___[your team name here]_________ INC.
Amount of
Investment: $4,000,000
Investor: ____your VC here____________________ (“Investor”)
Type of Security: Series A Convertible Preferred Stock
Pre-Money Valuation: $4,000,000
Price: The Series A Convertible Preferred Stock will be issued at an
issue price of $1.00 per share.
Capital Structure Following
Series A Round: Existing holders of Common Stock 25%
Option Pool 25%
Holders of Series A Preferred Stock 50%
Total 100%
Use of Proceeds. The Company shall use the proceeds from this financing for
working capital purposes.
Dividends: 8% non-cumulative dividend in preference to the Common Stock
when and if declared. In addition, Company will not pay
dividends on its shares of Common Stock or any other stock
which is junior to the Series A Preferred Stock unless a like
dividend is paid on all shares of Series A Preferred Stock on a
pro rata “as converted” basis.
Conversion: Each share of Series A Preferred Stock shall be convertible, at
any time, at the option of the holder, into shares of Common
Stock, at an initial conversion ratio of one share of Common
Stock for each share of Series A Preferred Stock. Mandatory
conversion of the Series A Preferred Stock upon the
effectiveness of a registration statement covering a firmly and
fully underwritten public offering of Common Stock of the
Company by a reputable underwriter acceptable to the Investors
at a price which equals or exceeds five times the purchase price
per share of the Series A Preferred Stock and where the
aggregate gross proceeds received by the Company exceeds
$50 million (a “Qualified Public Offering
Antidilution: The terms of the Series A Preferred Stock will contain weighted
average antidilution protection with respect to the issuance by
the Company of equity securities at a price per share less than
the applicable conversion price then in effect, subject to standard
and customary exceptions. The conversion rate of the Series A
Preferred Stock into common stock will be adjusted
appropriately to account for any stock splits, recapitalizations,
mergers, combinations and asset sales, stock dividends and
similar events (the “Series A Conversion Price”).
Voting Rights: On all matters submitted for stockholder approval, each share of
Series A Preferred Stock shall be entitled to such number of
votes as is equal to the number of shares of Common Stock into
which such shares are convertible. In addition, the Company
shall not, without the prior consent of the holders of at least a
majority of the then issued and outstanding Series A Preferred
Stock, voting as a separate class:
a) issue or create any series or class of securities with rights
superior to or on a parity with the Series A Preferred Stock
or increase the rights or preferences of any series or class
having rights or preferences that are junior to the Series A
Preferred Stock so as to make the rights or preferences of
such series or class equal or senior to the Series A Preferred
b) pay dividends on shares of the capital stock of the Company.
c) effect any exchange or reclassification of any stock affecting
the Series A Preferred Stock or any recapitalization
involving the Company and its subsidiaries taken as a whole.
d) repurchase or redeem, or agree to repurchase or redeem, any
securities of the Company other than from employees of the
Company upon termination of their employment pursuant to
prior existing agreements approved by the Board of
Directors of the Company.
e) enter into any transaction with management or any member
of the board of directors, except for employment contracts
approved by the Board of Directors and transactions entered
at arms-length terms which are no less favorable to the
Company than could be obtained from unrelated third
f) effect any amendment of the Company's Certificate of
Incorporation or Bylaws which would materially adversely
affect the rights of the Series A Preferred Stock.
g) incur or guarantee debt in excess of $100,000.
Board of Directors:
Options and Vesting:
h) voluntarily dissolve or liquidate.
i) effect any merger or consolidation of the Company with or
into another corporation or other entity (except one in the
holders of the capital stock of the Company immediately
prior to such merger or consolidation continue to hold at
least a majority of the capital stock of the surviving entity
after the merger or consolidation) or sell, lease or otherwise
dispose of all or substantially all or a significant portion of
the assets of the Company.
j) Change the size of the Board of Directors or change any
procedure of the Company relating to the designation,
nomination or election of the Board of Directors.
k) Amend, alter or repeal the preferences, special rights or other
powers of the Series A Preferred Stock so as to adversely
affect the Series A Preferred Stock.
l) Make capital expenditures of more than $50,000 in a single
expenditure or an aggregate of $100,000 in any twelve-
month period.
The holders of Series A Preferred Stock shall have preference
upon liquidation over all holders of Common Stock and over the
holders of any other class or series of stock that is junior to the
Series A Preferred Stock for an amount equal to the amount paid
for such Series A Preferred Stock plus any declared or accrued
but unpaid dividends. Subsequent proceeds shall be distributed
pro rata among the holders of Series A Preferred Stock and the
holders of Common Stock. For purposes of this section, a
merger, consolidation, sale of all or substantially all of the
Company's assets or other corporate reorganization shall
constitute a liquidation.
The Board of Directors of the Company shall consist of five
members and shall be comprised of: (i) ____________ (for as
long as s/he is an employee of the Company); (ii) ___________
(for as long as s/he is an employee of the Company); (iii) two
representatives of Investor; and (iv) one outside director with
relevant industry experience to be selected by the Investor and
the Company as soon as possible after closing.
All stock and options held by founders, management and
employees shall vest over a four-year period, with equal
quarterly installments over four years with a one year cliff at the
beginning of the vesting term. Change of control provisions to
provide for no more than an additional 25%.
Affirmative Covenants:
Commencing on the earlier of three years from the closing or six
months after the effective date of the Company's first public
offering, holders of shares of Series A Preferred Stock or shares
of Common Stock issued upon conversion thereof ("Registrable
Stock"), shall have the right to demand two “S-1” registrations
with aggregate gross offering price in excess of $10,000,000,
upon customary terms and conditions.
The holders of Series A Preferred Stock will also be entitled to
“piggyback” registration rights on Company registrations.
The holders of Series A Preferred Stock will additionally be
entitled to unlimited registrations on Form S-3 with at least
$1,000,000 in aggregate gross offering price, on customary terms
and conditions.
The Company will bear all expenses related to all registrations
and underwritings.
The Company shall redeem the Series A Preferred Stock in three
equal annual installments commencing five years from the date
of purchase by paying in cash an amount equal to the purchase
price per share of the Series A Preferred Stock plus any declared
but unpaid dividends.
While any Series A Preferred Stock is outstanding, the Company
a) maintain adequate property and business insurance;
b) comply with all laws, rules, and regulations;
c) preserve, protect, and maintain its corporate existence; its
rights, franchises, and privileges; and all properties necessary or
useful to the proper conduct of its business;
d) cause all key employees to execute and deliver
noncompetition, nonsolicitation and non-hire, nondisclosure and
assignment of inventions agreements for a term of their
employment with the Company plus one year in a form
reasonably acceptable to the Board of Directors;
e) not enter into related party transactions without the consent of
a majority of disinterested directors;
e) reimburse all reasonable out-of-pocket travel-related
expenses of the Series A Preferred Stock directors.
and Reporting:
Right of First Refusal:
Right of First Refusal and
Other Provisions:
The Company will provide all information and materials,
including, without limitation, all internal management
documents, reports of operations, reports of adverse
developments, copies of any management letters,
communications with shareholders or directors and press
releases and registration statements as well as access to all senior
managers as requested by holders of Series A Preferred Stock.
In addition, the Company will provide the holders of Series A
Preferred Stock with unaudited monthly and quarterly and
audited yearly financial statements, as well as an annual budget.
Holders of Series A Preferred Stock shall have a pro rata right,
based on their percentage of fully-diluted equity interest in the
company, with an undersubscription right up to the total number
of shares being offered, to participate in subsequent stock
In the event that any of the founders and existing executive
management propose to sell their stock to third parties, the
Company shall have the first right to purchase the securities on
substantially the same terms as the proposed sale; the Series A
Preferred Stockholders shall next have said right according to
respective percentage ownership of Series A Preferred Stock or
to sell proportionate percentage pursuant to co-sale rights. Such
rights shall terminate upon a Qualified Public Offering.
The purchase agreement shall include standard and customary
representations and warranties of the Company and the founders.
The other agreements prepared to implement this financing shall
contain other standard and customary provisions. Definitive
agreements will be drafted by counsel to the Investor. This term
sheet is intended by the parties to be non-binding.
The Company will reimburse the holders of Series A Preferred
Stock for reasonable legal fees in connection with the
transaction, payable at closing and only in the event that the
transactions contemplated by this term sheet are consummated.
The Company will not disclose or discuss the terms of this term
sheet with any person other than key officers, members of the
Board of Directors of the Company or the Company’s
accountants or attorneys without the written consent of Investor,
except as required by law. In addition, the Company shall not
use the Investor’s name in any manner, context or format
(including, reference on or links to websites, press releases, etc.)
without the prior review and approval of Investor.
Standstill: In consideration of the time and expense devoted and to be
devoted by the Investor to consideration of this investment, the
Company agrees that, for a period of 90 days after the execution
of this term sheet, it shall not directly or indirectly solicit any
offers, engage in any discussions or enter into any agreements or
commitments with respect to an equity investment in the
Conditions to Closing: Closing shall be subject to the standard and customary
conditions, including the completion of due diligence and the
delivery to the investors of a legal opinion of counsel to the
Company, regarding standard and customary matters and
satisfactory to the Investor and its legal counsel.
MIT OpenCourseWare
15.391 Early Stage Capital
Fall 2010
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