driver Guide
rdb database modules
These modules provide the primary RDBMS components for setting up the RDBMS network, databases and
The RDBMS modules include these palettes, each of which supports a relational database:
Like other framework networks, this component provides a top-level component for all Rdbms driver compo-
nents. In keeping with the standard framework driver architectural model, many of the RdbmsNetwork compo-
nents, device extensions, and views resemble those in other drivers.
Each of the rdb palettes (rdbHsqlDb, rdbMySQL, rdbOracle and rdbSqlServer) provides the RdbmsNet-
work component.
The Device Manager is the view associated with this component.
Figure 19 RdbmsNetwork properties
You access this view by expanding Config→Drivers right-clicking RdbmsNetwork and clicking Views→AX
Property Sheet.
Most of these are standard properties: Status, Enabled, Fault Cause, Health, and Alarm Source Info. The Driv-
ers Guide documents the Monitor properties. The “rdbMySQL-MySQLDatabase” topic in this guide docu-
ments the MySQLDatabase properties.
This component is used to organize databases under an RdbmsNetwork.
You create this folder using the New Folder button in the Device Manager view for any RdbmsNetwork. The
view associated with this component is the Device Manager.
This component models an HsqlDb (Hyperthreaded Structured Query Language Database) relational database
in a remote controller station. The HSQL Development Group maintains the standard for this database, which
is available under a BSD type (free) license.
The rdbHsqlDb palette provides the HsqlDbDatabase components.
46 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 3 Components
Figure 20 HsqlDbDatabase properties
You access the properties to configure the driver for this database by expanding Config→Drivers→Rdbms-
Network, and double-clicking the HsqlDbDatabase node in the Nav tree.
In addition to the standard properties (Status, Enabled, Fault Cause, Health and Alarm Source Info), these
properties support this component.
Property Value Description
Use Encrypted
true or false
Indicates if the connection between the station and the database
is secure (true) or not secure (false). To ensure that your sys-
tem cannot be hacked, leave this property set to true. Change
it only if your database does not support data encryption.
User Name
Defines the user name used to log in to the database.
Login credentials must provide sufficient database privileges to
allow you to perform one or more (depending on database type)
of these commands: CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, CRE-
Defines the password required to log in to the database. The
Confirm property must be an exact match to the Password
Worker additional
The “rdb-RdbmsWorker” topic documents these properties.
Export Mode drop-down list
Specifies how histories are exported to the specified database.
By History Id exports one table per History Id. This is the de-
fault value setting.
By History Type exports one table per History Type. This op-
tion may make the data easier to query once exported.
January 19, 2022 47
Chapter 3 Components Rdbms Driver Guide
Property Value Description
Use Unicode En-
coding Scheme
true or false
Creates history table schemas with the Universal character set
Transformation Format (UTF-8) or Unicode data types for string-
valued columns to store Asian character sets.
false maintains backward compatibility with legacy history ex-
port mechanisms.
true enables the NVARCHAR data type for any column in a ta-
ble that expects string data.
NOTE: An Update Wizard is available to upgrade existing data-
bases to support Unicode.
Timestamp Storage
drop-down list
Exports or updates history timestamps to Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC) enabling the export of history records from different
timezones into a common database and be chronologically cor-
rect and independent of any specific source timezone character-
istics. In other words, exported histories show the timestamp
data from where the history is actually stored, making useable
histories with a consistent timestamp.
Dialect Default maintains compatibility with legacy history
export mechanisms. This property does not apply to the MySQL
Local Time Stamp applies to Orion databases only and does
not apply to history exports.
Utc Timestamp exports all subsequent histories with UTC
Utc Millis applies to Orion databases only and does not ap-
ply to history exports.
NOTE: An Update Wizard is available to upgrade existing data-
bases to support Unicode.
Holds all points.
Sql Scheme
true or false
Permits (true) and prohibits (false) the use of ORDs that con-
tain sql:.
If a BFormat contains sql:, users can directly query the data-
base bypassing framework access control and make direct
changes to the database. This is a security risk. Best security
practice sets this property to false.
Rdb Security
The “rdb-RdbSecuritySettings” topic documents these
Base Directory chooser
Defines the path that points to the location of the Hsql database.
A typical configuration is to create a folder directly under the sta-
tion (in the file space). For example, if the folder is named
hsqldb, the filepath to this folder would be: file:^hsqldb.
Database Name
Provides the name of the database.
Defrag On Save
true or false
Configures the driver to defragment when it saves the database.
Defrag And Save
Periodic Schedule
with multiple
Getting Started with EC-Net 4 documents these properties.
48 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 3 Components
This component supports the following actions:
Ping sends a message to a network object (device, database, etc). The message provokes a response,
which indicates the current state of the object.
Allow Dialect Modifications makes the Timestamp Storage property writable within the RdbmsNet-
work Update Wizard. When the wizard converts a database to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), it sets
this property to read-only.
Defrag And Save sequences through the database to remove deleted records and save the resulting de-
fragmented database.
Hsql Password opens a Password window that is used to change the Hsql password.
Figure 21 Set Hsql Password window
Although a new or upgraded HsqlDbDatabase automatically connects to the station using the factory-default
password, you should always set a new strong password of your own in each controller station.
The new password must meet the following requirements:
Length: at least 10 characters
Complexity: at least 1 digit, 1 upper case character and 1 lower case character.
Allowed character types:
lowercase letters
uppercase letters
special characters: @ # ! $ & + > < ] [ ) (
This component models a MySQL relational database, which is an Oracle Corporation relational database man-
agement system (RDBMS) that requires a GPL or proprietary license. It is available in the rdbMySQL palette.
NOTE: The rdbMySQL-MySQLDatabase component was tested with the MySQL connector version mysql-
connector—java–8.0.24”. Use of earlier versions of this connector is not recommended and not supported.
January 19, 2022 49
Chapter 3 Components Rdbms Driver Guide
Figure 22 MySQLDatabase properties
You access the properties to configure the driver for this database by expanding Config→Drivers→Rdbms-
Network, and double-clicking the MySQLDatabase node.
In addition to the standard properties (Status, Enabled, Fault Cause, Health and Alarm Source Info), these
properties support this component.
Property Value Description
Host Address IP address
Sets the IP address or hostname of the computer platform
where the database resides. A Dialup selection option is avail-
able, if required. This property does not apply to the MySQL
Use Encrypted
true or false
Indicates if the connection between the station and the database
is secure (true) or not secure (false). To ensure that your sys-
tem cannot be hacked, leave this property set to true. Change
it only if your database does not support data encryption.
User Name
Defines the user name used to log in to the database.
Login credentials must provide sufficient database privileges to
allow you to perform one or more (depending on database type)
of these commands: CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, CRE-
Defines the password required to log in to the database. The
Confirm property must be an exact match to the Password
50 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 3 Components
Property Value Description
Worker additional
The “rdb-RdbmsWorker” topic documents these properties.
Export Mode drop-down list
Specifies how histories are exported to the specified database.
By History Id exports one table per History Id. This is the de-
fault value setting.
By History Type exports one table per History Type. This op-
tion may make the data easier to query once exported.
Use Unicode En-
coding Scheme
true or false
Creates history table schemas with the Universal character set
Transformation Format (UTF-8) or Unicode data types for string-
valued columns to store Asian character sets.
false maintains backward compatibility with legacy history ex-
port mechanisms.
true enables the NVARCHAR data type for any column in a ta-
ble that expects string data.
NOTE: An Update Wizard is available to upgrade existing data-
bases to support Unicode.
Timestamp Storage
drop-down list
Exports or updates history timestamps to Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC) enabling the export of history records from different
timezones into a common database and be chronologically cor-
rect and independent of any specific source timezone character-
istics. In other words, exported histories show the timestamp
data from where the history is actually stored, making useable
histories with a consistent timestamp.
Dialect Default maintains compatibility with legacy history
export mechanisms. This property does not apply to the MySQL
Local Time Stamp applies to Orion databases only and does
not apply to history exports.
Utc Timestamp exports all subsequent histories with UTC
Utc Millis applies to Orion databases only and does not ap-
ply to history exports.
NOTE: An Update Wizard is available to upgrade existing data-
bases to support Unicode.
Holds all points.
Sql Scheme
true or false
Permits (true) and prohibits (false) the use of ORDs that con-
tain sql:.
If a BFormat contains sql:, users can directly query the data-
base bypassing framework access control and make direct
changes to the database. This is a security risk. Best security
practice sets this property to false.
Rdb Security
The “rdb-RdbSecuritySettings” topic documents these
Database Name
Provides the name of the database.
January 19, 2022 51
Chapter 3 Components Rdbms Driver Guide
Property Value Description
number (defaults to
Specifies the port number to use when connecting with the data-
base. Defaults are:
HsqlDbDatabase, no port specified because this rdb is for local
database use only:
MySQLDatabase: 3306
OracleDatabase: 1521
SqlServerDatabase: 1433
Histories additional
“rdbMySQL-MySQLHistoryDeviceExt” documents these
Extra Connection
normally left blank;
if used takes the
format: parame-
Configures additional properties that are not required for a nor-
mal connection to the database. The driver passes this informa-
tion in plain text to the database.
You can set certain configuration properties as part of the extra
connection properties of the RDBMS database to optimize
the batch processing of the insert queries, specifically the history
export queries.
To enable the JDBC driver of a MySQL Server to pack as many
queries as possible into a single network packet, lowering net-
work overhead, set rewriteBatchedStatements set to
My Sql Server Cert
drop-down list
Defines the database server certificate for TLS secure
This component supports the following actions:
Ping sends a message to a network object (device, database, etc). The message provokes a response,
which indicates the current state of the object.
Allow Dialect Modifications makes the Timestamp Storage property writable within the RdbmsNet-
work Update Wizard. When the wizard converts a database to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), it sets
this property to read-only.
This component is the MySQL implementation of HistoryDeviceExt. It is a child of a MySQLDatabase.
52 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 3 Components
Figure 23 MySQL History properties
You access these properties by expanding Config→Drivers→RdbmsNetwork→MySQLDatabase followed
by right-clicking Histories and clicking Views→AX Property Sheet
Property Value Description
Retry Trigger additional
Defines how frequently to attempt a failed operation again. This
continues until successful execution occurs.
Appears in the Nav tree but not in any manager view and is
unique in that it requires no linking of its output for operation.
Getting Started with EC-Net 4 documents Retry Trigger
Use Last
true or false
Enables and disables the reporting of the last date and time on a
history record.
false queries the database for the last timestamp in the data-
base every time an export descriptor processes data. Depend-
ing on the size of the database table and the number of export
descriptors being processed, this can be a time consuming
true stores the last timestamp as a property on the export de-
scriptor each time it processes the export. This efficiency-related
setting helps with overall system performance when exporting
January 19, 2022 53
Chapter 3 Components Rdbms Driver Guide
Property Value Description
Use History Config
Time Zone
true or false
Configures how to normalize the timestamp before writing it to
the external database. It includes the time zone.
false normalizes values to the Supervisor station’s time zone.
true writes the original timestamp value (retained by the Super-
visor) to the external database. Unfortunately, this option ignores
the time zone. This causes difficulties with local time zones, es-
pecially in relation to daylight savings time. The Timestamp
Storage property exports or updates history timestamps to Co-
ordinated Universal Time (UTC).
NOTE: The effect of these History properties may be irrelevant
depending upon the setting of theTimestamp Storage
Always Create In-
dex For New Tables
(added in
EC-Net 4 v4.11)
true or false
Configures histories regarding index creation for new tables. It
specifies whether indexes should always be created for new ex-
ported history tables.
true ensures that an index on created RDBMS tables for ex-
ported histories is always created, no matter what the configura-
tion of other properties is.
false may not create a new index when exporting new tables.
The driver may still create indexes based on the configuration of
other properties (for example, if Use Last Timestamp is
false, indexes get created no matter what).
If this property is false and the Use Last Timestamp property
is set to true, an export may not create indexes for the ex-
ported tables.
Setting this property to true in that scenario would cause any
new tables created going forward to also have a proper index
created. You can subsequently use the Migrate To Optimized
Table Indexes action against existing exported tables (also
those prior to EC-Net 4 v4.11) to migrate them and ensure that
updated indexes are created in the RDBMS. Creating indexes
for exported tables can help maximize query performance.
Retry downloads histories again.
Migrate To Optimized Table Indexes (introduced in EC-Net 4 v4.11) can be used against existing RDBMS
installations (prior to EC-Net 4 v4.11) to migrate the existing RDBMS tables and ensure that updated in-
dexes are created in the RDBMS. Coordinate with your DBA before you execute this action. The updated in-
dexes maximize query performance, but this action is not mandatory. Since this optional action affects the
tables in the existing RDBMS, this migration does not happen automatically but requires you to manually in-
voke the action. Invoking this action kicks off a job in the JobService where you can monitor the migration
progress and results.
This component models an Oracle relational database management system (RDBMS) that requires a propriet-
ary license. It is available in the rdbOracle palette.
54 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 3 Components
Figure 24 Oracle Database properties
You access the properties to configure the driver for this database by expanding Drivers→RdbmsNetwork,
and double-clicking the OracleDatabase node in the Nav tree.
Property Value Description
Host Address IP address
Sets the IP address or hostname of the computer platform
where the database resides. A Dialup selection option is avail-
able, if required. This property does not apply to the MySQL
Use Encrypted
true or false
Indicates if the connection between the station and the database
is secure (true) or not secure (false). To ensure that your sys-
tem cannot be hacked, leave this property set to true. Change
it only if your database does not support data encryption.
User Name
Defines the user name used to log in to the database.
Login credentials must provide sufficient database privileges to
allow you to perform one or more (depending on database type)
of these commands: CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, CRE-
Defines the password required to log in to the database. The
Confirm property must be an exact match to the Password
Worker additional
The “rdb-RdbmsWorker” topic documents these properties.
Export Mode drop-down list
Specifies how histories are exported to the specified database.
January 19, 2022 55
Chapter 3 Components Rdbms Driver Guide
Property Value Description
By History Id exports one table per History Id. This is the de-
fault value setting.
By History Type exports one table per History Type. This op-
tion may make the data easier to query once exported.
Use Unicode En-
coding Scheme
true or false
Creates history table schemas with the Universal character set
Transformation Format (UTF-8) or Unicode data types for string-
valued columns to store Asian character sets.
false maintains backward compatibility with legacy history ex-
port mechanisms.
true enables the NVARCHAR data type for any column in a ta-
ble that expects string data.
NOTE: An Update Wizard is available to upgrade existing data-
bases to support Unicode.
Timestamp Storage
drop-down list
Exports or updates history timestamps to Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC) enabling the export of history records from different
timezones into a common database and be chronologically cor-
rect and independent of any specific source timezone character-
istics. In other words, exported histories show the timestamp
data from where the history is actually stored, making useable
histories with a consistent timestamp.
Dialect Default maintains compatibility with legacy history
export mechanisms. This property does not apply to the MySQL
Local Time Stamp applies to Orion databases only and does
not apply to history exports.
Utc Timestamp exports all subsequent histories with UTC
Utc Millis applies to Orion databases only and does not ap-
ply to history exports.
NOTE: An Update Wizard is available to upgrade existing data-
bases to support Unicode.
Holds all points.
Sql Scheme
true or false
Permits (true) and prohibits (false) the use of ORDs that con-
tain sql:.
If a BFormat contains sql:, users can directly query the data-
base bypassing framework access control and make direct
changes to the database. This is a security risk. Best security
practice sets this property to false.
Rdb Security
The “rdb-RdbSecuritySettings” topic documents these
number (defaults to
Specifies the port number to use when connecting with the data-
base. Defaults are:
HsqlDbDatabase, no port specified because this rdb is for local
database use only:
MySQLDatabase: 3306
56 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 3 Components
Property Value Description
OracleDatabase: 1521
SqlServerDatabase: 1433
Service Name
Refers to the Oracle SID or System IDentifier, which uniquely
identifies a database instance. It allows you to configure a con-
nection to an Oracle database if the user has not been previ-
ously set up in the Oracle Database with a default SID, or to
connect to an SID that is not the default. If a default SID has
been set up and you need to connect to it, you can leave this
property blank.
Histories additional
“rdbMySQL-MySQLHistoryDeviceExt” documents these
My Sql Server Cert
drop-down list
Defines the database server certificate for TLS secure
This component supports the following actions:
Ping sends a message to a network object (device, database, etc). The message provokes a response,
which indicates the current state of the object.
Allow Dialect Modifications makes the Timestamp Storage property writable within the RdbmsNet-
work Update Wizard. When the wizard converts a database to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), it sets
this property to read-only.
This component is the Oracle implementation of HistoryDeviceExt, and a child of a the OracleDatabase
The History Device Extension is fully described in the Drivers Guide.
Figure 25 Oracle history device extension properties
You access these properties by expanding Config→Drivers→RdbmsNetwork→OracleDatabase followed by
right-clicking Histories and clicking Views→AX Property Sheet
January 19, 2022 57
Chapter 3 Components Rdbms Driver Guide
Property Value Description
Retry Trigger additional
Defines how frequently to attempt a failed operation again. This
continues until successful execution occurs.
Appears in the Nav tree but not in any manager view and is
unique in that it requires no linking of its output for operation.
Getting Started with EC-Net 4 documents Retry Trigger
Use Last
true or false
Enables and disables the reporting of the last date and time on a
history record.
false queries the database for the last timestamp in the data-
base every time an export descriptor processes data. Depend-
ing on the size of the database table and the number of export
descriptors being processed, this can be a time consuming
true stores the last timestamp as a property on the export de-
scriptor each time it processes the export. This efficiency-related
setting helps with overall system performance when exporting
Use History Config
Time Zone
true or false
Configures how to normalize the timestamp before writing it to
the external database. It includes the time zone.
false normalizes values to the Supervisor station’s time zone.
true writes the original timestamp value (retained by the Super-
visor) to the external database. Unfortunately, this option ignores
the time zone. This causes difficulties with local time zones, es-
pecially in relation to daylight savings time. The Timestamp
Storage property exports or updates history timestamps to Co-
ordinated Universal Time (UTC).
NOTE: The effect of these History properties may be irrelevant
depending upon the setting of theTimestamp Storage
Always Create In-
dex For New
true or false
Configures histories regarding index creation for new tables. It
specifies whether indexes should always be created for new ex-
ported history tables.
true ensures that an index on created RDBMS tables for ex-
ported histories is always created, no matter what the configura-
tion of other properties is.
false may not create a new index when exporting new tables.
The driver may still create indexes based on the configuration of
other properties (for example, if Use Last Timestamp is
false, indexes get created no matter what).
If this property is false and the Use Last Timestamp property
is set to true, an export may not create indexes for the ex-
ported tables.
Setting this property to true in that scenario would cause any
new tables created going forward to also have a proper index
created. You can subsequently use the Migrate To Optimized
Table Indexes action against existing exported tables (also
those prior to EC-Net 4 v4.11) to migrate them and ensure that
updated indexes are created in the RDBMS. Creating indexes
for exported tables can help maximize query performance.
58 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 3 Components
Retry downloads histories again.
Migrate To Optimized Table Indexes (introduced in EC-Net 4 v4.11) can be used against existing RDBMS
installations (prior to EC-Net 4 v4.11) to migrate the existing RDBMS tables and ensure that updated in-
dexes are created in the RDBMS. Coordinate with your DBA before you execute this action. The updated in-
dexes maximize query performance, but this action is not mandatory. Since this optional action affects the
tables in the existing RDBMS, this migration does not happen automatically but requires you to manually in-
voke the action. Invoking this action kicks off a job in the JobService where you can monitor the migration
progress and results.
This action is not a requirement and therefore optional. Also check with your DBA before performing this ac-
tion since it affects the tables in the existing RDBMS.
This component models an Microsoft SQL Server database versions: SqlServer 2000, SqlServer 2005,
SqlServer 2008, SqlServer 2008 R2 and SqlServer 2012. It is available in the rdbSqlServer palette.
Figure 26 SqlServerDatabase properties
You access the properties to configure the driver for this database by expanding Config→Drivers→Rdbms-
Network, and double-clicking the SqlServerDatabase node in the Nav tree.
The Rdbms driver does not support Windows Authentication alone. You must have selected SQL Server Au-
thentication (mixed mode) for any user of this database. This is an SQL Server login property, not an EC-Net
January 19, 2022 59
Chapter 3 Components Rdbms Driver Guide
In addition to the standard properties (Status, Enabled, Fault Cause, Health and Alarm Source Info), these
properties support this component.
Property Value Description
Host Address IP address
Sets the IP address or hostname of the computer platform
where the database resides. A Dialup selection option is avail-
able, if required. This property does not apply to the MySQL
Use Encrypted
true or false
Indicates if the connection between the station and the database
is secure (true) or not secure (false). To ensure that your sys-
tem cannot be hacked, leave this property set to true. Change
it only if your database does not support data encryption.
User Name
Defines the user name used to log in to the database.
Login credentials must provide sufficient database privileges to
allow you to perform one or more (depending on database type)
of these commands: CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, CRE-
Defines the password required to log in to the database. The
Confirm property must be an exact match to the Password
Worker additional
The “rdb-RdbmsWorker” topic documents these properties.
Export Mode drop-down list
Specifies how histories are exported to the specified database.
By History Id exports one table per History Id. This is the de-
fault value setting.
By History Type exports one table per History Type. This op-
tion may make the data easier to query once exported.
Use Unicode En-
coding Scheme
true or false
Creates history table schemas with the Universal character set
Transformation Format (UTF-8) or Unicode data types for string-
valued columns to store Asian character sets.
false maintains backward compatibility with legacy history ex-
port mechanisms.
true enables the NVARCHAR data type for any column in a ta-
ble that expects string data.
NOTE: An Update Wizard is available to upgrade existing data-
bases to support Unicode.
Timestamp Storage
drop-down list
Exports or updates history timestamps to Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC) enabling the export of history records from different
timezones into a common database and be chronologically cor-
rect and independent of any specific source timezone character-
istics. In other words, exported histories show the timestamp
data from where the history is actually stored, making useable
histories with a consistent timestamp.
Dialect Default maintains compatibility with legacy history
export mechanisms. This property does not apply to the MySQL
Local Time Stamp applies to Orion databases only and does
not apply to history exports.
60 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 3 Components
Property Value Description
Utc Timestamp exports all subsequent histories with UTC
Utc Millis applies to Orion databases only and does not ap-
ply to history exports.
NOTE: An Update Wizard is available to upgrade existing data-
bases to support Unicode.
Holds all points.
Sql Scheme
true or false
Permits (true) and prohibits (false) the use of ORDs that con-
tain sql:.
If a BFormat contains sql:, users can directly query the data-
base bypassing framework access control and make direct
changes to the database. This is a security risk. Best security
practice sets this property to false.
Rdb Security
The “rdb-RdbSecuritySettings” topic documents these
Instance Name
Configures a connection to a SqlServer database if the user has
not been previously set up in the SqlServer with a default Data-
base Name or Instance Name, or to connect to a name that is
not the default. If a default name has been set up and you need
to connect to it, you can leave this property blank.
number (defaults to
Specifies the port number to use when connecting with the data-
base. Defaults are:
HsqlDbDatabase, no port specified because this rdb is for local
database use only:
MySQLDatabase: 3306
OracleDatabase: 1521
SqlServerDatabase: 1433
Histories additional
“rdbMySQL-MySQLHistoryDeviceExt” documents these
Extra Connection
normally left blank;
if used takes the
format: parame-
Configures additional properties that are not required for a nor-
mal connection to the database. The driver passes this informa-
tion in plain text to the database.
You can set certain configuration properties as part of the extra
connection properties of the RDBMS database to optimize
the batch processing of the insert queries, specifically the history
export queries.
To enable the JDBC driver of a MySQL Server to pack as many
queries as possible into a single network packet, lowering net-
work overhead, set rewriteBatchedStatements set to
January 19, 2022 61
Chapter 3 Components Rdbms Driver Guide
Property Value Description
Version drop-down list, de-
faults to Sql Serv-
er 2008
Determines if the Sql Server database supports the SQL DATE
type. The DATE Sql type is supported from Sql server 2008 on-
wards and the database device needs to know how to translate
timestamps when retrieving records. Set this property to match
the version of the database you are connecting to.
Sql Server 2008 specifies that the Version of Sql Server you
are connecting to is Sql Server 2008.
NOTE: Use this option to connect to an Sql version that is more
recent than Sql Server 2008, such as Sql Server 2012.
Sql Server 2005 specifies that the Version of Sql Server you
are connecting to is Sql Server 2005.
Sql Server 2000 specifies that the Version of Sql Server you
are connecting to is Sql Server 2000.
Connector drop-down list (de-
faults to Jtds)
Selects a JDBC (Java Data Base Connectivity) driver to connect
the framework to a Microsoft SQL Server database.
Jtds selects the jTDS (Java Tabular Data Stream) open-source
Mssql selects the JDBC driver provided by Microsoft.
This component supports the following actions:
Ping sends a message to a network object (device, database, etc). The message provokes a response,
which indicates the current state of the object.
Allow Dialect Modifications makes the Timestamp Storage property writable within the RdbmsNet-
work Update Wizard. When the wizard converts a database to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), it sets
this property to read-only.
This component is the SqlServer implementation of HistoryDeviceExt. It is a child of an SqlServerDatabase.
Figure 27 SqlServer History properties
62 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 3 Components
You access Histories properties by expanding Config→Drivers→RdbmsNetwork→SqlServerDatabase fol-
lowed by right-clicking Histories and clicking Views→AX Property Sheet
This container itself contains the Retry Trigger container.
Property Value Description
Retry Trigger additional
Defines how frequently to attempt a failed operation again. This
continues until successful execution occurs.
Appears in the Nav tree but not in any manager view and is
unique in that it requires no linking of its output for operation.
Getting Started with EC-Net 4 documents Retry Trigger
Use Last
true or false
Enables and disables the reporting of the last date and time on a
history record.
false queries the database for the last timestamp in the data-
base every time an export descriptor processes data. Depend-
ing on the size of the database table and the number of export
descriptors being processed, this can be a time consuming
true stores the last timestamp as a property on the export de-
scriptor each time it processes the export. This efficiency-related
setting helps with overall system performance when exporting
January 19, 2022 63
Chapter 3 Components Rdbms Driver Guide
Property Value Description
Use History Config
Time Zone
true or false
Configures how to normalize the timestamp before writing it to
the external database. It includes the time zone.
false normalizes values to the Supervisor station’s time zone.
true writes the original timestamp value (retained by the Super-
visor) to the external database. Unfortunately, this option ignores
the time zone. This causes difficulties with local time zones, es-
pecially in relation to daylight savings time. The Timestamp
Storage property exports or updates history timestamps to Co-
ordinated Universal Time (UTC).
NOTE: The effect of these History properties may be irrelevant
depending upon the setting of theTimestamp Storage
Always Create In-
dex For New
true or false
Configures histories regarding index creation for new tables. It
specifies whether indexes should always be created for new ex-
ported history tables.
true ensures that an index on created RDBMS tables for ex-
ported histories is always created, no matter what the configura-
tion of other properties is.
false may not create a new index when exporting new tables.
The driver may still create indexes based on the configuration of
other properties (for example, if Use Last Timestamp is
false, indexes get created no matter what).
If this property is false and the Use Last Timestamp property
is set to true, an export may not create indexes for the ex-
ported tables.
Setting this property to true in that scenario would cause any
new tables created going forward to also have a proper index
created. You can subsequently use the Migrate To Optimized
Table Indexes action against existing exported tables (also
those prior to EC-Net 4 v4.11) to migrate them and ensure that
updated indexes are created in the RDBMS. Creating indexes
for exported tables can help maximize query performance.
Retry downloads histories again.
Migrate To Optimized Table Indexes (introduced in EC-Net 4 v4.11) can be used against existing RDBMS
installations (prior to EC-Net 4 v4.11) to migrate the existing RDBMS tables and ensure that updated in-
dexes are created in the RDBMS. Coordinate with your DBA before you execute this action. The updated in-
dexes maximize query performance, but this action is not mandatory. Since this optional action affects the
tables in the existing RDBMS, this migration does not happen automatically but requires you to manually in-
voke the action. Invoking this action kicks off a job in the JobService where you can monitor the migration
progress and results.
This child component of all rdb Database devices manages the queue and worker for asynchronous operations
on a single database.
64 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 3 Components
Figure 28 Worker properties
This component is available under any of the rdb (relational database) types: HsqlDbDatabase, MySQLData-
base, OracleDatabase, and SqlServerDatabase.
This component provides two properties for setting the maximum number of concurrent threads and for setting
the maximum allowable queue size for the database connection. These worker properties are not pooled at the
Network level, as with the NiagaraNetwork driver. Each database driver has its own thread pool setting.
Property Value Description
Max Threads
number (defaults to
one thread)
Tunes large networks (those with many station components) to
process more than a single thread at a time. It is the only visible
part of a shared thread-pool scheme for scaling large-jobs and
allows the local station’s thread pool to grow uncapped.
Each thread uses one JDBC Connection to communicate with
the database, so there are as many connections created as
there are threads.
Normally you increase this value to between 20 and 50 to im-
prove performance when handling large volumes of data.
Max Queue Size number (defaults to
Specifies the maximum number of items that can be queued for
worker processing. In a few cases, particularly in a large system,
increasing this size may be beneficial.
Queue size does not allocate a fixed memory size. Rather, the
amount of memory used is dynamic, changing as message
items are added and removed from the queue.
This component provides point import capability for the various relational database drivers using methods and
views that are similar to other proxy point driver views. It is available under most of the rdb (relational database)
types, including OracleDatabase, SqlServerDatabase, and MySQLDatabase.
The Points folder (Rdbms Point Device Extension) is unlike point device extensions associated with other driv-
er types. This point device extension uses the Rdbms Point Query component to filter database records to pro-
vide candidate records for proxy points.
January 19, 2022 65
Chapter 3 Components Rdbms Driver Guide
Figure 29 Rdbms Point Query properties
To access these properties, expand Config→Drivers, expand the rdb database and double-click Points.
General information
With this component you can represent relational database cell values as proxy points. The RdbmsNetwork
driver requires no configuration.
Rdb database devices resemble typical field-bus functionality in that EC-Net 4 Pro represents them as devices.
You can view all devices that are under the RdbmsNetwork in a Device Manager view, or in the Nav tree, with
each device that is installed under the network representing an individual database type and connection.
The Rdbms Point Device Extension provides point import capability for the various relational database drivers
using methods and views that are similar to other proxy point driver views. Using this point device extension to
import points, you can represent relational database cell values as proxy points, as shown below.
Figure 30 Rdbms points
The Rdbms Point Device Extension (RdbmsPointDeviceExt) may contain one or more Rdbms Point Query
properties (depending on how many you add). Individual points are then added under each individual Rdbms
Point Query property using the discover and add process available in the Rdbms Point Query Manager
view. Rdbms Points are always organized under their parent Rdbms Point Query in the Nav tree and are also
displayed in the Database pane of the Rdbms Point Query Manager view.
Point container similarities (compared to other drivers)
Like other Point Device Extensions, the Rdbms Point Device Extension:
is a required (frozen) slot on the Rdbms Point Device component - it's always there, you cannot delete it.
displays as a typical Points node under its appropriate RdbmsNetwork driver.
is a container component, having several special views.
is a parent of proxy points.
has a default manager view (the Rdbms Point Device Ext Manager view) and uses Discover, Add, and New
buttons to add proxy points.
Point container differences (compared to other drivers)
Unlike other Point Device Extensions, the Rdbms Point Device Extension:
has a unique default view - the Rdbms Point Device Extension Manager view.
66 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 3 Components
has a unique child component - the Rdbms Point Query component.
has proxy points under the Rdbms Point Device Extension that are read-only; you cannot write to the
Rdbms using these points.
has proxy points under the Rdbms Point Device Extension that use recorded database values not live val-
ues. It is possible to have points from the database update very frequently, depending on database archiv-
ing and updating parameters, but the data are always coming from a secondary source - the database, not
a control point.
This component is a container and a child of the Rdbms Point Device Extension (Points folder). You use it to
construct and execute queries against any database to which you have access and sufficient privileges.
Figure 31 RdbmsPointQuery properties
To add an Rdbms Point Query to the Points folder under your rdb database, expand Config→Dri-
vers→RdbmsNetwork, expand a database node, double-click the Points folder, click New, create the query
and click OK.
To access a query, expand the Points folder, right-click the RdbmsPointQuery node, and click Views→AX
Property Sheet.
The Sql property is a text editor used to create and display the query statement. Named columns are optional.
Unnamed columns are displayed as “column1, column2, ...” and so on. Key columns are optional. If no key col-
umn is specified, the driver uses the first column as the primary key.
You can execute this query manually and also set a regular interval time for updates using the Update Fre-
quency property.
In a addition to the standard properties (Status, Fault Cause and Enabled), these properties support point
Property Value Description
Update Frequency hours, minutes,
Dictates how often the driver automatically executes the query.
Last Update date and time Indicates the last time the driver executed the query.
January 19, 2022 67
Chapter 3 Components Rdbms Driver Guide
Property Value Description
text editor
Provides an editor (one of several available) for viewing and ed-
iting the query statement. The query provides the criteria for da-
tabase point discoveries initiated from the Rdbms Point Query
Manager view and other views.
NOTE: This property is actually BFormat. This means that you
can add additional syntax to the SQL string that processes be-
fore the driver sends the query to the database.
Key Column1
Key Column2
Execute runs the application.
This property configures security settings for the relational database.
Figure 32 Rdb Security Settings properties
To access this property, expand Config→Drivers→RdbmsNetwork, expand a MySql database and double-
click Rdb Security Settings.
Property Value Description
Configures a secure key, which EC-Net Access uses to encrypt
a PIN.
This component supplements queries against local history records with archived history records that were pre-
viously exported to a remote (cloud) RDBMS using the standard drivers: rdbSqlServer, rdbMySQL, and
rdbOracle. These archived history records are from an external data store, a relational database.
68 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 3 Components
Figure 33 HistoryServiceArchiveProvider properties
You access these properties by expanding Config→Services→Archive History Providers and double-click-
ing the RdbArchiveHistoryProvider node in the Nav tree.
In addition to the standard properties (Status, Enabled, and Fault Cause), these properties are unique to this
Property Value Description
Max Archive Re-
sults Per Query
Specifies the number of archived history records to allow per
Archive Limit
drop-down list (de-
faults to Notify
Once Per Query
Range Per
Selects the message to display when the limit is exceeded for
any history query initiated from EC-Net 4 Pro.
Notify Once Per Query Range Per Session limits the fre-
quency of warnings to once per query range per session
Never Notify turns notification off.
Always Notify displays a warning every time the query ex-
ceeds the maximum archive results.
Ord To Rdbms ORD Defines the path to the archive database.
Use Default Fetch
true (ignore
Custom Fetch
Size) (default)
false (use Cus-
tom Fetch Size)
Does not use (true) or uses (false) the Custom Fetch Size
to retrieve archive history records.
Custom Fetch Size
Specifies the number of archive history records to retrieve from
the database in the cloud.
Fetch Size in Use
Reports the number of records retrieved when the Custom
Fetch Size is being used.
January 19, 2022 69
Chapter 3 Components Rdbms Driver Guide
When installed and configured to reference an existing RDBMS device that has already exported local history
data to a remote relational database using EC-Net’s standard RdbmsHistoryExport descriptors, this component
supplements history time queries with archived history records retrieved back (on-demand) from the remote
This provider is in the rdb module’s palette. To add it to your station, expand HistoryService Archive Pro-
vider in the palette and drag this component to the Config→Services→HistoryService in the Nav tree.
Figure 34 Rdb Archive History Provider properties
To access this Property Sheet, expand Config→Services→HistoryService→Archive History Providers
and double-click RdbArchiveHistoryProvider.
In addition to the standard properties (Status, Enabled, and Fault Cause), these properties configure the ar-
chive history provider.
Property Value Description
Max Archive Re-
sults Per Query
number (defaults to
Determines the maximum number of history records to read
from the RDBMS for any history time range query that taps into
it. If more history records are available beyond this limit at his-
tory query time, the Archive Limit Notifications property
defines the behavior of a subset of EC-Net 4 Pro views but not
all of them. When the limit is reached for a query, in addition to
the warning, you get truncated archive history results that al-
ways consider the most recent history records first.
Web chart and HTML5 History Table views (accessible from a
browser and EC-Net 4 Pro) provide their own notification when a
history query exceeds this limit.
Archive Limit
drop-down list (de-
faults to Notify
Once Per Query
Range Per
Specifies the EC-Net 4 Pro notification behavior when the Max
Archive Results Per Query limit is exceeded for a history
query made from an EC-Net 4 Pro user connected to the
70 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 3 Components
Property Value Description
NOTE: This property does not apply to HTML5 history views in-
cluding HTML5 views accessed within EC-Net 4 Pro, such as
the Web Chart view. It only applies to native EC-Net 4 Pro views
that perform history queries, such as the AX History Chart or AX
History Table views.
Notify Once Per Query Range Per Session limits the fre-
quency of warnings to once per history query range per session.
This setting attempts to balance providing notifications while re-
ducing too much spam.
Never Notify Turns notification off completely.
Always Notify displays a warning every time a history query's
results exceed the Max Archive Results Per Query limit.
Ord To Rdbms ORD with choosers References the RDBMS device instance in the local station from
which to retrieve archive history data on demand.
Use Default Fetch
true (default) or
It is not common to change this property from the default value.
In rare cases, it may be necessary to tweak the fetch size for re-
trieving history records from a connection to the RDBMS for per-
formance reasons.
true, uses the default fetch size specified by the referenced
RDBMS device when making a connection to retrieve history da-
ta from the RDBMS.
false uses the Custom Fetch Size value instead.
Custom Fetch Size
It is not common to change this property from the default value.
In rare cases, it may be necessary to tweak the fetch size for re-
trieving history records from a connection to the RDBMS for per-
formance reasons. This property can specify a custom fetch size
to use when making a connection to retrieve history data from
the RDBMS. This property value applies only when the Use De-
fault Fetch Size property is set to false.
Fetch Size To Use
read-only, A value
of zero is accept-
able (and
Based on the current value of the Use Default Fetch Size
and Custom Fetch Size properties, this property indicates the
current fetch size in use for any connections made to the config-
ured RDBMS when retrieving archived history data.
orion module
This module configures the framework’s Orion database. This general-purpose uncertain database system uni-
fies the modeling of probabilistic data across the framework.
Orion API
The Orion API (Application Programming Interface) provides commands to embed in applications that invoke
orion module functions.
This function existed in earlier (before EC-Net 4 v4.6) versions of the framework to model an Rdbms database
for supporting SQLServer and Oracle database implementations. Applications (including stations running on
smaller controllers) are able to implement O/R mapping and maintain database independence by running a lo-
cal instance of any of the following RDBMS types: HSQLDB, MySQL, Oracle, or SQL Server
January 19, 2022 71
Chapter 3 Components Rdbms Driver Guide
This service allows a station and its applications to use a local Orion relational database running in controllers
(including embedded controllers) to manage and display distributed-system (or distributed-application) informa-
tion. This managed and configurable information includes certain types of component data that are well suited
for the relational model.
This is an installable application with a set of Orion object types for managing data in the Orion database.
This function provides component space for storing Orion objects. Other types of space include: History, File,
and Virtual space. An example ORD using the orion space is: local:|fpx:|propm://HsqlDatabase/hi-
This is a common subclass for all objects stored in the Orion database. It represents an Orion object and its as-
sociated database.
This is a CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) interface for interacting with the Orion database and man-
aging object persistence.
This component under the Services node in the Nav tree enables the Orion database in a station. It uses a lo-
cal relational database running in a controller (including embedded controllers) to manage and display distrib-
uted-system (or distributed-application) information. This managed and configurable information includes
certain types of component data that are well suited for the relational model. It is available in the orion palette.
Orion is an Object-Relational (O/R) mapping architecture provided to support distributed-applications, large
systems, and other applications that may benefit from having relational data modeled as framework objects.
Object-Relational Mapping does not replace the config.bog (station) file, but provides for the creation of a new
space, the Orion space, that is stored outside the station database file (like histories, files, and modules). This
functionality includes a means for alternative and multiple system hierarchy displays that can be used for data
presentation, system identification, and navigation.
Figure 35 Orion Service properties
To access these properties, expand Services, and double-click the OrionService node in the Nav tree.
In addition to the standard properties (Status, Fault Cause and Enabled), one property supports this
72 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 3 Components
Property Value Description
Audit Mode drop-down list
Configures a secure key, which EC-Net Access uses to encrypt
a PIN.
This component configures, retrieves and displays data from relational database tables or from other applica-
tion services. The Dynamic Table has a configuration view (Dynamic Table Config) and a table view (Dynamic
Table). It is available in the orion palette.
Figure 36 Rdbms model with dynamic tables
You drag a DynamicTable component from the orion palette to the OrionService in your station and then
configure the component to display data from either an application that is using relational data or directly from a
relational database.
Figure 37 Dynamic Table properties
To access these properties, expand Config→Services→OrionService, right-click DynamicTable and click
Views→AX Property Sheet.
Property Value Description
file path
Designates a graphic icon to associate with a dynamic table.
Row Type number
Specifies the DynamicTable row in terms of module and type.
Db Ord ORD Specifies an ord path to the relational database. Either this prop-
erty or the App Ord property (but not both) are required for link-
ing the DynamicTable to a database. With the OrionService
installed, you can use a chooser to select the database under
the DynamicTable node.
January 19, 2022 73
Chapter 3 Components Rdbms Driver Guide
Property Value Description
App Ord
Specifies an ord path to an application. Either this property or
the Db Ord property (but not both) are required for linking the
DynamicTable to a database.
Report Type drop-down list
Selects how much data to include in the table.
Optimized limits the amount of data.
Full Report outputs all data.
This component represents the Orion database. It contains the individual Orion Module Types, appears in the
Nav tree directly under the OrionRoot node and is not visible in the orion palette.
This component provides the Nav Container View of the Orion database.
To access this component, expand the Station node in the Nav tree and double-click Orion.
This component represents a module with types registered in an Orion database. The orion-OrionModule
is not visible in the orion palette.
This component is the root component of an Orion component space. It contains the individual databases that
are managed by the OrionService. The orion-OrionRoot component appears in the Nav tree directly under the
station when the Orion service is configured and is not visible in the orion palette.
This component is a wrapper for Orion Types, which display in the Orion Type Summary view and Orion Type
Table view. The orion-OrionType component is not visible in the orion palette.
This component, available in the orion palette, is used to migrate existing Orion database data without UTF-8
support into a new RdbmsDevice, which does support the UTF-8 Unicode Encoding Scheme.
You drag an OrionMigrator component from the orion palette to the OrionService in your station.
74 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 3 Components
Figure 38 OrionMigrator properties
To access these properties, expand Config→Services→OrionService and double-click OrionMigrator.
In addition to the standard properties (Status, Fault Cause and Enabled), these properties support this
Property Value Description
New Db Ord ORD selector Defines the location in the station of the new (target) database.
Old Db Ord ORD selector Defines the location in the station of the existing (source) data-
base. This is the database that is already in use.
App Ord List
Provides a location to add and delete database ORDs. If you mi-
grate all Orion Apps to the same Rdbms Device, leae this prop-
erty blank. This also moves the OrionAudit and
OrionAppVersion tables to the new database.
Migation Type drop-down list
Configures what to do based on the condition of the target (new)
New Database is optimized for speed, but throws an exception
if any record already exists. This should be your choice for a
brand new database.
Insert Only skips existing records in the target database.
Overwrite replaces existing records in the target database. If
an error occurs, the update fails and stops the migration.
Force Overwrite replaces existing records in the target data-
base and ignores errors.
January 19, 2022 75
Chapter 3 Components Rdbms Driver Guide
Property Value Description
This option is required if you have an EC-Net Access station with
an intrusion zone.
Records Moved read-only
Reports the number of records migrated.
Result read-only
Provides additional information about the migration.
76 January 19, 2022
January 19, 2022 77
Chapter 4 Plugins (views)
Topics covered in this chapter
Device Manager
Dynamic Table view
Dynamic Table Config view
Orion Db Manager
Orion Module Types view
Orion Type Summary view
Orion Type Table View
Rdbms History Import Manager
Point Device Ext Manager
Rdbms Point Query Manager
Rdbms Query View
Rdbms Session View
MySQL History Export Manager
Oracle History Export Manager
SqlServer History Export Manager
Plugins provide views of components and can be accessed in many ways. For example, double-click a compo-
nent in the Nav tree to see its default view. In addition, you can right-click on a component and select from its
Views menu.
For summary documentation on any view, select Help→On View (F1) from the menu or press F1 while the view
is open.
Device Manager
This view manages the rdb Database devices.
Figure 39 Device Manager view with Add and Edit windows
Chapter 4 Plugins (views) Rdbms Driver Guide
You access this view by double-clicking the RdbmsNetwork node in the Nav tree.
The screen captures show the Device Manager view for the RdbmsNetwork and examples of the Edit and
New windows for setting up an MySQL database. The driver treats the database as a device in the station.
The New and Edit buttons open New and Edit windows, which add, configure and monitor rdb database
Individual rdb database devices have different characteristics, features, and properties that are specific to the
type of database that they represent. However, most of the setup, configuration, import and export features are
similar among all rdb database devices.
Dynamic Table view
This the default view on the DynamicTable component. It displays data selected from a database that is speci-
fied in the DynamicTable Property Sheet view and according to the properties set up in the Dynamic Table
Config view.
Figure 40 Dynamic Table view
You add a DynamicTable component to a Supervisor station from the orion palette, create a table using the
Dynamic Table Config view, then select Dynamic Table View from the drop-down list in the upper right
The Filter button at the bottom of the view allows you to display a subset of the table data based on parameters
that you can set in the associated Filters window. The Hyperlink button changes the view to the Property
Sheet view of the (single) node that you have selected.
Column Name
Credential Displays an identifier.
Facility Code Identifies the geographic location.
Description Report additional information.
Wiegand Format Name Identifies the wiring standard for a card reader.
Status Reports the current condition of the entity as of the last refresh: {alarm}, {disabled}, {down},
{fault}, {ok}, {stale}, {unackedAlarm}
Last Name Reports last name associated with the record.
First Name Reports first name associated with the record.
Tenant Name Reports the name of the company that occupies the facility.
78 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 4 Plugins (views)
Dynamic Table Config view
This is a multi-pane view on the DynamicTable component used to configure the columns on a dynamic table
Figure 41 Dynamic Table Config view
You access this view by expanding Services, right-clicking the DynamicTable node and clicking Views→Dy-
namic Table Config.
This view has two major panes: an upper and lower pane. The upper pane contains a table that displays the da-
ta records from the row and columns that you designate in the lower pane.
The DynamicTable Property Sheet points to a database or application ORD. This database or application is
the source for data in the Dynamic Table Config view Row and Column properties. By choosing a Row Type,
you can manually add columns to a dynamic table by selecting fields under the From, Property, and Linked
Property panes and clicking the Add Columns or Default Columns buttons.
Column name
Name Displays the name of the person.
Display Name Displays the set display name.
From Type Displays the software module type.
Add Column adds a new column.
Default Column adds a column based on the selection of the row type.
Orion Db Manager
This is the view on the FoxOrionDatabase component on a controller station. It displays a table of all the Orion
types and their associated module for the selected database.
January 19, 2022 79
Chapter 4 Plugins (views) Rdbms Driver Guide
Figure 42 Orion Db Manager view
This view of the Orion database is directly under the Station. To access it, expand Station→Orion→ Databa-
seName (such as HsqlDbDatabase).
Column name
Type Provides the name of the data item.
Module Identifies the software module name that contains this item.
Orion Module Types view
This is a view on the FoxOrionDatabase component in a remote controller station. It displays a table of all the
Orion types and their associated module for the selected database.
Figure 43 Orion Module Types
This view of the Orion database is directly under the Station. To access it, expand Station→Orion→ OrionDa-
tabaseName (such as HsqlDbDatabase), then click the drop-down arrow next to the module name (circled
above) and select a type.
80 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 4 Plugins (views)
Column name
Type Provides the name of the data item.
Module Identifies the software module name that contains this item.
Orion Type Summary view
This is a view on the OrionType component that has an upper and lower section.
Figure 44 Orion Type Summary view
This view shows the Type identification (module:type) and its Super Type in the top section. The Orion Type
properties are listed in a table in the lower section of the view.
You access this view by expanding Station→Orion→DatabaseName followed by double-clicking orion, and
selecting Orion Type Summary from the drop-down list in the upper right corner of the view.
Column name
Name Displays the name of the property.
Type Displays the default instance used.
Default Displays information.
Facets Determines the value formatted for display.
Orion Type Table View
This is a view on the OrionType component.
Figure 45 Orion Type Table view
January 19, 2022 81
Chapter 4 Plugins (views) Rdbms Driver Guide
This view shows a table of Orion application records.
Column name
id Displays a number.
Displays the module name and service used.
Schema Version Displays the version of the schema used.
New creates a new app version.
Delete removes the selected app version.
Rdbms History Import Manager
This view imports records from an Rdbms database as framework histories. It is a view on the Histories exten-
sion of an Rdbms database.
Figure 46 Rdbms History Import Manager View
You access this view by expanding Drivers→RdbmsNetwork, expanding your rdb Database, right-clicking the
Histories node in the Nav tree and clicking Views→Rdbms History Import Manager.
Column name
Name Identifies the history import.
History ID Reports the import history ID.
Execution Time Displays the last time a history was imported.
Enabled Indicates if history import is on (true) or off (false).
Status Displays the status of the imported history.
State Displays the current state of the database.
Last Success Reports the last time the system successfully executed.
Last Failure Reports the last time the system failed to execute.
Fault Cause Provides a description of the reason for the fault.
Capacity Specifies the number of trend log records (histories) to store in the histories database. When
capacity is reached, newer records overwrite the oldest records.
Full Policy Specifies what happens when a trend log (history) reaches capacity.
Applies only if Capacity is set to Record Count. When capacity reaches record count, the
newest records overwrite the oldest records.
82 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 4 Plugins (views)
Column name
Roll ensures that the latest data are recorded.
Stop terminates recording when the number of stored records reaches capacity.
Full policy has no effect if Capacity is Unlimited.
Interval Displays the interval in which the history is logged.
Value Facets Displays the units.
Time Zone Displays the historical time zone.
New Folder creates a new folder for devices. Each such folder provides its own set of manager views.
New creates a new device record in the database.
Edit opens the device’s database record for updating.
Discover runs a discover job to locate installed devices, which appear in the Discovered pane. This view
has a standard appearance that is similar to all Device Manager views.
Add inserts into the database a record for the discovered and selected object.
Match associates a discovered device with a record that is already in the database.
Archive archives the history types.
Point Device Ext Manager
This is the default view of the Rdbms Point Device Extension. It has a single Database pane that displays any
Rdbms Point Queries that are present.
Figure 47 Point Device Ext Manager view
You access this view by expanding the Drivers→RdbmsNetwork, expanding your rdb Database and double-
clicking the Points folder.
Column Name
Name Displays the name of the RDBMS point query
Status Defines the current status of the point.
Last Update Displays the status and the last updated date and time.
Using this manager view, you can do the following:
January 19, 2022 83
Chapter 4 Plugins (views) Rdbms Driver Guide
In addition, you can select individual rows to select other menu items to edit the row and go to other views of
a selected entry.
Right-click menu
Right–clicking one or more entries in the Database pane opens a popup menu with these options:
Views selects the view: Property Sheet, RDBMS Query, etc.
Action executes the query.
New adds a new query.
Rename changes the name of the query.
Cut removes the selected row(s).
Copy makes a copy of the selected row(s)
Paste inserts the copied row(s).
Delete removes the selected row(s).
Duplicate copies and inserts the selected row as a new table row.
Reorder changes the order of the rows in the table.
Rdbms Point Query Manager
This is the default view for the RdbmsPointQuery component under the Points folder in the Nav tree. It works
in a way that is similar to the standard Point Manager view and, like that view, it has a Discovered and Data-
base pane as well as similar buttons at the bottom of the view.
Figure 48 Point Query Manager view
You access this view, once you have created an RdbmsPointQuery by expanding Drivers→RdbmsNetwork in
the Nav tree, expanding the Points folder under your rdb Database node and double-clicking the RdbmsPoint-
Query container.
This view works in a way that is similar to the standard Point Manager view and, like that view, it has Discov-
ered and Database panes, as well as similar buttons at the bottom of the view.
Column name
Name Identifies the name of the point.
Type Reports the type of point (Boolean, Numeric, etc.)
Out Indicates the status of the query.
Value Column Reports the point value.
84 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 4 Plugins (views)
Column name
Key Value 1 Identifies the primary key.
Key Value 2 Identifies the secondary key.
New Folder creates a new folder for devices. Each such folder provides its own set of manager views.
New creates a new device record in the database.
Edit opens the device’s database record for updating.
Cancel ends the current discovery job.
Add inserts into the database a record for the discovered and selected object.
Match associates a discovered device with a record that is already in the database.
Query Results vs Discovery
Figure 49 Example of an Rdbms Query compared to the Discovered pane
Discovered points represent the results of executing the Rdbms point query. In fact, the results from the data in
the Discovered pane should match the data presented in the Query Results pane of the Rdbms Query View.
The Discover button executes the query defined by the Sql property in the New Rdbms Point Query window.
Rdbms Query View
This is a view on the RdbmsPointQuery component. It is typically a view for working with queries as you are
developing them because queries execute immediately and the lower pane displays the results as soon as you
click the Run button (or with some delay, depending on database size and network connection speed). If there
are errors in the query, an error window opens an error message.
Figure 50 Rdbms Query View
January 19, 2022 85
Chapter 4 Plugins (views) Rdbms Driver Guide
Assuming you have already created at least one query, you access this view for that query by expanding the
Drivers→RdbmsNetwork, expanding your rdbDatabase, expanding the Points folder, right-clicking the
RdbmsPointQuery node, and clicking Views→RdbmsQueryView.
The Rdbms Point Query View has two panes and two buttons. The top Query pane is a text editor you use to
type a query directly into the editor box. Any saved changes are also reflected in the Sql property of the
RdbmsPointQuery Property Sheet. Saved changes in the Property Sheet are also reflected here.
Run executes the query in Query pane.
Save saves the results of the query.
Rdbms Session View
This view provides information about the relational database session.
MySQL History Export Manager
This view discovers, configures and exports history records to a MySQL Rdbms database. It is a view on the
MySQL Histories extension.
Figure 51 MySQL History Export Manager view
You access this view by expanding Drivers→RdbmsNetwork→MySQLDatabase, right-clicking the Histories
node in the Nav tree and clicking Views→MySQL History Export Manager node in the Nav tree.
Name Identifies the type of history to export.
History ID Reports the ID for the exported history.
Execution Time Displays when the export last ran.
Enabled Indicates if this history export is configured to run.
Status Reports the condition of the exported history.
State Displays the current state of the history.
Last Success Reports when the history last exported successfully.
Last Failure Reports When the history export failed.
Fault Cause Indicates the reason the last export failed.
New Folder creates a new folder for devices. Each such folder provides its own set of manager views.
New creates a new device record in the database.
86 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 4 Plugins (views)
Edit opens the device’s database record for updating.
Discover runs a discover job to locate installed devices, which appear in the Discovered pane. This view
has a standard appearance that is similar to all Device Manager views.
Add inserts into the database a record for the discovered and selected object.
Match associates a discovered device with a record that is already in the database.
Oracle History Export Manager
This view discovers, configures and exports history records to a Oracle Rdbms database. It is a view on the
Oracle Histories extension.
Figure 52 Oracle History Export Manager view
You access this view by expanding Drivers→RdbmsNetwork→OracleDatabase, right-clicking the Histories
node in the Nav tree and clicking Views→Oracle History Export Manager node in the Nav tree.
Name Identifies the type of history to export.
History ID Reports the ID for the exported history.
Execution Time Displays when the export last ran.
Enabled Indicates if this history export is configured to run.
Status Reports the condition of the exported history.
State Displays the current state of the history.
Last Success Reports when the history last exported successfully.
Last Failure Reports When the history export failed.
Fault Cause Indicates the reason the last export failed.
New Folder creates a new folder for devices. Each such folder provides its own set of manager views.
New creates a new device record in the database.
Edit opens the device’s database record for updating.
Discover runs a discover job to locate installed devices, which appear in the Discovered pane. This view
has a standard appearance that is similar to all Device Manager views.
Add inserts into the database a record for the discovered and selected object.
January 19, 2022 87
Chapter 4 Plugins (views) Rdbms Driver Guide
Match associates a discovered device with a record that is already in the database.
Archive archives the history types.
SqlServer History Export Manager
This view discovers, configures and exports history records to a SqlServer Rdbms database. It is a view on the
SqlServer Histories extension.
Figure 53 SqlServer History Export Manager view
You access this view by expanding Drivers→RdbmsNetwork→SqlServerDatabase, right-clicking the Histor-
ies node in the Nav tree and clicking Views→SqlServer History Export Manager node in the Nav tree.
Name Identifies the type of history to export.
History ID Reports the ID for the exported history.
Execution Time Displays when the export last ran.
Enabled Indicates if this history export is configured to run.
Status Reports the condition of the exported history.
State Displays the current state of the history.
Last Success Reports when the history last exported successfully.
Last Failure Reports When the history export failed.
Fault Cause Indicates the reason the last export failed.
New Folder creates a new folder for devices. Each such folder provides its own set of manager views.
New creates a new device record in the database.
Edit opens the device’s database record for updating.
Discover runs a discover job to locate installed devices, which appear in the Discovered pane. This view
has a standard appearance that is similar to all Device Manager views.
Add inserts into the database a record for the discovered and selected object.
Match associates a discovered device with a record that is already in the database.
Archive archives the history types.
88 January 19, 2022
January 19, 2022 89
Chapter 5 Windows
Topics covered in this chapter
New database windows
New points windows
New export histories windows
New import histories windows
New query windows
Windows create and edit database records or collect information when accessing a component. You access
them by dragging a component from a palette to a nav tree node or by clicking a button.
Windows do not support On View (F1) and Guide on Target help. To learn about the information each con-
tains, search the help system for key words.
New database windows
These windows configure a new RDBMS.
Figure 54 MySQL History Device Ext properties
To access these properties, expand Config→Drivers, double-click the RdbmsNetwork node and click New.
Property Value Description
Supplies a name for the database.
Type drop-down list
Selects the type of database.
true (default) or
Indicates if the database is online.
New points windows
These windows add database queries as points to configure what data to download from the database.
Chapter 5 Windows Rdbms Driver Guide
Figure 55 Points window properties
To open these windows, expand Config→Drivers→RdbmsNetwork, expand a database node in the network
view and click New.
Property Value Description
Provides a name for the import/export task or point query.
Sets up Sql queries using BFormat. Click the question mark for
examples and help.
Key Column 1
Defines the primary key for imported data. This key uniquely
identifies each row in a database table. It might be part of the da-
ta record itself (for example, a unique user id) or an extra piece
of information that is not related to the actual data record.
A primary key can consist of Key Column 1 and 2, creating a
composite key.
Key Column 2
Augments Key Column 1 when Key Column 1 is not enough to
establish a unique key for each imported data record.
Update Frequency hours minutes
Configures how frequently to execute the query.
New export histories windows
These windows configure when and which histories to export.
90 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 5 Windows
Figure 56 New export histories windows
To access these windows, expand Drivers→RdbmsNetwork, double-click the Histories node in the Nav tree,
and click New.
Property Value Description
Provides a name for the import/export task or point query.
History Id
Specifies the database name, such as MySQL, Oracle,
SqlServer) and history name in two fields.
Execution Time control time trigger
Configures a time trigger that controls when to perform the
Trigger properties are documented in the Getting Started with
EC-Net 4 guide.
true (default) or
Activates (true) and deactivates (false) use of the object (net-
work, device, point, component, table, schedule, descriptor,
New import histories windows
These windows configure the importing of history data into a Supervisor station RDBMS.
January 19, 2022 91
Chapter 5 Windows Rdbms Driver Guide
Figure 57 Import history window
To access these windows, expand Drivers→RdbmsNetwork, expanding your rdb Database, right-click the
Histories node in the Nav tree, click Views→Rdbms History Import Manager, and click New.
Property Value Description
Provides a name for the import/export task or point query.
History Id
Specifies the database name, such as MySQL, Oracle,
SqlServer) and history name in two fields.
Execution Time control time trigger
Configures a time trigger that controls when to perform the
Trigger properties are documented in the Getting Started with
EC-Net 4 guide.
true (default) or
Activates (true) and deactivates (false) use of the object (net-
work, device, point, component, table, schedule, descriptor,
drop-down list
Configures the maximum number of records to import into a
Unlimited places no limit on the size of the import.
92 January 19, 2022
Rdbms Driver Guide Chapter 5 Windows
Property Value Description
Record Count opens a property to define the number of re-
cords (defaults to 500).
Full Policy
drop-down list (de-
faults to Roll)
Determines what happens when the station database reaches
its Capacity.
Roll overwrites the oldest records with the new ones.
Stop stops the import job from recording.
drop-down list (de-
faults to
Configures when the system creates a history record.
irregular specifies no particular frequency for imports.
regular sets an import action frequency in terms of hours, mi-
nutes and seconds.
Value Facets
Config Facets
Configures units.
Time Zone drop-down list Records the time zone associated with the history. All the re-
cords (rows) are recorded in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
and there are various localization technologies you may choose
to display the time zone data.
Rdb Table Name
Redefines the table name to this name on import.
Rdb Catalog Name
Redefines the catalog name to this name on import.
Rdb Schema Name
Redefines the schema name to this name on import.
Timestamp Column
Specifies the Timestamp column for the imported data. If you
discovered the histories to import, the driver displays the table
columns in the option list for you to choose from. Otherwise, type
in the column name in the text field.
Value Column
Specifies the Value column for the imported data. If you discov-
ered the data, the driver displays table columns in the option list
for you to choose from. Otherwise, type in the column name in
the text field.
Status Column
Specifies if a status column is included in the imported data or
not. To include the status column, clear the None box and enter
the name of the status column. If you discovered data, the driver
displays table columns in the option list for you to choose from.
Otherwise, type in the column name in the text field.
Query Predicate
Uses a query predicate to filter the records to import.
For example, you could type in “where Value > 100” to import
only those records that have a Value greater than 100. Or, you
could type in “where Value between 1 and 100” , which would
import records with Values between 1 and 100.
Full import On
drop-down list
Specifies to import either the full database up to the specified
Capacity (Enabled) or only the new data on each successive
import action (Disabled).
New query windows
January 19, 2022 93
Chapter 5 Windows Rdbms Driver Guide
94 January 19, 2022
archive data
Batch Editor........................................................29
batch history capacity ..........................................29
BOrionService ....................................................72
BOrionSpace ......................................................72
BRdbms .............................................................71
configuration....................................................... 11
connection troubleshooting ..................................17
export .............................................................35
import .............................................................39
data management ...............................................19
database ............................................................17
database configuration ........................................14
database tables
Device Manager view ..........................................77
document change log ............................................7
Dynamic Table Config view ..................................79
Dynamic Table view.............................................78
DynamicTable .....................................................73
example .............................................................22
by history type .................................................38
history ID.........................................................36
Histories Imported to the Station...........................32
history ................................................................27
history record capacity.........................................29
history type
export .............................................................38
HistoryServiceArchiveProvider....................... 44, 68
HistoryUnicodeUpdater .......................................43
configuring to always create..............................25
installation .....................................................11, 13
installation and configuration..................................9
legal notices .........................................................2
local data............................................................28
modules .............................................................10
Unix time conversion........................................41
MySQL history device ext ....................................52
MySQL History Export Manager view....................86
MySQLDatabase ................................................49
network ..............................................................13
export histories windows ..................................90
histories ..........................................................91
Oracle database..................................................10
Oracle database (in fault).....................................18
Oracle History Export Manager view.....................87
orion ..................................................................10
Orion API............................................................71
Orion database
January 19, 2022 95
Index Rdbms Driver Guide
update ............................................................42
Orion Db Manager view .......................................79
orion module.......................................................71
Orion Module Types view.....................................80
Orion Type Summary view ...................................81
Orion Type Table View.........................................81
orion-DynamicTable ............................................73
orion-FoxOrionDatabase .....................................74
orion-FoxOrionSpace ..........................................74
orion-OrionMigrator .............................................74
orion-OrionModule ..............................................74
orion-OrionRoot ..................................................74
orion-OrionService ..............................................72
orion-OrionType ..................................................74
plugins ...............................................................77
Point Device Ext Manager view ............................83
point query
add and configure ............................................20
points .................................................................65
discover ..........................................................19
edit .................................................................21
rdb .....................................................................43
Rdb Archive History Provider ......................... 23, 26
Rdb security settings ...........................................68
rdb-HistoryTimezoneUpdater ...............................43
rdb-HistoryUnicodeUpdater .................................43
rdb-RdbmsNetwork .............................................46
rdbHsqlDb-HsqlDatabase ....................................46
Rdbms driver ........................................................9
Rdbms History Import Manager view ....................82
Rdbms Point Query Manager view .......................84
Rdbms Query View .............................................85
Rdbms Session View...........................................86
rdbMySQL-MySQLDatabase ...............................49
rdbMySQL-MySQLHistoryDeviceExt ....................52
rdbOracle-OracleDatabase ..................................54
rdbSqlServer-SqlServerDatabase ........................59
rdbSqlServer-SqlServerHistoryDeviceExt .............62
related documentation ...........................................8
security practices ..................................................9
SqlServer ...........................................................10
SqlServer History Export Manager view ................88
SqlServerDatabase .............................................59
status flags .........................................................39
trend flags ..........................................................39
Oracle database ..............................................18
configuration ...................................................41
update wizard..................................................41
Unix time conversion ...........................................41
configuration ...................................................41
update wizard..................................................41
windows .............................................................89
Worker container.................................................64
96 January 19, 2022
Index Rdbms Driver Guide
97 January 19, 2022
Rdbms EC-Net4_UG_16_EN