Jerry Clark prepared the descriptive material and introduction for this microfilm
publication, and Noah Olson prepared the name index to the Baker Roll.
National Archives and Records Administration
Washington, DC
United States. National Archives and Records Administration.
The 1928 Baker roll and records of the Eastern Cherokee
Enrolling Commission, 1924–1929.— Washington, D.C. : National
Archives and Records Administration, 2007.
p. ; cm.– (National Archives microfilm publications. Pamphlet
describing ; M 2104)
“Jerry Clark prepared the descriptive material and
introduction for this microfilm publication, and Noah Olson
prepared the name index to the Baker Roll.”
Includes bibliographical references.
1. United States. National Archives and Records Administration
Microform catalogs. 2. Cherokee Indians – Census, 1928.
3. Cherokee Indians – Genealogy – Sources – Bibliography –
Microform catalogs. 4. Indians of North America – Tribal
citizenship – Sources – Bibliography – Microform catalogs.
5. Documents on microfilm – United States – Catalogs.
I. Clark, Jerry. II. Olson, Noah. III. Title.
On the 69 rolls of this microfilm publication, M2104, are reproduced the 1928 Roll of
Eastern Cherokees known as the Baker Roll, and related materials among records of the
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Record Group 75, in the National Archives. Included are
indexes, applications, testimony, correspondence, decisions of the Eastern Enrolling
Commission, and reports of Special Agent Fred A. Baker. The Baker Roll is now the
“Final Roll,” or base document, used as a standard for determining enrollment in the
Eastern Band of North Carolina Cherokees, one of the three Federally recognized
divisions of the Cherokee Nation.
The Cherokee people once inhabited southern Appalachia, constituting parts of Alabama,
Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. After 1817, some Cherokees
emigrated to Arkansas Territory (later Indian Territory) and became known as “Old
Settlers.” During the 1830s, most of the tribe was removed from their highland homeland
by the United States Government in the tragic trek known as the “Trail of Tears” and
forced to migrate to Indian Territory (now Oklahoma). These “Emigrant” or “Eastern”
Cherokees merged with the Old Settlers to become the Cherokee Nation West. Some-
what confusingly, other Cherokees who avoided removal and remained behind were
also called “Eastern” Cherokees.
Today, the Bureau of Indian Affairs has designated three official Cherokee tribal govern-
ments as having Federally recognized status. The contemporary descendants of the
Cherokee Nation West are represented by the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma and the
United Keetoowah Band of Cherokees. The Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma at Tahlequah,
OK, is the most numerous Cherokee entity, and accepts as members descendants of
persons enrolled by the 1902 Final Roll of the Five Civilized Tribes Commission (also
known as the Dawes Roll). The smaller United Keetoowah Band of Cherokees, also at
Tahlequah, accepts members based on blood degree requirements and a 1949 tribal roll.
The third Cherokee tribal government is the Eastern Band of North Carolina at Cherokee,
NC, whose membership is based on the 1924–28 Baker Roll and related records of the
Eastern Cherokee Enrolling Commission reproduced in this microfilm publication. An
act of Congress of June 4, 1924 (43 Stat. 376), established the Eastern Cherokee Enrolling
Commission to determine membership for the Eastern Band and to place its tribal lands
into Federal trust. This act formally established Federal recognition of North Carolina
Cherokees, whose status was previously somewhat uncertain. The Commission consist-
ed of A. W. Simington (special allotting agent), James E. Henderson (superintendent of
the Cherokee Agency), Gertrude L. Dalton (assistant clerk), Gladys M. Fowler (assistant
clerk and court reporter), and Fred A. Baker (examiner of inheritance). The Commission
consulted a number of previous rolls of Cherokees, such as the 1835 Census of
Cherokees Living East of the Mississippi River, the 1851 Chapman Roll, and 1884
Hester Roll.
Other rolls used by the Enrolling Commission included the 1907 Council
These rolls have been reproduced as part of National Archives Microfilm Publication
M1773, Eastern Cherokee Census Rolls, 1835–1884 (4 rolls).
Roll and 1908 Churchill Roll.
Finally, Baker and his colleagues also employed the
1909 Eastern Cherokee Roll, otherwise known as the Guion Miller Roll.
The Enrolling Commission made a tentative roll of members of the Eastern Band based
on these earlier records, but received applications from others desiring to be included on
the roll. According to the final report of Fred A. Baker, examiner of inheritance,
3,833 applications were filed, involving 11,979 individuals. There were 1,924 uncontest-
ed applications, 1,229 contested cases that were approved, and 687 that were apparently
not accepted. Eventually, 3,146 applications were accepted by Baker and the Enrolling
From 1924 to the issuance of the Baker Roll in 1928, many persons claiming Cherokee
ancestry were excluded from rolls of the Eastern Band or were denied affiliation by the
tribal council. Excluded claimants asked the Enrolling Commission for hearings and
furnished evidence for Cherokee lineage. A number of cases were disputed by the council,
and included the Coleman, Crowe, Driver, French, Hardin, Jordan, Lambert, McCoy,
McDonald, Maney, Meroney, Murphy, Raper, Reed, Rogers, Smith, Taylor, Timpson,
Wolfe, and other families. Some claimants hired as their attorney a recently retired
official of the Bureau of Indian Affairs named Guion Miller, the man who had previously
compiled the 1909 Eastern Cherokee Roll. On December 1, 1928, Mr. Baker submitted
his “final” roll to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, who in turn submitted his own
report to the Secretary of the Interior about the efforts of Agent Baker and the Enrolling
Commission, along with miscellaneous appeals and legal briefs for contested and
appealed cases, with references to pertinent testimony and decisions of the Commission.
The Baker Roll and related records of the Eastern Enrolling Commission include a great
deal of genealogical information about families and individuals claiming Cherokee
Records concerning the Eastern Cherokee Enrolling Commission in the National
Archives include indexes, correspondence, applications, transcripts of testimony,
decisions, rolls, and other records compiled by the Commission and used in producing
the 1928 Baker Roll.
The 1907 Council Roll and 1908 Churchill Roll are part of records relating to enrollment of
the Eastern Cherokees, 1907–1916.
Mr. Guion Miller, an employee of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, was assigned by the U.S.
Court of Claims to authenticate applications of persons claiming Cherokee ancestry for the 1909
Eastern Cherokee Roll. The applications have been filmed as M1104, Eastern Cherokee
Applications of the U.S. Court of Claims 1906–1909 (348 rolls). Agent Miller also consulted
several Cherokee rolls, which have been reproduced as part of microfilm publication M685,
Records Relating to Enrollment of Eastern Cherokee by Guion Miller, 1908–1910 (12 rolls).
Roll 12 includes Miller’s own copies of the 1850 Old Settlers Roll, the 1850 Drennen Roll, the
1851 Chapman Roll, and the 1884 Hester Roll.
The main record is the 1924–28 Baker Roll, which is one of two rolls prepared by
Agent Baker for the Eastern Cherokee Enrolling Commission. This volume is arranged
numerically by enrollment number of tribal citizens, and alphabetically by surname of
head of family and thereunder by name of family member. This roll contains citations
from earlier rolls (1908 Churchill Roll number and 1884 Hester Roll number), names of
tribal members, family relationships, sex, age in 1926, date of birth, degree of Cherokee
blood, degree of other Indian blood, if a case was contested, and remarks. There were
3,146 persons enrolled, including some persons previously accepted by the Commission
who did not submit applications. Mr. Baker also prepared a supplemental roll (with a
duplicate) of 43 deceased Eastern Cherokees who had received annuity payments in the
past, but whose enrollment was contested by the tribal council. The persons on this roll
had left estates consisting of suspended per capita payments.
The Eastern Cherokee Enrolling Commission had a tentative list of accepted Cherokee
tribal members based on previous rolls, but many other persons who had been excluded
by the Commission, or felt that they were deserving of being tribal members, sought
inclusion as Eastern Cherokees. The records of the Eastern Cherokee Enrolling Commis-
sion were originally in file # 260791-1928-053 Cherokee School, parts 2 through 153,
which was withdrawn from the central correspondence files of the Bureau of Indian
Affairs and made a separate set of records concerning enrollment of the Eastern
Cherokees. These people were asked by the Commission to fill out standardized forms,
which constitute the main body of these records. There are some 15 linear feet of docu-
ments, consisting mainly of applications, testimony, decisions, and indexes. Related
records include Fred A. Baker’s final report of December 1, 1928, concerning the
enrollment; some miscellaneous appeals and briefs; and indexes to names of ancestors
and to contested and appealed cases, with references to testimony to and decisions of
the Commission.
The main body of records of the Commission consists of individual applications arranged
numerically by file number and in rough alphabetical order by surname of applicant.
Each application usually includes requests for application forms, application forms,
affidavits of witnesses, notices of hearings, receipts of notices, notices of decisions,
appeals, and correspondence between the Commissioner and other interested persons.
Most applications include the name of a Cherokee ancestor from whom the applicant
claims descent. Not all applications contain every described document, but all contain
the application form or questionnaire, which asked the applicant for the following
1. Name of applicant
2. Residence
3. Names of minor children (if any)
4. County
5. State
6. Age
7. Maiden name (if applicable)
8. Time at current residence
9. Degree of Indian blood
10. Name of ancestor(s) from whom
claiming descent
11. Relationship to ancestor
12. Father’s name and Indian blood
(if applicable)
13. Mother’s maiden name and Indian
blood (if applicable)
14. Residence of parents
15. Names of paternal grandparents
16. Names of maternal grandparents
17. Evidence for Cherokee lineage
(including roll numbers, if
18. Names, relationships, and
residences of ancestors
19. How ancestors were involved in
purchase of Qualla Boundary or
other Indian lands
20. Blood degree of children of
21. Name of spouse and blood degree
(if applicable)
22. Ages and residences of children of
23. Signature of applicant
24. Date of submission of application
25. Witness or notary public
26. Affidavits of at least two supporting
27. Additional information (if any) or
legal briefs
28. Correspondence with Eastern
Cherokee Enrolling Commission
29. Statement of acceptance or rejection
by Examiner Fred A. Baker
30. Date of acceptance or rejection by
Examiner Fred A. Baker
These applications sometimes are annotated with reasons cited by Baker for rejecting
the submission. These reasons included
1. Applicant’s ancestors have not been enrolled as members of the Eastern Band of
2. Applicant (or parents of applicant) were not in the state of North Carolina on
Oct. 23, 1874
3. Applicant (or parents of applicant) were not enrolled in or since 1868
4. Lack of evidence of affiliation and association with the Eastern Band of
5. Applicant not recognized as a member by the tribe
6. Lack of evidence of contribution to purchase of the Qualla Boundary or other
tribal lands
7. Applicant is a member of the Western Cherokees
8. Any previous rights lost through non-affiliation with the Eastern Band
9. Parents of applicant (one being white) were married since June 7, 1897, apart
from community
The correspondence of the Enrolling Commission and Agent Baker contains incoming
letters and copies of outgoing letters of the Commission, in addition to those filed with
the applications. The letters relate to requests for application forms, notifications of
enrollment, inquiries of a general nature, and other subjects. Most of the correspondence
concerns persons for whom no formal applications were received. These letters are
arranged alphabetically by surname of correspondent or by subject of letter. Included
are some special folders of correspondence with particular persons or firms or concern-
ing specific subjects.
There are several indexes for the records of the Cherokee Enrolling Commission and
the Baker Roll. Reproduced in the appendix to this introduction is an alphabetical index
to applications to the Baker Roll, prepared by the National Archives, listing names of
each applicant and his or her application number. There is also an alphabetical index to
names appearing in 1929 testimony [in roll 65] that was prepared by J. W. Howell,
providing references to volume and page numbers in transcripts of testimony [in rolls
The records include transcripts of testimony, 1927–28, taken by the Enrolling Commission
from 1927 to 1928. The transcripts are divided in four volumes of miscellaneous testimony
and one volume of testimony by members of the tribal council. Transcripts are arranged by
the family group of applicant and thereunder chronologically. Each volume of testimony
includes an alphabetical index to names of witnesses for each case. The tribal council’s
testimony is arranged by family group of applicant.
There are also copies of the decisions or findings of the Enrolling Commission on the
applications submitted under the provisions of the act of June 4, 1924. There were
seven volumes of decisions, but volumes III and V are missing. Included are volume I
(Abednego–Davis), volume II (Davis–Helton), volume IV (Nations–Parris), volume VI
(Rider–Tolley), and volume VII (Tucker–Young). The decisions concerning applications
claiming descent from the same ancestor are grouped together and are arranged alpha-
betically by surname of ancestor. Each volume includes an alphabetical index to names
of alleged ancestor in that volume. Also included is a copy of the report of the Commis-
sioner of Indian Affairs of November 20, 1930. The Commissioner sent this report to
the Secretary of the Interior concerning the findings of the Eastern Cherokee Enrolling
Commission. Included is a printed copy of a brief dated December 18, 1929, that was
submitted by J. W. Howell, attorney for the Eastern Band of Cherokees. Much of the
report and Howell’s brief is concerned with the various cases contested before the
Enrolling Commission.
Textual Records
– Correspondence, Reports, and Related Records Concerning Eastern Cherokee
Enrollment, 1907–1916.
– Council Roll of Eastern Cherokee, 1907
– Churchill Roll of Eastern Cherokee, 1908
– Report of Special Agent Charles L. Davis, 1910–1911
Central Classified Files, 1907–39; File # 93679-1924-311 Cherokee School [14 parts]
– Special Series A (boxes 1–2) [relating to Churchill Roll)
National Archives Microfilm Publications
M685, Records Relating to the Enrollment of Eastern Cherokee by Guion Miller,
1908–1910 (12 rolls)
M1059, Selected Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs Relating to the
Cherokees of North Carolina, 1851–1905 (7 rolls)
M1773, Eastern Cherokee Census Rolls, 1835–1884 (3 rolls)
M1104, Eastern Cherokee Applications of the U.S. Court of Claims, 1906–1909
(348 rolls)
This index was compiled by National Archives staff.
1 Abbercrombie, Bonnie
2 Abercrombie, Homer
3 Abercrombie, Mary
4 Abercrombie, Margaret
5 Abercrombie, Sarah E.
6 Abercrombie, Thomas S.
7 Abercrombie, William E.
8 Abernathy, Bartow
9 Abernathy, Carrie
10 Abernathy, Daniel M.
11 Abernathy, Grace B.
12 Abernathy, John T., Jr.
13 Abernathy, Madison
14 Abernathy, Minnie
15 Abernathy, Roosevelt
16 Abernathy, Sallie Belle
17 Abernathy, W. Andrew
18 Abrams, Mary Wolfe
19 Adams, A. A.
20 Adams, Adaline
21 Adams, David
22 Adams, Ever
23 Adams, Frankie
24 Adams, Gudger
25 Adams, James
26 Adams, John A.
27 Adams, John F.
28 Adams, John V.
29 Adams, Laura
30 Adams, Leoma
31 Adams, Lewie
32 Adams, Mary L.
33 Adams, Mattie Davis
34 Adams, Monell
35 Adams, Mystis
36 Adams, Rollins Elwood
37 Adams, Sarah
38 Adams, Tim Bales
39 Adams, Utie Hyatt
40 Adams, Walter
41 Adams, Willard
42 Adams, William J.
43 Agnew, Belle H.
44 Agnew, William H.
45 Ainsworth, Audrey M.
46 Akin, Henry
47 Akin, Margaret A.
48 Akins, Bertha L.
49 Akins, Walter
50 Alberson, H. L.
51 Aldridge, Charley C.
52 Aldridge, Frank
53 Aldridge, Gregory
54 Aldrige, Joseph J.
55 Aldridge, Luther I.
56 Aldridge, Mary Elizabeth
57 Aldridge, Orris R.
58 Aldridge, Robert B.
59 Aldridge, Wales E.
60 Alexander, D. F.
61 Alexander, J. K.
62 Allen, Bill
63 Allen, Blanche
64 Allen, Elbert
65 Allen, Ellard
66 Allen, Grace
67 Allen, James
68 Allen, John W.
69 Allen, Julia
70 Allen Leonard L.
71 Allen, Lillie
72 Allen, Lillie B.
73 Allen, Lora May
74 Allen, Maude
75 Allen, Sam
76 Allen, Sarah
77 Allison, Arabella A.
78 Allmon, John E.
79 Allmon, Robert J.
80 Almond, Ada
81 Almond, Charley
82 Almond, Grady
83 Almond, Julia
84 Ash, Ernest
85 Alvis, Charles Victor
86 Alvis, Elsie Jane
86-1 Amburn, Earl
87 Amburn, Julie Cole
88 Amerson, Paralee E.
89 Ammons, Bonnie
90 Ammons, Rena
91 Anderson, Addie L.
92 Anderson, Bertha
93 Anderson, Cora
94 Anderson, Corinna Harris
95 Anderson, Dona
96 Anderson, Eddie
97 Anderson, Erma Za
98 Anderson, Ethel
99 Anderson, Frank
100 Anderson, George H.
101 Anderson, H. M.
102 Anderson, Henry K.
103 Anderson, Herbert
104 Anderson, Jane
105 Anderson, John
106 Anderson, Katherine
107 Anderson, Nancy
108 Anderson, Ollie
109 Anderson, Pearl L.
110 Anderson, Roy E.
111 Anderson, Victoria M.
112 Anderson, Mrs. Viola
113 Anderson, Willie
114 Ansley, Mamie B.
115 Arnold, Arthur
116 Arnold, Ellen P.
117 Arnold, Henry
118 Arnold, Jess
119 Arnold, Martha
120 Arnold, Prince
121 Arnold, Rube
122 Arp, Ada
123 Arp, Arceney
124 Arrendale, Georgia
125 Arrendale, Lorie Beck
126 Arrowood, Bessie
127 Arrowood, Neta
128 Arrowood, Ramon
129 Arrowood, William
130 Ashe, Gulfy
131 Ashe, Maggie
132 Ashmon, Laura M.
133 Ashworth, Mirtie
134 Atkins, Dessie
135 Ator, Alberta
136 Austin, Charlotte
137 Austin, Jack
138 Austin, James
139 Austin, Lelia
140 Austin, Vianey
140-1 Autry, Fannie M.
141 Avanee, Florence P.
142 Avanee, Gus E.
143 Avanee, James Benjamin
144 Aylett, Annie I.
145 Aylett, Frank W.
146 Aylett, Idonia Ann
147 Baer, Annie Mae
148 Bagley, Huldah
149 Bagwell, Katie
150 Bain, Florence
151 Baker, Bonnie Fair
152 Baker, Calvie
153 Baker, Dora McCoy
154 Baker, Ella M.
155 Baker, Elmira Cole
156 Baker, Ida
157 Baker, Luther
158 Baker, Mollie
159 Balding, Grace
160 Baldridge, Nannie
161 Ball, Mary
162 Ballew, Eliza Jane
163 Ballew, Galie
164 Ballew, Jessie
165 Ballew, Lillie
166 Ballew, Madie
167 Ballew, Minnie
168 Ballew, Susan Alma
169 Ballew, Vadie
170 Balliew, Luisa J.
171 Balliew, Nancy B.
172 Banks, Beulah, E. M.
173 Banks, Roxie
174 Barclift, Josie
175 Barclift, Viney
176 Bare, Beulah H.
177 Bargeron, Julie H.
178 Barkley, Jane
179 Barkley, Luther
180 Barksdale, Belle
181 Barnes, Amanda
182 Barnes, Bobbie Bernice
183 Barnes, Gailey
184 Barnes, Grace
185 Barnes, Lou Vinnie
186 Barnes, M. J.
187 Barnes, Nancy
188 Barnes, Sallie
189 Barnes, Vinnie
189-1 Barnett, Kate
190 Barr, Yardie
191 Barrett, Clara J.
192 Barrett, Mary Alice
193 Barton, Melvean
194 Bass, Allie
195 Bass, James M.
196 Bass, Lela Scott
197 Bates, Pessie
198 Bates, James N.
199 Bates, Molly
200 Batson, Henrietta J.
201 Battles, Adeline E.
202 Battle, Bruce W.
203 Battles, William M.
204 Baucom, Gertie
205 Baugh, Cathern
206 Baugh, Columbus G.
207 Baugh, Rebaca
208 Baugh, Robert
209 Baxby, Jamey
210 Beal, John
211 Beal, Madie I.
212 Beal, Walter
213 Beaman, Edna
214 Bearden, Willie W.
215 Beaver, Artie
216 Beaver, Carrie
217 Beaver, Fannie
218 Beaver, Mary
219 Beaver, Mattie
220 Beaver, Norma
221 Beavers, Delia
222 Beck, Berry Benson
223 Beck, Cooper
224 Beck, Edith Dinah
225 Beck, Emory S.
226 Beck, Eugene
227 Beck, Fletcher John
228 Beck, James
229 Beck, Jeff L.
230 Beck, John
231 Beck, Linda
232 Beck, Major John
233 Beck, Martha
234 Beck, Mary Ann
235 Beck, Namon
236 Beck, Noah Jabal
237 Beck, Samuel
238 Beck, Sarah
239 Beck, Tom
240 Beck, Willard
241 Becton, Nellie D.
242 Beeler, Sophia L. H.
243 Beggs, Myrtle
244 Belcher, Bertha
245 Bell, Albert M.
246 Bell, Alison W.
247 Bell, C. A.
248 Bell, Calvin
249 Bell, Carl
250 Bell, Dessie B.
251 Bell, Dolph A.
252 Bell, Flossie
253 Bell, George A.
254 Bell, Harley E.
255 Bell, Hettie
256 Bell, Hettie
257 Bell, Horace
258 Bell, J. C.
259 Bell, John
260 Bell, Lawrence
261 Bell, Liddie
262 Bell, Markus
263 Bell, Mary Ann
264 Bell, Mary J.
265 Bell, Missouri Catherine
266 Bell, Otto
267 Bell, P. M.
268 Bell, Raymond B.
269 Bell, Reuben E.
270 Bell, Vaul
271 Bell, Virgie E.
272 Bell, Walter L.
273 Bell, Wilbur Parks
274 Bell, Willard C.
275 Bell, William A.
276 Bell, William A.
277 Bell, Virgil
278 Bellamy, John R.
279 Bellamy, Joseph E.
280 Bellamy, Lewis H.
281 Bellamy, Richard V.
282 Bellamy, William Schooler
283 Bellamy, Wilmer C.
284 Bellamy, Daniel R.
285 Bellamy, James H.
286 Bennett, Alice G.
287 Bennett, Bessie
288 Bennett, Jessie
289 Bennett, Kelly E.
290 Bennett, Mary C.
291 Bennett, Oscar
292 Bennett, P. R.
293 Benson, Elonzo M.
294 Benson, Homer H.
295 Benson, Lottie M.
296 Benson, Maye G.
297 Bentley, William
298 Berger, Clifford
299 Berger, J. W
300 Bettis, Harriet A.
301 Bettis, James Henry
302 Bettis, Ralph E.
303 Bettis, Robert K.
304 Bettis, Roy H.
305 Bibby, Beulah E.
306 Biddy, M. J.
307 Biggers, Daisy
308 Bing, Pearl
309 Birchfield, Nathan
309-1 Birchfield, Willie P.
310 Bishop, Albert
311 Bishop, Buell
312 Bishop, Cole
313 Bishop, Frank J.
314 Bishop, Jesse
315 Bishop, Lillie
316 Bishop Maggie L.
317 Bishop, Nora
318 Bishop, Rosie
319 Bishop, Vassie
320 Bishop, W. B.
321 Bishop, Walter M.
322 Bivins, Minnie
323 Bivens, Nola B.
324 Black, Alger
325 Black, Arthur C.
326 Black, Earnest
327 Black, Retta
328 Black, Roy
329 Black, William E.
330 Blackwell, Emma
331 Blair, Martha Ann
332 Blaylock, G. W.
333 Blalock, Pink H.
334 Blankinship, Beula B.
335 Blankinship, Edd
336 Blankinship, John L.
337 Blankinship, Mary E.
338 Blankinship, Minnie M. W.
339 Blansett, Minnie
340 Bleckley, Mae Beck
341 Boehmer, Millie
342 Bohannon, Mary
343 Boling, A. C.
344 Bolling, Nancy
345 Bond, Sybil Ellis
346 Bonds, Dora
347 Booker, Ruby
348 Boone, Bettie Ann
349 Booth, Mary Effie
350 Boring, Annie Rose
351 Boring, Lou
352 Bowles, Beulah
353 Bowles, Lillie Mae
354 Bowling, Joe
355 Bowling, Lee
356 Bowman, Alva R.
357 Bowman, Amanda
358 Bowman, Caledonia
359 Bowman, Dovey M.
360 Bowman, Murley
361 Box, Mertie
362 Boyd, Callie
363 Boykin, Julia
364 Boydston, Mary B.
365 Bayless, Easter L.
366 Brock, Minnie
367 Brackett, Benj.
368 Brackett, Ben D.
369 Brackett, Buran
370 Brackett, Charley G.
371 Brackett, Clyde
372 Brackett, Emily J.
373 Brackett, Floyd
374 Brackett, Henry
375 Brackett, Horace
376 Brackett, Howard
377 Brackett, James E.
378 Brackett, James K. P.
379 Brackett, James W.
380 Brackett, Jewel
381 Brackett, John F.
382 Brackett, Joshua
383 Brackett, Merica
384 Brackett, Patrick
385 Brackett, Richard F.
386 Brackett, Robert Lee
387 Brackett, Roy
388 Brackett, Sirvilla H.
389 Brackett, Thomas B.
390 Brackett, Thomas Clyde
391 Brackett, Vera
392 Brackett, William B.
393 Brackett, William E.
394 Bradford, Lucy
395 Bradley, Jenny
396 Bradley, Johnson
397 Bradshaw, Ann
398 Bradshaw, Bevely
399 Bradshaw, Jack
400 Bradshaw, Martha M.
401 Brady, Arthur
402 Brady, Eliza
403 Brady, John A.
404 Brady, Luther
405 Brady, Robert A.
406 Brady, Sarah
407 Brady, William McKinley
408 Bramlett, Mary
409 Bray, Dela
410 Bray, Maudie A.
411 Breckenridge, Cora Odell
412 Brenner, Elsie Mae
413 Brewer, Ann Eliza
414 Brewer, Carl
415 Brewer, Ida
416 Brewer, Lula
417 Brewer, Nannie L.
418 Brewster, Grace
419 Bright, Montie
420 Briont, Effie
421 Broadwater, Ollie S.
422 Brock, John W.
423 Brock, Lillie
424 Brooks, Charley
425 Brooks, D. B.
426 Brooks, Dalseda
427 Brooks, Ethel
428 Brooks, Frankie H.
429 Brooks, Zack
430 Brooks, Minnie
431 Brooks, Mollie
432 Brooks, Nellie O.
433 Brooks, Tom
434 [missing, not in file]
435 Brown, Amanda Adeline
436 Brown, Bell
437 Brown, Carrie
438 Brown, Daisy M.
439 Brown, Daniel A.
440 Brown, Dollie
441 Brown, Emma
442 Brown, Georgia Mae
443 Brown, George W.
444 Brown, Harry L.
445 Brown, Howard J.
446 Brown, James O.
447 Brown, Jessie Mae
448 Brown, John P.
449 Brown, John R.
450 Brown, Katie L.
450-1 Brown, Leila
451 Brown, Luke
451-1 Brown, Mark
452 Brown, Martha Gertrude
453 Brown, Mary E.
454 Brown, Mary T.
455 Brown, Monnie
456 Brown, Nancy J.
457 Brown, Nannie
458 Brown, Oliver L.
459 Brown, Ora
460 Brown, Pearlia
461 Brown, Robert
462 Brown, Rogers D.
463 Brown, Samuel
464 Brown, Thomas
465 Brown, Thomas J.
466 Brown, William R.
467 Browning, Minnie
468 Buce, Arthur
469 Bruce, Arthur [same]
470 Bruce, Elzie Raper
471 Bruce, Lula E.
472 Bruce, Margaret
473 Brumitt, Lellon
474 Brumitt, Willie O.
475 Bryant, Ethel
476 Bryant, Gertrude
477 Bryant, Jeff Davis
478 Bryson, Ethel
479 Bryson, Martha E.
480 Buchanan, Annie
481 Buchanan, Estelle E.
482 Buchanan, Mary
483 Bucknell, Myrtle
484 Buckner, Bonnie W.
485 Buckner, Ida
486 Buckner, Mary F.
487 Buford, Lela W.
488 Bumgardner, Edna E.
489 Bunch, John M.
490 Burch, George W.
491 Burch, Gracie C.
492 Burchfield, Ezekiel
493 Burchfield, May H.
494 Burdett, Barilla P.
495 Burger, Addie J.
496 Burger, Alfred
497 Burger, Ananias
498 Burger, Ben J.
499 Burger, J. Whitfield
500 Burger, Joseph
501 Burger, Lucius E.
502 Burger, Robert L.
503 Burger, Thomas H.
504 Burgess, Ada
505 Burgess, Arce
506 Burgess, Ina
507 Burgess, James
508 Burgess, Lillie
509 Burgess, Martha
510 Burgess, Myrtle
511 Burgess, Ollie
512 Burk, Lenard
513 Burkhead, John A.
514 Burkhead, Izzie
515 Burks, Margaret B.
516 Burnett, Dicey
517 Burnett, Emma B.
518 Burnette, Martha E.
519 Burns, Belle
520 Burns, Henewee
521 Burns, Jack
522 Burrell, Emma
523 Burrell, Margaret
524 Busby, Uzie
525 Bush, Eugene D.
526 Bush, Howard Emil
527 Bush, Louis J.
528 Bush, Tom
529 Bush, Willie J.
530 Butler, Clara
531 Butler, Ruth
532 Butt, Gladys Marie
533 Butterworth, Etta E.
534 Buttler, Mamie
535 Buttry, Oran A.
536 Buttry, William A.
537 Cain, Daisy
538 Crain, John C.
539 Cain, May
540 Cain, Mindie
541 Crane, Rachel
542 Caler, Allie
543 Calhoun, John P.
544 Calhoun, Lila M. D.
545 Calhoun, Sallie
546 Callaway, Phoebe I.
547 Callum, Inez
548 Cameron, Sallie
549 Camp, Pearl
550 Campbell, Callie
551 Campbell, Hazel Z.
552 Campbell, L. P.
553 Candill, Catherine
554 Cansler, Ellen T.
555 Cantrell, Callie
556 Cantrell, Stella J.
557 Cantrell, William W.
558 Cutshaw, Emma
559 Canup, Laura
560 Capps, Minnie
561 Cardin, Fannie Jane
562 Cardin, Minnie
563 Cardin, Ada
564 Carnes, Charlotte M.
565 Carpenter, Easter
566 Carpenter, Mollie M. C.
567 Carpenter, Ray
568 Carpenter, Robert Lee
569 Carpenter, Roy
570 Carr, Anderson
571 Carr, George
572 Carr, Green
573 Carr, Jim
574 [missing, not in file]
575 Carr, Robert
576 Carringer, Ollie F.
577 Carroll, Henry
578 Carroll, Lela
579 Carroll, Lillie Mae
580 Carroll, Mary E.
581 Carroll, Nancy C.
582 Carroll, Newton
583 Carson, Bridy V.
584 Carson, Mollie F.
585 Carter, Belvia A.
586 Carter, Harvey
587 Carter, Laurice
588 Carter, Margaret L.
589 Carter, Minda
590 Carter, Minnie
591 Carter, Molly E.
592 Carter, Nellie
593 Carter, Ora Lee
594 Cartwright, Orra
595 Carver, Hattie
596 Carver, Mattie
597 Carver, Nora
598 Camp, Isabella M.
599 Casebeer, Savannah Beck
600 Casey, Ben
601 Casey, Carrie
602 Casey, Earnest L.
603 Casey, John S., Jr.
604 Casey, Mary C.
605 Casey, Mary O.
606 Casey, Richard
607 Cassady, Annie
608 Castleberry, Cecelia Mae
609 Castleman, Beulah
610 Cathren, Anna
611 Cathren, Raleigh
612 Cawthon, David
613 Cawthon, George
614 Cawthon, Henry
615 Cawthon, Wesley
616 Caylor, Mattie E.
617 Caylor, Nancy Emmaline
618 Caylor, Sidney
619 Caylor, William L.
620 Cearley, Lucy Emmaline
621 Center, Ora
622 Chadwick, Louise T.
623 Chadwick, Marie
624 Chadwick, Marie
625 Chambers, Mrs. Bon Hardy
626 Chambers, Callie
627 Chambers, Fannie May
628 Chambers, Flora
629 Chambers, Nannie
630 Charlton, Emily W.
631 Charlton, Josiah T.
632 Charlton, Julia
633 Charlton, Sara W.
634 Chastain, Estela
635 Chastain, Eva
636 Chastain, Kate
637 Chastain, Lula
638 Chastain, Maggie P.
639 Chastain, Sarah
640 Chastain, William B.
641 Chastain, Wreney F.
642 Chastine, Edith
643 Chatham, Clio A.
644 Chatman, Artie
645 Chatman, Lorla
646 Chatmon, Alonzo
647 Chatmon, Martha
648 Chatmon, Osco
649 Chatmon, Thomas
650 Chavey, Bertha
651 Chilcoate, Lillie J.
652 Childers, Adeline
653 Childers, Crockett
654 Childers, Dora
655 Childers, Maud
656 [missing, not in file]
666 Childers, Walter
667 Christian, Evalene A.
668 Christopher, Ethel
669 Christopher, Fannie
670 Clark, Anna K.
671 Clark, Bert
672 Clark, Della
673 Clark, Ennis
674 Clark, Francis E.
675 Clark, Grace P.
676 Clark, Henry K.
677 Clark, Hester
678 Clark, Ivy Ann
679 Clark, Joel B.
680 Clark, R. J.
681 Clark, Roger J.
682 Clark, S. A.
683 Clark, Tilford P.
684 Clayton, Matilda
685 Clement, Mary M.
686 Clements, Mattie
687 Clift, Nellie D.
688 Clift, Robert B.
689 Cline, Elsie
690 Cline, Nora E.
691 Clinton, Laura
692 Coble, Perry A.
693 Coble, Riley G.
694 Cochran, Ada
695 Cochran, Ada Lou
696 Cochran. Alberta B.
697 Cochran, Arrie A. J.
698 Cochran, Ellen
699 Cochran, James
700 Cochran, Jesse
701 Cochran, John
702 Cochran, Lillis D. Lane
703 Cody, Caroline H.
704 Cody, William R.
705 Coffer, Exie
706 Coffey, Ethel
707 Coffey, Malissie
708 Cole, Abraham
709 Cole, Amanda
710 Cole, Bessie
711 Cole, Docia
712 Cole, Ezria
713 Cole, Frank
714 Cole, Gordon
715 Cole, Jasper G.
716 Cole, James
717 Cole, John
718 Cole, John
719 Cole, John Duke
720 Cole, Lester
721 Cole, Maie
722 Cole, O.H.P.
723 Cole, Ola
724 Cole, Oliver H. P.
725 Cole, Poke
726 Cole, Rosie
727 Cole, Sylvania
728 Cole, T. H.
729 Cole, Thomas J.
730 Cole, Tremon
731 Cole, Walker
732 Cole, William
733 Cole, William
734 Cole, William D.
735 Cole, William S.
736 Coleman, John M.
737 Coleman, Julius
738 Coleman, Mary T.
739 Coleman, Maudie
740 Coleman, Sarah J.
741 Coleman, Susie
742 Collake, Mary
743 Collake, Ora May
744 Collake, Robert E. L.
745 Collake, Thomas G.
746 Collins, Bulah
747 Collins, Emma
748 Collins, Ethel
749 Collins, Nora M.
750 Collis, Bonnie
751 Colvard, Addie
752 Colvard, Bettie
753 Colvard, Lenora
754 Colwell, Roy
755 Colwell, Sirena H.
756 Conley, Emma W.
757 Conlon, Jennie
758 Connody, Flossie
759 Constant, John
760 Constant, William L.
761 Conway, Hazel
762 Cook, Ada
763 Cook, Jessie Leora
764 Cook, Nellie
765 Cook, Mary F.
766 Cooper, Herbert
767 Cooper, Laura Ann
768 Cooper, Mack
769 Cooper, Martha V.
770 Cooper, Raymond
771 Cooper, William G.
772 Core, Elmo
773 Core, Eugene
774 Core, Hugh
775 Core, Maud
776 Core, Millie W.
777 Corn, Elisha
778 Cornett, Earnest
779 Cornett, Luther S.
780 Cornett, Laura J.
781 Cornwell, Ida
782 Cornwell, Benton B.
783 Cornwell, Lillie
784 Cornwell, Maggie
785 Cornwell, Roxie
786 Corrigan, Blanche
787 Crosby, Naomah
788 Coston, Olive
789 Cothron, Oma R.
790 Coward, Ever
791 Cowart, Pearl
792 Cox, Dicie
793 Cox, Julia Belle
794 Cox, Mollie
795 Cox, Ollie
796 Cox, Pearl
797 Cox, Ruthie
798 Crabb, Charity F.
799 Crabb, Cora E.
800 Craig, Bessie Welch
801 Craig, Georgia M.
802 Craig, Mallie
803 Craig, Sam A.
804 Crain, Gretta
805 Crain, Laura
806 Craine, Cecil H.
807 Crain, Lily
808 Crane, Arthur T.
809 Crane, Lula E.
810 Craver, Isasa A.
811 Crawford, Laura
811-1 Crawford, Columbus R.
812 Crawford, Mary
813 Creasman, Ida
814 Creasman, John P.
815 Creson, Nettie
816 Creasy, Lue S.
817 Creasy, Robert
818 Crisp, Belzie
819 Crisp, Bertha M.
820 Crisp, Carey
821 Crisp, Clara C.
822 Crisp, Flora
823 Crisp, Hardy R.
824 Crisp, Ollie
825 Crisp, Philip
826 Crisp, Zenie
827 Crisson, Hattie J.
828 Criswell, Vida
829 Crolley, James
830 Cromwell, Margaret P.
831 Crook, Etta
832 Cross, Jake, Jr.
833 Crow, Alma
834 Crow, Lillie
835 Crow, William
836 Crowder, Lizzie
837 Crowder, Susie
838 Crowe, Lottie M.
839 Crowe, Sallie
840 Culberson, Sarah
841 Culwell, Bertha
842 Cupp, Pearl
843 Curtis, Edward
844 Curtis, Elmira
845 Curtis, Ida
846 Curtis, Mary J.
847 Cutshaw, Joe
848 Cutshaw, Martha
849 Dailey, Gita Isabella
850 Daily, Mary
851 Dalton, Ruth A.
852 Dalton, Saliny
853 Dandy, Brilla G.
854 Davenport, Maude E.
855 Davenport, Rebecca
856 Daves, Nettie
857 Davidson, Cynthia M.
858 Davis, Andrew
859 Davis, Angeline
860 Davis, Arthur H.
861 Davis, Arthur T.
862 Davis, Arveline
863 Davis, Ben W.
864 Davis, Benjamin
865 Davis, Benjamin H.
866 Davis, Charley
867 Davis, Clarence F.
868 Davis, Clinton
869 Davis, Columbus A.
870 Davis, Daniel, Jr.
871 Davis, Dock
872 Davis, Earl
873 Davis, Earl, Sr.
874 Davis, Earl T.
875 Davis, Edward S.
876 Davis, Elizabeth
877 Davis, Felix
878 Davis, Fess
879 Davis, Flossie
880 Davis, Francis B.
881 Davis, Francis M.
882 Davis, Frank A.
883 Davis, Fred
884 Davis, George A.
885 Davis, Headrick
886 Davis, Henry J.
887 Davis, James G.
888 Davis, James M.
889 Davis, Jefferson
890 Davis, Jim
891 Davis, Jesse E.
892 Davis, Jetta A.
893 Davis, John F.
894 Davis, Johnny
895 Davis, Joseph W.
896 Davis, Julia
897 Davis, Kate Lois
898 Davis, Lena L.
899 Davis, Lillie
900 Davis, Lizzie
901 Davis, Lorenzo D., Jr.
902 Davis, Lorenzo N.
903 Davis, Luther
904 Davis, Mamie J.
905 Davis, Mary
906 Davis, Maude E.
907 Davis, Miller, Jr.
908 Davis, Miller, Sr.
909 Davis, Myrtle
910 Davis, Nannie
911 Davis, Pearl O.
912 Davis, Plinor
913 Davis, Robert L.
914 Davis, Rosie
915 Davis, Rube
916 Davis, Ruth
917 Davis, Stewart
918 Davis, T. J.
919 Davis, Vester
920 Davis, William
921 Davis, William
922 Davis, William J.
923 Davis, William E.
924 Davis, William Franklin
925 Davis, William G.
926 Davis, Winnie
927 Dawson, Lenard
928 Dawson, Lou
929 Dayton, Mae
930 Dearby, Mamie W.
931 Deaver, Evie
932 Deaver, Henry
933 Deaver, Jessie S.
934 Deaver, Tennie
935 DeFriese, Kate
936 DeFrisse, Tomye
937 Delasmitt, Mary L.
938 DeLozier, Elmer
939 DeLozier, Jesse
940 DeLozier, John
941 DeLozier, Thomas
942 DeLozier, Vergie
943 Denison, Silas E.
944 Denton, Arlone
945 Denton, Bessie
946 Denton, Emma
947 Derrick, Daisy H.
948 Dickey, Kate
949 Dickey, Lela
950 Dickey, Mina
951 Dickson, James Robert
952 Dickson, Savannah Beck
953 Dickson, Stacy C. B.
954 Dillard, Nora
955 Dillard, Nora
956 Dillingham, Bettie
957 Dillingham, C. G.
958 Dillingham, Jane
959 Dillingham, Laura
960 Dills, Arvil
961 Dills, Cordelia
962 Dills, Lillie
963 Dills, Mamie E.
964 Dinwiddie, Ida May
965 Ditmore, Volo Mae
966 Dobbins, Pearl B.
967 Dockery, Alice
968 Dockery, Alvin
969 Dockery, Arthur
970 Dockery, Ben
971 Dockery, Bessie
972 Dockery, Charlie
973 Dockery, Columbus
974 Dockery, Cora
975 Dockery, Della
976 Dockery, Emma
977 Dockery, Fay
978 Dockery, Harley
979 Dockery, Joe
980 Dockery, Lucy
981 Dockery, Martha
982 Dockery, Mattie
983 Dockery, Oliver J.
984 Dockery, Phoebe
985 Dockery, Riley
986 Dockery, Sarah
987 Dockery, Wiley
988 Dockins, Tabitha B.
989 Dooley, K. Irene
990 Dorlon, Mack
991 Dotson, Mae P.
992 Dougherty, Alice
993 Dougherty, Ben
994 Dougherty, Romania
995 Dover, Lillie M.
996 Dover, Mary
997 Dover, Ralph
998 Dowell, James
999 Downey, Susie J.
1000 Driver, Sophia
1001 Duckett, D. M.
1002 Duke, Nora
1003 Duncan, Charles O.
1004 Duncan, Marguerite A.
1005 Dunlap, Delia Anna
1006 Dunlap, Robert L.
1007 Dunn, Nancy
1008 Dunn, Thomas
1009 Dupre, Ella
1010 Dutton, Bertha
1011 Duvall, Clearsey
1012 Duvall, Donnie
1013 Duvall, Henry
1014 Duvall, Benjamin
1015 Duvall, Mable
1016 Duvall, Mable
1017 Duvall, Malinda
1018 Duvall, Mary Missouri
1019 Duvall, Melinda
1020 Duvall, Trilby
1021 Dye, Iowa
1022 Dye, Myrtle
1023 Early, H. D.
1024 Edens, Ida
1025 Edens, Lulu
1026 Edmon, Suuilla
1027 Edwards, Eva
1028 Eggers, Clifton
1029 Eggers, Ema
1030 Eggers, Millard L.
1031 Eidson, Bessie V.
1032 Eller, Arcena
1033 Eller, Clyde
1034 Eller, Ellia F.
1035 Eller, Guy
1036 Eller, Josie Patterson
1037 Eller, Lillie M.
1038 Elliott, Estelle
1039 Elliott, Lillie
1040 Ellis, Alma
1041 Ellis, Belle
1041-1 Ellis, Celia Harden
1042 Ellis, Edmond J.
1043 Ellis, Edward
1044 Ellis, Elmer
1045 Ellis, Etta E.
1046 Ellis, Everett
1047 Ellis, Frank
1048 Ellis, Homer
1049 Ellis, Homer
1050 Ellis, James P.
1051 Ellis, James L.
1052 Ellis, Jeff
1053 Ellis, John
1054 Ellis, Joseph J.
1055 Ellis, John N.
1056 Ellis, J. J.
1057 Ellis, Lark
1058 Ellis, Laura
1059 Ellis, Levada
1060 Ellis, Margaret
1061 Ellis, Marion L.
1062 Ellis, Mary Jane
1063 Ellis, Nannie M.
1064 Ellis, Naomi A.
1065 Ellis, Olive T.
1066 Ellis, Permelia
1067 Ellis, Pitha
1068 Ellis, R. A.
1069 Ellis, Robert W.
1070 Ellis, Smanthie
1071 Ellis, Susie
1072 Ellis, T. H.
1073 Ellis, Thad M.
1074 Ellis, Theodore
1075 Ellis, Viola
1076 Ellis, Walter
1077 Ellis, Walter
1078 Ellis, William J.
1079 Ellis, William N.
1080 Ellis, W. J.
1081 Ellison, John
1082 Ellison, Minnie
1083 Elmore, Laura
1084 Elrod, Jacob B.
1085 Elrod, Jacob V.
1086 Elrod, Mamie
1087 Elrod, Mary N.
1088 Elrod, Samuel J.
1089 Elrod, Tiney
1090 Epps, Mollie Belle
1091 Ervin, Claud C.
1092 Ervin, Marie I.
1093 Ervin, Williard
1094 Ethel, Bertha Fe
1095 Eubanks, Birtie
1096 Eubanks, Charley
1097 Eubanks, Olan
1098 [missing, not in file]
1099 Evans, Bonnie
1100 Evans, Christopher C.
1101 Evans, Clifford
1102 Evans, Emerson
1103 Evans, Erma
1104 Evans, Sadie Marie
1105 Evans, Thelma J.
1106 Everett, Mattie
1107 Fain, Martha
1108 Falls, Bettie B.
1109 Falls, Lizzie
1110 Free, Mary Corn
1111 Falls, Willis
1112 Farner, Belle
1113 Farrington, Evelyn P.
1114 Faucett, Ione
1115 Faucett, Irene
1116 Faucett, Nancy
1117 Faw, Pearl
1118 Fenell, Emma
1119 Ferguson, Lora
1120 Fields, Ila
1121 Findley, Mary L. D.
1122 Findley, Stella
1123 Fisher, Hattie
1124 Fisher, Margaret
1125 Fisher, Pollie
1126 Fitts, Artie W.
1127 Flack, Mira
1128 Fletcher, Sophia
1129 Flournoy, Sarah E.
1130 Flowers, Arthur
1131 Flowers, Emmons
1132 Flowers, Myrtle D.
1133 Flowers, Oma
1134 Flowers, Sarrah
1135 Floyd, Mollie Scott
1136 Floyd, Francis
1137 Ford, Lovice
1138 Forgey, Bertha
1139 Forsee, Annie N.
1140 Fortenberry, Coy
1141 Fortenberry, Ed
1142 Fortenberry, Hopp
1143 Fortenberry, Joe
1144 Fortenberry, Tom
1145 Fortner, Delia
1146 Fortner, Ethel
1147 Fortner, G. F.
1148 Foster, Alice
1149 Foster, Dollie
1150 Foster, Victoria Silver
1151 Foster, William E.
1152 Fowler, Dora
1153 Fowler, Elizabeth
1154 Fowler, Mollie
1155 Fowler, Myrtle
1156 Fox, Cumie
1157 Fox, Nettie L.
1158 Frady, Mamie
1159 Franklin, Bill
1160 Franklin, Charlie
1161 Frankln, Elizabeth
1162 Franklin, Grady
1163 Franklin, Harey
1164 Franklin, Jake
1165 Fanklin, John
1166 Franklin, John
1167 Frankin, John H.
1168 Frase, Anna
1169 Frase, Arthur
1170 Frase, Fred
1171 Frase, Truit
1172 Free, Nancy E.
1173 Freeman, Beulah
1174 Freeman, Henry L.
1175 Freeman, Laura L.
1176 French, William
1177 Fricks, Alice
1178 Fritch, Nellie
1179 Fritts, Emma H.
1180 Frye, Owenah A.
1181 Fuentez, Alice
1182 Fugate, John
1183 Gaddis, Emma
1184 Gallaher, W. C.
1185 Galloway, Elsie
1186 Garland, John B.
1187 Garland, Leonzo
1188 Garnett, Josie
1189 Garratt, George Ann
1190 Garren, Ida C.
1191 Garren, Nora H.
1192 Garrett, J. B.
1193 Garrett, Lillie Ann
1194 Garrett, Lou
1195 Garrison, Martha L.
1196 Gaston, Charley
1197 Gaston, Hugh
1198 Gaston, Joe
1199 Gearhart, Mary M.
1200 Gehring, Kitt Wells
1201 Gentry, Callie
1202 Gentry, Cara L.
1203 Gentry, Frank
1204 Gentry, George
1205 Gentry, Henry
1206 Gentry, Kizzie Langley
1207 Gentry, Luther
1208 Gentry, Myrtle
1209 Gentry, Pheobe
1210 George, Margaret R.
1211 Gibbs, Rance
1212 Gibby, Charlie
1213 Gibby, Henry
1214 Gibby, Jincy
1215 Gibby, Susan
1216 Gibson, Anna Lula
1217 Gibson, Eunice
1218 Gibson, Noah
1219 Gilbert, Emeline
1220 Gill, Calsina Raper
1221 Gill, Noah
1222 Gill, Shelby
1223 Gillespie, G. W.
1224 Gilliland, Nancy
1225 Gilreath, Georgia
1226 Giltrap, Mary L.
1227 Girard, Willie
1228 Galsgow, Julia Vance H.
1229 Glover, Bertie
1230 Glover, Minnie
1231 Glover, Viola L.
1232 Glover, Wallace
1233 Gobel, Harriet Hareb
1234 Goble, Ben Duncan
1235 Goble, Colquit
1236 Goble, Ben M.
1237 Goble, Burt
1238 Goble, Charlie L.
1239 Goble, George A.
1240 Goble, George W.
1241 Goble, Harley T.
1242 Goble, Henry J.
1243 Goble, Herschel
1244 Goble, Jackson
1245 Goble, James L.
1246 Goble, John H. H.
1247 Goble, John William
1248 Goble, Lee
1249 Goble, Lewis
1250 Goble, Lisa
1251 Goble, Mary L.
1252 Gold, Annie I.
1253 Golden, Bessie Mae
1254 Goodner, Willard Hill
1255 Goodwin, Cora
1256 Goolsby, Sarah J.
1257 Gorman, Catherine J.
1258 Gorman, Eula P.
1259 Gossett, Mary
1260 Gossett, Mary
1261 Gossett, Melvin
1262 Gossett, Ollie
1263 Graham, Charles
1264 Graham, James
1265 Graham, John
1266 Graham, Walter
1267 Graham, William
1268 Grambling, Ola
1269 Granert, Orlie A. M.
1270 Grasham, Robbie Gill
1271 Graves, Asa Lee
1272 Graves, Edgar
1273 Graves, Elizabeth
1274 Graves, Franklin
1275 Graves, Greeley
1276 Graves, Harriett
1277 Graves, Inez
1278 Graves, John
1279 Graves, Lizzie
1280 Graves, Margaret
1281 Graves, Minnie
1282 Graves, Norah
1283 Graves, Robert
1284 Graves, Salena
1285 Graves, Tennie
1286 Graves, William
1287 Gravett, Bright M.
1288 Gravett, George L.
1289 Gravitt, George W.
1290 Gravitt, Indiana
1291 Gravitt, John
1292 Gravitt, Norris
1293 Gravitt, Thomas
1294 Gravett, William
1295 Gray, Ellen
1296 Gray, Mae Burger
1297 Green, Adeline R.
1298 Green, Andrew
1299 Green, Anna Hubbard
1300 Green, Lena B.
1301 Green, Mable
1302 Green, Maggie
1303 Green, Maggie
1304 Green, Martha C.
1305 Green, Mary Cody
1306 Green, Minerva
1307 Green, Reccie
1308 Green, Sarah W.
1309 Green, Stella Baker
1310 Green, Thenia A.
1311 Green, Vinnie
1312 Greenway, Eliza E.
1313 Greene, Cora
1314 Gregory, Martha F.
1315 Gregory, Yerba
1316 Gribble, Dove
1317 Gribble, Maggie C.
1318 Griffin, Dessie
1319 Griffen, Jane M.
1320 Griffey, Mary
1321 Griffin, Martha L.
1322 Griffin, Mary
1323 Grimes, Henry
1324 Grimes, Wilson
1325 Grimson, Isabella
1326 Grindstaff, Cora
1327 Groblebe, Edna M.
1328 Grontt, O. C.
1329 Groover, Carrie
1330 Gued, Elizabeth
1331 Guest, Junie
1332 Gunn, Callie M.
1332-1 Guffey, Jane
1333 Guinn, Cora L.
1334 Gunter, Clara D.
1335 Guthrie, Bonnie
1336 Guyll, Maggie
1337 Guyton, Deller
1338 Hall, Alferd
1339 Hall, Carrie
1340 Hall, Mrs. Dan
1341 Hall, Dollie
1342 Hall, Elva G.
1343 Hall, Finis
1344 Hall, Floyd
1345 Hall, Ida
1346 Hall, Ida M.
1347 Hall, Iowa
1348 Hall, John L.
1349 Hall, Lillie P.
1350 Hall, Martha J.
1351 Hall, Otis
1352 Halleyfield, Ada
1353 Hallman, Edward C.
1354 Hallman, Henry T.
1355 Hallman, Howard
1356 Hallman, J. B., Jr.
1356-1 Hallman, John T.
1357 Hallmon, Margaret
1358 Hamby, Bell
1359 Hamilton, Lizzie
1359-1 Hamby, Jennie V.
1360 Hamilton, Martha
1361 Hamilton, Myrtle
1362 Hamilton, Nellie M.
1363 Hamilton, Ollie H.
1364 Hamley, Callie
1365 Hancock, Jessie M.
1366 Hancock, Edith
1367 Haney, Lola
1368 Hankins, James H.
1369 Hannah, Alva
1370 Hannah, David F.
1371 Hannah, Jack W.
1372 Hannah, James M.
1373 Hannah, Marvin M.
1374 Hannah, Peter S.
1375 Hannah, Wallace P.
1376 Hanstad, Nancy A.
1376-1 Hardin, Elizabeth
1377 Harden, James W.
1378 Harden, James W.
1379 Harden, Loyd
1380 Harden, Oden
1381 Harden, William
1382 Hardin, Celia E.
1383 Hardin, Comeleous
1384 Hardin, Dillard
1385 Hardin, Dock
1386 Hardin, Dovie
1387 Hardin, Frank J.
1388 Hardin, Lonaina
1389 Hardin, Lula
1390 Hardin, Richard
1391 Hardin, Richard
1392 Hardin, Rosa
1393 Hardin, Thomas J.
1394 Hardin, Virgil
1395 Hardin, Willie P.
1396 Harding, Nora
1396-1 Hardin, Sarah E. N.
1397 Hardy, Daniel M.
1398 Hardy, Lutiskey M.
1399 Hargis, Felix
1400 Hargis, Harvey F.
1401 Hargis, Marion F. S.
1402 Hargis, Robert A.
1403 Harmon, Ellen C.
1404 Harmon, George L., Jr.
1405 Harper, Carrie Louise
1406 Harold, Annabel
1407 Harper, Ethel
1408 Harrell, Julia E.
1409 Harrett, Caldona C.
1410 Harris, Annie
1411 Harris, Benjamin H.
1412 Harris, Grace M.
1413 Harris, Henry L.
1414 Harris, John
1415 Harris, Laura
1416 Harris, Margaret S.
1417 Harris, Mary E.
1418 Harris, Medie
1419 Harris, Nannie
1420 Harris, Ollie V.
1421 Harris, Oren R.
1422 Harris, Robert
1423 Harris, Sam
1424 Harris, Soleeta
1425 Harris, Susan P.
1426 Harrison, Ellen
1427 Harrison, Ollie
1428 Harrison, Ruth
1429 Harrison, William
1430 Harrison, Zora
1431 Hart, Annie
1432 Hart, Malinda
1433 Hartness, Daisy
1434 Hartness, Harvey
1435 Hartness, Jack
1436 Hartness, Julie
1437 Hass, Martha
1438 Hatch, Durant B.
1439 Hatch, Mosque Omar
1440 Hatchett, Nora
1440-1 Hatch, Newman
1441 Houlk, Carol
1442 Houlk, Manerva
1443 Houlk, Riley B.
1444 Haviland, Ira
1445 Haviland, Ira R.
1446 Haviline, John E.
1447 Haviland, Nettie U.
1448 Hawkins, Dora P.
1449 Hawkins, Polly
1450 Hawkins, Vastie
1451 Hawthorn, Annie
1452 Hawthorne, Eula
1453 Hayes, Joshua
1454 Hayes, Raymond
1455 Hayes, William M.
1456 Haynes, Laura
1457 Hays, Alice
1458 Hays, Anna B.
1459 Hays, Berk
1460 Hays, Cora
1461 Hays, David
1462 Hays, George
1463 Hays, George W.
1464 Hays, Harrison
1465 Hays, Henry
1466 Hays, Horace
1467 Hays, Jane
1468 Hays, Lacey
1469 Hays, Loney
1470 Hays, Tolaver
1471 Heaton, Carl G.
1472 Heaton, James
1473 [missing, not in file]
1474 Heaton, John
1475 Heaton, Mark
1476 Heaton, Mary
1477 Heaton, Rebecca
1478 Heaton, Vester
1479 Hedgcock, Gertrude
1480 Hedgecoth, Nell
1481 Hedgecoth, Richard
1482 Hedgecoth, William
1483 Hedrick, Leora B.
1484 Hefner, Eva Silver
1485 Helton, Albert
1486 Helton, Anderson
1487 Helton, Becky
1488 Helton, Ben H.
1489 Helton, Benjamin T.
1490 Helton, Elbert
1491 Helton, Ernest Lee
1492 Helton, Fred
1493 Helton, Harrison
1494 Helton, John R.
1495 Helton, Marion James
1496 Helton, Osey
1497 Helton, Ratio
1498 Hembree, Bessie
1499 Hembree, Leeoma
1500 Henderson, Bayless M.
1501 Henricy, Louzenia
1502 Henry, Bertha A.
1503 Henry, Donnie
1504 Henry, Laura
1505 Henry, Mary
1506 Hensley, Alice L.
1507 Hensley, Arthur
1508 Hensley, Arthur
1509 Hensley, Delphia
1510 Hensley, Emily
1511 Hensley, James
1512 Hensley, James O.
1513 Hensley, James U.
1514 Hensley, John L.
1515 Hensley, Louise
1516 Hensley, Mary J.
1517 Hensley, Ross, Jr.
1518 Hensley, William R.
1519 Henson, Claira S.
1520 Henson, Lizzie G.
1521 Henson, Mary Mae
1522 Henson, Tom
1523 Henson, Will
1524 Herendon, Lizzie A.
1525 Herndon, Lizzie M.
1526 Herron, Amanda Jane
1527 Hess, Lula
1528 Hester, Lula
1529 Hice, Thomas
1530 Hickey, Herman
1531 Hickey, Pheobe
1532 Hicks, Tom
1533 Higdon, Julie
1534 Higgins, Bernie
1535 Higgins, Eliza M.
1536 Higgins, Emma
1537 Higgins, Lee
1538 Higgins, Milda
1539 Higgins, Mylus L.
1540 Higgins, Noah
1540-1 Higgins, S. V.
1541 Higgins, Zollie R.
1542 Highfill, Georgia
1543 Highsmith, Sarah
1544 Hildebrand, Ida
1545 Hildebrand, Tennie
1546 Hilderbrand, Tina Orr
1547 Hill, Alma
1548 Hill, Maggie
1549 Hill, Sarah A.
1550 Hill, Vedra P.
1551 Hindman, Mrs. S. J.
1552 Hinkle, Lee A.
1553 Hite, Henry
1554 Hite, Lee
1555 Hite, Nancy Ann
1556 Hix, Sarah
1557 Hoagland, C. P.
1558 Hodge, Ollie Jane
1559 Hogan, Edith Lee
1560 Hogan, Ettie
1561 Holbrook, Ida
1562 Holbrooks, Lillie
1563 Holden, Lula E.
1564 Holden, Nathaniel
1565 Holder, James H.
1566 Holland, Jesse
1567 Holland, Nettie B.
1568 Holland, Ronald
1569 Holland, Ross
1570 Hollenshead, Amanda R.
1571 Holllinsworth, Iley Ann
1572 Holmes, Irene
1573 Holt, Edgar
1574 Homes, Emma
1575 Hooper, Earl
1576 Hooper, Emma H.
1577 Hooper, Eva
1578 Hooper, W. I.
1579 Hooper, Will
1580 Hoover, Elizabeth
1581 Hopkins, Lillie
1582 Hopkins, Maggie M.
1583 Hopkins, W. J.
1584 Houlk, Laura
1585 Howard, John J.
1586 Howard, John W.
1587 Howard, Mary
1588 Howell, Charles H.
1589 Howell, Ellen E.
1590 Howell, Emily Catherine
1591 Howell, Emmett G.
1592 Howell, Eston E.
1593 Howell, Evan C.
1594 Howell, James C.
1595 Howell, Joseph B.
1596 Howell, Julia B.
1597 Howell, Lee S.
1598 Howell, Mary D.
1599 Howell, Nora
1600 Howell, Ralph W.
1601 Howell, Frank Randolph
1602 Howell, Robert E. L
1603 Howell, Samuel L.
1604 Howell, Samuel W.
1605 Howell, Stephen E.
1606 Howell, Thomas C.
1607 Howell, Wilhemina S.
1608 Howell, William D.
1609 Howell, Zenie L.
1610 Hubbard, Charles B.
1611 Hubbard, Charles O.
1612 Hubbard, Clyde
1613 Hubbard, Ellen
1614 Hubbard, Frank P.
1615 Hubbard, George F.
1616 Hubbard, H. Harry
1617 Hubbard, Homer F.
1618 Hubbard, James H.
1619 Hubbard, James M.
1620 Hubbard, James M., Jr.
1621 Hubbard, John E.
1622 Hubbard, Lester
1623 Hubbard, Ransom B.
1624 Hubbard, Robert
1625 Hubbard, Robert E.
1626 Hubbard, Robert S.
1627 Hubbard, Spencer
1628 Hubbard, Steve M.
1629 Hubbard, Thomas M.
1630 Hudson, Thomas C.
1631 Huett, Floyd
1632 Huffaker, Rilla
1633 Huffman, Charles E.
1634 Huffman, Ethonal L.
1635 Huffman, James L.
1636 Huffman, James L.
1637 Huggins, John H.
1638 Huggins, Martha A.
1639 Hughes, Amanda
1640 Hughes, Arthur H.
1641 Hughes, Bilzie
1642 Hughes, Bryant A.
1643 Hughes, Clarence
1644 Hughes, Cecil C.
1645 Hughes, Florence
1646 [missing, not in file]
1647 Hughes, Gladys
1648 Hughes, Horace
1649 Hughes, Lucile
1650 Hughes, Lula
1651 Hughes, Minnie
1652 Hughes, Sidney
1653 Hughes, Zula A.
1654 Hullett, Mary E.
1655 Hulsey, Alvin
1656 Hulsey, Andrew
1657 Hulsey, Charles M.
1658 Hulsey, Henry
1659 Hulsey, John
1660 Hummer, Edith
1661 Hunley, Berdie
1662 Hunt, Maggie
1663 Hunt, Mary E.
1664 Hunt, Susan C.
1665 Hunt, Walter
1666 Hunter, Celia
1667 Hunter, Eliza
1668 Hunter, Harley
1669 Hunter, Hobert M.
1670 Hunter, J. V.
1671 Hunter, Monroe
1672 Hunter, Nora A.
1673 Hunter, Oliver
1674 Hunter, Press
1675 Hunter, Sherman
1675-1 Hunter, Smanthie E.
1676 Huppertz, Mary W.
1677 Hutchings, Lillian
1678 Hutchinson, G. C.
1679 Hutchinson, Hally B.
1680 Hutchinson, J. A.
1681 Hutchinson, Mary
1682 Hyatt, Delia
1683 Hyatt, D. M.
1684 Hyatt, George R.
1685 Hyatt, Ira L.
1686 Hyatt, James R.
1687 Hyatt, Nora
1688 Hyatt, Ples B.
1689 Hyatt, Ransom L.
1690 Hyatt, Robert
1691 Hyatt, Robert L.
1692 Hyatt, William J.
1693 Hyde, Annie G.
1694 Hyde, Benjamin N.
1695 Hyde, Bertha
1696 Hyde, Candis
1697 Hyde, David
1698 Hyde, Desmer
1699 Hyde, Earl O.
1700 Hyde, Ethel
1701 Hyde, J. Albert
1702 Hyde, J. Fowler
1703 Hyde, Jesse
1704 Hyde, John A.
1705 Hyde, John H.
1706 Hyde, John H.
1707 Hyde, John H.
1708 Hyde, Josie
1709 Hyde, Julius M.
1710 Hyde, Lawrence
1711 Hyde, Lela
1712 Hyde, Luther
1713 Hyde, Martha J.
1714 Hyde, Pearl
1715 Hyde, T. Ralph
1716 Hyde, Thomas F.
1717 Hyde, Thomas M.
1718 Hyde, Virgil
1719 Hyde, William
1720 Hyde, William Benjamin
1721 Hyde, William H.
1722 Ihrig, Ernest
1722-1 Ihrig, Mahaley L.
1723 Ihrig, Thomas L.
1724 Ingle, Essie L. L.
1725 Inman, Mary
1726 Irwin, Letty Tate
1727 Isbell, Eartha Lee
1728 Isbill, Isaac A.
1729 Isom, Charlie
1730 Isom, Francis
1731 Itson, Otis G.
1732 Ivey, Jim L.
1733 Jackson, Dovie
1734 Jackson, Margaret H.
1735 Jackson, Mattie O. L.
1736 Jackson, S. Annie
1737 Jacobs, Cintha E
1737-1 James, Allen
1738 James, Asa
1739 James, Ethel
1740 Jeffries, Myrtle
1741 Jenkins, Alex
1742 Jenkins, Archie J.
1743 Jenkins, Charles S.
1744 Jenkins, Clara M.
1745 Jenkins, Ike T.
1746 Jenkins, Lee W.
1747 Jenkins, Lona
1748 Jenkins, M. G.
1749 Jenkins, Margaret E.
1750 Jenkins, Mariah
1751 Jenkins, Mellie
1752 Jenkins, Nancy P.
1753 Jenkins, Nora B.
1754 Jenkins, Oma V.
1755 Jenklins, Thomas J.
1756 Jenkins, William R.
1757 Jenkins, Wiseman
1758 Jennings, Lula
1759 Johns, Flora
1760 Johnson, Addie
1761 Johnson, Allen B.
1762 Johnson, Arizona
1763 Johnson, Mrs. Bessie
1764 Johnson, Dora
1765 Johnson, Ether
1766 Johnson, Etta
1767 Johnson, Floyd
1768 Johnson, Frances
1769 Johnson, Gart
1769-1 Johnson, George W.
1770 Johnson, Hattie
1771 Johnson, Hattie Palmer
1772 Johnson, Jane
1773 Johnson, Jessie
1774 Johnson, Joseph N.
1775 Johnson, Maebell
1776 Johnson, Marion
1777 Johnson, Mary
1778 Johnson, Millie
1779 Johnson, Myrtle
1780 Johnson, Ollie H.
1781 Johnson, Rebecca
1782 Johnson, Verna
1783 Johnson, Willie
1784 Johnston, Aubrey W.
1785 Jones, Alice
1786 Jones, Allie
1787 Jones, Amanda Jane
1788 Jones, Annie Hughes
1789 Jones, Dan L.
1790 Jones, Earnest
1791 Jones, Effie
1792 Jones, Elizabeth
1793 Jones, Etta
1794 Jones, Florence D.
1795 Jones, James
1796 Jones, James
1797 Jones, John
1798 Jones, Laura
1799 Jones, Lilly
1800 Jones, Lucy
1801 Jones, Mae
1802 Jones, Margaret E.
1803 Jones, Margaret S.
1804 Jones, Mary
1805 Jones, Mary
1806 Jones, May R. A.
1807 Jones, Myra E.
1808 Jones, Myrtle
1809 Jones, Richard
1810 Jones, Robert H.
1811 Jones, Rufus R.
1812 Jones, Sterling L.
1813 Jones, Susie
1814 Jones, Thomas A.
1815 Jones, Fent J.
1816 Jones, Virgil
1817 Jones, Waitsel
1818 Jones, John A.
1819 Jordan, Clyde
1820 Jordan, Jake A.
1821 Jordan, John J.
1822 Jordan, John M.
1823 Jordan, Mark
1824 Justis, Leslie
1825 Kating, Hettie
1826 Kating, Lucy
1827 Keebler, Eula
1828 Keenum, Dellie
1829 Keeney, Nora E.
1830 Kell, Alexander F.
1831 Kell, Arthur Boyd
1832 Kell, Bryson
1833 Kell, Florida
1834 Kell, Oran D.
1835 Kell, Richard B.
1836 Kell, Susan
1837 Kell, William A.
1838 Kelley, Cindy
1839 Kelley, Eliza
1840 Kemp, Ellene S.
1841 Kendall, Johnnie B.
1842 Kennedy, Georgia E.
1843 Kephart, Artie
1844 Kephart, Darcus L.
1845 Kephart, Dovie
1846 Kephart, Harve
1847 Kephart, Jack
1848 Kephart, Jake
1849 Kephart, Julia
1850 Kephart, Lillie
1851 Kephart, Logan
1852 Kerr, America
1853 Key, Allen Leanders
1854 Key, A. L.
1855 Key, Catherine
1856 Kidd, David
1857 Kidd, Luther
1858 Kidd, Walter
1859 Kidd, William H.
1860 Kibler, Carlia
1861 Kilby, Hattie
1862 Kilby, Mollie
1863 Kilby, Rosa Ann
1864 Kilby, William
1865 Kilgore, Samuel H.
1866 Killian, Franklin
1867 Kilpatrick, Lydia
1868 Kilpatrick, Mabel L.
1869 Kilpatrick, Maude
1870 Kimsey, Roxie
1871 King, Cora B.
1872 King, Gertrude B.
1873 King, John Lafayette
1874 King, Margaret M.
1875 King, Sarah
1876 Kinson, Martha
1877 Kirby, Margaret
1878 Kirk, Zelma P.
1879 Kirkland, Doshie
1880 Kirkland, Robert
1881 Kirksey, Eugene
1882 Kirksey, Florence
1883 Kirksey, George B.
1884 Kirksey, Isabella
1885 Kirksey, Marv
1886 Kirksey, Mattie
1887 Kirksey, William W.
1888 Kirby, Margaret
1889 Kirby, William Jess
1890 Kiser, Annie
1891 Knight, Amanda
1892 Knight, Eliza
1893 Knight, Minnie J.
1894 Kyker, Bessie
1895 Lail, Doshia H.
1896 Lail, Golman E.
1897 Lail, Henry C.
1898 Lail, James
1899 Lambert, Albert
1899-1 Lambert, Andrew
1900 Lambert, Columbus F.
1901 Lambert, Darco
1902 Lambert, Fin
1903 Lambert, Hugh
1904 Lambert, John H.
1905 Lambert, Minnie M.
1906 Lambert, Roscoe
1907 Lambert, Samuel Carson
1908 Lambert, Tilden
1909 Lambert, William
1910 Lampman, Margaret B.
1911 Lancaster, Alice
1912 Lancaster, Lucile
1913 Lance, Bertha W.
1914 Lance, Emma
1915 Lance, Earnest
1916 Lance, Gretta
1917 Lance, John
1918 Lance, Laura
1919 Lance, Laura
1920 Lance, Lee
1921 Lance, Luther
1922 Lance, Polly Williams
1923 Lance, Roe
1924 Lance, Rosa L.
1925 Landrum, Emma
1926 Landrum, Nancy May
1927 Landrum, Rena
1928 Lane, Josie
1929 Lane, Mary E.
1930 Lane, Mary L.
1931 Lane, Mock
1932 Lane, Rose
1933 Lane, Will
1934 Langley, Alfred A.
1935 Langley, Augustus
1936 Langley, Chess
1937 Langley, Charles H.
1938 Langley, Colombus
1939 Langley, Elmer Leslie
1940 Langley, Frank
1941 Langley, George R.
1942 Langley, Minnie
1943 Langley, Minnie
1944 Langley, Robert
1945 Langley, Walter
1946 Langley, Wheeler W.
1947 Langley, William B.
1948 Langley, William T.
1949 Langston, Rosa Lee
1950 Lanier, Benjamin H.
1951 Lanier, Isaac C.
1952 Lanier, Violet
1953 Lanier, Walter H.
1954 Lanier, Wiley E.
1955 Larue, Martha
1956 Larue, Samuel J.
1957 Larue, Theodore J.
1958 Lasater, Gladys
1959 Lawrence, Colding
1960 Lawrence, Pearl
1961 Lawson, Albert
1962 Lawson, Edwin
1963 Lawson, Floyd
1964 Lawson, Mamie
1965 Layton, Olive A.
1966 Lazenby, Bess Carpenter
1967 Lea, Mary E.
1968 Leach, Addie
1969 Leach, Edward
1970 Leatherwood, Addie
1971 Leatherwood, Luther
1972 Leadford, Sarah
1973 Ledgerwood, Polly H.
1974 Leatherwood, Luther
1975 Ledford, Abbie B.
1976 Ledford, Alice
1977 Ledford, Andrew J.
1978 Ledford, Andrew N.
1979 Ledford, Bud
1980 Ledford, Edgar
1981 Ledford, Elbert
1982 Ledford, Frank
1983 Ledford, George
1984 Ledford, Glover P.
1985 Ledford, Harry L.
1986 Ledford, Inez
1987 Ledford, J. V.
1988 Ledford, John
1989 Ledford, Kittie
1990 Ledford, Larry
1991 Ledford, Levi W.
1992 Ledford, Liddie
1993 Ledford, Lillie
1994 Ledford, Logan
1995 Ledford, Luva
1996 Ledford, Mae
1997 Ledford, Mary Etta
1998 Ledford, Nellie
1999 Ledford, Nona T.
2000 Ledford, Rebecca
2001 Ledford, Richard
2002 Ledford, T. B.
2003 Ledford, Taylor
2004 Ledford, J. Theodore
2005 Ledford, Theodore
2006 Ledford, Thomas A.
2007 Ledford, Virgil
2008 Ledford, Virgil
2009 Ledford, Walker E.
2010 Ledford, Walter
2011 Ledford, Webster P.
2012 Ledford, Webster
2013 Ledford, Wesley
2014 Ledford, Wesley R.
2015 Ledford, William
2016 Ledford, Willie
2017 Ledgerwood, Mack L.
2018 Lee, Cecil Ray
2019 Lee, Jewel S.
2020 Lee, Linda
2021 Lee, Minnie
2022 Lee, Nellie
2023 Lee, Norma Delia
2024 Lee, Ola
2025 Lee, Ola Gibby
2026 Lee, Ramona F.
2027 Lefevers, Florence
2028 Legg, Mamie
2029 Lemings, Nannie
2030 Lemley, Belle
2031 Lemley, Ella
2032 Lemon, William J.
2033 Lennier, Verna
2034 Lewis, Christine
2035 Lewis, Easter E.
2036 Lewis, Henry W.
2037 Lewis, Iven R.
2038 Lewis, James E.
2039 Lewis, James W.
2040 Lewis, John
2041 Lewis, Mable E.
2042 Lewis, Molcie L.
2043 Lewis, Thomas A.
2044 Lillard, Dora
2045 Lilliankamp, Sarah
2046 Lindsey, John R.
2047 Lingafalt, Margaret J.
2048 Linam, May
2049 Lilliencamp, Sarah A.
2050 Linthicum, Flonnie
2051 Little, Harmon
2052 Little, John F.
2053 Little, John M.
2054 Little, Lucile
2055 Little, Paula
2055-1 Little, Sam G.
2056 Littlejohn, Emma
2057 Livley, Mandy Stuart
2058 Locker, Josh
2059 Locker, Robert
2060 Locker, William
2061 Lockridge, Maud
2062 Lofty, Beckey
2063 Long, Ada
2064 Long, Andy
2065 Long, Elizabeth
2066 Long, Josie T.
2066-1 Long, Mandy S. L.
2067 Loudermilk, Addie Lee
2068 Loudermilk, Daphney R.
2069 Loudermilk, Ella
2070 Loudermilk, Elmer
2071 Loudermilk, Hattie
2072 Loudermilk, Josephine
2073 Loudermilk, Josephine G.
2074 Loudermilk, Josephine G.
2075 Loudermilk, Laura
2076 Loudermilk, Lucy
2077 Loudermilk, Thomas L.
2078 Loughridge, Carlie
2079 Love, Janie
2080 Loveless, Floyd
2081 Lovett, Anna Mae
2082 Lovell, Lillian
2083 Lovin, Louisa
2084 Louvin, Pearlie
2085 Lovingood, Arthur
2086 Lovingood, Elisha
2087 Lovingood, Isaac
2088 Lovingood, Mary Jane
2089 Lovingood, Noah
2090 Love, Eliza
2091 Lowe, Elizabeth
2092 Lowe, J. H.
2093 Lowe, Joe
2094 Lowe, Leonard
2095 Lowe, S. G.
2096 Lowe, Sam
2097 Lowe, W. E.
2098 Lowrey, Arminda
2099 Lowrey, Hoke
2099-1 Lowrey, Mattie Ann Day
2100 Lowrey, Minnie Ree
2101 Luckett, Thaddie
2102 Luker, Etta
2103 Lunsford, Will
2104 Lyon, Laura B.
2105 Lyles, Florence
2106 Lynn, Joe B.
2107 Lynn, Margaret M.
2108 Lynn, Mike
2109 Lynn, Wince
2109-1 Lynn, Winson
2110 Lytal, Ethol
2111 McAdams, Laura A.
2112 McBee, Myrtle
2113 McCay, Dora
2114 McChesney, Jewell M.
2115 McClary, Herbert
2116 McClory, Nellie J.
2117 McClue, Martha J.
2118 McClure, Annie
2119 McClure, Fannie
2120 McCoslin, Freda
2121 McCright, Cleo
2122 McDaniel, Andy
2123 McDaniel, Belva
2124 McDaniel, Ethel
2125 McDaniel, Ollie
2126 McDaris, Julia A.
2127 McDonald, Addie
2128 McDonald, Alford
2129 McDonald, Allen
2130 McDonald, Alonzo
2131 McDonald, Ben
2132 McDonald, Charles
2133 McDonald, Charlie R.
2134 McDonald, Cornelius
2135 McDonald, Este B.
2136 McDonald, Eugene J.
2137 McDonald, Fannie
2138 McDonald, Grace
2139 McDonald, Grace
2140 McDonald, H. H.
2141 McDonald, Edwin
2142 McDonald, James R.
2143 McDonald, James
2144 McDonald, Jebtha J.
2145 McDonald, Jessan A.
2146 McDonald, John
2147 McDonald, John
2148 McDonald, John G.
2149 McDonald, Josephine C.
2150 McDonald, Josie R.
2151 McDonald, Julious C.
2152 McDonald, Kate
2153 McDonald, Katherine M.
2154 McDonald, Louisa
2155 McDonald, Mamie S.
2156 McDonald, Nathan A.
2157 McDonald, Noah
2158 McDonald, Noah
2159 McDonald, Paul
2160 McDonald, Pauline A.
2161 McDonald, Robin
2162 McDonald, Thomas C.
2163 McDonald, Tommie V.
2164 McDonald, Tully
2165 McDonald, Walter B.
2166 McDonald, Walter
2167 McDonald, William E.
2168 McDonald, Willie
2169 McDonald, Willie
2170 McDougal, Samantha H.
2171 McDowell, Sadie L.
2172 McGee, Eva
2173 McGee, Evie
2174 McGee, John F.
2175 McGee, Josie
2176 McGinnis, Pearl
2176-1 Matheson, Oden
2177 McGregor, Jennie
2178 McGuire, Bertha J.
2179 McGuire, Bertha J.
2180 McGuire, Garland
2181 McGuire, Hester
2182 McGuire, Margaret
2183 McGuire, W. H.
2184 McGuire, William
2185 McKeldrey, William G.
2186 McKelvey, Aubrey A.
2187 McKiney, Paulina
2188 McKinney, Emory
2189 McKinney, Maude D.
2190 McKinney, M. H.
2191 McMahan, Florence
2192 McMurtry, Beulah
2193 McRay, Maryeme
2194 McRea, Nancy
2195 McTaggert, Allie
2196 McWhater, Minnie
2197 Madden, Thelma S.
2198 Maddox, Emma
2199 Maddox, John Henry
2200 Maddox, Josib
2201 Moddox, Money
2202 Madox, Solo
2203 Maddox, William
2204 Magness, Josie
2205 Mahan, Katie
2206 Maney, Charles
2207 Maney, James
2208 Maney, Leander
2209 Maney, Marlor
2210 Maney, Milas
2211 Maney, Milton
2212 Morgan, Daisy
2213 Markam, C. E.
2214 Markam, M. J.
2215 Markam, Oma
2216 Markley, Sallie
2217 Marler, Mattie A.
2218 Martin, Adeline
2219 Martin, Lula V.
2220 Martin, Alexander
2221 Martin, Allie
2222 Martin, Andy
2223 Martin, Arizona A.
2224 Martin, Bertha
2225 Martin, Callie
2226 Martin, Christopher
2227 Mrtin, Claude H.
2228 Martin, Cora May
2229 Martin, Earl
2230 Martin, Easter J. W.
2231 Martin, Edith M.
2232 Martin, Elzie
2233 Martin, Emma
2234 Martin, Gailey O.
2235 Martin, Harry L.
2236 Martin, Hubert M.
2237 Martin, Irene
2238 Martin, James G.
2239 Martin, Jesse A.
2240 Martin, Jessie V.
2241 Martin, John
2242 Martin, John W.
2243 Martin, Lorena
2244 Martin, Minnie
2245 Martin, Mollie
2246 Martin, Myrtle Rose
2247 Martin, Paul H.
2248 Martin, Richmond A.
2249 Martin, Richmond V.
2250 Martin, Thomas
2251 Martin, Van B.
2252 Martin, William
2253 Martin, Winnie
2254 Mashburn, Alma
2255 Mashburn, Frank
2256 Mashburn, Harriet A.
2257 Mashburn, Jesse A.
2258 Mashburn, Jesse
2259 Mashburn, Laura
2260 Mashburn, Myrtle
2261 Mashburn, Nora
2262 Mashburn, Sarah N.
2263 Mashburn, Stella I.
2264 Mashburn, Walter
2265 Masingille, Linda
2266 Masingille, Odell
2267 Masingille, S. M.
2268 Massingille, Siss
2269 Massingille, Taylor
2270 Massingille, Virgie
2271 Massingille, W. T.
2272 Mason, Ida
2273 Mason, Sallie
2274 Maston, Allie
2275 Maston, Delia
2275-1 Mote, Belle Arrendale
2276 Matheson, Oden
2277 Matherly, Bessie
2278 Mathis, Douglas L.
2279 Mathins, Downey
2280 Mathis, Hushel B.
2281 Mathis, James T.
2282 Mathis, John H.
2283 Mathis, John H. C.
2284 Mathis, Joseph A.
2285 Mathis, Mary L.
2286 Mathis, Narcisse W.
2287 Mathis, Rufus M.
2288 Mathis, William V.
2289 Maton, Jackson L.
2290 Maton, Onnie
2291 Mathews, Flossie Belle
2292 Mathews, Lucy J.
2293 Mathews, Sherman
2294 May, Minnie
2295 May, William
2296 Maynard, T.
2297 Maynor, Garrett U.
2298 Maynor, Joel
2299 Maynor, Mary J.
2300 Mays, George
2301 Maze, Lilly
2302 Meaden, Ella Raper
2303 Meadows, David T.
2304 Meadows, John
2305 Meadows, Mary Jane
2306 Medlin, Clara
2307 Meeks, Sarah Clea
2308 Melger, Clara
2309 Melton, Mary J.
2310 Meroney, Richard B.
2311 Merony, William H.
2312 Merrell, Myrtle
2313 Metcalf, Charlie O’Lerra
2314 Metcalf, Elsie V.
2315 Metcalf, Ernest A.
2316 Metcalf, Fletch D.
2317 Metcalf, Gertrude
2318 Metcalf, Henry Shawn
2319 Metcalf, Hiram
2320 Metcalf, James F.
2321 Metcalf, Jesse L.
2322 Metcalf, Joseph C.
2323 Metcalf, Levi
2324 Metcalf, Milton J.
2325 Metcalf, Polly
2326 Metcalf, Robert Leroy
2327 Metcalf, Sarah E.
2328 Metcalf, Thomas F.
2329 Metcalf, Willard E.
2330 Mickle, Harmon
2331 Mickle, John
2332 Mickle, Martha
2333 Miller, Annie
2334 Miller, Flonnie R.
2335 Miller, M. E.
2336 Miller, M. E.
2337 Mills, Della Mae
2338 Mills, Hattie
2339 Mills, Jessie, Jr.
2340 Millsap, Cloia
2341 Millsaps, Martin L.
2342 Millsaps, Mary
2343 Millsaps, Mattie
2344 Millwood, Myrtle P.
2345 Minnick, Fannie
2346 Mitchell, Alfred J.
2347 Mitchell, Charles W.
2348 Mixon, Nina J.
2349 Mizell, Maude P.
2350 Montgomery, Bessie
2351 Montgomery, William J.
2352 Montooth, Essie
2353 Moody, Donald Wilson
2354 Moody, George
2355 Moody, John Welzey
2356 Moody, Sarah L.
2357 Moody, William Shafter
2358 Moon, Aaron
2359 Moon, Abner
2360 Moon, Benjamin
2361 Moon, Pratsy May
2362 Moon, Tomas
2363 Moor, John F.
2364 Moore, Alice M.
2365 Moore, Annie
2366 Moore, Annie
2367 Moore, Bessie
2368 Moore, Celia
2369 Moore, Cleapsey
2370 Moore, Cora G.
2371 Moore, Gertrude
2372 Moore, Jas H.
2373 Moore, Levita C.
2374 Moore, Mary E.
2375 Moore, Monnie Wilson
2376 Moore, Stella H.
2377 Moore, Walter
2378 Moore, Will
2379 Morans, Ellis T.
2380 Morgan, Amanda J.
2381 Morgan, Gladyce
2382 Morgan, Katie
2383 Morris, Charley
2384 Morris, J. C.
2385 Morris, Linnie
2386 Morris, Annie
2387 Morrison, Cyntha Ellen
2388 Morrison, Fred
2389 Morrison, Juanita D.
2390 Morrison, Ollie
2391 Morrison, Robert
2391-1 Morrow, Dona Baker
2392 Morrow, Cynthia M.
2392-1 Morton, Andy H.
2393 Morton, Francis M.
2394 Moss, Ida Bell
2395 Moss, Maggie
2396 Moss, Margarett
2397 Moss, W. J.
2398 Moss, Zona
2399 Mote, Belle A.
2400 Mulkey, Ionia
2401 Mull, Alitair
2402 Mull, Andy
2403 Mull, Ettie L.
2404 Mull, James A.
2405 Mull, Julia
2406 Mull, Mary J.
2407 Mullins, Mabel
2408 Mullins, Maggie
2409 Mullins, Reubin
2410 Murphy, Claim
2410-1 Murphy, Clifford
2411 Murphy, Cling
2412 Murphy, Col
2413 Murphy, Edgar
2414 Murphy, Estelle W.
2415 Murphy, Fletcher
2416 Murphy, Florah
2417 Murphy, Fred
2418 Murphy, Gay
2419 Murphy, Greley
2420 Murphy, James P.
2421 Murphy, John
2422 Murphy, John
2423 Murphy, John H.
2424 Murphy, Joseph
2425 Murphy, Joseph A.
2426 Murphy, Joseph M.
2427 Murphy, Julia
2428 Murphy, Kelly (Calvin)
2429 Murphy, Leander
2430 Murphy, Loyd
2431 Murphy, Luther
2432 Murphy, Luther
2433 Murphy, Margaret K.
2434 Murphy, Mary
2435 Murphy, Robert
2436 Murphy, Robert
2437 Murphy, Susie Ann
2438 Murphy, Virginia
2439 Murphy, Walter
2440 Murphy, William
2441 Myers, Bertha C.
2442 Myers, Minnie L.
2443 Myers, Noah W.
2444 Myers, Samuel J.
2445 Nations, Doctor W.
2446 Nations, William J.
2447 Neas, Delsie
2448 Nelson, Edna
2449 Nelson, Josephine
2450 Nelson, Minnie
2451 Nelson, Minnie
2452 Nelson, Zenia C.
2453 Nester, Ollie J.
2454 Newbill, John R.
2455 Newcomb, Marshall
2456 Newcomb, Susan Ann C.
2457 Newman, Orah Lee
2458 Nichens, C. E.
2459 Nichelson, Emery
2460 Nichelson, Homer
2461 Nichelson, James
2462 Nichelson, Luther
2463 Nichols, Bonnie
2464 Nichols, Carrie
2465 Nichols, Estie
2466 Nichols, Hattie
2467 Nichols, Leslie
2468 Nichols, Media
2469 Nichols, Octavia
2470 Nichols, Prudence
2471 Nicholson, James H.
2472 Nicholson, Lee McFaren
2473 [missing, not in file]
2474 Nicholson, Nola
2475 Nicholson, Sarah
2476 Nicholson, Thomas
2477 Nicholson, William W.
2478 Nicholson, Willis E.
2479 Nix, Ham
2480 Nix, J. J.
2481 Nix, John R.
2482 Nix, Millie
2483 Nix, Minnie
2484 Nix, Neler
2485 Nix, Willard
2486 Nix, William J.
2487 Noland, Lillie
2488 Noland, Minnie
2489 Nolan, Darius
2490 Normon, Mirtle
2491 Norris, Elizabeth
2492 Norris, George M.
2493 Norton, Cora Voiles
2494 Norton, Delcie M.
2495 Norton, Mira
2496 Norton, Thomas
2497 Nowlin, William H.
2498 Nutter, Dora
2499 Oaks, Allie E.
2500 O’Baugh, Eleanor
2501 Odom, Addie D.
2502 Odom, Blanch B.
2503 Odom, C. J.
2504 Odom, Charles J.
2505 Odom, Cicero
2506 Odom, Claud
2507 Odom, Clifton
2508 Odom, Clinton
2509 Odom, George
2510 Odom, J. G.
2511 Odom, James W.
2512 Odom, James B.
2513 Odom, John G.
2514 Odom, Lela
2515 Odom, Marchal
2516 Odom, Mamie
2517 Odom, Martha
2518 Odom, Tom
2519 Odom, Wesley
2520 Odom, W. P.
2521 Odom, Wilford
2522 Odom, Jim Henson
2523 Odum, Tennyson
2524 Oliver, Mary L.
2525 Ord, Emily Howell
2526 Orr, Annie
2527 Osburn, Rosy
2528 O’Shields, Mamie P.
2529 Owen, Pearl
2530 Owen, Rachel J.
2531 Owens, Cordelia
2532 Owens, George W.
2533 Owenby, Frank
2534 Owenby, Kate
2535 Pace, Alexander M.
2536 Pace, Charles A.
2537 Pace, Dora
2538 Pace, A. E.
2539 Pace, James B.
2540 Pace, Lester A.
2541 Pace, Lonnie
2542 Pace, Roy R.
2543 Pack, Mary
2544 Pack, Media
2545 Padgett, Isabelle
2546 Padgett, Minnie
2547 Padgett, Myrtle
2548 Palmer, Carrie E.
2549 Palmer, Flora
2550 Palmer, May
2551 Palmer, Pearl
2552 Palmer, William
2553 Parker, Haywood
2554 Park, Magnolia C.
2555 Parker, Aaron
2556 Parker, Alice
2557 Parker, Alice G.
2558 Parker, Allen
2559 Parker, C. S.
2560 Parker, Caroline L.
2561 Parker, Charles
2562 Parker, Clifford
2563 Parker, Colquit
2564 Parker, Cora Belle
2565 Parker, David
2566 Parker, Edith B.
2567 Parker, Edward A.
2568 Parker, Ellie
2569 Parker, Elmer
2570 Parker, Esaw
2571 Parker, Essie
2572 Parker, Eva E.
2573 Parker, Frank
2574 Parker, Fred
2575 Parker, Girlen
2576 Parker, Glen
2577 Parker, Gussie May
2578 Parker, Haden W.
2579 Parker, Harry
2580 Parker, Henry V.
2581 Parker, Horace
2582 Parker, Jeff D.
2583 Parker, Jessie
2584 Parker, John
2585 Parker, John
2586 Parker, Jonathan
2587 Parker, Joseph
2588 Parker, Joseph V.
2589 Parker, Josie
2590 Parker, Julian
2591 Parker, Julius V.
2592 Parker, Lawrence
2593 Parker, Lizzie
2594 Parker, Ludie
2595 Parker, Luther
2596 Parker, M. C.
2597 Parker, Mary M.
2598 Parker, May
2599 Parker, Mollie
2600 Parker, Murray N.
2601 Parker, Pearl V
2602 Parker, Roxie Anne
2603 Parker, Roy
2604 Parker, Rufus
2605 Parker, Sam
2606 Parker, Samuel
2607 Parker, Samuel H
2608 Parker, Sarah Ann
2609 Parker, Taylor
2610 Parker, Virginia D.
2611 Parker, Wesley
2612 Parker, Wilbur
2613 Parker, William
2614 Parker, Winnie
2615 Parker, William E.
2616 Parker, William R.
2617 Parkin, Huldy
2618 Parks, Carintha
2619 Parks, Mattie
2620 Parks, Velma
2621 Parris, Addie Dunlap
2622 Parris, Carl R.
2623 Parris, Noah O.
2624 Parris, Tildon
2625 Parris, William N.
2626 Parton, Crickett
2627 Partin, Alvie
2627-1 Pasamore, Nancy
2628 Patterson, Allice
2629 Patterson, Alonzo
2630 Patterson, Carrie B.
2631 Patterson, Clemency
2632 Patterson, Earnest
2633 Patterson, Ella Cole
2634 Patterson, Ella
2635 Patterson, Eustace
2636 Patterson, Fannie B.
2637 Patterson, Hobert
2638 Patterson, Garvin
2639 Patterson, Humphrey
2640 Patterson, Ida May
2641 Patterson, Iowa
2642 Patterson, Irene L.
2643 Patterson, Kenyon
2644 Patterson, Leecy
2645 Patterson, Lena
2646 Patterson, Luler
2647 Patterson, Mary A.
2648 Patterson, Sam
2649 Patterson, Sarrah
2650 Patterson, William J.
2651 Patton, Ader
2652 Patton, Andrew
2653 Payne, Ada
2654 Payne, Addie
2655 Payne, Annie Lee
2656 Payne, David L.
2657 Payne, Effie
2658 Payne, Elisha
2659 Payne, Elizabeth
2660 Payne, Estie
2661 Payne, Henry
2662 Payne, Henry
2663 Payne, James J.
2664 Payne, Jim
2665 Payne, L. E.
2666 Payne, L. N.
2667 Payne, Mary C.
2668 Payne, Oliver Clem
2669 Payne, Poley E.
2670 Payne, Rollen Tryon
2671 Payne, Sarah E.
2672 Payne, Thomas
2673 Peek, Rose
2674 Pedigo, Mattie
2675 Peel, Magaline
2676 Peel, Nola May
2677 Peel, Robert
2678 Pendergrass, Hardy L.
2679 Pendergrass, Jane D.
2680 Pendergrass, John W.
2681 Pendergrass, Nathen D.
2682 Pendergrass, Nancy E.
2683 Peoples, Sarah L.
2684 Perry, Julia D.
2685 Perry, Myrtle Harbin
2686 Phemister, John W.
2687 Phillips, Celia
2688 Phillips, Leona B.
2689 Phillips, Lucinda
2690 Phillips, Maggie
2691 Phillips, Nora
2692 Philpop, Charley
2693 Philyaw, Dewey
2694 Philyaw, Jennie
2695 Philyaw, Una
2696 Pickelsimer, H. V.
2697 Pickelsimer, Harley W.
2698 Pickelsimer, Noras S.
2699 Pike, Lillie A.
2700 Pickens, Ruth A.
2701 Pillow, Ben E.
2702 Pillow, Eddie H.
2703 Pillow, Grant
2704 Pinson, Carrie B.
2705 Pinson, Guy R.
2706 Pittman, Ellie B.
2707 Pittman, Sallie
2708 Pitts, Edgar
2709 Pitts, Lucinda
2710 Pitts, Mary H.
2711 Plemons, Bessie C.
2712 Plemmons, Lora
2713 Poe, Bessie V.
2714 Poe, Jim
2715 Poe, Marion
2716 Pope, Blaine
2717 Pope, Elisha
2718 Pope, Esta
2719 Pope, Harlie
2720 Pope, James Allen
2721 Pope, Maggie
2722 Pope, Martha T.
2723 Pope, Mary H.
2724 Pope, Thomas L.
2725 Pope, William L.
2726 Popham, Minnie
2727 Poole, Jane
2728 Posey, Willie B.
2729 Poteat, Eliza
2730 Potter, Thomas R.
2731 Potts, Rosana
2732 Powell, Icie
2733 Powell, John A.
2734 Powers, Philip C.
2735 Pratchard, Frankie
2736 Prendergraff, Clarence E.
2737 Presley, Frank
2738 Price, Annie R.
2739 Price, Francis Marion
2740 Price, John B.
2741 Price, Luella
2742 Price, Shermon M.
2743 Price, William N.
2744 Prigmore, Eura Francis
2745 Prigmore, John I.
2746 Prigmore, Louise E.
2747 Prince, Tilda
2748 Pritchett, Hannah
2749 Procton, Henry
2750 Proctor, Matilda
2751 Proctor, Nora
2752 Pruett, Matilda
2753 Pruitt, Becky
2754 Pryor, Ada
2755 Pryor, Harmon
2756 Pryor, Lillian
2757 Pryor, Sarah
2758 Pryor, Walter
2759 Pucket, Elizabeth
2760 Puckett, Ella
2761 Puckett, Ella McDonald
2762 Puckett, Roy A.
2763 Puckett, Zula May
2764 Puckett, John
2765 Puckett, Laura
2766 Pulliam, Abbie Lee
2767 Pulliam, Carolina
2768 Pulliam, Decatur
2769 Pulliam, Galusha
2770 Pulliam, Grady
2771 Pullium, William L.
2772 Purcell, Hattie
2773 Quackenbush, Margaret
2774 Quarles, Burley G.
2775 Quarles, Charlie
2776 Quarles, Ellen L.
2777 Quarles, Henry
2778 Quarles, Ida
2779 Quarles, James B.
2780 Quarles, James D.
2781 Quarles, Luther
2782 Queen, Caledonia
2783 Quinn, Aldy E.
2784 Quinn, Edna Alice
2785 Quinn, Rex C.
2786 Quinn, Samuel
2787 Rakestraw, Lena B.
2788 Rampley, Lena
2789 Ramsey, Hattie
2790 Ramsey, Maggie M.
2791 Randolph, Letitia
2792 Raper, Alonzo
2793 Raper, Alvin
2794 Raper, Arthur
2795 Raper, Asa
2796 Raper, Berry B. B.
2797 Raper, Bobbie
2798 Raper, Charley B.
2799 Raper, Clarence
2800 Raper, Clarence A.
2801 Raper, Columbus E.
2802 Raper, Delta C.
2803 Raper, Dennie L.
2804 Raper, Ellen
2805 Raper, Ely Victor
2806 Raper, Fred
2807 Raper, Gano
2808 Raper, Harley
2809 Raper, Harley
2810 Raper, Harvey
2811 Raper, Henry J.
2812 Raper, Homer
2813 Raper, James
2814 Raper, James
2815 Raper, James A.
2816 Raper, James T.
2817 Raper, James W.
2818 Raper, John H.
2819 Raper, Lich
2820 Raper, Lizzie M.
2821 Raper, Lon
2822 Raper, Mamie
2823 Raper, Marshall
2824 Raper, Martin
2825 Raper, Marty
2826 Raper, Nathaniel
2827 Raper, Oliver
2828 Raper, Oscar
2829 Raper, Robert
2830 Raper, Rosa May
2831 Raper, Sarah
2832 Raper, Thomas M.
2833 Raper, Vinnie M.
2834 Raper, Whoola
2835 Raper, Will Nixon
2836 Raper, William A.
2837 Raper, William I.
2838 Raxter, Glestie
2839 Ray, Avis
2840 Ray, Benjamin
2841 Ray, Beulah
2842 Ray, Charley C.
2843 Ray, Flora S.
2844 Ray, George
2845 Ray, George
2846 Ray, Ida
2847 Ray, James
2848 Ray, Lizzie
2849 Ray, Louella
2850 Ray, Sarah
2851 Ray, Thomas Leek
2851-1 Ray, Warren F.
2852 Rayon, Myrtle
2853 Reddick, Ebenizer
2854 Reddick, Elbert
2855 Reddick, Frederick
2856 Reddick, George D.
2857 Reddick, George D.
2858 Reddick, Harry A.
2859 Reddick, Homer H.
2860 Reddick, James A.
2861 Reddick, James R.
2862 Reddick, John W.
2863 Reddick, Kate
2864 Reddick, Mary E.
2865 Reddick, Tomas L.
2866 Reddick, Walter
2867 Reddick, William Henry
2868 Reed, Lizzie Raper
2869 Reed, Naomi
2870 Reed, Susan J.
2870-1 Reed, Theodore Edson, Jr.
2871 Reedy, Latitia
2872 Reeves, Callie V.
2873 Reeves, James W.
2874 Regan, Forrest T.
2875 Reichert, Gladys
2876 Reid, Rein Ruby
2877 Reinhart, Ollie
2878 Reyburn, Mary J.
2879 Reynolds, Eva
2880 Reynolds, Ola May
2881 Rhodes, George
2882 Rhodes, Julia
2883 Rice, Emma
2884 Rice, Jesse Owens
2885 Rich, Julia
2886 Richard, Creola
2887 Richard, Mamie Payne
2888 Richards, Orney C.
2889 Richardson, Clyde
2890 Richardson, Fannie
2891 Richardson, George E.
2892 Richardson, John F.
2893 Richardson, Lizzie
2894 Richardson, Martha
2895 Richardson, Nancy A.
2896 Richardson, Nick B.
2897 Richardson, Rex E.
2898 Richey, Rose
2899 Ricketts, Mary E.
2900 Riddennoure, Thomas
2901 Rider, Amanda
2902 Riddle, Julia
2903 Rider, Maude
2904 Rider, Nettie
2905 Riggs, Joseph M.
2906 Riggs, Mary E.
2907 Roach, Nancy
2907-1 Roane, Alba M.
2908 Robbins, J. H.
2908-1 Roberson, Iowa I.
2909 Roberson, Susan J.
2910 Roberts, Conaway
2911 Roberts, Delina Evalina
2912 Roberts, Elvira
2913 Roberts, Hester
2914 Roberts, Josephine
2915 Roberts, Lottis Smith
2916 Roberts, Mary E.
2917 Roberts, Mattie
2918 Roberts, Mattie E.
2919 Roberts, Minnie L.
2920 Roberts, Winford
2921 Robertson, Ida
2922 Robertson, Bertha
2923 Robertson, Birgie
2924 Robinson, Charles
2925 Robinson, Charles H.
2926 Robinson, Dora
2927 Robinson, Elvira
2928 Robinson, Jaisey L.
2929 Robinson, Thomas L.
2930 Robinson, William
2931 Robinson, Willis
2932 Robison, Carrie Bell G.
2933 Robison, Gidie
2934 Roden, Laura A.
2935 Roe, James A.
2936 Rogers, Arminda
2937 Rogers, Arminda
2938 Rogers, Asa
2939 Rogers, Augustus L.
2940 Rogers, Edna
2941 Rogers, Elizabeth
2942 Rogers, Ernest H.
2943 Rogers, Florence
2944 Rogers, Grace
2945 Rogers, Irvin
2946 Rogers, James
2947 Rogers, Jerrie B.
2948 Rogers, John A.
2949 Rogers, John W.
2950 Rogers, Lillie
2951 Rogers, Milton M.
2952 Rogers, Oscar M.
2953 Rogers, Pearley Ann
2954 Rogers, Raymond C.
2955 Rogers, Robert C.
2956 Rogers, Robert J.
2957 Rogers, William R.
2958 Roller, Edgar L.
2959 Roller, Helen
2960 Roller, Leonard L.
2961 Roller, Rose B.
2962 Rollins, Dovie
2963 Roper, Caroline
2964 Roper, Haskell
2965 Roper, Letha
2966 Roper, Prince
2967 Roper, Ressie
2968 Rose, Adeline
2969 Rose, Alma
2970 Rose, Ida Brackett
2971 Rose, Jennings
2972 Rose, Nancy
2973 Rose, William J.
2974 Ross, Arthur
2975 Ross, Bessie
2976 Ross, Clara
2977 Ross, Melia
2978 Roupe, Omaiona
2979 Rowland, Andie
2980 Rowland, Bertha B.
2981 Rowland, Charles
2982 Rowland, Ed
2983 Rowland, Ham
2984 Rowland, John
2985 Rowland, Joseph L.
2986 Rowland, Margaret
2987 Rowland, Samantha
2988 Rowland, Stephen
2989 Rowland, Susana
2990 Rowland, William
2991 Rowlett, Mollie
2992 Roy, Dovey
2993 Royster, Mary
2994 Royston, Elva
2995 Ruby, Emma L. A.
2996 Ruby, James C.
2997 Ruby, Maurice J.
2998 Reese, Edith
2999 Roe, Rachel
3000 Ruffaker, Rilla
3001 Rumbelow, Ollie
3002 Rumley, Albert
3003 Rumley, Annie
3004 Rumley, Bud
3005 Rumley, Fred
3006 Rumley, Lillie
3007 Runion, Julia
3008 Russell, Mattie P.
3009 Russel, Ollie
3010 Rymer, Mary N.
3011 Sadler, Lillie Alice
3012 Salo, Ella Virginia
3013 Sample, William T.
3014 Sanders, Ellen
3015 Sanders, Eunice A.
3016 Sanders, Fannie
3017 Sanders, Florence
3018 Sanders, Lexie
3019 Sandlin, Nannie C.
3020 Sanford, George H.
3021 Sanford, James H.
3022 Sanford, Sarah M.
3023 Sanford, William D.
3024 Sargent, Ethel E.
3025 Satterfield, Amanda
3026 Satterfield, Brilla Davis
3027 [missing, not in file]
3028 Satterfield, Elzie
3029 Satterfield, Henry
3030 Satterfield, Julia
3031 Saussure, Eleanor C.
3032 Sawyer, Boyd
3033 Sawyer, Calvian
3034 Sawyer, Caswell
3035 Sawyer, Charlie
3036 Sawyer, Charles D.
3037 Sawyer, Clingman
3038 Sawyer, Sinta C.
3039 Sawyer, Golmon F.
3040 Sawyer, Harley
3041 Sawyer, Issac B.
3042 Sawyer, Joel C.
3043 Sawyer, Joel
3044 Sawyer, John M.
3045 Sawyer, Julia
3046 Sawyer, Lee
3047 Sawyer, Margie
3048 Sawyer, Mary L.
3049 Sawyer, Miller
3050 Sawyers, Nora
3051 Sawyer, Phillip P.
3052 Sawyer, Vinson
3053 Sawyer, William
3054 Scott, Birtie
3055 Scott, Callie C.
3056 Scott, Carl
3057 [missing, not in file]
3058 Scott, Floyd
3059 Scott, Fremon
3060 Scott, Grace H.
3061 Scott, Herchel
3062 Scott, Howard
3063 Scott, Jewell
3064 Scott, John H.
3065 Scott, Leonard
3066 Scott, Myrton
3067 Scott, Olin G.
3068 Scott, Rossie Brown
3069 Scott, Roy J.
3070 Scott, Troy E.
3071 Scott, William C.
3072 Scott, William Thomas
3073 Scudder, Gordon H.
3074 Scudder, Margaret J.
3075 Scudder, Nellie V.
3076 Scudder, Newton G.
3077 Scudder, William H. H.
3078 Seitz, Henry G.
3079 Seitz, Jennie Linn, Jr.
3080 Seitz, Jennie Linn, Sr.
3081 Seitz, John C.
3082 Sexton, John
3083 Sexton, Sallie
3084 Shadwick, Andrew
3085 Shadwick, Eddie
3086 Shadwick, Enslow
3087 Shadwick, Erwin
3088 Shadwick, Horace
3089 Shadwick, Julia
3090 Shadwick, Tensie Taylor
3091 Sharp, Almeda
3092 Sharp, Minnie
3093 Shaw, Bass B.
3094 Shaw, S. A.
3095 Shaw, Tennie M.
3096 Shaw, Thomas P.
3097 Shearer, Allen V.
3098 Shearer, Ed
3099 Shearer, James H.
3100 Shearer, John D.
3101 Shearer, Marcella
3102 Shed, Harley R.
3103 Shed, James G.
3104 Shed, Martha J. R.
3105 Sheffield, Dola
3106 Shell, Bessie
3107 Shell, Julia
3108 Shelton, Amanda
3109 Shelton, Fannie B. D.
3110 Shelton, Minnie
3111 Shepardson, Mary J.
3112 Sherwood, Mrs. W. J.
3113 Shiflet, Lydia H.
3114 Shirley, Ruby E.
3115 Shoemaker, James
3116 Shoffner, Martha A.
3117 Sholts, John H.
3118 Sholts, W. S.
3119 Shomo, Lillie Richardson
3120 Shone, Mary
3121 Shook, Arthur S.
3122 Shook, Cordie
3123 Shook, Elizabeth H.
3124 Shook, Ida Lee
3125 Shuler, Florence
3126 Silver, Edgar
3127 Silver, Emma J.
3128 Silver, Grady
3129 Silver, Maudie Lee
3130 Silver, Will
3131 Silvers, Frances M.
3132 Simpson, Beulah P.
3133 Sims, Leoria
3134 Sims, Mary A.
3135 Sims, William S.
3136 Sisson, Sidie
3137 Sivley, James D.
3138 Sivley, Roy H.
3139 Sivley, Sam
3140 Skaggs, Nora
3141 Slinkard, Alfred
3142 Slinkard, Curtis D.
3143 Slinkard, Earnest
3144 Slinkard, Lee A.
3145 Slinkard, Nancy
3146 Slinkard, Nellie
3147 Smallen, Noble L.
3148 Smith, Alec
3149 Smith, Amanda
3150 Smith, Arminda
3151 Smith, Andrew
3152 Smith, Anna
3153 Smith, Arthur
3154 Smith, Calvin
3155 Smith, Carrie E.
3156 Smith, Charles
3157 Smith, Charlie
3158 Smith, Cicero K.
3159 Smith, Ed
3160 Smith, Elizabeth
3161 Smith, Estella Tate
3162 Smith, Ethel Tate
3163 Smith, Fannie V.
3164 Smith, Fonzy
3165 Smith, Lora
3166 Smith, George L.
3167 Smith, Henry
3168 Smith, Humphrey W.
3169 Smith, James Harris
3170 [missing, not in file]
3171 Smith, John
3172 Smith, Julia
3173 Smith, Lillie Dean
3174 Smith, Lizzie
3175 Smith, Lizzie
3176 Smith, Lucy J.
3177 Smith, Mamie
3178 Smith, Mandy
3179 Smith, Mary
3180 Smith, Mary
3181 Smith, Mary
3182 Smith, Mary
3183 Smith, Nellie
3184 Smith, Nettie
3185 Smith, Noble T.
3186 Smith, Oscar L.
3187 Smith, Pat
3188 Smith, Polk
3189 Smith, Rosa Bell
3190 Smith, Rosa Ellen
3191 Smith, S. A.
3192 Smith, Sarah
3193 Sneed, James P.
3194 Sneed, Mary J.
3195 Sneed, Myrtle
3196 Sneed, Rosebud
3197 Sneed, Veaner
3198 Snelson, Virginia
3199 Snider, Jessie
3200 Snyder, Susan
3201 Souther, Dora Cole
3202 Spann, Adelia
3203 Sparks, Harley
3204 Sparks, Lee S.
3205 Sparks, Sarah A.
3206 Spear, Joe C.
3207 Spence, Jennie
3208 Spivy, Annie
3209 Spivy, Ella M.
3210 Sprague, Mary A.
3211 Spriggs, Anna
3212 Sprouse, Mary E.
3213 Staley, Vinnie
3214 Stamey, Ida
3215 Stamey, James
3216 Stamey, Pearl
3217 Stamey, Pearl
3218 Stamey, Winnie
3219 Stanberry, Nettie
3220 Standeffer, Ellen Lowe
3221 Standingdeer, Jackson
3222 Stanford, Eva
3223 Stanley, Allie
3224 Stanley, Emma
3225 Stanley, Willie
3226 Stanton, Florence
3227 St. Clair, Jennie
3228 Steen, Lucy A.
3229 Stephens, Alfred W.
3230 Stephens, Elizabeth
3231 Stephens, Frances
3232 Stephens, Kenny B.
3233 Stephens, Orpha
3234 Stephens, Sallie
3235 Stephenson, Sophrona
3236 Sterling, David E.
3237 Sterling, Gracie
3238 Stirling, Gray
3239 Sterling, Gussie
3240 Sterling, Lovie
3241 Stevens, Mamie
3242 Stewart, Lula
3243 Stewart, Magnolia
3244 Stewart, Maud
3245 Stuart, T. Judson
3246 Stiles, Dorcas Harris
3247 Stiles, Edgar F.
3248 Stiles, Edison
3249 Stiles, Floyd E.
3250 Stiles, Frazier
3251 Stiles, Gilbert
3252 Stiles, Hollie L.
3253 Stiles, Harne F.
3254 Stiles, Herman H.
3255 Stiles, Jeff J.
3256 Stiles, Laura
3257 Stiles, Lester Thomas
3258 Stiles, Noah N.
3259 Stiles, Nora Ann
3260 Stiles, Oliver
3261 Stiles, Virgil R.
3262 Stiles, William Fred
3263 Still, Clarice
3264 Stilley, Henry
3265 Stillwell, Ellie May
3266 Stinett, Thursday I.
3267 Stoddard, Ida May
3268 Stokes, Mary
3269 Stonecypher, Francis L.
3270 Stonecypher, Maggie M.
3271 Storm, Minnie Etta
3272 Stout, Elizabeth
3273 Stout, Margaret
3274 Stout, Mat
3275 Stoves, Gabriel
3276 Street, Bessie
3277 Street, Willie
3278 Strickland, John R.
3279 Strickland, Mary L.
3280 Strickland, Roy E.
3281 Stroud, Addie
3282 Stuart, Asberry
3283 Stuart, Elizabeth
3284 Stuart, Robert
3285 Stubblefield, Tula
3286 Sudan, Pauline
3287 Suit, Bessie
3288 Sullens, Paul
3289 Summerour, Florence E.
3290 Summerour, Junia E.
3291 Summerour, Mary E.
3292 Summerour, Milton H.
3293 Summey, Columbus
3294 Summey, Dock
3295 Summey, Elihu
3296 Summey, J.M.
3297 Summey, Linford
3298 Summey, Nellie
3299 Summey, Ophelia
3300 Summey, Willie
3301 Suppes, Fannie
3302 Sutherland, Anna Laura
3303 Sutton, Abb
3304 Sutton, Nancy
3305 Swafford, Debrader
3306 Swafford, Ludie Gill
3307 Swan, Harriet
3308 Swan, J. T.
3309 Swanson, Anderson
3310 Swanson, Cora L.
3311 Swanson, Eliza J.
3312 Swanson, Isabella
3313 Swanson, Josie
3314 Swanson, William C.
3314-1 Sybilla, Polly
3315 Sylvester, Bitha
3316 Tacket, Ozzie
3317 Taliaferro, Nancy
3318 Tallent, Rosa H.
3319 Talley, Emma
3320 Talley, Hattie Bell
3321 Tankersley, Charley
3322 Tankersley, Emery
3323 Tankersley, Henry A.
3324 Tankersley, Joe
3325 Tankersley, John
3326 Tankersley, Mollie
3327 Tankersley, Will
3328 Tarpley, Ella
3329 Tarver, Thelma
3330 Tate, Alva Burton
3331 Tate, Issac L.
3332 Tate, J. W.
3333 Tatham, John
3334 Tatham, Madge
3335 Tatum, Ethel
3336 Tatum, Nellie J.
3337 Taylor, Callie
3338 Taylor, Carlos L.
3339 Taylor, Cynthia M.
3340 Taylor, D. Preston
3341 Taylor, Eliza C.
3342 Taylor, Eliza Scott
3343 Taylor, Francis
3344 Taylor, Frank
3345 Taylor, Freddie L.
3346 Taylor, J. Morris
3347 Taylor, John D.
3348 Taylor, Joseph H.
3349 Taylor, Laura
3350 Taylor, Lela
3351 Taylor, Lula
3352 Taylor, Margaret
3353 Taylor, Nora
3354 Taylor, Rose
3355 Taylor, Thomas E.
3356 Taylor, William W.
3357 Teague, Anna
3358 Teague, Delphia
3359 Teague, George
3360 Teague, May
3360-1 Tedford, Inez H.
3360-2 Teem, Sara
3361 Templeton, Mary J.
3362 Thomas, Amanda R.
3363 Thomas, Donor
3364 Thomas, Edward
3365 Thomas, Fannie
3366 Thomas, Herbert H.
3367 Thomas, James H.
3368 Thomas, James H.
3369 Thomas, Samuel Aaron
3370 Thomas, John
3371 Thomas, Mattie Lee
3372 Thomas, Maybell
3373 Thomas, Myrtle
3374 Thomas, Cinda
3375 Thomas, Thomas A.
3376 Thomas, William H.
3377 Thomason, J. M.
3378 Thompson, Ben
3379 Thompson, Laura
3380 Thompson, Martha J.
3381 Thompson, Mary
3382 Thompson, Mary A.
3383 Thompson, Mary Ann
3384 Thompson, Ruth V.
3385 Thompson, Sophronia I.
3386 Thompson, Taylor
3387 Thompson, Tinie
3388 Thornton, Mrs. Ray
3389 Thrasher, Ella V.
3390 Thrasher, Flora
3391 Thrasher, G. T.
3392 Thrasher, Mike Claud
3393 Thrasher, R. Lee
3394 Thrasher, William P.
3395 Tidwell, Buford A.
3396 Tidwell, Columbus A.
3397 Tidwell, Franklin
3398 Tidwell, James M.
3399 Tidwell, Jesse
3400 Tidwell, Johnie
3401 Tidwell, Joseph M.
3402 Tidwell, Lola May
3403 Tidwell, Marion
3404 Tidwell, Reuben
3405 Tidwell, Richard J.
3406 Tidwell, Susie May
3407 Tidwell, Willie L.
3408 Tilley, Maude L.
3409 Tilmon, Cornelia
3410 Tilson, Dovie
3410-1 Timpson, Bertha
3411 Timpson, James A.
3412 Tincher, Lula
3413 Tiner, Virgil
3414 Toland, Gladys
3415 Townsend, Homer
3416 Townsend, Mary E.
3417 Trammel, Rosa
3418 Trantham, Almedia
3419 Trantham, Ebbie Lee
3420 Trew, Mora F.
3421 Triplett, Myrtle
3422 Troy, Bertha Reed
3423 Truless, Lula
3424 Trull, James J.
3425 Trull, Mary
3426 Trull, Willie
3427 Truett, Mattie
3428 Truett, Nannie
3429 Tuck, Eulena J.
3430 Tucker, Dayton
3431 Tucker, Dewey
3432 Tucker, Henry
3433 Tucker, James H.
3434 Tucker, James L.
3435 Tucker, J. W.
3436 Tucker, John M.
3437 Tucker, J. W., Jr.
3438 Tucker, John W.
3439 Tucker, Leon
3440 Tucker, Mary P.
3441 Tucker, Pairlee
3442 Tucker, Thomas H.
3443 Tucker, William
3444 Turk, C. C.
3445 Turnbill, Elsie
3446 Turner, Albert
3447 Turner, Clifford
3448 Turner, Dora
3449 Turner, James T.
3450 Turner, Will
3451 Turney, Jewell M.
3452 Turrentine, Louis
3453 Twiggs, Lelia M.
3454 [missing, not in file]
3455 Walls, Eura
3456 Underwood, Bruce
3457 Underwood, Delpha
3458 Upchurch, Elsie M.
3459 Van Buskirk, Katheryn
3460 Vance, Annie E. W.
3461 Vance, Charles P.
3462 Vance, Claud
3463 Vance, Colin Loyd
3464 Vance, David Carlus
3465 Vance, Earnest Floyd
3466 Vance, Fred
3467 Vance, Hubert Hugh
3468 Vance, James E.
3469 Vance, Jefferson
3470 Vance, Jessie Franklin
3471 Vance, Lemiel D.
3472 Vance, Lemuel J.
3473 Vance, M. C.
3474 Vance, Oliver Francis
3475 Vance, Paul Eugene
3476 Vance, Robert J.
3477 Vance, Thomas Marlin
3478 Vance, Victor H.
3479 Vance, W. Columbus
3480 Van Cleve, Mattie
3481 Vandergriff, Emma
3482 Vansandt, Bessie
3483 Vansandt, Claude C.
3484 Vansandt, Margaret
3485 Vansandt, Robert
3486 Vansandt, Ray H.
3487 Varnell, Maggie
3488 Varner, Claud
3489 Varner, Hugh
3490 Varner, Mary
3491 Varner, Minnie
3492 Vaughn, Emery F.
3493 Vaughn, Martha
3494 Vaughn, Mary L.
3495 Veal, Charlie
3496 Veal, Harley
3497 Veal, John
3498 Veal, Joseph
3499 Veal, Sarah L.
3500 Verner, Ethel
3501 Verner, Lola
3502 Vickory, Dora
3503 Vinsant, Italy I.
3504 Viomey, Jennie
3505 Voiles, Jane
3506 Voiles, Vinson
3507 Voiles, William
3508 Wade, Maud R.
3509 Waits, Laura
3510 Wakefield, Albert
3511 Wakefield, Bessie
3512 Wakefield, Charlie
3513 Wakefield, Edmund S.
3514 Wakefield, Esco
3515 Wakefield, Licurgus M.
3516 Wakefield, Lucy
3517 Wakefield, Virginia C.
3518 Walden, Fannie
3519 Waldroop, Frank J.
3520 Waldroop, Harley D.
3521 Waldrup, Lee
3522 Waldroup, Matilda
3523 Waldroup, Rilla
3524 Walker, Callie
3525 Walker, Coleman
3526 Walker, Dora
3527 Walker, Edith
3528 Walker, Esther
3529 Walker, Eudalia H.
3530 Walker, Flaura
3531 Walker, Frances
3532 Walker, Hubert
3533 Walker, Irene
3534 Walker, Jane
3535 Walker, J. Henry
3536 Walker, Joe T.
3537 Walker, John
3538 Walker, Joseph H.
3539 Walker, Lelar
3540 Walker, Millard F.
3541 Walker, P. W.
3542 Walker, Shella Evans
3543 Walker, Stanley
3544 Walker, Stella M.
3545 Walker, Talbert
3546 Walker, Thomas
3547 Walker, Vaudie
3548 Walker, Walter Guy
3549 Wall, Mary E.
3550 Wallace, Edgar
3551 Wallace, Francis
3552 Wallace, Herbert
3553 Wallace, Ruth
3554 Walls, Clara M.
3555 [missing, not in file]
3556 Walls, Ollie Cordelia
3557 Walters, Ada
3558 Wanger, Sarah
3559 Ward, Anna
3560 Ward, Edgar J.
3561 Ward, Lee F.
3562 Ward, Mcauley
3563 Ward, Mollie
3564 Ward, Orval G.
3565 Ward, Peggie
3566 Ware, Bertha
3567 Ware, Braska
3568 Ware, Homer
3569 Ware, Ida
3570 Warren, Francis M.
3571 Warren, Nellie M.
3572 Waters, Carra
3573 Waters, Fannie
3574 Waters, W. M.
3575 Watkins, Maud
3576 Watson, Cross
3577 Watson, Elsie
3578 Watson, Florence L.
3579 Watson, Minnie
3580 Watson, Nettie
3581 Watters, Alice
3582 Watts, Frank
3583 Watts, Mattie
3584 Watts, Sarah
3585 Weaver, Georgia C.
3586 Weaver, Sarah
3587 Webb, Annie
3588 Webb, Ethel V.
3589 Webb, Florence A.
3590 Webb, Hester
3591 Webb, James
3592 Webb, Letcher P.
3593 Webb, Louise R.
3594 Webb, Pearl
3595 Webb, Sophrono P.
3596 Webb, Stella
3597 Webb, Walter W.
3598 Webster, Florence E.
3599 Webster, Galer B.
3600 Webster, Harry T.
3601 Webster, Ralph W.
3602 Webster, Walter I.
3603 Webster, William L.
3604 Weehunt, Katie A.
3605 Welch, Addie
3606 Welch, Coy
3607 Welch, Daniel
3608 Welch, Henry
3609 Welch, Howard
3610 Welch, Ida
3611 Welch, J. B.
3612 Welch, J. Milt
3613 Welch, J. William
3614 Welch, Mary E.
3615 Welch, Medie
3616 Wells, Charles R.
3617 Wells, Mattie Vance
3618 Wells, Opal Jane
3619 Wells, Thelma Mae
3620 Wells, Ulyses Sherman
3621 West, Aubrey
3622 West, Effie
3623 West, Ella
3624 West, Glen
3625 West, Jeanette
3626 Westfield, Mollie
3627 Westfield, Pod
3628 Westfield, Rachel B.
3629 Wheat, May Etta
3630 Wheeler, Mamie P.
3631 Widby, Kate M.
3632 Whisenant, Dewey H.
3633 Whisenant, Emma
3634 Whisenant, Henry
3635 Whisenant, Jesse
3636 Whitakert, Effie
3637 Whitaker, James M.
3638 Whitaker, Jud
3639 Whitaker, Rutha
3640 Whitaker, Sarah A.
3641 Whitaker, Stephen D.
3642 White, Becky A.
3643 White, Bessie
3644 White, Bettie
3645 White, Cyrus C.
3646 White, Ella
3647 White, Everett R.
3648 White, Fannie
3649 White, George M.
3650 White, Henry
3651 White, Iva Ann
3652 White, Mary
3653 White, Nancy
3654 White, Pairlee
3655 Whitechurch, Emma
3656 Whiteheart, Elsie
3657 Whitener, Martha
3658 Whiteside, Bertha May
3659 Whitlock, Callie
3660 Whitmire, Lois
3661 Whitney, Lillie
3662 Wickersham, Kate
3663 Widner, Evelina
3664 Wiggins, Mary
3665 Wilkerson, Bulah
3666 Wilkerson, Jefferson
3667 Wilkerson, Sideney
3668 Wilkerson, Sylvester
3669 Wilkerson, Waymon
3670 Wilkins, Dennis
3671 Wilkins, Earnest
3672 Wilkins, G. J.
3673 Wilkins, James
3674 Wilkins, Martha
3675 Wilkins, Robert
3676 Williams, Alexa
3677 Williams, Alice A.
3678 Williams, Arney M.
3679 Williams, Charley
3680 Williams, Clifford S.
3681 Williams, Daisy H.
3682 Williams, David M.
3683 Williams, Ira L.
3684 Williams, James. D.
3684-1 Williams, John Henry F.
3685 Williams, John H.
3686 Williams, Lillie V.
3687 Williams, Nancy M.
3688 Williams, Oma
3689 Williams, Robert
3690 Williams, Robert
3691 Williams, Robert S.
3692 Williams, Rosella
3693 Williams, William L.
3694 Williams, William M.
3695 Williams, Willie
3696 Williamson, Adeline
3697 Willis, Ben
3698 Willis, Callie
3699 Wilmon, Lois
3700 Wilson, Amanda
3701 Wilson, Andrew J.
3702 Wilson, Belle
3703 Wilson, Belle
3704 Wilson, Cora Lee
3705 Wilson, Earl R.
3706 Wilson, Edna
3707 Wilson, Ella
3708 Wilson, George
3709 Wilson, Jessie H.
3710 Wilson, John A.
3711 Wilson, John M.
3712 Wilson, Josephine
3712-1 Wilson, Luther Teet
3713 Wilson, Mack
3714 Wilson, Margaret
3715 Wilson, Mary
3716 Wilson, Millie
3717 Wilson, Nannie Brackett
3718 Wilson, Newton J.
3718-1 Wilson, Nola A.
3719 Wilson, Norma
3720 Wilson, R. J.
3721 Wilson, Rosalee B.
3722 Wilson, Sadie
3723 Wilson, Selmer
3724 Wilson, Susie
3725 Wimberly, Etta
3726 Winchester, Clarence L.
3727 Winkler, Sylena
3728 Winningham, Emma
3729 Winson, Lynn
3730 Wise, Minnie
3731 Wishon, Alfred
3732 Wishon, Bertie G.
3733 Wishon, Charles Monroe
3734 Wishon, Eli McKinley
3735 Wishopn, Gally O.
3736 Wishon, Hester L.
3737 Wishon, John W.
3738 Wishon, John Wesley
3739 Wishon, Lela M.
3740 Wishon, Mary
3741 Wishon, Rethel
3742 Wishon, Robert C.
3743 Wishon, Robert W.
3744 Wishon, Sarah L.
3745 Wishon, Thomas J.
3746 Wishon, Thomas J.
3747 Wishon, Tildye
3748 Withrow, James A.
3749 Witt, Dollie B.
3750 Wolfe, Albert
3751 Wolfe, Francis M.
3752 Wolfe, James L.
3753 Wolfe, John
3754 Wolfe, John W.
3755 Wolfe, Abel W.
3756 Wood, Annie
3757 Wood, Eliza C.
3758 Wood, Ira
3759 Wood, Leonidus W.
3760 Wood, Luther L.
3761 Wood, Norman L.
3762 Wood, William H.
3763 Wood, William W.
3764 Woodard, Annie C.
3765 Woodmore, Allie
3766 Woods, Fannie
3767 Woodson, Gertrude E.
3768 Woodson, Julia L.
3769 Woodward, Emily M.
3770 Woody, Gurley
3771 Wooten, Bessie
3772 Worley, James R.
3773 Worley, Lela
3774 Worley, Lulu
3775 Worley, Mandy
3776 Wright, Ada B.
3777 Wright, Allen
3778 Wright, Charlie
3779 Wright, Claude
3780 Wright, Ed
3781 Wright, Edward
3782 Wright, Ella
3783 Wright, G. W.
3784 Wright, George
3785 Wright, Herchel
3786 Wright, Hattie
3787 Wright, H. H.
3788 Wright, Hobart M.
3789 Wright, Ida Maynor
3790 Wright, Jim
3791 Wright, J. N.
3792 Wright, J. W.
3793 Wright, Lee
3794 Wright, Leona A.
3795 Wright, Luther
3796 Wright, Martha E.
3797 Wright, Nando
3798 Wright, Newton A.
3799 Wright, Noel M.
3800 Wright, Ollie
3801 Wright, Richard
3802 Wright, Robert L.
3803 Wright, Ruben
3804 Wright, Tom
3805 Wright, Tom
3806 Wright, Will
3807 Wright, William Dawson
3808 Wright, William T.
3809 Yahne, Edna J.
3810 Vamer, Media
3811 Young, Andrew
3812 Young, Arthur
3813 Young, B. M.
3814 Young, Can
3815 Young, Dovie
3816 Young, Edith B.
3817 Young, George H.
3818 Young, James
3819 Young, John
3820 Young, Kirby
3821 Young, Luther
3822 Young, Margaret
3823 Young, Mollie
3824 Young, Olive
3825 Young, S. R.
3826 Young, Sam
3827 Young, Sam
3828 Young, Will G.
3829 Youngblood, Goldie E. V.
3830 Youngblood, Pendry
3831 Youngblood, Sarah J.
3832 Zervas, Lennie
3833 Zimmerman, Norma
Final Roll of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina Under
the Act of June 4, 1924 (43 Stat. 376) (Baker Roll)
Roll of Deceased Eastern Cherokee Annuitants Whose Rights to Enrollment
with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina Were Challenged
by the Tribal Council, Who Left Estates Consisting of Suspended Per Capita
Payments and Accrued Interest, and Who Died Prior to June 4, 1924
Instructions to Fred A. Baker and the Eastern Cherokee Enrolling Commission
from the Commissioner and Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Memoranda by Agent Baker concerning land contracts
Seven contested cases of names entered in the Final Roll
Two copies of a numerical index prepared under the supervision of J. W. Howell
NOTE: Roll 65 of this publication contains several indexes prepared in 1929 under
the supervision of J. W. Howell, attorney for the Eastern Band of Cherokees of North
Carolina. In addition, a National Archives–produced name index to applications is
reproduced on each roll (in the appendix to the introduction).
Baker Report, file 50971-1928-053, Cherokee School, prepared by Fred A.
Baker, examiner of inheritance, December 1, 1928
Applications 1–75 Abbercrombie, Bonnie – Allen, Sam
3 Applications 76–145 Allen, Sarah – Aylett, Frank W.
4 Applications 146–210 Aylett, Idonia A. – Beal, John
5 Applications 211–280 Beal, Madie I. – Bellamy, Lewis H.
6 Applications 281–350 Bellamy, Richard V. – Boring, Anna Rose
7 Applications 351–420 Boring, Lou – Briont, Effie
8 Applications 421–480 Broadwater, [Mrs.] Ollie S. – Buchanan, Annie
9 Applications 481–550 Buchanan, Estelle – Campbell, Callie
10 Applications 551–610 Campbell, Hazel Z. – Catheren, Anna
11 Applications 611–690 Catheren, Raleigh – Cline, Nora E.
(Applications 656–665 are missing)
12 Applications 691–760 Clinton, Laura – Constant, William L.
13 Applications 761–830 Conway, Hazel – Cromwell, Margaret P.
14 Applications 831–900 Crook, Etta – Davis, Lizzie
15 Applications 901–970 Davis, Lorenzo D., Jr. – Dockery, Ben
16 Applications 971–1040 Dockery, Bessie – Ellis, Alma
17 Applications 1041–1100 Ellis, Belle – Evans, Christopher
18 Applications 1101–1170 Evans, Clifford – Frase, Fred
19 Applications 1171–1230 Frase, Truit – Glover, Minnie
20 Applications 1231–1290 Glover, Viola L. – Gravett, Indiana
21 Applications 1291–1355 Gravett, John – Hallman, Howard
22 Applications 1356–1425 Hallman, J. B., Jr. – Harris, Susan P.
23 Applications 1426–1485 Harrison, Ellen – Helton, Albert
24 Applications 1486–1550 Helton, Anderson – Hilton, Vedra P.
25 Applications 1551–1610 Hindman, Mrs. S. [Sarah] J. – Hubbard, Charles B.
26 Applications 1611–1680 Hubbard, Charles O. – Hutchinson, J. A.
27 Applications 1681–1750 Hutchinson, Mary – Jenkins, Mariah
28 Applications 1751–1820 Jenkins, Mellie – Jordan, Jake A.
29 Applications 1821–1890 Jordan, John J. – Kiser, Annie
30 Applications 1891–1950 Knight, Amanda – Lanier, Benjamin H.
31 Applications 1951–2020 Lanier, Isaac C. – Lee, Linda
32 Applications 2021–2080 Lee, Minnie – Loveless, Floyd
33 Applications 2081–2150 Lovell, Anna Mae – McDonald, Josie R.
34 Applications 2151–2225 McDonald, Julius C. – Martin, Callie
35 Applications 2226–2290 Martin, Christopher – Maton, Onnie
36 Applications 2291–2360 Mathews, Flossie Belle – Moon, Benjamin
37 Applications 2361–2420 Moon, Pratsy May – Murphy, James P.
38 Applications 2421–2490 Murphy, John – Normon, Mirtle
39 Applications 2491–2560 Norris, Elizabeth – Parker, Caroline L.
40 Applications 2561–2630 Parker, Charles – Patterson, Carrie B.
41 Applications 2631–2690 Patterson, Clemency – Phillips, Maggie
42 Applications 2691–2760 Phillips, Nora – Puckett, Ella
43 Applications 2761–2820 Puckett, Ella McDonald – Raper, Lizzie M.
44 Applications 2821–2880 Raper, Lon – Reynolds, Ola May
45 Applications 2881–2940 Rhodes, George – Rogers, Edna
46 Applications 2941–3010 Rogers, Elizabeth – Rymer, Mary N.
47 Applications 3011–3080 Sadler, Lillie Alice – Seitz, Jennie Linn, Sr.
48 Applications 3081–3140 Seitz, John C. – Skaggs, Nora
49 Applications 3141–3210 Slinkard, Alfred – Sprague, Mary A.
50 Applications 3211–3270 Spriggs, Anna – Stonecypher, Maggie M.
51 Applications 3271–3340 Storm, Minnie Etta – Taylor, D. Preston
52 Applications 3341–3400 Taylor, Eliza C. – Tidwell, Johnie
53 Applications 3401–3470 Tidwell, Joseph M. – Vance, Jessie Franklin
54 Applications 3471–3530 Vance, Lemiel D. – Walker, Flaura
55 Applications 3531–3600 Walker, Frances – Webster, Harry T.
56 Applications 3601–3660 Webster, Ralph W. – Whitmire, Lois
57 Applications 3661–3720 Whitney, Lillie – Wilson, R. J.
58 Applications 3721–3780 Wilson, Rosalee B. – Wright, Ed
59 Applications 3781–3833 Wright, Edward – Zimmerman, Norma
60 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1925–28
Correspondence arranged alphabetically by surname of correspondent
61 Correspondence arranged alphabetically by surname of correspondent
62 R–W
63 General requests for information about enrollment procedures, arranged
General correspondence arranged by subject. Includes bills, chronology,
correspondence with attorneys, letters to Henderson and Simington, instructions,
notices, questionnaire, report of Churchill, McPherson report, and testimony
64 Correspondence arranged chronologically, 1908–12, 1914
65 Alphabetical Index to Names Appearing in Testimony, 1929
Index of Testimony, compiled by J. W. Howell, showing names of applicants,
ancestors, and witnesses, covering testimony in transcript volumes I–V
Index of Ancestors
Index of Appealed Cases
Index of Contested Cases
Transcripts of Testimony, 1927–28. Volumes I and II
66 Transcripts of Testimony, 1927–28. Volumes III, IV, and V
67 Decisions, 1926–28. Volumes I, II, and IV (Vol. III is missing)
68 Decisions, 1926–28. Volumes VI and VII (Vol. V is missing)
69 Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Nov. 20, 1930
Brief on behalf of the Eastern Band of Cherokees in North Carolina,
Dec. 18, 1929
Miscellaneous appeals in cases in which no applications were filed