COVID-19 FAQs for Participants and
U.S. Department of Labor
Employee Benefits Security Administration
April 28, 2020
The Department of Labor (Department) is issuing these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to
help employee benefit plan participants and beneficiaries, as well as plan sponsors, and
employers, impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak understand their rights and responsibilities
under Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). In addition to
providing this general guidance, the Department has issued the following other COVID-19
Department of Labor, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Treasury Department Joint
Notice (Joint Notice). The Joint Notice extends certain time frames affecting a participant’s
right to healthcare coverage, portability, and continuation of group health plan coverage
under COBRA after employment ends. The Joint Notice also extends the time for plan
participants to file or perfect benefit claims or appeals of denied claims. The Joint Notice is
available at
EBSA Disaster Relief Notice 2020-01. The Disaster Relief Notice extends the time for plan
officials to furnish benefit statements, annual funding notices, and other notices and
disclosures required by ERISA. EBSA Disaster Relief Notice 2020-01 is available at
Health Benefit Questions
Q1: If my place of employment temporarily closes because of the COVID-19 outbreak, am
I still covered by my employer's group health plan?
As long as the employer exists, continues to sponsor a health plan, and employs you, and you
continue to meet your employer's eligibility requirements, you would generally remain covered
under your existing health plan, even if the employer's physical location closes. For information
on coverage through a particular group health plan, review the plan’s Summary Plan Description
(a document often referred to as an SPD or insurance booklet that describes your health
coverage). Contact the plan administrator and request a copy if you don’t have one. The plan
administrator may be able to send you one by email or direct you to a website where the SPD is
posted. Note that many plans require employee contributions, and those contributions are likely
still due, even if you are not being paid and those contributions are no longer being automatically
deducted from your wages or salary. If so, you may need to make this payment yourself.
Q2: My employer's place of business is temporarily closed because of the COVID-19
outbreak. I cannot contact my plan administrator, or the claims administrator. Who do I
contact to file a claim for benefits, or to obtain replacement identification documents?
Many employers affected by the COVID-19 outbreak may provide special ways for employees to
contact them during the outbreak. Your employer should be able to give you the name of the
person to contact to obtain claim forms or other documents. If you cannot locate a contact
person for your employer, you may contact one of our benefits advisors for help at or 1-8
Q3: I think I may be losing my health coverage as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.
What can I do to obtain other health coverage?
You may have options. Read the guidance provided in the Joint Notice, which may allow you
more time to preserve your rights under the special enrollment and COBRA provisions described
Special Enrollment in Another Group Health Plan - If other group health coverage is
available (for example, if your spouse's employer offers a group health plan for which you are
eligible), you may consider requesting a special enrollment period to enroll in the other plan.
A special enrollment period gives you (and your family) an opportunity to enroll in a plan for
which you are otherwise eligible outside of the plan's open enrollment period. To qualify, you
must request enrollment, typically within 30 days of losing eligibility for other coverage.
These deadlines are extended during the COVID-19 outbreak, as explained in Q4, below. See
Joint Notice at
beneficiaries-affected. After you request a special enrollment period and enroll in a plan,
coverage must be made effective no later than the first day of the month following your
request for enrollment. This type of coverage might be less expensive than other options
because the employer often pays a part of the premium.
COBRA Continuation Coverage - If you are losing coverage through an employer that
continues to offer a group health plan, you may want to consider electing COBRA
continuation coverage.
COBRA generally applies to employers with 20 or more employees
and allows you (and your family) to continue the same group health coverage at group rates.
Your cost may be higher than what you were paying before if your employer is no longer
paying a portion of your premium during the COBRA continuation coverage period. Your
plan administrator should notify you about the availability of COBRA coverage. After getting
this notice, you generally have 60 days to elect coverage and 45 days after electing coverage to
If you are Medicare-eligible, but have not enrolled in Medicare, and choose to enroll in COBRA, you may
incur unexpected out-of-pocket costs for benefits paid under COBRA, as well as penalties for late
enrollment in Medicare once you enroll. For more information on Medicare visit:
Many states have laws similar to COBRA, including those that apply to health insurers of employers with
less than 20 employees (sometimes called mini-COBRA). Check with your state insurance commissioner’s
office to see if such coverage is available to you.
make your first payment. Your COBRA coverage is then retroactive to the date that you
otherwise would have lost coverage. These deadlines are extended during the COVID-19
outbreak, as explained in Q4, below. See Joint Notice at
timeframes-for-employee-benefit-plans-participants-and-beneficiaries-affected. However,
you can elect COBRA before you receive the election notice. (Note – If your special
enrollment period after losing group health plan coverage has passed and you have elected
COBRA, you won't be eligible for special enrollment in another group health plan, such as a
spouse's plan, until you have a new special enrollment event, such as marriage, birth of a
child, or if you exhaust all COBRA coverage available to you.) COBRA coverage typically lasts
18 months, but may last longer in certain circumstances. For more information on COBRA,
you can review “An Employee’s Guide to Health Benefits under COBRA,” available at
Special Enrollment in Individual Market Insurance Coverage - The Health Insurance
Marketplace offers information and enrollment assistance for comprehensive individual
health insurance coverage. Individuals may be eligible for a premium tax credit, which will
lower monthly premiums, and cost-sharing reductions, which will lower out-of-pocket costs
for deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments. Individuals who lose job-based health
coverage qualify for a special enrollment period to enroll in a Marketplace plan outside of the
annual open enrollment period and may select a plan within 60 days of losing job-based
coverage (either 60 days before or 60 days after). The date coverage starts depends on when
you lose coverage and the date a plan is selected. When applying, you may be asked to
provide proof of your recent or upcoming loss of coverage. Information on Marketplace
coverage is available at or by calling 1-80
0-318-2596 (TTY 1-855-889- 4325).
Individuals who do not reside in a state that uses the platform can learn more
about their state’s Marketplace here:
Health Coverage through a Government Program - At, individuals also
can find out if they qualify for free or low-cost coverage through Medicaid or the Children’s
Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Medicaid is a federal/state health program administered
by the state for low income families and children, pregnant women, the elderly, people with
disabilities, and in some states, other childless adults. CHIP is a federal/state partnership that
provides children in families that earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid with health
coverage. In some states, CHIP also covers pregnant women. You can get information on
Medicaid through your state Medicaid office or by visiting To
learn more about the CHIP program in your state, visit
Note: When considering your health coverage options, you should examine the scope of the
coverage (including benefit coverage and limitations), premiums, cost-sharing (including co-
payments and deductibles), and any applicable waiting periods for coverage. You may also want
to contact your current health care providers and the health plan(s) you’re interested in to make
sure that your providers are included in your new plan’s network. For information on the
coverage through a particular group health plan, you should review the plan's Summary Plan
Description (SPD). Contact the plan administrator and request a copy if you don't have one. For
more information on obtaining other health coverage, you can review “Retirement and Health
Care Coverage...Questions and Answers for Dislocated Workers,” available at
Q4: To preserve my right to receive group health coverage under certain health care
coverage provisions, like COBRA and special enrollment periods, I have to provide
documentation and notices to my plan within a certain timeframe. Are any of these
timeframes being extended?
Yes. The Joint Notice mentioned on page 1 provides extra time for participants and beneficiaries
of group health plans to meet certain deadlines affecting COBRA continuation coverage, special
enrollment, filing claims for benefits, appeals of denied claims, and external review of certain
claims. For disability, retirement and other plans, participants and beneficiaries have extra time
to make claims for benefits and appeal denied claims. Plans, plan administrators, and employers
have extra time to provide certain COBRA notices. Read the Joint Notice in full at:
Q5: Im enrolled in my spouses employer plan and my spouse died of COVID-19. My
spouses employer has agreed to pay my health coverage premiums for a specified
period of time (12 months). What effect will that have on my future eligibility for
continuation health coverage under COBRA?
You should ask the employer for more information.
If the employer is
Then, when this coverage ends
Making this offer of paid coverage only if
COBRA coverage is declined
You will be ineligible for COBRA coverage,
which is more expensive, but lasts longer.
Paying the first 12 months of COBRA
You can continue coverage at your own
expense for up to 24 additional months, or
enroll on the Marketplace after the employer
stops contributing through a special
enrollment period.
Delaying your loss of coverage…
You will be able to have COBRA coverage at
your own expense for up to 36 additional
You may be able to get coverage that is more affordable than COBRA coverage through the
Health Insurance Marketplace, which provides special enrollment periods for certain qualifying
events, including loss of qualifying health coverage due to the death of a family member or when
an employer stops contributing to a temporary continuation of your coverage (such as COBRA).
For more information, visit
Q6: Can my employer terminate or reduce my health benefits at any time?
Employers offer health benefits on a voluntary basis. Federal law does not require employers to
offer health coverage to their employees, nor does it generally prevent employers from cutting or
reducing benefits. However, employers may have to take certain steps (such as providing advance
notice) before reducing health benefits.
If an employer terminates your health benefits,
depending on the reason for termination, you and your family may have a right to continuation
coverage under COBRA, if the plan still exists or a related employer still has a plan. You may also
have a contractual right to coverage if, for example, benefits are required under a collective
bargaining agreement. In addition, a plan cannot deny eligibility or continued eligibility based on
an individual’s health status.
Depending on your coverage, the law may restrict the plan or health insurer from making mid-
year changes. In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, plans otherwise restricted from making
mid-year changes may add telehealth and other remote health services, in addition to services
related to diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19, mid-year and without providing 60 days’
advance notice as required under federal law. Such plans may not limit or eliminate other
benefits or increase cost-sharing, to offset the costs of those services and must provide notice of
the changes as soon as reasonably practicable. See Families First Coronavirus Response Act FAQs
Part 42, Q9 and Q13 at
activities/resource-center/faqs/aca-part-42.pdf (setting forth non-enforcement policies for certain
expansions in coverage in response to the COVID-19 outbreak).
For information on the Affordable Care Act and how it relates to employers offering health
overage, visit
Q7: I am a retiree and I receive retiree health benefits from my former employer. The
company was affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. Can my retiree health benefits be
terminated or changed?
Employees and retirees should know that private sector employers are not required by law to
promise retiree health benefits. When employers do offer retiree health benefits, nothing in
federal law prevents them from cutting or eliminating those benefits unless they have made a
specific legally binding promise to maintain the benefits. The key to understanding your retiree
health benefits lies in the documents governing your plan. If you have not already done so, you
should obtain a copy of the Summary Plan Description (SPD) to determine the nature of the
employer's promise to you. If you do lose your retiree benefits, you may qualify for a special
enrollment period to enroll in other coverage, discussed more above.
Q8: My employer did not pay the insurance premium for my group coverage. May I pay
the premium to continue my coverage?
You should contact your employer to determine whether the employer intends to pay the
premium. You may also wish to contact your state insurance commissioner regarding any rights
you may have under state law to pay premiums directly to the insurance company or convert your
health coverage to an individual policy. If your premiums are in arrears or your coverage has been
Individuals that experience a significant reduction in health benefits may also qualify for a special
enrollment period to enroll in Marketplace coverage. See f
or more information.
cancelled as a result of the employer's failure to make the premium payment, you may contact
one of our benefits advisors at
Q9: I had COBRA coverage before the COVID-19 outbreak. The location I was sending
my COBRA premium to is closed. Where do I send my premium?
Contact your employer for the information needed to continue making your COBRA premium
payments. If you can't contact your employer, you may contact one of our benefits advisors at or 1-866-444-3
Q10: Why is focusing on health coverage right away important when I lose eligibility for
my employers plan?
Don't wait too long to make a health coverage decision. Several of your best choices are only
available for a limited time. Generally, you must request special enrollment in your spouse's
employer’s plan within 30 days of losing eligibility for other health coverage, and you must elect
COBRA continuation coverage within 60 days of receiving the COBRA election notice. Even
though the Department has extended those timeframes in the Joint Notice, you should be aware
of the limited time available to exercise your healthcare coverage options. Additionally, you must
apply for special enrollment in an individual health plan within 60 days of losing employer
sponsored coverage, and that timeframe has not been extended.
Q11: Where can I get more information on my health coverage options?
To learn more about
Retirement and healthcare coverage
for dislocated workers
Protecting Health and Retirement Benefits after Job Loss
Retirement and Health Care Coverage…Questions and
Answers for Dislocated Workers [en español]
An Employee's Guide to Health Benefits Under COBRA
[en español]
COVID-19 deadline extensions to
file for benefits
Joint Notice - Extension of Certain Time Frames for
Employee Benefit Plans Affected by the COVID-19
Affordable Care Act (ACA)
protections for workers and families
ACA requirements for employers
and advisers
Individual health insurance
If you still have questions about your rights or need help getting benefits, you may contact one of
our benefits advisors at or 1-8
Q12. I was laid off because of the COVID-19 outbreak and filed for unemployment
benefits. I received $600 per week of Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation in
addition to my normal unemployment compensation. Can I use this money to pay my
COBRA or other healthcare premiums?
Yes. As part of the recent COVID-19 legislation, Congress provided for an additional $600 per
week of unemployment compensation (Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation) for
states that enter into an agreement with the federal government. Federal Pandemic
Unemployment Compensation ends on July 31, 2020. While the law does not require you to use
this additional money to pay your health care premiums, maintaining your health care coverage is
one of the most important things you can do in a pandemic.
Retirement Benefit Questions
Q13: My employer's place of business is temporarily closed due to the COVID-19
outbreak. Who should I contact to file a claim for retirement benefits or make sure that I
will continue to receive my pension payments on time?
First, contact your plan administrator (that could be your employer or the labor organization
sponsoring the plan, or someone they've appointed to administer the plan). If you don't know
who the administrator is, check your plan's Summary Plan Description (SPD), which should
explain how to identify and locate the plan administrator, and how to apply for a benefit. You
could also contact your employer's human resource or personnel department. If that's not
possible, you could reach out to the plan trustee who holds the plan assets, a mutual fund,
insurance company, bank or other financial institution providing services to the plan, a third
party who handles the administrative functions of the plan, or the plan accountant (they may be
identified in previous correspondence or benefit statements). If none of those options work, you
may contact one of our benefits advisors at or 1-8
Q14: My pension payment normally arrives on a particular day each month. It did not
come this month. What should I do?
Contact your plan administrator. Ask whether the plan is having operational problems or
whether this problem is limited to your payment. If the problem is limited to your payment,
discuss how to resolve your problem. If the delay involves a plan operation issue, ask what efforts
are being made to make timely payments. Your employer or former employer may be able to get
answers to your questions.
Companies related to your employer, for example a parent or subsidiary, also may be able to help
you get information on the status of payments. You could also contact your plan's third-party
administrators, investment advisors, and trustees. If you still can't get information about the
status of your benefits, you may contact one of our benefits advisors at or 1
Q15: How can I make changes in the way my 401(k) plan account is invested if the plan
official or service provider responsible for implementing my investment decision is
adversely affected by the COVID-19 outbreak?
First, follow normal procedures described in your Summary Plan Description or other plan
documents. If your employer or the financial services firm holding your account was affected by
the COVID-19 outbreak, there may be a delay in processing your directions to change or
reallocate your investments. If so, you should contact the plan administrator or other plan
officials, such as the employer sponsoring the plan, trustee, or the party providing administrative
services to the plan to learn what's being done to restore the plan's normal operations. If you
cannot obtain this information, you may contact one of our benefits advisors at or 1
Q16: Can I get money out of my retirement plan if I need financial assistance now?
You can only borrow or withdraw funds if your plan allows it – and you should carefully consider
the financial consequences before doing so.
Your Summary Plan Description (SPD) or other plan documents should explain if your plan
allows loans or withdrawals in the event of hardship or disability.
In addition, under recently enacted COVID-19 legislation, you may be able to take advantage of
temporary liberalized plan loan and distribution rules if you or certain members of your family
are adversely affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. For additional information, go to
or call the IRS at 1-8
Withdrawing money from your plan may have tax or other adverse consequences. (See Q17.) If
you wish to take money out of your retirement plan in the form of a loan or a hardship
withdrawal, you should contact your plan administrator, plan sponsor, or other plan official. If
you can't contact any of these officials, you may contact one of our benefits advisors at or 1-866-444-3272.
Q17: Are there any downsides to receiving a pre-retirement distribution of my retirement
Yes. Because a pre-retirement distribution may be considered “income,” it could affect your
eligibility to receive unemployment compensation. Each state sets its own unemployment
insurance benefits eligibility guidelines; therefore, you should review your state’s latest updates
on Unemployment Insurance changes related to COVID-19 before you act. If you are ineligible for
unemployment compensation, a pre-retirement distribution of retirement benefits may be useful
during these difficult times.
Receiving money from your retirement plan may result in more income tax. You can defer these
taxes, however, if you keep the money in your plan or if you “roll overany amounts that are
eligible for rollover into a qualified retirement plan or Individual Retirement Account (IRA).
Rules under the Internal Revenue Code generally govern rollovers. For additional information, see
If you cash out your 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan when leaving a job and
you are younger than 59½ years old, you may have to pay a 10% additional federal income tax,
along with other state and federal taxes.
Under recently enacted COVID-19 legislation, special temporary rules may apply for “coronavirus-
related distributions” of $100,000 or less made in 2020. For additional information go to or call the IRS at 1-8
During difficult economic times, you may look at your 401(k) plan balance and think that you
need the money now more than you will later. And of course, there may be times when it will be
necessary as a last resort to turn to a loan or hardship withdrawal. But withdrawing money early
may result in a permanent reduction of your retirement savings.
So, before you act, make sure you understand the differences between loans, hardship
withdrawals, rollovers, and lump sum cash outs, including the long-term consequences of each.
Q18: When must my retirement plan pay my claim for benefits?
A plan may take a reasonable amount of time to review a benefits claim before making a payment.
Plan administrators must act prudently and follow the procedures in the plan documents. Your
Summary Plan Description (SPD) or other plan documents should provide information on those
procedures. If you have specific questions, you should contact the plan administrator. Some
plans pay benefits only after a participant reaches the normal retirement age specified in the plan
and terminates employment. Many plans, however, allow for earlier distribution of benefits
under certain circumstances. For example, some plans may require a participant to be separated
from employment for a specified period of time or reach a specified age before being eligible to
receive a benefit.
Q19: Is my retirement plan required to give me a lump-sum distribution?
No. Federal law does not require plans to offer lump-sum distributions, although many do.
Defined contribution plans (such as 401(k) plans) are more likely to offer a lump sum than
traditional defined benefit pension plans. Read your Summary Plan Description (SPD) and other
plan documents to see if your plan offers lump sum distributions and for any spousal consent
Q20: I am the spouse of a deceased plan participant. How do I know what benefits I am
entitled to; how do I file a claim; and what proof will I need to give the plan?
One of the most important documents you should have is the plan’s Summary Plan Description
(SPD). It outlines the plan rules including benefit rights, the way benefits are calculated, how to
apply for benefits, and how to appeal a denial of a claim for benefits. Your plan administrator
must provide you with a copy of the SPD if you request it in writing. Under EBSA Disaster Relief
Notice 2020-01, a delay in responding to your request during the outbreak period (March 1, 2020
through the 60
day following the end of the National Emergency declared by President Trump
on March 13, 2020) will not violate federal law if the plan administrator acts in good faith and
furnishes the SPD as soon as administratively practicable under the circumstances. EBSA Disaster
Relief Notice 2020-01 is available at
You can also ask the plan administrator about the amount of benefits your spouse had earned to
date and vesting status (the amount of benefits earned that cannot be forfeited). This is
important to know, whether you withdraw your money now or later.
You should also ask the plan administrator what information the plan requires to decide your
claim and how to file the claim.
Q21: If my employer faces economic difficulties due to the COVID-19 outbreak, can my
employer terminate my retirement plan, and if so, what happens to my benefits?
Plan termination depends on the type of retirement plan. The benefits you are entitled to will
depend on the type of plan.
If you were covered by a defined benefit pension plan, such as a traditional pension plan or a
cash balance pension plan, your employer may terminate the plan if it has sufficient assets to pay
all plan benefits or if your employer meets specific criteria in the law showing that it cannot afford
to continue the plan. Check your plan documents and Summary Plan Description (SPD) to see
what benefits you're entitled to. The plan's formula may include factors such as age, length of
service, and pay. You may need to reach a specific age (generally 65 the plan documents and
SPD should specify) before you can receive your benefits. The Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corporation (PBGC) guarantees vested benefits in most private-sector defined benefit pension
plans, subject to limits in the law. For information on PBGC's plan termination insurance program
and PBGC guarantees, see PBGC’s Pension Plan Termination Fact Sheet on
If you were covered by a defined contribution plan, such as a 401(k) plan, profit sharing plan,
or employee stock ownership plan, you are always 100% vested in the portion of your account
attributable to the contributions you made to the plan, along with any investment gains and
earnings on your contributions, less any investment losses. In addition, depending on the terms
of the plan, you may be vested in part or all of the employer contributions allocated to your
account along with investment gains and earnings thereon, less any investment loss. You will
automatically vest in 100% of your account when the plan is terminated.
Q22: I havent received a benefit statement from my 401(k) plan. When can I expect to
receive it?
If plan officials are responsible for investing your account, the plan must provide you an annual
benefit statement. If you did not receive your 2019 benefit statement by February 14, 2020, you
should contact your plan administrator. The plan administrator does not have to provide you an
annual benefit statement for 2020 until February 14, 2021.
If you are responsible for directing how your account is invested, the plan must provide you
quarterly benefit statements. If you did not receive a benefit statement for the fourth quarter
(October 1 through December 31) of 2019 by February 14, 2020, you should contact your plan
The COVID-19 outbreak may delay the preparation and delivery of 401(k) and other defined
contribution plan quarterly benefit statements due after March 1, 2020. Under EBSA Disaster
Relief Notice 2020-01, a delay in furnishing a benefit statement during the outbreak period (March
1, 2020 through the 60
day following the end of the National Emergency declared by President
Trump on March 13, 2020) will not violate Federal law if the plan administrator acts in good faith
and furnishes your benefit statement as soon as administratively practicable under the
Q23: Where can I get more information on my retirement benefit rights?
Retirement and Health Care Coverage - Questions and Answers for Dislocated Workers [en
What You Should Know About Your Retirement Plan [en español]
EBSA Disaster Relief Notice 2020-01
Example 7 of Joint Notice - Extension of Certain Time Frames for Employee Benefit Plans
Affected by the COVID-19 outbreak
If you still have questions about your rights, want to request copies of publications, or need
assistance in obtaining your benefits, you may contact one of our benefits advisors electronically
at or by calling 1-8