The requirements of these Orders do not apply to crew members of airlines or other aircraft operators while on official
duty status (operating aircraft or positioning/deadheading), if such crew members and operators adhere to all industry
standard protocols for the prevention of COVID-19, as set forth in Safety Alert for Operators (SAFO) 20009.
First check if the passenger is a Covered Individual. Covered Individuals (i.e., noncitizen nonimmigrants) are those
who are required to present proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before boarding a flight to the U.S. from a
foreign country to meet the requirements of the
Order Implementing Presidential Proclamation on Safe Resumption of
Global Travel During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Is the passenger one of the following Covered Individuals? If so, proceed to Part 1 (proof of vaccination):
Covered Individuals include:
o Any non-U.S. citizen seeking to enter the United States by air travel with a nonimmigrant visa listed in
“Nonimmigrant Visa Categories” on the U.S. Department of State’s Directory of Visa Categories, as well as K
nonimmigrant visa holders
o Any non-U.S. citizen seeking to enter the United States by air travel who has been granted an Electronic System
for Travel Authorization(ESTA) as part of the Visa Waiver Program
o Any non-U.S. citizen seeking to enter the United States by air travel as a nonimmigrant under the Guam-
Commonwealth of the Northern Marina Islands (CNMI) Visa Waiver Program
o Any non-U.S. citizen otherwise seeking to enter the United States by air travel as a nonimmigrant in any other
category exempt from the general requirement to present a nonimmigrant visa for admission (e.g., certain
Canadian nationals). 
Part 1 does not affect several groups, including:
Non-U.S. citizens eligible for asylum
Non-U.S. citizens eligible for withholding of removal
Non-U.S. citizens eligible for protection under the regulations issued pursuant to the legislation implementing the
Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Non-U.S. citizens admitted to the United States as refugees
Persons with a visa 92 or 93 (Follow-to-Join) status
Non-U.S. citizens granted parole into the United States
Is the passenger one of the following noncovered individuals? If so, proceed to Part 2 (negative test
result or documentation of recovery):
US citizens
US nationals
US lawful permanent residents (Green Card holders)
Non-U.S. citizens seeking to enter the United States as immigrants (including pursuant to a Special Immigrant Visa). An
immigrant is any non-U.S. citizen who has a visa listed in “Immigrant Visa Categories” on the U.S. Department of State’s
Directory of Visa Categories; it does not include K nonimmigrant visa holders, who are Covered Individuals (see above)
Non-US citizens seeking to enter the United States by land or sea travel
Once you have completed Part 1 (proof of vaccination) and
Part 2 (negative test or documentation of recovery), as applicable,
please proceed to Part 3 (combined passenger attestation).
Airline Checklist: How to Confirm Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination and Negative
Qualifying Test Results or Documentation of Recovery from COVID-19
Purpose: To help airlines confirm passengers’ COVID-19 vaccination (as applicable) and testing status before
they board flights to the United States, as required by Presidential Proclamation and CDC’s Orders*.
Updated November 6, 2021
Covered Individuals who do not have proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or meet the
requirements (including documentation) for an exception must be denied boarding.
Check if passenger has proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19. See checklist below.
If passenger does not have proof of being fully vaccinated, passenger must meet criteria for an exception
to this requirement, and show appropriate documentation, to board a flight to the U.S. (See Annex for
details and documentation needed for exceptions). Exceptions to this requirement are the following:
o Certain categories of persons on diplomatic or official foreign government travel
o Children under 18 years of age
o Participants in certain COVID-19 vaccine trials
o Persons with medical contraindications to receiving a COVID-19 vaccine
o Persons issued a humanitarian or emergency exception
o Persons with valid nonimmigrant visas (excluding B-1 [business] or B-2 [tourism] visas) who are citizens of a
country with limited COVID-19 vaccine availability
o Members of the U.S. Armed Forces or their spouses or children (under 18 years of age)
o Sea crew members traveling pursuant to a C-1 and D nonimmigrant visa
o Persons whose entry would be in the U.S. national interest
How to check if passenger has proof of being full vaccinated against COVID-19:
TYPE OF VACCINATION RECORD: Passenger must show acceptable proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
See table 1. All forms of proof of COVID-19 vaccination must have:
The personal identifiers (full name plus at least one other identifier such as date of birth or passport number) on the
proof of vaccination match the personal identifiers on the passenger’s passport or other travel identification document
The name of official source issuing the record (e.g., public health agency, government agency, or other authorized
vaccine provider) is provided AND
Vaccine manufacturer and date(s) of vaccination; see “vaccine type” and “fully vaccinated” part of checklist AND
The passenger meets CDC’s definition of Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19. See “fully vaccinated” portion of checklist.
Table 1: Acceptable Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination
Documentation Type
Review Process
Verifiable records
(digital or paper)
Vaccination certificate with QR code
Digital pass via Smartphone application with QR
code(e.g., United Kingdom National Health Service
COVID Pass, European Union Digital COVID
Digitally scan or manually review the credential
to determine record was issued by an official
source (e.g., public health agency, government
agency, or other authorized vaccine provider) in
the country where the vaccine was administered
Determine if the passenger meets CDC’s
definition for fully vaccinated (see below).
Non-verifiable paper
Printout of COVID-19 vaccination record or a
COVID-19 vaccination certificate issued at national
or subnational level or by an authorized vaccine
The CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record card
Determine record was issued by an official source
(e.g., public health agency, government agency,
or other authorized vaccine provider) in the
country where the vaccine was
administered AND
Check for evidence the record is genuine (e.g.,
water marks, seals, signatures, documented site
of administration) AND
Determine if the passenger meets CDC’s
definition for fully vaccinated (see below)
Non-verifiable digital
Digital photos of vaccination card or record
Downloaded vaccination record or vaccination
certificate from official source (e.g., public health
agency, government agency, or other authorized
vaccine provider)
A mobile phone application without a QR code
Part 1: PROOF OF VACCINATION: Covered Individual Passenger Must Present Proof of
COVID-19 Vaccination to Board or Meet Criteria for an Exception to this Requirement
VACCINE TYPE: Passenger must show accepted type of COVID-19 vaccine.
Accepted COVID-19 vaccines are vaccines currently either authorized for emergency use or approved by the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration, or are emergency use listed or approved by the World Health Organization. See table 2.
Number of doses
Vaccines Approved or Authorized for Emergency
Use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Vaccines Listed for Emergency Use by World Health
Single dose
-dose series
FULLY VACCINATED: Passenger must meet CDC’s definition of fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Any of the five options below are accepted.
Option 1: 2 weeks (14 days) or more since a person received one dose of an accepted single-dose-series COVID-19
vaccine (e.g., Janssen/J&J) OR
Option 2: 2 weeks (14 days) or more since a person’s second dose in a 2-dose series of an accepted COVID-19 vaccine
(see table 2) OR
Option 3: 2 weeks (14 days) since a person received the full series of an accepted COVID-19 vaccine (not placebo) in
a clinical trial; OR
Option 4: 2 weeks (14 days) since a person received the full series of a Novavax (or Covavax) COVID-19 vaccine (not
placebo) in a phase 3 clinical trial; OR
Option 5: 2 weeks (14 days) or more since the person received 2 doses of any “mix and matchcombination
of accepted COVID-19 vaccines listed in Table 2 administered at least 17 days apart.
A full 14 days must have passed since the day the COVID-19 vaccine series was completed. For example, if the vaccine
series was completed on the first day of the month, the person is fully vaccinated on the 15th of that month.
Covered Individuals who can comply with Part 1 must also comply with Part 2. Proceed to Part 2.
OPTION A or B: Check if passenger intends to show a negative COVID-19 test result (option A) or
documentation of recovery (option B). See checklist below. There are specific requirements for each option.
Individuals who do not have a negative COVID-19 viral test result in the required time frame or documentation
of recovery from COVID-19 or meet criteria for an exemption must be denied boarding.
If passenger does not present documents needed for option A or B, passenger must meet criteria for an
exemption to this requirement, and show appropriate documentation, to board a flight to the U.S.
Exemptions to this requirement are the following:
o Children under 2 years of age
o Air crew on official duty
o U.S. federal law enforcement personnel traveling for purposes of carrying out a law enforcement function
(recommended to present letter from employer stating they meet criteria for the exemption)
o Members of the U.S. military traveling on official orders
o Those with humanitarian exemptions approved by CDC (must present official CDC letter)
Part 2: NEGATIVE TEST OR Documentation OF RECOVERY: Passenger Must Show a
Negative COVID-19 Viral Test Result or Documentation of Recovery from COVID-19 or
Meet Criteria for an Exemption to this Requirement
Passenger must meet all 5 requirements to verify option A:
1. TYPE OF TEST: The test must be a viral test. The following types of viral COVID-19 tests can be used:
Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT)
In addition to NAAT, phrases indicating a NAAT§ could include, but are not limited to:
Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
Isothermal amplification including:
o Nicking endonuclease amplification reaction (NEAR)
o Transcription mediated amplification (TMA)
o Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)
o Helicase-dependent amplification (HDA)
o Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)
o Strand displacement amplification (SDA)
Antigen tests
Phrases indicating an antigen test could include, but are not limited to:
Rapid antigen test
Viral antigen test
Also, could be noted as Antigen Chromatographic Digital Immunoassay, Antigen Chemiluminescence Immunoassay,
or Antigen Lateral Flow Fluorescence
Note: Antibody or serology tests# are different and NOT allowed.
2. WHERE TEST WAS RUN: The test must include where the test was performed.
Include information such as the name and contact information for the laboratory or healthcare personnel who
performed the test.
3. TIMING: The test must show a specimen collection date 1 day or 3 days (depending on vaccination status)
or less before flight departure.
The Order defines a timeframe by days instead of hours to provide more flexibility to the traveler. See table 3.
Table 3: Timing of Specimen Collection Date (1 day or 3 days) According to Vaccination Status
1 day or less before departure
3 days or less before departure
Passengers 18 or older without proof of being fully vaccinated (see part 1)
Passengers 2-17 years of age without proof of being fully vaccinated if traveling with one
or more parents/guardians who are not fully vaccinated or traveling unaccompanied
Note: If a child who is not fully vaccinated is traveling with one fully vaccinated parent and one not fully
vaccinated parent,
or is traveling unaccompanied, the child must show a negative result for test taken
within 1 day before departure.
All passengers showing proof of
being fully vaccinated (see part 1)
Passengers 2-17 years of age
without proof of full vaccination
only if traveling with fully
vaccinated parent(s)
4. IDENTIFICATION: The test must include information that identifies the person.
Must have person’s name and at least one additional identifier.
Additional identifiers could include but are not limited to date of birth, age, and passport number.
Check that identifiers on the test match those on the passenger’s other identifying documents
(such as passport or driver’s license).
5. NEGATIVE: The test result must be negative. Results marked “invalid” are not accepted.
Words or phrases describing a negative test could include, but are not limited to:
Part 2, Option A: Passenger Shows a Negative COVID-19 Test Result
Passenger must meet all 6 requirements to verify option B:
1. TYPE OF TEST: The test is a viral test. See guidance in Part 2, Option A, #1 (Type of Test).
2. WHERE TEST WAS RUN: The test must include where the test was performed.
Include information such as the name and contact information for the laboratory or healthcare personnel who
performed the test.
3. TIMING: The test must show a specimen collection date within the last 90 days.
Tests older than 90 days don’t qualify for Part 2, option Bpassenger must satisfy the requirements of Part 2, option A.
4. IDENTIFICATION: The test must include information that identifies the person. See guidance in Option A, #4
5. POSITIVE: The test result must be positive. Results marked “invalid” are not accepted.
Phrases describing a positive test include, but are not limited to:
6. SIGNED LETTER: Must also have a signed letter stating the passenger is cleared for travel.
From a licensed healthcare provider or a public health official
Must be signed and on official letterhead that shows the name, address, and phone number of the
healthcare provider or public health official
Does not need to specify travela letter that clears the person to end isolation
(e.g., to return to work or school)
can be used
All passengers (unless non-covered and exempted from the testing requirement) must also comply with
Part 3 (combined passenger attestation). Proceed to Part 3.
To ease the burden for airlines and aircraft operators, CDC has provided a combined passenger disclosure and
attestation that all air passengers (or their legal representative) boarding a flight to the United States must complete
and sign.
COVERED INDIVIDUALS: Ensure that all Covered Individuals (i.e., noncitizen, nonimmigrant) have completed
and signed Section 1 AND Section 2 of the Combined Passenger Disclosure and Attestation
NON-COVERED INDIVIDUALS: Ensure that all Non-Covered Individuals (i.e., US Citizens, US Nationals, Lawful
Permanent Residents, Immigrants, etc.) two years of age or older have completed and signed Section 1 of the
Combined Passenger Disclosure and Attestation
Certain non-covered individuals do not have to complete Section 1 of the Combined Passenger Disclosure and
Attestation. They include:
Part 2, Option B: Passenger Shows Documentation of Recovery from COVID-19
Part 3: COMBINED PASSENGER ATTESTATION: Passengers Must Complete and Sign
Passengers younger than 2 years of age
Air crew on official duty
U.S. federal law enforcement personnel traveling for purposes of carrying out a law enforcement function
(recommended to present letter from employer stating they meet criteria for the exemption)
Members of the U.S. military traveling on official orders
Notes: *Orders: Implementing Presidential Proclamation on Safe Resumption of Global Travel during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Amended Order: Requirement for
Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test Result or Recovery from COVID-19 for All Airline Passengers Arriving into the United Sates
Deadhead status: When crew member is on the “clock” and their time and movement are directed by the airline or aircraft operator either into, from, or between
operational assignments.
The QR code in a verifiable vaccination record links to information confirming the credential was generated from an immunization record in an official database and
is protected from tampering.
§ Other words or phrases indicating the test is a NAAT: Ct (cycle threshold); RNA (Ribonucleic acid); Sequencing; Next generational sequencing (NGS) or whole
genome sequencing (WGS); Oxford Nanopore sequencing (LamPORE); Detection of the N gene; Detection of Orf1a/b; Detection of the S gene; Detection of the E
gene; and Detection of the RdRp gene.
¶ Not all immunoassays or lateral flow tests are antigen tests. Antibody testing can also be conducted using these methods. If immunoassays or lateral flow tests are
listed, check if the test was an antigen test. Antibody tests are not allowed.
# Indications of antibody tests could include, but are not limited to: total antibody, IgG, and IgM. Antibody tests are not allowed.
For Proof of Vaccination (Part 1):
Order: Implementing Presidential Proclamation on Safe Resumption of Global Travel during the COVID-19 Pandemic:
Technical Instructions for Implementing Presidential Proclamation Advancing Safe Resumption of Global Travel during the
COVID-19 Pandemic and CDC’s Order:
Aircraft Operators/Airlines/Crew FAQs:
For Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test Result or Proof of Recovery from COVID-19 (Part 2):
Amended Order: Requirement for Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test Result or Recovery from COVID-19:
Aircraft Operators/Airlines/Crew FAQs:
For Combined Passenger Attestation (Part 3):
Combined Passenger Disclosure and Attestation:
Other Pertinent Links:
Order: Requirement for Airlines and Operators to Collect Contact Information for All Passengers Arriving into the United
Technical Instructions for CDC’s Contact Information Collection Order:
Annex: Non-US Citizen, Non-Immigrant Passengers Who May Be Allowed to Board Flight without Proof of
How to Verify Exception
Persons on diplomatic or
official foreign government
Passenger must be traveling on one of the following non-immigrant visa classifications:
A-1, A-2, C-2, C-3 (as a foreign government official or immediate family member of an
official), E-1 (as an employee of TECRO or TECO or the employee’s immediate family
members), G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, NATO-1 through NATO-4, or NATO-6 (or seeking to enter as
a nonimmigrant in one of those NATO classifications) OR
Passenger must be traveling with an official letter or other documentation (e.g., letter from
U.S. government, foreign government, or United Nations), explaining that their travel falls
within the scope of section 11 of the United Nations Headquarters Agreement or other
travel pursuant to U.S. legal obligation.
Children under 18
Confirm passenger’s date of birth on passport
Participants in certain COVID-
19 vaccine trials
Documentation (e.g., clinical trial letter, participant card, or modified vaccination card) of
clinical trial participation that includes the following information:
Additional Resources
Passenger has participated or is participating in a Phase 3 COVID-19 vaccine trial with a
qualifying vaccine candidate listed in the technical instructions that meets CDC criteria
for the exception; AND
Passenger received the full series of an active (non-placebo) COVID-19 qualifying
vaccine candidate, and lists name of the vaccine product and the date(s) received. See
the technical instructions for the list of COVID-19 qualifying vaccine candidates.
If a passenger received the full series of an accepted COVID-19 vaccine (non-placebo) in a
clinical trial, the passenger is considered fully vaccinated. Airlines and airline operators must
review the information presented by the passenger to ensure that:
Personal identifiers in the clinical trial documentation (full name plus at least one
other identifier such as date of birth or passport number) match with the passenger’s
passport or other travel documentation AND
The name of the COVID-19 vaccine product the participant received matches with a
vaccine product listed in technical instructions ; AND
Vaccine series was completed at least 2 weeks (14 days) before the flight’s departure.
Persons with medical
contraindications to receiving a
COVID-19 vaccine
Letter from licensed physician must:
Be signed and dated on official letterhead that contains the name, address, and phone
number of the licensed physician who signed the letter
Clearly state that the passenger has a contraindication to receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. The
name of the COVID-19 vaccine product and the medical condition must both be listed.
o Medical contraindications
to COVID-19 vaccination include immediate or severe
allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) after a previous dose or component of a
COVID-19 vaccine or known allergy to a component of a COVID-19 vaccine.
o Objections to vaccination based on religious or moral convictions do not qualify.
Have sufficient personally identifiable information (full name plus at least one other
identifier such as date of birth or passport number) to confirm that the person referenced in
the letter matches with the passenger’s passport or other travel documents.
Persons issued a humanitarian
or emergency exception
Letter from U.S. government (paper or digital) regarding the exception.
Advise non-U.S. citizens, nonimmigrants to contact the U.S. embassy or consulate
in the country
where they are located for more information regarding the humanitarian exception.
Persons with valid
nonimmigrant visas (excluding
B-1 [business] or B-2 [tourism]
visas) who are citizens of a
country with limited COVID-19
vaccine availability
Confirm the passenger has a passport issued by one of the countries listed on the technical
instructions website AND that the passenger has a valid visa that is not a B-1 or B-2 visa.
Members of the U.S. Armed
Forces or their spouses or
children (under 18)
Confirm passenger has a U.S military identification document, such as:
A military ID
Common Access Card (CAC)
Other proof of status as a member of the U.S armed forces or status as the spouse or child
(under 18) of a member of the U.S Armed forces.
Sea crew members traveling
pursuant to a C-1 and D
nonimmigrant visa
Confirm the crew member is traveling on a C-1 or D nonimmigrant visa AND
Has an official letter (paper or digital) from their employer indicating that their entry to the
U.S. is required for the purpose of operating a vessel that will depart from a U.S. seaport
Persons whose entry would be
in the U.S. national interest
Confirm passenger has official U.S. government letter (paper or digital) documenting approval of
the exception.