Caroline Kazmierski, Sayee Srinivasan, Vinaya Mayya
Change Queries Deep Dive
30 minute presentation, 15 minutes of Q&A
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What We’ll Cover
What are change queries?
Change Tracking and Change Data Capture
Understanding Ed-Fi’s implementation of change queries
How to enable this feature
How to use this feature
Caroline Kazmierski
Director of Communications & Mktg
Three years @ Ed-Fi
Tech PR expert
Best Summer Vacation Spot: Greece
Twitter: @edfialliance
Sayee Srinivasan
Solutions Architect
Two years @ Ed-Fi
Solutions Architect SEA Support
Best Summer Vacation Spot: India
Vinaya Mayya
Software Development Lead
Two years @ Ed-Fi
15 + years in software development
Best Summer Vacation Spot: Andaman
Why do we need the change queries
No longer need to complete a full data sync
Time consuming
Performance issues
Change queries will fix these problems!
When to use the change queries?
Change queries is a feature that allows client systems to narrow
requests for data to only data that has changed since a specified point
in time.
It allows clients systems to stay in sync with the ODS/API without
having to pull a complete data set.
Released with ODS/API v3.1 (Dec 2018). It is an optional feature.
Analytics Systems Vendors can use this feature to stay in sync
Datawarehouse product vendors can do the ODS-to-ODS sync
SIS vendors can use this for their reconciliation process
Change Tracking
Tracks only the fact that a row has changed, not how many times the row has changed or
the values of any intermediate changes.
Tracks the primary key of changed data as part of ongoing transactions to indicate when a
row in a tracked table has been changed.
The change tracking feature first needs to be enabled at the database level and then for
each table where you want to track the changes.
No changes to the table schema are required, but existing application code needs to be
updated to take advantage of CT.
Change tracking is a lightweight solution that help answer -What
rows have changed for a table?
Change Data Capture
The CDC feature first needs to be enabled at the database level and then for each table
where you want to track the changes.
Once a table in a database is enabled for change data capture all changes to that table
are tracked by storing changes in a change table. The change table will contain:
One record for every INSERT that can be used to identify column values for the inserted
One record for each DELETE that will show the values in each column prior to the DELETE.
Two records for UPDATES, one with the updated column values and one with the original
column values.
Change data capture (CDC) records insert, update, and delete activity
that is applied to a SQL Server table asynchronously based on the
transaction log.
Comparing CT and CDC
Feature Change Tracking Change Data Capture
Supported Editions Express, Workgroup, Web, Standard,
Enterprise, DataCenter
DataCenter, Enterprise
Summary Tracks when a row/column has changed. Tracks when data has changed and includes the
values as well. Entire table or subset of columns can
be captured.
Methodology Synchronous with DML, records change
tracking info as part of transaction.
Asynchronous from Transaction Log and requires
SQL Serer Agent.
Recommendations CT is well suited for applications that require
notice of a database change, but which don’t
need a change history. E.g. Analytics
applications that only require current data, or
an application that keeps separate databases
in sync.
CDC is suited for large scale data warehouse
applications where maintaining historical data is
important. E.g. Data warehouse load process that
need to identify changes, so they can correctly apply
updates to track historical changes over time.
Does Ed-Fi Change Query Feature use any
SQL Server provided change tracking
CT would have better suited the use cases we were targeting.
For the existing API, CT based solution still would have led to
complex design. So we leveraged a simple designed based on
already tracked last modified date.
The community demand for open source database informed us
to avoid the dependency on SQL Server specific features.
Change Query Implementation
Custom solution based on already tracked LastModifiedDate.
Database Sequence Object is used for ease of API usage.
Adds a change version column and update/delete triggers to top
level entities/resources for change tracking
Uses existing authorization models used for data management
Database Artifacts
Change Version Column
Tracked Delete Tables
Delete and Update Triggers
Change Query Sequence Object
SQL Sequence, is a database object that could be used for generating number
sequence. It is supported by many database management systems.
We use it for tracking update version in place of LastModifiedDate
Change Version Column
Added to top level entities/resources for change tracking
Tracked Delete Tables
Added to top level entities/resources for tracking deletes
Delete and Update Triggers
Added to top level entities/resources for
tracking deletes
Enabling Change Queries Feature
The feature is enabled on the deployed code by changing
the Web.config file of the EdFi.Ods.WebApi project.
<add key="changeQueries:featureIsEnabled" value="true" />
Deploying Database Artifacts for
Change Queries Feature
In Development Environment
initdev process automatically deploys the change query schema
based on the "changeQueries:featureIsEnabled" flag in
the Web.config
Deploying Database Artifacts for
Change Queries Feature Cont.
In non-development environments,
Download database artifacts from:
Update the Databases.config to set the "changeQueries:featureIsEnabled" flag to "true".
Run Powershell database deployment scripts:
Initialize-DeploymentEnvironment -InstallType SharedInstance -PathResolverRepositoryOverride Ed-Fi-
API Details
There is a (global) AvailableChangeVersions API resource that provides
information on current change version. This resource allows clients to
request changes they have not already requested and/or processed.
GET /ChangeQueries/v1/availableChangeVersions
API clients can then use a query syntax to request newer changes on any resource
GET /data/v3/ed-fi/students?minChangeVersion=234378&maxChangeVersion=234974
API clients can get deletes on any resource via new route
GET /data/v3/ed-fi/students/deletes?minChangeVersion=234378&maxChangeVersion=234974
Client Sync Process
Client does a Full Sync
First on each resource according to resource dependency order (for creations
and edits)
GET /data/v3/ed-fi/students?maxChangeVersion=234738
Then on each resource in reverse dependency order (for deletes)
GET /data/v3/ed-fi/students/deletes?maxChangeVersion=234738
Obtained from the availableChangeVersions endpoint
GET /ChangeQueries/v1/availableChangeVersions
Subsequent sync queries would use the previous change version value, and retrieve a new one at the start of
GET /data/v3/ed-fi/students?minChangeVersion=234378&maxChangeVersion=234974
GET /data/v3/ed-fi/students/deletes?minChangeVersion=234378&maxChangeVersion=234974
Snapshot Isolation
Change Queries solution does not aim at achieving immediate
consistency but best attempts at achieving eventual
For 100% consistency it is highly recommended to use a
second static database to serve the changes.
Performance Consideration
Additional Triggers tracked data will have some impact on
database performance so do the SAL server features like CDC,
CT the change data must be stored somewhere.
Our performance analysis of the API when the change query
feature was enabled didn’t show significant impact.
Changed Record Queries Technical Article
Using the Changed Record Queries
PowerShell modules:
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