Florida International University International Admissions DCF iadmiss@fiu.edu
Instructions: Declaration and Certification
of Finances (DCF)
We can provide students admitted to the University with Certificates of Eligibility. Before issuing these certificates, we must receive student’s documents (as described in the procedures
below) by the deadlines associated with their terms of admission. We ask students to submit the Declaration and Certification of Finances form by email [email protected].
Please Note: If you fail to comply with foreign student document submission dates and requirements, you may encounter delays in obtaining your visa that will have an impact on your date
of entry to the US. Do not enter the U.S. on a B-1/B-2 (tourist) visa a visa waiver. Students who enter the US on a B-1/B-2 visa should not enroll in academic courses. To remain in status,
tourist who wish to pursue academic coursework must leave the U.S. and return on the appropriate F-1 or J-1 visa.
Declaration and Certification of Finances
As part of the application process, you must complete the Declaration and Certification of Finances (DCF) and provide a copy of your passport (if you currently have a visa, please provide us
with a copy of your current visa information). Immigration Authorities require the University to verify financial resources of each applicant prior to issuing the Form l-20/DS-2019. By
completing this form and submitting appropriate documentation, you will help us complete this verification in a timely manner.
Please Note: We will accept copies, scans or faxes. However, the Embassy/Consulate will require original financial information. During your visa appointment, you will present original
financial documents that must match the information on the I-20 or DS-2019. If you submit incomplete, inadequate, or falsified information, you may not receive a student visa. Your
financial documents must be less than one month old when you submit them to our International Admissions department.
Cost of Attendance
Your DCF must reflect the annual estimated cost of graduate or undergraduate attendance as summarized in table 1 (below). If you are admitted to the Summer semester, you must
show support that covers the costs included in the Twelve Month (Summer, Fall, Spring Terms) section of table 1.
Table 1
2022-2023 Estimated Costs of Attendance by Student Level, On-Campus Status, and Periods of Enrollment
Off Campus
Off Campus
On Campus
Fall Admission (9 Months, Fall & Spring Enrollment)
Credit Hours Attempted
Books & Supplies
Living Expenses
Total Costs
Summer Admission (12 Months, Summer, Fall, and Spring Enrollment)
Credit Hours Attempted
Books & Supplies
Living Expenses
Total Costs
Annual estimate of costs are based on the 2022
2023 Financial Aid Student Budgets available on the OneStop website: https://onestop.fiu.edu/finances/estimate-your-
costs/undergraduate-tuition-fees/ . Tuition and fees are subject to change and are estimates; costs do not reflect actual required payments to FIU. International students must be
enrolled full-time to maintain their visa status. Full-time undergraduate enrollment is at least 12 credit hours per semester. Full-time graduate enrollment is at least 9 credit hours.
Students who are admitted in the Summer C semester must enroll full time; students admitted to Summer B must enroll for 6 credit hours.
We base living expenses on the “Off Campus” and On Campus” room and board costs that our Office of Financial Aid defines for each academic year. During your first month
living off campus, you will likely pay a security deposit and last month rent in addition to their first month rent. You should also prepare to address initial costs for electricity,
water, and telephone.
Medical Insurance
All international students are required to carry medical insurance, which meets University requirements. A policy is available for purchase online on
from Student Health Services: http:// stu denthealt h.fiu.edu. Health insurance coverage for a full year, August to August is estimated at $3,320 for a student and $3,320
each for a child and/or spouse. Students admitted into the Summer term will pay an additional premium for Summer only medical insurance either an estimate of $900
for Summer A/C or, if available, an estimate of $450 for Summer B/Early Fall, otherwise insurance premiums are paid on an ann ual basis and cover Fall term - Summer
term. To learn more about insurance please visit this website: https://studentaffairs.fiu.edu/health-and- fitness/student-hea Ith/ins ura nce/internationa I-stu dents/i
ndex. ph
Florida International University International Admissions DCF iadmiss@fiu.edu
Current F-1 or J-1 Student Visa Holders
If you are currently holding an F-1 or J-1 student visa and plan to transfer from another U.S. institution to FIU you must also submit a DCF with supporting documents as
indicated above. Your current institution must release your SEVIS record to FIU before your new Form l-20/DS-2019 will be issued; this happens only after you are admitted to
FIU. Therefore, you need to complete the top section of the F-1 Student Transfer Form (page 5) including your current U.S. address and have the international student
advisor at your current/previous school complete the bottom section. Once we have received the form and your SEVIS record has been released, we will begin the
process to issue a new Form l-20/DS-2019.
Information in SEVIS must be electronically forwarded to FIU before issuance of the new Form l-20/DS-2019 will be possible. Your SEVIS record will only be released at the
end of the term in which you are currently enrolled.
Please do not plan any international travel without making appropriate arrangements for securing your new l -20/DS-2019 in advance. A minimum of two full
weeks processing time is needed for your l-20/DS-2019 to be ready once all documents are received and approved. You must use a courier service if you leave the
country without receiving your transfer I-20; you are strongly encouraged not to leave the country without your transfer I-20. International Admissions cannot
guarantee faster processing time.
Current F-1 or J-1 Student Visa Holder Not in Status
If you are not in status at the time of your admissions offer, there are two options, reinstatement or reentry into the United St ate s. The process of reinstatement is
lengthy and requires the approval by your previous institution, their request to SEVIS to reinstate your record and approval by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services (USCIS). Your previous institution will not submit a reinstatement request, if you are not currently enrolled as a fulltime student, this includes if you have
completed your program or have stayed beyond the 60-day grace period. For reentry, International Admissions will issue you a new initial I-20 and request that you
" restart " your F-1 status by reentering the United Stat es. It is not suggested to make new entry into the United States by way of the Caribbean. Taking a cruise is
also not a viable reentry option. International Admissions strongly encourages the issuance of a new I-20 and reentry to the U.S. in most cases. Your new initial I-
20 and new SEVIS number will require you to pay the SEVIS fee; you may not need a new F1 if your F-1
expired I-20.
Students with Dependents
Students who plan to bring their dependent(s) to the U.S. will require additional financial support to cover the dependents and must complete page 2 of the DCF form.
The additional financial support should be reflected on the student's DCF form page 3 in the amount of $6,000 for his/her spouse and $4,000 for each child. Additional
insurance for the family of F-1 students is optional, but highly recommended. Medical insurance is required for a II J-2 dependents. F-2 dependents are not permitted to
work but may enroll part-time in university coursework.
Student Athletes are students who are enrolled full-time and formally part of a school sanctioned intercollegiate competitive sports program
Special Programs
Academic units offering unique programs with special rates will provide a departmental memo that includes the program’s cost of attendance for 12 months. This memo must include
the student’s full name, Panther ID number, be on department letterhead, and contain the signature of the Dean. Separately, the department will share a list of students in these
cohorts/programs to the Office of International Admissions to ensure accuracy.
l-20/DS-2019 Delivery Options
Next Steps
Once you receive your Initial l-20/DS-2019 you should proceed to pay the SEVIS 1-901 Fee, schedule an appointment at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate and apply for an F-1 or J-1
visa. You can review these steps here: https://internationaladmissions.fiu.edu/last-steps/ International Student and Scholar Services provides helpful pre-arrival guide on their
website https://isss.fiu.edu/international-students/new-f-1-students/
Florida International University International Admissions DCF iadmiss@fiu.edu
Declaration and Certification of Finances
All international students, defined as non-U.S. citizens, permanent residents of the U.S. or other resident-visa categories (asylum, refugee, DACA), must complete this form. Please return
your Declaration and Certification of Finances by email [email protected]
Please provide a copy of your passport, current visa, if applicable, and any dependent passports along with this document.
Initial I-20 (Students from Abroad) Transfer from U.S. Institution (Transfer Form Pg. 5 Required) Change of Status
Applicant Information:
Your name should appear exactly as printed in your passport.
Family Name/Surname(s):
First & Middle Name(s):
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) Gender: Male Female
Country of Birth:
Country of Citizenship:
City of Birth:
Panther ID
Visa Information:
Type of visa for which you will apply:
Current visa status, if applicable:
F-1 F-2
A-1 B-1/B-2
Apply for the F-1 visa, unless you have been informed by a sponsoring agency you
require a J-1 visa.
Please complete a visa transfer form (page 5):
L-2 Other (specify)
Do you have dependents who will be accompanying you? Yes No (If yes, complete page two of this form)
DS-2019/I-20 Delivery Method: I will use eshipglobal I will pick up my l-20/DS-2019 I will use standard mail
I will use e-mail
International Address:
Your complete home address in your country of residency is required
Street Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Telephone Number: Email Address:
Mailing Address:
Street Address:
The address to send your immigration document
City: State: Zip Code:
Telephone Number: Email Address
Student Signature: Date:
Florida International University International Admissions DCF iadmiss@fiu.edu
Family Name/Surname(s): First Name(s): Panther ID:
Dependent Information:
Please list all dependents who will be accompanying you to live in the U.S. during your studies or if they are currently residing with you in the U.S. Only your legal
spouse and dependent unmarried children under the age of 21 can be claimed as dependents. If your spouse and/or children are accompanying you to the U.S.,
you must show an additional $6,000 for your spouse and $4,000 for each dependent child. A copy of each passport must also be submitted to International
Admissions for issuance of the dependent I-20. If more than four dependents will accompany you, please print an additional page with the additional dependent
Dependent names must appear as printed on the passport
Dependent 1
Dependent 2
Family Name/Surname(s) First
Middle Name(s)
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Country of Birth
Country of Citizenship
Spouse Child
Spouse Child
Family Name/Surname(s) First
Middle Name(s)
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Country of Birth
Country of Citizenship
Spouse Child
Spouse Child
Please provide a copy of dependent passport(s) and current visa stamp, if applicable along with this page.
Student Signature: Date:
Florida International University International Admissions DCF iadmiss@fiu.edu
Family Name/Surname(s): First Name(s): Panther ID:
Student Annual Financial Support in U.S. Dollars (USD)
Each type and amount of financial support listed below must be accompanied by valid supporting financial documents
A. Personal Savings
Amount U.S. $
B. 1. Family/Sponsor Funds (If full or partial financial support is from family/sponsor)
Full Name Email
2. Family/Sponsor Funds
Full Name Email
C. Florida International University Scholarship or Departmental Funding
Government/Other Organizational Sponsorship Funds
Amount U.S. $
Amount U.S. $
Amount U.S. $
Contact Person
Amount U.S. $
Name of Agency
Agency Address
Contact Person
Email Address
Total the support listed above in A, B, C and D and enter in the section below. This total amount should be reflected on the supporting documents that you
submit either on page 4 or as described below.
Total Amount of Financial Support Amount U.S. $
Supporting Financial Documents
In addition to this form, you are required to submit valid supporting financial documents certifying that you have sufficient funds available to cover
expenses for your first year at FIU. Documents may be submitted electronically, no more than 30 days older than the date of submission, officially translated
in English and issued by a financial institution or agency verifying access to the funds. For more information see the instru ctions to this form or
Personal funds -A recent bank statement or bank letter or you may use page 4 as your bank letter.
Funds from family or sponsor-A recent bank statement or letter along with an affidavit of support containing both student's and sponsor's name,
relationship, and amount of funds available for the purpose of the applicant's studies. You may use page 4 of this form as your affidavit of support
or include the same information in a bank letter. Funds should be shown at current USD exchange rate.
FIU Scholarship or Departmental Funding- Please indicate the type of funding or scholarship name and the Departmental Contact in the section
above, so we may verify.
Government or other sponsoring agency- a signed copy of the scholarship or award letter stating the amount, name of recipient and duration of
Examples of financial documents that will not be accepted include:
Annual salary statement, pay stubs, credit card statements
Real estate
Investments, stocks, retirement plans, insurance policies, or other accounts which money cannot be withdrawn
Student Signature: Date:
Where will you be living?
On Campus
Off Campus
Florida International University International Admissions DCF iadmiss@fiu.edu
Family Name/Surname(s): First Name(s): Panther ID:
Affidavit of Support
Please complete this section if you will be receiving funds from a family member or sponsor. Submit with an appropriate bank letter with matching funds.
I, hereby certify that I am willing and able to provide U.S. $
(Print Name of Family Member/Sponsor)
to meet the expenses incurred by during the length of the student's academic
(Print Student's Full Name)
study to which this application pertains. My relationship to the student is that of
I have authorized the release of my supporting financial documents to verify the promised financial resources are available t o me for the support of the
student listed above. I affirm that I understand the content of this affidavit signed by me and the statements are true and correct.
Signature of Sponsor/Family Member: Date:
Bank Certification Letter
To be completed by a bank official. If your bank cannot complete this form, please have a representative issue a letter in English with the below information
included. Please include the bank seal or stamp in this section.
In compliance with the request of our account holder, , we state that on the close of
(Name of Account Holder)
of business
the deposit balance to the credit of the above-named individual as shown in our records is currently the
following amount U.S.$
. This account was opened on . To the best of our knowledge
(use daily conversion rate) (Month/Day/Year)
of the banking laws in this country, these funds may be sent out of the country to support the educational needs of the above-named student in the
United Stat es.
Name of Bank:
Address of Bank:
Name of Bank Official:
Title of Bank Official:
Telephone Number:
Bank Seal or Bank Stamp
Signature of Bank Official:
Student Signature:
Return the form with signature(s) and bank seal/stamp by email to iadmiss@ fiu .edu. NOTE: Originals must be provided to the Consulate during your visa
Florida International University International Admissions DCF iadmiss@fiu.edu
F-1 Student Transfer Form
All F-1 student applicants transferring from a U.S. institution to FIU or being admitted from FIU's English Language Institute or from another FIU degree-seeking program must complete this
form. As part of the admission process, your F-1 visa status must be verified with your current institution, including high school and English language program. Complete Section I and
give this form to your international student advisor at your current/previous institution along with a copy of your admissions notification. Your international student advisor at your
current/previous institution will compete Section II of the form and should return it to International Admissions by email at iadmiss@fiu.edu. The form must include a specific release
date in order to transfer your I-20; the form will remain incomplete without it.
We cannot issue your I-20 for transfer until your SEVIS record has been released from your current institution and until we receive the completed Transfer Form verifying your status.
Issuance of the I-20 takes a couple of weeks after the release date. DO NOT plan to travel without arranging to receive a new I-20 from FIU prior to traveling, as you will not be allowed to
reenter the U.S. on your previous I-20.
If you are currently out of status, FIU will issue you a new initial I-20. You will be required to pay the SEVIS fee related to the new I-20 and leave the
U.S. to reenter on the new I-20. It is not suggested to make new entry into the United States by way of the Caribbean. Taking a cruise is also not a viable reentry option. You may also be
required to receive a new F-1 visa, in the case that your F-1 visa is expired.
Note: All authorized employment at your current/previous institution and/or any remaining OPT employment authorization based on your current/previous degree program will
end once your SEVIS record has been released to FIU.
Section I - Student Information:
Please legibly print or type all information requested
Panther ID: Admission Term: Fall Spring Summer A/C Summer B/Early Fall
Family Name/Surname(s):
Email Address:
First & Middle Name(s):
Phone Number:
U.S. Mailing Address, Street Address:
City: State:
At which FIU Campus is your program: Modesto A. Maidique Campus (MMC) MIA214F00503000
Biscayne Bay Campus (BBC) MIA214F00503001
Zip Code:
I request and authorize my present international student advisor (or Designated School Official) to provide the information b elow as part of my
admission for transfer to Florida International University and to release my electronic SEVIS record.
Student Signature: Date:
Section II - International Student Advisor:
Student's SEVIS Number:
Did the student graduate? Yes No
Last date the student was enrolled at your institution:
Is the student currently in status?
' If no, has a reinstatement application been filed?
If no, date of termination in SEVIS:
Yes No
History of employment and reduced course load authorizations, if applicable:
Dates of authorization:
Dates of authorization:
3. Medical RCL Dates of authorization:
SEVIS Transfer Release Date (please include an exact date, otherwise the form will remain incomplete)
Name of PDSO/DSO & Title Email Address:
Name of Institution City, State & Zip Code:
PDSO/DSO Signature: