The 1,800-Mile Surprise
On November 4, 2006, 32-year-old Esther Arteaga and 74-year-old Eduardo Roco,
both clerks at a Carson-area gas station were shot and killed during an early-morning
robbery attempt.
Esther, a single mother, had recently taken a job at the gas station so she could
provide for her seven-year-old daughter, Katty Gomez. Now Katty, along with other
family and friends of victims Arteaga and Roco, were left behind to grieve.
Carson Sheriff’s Station Deputies Jorge Padilla, Nancy Bowley, and Blanca Arevalo
responded to the crime scene that unforgettable day in 2006 and aided in the
investigation. Each one of them was so moved by little Katty and the loss she suffered
at such a young age, they vowed to become a part of her life.
For years following, the deputies remained in touch with Katty, who was taken in by her
grandmother, Catalina Guillen. There came a time, however, the family wished to start
over. Katty and her family moved to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where they commenced
their new life together. Katty left, but the deputies never forgot her or how she touched
their hearts.
On Saturday, October 11, 2014, Katty celebrated her 15
birthday with a Quinceañera,
a traditional Latin celebration of the transition from childhood to young adulthood. As a
surprise for Katty, Deputies Padilla and Bowley, and since-promoted Sergeant Arevalo
flew to Louisiana to surprise her and join in the festivities.
Katty was completely surprised and delighted to see her old friends in her new
hometown, nearly 2,000 miles away from where they first met under tragic
circumstances. It was a thrill for the deputies to see her so happy, healthy and well-
balanced. She was growing into a lovely young lady and they felt blessed to be a part
of her life. They gathered together and honored Katty joyfully that evening, as a
picture of Esther placed on a nearby table watched over them.
Although nothing can be done to erase the emotional pain and suffering Katty
experienced, it was the wish of the three deputies to present a small gesture and
remind her she was never forgotten.
To view video news link to the surprise in Baton Rouge:
A surprise visit evokes tears. “…I don't think there was a dry eye,” Deputy
Padilla said in an interview by FOX 11 Reporter, Christine O’Donnell.
The birthday girl seeing her surprise guests arrive.
Friends reunite.
Remembering Katty’s mom, Esther Arteaga, at the
Katty’s grandmother, Catalina Guillen; Sergeant Blanca Arevalo;
Deputy Nancy Bowley; and Deputy Jorge Padilla surround Katty for
a commemorative photo.
Deputy Bowley and Sergeant Arevalo surprise Katty with a
laptop computer.
A female Baton Rouge Police officer joins Sergeant Arevalo,
Deputy Padilla, a uniformed female Baton Rouge Police
officer, and Deputy Bowley at the Quinceanera.
A dance during an unforgettable evening.
The best part: Katty’s smile.
A picture of Deputy Blanca Arevalo, Katty Gomez, Deputy Nancy
Bowley, and Deputy Jorge Padilla in 2006, taken Christmas, 2006, a
little more than a month after Esther Arteaga’s murder.