Affidavit of Support
I _____________________________________ (print students name) hereafter referred to as
student, certify that I am aware of the full cost associated with my studies at Troy University and
living in the United States. I understand this cost includes tuition, housing, board and administrative
fees associated with the studies. I also understand that once my admission documents (i.e.
admission letter and I-20 form) have been issued, I am not allowed to change my sponsor unless the
financial statement has expired or my sponsor withdraws their sponsorship.
I/we, ____________________________________________________ (print sponsors name(s)),
______________________________________ (relationship to the student) hereafter referred to as
sponsor, certify that I/we take full responsibility for the financial support including any and all cost
associated with the above student's studies and living expenses at Troy University. That my
supporting bank document(s) is truthful and is available for the purpose of sponsoring the student.
Signers below understand the responsibilities and importance of this and any documents submitted to
Troy University. Falsifying financial or academic documents for purpose of obtaining a student visa
is a serious offense.
Student signature
Sponsor signature
Date signed