Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 1 of 20
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Governor’s Office
Contractor Responsibility Program
215.09 Amended
December 1, 2020
By Direction of:
Jennifer Swails, Secretary of the Budget
Curt Topper, Secretary of General Services
Contact Agency: Office of the Budget, Office of Comptroller Operations, Bureau of
Payable Services, Telephone 717.787.6496
Department of General Services, Bureau of Procurement, Telephone 717.787.5733
This directive establishes policy, responsibilities, and
procedures for the operation of the Commonwealth Contractor
Responsibility Program (CRP). This amendment increases the
dollar amount for contracts/purchases from $5,000 to $10,000
and changes the meeting frequency of the CRP Oversight
1. PURPOSE. To establish policy, responsibilities, and procedures for the
operation of the Commonwealth CRP, pursuant to Executive Order 1990-03,
Contractor Responsibility Program and The Commonwealth Procurement Code
(Procurement Code), 62 Pa.C.S. §§ 321(6) and 327(b).
a. This directive applies to all departments, boards, commissions, and
councils (hereinafter referred to as “agencies”) under the Governor’s
jurisdiction. Agencies not under the Governor’s jurisdiction are
encouraged to follow this directive.
b. This directive applies to all Contracts, including renewals, extensions
and assignments thereof, entered in to by the Commonwealth.
a. To ensure the Commonwealth contracts only with Responsible
b. To provide standards and procedures for agency determinations of
Contractor Responsibility.
c. To provide for the centralized collection and dissemination of
information concerning non-responsible Contractors.
Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 2 of 20
d. To provide for the securing of information on Contractor Responsibility
from the federal government.
e. To provide for agency investigations of allegations of Contractor non-
f. To provide for the confidentiality of the information contained in the CRP
System and sanctions for the unauthorized use or disclosure of that
g. To provide for the collection of liabilities through the offset process.
a. Affiliates. Persons are Affiliates of each other if, directly or indirectly,
either Controls or has the power or ability to Control the other, whether
or not exercised, or a third person Controls or has the power or ability
to Control both, whether or not exercised.
b. Commission of any State or Federal Offense. A judgment or
conviction of a criminal offense by any court of competent jurisdiction,
whether entered upon a verdict or a plea, including a conviction entered
upon a plea of nolo contendere (no contest).
c. Contract. A type of written agreement, regardless of what it may be
called, for the procurement or disposal of supplies, services, or
construction. The term Contract also includes grants, leases, and
purchase orders, as well as purchases made with the Commonwealth
Purchasing Card pursuant to Management Directive 310.23,
Commonwealth Purchasing Card Program. The term also includes
reimbursement agreements, no-cost contracts, and revenue generating
contracts. The term does not include Commonwealth agency purchase
orders against existing contracts, memoranda of understanding,
interagency agreements, or intergovernmental agreements with
Commonwealth agencies, state-affiliated entities, state-related
institutions, or the federal government.
d. Contracting Officer. A person authorized on behalf of the
Commonwealth to enter into and administer Contracts and make official
determinations with respect to Contracts.
e. Contractor. Any person, including, but not limited to, a bidder, offeror,
loan recipient, grantee, or lessor, who has furnished or performed or
seeks to furnish or perform, goods, supplies, services, leased space,
construction or other activity, under a Contract with the Commonwealth.
The term Contractor includes a permittee, licensee, and any agency,
political subdivision, instrumentality, public authority, or other public
entity in the Commonwealth. The term Contractor also includes a
Subcontractor as defined in section 4.
f. Contractor Responsibility.
The process of determining that a
Contractor possesses the technical and financial capability to fully
perform the project requirements in all respects and the integrity and
Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 3 of 20
reliability to assure good faith performance of a Contract. This includes
making an affirmative determination of responsibility prior to Contract
award, ensuring that Contractors are current with respect to
Commonwealth tax and reporting requirements, and documenting
instances of substandard performance, default, Suspension and
Debarment of Contractors in the CRP System.
g. Contractor Responsibility Program System (CRP System). An
internet-based system used to collect and disseminate information
regarding Contractor Obligations; Suspensions and Debarments by the
Commonwealth, the federal government, and other government
entities; and Contractor Performance Issues. The CRP System is
comprised of two components:
(1) A Web service whereby agency information technology (IT)
systems communicate with the CRP System to perform CRP
Checks. Results of the CRP Check are returned through
automated processes via the agency IT system.
(2) A Web application whereby authorized users log in to the CRP
System, perform CRP Checks manually, and view the results
entirely within the CRP System.
h. Control. The power, whether or not exercised, to direct or cause the
direction of the management and policies of a person, whether through
the ownership of voting shares, by Contract or otherwise, or to make
the day-to-day as well as major decisions in matters of policy,
management, and operations. A determination of Control shall include,
but shall not be limited to, the following factors:
(1) Capital investment and all other financial, property, acquisition,
contract negotiation, and legal matters.
(2) Officer-director-employee selection and comprehensive hiring,
operating responsibility, cost-control matters, and income and
dividend matters.
(3) Financial transactions.
(4) Rights of other shareholders or joint partners.
i. Criminal Charges. To charge with a criminal offense by information or
grand jury indictment or the issuance of an arrest warrant or other
judicial process.
j. CRP Audit Identification (ID) Number. The unique identification
number assigned to each CRP Check performed in the CRP System.
Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 4 of 20
k. CRP Check. The act of searching the CRP System using a Contractor’s
name and taxpayer identification number (TIN) or Commonwealth
issued supplier number to obtain the Contractor’s current status with
the Commonwealth. A CRP Check constitutes an agency’s official inquiry
of the CRP System and serves as the basis for making a determination
of Contractor Responsibility.
l. CRP Check Certification Form. A document by which an agency
certifies that it has performed a CRP Check and determined a Contractor
to be responsible in accordance with the policies in this directive. The
form can be produced and stored in hard copy or electronic format.
m. CRP Search. The act of searching the CRP System using a Contractor’s
name, Commonwealth issued supplier number, TIN, or any combination
of these data elements. A CRP Search does not constitute an official
inquiry regarding Contractor Responsibility and a determination of
Contractor Responsibility cannot be made using only the results of a CRP
n. CRP Oversight Committee. This committee shall be comprised of one
member from each of the following agencies, determined by the
respective agency head: Office of General Counsel, Office of Inspector
General, Office of the Budget, Department of General Services,
Department of Revenue, Department of Labor and Industry,
Department of Transportation, Department of State, and any other
agency as directed by the Governor.
o. Debarment. Action taken by the head of the Purchasing Agency or
designee, in consultation with the head of any Using Agency (or
designee), to remove a Contractor from consideration for an award of
any Commonwealth Contract for a specific period of time.
p. Designated Senior Manager (DSM). A senior-level agency employee
selected by the agency head to carry out the agency's responsibilities
under this directive.
q. Liability. For the purpose of this directive, a Liability exists when a
Contractor is not current in the payment of any taxes, fines, penalties,
surcharges, or other monetary amounts owed to the Commonwealth or
any of its agencies.
r. Obligation. For the purpose of this directive, an Obligation exists when
a Contractor owes any type of Liability or is not current with the filing of
all tax returns or any other reporting Obligation to the Commonwealth.
s. Performance Issue. An instance of a Contractor’s Unsatisfactory or
Deficient Performance (as defined in section 4, item bb) under a
Commonwealth Contract.
Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 5 of 20
t. Person. Any individual, corporation, association, unincorporated
association, company, joint stock company, group, agency, syndicate,
trust or trustee, receiver, fiduciary, partnership, joint venture,
conservator, permittee, licensee, or other entity, including the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, its state-affiliated entities, state-
related institutions, political subdivisions, instrumentalities, and public
authorities. As applied to a partnership, unincorporated association or
other joint venture, the term shall include the partners and members
thereof, and as applied to a corporation or association, the term shall
include all officers, directors, and controlling employees.
u. Purchasing Agency. An agency authorized by the Procurement Code
or by other law to enter into Contracts for itself or as the agent of
another agency.
v. Responsible Contractor. A person who has the capability in all
respects to fully perform the Contract requirements and the integrity
and reliability, which will assure good faith performance.
w. System for Award Management (SAM) System. The list maintained
and disseminated by the United States General Services Administration
(GSA) containing information about persons prohibited from
participating in specified federal procurement or non-procurement
transactions or prohibited from being a participant in covered
transactions, whether the person has been Suspended; Debarred;
proposed for Debarment under 48 CFR part 9, subpart 9.4; or voluntarily
x. Subcontractor. Any person contracting to perform or supply part or
all of a Commonwealth Contract. For the purpose of this directive, the
term Subcontractor refers only to those Subcontractors required to be
disclosed in a Contractor’s bid or proposal under the terms of the
solicitation, or for which the Contractor must obtain Commonwealth
approval under the terms of the Contract or applicable law or regulation.
y. Suspension. A temporary disqualification of a Contractor from
consideration for an award of any Commonwealth Contract for a period
of up to three months if there is probable cause for Debarment.
z. Tax Liability. For purposes of this directive, a Tax Liability exists when
a Contractor is not current in the payment of any federal, state, or local
taxes, or is not current with the filing of all returns or reports for these
aa. Unbalanced Bid. An offer by a vendor or Contractor which contains
extremely low prices on items or types of work which are unimportant
or infrequently ordered or performed and extremely high prices on items
or items of work which are frequently ordered or performed, resulting
in an effort to qualify as the low bidder while charging disproportionately
high prices for certain items or types of work.
Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 6 of 20
bb. Unsatisfactory or Deficient Performance. Failure to carry out or
satisfactorily perform all requirements, including compliance with all
plans, specifications, service level agreements, or terms and conditions
of a Commonwealth Contract.
cc. Using Agency. An agency that utilizes any supplies, services, or
construction procured under the Procurement Code.
a. Agencies may enter into Contracts only with Responsible Contractors.
b. A determination of Contractor Responsibility must be made prior to any
Contract award, renewal, extension, or assignment. Such determination
must be made part of the Contract documentation in accordance with
the responsibilities and procedures in this directive.
c. Agencies may enter into Contracts or make purchases for $10,000 or
less, or for the aggregate amount of a series of Contracts or purchases
in a fiscal year if the total amount is $10,000 or less, without accessing
the CRP System.
d. A determination of Contractor Responsibility shall be made by the
agency in its sole discretion. If the agency declares a Contractor to be
non-responsible, the Contractor shall be ineligible for the Contract.
e. The methods used by agencies to make a determination of Contractor
Responsibility shall include, but shall not be limited to:
(1) Accessing the CRP System to ascertain the Contractor's current
(2) Collecting all available information that bears upon a
responsibility determination; or
(3) Meeting with and discussing Performance Issues with the
Contractor prior to awarding, renewing, or extending the
f. Agency personnel authorized to access the CRP System shall do so only
for official purposes related to and permitted by this program. Any
unauthorized use of the CRP System, disclosure of the information
contained in the CRP System, or any use of such information for other
than official purposes is prohibited. Violation of these prohibitions will
result in disciplinary action against the personnel involved.
g. Each agency must have a DSM to coordinate and serve as the agency
primary point of contact regarding operation of the CRP. Any changes
to DSM contact information must be reported to the Office of the Budget,
Office of Comptroller Operations, Bureau of Planning and Management
using the electronic role request functionality built into the CRP System.
Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 7 of 20
h. Current Suspension or Debarment of a person shall prohibit agencies
from awarding, renewing, extending, amending or assigning any
Contract to such person unless the Contracting Officer determines that
there are compelling reasons and the head of the Purchasing Agency or
designee approves the determination. Failure by an agency to enter
into a Contract promptly shall not be considered a compelling reason for
contracting with a Suspended or Debarred Contractor. Nothing in this
directive shall preclude the Commonwealth from pursuing any rights,
either criminal or civil, or as otherwise provided for in an existing
i. Suspended or Debarred Contractors must be reported to the
Department of General Services (DGS), Office of Chief Counsel and
include Contractor name, address, and TIN; agency reporting the
Suspension or Debarment; effective date; end date; and whether the
Contractor is Suspended or Debarred. Individuals must be reported
separately from any other type of corporation, partnership or other
entity with whom the individual is associated. The list of Suspended or
Debarred Contractors shall be maintained and published by DGS and
incorporated into the CRP System. Reporting Suspended or Debarred
Contractors to DGS does not relieve agencies of any statutory
requirements to report or publish Suspensions or Debarments.
j. In accordance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996, whenever
federal funds are used to fund any portion of a Contract, agencies must
access SAM, the federal government’s primary Contractor and federal
grant applicant database, to ascertain whether the Contractor is
Suspended or Debarred by the federal government. A CRP Check
performed in the CRP System includes access to SAM.
k. The Contractor must certify in writing that neither it nor its
Subcontractors are under Suspension or Debarment by the
Commonwealth, the federal government, or any governmental entity,
instrumentality, or authority; or, if the Contractor cannot so certify, it
must instead provide a written explanation of why such certification
cannot be made. The Contractor must also certify that it has no Tax
Liabilities or other Commonwealth Obligations; has filed a timely
administrative or judicial appeal if such liabilities or Obligations exist; or
is subject to a duly approved deferred payment plan if such liabilities
l. The Contractor shall inform the contracting agency if, at any time during
the term of the Contract, it becomes delinquent in the payment of Tax
Liabilities or other Commonwealth Obligations, or if it or its
Subcontractors are Suspended or Debarred by the Commonwealth, the
federal government, or any other governmental entity, instrumentality,
or authority.
m. The Contractor Responsibility Provisions (Enclosure 1, Contractor
Responsibility Provisions) shall be attached to and made a part of every
Contract unless a waiver is authorized by the Office of General Counsel.
Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 8 of 20
n. Standard Contract terms and conditions shall be included for Contracts
in excess of $10,000.
o. The Offset Provision (Enclosure 2, Offset Provision) shall be included in
all Contracts requiring the Commonwealth to make a payment. The
Contractor agrees that the Commonwealth may offset the amount of
any Liability of the Contractor or its Affiliates and subsidiaries that is
owed to the Commonwealth against any payments due the Contractor
under this or any other Contract with the Commonwealth.
p. Information regarding Contractor Obligations shall be provided to the
PA Office of Administration, Office for Information Technology, Bureau
of Integrated Enterprise System (IES) in accordance with
responsibilities and procedures in this directive.
q. Obligations shall remain in the CRP System until fulfilled by the
Contractor. Obligations shall be removed from the CRP System in
accordance with the schedules determined by the CRP Oversight
Committee and responsibilities and procedures in this directive.
r. Performance Issues shall be entered into the CRP System at the
discretion of authorized agency personnel, subject to the approval of the
agency DSM or, for statewide Contracts, the approval of the agency DSM
and DGS Bureau of Procurement.
s. Performance Issues are entered into the CRP System with a “pending”
status. Pending Performance Issues must be approved or deleted from
the CRP System within 180 days from the entry date of the Performance
Issue. Pending Performance Issues in excess of 180 days must be
deleted. Each agency must review its Performance Issues at least semi-
annually to ensure accuracy.
t. Performance Issues shall remain in the CRP System in “approved” status
until the Contractor corrects the issue, as determined by the agency that
approved the Performance Issue. When such a determination is made,
the status of the Performance Issue must be changed to “resolved” in
the CRP System.
u. Requests to waive any Contract provision regarding Contractor
Responsibility, offset, Obligations, Suspensions, or Debarments must be
supported by compelling reasons, in writing, approved by the agency
head and the Office of General Counsel. Such written justification must
be included with any Contract documentation.
v. Certain payments, including but not limited to payments mandated by
federal or state law, may be exempt from CRP Checks. The Secretary
of the Budget has the authority to approve requests for exemption,
unless the request pertains to an Office of the Budget Contract, in which
case the Secretary of General Services has such authority. The CRP
Oversight Committee must review any request for exemption and make
recommendations for approval to the Secretary of the Budget or the
Secretary of General Services, as appropriate.
Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 9 of 20
a. CRP Oversight Committee shall:
(1) Monitor, maintain, and evaluate the CRP for efficiency,
effectiveness, and use.
(2) Respond to concerns raised by the agencies regarding the CRP.
(3) Provide guidance to ensure that the underlying purpose of this
directive is being carried out and propose any necessary
(4) Review requests to exempt certain payments from the provisions
of this directive and make recommendations for approval to the
Secretary of the Budget or the Secretary of General Services, as
(5) Create and disseminate guidelines for the release of information
contained within the CRP System.
(6) Monitor instances of Unsatisfactory or Deficient Performance
reported by agencies for Contracts including, but not limited to,
statewide Contracts and ensure that appropriate action is taken
by the agencies against those Contractors.
(7) Coordinate technical support services for the CRP System,
including requesting and approving changes to the CRP System.
(8) Determine the schedules by which agencies provide information
for inclusion in the CRP System.
(9) Establish guidelines for agency determinations regarding federal
Suspensions or Debarments that do not fall under the scope of
section 5.j. of this directive.
(10) Approve and authorize the creation of special reports from the
CRP System to assist agencies in ensuring that they only
Contract with Responsible Contractors.
(11) Meet on an as needed basis.
b. Office of the Budget shall:
(1) Participate in the management and maintenance of the CRP in
coordination with DGS and other agencies as may be directed by
the Governor.
(2) Ensure that the offset provision is included in all Contracts or that
a written waiver is attached.
Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 10 of 20
c. Department of General Services shall:
(1) Participate in the management and maintenance of the CRP in
coordination with the Office of the Budget and other agencies as
may be directed by the Governor.
(2) Maintain a current list of Contractors Suspended or Debarred by
the Commonwealth and disseminate such information to
agencies and others upon request.
(3) Develop and implement an ongoing training program for the CRP
and the requirements of this directive.
d. Department of Revenue and the Department of Labor and
Industry shall provide electronic files containing information regarding
Obligations owed to the Commonwealth to be included in the CRP
System. The schedule for providing such information shall be
determined by the CRP Oversight Committee.
e. Department of Transportation shall:
(1) Provide relevant information to the CRP System, in accordance
with the provisions set forth in this directive concerning all
Contractors, both prequalified and non-prequalified.
(2) Make use of information in the CRP System in the administration
of its program for prequalification of bidders as well as in
determinations of Contractor Responsibility where Contractors
are not prequalified.
f. Office of Inspector General shall assist agencies in investigating
Contractor Responsibility and deficient performance and in
recommending appropriate action.
g. PA Office of Administration shall:
(1) Function as CRP System administrator, including providing
technical support for the CRP System and ensuring only
authorized users are able to access the CRP System.
(2) Provide technical support to DGS for maintenance of the
Suspension or Debarment list.
(3) Ensure electronic files containing Obligation data from the
Department of Revenue and the Department of Labor and
Industry are incorporated into the appropriate SAP custom tables
and copied to the appropriate file location for import to the CRP
System according to the schedules established by the CRP
Oversight Committee.
Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 11 of 20
h. Agency Heads shall:
(1) Ensure agency compliance with the CRP.
(2) Ensure that their respective agencies enter and update
information in the CRP System, or provide the information
necessary to update the CRP System, in accordance with the
provisions set forth in this directive.
(3) Report questions and concerns regarding the CRP System or this
directive to the agency DSM or the CRP Oversight Committee.
(4) Designate a senior-level agency employee as the DSM and one
additional agency employee as the alternate DSM. Additional
DSMs may be designated as deemed necessary for efficient
contracting operations. Notify the Office of the Budget, Office of
Comptroller Operations, Bureau of Planning and Management of
any changes to the agency’s DSM or alternate DSM contact
(5) Ensure that all liabilities owed to the Commonwealth are
collected to the extent practicable through the offset process.
(6) Review all existing Contract formats to ensure the inclusion of
the offset provision. If it is determined that the offset provision
should not be included in certain Contracts, ensure the agency
submits a request for waiver through the agency's Office of Chief
Counsel for review and approval by the Office of General Counsel.
i. Designated Senior Managers (DSM) shall:
(1) Serve as the agency primary point of contact regarding the
operation of the CRP.
(2) Approve or disapprove requests for access to the CRP System
made by other employees within the agency. Determine if an
employee’s request for access is appropriate (e.g., request for
view-only access, request to enter Performance Issues).
(3) Approve or disapprove entries in the CRP System for
Performance Issues and Obligations owed to the agency
(excluding Obligations to the Department of Revenue or
Department of Labor and Industry, Bureau of Unemployment
Compensation Benefits or State Workers’ Insurance Fund).
Ensure agency-approved Performance Issues regarding
statewide Contracts are forwarded to DGS, Bureau of
Procurement for final approval. Ensure that agency-approved
Obligations are forwarded to the Office of the Budget, Office of
Comptroller Operations in accordance with section 7.d. of this
Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 12 of 20
(4) Ensure Performance Issues entered by the agency are reviewed
for accuracy at least semi-annually. Ensure any Performance
Issues that remain in pending status in excess of 180 days are
deleted. Change the status of a Performance Issue from
“approved” to “resolved” upon determination by the agency that
the Contractor has corrected the identified issue.
(5) Notify the Office of the Budget, Office of Comptroller Operations,
Bureau of Planning and Management when a Contractor fulfills
its Obligations to the agency (excluding Obligations to the
Department of Revenue or Department of Labor and Industry,
Bureau of Unemployment Compensation Benefits or State
Workers’ Insurance Fund).
NOTE: This step is critical to ensure that payments to the
Contractor are released timely once the Obligation has been
fulfilled. If the agency fails to notify the Office of the Budget,
Office of Comptroller Operations, Bureau of Planning and
Management that the Obligation has been fulfilled, payments to
the Contractor could be blocked or delayed unnecessarily.
(6) Ensure the agency provides a CRP Check certification form or
CRP audit ID number to document the determination of
Contractor Responsibility.
(7) Report questions or concerns regarding the CRP or this directive
to the CRP Oversight Committee.
a. Agency Determination of Responsible Contractors.
(1) Perform a CRP Check to obtain the Contractor’s current status.
(2) Determine, based on the results of the CRP Check, if the
Contractor is responsible.
NOTE: User involvement at this step may vary depending on
whether the agency uses the CRP System Web application or
CRPS Web service to perform the CRP Check.
In determining a Contractor to be responsible, factors to be
considered by the agency shall include, but shall not be limited
(a) Current Suspension or Debarment by the Commonwealth,
federal government, or any other state or governmental
(b) Obligations to the Commonwealth, including Tax
Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 13 of 20
(c) Capacity and ability to perform within the established
time schedule and in accordance with the plans and
specifications of the Contract.
(d) Default, Unsatisfactory or Deficient Performance in past
or current Commonwealth Contracts as determined by
the Commonwealth in its sole discretion.
(e) Financial stability and economic capability to perform all
the Contract requirements.
(f) Any other information, act or omission indicating lack of
skill, ability, capacity, quality control, business integrity,
or honesty that seriously and directly affects the present
responsibility of the Contractor, including, but not limited
1 Making false statements, providing misleading or
incomplete information to the Commonwealth.
2 Failing to provide information or cooperate with a
Commonwealth agency or officials.
3 Offering Unbalanced Bids.
4 Discrimination in violation of law or regulation in
the conduct of business as a Contractor.
5 The Commission of any State or Federal Offense
or Criminal Charges.
6 Investigation pending by a federal or state agency
or under investigation by a federal or state agency
within the past five years.
(3) If the agency determines that a Contractor owes an Obligation,
the agency shall provide the Contractor an opportunity to fulfill
the Obligation within a reasonable time as determined by the
applicable agency.
NOTE: When a Contractor fulfills an Obligation, the Obligation
is removed from the electronic files that supply Obligation data
to the CRP System in accordance with the schedule established
by the CRP Oversight Committee. However, the Contractor may
immediately provide the agency with a clearance certificate from
the agency to which the Obligation has been made.
Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 14 of 20
(4) For Contracts in excess of $10,000, the agency shall document
the determination of Contractor Responsibility and attach such
documentation to the Contract for the entire approval process.
(a) If the agency uses the CRP System Web application to
perform a CRP Check, the agency must attach the CRP
Check certification form.
(b) If the agency uses the CRP System Web service to
perform a CRP Check, the agency must provide the CRP
Audit ID Number.
If the Contractor provides a clearance certificate, the
agency shall attach the clearance certificate to the
Contract for the entire approval process.
b. Performing a CRP Check Prior to Payment.
(1) Agencies Using SAP. CRP Checks performed on invoices
processed in SAP will be transparent to agencies. Agencies and
the Office of the Budget, Office of Comptroller Operations,
Bureau of Payable Services shall process invoices according to
established procedures for purchase order (PO) and non-PO
invoice payments. Upon completion of invoice processing, IES
will execute a series of automated programs to match
Contractors being paid on invoices to the list of Contractors who
owe Obligations to the Commonwealth.
(2) Agencies Not Using SAP. Agencies not using SAP for invoice
processing must ensure that a CRP Check is performed on any
Contractor receiving a payment in excess of $10,000. This can
be accomplished through the CRP System Web application or CRP
System Web service.
c. Recording Obligations Owed to the Department of Revenue and
the Department of Labor and Industry.
(1) Action By: The Department of Revenue and the
Department of Labor and Industry. Provide to IES, on a
schedule determined by the CRP Oversight Committee, electronic
files containing information regarding Obligations owed.
(2) Action By: PA Office of Administration, Office for
Information Technology, Bureau of Integrated Enterprise
System. Load the data from the electronic files into the
appropriate SAP custom table and copy the electronic files to the
appropriate file location for automated update to the CRP
Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 15 of 20
d. Recording Obligations Owed to Agencies (Other Than the
Department of Revenue and the Department of Labor and
(1) Action By: Agency to Which and Obligation is Owed.
(a) Complete the Commonwealth Obligation Form, including
approval from the agency DSM.
(b) Send the completed Commonwealth Obligation Form to
the Office of the Budget, Office of Comptroller Operations,
Bureau of Planning and Management.
(2) Action By: Office of the Budget, Office of Comptroller
Operations, Bureau of Planning and Management.
(a) Review the Commonwealth Obligation Form for
completeness and accuracy.
1 If approved, enter the information into the
obligation tracking spreadsheet.
2 If disapproved, contact the agency DSM to
determine appropriate action.
(b) Upon completing any updates to the obligation tracking
spreadsheet, save the file in the appropriate location for
import to the CRP System.
(c) Update the appropriate SAP custom table.
e. Removing Obligations Owed to the Department of Revenue or
the Department of Labor and Industry. An Obligation is removed
from the CRP System when fulfilled by the Contractor, either through
the Contractor’s own actions or through offset action.
(1) Action By: The Department of Revenue or the Department
of Labor and Industry.
(a) Determines the Obligation must be removed from the CRP
System (including Obligations that have been fulfilled by
the Contractor).
(b) Follows established procedures to update agency IT
systems for Obligations that have been fulfilled.
(c) Provides to IES, on a schedule determined by the CRP
Oversight Committee, electronic files containing
information regarding Obligations owed.
Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 16 of 20
(2) Action By: PA Office of Administration, Office for
Information Technology, Bureau of Integrated Enterprise
System. Load the data from the electronic files into the
appropriate SAP custom table and copy the electronic files to the
appropriate file location for automated update to the CRP
f. Removing Obligations Owed to Agencies (Other Than the
Department of Revenue or Department of Labor and Industry).
(1) Action By: Agency to Which an Obligation is Owed.
(a) Determines the Obligation must be removed from the CRP
System (including Obligations that have been fulfilled by
the Contractor).
(b) Updates agency records as necessary according to
established procedures and completes the
Commonwealth Obligation Form, including approval from
the agency DSM.
(c) Sends the completed Commonwealth Obligation Form to
the Office of the Budget, Office of Comptroller Operations,
Bureau of Planning and Management.
(2) Action By: Office of the Budget Office of Comptroller
Operations, Bureau of Planning and Management.
(a) Review the Commonwealth Obligation form for
completeness and accuracy.
1 If approved, remove the Obligation from the
obligation tracking spreadsheet.
2 If disapproved, contact the agency DSM to
determine appropriate action.
(b) Upon completing any updates to the obligation tracking
spreadsheet, save the file in the appropriate location for
import to the CRP System.
(c) Update the appropriate SAP custom table.
g. Processing Offset Requests.
(1) Action By: Purchasing Agency.
(a) Determines that one of its Contractors owes a Liability to
the Commonwealth.
Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 17 of 20
(b) Immediately complete the Contractor information section
of the Offset Memorandum (Memorandum), and send the
Memorandum to the agency to which the Liability is owed,
informing that agency of the Liability and requesting that
the agency validate the Liability and authorize the
Purchasing Agency to seek an offset. The Purchasing
Agency shall attach to the Memorandum a printout from
the CPR System showing that there is a Liability.
(c) Send a copy of the Memorandum to the agency
procurement or Contracting Officer.
(2) Action By: Agency to Which the Liability is Owed.
(a) Determine whether the Liability is still owed and, if so,
authorize the Purchasing Agency to take offset action.
(b) If the Liability is still owed, the head of that agency, or
his or her designee, shall complete the verification of
Liability on the Memorandum, sign the Memorandum, and
return it to the Purchasing Agency as authorization for
offset consideration.
(3) Action By: Agency Head of the Purchasing Agency. Makes
the final determination as to whether offset action, in full or in
part, should be taken.
(a) In making this determination, the head of the Purchasing
Agency, or his or her designee, may consider what effect,
if any, the offset action may have on the agency's
Contract and whether there are compelling reasons not to
take offset action. Compelling reasons shall include, but
shall not be limited to, that the Contractor's services are
vital to the Commonwealth or that the failure to retain the
Contractor's services would endanger the health and
safety of the citizens of the Commonwealth or the
wellbeing of the Commonwealth. The head of the
Purchasing Agency or his or her designee may also
determine the reasonable partial amount to be offset from
the Contract amount or the periodic or expected
payments to be made under the Contract, subject to
consent by the Contractor, in order to maintain the
continued viability of the Contractor to perform the
Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 18 of 20
(b) Complete the determination of offset on the
Memorandum and send the Memorandum to the Office of
the Budget, Office of Comptroller Operations, Bureau of
Payable Services. If the head of the Purchasing Agency,
or his or her designee, determines that there are
compelling reasons not to take offset action, or to take
partial offset action, he or she shall state in writing the
compelling reasons and forward a copy of the
Memorandum to the agency to which the Liability is owed.
A copy of the Memorandum shall also be sent to the
agency contracting or procurement officer.
(4) Action By: Office of the Budget, Office of Comptroller
Operations, Bureau of Payable Services.
(a) Upon receipt of the Contractor's invoice for payment and
the approved Memorandum, offset the amount owed or
specified to the Commonwealth against the amount due
the Contractor and forward the balance, if any, to the
Contractor. Credit the offset amount to the agency to
which the Liability was owed and notify that agency of the
(b) Upon receipt of a Memorandum that includes compelling
reasons not to take offset action, process the invoice
according to established PO or non-PO invoice processing
NOTE: When an offset action results in a Liability being
completely satisfied, the Liability will be removed from
the electronic files that supply Obligation data to the CRP
System in accordance with the schedule established by
the CRP Oversight Committee. A Contractor’s name may
still appear in the electronic files if the Contractor owes
other Liabilities or if the offset action satisfies only a
portion of a Liability.
h. Obtaining Authorization to Use the CRP System. Refer to the
Contractor Responsibility Program System (CRP System) Reference
Manual (Intro Chapter) for instructions on obtaining a user role.
This directive replaces, in its entirety, Management Directive 215.09 dated
November 18, 2019.
Enclosure 1 - Contractor Responsibility Provisions
Enclosure 2 Offset Provision
Enclosures for Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 19 of 20
Contractor Responsibility Provisions
For the purpose of these provisions, the term Contractor is defined as any person,
including, but not limited to, a bidder, offeror, loan recipient, grantee or lessor, who
has furnished or performed or seeks to furnish or perform, goods, supplies, services,
leased space, construction or other activity, under a contract, grant, lease, purchase
order or reimbursement agreement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
(Commonwealth). The term Contractor includes a permittee, licensee, or any agency,
political subdivision, instrumentality, public authority, or other public entity in the
1. The Contractor certifies, in writing, for itself and its subcontractors required to be
disclosed or approved by the Commonwealth, that as of the date of its execution of
this Bid/Contract, that neither the Contractor, nor any such subcontractors, are under
suspension or debarment by the Commonwealth or any governmental entity,
instrumentality, or authority and, if the Contractor cannot so certify, then it agrees to
submit, along with its Bid/Contract, a written explanation of why such certification
cannot be made.
2. The Contractor also certifies, in writing, that as of the date of its execution of this
Bid/Contract it has no tax liabilities or other Commonwealth obligations, or has filed a
timely administrative or judicial appeal if such liabilities or obligations exist, or is
subject to a duly approved deferred payment plan if such liabilities exist.
3. The Contractor's obligations pursuant to these provisions are ongoing from and
after the effective date of the Contract through the termination date thereof.
Accordingly, the Contractor shall have an obligation to inform the Commonwealth if,
at any time during the term of the Contract, it becomes delinquent in the payment of
taxes, or other Commonwealth obligations, or if it or, to the best knowledge of the
Contractor, any of its subcontractors are suspended or debarred by the
Commonwealth, the federal government, or any other state or governmental entity.
Such notification shall be made within 15 days of the date of suspension or debarment.
4. The failure of the Contractor to notify the Commonwealth of its suspension or
debarment by the Commonwealth, any other state, or the federal government shall
constitute an event of default of the Contract with the Commonwealth.
5. The Contractor agrees to reimburse the Commonwealth for the reasonable costs
of investigation incurred by the Office of State Inspector General for investigations of
the Contractor's compliance with the terms of this or any other agreement between
the Contractor and the Commonwealth that results in the suspension or debarment of
the contractor. Such costs shall include, but shall not be limited to, salaries of
investigators, including overtime; travel and lodging expenses; and expert witness and
documentary fees. The Contractor shall not be responsible for investigative costs for
investigations that do not result in the Contractor's suspension or debarment.
6. The Contractor may search the current list of suspended and debarred
Commonwealth contractors by visiting the eMarketplace website at
and clicking the Debarment List tab.
Enclosures for Management Directive 215.09 Amended Page 20 of 20
Offset Provision
The Contractor agrees that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Commonwealth) may
set off the amount of any state tax liability or other obligation of the Contractor or its
subsidiaries to the Commonwealth against any payments due the contractor under any
contract with the Commonwealth.