The Dating Matters youth communications program, i2i: What R U Looking 4?, consists of a youth-focused
communication campaign that trains high school students as “brand ambassadors” and utilizes social media and
local events to reinforce messages from the Dating Matters school-based youth programs. i2i was developed
based on formative research and focus group testing with youth to deliver authentic messages to 11-14 year olds.
Below are the how-to guides and program materials you will need to bring i2i to youth in your community, along
with information on how to access or order each component.
i2i Community Action Guide
Planning guide for the local health department or
community organization in charge of implementing
Dating Matters or i2i. It includes assessing capacity
for each part of the i2i program, and outlines a plan
for how to start and maintain i2i in a community.
Download PDF
i2i Program Facilitator Guide
Planning guide for the i2i Program Facilitator who
oversees implementation of the Brand Ambassador
program, events, and social and digital media. It
includes guidance for planning the ambassador
trainings and events.
Download PDF
Brand Ambassador Handbook
Handbook for Brand Ambassadors, the 15-18 year old
“near peers” who represent i2i. It serves as a guide
for their training, planning events, and engaging
with youth through the social and digital media
components. You will need 1 per Brand Ambassador.
Available to
order from CDC
In top left under
“Program” click
Dating Matters
Student iGuide
Educational activity book to distribute to middle
school students attending i2i events; contains
core messages about healthy relationships in an
engaging, fun, youth-relevant product with space for
taking notes during events. You will need 1 per youth
attendee at each event.
Available to
order from CDC
“In top left under
“Program” select
Dating Matters
Comic Book
Full-color comic book featuring the character
Alex, who finds himself having conversations with
friends about healthy and unhealthy relationships;
to be distributed to youth at i2i events to engage
youth with core i2i messages; interactive exercises
reinforce the messages about the importance of
respectful, healthy relationships. You will need 1 per
youth attendee at each event.
Available to
order from CDC
In top left under
“Program” select
Dating Matters
Fortune Teller
This engagement item is designed to promote i2i and
reinforce healthy relationship messages. One per
youth attendee at each event is recommended but
not required.
Available to
order from CDC
In top left under
“Program” select
Dating Matters
Hello/You Posters
i2i branded posters to hang in schools and around
the community to promote i2i messages about
healthy relationships.
Available to
order from CDC
In top left under
“Program” select
Dating Matters
This toolkit contains all of the materials you need to get started hosting i2i events in your community. These materials
were designed to appeal to and engage youth at the in-person events. However, the materials are optional if your
budget does not allow for the professional printing necessary to produce these products as designed.
Palm Card
Conversation starter and promotional item for i2i
events that re-inforce what it means to “be i2i” (i.e.,
engaged in healthy relationship behaviors). You will
need 1 per youth attendee at each event.
Team Up! for
Dating Matters
Event Backdrop
A large paper photo backdrop to be placed at the
entrance or on a wall at the event for attendees
to take photo in front of. The style is modeled
after a red carpet with the event name and logos
repeated behind the individuals in the photo. This
item is re-usable.
Team Up! for
Dating Matters
Event Banner
Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
National Center for Injury
Prevention and Control
Banner for use at i2i events. This item is re-usable.
Team Up! for
Dating Matters
Movie Event Game Card
Printable card meant to spark conversation at i2i
movie events. Its messaging reinforces what it
means to “be i2i”. One per attendee at movie events
is recommended.
Team Up! for
Dating Matters
Movie Poster
i2i branded movie event poster to mark the location
and promote i2i movie events. You may want several
per movie event.
Team Up! for
Dating Matters
Movie Ticket
i2i branded printable movie event ticket that can
be given to attendees as an invitation or used to
decorate a venue.
Team Up! for
Dating Matters
Event Promo Poster Template
i2i branded posters to put up in schools and around
the community to promote i2i events. The templates
can be filled in with the event’s details by hand.
Several per event each year is recommended.
Team Up! for
Dating Matters
Textbook Cover
This engagement item is designed to promote i2i
and reinforce healthy relationship messages. Brand
Ambassadors can distribute them to youth at events
and in the community.
Team Up! for
Dating Matters
This toolkit contains supporting materials for i2i Program Facilitators to help them plan for the Brand Ambassador program
and promote i2i to stakeholders
Brand Ambassador Program Planning
Example documents for consideration when
i2i Program Facilitators start preparing for
implementation. It includes:
Brand Ambassador application
Parental consent form
Brand Ambassador participation form
Safety Protocol worksheet
Team Up! for
Dating Matters
i2i Branded PowerPoint Presentation templates
Templates can be used for Brand Ambassadors
trainings and presentations to community partners
about the i2i program; also includes a template for
movie events
Team Up! for
Dating Matters
i2i Factsheet for Parents
Fact sheet available for parents of ambassadors or
program participants. It provides a brief overview of
unhealthy relationship behaviors, goals of program,
and components of the program.
Team Up! for
Dating Matters
i2i Factsheet for Youth
Fact sheet available for Brand Ambassadors or
program participants. It provides a brief overview
of teen dating violence, goals of program, and
components of the program.
Team Up! for
Dating Matters
i2i Poster templates
I2i branded posters to put up in schools and
around the community to promote the i2i Youth
Communications Program. Templates can be
personalized with information specific to the
community’s messages or activities. Several per each
year is recommended.
Team Up! for
Dating Matters
i2i Flyer template
Branded and editable promotional flyer for recruiting
Brand Ambassadors or promoting the i2i program.
Team Up! for
Dating Matters
Example social media posts
Suite of i2i shareable graphics and example
language for social media posts from the
demonstration project.
Team Up! for
Dating Matters