Basic Student-Led IEP Meeting Script
© 2008 Mitchell-Panter Consulting, LLC; Montgomery, Texas. All rights reserved.
Student-Led IEP Script (Basic)
(The meeting begins with each person introducing
him/herself. The appraisal staff states the purpose
of the meeting. The next activity is to establish
the framework for transition planning by having
the student share transition information)
Hi, thank you for coming to the meeting. My name is ______________.
I ______ years old and in the ________ grade.
After I graduate from high school I want to ___________________________
[Describe if you would like to go to college/technical school. What do you want to study? Do you want to get
a job? What kind of job?
Now I am going to review how I did last year [Review progress on the IEP goals and
Let me tell you the things that work for me and do not work for me as a
learner. My strengths are _________ [Give examples of strengths: hard worker, get my
work turned in on time, good listener, friendly, organized, work well by myself or in a group, etc.].
The things that teachers did that helped me learn better were __________
[Give accommodation examples, such as”it was easier for me to learn when the teacher used
learning groups, etc.]
I would like for my parent(s) and teachers to tell the committee what they
think my strengths are and why:
The things that were hard for me last year were
[Give examples, such as “classes that were very noisy or classes without e-books]
I (do/do not) participate in extra-curricular activities: __________________
[List clubs, sports, community membership such as scouting, church clubs, volunteer work, etc]
Basic Student-Led IEP Meeting Script
© 2008 Mitchell-Panter Consulting, LLC; Montgomery, Texas. All rights reserved.
When I am not in school, the things I like to do are ____________________
[List hobbies and/or leisure activities]
I (do/do not) have a job. (Describe the job) ____________________________
[State if the job matches your postsecondary employment goal(s)]
To reach my career goals for after high school, the courses I would like to
take this school year, besides the courses for graduation are:
[List the courses that match your postsecondary goal(s)]
Thank you for helping me describe what I want to do with my life and what
is working and not working for me in school. For the rest of the meeting, I
would like for us to plan the rest of my education for next year and
supports that will help me meet my goals for after high school.
(The student may continue to lead the IEP Meeting or at this point the appraisal
staff/ARD Facilitator can assume leadership of the meeting. If the student leads the IEP
Meeting, keep in mind limitations due to the disability. Honor a students preference to
lead all of the meeting, part of the meeting, or none of the meeting. Encourage and
support the activities the students is willing and able to do)