Silver Holiday Ornaments
Create a beautiful silver ornament to demonstrate a practical application of an oxidation–
reduction chemical reaction. The process “reflects” the way silver mirrors are actually produced!
• Oxidation–reduction • Reducing sugars
In 1835, the German chemist Justus von Liebig invented a silvering process to plate a
sheet of glass with a thin layer of silver metal by reducing silver ions with dextrose. This
chemical method of lining glass with a “silver mirror” ushered in the modern era of
producing mirrors for common household uses. The silver mirror reaction invented by
Liebig will be used in this lab to make a silver holiday ornament. The overall reaction is
a classic oxidation–reduction reaction between silver complex ions and dextrose in ammonia
solution. Dextrose or glucose (“blood sugar”) is a simple carbohydrate. It is an example
of a reducing sugar, so-named because it is capable of reacting with and reducing mild
oxidizing agents such as Ag
or Cu
ions. In this experiment, dextrose molecules reduce
complex ions to form silver metal, which plates out as a thin coating on the
inside of the glass ornament (Equation 1). The aldehyde [R–C(H)=O] functional group
in dextrose (see Figure 1) is oxidized to a carboxylate functional group in the process.
R–CHO(aq) + 2Ag(NH
(aq) + 2OH
(aq) R–COO
(aq) + 2Ag(s) + NH
(aq) + 3NH
(aq) + H
O(l) Equation 1
Aldehyde Carboxylate
Acetone, 5 mL Marking pen
Ammonium nitrate solution, NH
, 1.5 M, 2.5 mL Metric ruler
Dextrose solution, C
, 5% solution, 5 mL Parafilm
, 2 cm square
Silver nitrate solution, AgNO
, 0.5 M, 2.5 mL Pipet, Beral-type
Sodium hydroxide solution, NaOH, 10%, 5 mL Stirring rod
Balance, centigram (0.01-g precision) String
Beaker, 50-mL Wash bottle and distilled water
Glass ornament, 2
8" Waste beaker
Graduated cylinder, 10-mL
Safety Precautions
Sodium hydroxide solution is a corrosive liquid and is especially dangerous to the eyes. Ammonium nitrate solution is toxic by
ingestion. Silver nitrate solution will stain skin and clothing. The mixed solution in the flask may form a potentially explosive material
if left standing and allowed to dry. Do NOT mix the solutions beforehand—add them together in the glass ornament ball and follow the
instructor’s directions for disposing of the leftover solution immediately after use. Rinse with copious amounts of water. Wear chemical
splash goggles and chemical-resistant gloves and apron. Please review current Safety Data Sheets for additional safety, handling, and
disposal information. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the lab.
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Publication No. 11174
Aldehyde functional group
Figure 1. Structure of Dextrose.
Silver Holiday Ornaments continued
© 2018 Flinn Scientific, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1. Obtain a plain glass ornament. Wrap string around the circumference (widest part) of the ornament and mark the length of
2. Using a metric ruler, measure the marked off length of string to the nearest 0.1 cm and record the length.
3. Gently grasp the “ornament holder” and carefully remove it from the top of the ornament ball. Set the ornament holder
aside. Caution: The glass ornament is fragile—do not exert pressure.
4. Measure and record the mass of the glass ornament ball.
5. Using a Beral-type pipet, add about 2 mL of acetone to the ornament ball and swirl the liquid inside the ornament.
6. Pour the acetone into a waste beaker and allow the ornament ball to dry completely in air.
7. Measure 2.5 mL of silver nitrate solution using a graduated cylinder and pour the solution into a clean, dry 50-mL beaker.
8. Rinse the graduated cylinder with distilled water and pour out the rinse water.
9. Measure 2.5 mL of ammonium nitrate solution using the graduated cylinder and pour the solution into the beaker
containing silver nitrate. Mix the combined solution using a stirring rod.
10. Rinse the graduated cylinder with distilled water and pour out the rinse water. Measure 5 mL of dextrose solution using the
graduated cylinder and pour the dextrose into the completely air-dried ornament ball.
11. Rinse the graduated cylinder with distilled water and pour out the rinse water. Measure 5 mL of sodium hydroxide solution
into the graduated cylinder.
12. Add the combined silver nitrate/ammonium nitrate solution from the beaker to the ornament ball, followed immediately by
the sodium hydroxide solution.
13. Gently cover the opening of the ornament with Parafilm and swirl the solution. Keep rotating the ornament so the solution
covers the entire inside surface of the ball. A shiny silver coating will appear.
14. Carefully remove the Parafilm and pour the remaining solution into a labeled waste container. Note: Rinse the ornament
thoroughly with distilled water.
15. Using a Beral-type pipet, add about 2 mL of acetone to the ornament and swirl gently to cover the interior surface. Pour
the acetone into a waste beaker and allow the ornament to dry completely in air.
16. Measure the mass of the air-dried silver ornament.
17. Carefully replace the ornament holder back on top of the silver holiday ornament.
1. Using the measured circumference of the glass ornament, calculate the radius (in cm) and the surface area (cm
) of the
ornament. (The formula for the circumference of a sphere is 2r. Surface area = 4r
2. Calculate (a) the mass and (b) the number of moles of silver lining the inside of the glass ornament.
3. The density of silver is 10.5 g/cm
. What is the volume of silver metal lining the inside of the glass ornament?
4. Assume that the volume of silver in the ornament can be approximated by the following equation: Volume = Surface area ×
thickness. Calculate the approximate thickness of the silver lining in centimeters, and convert the answer to micrometers (1
μm = 1 × 10
m) and nanometers (1 nm = 1 × 10
Please consult your current Flinn Scientific Catalog/Reference Manual for general guidelines and specific procedures, and review
all federal, state and local regulations that may apply, before proceeding. The mixture remaining in the glass ornament after
the silver mirror reaction is complete may become unstable or explosive when concentrated or heated and must be rinsed with
excess water into a waste beaker or flask set up in a central location. Test the combined waste solution for the presence of left-
Silver Holiday Ornaments continued
© 2018 Flinn Scientific, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
over silver ions by adding 1 M hydrochloric acid. If a cloudy, white precipitate of silver chloride is observed, continue adding
hydrochloric acid in small amounts until no further precipitation is evident. Filter the mixture—the silver chloride should be
identified as a toxicity characteristic hazardous waste according to Flinn Suggested Disposal Method #27f. The filtrate may be
neutralized and rinsed down the drain with excess water according to Flinn Suggested Disposal Method #24b.
Lab Hints
• Glassware must be scrupulously clean for the silver mirror to adhere to the glass surface. Check ornaments for dust or
debris and rinse as needed. Do not use ornaments that appear iridescent.
• Silver ornaments may be protected from oxidation by coating the inside with clear nail polish.
The risk of explosion for disposal of Tollens' reagent is attributed to the potential formation of "fulminating silver" due
to the formation of solid silver imide. This hazard may be avoided by following the safety precautions and disposal
instructions—rinse with copious amounts of water. Do not concentrate and never heat the solution or leftover reac-
tion mixtures.
Answers to Questions (Student answers will vary.)
1. Circumference = 20.8 cm. Radius = 3.3 cm.
Surface area = 4r
= 138 cm
2. Mass of silver = 0.22 g. Number of moles = 0.22 g/107.9 g/mole = 0.0020 moles
3. Volume of silver = 0.22 g/10.5 g/cm
= 0.021 cm
4. Thickness of the silver lining = V/SA = 0.021 cm
/138 cm
= 1.5 × 10
cm. 1.5 μm or 1500 nm.
We are grateful to Edmund Escudero, Summitt Country Day School, Cincinnati, OH, for providing Flinn Scientific with the
idea and instructions for this activity.
Silver Ornaments is available as a Student Laboratory Kit from Flinn Scientific, Inc.
Catalog No. Description
AP7189 Silver Ornaments—Holiday Laboratory Kit
Consult your Flinn Scientific Catalog/Reference Manual for current prices.