Visual attention is not enough: Individual differences in
statistical word-referent learning in infants
Linda B. Smith and Chen Yu
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Program in Cognitive Science, Indiana
University Bloomington, IN
Recent evidence shows that infants can learn words and referents by aggregating ambiguous
information across situations to discern the underlying word-referent mappings. Here, we use an
individual difference approach to understand the role of different kinds of attentional processes in
this learning: 12-and 14-month-old infants participated in a cross-situational word-referent
learning task in which the learning trials were ordered to create local novelty effects, effects that
should not alter the statistical evidence for the underlying correspondences. The main dependent
measures were derived from frame-by-frame analyses of eye gaze direction. The fine- grained
dynamics of looking behavior implicates different attentional processes that may compete with or
support statistical learning. The discussion considers the role of attention in binding heard words
to seen objects, individual differences in attention and vocabulary development, and the relation
between macro-level theories of word learning and the micro-level dynamic processes that
underlie learning.
Word learning; Statistical learning; Development; Infant learning; Attention; Cross-situational
word-referent learning
The problem of how infants break into word learning is still not well understood. A baby
who knows no (or very few) words must attach names to objects as a consequence of
experiencing co-occurring words and their referents. Young learners might learn their first
words primarily in very clear cases in which the intended referent is the unambiguous focus
of the speaker’s and the learner’s attention (e.g., Baldwin, 1993; Brent & Siskind, 2001;
Hollich, Hirsh-Pasek, & Golinkoff, 2000). Yet many potential learning contexts are less than
ideal and present the young learner with more ambiguous and less certain information (e.g.,
Woodward & Markman, 1998). Recent evidence suggests that infants, as well as adults, do
learn words and referents in less than ideal contexts, aggregating ambiguous information
across situations to discern the underlying word-referent mappings (Yu, Ballard, & Aslin,
2005; Yu & Smith, 2007; L. Smith & Yu, 2008; Vouloumanos, 2008; Vouloumanos &
Werker, 2009; Scott & Fisher, 2009). These previous studies were centered on
demonstrating the existence of cross-situational learning and as yet very little is known
about the underlying mechanisms. Here we consider how different processes of visual
attention may support or not support cross-situational learning. The findings indicate that
some forms of visual attention, including novelty-driven attention, do not support statistical
name-referent learning whereas other forms of attention do.
Our focus on processes of visual attention and their relation to statistical learning was
motivated by previous findings of individual differences in infant cross-situational word-
referent learning (Yu & Smith, 2010) and by theoretical analyses that suggest that the nature
of the underlying attentional processes is a critical factor for statistical word-referent
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Author Manuscript
Lang Learn Dev. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 January 06.
Published in final edited form as:
Lang Learn Dev. 2013 ; 9(1): . doi:10.1080/15475441.2012.707104.
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learning under all theoretical assumptions (Yu & Smith, 2012). The prior empirical study
used a “looking while listening” paradigm in which infants were presented with a series of
visual scenes and co-occurring words as illustrated in Figure 1. On one trial, the infant might
hear the words “regli” and “toma” in the context of seeing object a and object b. Without
other information, the hypotheses that “regli” refers to object a and that “toma” refers to
object b versus the hypotheses that “regli” refers to b and “toma” refers to a cannot be
decided. However, if the next trial presents the referents of b and c in the context of the
words “regli” and “gasser” and if the learner can remember the co-occurrences trial-to-trial
and can combine the conditional probabilities of co-occurrences across trials, the learner
could be more certain that “regli” refers to object b because b is the only candidate referent
that has co-occurred with “regli” on both trials. In the first experiment using this method
(Smith & Yu, 2008), 12- and 14-month old infants were presented with a randomly ordered
stream of 30 such trials with 6 objects and 6 words to be learned across the trials. At the end
of this experience, infants were tested: two visual objects were presented in the context of
one spoken word and looking time was measured. The results showed that 12-and 14-month
old infants looked more to the correct referent than the foil. To do this, they must have
attended to, stored and statistically evaluated the information across the individually
ambiguous training trials.
Yu and Smith (2010) added eye-tracking methodology and in this way tracked learning as it
occurred, examining the object to which the infant attended when each word was heard
during the ambiguous training trials. This method revealed marked individual differences in
looking behavior that were strongly related to whether or not individual infants learned the
underlying correspondences. At the beginning of training, looking was similar for all infants,
with many rapid shifts of attention from one object to the other within a trial and little
systematicity. Diffuse looking is potentially relevant to statistical learning, since infants
might benefit from an initially broad sampling of the data on the pairings. However, on later
looking trials, the looking patterns of infants who actually learned the word-referent
associations as measured at test became more focused and different from those of
nonlearners. More specifically, by the middle of the training trials, the learners’ looking
patterns were systematic, selective, and sustained on individual objects and they were often
-- though not always -- directed toward the correct referent for the just heard word.
However, the learners’ attention but the nonlearners –at least as the learning trials
progressed –became more controlled by the heard words whereas nonlearners’ looking
behavior did not. Looking at an object in the context of a heard word is both the means
through which infants pick up information about the word-object correspondences and also
the behavior experimentalists use to measure that learning. Because the differences in
looking behavior during the training emerged across those trials, these differences most
likely reflect differences in what infants had learned from the early trials about the word-
referent correspondences. However, because this early learning organizes visual attention
within trials, it may be essential to learning during later trials, for example, to the correction
of spurious correlations, and thus to the overall success of statistical learning.
Importantly, both the infants who ultimately learned the correspondences and those who did
not looked at the objects on all trials, but the looking behavior was different. This fact
suggests that looking and listening is not enough to ensure statistical learning and raises the
possibility that different forms of visual attention are differentially supportive of statistical
word-referent learning. Recent advances in both theory and research suggest fundamentally
different forms of attention (see Talsma, Senkowski, Soto-Farao & Woldorff, 2010, for
review) that operate over different time scales (see Smith, Colunga & Yoshida, 2010, for
review) and that support different cognitive functions (see, Talsma et al, 2010; Wright &
Ward, 2008). In particular, studies of both adults (e.g., Fiebelkorn, Foxe & Molholm, 2010)
and infants (Wu & Kirkham, 2010; Benitez & Smith, 2012) suggest that association-based
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(or “endogenous”) attention is critical to the binding of multimodal information within and
across trials. That is, attention that is directed to a spatial location by a learned cue (and thus
by expectancy and top-down processes) supports deeper cognitive processing and
specifically the binding of one stimulus event to another. Thus, one possibility is that some
infants in the Yu and Smith study did not learn the statistical correspondences between
words and referents because their attention within any trial was primarily organized not by
word-object associations (spurious or correct) but by individual stimulus saliency or the
local novelty effects across trials. In contrast, the learners’ visual attention may have been
organized by word-object associations, and even though those associations may have been
initially spurious, the expectancy based nature of attentional cuing may have led to better
statistical learning. The current experiment was designed to test this idea.
Our focus on visual attention and on word-object associations runs counter to some
theoretical approaches to cross-situational learning and to word-referent learning more
generally. These alternative approaches do not focus on visual attention but on hypothesis
testing and conceptualize learning not in terms of associations but in terms of reference (see
Yu & Smith, 2012, for a review, as well as the other papers in this special issue). In formal
theoretical analyses of hypothesis testing versus associations, Yu and Smith (2012) argue
that the distinctions are not as formally clear-cut as our everyday intuitions might suggest
and moreover that implicit assumptions about how attention works is a critical determiner of
the success of both hypothesis-testing and association models of statistical word-referent
learning. The distinction between words “as associates” versus “as referring” also may not
be as clear-cut as some have proposed. For example, Waxman and Gelman (2009) dismissed
associations as relevant to word learning arguing that words do not merely co-occur with
objects but point to (or are “about”) the object as the intended focus of interest. The
mechanistic implications of a distinction between co-occurrence and reference is not
obvious (see Yoshida & Smith, 2003). However, one possible behavioral implication of
“reference” is that words predict what will be seen and thus cue looking behavior. From this
perspective, looking that is too strongly determined by visual events alone –for example, by
trial-to-trial changes in the particular objects in view or their momentary location --– may
compete with the role of words as referring and thus as cues to attention. In brief, the present
focus on different kinds of visual attention may also inform and be relevant to other
theoretical views of cross-situational word-referent learning, a point to which we return in
the Discussion.
The rationale behind our experimental approach was to manipulate the trial structure so as to
potentially capture infant looking behavior via local novelty effects and then to determine if
infants who were more susceptible to these local visual effects were also less likely to learn
the word-referent co-occurrences. The trials were also structured to examine the interaction
of attention at different times scales, including local novelty effects and the more temporally
extended effects of word-object associations across trials. The experimental task was the
same cross-situational learning task used by Yu and Smith (2010) but the trials were
rearranged to create what we expected to be strong local novelty effects within the stream of
visual objects. These local novelty effects did not alter the underlying statistics of word-
referent co-occurrences across the whole training set. In this way, we pitted two kinds of
attention against each other: (1) looking to an object because it is new relative to the just
previous trial and (2) looking to an object because of its statistical relation to a heard word.
Because the cross-trial statistics for word-referent correspondences are the same as in the Yu
& Smith (2010) study, with only the order of the trials differing, infants should learn the
word referent correspondences if they keep track of these statistics. Moreover, if these
statistics increasingly organize attention during learning, then children’s looking behavior
in response to the presentation of the words should change over trials, as was found for the
learners in the Yu and Smith study (2010). Critically, if infants attended only to the locally
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novel object, the relevant co-occurrence statistics for the underlying words and referents
would still be strong and expected to yield learning. Thus if any form of visual attention
supports statistical learning, then even infants whose attention is strongly organized by
novelty could learn the word-referent correspondences. If, however, local visual novelty
effects compete with the binding of heard words to seen objects, then infants who show
looking behavior strongly organized by the novelty effects should be less likely to learn the
word-referent correspondences.
Table 1 provides the structure of the training trials. There were in total 6 word-referent pairs
to be learned in a set of 30 training trials. Each training trial presented 2 words and 2
referents with no within-trial information about which word went with which referent.
Across training trials, labels and their referents always co-occurred. Thus, if infants register
and track the co-occurrence information across trials, they should, as in the original
experiments, be able to determine the underlying word-referent pairs. Within this
overarching structure, the design imposes blocks of 5 trials in which one object (unique to
that block) is repeatedly presented at the same location and paired on successive trials with
five different objects, a local sequence that might be expected to bias attention to the one
new object on each trial, that is to the location that changes trial to trial within a block.
Across the set of 30 trials, there were six blocks of 5-trials each with a different object
selected to be the repeated object within each block. Thus, each word-referent was the
repeated word and object across the 5 trials in one of the six blocks in the course of training.
By our description of the task structure in terms of visual attention, there are at least three
different factors, operating at different time scales, that may influence how much infants
look at the repeated and changed objects within a trial: (1) the increasing local novelty of the
changing object (relative to the repeated object) across the 5 trials within a block; (2) the
familiarity of individual visual objects should increase across blocks and thus potentially
diminish these local novelty effects; and (3) the number of correct word-referent co-
occurrences, if registered, should increase the strength of correct associations across all
learning trials.
There is, however, another description of the structure of this task that is not based on kinds
of visual attention. If infants are trying to solve a reference problem by testing hypotheses
about word-referent meanings, then the arrangement of trials may be ideal for learning.
From a strictly statistical evidence point of view, the first 5 trials in Table 1 provide
unambiguous information that word “A” refers to object a; and if learners adhere to some
form of mutual exclusivity (see Markman, 1990; Halberda, 2006; Yu & Smith, 2011), there
is also unambiguous evidence that “B” refers to b and word “C” refers to c and so forth.
Thus, by a hypothesis testing and statistical learning account that assumes all information
presented is considered by the cognitive system, the structure of the task should be highly
supportive of learning.
Finally, our central question concerns the nature of individual differences in cross-
situational learning. If the attentional processes that organize learners’ and nonlearners’
looking behavior are fundamentally different –with learners’ looking organized by learned
associations (or by the goal of testing hypotheses about words and references) but
nonlearners’ attention is driven by more local visual effects, then the present arrangement of
learning trials should heighten these individual differences. Such a result would provide
insight into the possible origins of the individual differences observed in the Yu and Smith
study, to the mechanisms that underlie successful cross-situational learning, and to the
limitations of this kind of learning mechanism. Such a result might also provide a link
between studies of statistical word-referent learning and other evidence that indicates a
predictive relation between measures of visual attention in early infancy and later
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vocabulary development (Tamis-LeMonda & Bornstein, 1989; Dixon & Hull Smith, 2008),
an issue we consider in the Discussion.
The participants, drawn from a working and middle-class population of a midwestern
college town, were 24 12-month-old infants (+/− 4 weeks) and 24 14-month-old infants (+/−
4 weeks). Within each age group, half the participants were male and half were female.
Three additional infants began but did not finish the experiment.
Vocabulary measure
All parents were asked to complete the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory:
Words and Gestures (Fenson et al, 1994), a measure of children’s vocabulary and
vocabulary size. Using this checklist parents reported the words that their infant
comprehended and the number that they produced.
Stimuli and design
The 6 “words” for the cross-situational learning task --bosa, gasser, manu, colat, kaki and
regli – were the same as those used by Smith and Yu (2008) and Yu and Smith (2010). They
were recorded by a female speaker in isolation and were presented to infants over
loudspeakers located at both sides of the screen. The 6 “objects” were brightly colored
drawings of novel shapes (the same as used in the previous studies). The names and objects
were randomly paired as corresponding words and referents. On each trial, two objects (12
by 14 inches in projected size and separated on the screen by 30 inches) were
simultaneously presented on a 47 by 60 inch white screen.
There were 30 training slides. Each presented two objects on the screen for 4 sec; the onset
of the first word was presented at 368 msec after the onset of the slide and the second word
at 1850 msec after the onset of the slide. The mean duration of the spoken words was 745
msec (range 570 to 960); thus, there was at least 500 msec between the offset of the first
word and the onset of the second. Across trials, the temporal order of the words and spatial
order of the objects were varied such that there was no relation between temporal order of
the words and the spatial position of the referents. Over the series of 30 training trials, each
correct word-object pair occurred 10 times and each word also co-occurred with each of the
other five objects twice. Training trials were arranged in a blocked fashion with each of the
6 blocks defined by the one word-referent pair that repeated in that block and such that,
within the block, the repeated object occurred on the same side of the slide. Thus, the 10
repetitions of each word-referent pair consisted of five times with the object in the role of
the repeated object within its block and five times in the role of one of the varying objects
(once in each of the other five blocks). The order of trials within a block and the order of
blocks were randomly determined. These 30 training trials were followed by the test trials.
There were 12 test trials (2 per target word), each 8 seconds in duration. Each test trial
presented one word, repeated 5 times, with 2 objects – the target and a foil – in view. The
five word repetitions occurred at the 0 (onset of trial), 1.8, 3.5, 5.2 and 6.9 secs points in the
8 sec trial. Since only one word is presented, if the that word cues attention to the target
object – the object has co-occurred most often with the word, then infants should look to that
target object. Looks to the target at test are considered correct responses. The foil that was
pitted against the target object was drawn from the training set. Each of the 6 words was
tested twice. The foil for each trial was randomly determined such that each object occurred
twice as a foil over the 12 test trials. The left-right locations of objects on the test slides and
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the order of test trials was randomly generated with the target appearing on the left on half
of the slides and on the right on the other half.
Infants sat (on their mother’s lap) 3.5 feet in front of the screen with the mother’s chair set at
the center of the screen. Infants’ direction of eye gaze was recorded from a camera centered
at the base of the screen and pointed directly at the child’s eyes. Parents were instructed to
keep their own eyes shut through the entire procedure so as to not influence their infant’s
behaviors. A camera directed on the parent throughout the procedure confirmed their
adherence. As in Smith and Yu (2008), centering slides were presented at the beginning of
the procedure and were interspersed periodically (every 3 to 5 slides but not coincident with
the start of a new training block) during training. These centering slides consisted of a
centered presentation of a Sesame street character (3 sec). The entire procedure took about 4
The direction of eye-gaze of the infant during training and test was determined frame by
frame (30 frames per sec) by a coder using the MacShapa coding system (Sanderson et al,
1994) who decided for each frame whether the infant’s direction of eye gaze was to the left,
right, or center of the screen or whether it was not toward the screen. A second coder
independently coded a random sample of 25% of the frames. Agreement on the coding of
these frames was 98%. Because the analyses also concern the fine-grained dynamics of
looking, we also examined the reliability of coders’ timing of shifts in looking behavior. The
second coder scored a random sample of 25% of the frames in which the main coder had
marked a shift in looking from the just previous coded frame. The two coders agreed on the
same shift direction within 1 frame of each other on 92% of these trials.
We present first the data on performance at test and how, from these data, we partitioned
infants into learners and nonlearners. We also analyze the receptive and productive
vocabulary sizes of learners and nonlearners using the parent report measure of vocabulary.
Second, we consider the effects of the main manipulation, the local novelty effects, on the
looking behavior of learners and nonlearners during the training trials across several
temporal scales –within and across blocks. Third, we determine the experienced word-
referent correspondences for individual infants and the relation of these experienced
statistics to learning. Finally, we present finer-grained analyses of the role of words in
cueing looking behavior during the training trials.
Learners and nonlearners
The task used in this experiment differs from those used in previous experiments in that the
stimuli were arranged to create local novelty effects that were unrelated to the word-referent
correspondences. In comparison to previous findings, the overall performance of the infants
at test suggests that these local novelty effects made the learning of the underlying word-
referent correspondences more difficult; in contrast to both Smith and Yu (2008) and Yu and
Smith (2010), there is no overall difference between looks to target and foil on the test trials
for either 12-or 14-month olds, mean proportion (of the 8 sec trial) looking to the target
versus the foil was .43 versus .38 for the 12-month- olds and was .39 versus .33 for the 14-
month-olds (t(23) < 1.2, p>.30 in both cases). This is potentially interesting in its own right
as the statistical evidence for the word-referent correspondences is unaffected by this
arrangement even if learners attend primarily to the locally novel object and indeed, this
arrangement might be expected to lead to better learning based on some hypothesis testing
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accounts because the repetition of word-object pair across two consecutive trials provides
infants with the relevant information to immediately confirm or reject their particular pairing
hypotheses one trial to the next. But overall infants did not learn the pairings as they did in
previous studies with randomly ordered presentations of the very same information.
However, the evidence also suggests that individual infants did learn the underlying
correspondences; t-tests (with the 12 test trials as the random factor, t(11)> 2.20, p < .05)
were conducted on each individual’s durations of looks to target and foil during test to
determine whether individual infants reliably looked at the target more than the distractor.
These analyses indicated that 19 (9 younger and 10 older) of the 48 subjects looked reliably
longer at the target than the distracter during test, showing clear evidence of learning the
word-referent pairings. These 19 infants were classified as learners and the remaining 29
infants were classified as nonlearners. Figure 2 shows the frame-by-frame analysis of
looking at test: the proportions of infants during each frame who were looking at the target
or the foil. Figure 2 specifically shows the mean proportion of infants looking to the target
and foil for the temporal window of 1.7 seconds after the onset of the word on the test trial;
this is averaged across the 5 repetitions of the test word within a test trial/ Thus, the effect of
the word on infant looking is seen, for learners, from the start of period. The 1.7 second
window spans the onset from the first repetition to the onset of the next. As is evident, the
presentation of a word at test strongly cues visual attention to the associated target object for
both younger and older learners, but not for the nonlearners.
The learners and nonlearners also differed in their receptive and productive vocabulary sizes
as measured by the MCDI, a fact that in and of itself shows a relation between performance
in laboratory cross-situational learning task and real-world word learning. For the 12-month-
olds, the mean receptive vocabulary of the learners was 102 words (s =64.3) and their
productive vocabulary was 19.5 words (s=19.5); for the 12-month-old non-learners, the
mean receptive vocabulary was 53 words (s= 59.1) and the productive vocabulary was 9
words (s=13.8). For the 14-month-old learners, the mean number of words in receptive and
productive vocabulary, respectively, were 180.6 (s=41.0) and 47.9 (s=47.9), but for the
nonlearners they were 106.5 (s=56.7) and 20 (s=21.6). The number of words reported to be
in the infants vocabulary was submitted to a 2 (Age) by 2 (Learner/NonLearner) X 2
(Receptive/Productive Vocabulary) yielded highly reliable main effects of Age,
F(1,44)=15.91, p<.001, and Learn/Not learn, F(1,44)=13.47, p<.001. There was also, of
course, a highly reliable main effect of receptive versus productive vocabulary, F(1,44) =
130.1, p < .001, which interacted with age, F(1,44) = 9.39, p < .01, as the difference between
receptive and productive vocabulary by parent report increased with age. Within an age
group, there were no reliable differences in the ages of the learners and the nonlearners,
t<1.00, in both cases. In brief, the infants who learned the word-referent correspondences by
aggregating co-occurrences across individually ambiguous learning trials were the infants
with the most advanced vocabularies for their age. The underlying skills that support cross-
situational word learning thus appear to be related to vocabulary growth. The main goal of
the remainder of the analyses is to try to understand those skills by determining how learners
and nonlearners responded to the challenge of local novelty, a challenge that may have
competed with registering and evaluating the co-occurrence statistics of words and objects.
Looking during learning
For these main analyses of looking behavior during the training trials (as well as in the
measure of looking at test in Figure 2), we used looking time to potential referents as a
proportion of total looking time (rather than considering only the relative proportion of
looks to the two objects). For learning, in our view, the total amount of time looking at the
objects (versus looking off screen) and not just a preference for looking at one object versus
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the other is the relevant measure. This is the proper measure (rather than proportions of total
looking that leave out looks away from the screen) because it seems highly likely that
learning depends on actually looking at the objects for some duration. Further, the present
approach is transparently provides information about total looking time since the sum of the
looks to the two objects is the measure of mean total looking time. Moreover, proportions of
looking time are not stable when calculated over look durations that are very small. Finally,
when we removed trials in which infants looked at the screen for the less than 1 sec (of the 4
sec training trial in which proportions of total looking are not meaningful), analyses based
on proportions yielded the same conclusions.
Local novelty within a block—These analyses examine changes in looking behavior
within block as function of the number of repetitions of the repeated object. The dependent
measures are the proportions of time within a trial that the infant looked to the repeated and
the novel object during each training trial. A 2 (Age) X 2 (Learners/Nonlearners) by 6
(Block) by 5 (Repetition) ANOVA revealed main effects of Block, F(5, 225) = 9.43, p <
0.001) and Repetition (F(4,180) = 12.91, p<. 01) and a marginal interaction between
Learners/Nonlearners, Repetition and Block, F(20,900) = 1.50, p= .073. The effect of Age
did not approach significance, p >.80. As shown in Figure 3, there were strong effects of the
manipulation of local repetition and thus local visual novelty for both Learners and
Nonlearners (collapsed across age because of the lack of age differences). The general
pattern is this: Infants look equally often to both objects on Trial 1 within a block; on this
trial both the to-be-repeated and to-be-varied objects have changed with respect to the just
previous trial (the last trial in the previous block). With increasing repetitions of one object
at the same location within that block, all infants look less to that repeated object and more
to the new object on each trial, showing the attentional draw of the contextually novel
Changes in looking across blocks—These analyses consider how the preference to
look at the contextually novel rather than the repeated object changes across blocks, which
might be expected as infants become more familiar with each of the individual objects and if
they are learning word-referent correspondences that might compete with these (potentially
weakening) novelty effects. Again, the dependent measures are the proportions of times
infants looked to the contextually novel and repeated object averaged across repetitions in a
block. A 2 (Age) by 2 (Learning versus No Learning) by 6 (Block) by 2 (Repeated/Varying
Object) analysis of variance yielded reliable main effects of Repeated/Varying, F(1,45)
=151.84, p< .001) and Block (F(5,225) = 7.51, p < .001). The interaction between these two
factors was also reliable, F(5,225) = 5.15, p < .001). The main effect of Block is evident in
Figure 4 which shows the proportion of time infants looked to the repeated and novel object
within a trial across the 6 training blocks (collapsed across trial within a block and collapsed
across Age for Learners and Nonlearners). Again, neither the main effect of Age nor any
interactions with this factor approached significance. Critically, however, there was a
reliable interaction between Learners/Nonlearners and Repeated/Varying, F(1,45) = 7.16, p
< .01. As is evident in Figure 4, the local novelty effect, the preference to look at the new
object on each trial lessened over training blocks for learners but not nonlearners. In brief, a
new object at one location relative to an unchanged object at the other appears to capture
visual attention. However, these local novelty effects diminish across blocks of trials for
learners, but not for nonlearners, perhaps reflecting their learning of word-object
associations. However, this difference between learners and nonlearners is clearly one of
degree. Still, it is consistent with the idea that nonlearners’ attention, relative to that of
learners, is more sensitive to local stimulus factors and less sensitive to long term
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Accumulated statistics—Statistical learning from word-referent co-occurrences could
emerge from the passive registration of words heard while looking at an object, with each
perceived co-occurrence of the heard word and the seen object adding a tally to the co-
occurrence matrix, regardless of the reason that visual attention might have been directed to
the object. In this view, statistical learning would depend only on the data itself and thus the
differences between learners and nonlearners should lie in the different statistics gathered by
the two groups of infants, which is the main result observed by Yu & Smith (2010). In the
present study, learners –because they became less influenced by local novelty over time –
may have collected better statistics. Alternatively, the underlying processes directing
attention may matter as to whether the associations between heard words and seen objects
are registered as such.
Accordingly, following the approach used by Yu and Smith (2010), we created an
“experienced” co-occurrence matrix for words and objects for each infant. An experienced
co-occurrence was defined as look to an object just after the heard word. More precisely,
and using the same temporal windows as in Yu and Smith study that was the impetus for the
present study, we counted the total looking times to the two objects beginning from the 500
msec following the word’s onset to the onset of the next word (for the first word) or the end
of a trial (for the second word in the trial, see Yu and Smith, 2010, for details). The
definition of the relevant window as beginning 500 msec after word onset is based on the
assumption that it takes at least 300 msec to process and recognize a word and that it takes at
least 200 msec for infants to plan and execute an eye movement (see Yu and Smith, 2010).
So defined, looking times to both objects in this window were added across trials to create a
6-word by 6-object co-occurrence matrix. The mean of the individual experienced co-
occurrence matrices derived in this way are shown in Figure 5. As is apparent, there is no
difference between learners and nonlearners at either age group. This result is in direct
contrast to the findings of Yu & Smith (2010) who showed that learners –through their
looking behavior –collected better statistics than nonlearners such that the strength of correct
associations in the co-occurrence matrix strongly predicted subsequent performance at test.
The present results show that although experiencing the relevant statistics may be necessary
to learning it is not sufficient.
Although the co-occurrence matrices for learners and nonlearners are the same and the
evidence within the matrices looks strong for the underlying word-referent correspondences,
there is no evidence that the words cued looking behavior in either learners or nonlearners
during the training trials. More specifically, we scored each look during the presentation as
correct (using the same temporal window used to create the co-occurrence matrices) if the
look was to the referent of the just presented word and incorrect if it was to the other object
on the screen. Figure 6 shows the results for younger and older learners and nonlearners as a
function of training block. As is evident and as confirmed by a 2 (Age) by 2 (Learners/
nonlearners) by 6 (Block) by 2 (Correct/Incorrect) analysis of variance, there were no
reliable effects (p >.30). By this measure, there were no cueing effects of associated words
on visual attention during the learning phase for either learners or nonlearners and there was
no increase in cued looks to the referent of the word across blocks of training. Critically,
however, at test, which occurs right after block 6 but within which there are no competing
local novelty effects and just one repeated word, we know –as shown in Figure 2 – that the
statistically correct word cues attention to the associated object for learners but not for
nonlearners. We know from the analyses shown in Figure 4, that learners –at the end of
training but before test – are beginning to be influenced by something other than novelty.
The implication is that this learning was too weak to clearly show itself prior to the test
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In brief, the potentially aggregated statistics –if they depend only on hearing a name while
looking at an object -- appear to be the same and therefore cannot explain the differences in
individual performances at test. However, even when one’s sensors come into contact with
an auditorally presented word or a looked-at object, a perceiver might not actually bind the
information together and store the heard word and seen object as an association. The first
step to forming such an association is to perceive and register both the seen object and the
heard word. The effect of local visual novelty shows that both learners and nonlearners were
–at the very least –attending to the visual objects. The next set of analyses show that both
learners and nonlearners were also listening and that the presented words had direct effects
on visual attention for both learners and nonlearners.
Words do affect looking—Although there were at best minimal effects of the associated
word on looking during training even for learners, there were unexpected and strong effects
of the words on looking for all infants. These effects appear unrelated to the word-referent
co-occurrence statistics. Figure 7 shows the frame-by-frame analyses of looking behavior
during the 4 sec training trials: the proportion of infants looking during each frame that were
looking at the varying, locally novel, object. The two vertical lines indicate the onset of the
presentation of the first and second word presented during each training trial (collapsed
across whether the first or second word referred to the changed, that is, novel object, on that
trial). The darker line shows these average proportion of infants looking to the varying
object for the first two blocks. The dashed lines shows the average proportion of infants
looking to the varying object for the last two blocks. The middle two blocks are not shown
(to make the pattern more easily discerned) but fall intermediate between the first two and
last two blocks. At the start of the training trial, when the visual objects are presented and
before the first presentation of the first word, there is no visual preference for the varying
object. It is the auditory presentation of the first word that directs attention to an object. For
all infants, looks to the locally novel object increases markedly after the first word is
presented. This first auditory stimulus (half the time the name of the repeated object and half
the time the name of the varying object) appears to force visual selection of the more locally
novel object over the object that is repeated from the just previous trial. The effect is
remarkably strong and uniform across all infants, seeming almost reflexive. At the point of
750 msec after the trial begins (and thus about 250 msec after the onset of the first word), .
82, .90, .93, and .79 of infants in the 12-month-old learner and nonlearner groups and in the
14month-old learner and nonlearner groups, respectively, are looking at the local novel
object. The strength and uniformity of this behavior suggests some near mandatory auditory
(or word) cueing effect on visual attention to a contextually novel object.
The second word presented in a trial shows a similar, but much weaker, cueing effect, again
to the contextually novel object (which by the second word, of course, is less novel).
Between the presentations of the first and second word, looks to the contextually novel
object diminished. The auditory cueing effect of the first word to the varying object
diminishes more from the first to the third pair of blocks for learners than for nonlearners
and on later blocks diminishes more within a trial for learners than nonlearners, again
suggesting increasingly weaker local novelty effects for learners across the training trials.
This auditory (or word) cueing effect was quantified by comparing the overall fixation
duration on the varying object between two temporal windows – the first one is defined as
from the onset of the first word to the onset of the second word (the duration between the
two lines in Figure 7) and the other window is defined from the onset of the second word to
the end of trial (the duration from the second line to the end in Figure 7). Although the
global pattern is similar for younger and older learners versus younger and older
nonlearners, the fine-grained-dynamics –particularly in the period between the first and
second word – appear in the figure to vary with age. Accordingly, we conducted four
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separate ANOVAs, one for each combination of age and learning status, to examine these
patterns. These analyses confirm the decrease over blocks in looking at the contextually
novel object at the presentation of the first word for all four learner-by-age groups over the
course of training, that is from the first two blocks to the last two blocks, minimum F ratio,
F(2,39)=8.37; p<0.001. The presentation of the second word also appears to cue attention to
the locally novel object and this effect also decreases reliably from the first two to the last
two blocks for learners, F
(1,24) =5.94, p<0.005; F
(1,27) = 7.02,
p<0.005, but not for nonlearners, F
(1,42) = 0.96, p=0.43; F
(1,39) =
1.02, p=0.37. Thus all infants strongly show the auditory (word) cueing effect but the
dynamics of the effect, within a trial and across blocks of trials, are different for learners
than nonlearners and for older and younger infants. Looks to the contextually novel object
begin to decline before the second word is played and thus appear to reflect the dynamics of
the auditory cueing effect itself, dynamics that differ for learners and nonlearners and for
younger and older infants.
To summarize, nonlearners are more affected by local repetitions and changes than are
learners suggesting that attention may be more driven by dynamically local effects for
nonlearners than for learners. In contrast, learners’ looking behavior changed more over the
course of the training trials indicating a stronger role of longer-term dynamics on attention.
These differences in looking during the learning trials do not affect the experienced statistics
of the word-referent co-occurrences and do not appear to result from stronger effects of the
associated names on looking for the learners than nonlearners. The word-onset cueing effect
provides clear evidence that both learners and nonlearners are attending to the words in the
sense that all infants show a strong effect of the first played word in a learning trial on
looking behavior and a weaker effect of the second word. But these effects are not
dependent on the co-occurrence statistics between the words and referents for either learners
or nonlearners. Finally, this “auditory cueing effect” to the locally novel stimulus
diminished within and across trials more for learners than nonlearners, again suggesting that
aggregated experiences over the long term compete more effectively with dynamically local
attentional processes for learners.
Overall, the findings provide at best partial support for the originating hypothesis. As
predicted, the nonlearners were more susceptible to local novelty effects and this greater
susceptibility. However, the learners were also susceptible to these effects and although their
susceptibility diminished over the course of training, we had expected to also see, for
learners, increasing cuing of attention to the target object during training. However, the
word-referent correspondences learned by the learners was only evidence at test, when the
challenge of local novelty was removed.
General Discussion
The findings show that attention to the words and the objects –even then the experienced co-
occurrences yield clear statistical evidence for the word-referent correspondences --is
insufficient for cross-situational word-referent learning. Some infants exposed to the training
statistics showed clear behavioral signs of attending to both objects and words but did not
learn the correspondences. Moreover, infants who did learn showed no evidence of that
learning during training when looking was challenged by contextual novelty, but they did
show learning when that challenge was removed at test. These findings place strong
constraints on the possible mechanisms underlying statistical word-referent learning. The
differences in looking behavior between nonlearners and learners in the learning phase also
suggests that attention that is strongly influenced by more transient rather than longer-term
regularities may be a marker of poor statistical learning and also of slower vocabulary
development more generally. Finally, the frame-by-frame analyses of looking while
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listening revealed what appears to be a near mandatory auditory (or word) cueing effect to
the more contextually novel object in a display. We believe that this is the first evidence of
such a phenomenon in infants. In the following, we consider, the implications of these
findings for mechanisms of word-referent learning, for different kinds of attention and their
relation to learning, and for individual differences in attentional processing as a predictor of
individual differences in language learning. We conclude with some reflections on the
possible disconnection between macro-level theories of word-referent learning and the more
micro-level processes that may implement them.
Explaining cross-situational learning
There are two general classes of theories about cross-situational word-referent learning:
associative learning (e.g., Smith, 2000; Yu & Smith, 2010; 2011; Fontanari, Tihkanoff,
Cangelosi, Ilin & Perlovsky, 2009; Fazly, Alishahi & Stevenson, 2010) and hypothesis
testing (e.g., Frank, Goodman & Tenenbaum, 2009; Snedecker, 2000; Blythe & Smith,
2010; Siskind, 1996). The present findings do not fit well with the usual construals of either
of these mechanisms. First, they do not fit with the idea of word-referent learning as
resulting from mere exposure to environmental statistics as might be proposed by some
simple associative models (see Yu & Smith, 2012). The nonlearners were exposed to the
same statistical regularities as the learners; the nonlearners’ behavior suggests that they both
heard the words and looked at the objects, and indeed the co-occurrence data based on each
infants’ own looking behavior –such that a co-occurrence is counted only when the infant is
looked at an object after hearing its name -- suggests that the nonlearners experienced the
same co-occurrence statistics that led to learning by other infants. But apparently these co-
occurrences were not registered or not remembered by the nonlearners. In brief, mere
exposure to the statistical regularities is not enough for word-referent learning from those
Second, the findings also do not fit well with usual notions about word-referent learning as
hypothesis testing (e.g., Gillette, Gleitman, Gleitman & Lederer, 1999; Halberda, 2006; Xu
& Tenenbaum, 2007). A growing number of researchers are using moment-to-moment eye-
gaze in looking-while-listening paradigms (e.g, Halberda, 2006; Vouloumas & Werker,
2009; Marchman & Fernald, 2008; Yu & Smith, 2010) to make inferences about infant
hypotheses in language processing and lexical learning tasks, and these looking behaviors
have shown signs consistent with and revealing of possible internal decision processes
directed at the disambiguation of word-referent correspondences (Fernald, Zangl, Portillo, &
Marchman, 2008; Halberda, 2006). However, in the present study, the learners’ looking
behavior during the learning phase provided no evidence of attention to the word-referent
correspondences and no evidence of attempts at disambiguation through such constraints as
mutual exclusivity, which given the ordered structure of the training trials might have been
expected to play a role. Moreover, the learners showed no evidence of confirming
hypotheses during training in that they did not increasingly look at the target object for the
heard referent as the statistical evidence for those correspondences increased. Instead,
attention during the training trials for learners as well as nonlearners appeared to be
primarily controlled by factors unrelated to the word-referent correspondences, that is,
although these influences were greater for the nonlearners than the learners. The
experimental design added local novelty with the goal of challenging attention to word-
referent correspondences in order to determine whether all forms of attention support
learning. This local novelty manipulation did make the task harder, as shown by the lack of
success of many infants under this procedure compared to the earlier experiments (Smith &
Yu, 2008).
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The main difference found between learners and nonlearners is one of the degree of these
dynamically local effects on attention. However, learners relative to nonlearners did show a
greater sensitivity to the more global structure of the training sequence in the decreasing pull
of local novelty over the training trials. Critically, though, during the training phase, learners
did not look to the object labeled by a word and did not show evidence of learning until test,
when the challenge of contextual novelty was no longer present. It is as if the learners were
registering co-occurrences in the background while visual attention in the moment was
organized by other more dynamically local factors, a result that might seem more like
passive associative learning except for the critical fact that nonlearners exposed to the same
statistics were unable to do this. Clearly, the findings do not contradict all possible variants
of associative-learning nor hypothesis-testing accounts (see Yu & Smith, 2012) but they
would seem to rule out passive associative learning from mere exposure or the necessity of
active, explicit, hypothesis testing through the disambiguation for word-referent learning
during training.
What we know from the results –and what will need to be explained by any theory is this:
Attention strongly driven by contextual novelty competes with rather than supports
statistical learning. Infants, the learners, can learn –showing evidence at test of learned
correspondences –without showing any evidence during the training phase of strengthening
word-referent associations. Thus a further lesson from the present results is that looking
behavior –the behavior that instigates learning and that is also the standard measure of that
learning in infants –is multiply determined –there multiple kinds of visual attention – and
thus looking must be an imperfect measure of learning.
Attention and statistical word-referent learning
Any mechanistic account of cross-situational word learning –be it associative or hypothesis
testing --has to assume that learners register word-referent co-occurrences not just words
and referents as separate events unbound to each other. This is the first step to learning and
prerequisite to the aggregation and evaluation of evidence for word-referent pairings.
Successful aggregation and evaluation of the statistical evidence also requires long-term
memory for bound words and referents. Thus there are two inter-related hypotheses as to
what learners may have achieved during training that nonlearners did not: (1) the binding of
heard words to seen objects, and (2) the formation of longer term rather than transient
memories for those bound elements. Both of these hypotheses –and avenues for future
empirical research –are informed by recent advances in the study of different kinds of
attention and their different consequences for cognitive processing.
The attention literature in both adults and infants strongly suggests fundamental differences
between attention that is captured by stimulus salience versus attention that is driven by
longer-term associations (Colombo, 2001; Ristic & Kingstone, 2009; Wu and Kirkham,
2010; S. Smith & Chatterjee, 2008; Snyder & Munakata, 2008, 2010). The distinction in the
adult literature is often characterized in terms endogenous, expectancy-driven, attention
versus exogenous, stimulus-driven, attention. The difference between these two kinds of
attention is readily seen in detection experiments. For example, an arrow that points to a
location leads to faster reaction time to detect the target at that location in comparison to
when the target’s location is uncued. However, a salient flicker of light near the target
location --a cue that presumably draws attention to the location through low level and
involuntary processes --does not lead to more rapid detection (Posner, 1980; Jonides, 1981;
Wright & Ward, 2008, for a review). The assumption is that the arrow has its pointing effect
through the previous learning of its directional meaning, and is therefore a top-down cue for
attention. Thus, the findings in this literature are also characterized in terms of the different
cognitive consequences of top-down and bottom-up attention.
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More recently, the distinction between attention cued by learned expectations versus
stimulus salience has been proposed to also be critical to binding elements from different
sensory modalities, such as binding a sound and a sight (e.g., Fiebelkorn, Foxe, & Molholm,
2010; Talsma, Senkowski, Soto-Faraco & Woldroff, 2010). The distinction between
endogenous and exogenous cueing in multi-sensory phenomena (e.g. Fiebelkorn et al, 2010)
is sometimes discussed not in terms of expectations versus stimulus effects but in terms of
the role of longer-term representations versus transient working memory representations in
linking events across modalities. Finally, in a recent study of infant multi-sensory binding,
Wu & Kirkham (2010) showed that a salient visual cue next to a visual target blocked the
learning of auditory-visual associations in 8-month-old infants whereas an expectancy-based
cue that directed attention to the visual target supported learning. All of these findings are
consistent with the idea that the kind of attention, the specific attentional mechanisms
engaged by the task, may be critical to binding heard words to seen objects and thus to the
statistical learning of word-referent correspondences.
The manipulations in the present study do not map directly onto the distinction between
bottom-up exogenous attention and top-down endogenous attention as defined in the adult
visual attention literature in that contextual novelty is not a stimulus property per se. Novelty
effects depend on building working memory representations of the repeated stimulus (Turk-
Browne, Scholl, & Chun, 2008; Schoner & Thelen, 2006). Nonetheless, as transient memory
effects, attention driven by local stimulus changes may be akin to exogenous cueing and not
support robust multi-sensory processing. Starting with this conjecture and in light of the
related findings in the adult visual attention literature, we offer the following hypothesis:
Nonlearners failed to bind the heard words to the seen objects and thus failed to gather
evidence on word-referent correspondences. In other words, whereas the correspondence
matrices for the learners in Figure 5 may be “psychologically accurate” in the sense of
measuring the seen objects that co-occurred with the heard words for individual learners,
these co-occurrences were not registered by the nonlearners. In this view, the nonlearners
were not building co-occurrence matrices at all. For nonlearners relative to learners the more
transient attentional processes may have remained stronger throughout the learning trials
because the nonlearners did not learn the associated cues; in constrast, if learners were
registering the co-occurrences, these may have effectively dampened the effects of
contextual novelty. In brief, the advantage of learners relative to nonlearners may depend
not on differences in these transient pulls on attention, contextual novelty grabs everyone’s
attention, rather the advantage of the learners may depend primarily on the better of the
correspondences. Yu and Smith (2010) showed that cross-situational learning depended on
looking behavior that yielded statistical evidence for the underlying word-referent pairs.
Here, we propose that in addition, infants have to connect the words to the referents so as to
register and store co-occurrences for those statistical evidence to matter.
Visual habituation and vocabulary development
The above interpretation suggests that learning associations dampens the strength of more
local and transient pulls on attention. However, an explanation in the opposite direction is
also possible: learners who habituated to the novelty effects fasters may have had a
cognitive system more open to binding words and referents and to accumulating evidence
over the longer term. Several longitudinal studies have shown that individual differences in
early visual habituation predicts individual differences in later cognitive development (e.g.,
Fagan, Holland & Wheeler, 2007), including language learning (Tamis-LeMonda &
Bornstein, 1989). The link between visual habituation and vocabulary found in previous
research, unlike the present study, is predictive: rate of visual habituation at 5 months
predicts larger vocabulary size at 13-months (Tamis-LeMonda & Bornstein, 1989; Dixon &
Hull Smith, 2008). Rate of habituation to visual repetitions in 2 to 8 month old infants has
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also been shown to predict performance in a variety of other cognitive tasks well into
childhood and perhaps even in adults (Bornstein & Sigman, 1986; Gilmore & Hoben, 2002;
Rose, Feldman & Jankowski, 2004; Fagan, Holland & Wheeler, 2007). Rapid habituation
may be a signature of the ability to form more robust and longer lasting visual memories, the
kinds of memories needed for learners to aggregate statistics across trials and also needed to
build more expectancy and top-down forms of attention, the kinds of attention that support
deeper processing and the formation of multi-sensory representations. Alternatively, or in
addition, visual habituation may be crucial for other kinds of learning in that it frees the
learner from the idiosyncracies of the specific context to discover the latent structure across
contexts. These are critically important issues for determining the mechanistic bases of
cross-situational word-referent learning, and language learning, and the observed individual
A new auditory cueing effect
The most unexpected aspect of the present results, and perhaps also the singularly strongest
result in the experiment is what appears to be a near-mandatory auditory cueing of visual
attention, an effect that we do not believe has been reported in infants before. The start of
any trial began with two visual objects on the screen. As evident in Figure 7, prior to the
onset of the first word, infants did not look preferentially to the contextually novel object but
looked equally often to both objects. However, just after the onset of the first word, virtually
all infants looked to the contextually novel object. The magnitude and uniformity of this
effect during the early training blocks, as shown in Figure 7, is remarkable. It is reflex-like
and unrelated to the statistical association of the attended object and the specific word.
Although we know of no report of this sort of cueing effect in the infant literature, there is a
potentially related phenomenon in adult attention that is sometimes discussed as a
multisensory alerting event: an auditory signal with a rapid rise time (but no prior relation to
the presented visual information) leads to the rapid visual selection of the one different
visual object in an array of like objects (e.g., Shinn-Cunningham, 2008; McDonald, Teder-
Salejarvi & Hillyard, 2000; Vroomen and de Gelder, 2000). The dynamics of the adult effect
are rapid and complicated and may not line up exactly with the effects observed here. But
our finding from infants may be a developmentally early version of what has been observed
in adults. With this new finding, there are a great many questions to be answered, but they
are intriguing and potentially developmentally important: If words by their auditory
properties alone bring visual attention to the more contextually unusual object in a scene,
then words –perhaps very early and perhaps before word learning –may be organizing
attention in ways that encourage social interaction and learning.
Macro and micro conclusions
Theories of word learning are often formed at the macro-level in terms of theoretical
constructs about the nature of knowledge and operations on that knowledge, for example, in
theoretical claims about hypotheses, concepts, constraints, referring and inferences. These
constructs have worked well in capturing the evidence from experiments that measure
macro-level behaviors such as the object chosen by a child in a name comprehension task or
total looking time in a preferential looking task. However, with advances in more micro-
level measures and analyses of behavior, using techniques such as the tracking of
momentary eye gaze, experiments are beginning to reveal the micro-level structure
underneath these macro-level behaviors. New research using these methods both in the study
of on-line word comprehension and word-learning by infants (see, e.g., Fernald, Perfors &
Marchman, 2006; Fernald et al, 2008) has led to new insights about the role of priming and
lexical competition in word comprehension and word learning. This tension between macro-
and micro- level in explanations is also seen in the adult literature particularly with respect
to distinctions between cognition and perception as growing evidence shoes that conceptual
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knowledge affects even the earliest stages of visual processing (e.g., Lupyan, Thompson-
Schill & Swingley, 2010; Lupyan & Spivey, 2010). These newer findings, though not
directly at odds with macro level concepts, also do not map in simple one-to-one ways onto
those macro-level accounts, in part because the micro level is less about the knowledge that
children or adults might have than about the dynamic processes that activate and create
From this more micro-level perspective, the present results and our interpretation of them
suggest that the binding of a co-occurring word and referent to form a unified multisensory
memory – a cell in a co-occurrence matrix -- is critical to cross-situational learning. At the
micro-level this may be implemented by the formation of multi-sensory associations, and
these may depend critically on top-down expectations about where to look and what might
be seen there rather than bottom-up or more transient influences on looking behavior. This
mechanistic conjecture is not so much at odds with the notion of words as “referring” as
perhaps providing hypotheses about the mechanisms through which “referring” is
Micro-level analyses that capture behavior in tasks at time scales not examined before also
seem likely to reveal new phenomena. That is the case in the present study: the auditory (or
word) cueing effect to the locally novel object was not expected and its potential importance
to infant attention or word learning is not yet known. But it seems likely given the nearly
mandatory and reflexive nature of this behavior on the part of the infants in this study that at
least some portion of the total looking-time measure used in standard preferential-looking
studies of word learning included looks driven –not by knowledge about words and their
referents – but by such an auditory cueing effect. Thus, we are immersed in an exciting time:
as researchers detail the micro-structure behind our macro-level constructs, they will give
those constructs a richer bases in the temporal dynamics of the underlying processes and
perhaps provide keys to linking them to neural mechanisms. But it is also possible that our
methodological advances will lead to insights about micro level processes that just do not
correspond to macro-level theoretical constructs at all (see Fodor, 1975).
We thank Char Wozniak for collection of the data, Justin Halberda for very helpful comments on an earlier version
of this paper, and the reviewers for cogent criticisms and comments. This research was supported by National
Institutes of Health R01 HD056029.
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Figure 1.
Examples of two trials in the cross-situational learning task.
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Figure 2.
Proportion of participants coded as looking at the target object and the foil object on each
video frame (30 frames per sec) during the testing phase. The proportion of participants
looking to each object is shown from the onset of the tested word to the onset of its
repetition in the trial. The proportion of participants looking to the two objects is averaged
over the five repetitions of the words in each test trial and across the 12 test trials.
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Figure 3.
Mean proportion total looking (and standard deviations) within a trial to the varying and to
the repeated object as a function of the number of repetitions of the repeated object within a
block (averaged across all 6 blocks) for Learners and Nonlearners.
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Figure 4.
Mean proportion of looking (and standard deviations) to the varying and repeated object as a
function of block for the Learners and Nonlearners (averaged across trials in a block).
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Figure 5.
Accumulated statistics for the four groups of participants calculated as in Yu and Smith (in
press). Each cell represents the association probability of a word-object pair determined
from the synchrony between a subject’s looking to an object at the presentation of a word.
The diagonal items are correct associations and other non-diagonal items are spurious
correlations. Dark means low probabilities and white means high probabilities.
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Figure 6.
Mean proportion looks (and standard deviations) to the two objects just after (see text for
definition) hearing a word during training as a function of block (averaged across the 5 trials
within a block and for both words presented within a training trial). “Correct” indicates
looks to the target object that across trials is statistically associated with the word; and
“incorrect” indicates looks to the other non-associated object during that same time period.
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Figure 7.
Mean proportion of infants looking to the varying (changed) object on each video frame (30
frames per sec) within a 4 sec training trial. The solid line indicates the averages across the
first two blocks (10 trials) and the dotted line indicates the averages on the last two blocks
(10 trials). Thus the vertical lines indicate the onsets of the two words during the training
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Table 1
The structure of the training trials. Words are indicated by uppercase letters and objects by lowercase letters.
The 30 trials are divided into 6 blocks, with each block defined by the word that is repeating. Potential
influences on visual attention at three time scales are illustrated by the lines: (1) the increasing local novelty of
the non-repeated object (relative to the repeated object) increases within each block; (2) the familiarity of
individual visual objects increases across blocks; and (3) the number of correct word-referent co-occurrences
increases across the 30 training trials. Spatial and temporal order variation of words and objects is not
indicated in this table, nor is the order of trials within a block (which is randomly determined; see text for
Lang Learn Dev. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 January 06.