2018 USRDS Annual Data Report:
Executive Summary
This year marks the publication of the 29th Annual
Data Report (ADR) of the United States Renal Data
System (USRDS). Broadly, the mission of the USRDS is
to characterize the kidney disease population in the
country and serve as a comprehensive, regularly
updated, online resource for descriptive epidemiology
of kidney disease in the United States. In addition,
supporting investigator initiated research by data
provisioning to the community of researchers is one of
the key functions of the USRDS. To this end, the
USRDS prepares and regularly updates the standard
analysis files (SAFs) for researchers, and fulfills data
merge requests from researchers or organizations
seeking to examine the outcomes of populations of
interest with respect to the occurrence of end-stage
renal disease (ESRD) and related complications. Last
but not least, the USRDS Coordinating Center staff
responds to a variety of queries related to kidney
disease, ranging from simple to complex, from
individuals as well as governmental and non-
governmental agencies.
Federal agencies have done much to raise awareness
of kidney disease as a significant public health problem.
Only few decades ago kidney failure was a fatal disease.
When dialysis was developed and made available as a
chronic therapy, lack of insurance coverage represented
a barrier to treatment. This resulted in the passage of
the landmark Medicare ESRD program in 1972 to fund
ESRD care for all Americans.
In 1988, the National Institute of Diabetes and
Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) established the
USRDS, the largest and most comprehensive national,
ESRD and chronic kidney disease (CKD) surveillance
system. The initial USRDS ADRs offered a detailed
descriptive epidemiology of ESRD alone. A chapter
addressing CKD was introduced in 2003, and was
subsequently expanded into a multi-chapter CKD
volume from 2008 onward.
Since 2000, CKD has received increasing attention.
The consensus definition and staging classification of
CKD / KDOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Chronic
Kidney Disease: Evaluation, Classification, and
Stratification were first published in 2002. That year
also marked the launch of NIDDK’s National Kidney
Disease Education Program (NKDEP). NKDEP provides
information for patients and providers regarding the
detection of CKD and care of people with the disease.
In 2006, the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention launched a broad CKD initiative, with the
CDC CKD Surveillance System as its major component.
This project prioritizes the earlier stages of CKD, as
opposed to ESRD, or the late transitions of care from
advanced stages of CKD to ESRD.
In the 2018 ADR, we continue to characterize the
spectrum of CKD and ESRD patient populations, and
describe the distributions of patients by attributes such
as age, sex, race, and comorbid conditions. The topic of
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) continues to receive
attention, by virtue of both its bidirectional
relationship with CKD and recent policy changes that
now provide reimbursement to outpatient dialysis units
for AKI patients who are dialysis dependent.
The two current USRDS special studies investigate
the transition of care from CKD to ESRD and end-of-
life care for those with advanced kidney disease. These
studies continue to contribute valuable findings to
guide practice and policy in the renal community.
Our primary audiences are healthcare providers
involved in care of patients with kidney disease
nephrologists, transplantation specialists, and general
physicians. This report is also of value for healthcare
facilities and organizations that provide comprehensive
kidney care and renal replacement therapies, and to
researchers, policy makers, and service or charitable
organizations. We dedicate this work to the individual
patients and their families and caregivers whose daily
lives are affected by kidney disease.
What’s New (or Relatively New) in the 2018
USRDS Annual Data Report
Beginning on October 1, 2015, the newly revised
International Classification of Diseases, Tenth
Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) coding
system was implemented. Many of our data sources
utilize these diagnosis codes to identify specific stages
of kidney disease and common comorbid conditions.
We continue to build on the challenge of transitioning
our data and analyses from ICD-9-CM diagnosis and
procedure codes to the ICD-10-CM codes. This has
allowed us to provide continuity with the data trends
and analyses presented in previous ADRs. Our CKD
and ESRD Analytical Methods chapters include
detailed comparisons of the ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-
CM diagnosis codes used to define medical conditions
in the health insurance claim data files throughout the
No individual data source exists that captures the
disease experiences of all Americans who live with
kidney disease. A large proportion of our information
is drawn from Medicare beneficiaries; however, they
are not a nationally representative population.
Since 2017 we have included two new data sources
that have expanded our coverage of the U.S.
We continue to examine data purchased from the
Optum Clinformatics™ Data Mart Database
(OptumInsight, Eden Prairie, MN). The Optum
Clinformatics™ Data Mart provides paid medical
and prescription claims and enrollment
information for participants in commercial
insurance plans (e.g. HMOs), and the Medicare
Advantage plans of a large U.S. managed care
health insurance company. Included are plan
members who were enrolled in both a medical and
a prescription plan. These data allow us to
examine the experience of younger, employed
individuals, and all areas of the country are
represented in the samples. The Optum
Clinformatics™ cohorts include information on
about nine million lives per year.
We continue to expand our analyses of Veterans
Health Administration Data (VHA). This national
health system-derived data represents more than
six million veterans.
As in the 2017 ADR, in the interest of drawing
attention to disparities whenever possible, we
continue to characterize the ESRD population by race
and ethnicity categories, as opposed to race or
ethnicity. In previous ADRs, we considered ethnicity
separately from race, based on whether a person was
Hispanic, or not. As the Hispanic population in
America grows, it becomes more meaningful and
accurate to examine separate cohorts of non-Hispanic
White, non-Hispanic Black, and Hispanic patients, the
majority of whom identify themselves as White.
Whenever possible, our race categories match those of
the U.S. Census. Census definitions change
periodically, most recently in 2000. We report data
prior to 2000, but in the 2018 ADR employ the most
recent census categories wherever possible. However,
race and ethnicity categorizations are limited by the
categorizations available in the source datasets. We
were unable to replicate the current census race and
ethnicity characterization in the CKD volume for this
In the interest of examining regional differences,
and to provide information salient to our audiences in
different areas of the country, we continue to report
geographic variations by health service area or ESRD
A new chapter on CKD in children and adolescents
has been included in 2018, along with continued
expanded coverage of ESRD among children,
adolescents and young adults, including information
about childhood onset ESRD among patients who
have transitioned to adulthood. The ESRD
hospitalization chapter now includes emergency
department visits and observation stays in addition to
the continued emphasis on inpatient stays and
Originally, the ADR was the product of a stand-
alone ESRD database that served as a source of
descriptive epidemiology of ESRD patients covering
areas such as incidence, prevalence, modality of renal
replacement and treatment history, along with
biochemical data, dialysis claims, and information on
medication use, payer histories, hospitalization
events, deaths, physician/supplier services, dialysis
providers, and renal transplantation. The findings
presented in the ADR are now drawn from numerous
data types and sources. Details of these are described
in the Data Sources sections of the CKD Analytical
Methods and ESRD Analytical Methods chapters. We
also describe data preparation and management,
variable definition, and the analytic methods used to
generate the study cohorts, and produce the statistics,
figures, and tables presented in the ADR.
Downloadable PowerPoint files containing tables
and figures in each chapter are available on the
USRDS website. In addition, readers should be aware
that the underlying data tables used to generate the
figures in individual chapters are available for
download as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets on the
USRDS website. Thus, in order to supplement the
figures presented in the ADR chapters, readers may
opt to examine the data tables in the Excel download
The USRDS Renal Data Extraction and Referencing
(RenDER) System is an online data querying
application available through the USRDS website,
allowing access to a wealth of information regarding
ESRD in the United States. It quickly returns an
accurate table of data or interactive map based upon
the user's query specifications. Tables can then be
copied into a spreadsheet application on the user's
computer for further manipulation and investigation.
Map images can be copied or saved to local
applications. In addition, a dBase file of the data,
which can be opened in MS Excel, is also offered for
download. We are continuing to develop RenDER and
plan to continue enhancing the functionality of the
interface. We plan to eventually add the capability for
additional rate calculations and graphing capabilities,
as well as an expanded database.
Data on CKD in the non-institutionalized, general
population come from the National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and the
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS),
both conducted by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.
The majority of USRDS analyses employ claims-
based and enrollment data obtained from the Centers
for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Files for
Medicare Parts A and B contain billing data from final
action claims submitted for Medicare beneficiaries in
which all adjustments have been resolved. The
Medicare Prescription Drug Event File includes data
submitted by health plans whenever a Medicare
beneficiary fills a prescription; Part D coverage data
has been available since its introduction in 2006.
For patients with CKD, acute kidney injury, and
related comorbidities, analyses are performed on the
Medicare 5% sample. These Standard Analytical Files
(SAFs) are a random sample of 5% of the entire
Medicare population. Medicare ESRD Claims SAFs
contain data from claims for medical services provided
to Medicare beneficiaries with ESRD. Institutional
claims include those for inpatient, outpatient, skilled
nursing facility, home health agency, and hospice
services. Non-institutional claims include those for
physicians and suppliers, and for durable medical
The Medicare Enrollment Database (EDB) is the
designated repository of all Medicare beneficiary
enrollment and entitlement data, including current
and historical information on beneficiary residence,
Medicare as secondary payer and employer group
health plan status, and Health Insurance
Claim/Beneficiary Identification Code cross-
Other CMS data files consist of information
submitted through ESRD specific forms completed by
providers or facilities. These include the Medical
Evidence form (CMS 2728), used to register patients at
the onset of ESRD, the Death Notification form (CMS
2746), and the Facility Survey form (CMS 2744). The
latter reports the counts of patients being treated at
the end of the year, new ESRD patients starting
treatment during the year, and patients who died
during the year. Both Medicare and non-Medicare
end-of-year patients are counted. CMS Dialysis
Facility Compare data define corporation name and
ownership type for each renal facility.
CROWNWeb is a web-based data collection system
that was implemented nationally in May 2012. It
captures clinical and administrative data from
Medicare-certified dialysis facilities for all ESRD
patients. Clinical measures are also available in the
VHA data and to a lesser degree in NHANES.
CDC National Surveillance Data was collected
during 1993-1997 and 1999-2002. It was a non-patient
specific survey of dialysis facilities on patient and staff
counts, membrane types, reuse practices, water
treatment methods, therapy types, vascular access use,
antibiotic use, hepatitis vaccination, and conversion
rates (for both staff and patients), as well as the
incidence of HIV, AIDS, and tuberculosis.
Population data are from the 2000 and 2010 United
States Census, and incorporate CDC postcensal and
intercensal population estimates. USRDS summarizes
the data with different race and ethnicity categories at
state and national levels.
Summary/Key Findings
Readers are referred to the 2018 USRDS ADR
Infographic on the USRDS website for an overview of
key highlights. The following paragraphs represent
only an outline of some of the salient findings
reported in the 2018 ADR. More detailed commentary
and the USRDS Special Studies reports are presented
within the individual chapters of the ADR.
Volume 1 of the 2018 USRDS ADR provides an
analysis of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the United
States. It includes the following chapters as a road
map to the early stages of kidney disease: CKD in the
General Population (Chapter 1); Identification and Care
of Patients with CKD (Chapter 2); Morbidity and
Mortality in Patients with CKD (Chapter 3);
Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with CKD (Chapter
4); Acute Kidney Injury (Chapter 5); Healthcare
Expenditures for Persons with CKD (Chapter 6);
Prescription Drug Coverage in Patients with CKD
(Chapter 7); and the USRDS Special Study Center
report on Transition of Care in Chronic Kidney Disease
(Chapter 9 ).
Through the analyses and investigations in these
chapters, we tell the story of CKD one that is
important not only to the domestic and international
renal communities, but for the general population as
well. It is important for everyone to understand and
care about the growing implications of kidney disease.
These chapters synthesize a wealth of data and
describe how this often silent condition can be
recognized. Throughout these chapters, we present
status and trends. We discuss risk prediction and
prevention, disease management, and opportunities to
slow disease progression. We discuss the interactions
with common comorbid conditions and emphasize
the need for interventions before reaching the often-
irreversible need for renal replacement therapy.
Overall, chronic kidney disease (CKD) prevalence
has remained relatively stable during the last two
decades. Prevalence of CKD (Stages 1-5) in the general
U.S. adult population was 14.8% in 2013-2016, based on
NHANES data. CKD Stage 3 (6.4%) was the most
prevalent (Figure 1.1). In the general U.S. population
during the years 2013-2016, the prevalence of a urinary
albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) of >10 mg/g of
creatinine was 33%, including 8.5% with ACR 30300
mg/g and 1.6% with ACR >300 mg/g (Figure 1.3). In
the future, we anticipate that a subset NHANES
sample will undergo repeat testing of both blood and
urine, allowing assessment of CKD prevalence using
the persistence criterion of the KDIGO definition.
In light of the 2017 blood pressure guidelines from the
American College of Cardiology/American Heart
Association (ACC/AHA), this year we examine
hypertension control at both 130/80 mm Hg and 140/90
mm Hg. In a comparison of four cohorts of NHANES
participants (2001-2004, 2005-2008, 2009-2012, and 2013-
2016), little change was seen among individuals without
CKD, but among individuals with CKD, the percentage
within the ACC/AHA guidelines has improved from
40.4% to 48.8% for BP <130/80 and from 61.5% to 68.4%
for BP <140/90 (Figures 1.10.b & 1.10.a).
The prevalence of self-reported CKD remains very
low in the U.S. general population. Comparing these
same four NHANES cohorts, we continue to see little
improvement in the percentage of individuals with
CKD who were aware of their disease in the early
stages, but among individuals in Stage 4, CKD
awareness increased from 36% to 57%. Even for
individuals with hypertension (HTN) and diabetes
mellitus (DM), only 15% were aware of their kidney
Over half of patients in the Medicare 5% sample
(aged 65 and older) had at least one of three
diagnosed chronic conditions chronic kidney disease
(CKD), cardiovascular disease (CVD), or diabetes
mellitus (DM), while 19.9% had two or more of these
conditions. Within a younger population derived from
the Optum Clinformatics™ Data Mart (ages 22-64
years), 10.6% had at least one of the three conditions,
and 1.6% had two or more. As indicated by diagnosis
claims and biochemical data from the Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA), 15.6% of patients had at least
one of the three conditions, while 2.4% had at least
two (Table 2.2.b).
The proportion of patients with recognized CKD in
the Medicare 5% sample has grown steadily, from
2.7% in 2000 to 13.8% in 2016 (Figure 2.2). In the
Medicare 5% sample and VA data, 13.8% and 14.9% of
patients had a diagnosis of CKD in 2016, as opposed to
only 2.0% of patients in the Optum Clinformatics™
population (Table 2.4).
Testing for urine albumin is recommended for
patients with DM. Among Medicare patients with a
diagnosis of DM, claims data indicated that testing for
urine albumin has become more common, but was
conducted for less than half of these patients41.8%
in 2016, up from 26.4% in 2006. In 2016, urine albumin
testing was performed in 49.9% of diabetic Medicare
patients who also had diagnoses of CKD and
hypertension (HTN). Patterns were similar in the
Optum Clinformatics™ population, but with
somewhat lower rates of testing (Figures 2.3 and 2.4).
Among Medicare patients with recognized CKD in
2015, patients who saw a nephrologist were roughly
twice as likely to have a claim for urine albumin
testing in 2016 (55.4%) than those who saw only a
primary care physician (26.7%; Figure 2.5).
This chapter considers mortality, hospitalization
and readmissions among chronic kidney disease
(CKD) patients using the Medicare 5% sample and
Optum Clinformatics data from a commercial
In 2016, Medicare patients with CKD experienced a
mortality rate of 122.6 per 1,000 patient-years. When
adjusted for sex, age, and race, the rate remained more
than double the 43.1 per 1,000 patient-years of those
without CKD. Mortality rates increased with CKD
severity, but the gap has narrowed between CKD and
non-CKD patients from 2004 to 2016 (Table 3.1 and
Figure 3.1). Male patients without CKD experienced
higher adjusted mortality rates of 48.2 per 1,000
patient-years than did females, at 39.2. This relative
difference was similar among those with CKD, with an
adjusted mortality rate of 114.4 per 1,000 patient-years
for males and 94.9 for females (Table 3.1 and Figure
3.4). In 2016, Medicare age and sex adjusted mortality
rates were 104.2 per 1,000 patient-years for Whites and
106.6 per 1,000 patient-years for Blacks/African
Americans (Figure 3.5).
Adjusted hospitalization rates declined from 2015 to
2016 in both the Medicare and Optum Clinformatics™
CKD and non-CKD patients. The decline was greater for
CKD patients than for patients without CKD in both
populations (Figure 3.7). Not surprisingly, among
Medicare patients, after adjustment for sex and race,
rates of hospitalization in older patients were greater
than for younger age cohorts. In the CKD group,
hospitalization rates for those over 85 years was 39.7%
higher than among those aged 66 to 69 years: 706.2 vs.
505.4 admissions per 1,000 patient-years at risk (Figure
3.12). Black patients with CKD had higher adjusted rates
of hospitalization than did Whites and Other races
(651.8 vs. 568.3 vs. 471.1 per 1,000 patient-years).
Disparities in outcomes increased with disease severity
(Figure 3.14). At 21.6%, unadjusted rates of hospital
readmission in Medicare patients with CKD were higher
than the 15.3% for those without CKD (Table 3.3).
The prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD)
was 64.5% among patients aged 66 and older who had
chronic kidney disease (CKD), compared to 32.4%
among those who did not have CKD (Table 4.1). The
presence of CKD is associated with worsened short-
and long-term prognosis for many common
cardiovascular diseases. For example, the adjusted
two-year survival of patients with acute myocardial
infarction (AMI) and without a diagnosis of CKD was
82%, compared with 75% for CKD Stage 1-2 patients
and 59% for Stage 4-5 patients (Figure 4.2). The
presence of cardiovascular disease is also associated
with worsened short- and long-term prognosis for
patients with CKD. Over a two-year period, Medicare
patients with both heart failure and CKD had an
adjusted survival probability of 77.8%, compared to
90.2% for those with CKD alone (Figure 4.5).
Atrial fibrillation (AF) was common among Medicare
patients with CKD (23.8%). The prevalence of AF was
higher among males, older persons, and patients with
hypertension (HTN), advanced stages of CKD, and
heart failure (HF). Nearly half of CKD patients with
heart failure had a diagnosis of AF (Table 4.5).
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEs)
and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are
mainstays of heart failure therapy and were prescribed
to 59.9% of CKD patients with HF, compared to 61.2%
of non-CKD patients with HF. Although direct oral
anticoagulants have been less studied among patients
with CKD, these drugs were prescribed to 30.9% of
patients with AF and CKD, as compared with 33.2% of
patients with AF and no CKD (Table 4.4).
In 2016, 4.4% of Medicare fee-for-service
beneficiaries experienced a hospitalization
complicated by acute kidney injury (AKI), double the
proportion of 2.2% in 2006 (Figure 5.1). Risk of AKI
increases with age and in the presence of
comorbidities such as chronic kidney disease (CKD)
and diabetes mellitus (DM). About 1 in 5 hospitalized
Medicare patients with both CKD and DM experience
a hospitalization with AKI each year (Figure 5.5).
Among hospitalized veterans aged 22+ years, 25.4%
met Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes
(KDIGO) guidelines for AKI as defined using serum
creatinine-based criteria (Table A). This included
21.4%, 0.8%, and 3.2% of patients with Stage 1, Stage 2,
and Stage 3 AKI (Table 5.2). Just over half (52.6%) of
patients meeting criteria for AKI were given a
diagnosis of AKI. In 2014, Medicare patients aged 66+
years who were hospitalized for AKI had a 36%
cumulative probability of a recurrent AKI
hospitalization within one year (Figure 5.6.a). For
Optum Clinformatics™ patients aged 22+ years, the
probability of recurrent AKI hospitalization was 23%
(Figure 5.7.a).
Among Medicare patients without a pre-existing
diagnosis of CKD, 30.8% were given a new diagnosis of
CKD in the year following an AKI hospitalization
(Figure 5.10.a). In the Optum Clinformatics™
population, 33.8% of patients with an AKI
hospitalization were newly classified as having CKD in
the subsequent year (Figure 5.10.b). In contrast,
among Medicare patients with a “new” diagnosis of
CKD in 2016, 25% had an AKI hospitalization in the
preceding year.
For the first time, the 2018 ADR includes a chapter
on chronic kidney disease (CKD) among children in
the United States, using data from a single commercial
payer. Among those with healthcare coverage, a
diagnosis of CKD was made among 2.7 per 1,000
children (Table 6.2). Hospitalization rates were 12
times higher for children with CKD than for all
children (Table 6.3). Between 2006 and 2016,
healthcare expenditures increased by 50% for children
with CKD, compared to 25% for children without CKD
(Figure 6.3). Healthcare expenditures for children with
CKD in 2016 were 7.6 times higher than expenditures
for children without CKD (Figure 6.3).
In the 2018 Annual Data Report (ADR), we
introduce information from the Optum
Clinformatics™ DataMart for persons with Medicare
Advantage and commercial managed care coverage to
provide a more comprehensive examination of the
financial costs necessary to provide care to
beneficiaries with chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Medicare spending for all beneficiaries who had CKD
(12.5% of total) exceeded $79 billion in 2016, an
increase of 23% from 2015 (Tables 7.1 and 7.3). When
adding an additional $35 billion for end-stage renal
disease (ESRD) costs (Figure 9.2), total Medicare
spending on both CKD and ESRD was over $114 billion,
representing 23% of total Medicare fee-for-service
(FFS) spending. In 2016, Medicare spending for
beneficiaries with CKD aged 65 and older exceeded
$67 billion, representing 25% of all Medicare spending
in this age group (Figure 7.1). Medicare expenditures
for CKD were 20% higher in 2016 than in 2015 ($55
billion).This was mostly due to an 18% increase in the
ascertainment of CKD. Medicare spending for
beneficiaries with CKD who were younger than age 65
(8% of total) exceeded $12 billion in 2016, representing
18% of total spending in this age group (Table 7.3).
Growth in total CKD spending has primarily been
driven by an increase in the number of identified
cases, particularly those in the earlier stages (CKD
Stages 1-3). Over half of 2016 Medicare spending for
beneficiaries aged 65 and older was for those who had
diagnoses of CKD, diabetes mellitus (DM), or heart
failure (HF; Figure 7.1). Spending per patient-year for
those with all three chronic conditions of CKD, DM,
and HF was more than twice as high ($39,506) as for
beneficiaries with only CKD ($16,176; Table 7.1). The
analysis of expenses for beneficiaries with CKD
indicates the effect of cost-containment efforts in this
population, and avenues for potential savings.
Reduction in expenditures could be achieved through
the prevention of disease progression to later stages of
CKD, and prevention of the development of
concurrent chronic conditions such as DM and HF.
Approximately 73.7% of chronic kidney disease
(CKD) patients enrolled in Medicare Part D in 2016,
including both the fee-for-service stand-alone and
Medicare Advantage plans. The Part D enrollment rate
for the CKD group was slightly higher than in the
general Medicare population (69.5%; Figure 8.1). The
percentage of Medicare beneficiaries who received the
Low-income Subsidy (LIS) was higher for CKD
patients across all age and race categories than in the
general Medicare population (Figures 8.2 and 8.3). As
compared to White beneficiaries (29.3%), much
higher proportions of Asian (73.8%) and Black/
African American (62.8%) CKD Part D beneficiaries
qualified for the LIS (Figure 8.3).
Among patients with stand-alone Part D plans, per
person per year (PPPY) insurance spending on
prescriptions was 1.6 times higher for Medicare
patients with CKD than for general beneficiaries
($4,941 vs. $3,027) in 2016. Spending for CKD patients
with Medicare Advantage plans was 1.6 times higher
($2,926, vs. $1,834), and 4.1 times higher for those with
managed care coverage ($4,164 vs. $1,013; Figure 8.5.a).
Total spending for Part D-covered medications in 2016
was more than twice as high for patients with the LIS
than for those without, regardless of the presence of
CKD. Patient out-of-pocket costs for LIS patients
represented only a 1.2%-1.3% share of these total
expenditures, as compared to 25.3%-27.0% in each of
the non-LIS populations (Figure 8.5.b). Prescriptions
for lipid-lowering agents, antibacterials, renin-
angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors, and β-
adrenergic blocking agents (beta blockers) were each
filled by more than 50% of Medicare CKD patients
during 2016 (Table 8.6). CKD patients with Medicare
Advantage and managed care coverage showed similar
patterns of use for these drug classes. By drug class,
the highest medication expenditures for patients with
CKD were for antidiabetic agents, followed by
antineoplastic agents, antivirals, and lipid-lowering
agents (Table 8.7). The overall proportions of CKD
patients using prescription non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) and opioids were
16.4% and 43.8%, respectively (Figures 8.6-8.7).
Volume 2 of the ADR provides key statistics on
end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in the United States
and includes the following chapters: Incidence,
Prevalence, Patient Characteristics, and Treatment
Modalities (Chapter 1); Clinical Indicators and
Preventive Care (Chapter 2); Vascular Access
(Chapter 3); Hospitalizations, Readmissions,
Emergency Department Visits, and Observation Stays
(Chapter 4); Mortality (Chapter 5); Transplantation
(Chapter 6); ESRD among Children, Adolescents, and
Young Adults (Chapter 7); Cardiovascular Disease in
Patients with ESRD (Chapter 8); Healthcare
Expenditures for Persons with ESRD (Chapter 9);
Prescription Drug Coverage in Patients with ESRD
(Chapter 10); International Comparisons (Chapter 11);
and the USRDS Special Study Center report on End-of-
Life Care for Patients with ESRD (Chapter 12). In
addition, we also present a chapter on the Healthy
People 2020 program, which assesses progress on the
HP2020 kidney disease objectives.
The age-sex-race standardized incidence rate of
end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in the United States
rose sharply in the 1980s and 1990s, leveled off in early
2006, and has declined slightly since its peak in 2006
(Figure 1.1). In 2016, there were 124,675 newly reported
cases of ESRD; the unadjusted (crude) incidence rate
was 373.4 per million/year (Table 1.1). Since 2011, the
crude rate had risen; however, the standardized rate
appears to have plateaued (Figure 1.1). In 2016, the age-
sex-standardized ESRD incidence rate ratio, compared
with Whites, was 2.9 for Blacks/African Americans, 1.2
for American Indians/Alaska Natives, and 1.1 for
Asians (Figure 1.5). All these represent reductions in
the relative rate of ESRD for these populations
compared to Whites over the past 16 years. The
incidence rate ratio for Hispanics versus non-
Hispanics was 1.3 (Figure 1.6). Based on 2013 data, the
lifetime risk of being diagnosed with ESRD from birth
was 4.0% in males and 2.9% in females. Among males,
the lifetime risk ranged from a low of 3.4% in Whites
to a high of 8.1% in Blacks/African Americans, while in
females, it ranged from 2.3% in Whites to 6.8% in
Blacks/African Americans. (Figure 1.7 and Table 1.3).
On December 31, 2016, there were 726,331 prevalent
cases of ESRD; the crude prevalence was 2,160.7 per
million in the U.S. population (Table 1.4). The number
of prevalent ESRD cases has continued to rise by
about 20,000 cases per year (Table 1.4). In contrast to
the standardized incidence rate, the age-sex-race-
standardized prevalence of ESRD has continued to
increase since 2006 (Tables 1.1 and 1.4).
In 2016, 35.4% of incident ESRD patients received
little or no pre-ESRD nephrology care (Table 1.8.a).
Mean eGFR at initiation of dialysis in 2016 was 9.7
ml/min/1.73 m
(Table 1.10), down from a peak of 10.4
in 2010. The percentage of incident ESRD cases
starting with eGFR ≥10 ml/min/1.73 m
rose from
12.9% in 1996 to 42.6% in 2010, but decreased to 38.6%
in 2016 (Figure 1.19).
In May 2017, the majority (64.5%) of hemodialysis
(HD) patients had hemoglobin (Hgb) levels from 10 to
<12 g/dL, while 14.5% had Hgb ≥12 g/dL, 14.4% had
Hgb from 9 to <10 g/dL, and 6.6% had Hgb <9 g/dL.
The mean Hgb was 10.8 g/dL (Figure 2.1.b). The
majority (56.1%) of peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients
had Hgb levels from 10 to <12 g/dL, while 21.4% had
Hgb ≥12 g/dL, 15.2% had Hgb from 9 to <10 g/dL, and
7.3% had Hgb <9 g/dL. The mean Hgb was 10.9 g/dL
(Figure 2.1.b). As of 2016, three different
erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) were
prescribed to dialysis patients in the United States.
December 2016 claims data indicated monthly use
rates among HD patients on dialysis ≥90 days of 34.4%
for epoetin (EPO) alfa, 17.9% for darbepoetin, and
24.4% for pegylated EPO (PEG-EPO) beta. Twenty-
two percent of HD patients were not using an ESA.
Among PD patients, 31.2% were using EPO alfa, 13.0%
darbepoetin, and 13.1% PEG-EPO, while 41.7% of PD
patients were not using an ESA (Figures 2.2.d and
2.8.d.). For U.S. HD patients between 2015 and 2016, a
small increase was seen in monthly percent
intravenous (IV) iron use (60.0% to 61.8%), whereas,
mean monthly IV iron dose declined slightly (from
294.1 mg to 291.8 mg; Figure 2.4). Similarly, for PD
patients a small increase was also seen in monthly
percent IV iron use (25.3% to 26.5%) and decline in
mean monthly IV iron dose (from 196.2 mg to 190.9
mg; Figure 2.10). Serum ferritin levels increased
slightly in all dialysis patients from 2015 to 2017. As of
May 2017, 30.4% and 25.5% of HD patients had serum
ferritin levels of 801-1200 and >1200 ng/mL. Among PD
patients, 22.4% and 17.2% had serum ferritin levels of
801-1200 and >1200 ng/mL (Figures 2.6 and 2.12).
In May 2017, 60.5% of HD and 57.5% of PD patients
had serum calcium levels within the range of 8.4-9.5
mg/dL. About 1.3% of HD patients and 1.9% of PD
patients had serum calcium levels greater than 10.2
mg/dL, and 16.9% of HD patients and 23.1% of PD
patients had serum calcium levels less than 8.4 mg/dL
(Figures 2.14 and 2.15). Serum phosphorus levels were
greater than 4.5 mg/dL among 66.1% of HD patients
and 71.6% of PD patients (Figures 2.16 and 2.17).
In the 2015-2016 flu season, 71.3% of patients
received an influenza vaccination. Although this rate
has been stable over the last two years, the percent
vaccinated has increased from 59.3% a decade earlier
(Figure 2.19.a).
In 2016, 80% of patients were using a catheter at
hemodialysis (HD) initiation (Figure 3.1). At 90 days
after the initiation of HD, 69% of patients were still
using catheters (Figure 3.7.a). The percentage of
patients using an arteriovenous (AV) fistula or with a
maturing AV fistula at HD initiation increased from
28.9% to 33% over the same period (Figure 3.1). AV
fistula use at HD initiation rose from 12% to 17% over
the period 2005-2016 (Figure 3.1). AV fistula use
increased to 64% by the end of one year on HD, and to
71% by the end of two years (Figure 3.7.a). The
proportion of patients with an AV graft for vascular
access was 3% at HD initiation, 15% at one year after
initiation, and 17% at two years (Figure 3.7.a). At one
year after HD initiation, 79% of patients were using
either an AV fistula or AV graft without the presence
of a catheter. By two years, this number rose to 88%
(Figure 3.7.a). Of AV fistulas placed between June 2014
and May 2016, 39% failed to mature sufficiently for use
in dialysis. Of those that did mature, the median time
to first use was 108 days (Table 3.7). Patient
demographic characteristics appear to contribute to
success with AV fistula; at younger ages, the percent
of AV fistulas that successfully mature is higher and
the median time to first use is somewhat shorter
(Table 3.7). Males had a higher AV fistula maturation
rate compared to females, as well as shorter time to
first use. Blacks were observed to have the highest AV
fistula maturation failure rates.
End-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients continue
to experience a relatively high frequency of
hospitalization, although over the last decade the
frequency of admissions has declined. Between 2007
and 2016, the adjusted hospital admission rate for
dialysis patients declined from 2.0 to 1.7 per patient-
year (PPY), a reduction of 15%. During that same
period, the admission rate for transplant patients
declined from 1.0 to 0.8 PPY, a 20% reduction (Figure
4.1). Hospitalization rates for hemodialysis (HD)
patients were highest in their first year but fell
considerably through the first three years of HD,
whereas peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients generally
experienced increasing hospitalization rates many
years after dialysis initiation (Figure 4.3). All-cause
hospitalization rates among adult HD patients
decreased by 14.2% from 2007 to 2014 and remained
stable in 2015-2016 (see Table 4.1). Hospitalizations
due to cardiovascular events and those for vascular
access infection fell by 18.9% and 54.6% from 2007 to
2016, respectively. Select patient groups continue to
exhibit more frequent hospitalization. For 2015-2016,
adjusted HD patient hospitalization rates were higher
for those aged 2244 years or 75 years and older,
females, and those of non-Hispanic White or
Black/African American race, and for those who had
diabetes as their primary cause of kidney failure
(Table 4.1).
The frequency of dialysis patient visits to the
emergency department (ED) has increased over time.
Between 2007 and 2016, unadjusted ED visit rates for
HD patients increased from 2.6 to 3.0 PPY, while rates
for peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients increased from 2.2
to 2.4 PPY, and rates for transplant patients increased
from 1.3 to 1.4 PPY (Figure 4.14). Observation stays were
relatively rare for ESRD patients, but approximately
doubled in frequency from 2007-2016. Unadjusted rates
of observation stays for HD patients increased from 0.16
to 0.38 PPY, while rates for PD patients increased from
0.12 to 0.25 PPY, and rates for transplant patients
increased from 0.08 to 0.15 PPY (Figure 4.17).
Among ESRD patients in 2016, more than one in three
live hospital discharges were followed by a readmission
within 30 days (35.4%), compared to 21.6% for patients
with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and only 15.3% for
older Medicare beneficiaries without a diagnosis of kidney
disease (Figure 4.7). The frequency of 30-day readmissions
among dialysis patients was stable from 2007-2011 at
approximately 39%, fell somewhat in 2012-2013, and has
remained at approximately 37% during 2014-2016.
Readmissions for transplant patients were approximately
8 percentage points lower but followed a similar time
trend (Figure 4.8).
The decline in mortality in the end-stage renal
disease (ESRD) population has important implications
for both patients and resource allocation. Increasing
lifespan among ESRD patients is a primary reason for
continued growth in the prevalent ESRD population.
The relative decline in mortality for dialysis patients in
the past 20 years has been similar to that of Medicare
patients with cancer and diabetes, and greater than for
Medicare patients with cerebrovascular disease or an
acute myocardial infarction (Table 5.5, Figure 5.5). In
2016, adjusted mortality rates for ESRD, dialysis, and
transplant patients were 134, 164, and 29 per 1,000
patient-years. By dialysis modality, mortality rates
were 166 for hemodialysis (HD) patients and 154 for
peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients, per 1,000 patient-
years (Figure 5.1). Between 2001 and 2016, adjusted
mortality rates decreased for dialysis patients by 29%.
The net reductions in mortality from 2001 to 2016 were
28% for HD patients and 43% for PD patients (Figure
5.1). Between 2001 and 2016, unadjusted (crude)
mortality rates decreased by 2% for transplant
recipients. After accounting for changes in population
characteristics (primarily increasing age), trends in
post-transplant mortality were much more
pronounced, with adjusted mortality rates decreasing
by 40% (Figure 5.1). Patterns of mortality during the
first year of dialysis differed substantially by modality.
For HD patients, reported mortality was highest in
month two, but declined thereafter; this effect was
more pronounced for patients aged 65 and older. In
contrast, mortality for PD patients was relatively low
initially, but rose slightly over the course of the year
(Figure 5.3). Dialysis patients over the age of 65
continued to have substantially higher mortality
compared to the general population and Medicare
populations with cancer, diabetes, or cardiovascular
In 2016, 20,161 kidney transplants were performed
in the United States (19,301 were kidney-alone; Figure
6.6). Fewer than a third (28%) of kidneys transplanted
in 2016 were from living donors (Figure 6.6). From
2015 to 2016, the cumulative number of recipients with
a functioning kidney transplant increased by 3.4%,
from 208,032 to a total of 215,061 (Figure 6.7). On
December 31, 2016, the kidney transplant waiting list
had 81,418 candidates on dialysis, 51,238 (62.9%) of
whom were active. Eighty-five percent of all
candidates were awaiting their first transplant (Figure
6.1). Among candidates newly wait-listed for either a
first or repeat kidney-alone transplant (living or
deceased-donor) during 2011, the median waiting time
to transplant was 4.0 years (Figure 6.4). This waiting
time varied greatly by region of the country, from a
low of 1.4 years in Nebraska to a high of 5.1 years in
Georgia (Reference Table E.2.2). The number of
deceased kidney donors, aged 1-74 years, with at least
one kidney retrieved increased by 62.7%, from 5,981 in
2001 to 9,732 in 2016 (Figure 6.19.a).
The rate of kidney donation from deceased
Blacks/African Americans nearly doubled from 2002
to 2016, from 4.5 to 7.9 donations per 1,000 deaths
(Figure 6.21.b). This rate overtook that of Whites in
2009. Asians consistently had the highest rate of
deceased kidney donation during this time, at about 9
per 1,000 deaths. The number of kidney paired
donation transplants has risen sharply since 2005,
with 642 performed in 2016, which represented 11% of
living-donor transplants that year. The rate plateaued
during 2012-2014 but increased again in 2016 (Figure
6.18). Since 1999, the probabilities of graft survival
have improved among recipients of both living and
deceased-donor kidney transplants, over both the
short-term (one-year survival) and long-term (five and
ten-year survival) (Figure 6.25). In 2015, the
probabilities of one-year graft survival were 93% for
deceased and 98% for living-donor kidney transplant
recipients (Figure 6.25). In 2015, the probabilities of
patient survival within one-year post-transplant were
96% and 99% of deceased- and living-donor kidney
transplant recipients (Figure 2.6). The one-year graft-
survival and patient-survival advantages experienced
by living-donor transplant recipients persisted at five
and ten years post-transplant (Figures 6.25 and 6.26).
The number of children and adolescents beginning
end-stage renal disease (ESRD) care is steadily
decreasing from a high of 17.5 per million in 2004 to
13.8 per million population in 2016, representing a
decrease of 21.1% (Figure 7.1.a). As of December 31,
2016, the point prevalence of children and adolescents,
0 to 21 years of age, with ESRD was 9,721, or 99.1 per
million population (Figure 7.1.b). The one-year ESRD
patient mortality decreased by 20.4% over the last
decade, with the greatest improvement observed in
the 0-4 year age group with a 35.0% decrease. (Figures
7.8.a and 7.8.b). Twenty percent of incident and 72%
of prevalent children and adolescents with ESRD have
kidney transplants, in 2016 (Figures 7.1.a and 7.1.b).
Since 1978, a total of 19,441 survivors of childhood
onset ESRD have transitioned into adulthood and 81%
of these individuals were still alive as of December 31,
2016 (Figure 7.17).
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is common in adult
end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients, with
coronary artery disease (CAD) and heart failure (HF)
being the most common conditions (Table 8.1). Even
relatively young ESRD patientsthose aged 22-44 and
45-64 yearsare likely to suffer from cardiovascular
disease (Figures 8.2.a and 8.2.b). The presence of
cardiovascular disease is associated with both worse
short- and long-term survival in adult ESRD patients
(Figure 8.3). Only about two-thirds of dialysis or
transplant patients with acute myocardial infarction
(AMI) received beta-blocker medications. Similarly,
among ESRD patients with HF, fewer than half
received angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
(ACEIs) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs).
Although many ESRD patients with atrial fibrillation
(AF) are at elevated risk of stroke, only about one-
third of dialysis patients with AF were treated with
warfarin (Table 8.3).
Between 2015 and 2016, Medicare fee-for-service
spending for beneficiaries with end-stage renal disease
(ESRD) rose by 4.6%, from $33.8 billion to $35.4
billion, accounting for 7.2% of overall Medicare paid
claims, a figure that has remained stable since 2004
(Figure 9.2). This marks the fifth year of modest
growth relative to historical trends, and follows the
2011 implementation of the bundled payment system.
When $79 billion in expenditures for chronic kidney
disease (CKD) are added, total Medicare expenditures
for both CKD and ESRD are over $114 billion, an
increase of 16%. In 2016, ESRD spending per person
per year (PPPY) increased by 2.5% (Figure 9.4). For
the second year in a row, most of the increase in
Medicare expenditures for beneficiaries with ESRD
was attributable to higher PPPY spending, rather than
growth in the number of covered lives. For
hemodialysis (HD) care, both total and PPPY spending
increased between 2015 ($26.8 billion and $88,782) and
2016 ($28.0 billion and $90,971) (Figures 9.7 and 9.8).
During this period, total peritoneal dialysis (PD)
spending grew by 5.7%, as the share of patients
receiving PD continued to rise. However, while PPPY
spending on PD rose 1.4% from 2015 to 2016, PD
remained less costly on a per-patient basis than HD
(Figures 9.7 and 9.8). Total and PPPY kidney
transplant spending have increased by 4.6% and 2.1%.
Total spending for transplant patients increased from
$3.3 billion to $3.4 billion, and per capita spending
increased from $34,080 to $34,780 (Figures 9.7 and
9.8). Total inpatient spending for patients with ESRD
grew rapidly from 2004 until 2009, followed by slower
growth from 2009 until 2011, remained quite stable
from 2011 to 2015, but then increased by 5.3% in 2016
(Figure 9.5).
In 2018, this chapter continues to report on
analgesic use and updates the map of non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) and opioid use in
the United States using 2016 data. Further, because of
increasing use of high-cost antivirals nationally, this
year we investigate the spending and utilization rates
of antivirals, including prescription antiretrovirals,
nucleosides and nucleotides, and protease inhibitors.
Among beneficiaries with Medicare Part D
enrollment, a higher proportion of those treated with
hemodialysis (HD; 65.5%), peritoneal dialysis (PD;
52.3%), and kidney transplant (50.3%) received the
Low-income Subsidy (LIS) than did the general
Medicare population (30.2%; Figure 10.1). In 2016, per
patient per year (PPPY) Medicare Part D spending on
prescriptions for end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
patients with stand-alone Part D plans was 4.1 times
higher than among the general Medicare population
($13,310 vs. $3,559; Figure 10.5.a). Of patients enrolled
in stand-alone Part D plans, dialysis patients had a
higher PPPY spending on prescriptions than did
transplant patients (HD, $14,922; PD, $13,882;
transplant, $8,693; Figure 10.5.a). In both the general
Medicare and ESRD populations, PPPY Part D
spending was 2.8-3.6 times greater for beneficiaries
with LIS benefits than for those without. This
difference reflects both higher utilization among those
with LIS benefits and the higher share of spending
covered by Medicare for LIS beneficiaries. LIS
beneficiaries’ out-of-pocket costs represented only
0.6%-1.2% of total Part D expenditures, compared to
21.6-26.9% in the non-LIS populations (Figure 10.5.b).
In 2016, ESRD patients were most frequently
prescribed ion-removing agents, β-adrenergic
blocking agents (beta blockers), antibacterials,
analgesics, antipyretics, and lipid-lowering agents
(Table 10.6). The highest costing medications for
ESRD patients were ion-removing agents, cinacalcet,
antidiabetic agents, antivirals, and
immunosuppressive agents (Table 10.7). In the United
States, the overall proportions of ESRD patients using
prescription NSAIDs and opioids were 8.3% and
49.0%, respectively (Figures 10.6 and 10.7). In 2016,
approximately 5.8%, 5.6%, and 24.1% of HD, PD, and
transplant patients had at least one filled prescription
antiviral; PPPY Medicare Part D spending among
these users was $918, $844, and $2,104, respectively
(Figures 10.9 and 10.10).
This chapter now includes data received from 74
countries. In 2016, as seen over the past decade,
Taiwan, the United States, and the Jalisco region of
Mexico reported the highest incidence of treated end-
stage renal disease (ESRD), with rates of 493, 378, and
355 patients per million general population (PMP;
Figure 11.2), respectively. Nearly 40% of countries had
incidence rates of treated ESRD <120 patients PMP,
with South Africa reporting the lowest incidence rate
of 22 treated ESRD patients PMP in 2016. In 2016, large
variation was seen across countries in whether
diabetes mellitus (DM) was the primary cause of ESRD
among incident treated ESRD patients, ranging from
approximately 66% of incident treated ESRD patients
in Malaysia, Singapore, and the Jalisco region of
Mexico, to less than 16% in Norway, Latvia, and
Romania (Figure 11.4.b). From 2003 to 2016, the Jalisco
region of Mexico and Malaysia had the highest average
yearly increases overall in the rates of ESRD incidence
due to diabetes (Figure 11.5). In 2016, among young
adults (aged 20-44 years), the United States reported
the highest ESRD incidence rate at 134 PMP, followed
by Malaysia at 111 PMP, with most countries having
treated ESRD incidence rates <50 PMP in this young
age group (Figure 11.7a). Large international variation
exists in the use of the different renal replacement
therapies (RRT; Figure 11.12). In approximately one-
fourth of countries, 50%-70% of treated ESRD patients
are living with a kidney transplantparticularly in
northern European countries. In contrast, in
approximately one-third of countries, less than 20% of
treated ESRD patients are living with a kidney
transplant. In most nations, in-center hemodialysis
(HD) was the predominant RRT modality.
In this chapter, we examine data for 10 Healthy
People 2020 (HP2020) objectives spanning 19 total
indicators for which the USRDS serves as the official
data source. As in previous Annual Data Reports
(ADR), we present data overall, and stratified by race,
sex, and age groups to highlight any disparities in
progress. In 2016, 11 of the 18 HP2020 indicators with
specific targets met the established goals. Key areas
where substantial improvement has been observed
include mortality among dialysis patients and vascular
access. Conversely, the incidence rates of end-stage
renal disease (ESRD) overall, and ESRD due to
diabetes, remain above HP2020 targets. State-level
comparison maps showed marked geographic
variation for HP2020 Objectives CKD-10 (Proportion
of ESRD patients receiving care from a nephrologist at
least 12 months before the start of renal replacement
therapy; Figure 1) and CKD-13.1 (Proportion of patients
receiving a kidney transplant within three years of
end-stage renal disease; Figure 2). Forty-eight states
achieved the HP2020 target for CKD-10, while nine
achieved the target for CKD-13.1. For HP2020
objectives relating to vascular access, we present data
from CROWNWeb examining HP2020 Objectives
CKD 11-1 (Proportion of adult hemodialysis patients
who use arteriovenous fistulas as the primary mode of
vascular access; Table 9) and CKD 11-2 (Proportion of
adult hemodialysis patients who use catheters as the
only mode of vascular access; Table 10). In 2016, the
overall proportion of prevalent patients using an
arteriovenous fistula was 64.1%, and this appears to
have plateaued since 2012. The all-cause mortality
among prevalent dialysis patients in 2016 was 173.1
deaths per 1,000 patient-years (HP2020 objective
CKD-14.1, Table 15). This rate represents a 16.8%
decrease in the mortality rate since 2007. While this
rate is lower than in 2015 (174.0 deaths per 1,000
patient-years), it is still higher than in 2014, when the
rate was lower than it has ever been at 171.6 deaths per
1,000 patient-years.