Application for Admission to the
LL.M. in Taxation Degree Program
Graduate Tax Studies at New York Law School
SINCE 1891
Application for Admission to the LL.M. in Taxation Degree Program
LL.M. Application Requirements
Candidates for the LL.M. in Taxation program at New York Law
School (NYLS) must have earned a J.D. or LL.B. degree from an
ABA-accredited law school prior to enrollment in the Graduate
Tax Program. Lawyers who have completed their legal education
outside the United States may satisfy this requirement on the basis
of an equivalent law degree earned in a foreign jurisdiction. See
Additional Information for International Students” on the next page
for certication and evaluation requirements and other information.
e following must be submitted to complete an application:
1. Completed and signed LL.M. application form
2. All ocial law school transcripts
3. All other ocial degree transcripts
4. Personal statement
5. Résumé
6. Two letters of recommendation
While interviews are not a regular part of the admissions process,
the Graduate Admissions Committee reserves the right to call any
applicant for an interview during the evaluation process.
Law School and Other Degree Transcripts
Ocial nal transcripts conrming the conferral of all law degrees
as well as all undergraduate, graduate, and other professional
degrees must be received directly from the issuing schools prior to
matriculation. (For work completed at NYLS, it is not necessary to
submit a transcript.)
Personal Statement
A two-page, typed, double-spaced personal statement is required.
e statement provides applicants with an opportunity to describe
their reasons for pursuing an LL.M. in Taxation and to elaborate on
their abilities, experience, and career goals.
Please include your updated résumé with your application.
Letters of Recommendation
All applicants must submit two letters of recommendation in
support of their application. Such letters should discuss the
applicant’s analytic and writing skills and other factors relevant to the
applicant’s ability to complete rigorous graduate-level training in tax
law. One letter should be an academic reference from a law school
professor or academic dean, if possible. e second letter should
be a professional reference, if possible. One additional letter of any
type may be submitted; the Graduate Tax Admissions Committee
will review a maximum of three letters of recommendation for each
applicant. e most eective letters are those written by individuals
who have known the applicant for a substantial period of time and
can provide insightful comments on the character and abilities of the
applicant. e letters should be sent directly by their authors to the
Oce of Admissions and Financial Aid.
e application form requires disclosure of all instances in which the
applicant has been charged with any oense or violation or pleaded
nolo contendere to, pleaded guilty to, or been found guilty of any
crime, oense, or violation (with the sole exception of a minor trac
oense), and disclosure of any such actions pending or expected
against the applicant. Conviction of DUI (or any other alcohol- or
drug-related oense) is not a minor trac oense. e application
form also requires disclosure of all instances in which the applicant
has been suspended from practice, reprimanded, censured, removed,
or otherwise disciplined as a member of any profession or occupation
or as a student, and all instances in which any complaints or
charges, formal or informal, have been made or led, or proceedings
instituted against the applicant as a member of any profession or
occupation or as a student. e obligation to promptly disclose these
matters extends through the conferral of the LL.M. degree. Failure to
disclose such information on the application or thereaer may result
in dismissal from school or revocation of any degree awarded. Failure
to disclose this information may also be reported to the New York
bar or the bar in other jurisdictions.
Students With Disabilities
NYLS complies with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990
and with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended.
e School’s Oce of Student Life and Oce of Academic Aairs
formulate general policy on disability issues and make decisions on
individual accommodation requests.
Application Status
Please contact Ashley Oliver, Graduate Tax Program Coordinator, at
ashley[email protected] or 212.431.2147 if you wish to monitor the
status of your LL.M. application.
Mailing Address
Completed applications and supporting materials should be mailed to:
Oce of Admissions and Financial Aid
New York Law School
185 West Broadway
New York, NY 10013-2921
Online Application
You also have the option of applying online through the LSAC
Electronic Application Service by visiting www.lsac.org/llm.
LL.M. Degree Candidates for Transfer Admission
Students who are candidates in good academic standing for an
LL.M. in Taxation degree at other ABA-accredited law schools may
apply for transfer admission to the LL.M. in Taxation program at
NYLS. No specic GPA or class rank is required for or guarantees
admission. Advanced standing credits may be granted. Advanced
standing is determined by the Director of the Graduate Tax Program
subsequent to admission. Applicants for transfer admission are
required to submit:
Application for Admission to the LL.M. in Taxation Degree Program
1. All items listed on the previous page under LL.M. Application
2. A letter conrming good standing from the deans oce of the law
school where currently enrolled
3. An ocial, current law school transcript sent directly to the Oce
of Admissions and Financial Aid by the registrar of the issuing law
school; the transcript must list courses and grades for the entire
period in which the applicant was a candidate for the LL.M.
Visiting LL.M. Students
A student currently enrolled and in good academic standing as a
candidate in an LL.M. in Taxation Program at an ABA- accredited
law school may apply to attend the Graduate Tax Program at NYLS
as a visiting student. For visiting student application requirements,
please contact the Oce of Admissions and Financial Aid directly
at graduateadmissions@nyls.edu. Applicants for visitor status must
provide a letter of permission from their law school.
Visiting J.D. Students
ualied students who are enrolled in a J.D. program at another law
school may, with the permission of their home institution, spend a
summer or one or two semesters visiting NYLS. Visiting J.D. students
may participate in the NYLS Advanced Studies Program and earn
advanced standing credit toward an LL.M. in Taxation degree at the
Additional Information for International Students
Candidates for the LL.M. in Taxation at NYLS must have earned
a J.D. or LL.B. degree from an ABA-accredited law school, or must
have earned an equivalent degree in a foreign jurisdiction, prior to
enrollment in the Graduate Tax Program.
Applicants who have completed their undergraduate and/or
legal education outside the United States must apply through
the LSAC LL.M. Credential Assembly Service (CAS) and have
their transcripts evaluated through the International Transcript
Authentication and Evaluation Service. Applicants must arrange
for ocial academic documents to be sent to LSAC for evaluation,
authentication, and transmission to NYLS. You may create an
LSAC LL.M. CAS account by visiting www.lsac.org/llm.
Completion of the degree requirements for the LL.M. in Taxation at
NYLS will not qualify a foreign-trained lawyer to take the New York
bar examination.
Under the current rules of the Board of Law Examiners (BOLE)
of New York, foreign-trained lawyers generally are required
to complete a specied course of study of 12 credits in general
American law and professional responsibility as part of an
LL.M. degree program in order to qualify to sit for the bar
exam. e courses required by the New York BOLE are not
part of the curriculum for the LL.M. in Taxation degree. Contact
the Oce of the Graduate Tax Program for more information.
Please note that each foreign-trained lawyer must write
individually to the New York BOLE for evaluation of non-U.S.
qualications and permission to sit for the exam. We recommend
doing this prior to starting an LL.M. program. See
English Requirement
Applicants seeking an LL.M. degree whose native language is English,
applicants whose rst degree in law is from a college or university
in a country where both the language of instruction and a principal
language are English, and applicants who received an LL.M. degree
or other advanced degree from an accredited U.S. higher education
institution are not required to take a language prociency examination.
All other applicants must submit an ocial score result from either the
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International
English Language Testing System (IELTS). To demonstrate sucient
uency on the TOEFL, applicants are expected to attain a score of
100 on the Internet-based TOEFL (iBT). To demonstrate sucient
uency on the IELTS, applicants are expected to attain a minimum
overall band score of at least a 7. Where a TOEFL or IELTS is
required, the requirement may not be waived.
It is the policy of NYLS not to discriminate in its educational
programs, admission policies, nancial aid programs, employment
practices, and other school-sponsored activities because of race,
color, ethnicity, ancestry, citizenship, religion, sex, pregnancy, sexual
orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, age,
disability, AIDS, predisposing genetic characteristics, marital or
parental status, military status, domestic violence victim status, or
any other classication protected by local, state, or federal law
(“Protected Classication”). The placement facilities of the School
are available only to employers whose practices are consistent with
this policy.
Inquiries regarding compliance with Title IX of the 1972 Educational
Amendments, relative to nondiscrimination on the basis of sex, or any
other aspect of the School’s equal opportunity policy, may be directed
to Title IX Co-Coordinator and Counsel Nina Jody ’83 at
[email protected] or Title IX Co-Coordinator Brian Kaszuba ’04 at
[email protected], or to the Director of the Ofce for Civil Rights,
Department of Education, Washington, D.C.
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of this application
package. NYLS reserves the right to make changes in these materials
or programs as necessary.
Submit applications to and track application status by contacting:
Ofce of Admissions and Financial Aid
New York Law School
185 West Broadway
New York, NY 10013-2921
T 212.431.2888
F 212.966.1522
Application for Admission to the LL.M. in Taxation Degree Program
Enrollment Plans: Entering Term: Entering Year:
Full time Part time Summer Fall Spring _________________________________
Biographical Information
Mr. Ms. Dr. Other (specify) _________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Last/Family Name First Name Middle Name
3. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Other Name(s) on Academic Records Nickname, if Preferred
4. Social Security #: __________ — __________ — __________
NOTE: is information is used for nancial aid and identication purposes only. NYLS considers this information condential and will not disclose it to any third party.
5. Date of Birth: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Place of Birth: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. Current Mailing Address
Last Date for Use: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Number/Street/P.O. Box/Apartment
City/State/ZIP Code Country if not United States
Day Phone Evening Phone
Email Address Email valid until this date
8. Permanent Mailing Address
(where you can always be contacted, if dierent om your current mailing address)
Number/Street/P.O. Box/Apartment
City/State/ZIP Code Country if not United States
Day Phone Evening Phone
Email Address Email valid until this date
New York Law School
185 West Broadway, New York, NY 10013-2921
T 212.431.2888
F 212.966.1522
Application for Admission to the LL.M. in Taxation Degree Program
9. Are you a United States citizen? Yes No If no, indicate country of citizenship _______________________________________________
If not a U.S. citizen, are you a Permanent Resident of the U.S.? Yes No
Permanent Resident #: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
If you are not a U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident, and you are in the United States, what is your current visa and status?
10. Ethnicity
a. Are you Hispanic or Latino?
Yes ___Cuban ___Mexican ___Puerto Rican ___South or Central American ___Other Hispanic/Latino
b. What is your race? Select one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be.
Aboriginal/Torres Strait Isl. Australian
American Indian/Alaskan Native
Black/African American
Canadian Aboriginal/Indigenous
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacic Islander
Decline to respond
11. Do you identify as LGBTQ?
Decline to respond
Educational Background
12. Please list all schools you have attended, and whether or not you were matriculated or completed the degree. (Start with most recent institution
attended.) If more space is needed, you may attach a supplementary statement labeled uestion 12.
A) Law School Attended
________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Name of Institution City and State
________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Dates of Attendance [mm/yy] Major and Degree [if any]
________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Date Degree Awarded or Expected Approximate Rank in and Size of Class
B) Law School Attended
________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Name of Institution City and State
________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Dates of Attendance [mm/yy] Major and Degree [if any]
________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Date Degree Awarded or Expected Approximate Rank in and Size of Class
Application for Admission to the LL.M. in Taxation Degree Program
C) College, University, Professional School, or Technical School Attended
________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Name of Institution City and State
________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Dates of Attendance [mm/yy] Major and Degree [if any]
________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Date Degree Awarded or Expected Approximate Rank in and Size of Class
D) College, University, Professional School, or Technical School Attended
________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Name of Institution City and State
________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Dates of Attendance [mm/yy] Major and Degree [if any]
________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Date Degree Awarded or Expected Approximate Rank in and Size of Class
13. Please list scholastic honors, including law review experience. If more space is needed, you may attach a supplementary statement labeled
uestion 13.
14. If you are currently enrolled in law school, please include with your application a list of the courses for which you are registered this year but have not yet
completed; you may submit for this purpose an unocial transcript showing courses for which you are registered.
15. Has your college, university, graduate school, or professional school course of study been interrupted for one or more terms for any reason?
Yes No If yes, please explain in a supplementary statement labeled uestion 15.
16. Have you ever been placed on academic probation, warned, suspended, dropped, expelled, or been asked or advised or permitted to withdraw for
academic reasons from any post-secondary school, college, university, graduate school, professional school, or law school?
Yes No If yes, attach a supplementary statement that states the facts, including the institution and dates involved, and including insight into
the diculties that led to performance problems.
17. Have you ever been disciplined, reprimanded, placed on probation, expelled, or been asked or advised or permitted to withdraw for nonacademic
reasons from any post-secondary school, college, university, graduate school, professional school, or law school?
Yes No If yes, attach a supplementary statement that states the facts, including the institution and dates involved, and including the
Application for Admission to the LL.M. in Taxation Degree Program
18. Applicants seeking an LL.M. degree whose native language is English, applicants whose rst degree in law is from a college or university in a country
where both the language of instruction and a principal language are English, and applicants who received an LL.M. degree or other advanced degree
from an accredited U.S. higher education institution are not required to take a language prociency examination. All other applicants must submit an
ocial score result from either the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS):
TOEFL Date _____________ Score _____________ IELTS Date _____________ Score _____________
19. Have you taken the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT)? (Not required for applicants who have earned their law degree outside the United States or
Yes No If yes, please provide the date(s) and score(s).
Date _____________ Score _____________
Date _____________ Score _____________
A résumé or curriculum vitae (CV) is required and must list your complete employment history. Please submit with this application.
21. Please describe your community service, volunteer, and/or pro bono activities, including any leadership positions held, if this information is not included
in your résumé or CV.
22. Bar Admission
A) Dates and jurisdictions of bar admission:
B) Have you ever been subject to professional disciplinary action? Yes No
C) If the answer is yes, please give dates and complete details:
23. Are you planning to take the New York Bar Exam? Yes No
Application for Admission to the LL.M. in Taxation Degree Program
Personal Statement and Recommendations
Personal Statement
Please submit a personal statement of your own composition, of approximately two pages, describing your professional goals and reasons for pursuing
an LL.M. degree and elaborating on your abilities and experience relevant to your decision to apply. Please write your name at the top of your personal
statement. We request that you not submit videos, CDs, DVDs, publications, or writing samples.
25. Other Factors (Optional)
If there are economic, cultural, social, or personal factors that have been signicant in your development and identity, or that have presented obstacles to
you, and you wish the Graduate Admissions Committee to consider those factors in evaluating your application, please explain them in a supplementary
statement labeled Optional uestion 25.
26. Letters of Recommendation, Two Required
Please list the names of the individuals from whom you will be seeking a letter of recommendation. At least one academic reference and at least one
professional reference are preferred, if possible. Please do not submit more than three such letters.
A) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
B) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
C) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
General Information
Have you applied previously to NYLS?
Yes No
If yes, please indicate the degree program, year, and decision:
Degree Program LL.M. J.D. ____________________________________________________________________________
Year Decision
28. Has anyone in your family attended or graduated from NYLS?
Yes No If yes, please provide the name, relationship to you, and year of graduation.
Name Relationship/Year of Graduation
Name Relationship/Year of Graduation
29. Please list other graduate programs, including other LL.M. programs, to which you are applying:
30. How did you rst learn about the graduate programs at NYLS?
Alumnus/a (name) _______________________________________ Internet (where) ________________________________________
Current Student (name) ___________________________________ Law Forum (where/name) ________________________________
Friend/Family Member (name) ______________________________ Mailing
Guidebook Professor ______________________________________________
Advertisement (where) ____________________________________ Other ________________________________________________
Application for Admission to the LL.M. in Taxation Degree Program
Character and Fitness
31. Have you ever, either as an adult or a juvenile, been cited, arrested, taken into custody, charged with, indicted, convicted, tried for, or pleaded guilty to
the commission of any felony or misdemeanor or the violation of any law, except for minor trac violations, or been the subject of juvenile delinquency
or youthful oender proceedings, or is any such action pending or expected to be brought against you?
Yes No If you answer yes, attach a supplementary statement that states the charge or charges, the disposition thereof, and the underlying facts,
as well as the dates and locations involved and the penalty imposed, if any. We seek your statement and do not wish to receive court
documents or letters from counsel.
NOTE: (a.) Although a conviction may have been sealed or expunged from the record by an order of the court, it nevertheless must be disclosed in answer to this question. (b.) A minor
trac violation involves a vehicle. A matter that is “like” a trac violation but does not involve a vehicle must be disclosed. Trac violations involving alcohol or drugs are not minor. (c.)
If you are uncertain as to whether a matter must be disclosed in accordance with this question, please ask us. We advise you to fully disclose any matter; the outcome does not determine
whether the matter must be disclosed.
32. Were you ever separated from any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States under conditions other than honorable?
Yes No If you answer yes, attach a supplementary statement that explains the relevant facts of your discharge.
NOTE: If you have not served in the U.S. Armed Forces, enter an answer of no.
33. Have you ever been suspended from practice, reprimanded, censured, removed, or otherwise disciplined as a member of any profession or occupation; or
have any complaints or charges, formal or informal, ever been made or led, or proceedings instituted against you in such capacity?
Yes No If you answer yes, attach a supplementary statement that explains the relevant facts and disposition.
NOTE: is question refers to professions and jobs which require licensure or adherence to ethical codes.
If admitted to NYLS, I assent to, agree to be bound by, and agree to comply with all rules, regulations, and directions of the School (including those listed in
the Admissions Bulletin, Student Handbook, and Academic Catalog) and any other relevant rules, regulations, and directions, insofar as they apply to me. I
understand that the rules, regulations, and directions of the School are subject to change. I understand that all credentials and other materials submitted
during the application process become the property of NYLS and will not be returned. I understand that any action taken on this application by the Graduate
Admissions Committee is solely within its discretion and that the decision is nal.
I understand that a copy of this application will be forwarded to the appropriate Committee on Character and Fitness any time I apply for admission to the
bar, and that any omission or misstatement on this application may result in denial of admission to the bar.
I certify that the answers to the questions on this application are complete and accurate. I understand that the failure to provide truthful answers to any of the
application questions, or the failure to inform the Oce of Admissions and Financial Aid of any changes in, or additions to, the information contained in my
answers, may result in denial of admission, dismissal, or rescission of an awarded degree from NYLS.
Signature Date
Ofce of Admissions and Financial Aid
185 West Broadway
New York, NY 10013-2921
T 212.431.2888
T 1.877.937.NYLS (Toll-Free)