Student Led Conferences
GMCS Student-Led Conferences
Student-led conferences spotlight the most important person in the process (the student);
parent involvement; and bring students to the point where they ask their teachers, “How can I make my
work better?” Student-led conferences put the students in charge, holding them responsible and
accountable as they present their work to their
parents. This type of conference is a natural
progression in the quest to prepare students to thrive in a global society.
After much study and discussion, the Parent Teacher Conference team decided that student-led
conferences should be considered as the next step in linking parents, students, and the school. For the
student, this type of conference is the ultimate performance event.
Early and varied communication and planning are important for successful participation in student-
led conferences. Begin informing parents through newsletters before the start of the school year.
In addition, provide information via school announcements and SwiftReach, and during New-
Student Orientation, Open House, and any other school level meetings. Convey to parents and
students that participation in student-led conferences is expected of all students and their parents.
Teachers should be involved with and informed of preparations and timelines. They must work with
students from the beginning of the school year to prepare them for their
student-led conferences. Discussion
and role-play are recommended tools for student
Organization is extremely important in preparing for the conferences—both for teachers and
students. Students also are required to complete a Goal Sheet & Self- Evaluation Form prior to
the conference. Each student will have a portfolio that includes goals, self and teacher
evaluations for each class, and sample work.
Teachers must maintain folders, also, to include three assignments for each student in
the class. Two are
chosen by the student. One is chosen by the teacher. Prior to the
conference, teachers must complete
the Teacher Evaluation
When everyone is prepared, the student-led conference can be a meaningful dialogue between the
student and his/her parent, resulting in an increased awareness for the parent of the academic
expectations for his/her student and the level of progress that the student has attained. The student
will be more confident in what he or she knows and is expected to know. Well-planned preparation
also encourages students to be better organized. While completing the Self-Evaluation forms,
students are required to thoughtfully reflect on their performance in each of their classes and to set
goals for self-improvement.
The Conference
The student is the presenter. The student begins the conference by opening the port
folio and sharing his
or her success with goal sheets, evaluations, and sample work with rubrics from each class.
The parent is the audience. The parent asks probing questions of the student to gain a better
understanding or their child's progress.
The teacher is the timekeeper and facilitator. During the first part of the conference, the teacher
observes and encourages the student to keep focused on the conference checklist, if necessary.
During the last part of the conference, the teacher shares grade information and clarifies the
parent's questions.
Counselors and other staff members are still available throughout the building during
conference times.
Student-Led Conference Roles, Goals & Benefits
Teachers’ Role in Student-Led Conferences
Serve as a facilitator, not a leader
Assist students in compiling a portfolio
Help students understand and practice the self-evaluation process
Notify and schedule parents
Create a comfortable space for parents and students to meet Circulate
around the room addressing issues of specific importance Answer parent
and/or student questions as they arise
Students’ Role in Student-Led Conferences
Maintain a work folder in the classroom to save coursework
Compile a conference portfolio consisting of selected assignments from work folder
Evaluate selected assignments to determine what was expected, the things you did well
and the things you could have done better
Goals of Student Led Conferences
To encourage students to accept personal responsibility for their academic
To teach student the process of self-evaluation
To facilitate the development of students’ organizational and organizational and
oral communication skills and to increase their self-confidence
To encourage students, parents and teachers to engage in open and honest dialogue
To encourage parent attendance at conferences
Benefits of Student-Led Conferences
Help parents understand what is happening in the classroom
Students are accountable for classroom work and assignments
Provides quality parent-child time
Provides time to focus on learning instead of behavior
Allows teachers to touch base with more parents
Conferences are self-directed
Allows an opportunity for 100% parent participation
The Purpose of the Student-Led Conference
The purpose of student-led conferences is to provide you with the opportunity to share with
your parents what you are learning in school. It also provides you the opportunity to share with
your parents your educational goals and pieces of your work that make you especially proud.
Steps to Student-Led Conferences/Student Responsibilities:
o Throughout the school year, keep your work and assignments organized in folders or
o Be sure to complete the goal sheet.
o Be sure to complete the Student Self-Evaluation Conference Form.
o Turn in all goal and self-evaluation forms to your classroom teacher.
o Take home the conference schedule for your parent to make an appointment.
o On the day before the conference, make sure your portfolio is in order. All materials and
your portfolio should be placed in your locker before you leave school.
o Make sure you have chosen two pieces of work per class to share with your parents.
o Think about areas in which you need to improve and areas in which you excel. Be prepared
to share this information with your parents.
o Come to the conference with your parents.
o Use the checklist to help guide you through your student-led conference. Be sure to check
off each item as you complete it.
o After you have had conference with your parents, raise your hand for a teacher to come
talk with you.
After the Conference
Reflect, asking yourself the following questions:
What could I do to improve my student-led conference?
Am I doing the best I can in all my classes?
o Am I planning effectively?
What to Expect at Student-Led Conferences:
o At a student-led conference, your child does most of the talking.
o Your child will discuss with you his or her progress in each class.
o Your child will discuss with you his or her improvement plan for the upcoming grading
o After your child has finished, he or she will turn the meeting over to you and the teacher for
any further questions that need to be answered.
Things to Do
Before the Conference:
Make sure the teacher has sent you a conference time schedule. If you have not heard from the
teacher, be sure to contact him/her 24 hours before the conference.
o Make a list of questions and concerns.
o Review the Parent Checklist for Student-Led Conferences that you will receive. It lists steps
to follow for a productive and meaningful conference.
On Conference Day:
Make sure your child comes with you to the conference. Arrive on time.
Take notes during the conference.
Ask for clarification on things you do not understand.
If you cannot make the scheduled conference time, please call to reschedule.
After the Conference:
If you still have questions and concerns not answered at the conference, schedule
an appointment with the teacher on another date.
Fill out the Parent Evaluation of Student-Led Conferences Form.
Goals of Student-Led Conferences:
To encourage students to accept responsibility for their learning
To teach students to evaluate their academic performance
To engage the parent, the student, and the teacher in honest dialogue
To increase parent participation at conference time
Teacher Responsibilities:
Most of the teacher's responsibilities occur before the student-led conference takes place. The
following is a list of things that teachers should do prior to the conference.
Train students on student-led conferencing. The teacher should role play with the
how a student-led conference should be conducted.
Give all students time to practice. The more practice they have, the more confident
they will
be during the conference.
Provide ample time for students to get their portfolios together before the confer
Notify parents of the new conferencing format. The parents should know that their
child will
be leading the conference. Send home the parent handout on student-led
Be sure to send a conference schedule home for appointments through a specified
During the Conference:
Refer to the Teacher Suggestions for Conference Form. It emphasizes that teach
ers do not
Encourage the student to keep focused on his or her checklist.
When you have conversation, be positive and supportive, emphasizing the things
student has accomplished. Keep the focus on the student.
Encourage parents to fill out Evaluation forms.
After the Conference:
Were my students prepared?
Was I positive with the parents?
Did I think the conferences were effective?
What might I have done differently?
Was it worth the time and preparation?
Questions and Answers
Questions from Parents
Can I see all my child’s teachers?
All teachers will be running student-led conferences. During the conference, you will have the
opportunity to leave a comment or concern for a specific teacher and request the teacher contact
you at a later time.
Why do I need to go if my child is doing well in school?
Student-led conferences benefit all students, whether they are struggling, excelling, or somewhere in
between. Because of the benefits to students, all students are expected to participate.
I can’t get time off work. What do I do?
You may conduct your conference with your child at home, contacting the teachers with any
questions or concerns that arise. You may contact the teachers to arrange an alternate meeting.
How long does a typical conference last?
We schedule conferences for thirty-minute intervals. If the whole time is not needed, then
you may leave early. It is important to be on-time so every student/parent conference has
equal opportunity.
Questions from Teachers
How long will it take for me to prepare for student-led conferences?
Preparation depends on the teacher. Teachers need to fill out an evaluation for each student.
Beyond that, it is the teacher's choice how responsibility will be divided between students
and staff.
What happens to those parents and students who do not show?
Contact the parent to reschedule. Encourage the parent to conference at home and return
evaluation forms. The purpose of conferencing is student ownership.
What if the parent wants to speak with another teacher other than the one at
the conference?
The teacher holding the student led conference will document the parent/guardian’s concern.
Then the concern will be passed on to the appropriate classroom teacher. That teacher will be
obligated to reach out to the parent to discuss the concern within a week of the conference.
How long should each conference last?
It is recommended that each conference last 20-25 minutes. The first part will be led completely
by the student. The remainder of the time can be used to answer questions or to share information.
Questions from Students
1. How will I know what to do?
Your teacher will explain all steps of the student-led conference and will help you prepare for it.
You will have a chance to practice in your classroom before the actual conference.
2. What do I need to bring to conference?
Have your portfolio organized with your checklist.
Notethese are sample forms. Actual forms may vary depending upon the school, team or grade level.
Form A—Teacher Skills Assessment
The Teacher Skills Assessment is completed by the teacher for each student. They
are placed into the student portfolios before conferences. The students share this
information with their parents during the conference.
Form B—Student-Led Conference Time Schedule
Teachers use this form to schedule students/parents coming in for conferences.
Four student/parent groups can be scheduled per time slot, per conference area.
Form C—Conference Suggestions for Teachers
The Suggestions for Teacher Form is used by teachers during the conferences as a general
guide for their conference role.
Form D - Conference Concerns/Comments for Subject Teachers
This form is to be completed by the teacher during the conference and shared with the
subject teachers so they can contact the parents about their concerns.
Form E—General Reflection & Improvement Plan
This is filled out by the students before the conference. The students will go over
the form and have parents complete their portion during the conference.
Form F—Student Self Evaluation
Students complete this one time before conferences reflecting on their general
Form G—Student Goal Sheet
Students complete one goal sheet per class at the beginning of the marking period.
Students self-evaluate their chosen assignments on this sheet prior to conferences
and place in their portfolio.
Form H—Student Skills Assessment
Students complete Skills Assessment Forms for each subject before conferences
and these go into their portfolio.
Form I—Student Portfolio Checklist
The students use this as a guide during the conference and check off each item as they
complete them.
Form J—Post Conference Questionnaire
This form is for parents to evaluate their child's conference/school performance and
have parents and students together set future goals.
Form K—Parent Checklist
The Parent Checklist is a parent guide for Student-Led Conferences. It is given to
parents prior to conferences and is also available on conference day at each conference
Other Forms and Templates:
Form K - Student-Led Conference Logistics Checklist: For Teachers
This form is to help teachers ensure they have completed all of the necessary steps prior
to, during, and after the student led conference.
Form L - Lesson Plan: Student-Led Conference Preparation Critique
This is a two or three day sample lesson plan to help prepare students for presenting during
their student led conferences.
Form M - Sample Letter to Families
This letter can be sent out to families the week or week before student led conferences. It
helps to clarify the process for parents and provide additional information.
Form N – Appointment Preference Letter for Parents
This is a letter to parents/guardians that allow them to pick a general time to schedule their
student led conference with the advisor.
Form O - Student Led Conferences: Parent Schedule Notice
This form is to be sent out at least a week in advance to let the student’s
parents/guardians know when and where their student will be doing their conference.
Form P - Student-Led Conference Parent Survey
This form is to be completed by the parent/guardian before leaving the school. This will
help us better understand
Form Q - Portfolio Requirements for Student-Led Conferences
This outlines possible requirements for the portfolio students will need to create for the
student led conferences.
Form R - Sample Agenda/Script #1
This is an example of an agenda and/or script that can be followed during the conference.
It also can be used to guide students and teachers as they practice for the conference.
Form S – Sample Agenda/Script #2
This is another example of an agenda and/or script that can be followed during the
conference. It also can be used to guide students and teachers as they practice for the
Form T – Sample Agenda/Script #3
This is another example of an agenda and/or script that can be followed during the
conference. It also can be used to guide students and teachers as they practice for the
Form U – Student Led Conference Prep Sheet Notecard
These are sample note cards that can be used for students in preparation of their
Form A
Teacher Skills Assessment
Teacher Name & Class:
Student Name:
Above Average
Below Average
Student is always
prompt and
regularly attends
Student is late less
than once per month
regularly attends
Student is late
more than every
two weeks and
regularly attends
Student is late to
class more than
once per week
and has poor
Level of
Engagement in
Student proactively
contributes to class
by offering ideas
and asking
questions more than
once per class.
Student proactively
contributes to class
by offering ideas and
asking ques- tions
once per class.
Student rarely
contributes to
class by offering
ideas and asking
Student never
contributes to
class by offering
ideas and asking
Listening Skills
Student listens
when others talk,
both in groups and
in class. Student
incorporates or
builds off of the
ideas of others.
Student listens
when others talk,
both in groups and
in class.
Student does not
listen when
others talk, both
in groups and in
Student does not
listen when others
talk, both in
groups and in
class. Student
often interrupts
when others
Student almost
never displays
disruptive behavior
during class.
Student rarely
displays disruptive
behavior during
Student occa-
sionally displays
disruptive behav-
ior during class
Student almost
behavior during
Student is almost
always prepared for
class with
assignments and
required class
Student is usually
prepared for class
with assignments
required class
Student is rarely
prepared for class
required class
Student is almost
never prepared for
class with
assignments and
required class
Form B
Student-Led Conference Time Schedule
Time Slot
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
Table 5
Form C
Conference Suggestions
for Teachers
Please remember this is a STUDENT-LED
conference. Manage the amount of time you are
talking. Allow the students and parents to do
most of the speaking.
When you do have a conversation with parents,
emphasize student progress and goal
When students seem to be struggling,
encourage them to keep focused on the
checklist, marking off each item as they
complete it.
Be positive and supportive, emphasizing
the things the student has accomplished.
Make yourself available throughout the
conference by walking about the room.
Remind parents to fill out the conference
evaluation sheet.
Form D
Conference Concerns/Comments for Subject Teachers
Please record any additional conference concerns or comments for subject teachers.
Please call: #___________ Please call to schedule a meeting: #______________
Please call: #___________ Please call to schedule a meeting: #______________
Please call: #___________ Please call to schedule a meeting: #______________
Please call: #___________ Please call to schedule a meeting: #______________
Please call: #___________ Please call to schedule a meeting: #______________
Please call: #___________ Please call to schedule a meeting: #______________
Form E
General Reflection & Improvement Plan
Student & Parent Involvement
Student Name
Student Reflection
Reflection is an important strategy for improvement. We all benefit from examining both our
strengths and weaknesses. Below are questions addressing these strengths and weaknesses,
academically and behaviorally. Please answer each statement in complete sentences.
I believe that my strengths academically are:
Academically, I have the greatest difficulty with :
As far as behavior is concerned, I believe my greatest strength is:
Behaviorally I struggle with:
Student Improvement Plan (Parent involvement required)
Parents, please take a few minutes to reflect on your child’s responses above.
The following ideas or strategies may be beneficial in order to improve academically:
The following ideas or strategies may be beneficial in order to improve behaviorally:
Other comments:____________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature: ______________________ Student Signature:_________________ Date: _____
Form F
Student Self- Evaluation
Name: ____________________________________
Give yourself a: 1 = NEVER, 2 = SELDOM, 3 = FREQUENTLY, 4 = ALWAYS
Quality Producer
___ I work successfully as a team member
___ I produce quality projects, assignment, or performances I meet due dates/deadlines
___ I go above and beyond
Effective Communicator
___ I effectively communicate thoughts and ideas
___ I make positive contributions to lessons/discussions
___ I deal with problems, arguments, or fights in a positive way
Lifelong Learner
___ I know who to ask for help and information
___ I know how to find and use a variety of resources I am flexible and creative when necessary
Responsible Citizen
___ I follow rules and directions
___ I make a positive contribution to the classroom and school
___ I demonstrate respect and understanding for myself and others
Perceptive Thinker
___ I demonstrate knowledge and interest in the world and current events
___ I use knowledge and creativity to solve problems. I think beyond the obvious.
Self-Directed Individual
___ I show maturity and responsibility by making healthy, safe and wise choices. I set goals and
follow through with them
___ I start work, stay on task, and complete the assignment without being reminded or prompted.
Form G
Student Goal Sheet
4 = Outstanding 3 = Satisfactory 2 = Needs Improvement 1 = Needs Much Improvement
I would rate my effort in class as: 1 2 3 4
(Students circle their effort the week of conferences)
The following is an academic goal I will work toward achieving during this semester
The piece of work you are proud of: (Students fill this out the week of conferences)
I am most proud of this piece of work because…
The piece of work that shows you put in maximum effort:
This piece of work shows I worked hard because…
The piece of work you could have done better on:
I could have improved this piece of work by…
Form H
Student Skills Assessment
Teacher Name & Class:_____________________________________
Student Name:___________________________________
Above Average
Below Average
Attendance &
I am always
prompt and
regularly attend
I am late less than
once per month and
regularly attend
I am late more
than every two
weeks and
regularly attend
I am late to class
more than once per
week and have
poor class
Level of
I proactively con-
tribute to class by
offering ideas
and asking
questions more
than once per
I proactively
contribute to class
by offering ideas
and asking
questions once per
I rarely
contribute to
class by offering
ideas and
I never contribute
to class by
offering ideas and
asking questions.
Listening Skills
I listen when
others talk, both
in groups and in
class. I
incorporate or
build off of the
ideas of others.
I listen when others
talk, both in groups
and in class.
I do not listen
when others talk,
both in groups
and in class.
I do not listen
when others talk,
both in groups and
in class. I often
interrupt when
others speak.
I almost never
behavior during
I rarely display
disruptive behavior
during class.
I occasionally
behavior during
I almost always
behavior during
I almost always
prepared for class
with assignments
and required
class materials.
I usually prepared
for class with
assignments and
required class
I rarely prepared
for class with
assignments and
required class
I almost never
prepared for class
with assignments
and required class
Form I
Student Portfolio Checklist
Portfolio Table of Contents
1. General Reflection Plan
2. Student Class work
organized by hour student has the subject
Language Arts
o Goal Sheet
o Student Rubric
o Teacher Rubric
o Assignment they're proud of
o Assignment they could have improved upon
o Assignment chosen by teacher
o Goal Sheet
o Student Rubric
o Teacher Rubric
o Assignment they're proud of
o Assignment they could have improved upon
o Assignment chosen by teacher
Social Studies
o Goal Sheet
o Student Rubric
o Teacher Rubric
o Assignment they're proud of
o Assignment they could have improved upon
o Assignment chosen by teacher
o Goal Sheet
o Student Rubric
o Teacher Rubric
o Assignment they're proud of
o Assignment they could have improved upon
o Assignment chosen by teacher
Electives (optional)
o Goal Sheet
o Student Rubric
o Teacher Rubric
o Assignment they're proud of
o Assignment they could have improved upon
o Assignment chosen by teacher
3. Parent Questionnaire
Form J
Form K
Parent Checklist
A guide to Student-Led Conferencing
Your child should be walking you through their portfolio explaining each piece. Below is a
checklist of what they should discuss with you.
Review your child's “How Do I See Myself” survey. Ask questions of
your child if you don't understand something.
Review your child’s goal and reflection page. Ask questions of your
child if you don’t understand something.
Let your child discuss their self-improvement plan with you. Encourage
him/her to reach their goals!
Review your child’s work for each class during the conference. Your child
should share what he/she’s proud of and what he/she could have improved
After your child has led you through the conference, raise your hand and
a teacher will be available to answer any questions you might have. If
you’d like to speak with more than one teacher, feel free to do so.
Please fill out both evaluation forms before you leave, and give to a
teacher, or place in the tray by the door.
Our goal is best meet the needs of our students and parents. Your honest
feed- back provides us with the means of assessing and improving of our
educational methods and approaches regarding those needs.
Form L
Student-Led Conference Logistics Checklist - For Teachers
Pre-Conference/Scheduling Logistics
I have scheduled a conference for each student in my Employability Skills.
Each family knows when to arrive and where the conference will be held.
I know the first and last names of any adults that will be attending the conference.
I have created other arrangements for parents who cannot attend the regular conference times.
Pre-Conference/Student Logistics
I have helped students organize assignments and prepare for conferences.
I have helped students learn appropriate speaking skills.
I have set aside Employability Skills time for students to practice student-led conferences with peers.
I know my Employability Skills class! I know what classes they are excelling in and in which they
struggle. I know if they are having trouble with behavior in a specific class or homework in another. I
definitely know if a student is failing a class and I’ve spoken with the subject teacher to find out why. I
know if the child’s family is going through a difficult time. I know with whom each student lives and if
there has been a change in the home environment. I know the names of my students’ parents and I think I
may recall the names of a sibling or two. I know if a student is habitually tardy or late. Nothing is a
surprise to me.
Materials for Conferences
I have a copy of the conference schedule posted outside my classroom.
I have set up chairs in the hallway for families that arrive early.
I have a group of desks arranged to promote small group discussion. Multiple chairs are available.
I have a copy of the conference schedule in front of me.
I have a timer or watch and multiple pens.
I have copies of parental concern sheets that I can provide and enough surveys for each conference. I have
a folder in which to keep documents.
I have a sheet on which to record parental concerns that cannot be addressed during the conference.
During the Conference
I stick to the schedule. I make sure that each conference ends before the next begins.
I let the student talk. I help the student if the parent is talking too much, and I try to redirect the
conversation if the parent begins to get upset.
I make sure all of the paper distribution and signing happens without taking away from the student’s
I welcome each family, preferably using names, and thank them for coming. I remind families that the
student will do most of the talking and that it is best to save questions for the end.
If a parent wants to meet with a teacher I can provide them with a parental concerns sheet and tell the
subject teacher the next day.
I thank each family for coming and reaffirm my availability for current or future concerns and give them a
survey to fill out at home.
Post Conference
Inform core teachers of parent concerns
Collect parent surveys
Send student-led conference thank-you's (created by the student) to be sent home no later than a week
after conferences.
Form M
Lesson Plan: Student-Led Conference Preparation Critique
Day 1
Ask students to turn and talk with a partner. Together come up with 5 things that keep their
attention if they are listening to a speaker (e.g., a clear, loud voice) Share out a few
Watch a model student-led conference video (for a collection of student-led conference videos
see Video Spotlight 5.2 or go to
Discuss at your table what makes this student’s conference good.
Give each table three pink sticky notes (looks like) and three blue sticky notes (sounds like)
Watch the model again. Write one specific “looks like” on each pink sticky note. Write one
specific “sounds like” on each blue sticky note.
Join two table groups together. Ask students in this larger group to organize their collective
sticky notes into “looks like” and “sounds like” and then cluster together any sticky notes that
are similar.
Invite each super-table group to share 1-2 looks like, then 1-2 sounds like criteria
Synthesize these into general presentation criteria and create an anchor chart to guide
students’ rehearsals
Day 2
Remind students of the presentation criteria anchor chart; unpack any criteria that students are
unclear about
Fishbowl a student-led conference rehearsal. The teacher could play student and present a
conference, or, invite a student who has done one before to demonstrate
Ask five students outside of the fishbowl to provide feedback based on the criteria list.
(Remind students of feedback norms: be kind, specific, and helpful). Consider providing
sentence stems to get students started.
Pair students up and have them rehearse their student-led conference with a partner. Remind
student to be kind, specific, and helpful when giving feedback and to use the criteria
list/anchor chart to give feedback.
Exit Ticket: Ask students to write a goal related to the “looks like” or “sounds like” criteria
that they want to work on most before their next formal rehearsal.
The Following Week
Develop a formal presentation rubric or criteria list based on the anchor chart.
In the next week or two, give students an opportunity to rehearse again with a buddy, a
teacher, or someone in another class.
Ask the partner to give feedback based on the presentation rubric.
Return the exit tickets and ask students to journal on whether they met their goal.
Form N
Sample Letter to Families
Dear XXX School Families,
Your middle school student’s conference is scheduled for this week. By now, your student’s
Employability Skills teacher has contacted you or left a message, and we are aiming for 100% attendance.
What’s the parent role during Portfolio conferences? The adult’s role is to ask probing questions that help
students reflect upon the piece that they are presenting. We are trying to help students see improvements,
next steps, or work habits that supported or impeded success.
I have never been part of a student-led conference. What are some good questions to ask during the
portfolio portion?
What was the process for creating this piece?
What skills and knowledge does this piece demonstrate?
How did you improve your work over time?
How did your work change from the first draft to the final draft?
How did you use feedback to improve the piece?
What are you most proud about this piece?
If you were to do it over again, what would you do differently?
What did the process teach you about your strengths and weaknesses in this class?
What did you learn about yourself as a learner by creating this portfolio?
What are common parent concerns about portfolios? First drafts are messy. Spelling is not perfect.
Pieces of work get lost. Not all student work meets grade-level standards. Students sometimes struggle to
explain their work. Portfolios are meant to show the whole journey towards success, and the bumps along
the way help us all support our student’s success in the next semester. Please support growth by asking
questions that make students think about their work. Criticism will lead a student to be less likely to share
about herself.
What if I have specific questions for one of my child’s teachers? You will meet with your student’s
advisor. Should you have concerns that need to be addressed by a specific teacher, your crew leader will
take notes and facilitate the connection.
We can’t wait to see you.
Form O
Appointment Preference Letter for Parents
Dear school name parents and families:
On Tuesday, November 18, 2008 we will be meeting to discuss students’ progress with parents and
families for the final quarter. Kindly indicate which times below are best for you, then we will make
every effort to schedule a convenient appointment time.
Please note Tuesday, November 18, 2008 will be no school for students.
We look forward to informative, productive conferences!
Most sincerely,
XXX School Staff
Please cut, sign and return…
Student’s name: __________________________________ Student’s grade: _______
Parents/guardian/family member’s name: ___________________________________
Relationship to student:___________________________________
____________Please schedule our appointment between 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM.
____________Please schedule our appointment between 5:00 PM and 7:40 PM.
____________Please schedule our appointment at any time.
____________I/We am/are unable to meet with you on Tuesday, November 18, 2008. I/We will call you
or send a note to schedule an appointment.
Form P
Student Led Conferences: Parent Schedule Notice
Dear parents/guardians:
It's time for our student-led conferences and your child has been working very hard to prepare for
this event. He or she has selected work samples from all classes, analyzed his or her strengths
and weaknesses as a learner, and set possible goals for the remainder of the school year. Please
come to this conference prepared to listen, acknowledge his or her effort and growth, and ask
questions of your child.
You will also be asked to help complete the goals and develop a plan to achieve them.
You and your child have been scheduled for a conference on:
___________________ _____________________ ______________
(Date) (Time)
_____________________________ __________________________
(Student name) (Conference facilitator)
If you need to reschedule, please contact the school at (505) xxx-xxxx. Thank you!
Successful students are supported by involved parents. Thank you for attending this
Form Q
Student-Led Conference Parent Survey
What grade is your child in? ___
Student-led conferences gave me deeper insight into the following aspects of my child’s learning (check
all that apply):
What my child is learning
My child’s study habits such as finishing assignments/handing in work on time
My child’s growth as a learner
My child’s habits of scholarship
What was the most helpful mode of communication regarding student-led conferences?
Hard copy letter from the principal
Emails from my child’s crew leader
Robo call reminders
What was the most challenging part of participating in student-led conferences?
Not being familiar with the conference format
Logistics (timing and transportation)
Letting my child lead the conversation
Other __________________________
What was the most rewarding part of student-led conferences for you?
What could we do better in preparing for and conducting student-led conferences next time?
Form R
Portfolio Requirements for Student-Led Conferences
Learning Targets for Student-Led Conferences:
I can speak clearly and articulately about my work.
I can reflect on my growth as a learner.
I can identify and describe my own strengths and weaknesses.
Choose five pieces of work from different subjects (from the current academic year)
1. Piece #1: An example of work you are proud of. The piece shows what you learned and what
makes you feel successful. Choose work from a core class.
2. Piece #2: An example of work that you struggled withit was a challenge. The piece shows what
you learned and how you can improve on this kind of assignment next time. Choose work form a
core class.
3. Piece #3: Make your own choice (Core or Elective).
4. Piece #4: Make your own choice (Core or Elective).
5. Piece #5: Make your own choice (Core or Elective).
Name one habit of scholarship where you have improved, such as coming prepared for class or getting
work in on time. Explain how you have improved and what that has meant to you.
[Insert Site Specific Habits of Scholarship]
Look carefully at the letter you wrote for the Current Grade and Goal Reflection task. Read from your
letter and be sure to name one goal you have for yourself and what you’re doing/changing to make that
goal come to life. Name specific subjects, works, etc. if needed. Summarize here what from your letter
you want to discuss during this time.
Form S
Student-Led Conference Agenda/Script - Sample #1
Introductions: Welcome your family to the conference, introduce all adults, and thank them for
o “Mom/Dad, this is my Employability Skills teacher Mr./Mrs._______. Mr./Ms. ____, this
is my family member ___”
o “I want to thank you for taking the time to come to my conference.”
Purpose: Explain why you are leading this conference and how the conference will work.
o “This is an opportunity for me to share who I am as a learner.”
o “I’ll begin by sharing some of the work in my portfolio. Then, we’ll have some time to
talk about the ways I’ve grown as a learner and establish goals for the next few months.
Finally, we’ll look at my report card.”
Sharing the Portfolio
Introduction to the Portfolio: Explain the purpose of your portfolio.
o “This portfolio contains some of my best work from the past few months. I’m going to
show you a piece from one of my classes and explain how I completed this work and
what this work shows about me as a learner.
Work samples: Present your subject-area work.
o “This piece is from my _________ class. The task was to ____________.”
o “The key skills and knowledge in this piece include _______________. Some of the
important learning targets that this work addresses include ___________.”
o “In my first draft you will notice that I succeeded in ___________ but had challenges
with ______________________________________. I got feedback about ________.”
o “My final draft shows improvement in _________________________________.”
o “In reflecting on this piece, I am proud of ________________but need to continue
working on ______________________.”
o This piece demonstrates the Two Rivers’ expectation of I work hard/I care for my
community/I am a team player/I am responsible and independent because
My Data
This section varies- depending upon the data featured.
Goal Setting/Closing of Portfolio
Goal Setting: Reflect on how you hope to improve your work in the future.
o “I am proud of my work in ________ and need to work on ____________.”
o “Some ideas I have to continue developing as a learner include ________”
o In the next few months I hope to _________.”
o “Do you have any questions about what I’ve presented or ideas about how I can produce
my best work?”
Report Card/Logistics
The Employability Skills teacher comes to the table to distribute the report card.
Discussion of report card: Are there any surprises? Are there any areas of improvement? What
might be some specific goals for next report card?
Logistics: This is an opportunity for the crew advisor to address any outstanding logistics
Thank you: “Thank you for supporting me by participating in my student-led conference.”
Form T
Student-Led Conference Agenda/Script - Sample #2
Welcome and Introductions
Purpose and Conference Agenda
Today, we are meeting to…
I will talk about…
Portfolio Piece #1
What was the task?
What are the characteristics of strong work?
What revisions did you make and why?
What are you proud of? What do you still need to work on?
Portfolio Piece #2
The task was to…
The skills I used were…
In my first draft, I was strong in… But I needed to improve at…
I got feedback that told me to…
In my final draft, I changed… This strengthened my work because…
I am proud of… I still need to work on…
Portfolio Piece #3
The task was to…
The skills I used were…
In my first draft, I was strong in… But I needed to improve at…
I got feedback that told me to…
In my final draft, I changed… This strengthened my work because…
I am proud of… I still need to work on…
My Data
I will now show my Interim Assessment Scores. This is a test that we take at
the end of each quarter to measure our understanding of the curriculum taught
during the previous quarter.
As you can see in English…
As you can see in Math…
Looking at my data I need to….
I have set a goal to…
Questions and Feedback
Share Report Card
Form U
Student-Led Conference Agenda/Script - Sample #3
Phase 1: Welcome & Introductions— Welcome everyone to the meeting and thank people for
coming. Do introductions. Make sure everyone learns everyone else’s name. Encourage
Phase 2: Intentions— Remind everyone why we are here today, by reading the script below…..
“Recently, I took some time to think about how certain things are going for me in school and
WHY they are going this way. Today I will share some of those thoughts with you. I will discuss
not only things I am proud of, but also things I want to work on. As for the areas in which I need
to grow, I have some ideas for how I can improve. I want to run those ideas by you today, and
see if you have anything to add. By the end of the meeting, I hope that we have a plan in place
that we all agree will help me become more successful in school.”
Phase 3: Agenda Review— Quickly review the agenda so everyone knows what to expect.
Phase 4: Discuss Agenda Item # 1 (Strength)—Explain item then ask parents/ teachers if
they’d like to comment.
Phase 5: Discuss Agenda Item # 2 (Primary Area for Growth )— Explain item then ask
parents/ teachers if they’d like to suggest more solutions.
My Primary Area for Growth is:
Describe how things are currently going in this area
I think I struggle in this area because
I think it’s important that grow in this area because
In order to grow in this area, I could (list some things you could try)
In order to help me grow in this area, my parents/teachers could
Notes: In the space below, write down anything you want to remember about comments made
during meeting about Primary Growth Area
Phase 6: Discuss Agenda Item # 3 (Secondary Area for Growth )— Explain item then ask
parents/ teachers if they’d like to suggest more solutions.
My Secondary Area for Growth is:
Describe how things are currently going in this area
I think I struggle in this area because
I think it’s important that grow in this area because
In order to grow in this area, I could (list some things you could try)
In order to help me grow in this area, my parents/teachers could
Notes: In the space below, write down anything you want to remember about comments made
during meeting about Secondary Growth Area.
Phase 7: Additional Agenda Items— Ask the rest of the team if there is anything else they’d
like to discuss today. If so, take time to discuss and take notes in the space below, if necessary.
Phase 8: Recap— Mr. K will present a review of the meeting and remind the group what the
ACTION STEPS are. Student will right down the plan in the space below..
Primary Growth Area
Secondary Growth Area
Phase 9: Last Words— Each team member will make one final statement
Phase 10: Farewell THANK the team for coming together to meet today.
Please let your parent or guardian know that they have the option to stay and talk more with
the teachers, even though it is now time for you, as the student leader, to go back to class.
Shake hands and head out. :)
Form V
Student Led Conference Prep Sheet Notecard
Step 1: Introductions (Welcome family and introduce all adults)
“Mom/Dad, etc., this is my crew advisor ____________________.”
“Mr./Ms. _______, this is my family member _________________.”
“Thank you for taking the time to come to my conference.”
Step 2: State Purpose and Agenda of Conference
“This is an opportunity for me to share who I am as a learner.”
“I’ll begin by sharing some of my high quality work in my portfolio. Then, we’ll have
some time to talk about the ways I’ve grown as a learner and establish goals for the next
few months.”
“Finally, we’ll look at my report card and give you a chance to give feedback and ask
Step 3: Explaining and Sharing the Portfolio
“The portfolio contains some of my best work from the past few months. I’m going to
show you some key pieces from 3 (or 4 or 5) of my classes. I’ll explain what I learned
from doing this work, how I revised the work to make it high quality, and what this work
shows about me as a learner.”
Student Led Conference Prep Sheet Notecards
Step 1: Introductions (Welcome family and introduce all adults)
Step 2: State Purpose and Agenda of Conference
Step 3: Explaining and Sharing the Portfolio
Step 4: Any last comments before you start your first piece (optional)