Going Home
August 2023
Addiction & Mental Health
Addiction & Mental Health
Alberta Health Services
Going Home Reflections Toolkit
Last revised: August 2023
Table of contents
Table of contents ............................................................................................................. 2
Contact ............................................................................................................................ 3
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4
Purpose ........................................................................................................................... 4
Background ..................................................................................................................... 4
Goals and objectives or outcomes .................................................................................. 5
Our values ....................................................................................................................... 5
Evaluation ....................................................................................................................... 5
Contributors ..................................................................................................................... 5
Resources ....................................................................................................................... 6
Addiction & Mental Health
Alberta Health Services
Going Home Reflections Toolkit
Last revised: August 2023
Addiction & Mental Health in partnership with Jack James High School prepared this
For more information, please contact:
Rania Page
Health Promotion Facilitator/Team Lead
Addiction & Mental Health, Alberta Health Services
Michelle Sauve
Health Promotion Facilitator
Addiction & Mental Health, Alberta Health Services
Michael Pinvidic
RISE Program Teacher, Jack James High School
Calgary Board of Education
Addiction & Mental Health
Alberta Health Services
Going Home Reflections Toolkit
Last revised: August 2023
Welcome to the Going Home Reflections Toolkit. In this guide, you will find background
information about the project, step-by-step guidelines to implement the project within
your school, and all the resources to support you.
A small working group was formed to address this
issue and consisted of a schoolteacher/counsellor
from Jack James School and two health promotion
facilitators from Addiction & Mental Health Services - Alberta Health Services (AHS).
They were also supported by AHS staff from communications as well as an AHS data
analyst. After an informal needs assessment through conversations with school staff,
the group determined that schools would like to see such a resource and reaffirmed that
nothing currently exists.
This project was based on an AHS Going Home Checklist designed for AHS staff. Using
The Going Home Checklist, this group created Going Home Reflections tailored for
school communities. We made seven posters; the first six include one reflection
statement and a link to a brief activity to support it. The seventh poster includes all six of
the reflections in one document and a link to a longer video about gratitude.
The initial pilot was launched in the fall of 2022 at Jack James High School in Calgary.
During a staff meeting, an overview of the project was shared and carried out over the
next seven weeks at this school.
“This program highlights the
importance of mental health for
educators. Self-care is
fundamental to self-
preservation, and this program
highlights the basics of taking
good care of yourself.
support school communities was spearheaded
at a monthly meeting focused on Mental
Health Literacy. It was noted that educators
need more resources or supports to help them
manage daily stressors. Of particular concern
was that some educators found it difficult to
maintain a work-life balance. Therefore, this
project aims to provide school staff with tools
to address this concern.
Addiction & Mental Health
Alberta Health Services
Going Home Reflections Toolkit
Last revised: August 2023
Following the pilot, we gathered feedback from school staff, and the working group met
to discuss future considerations. At that time, we decided that another pilot in a different
community would be helpful to further improve the details of the project.
A second pilot occurred in February/March 2023 at Westpark Elementary School in Red
Goals and objectives or outcomes
Provide tools to school staff that support a work-life balance.
Affirm the value of educators and the important role they play in the lives of
children and youth, which further impacts the community.
Engage with all school staff to share the Going Home Reflections toolkit to
provide tools that enhance well-being and promote positive mental health.
Reduce stigma around seeking mental health support.
Encourage school staff to seek help as needed.
Our values
Throughout this project, we strive to intentionally commit to these important values:
o Compassion: show kindness to ourselves and others
o Accountability: be honest, principled and transparent
o Respect: treat ourselves and others with respect and dignity
o Excellence: strive to be our best and give our best
o Safety: create environments where people feel safe to seek support
To gather input from your staff after using the Going Home Reflections, an evaluation is
available in the step by step guide below.
The following people have contributed to this report:
Rania Page, Health Promotion Facilitator/Team Lead, AHS
Michael Pinvidic, Teacher/School Counsellor, Jack James High School, CBE
Michelle Sauve, Health Promotion Facilitator, AHS
Addiction & Mental Health
Alberta Health Services
Going Home Reflections Toolkit
Last revised: August 2023
1. Step By Step guide, including an evaluation
2. Going Home Reflections posters
3. Letting Go List from Jack James Staff
4. Letting Go of the Workday template
Step by Step Guide
We suggest an administrator select an enthusiastic team member to introduce the
project to your school staff to encourage participation. Anyone on the school staff may
lead the project. We recommend a staff member who is passionate about staff health
and wellness.
One week prior to beginning the project, set aside ten minutes at the start of the staff
meeting. At this staff meeting, introduce the Going Home Reflections project.
Suggested introduction of the project to school staff:
Good afternoon all school staff:
Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. A small working group
with Alberta Health Services and a Calgary school have been looking at
ways to support school staff in the transition from work to home
. It is
intended for all school staff.
Over the coming weeks, you will receive emails from me reminding you of
the Going Home Reflections opportunity for your mental health. Each
Monday morning, you will find a new Going Home Reflections poster
around the school and in your classroom. Each poster will have a peaceful
image, the reflection number, a small actionable task, and a QR code to try
a moment of mindfulness. There will also be a
helpline phone number
that directs you to further support through AHS. The program is seven
weeks, and there will be a different poster each week with a different
transition task.
At the end of the seven weeks, I’ll invite you to complete an anonymous
survey, to help evaluate the effectiveness of the program. This is a
completely voluntary program; you are not required to participate. This
program was designed for you, to help support your mental health.
Addiction & Mental Health
Alberta Health Services
Going Home Reflections Toolkit
Last revised: August 2023
I appreciate your time and effort for this very important project. Remember
that you are all valued and the work you do every day is beyond
meaningful. We must come together as a team to support one another. It is
through this work that we bond as a team and create a warm, caring
environment not only for ourselves, but also for our students and families.
Thank you for your support and participation. I would be happy to answer
any questions
Going Home Reflections Posters (1-7)
The following posters can be viewed and downloaded from Going Home Reflections.
Addiction & Mental Health
Alberta Health Services
Going Home Reflections Toolkit
Last revised: August 2023
Jack James Letting Go List
Use this list to have a conversation about what your team already does to transition
from work to home.
Optional: create your own staff Letting Go of the Workday, using your school logo,
colours, etc. Personalize it to make it yours. See template titled Letting Go of the
Workday Template.
Friday before week one: Print and put-up posters in many locations around the school
for staff to see (involve students to help you with this; talk to them about mental health
Addiction & Mental Health
Alberta Health Services
Going Home Reflections Toolkit
Last revised: August 2023
while you are at it). Count how many you post and where you post them, to be able to
easily replace them each week. We suggest the following key locations:
staff room
staff bathrooms
every classroom
all exit doors
Each week, it’s important to send an email providing the same information that is found
on the posters. Depending on your email provider, you may choose to prepare the
seven email messages in advance, keeping them in your DRAFT folder, ready to send
each Monday morning.
Weeks one through six
Mondaysend an email inviting staff members to use this week’s Going Home
Reflection, reminding them that they will find the QR Code on all the posters, as well as
a link within the email content. Below is a suggested script for the emails.
Week one:
Thank you for participating in Going Home Reflections for your own
well-being. We hope you find some time each week for yourself,
celebrating your successes and taking time each day to reset and
refocus. We invite you to take a few moments to enjoy this week’s
Going Home Reflection, which is below.
[insert weekly reflection]
Weeks two through six:
We hope you enjoyed the previous week’s reflection. Please find
information below about this week’s reflection. Remember to celebrate
your strengths and all that you give each day.
[insert weekly reflection]
Friday take down all previous week’s posters and post the upcoming new posters in
all the same locations as before.
After the six weeks, please replace the week six posters with the final week poster. As
in previous weeks, we suggest sending this email below on Monday morning of week
Addiction & Mental Health
Alberta Health Services
Going Home Reflections Toolkit
Last revised: August 2023
Thank you for participating in the Going Home Reflections project. We
appreciate your willingness to participate and try the various
reflections/mindfulness moments. We hope that this has been a
positive experience for you, allowing you set time to care for your well-
being. Please take a moment to complete the evaluation, either using
the link or QR code below. Thank you!
If you need support, call the Mental Health Helpline at 1-877-303-2642
for 24/7 service or view Help in Tough Times.
Survey Link: https://redcap.link/GoingHomeReflections
QR Code:
Tips for Success
We suggest an administrator select an enthusiastic team member to introduce the
project to your school staff to encourage participation. Anyone on the school staff may
lead the project. We recommend a staff member who is passionate about staff health
and wellness.
Make sure posters are visible in key areas (staff room, washroom, exits, and all
Email staff weekly to remind them of the project.
Share your own school created Letting Go of the Workday list or the provided Letting
Go of the Workday list from Jack James High School.
Try to change all the posters on a Friday afternoon or on Monday morning of each
week (students are often keen to help)!
Engage staff in regular conversations about the reflections.
Include all school staff, not just teaching staff.
Addiction & Mental Health
Alberta Health Services
Going Home Reflections Toolkit
Last revised: August 2023
Letting Go of the Workday List
The following template can be viewed and downloaded from Going Home Reflections.