LINQ in Visual Basic
This section contains overviews, examples, and background information that will help you understand and use Visual Basic
and Language-Integrated Query (LINQ).
In This Section
Introduction to LINQ in Visual Basic
Provides an introduction to LINQproviders, operators, query structure, and language features.
How to: Query a Database by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
Provides an example of how to connect to a SQL Server database and execute a query by using LINQ.
How to: Call a Stored Procedure by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
Provides an example of how to connect to a SQL Server database and call a stored procedure by using LINQ.
How to: Modify Data in a Database by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
Provides an example of how to connect to a SQL Server database and retrieve and modify data by using LINQ.
How to: Combine Data with LINQ by Using Joins (Visual Basic)
Provides examples of how to join data in a manner similar to database joins by using LINQ.
How to: Sort Query Results by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
Provides an example of how to order the results of a query by using LINQ.
How to: Filter Query Results by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
Provides an example of how to include search criteria in a query by using LINQ.
How to: Count, Sum, or Average Data by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
Provides examples of how to include aggregate functions to Count, Sum, or Average data returned from a query by
using LINQ.
How to: Find the Minimum or Maximum Value in a Query Result by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
Provides examples of how to include aggregate functions to determine the minimum and maximum values of data
returned from a query by using LINQ.
How to: Return a LINQ Query Result as a Specific Type (Visual Basic)
Provides an example of how to return the results of a LINQ query as a specific type instead of as an anonymous type.
See Also
LINQ (Language-Integrated Query)
Overview of LINQ to XML in Visual Basic
LINQ to DataSet Overview
Visual Studio 2015
LINQ in Visual Basic
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LINQ Samples
Walkthrough: Creating LINQ to SQL Classes (O/R Designer)
© 2016 Microsoft
LINQ in Visual Basic
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Introduction to LINQ in Visual Basic
Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) adds query capabilities to Visual Basic and provides simple and powerful capabilities
when you work with all kinds of data. Rather than sending a query to a database to be processed, or working with different
query syntax for each type of data that you are searching, LINQ introduces queries as part of the Visual Basic language. It
uses a unified syntax regardless of the type of data.
LINQ enables you to query data from a SQL Server database, XML, in-memory arrays and collections, ADO.NETdatasets, or
any other remote or local data source that supports LINQ. You can do all this with common Visual Basic language elements.
Because your queries are written in the Visual Basic language, your query results are returned as strongly-typed objects.
These objects support IntelliSense, which enables you to write code faster and catch errors in your queries at compile time
instead of at run time. LINQ queries can be used as the source of additional queries to refine results. They can also be bound
to controls so that users can easily view and modify your query results.
For example, the following code example shows a LINQ query that returns a list of customers from a collection and groups
them based on their location.
In this topic, you will find information about the following areas:
Visual Studio 2015
' Obtain a list of customers.
Dim customers As List(Of Customer) = GetCustomers()
' Return customers that are grouped based on country.
Dim countries = From cust In customers
Order By cust.Country, cust.City
Group By CountryName = cust.Country
Into CustomersInCountry = Group, Count()
Order By CountryName
' Output the results.
For Each country In countries
Debug.WriteLine(country.CountryName & " count=" & country.Count)
For Each customer In country.CustomersInCountry
Debug.WriteLine(" " & customer.CompanyName & " " & customer.City)
' Output:
' Canada count=2
' Contoso, Ltd Halifax
' Fabrikam, Inc. Vancouver
' United States count=1
' Margie's Travel Redmond
Introduction to LINQ in Visual Basic
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Running the Examples
LINQ Providers
Structure of a LINQ Query
Visual Basic LINQ Query Operators
Connecting to a Database by Using LINQ to SQL
Visual Basic Features That Support LINQ
Deferred and Immediate Query Execution
XML in Visual Basic
Related Resources
How To and Walkthrough Topics
Running the Examples
To run the examples in the introduction and in the "Structure of a LINQ Query" section, include the following code, which
returns lists of customers and orders.
' Return a list of customers.
Private Function GetCustomers() As List(Of Customer)
Return New List(Of Customer) From
New Customer With {.CustomerID = 1, .CompanyName = "Contoso, Ltd", .City =
"Halifax", .Country = "Canada"},
New Customer With {.CustomerID = 2, .CompanyName = "Margie's Travel", .City
= "Redmond", .Country = "United States"},
New Customer With {.CustomerID = 3, .CompanyName = "Fabrikam, Inc.", .City
= "Vancouver", .Country = "Canada"}
End Function
' Return a list of orders.
Private Function GetOrders() As List(Of Order)
Return New List(Of Order) From
New Order With {.CustomerID = 1, .Amount = "200.00"},
New Order With {.CustomerID = 3, .Amount = "600.00"},
New Order With {.CustomerID = 1, .Amount = "300.00"},
New Order With {.CustomerID = 2, .Amount = "100.00"},
New Order With {.CustomerID = 3, .Amount = "800.00"}
End Function
' Customer Class.
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LINQ Providers
A LINQ provider maps your Visual Basic LINQ queries to the data source being queried. When you write a LINQ query, the
provider takes that query and translates it into commands that the data source will be able to execute. The provider also
converts data from the source to the objects that make up your query result. Finally, it converts objects to data when you
send updates to the data source.
Visual Basic includes the following LINQ providers.
Provider Description
The LINQ to Objects provider enables you to query in-memory collections and arrays. If an object
supports either the IEnumerable or IEnumerable(Of T) interface, the LINQ to Objects provider enables
you to query it.
You can enable the LINQ to Objects provider by importing the System.Linq namespace, which is imported
by default for all Visual Basic projects.
For more information about the LINQ to Objects provider, see LINQ to Objects.
The LINQ to SQL provider enables you to query and modify data in a SQL Server database. This makes it
easy to map the object model for an application to the tables and objects in a database.
Visual Basic makes it easier to work with LINQ to SQL by including the Object Relational Designer (O/R
Designer). This designer is used to create an object model in an application that maps to objects in a
database.The O/R Designer also provides functionality to map stored procedures and functions to
theDataContextobject, which manages communication with the database and stores state for optimistic
concurrency checks.
For more information about the LINQ to SQL provider, see LINQ to SQL. For more information about the
Object Relational Designer, see Object Relational Designer (O/R Designer).
The LINQ to XML provider enables you to query and modify XML. You can modify in-memory XML, or
you can load XML from and save XML to a file.
Additionally, the LINQ to XML provider enables XML literals and XML axis properties that enable you to
Private Class Customer
Public Property CustomerID As Integer
Public Property CompanyName As String
Public Property City As String
Public Property Country As String
End Class
' Order Class.
Private Class Order
Public Property CustomerID As Integer
Public Property Amount As Decimal
End Class
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write XML directly in your Visual Basic code. For more information, see XML in Visual Basic.
The LINQ to DataSet provider enables you to query and update data in an ADO.NETdataset. You can add
the power of LINQ to applications that use datasets in order to simplify and extend your capabilities for
querying, aggregating, and updating the data in your dataset.
For more information, see LINQ to DataSet.
Structure of a LINQ Query
A LINQ query, often referred to as a query expression, consists of a combination of query clauses that identify the data
sources and iteration variables for the query. A query expression can also include instructions for sorting, filtering,
grouping, and joining, or calculations to apply to the source data. Query expression syntax resembles the syntax of SQL;
therefore, you may find much of the syntax familiar.
A query expression starts with a From clause. This clause identifies the source data for a query and the variables that are
used to refer to each element of the source data individually. These variables are named range variables or iteration
variables. The From clause is required for a query, except for Aggregate queries, where the From clause is optional. After
the scope and source of the query are identified in the From or Aggregate clauses, you can include any combination of
query clauses to refine the query. For details about query clauses, see Visual Basic LINQ Query Operators later in this topic.
For example, the following query identifies a source collection of customer data as the customers variable, and an
iteration variable named cust.
This example is a valid query by itself; however, the query becomes far more powerful when you add more query clauses
to refine the result. For example, you can add a Where clause to filter the result by one or more values. Query expressions
are a single line of code; you can just append additional query clauses to the end of the query. You can break up a query
across multiple lines of text to improve readability by using the underscore (_) line-continuation character. The following
code example shows an example of a query that includes a Where clause.
Dim customers = GetCustomers()
Dim queryResults = From cust In customers
For Each result In queryResults
Debug.WriteLine(result.CompanyName & " " & result.Country)
' Output:
' Contoso, Ltd Canada
' Margie's Travel United States
' Fabrikam, Inc. Canada
Dim queryResults = From cust In customers
Where cust.Country = "Canada"
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Another powerful query clause is the Select clause, which enables you to return only selected fields from the data source.
LINQ queries return enumerable collections of strongly typed objects. A query can return a collection of anonymous types
or named types. You can use the Select clause to return only a single field from the data source. When you do this, the
type of the collection returned is the type of that single field. You can also use the Select clause to return multiple fields
from the data source. When you do this, the type of the collection returned is a new anonymous type. You can also match
the fields returned by the query to the fields of a specified named type. The following code example shows a query
expression that returns a collection of anonymous types that have members populated with data from the selected fields
from the data source.
LINQ queries can also be used to combine multiple sources of data and return a single result. This can be done with one
or more From clauses, or by using the Join or Group Join query clauses. The following code example shows a query
expression that combines customer and order data and returns a collection of anonymous types containing customer and
order data.
You can use the Group Join clause to create a hierarchical query result that contains a collection of customer objects.
Each customer object has a property that contains a collection of all orders for that customer. The following code
example shows a query expression that combines customer and order data as a hierarchical result and returns a collection
of anonymous types. The query returns a type that includes a CustomerOrders property that contains a collection of
order data for the customer. It also includes an OrderTotal property that contains the sum of the totals for all the orders
for that customer. (This query is equivalent to a LEFT OUTER JOIN.)
Dim queryResults = From cust In customers
Where cust.Country = "Canada"
Select cust.CompanyName, cust.Country
Dim customers = GetCustomers()
Dim orders = GetOrders()
Dim queryResults = From cust In customers, ord In orders
Where cust.CustomerID = ord.CustomerID
Select cust, ord
For Each result In queryResults
Debug.WriteLine(result.ord.Amount & " " & result.ord.CustomerID & " " &
' Output:
' 200.00 1 Contoso, Ltd
' 300.00 1 Contoso, Ltd
' 100.00 2 Margie's Travel
' 600.00 3 Fabrikam, Inc.
' 800.00 3 Fabrikam, Inc.
Dim customers = GetCustomers()
Dim orders = GetOrders()
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There are several additional LINQ query operators that you can use to create powerful query expressions. The next section
of this topic discusses the various query clauses that you can include in a query expression. For details about Visual Basic
query clauses, see Queries (Visual Basic).
Visual Basic LINQ Query Operators
The classes in the System.Linq namespace and the other namespaces that support LINQ queries include methods that you
can call to create and refine queries based on the needs of your application. Visual Basic includes keywords for the most
common query clauses, as described by the following table.
Term Definition
From Clause
(Visual Basic)
Either a From clause or an Aggregate clause is required to begin a query. A From clause specifies a
source collection and an iteration variable for a query. For example:
Dim queryResults = From cust In customers
Group Join ord In orders On
cust.CustomerID Equals ord.CustomerID
Into CustomerOrders = Group,
OrderTotal = Sum(ord.Amount)
Select cust.CompanyName, cust.CustomerID,
CustomerOrders, OrderTotal
For Each result In queryResults
Debug.WriteLine(result.OrderTotal & " " & result.CustomerID & " " &
For Each ordResult In result.CustomerOrders
Debug.WriteLine(" " & ordResult.Amount)
' Output:
' 500.00 1 Contoso, Ltd
' 200.00
' 300.00
' 100.00 2 Margie's Travel
' 100.00
' 1400.00 3 Fabrikam, Inc.
' 600.00
' 800.00
' Returns the company name for all customers for which
' the Country is equal to "Canada".
Dim names = From cust In customers
Where cust.Country = "Canada"
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Select Clause
(Visual Basic)
Optional. Declares a set of iteration variables for a query. For example:
If a Select clause is not specified, the iteration variables for the query consist of the iteration
variables specified by the From or Aggregate clause.
Where Clause
(Visual Basic)
Optional. Specifies a filtering condition for a query. For example:
Order By Clause
(Visual Basic)
Optional. Specifies the sort order for columns in a query. For example:
Join Clause
(Visual Basic)
Optional. Combines two collections into a single collection. For example:
Select cust.CompanyName
' Returns the company name and ID value for each
' customer as a collection of a new anonymous type.
Dim customerList = From cust In customers
Select cust.CompanyName, cust.CustomerID
' Returns all product names for which the Category of
' the product is "Beverages".
Dim names = From product In products
Where product.Category = "Beverages"
Select product.Name
' Returns a list of books sorted by price in
' ascending order.
Dim titlesAscendingPrice = From b In books
Order By b.price
' Returns a combined collection of all of the
' processes currently running and a descriptive
' name for the process taken from a list of
' descriptive names.
Dim processes = From proc In Process.GetProcesses
Join desc In processDescriptions
On proc.ProcessName Equals desc.ProcessName
Select proc.ProcessName, proc.Id, desc.Description
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Group By
Clause (Visual
Optional. Groups the elements of a query result. Can be used to apply aggregate functions to each
group. For example:
Group Join
Clause (Visual
Optional. Combines two collections into a single hierarchical collection. For example:
Clause (Visual
Either a From clause or an Aggregate clause is required to begin a query. An Aggregate clause
applies one or more aggregate functions to a collection. For example, you can use the Aggregate
clause to calculate a sum for all the elements returned by a query.
You can also use the Aggregate clause to modify a query. For example, you can use the Aggregate
clause to perform a calculation on a related query collection.
' Returns a list of orders grouped by the order date
' and sorted in ascending order by the order date.
Dim orderList = From order In orders
Order By order.OrderDate
Group By OrderDate = order.OrderDate
Into OrdersByDate = Group
' Returns a combined collection of customers and
' customer orders.
Dim customerList = From cust In customers
Group Join ord In orders On
cust.CustomerID Equals ord.CustomerID
Into CustomerOrders = Group,
TotalOfOrders = Sum(ord.Amount)
Select cust.CompanyName, cust.CustomerID,
CustomerOrders, TotalOfOrders
' Returns the sum of all order amounts.
Dim orderTotal = Aggregate order In orders
Into Sum(order.Amount)
' Returns the customer company name and largest
' order amount for each customer.
Dim customerMax = From cust In customers
Aggregate order In cust.Orders
Into MaxOrder = Max(order.Amount)
Select cust.CompanyName, MaxOrder
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Let Clause
(Visual Basic)
Optional. Computes a value and assigns it to a new variable in the query. For example:
Distinct Clause
(Visual Basic)
Optional. Restricts the values of the current iteration variable to eliminate duplicate values in query
results. For example:
Skip Clause
(Visual Basic)
Optional. Bypasses a specified number of elements in a collection and then returns the remaining
elements. For example:
Skip While
Clause (Visual
Optional. Bypasses elements in a collection as long as a specified condition is true and then returns
the remaining elements. For example:
' Returns a list of products with a calculation of
' a ten percent discount.
Dim discountedProducts = From prod In products
Let Discount = prod.UnitPrice * 0.1
Where Discount >= 50
Select prod.Name, prod.UnitPrice, Discount
' Returns a list of cities with no duplicate entries.
Dim cities = From item In customers
Select item.City
' Returns a list of customers. The first 10 customers
' are ignored and the remaining customers are
' returned.
Dim customerList = From cust In customers
Skip 10
' Returns a list of customers. The query ignores all
' customers until the first customer for whom
' IsSubscriber returns false. That customer and all
' remaining customers are returned.
Dim customerList = From cust In customers
Skip While IsSubscriber(cust)
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Take Clause
(Visual Basic)
Optional. Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the start of a collection. For
Take While
Clause (Visual
Optional. Includes elements in a collection as long as a specified condition is true and bypasses the
remaining elements. For example:
For details about Visual Basic query clauses, see Queries (Visual Basic).
You can use additional LINQ query features by calling members of the enumerable and queryable types provided by
LINQ. You can use these additional capabilities by calling a particular query operator on the result of a query expression.
For example, the following code example uses the Union(Of TSource) method to combine the results of two queries into
one query result. It uses the ToList(Of TSource) method to return the query result as a generic list.
For details about additional LINQ capabilities, see Standard Query Operators Overview.
Connecting to a Database by Using LINQ to SQL
In Visual Basic, you identify the SQL Server database objects, such as tables, views, and stored procedures, that you want
' Returns the first 10 customers.
Dim customerList = From cust In customers
Take 10
' Returns a list of customers. The query returns
' customers until the first customer for whom
' HasOrders returns false. That customer and all
' remaining customers are ignored.
Dim customersWithOrders = From cust In customers
Order By cust.Orders.Count Descending
Take While HasOrders(cust)
Public Function GetAllCustomers() As List(Of Customer)
Dim customers1 = From cust In domesticCustomers
Dim customers2 = From cust In internationalCustomers
Dim customerList = customers1.Union(customers2)
Return customerList.ToList()
End Function
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to access by using a LINQ to SQL file. A LINQ to SQL file has an extension of .dbml.
When you have a valid connection to a SQL Server database, you can add a LINQ to SQL Classes item template to your
project. This will display the Object Relational Designer (O/R designer). The O/R Designer enables you to drag the items
that you want to access in your code from the Server Explorer/Database Explorer onto the designer surface. The LINQ
to SQL file adds a DataContext object to your project. This object includes properties and collections for the tables and
views that you want access to, and methods for the stored procedures that you want to call. After you have saved your
changes to the LINQ to SQL (.dbml) file, you can access these objects in your code by referencing the DataContext object
that is defined by the O/R Designer. The DataContext object for your project is named based on the name of your LINQ to
SQL file. For example, a LINQ to SQL file that is named Northwind.dbml will create a DataContext object named
For examples with step-by-step instructions, see How to: Query a Database by Using LINQ (Visual Basic) and How to: Call
a Stored Procedure by Using LINQ (Visual Basic).
Visual Basic Features That Support LINQ
Visual Basic includes other notable features that make the use of LINQ simple and reduce the amount of code that you
must write to perform LINQ queries. These include the following:
Anonymous types, which enable you to create a new type based on a query result.
Implicitly typed variables, which enable you to defer specifying a type and let the compiler infer the type based
on the query result.
Extension methods, which enable you to extend an existing type with your own methods without modifying the
type itself.
For details, see Visual Basic Features That Support LINQ.
Deferred and Immediate Query Execution
Query execution is separate from creating a query. After a query is created, its execution is triggered by a separate
mechanism. A query can be executed as soon as it is defined (immediate execution), or the definition can be stored and
the query can be executed later (deferred execution).
By default, when you create a query, the query itself does not execute immediately. Instead, the query definition is stored
in the variable that is used to reference the query result. When the query result variable is accessed later in code, such as in
a For…Next loop, the query is executed. This process is referred to as deferred execution.
Queries can also be executed when they are defined, which is referred to as immediate execution. You can trigger
immediate execution by applying a method that requires access to individual elements of the query result. This can be the
result of including an aggregate function, such as Count, Sum, Average, Min, or Max. For more information about
aggregate functions, see Aggregate Clause (Visual Basic).
Using the ToList or ToArray methods will also force immediate execution. This can be useful when you want to execute
the query immediately and cache the results. For more information about these methods, see Converting Data Types.
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For more information about query execution, see Writing Your First LINQ Query (Visual Basic).
XML in Visual Basic
The XML features in Visual Basic include XML literals and XML axis properties, which enable you easily to create, access,
query, and modify XML in your code. XML literals enable you to write XML directly in your code. The Visual Basic compiler
treats the XML as a first-class data object.
The following code example shows how to create an XML element, access its sub-elements and attributes, and query the
contents of the element by using LINQ.
For more information, see XML in Visual Basic.
Related Resources
Topic Description
' Place Imports statements at the top of your program.
Imports <xmlns:ns="http://SomeNamespace">
Module Sample1
Sub SampleTransform()
' Create test by using a global XML namespace prefix.
Dim contact =
<ns:name>Patrick Hines</ns:name>
<ns:phone ns:type="home">206‐555‐0144</ns:phone>
<ns:phone ns:type="work">425‐555‐0145</ns:phone>
Dim phoneTypes =
<%= From phone In contact.<ns:phone>
Select <type><%= phone.@ns:type %></type>
End Sub
End Module
Introduction to LINQ in Visual Basic
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XML in Visual Basic Describes the XML features in Visual Basic that can be queried and that enable you to
include XML as first-class data objects in your Visual Basic code.
Queries (Visual Basic) Provides reference information about the query clauses that are available in Visual Basic.
LINQ (Language-
Integrated Query)
Includes general information, programming guidance, and samples for LINQ.
LINQ to SQL Includes general information, programming guidance, and samples for LINQ to SQL.
LINQ to Objects Includes general information, programming guidance, and samples for LINQ to Objects.
(Portal Page)
Includes links to general information, programming guidance, and samples for LINQ to
LINQ to XML Includes general information, programming guidance, and samples for LINQ to XML.
How To and Walkthrough Topics
How to: Query a Database by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
How to: Call a Stored Procedure by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
How to: Modify Data in a Database by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
How to: Combine Data with LINQ by Using Joins (Visual Basic)
How to: Sort Query Results by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
How to: Filter Query Results by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
How to: Count, Sum, or Average Data by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
How to: Find the Minimum or Maximum Value in a Query Result by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
Walkthrough: Creating LINQ to SQL Classes (O/R Designer)
How to: Assign Stored Procedures to Perform Updates, Inserts, and Deletes (O/R Designer)
Featured Book Chapters
Chapter 17: LINQ in Programming Visual Basic 2008
See Also
LINQ (Language-Integrated Query)
Introduction to LINQ in Visual Basic
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Overview of LINQ to XML in Visual Basic
LINQ to DataSet Overview
LINQ Samples
Object Relational Designer (O/R Designer)
DataContext Methods (O/R Designer)
© 2016 Microsoft
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How to: Modify Data in a Database by Using
LINQ (Visual Basic)
Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) queries make it easy to access database information and modify values in the database.
The following example shows how to create a new application that retrieves and updates information in a SQL Server
The examples in this topic use the Northwind sample database. If you do not have the Northwind sample database on your
development computer, you can download it from the Microsoft Download Center Web site. For instructions, see
Downloading Sample Databases.
To create a connection to a database
In Visual Studio, open Server Explorer/Database Explorer by clicking the View menu, and then select Server
Explorer/Database Explorer.
Right-click Data Connections in Server Explorer/Database Explorer, and click Add Connection.2.
Specify a valid connection to the Northwind sample database.3.
To add a Project with a LINQ to SQL file
In Visual Studio, on the File menu, point to New and then click Project. Select Visual Basic Windows Forms
Application as the project type.
On the Project menu, click Add New Item. Select the LINQ to SQL Classes item template.2.
Name the file northwind.dbml. Click Add. The Object Relational Designer (O/R Designer) is opened for the
northwind.dbml file.
To add tables to query and modify to the designer
In Server Explorer/Database Explorer, expand the connection to the Northwind database. Expand the Tables
If you have closed the O/R Designer, you can reopen it by double-clicking the northwind.dbml file that you added
Click the Customers table and drag it to the left pane of the designer.
The designer creates a new Customer object for your project.
Visual Studio 2015
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Save your changes and close the designer.3.
Save your project.4.
To add code to modify the database and display the results
From the Toolbox, drag a DataGridView control onto the default Windows Form for your project, Form1.1.
When you added tables to the O/R Designer, the designer added a DataContext object to your project. This object
contains code that you can use to access the Customers table. It also contains code that defines a local Customer
object and a Customers collection for the table. The DataContext object for your project is named based on the name
of your .dbml file. For this project, the DataContext object is named northwindDataContext.
You can create an instance of the DataContext object in your code and query and modify the Customers collection
specified by the O/R Designer. Changes that you make to the Customers collection are not reflected in the database
until you submit them by calling the SubmitChanges method of the DataContext object.
Double-click the Windows Form, Form1, to add code to the Load event to query the Customers table that is exposed
as a property of your DataContext. Add the following code:
From the Toolbox, drag three Button controls onto the form. Select the first Button control. In the Properties
window, set the Name of the Button control to AddButton and the Text to Add. Select the second button and set
the Name property to UpdateButton and the Text property to Update. Select the third button and set the Name
property to DeleteButton and the Text property to Delete.
Double-click the Add button to add code to its Click event. Add the following code:4.
Private db As northwindDataContext
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs
) Handles MyBase.Load
db = New northwindDataContext()
End Sub
Private Sub RefreshData()
Dim customers = From cust In db.Customers
Where cust.City(0) = "W"
Select cust
DataGridView1.DataSource = customers
End Sub
Private Sub AddButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs
) Handles AddButton.Click
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Double-click the Update button to add code to its Click event. Add the following code:5.
Double-click the Delete button to add code to its Click event. Add the following code:6.
Dim cust As New Customer With {
.City = "Wellington",
.CompanyName = "Blue Yonder Airlines",
.ContactName = "Jill Frank",
.Country = "New Zealand",
.CustomerID = "JILLF"}
' Handle exception.
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs
) Handles UpdateButton.Click
Dim updateCust = (From cust In db.Customers
Where cust.CustomerID = "JILLF").ToList()(0)
updateCust.ContactName = "Jill Shrader"
' Handle exception.
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub DeleteButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs
) Handles DeleteButton.Click
Dim deleteCust = (From cust In db.Customers
Where cust.CustomerID = "JILLF").ToList()(0)
How to: Modify Data in a Database by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
3 of 4 02.09.2016 18:19
Press F5 to run your project. Click Add to add a new record. Click Update to modify the new record. Click Delete to
delete the new record.
See Also
LINQ in Visual Basic
Queries (Visual Basic)
DataContext Methods (O/R Designer)
How to: Assign Stored Procedures to Perform Updates, Inserts, and Deletes (O/R Designer)
Walkthrough: Creating LINQ to SQL Classes (O/R Designer)
© 2016 Microsoft
' Handle exception.
End Try
End Sub
How to: Modify Data in a Database by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
4 of 4 02.09.2016 18:19
!"#$Join$Group Join%"&!
$!"*Join+,-$Group Join.&&#.+/(-(+,
(0!!$"&$Join$Group Join%"'
Create a Project and Add Sample Data
To create a project that contains sample data and types
Visual Studio 2015
Private _people As List(Of Person)
Private _pets As List(Of Pet)
Function GetPeople() As List(Of Person)
If _people Is Nothing Then CreateLists()
Return _people
End Function
Function GetPets(ByVal people As List(Of Person)) As List(Of Pet)
If _pets Is Nothing Then CreateLists()
Return _pets
End Function
Private Sub CreateLists()
Dim pers As Person
_people = New List(Of Person)
_pets = New List(Of Pet)
pers = New Person With {.FirstName = "Magnus", .LastName = "Hedlund"}
_pets.Add(New Pet With {.Name = "Daisy", .Owner = pers})
How to: Combine Data with LINQ by Using Joins (Visual Basic)
1 of 7 02.09.2016 18:20
Perform an Inner Join by Using the Join Clause
To perform an Inner Join by using the Join clause
pers = New Person With {.FirstName = "Terry", .LastName = "Adams"}
_pets.Add(New Pet With {.Name = "Barley", .Owner = pers})
_pets.Add(New Pet With {.Name = "Boots", .Owner = pers})
_pets.Add(New Pet With {.Name = "Blue Moon", .Owner = pers})
pers = New Person With {.FirstName = "Charlotte", .LastName = "Weiss"}
_pets.Add(New Pet With {.Name = "Whiskers", .Owner = pers})
' Add a person with no pets for the sake of Join examples.
_people.Add(New Person With {.FirstName = "Arlene", .LastName = "Huff"})
pers = New Person With {.FirstName = "Don", .LastName = "Hall"}
' Do not add person to people list for the sake of Join examples.
_pets.Add(New Pet With {.Name = "Spot", .Owner = pers})
' Add a pet with no owner for the sake of Join examples.
_pets.Add(New Pet With {.Name = "Unknown",
.Owner = New Person With {.FirstName = String.Empty,
.LastName = String.Empty}})
End Sub
Class Person
Public Property FirstName As String
Public Property LastName As String
End Class
Class Pet
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Owner As Person
End Class
How to: Combine Data with LINQ by Using Joins (Visual Basic)
2 of 7 02.09.2016 18:20
Perform a Left Outer Join by Using the Group Join Clause
Sub InnerJoinExample()
' Create two lists.
Dim people = GetPeople()
Dim pets = GetPets(people)
' Implicit Join.
Dim petOwners = From pers In people, pet In pets
Where pet.Owner Is pers
Select pers.FirstName, PetName = pet.Name
' Display grouped results.
Dim output As New System.Text.StringBuilder
For Each pers In petOwners
pers.FirstName & ":" & vbTab & pers.PetName & vbCrLf)
' Explicit Join.
Dim petOwnersJoin = From pers In people
Join pet In pets
On pet.Owner Equals pers
Select pers.FirstName, PetName = pet.Name
' Display grouped results.
output = New System.Text.StringBuilder()
For Each pers In petOwnersJoin
pers.FirstName & ":" & vbTab & pers.PetName & vbCrLf)
' Both queries produce the following output:
' Magnus: Daisy
' Terry: Barley
' Terry: Boots
' Terry: Blue Moon
' Charlotte: Whiskers
End Sub
How to: Combine Data with LINQ by Using Joins (Visual Basic)
3 of 7 02.09.2016 18:20
(Group Join!"&".&&.+/(-(+,-'($&&"!)+/(
-(+,-$Group Join""Group Join"!"&""4$
8""#"&Group Join%""!$"0$"%"""&"
To perform a Left Outer Join by using the Group Join clause
Sub LeftOuterJoinExample()
' Create two lists.
Dim people = GetPeople()
Dim pets = GetPets(people)
' Grouped results.
Dim petOwnersGrouped = From pers In people
Group Join pet In pets
On pers Equals pet.Owner
Into PetList = Group
Select pers.FirstName, pers.LastName,
' Display grouped results.
Dim output As New System.Text.StringBuilder
For Each pers In petOwnersGrouped
output.AppendFormat(pers.FirstName & ":" & vbCrLf)
For Each pt In pers.PetList
output.AppendFormat(vbTab & pt.Name & vbCrLf)
' This code produces the following output:
' Magnus:
' Daisy
' Terry:
' Barley
' Boots
How to: Combine Data with LINQ by Using Joins (Visual Basic)
4 of 7 02.09.2016 18:20
Perform a Join by Using a Composite Key
8And)"$Join"Group Join$&!)&$#
To perform a Join by using a composite key
' Blue Moon
' Charlotte:
' Whiskers
' Arlene:
' "Flat" results.
Dim petOwners = From pers In people
Group Join pet In pets On pers Equals pet.Owner
Into PetList = Group
From pet In PetList.DefaultIfEmpty()
Select pers.FirstName, pers.LastName,
PetName =
If(pet Is Nothing, String.Empty, pet.Name)
' Display "flat" results.
output = New System.Text.StringBuilder()
For Each pers In petOwners
pers.FirstName & ":" & vbTab & pers.PetName & vbCrLf)
' This code produces the following output:
' Magnus: Daisy
' Terry: Barley
' Terry: Boots
' Terry: Blue Moon
' Charlotte: Whiskers
' Arlene:
End Sub
Sub CompositeKeyJoinExample()
' Create two lists.
Dim people = GetPeople()
Dim pets = GetPets(people)
How to: Combine Data with LINQ by Using Joins (Visual Basic)
5 of 7 02.09.2016 18:20
Run the Code
To add code to run the examples
,!Sub MainModule1$"!"3&$"0!
See Also
' Implicit Join.
Dim petOwners = From pers In people
Join pet In pets On
pet.Owner.FirstName Equals pers.FirstName And
pet.Owner.LastName Equals pers.LastName
Select pers.FirstName, PetName = pet.Name
' Display grouped results.
Dim output As New System.Text.StringBuilder
For Each pers In petOwners
pers.FirstName & ":" & vbTab & pers.PetName & vbCrLf)
' This code produces the following output:
' Magnus: Daisy
' Terry: Barley
' Terry: Boots
' Terry: Blue Moon
' Charlotte: Whiskers
End Sub
Sub Main()
End Sub
How to: Combine Data with LINQ by Using Joins (Visual Basic)
6 of 7 02.09.2016 18:20
How to: Combine Data with LINQ by Using Joins (Visual Basic)
7 of 7 02.09.2016 18:20
How to: Count, Sum, or Average Data by
Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) makes it easy to access database information and execute queries.
The following example shows how to create a new application that performs queries against a SQL Server database. The
sample counts, sums, and averages the results by using the Aggregate and Group By clauses. For more information, see
Aggregate Clause (Visual Basic) and Group By Clause (Visual Basic).
The examples in this topic use the Northwind sample database. If you do not have the Northwind sample database on your
development computer, you can download it from the Microsoft Download Center Web site. For instructions, see
Downloading Sample Databases.
Your computer might show different names or locations for some of the Visual Studio user interface elements in the
following instructions. The Visual Studio edition that you have and the settings that you use determine these elements.
For more information, see Personalizing the Visual Studio IDE.
To create a connection to a database
In Visual Studio, open Server Explorer/Database Explorer by clicking Server Explorer/Database Explorer on the
View menu.
Right-click Data Connections in Server Explorer/Database Explorer and then click Add Connection.2.
Specify a valid connection to the Northwind sample database.3.
To add a project that contains a LINQ to SQL file
In Visual Studio, on the File menu, point to New and then click Project. Select Visual Basic Windows Forms
Application as the project type.
On the Project menu, click Add New Item. Select the LINQ to SQL Classes item template.2.
Name the file northwind.dbml. Click Add. The Object Relational Designer (O/R Designer) is opened for the
northwind.dbml file.
To add tables to query to the O/R Designer
Visual Studio 2015
How to: Count, Sum, or Average Data by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
1 of 3 02.09.2016 18:21
In Server Explorer/Database Explorer, expand the connection to the Northwind database. Expand the Tables
If you have closed the O/R Designer, you can reopen it by double-clicking the northwind.dbml file that you added
Click the Customers table and drag it to the left pane of the designer. Click the Orders table and drag it to the left
pane of the designer.
The designer creates new Customer and Order objects for your project. Notice that the designer automatically
detects relationships between the tables and creates child properties for related objects. For example, IntelliSense will
show that the Customer object has an Orders property for all orders related to that customer.
Save your changes and close the designer.3.
Save your project.4.
To add code to query the database and display the results
From the Toolbox, drag a DataGridView control onto the default Windows Form for your project, Form1.1.
Double-click Form1 to add code to the Load event of the form.2.
When you added tables to the O/R Designer, the designer added a DataContext object for your project. This object
contains the code that you must have to access those tables, and to access individual objects and collections for each
table. The DataContext object for your project is named based on the name of your .dbml file. For this project, the
DataContext object is named northwindDataContext.
You can create an instance of the DataContext in your code and query the tables specified by the O/R Designer.
Add the following code to the Load event to query the tables that are exposed as properties of your DataContext
and count, sum, and average the results. The sample uses the Aggregate clause to query for a single result, and the
Group By clause to show an average for grouped results.
Dim db As New northwindDataContext
Dim msg = ""
Dim londonCustomerCount = Aggregate cust In db.Customers
Where cust.City = "London"
Into Count()
msg &= "Count of London Customers: " & londonCustomerCount & vbCrLf
Dim averageOrderCount = Aggregate cust In db.Customers
Where cust.City = "London"
Into Average(cust.Orders.Count)
msg &= "Average number of Orders per customer: " &
averageOrderCount & vbCrLf
Dim venezuelaTotalOrders = Aggregate cust In db.Customers
Where cust.Country = "Venezuela"
How to: Count, Sum, or Average Data by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
2 of 3 02.09.2016 18:21
Press F5 to run your project and view the results.4.
See Also
LINQ in Visual Basic
Queries (Visual Basic)
DataContext Methods (O/R Designer)
Walkthrough: Creating LINQ to SQL Classes (O/R Designer)
Aggregate Clause (Visual Basic)
Group By Clause (Visual Basic)
© 2016 Microsoft
Into Sum(cust.Orders.Count)
msg &= "Total number of orders from Customers in Venezuela: " &
venezuelaTotalOrders & vbCrLf
Dim averageCustomersByCity = From cust In db.Customers
Group By cust.City
Into Average(cust.Orders.Count)
Order By Average
DataGridView1.DataSource = averageCustomersByCity
How to: Count, Sum, or Average Data by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
3 of 3 02.09.2016 18:21
How to: Return a LINQ Query Result as a
Specific Type (Visual Basic)
Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) makes it easy to access database information and execute queries. By default, LINQ
queries return a list of objects as an anonymous type. You can also specify that a query return a list of a specific type by
using the Select clause.
The following example shows how to create a new application that performs queries against a SQL Server database and
projects the results as a specific named type. For more information, see Anonymous Types (Visual Basic) and Select Clause
(Visual Basic).
The examples in this topic use the Northwind sample database. If you do not have the Northwind sample database on your
development computer, you can download it from the Microsoft Download Center Web site. For instructions, see
Downloading Sample Databases.
Your computer might show different names or locations for some of the Visual Studio user interface elements in the
following instructions. The Visual Studio edition that you have and the settings that you use determine these elements.
For more information, see Personalizing the Visual Studio IDE.
To create a connection to a database
In Visual Studio, open Server Explorer/Database Explorer by clicking Server Explorer/Database Explorer on the
View menu.
Right-click Data Connections in Server Explorer/Database Explorer and then click Add Connection.2.
Specify a valid connection to the Northwind sample database.3.
To add a project that contains a LINQ to SQL file
In Visual Studio, on the File menu, point to New and then click Project. Select Visual Basic Windows Forms
Application as the project type.
On the Project menu, click Add New Item. Select the LINQ to SQL Classes item template.2.
Name the file northwind.dbml. Click Add. The Object Relational Designer (O/R Designer) is opened for the
northwind.dbml file.
Visual Studio 2015
How to: Return a LINQ Query Result as a Specific Type (Visual Basic)
1 of 3 02.09.2016 18:22
To add tables to query to the O/R Designer
In Server Explorer/Database Explorer, expand the connection to the Northwind database. Expand the Tables
If you have closed the O/R Designer, you can reopen it by double-clicking the northwind.dbml file that you added
Click the Customers table and drag it to the left pane of the designer.
The designer creates a new Customer object for your project. You can project a query result as the Customer type or
as a type that you create. This sample will create a new type in a later procedure and project a query result as that
Save your changes and close the designer.3.
Save your project.4.
To add code to query the database and display the results
From the Toolbox, drag a DataGridView control onto the default Windows Form for your project, Form1.1.
Double-click Form1 to modify the Form1 class.2.
After the End Class statement of the Form1 class, add the following code to create a CustomerInfo type to hold
the query results for this sample.
When you added tables to the O/R Designer, the designer added a DataContext object to your project. This object
contains the code that you must have to access those tables, and to access individual objects and collections for each
table. The DataContext object for your project is named based on the name of your .dbml file. For this project, the
DataContext object is named northwindDataContext.
You can create an instance of the DataContext in your code and query the tables specified by the O/R Designer.
In the Load event of the Form1 class, add the following code to query the tables that are exposed as properties of
your data context. The Select clause of the query will create a new CustomerInfo type instead of an anonymous
type for each item of the query result.
Public Class CustomerInfo
Public Property CompanyName As String
Public Property ContactName As String
End Class
Dim db As New northwindDataContext
Dim customerList =
From cust In db.Customers
How to: Return a LINQ Query Result as a Specific Type (Visual Basic)
2 of 3 02.09.2016 18:22
Press F5 to run your project and view the results.5.
See Also
LINQ in Visual Basic
Queries (Visual Basic)
DataContext Methods (O/R Designer)
Walkthrough: Creating LINQ to SQL Classes (O/R Designer)
© 2016 Microsoft
Where cust.CompanyName.StartsWith("L")
Select New CustomerInfo With {.CompanyName = cust.CompanyName,
.ContactName = cust.ContactName}
DataGridView1.DataSource = customerList
How to: Return a LINQ Query Result as a Specific Type (Visual Basic)
3 of 3 02.09.2016 18:22
Visual Basic Features That Support LINQ
The name Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) refers to technology in Visual Basic that supports query syntax and other
language constructs directly in the language. With LINQ, you do not have to learn a new language to query against an
external data source. You can query against data in relational databases, XML stores, or objects by using Visual Basic. This
integration of query capabilities into the language enables compile-time checking for syntax errors and type safety. This
integration also ensures that you already know most of what you have to know to write rich, varied queries in Visual Basic.
The following sections describe the language constructs that support LINQ in enough detail to enable you to get started in
reading the introductory documentation, code examples, and sample applications. You can also click the links to find more
detailed explanations of how the language features come together to enable language-integrated query. A good place to
start is Walkthrough: Writing Queries in Visual Basic.
Query Expressions
Query expressions in Visual Basiccan be expressed in a declarative syntax similar to that of SQL or XQuery. At compile
time, query syntax is converted into method calls to a LINQ provider's implementation of the standard query operator
extension methods. Applications control which standard query operators are in scope by specifying the appropriate
namespace with an Imports statement. Syntax for a Visual Basic query expression looks like this:
For more information, see Introduction to LINQ in Visual Basic.
Implicitly Typed Variables
Instead of explicitly specifying a type when you declare and initialize a variable, you can enable the compiler to infer and
assign the type. This is referred to as local type inference.
Variables whose types are inferred are strongly typed, just like variables whose type you specify explicitly. Local type
inference works only when you are defining a local variable inside a method body. For more information, see Option Infer
Statement and Local Type Inference (Visual Basic).
The following example illustrates local type inference. To use this example, you must set Option Infer to On.
Visual Studio 2015
Dim londonCusts = From cust In customers
Where cust.City = "London"
Order By cust.Name Ascending
Select cust.Name, cust.Phone
' The variable aNumber will be typed as an integer.
Dim aNumber = 5
Visual Basic Features That Support LINQ
1 of 5 03.09.2016 0:10
Local type inference also makes it possible to create anonymous types, which are described later in this section and are
necessary for LINQ queries.
In the following LINQ example, type inference occurs if Option Infer is either On or Off. A compile-time error occurs if
Option Infer is Off and Option Strict is On.
Object Initializers
Object initializers are used in query expressions when you have to create an anonymous type to hold the results of a
query. They also can be used to initialize objects of named types outside of queries. By using an object initializer, you can
initialize an object in a single line without explicitly calling a constructor. Assuming that you have a class named
Customer that has public Name and Phone properties, along with other properties, an object initializer can be used in this
For more information, see Object Initializers: Named and Anonymous Types (Visual Basic).
Anonymous Types
Anonymous types provide a convenient way to temporarily group a set of properties into an element that you want to
include in a query result. This enables you to choose any combination of available fields in the query, in any order, without
defining a named data type for the element.
An anonymous type is constructed dynamically by the compiler. The name of the type is assigned by the compiler, and it
might change with each new compilation. Therefore, the name cannot be used directly. Anonymous types are initialized in
the following way:
' The variable aName will be typed as a String.
Dim aName = "Virginia"
' Query example.
' If numbers is a one‐dimensional array of integers, num will be typed
' as an integer and numQuery will be typed as IEnumerable(Of Integer)‐‐
' basically a collection of integers.
Dim numQuery = From num In numbers
Where num Mod 2 = 0
Select num
Dim aCust = New Customer With {.Name = "Mike",
.Phone = "555‐0212"}
Visual Basic Features That Support LINQ
2 of 5 03.09.2016 0:10
For more information, see Anonymous Types (Visual Basic).
Extension Methods
Extension methods enable you to add methods to a data type or interface from outside the definition. This feature
enables you to, in effect, add new methods to an existing type without actually modifying the type. The standard query
operators are themselves a set of extension methods that provide LINQquery functionality for any type that implements
IEnumerable(Of T).Other extensions to IEnumerable(Of T) includeCount, Union, and Intersect.
The following extension method adds a print method to the String class.
The method is called like an ordinary instance method of String:
For more information, see Extension Methods (Visual Basic).
Lambda Expressions
A lambda expression is a function without a name that calculates and returns a single value. Unlike named functions, a
' Outside a query.
Dim product = New With {.Name = "paperclips", .Price = 1.29}
' Inside a query.
' You can use the existing member names of the selected fields, as was
' shown previously in the Query Expressions section of this topic.
Dim londonCusts1 = From cust In customers
Where cust.City = "London"
Select cust.Name, cust.Phone
' Or you can specify new names for the selected fields.
Dim londonCusts2 = From cust In customers
Where cust.City = "London"
Select CustomerName = cust.Name,
CustomerPhone = cust.Phone
' Import System.Runtime.CompilerServices to use the Extension attribute.
Public Sub Print(ByVal str As String)
End Sub
Dim greeting As String = "Hello"
Visual Basic Features That Support LINQ
3 of 5 03.09.2016 0:10
lambda expression can be defined and executed at the same time. The following example displays 4.
You can assign the lambda expression definition to a variable name and then use the name to call the function. The
following example also displays 4.
In LINQ, lambda expressions underlie many of the standard query operators. The compiler creates lambda expressions to
capture the calculations that are defined in fundamental query methods such as Where, Select, Order By, Take While,
and others.
For example, the following code defines a query that returns all senior students from a list of students.
The query definition is compiled into code that is similar to the following example, which uses two lambda expressions to
specify the arguments for Where and Select.
Either version can be run by using a For Each loop:
For more information, see Lambda Expressions (Visual Basic).
See Also
Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
Console.WriteLine((Function(num As Integer) num + 1)(3))
Dim add1 = Function(num As Integer) num + 1
Dim seniorsQuery = From stdnt In students
Where stdnt.Year = "Senior"
Select stdnt
Dim seniorsQuery2 = students.
Where(Function(st) st.Year = "Senior").
Select(Function(s) s)
For Each senior In seniorsQuery
Console.WriteLine(senior.Last & ", " & senior.First)
Visual Basic Features That Support LINQ
4 of 5 03.09.2016 0:10
Getting Started with LINQ in Visual Basic
LINQ and Strings (Visual Basic)
Option Infer Statement
Option Strict Statement
© 2016 Microsoft
Visual Basic Features That Support LINQ
5 of 5 03.09.2016 0:10
How to: Query an ArrayList with LINQ (Visual
When using LINQ to query non-generic IEnumerable collections such as ArrayList, you must explicitly declare the type of the
range variable to reflect the specific type of the objects in the collection. For example, if you have an ArrayList of Student
objects, your From Clause (Visual Basic)should look like this:
By specifying the type of the range variable, you are casting each item in the ArrayList to a Student.
The use of an explicitly typed range variable in a query expression is equivalent to calling the Cast(Of TResult) method.
Cast(Of TResult) throws an exception if the specified cast cannot be performed. Cast(Of TResult) and OfType(Of TResult) are
the two Standard Query Operator methods that operate on non-generic IEnumerable types. In Visual Basic, you must
explicitly call the Cast(Of TResult)method on the data source to ensure a specific range variable type. For more information,
seeType Relationships in Query Operations (Visual Basic).
The following example shows a simple query over an ArrayList. Note that this example uses object initializers when the code
calls the Add method, but this is not a requirement.
Visual Studio 2015
Dim query = From student As Student In arrList
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Linq
Module Module1
Public Class Student
Public Property FirstName As String
Public Property LastName As String
Public Property Scores As Integer()
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim student1 As New Student With {.FirstName = "Svetlana",
.LastName = "Omelchenko",
.Scores = New Integer() {98, 92, 81, 60}}
1 of 2 03.09.2016 0:17
See Also
LINQ to Objects (Visual Basic)
© 2016 Microsoft
Dim student2 As New Student With {.FirstName = "Claire",
.LastName = "O'Donnell",
.Scores = New Integer() {75, 84, 91, 39}}
Dim student3 As New Student With {.FirstName = "Cesar",
.LastName = "Garcia",
.Scores = New Integer() {97, 89, 85, 82}}
Dim student4 As New Student With {.FirstName = "Sven",
.LastName = "Mortensen",
.Scores = New Integer() {88, 94, 65, 91}}
Dim arrList As New ArrayList()
' Use an explicit type for non‐generic collections
Dim query = From student As Student In arrList
Where student.Scores(0) > 95
Select student
For Each student As Student In query
Console.WriteLine(student.LastName & ": " & student.Scores(0))
' Keep the console window open in debug mode.
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.")
End Sub
End Module
' Output:
' Omelchenko: 98
' Garcia: 97
2 of 2 03.09.2016 0:17
How to: Query An Assembly's Metadata with
Reflection (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
The following example shows how LINQ can be used with reflection to retrieve specific metadata about methods that match
a specified search criterion. In this case, the query will find the names of all the methods in the assembly that return
enumerable types such as arrays.
The example uses the GetTypes method to return an array of types in the specified assembly. The Where Clause (Visual Basic)
filter is applied so that only public types are returned. For each public type, a subquery is generated by using the
Visual Studio 2015
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Linq
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim asmbly As Assembly =
Assembly.Load("System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=
Dim pubTypesQuery = From type In asmbly.GetTypes()
Where type.IsPublic
From method In type.GetMethods()
Where method.ReturnType.IsArray = True
Let name = method.ToString()
Let typeName = type.ToString()
Group name By typeName Into methodNames = Group
Console.WriteLine("Getting ready to iterate")
For Each item In pubTypesQuery
For Each type In item.methodNames
Console.WriteLine(" " & type)
End Sub
End Module
How to: Query An Assembly's Metadata with Reflection (LINQ) (Visual ...
1 of 2 03.09.2016 0:13
MethodInfo array that is returned from the GetMethods call. These results are filtered to return only those methods whose
return type is an array or else a type that implements IEnumerable(Of T). Finally, these results are grouped by using the type
name as a key.
Compiling the Code
Create a project that targets the .NET Framework version 3.5 or higher with a reference to System.Core.dll and a Imports
statement for the System.Linq namespace.
See Also
LINQ to Objects (Visual Basic)
© 2016 Microsoft
How to: Query An Assembly's Metadata with Reflection (LINQ) (Visual ...
2 of 2 03.09.2016 0:13
LINQ and File Directories (Visual Basic)
Many file system operations are essentially queries and are therefore well-suited to the LINQ approach.
Note that the queries in this section are non-destructive. They are not used to change the contents of the original files or
folders. This follows the rule that queries should not cause any side-effects. In general, any code (including queries that
perform create / update / delete operators) that modifies source data should be kept separate from the code that just
queries the data.
This section contains the following topics:
How to: Query for Files with a Specified Attribute or Name (Visual Basic)
Shows how to search for files by examining one or more properties of its FileInfo object.
How to: Group Files by Extension (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
Shows how to return groups of FileInfo object based on their file name extension.
How to: Query for the Total Number of Bytes in a Set of Folders (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
Shows how to return the total number of bytes in all the files in a specified directory tree.
How to: Compare the Contents of Two Folders (LINQ) (Visual Basic)s
Shows how to return all the files that are present in two specified folders, and also all the files that are present in one
folder but not the other.
How to: Query for the Largest File or Files in a Directory Tree (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
Shows how to return the largest or smallest file, or a specified number of files, in a directory tree.
How to: Query for Duplicate Files in a Directory Tree (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
Shows how to group for all file names that occur in more than one location in a specified directory tree. Also shows
how to perform more complex comparisons based on a custom comparer.
How to: Query the Contents of Files in a Folder (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
Shows how to iterate through folders in a tree, open each file, and query the file's contents.
Visual Studio 2015
LINQ and File Directories (Visual Basic)
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There is some complexity involved in creating a data source that accurately represents the contents of the file system and
handles exceptions gracefully. The examples in this section create a snapshot collection of FileInfo objects that represents
all the files under a specified root folder and all its subfolders. The actual state of each FileInfo may change in the time
between when you begin and end executing a query. For example, you can create a list of FileInfo objects to use as a data
source. If you try to access the Length property in a query, the FileInfo object will try to access the file system to update
the value of Length. If the file no longer exists, you will get a FileNotFoundException in your query, even though you are
not querying the file system directly. Some queries in this section use a separate method that consumes these particular
exceptions in certain cases. Another option is to keep your data source updated dynamically by using the
See Also
LINQ to Objects (Visual Basic)
© 2016 Microsoft
LINQ and File Directories (Visual Basic)
2 of 2 03.09.2016 0:14
How to: Add Custom Methods for LINQ
Queries (Visual Basic)
You can extend the set of methods that you can use for LINQ queries by adding extension methods to the IEnumerable(Of 
T) interface. For example, in addition to the standard average or maximum operations, you can create a custom aggregate
method to compute a single value from a sequence of values. You can also create a method that works as a custom filter or a
specific data transform for a sequence of values and returns a new sequence. Examples of such methods are Distinct(Of 
TSource), Skip(Of TSource), and Reverse(Of TSource).
When you extend the IEnumerable(Of T) interface, you can apply your custom methods to any enumerable collection. For
more information, see Extension Methods (Visual Basic).
Adding an Aggregate Method
An aggregate method computes a single value from a set of values. LINQ provides several aggregate methods, including
Average(Of TSource), Min(Of TSource), and Max(Of TSource). You can create your own aggregate method by adding an
extension method to the IEnumerable(Of T) interface.
The following code example shows how to create an extension method called Median to compute a median for a
sequence of numbers of type double.
Visual Studio 2015
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Module LINQExtension
' Extension method for the IEnumerable(of T) interface.
' The method accepts only values of the Double type.
Function Median(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of Double)) As Double
If source.Count = 0 Then
Throw New InvalidOperationException("Cannot compute median for an empty
End If
Dim sortedSource = From number In source
Order By number
Dim itemIndex = sortedSource.Count \ 2
If sortedSource.Count Mod 2 = 0 Then
' Even number of items in list.
Return (sortedSource(itemIndex) + sortedSource(itemIndex ‐ 1)) / 2
How to: Add Custom Methods for LINQ Queries (Visual Basic)
1 of 5 03.09.2016 0:15
You call this extension method for any enumerable collection in the same way you call other aggregate methods from the
IEnumerable(Of T) interface.
In Visual Basic, you can either use a method call or standard query syntax for the Aggregate or Group By clause. For
more information, see Aggregate Clause (Visual Basic) and Group By Clause (Visual Basic).
The following code example shows how to use the Median method for an array of type double.
Overloading an Aggregate Method to Accept Various Types
You can overload your aggregate method so that it accepts sequences of various types. The standard approach is to
create an overload for each type. Another approach is to create an overload that will take a generic type and convert it
to a specific type by using a delegate. You can also combine both approaches.
To create an overload for each type
You can create a specific overload for each type that you want to support. The following code example shows an
overload of the Median method for the integer type.
' Odd number of items in list.
Return sortedSource(itemIndex)
End If
End Function
End Module
Dim numbers1() As Double = {1.9, 2, 8, 4, 5.7, 6, 7.2, 0}
Dim query1 = Aggregate num In numbers1 Into Median()
Console.WriteLine("Double: Median = " & query1)
' This code produces the following output:
' Double: Median = 4.85
' Integer overload
Function Median(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of Integer)) As Double
Return Aggregate num In source Select CDbl(num) Into med = Median()
How to: Add Custom Methods for LINQ Queries (Visual Basic)
2 of 5 03.09.2016 0:15
You can now call the Median overloads for both integer and double types, as shown in the following code:
To create a generic overload
You can also create an overload that accepts a sequence of generic objects. This overload takes a delegate as a
parameter and uses it to convert a sequence of objects of a generic type to a specific type.
The following code shows an overload of the Median method that takes the Func(OfT, TResult) delegate as a
parameter. This delegate takes an object of generic type T and returns an object of type double.
You can now call the Median method for a sequence of objects of any type. If the type does not have its own
method overload, you have to pass a delegate parameter. In Visual Basic, you can use a lambda expression for this
purpose. Also, if you use the Aggregate or Group By clause instead of the method call, you can pass any value or
End Function
Dim numbers1() As Double = {1.9, 2, 8, 4, 5.7, 6, 7.2, 0}
Dim query1 = Aggregate num In numbers1 Into Median()
Console.WriteLine("Double: Median = " & query1)
Dim numbers2() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Dim query2 = Aggregate num In numbers2 Into Median()
Console.WriteLine("Integer: Median = " & query2)
' This code produces the following output:
' Double: Median = 4.85
' Integer: Median = 3
' Generic overload.
Function Median(Of T)(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of T),
ByVal selector As Func(Of T, Double)) As Double
Return Aggregate num In source Select selector(num) Into med = Median()
End Function
How to: Add Custom Methods for LINQ Queries (Visual Basic)
3 of 5 03.09.2016 0:15
expression that is in the scope this clause.
The following example code shows how to call the Median method for an array of integers and an array of strings.
For strings, the median for the lengths of strings in the array is calculated. The example shows how to pass the
Func(Of T, TResult) delegate parameter to the Median method for each case.
Adding a Method That Returns a Collection
You can extend the IEnumerable(Of T) interface with a custom query method that returns a sequence of values. In this
case, the method must return a collection of type IEnumerable(Of T). Such methods can be used to apply filters or data
transforms to a sequence of values.
The following example shows how to create an extension method named AlternateElements that returns every other
element in a collection, starting from the first element.
Dim numbers3() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
' You can use num as a parameter for the Median method
' so that the compiler will implicitly convert its value to double.
' If there is no implicit conversion, the compiler will
' display an error message.
Dim query3 = Aggregate num In numbers3 Into Median(num)
Console.WriteLine("Integer: Median = " & query3)
Dim numbers4() As String = {"one", "two", "three", "four", "five"}
' With the generic overload, you can also use numeric properties of objects.
Dim query4 = Aggregate str In numbers4 Into Median(str.Length)
Console.WriteLine("String: Median = " & query4)
' This code produces the following output:
' Integer: Median = 3
' String: Median = 4
' Extension method for the IEnumerable(of T) interface.
' The method returns every other element of a sequence.
Function AlternateElements(Of T)(
How to: Add Custom Methods for LINQ Queries (Visual Basic)
4 of 5 03.09.2016 0:15
You can call this extension method for any enumerable collection just as you would call other methods from the
IEnumerable(Of T) interface, as shown in the following code:
See Also
IEnumerable(Of T)
Extension Methods (Visual Basic)
© 2016 Microsoft
ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of T)
) As IEnumerable(Of T)
Dim list As New List(Of T)
Dim i = 0
For Each element In source
If (i Mod 2 = 0) Then
End If
i = i + 1
Return list
End Function
Dim strings() As String = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}
Dim query = strings.AlternateElements()
For Each element In query
' This code produces the following output:
' a
' c
' e
How to: Add Custom Methods for LINQ Queries (Visual Basic)
5 of 5 03.09.2016 0:15
LINQ and Strings (Visual Basic)
LINQcan be used to query and transform strings and collections of strings. It can be especially useful with semi-structured
data in text files. LINQ queries can be combined with traditional string functions and regular expressions. For example, you
can use the Split or Split method to create an array of strings that you can then query or modify by using LINQ. You can use
the IsMatch method in the where clause of a LINQ query. And you can use LINQ to query or modify the
MatchCollectionresults returned by a regular expression.
You can also use the techniques described in this section to transform semi-structured text data to XML. For more
information, see How to: Generate XML from CSV Files.
The examples in this section fall into two categories:
Querying a Block of Text
You can query, analyze, and modify text blocks by splitting them into a queryable array of smaller strings by using the
Split method or the Split method. You can split the source text into words, sentences, paragraphs, pages, or any other
criteria, and then perform additional splits if they are required in your query.
How to: Count Occurrences of a Word in a String (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
Shows how to use LINQ for simple querying over text.
How to: Query for Sentences that Contain a Specified Set of Words (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
Shows how to split text files on arbitrary boundaries and how to perform queries against each part.
How to: Query for Characters in a String (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
Demonstrates that a string is a queryable type.
How to: Combine LINQ Queries with Regular Expressions (Visual Basic)
Shows how to use regular expressions in LINQ queries for complex pattern matching on filtered query results.
Querying Semi-Structured Data in Text Format
Many different types of text files consist of a series of lines, often with similar formatting, such as tab- or comma-
delimited files or fixed-length lines. After you read such a text file into memory, you can use LINQ to query and/or modify
the lines.LINQ queries also simplify the task of combining data from multiple sources.
How to: Find the Set Difference Between Two Lists (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
Shows how to find all the strings that are present in one list but not the other.
How to: Sort or Filter Text Data by Any Word or Field (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
Shows how to sort text lines based on any word or field.
How to: Reorder the Fields of a Delimited File (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
Visual Studio 2015
LINQ and Strings (Visual Basic)
1 of 2 03.09.2016 0:12
Shows how to reorder fields in a line in a .csv file.
How to: Combine and Compare String Collections (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
Shows how to combine string lists in various ways.
How to: Populate Object Collections from Multiple Sources (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
Shows how to create object collections by using multiple text files as data sources.
How to: Join Content from Dissimilar Files (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
Shows how to combine strings in two lists into a single string by using a matching key.
How to: Split a File Into Many Files by Using Groups (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
Shows how to create new files by using a single file as a data source.
How to: Compute Column Values in a CSV Text File (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
Shows how to perform mathematical computations on text data in .csv files.
See Also
Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
How to: Generate XML from CSV Files
© 2016 Microsoft
LINQ and Strings (Visual Basic)
2 of 2 03.09.2016 0:12
To transform an XML document
,#)!!!+2!(!Console Application+2!!+!$3$
(!Sub Main(!Module1#!$(#!!!(!!#!0!2!$
Visual Studio 2015
Dim catalog =
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Book id="bk101">
<Author>Garghentini, Davide</Author>
<Title>XML Developer's Guide</Title>
An in‐depth look at creating applications
with <technology>XML</technology>. For
<audience>beginners</audience> or
<audience>advanced</audience> developers.
<Book id="bk331">
<Author>Spencer, Phil</Author>
<Title>Developing Applications with Visual Basic .NET</Title>
How to: Transform XML by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
1 of 4 03.09.2016 0:33
5!Sub MainModule1)##!!(#Sub70!+8#!(!+!!#
5##(!#!!Sub MainModule1$
Get the expert insights, practical code samples,
and best practices you need
to advance your expertise with <technology>Visual
Basic .NET</technology>.
Learn how to create faster, more reliable applications
based on professional,
pragmatic guidance by today's top <audience>developers</audience>.
Dim htmlOutput =
<%= From book In catalog.<Catalog>.<Book>
Select <div>
<h1><%= book.<Title>.Value %></h1>
<h3><%= "By " & book.<Author>.Value %></h3>
<h3><%= "Price = " & book.<Price>.Value %></h3>
<%= TransformDescription(book.<Description>(0)) %>
</div> %>
Public Function TransformDescription(ByVal desc As XElement) As XElement
How to: Transform XML by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
2 of 4 03.09.2016 0:33
' Replace <technology> elements with <b>.
Dim content = (From element In desc...<technology>).ToList()
If content.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To content.Count ‐ 1
content(i).ReplaceWith(<b><%= content(i).Value %></b>)
End If
' Replace <audience> elements with <i>.
content = (From element In desc...<audience>).ToList()
If content.Count > 0 Then
For i = 0 To content.Count ‐ 1
content(i).ReplaceWith(<i><%= content(i).Value %></i>)
End If
' Return the updated contents of the <Description> element.
Return <p><%= desc.Nodes %></p>
End Function
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<h1>XML Developer's Guide</h1>
<h3>By Garghentini, Davide</h3>
<h3>Price = 44.95</h3>
An in‐depth look at creating applications
with <b>XML</b>. For
<i>beginners</i> or
<i>advanced</i> developers.
<hr />
<h1>Developing Applications with Visual Basic .NET</h1>
<h3>By Spencer, Phil</h3>
<h3>Price = 45.95</h3>
Get the expert insights, practical code
samples, and best practices you need
How to: Transform XML by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
3 of 4 03.09.2016 0:33
See Also
to advance your expertise with <b>Visual
Basic .NET</b>. Learn how to create faster,
more reliable applications based on
professional, pragmatic guidance by today's
top <i>developers</i>.
<hr />
How to: Transform XML by Using LINQ (Visual Basic)
4 of 4 03.09.2016 0:33
Accessing XML in Visual Basic
Visual Basicprovides XML axis properties for accessing and navigating LINQ to XMLstructures. These properties use a
special syntax to enable you to access elements and attributes by specifying the XML names.
The following table lists the language features that enable you to access XML elements and attributes in Visual Basic.
XML Axis Properties
Example Description
child axis contact.<phone> Gets all phone elements that are child elements of the contact
attribute axis phone.@type Gets all type attributes of the phone element.
descendant axis contacts...<name> Gets all name elements of the contacts element, regardless of how
deep in the hierarchy they occur.
extension indexer contacts...
Gets the first name element from the sequence.
value contacts...
Gets the string representation of the first object in the sequence, or
Nothing if the sequence is empty.
In This Section
How to: Access XML Descendant Elements (Visual Basic)
Shows how to use a descendant axis property to access all XML elements that have a specified name and that are
contained under a specified XML element.
How to: Access XML Child Elements (Visual Basic)
Shows how to use a child axis property to access all XML child elements that have a specified name in an XML
How to: Access XML Attributes (Visual Basic)
Shows how to use an attribute axis property to access all XML attributes that have a specified name in an XML
How to: Declare and Use XML Namespace Prefixes (Visual Basic)
Shows how to declare an XML namespace prefix and use it to create and access XML elements.
Visual Studio 2015
Accessing XML in Visual Basic
1 of 2 03.09.2016 0:34
Related Sections
XML Axis Properties (Visual Basic)
Provides links to sections describing the various XML access properties.
Overview of LINQ to XML in Visual Basic
Provides an introduction to using LINQ to XML in Visual Basic.
Creating XML in Visual Basic
Provides an introduction to using XML literals in Visual Basic.
Manipulating XML in Visual Basic
Provides links to sections about loading and modifying XML in Visual Basic.
XML in Visual Basic
Provides links to sections describing how to use LINQ to XML in Visual Basic.
© 2016 Microsoft
Accessing XML in Visual Basic
2 of 2 03.09.2016 0:34
Querying Typed DataSets
If the schema of the DataSet is known at application design time, we recommend that you use a typed DataSet when using
LINQ to DataSet. A typed DataSetis a class that derives from a DataSet. As such, it inherits all the methods, events, and
properties of a DataSet. Additionally, a typed DataSetprovides strongly typed methods, events, and properties. This means
that you can access tables and columns by name, instead of using collection-based methods. This makes queries simpler and
more readable. For more information, see Typed DataSets.
LINQ to DataSetalso supports querying over a typed DataSet. With a typed DataSet,you do not have to use the generic
Field method or SetField method to access column data. Property names are available at compile time because the type
information is included in the DataSet.LINQ to DataSet provides access to column values as the correct type,so that type
mismatch errors are caught when the code is compiled instead of at run time.
Before you can begin querying a typed DataSet, you must generate the class by using the DataSet Designer in Visual Studio
2008. For more information, see How to: Create a Typed Dataset.
The following example shows a query over a typed DataSet:
See Also
.NET Framework (current version)
Dim orders = ds.Tables("SalesOrderHeader")
Dim query = _
From o In orders _
Where o.OnlineOrderFlag = True _
Select New {SalesOrderID := o.SalesOrderID, _
OrderDate := o.OrderDate, _
SalesOrderNumber := o.SalesOrderNumber}
For Each Dim onlineOrder In query
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1:d}\t{2}", _
onlineOrder.SalesOrderID, _
onlineOrder.OrderDate, _
Querying Typed DataSets,v=vs.110).aspx
1 of 2 03.09.2016 0:38
Querying DataSets (LINQ to DataSet)
Cross-Table Queries (LINQ to DataSet)
Single-Table Queries (LINQ to DataSet)
© 2016 Microsoft
Querying Typed DataSets,v=vs.110).aspx
2 of 2 03.09.2016 0:38
Generic Field and SetField Methods (LINQ to
LINQ to DataSet provides extension methods to the DataRow class for accessing column values: the Field method and the
SetField method.These methods provide easier access to column values for developers, especially regarding null values.The
DataSetuses Value to represent null values, whereasLINQuses the nullable type support introduced in the .NET
Framework2.0. Using the pre-existing column accessor in DataRowrequires you to cast the return object to the appropriate
type. If a particular field in a DataRowcan be null, you must explicitly check for a null value because returning Value and
implicitly casting it to another type throws anInvalidCastException. In the following example, if the IsNullmethod was not
used to check for a null value, an exception would be thrown if the indexer returned Value and tried to cast it to a String.
The Field method provides access to the column values of a DataRow and the SetField sets column values in a DataRow.
Both the Field method and SetField method handle nullable types, so you do not have to explicitly check for null values as in
the previous example. Both methods are generic methods, also, so you do not have to cast the return type.
The following example uses the Field method.
.NET Framework (current version)
' Fill the DataSet.
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.
Dim products As DataTable = ds.Tables("Product")
Dim query = _
From product In products.AsEnumerable() _
Where product!Color IsNot DBNull.Value AndAlso product!Color = "Red" _
Select New With _
{ _
.Name = product!Name, _
.ProductNumber = product!ProductNumber, _
.ListPrice = product!ListPrice _
For Each product In query
Console.WriteLine("Name: " & product.Name)
Console.WriteLine("Product number: " & product.ProductNumber)
Console.WriteLine("List price: $" & product.ListPrice & vbNewLine)
' Fill the DataSet.
Generic Field and SetField Methods (LINQ to DataSet),v=vs.110).aspx
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Note that the data type specified in the generic parameter T of the Field method and the SetField method must match the
type of the underlying value. Otherwise, an InvalidCastException exception will be thrown. The specified column name must
also match the name of a column in the DataSet, or an ArgumentException will be thrown. In both cases, the exception is
thrown at run time during the enumeration of the data when the query is executed.
The SetField method itself does not perform any type conversions. This does not mean, however, that a type conversion will
not occur. The SetField method exposes the ADO.NET 2.0 behavior of the DataRowclass. A type conversion could be
performed by the DataRowobject and the converted value would then be saved to the DataRowobject.
See Also
© 2016 Microsoft
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.
Dim products As DataTable = ds.Tables("Product")
Dim query = _
From product In products.AsEnumerable() _
Where product.Field(Of String)("Color") = "Red" _
Select New With _
{ _
.Name = product.Field(Of String)("Name"), _
.ProductNumber = product.Field(Of String)("ProductNumber"), _
.ListPrice = product.Field(Of Decimal)("ListPrice") _
For Each product In query
Console.WriteLine("Name: " & product.Name)
Console.WriteLine("Product number: " & product.ProductNumber)
Console.WriteLine("List price: $ " & product.ListPrice & vbNewLine)
Generic Field and SetField Methods (LINQ to DataSet),v=vs.110).aspx
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Queries in LINQ to DataSet
A query is an expression that retrieves data from a data source. Queries are usually expressed in a specialized query
language, such as SQL for relational databases and XQuery for XML. Therefore, developers have had to learn a new query
language for each type of data source or data format that they query. Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) offers a simpler,
consistent model for working with data across various kinds of data sources and formats. In a LINQ query, you always work
with programming objects.
A LINQ query operation consists of three actions: obtain the data source or sources, create the query, and execute the query.
Data sources that implement the IEnumerable(Of T) generic interface can be queried through LINQ. Calling AsEnumerable
on a DataTable returns an object which implements the genericIEnumerable(Of T) interface, which serves as the data source
for LINQ to DataSet queries.
In the query, you specify exactly the information that you want to retrieve from the data source. A query can also specify
how that information should be sorted, grouped, and shaped before it is returned. In LINQ, a query is stored in a variable. If
the query is designed to return a sequence of values, the query variable itself must be aenumerable type. This query variable
takes no action and returns no data; it only stores the query information. After you create a query you must execute that
query to retrieve any data.
In a query that returns a sequence of values, the query variable itself never holds the query results and only stores the query
commands. Execution of the query is deferred until the query variable is iterated over in a foreach or For Each loop. This is
called deferred execution; that is, query execution occurs some time after the query is constructed. This means that you can
execute a query as often as you want to. This is useful when, for example, you have a database that is being updated by other
applications. In your application, you can create a query to retrieve the latest information and repeatedly execute the query,
returning the updated information every time.
In contrast to deferred queries, which return a sequence of values, queries that return a singleton value are executed
immediately. Some examples of singleton queries are Count, Max, Average, and First. These execute immediately because
the query results are required to calculate the singleton result. For example, in order to find the average of the query results
the query must be executed so that the averaging function has input data to work with. You can also use the ToList(Of 
TSource) or ToArray(Of TSource) methods on a query to force immediate execution of a query that does not produce a
singleton value. These techniques to force immediate execution can be useful when you want to cache the results of a query.
For more information about deferred and immediate query execution, see 6cc9af04-950a-4cc3-83d4-2aeb4abe4de9.
LINQ to DataSet queries can be formulated intwo different syntaxes: query expression syntax and method-based query
Query Expression Syntax
Query expressions are a declarative query syntax. This syntax enables a developer to write queries in C# or Visual Basic
in a format similar to SQL. By using query expression syntax, you can perform even complex filtering, ordering, and
grouping operations on data sources with minimal code. For more information, see LINQ Query Expressions (C#
Programming Guide) and Basic Query Operations (Visual Basic).
.NET Framework (current version)
Queries in LINQ to DataSet,v=vs.110).aspx
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Query expression syntax is new in C# 3.0 and Visual Basic 2008. However, the .NET Framework common language
runtime (CLR) cannot read the query expression syntax itself. Therefore, at compile time, query expressions are
translated to something that the CLR does understand: method calls. These methods are referred to as the standard
query operators. As a developer, you have the option of calling them directly by using method syntax, instead of using
query syntax. For more information, see Query Syntax and Method Syntax in LINQ (C#). For more information about
how to use the standard query operators, see NOT IN BUILD: LINQ General Programming Guide.
The following example uses Select(Of TSource, TResult) to return all the rows from Product table and display the
product names.
Method-Based Query Syntax
The other way to formulate LINQ to DataSet queries is by using method-based queries. The method-based query
syntax is a sequence of direct method calls to LINQ operator methods, passing lambda expressions as the parameters.
For more information, see Lambda Expressions (C# Programming Guide).
This example uses Select(Of TSource, TResult) to return all the rows from Product and display the product names.
' Fill the DataSet.
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.
Dim products As DataTable = ds.Tables("Product")
Dim query = From product In products.AsEnumerable() _
Select product
Console.WriteLine("Product Names:")
For Each p In query
Console.WriteLine(p.Field(Of String)("Name"))
' Fill the DataSet.
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.
Dim products As DataTable = ds.Tables("Product")
Dim query = products.AsEnumerable() _
.Select(Function(product As DataRow) New With _
{ _
.ProductName = product.Field(Of String)("Name"), _
.ProductNumber = product.Field(Of String)("ProductNumber"), _
.Price = product.Field(Of Decimal)("ListPrice") _
Queries in LINQ to DataSet,v=vs.110).aspx
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Composing Queries
As mentioned earlier in this topic, the query variable itself only stores the query commands when the query is designed to
return a sequence of values. If the query does not contain a method that will cause immediate execution, the actual
execution of the query is deferred until you iterate over the query variable in a foreach or For Each loop. Deferred
execution enables multiple queries to be combined or a query to be extended. When a query is extended, it is modified to
include the new operations, and the eventual execution will reflect the changes. In the following example, the first query
returns all the products. The second query extends the first by using Where to return all the products of size "L":
After a query has been executed, no additional queries can be composed, and all subsequent queries will use the
in-memory LINQ operators. Query executionwill occur when you iterate over the query variable in aforeach or For Each
statement, or by a call to one of the LINQ conversion operators that cause immediate execution. These operators include
the following: ToList(Of TSource), ToArray(Of TSource), ToLookup, and ToDictionary.
In the following example, the first query returns all the products ordered by list price. The ToArray(Of TSource) method is
used to force immediate query execution:
Console.WriteLine("Product Info:")
For Each product In query
Console.Write("Product name: " & product.ProductName)
Console.Write("Product number: " & product.ProductNumber)
Console.WriteLine("List price: $ " & product.Price)
' Fill the DataSet.
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.
Dim products As DataTable = ds.Tables("Product")
Dim productsQuery = From product In products.AsEnumerable() _
Select product
Dim largeProducts = _
productsQuery.Where(Function(p) p.Field(Of String)("Size") = "L")
Console.WriteLine("Products of size 'L':")
For Each product In largeProducts
Console.WriteLine(product.Field(Of String)("Name"))
Queries in LINQ to DataSet,v=vs.110).aspx
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See Also
Programming Guide (LINQ to DataSet)
Querying DataSets (LINQ to DataSet)
Getting Started with LINQ in C#
Getting Started with LINQ in Visual Basic
© 2016 Microsoft
' Fill the DataSet.
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.
Dim products As DataTable = ds.Tables("Product")
Dim query = _
From product In products.AsEnumerable() _
Order By product.Field(Of Decimal)("ListPrice") Descending _
Select product
' Force immediate execution of the query.
Dim productsArray = query.ToArray()
Console.WriteLine("Every price From highest to lowest:")
For Each prod In productsArray
Console.WriteLine(prod.Field(Of Decimal)("ListPrice"))
Queries in LINQ to DataSet,v=vs.110).aspx
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