Extremely Hard Take
Home Anime Quiz
April 16, 2024
NAME ______________________________
BADGE NUMBER _____________________
1. You may begin as soon as you receive the quiz.
2. You must turn this quiz in to the panelist between noon and 2:00 p.m. in the Panelist
Lounge (SJCC LL21F) on Saturday, May 25, 2024 or earlier elsewhere if you meet the
panelist before then.
3. You must print your real name and badge number on your entry.
4. Mailed entries do not require a badge number.
5. Mailed entries must be received by Monday, May 20, 2024 at:
Extremely Hard Anime Quiz
P.O. Box 78690
Seattle, WA 98178-0690
6. This quiz consists of fifty multiple-choice questions.
7. All questions have only one correct answer.
8. Some questions may have no answers that are precisely correct in which case you are to
circle the best (most correct) answer.
9. This quiz is open book and open notes. Participants may use any resources to answer
the questions, including each other.
10. Unless otherwise noted in the question, if there is a difference between the English
dubbed version and the subtitled version, the subtitled version shall prevail.
11. Unless otherwise noted in the question, if there is a difference between the streaming
version and the physical media version the physical media version shall prevail.
12. Selected answers must be circled. Xs, obliterations and overstrikes will be considered
answers that the participant has rejected.
13. You are encouraged to show your thought process, such as by crossing out wrong
answers and writing why you think your answer is correct. This can help you convince
the panelist that you are correct should we find some unclear element in the question.
14. Answers must be in black. Markings of any other color may disqualify your entry.
15. There will be a panel from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 24, 2024, in Panel
Room 3 (SJCC LL20C), where people can ask questions about the quiz. This panel will
not provide answers to the questions on the quiz. If you are feeling confident, you may
skip this session or turn in your quiz at this time.
16. There will be a panel from noon to 2:00 p.m. on Monday, May 27, 2024, in Panel Room
3 (SJCC LL20C) to discuss answers and if possible, announce the winners.
17. The primary tiebreaker between tied scores will be in favor of the earlier entry.
18. You must be present on Monday’s panel to win.
19. The panelist will evaluate all answers for correctness.
20. The word of the panelist is final in determining the correctness of all answers.
21. The panelist reserves the right to add, delete or modify the rules, as finds necessary.
22. FanimeCon staff that have seen the questions prior to May 3, 2024 and relatives of the
panelist are not eligible for prizes.
23. You may use any source of information to arrive at your answer but you are responsible
for understanding your answer. Should you answer correctly, you may be called upon
to explain your reasoning to everyone at the panel (see Rule 13).
1. In the car selecon loery of the Holy Grail Grand Prix from Episode 9 of Carnival Phantasm,
Caster imagines a honeymoon in a castle built by a contemporary of ______ from England.
a. Eleanor of Aquitaine b. Philippa of Hainault
c. Queen Elizabeth l d. Queen Anne
e. Queen Victoria
2. Early in Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro, Fujiko Mine bows and greets the count in a formal
manner while standing in front of a painng of ______ origin.
a. English b. Flemish
c. French d. Italian
e. Spanish
3. Examine the painng behind the Count of Cagliostro when Chief Inspector Koichi Zenigata
offers him his services in Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro. The meaning of the depicted image is
referenced when the count speaks to ______.
a. Arsine Lupin lll b. Lady Clarisse de Cagliostro
c. Captain Gustav d. Jodot
e. Chief Inspector Koichi Zenigata
4. Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid OO (Maru Maru) is a series of shorts that are bundled on the
First Season blu-ray. In Episode 1, Tohru and Kanna Kamui parody a work by ______.
a. Salvador Dali b. Max Ernst
c. Rene Magrie d. Joan Miro
e. Yves Tanguy
5. Examine the detail of the painng on Page 15 which appears in Episode 6 of The SoulTaker.
When Zabo calls Megumi a traitor, he is comparing her to figure ______.
a. A b. B
c. C d. D
e. none of the above
6. When the protagonists decide to assault the ghost town in pairs in Episode 12 of Appare-
Ranman! Jing Xialian least wants to be with Seth Rich Carter because to her he appears to be
a (an) ______.
a. cuckold b. idiot
c. masochist d. sexist
e. none of the above
7. Late in Episode 9 of Baka and Test: Summon the Beast, Queson 2 on the test required
students to “Choose the correct form of the Yin government,” to which the possible answers
are given below as A through D. Had the queson stated, “Choose the form of government
that arose aer the collapse of the Yin, the correct answer would have been ______.
a. regency government b. theocracy
c. samurai government d. internaonal polics
e. democrac republic
8. Aer the end of the Takamagahara Commemorave Maid Café Eto Manager’s Cup in Episode
8 of Etotama, Uma-tan expresses principles found in the ______.
a. Analects (Lun Yu) b. Doctrine of the Mean (Zhong Yong)
c. Great Learning (Da Xue) d. Book of Mencius (Meng Zi)
e. none of the above
9. In Episode 43 of Speed Racer, Princess Petal was implied to be facing ______ when the
assassin threw a sword at her.
a. east b. north
c. south d. west
e. an indeterminate direcon
10. When the elderly abbot tells Sorota Arisugawa of the Star of Desny in Episode 1 (A
Reunion) of X, five concentric circles with Chinese logograms appear superimposed over the
night sky. The topmost logogram that is cut off by the screen is ______.
a. air b. empness
c. lake d. mouth
e. spirit
11. In the opening of Speed Racer, when the title character is jamming down the pedal like he’s
never coming back, he drives over a (an) ______ map projection of the world.
a. azimuthal b. conic
c. cylindrical d. elliptical
e. equilateral
12. Dr. Nightcall’s secret passage button in Episode 22 of Speed Racer is located in a ______.
a. barkentine b. bark
c. brig d. hermaphrodite brig
e. none of the above
13. Episode 34 of Speed Racer (The Supersonic Car) seems to take place in a parody of the state
of ______.
a. California b. Nevada
c. Oregon d. Texas
e. Utah
14. Consider membership to (A) the European Union and (B) NATO. Episode 38 of Speed Racer
features the title character racing in Ambrocia, a parody of a European country which would
be a primary member of ______.
a. A but not B b. B but not A
c. both A and B d. neither A nor B
e. formerly a member of one and potentially a future member of the other
15. Episode 51 of Speed Racer covers a race across the world which includes all of the
continents except ______.
a. Africa b. Antarctica
c. Australia d. South America
e. none of the above
16. Consider the following events: (A) when Appare Sorano builds his car in Episode 1 of
Appare-Ranman! (B) when Hakim Atawari becomes fascinated by cars in Episode 4 of Emma
– A Victorian Romance and (C) when the ships enter the bay in the prologue of Episode 1 of
Samurai Girls. In what chronological order do they occur?
a. ABC b. ACB
c. BAC d. BCA
e. none of the above
17. Consider the following events: (A) what is depicted in the painng that Lord Trancey soils
while bathing in Episode 8 from Season 2 of Black Butler, (B) what Ceasar references when
she washes her Sturmgeschutz lll Ausf F in Episode 2 of Girls und Panzer and (C) what Kazuya
Tanaka and Toki Nagayama are studying in Episode 13 of School Rumble. In what
chronological order do they occur?
a. ABC b. BAC
c. BCA d. CBA
e. none of the above
18. The protagonists from Episode 1 of Eden of the East travel under a sign that invites tourists
to visit the Air and Space Museum in Chanlly. Had they done so, they could have seen an
aircra featured in which Hayao Miyazaki movie?
a. Castle in the Sky b. Howl’s Moving Castle
c. Kiki’s Delivery Service d. Porco Rosso
e. none of the above
19. June 6, 2024 will be the eigheth anniversary of the Allied landings at Normandy. Which
tank from Girls und Panzer fought on Omaha Beach on that historic day?
a. Anglerfish Team’s b. Rabbit Team’s
c. Kay’s tank from Episode 6 d. Naomi’s tank from Episode 6
e. none of the above
20. When the tle character recalls his French history in Episode 12 of Speed Racer, he imagines
Napoleon Bonaparte ______.
a. at the Bale of Arcola b. before the bale of Marengo
c. during the invasion of Spain d. during the invasion of Russia
e. before the Bale of Waterloo
21. Which era is the most likely me period for the Japan seen in Appare-Ranman?
a. Bunkyu (1861-1864) b. Genji (1864-1865)
c. Kejo (1865-1868) d. Meiji (1868-1912)
e. Taisho (1912-1926)
22. When Nya-tanghts Dora-tan in Episode 1 of Etotama, they do so in the laer’s world which
features the themes of ice, an amusement park and Dora-tan’s ______.
a. diligence b. intransigence
c. permanence d. youth
e. none of the above
23. When the exhausted Kotarou Komaki felt that he can finish the ten-kilometer run in Episode
5 of Overtake! he reaches the refreshment staon and had already completed most nearly
______ percent of the course.
a. ten b. thirty
c. fiy d. seventy
e. ninety
24. Episode 31 of Speed Racer begins somewhere in the country of Japan. Inside of a castle, an
assassin places a radar acvated bomb inside a suit of armor. Based on the appearance of
this castle and its contents, it is most likely located in ______ prefecture.
a. Chiba b. Gunma
c. Shiga d. Shizuoka
e. Yamanashi
25. The 15
episode of AKB0048 stars the idol trainees in a variety show. Upon reaching
adulthood, the Two Car team from ______ would most likely make the best masters of
ceremonies for the idols’ variety show. (Hint: Watch Episode 9 of Two Car,)
a. Amagase Girls’ Academy b. Ikoma Girls’ High School
c. Miyake Girls’ High School d. Takacho Girls’ Academy
e. Tsukuba Girls’ High School
26. In Episode 12 of Appare-Ranman! Chase the Bad survives the gunshot of Gil the Butcher’s
henchman by imitang anachroniscally a western character named ______.
a. Billy b. Blondie
c. Douglas d. Joe
e. Manco
27. At the speedway in Episode 1 of Lupin lll, Part 1, Fujiko Mine stole a truck of ______ origin.
a. Brish b. French
c. German d. Italian
e. Swedish
28. Tohru wanted the finest ingredients to make omurice in Episode 12 of Miss Kobayashi’s
Dragon Maid. She obtained water from Aleim and eggs from ______.
a. Asgard b. Jotunheim
c. Midgard d. Svartaleim
e. Vanaheim
29. Which member of the Princess Jellyfish sisterhood might Aika Hayakawa most likely enjoy an
inial conversaon with based on informaon presented about her in Episode 10 of
Mysterious Girlfriend X?
a. Banba b. Chieko
c. Jiji d. Mayaya
e. Tsukimi Kurashita
30. In Episode 2 of Uma Musume Prey Derby, Hishi Amazon vents her frustraon in reference
to ______ literature.
a. American b. Greek
c. Hebrew d. Italian
e. Japanese
31. On June 1 and June 2, 2024, Symphony San Jose is scheduled to perform music that you
can hear in all of the following except Episode ______ from Legend of the Galacc
Heroes OVA.
a. 44 b. 47
c. 48 d. 97
e. 98
32. In which anime can you hear the melody from the score on Page 15?
a. Episode 21 of Black Butler b. Episode 24 of Cardcaptor Sakura
c. Episode 17 of Leer Bee d. Episode 15 of Neon Genesis
e. Episode 24 of The World God Only Knows
33. Consider the following three pieces of music from Princess Tutu: (A) Miss Aneaterina’s
theme from Episode 2, (B) Lamp’s theme aer Duck transforms into Princess Tutu in
Episode 5 and (C) during and aer when Mytho asks Rue if he loves her in Episode 9. In
what order do they occur in the original composion?
a. ABC b. ACB
c. BAC d. CAB
e. none of the above
34. During the four-legged obstacle race in Episode 2 of Testament of Sister New Devil
BURST, the background music was wrien by a(an) ______ composer.
a. Austrian b. Czech
c. French d. German
e. Japanese
35. Aer the Takacho Girls’ Academy team read fan leers in Episode 8 of TwoCar, an
announcer declared the road to be open to a melody from a (an)______.
a. concerto b. orchestral suite
c. overture d. sonata
e. symphony
36. When the cast harvest sweet potatoes in the opening of Everyday Tales of a Cat God, the
clouds shown usually form between ______ meters and ______ meters in elevaon.
a. 500, 2000 b. 500, 7000
c. 500, 12000 d. 2000, 7000
e. 7000, 12000
37. In the end credits of Episode 2 of eX-Driver, the protagonists take a test in which Queson 7
2𝑥+ 3
The correct answer is most nearly:
a. 6 b. 12
c. 18 d. negave
e. infinity
38. Which of the following San Francisco Bay Area museum ships uses the same propulsion
technology as Oarai Girl’s Academy school ship from Girls und Panzer das Finale Part 1?
a. SS Jeremiah O’Brien in San Francisco b. USS Pampanito in San Francisco
c. USS Potomac in Oakland d. SS Red Oak Victory in Richmond
e. None of the above because the technology was developed aer 1945.
39. Part B (Pulp Addicon) of Episode 3 of Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt is a parody of the
American amphibious invasion of ______.
a. Anzio b. Guadalcanal
c. Iwo Jima d. Normandy
e. Saipan
40. In the animated film Redline, a race takes place on Roboworld. From informaon presented
in this film, it can be inferred that Roboworld appears from Earth to be in constellaon
a. Canes Venaci b. Eridanus
c. Hydra d. Sculptor
e. Serpens Cauda
41. Nya-tan is shown to be easily distracted by anime in Episode 1 of Etotama. If you were
visited by all of the Eto-Shin from Etotama, who do you think would most enjoy watching
Princess Tutu with you?
a. Dora-tan b. Mei-tan
c. Piyo-tan d. Shima-tan
e. Usa-tan
42. Episode 12 of Ghastly Prince Enma begins with the cast in a racing game. Other than 00
which usually ends last if it finishes at all, which vehicle historically has the worse record of
finishing among the first three places?
a. 4 b. 6
c. 7 d. 8
e. 10
43. If Team Hippo of Girls und Panzer were to watch the Amakusa Shogo arc (Season 3) of
Rurouni Kenshin, what would they agree is the most appropriate piece of music for the
antagonists to use to warn their followers of troubled mes ahead and to have faith that
final victory will be theirs?
a. BWV 80 by Johann Sebasan Bach b. Op. 80 by Ludwig van Beethoven
c. HWV 17 by Geroge Frideric Handel d. Hob XXll/11 by Franz Joseph Haydn
e. RV 589 by Antonio Vivaldi
44. In Episode 1, Part B of Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, tled Death Race 2010, a bystander
in a white dress imitates famous scene from a movie directed by ______ aer the car drives
by her.
a. Frank Capra b. John Ford
c. John Huston d. Stanley Kubrick
e. Billy Wilder
45. At the end of this month, San Francisco Opera will begin performances of The Magic Flute by
Mozart. All of the following anime presents music from this opera. Which presents, at least
in part, the melody of the song where the prince physically receives the magic flute?
a. Episode 3 of .hack//Roots b. Episode 5 of Black Butler
c. Episode 1 of Izea the last Witch d. Episode 18 of Steins Gate 0
e. none of the above
46. When Skuld and Sentaro Kawanishi ride a bike in the laer half of Episode 13 of Ah My
Goddess Flights of Fancy, they see some rowers praccing in the river. The rowers are
praccing a sport that ______ held in the 2024 Summer Olympics and Japan has ______ a
medal in past Olympics.
a. will be, never won b. will not be, never won
c. will be, won d. will not be, won
e. will for only one gender be, never won
47. In Fullmetal Alchemist, the sea dragon of Amestris can best be described as ______.
a. not rampant b. rampant
c. rampant guardant d. rampant reguardant
e. rampant sinister
48. In Girls und Panzer, there are only two types of bales, flag tank and total annihilaon.
Suppose a third contest was added which involves a race through various balefield
obstacles including mud, so sand, a concrete wall, pit traps, trenches, moats, ditches and
minefields. Teams will be penalized for vehicles le behind. Schools may modify their
vehicles per pre-1945 blueprints. Which school would have a tradional advantage?
a. Anzio High School b. Kuromorimine Girls High School
c. Pravda High School d. Saunders University High School
e. St. Gloriana Girls Academy
49. Early in Episode 2 of Overtake! Team Komaki Motors stop at a signal displaying a circular red,
a green through arrow and a green le arrow. Given that they are driving north from
Gotemba to Fuji Speedway, what is an acceptable simultaneous signal display for other road
users assuming the intersecon has four legs with no one way streets?
a. Eastbound drivers see a circular red with a green right arrow.
b. Southbound drivers see a circular green.
c. Southbound drivers see a circular red with a green through arrow and a green le arrow.
d. Westbound drivers see a flashing circular yellow.
e. Two or more of the above are acceptable.
50. The go-karts which the cast race in Episode 101 (Season 6, Episode 119) of Ranma ½ (Tendo
Family Goes to the Amusement Park) appear to be powered by ______.
a. diesel engines b. electric motors
c. in-line engines d. radial engines
e. rotary engines
Beethoven, Ludwig van Symphony No. 9 in D minor Op. 125 14
Beethoven, Ludwig van Symphony No. 5 in C minor Op. 67 11
Strauss, Richard Also sprach Zarathustra Op. 30 10
Bach, Johann Sebastian Toccata and Fugue in D minor BWV 565 9
Dvorak, Antonin Symphony No. 9 in E minor Op. 95 8
Vivaldi, Antonio The Four Seasons RV 269, 315, 293, 297 8
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Eine k leine Nachtmusik K. 525 7
Pachelbel, Johann Canon and in D Major PWC 37, T 337, PC 358 7
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich The Nutcrack er Op. 71 7
Beethoven, Ludwig van Fur Elise WoO 59, Bla 515 6
Chopin, Frederic Piano Sonata No. 2 in B flat minor Op. 35 6
Mendelssohn, Felix A Midsummers Night's Dream Op. 61 6
Handel, George Friedrich Messiah HWV 56 5
Schubert, Franz Ave Maria (Ellens Gesang III) Op. 52 (D. 839) 5
Strauss, Johann Blue Danube Op. 314 5
Bach, Johann Sebastian Herz Und Mund Und Taten Leben BWV 147 4
Beethoven, Ludwig van Piano Sonata No.8 in C minor (Pathetique) Op. 13 4
Bizet, Georges Carmen 4
Boccherini, Luigi String Quintet in E Major Op. 11 No. 5 (G 275) 4
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Der Zauberflote K. 620 4
Saint-Saens, Camille Les Carnaval des Animaux 4
Wagner, Richard Der Ring des Nibelungen WWV 86 4
Wagner, Richard Die Meistersinger von Nuremberg WWV 96 4
Bach, Johann Sebastian Suite for Solo Cello No. 1 In G Major BWV 1007 3
Bach, Johann Sebastian Orchestral Suite No. 3 BWV 1068 3
Beethoven, Ludwig van Piano Sonata No. 14 (Moonlight) Op. 27 No. 2 3
Chopin, Frederic Prelude No. 20 in C minor Op. 28 3
Handel, George Friedrich Serse HWV 40 3
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Piano Sonata No. 9 in D Major K. 311 3
Mussorgsky, Modest Pictures at an Exhibition 3
Offenbach, Jacques Orphee aux enfers 3
Rossini, Gioachino William Tell 3
Satie, Erik Gymnopedie No. 1 3
Strauss, Johann Tritsc-Tratsch Polk a Op. 214 3
Bach, Johann Sebastian Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 BWV 1050 2
Bach, Johann Sebastian Partita for Solo Violin, No. 2 in D minor BWV 1004 2
Bach, Johann Sebastian Sonata for Solo Violin No. 3 BWV 1006 2
Bach, Johann Sebastian Orchestral Suite No. 2 BWV 1067 2
Bach, Johann Sebastian Goldberg Variations BWV 988 2
Beethoven, Ludwig van Symphony No. 7 in A Major Op. 92 2
Dvorak, Antonin Humoresque Op. 101, No.7 2
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Ah vous dirai-je, Maman K. 265 2
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Piano Sonata No. 11 in A major K. 331 2
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major K. 448 2
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Marriage of Figaro K. 492 2
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Symphony No. 40 in G minor K. 550 2
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Requiem Mass in D minor K. 626 2
Puccini, Giacomo Tosca 2
Schubert, Franz Erlk onig Op.1, D.328 2
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich Swan Lak e Op. 20 2
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich 1812 Overture Op. 49 2
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich Sleeping Beauty Op. 66 2