by Jerry Spinelli
Chapter Questions
for the Novel
Porcupine Necktie
1. Where did Leo move to when he
was 12 years old?
2. What did Uncle Pete give him?
3. When Leo turned 14, who gave
him a new porcupine necktie?
Porcupine Necktie
1. Where did Leo move to when he was
12 years old? Mica, Arizona
2. What did Uncle Pete give him? His
porcupine necktie
3. When Leo turned 14, who gave him a
new porcupine necktie? It was a mystery
Chapter 1
1. What grade is Leo in school?
2. Who were all of the students
talking about on the first day of
3. Describe Stargirl Caraway.
4. Why do you think Leo and Kevin
were thinking about Stargirl being a
guest on the in-school TV show
Chapter 1
1. What grade is Leo in school? 11
2. Who were all of the students talking
about on the first day of school? A new girl
named Stargirl
3. Describe Stargirl Caraway. Wore long dresses,
hair the color of sand, ukulele strapped to her back,
carried a sunflower canvas bag, freckles across the
bridge of her nose, no make-up, big eyes
4. Why do you think Leo and Kevin were
thinking about Stargirl being a guest on
the in-school TV show
Hot Seat
? She was
different and interesting
Chapter 2
1. What was Hillari Kimble’s theory about
2. What is the name of the school?
3. How many people sat with Stargirl at lunch?
4. Describe Stargirl’s encounter with Alan
5. Describe the students at Mica Area High
6. Did Stargirl “fit” in?
7. What was in Stargirl’s sunflower bag?
8. When the students looked outside at the
rain falling, what did they see?
Chapter 2
1. What was Hillari Kimble’s theory about Stargirl? That
she is not real, but an actress placed in the school by the
administration to foster school spirit
2. What is the name of the school? Mica Area High School
3. How many people sat with Stargirl at lunch? none
4. Describe Stargirl’s encounter with Alan Ferko. She
sang Happy Birthday to him in front of everyone at lunch
5. Describe the students at Mica Area High School. All
the same…dress the same, talk the same, act the same, eat the
same food, listen to the same music, etc.
6. Did Stargirl “fit” in? no
7. What was in Stargirl’s sunflower bag? Her pet rat
8. When the students looked outside at the rain falling,
what did they see? Stargirl dancing in the rain
Chapter 3
1. What did Leo and Kevin not
agree on?
2. Describe Stargirl’s desk at
3. What was the main business in
Mica, Arizona?
4. What did Leo do to Stargirl one
day after school?
Chapter 3
1. What did Leo and Kevin not agree
on? Signing Stargirl up for
Hot Seat
2. Describe Stargirl’s desk at school.
Draped with a blue and yellow curtain over three sides
of it, three-inch clear vase with a white and yellow daisy
in it
3. What was the main business in Mica,
Arizona? electronics
4. What did Leo do to Stargirl one day
after school? Followed her
Chapter 4
1. What was Hillari Kimble famous
for at Mica Area High School?
2. Explain “The Hoax” that Hillari
Kimble is known for.
3. Describe Wayne Parr.
4. Who was Wayne Parr’s role
Chapter 4
1. What was Hillari Kimble famous for
at Mica Area High School? Her mouth,
the Hoax, and Wayne Parr
2. Explain “The Hoax” that Hillari
Kimble is known for. She tried out for
cheerleading in 10
grade, easily made the squad, and
then turned down being a cheerleader- she just wanted
to prove that she could do it
3. Describe Wayne Parr. Very quiet, good-
looking, Hillari’s boyfriend, chiseled cheeks, square jaw,
perfect teeth and hair
4. Who was Wayne Parr’s role model?
Gentleman’s Quarterly
, the magazine
Chapter 5
1. Why did Kevin call Leo to come
to the football game?
2. What was different about the
next home football game?
3. Who sat with Stargirl at lunch
the Monday after the game?
4. What was significant about the
next student’s birthday?
Chapter 5
1. Why did Kevin call Leo to come to
the football game? To see Stargirl
2. What was different about the next
home football game? More than 1000 people
came, there was school spirit
3. Who sat with Stargirl at lunch the
Monday after the game? Mallory Stillwell,
the cheerleading captain; she asked Stargirl to become a
4. What was significant about the next
student’s birthday? It was Hillari Kimble’s
Chapter 6
1. Why do you think everyone
anticipated lunch on this day?
2. Who did Stargirl sing to on
Hillari’s birthday?
3. Who did Kevin suggest he and
Leo go see?
Chapter 6
1. Why do you think everyone
anticipated lunch on this day? It
was Hillari’s birthday, and they wanted to see what
Stargirl would do since Hillari had warned her the day
before not to sing to her.
2. Who did Stargirl sing to on
Hillari’s birthday? Leo
3. Who did Kevin suggest he and
Leo go see? Archie
Chapter 7
1. Why was Archie’s house full of bones?
2. Name the two reasons Archie chose
his home in Mica.
3. What was the Loyal Order of the
Stone Bone?
4. After addressing Archie, who were
the students expected to greet?
5. How did Archie sometimes talk to the
6. Had her name always been Stargirl?
Chapter 7
1. Why was Archie’s house full of bones? He was a
2. Name the two reasons Archie chose his home in Mica.
(1) its proximity to the high school, and (2) Senor Saguaro, a
3. What was the Loyal Order of the Stone Bone? The
students who went to Archie’s house on Saturday mornings to learn
lessons from Archie
4. After addressing Archie, who were the students
expected to greet? Senor Saguaro
5. How did Archie sometimes talk to the students? In
6. Had her name always been Stargirl? No, she had changed
it several times according to Archie.
Chapter 8
1. By December, how were the
students at Mica Area High
School viewing Stargirl?
2. Who won MAHS’s oratorical
contest in December?
3. What was interesting about the
video that was shown of the
winner of the previous year’s
state finals?
Chapter 8
1. By December, how were the students at
Mica Area High School viewing Stargirl? As
the most popular person in school
2. Who won MAHS’s oratorical contest in
December? Stargirl
3. What was interesting about the video that
was shown of the winner of the previous
year’s state finals? When the winner returned to his
high school, he was met by banners, cheerleaders, band music,
confetti, and streamers
Chapter 9
1. Describe the “rebellion” that
Stargirl led?
2. How did the students react to
the “rebellion” of Stargirl’s?
3. What did Archie tell Leo was
the problem with miracles?
Chapter 9
1. Describe the “rebellion” that
Stargirl led? A rebellion “for”- for them, to express
their own individuality
2. How did the students react to the
“rebellion” of Stargirl’s? they began speaking
up in class, joining/starting clubs, dressing how they wanted to,
3. What did Archie tell Leo was the
problem with miracles? Miracles don’t last
Chapter 10
1. What day was Stargirl scheduled to
appear on
Hot Seat
2. Why was Anna Grisdale’s mother
angry with Stargirl?
3. Who was Danny Pike?
4. Who did the students at school
suspect purchased the new bicycle?
Chapter 10
1. What day was Stargirl scheduled to
appear on
Hot Seat
? February 13
- the day before
Valentine’s Day
2. Why was Anna Grisdale’s mother angry
with Stargirl? She attended Anna’s grandfather’s
funeral and didn’t even know him
3. Who was Danny Pike? A 9-year old boy who had been
in a bicycle accident
4. Who did the students at school suspect
purchased the new bicycle? Stargirl
Chapter 11
1. What was unusual about Stargirl’s
cheerleading spirit during the basketball
2. Explain how Stargirl’s spirit flowed into
other aspects of her day.
3. What was so different about this year on
the basketball court?
4. How did the MAHS students now feel
toward their basketball opponents?
5. Why did Stargirl walk out of the gym during
the game against Red Rock?
6. What happened to Stargirl after the game?
Chapter 11
1. What was unusual about Stargirl’s cheerleading
spirit during the basketball games? Corny, cheered even
when the other team scored
2. Explain how Stargirl’s spirit flowed into other
aspects of her day. She cheered anyone, anything, and at
anytime (ex: picking up trash, acing a test, getting braces off,
3. What was so different about this year on the
basketball court? The Electrons were winning
4. How did the MAHS students now feel toward their
basketball opponents? Hated them and everything about
them…uniforms, coaches, fans
5. Why did Stargirl walk out of the gym during the
game against Red Rock? She felt sorry for the other team.
6. What happened to Stargirl after the game? They
tricked her into going back into the game and left her.
Chapter 12
1. Describe the “Hot Seat” itself.
2. What was the job of the jury?
3. What was Chico?
4. Where did Leo work during a
5. When Leo saw the jurors enter,
how did he feel about this
Chapter 12
1. Describe the “Hot Seat” itself. Painted red
with flames running up the legs
2. What was the job of the jury? To ask questions
3. What was Chico? A close-up camera named after one of
Mr. Robineau’s former students
4. Where did Leo work during a broadcast?
The glass-in control room
5. When Leo saw the jurors enter, how did he
feel about this
Hot Seat
? He saw Hillari and his
bad feeling about this interview/show got worse
Chapter 13
1. What was Stargirl’s real name?
2. What all names had Stargirl given
3. When did Stargirl change her name?
4. Who did Stargirl say she rooted
5. Why did Stargirl say she quit being
Chapter 13
1. What was Stargirl’s real name? Susan
2. What all names had Stargirl given
herself? Pocket Mouse, Mudpie, Hullygully, Stargirl
3. When did Stargirl change her name? when it
didn’t fit her anymore
4. Who did Stargirl say she rooted for?
5. Why did Stargirl say she quit being
homeschooled? She wanted to make friends
Chapter 14
1. Was Stargirl’s
Hot Seat
ever aired?
2. What did Stargirl leave on
everyone’s desk in Homeroom 17 on
Valentine’s Day?
3. What did Stargirl do when Ron
Kovac was injured?
4. What did Leo find in his notebook?
Chapter 14
1. Was Stargirl’s
Hot Seat
ever aired? no
2. What did Stargirl leave on
everyone’s desk in Homeroom 17 on
Valentine’s Day? A candy heart
3. What did Stargirl do when Ron
Kovac was injured? Rushed to him, held his
head, talked to him, walked out of the gym with him
4. What did Leo find in his notebook? A
Valentine card from Stargirl
Chapter 15
1. Did Stargirl give everyone a
Valentine card?
2. How was Stargirl acting at
3. Where did Kevin and Leo go on
Chapter 15
1. Did Stargirl give everyone a
Valentine card? Not that Leo could tell
2. How was Stargirl acting at
lunch? Subdued; not her usual self
3. Where did Kevin and Leo go on
Saturday? Archie’s house for the Loyal Order
of the Stone Bone Saturday morning session
Chapter 16
1. What news did Leo overhear a
group discussing after school
on Monday?
2. How did the group address Leo?
3. How is Leo changing?
4. What does Cinnamon like to do
to people?
5. Why didn’t Leo want to leave?
Chapter 16
1. What news did Leo overhear a group
discussing after school on Monday?
That Stargirl had been kicked off the cheer squad
2. How did the group address Leo?
3. How is Leo changing? He is starting to fall
for Stargirl, thinking things he hasn’t thought before
4. What does Cinnamon like to do to
people? Lick their ears
5. Why didn’t Leo want to leave? He was in
love with Stargirl
Chapter 17
1. Where did Stargirl take Leo that
day after school?
2. What do people notice when they go
to the Sonoran Desert?
3. What did Stargirl want Leo to do
when they reached the “enchanted”
4. What did Leo do to protect
Cinnamon from possible predators?
Chapter 17
1. Where did Stargirl take Leo that day
after school? To the desert where he had followed
her that one day after school
2. What do people notice when they go to
the Sonoran Desert? The saguaros
3. What did Stargirl want Leo to do when
they reached the “enchanted” place?
Nothing, just do nothing
4. What did Leo do to protect Cinnamon
from possible predators? Scooped him up in his
hand and brought him close to his chest to protect him
Chapter 18
1. How were Stargirl and Leo at
2. How were the students
beginning to treat Stargirl?
3. What explanation did Kevin give
Leo for the way people were
Chapter 18
1. How were Stargirl and Leo at
school? Like they were in their own little world
2. How were the students
beginning to treat Stargirl? Gave
her the silent treatment
3. What explanation did Kevin give
Leo for the way people were
acting? They blamed her for the team losing and
didn’t like her cheering for the other teams
Chapter 19
1. What example did Archie use
for Leo to understand what was
going on with Stargirl?
2. How did Archie see Stargirl?
3. What was Senor Saguaro’s
advice to Leo?
Chapter 19
1. What example did Archie use
for Leo to understand what was
going on with Stargirl? How the Amish
shun someone- excommunicated and will not speak to
that person until he/she repents
2. How did Archie see Stargirl? As
an unusual girl; one who seems to have something no one
else has
3. What was Senor Saguaro’s
advice to Leo? To determine whose affection
he values more- Stargirl’s or that of everyone else
Chapter 20
1. What town would the state oratorical
contest be held?
2. How did Stargirl practice for the
3. How did Leo behave in Stargirl’s
4. Describe Stargirl’s heart.
5. What did Stargirl tell Leo she wanted
to be when she gets older?
6. What does Leo realize about
Stargirl’s gifts?
Chapter 20
1. What town would the state oratorical contest be
held? Phoenix, Arizona
2. How did Stargirl practice for the contest? In front of
Leo and Cinnamon most of the time; without note cards
3. How did Leo behave in Stargirl’s presence? He laughed
out loud, enjoyed using his sense of humor
4. Describe Stargirl’s heart. She felt whatever she saw
5. What did Stargirl tell Leo she wanted to be when
she gets older? A silver-lunch-truck-driver
6. What does Leo realize about Stargirl’s gifts? That is
was her who gave him the mysterious porcupine necktie for this
birthday that year
Chapter 21
1. How did Stargirl find out what
was going on in people’s lives?
2. What did Stargirl and Leo do at
the Redstone Mall?
3. Why did Stargirl drop change
as they walked?
Chapter 21
1. How did Stargirl find out what was
going on in people’s lives? She read the
daily newspaper, listened at the hair salon, and read
bulletin boards all across town.
2. What did Stargirl and Leo do at the
Redstone Mall? People watch to play their
“follow a person for 15 minutes” game
3. Why did Stargirl drop change as
they walked? She didn’t like change, and she
liked knowing that someone would be happy to find it as
they were walking.
Chapter 22
1. What did Leo think when he
saw Stargirl’s bedroom?
2. Explain the happy wagon.
3. What was the largest number
of pebbles that had ever been
in the wagon?
4. Why did Stargirl take pictures
of Peter Sinkowitz?
Chapter 22
1. What did Leo think when he saw Stargirl’s
bedroom? That it looked like any other high school
girl’s bedroom; he though that it would be more unique
2. Explain the happy wagon. Wagon made of wood
with 20 pebbles that Stargirl used to measure her
happiness (happy = put a pebble in it; unhappy = take a
pebble out)
3. What was the largest number of pebbles
that had ever been in the wagon? 17 (18
after she put another in it while they were talking)
4. Why did Stargirl take pictures of Peter
Sinkowitz? She was compiling a biography/scrapbook
of his life to give to him when he was older
Chapter 23
1. Why did Leo not like Mondays?
2. Why did Mica Area High
School’s star player say they
lost their last basketball game?
3. What did Leo wish for at night
before going to bed?
Chapter 23
1. Why did Leo not like Mondays? The
shunning would begin all over again when they got to
2. Why did Mica Area High School’s
star player say they lost their last
basketball game? That the heart went out of
him (them) when they saw Stargirl helping the hurt
3. What did Leo wish for at night
before going to bed? He wished Stargirl
could just become like them
Chapter 24
1. What did Leo continue to hear
at school?
2. What was written on the
school’s bulletin board?
3. How did Leo feel about the
bulletin board?
4. What was Leo’s “crime”?
Chapter 24
1. What did Leo continue to hear at
school? “Roadrunner”…referring to the school’s
bulletin board
2. What was written on the school’s
bulletin board? STARGIRL LOVES LEO
3. How did Leo feel about the bulletin
board? He was embarrassed
4. What was Leo’s “crime”? Pairing up with
Stargirl, an unpopular person
Chapter 25
1. Why did Stargirl hunt for Leo?
2. Why did Leo tell Stargirl things
had to change?
3. What did Leo spend the next
several days doing?
Chapter 25
1. Why did Stargirl hunt for Leo?
She wanted to talk to him and find out why he had been
hiding from her
2. Why did Leo tell Stargirl things
had to change? People who had been his
friends weren’t talking to him anymore
3. What did Leo spend the next
several days doing? Trying to explain to
Stargirl how to be more like everyone else at Mica Area
High School
Chapter 26
1. Why didn’t Leo notice Stargirl
at lunch?
2. How did Leo feel about the
vanishing of Stargirl and the
appearance of Susan?
3. Who was Evelyn?
4. Describe the happy wagon now.
5. What was Susan’s vision?
Chapter 26
1. Why didn’t Leo notice Stargirl at lunch?
She had been transformed (jeans, sandals, make-up,
painted nails, lipstick, jewelry, etc.)
2. How did Leo feel about the vanishing of
Stargirl and the appearance of Susan?
Happy and proud
3. Who was Evelyn? A fictitious person Stargirl
invented to ask Leo questions (Would Evelyn like this?)
4. Describe the happy wagon now. 2 pebbles (she
was very unhappy)
5. What was Susan’s vision? That she returned
home as the state winner and everyone greeted her like
on the video shown at school that day
Chapter 27
1. Why didn’t Dori Dilson go with
Susan and Leo to the oratorical
contest in Phoenix?
2. What did Susan tell Leo she was
going to have him hold when they
returned to school?
3. What did Susan talk about on the
two-hour trip to Phoenix?
4. Why did Susan ask Mr. McShane to
pull the car over?
Chapter 27
1. Why didn’t Dori Dilson go with Susan and
Leo to the oratorical contest in Phoenix?
She was mad at Susan because she thought Susan betrayed
2. What did Susan tell Leo she was going to
have him hold when they returned to
school? The winner’s silver plate/trophy
3. What did Susan talk about on the two-
hour trip to Phoenix? About winning and returning to
the crowd at school cheering for her
4. Why did Susan ask Mr. McShane to pull
the car over? She wanted to get out and be herself for a
minute in the desert
Chapter 28
1. How many contestants were in
the contest?
2. What was the surprise about
Susan’s speech?
3. How did the crowd respond to
Susan’s final speech?
Chapter 28
1. How many contestants were in
the contest? 38
2. What was the surprise about
Susan’s speech? It was new.
3. How did the crowd respond to
Susan’s final speech? They were
captivated, clapped, and cheered wildly for her.
Chapter 29
1. What was the outcome of the
2. Where was the only place Susan
would not carry her silver
3. Why do you think Dori was
crying when they returned to
Chapter 29
1. What was the outcome of the
contest? Susan won.
2. Where was the only place Susan
would not carry her silver plate? The
dance floor
3. Why do you think Dori was crying
when they returned to Mica? Because
no one showed up to show their support for Susan’s
accomplishment of winning the state oratorical
Chapter 30
1. What did Susan say when they
parked the car?
2. Who appeared at school on
3. Who applauded Stargirl?
4. What did Leo feel he should
Chapter 30
1. What did Susan say when they
parked the car? nothing
2. Who appeared at school on Monday?
3. Who applauded Stargirl? Dori Dilson
4. What did Leo feel he should do?
Stand up for Stargirl and applaud her for being
her own person…but he didn’t do it
Chapter 31
1. Who did Leo ask to the Ocotillo
2. Who did Stargirl go to the Ball
3. What did everyone do as Stargirl
made her entrance to the Ball?
4. Who was left alone when the “bunny
hop” line made its way off the dance
5. What did Hillari do to Susan, and
what was Susan’s reaction to it?
Chapter 31
1. Who did Leo ask to the Ocotillo Ball? No
one…he didn’t go
2. Who did Stargirl go to the Ball with? herself
3. What did everyone do as Stargirl made
her entrance to the Ball? Stared at her
4. Who was left alone when the “bunny hop”
line made its way off the dance floor?
Hillari Kimble and Wayne Parr
5. What did Hillari do to Susan, and what
was Susan’s reaction to it? Hillari slapped
Stargirl, and Stargirl kissed Hillari on the cheek when Hillari
had her eyes closed
Chapter 32
1. Where did Stargirl move?
2. What did Archie tell Leo
Stargirl gave up for him?
3. What did Archie reveal to Leo
in his backyard?
Chapter 32
1. Where did Stargirl move?
Minnesota, according to Archie
2. What did Archie tell Leo
Stargirl gave up for him? That she
gave up herself because she loved him that much
3. What did Archie reveal to Leo
in his backyard? Stargirl’s office in his
backyard toolshed
Chapter 33
1. Who did Leo always return to
see when he was in Mica?
2. Where did Leo take Archie?
3. What did Archie give back to
the earth that day?
4. What now occupied Stargirl’s
enchanted place?
Chapter 33
1. Who did Leo always return to see
when he was in Mica? Archie
2. Where did Leo take Archie? The
3. What did Archie give back to the
earth that day? Barney
4. What now occupied Stargirl’s
enchanted place? An elementary school
More Than Stars
1. What job did Kevin have in his
adult life?
2. How often did Leo’s graduating
class hold reunions?
3. What new club is at Mica Area
High School?
More Than Stars
1. What job did Kevin have in his
adult life? Insurance salesman
2. How often did Leo’s graduating
class hold reunions? Every five years
3. What new club is at Mica Area
High School? The Sunflowers
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