Out-of-School-Time Academic Programs to
Improve School Achievement: A Community
Guide Health Equity Systematic Review
John A. Knopf, MPH; Robert A. Hahn, PhD, MPH; Krista K. Proia, MPH; Benedict I. Truman, MD, MPH;
Robert L. Johnson, MD; Carles Muntaner, MD; Jonathan E. Fielding, MD, MA, MPH, MBA;
Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, PhD, MPH; Mindy T. Fullilove, MD, MS; Pete C. Hunt, MPH; Shuli Qu, MPH;
Sajal K. Chattopadhyay, PhD; Bobby Milstein, PhD, MPH; the Community Preventive Services Task Force
Context: Low-income and minority status in the United States
are associated with poor educational outcomes, which, in turn,
reduce the long-term health benefits of education. Objective:
This systematic review assessed the extent to which
out-of-school-time academic (OSTA) programs for at-risk
students, most of whom are from low-income and racial/ethnic
minority families, can improve academic achievement. Because
most OSTA programs serve low-income and ethnic/racial
minority students, programs may improve health equity. Design:
Methods of the Guide to Community Preventive Services were
used. An existing systematic review assessing the effects of
OSTA programs on academic outcomes (Lauer et al 2006;
search period 1985-2003) was supplemented with a Community
Guide update (search period 2003-2011). Main Outcome
Measure: Standardized mean difference. Results: Thirty-two
studies from the existing review and 25 studies from the update
were combined and stratified by program focus (ie,
reading-focused, math-focused, general academic programs,
and programs with minimal academic focus). Focused programs
were more effective than general or minimal academic
programs. Reading-focused programs were effective only for
students in grades K-3. There was insufficient evidence to
determine effectiveness on behavioral outcomes and longer-term
academic outcomes. Conclusions: OSTA programs, particularly
focused programs, are effective in increasing academic
achievement for at-risk students. Ongoing school and social
J Public Health Management Practice
, 2015, 21(6), 594–608
2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
environments that support learning and development may be
essential to ensure the longer-term benefits of OSTA programs.
Author Affiliation: Community Guide Branch, Division of Epidemiology, Analysis
and Library Services, Office of Public Health Scientific Services (Mr Knopf, Drs
Hahn and Chattopadhyay, and Mss Proia and Qu), Office of the Associate
Director for Science, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD & TB
Prevention (Dr Truman), Division of Adolescent & School Health, National Center
for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (Mr Hunt), and
Epidemiology and Analysis Program Office, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia (Dr Jones); Hygeia Dynamics, Boston,
Massachusetts (Dr Milstein); Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New
Jersey (Dr Johnson); University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario (Dr Muntaner);
UCLA Fielding School of Public Health (Dr Fielding); and Columbia University,
New York, New York (Dr Fullilove).
Names and affiliations of the Community Preventive Services Task Force mem-
bers can be found at www.thecommunityguide.org/about/task-force-members.
Author affiliations are shown at the time the research was conducted.
The work of John Knopf, Krista Proia, and Shuli Qu was supported with funds
from the Oak Ridge Institute for Scientific Education (ORISE). The authors are
grateful to the following for advice on out-of-school-time-academic programs:
Mark Dynarski, PhD (Pemberton Research), Doris Entwisle, PhD (Johns Hopkins
University), and Elizabeth Warner, PhD (US Department of Education). The authors
are also grateful to the health equity consultation team: Ann Abramowitz, PhD
(Emory University); Geoffrey Borman, PhD (University of Wisconsin); Jeannie
Brooks-Gunn, PhD (Columbia); Kristen Bub, PhD (Auburn University); Duncan
Chaplin, PhD (Mathematica); Dennis Condron, PhD (Oakland University); Greg
Duncan, PhD (University of California,Irvine); Rebecca Herman, PhD (What Works);
Gloria Ladson-Billings, PhD (University of Wisconsin); Robert Lerman, PhD (Urban
Institute); Raegen Miller, MS (American Progress); Pedro Noguera, PhD (Columbia
University); Charles M. Payne, PhD (University of Chicago); Annie Pennucci, MPA
(Washington State Institute for Public Policy); Catherine Ross, PhD (University of
Texas, Austin); Janelle Scott, PhD (University of California, Berkeley); and Emily
Wentzel, PhD (University of Maryland). They thank those who provided editorial
support: Kate W. Harris, BA, and Kristen D. Folsom, MPH, of CDC’s Community
Guide Branch.
The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not
necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and
No author has any conflict of interest or financial disclosure.
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Out-of-School-Time Academic Programs for Health Equity 595
KEY WORDS: achievement gap, disparities, education, minority
In the United States, disparities in educational achieve-
ment between students from racial/ethnic minority
families and those from white families, as well as be-
tween students from low-income families and those
from more affluent families, are well documented.
Although reading and math scores generally have
improved for all race/ethnic groups since 1992 and
for all income levels since 2003, gaps in educational
achievement persist.
Disparities in student educa-
tional achievement have long-term consequences: ed-
ucation has been demonstrated to be one of the most
important determinants of health and longevity.
Gaps in math and reading achievement expand dur-
ing the summer months when regular school is not
in session.
The “faucet theory”
hypothesizes that
summer loss is caused by the relative scarcity of aca-
demic resources for low-income students during sum-
mer when resources available during the school year
are “turned off.” Higher-income students often have
access to enrichment activities. “Summer loss” effects
accumulate over a lifetime of schooling and are a source
of the persistent achievement gap between students
of lower and higher socioeconomic status (SES).
Summer out-of-school-time programs may be partic-
ularly effective in countering summer loss.
This review evaluated the effectiveness of out-of-
school-time academic (OSTA) programs as a means
of narrowing the academic achievement gap. A recent
synthesis of prior reviews on OSTA programs calls for
a new systematic review with attention to characteris-
tics that make programs more or less effective.
programs are defined as programs provided outside of
regular school hours to students in grades K-12 who
are either low-achieving or at risk of low achievement.
These programs are offered during the school year—
usually after school hours—or during summer recess.
These programs must include an academic component,
Supplemental d igital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this
article on the journal’s Web site (http://www.JPHMP.com).
Correspondence: Robert A. Hahn, PhD, MPH, Community Guide Branch,
Division of Epidemiology, Analysis and Library Services, Office of Public Health
Scientific Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd,
MS E-69, Atlanta, GA 30329 ([email protected]).
DOI: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000000268
which can range from minimal academic content, such
as supervised time for students to complete their home-
work or receive homework assistance, to more inten-
sive tutoring or remedial classes focused on specific
subjects, such as reading or math. Programs may in-
clude sports and recreation, snacks, or counseling. At-
tendance is most often voluntary, although students
may be required to participate under certain circum-
stances (eg, to avoid retention in grade).
An extensive body of evidence links educational
achievement and attainment to lifelong health out-
comes through 3 interrelated pathways: (1) devel-
opment of psychological and interpersonal strength,
such as a sense of control and social support, which,
in turn, contribute to healthy social interactions; (2)
problem-solving abilities and the ability to pursue and
maintain productive work and adequate income, and
the health benefits they provide; and (3) adoption of
healthy behaviors.
While educational experiments
are few, a wide range of studies are supportive of
a causal effect of education on downstream health.
Standardized tests of academic achievement assess ac-
quired knowledge and the ability to interact effec-
tively in the classroom setting, reason, and solve prob-
lems. Because these abilities predict long-term health
they provide a reasonable basis for
use as outcomes in Community Guide health equity
Because academic problems are often associated
with low family income or minority status, if effec-
tive, OSTA programs are likely to advance academic
achievement of poor or minority populations. Because
improved academic performance is linked to improved
health status, and because poor and minority popula-
tions as a whole have lower health status, the benefits
of OSTA programs may reach beyond improved aca-
demic performance to improved health equity.
In this review, focused programs were distinguished
from general academic programs and from minimal
academic programs. Focused programs concentrated
on a single subject, such as math or reading. General
academic programs focused on more than 1 subject.
Minimal academic programs did not have a strong aca-
demic focus, but some included time for homework
or homework assistance. Cooper’s hypothesis
of “the
congruence between program goals and program out-
comes” was evaluated.
Using methods developed for the Community
Guide (a program that conducts systematic reviews
of public health interventions),
this systematic re-
view assessed the effectiveness of OSTA programs as
a means to improve educational outcomes. For pur-
poses of this review, a student population is consid-
ered at risk for low academic achievement if charac-
terized by at least one of the following risk factors:
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
596 Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
low SES, racial/ethnic minority, low academic per-
formance, single-parent family, low maternal educa-
tion, or limited English proficiency. The plurality of
poor children in the United States are low-income
non-Hispanic white children (42.1% in 2010-2011) and
are thus included in this review.
Evidence Acquisition
For this review, a coordination team (the team) was
constituted, including qualified systematic reviewers
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s
(CDC’s) Community Guide Branch, Community Pre-
ventive Services Task Force (Task Force) representa-
tives, and subject matter experts from other CDC pro-
grams, external agencies, organizations, and academic
institutions. A team of consultants with expertise on
educational policies and programs was also consti-
tuted. The teams worked under the guidance of the
Task Force.
Conceptual approach and analytic framework
The team hypothesized that the increased out-of-school
instructional time, safe environment, enhanced social-
ization, and the possibility of improved nutrition pro-
vided by OSTA programs might contribute to im-
proved cognitive performance, academic achievement,
and social and emotional skills (Figure 1). Because
OSTA programs may reduce at-risk students’ free out-
of-school time during which juvenile crime and victim-
ization peak, these programs may reduce delinquent
behavior. However, if supervision during OSTA pro-
grams is lax, time spent in these out-of-school programs
could increase deviant behavior by providing concen-
trated unsupervised socialization of groups of students
at risk of such behavior.
By providing supervised time outside of school
hours, programs may increase parental work time and
decrease childcare costs. The pathways described ear-
lier and in Figure 1 illustrate how immediate outcomes
could contribute to long-term improvements in edu-
cational outcomes and ultimately decreased morbidity
and early mortality.
Research questions
The review focused on 8 research questions:
1. Are OSTA programs effective in improving aca-
demic achievement, in particular achievement in
math and reading?
2. Are OSTA programs focused on specific topics, such
as reading or math, more effective in improving aca-
demic achievement than programs with a more gen-
eral focus? Are general programs more effective than
programs with a minimal academic focus?
FIGURE 1 Analytic Framework: Out-of-School-Time-Academic Programs
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Out-of-School-Time Academic Programs for Health Equity 597
3. Do after-school programs and summer programs
differ in effectiveness?
4. Are programs differentially effective at different
grade levels?
5. Are programs with greater attendance or longer du-
ration more effective?
6. Is OSTA tutoring more effective than group instruc-
7. Do OSTA programs have effects on nonacademic
outcomes, such as delinquency and substance
8. Do OSTA effects differ for low-income or minority
children versus higher-income or white children?
Search for evidence
Using Community Guide methods, the team identified
a meta-analysis on OSTA by Lauer et al,
which in-
cluded studies published between January 1985 and
May 2003. The meta-analysis met Community Guide
and was accepted by the Task Force as the
basis for this review.
To determine whether studies published after the
cutoff date of the Lauer et al
meta-analysis were
consistent with the Lauer et al findings, the team
conducted an update systematic search using search
criteria similar to those of Lauer et al. Citations and
reports published from 2003 to 2011 were searched in
the following databases: ERIC, PubMed, Sociological
Abstracts/Social Services Abstracts, and PsycINFO.
The complete search strategy is available at www.
erence lists of identified articles were also searched.
The analysis in this review combines studies from the
Lauer et al meta-analysis with more recent research.
A systematic review of summer school programs by
Cooper et al,
synthesizing studies published between
1967 and 1998, was also identified. It included 71 stud-
ies, only one of which was also included in the Lauer
et al
meta-analysis. Differences between included
studies in these reviews may be a consequence of dif-
ferent inclusion criteria; for this reason, Cooper et al
results were not included in this review.
Inclusion criteria for Community Guide update
To qualify as a candidate for inclusion in this review, a
study had to:
evaluate the effectiveness of OSTA programs in
improving academic achievement for students in
grades K-12;
evaluate a study population at risk of academic fail-
ure (as indicated by 1 of the characteristics noted
include 1 or more outcomes: reading or math
achievement as assessed through standardized test
scores; high school graduation; enrollment in post–
secondary education; or delinquency or substance
have a control population or condition (treated or
be conducted in a high-income country
be published in indexed scientific literature or a gov-
ernment document; and
be written in English.
Studies were excluded from this review if the study
population consisted exclusively of special needs or
gifted students.
The Lauer et al review
and the present update re-
view differ in several ways: (1) the Lauer et al review in-
cluded unpublished theses and dissertations, whereas
this update review included only peer-reviewed pub-
lished articles or government evaluations; (2) the Lauer
et al review excluded studies that combined findings
from multiple sites, whereas this update review in-
cluded aggregated multisite studies; (3) the Lauer et al
review extracted information only on reading and math
outcomes; this update also assessed post–secondary
academic achievement, delinquency, and substance
use; and (4) whereas the Lauer et al review examined
only studies conducted in the United States, this update
review included studies from any high-income country.
Data abstraction and quality assessment
A full description of the process for data abstraction
and quality assessment is available in Supplemental
Digital Content Appendix A (available at http://links.
Analytic approach
The analytic approach for this review is available in
Supplemental Digital Content Appendix B ( available
at http://links.lww.com/JPHMP/A156).
Evidence Synthesis
Study characteristics
Lauer et al
reviewed the abstracts of 1808 citations
and retrieved and reviewed 371 full-length articles,
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
598 Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
Flowchart Showing Update Search, Number of Included Studies From That Search, and Number of Included
Studies From Previous Meta-analysis
From Lauer et al
of which 35 met their inclusion criteria. The update
review synthesis excluded 3 of those studies that re-
ported only school grades,
for a total of 32 studies
from Lauer et al.
The update search found 26 studies
(reported in 25 publications)
that met inclusion cri-
teria (Figure 2). By Community Guide standards,
all studies in the update were of greatest suitabil-
ity of design. One
was excluded from analysis be-
cause of limited quality of execution. Of the remain-
ing 25 studies, 6 (reported in 5 publications) were of
good quality of execution
and 19 were of fair
The combined analysis included 57
studies. Data necessary to calculate standardized mean
differences (SMDs) were not available in studies as-
sessing delinquency, drug abuse, or high school com-
pletion. Analyses were conducted in 2012-2013.
All included studies were conducted in the United
States, 63% in urban areas* and S. Ross, et al (unpub-
lished data, 1996) and the remainder in rural or mixed
settings or did not report urbanicity (Table). Summer
programs were evaluated in 49% of studies,
and S.
Ross, et al (unpublished data, 1996) and the remainder
evaluated after-school settings. Study populations
were predominantly from racial/ethnic minorities,
*References 24-28, 30-33, 35-37, 40, 44-46, 49, 50, 53-55, 58, 59, 63,
64, 66-69, 71-76.
References 26-28, 34, 35-37, 39, 40, 42, 46-49, 50-52, 54, 58, 59, 61,
62, 69, 71, 73, 75, 76.
mostly black and low-SES families. Specifically, among
studies that reported race/ethnicity, 60% were major-
ity black
and S. Ross, et al (unpublished data, 1996)
and among those reporting SES, 84% were majority
low SES.
The largest proportion of programs were
and general academics
(40% each),
followed by math-focused
(12%) and
minimal academics
(7%); one program
separate math- and reading-focused arms. Of 51
programs for which didactic approach was reported,
most (47%) involved group instruction,** 33% in-
volved tutoring or individualized instruction,
the remainder (20%) used mixed approaches.
studies (in 3 articles) included controls involved
in OSTA programs
that were less intensive
or less academically rigorous than the intervention
References 25-27, 32, 40, 41, 46, 48-49, 51, 55, 58, 59, 62, 64, 65, 67,
69, 71-73, 75, 76, 79.
§References 24-30, 33-38, 40, 44-46, 48, 50, 53, 55, 58-67, 69-77, 79.
|References 12, 25, 26, 30, 31, 33, 35, 39, 40, 43, 44, 47, 50, 58, 59, 64,
69, 71, 73-77.
References 24, 27, 28, 32, 34, 36-38, 41, 46, 48, 51, 53, 55-57, 60, 62,
63, 65, 67, 70, 79.
**References 24, 26, 28, 30-35, 42, 43, 54, 58, 59, 65, 69-71, 73, 75-77,
††References 12, 27, 29, 38, 41, 44-46, 48, 53, 55, 56, 60, 63, 66, 67,
‡‡References 25, 36, 39, 40, 49, 50, 61, 62, 64, 74.
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Out-of-School-Time Academic Programs for Health Equity 599
TABLE Characteristics of Included Studies
Characteristic Category
No. of Studies
(N = 57)
Setting United States 57 (100%)
Urbanicity Urban 36 (63)
Rural 5 (9)
Mixed 8 (14)
NR 7 (12)
Study population
Grade levels served Elementary (K-5) 28 (49)
Elementary/middle 8 (14)
Middle (6-8) 7 (12)
Middle/high 3 (5)
High (9-12) 7 (12)
All 4 (7)
Race/ethnicity Majority black 25 (43)
Majority Hispanic 4 (7)
Majority nonwhite (unspecified) 7 (12)
Majority white 2 (4)
Mixed 4 (7)
NR 15 (26)
SES Majority low SES 42 (74)
<50% low SES 8 (14)
NR 7 (12)
Intervention characteristics Temporal location
Summer 28 (49)
After-school 29 (51)
Didactic method Tutoring or individualized instruction 17 (30)
Group instruction 24 (42)
Mixed 10 (18)
NR 6 (11)
Program focus Reading 23 (40)
Math 7 (12)
General academics 23 (40)
Minimal academics 4 (7)
Abbreviations: NR, not reported SES, socioeconomic status.
Percentages may not equal 100 due to rounding.
The temporal location for year-round programs is categorized by where the majority of academic instruction took place.
population. These studies assessed effects of programs
that contained additional components.
Intervention effects on academic achievement
Questions 1 and 2: Effectiveness of OSTA programs on
math, reading, and general focus.
Reading achievement
The effects of OSTA programs on reading achieve-
ment were assessed in 45 studies* and S. Ross,
et al (unpublished data, 1996). The overall me-
*References 24-28, 30-41, 43-48, 50, 51, 53, 55-60, 63-64, 67, 69, 71,
73-77, 82.
dian SMD was 0.11 (interquartile interval [IQI]:
0.02-0.42). Substantial differences in effective-
ness by program focus were found (Figure 3).
Twenty-three evaluations
and S. Ross, et al (unpub-
lished data, 1996) of reading-focused programs yielded
a median SMD of 0.31 (IQI: 0.02-0.58) compared with
a median SMD of 0.09 (IQI: 0.00-0.26) for the 21
evaluations of general academic programs.
The only
minimal academic program
reported an SMD of 0.07
(Figure 3).
References 25, 26, 30, 31, 33, 35, 39, 40, 43, 44, 47, 50, 58, 59, 64, 69,
71, 73-77.
References 24, 27, 28, 32, 34, 36-38, 41, 46, 48, 51, 53, 55-57, 60, 63,
65, 67, 82.
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
600 Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
Effectiveness of OSTA Programs on Reading Achievement
Abbreviations: IQI, interquartile interval; OSTA, Out-of-School-Time Academic; SMD, standardized mean difference.
Math achievement
Twenty-seven studies
assessed the effects of OSTA pro-
grams on math achievement. The overall median SMD
was 0.09 (IQI: 0.03 to 0.31). Six evaluations of math-
focused programs
yielded a median SMD of
0.12, compared with 20 evaluations of general academic
programs with a median SMD of 0.065 (IQI: 0.01 to
0.24) (Figure 4). The only minimal academic program
reported an SMD of 0.043.
Additional stratified analyses for academic
Question 3: To assess differential effectiveness by tem-
poral setting (ie, after-school or summer programs),
each level of program focus (reading-focused, math-
focused, general academic, and minimal academic)
was further stratified. Differential effects on read-
ing achievement by temporal setting are small in the
References 24, 27-29, 32, 34, 36-38, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51-57, 60,
63, 65, 67, 77.
References 24, 27, 28, 32, 34, 36-38, 41, 46, 48, 51, 53, 55-57, 60, 63,
65, 67.
reading-focused stratum, as indicated by median SMDs
of 0.26 (IQI: 0.0-0.50) and 0.31 (IQI: 0.02-0.89) for after-
and S. Ross, et al (unpublished data, 1996) and
summer school programs,
respectively (Figure 5). Dif-
ferential effects on reading achievement by temporal
setting are larger for general academic programs, with
a median SMD of 0.06 (IQI: 0.00-0.091) for after-school
programs (Figure 5) compared with a median SMD of
0.20 (IQI: 0.02 to 0.38) for summer programs.
There were too few data points to draw a conclu-
sion about the differential effects on math achievement
of summer
versus after-school
programs (Figure 6). General academic programs in the
summer showed larger effects on math achievement
than after-school programs,** as evidenced by the me-
dian SMDs of 0.22 (IQI: 0.05 to 0.29) and 0.04 (IQI:
0.00-0.24), respectively (Figure 6).
References 25, 30, 31, 33, 43, 44, 64, 74, 77.
§References 26, 35, 39, 40, 47, 50, 58, 59, 69, 71, 73, 75, 76.
|References 24, 27, 28, 32, 34, 36-38, 41, 46, 48, 51, 53, 55-57, 60, 63,
65, 67, 82.
References 24, 38, 41, 53, 55-57, 60, 63, 65, 67.
**References 27, 28, 32, 34, 36, 37, 46, 48, 51.
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Out-of-School-Time Academic Programs for Health Equity 601
Effectiveness of OSTA Programs on Math Achievement
Abbreviations: IQI, interquartile interval; OSTA, Out-of-School-Time Academic; SMD, standardized mean difference.
Question 4: To assess differential effectiveness by
student-grade level, studies were ordered by grade
on the y-axis within program focus strata (Figure 7).
Among the reading-focused programs, those for el-
ementary grade students (average grade levels K-3)
were effective (median SMDs of 0.44 [IQI: 0.11-1.05])*
and S. Ross, et al (unpublished data, 1996), whereas
those for older elementary and middle school students
(average grade levels 4-8) were not (median 0.02 [IQI:
0.06 to 0.06]).
This relationship did not hold
for general academic programs (Figure 7).
Math-focused programs may be associated with
achievement at higher-grade levels but not at lower-
grade levels; however, the small number of math-
focused programs limited inference ( see Supplemental
Digital Content Figure 8, available at: . . . ). For general
academic programs, there was no clear association be-
tween program effectiveness and student-grade level.
Question 5: Questions about program duration re-
sponse effects could not be answered, because no in-
cluded study reported the effects of both program du-
ration and attendance. Although Lauer et al
both floor and ceiling effects for program duration—for
*References 25, 26, 33, 35, 40, 44, 47, 50, 58, 59, 69, 71, 73-76.
reading outcomes, benefit from programs with a min-
imum of 45 hours and no additional benefit beyond
200 hours—these findings were not corroborated in the
update studies.
Question 6: Programs described as “homework
(some of which have minimal aca-
demic focus) and the federal Supplemental Educa-
tional Services
(required to have an academic
focus) were classified as tutorial programs. Programs
with reading or math tutoring/individualized instruc-
tion as their main mode of didactics
and S. Ross,
et al (unpublished data, 1996) were associated with
the lowest effects for both reading (median = 0.08
[IQI: 0.013-0.30] and math (median = 0.09 [IQI: 0.015-
0.23]); group instruction
had greater effects for both
reading (median = 0.235 [IQI: 0.02-0.48]) and math
(median = 0.39 [IQI: 0.09 to 0.16]); and great-
est effects were associated with mixed-group and
tutoring approaches
in both reading (me-
dian = 0.375 [IQI: 0.06-0.73]) and math (effect = 0.86;
References 27, 29, 38, 41, 44-46, 48, 53, 55, 56, 60, 63, 67.
References 24, 26, 28, 30-35, 42, 43, 54, 58, 59, 65, 69-71, 73, 75-77,
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
602 Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
Effectiveness of OSTA Programs on Reading Achievement, Stratified by Temporal Setting
Abbreviations: IQI, interquartile interval; OSTA, Out-of-School-Time Academic; SMD, standardized mean difference.
Question 7: The small number of available studies
and inconsistency of findings yielded insufficient ev-
idence to draw conclusions on other outcomes. One
reported a relative improvement of 7.3% on
the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (www.riversidepublishing.
com/products/itbs/), a standardized test that assesses
reading, language arts, math, social studies, and science
knowledge combined. Favorable effects of OSTA pro-
grams were shown for high school completion across
as evidenced by a median 6.8% rela-
tive change in intervention populations compared with
control populations (range, 1.1% to 15.0%). Similar
improvements were found for college enrollment in 3
with a median relative change of 7.0%
(range, 2.7%-24.0%). Two studies
reported the ef-
fects of OSTA programs on college completion, one
on completion of a bachelor’s degree and one on an
associate’s degree; results were inconsistent, with me-
dian relative percent changes of 17.3% and 17.5%,
Mixed results were found for the effect of OSTA pro-
grams on delinquency, reported in 5 study arms from
The results indicated a negligible ef-
fect in the unfavorable direction: the median relative
increase was 2.3% (range, 29.2% to 52.3%). The effect
of OSTA programs on substance abuse also yielded in-
consistent results from 4 study arms in 3 studies.
The median relative change of 8.8% was in the un-
favorable direction (range, 33.0%, 50.0%). Overall,
the small number of studies reporting these outcomes
yielded insufficient evidence to draw conclusions on
Question 8: Few programs were reported to have
a majority of higher-SES students (6 for reading pro-
grams and 4 for math programs). Comparison of ef-
fects stratified by majority low versus high SES indi-
cated negligible differences for math programs (0.06
[IQI: 0.04 to 0.23] for low-SES students in math pro-
grams and 0.07 [IQI: 0.11 to 1.16] for higher-SES stu-
dents in math programs). However, reading programs
did appear to have differential effects on students
from different SES backgrounds, with greater improve-
ment among low-SES groups (0.195 [IQI: 0.02-0.43) than
among higher-SES groups (0.07 [IQI: 0.08 to 0.18]).
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Out-of-School-Time Academic Programs for Health Equity 603
Effectiveness of OSTA Programs on Math Achievement, Stratified by Temporal Setting
Abbreviations: IQI, interquartile interval; OSTA, Out-of-School-Time Academic; SMD, standardized mean difference.
Studies were not stratified by race/ethnicity because
this characteristic is likely to be confounded by SES.
Applicability of findings
Although included studies were conducted in the
United States, the team considered that the results may
be applicable to other high-income nations with sim-
ilar educational systems and achievement gaps. Most
evaluated programs were implemented in urban set-
tings and among low-income and racial/ethnic mi-
nority populations—predominantly black. The limited
number of studies evaluating the impact of OSTA pro-
grams on academic achievement of students from rural
or middle- and high-SES or predominantly white pop-
ulations limits knowledge of whether such students
would benefit equally from OSTA programs. The ef-
fects of OSTA programs on the academic achievement
of Hispanics and racial/ethnic minority populations
other than black are also unclear. The possibility of cul-
tural and language differences suggests the modifica-
tion of standard programs for Hispanics. Because most
studies were implemented in elementary school set-
tings, applicability of results to middle and high school
populations is also uncertain. The results are applica-
ble to both summer and after-school programs. Results
are applicable across levels of instructional individu-
ation, although the combination of group classes with
tutoring may have greater benefits than either approach
Potential harms, additional benefits, and
considerations for implementation
Included studies did not assess postulated potential
harms associated with OSTA programs, specifically
loss of recreational time and family time. Additional
benefits reported from the broader literature include
more time for parents to work
and the opportunity for
low-income students to receive an additional meal. Fi-
nally, participation in OSTA may reduce opportunities
for part-time student employment that may provide in-
come and promote self-confidence. However, part-time
work is also associated with increased risk behavior.
Multiple implementation challenges are reported.
For many federal programs, oversight is the re-
sponsibility of the state, and compliance with pro-
gram requirements and enforcement are commonly
School districts often do not notify par-
ents of available free programs, such as Supplemental
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
604 Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
Effectiveness of OSTA Programs on Reading Achievement, Stratified by Student Grade Level
Abbreviations: IQI, interquartile interval; OSTA, Out-of-School-Time Academic; SMD, standardized mean difference
Educational Services; thus, programs are often
In addition, participation in most
OSTA programs is voluntary, and attendance may be
especially low for students most in need.
staff training and high staff turnover are also reported.
Economic evidence
A separate systematic review assessing the economic
efficiency of OSTA programs was conducted by mem-
bers of the Community Guide economics team, using
the same search criteria as in the effectiveness review,
supplemented with economic terms and databases and
standardized methods.
Studies of cost, cost effec-
tiveness, and cost-benefit were assessed when avail-
able. Fourteen studies in 12 articles
were in-
cluded; all reported only program cost. All monetary
values in this review were converted to 2012 US dollars.
Annual costs of OSTA programs ranged from $623 to
$8705 per student and varied greatly by hours of oper-
ation. Eleven included studies in 9 articles
provided enough information to calculate hourly cost
per student, which ranged from $3.06 to $13.17. Ma-
jor cost drivers included salaries for teachers and staff,
costs for facilities and utilities, and transportation costs,
with salaries being the largest expense. The most expen-
sive programs were intensive, included case manage-
ment (to monitor and foster the progress of individual
program participants), or had more than 1 major cost
driver reported. Current research does not provide suf-
ficient data for cost-effectiveness or cost-benefit assess-
Summary of findings
According to Community Guide criteria, there is strong
evidence that reading-focused OSTA programs are ef-
fective in improving the reading achievement of aca-
demically at-risk students in grades K-3. There is
sufficient evidence that math-focused programs are
effective in improving the math achievement of at-risk
students, with an indication of greater effects of math-
focused programs at higher-grade levels. There is suf-
ficient evidence of effectiveness of general academic
programs in improving the reading and math achieve-
ment of academically at-risk students, although the
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Out-of-School-Time Academic Programs for Health Equity 605
magnitude of each effect is smaller than those from
reading- and math-focused programs.
There is evidence that OSTA programs offered dur-
ing the summer provide greater benefit than those of-
fered after school, particularly general academic pro-
grams. Evidence is insufficient to determine the effec-
tiveness of OSTA programs with minimal academic
content or the effect of OSTA programs on high school
completion, college enrollment, delinquency, or drug
Evidence gaps
Additional research needed to help fill gaps in knowl-
edge about OSTA programs is detailed in see Sup-
plemental Digital Content Appendix C (available at:
This review indicated that OSTA programs overall have
beneficial effects on the math and reading achieve-
ment of at-risk students. OSTA programs are not all
equally effective. Academic focus (eg, on reading or
math) substantially improves academic achievement.
General academic programs have smaller effects, but
affect achievement in more than 1 subject. This Com-
munity Guide review synthesis confirms “the congru-
ence between program goals and program outcomes.”
The lack of clear findings of effects of OSTA on delin-
quency and substance abuse may be due to the small
number of studies, the harmful effects of social interac-
tion among at-risk youth when not well supervised,
or lack of effect.
The hypothesis that summer programs are more ef-
fective than after-school programs in improving read-
ing and math achievement was confirmed, particularly
for general academic programs. Summer programs can
include more hours; after-school programs must de-
liver a sufficient academic dosage between the end of
the regular school day and the time when students re-
turn home. Students may be tired after a full day of
school and thus less receptive to further instruction.
Summer programs may be particularly effective for
low-income students because the academic resources
available to other students during the summer are not
always available for these students.
In contrast, after-
school programs may be rapidly responsive to needs
that arise during the school year and may occur during
a greater span of the year.
Although the meta-analysis by Cooper et al
cluded populations excluded in the present review,
their findings were nevertheless generally consistent
with this review. Cooper et al reported effects by cur-
riculum focus and academic subject outcome sepa-
rately: Comparing students exposed to a summer pro-
gram either to others not exposed or to the same stu-
dents prior to exposure, they found SMDs of 0.43 (95%
confidence interval [CI]: 0.32-0.54) for reading pro-
grams; 0.25 (95% CI: 0.12-0.38) for combined math and
reading programs (which this review classified as gen-
eral programs); and 0.24 (95% CI: 0.18-0.30) for a “mul-
tiple subjects” programs (also general programs).
The limitations of this review should be recognized.
Systematic reviews rely on the information provided
in included studies that may lack details desired for
review purposes. Descriptions of the programs them-
selves often lack detail so that it is difficult to deter-
mine what was done. Decisions about the classification
of studies as one type or another ideally are based on
available evidence, but in some cases are inferred.
Although the results of this review indicate favor-
able effects of OSTA programs on reading and math
achievement, these programs by themselves are un-
likely to bridge the achievement gap or overcome
the health disparities between minority and majority
children and between low-income and higher-income
populations. Even when well implemented, staffed,
and attended, OSTA programs are not likely to have
long-term effects in the absence of educational, com-
munity, and family environments that support these
Despite the expansion of OSTA programs
in recent decades, the academic achievement gaps
between children from minority and majority popu-
lations, and between children from low-income and
higher-income populations, persist. Even with large
increases in federal No Child Left Behind funding for
OSTA programs, progress in closing these achievement
gaps has been slow. Nonetheless, because OSTA pro-
grams are commonly implemented in low-income com-
munities, they could be important components of com-
prehensive efforts to close the achievement gap and
reduce health inequities.
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