Student-Led Conferences Worksheets
Student Interest Inventory/Student Attitude Inventory…………………………………………….. Page 9
Goal Setting Worksheet (Conference Organizer) ……………………………………………………….. Page 10 - 11
Parent Pre-Conference Questionnaire……………………………………………………………………….. Page 12
Conference Checklist for Students…………………………………………………………………………….. Page 13
Student Reflection Survey…………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 14
Parent Post-Conference Questionnaire…………………………………………………………………….. Page 15
Student-Led Conferences to Do list………………………………………………………………………….. Page 16
Dear Parent Letter…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 17
Parent-Teacher Conference: Student Reflection……………………………………………………….. Page 18 20
Student Name_________ _________________Date_________
Student Interest Inventory/Student Attitude Inventory
1. Are you a good reader? ___Y ___N
Why or why not?________________________________________________________________
2. Are you a good writer? ___Y ___N
Why or why not?________________________________________________________________
3. Name 3 topics you would like to read or write about.
4. How often do you read for fun?________________________________________
5. How often do you write for fun?________________________________________
6. Are you good at math ___Y ___N
Why or why not?________________________________________________________________
7. What do you like to do in your free time?
8. What are some things that you are good at doing?____________________________________
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?__________________________________________
Goal Setting Worksheet (Conference Organizer)
Student Name Date_________________
Math Goal __________________________________________________________________________
1. Steps I will take to reach goal
i. ________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________________________________
2. How parents can help me reach the goal _____________________________________________
3. Plan to monitor progress _________________________________________________________
4. These are the things I do well ______________________________________________________
5. These are the things I am working on ________________________________________________
Reading Goal__________________________________________________________________________
1. Steps I will take to reach goal
i. ________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________________________________
2. How parents can help me reach the goal _____________________________________________
3. Plan to monitor progress _________________________________________________________
4. These are the things I am working on
Science Goal_________________________________________________________________________
1. Steps I will take to reach goal
i. ________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________________________________
2. How parents can help me reach the goal _____________________________________________
3. Plan to monitor progress _________________________________________________________
4. These are the things I do well ______________________________________________________
5. These are the things I am working on ________________________________________________
Social Studies Goal_____________________________________________________________________
1. Steps I will take to reach goal
i. ________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________________________________
2. How parents can help me reach the goal _____________________________________________
3. Plan to monitor progress _________________________________________________________
4. These are the things I do well ______________________________________________________
5. These are the things I am working on ________________________________________________
Student Name Parent name Date________
Parent Pre-Conference Questionnaire
What are your child’s academic strengths?
What subjects are the most difficult for your child?
Describe what your child enjoys doing most in his/her spare time.
In what clubs or activities does your child participate?
Is your child physically active?
How much time each evening does your child spend…
Watching TV?__________________________________
Completing homework?__________________________
What 3 words would best describe your son or daughter? __________________________
_____________________ _________________________
Student Name Date_________________
Conference Checklist for Students
Introduce your parent to your teacher
Tell your parent about…
Your reading, math, science, social studies g goals
What you have done to meet your goals
Your reflections about what you have learned
Other _______________________________________________________________________
Show your parents about…
Samples of the work you are most proud
Any journals, notebooks you have been keeping
Your notes you have taken
Tests, projects you have completed and new words that you have learned
Other _________________________________________________________
Ask your parent if he/she has questions
Thank your parent for coming
Student Name Date_________________
Student Reflection Survey
What did you like about the student led conference?
How did you feel during the conference?
What didn’t you like about the conference?
If you could change the conference to make it better, what would you do?
Parent Name Student name Date_____
Parent Post-Conference Questionnaire
Which conference (traditional or student led) gave you a better appreciation of…
What your child was learning?
What your child studied in class?
Your child’s study habits such as finishing assignments and handing work in on time?
Which conference format did you prefer? Why?
What are the benefits of student led conferences?
What are the disadvantages of student led conferences?
What more would you like to learn in the conference?
Student- Led Conferences To Do list
Before the Conference
Review individual Standardized assessment scores
Administer self-assessments
Team work & cooperation, Behavioral self-evaluation, Citizenship
Organizational skills, Responsibility
Administer a Student Interest Inventory/Student Attitude Inventory- Appendix 1
Begin the year with a student goal setting classroom activity
Set goals with the grade level priority/power standards in mind…
Social Studies
Decide on evidence to be included in portfolio what shows progress toward achieving the goals
Prepare a letter to parent
Why are you having student led conferences?
How will the conferences be different?
If necessary, when can parents talk to you without the student?
When and where will the conference be held?
Develop parent conferencing questions to guide parents through the process ad share these
questions with the parent prior to the Student Led Conference
After the Conference
1. Student sends thank you letter to parent
2. Student completes reflection survey
3. Parent questionnaire/evaluation
Dear Parents of _______________________________,
Your Student Led Conference time is scheduled for:
Mon. Nov. 18th Tues. Nov. 19th Wed. Nov 20th Thurs. Nov. 21
Fri. Nov. 22
at ___________________.
If you can possibly meet at the time selected above, it would be greatly
appreciated. If not, please let me know and I will do my best to find a
time convenient to both of us.
Don’t forget: Conferences last 20 minutes and include parent(s) and
Please return the bottom portion of this note as quickly as possible to
confirm meeting times.
Thank you,
Jenn Larson
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
____ Yes! I can meet at the scheduled time.
___ Sorry, I am unable to meet at that time and would like to be
contacted to set up a different time
Parent’s name____________________________
Child's name_____________________________
Name: ___________________________________________
My Organization Skills:
Most of the time my desk is _____________________________________________________.
When I need to find something it:
o is easy
o takes me a while
o is hard
Something I need to work on to get more organized is
My Work Habits:
If you looked at a display of all the work our class did, mine would be the one that looked
When I think about the quality of my work, I can honestly say:
o I did my very best
o sometimes I could have added more effort
o I rushed through it for the most part
My handwriting is:
o very neat
o pretty neat
o readable
o pretty messy
Parent-Teacher Conference:
Student Reflection
After I finish an assignment I:
o proofread it carefully
o glance at it quickly
o rush to turn it in or put it away
One thing I need to work on is to
My Study Behaviors:
If I know a test is coming I:
o study for several days or more
o just look it over the night before
o rely on my memory from being in class
I study best when I
My School Subjects:
The subject I like the most is___________________________________because ____________
The subject that is the most challenging to me is_________________________because______
My Behavior in Class:
If you just walked into the room, you would probably see me acting like this:_______________
When we're discussing something as a class and I know the answer, I______________________
When I'm in a group with other students and we're supposed to be working on a task together,
I'm the one that is_______________________________________________________________
During transitions (changing from one activity to another), I usually:
o talk through it
o chat a little
o am quiet mostly
o never talk
After the teacher gives directions, the first thing I usually do is to:
o ask someone what we're supposed to do
o ask the teacher what to do
o start right away
If I could change one behavior in class, I would work on ________________________________
My Feelings About This School Year So Far: