Lease Addendum for RHDA Funded properties
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1. This Lease Agreement Addendum (“Addendum”) is an addendum to the Lease Agreement (herein referred to
as the “Lease Agreement”), entered into on [Date] between [Landlord Name] (herein referred to as
“Owner”) and [Tenant Name] (herein referred to as “Tenant”) for the leasing of the premises at [Address],
Austin, Texas [Zip Code] (herein referred to as “the Property”). The term “Owner” includes Owner’s agent(s).
2. The provisions of this Addendum replace any conflicting provisions contained in the Lease Agreement. To
the extent any conflict exists between the Lease Agreement and this Addendum, the provisions of this
Addendum shall govern.
3. The provisions of this Addendum shall apply during the entirety of a tenancy, including month-to-month
tenancies and any holdover tenancy.
4. Prohibited Lease Terms. The Owner and Tenant agree that the following provisions, if included in the
Lease Agreement, shall be null and void and unenforceable:
4.1. Any and all provisions in the Lease Agreement that require the Tenant to agree to be sued, to admit guilt,
or to a judgment in favor of the Owner in a lawsuit brought in connection with the lease or the Property.
4.2. Any and all provisions in the Lease Agreement that allow the Owner to take, hold, or sell personal
property of the Tenant or household members without written notice to the Tenant and a court decision
on the rights of the parties except when the property remains in the unit after the Tenant has moved out
of the unit and the property is disposed of in accordance with State law.
4.3. Any and all provisions in the Lease Agreement that excuse the Owner from legal responsibility or liability
for any action or failure to act, whether intentional or negligent.
4.4. Any and all provisions in the Lease Agreement that allow the Owner to institute an eviction lawsuit against
the Tenant without notice to the Tenant.
4.5. Any and all provisions in the Lease Agreement that allow the Owner to evict the Tenant or household
members without instituting a civil court proceeding in which the Tenant is provided the opportunity to
present a defense or before a court decision on the rights of the parties.
4.6. Any and all provisions in the Lease Agreement that require the Tenant to waive a trial by jury.
4.7. Any and all provisions in the Lease Agreement that require the Tenant to waive any right to appeal or to
otherwise challenge, in court, a court decision connected to the Lease Agreement, this Addendum, or the
4.8. Any and all provisions in the lease agreement that require the Tenant to pay the costs of legal actions,
regardless of outcome. This includes any agreement by the Tenant to pay attorney’s fees or other legal
costs even if the Tenant wins in a court proceeding instituted by the Owner against Tenant. This does
not include a provision of the Lease Agreement that obligates the Tenant to pay such costs if the Tenant
loses in court.
4.9. Any and all provisions in the Lease Agreement that require the Tenant to waive the right to participate in
a class action or collective action against the Owner.
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4.10. Any and all provisions in the Lease Agreement that require the Tenant (other than a tenant in transitional
housing) to accept supportive services.
4.11. Any and all provisions in the Lease Agreement that require the Tenant to allow the Owner to enter the
Tenant’s unit with less than twenty-four (24) hours’ notice.
4.12. Any and all provisions in the Lease Agreement that require the Tenant to pay charges and/or fees for late
payments that total more than five (5) percent of the amount of rent paid by the Tenant for the rental
4.13. Any and all provisions in the Lease Agreement that allow the Owner to terminate a tenancy for failure to
pay fees and fines other than rent. This section also prohibits provisions that allow the Owner to allege
that the Tenant owes rent because the Tenant allegedly owes other fees or fines to the Owner.
4.14. Any and all provisions in the Lease Agreement that presume the Tenant is responsible for causing any
conditions that necessitate repairs or pest treatments.
4.15. Any and all provisions in the Lease Agreement that prohibit overnight guests who stay on the Property
for seven or fewer consecutive nights. This limitation does not apply to a guest who is prohibited from
entering the Property.
4.16. Any and all provisions in the Lease Agreement that prohibit rental payments by money order, cashier’s
check, or check; and any and all provisions in the Lease Agreement that require the Tenant to pay an
additional fee (or fees) because the Tenant uses a money order, cashier’s check, or check to pay rent. An
Owner may refuse to accept a rental payment by check only after one or more of the Tenant’s checks are
returned because of insufficient funds.
5. Termination of Tenancy:
5.1. Grounds for termination or nonrenewal. Owner may not terminate the tenancy or refuse to renew the
lease of a Tenant except for:
5.1.1. serious or repeated violations of the terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement (e.g., failure to pay
rent, or criminal activity that threatens the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the
premises by other residents); or
5.1.2. violations of applicable Federal, State, or local laws; or
5.1.3. completion of tenancy period for transitional housing; or
5.1.4. the temporary or permanent uninhabitability of the Property justifying relocation of all or some of
the Property’s tenants (except where such uninhabitability is caused by the actions or inactions of
the Owner). Termination on this ground shall trigger the Relocation provisions in Section 11, except
in cases where the property becomes uninhabitable due to the Tenant’s intentional actions.
5.2. Notices.
5.2.1. 30-day Notice. To terminate or nonrenew the lease, Owner shall serve written notice upon the Tenant
specifying the grounds for the termination or nonrenewal at least 30 days before the effective
date of the termination or nonrenewal unless the termination is based on serious violent
criminal activity that poses an immediate threat to the safety of staff or other residents. The
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notice to terminate or nonrenewal shall be served on the Tenant by either: (1) both first class
mail and either certified or registered mail; or (2) by personal delivery to the Tenant or a
household member eighteen years or older. The written notice must inform Tenant of the right to discuss with the Owner the proposed
termination or non-renewal of tenancy. The notice must give Tenant at least ten days from the
date of the notice to request a meeting with the Owner. If the Tenant makes a timely request,
the Owner agrees to meet with the Tenant.
5.2.2. Three-day Notice. If the dispute is not resolved and the Tenant does not vacate the premises by the
effective date of the termination as set forth in the notice of lease termination, Owner shall give the
Tenant at least three days written notice to vacate the premises unless the termination is based on
serious violent criminal activity that poses an immediate threat to the safety of staff or other
residents. If the Tenant does not vacate the premises by the end of the third day, Owner may then
proceed to obtain possession by a forcible entry and detainer lawsuit in the appropriate Justice of
the Peace court.
5.2.3. Failure to Follow Notice Procedure. Except for a termination based on serious violent criminal activity that poses an immediate
threat to the safety of staff or other residents, the Owner agrees that providing the 30-day and
three-day notices are condition precedents to filing a forcible entry and detainer lawsuit. The Owner waives the right to challenge a Tenant’s request to dismiss the forcible entry and
detainer lawsuit for failure to comply with the notice procedures. The Owner waives the right to appeal to a dismissal of the forcible entry and detainer lawsuit
for a failure to comply with the notice procedures.
5.3. Except for drug activity, serious and violent criminal activity, or other serious criminal activity, Owner
agrees to provide Tenant with at least ten days to cure any alleged violation of the Lease Agreement. This
ten-day opportunity to cure must occur before the Owner serves the Tenant with the 30-day notice
described in Subsection 5.2.1.
5.4. Remedy for Damages for Repair Costs (“Repair Damages”).
5.4.1. To recover repair damages, the Owner agrees to withhold a portion of or all of the Tenant’s security
deposit upon move-out or to file suit for damages in a court of competent jurisdiction.
5.4.2. The Owner agrees that its repair damages are limited to actual damages.
5.4.3. If the Owner files a lawsuit to recover repair damage, the parties agree that the: Owner may seek reasonable attorney’s fees and courts costs; and Tenant may take up to 30 days from the date the judgment is entered to pay the damages
awarded by the court.
5.4.4. Except as provided in Subsection 5.4.5, the Owner may not seek to evict solely because the Tenant
failed to pay for alleged repair damages. If the Owner files an eviction suit to recover only repair
damages, the Owner agrees that the Tenant may request the Court dismiss the suit because the
Owner limited its right to evict solely because the Tenant failed to pay for alleged property damage.
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5.4.5. This section does not apply to a lawsuit to evict for drug activity, serious and violent criminal activity,
or other serious criminal activity.
6. Entry into Unit. Owner may enter the unit during reasonable times for any reasonable business purposes
after providing to the Tenant at least twenty-four- (24) hours’ notice, a reasonable window of time for entry,
except for reasons stated in Section 4.11.
6.1. Except as provided in 6.4 and 6.5, the Owner may enter the unit during business hours for a business-
related need after providing the Tenant with notice of the need to enter at least 24 hours before the time
for entry.
6.2. Whenever the Tenant or a member of the Tenant’s household who is 19 years of age or older is not
present in the unit at the time of entry, the Owner must provide written documentation in the unit that
states the purpose of entry, the time of entry, and who entered.
6.3. The Owner agrees to avoid entering the unit so frequently as to seriously disturb the Tenant’s peaceful
enjoyment of the unit.
6.4. In this provision, the term emergency” does include every repair the Tenant requests from the Owner.
The Tenant agrees that the Owner may enter the unit without 24-hours’ notice if:
6.4.1. the Tenant requests the Owner enter the unit; or
6.4.2. the Owner believes, in good faith, that an emergency exists that creates an imminent danger to the
Tenant, a member of the Tenant’s household, or a unit located on either side or above the Tenant’s
6.5. This section does not require the Owner to provide specific notice before entering the Tenant’s unit to
post a Notice to Vacate, as authorized by the Texas Property Code.
7. Tenant’s Right to Conduct Activities related to a Tenant Organization.
7.1. The Owner agrees each tenant may conduct activities on the Property related to establishing or operating
a tenant organization.
7.2. If requested, the Owner agrees to meet with Tenant and a member of a tenant organization during regular
business hours to discuss matters related to the Tenant’s unit or the Property as a whole.
7.3. The Owner may not retaliate against a Tenant or Tenant’s guests because the Tenant or the Tenant’s
guest established, attempted to establish, or participated in a tenant organization.
7.4. If the Tenant accesses common areas for tenant organization activities, the Owner may not impose fees
or rules that are not applicable to a tenant who accesses a common area for activities that do not include
tenant organization activities.
8. Tenant’s Right to Access Tenant File
8.1. The Owner agrees the Tenant is entitled to review and copy any documents that the Tenant signed,
including a rental application, the Lease Agreement, or this Addendum; and to review and copy any
documents that relate to the Owner’s reason for terminating or non-renewal of tenancy.
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8.2. The Owner may redact documents if the Owner reasonably believes that redaction is necessary to protect
the health and safety of staff or other residents and may redact if redactions are required by law. The
Owner may not redact any document signed by the Tenant.
9. Remediation of Hazardous Health Conditions. The Owner shall address and remediate hazardous health
conditions, including but not limited to mold in indoor areas, in a timely manner, which is presumed to be
seven (7) days from the receipt of notice about the condition. The Owner may rebut this presumption by
establishing that the condition was remediated in a timely manner, is in the process of being remediated in a
timely manner, or that the Owner has implemented a timely plan for remediation, based on the specific facts
of the condition and the remediation.
10. Cost of Repairs.
10.1. The Owner may charge Tenant for repairs made to the unit if, prior to making the repair, the Owner gives
the Tenant written notice that includes the estimated costs.
10.2. Upon the Tenant’s request, the Owner must provide Tenant with an invoice for the cost of the repairs
that are made to the Tenant’s unit or otherwise charged to the Tenant.
10.3. The Owner agrees that the Tenant may dispute the necessity and extent of the repairs.
10.4. This section does not modify or expand the limitations found in Section 5.4 of this Addendum.
11. Relocation.
11.1. Relocation Assistance.
11.1.1. Unless the Tenant intentionally damages the unit to the degree that the Tenant must vacate the
unit, the Owner agrees to provide relocation assistance to Tenant if Tenant is required to vacate the
unit, permanently or temporarily, due to repair, transfer, sale, or renovation of the unit or Property.
11.1.2. Relocation assistance includes moving expenses (actual and anticipated expenses related to moving
Tenant, Tenant’s household members, and their personal property), utility connection fees, non-
refundable deposits, and rent increases at a temporary unit during the relocation period.
11.1.3. The Owner agrees that the payment for a permanently displaced Tenant is the amount necessary
to enable the Tenant to lease or rent a comparable dwelling for up to 42 months, as set forth in the
Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies of 1970 (“URA”).
11.2. Right to Return. If the Tenant is relocated because of renovations or repairs at the Property, Owner agrees
to provide the Tenant the opportunity to return to their original unit or a comparable unit at the same
property. A comparable unit has the same number of bedrooms or equivalent square footage. The
Tenant’s right to return lasts for one year from the date of completion of the renovations or repairs to
the Tenant’s unit or the completion of the Tenant’s lease at another property, whichever is earlier.
12. Tenant Agreement to Provide Requested Information. The Tenant understands that the unit leased under
the Lease Agreement has received governmental subsidies and that, as a condition of the governmental subsidy,
the Tenant is required and hereby agrees to provide Owner with any information and sign such releases which
are necessary to allow Owner to verify the Tenant's income and otherwise comply with government rules and
regulations. The Tenant agrees to provide Owner accurate and complete information regarding the Tenant's
income and to do so by the date specified in Owner's request. The Tenant understands that the intentional
failure to supply accurate and complete information regarding Tenant's income shall constitute a serious lease
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violation. All Tenant files will be available for inspection by all applicable federal, state, and local agencies. The
Tenant hereby consents to release of all such information by Owner to governmental agencies.
13. Copies of Lease Agreement. Owner agrees to provide Tenant a copy of the Lease Agreement and this
Addendum in the language in which the lease was negotiated. Owner also agrees to provide Tenant a copy of
any other rules or policies issued by Owner that govern the Tenant’s conduct at the Property. Owner agrees
to attach a copy of this Addendum to any petition filed in an eviction proceeding against the Tenant. Owner
agrees that Owner’s failure to provide a copy of this Addendum to the Tenant or to the Court shall be cause
for dismissal without prejudice of any eviction lawsuit filed by the Owner.
14. This Addendum is deemed to have been made in compliance with all applicable State and local laws, and if any
section or part is not lawful, only that section or part shall be void, and the balance of the Addendum shall
remain in full force and effect.
Owner's Representative Date
Tenant Date