A Guide to Venture Capital Term Sheets
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Original cover concept and guidelines by IUVO
Designed and produced by Jeffrey Pellin Consultancy
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I Introduction 2
II What is a Term Sheet? 4
III The investment process 6
IV What terms may be included in a Term Sheet? 8
1. Type of share 8
2. Valuation and milestones 8
3. Dividend rights 9
4. Liquidation preference and deemed liquidation 10
5. Redemption 12
6. Conversion rights 12
7. Automatic conversion of share class/series 12
8. Anti-dilution (or price protection) 13
Founder shares 14
Pre-emption rights on new share issues 15
11. Right of first refusal, co-sale and tag along rights 15
12. Drag along or bring along 16
13. Representations and warranties 16
Voting rights 17
15. Protective provisions and consent rights (class rights) 17
16. Board of Directors/Board Observer 18
17. Information rights 19
Exit 19
19. Registration rights 20
20. Confidentiality, Intellectual Property Assignment and Management
Non-compete Agreements
21. Employee share option plan 21
22. Transaction and monitoring fees 21
23. Confidentiality 21
24. Exclusivity 21
25. Enforceability 22
Conditions precedent 22
V Venture capital glossary of terms 23
VI Example of a Term Sheet for a Series A round 35
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The BVCA - The British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association is the industry body for the UK
private equity and venture capital industry. Our membership represents the overwhelming number
of UK-based private equity and venture capital firms and their advisers. The BVCA has many years
of experience representing the UK industry, which on the world stage is second only in size to the
United States, to government, the European Commission and Parliament, the media, regulatory and
other statutory bodies at home, across Europe and around the world. We promote the industry to
entrepreneurs and investors, as well as provide services and best practice standards to our members.
The venture capital investment process is now a well-established means of raising funds for early
stage companies, usually those involved in seeking to exploit new developments in technology or
life sciences. A privately funded company might have a number of funding rounds. The first round is
often to raise a small amount of money (seed capital), the investors often being friends and family or a
specialist early stage venture capital investor. For rounds without a venture capital investor there may or
may not be formal investment documents.
There is a big difference in the nature of venture capital investment depending on the stage of
investment and it is important to try to match the skills of an investor with those required for a particular
business. A first round of investment from venture capitalists is usually called a Series A round, with
subsequent rounds progressing through the alphabet. This Guide reviews those terms that may be
included in a Term Sheet for a Series A or for subsequent investment rounds, although not every term
discussed will be necessarily appropriate for every investment. Sometimes investments are made by
way of debt, but the majority of investments are made by way of a purchase of shares. This Guide deals
only with the latter.
The aim of this Guide is to provide those who are not familiar with the venture capital investment
process with an outline of how investments can be structured, the terms and terminology typically used
in a Term Sheet, and the broader investment process. It is hoped that this familiarity will assist those
who are trying to raise venture capital by helping them to understand the commercial implications of the
terms being offered. This in turn will hopefully expedite the negotiation of Term Sheets and completion
of the investment process.
After the section outlining the purpose of a Term Sheet, there is a section describing the investment
process with some worked examples of how the share structure alters in certain circumstances. There
is next a glossary of terms most often used in venture capital transactions. Where each term is used for
the first time in this Guide it is in italics. Finally, there is an example of a Term Sheet for a Series A round.
This has been included to show how the various terms described in this Guide might be set out in a
Term Sheet.
I Introduction
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The selection of terms addressed in this Guide will not be appropriate for every venture capital
investment, but should cover most of the terms typically used in the UK today and point out a
few of the major differences with the practices in Continental European jurisdictions.
To complement this guide there are now available on the BVCA website (www.bvca.co.uk) standard
documents for venture capital investment, namely a subscription and shareholders' agreement and
articles of association, together with explanatory notes.
It should be noted that private equity is the generally accepted term used to describe the industry as a
whole, encompassing both management buy-out and buy-in activity and venture capital which relates
exclusively to the seed through to expansion stages of investment. This Guide is relevant primarily to
only the venture capital stages of investment and so this will be the term used.
The BVCA and I would like to thank the Venture Committee working group for the time and effort
made in preparing this Guide. This was co-chaired by John Heard (Abingworth Management Ltd) and
Simon Walker (Taylor Wessing) and also included Frédéric Court (Advent Venture Partners), Rob James
(DFJEspirit Capital Partners LLP), Roy Merritt (OrCapital), and Jeppe Zink (Amadeus Capital Partners).
Jo Taylor
Chairman, BVCA Venture Committee
October 2007
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II What is a Term Sheet?
A Term Sheet is a document which outlines the key financial and other terms of a proposed investment.
Investors use a Term Sheet as a basis for drafting the investment documents. With the exception
of certain clauses – commonly those dealing with confidentiality, exclusivity and sometimes costs
– provisions of a Term Sheet are not usually intended to be legally binding. In addition to being subject
to negotiation of the legal documentation, a Term Sheet will usually contain certain conditions which
need to be met before the investment is completed and these are known as conditions precedent (see
paragraph 26, Section IV).
If a company seeks to raise venture capital in the UK the principal documents needed for an
investment round are generally a Subscription Agreement, a Shareholders' or Investors' Rights
Agreement (frequently these are combined into a single Subscription and Shareholders' Agreement or
Investment Agreement) and Articles of Association. The provisions of a Term Sheet will be included in
these documents.
The Subscription Agreement will usually contain details of the investment round, including number and
class of shares subscribed for, payment terms and representations and warranties (see paragraph 13,
Section IV) about the condition of the company. These representations and warranties will be qualified
by a disclosure letter and supporting documents that specifically set out any issues that the founders
believe the investors should know prior to the completion of the investment.
A Shareholders' or Investors' Rights Agreement will usually contain investor protections, including
consent rights (see paragraph 15, Section IV), rights to board representation and non-compete
restrictions. The provisions in this Agreement will hopefully be used as the basis for corresponding
provisions on subsequent funding rounds. The Articles of Association will include the rights attaching
to the various share classes, the procedures for the issue and transfer of shares and the holding of
shareholder and board meetings.
Some of the protective provisions in the Shareholders' Agreement may instead be contained (or indeed)
repeated in the Articles of Association. The decision to include terms in one or both of these documents
may be jurisdiction-specific, based primarily on company law restrictions (e.g. some Continental
European jurisdictions limit the rights that can be attached to clauses in the Articles of Association),
enforceability concerns (the investor protections can be difficult to enforce in some Continental
European jurisdictions) and confidentiality concerns (Articles of Association typically must be filed as a
public document with a relevant company registry while the other investment documents can often be
kept confidential).
A venture capital investment round is usually led by one venture capital firm. That firm will put together
a syndicate either before or after the Term Sheet is agreed and then co-ordinate the syndicate until the
round is completed. The syndicate will usually comprise some or all of the existing investors and some
new ones, one of whom will typically lead the round.
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There are two main sources of institutional venture capital funding for Series A investment and beyond:
venture capital funds, including venture capital trusts (VCTs) and corporate strategic investors.
Once agreed by all parties, lawyers use the Term Sheet as a basis for drafting the investment documents.
The more detailed the Term Sheet, hopefully the fewer the issues which will need to be agreed during
the drafting process. The process can be complex and working with lawyers who are familiar with
venture capital transactions is recommended in order to minimise both timeframe and costs.
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In order to help explain some of the concepts that will be contained in this Guide this section follows
a company through several stages of its life cycle from establishment to its Series A funding round.
This example should not be taken as representing a standard process or representing typical
valuations or percentage ownerships. At each stage each case will be different and will need
to be handled on an individual basis.
NewCo’ is a company spun out from an academic institution to exploit intellectual property developed
by the scientist (the founder) whilst working as an employee of that institution. The academic institution
has agreed to transfer (assign) its ownership rights in the intellectual property rights (IPR) to NewCo in
return for a 50% shareholding in the business. It has also agreed that the founder who has carried out
the research that led to the creation of the IPR should own the other 50% through a holding of founder
shares (see paragraph 9, Section IV). The capital structure of NewCo is as set out in Box 1.
Box 1. Capital structure for NewCo following establishment of the company and assignment
of intellectual property
The investment by the founder is satisfied by a cash payment and the investment by the academic
institution is satisfied by the transfer of IPR to NewCo. However, individuals who are acquiring shares
in NewCo and are also going to be employees should take tax advice before the shares are acquired
because of recently introduced regulations in the UK.
With the help of the academic institution and the founder's network of contacts, NewCo then
successfully attracts the investment of a venture capital company (seed investor) that specialises in
investing in very early stage companies.
On the basis of the world-class reputation of the scientist, the strength of the IPR and the potential
market for the products arising from the technology, the seed investor and NewCo agree that the pre-
money valuation (see paragraph 2, Section IV) for its business is £200,000. From discussions between
the seed investor and NewCo it is also agreed that the company needs to raise £200,000 to enable it
to carry out some key experiments to establish the proof of principle for the technology and therefore
enable it to raise its next funding round. The seed investor also requires that an option pool (see
paragraph 21, Section IV) be established that could be used to help attract new staff to join NewCo.
III The investment process
Number of ordinary shares
Cash or cash equivalent
invested at £1 per share
Founder 50 £50
Institution 50 £50
Undiluted share capital 100
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With these parameters agreed the capital structure of NewCo following the investment by the seed
investor is as set out in Box 2.
Box 2. Capital structure following seed round
Seed round
Cash or
Number of
'A' shares
issued at
this round
shares and
'A' shares
Value of
Founder(s) £50 0 50 0 50 £100,000
Institution £50 0 50 0 50 £100,000
Seed investment £200,000 100 100 0 100 £200,000
Option pool 20 20
Total £200,100 100 200 20 220 £400,000
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IV What terms may be included in a Term Sheet?
1. Type of share
A venture capital investor will normally only subscribe to a preferred class of shares. These are
shares to which certain rights attach, that are not shared by ordinary shares held by the founders
and others. Venture capital investors require these additional rights because in most cases they
are investing much larger sums than the founders (whose investment usually takes the form of
good ideas, time and a small amount of seed money) and at a much higher valuation. The venture
capital investors will also have less control over the company’s day-to-day operations than the
founders, who typically remain closely involved in management.
If a preferred share class already exists at the time of an investment round, the new round of
investors will typically create a new series of preferred shares to distinguish the rights (voting,
financial, etc.) that attach to their preferred series from those that attach to all prior series of
shares. Distinguishing the rights enjoyed by different series is common practice because the
investments made at the time of the creation of each series are usually based on different
company valuations and circumstances and, consequently, have different risk profiles.
In some Continental European jurisdictions, there are restrictions on the types of different shares
classes permissible. This can be compensated for to an extent by creating special rights for
certain shareholders in the investment documentation.
2. Valuation and milestones
The venture capital investors will agree with the company on a valuation for the company prior
to the new investment round (the pre-money valuation). The pre-money valuation is used to
determine the price per share to be paid by investors on the completion of the new investment
round (the purchase price). The purchase price is calculated by dividing the pre-money valuation
by the fully diluted number of shares of the company immediately prior to the time of completion.
In the example in Section III the pre-money valuation agreed is £200,000 and immediately prior to
completion there are 100 ordinary shares. The value of those shares and therefore the purchase
price of the incoming investor is £200,000/100 which equals £2,000 per share.
Fully diluted usually includes shares that have been issued by the company, shares allocated to
the employee option pool (see paragraph 21 below) and any other shares which the company
could be required to issue through options, warrants, convertible debt or other commitments.
The pre-money valuation should be distinguished from the post-money valuation, which refers
to the valuation of the company immediately following (and which includes the investment
proceeds from) the new round. Therefore, following completion of the example in Section III,
NewCo has an undiluted post-money valuation of £400,000 represented by £200,000 pre-money
valuation and £200,000 of investment. If the option pool is included in the calculation the fully
diluted post-money valuation is £440,000 i.e. £2,000 x (200 shares + 20 options).
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Quite often, venture capital investors will not wish to make all of their investment on completion.
Instead they will invest in tranches, subject to various technical and/or commercial targets
(milestones) being met. These milestones will be set out in the Subscription Agreement. Failure
to meet a milestone does not automatically mean that the investors will not provide the additional
money, but it may mean that they will seek to negotiate different terms for these amounts.
Sometimes a mechanism, a ratchet is used to adjust the respective shareholdings of the investors
and the founders depending on either the company's performance or the level of returns on an
exit (exit ratchet). This technique is principally used to find a bridge between widely differing
views of a company's value, or to provide additional incentives/rewards to the founders for
delivering excellent returns to the investors. Ratchets can be complicated in operation and need
to be very carefully thought through due to tax issues and in order to avoid conflicts of interest
between the founders, the company and its other shareholders at a later date
3. Dividend rights
Venture capital investors often invest in early stage companies that are in an intense growth
phase. The objective is to grow the business and its value and to realise a return on investment
(ROI), typically targeting a multiple of the amounts invested – on exit. In most cases such
companies should be reinvesting all profits (without which a dividend cannot be paid) to
continue growing the company, rather than paying dividends to shareholders. Sometimes there
is a prohibition on the payment of any dividend, which may be for a limited period of time.
Even if the payment of a dividend is permitted, a common way of ensuring that a company is not
obliged to pay dividends while it is growing is to provide the investors with a share class that has
a preferential, cumulative dividend, usually fixed at a percentage of the purchase price paid for
each preferred share. The company will also be prevented from paying any dividend to other
shareholders until the dividend is paid to the holders of the preferred shares. Since that dividend
cumulates usually until an exit (see paragraph 18 below), it effectively prevents any other
dividend being paid until then. In addition, investors will often have an overriding right to veto
the payment of any dividend.
If a dividend is cumulative, it means that for each period that the dividend accrues (e.g. quarterly
or annually) any amounts not paid are cumulated until the company has the necessary cash.
At that time the cumulated accrued amounts must be paid to the investors’ share class in their
entirety, before any dividends can be paid to other share classes. If the preferred shares are
converted into ordinary shares, the investors will usually expect all accumulated dividends to be
paid or capitalised into ordinary shares on such conversion.
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IV What terms may be included in a Term Sheet? continued
In addition to a dividend preference, venture capital investors typically require that the preferred
shares be entitled to participate in any distributions on the ordinary shares, or in other words,
to enjoy a pro rata share of any dividends paid to the ordinary shares on top of any dividend
preference paid only to the preferred shares. Allowing preferred participation ensures that a
company cannot declare a small preferential dividend to the preferred holders followed by a
much larger dividend to the ordinary shareholders.
In some jurisdictions, escalating dividend provisions can be used to encourage the company
to work towards an exit and to help its investors recover some of their investment if the
company fails. These require the company, if it has not achieved a successful exit (see paragraph
18 below) within a certain period of time, to declare and pay cumulative dividends to preferred
shareholders at rates that increase each year.
4. Liquidation preference and deemed liquidation
The liquidation preference is a right which can be required by venture capital investors in
recognition of the risk they bear on their capital contribution. While there are many variations,
the liquidation preference typically provides that, in the event the company is liquidated or
subject to a deemed liquidation (see below), the preferred shareholders will receive a certain
amount of the proceeds before any other shareholders. This preference amount may be equal to
the amount of the preferred shareholders’ investment, or a multiple of it.
The remaining proceeds are often then shared amongst the preferred and ordinary shareholders.
There are numerous ways in which this may be effected, but the most common are:
the remaining proceeds are shared pro rata, according to their percentage shareholding,
among the preferred and ordinary shareholders (in which case the preferred shares are
considered fully participating, i.e. after receiving the preference amount, the preferred
shareholders participate fully with the ordinary shareholders in sharing the remaining proceeds);
after payment of the liquidation preference amount, the ordinary shareholders may catch
up by receiving an amount equal to the amount paid by them or credited as paid by them
for their shares, thereafter the proceeds being shared out on a pro rata basis between all
shareholders (in which case the preferred shares are considered simple participating).
The size and structure of the liquidation preference will be negotiated to reflect the risk inherent
in each investment round: the higher the risk, the higher the required return. Many factors
(including the valuation of the company) will be considered in this calculation.
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Venture capital investors usually require that the liquidation preference applies not only in connection
with a liquidation or winding up of the company, but also in the case of a deemed liquidation, a term
usually defined to include a merger, acquisition, change of control or consolidation of the company, or a
sale of all or most of its assets, but sometimes also includes an initial public offering (IPO) or a qualified
exit (see paragraph 18 below).
The example below shows what would happen if there were liquidity events at the value
of £200,000 or £1,000,000 in each of the following scenarios (all of which assume a fully
participating liquidation preference based upon the issued share capital following the seed round
described in Box 2 of Section III):
Where there is no liquidation preference attached to the 'A' shares
1 x liquidation preference
2 x liquidation preference.
In this example, in the event the company is only sold for £200,000 the investor will only get his
money back if he has negotiated a liquidation preference so that the first £200,000 from such an
event goes to the investor. In the event of a sale at £1,000,000 the calculation works so that in the
event of 1x preference the first £200,000 goes to the investor and then the remaining £800,000 is
shared pro rata in accordance with the shareholding, in this case 50:25:25.
£1,000,000 liquidity event cash return
£200,000 (preference)
£400,000 (share in £800,000 balance)
£400,000 (preference)
£300,000 (share in £600,000 balance)
£200,000 liquidity
event cash return
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IV What terms may be included in a Term Sheet? continued
5. Redemption
The right of redemption is the right to demand under certain conditions that the company buys
back its own shares from its investors at a fixed price. This right may be included to require a
company to buy back its shares if there has not been an exit within a pre-determined period.
Failure to redeem shares when requested might result in the investors gaining improved rights,
such as enhanced voting rights.
A right of redemption is not appropriate for every investment and is not allowed or is limited
(e.g. to a certain percentage of the issued and outstanding shares) in some jurisdictions in
Continental Europe. In those parts of Europe where it is allowed, subject to certain restrictions,
redemption can be used to ensure that the venture capital investors recover some of their
investment if a company has not been able to achieve a successful exit (see paragraph 18 below)
within a certain period of time. However, in the UK and certain other jurisdictions, there are legal
requirements that must be satisfied before a company can redeem any of its shares.
A right of redemption can also be used by an investor where it needs to strongly discourage
a company from breaching certain obligations, by providing a way for the investor to dispose
quickly of its shareholding. In jurisdictions where redemption is not possible under local company
law, an alternative is to negotiate a conditional right for the investors to put (sell) their shares to
the founders at a fixed price.
6. Conversion rights
Where venture capital investors hold a preferred class of shares and it is permitted to convert
these to ordinary shares, they generally require the right to convert them at any time, at an initial
conversion ratio of 1:1. Conversion is normally delayed until exit so that investors are able to
avoid losing the rights attached to the preferred class of shares.
This conversion ratio will be adjusted to take account of any reorganisation of a company's capital
structure. In some jurisdictions, this conversion ratio can be adjusted to provide for a form of
anti-dilution protection (see paragraph 8 below). If a dilutive event has occurred and this ratio
has been increased, the investor may choose or may be compelled to convert its preferred shares
into ordinary shares immediately prior to a liquidity event (such as a trade sale or an IPO).
7. Automatic conversion of share class/series
In most cases, investors will be required to convert all of their shares into ordinary shares prior
to a company listing its shares on a publicly traded exchange. Venture capital investors often
require an automatic conversion mechanism for all share classes, effective immediately prior to an
IPO. Investors will only want this conversion mechanism to work where an IPO is likely to provide
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a sufficient opportunity for them to dispose of their shares (liquidity) after the expiry of any lock
up periods. Accordingly the investors usually define certain criteria in advance that must be
met for an IPO to trigger automatic conversion (usually referred to as a Qualified IPO), e.g. only
offerings on certain exchanges, by recognised national underwriters, at a valuation exceeding a
certain threshold and raising at least a minimum amount of gross proceeds. Otherwise, preferred
shareholders would risk having their shares converted and losing all of their preferential rights
even if the company lists its shares at a low value on a minor exchange.
8. Anti-dilution (or price protection)
Venture capital investors often require anti-dilution protection rights to protect the value of
their stake in the company, if new shares are issued at a valuation which is lower than that at
which they originally invested (a down round). This protection usually functions by applying a
mathematical formula to calculate a number of new shares which the investors will receive, for no
or minimal cost, to offset the dilutive effect of the issue of cheaper shares.
There are several variations of the formula, each providing different degrees of protection. These
include full ratchet protection, which will maintain investors' full percentage ownership at the
same level or at the same value in down rounds. Other versions of the formula provide some
compensation for the dilution, but allow the ownership percentage to fall; the most common of
these is weighted average. The level of protection required by an investor depends on several
factors, including the valuation of the company at the time of the investment and the perceived
exposure to further financing requirements.
While the basic concept remains the same, there are several different mechanisms used in
Continental European jurisdictions to create this protection. In the UK, the mechanism of
adjusting the conversion ratio of preferred shares to ordinary shares to adjust for dilutions can be
used, although other methods, including the issue of shares for a nominal sum or bonus shares,
are also used. The latter might involve the granting of options (or warrants as they are sometimes
referred to), which are only exercisable if the anti-dilution provision is triggered.
In the example set out in Box 2 of Section III, if the project did not proceed as well as expected
and when the time came to raise another round from new investors it emerged that these
potential new investors were only prepared to invest at a pre-money valuation (for them) of
£200,000, this would imply that they would only pay £1,000 per share (£200,000/200). However
the existing investors paid £2,000 per share and therefore, under full anti-dilution provisions,
their shareholding would be adjusted in order to issue them with new shares, the effect of which
would be to bring the price they paid for the 'A' shares to £1,000 per share.
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IV What terms may be included in a Term Sheet? continued
The result of the full anti-dilution provisions is that the existing investors would have to be
issued with a further 100 shares to bring their shareholding to 200 for which they paid a total
of £200,000 which equals £1,000 per share. In terms of the overall shareholding this brings the
ownership of the business between the founders, academic institution and investors to 50 shares:
50 shares: 200 shares or 16.6%:16.6%:66.6% (a change from 50 shares: 50 shares: 100 shares or
9. Founder shares
Founders and senior management are usually central to the decision of venture capital investors
to put money into a company. Having decided to put money behind a management team they
have confidence in, investors are usually keen to ensure that they remain in place to deliver their
business plan. Therefore, it is often the case that founders and key managers (and sometimes
all shareholders/employees who leave the company within a certain period of time are required
to offer to sell their shares back to the company or to other shareholders. The price paid for the
shares may depend upon circumstances of departure – it may be at market value if the founder/
manager is deemed to be a good leaver, or it might be considerably less in the case of a bad
leaver. A bad leaver may be someone who has breached his contract of employment, or it may
also be someone who resigns from the company within a particular period. The Board often
retains the right to determine whether to implement the bad leaver provisions.
In addition or as an alternative to good leaver/bad leaver provisions, investors may require that
shares held by founders who are employees or consultants be subject to a vesting schedule
in order to incentivise the founders not to leave employment with the company in the short
term. The effect of this is that anyone holding such shares must be employed or engaged as a
consultant by the company for a certain period of time if that person is to obtain unrestricted
ownership of all of their shares. Within that period shares may vest on a straight-line basis
or on whatever basis is negotiated. Sometimes founders have different vesting schedules in
recognition of their different levels of contribution to the company.
In NewCo it was decided that the founder's 50 shares would vest on a straight-line basis over 4
years, with the first year's allocation vesting on the completion of the venture capital investment.
Number of shares
0 months –
12 months
12 months –
24 months
24 months –
36 months
36 months –
48 months
Annual vesting % 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
Cumulative vesting % 12.5 25 37.5 50
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If a founder leaves within the requisite period, he will keep only that proportion of his shares that
are deemed to be vested. In this example, if the founder left between 12-24 months, 25 shares
or 50% of the shareholding would have vested. The remaining shares that are unvested lose
their value, either by being bought back by the company for a nominal amount or converted into
deferred shares which have no rights attaching to them. It may be decided that on certain events
such as death or incapacity or where a founder's employment may terminate through no fault of
their own, the vesting schedule is accelerated either partially or fully. The Board may retain the
right to determine such issues at the time, in the light of circumstances.
10. Pre-emption rights on new share issues
If the company makes any future share offering, a venture capital investor will require the right
to maintain at least its percentage stake in the company by participating in the new offering up
to the amount of its pro rata holding, under the same terms and conditions as other participating
investors. This pre-emption right is automatically provided for by law in the UK and most
Continental European jurisdictions, although it can be waived.
If the new offering is based on a company valuation lower than that used for an investor’s prior
investment, that investor may also receive shares under its anti-dilution rights (see paragraph 8
above). Certain issues will usually be exempted from the pre-emption rights, including the issue
of anti-dilution shares and the issue of shares on the exercise of share options.
11. Right of first refusal, co-sale and tag along rights
These are contractual terms between shareholders which are usually included in the Articles
of Association. If one shareholder wishes to dispose of shares that are subject to a right of first
refusal (ROFR), it must first offer them to those other shareholders who have the benefit of
the ROFR. There are usually certain exceptions to the ROFR, such as the right of individuals to
transfer shares to close relatives and trusts and investors to transfer shares freely to third parties,
each other or within an investor's group. The requirement to go through a ROFR process may
add several weeks to the timescale for selling shares.
If a shareholder wishes to dispose of shares that are the subject of a co-sale or tag along right,
the other shareholders who benefit from the right can insist that the potential purchaser agrees
to purchase an equivalent percentage of their shares, at the same price and under the same terms
and conditions. This may have the effect of making the shares more difficult to sell.
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IV What terms may be included in a Term Sheet? continued
A venture capital investor’s decision to invest in a company is often based largely on the strength
of the technical and management experience of the founders and management. It does not
want these individuals to dispose of their shares in the company while it remains an investor.
Consequently, investors frequently require a ROFR as well as co-sale/tag along rights on any sale
of shares by a founder or key managers. Indeed they may sometimes require a prohibition on
founders and key managers selling shares for a stated period.
Sometimes in the UK the investor class will create a ROFR on each other's shares. Some investors
are strongly against this because it can make their shares more difficult to sell (less liquid) and
potentially less valuable since a prospective buyer will often be reluctant to make an offer for
shares that can be pre-empted by someone else.
12. Drag along or bring along
A drag along provision (sometimes called bring along) creates an obligation on all shareholders
of the company to sell their shares to a potential purchaser if a certain percentage of the
shareholders (or of a specific class of shareholders) vote to sell to that purchaser. Often in early
rounds drag along rights can only be enforced with the consent of those holding at least a
majority of the shares held by investors. These rights can be useful in the context of a sale where
potential purchasers will want to acquire 100% of the shares of the company in order to avoid
having responsibilities to minority shareholders after the acquisition. Many jurisdictions provide
for such a process, usually when a third party has acquired at least 90% of the shares (sometimes
referred to as a squeeze out), but the legal process is usually subject to possible court review.
Venture capital investors may require that certain exceptions are included in drag along
provisions for situations when they cannot be obligated to sell their shares. Among these are drag
along sales where the investors will not receive cash or marketable securities in return for their
shares or will be required to provide to the purchaser representations and warranties concerning
the company (or indemnify those given by the company or the founders) or covenants (such as
non-compete and non-solicitation of employees).
13. Representations and warranties
Venture capital investors expect appropriate representations and warranties to be provided
by key founders and management and, in jurisdictions where it is allowed, the company. The
primary purpose of the representations and warranties is to provide the investors with a complete
and accurate understanding of the current condition of the company and its past history so that
the investors can evaluate the risks of investing in the company prior to subscribing for its shares.
The representations and warranties will typically cover areas such as the legal existence of the
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company (including all share capital details), the company’s financial statements, the business
plan, assets (in particular intellectual property rights), liabilities, material contracts, employees
and litigation.
It is very rare that a company is in a perfect state! The warrantors have the opportunity to set out
issues which ought to be brought to the attention of the new investors via the disclosure letter
or schedule of exceptions. This is usually provided by the warrantors and discloses detailed
information concerning any exceptions to or carve-outs from the representations and warranties
(e.g. specific company assets, contracts, shareholders, employees, etc.). If a matter is referred to
in the disclosure letter the investors are deemed to have notice of it and will not be able to claim
for breach of warranty in respect of that matter.
Investors expect those providing representations and warranties about the company to back
them up with a contractual obligation to reimburse them in the event that the representations and
warranties are inaccurate or if there are exceptions to them that have not been fully disclosed.
There are usually limits to the exposure of the warrantors, which are a matter for negotiation
when documentation is being drawn up, and vary according to the severity of the breach, the
size of the investment and the financial resources of the warrantors.
14. Voting rights
Venture capital investors will have certain consent and voting rights that attach to their class of
shares (see paragraph 15 below). Preferred shares may have equivalent voting rights to ordinary
shares in a general meeting, though it is also possible that they may carry more than one vote per
share under certain circumstances in jurisdictions where it is allowed.
Where an appropriate event has occurred that triggers a change in the conversion ratio, the
number of votes that the investors' shares will carry for any subsequent general shareholder
vote will often be automatically adjusted to reflect the change in the conversion ratio at the
time of the vote.
15. Protective provisions and consent rights (class rights)
The venture capital investors in an investment round normally require that certain actions cannot
be taken by the company without the consent of the holders of a majority (or other specific
percentage) of their class or series of shares (investor majority). Sometimes these consent rights
are split between consent of an investor majority, consent of the investor director(s) or consent of
the Board. Typically what requires investor majority consent and what requires investor director
consent would relate to major changes in the company such as those set out in the paragraph
below whereas operational matters that need more urgent consideration by the Board would
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IV What terms may be included in a Term Sheet? continued
be left for board consent. Alternatively, each of the largest investors may have specific consent
rights. The purpose of these rights is to protect the investors from the company taking actions
which may adversely affect the value of their investment.
The types of actions covered include (among many others): changes to share classes and share
rights, changes to the company’s capital structure, issuance of new shares, mergers and acquisitions,
the sale of major assets, winding up or liquidating the company, declaring dividends, incurring debts
above a certain amount, appointing key members of the management team and materially changing
the company’s business plan. These shareholder rights are particularly important for investors who
do not appoint a director to the Board of Directors (see paragraph 16 below).
Note that in some Continental European jurisdictions, local company law requires that some of
the actions covered by these consent rights remain the unfettered right of the Board of Directors
to decide. In such cases, the Articles of Association of the company will usually require that the
level of majority needed for a board decision concerning these actions include the agreement of
an appropriate number of the directors appointed by the investors.
Alongside these consent rights, there are usually various undertakings or covenants given by the
company or sometimes the founders to do certain acts. Typically these include taking steps to
protect intellectual property, applying investment monies in accordance with the business plan
and maintaining appropriate insurance. Other types of covenants are described in the sections
below headed Information Rights (see paragraph 17 below) and Confidentiality, Intellectual
Property Assignment and Management Non-compete Agreements (see paragraph 20 below).
16. Board of Directors/Board Observer
Venture capital investors require that the company has an appropriate Board of Directors
(note: in some Continental European jurisdictions, e.g. Germany, a two-tiered board is required:
a Management Board and a Supervisory Board and in other Continental European jurisdictions
where two-tiered board systems are optional, e.g. France, some investors prefer one board).
In accordance with what is regarded as UK corporate governance best practice, investors
usually prefer the Board to have a majority of non-executive directors (i.e. directors who are
not employees of the company). Although a majority of non-executives may be impractical for
small companies, it is usual for such companies to have at least one or two non-executives. One
or more of the non-executive directors will be appointed by the investors under rights granted
to them in the investment documentation. Some investors will never appoint a director, because
of potential conflicts of interest and liability issues and will instead require the right to appoint a
Board Observer, who can attend all board meetings, but who will not participate in any board
decisions. The Board of Directors tends to meet once a month in general, in particular for early
stage companies with active investors on the Board.
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In many cases, investors will require that the Board has a Remuneration or Compensation
Committee to decide on compensation for company executives, including share option grants
(see paragraph 21 below), as well as an Audit Committee to oversee financial reporting. These
committees will be made up entirely or of a majority of non-executive directors and will include
the directors appointed by the investors. Each of these committees should have its own mandate
set out in writing.
By law, like all directors, the investor directors' responsibilities are to act in the interest of the
company rather than as a representative of the funds that they manage. Often venture capitalists
separate the investment decisions for the funds invested in the companies from the investor
director's decisions in order to avoid conflicts of interests for the investor director. This is typically
done by having another investment executive representing the funds' interests when dealing
with the company with respect to the Investor consent matters.
17. Information rights
In order for venture capital investors to monitor the condition of their investment, it is essential
that the company provides them with certain regular updates concerning its financial condition
and budgets, as well as a general right to visit the company and examine its books and records.
This sometimes includes direct access to the company's auditors and bankers. These contractually
defined obligations typically include timely transmittal of audited annual financial statements,
annual budgets, and unaudited monthly and quarterly financial statements. However it should
be noted that in some Continental European jurisdictions, a company is required to treat all
shareholders equally, so that any information provided to one shareholder will have to be provided
to all shareholders.
18. Exit
Venture capital investors want to see a path from their investment in the company leading to
an exit, most often in the form of a disposal of its shares following an IPO or by participating
in a sale. Sometimes the threshold for a liquidity event (see paragraph 4 above) or conversion
(see paragraph 6 above) will be a qualified exit. If used, it will mean that a liquidity event will
only occur and conversion of preferred shares will only be compulsory if an IPO falls within the
definition of a qualified exit. A qualified exit is usually defined as a sale or IPO on a recognised
investment exchange which in either case is of a certain value to ensure the investors get a
minimum return on their investment.
Consequently, investors usually require undertakings from the company and other shareholders
that they will endeavour to achieve an appropriate share listing or trade sale within a limited
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IV What terms may be included in a Term Sheet? continued
period of time (typically five to seven years depending on the stage of investment and the maturity
of the company). If such an exit is not achieved, investors often build in structures which will allow
them to withdraw some or all of the amount of their investment (see paragraphs 3 and 5 above).
19. Registration rights
Registration rights are a US securities law concept that is alien to many European companies and
investors. Such rights are needed because securities can only be offered for public sale in the
US (with certain exceptions) if they have first been registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC). The registration process involves the company whose shares are to be
offered providing significant amounts of information about its operations and financial condition,
which can be time consuming and costly.
Unlike in European jurisdictions, where all of a company’s shares usually become tradable upon
a public listing, a company registering shares to be traded in the US is not required to register
all of its outstanding shares. Any shares that are left unregistered can only be traded under very
restricted circumstances, which can greatly diminish their value. Consequently, investors in the
US or in companies which may consider pursuing a listing in the US, usually require the company
to enter into a Registration Rights Agreement. Among other things, this gives the investors rights
to demand registration of their shares (demand rights) and to have their shares registered along
with any other shares of the company being registered (piggy-back rights) and allocates costs
and potential liabilities associated with the registration process.
20. Confidentiality, Intellectual Property Assignment and Management Non-compete
It is good practice for any company to have certain types of agreements in place with its
employees. For technology start-ups, this generally includes Confidentiality Agreements (to
protect against loss of company trade secrets, know-how, customer lists, and other potentially
sensitive information), Intellectual Property Assignment Agreements (to ensure that intellectual
property developed by academic institutions or by employees before they were employed by the
company will belong to the company) and Employment Contracts or Consultancy Agreements
(which will include provisions to ensure that all intellectual property developed by a company's
employees belongs to the company). Where the company is a spin-out from an academic
institution, the founders will frequently be consultants of the company and continue to be
employees of the academic institution, at least until the company is more established.
Investors also seek to have key founders and managers enter into Non-compete Agreements
with the company. In most cases, the investment in the company is based largely on the value
of the technology and management experience of the management team and founders. If they
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were to leave the company to create or work for a competitor, this could significantly affect the
company’s value. Investors normally require that these agreements be included in the Investment
Agreement as well as in the Employment/Consultancy Agreements with the founders and senior
managers, to enable them to have a right of direct action against the founders and managers if
the restrictions are breached.
21. Employee share option plan
An employee share option plan (ESOP) is a plan that reserves and allocates a percentage of
the shares of the company for share option grants to current and future employees of the
company (and certain other individuals) at the discretion of a management committee. The
intention is to provide an incentive for the employees by allowing them to share in the financial
rewards resulting from the success of the company. Investors typically want 10%-20% of the
share capital of the company to be reserved in an ESOP creating an option pool. The company
will then be able to issue the shares under the plan without requiring further approval from the
investors. Founders and other management with significant shareholdings may be excluded from
participating in the ESOP.
22. Transaction and monitoring fees
Venture capital investors are usually paid a fee by the company to cover internal and external
costs incurred in connection with the investment process. Some investors may require an annual
monitoring fee to compensate for the level of their involvement with the investee company, in
addition to the usual compensation for travel and out-of-pocket expenses with relation to the
investment management.
23. Confidentiality
All exchanges of confidential information between potential venture capital investors and the
company need to be subject to a Confidentiality Agreement. This agreement should be executed
as soon as discussions with the company about a potential investment begin. If this has not been
done then a confidentiality restriction should be included in the Term Sheet.
24. Exclusivity
Once a Term Sheet is signed, venture capital investors will undertake various types of due
diligence on the company (any or all of technical, commercial, legal and financial). They will
usually provide the company with a list of areas which they would like to cover and information
which they would like to receive. The process can take several weeks or even months and
the investors may also use third party advisors to assist them in the process (e.g. lawyers,
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accountants and consultants). This will involve expense and the investors will not want to
discover that while they are incurring this expense the company accepts investment from other
investors. To protect themselves, some investors will ask for an exclusivity period during which
the company is prohibited from seeking investment from any third parties. A breach of this
obligation will result in the company and founders incurring a financial penalty.
25. Enforceability
With the exception of clauses dealing with confidentiality, transaction fees and exclusivity, the
provisions of a signed Term Sheet will not be intended to be legally binding. It should, however,
be noted that in some Continental European jurisdictions there is an obligation to act in good
faith when deciding not to proceed with an investment either at all or on the terms set out in the
Term Sheet. If so, it might not be possible for the investors or the company to walk away from or
unilaterally seek to change the Term Sheet without a justifiable reason.
26. Conditions precedent
A full list of conditions to be satisfied before investment will be included in the Term Sheet. A
venture capital investment will usually be conditional on not only the negotiation of definitive
legal documents, but the satisfactory completion of due diligence and approval by the Investment
Committee of each of the venture capital investors.
Satisfactory completion of due diligence can include conclusion of commercial, scientific and
intellectual property due diligence, a review of current trading and forecasts, a review of existing and
proposed management service contracts, a review of the company's financial history and current
financial position, either a full legal review or one targeted on specific areas and, if it is not already in
place, obtaining key man insurance and satisfactory references and checks on key employees.
It is also common for investors to require the founders and senior management to sign up to
Employment or Consultancy Agreements in a form approved by the investors. In the case of
investment from VCTs it will also be a condition that before they invest the appropriate tax
clearance has been obtained from the HM Revenue & Customs.
IV What terms may be included in a Term Sheet? continued
High net worth individuals who provide seed money to very early stage companies, usually investing
their own money rather than that of institutional or other investors.
Anti-dilution provisions
Provisions which protect the holder's investment from dilution as the result of later issues of shares at
a lower price than the investor paid by adjusting the option price or conversion ratio or issuing new
shares (see paragraph 8, Section IV above).
As converted basis
The determination of preferred shares rights, such as vesting and participation in a dividend, on
the basis that those shares have been converted into ordinary shares, taking account of whatever
adjustments might be necessary.
Audit Committee
A committee of the Board of Directors consisting of a majority of independent (non-executive)
directors, responsible for selecting and overseeing the work of outside auditors and other audit
activities. The definition of an independent director may vary from one market to another (see
paragraph 16, Section IV above).
Bridge loan, bridge finance or bridge round
A loan or equity investment to provide financing for a relatively short time period until the issuer can
complete a longer term financing such as a public offering or new investment round.
Burn rate
The rate at which a company is consuming cash each month.
Converting a debt owed to a company into equity (see paragraph 3, Section IV above).
Capitalisation table (cap table)
A spreadsheet listing all shareholders and holders of options and any other securities, along with the
number of shares, options and convertible securities held (see Box 1 and Box 2 in Section III above).
Carried interest
The portion of any profits realised by a venture capital fund to which the fund managers are entitled, in
addition to any returns generated by capital invested by the fund managers. Carried interest payments
are customary in the venture capital industry. Also known as the carry.
V Venture capital glossary of terms
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Completion or closing
In the context of a venture capital investment round, the release of investment funds to the company
and the issuance of shares to the investors following execution of the investment documents and
verification that all necessary conditions have been fulfilled.
See Syndication.
The act of exchanging one form of security for another security of the same company, e.g. preferred
shares for ordinary shares, debt securities for equity (see paragraph 6, Section IV above).
Conversion ratio
The ratio indicating the number of underlying securities that can be acquired upon exchange of a
convertible security, e.g. the number of ordinary shares into which preferred shares are convertible
(see paragraph 6, Section IV above).
Convertible debt
A debt obligation of a company which is convertible into shares.
Convertible preferred shares
Preferred shares convertible into ordinary shares.
Co-sale or Tag along rights
A mechanism to ensure that if one investor or founder has an opportunity to sell shares the other
shareholders are also given that opportunity on a proportional basis. (see paragraph 11, Section IV above).
Undertakings given to the investors by the company and sometimes the founders to do or not do
certain acts (see paragraph 15, Section IV above).
Cumulative dividends
A dividend which accumulates if not paid in the period when due and must be paid in full before other
dividends are paid on the company's ordinary shares (see paragraph 3, Section IV above).
Cumulative preferred shares
A form of preferred shares which provides that if one or more dividends is omitted, those dividends
accumulate and must be paid in full before other dividends may be paid on the company's ordinary
shares (see paragraph 3, Section IV above).
Debt/equity ratio
A measure of a company's leverage, calculated by dividing long-term debt by ordinary shareholders' equity.
V Venture capital glossary of terms continued
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Debt financing
Financing by selling notes or other debt instruments.
Deed of adherence
An agreement that purchasers of shares (new or existing) may be required to sign to ensure they are
bound by the terms of an Investment Agreement.
Deemed liquidation or liquidity event
Term used to describe trigger events for a liquidation preference. Usually defined to cover, among other
things, a merger, acquisition, change of control or consolidation of the company, or a sale of all or most
of its assets (see paragraph 4, Section IV above).
Failure to discharge a contractual obligation, e.g. to pay interest or principal on a debt when due.
Demand registration rights (US)
The contractual right of a security holder to require an issuer to file a registration statement to register
the holder's securities so that the holder may sell them in the public market without restriction (see
paragraph 19, Section IV above).
The process by which an investor's percentage holding of shares in a company is reduced by the
issuance of new securities (see paragraph 8, Section IV above).
Directors & officers insurance
Directors and officers (D&O) insurance is professional liability coverage for legal expenses and liability to
shareholders, creditors or others caused by actions or omissions by a director or officer of a company.
Disclosure letter
A letter given by the founders, and maybe other key members of the management team, and the
company to the investors setting out exceptions to the representations and warranties.
Discounted cash flow (DCF)
An investment appraisal technique which takes into account both the time value of money and also the
total profitability of a project over a project's life.
The disposal of a business or business segment.
When a company makes a profit, it can pay part of these profits to its shareholders in the form of cash,
additional shares or other assets. Such payments are known as dividends (see paragraph 3, Section IV above).
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V Venture capital glossary of terms continued
Down round
A round of venture capital financing in which the valuation of the company is less than the previous
round (see paragraph 8, Section IV above).
Drag along/bring along
A mechanism ensuring that if a specified percentage of shareholders agree to sell their shares, they can
compel the others to sell ensuring that a prospective purchaser can acquire 100% of a company (see
paragraph 12, Section IV above).
Due diligence
The process of researching a business and its management prior to deciding whether to proceed with
an investment in a company (see paragraph 26, Section IV above).
Early stage capital
Finance for companies to initiate commercial manufacturing and sales, following receipt of seed capital.
Profits after expenses.
Earnings before interest and taxes/earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation:
financial measurements often used in valuing a company.
Employee share option plan (ESOP)
A scheme to enable employees to acquire shares in the companies in which they work (see paragraph
21, Section IV above).
Ownership interest in a company represented by shares.
Exclusivity Agreement
Often negotiated by a syndicate of investors, an agreed period of exclusivity during which the company
and/or its existing shareholders cannot negotiate with others for investment into the company.
Exercise price
The price at which an option or warrant can be exercised.
Exit mechanism
Term used to describe the method by which a venture capitalist will eventually sell out of an investment
(see paragraph 18, Section IV above).
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Exit strategy
Potential scenarios for liquidating an investment while achieving the maximum possible return. For
venture capital-backed companies, typical exit strategies include Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) and
acquisitions by or mergers with larger companies (see paragraph 18, Section IV above).
To obtain a listing or IPO on a stock exchange (see paragraph 18, Section IV above).
Follow-on investment round
An additional investment by existing and/or new investors, which may be provided for in documentation
relating to the initial investment.
Founder shares
Shares issued to the founders of a company, usually at a low price in comparison to that paid by
investors (see paragraph 9, Section IV above). See also Sweat equity.
Full ratchet
Anti-dilution provisions that apply the lowest sale price for any ordinary shares (or equivalents) sold by
the company after the issuing of an option or convertible share as being the adjusted option price or
conversion price for those options or shares (see paragraph 8, Section IV above).
Fully diluted share capital
The issued share capital of a company if all options and other rights to subscribe for shares are exercised.
Fully participating
Term sometimes used to describe a liquidation preference which entitles beneficiaries to receive a
priority initial fixed payment and share pro rata with other share classes in any remaining proceeds (see
paragraph 4, Section IV above).
Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)
Rules and procedures generally accepted within the accounting profession.
Good leaver/bad leaver
A criteria applied to a shareholder employee who is ceasing to be employed to determine whether his
shares should be subject to a compulsory sale, and if so, at what price (see paragraph 9, Section IV above).
Independent or outside director
A non-executive member of the Board of Directors who is not an employee of a company nor affiliated
with a controlling stockholder of a company. The definition of independent may be further defined in
different countries or markets (see paragraph 16, Section IV above).
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V Venture capital glossary of terms continued
Information rights
The contractual right to obtain information about a company, attend board meetings, etc. typically
received by venture capitalists investing in privately held companies (see paragraph 17, Section IV above).
Initial public offering (IPO)
The sale of shares to the public by a company for the first time. Prior to an IPO, companies that sell shares
to investors are considered privately held. This is the first time that a company has tried to raise funds on
a public market such as a stock exchange. Terms used to describe this are flotation, float, going public,
listing when a company obtains a quotation on a stock market (see paragraph 18, Section IV above).
Institutional investor
An organisation whose primary purpose is to invest assets owned by the organisation or entrusted to
them by others. Typical institutional investors are banks, pension funds, insurance companies, mutual
funds and university endowments.
The non-physical assets of a company that have a value, e.g. intellectual property rights including
trademarks and patents.
Intellectual property (IP)
Legal term used to describe the patents, licences, copyrights, trademarks and designs owned by a
company (see Section III above).
Internal rate of return (IRR)
An accounting term for the rate of return on an asset. It is defined as the interest rate that equates the
present value of future returns to the initial investment. It is greatly affected by the timing of the exit.
Investment Agreement
This is a summary of the main terms of the investment into the company. Typically it will describe the
amounts and types of shares to be issued and the specific rights of the investors such as veto rights and
information rights (see Investment Agreements in Section II above).
Key man insurance
Insurance obtained by the Company on the lives of key employees, usually the chief executive officer
and the person or persons ultimately responsible for continuing to develop the technology (see
paragraph 26, Section IV above).
Lead investor
In a substantial investment, the whole risk is often shared among a syndicate. Normally, one investor
will take the lead in negotiating the terms of the investment and managing due diligence (see
Syndication below).
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Licence Agreement
An agreement under which certain commercial and/or intellectual property rights may be used by the
licensee, for example the institution may licence intellectual property rights to the investee company.
Liquidation or winding up
The sale of all of a company's assets, for distribution to creditors and shareholders in order of priority.
This may be as a result of the insolvency of the company or by agreement amongst shareholders (see
paragraph 4, Section IV above).
Liquidation preference
A negotiated term of a round of venture capital financing that calls for certain investors to have all or
most of their entire investment repaid if the company is liquidated. Often also triggered by a deemed
liquidation (see paragraph 4, Section IV above).
Converting an asset (such as shares) to cash (see paragraph 18, Section IV above).
When a company's shares are traded on a stock market it is said to be listed (see paragraph 18, Section
IV above).
A provision in the Underwriting Agreement between an investment bank and existing shareholders
that prohibits corporate insiders and private equity investors from selling for a certain period of time
following a public offering (usually 180 days after an IPO).
A contractual target that must be met by the company. Often used by investors as a condition for
releasing further amounts of financing (see paragraph 2, Section IV above).
Net present value (NPV)
The current value of future cash flows discounted back to today's date using a stated discount rate.
Word often used to describe a newly formed investee company (see Section III above).
New money
Investment funds coming from an investor who is not a current shareholder of the company.
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V Venture capital glossary of terms continued
Non-executive director
Part-time directors who share all the legal responsibilities of their executive colleagues on the Board of
a company. The general view is that they can operate as an independent director able to take a long-
term view of a company and protect the interests of shareholders. An investor will often appoint a non-
executive to a board as one way of monitoring its investment (see paragraph 16, Section IV above).
Non-qualified IPO
An IPO which is not a qualified IPO.
The right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a security at a set price (or range of prices) in a given period.
Ordinary shares
These are equity shares that are entitled to all income and capital after the rights of all other classes of
capital and creditors have been satisfied.
Outside director
See Independent or outside director.
The nominal cash amount assigned to a security by the issuer. For an equity security, par is usually a
very small amount that no longer bears any relationship to its market price.
Pari passu
Equally, rateably, without preference. Generally used to describe securities which are to be treated as
being of equal priority or preference.
Participating preferred shares
Preferred shares which entitle the holder not only to its stated dividend and liquidation preference, but
also allows the holder to participate in dividends and liquidating distributions declared on ordinary shares.
The right to exclude others from making, using, importing or selling an invention or a process for a
specific period of time.
Pay to play
A provision which requires investors to participate in subsequent rounds or forfeit certain rights such
as anti-dilution.
Piggy-back registration rights (US)
Contractual rights granted to security holders giving them the right to have their holdings included in a
registration statement if and when the issuer files a registration statement (see paragraph 19, Section IV above).
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Post-money valuation
The value of a privately held company immediately after the most recent round of financing. This value
is calculated by multiplying the company's total (fully diluted) number of shares by the share price of the
latest financing (see paragraph 2, Section IV above).
Pre-emption right
The right of an investor to participate in a financing to the extent necessary to ensure that, if exercised,
its percentage ownership of the company's securities will remain the same after the financing as it
was before. Sometimes also used as a term for a right of first refusal on shares of other investors (see
paragraph 10, Section IV above).
Preferred ordinary shares (UK)
These may be known as A ordinary shares, cumulative convertible participating preferred ordinary
shares or cumulative preferred ordinary shares. These are equity shares with preferred rights. Typically
they will rank ahead of the ordinary shares for income and capital. Once the preferred ordinary share
capital has been repaid, the two classes may then rank pari passu in sharing any surplus capital. Their
income rights may be defined; they may be entitled to a fixed dividend (a percentage linked to the
subscription price, e.g. 8% fixed) and/or they may have a right to a defined share of the company
profits – known as a participating dividend (e.g. 5% of profits before tax).
Pre-money valuation
The value of a privately held company prior to the most recent round of financing (see paragraph 2,
Section IV above).
Put option
A contract whereby the holder of the option has the right to sell to the grantor shares at a specific price
(strike price) at some time in the future.
Qualified IPO
An IPO which gives the company a market capitalisation of at least a certain amount (often a multiple of
the valuation at the time of an investment) and is accompanied by a fully underwritten fund raising of a
certain amount (see paragraph 7, Section IV above).
The reorganisation of a company's capital structure by the infusion of new cash and/or the replacement of
current shareholders by new ones. Recapitalisation can be an alternative exit strategy for venture capitalists.
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V Venture capital glossary of terms continued
A structure whereby the eventual equity allocations between the groups of shareholders depend on
either the future performance of the company or the rate of return achieved by the venture capital firm.
This allows management shareholders to increase their stake if the company performs particularly well
(see paragraph 2, Section IV above).
Redeemable shares
Shares which the company can be made to repurchase or which the company has the right to
repurchase at a predetermined value (see paragraph 5, Section IV above).
Registration rights (US)
The contractual right of a shareholder to participate in the registration of the issuer's stock for resale in
the public market (see paragraph 19, Section IV above).
Remuneration Committee or Compensation Committee
A committee of the Board of Directors responsible for reviewing and setting the remuneration of
certain executive officers of the company. The Remuneration Committee may also be responsible for
the allocation of share options to employees. A Remuneration Committee is typically comprised of a
majority of independent directors of the company (see paragraph 16, Section IV above).
Representations and warranties
Terms in an Investment or Subscription Agreement whereby usually the founders and key managers and
(subject to local company law) the company give undertakings in respect of the past and present operating
condition of a company. Examples include operating in a legal fashion, no bad debts, ownership of assets.
Breach of warranty gives the investors the right to claim damages and, if it is sufficiently fundamental, may
enable the investors to terminate the contract (see paragraph 13, Section IV above).
Restrictive covenants/non-competes
Undertakings given by founders/key management in the Investment Agreement and contracts of
employment or Consultancy Agreements which restrict their ability to undertake activities which might
compete with the company both during their employment/consultancy and post termination of employment
in order to protect the business and the value of the company (see paragraph 20, Section IV above).
Right of first refusal (ROFR)
A contractual right, frequently granted to venture capitalists, to purchase shares held by other
shareholders before such shares may be sold to a third party (see paragraph 11, Section IV above).
Return on investment (see paragraph 3, Section IV above).
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Secured debt/loan
Loan, where the lender, in the event of a failure to meet either an interest or principal payment, gains
title to specific assets.
Seed capital
Capital provided to allow a business concept to be developed, perhaps involving the production
of a business plan, prototypes and additional research, prior to bringing a product to market and
commercial large-scale manufacturing (see Section I above).
A round of venture capital financing. Each sequential round is distinguished by a letter: A, B, C, etc.
(see paragraph 1, Section IV above).
Shareholders' Agreement/Investor Rights Agreement
Many of the rights between shareholders in a company are set out in its Articles of Association. This is a
public document that is filed at Companies House. In many cases shareholders will want to create rights
and obligations between them that they would prefer to keep confidential. In such cases, rather than put
those rights and obligations into a public document they will enter into private contractual arrangements,
in a document such as a Shareholders' Agreement. If the agreement also includes terms relating to the
subscription for shares it will often be referred to as the Investment Agreement (see Section II above).
Share option
An agreement providing for the purchase or sale of shares within a stipulated time and for a certain
price (see paragraph 21, Section IV above).
Subscription Agreement
A Subscription Agreement sets out the terms upon which an investor will subscribe for shares in a
company. If the agreement also includes terms relating to shareholders' rights it may also be described
as an Investment Agreement (see Section II above).
Sweat equity
Equity (shares in a company) which is given to the founder of the company in recognition of the effort
(sweat) which he has expended in getting the company started up (see Section III and paragraph 9 in
Section IV above).
An arrangement whereby a group of investors come together to invest in an investment proposition
which they would not be prepared to consider individually whether because of risk or amount of
funding required. There is however usually a lead investor (see Section II above).
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Trade sale
Sale of a company to another company. As a form of exit, it is an alternative to flotation and more
common (see paragraph 18, Section IV above).
Trade secret
Information, such as a formula, pattern, device, or process, that is not known to the public and which
gives the person possessing the information a competitive advantage. May sometimes include customer
lists, marketing and/or business plans, and details of suppliers and customers.
Investment made in stages; each stage being dependent on achievement of targets or milestones (see
paragraph 2, Section IV above).
Transfer restrictions
Restriction of the sale of shares by founders, management or investors for a predefined period of time
or until certain conditions have been fulfilled (see paragraph 11, Section IV above).
Use of proceeds
The purpose to which the company intends to use the funds raised from new investors. The investment
documentation often stipulates that the funds must be used for this purpose.
Where an employee or consultant has been granted rights to receive options or has been issued shares
which are subject to his completing a specific length of service or achieving certain milestones, the
options or shares will have vested when the period or milestone has been satisfied. Once vested the
employee or consultant is entitled to exercise those options to obtain shares or to receive full rights to
the shares (see paragraph 9, Section IV above).
Another word for an option to purchase a security. The term is generally used for options provided by
the company to outside investors (as distinct from officers, employees, etc.).
Weighted average
Anti-dilution provisions that apply a weighted average formula to adjust the option price or conversion
ratio of an early-round investor, based on the sale price and number of equivalent shares sold by the
company after the issuing of the option or convertible security (see paragraph 8, Section IV above).
V Venture capital glossary of terms continued
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Strictly private and confidential
Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties
Indicative Term Sheet
[For use on Series A round]
We are pleased to present our proposal for an investment in• (the “Company”).
1. Investment
You have told us that the proposed business plan calls for an equity injection of £•. Of this amount,
funds managed by us (the “Funds”) will provide £• alongside investment by other venture capital
funds or financial institutions (together the “Investors”). We will act as lead equity investor.
1.2 The investment will be at a fully diluted pre-money valuation of £•, including employee share
options (both granted or committed) equal to •% of the fully diluted equity. The investment will
represent a •% shareholding for the Investors on a fully diluted basis, following an expansion of
the share option pool as detailed in paragraph 2.4. The current capitalisation of the Company is
set out in Part I of Appendix 1 and the capitalisation of the Company after this proposed funding
is set out in Part 2 of Appendix 1. (See paragraph 2, Section IV above.)
1.3 The investment will be made in the form of convertible participating [redeemable] preferred
shares (“Preferred Shares”) at a price of £• per Preferred Share (the “Original Issue Price”) the
terms of which are set out in Appendix 2.
1.4 [The investment will be made in full at completion.]/
[The investment will be staged with •% being invested at completion (the "First Tranche") and
•% being invested subsequently (the "Second Tranche"). [The Investors will have the right, but
not the obligation, to subscribe for the Second Tranche at the same price per share as the First
Tranche at any time.] [Provided that the performance milestones referred to in paragraph 2.6
have been met, the board of directors of the Company (the "Board") will have the right to call the
Second Tranche within • months of the performance milestones being satisfied.] (See paragraph
2, Section IV above.)
1.5 The proceeds from the investment must be used for the Company's working capital requirements
[in particular •].
VI Example of a Term Sheet for a Series A round
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VI Example of a Term Sheet for a Series A round continued
2. Conditions of investment
The investment is conditional on negotiation of definitive legal documents, satisfactory completion
of due diligence and approval by our Investment Committee. (See paragraph 26, Section IV above.)
2.2 Satisfactory completion of due diligence will include:
(a) Conclusion of our commercial due diligence [including •]
(b) References from customers and partners
(c) Market and technology review by an independent third party
(d) Management references
(e) Review of current trading and forecasts for the next • – • months
(f) Review of existing and/or proposed management service contracts
(g) Review of the Company’s financial history and current financial situation by our advisors
including, a review of the last set of audited accounts and the latest set of monthly
management accounts prior to completion of our investment
(h) Full legal review of the Company by our lawyers, focusing particularly on ownership of all
necessary intellectual property and benefit of all key commercial contracts
(i) [VCT tax clearance from HM Revenue & Customs]
2.3 The Company must secure institutional co-investment of at least £• on identical terms from other
venture capital funds or similar organisations acceptable to us. We will not underwrite the total
funding sought nor guarantee the securing of co-investors.
2.4 The expansion of the share option pool prior to the investment to represent •% of the equity
[pre-funding]/[post-funding] on a fully diluted basis. These extra share options will be reserved
for new employees and will have an exercise price equal to the Original Issue Price (see
paragraph 1.3) [or may be exercised at a discount to that price subject to consent from the
relevant tax authority and the Investor Director (see paragraph 4.3)]. Following grant, these
options will vest quarterly over a • year period, [subject to a minimum employment of • year].
(See paragraph 21, Section IV above.)
2.5 The investment must comply with the money laundering regulations and rules of the Financial
Services Authority.
2.6 [Appendix 7 sets out the performance milestones which must be satisfied within the periods
stated before Subsequent Tranches can be called.] (See paragraph 2, Section IV above.)
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3. Good leaver/bad leaver provisions
Ordinary Shares in the Company (the "Ordinary Shares") held by [INSERT NAMES OF
subject to [vesting rights] [and good leaver/bad leaver provisions] as summarised in Appendix
3.] (See paragraph 9, Section IV above.)
4. Terms of investment
The Company and the [INSERT NAMES OF RELEVANT MANAGERS] (the "Managers") will
provide the Investors with customary representations and warranties examples of which are set
out in Appendix 4 and the Managers will provide the Investors with customary non-competition,
non-solicitation and confidentiality undertakings. (See paragraph 13, Section IV above.)
4.2 The Board will have a maximum of • directors. [For so long as the Investors hold •% of the issued
share capital of the Company on an as converted basis] the Investors will have the right to appoint
[one] director (the "Investor Director"). The composition of the Board on completion will be •.
There will be a minimum of • board meetings each year. (See paragraph 16, Section IV above.)
4.3 The Investors' or the Investor Director's consent will be required for certain key decisions,
examples of which are set out in Appendix 5. (See paragraph 16, Section IV above.)
4.4 The Managers and the Company will undertake certain matters to the Investors, examples of
which are set out in Appendix 8.
4.5 [The Investors will also have at all times the right to designate a non-voting observer to the
Board.] (See paragraph 16, Section IV above.)
4.6 [The Company will form a Remuneration Committee [and an Audit Committee] upon completion
and the Investor Director will be the chairman [of both].] (See paragraph 16, Section IV above.)
4.7 The Company will have an obligation to supply normal financial and operational information
about the Company to the Investors. (See paragraph 17, Section IV above.)
4.8 he Investors and the existing shareholders will have rights to acquire and sell shares as outlined
in Appendix 6. (See paragraphs 10, 11 and 12, Section IV above.)
4.9 [In the event of an initial public offering of the Company's shares on a US stock exchange
the Investors shall be entitled to full registration rights customary in transactions of this type
(including • demand rights and unlimited piggy-back rights), with the expenses paid by the
Company ] (See paragraph 19, Section IV above.)
4.10 The key members of the management team will be required to sign service agreements
which include customary provisions for non-disclosure, non-competition, non-solicitation,
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VI Example of a Term Sheet for a Series A round continued
confidentiality, assignment of intellectual property rights, and termination. (See paragraph 20,
Section IV above.)
4.11 [Within [ • ] months of completion,] [Before completion,] the Company must obtain key man
insurance, naming the Company as beneficiary on the lives of • and • for an amount of £• and
director and officer liability insurance, both in a form acceptable to the Investors.
4.12 The Company will agree to pay to the Investors an annual, index-linked monitoring fee of £•
per annum plus VAT, charged quarterly in advance, plus reasonable out of pocket expenses in
respect of each Investor Director. (See paragraph 22, Section IV above.)
4.13 [The Company and the Investors will bear their own costs in relation to the investment save that
the Company will contribute an aggregate of £• to the investment appraisal and legal costs of
the Investor.] [In addition, on completion, the Company will pay to us a transaction fee of £• plus
VAT]. (See paragraph 22, Section IV above.)
5. Confidentiality
This Term Sheet is written on the basis that its contents and existence are confidential and will
not (except with the agreement in writing of the Investors and the Company or in order to
comply with any statutory or stock exchange or other regulatory requirements) be revealed
by the Investors, the Company or the Founders to any third party or be the subject of any
announcement. (See paragraph 23, Section IV above.)
5.2 The Investors and the Founders agree that they will enter into a non-disclosure agreement before
the Investors begin their due diligence investigations.
6. Applicable law
This letter is governed by English law and on acceptance the parties submit to the non-exclusive
jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
7. Expiry date
The Founders and the Company are requested to confirm their acceptance of the terms of our
proposal within 14 days of the date of this letter, failing which our proposal will lapse.
8. Exclusivity
In consideration of the Investors expending time and professional and other fees (the “Costs)”
in progressing this offer the Founders and the Company agree and undertake that they will not
directly or indirectly until the earlier of the expiry of • days from the date of acceptance of the
terms of this proposal or the date that the Investors notify the Company of their intention not
to proceed with this proposal (the “Period”) solicit, directly or indirectly, further offers for the
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purchase and/or subscription of shares in the Company (or any part thereof) or any material
part of the business, assets or undertakings of the Company or enter into or continue to seek
negotiations with any party other than the Investors in connection with such matters. (See
paragraph 24, Section IV above.)
The Founders and the Company agree and undertake to inform the Investors immediately of the
identity of any third party who contacts the Founders or the Company with a view to the sale of
any interest in the shares of the Company or any part of the business of the Company.
[By accepting this offer the Founders and the Company confirm that if:
(a) they withdraw from negotiations with the Investors during the Period; or
(b) if they breach the exclusivity provisions in paragraph 8[; or
(c) if the Investors decide not to proceed with this offer due to a materially adverse fact or
circumstance [which exists today but] of which the Investors become aware during this
then the Company and the Founders undertake to pay to the Investors:
(i) the sum of £• (such sum being a genuine pre-estimate of the loss to the Investors in
the event that this offer does not proceed); and
(ii) to the extent not recovered under paragraph (i) above the Costs incurred by the
Investors in relation to this proposal;
provided that under no circumstances shall the Company and the Founders be obliged to pay the
Investors more than £• under this paragraph 8].
Each of the undertakings referred to in this paragraph 8 shall be read and construed
independently so that if any undertaking is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason the
remaining undertakings shall continue to apply.
9. No intention to create legal relations
Except for the provisions of each of paragraphs 5 to 10, which are intended to create legally
binding obligations between the parties, this Term Sheet sets out indicative terms on which we
would be prepared to make an investment in the Company and will not give rise to any contract
between us. (See paragraph 25, Section IV above.)
10. Exclusion of representations and warranties
By accepting this proposal you acknowledge that you have not relied on any representation
or warranty on our part or entered into any other agreement with us in connection with the
provision of funding by the Investors.
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VI Example of a Term Sheet for a Series A round continued
To confirm your acceptance of the terms of this proposal please sign and date the duplicate copy of this
Term Sheet and return it to us.
[On copy]
We hereby acknowledge and accept the terms of the above Term Sheet. We confirm that we grant you
a • day period of exclusivity from the date of acceptance and that in the event that we subsequently
withdraw from the transaction, in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Term Sheet, we will reimburse to
you on demand a sum equal to all the external professional costs and expenses incurred by you up to
the date of our withdrawal subject to the maximum amount specified in paragraph 8. (See paragraph
25, Section IV above.)
Signed by [ ]
for and on behalf of [ ] Limited date ………..........………………………
..........…………………………………………............………… date ………..........………………………
..........…………………………………………............………… date ………..........………………………
..........…………………………………………............………… date ………..........………………………
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Appendix 1
Capitalisation table
Part 1
[current capitalisation]
Part 2
[post funding capitalisation]
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VI Example of a Term Sheet for a Series A round continued
Appendix 2
Rights attaching to Preferred Shares
The price per Preferred Share will be £•. (See paragraph 2, Section IV above.)
2. The Preferred Shares will vote with Ordinary Shares on an as converted basis as a single class on all
matters, other than those referred to in Appendix 5. (See paragraphs 14 and 15, Section IV above.)
3. The Preferred Shares will have a preferential cumulative coupon of •% per annum [starting on
• 200 • ] (the "Preference Dividend") to be paid [on an exit, IPO or conversion of the Preferred
Shares]/[in [four] equal instalments on •, •, and • in each year]/[on • in every year], on a
liquidation [or on redemption of the Preferred Shares]. Any other dividends or distributions will
be payable to all shareholders on a pro rata basis (in the case of the holders of Preferred Shares,
determined on an as converted basis). (See paragraph 3, Section IV above.)
4. Upon liquidation of the Company, the Preferred Shareholders will receive in preference to all
other shareholders an amount in respect of each Preferred Share equal to [• times] the Original
Issue Price (the "Liquidation Preference"), plus all accrued but unpaid dividends. [The holders
of Ordinary Shares will also be entitled to recover an amount per Ordinary Share equal to the
amount paid up on those Ordinary Shares.] To the extent that the Company has assets remaining
after the distribution of that amount, the Preferred Shareholders will participate with the
holders of Ordinary Shares pro rata to the number of shares held on an as converted basis. (See
paragraph 4, Section IV above.)
5. Sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company or a sale of shares involving a change in
control (each, a "Corporate Transaction") will be treated in the same way as a liquidation and the
proceeds of sale will be distributed as set out in paragraph 3. (See paragraph 4, Section IV above.)
6. An IPO [that is not a Qualified IPO] will be treated in the same way as a liquidation. [The
Company will issue to each holder of Preferred Shares that number (if any) of Ordinary Shares
so that the proportion which the Ordinary Shares held by that shareholder bears to the fully
diluted share capital following completion of all such issues and the conversion of the Preferred
Shares will be equal to the proportion which the proceeds that that shareholder would have
been entitled to receive on a sale on that date would bear to the valuation of the Company at
that date.]/[The Company shall issue to each holder of Preferred Shares by way of capitalisation
of reserves such number of Ordinary Shares as shall have an aggregate value (at the offer price
for Ordinary Shares issued in the IPO) equal to the aggregate subscription price for the Preferred
Shares held.] (See paragraph 4, Section IV above.)
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7. The Preferred Shares may be converted into an equivalent number of Ordinary Shares by their
holders at any time.
8. The Preferred Shares will be converted automatically into an equivalent number of Ordinary
Shares upon the completion of a firmly underwritten initial public offering ("IPO") of Ordinary
Shares: (i) at a net offering price per share of at least [• times] the Original Issue Price (after
adjusting for any recapitalisation events) and (ii) resulting in net aggregate proceeds to the
Company of not less than £• (the "Qualified IPO") (See paragraph 7, Section IV above).
9. On conversion of the Preferred Shares on an IPO all accrued but unpaid dividends on the
Preferred Shares must be paid save to the extent that the Company does not have sufficient
profits available for distribution to pay the Preference Dividend, in which case the Company
will allot to each holder of Preferred Shares by way of capitalisation of reserves such number of
Ordinary Shares as shall have an aggregate value equal to the unpaid dividend. Any capitalisation
will be at the price of the Ordinary Shares at IPO. (See paragraph 3, Section IV above.)
10. The Preferred Shares will have a [full ratchet]/[broad-based weighted-average]/ [narrow-based
weighted-average] anti-dilution protection in the case of any new issue of shares at a price below
the Original Issue Price (after adjusting for any recapitalisation events) other than share issues
which are not subject to pre-emption rights. This anti-dilution protection will operate by the issue
of Ordinary Shares at par through a capitalisation of share premium account. (See paragraph 8,
Section IV above.)
11. [If the Company makes a subsequent issue of shares in which the Investors are entitled to
participate and an Investor elects not to do so (i.e. does not wish to pay to play) for at least •% of
its allocation that Investor will lose its anti-dilution right in respect of any Preferred Shares it holds.]
12. [If no [Qualified] IPO or Corporate Transaction has occurred within • years from completion,
each of the Preferred Shares will be redeemable at the option of [the holder]/[the Investor
Majority] for an amount in cash equal to the [Original Issue Price][the Liquidation Preference],
plus all accrued but unpaid dividends.] (See paragraph 5, Section IV above.)
13. [An Investor Majority will have the right exercisable at any time to require the Company to
redeem all [or some only] of the Preferred Shares in issue if:
(a) the Preference Dividend is not paid when due;
(b) the Company fails to redeem any Preferred Shares when due;
(c) a resolution to wind the Company up, to reduce the Company's share capital or to vary the
rights of the Preferred Shares is proposed.]
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VI Example of a Term Sheet for a Series A round continued
Appendix 3
Rights attaching to Ordinary Shares held by the Founders [and employees]
* Subject to paragraph 3 below, the Ordinary Shares held by the Founders will vest equally on a
[quarterly/monthly] basis over a • year period. (See paragraph 9, Section IV above.)
2. * If a Founder ceases to be an employee of the Company those Ordinary Shares which have not
vested will convert into deferred shares in the Company (the "Deferred Shares"). The Deferred
Shares will have no right to receive a dividend, minimal rights to capital and will be non-voting.
The Company will have the right to purchase back the Deferred Shares for an aggregate
purchase price of £• at any time.
3. * [If there is a Corporate Transaction at a time when any of the Ordinary Shares held by the
Founders remain un-vested, the consideration may be structured in such a way that it defers
realisation of the value attached to the un-vested shares until such time as they would have been
4. * [If a Founder ceases to be an employee of the Company as a result of death, permanent
incapacity or wrongful dismissal, all of his Ordinary Shares will become vested shares.]
* Only to be used where Founders are to hold vested shares.
5. [In the event of an employee shareholder [(other than a Founder)] ceasing to be an employee
of the Company within a period of [•] years starting on the date of commencement of his
employment with the Company, all of his shares [(other than those held following the exercise of
share options)] must be offered for sale:
(a) where the relevant employee shareholder is a Bad Leaver, at the lower of market value and
the nominal value of the shares; and
(b) where the relevant employee shareholder is a Good Leaver, at the market value of
the shares.]
The shares must be offered for sale in the following priority:
(a) to new employee(s) nominated by the Investors;
(b) to any existing employee(s);
(c) to participants in or trustees of the Company's employee share option scheme;
(d) to any other person approved by the Investor Directors and the Board;
(e) to the Company.
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6. [Unless otherwise determined by the Board,] "Good Leaver" means any employee shareholder
[(other than a Founder)] who ceases to be employed [after • years from the start of his
employment or] as a result of death or permanent incapacity, summary dismissal when the
dismissal is found to have been wrongful or constructive, or whose contract of employment is
terminated in circumstances where he is not in breach of his contract. "Bad Leaver" means any
employee shareholder [(other than a Founder)] who is not a Good Leaver.
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VI Example of a Term Sheet for a Series A round continued
Appendix 4
Proposed warranties
The Investors will require the following items to be warranted by the Founders and the Company:
Status of the Company
Latest available audited accounts
Management accounts covering the period from latest audited accounts to completion of the
proposed investment
Position since audited accounts date
Business plan
Ownership of assets and HP liabilities
Employment contracts
Intellectual property
No outstanding liabilities to executives
Pension plan
No litigation pending or threatened
No breaches of existing or recent contracts
Register of members correct/no other share issues committed
Insurance policies up to date
Property leasehold – terms/rights/obligations.
The above items are not comprehensive and are only intended to provide a guide to the
warranties that are likely to be included in the Investment Agreement. In particular, additional
items may require warranting following due diligence. The objective of these and other warranties will
be to ensure that Founders and the Company have provided the Investors with accurate information on
matters upon which the Investors have based their investment decision.
(See paragraph 13, Section IV above.)
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Appendix 5
Proposed covenants
1. Investor consents
The prior written approval of the Investors [holding • % of the Preferred Shares] will be required
Change the share capital
Amend Memorandum and Articles of Association
Pay any dividends
Acquire any new business, shares or other securities
Permit a sale or IPO of the Company
Wind up the Company
Enter into any guarantee or indemnity in respect of the obligation of a third party
Grant any superior registration rights to those granted to the Investors
Adopt a budget
Sell or deal with assets other than in ordinary course of business
2. Board consent
The prior written approval of [both] [the majority] of the Investor Directors will be required to:
Incur development or capital expenditure outside the annual budget
Dispose of any asset of a capital nature having a book or market value greater than £[•]
Make any change of trade/business [(including adherence to VCT "qualifying"' trade
Create or close any subsidiaries/joint ventures/consortiums/partnerships/branches
Any act or thing other than in ordinary course of business
Any change of auditor/accounting reference date/accounting policies/bank
Change the annual budget
Agree any borrowings, loans, advances or credit outside the annual budget
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VI Example of a Term Sheet for a Series A round continued
Any appointment of an employee or consultant or variation of terms where emoluments
exceed £• or more than 3 months notice required
Appoint or remove directors to/from the board of the Company or any subsidiary
Create charges
Conduct any material litigation
Implement any variation to the Company's pension arrangements
Acquire real estate and other real estate-related matters
Enter into any arrangement with any director or shareholder of the Company or any
subsidiary companies
Enter into any transaction otherwise than on arm's length terms
Amend any material supply or distribution agreement
Enter into any material long term contract
Materiality and other financial limits for the above to be discussed. The above items
are not comprehensive and are only intended to provide a guide to the consent items
that are likely to be included in the Subscription and Shareholders Agreement.
(See paragraph 15, Section IV above.)
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Appendix 6
Conditions of issue and transfer of shares
[Investors will have a right of first refusal on any new issue of shares of any class.] [Investors will
have the right to participate with the holders of Ordinary Shares in any new issue of shares of any
class pro rata to their holding of shares (determined on an as converted basis).] (See paragraph
10, Section IV above.)
2. Investors will have a right of first refusal to acquire any Preferred Shares which are proposed to
be transferred or sold with any Preferred Shares not taken up in such offer being offered to the
holders of Ordinary Shares. Holders of Ordinary Shares will have a right of first refusal to acquire
any Ordinary Shares which are proposed to be transferred or sold with any Ordinary Shares
not taken up in such offer being offered to the holders of Preferred Shares. (See paragraph 11,
Section IV above.)
3. [No Ordinary Shares can be sold without the Investor's prior consent] [No Ordinary Shares held
by Founders can be sold until they have vested]. (See paragraph 11, Section IV above.)
4. [All Shareholders will have co-sale rights such that if any Founder [or employee] has an
opportunity to sell [any of his shares] [shares exceeding •% of the issued share capital], the
other shareholders must be given the opportunity to sell a pro rata proportion of the number of
shares being sold by the Founder [or employee] on the same terms and at the same price. (See
paragraph 11, Section IV above.)
5. All Shareholders will have rights such that if any shareholder has an opportunity to sell any or all
of its shares, the effect of which would result in a change of control of the Company, the other
shareholders must be given the opportunity to sell all of their shares on the same terms and at the
same price. (See paragraph 11, Section IV above.)
6. If holders of at least •% of the Preferred Shares [and Ordinary Shares] agree to sell their shares,
there will be drag along rights so that all remaining shareholders and option holders will be
required to sell on the same terms, provided that the dragged shareholders will not be required
to provide to the purchaser any representations or warranties except as to title or to agree to any
other terms. (See paragraph 12, Section IV above.)
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Appendix 7
Performance milestones
(See paragraph 2, Section IV above.)
VI Example of a Term Sheet for a Series A round continued
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Appendix 8
The Company shall maintain in effect for the benefit of the Company the keyman policies for [•].
2. The Company shall take out insurances satisfactory to the Investors.
3. The Company shall take all such reasonable action as may be required of it by the Investors to
protect its assets.
4. All new business opportunities relevant to the Company shall only be taken up through the
Company or a wholly owned subsidiary.
5. New employees engaged by the Company shall not bring with them intellectual property
belonging to third parties.
6. The Company shall convene and hold at short notice an extraordinary general meeting of the
Company when requested by the Investors.
7. The Company shall enter into an election under section 431(1) of ITEPA jointly with each of the
relevant Managers.
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Original cover concept and guidelines by IUVO
Designed and produced by Jeffrey Pellin Consultancy
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A Guide to Venture Capital Term Sheets
3 Clements Inn
London WC2A 2AZ
T 020-7025 2950
F 020-7025 2951
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