Recruiting Teachers of Color:
A 50-State Survey of State Policies
Education Commission of the States
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Table of Contents
Avenues Used by States to Recruit Teachers of Color ..........……………………..5
Chart of State Policies to Recruit Teachers of Color ………….…………………..8
State by State Policy Overview…………………………………………………….9
The Education Commission of the States (ECS) Teaching Quality Policy Center
produced this report for the Community Teachers Institute. Susie Bachler, researcher and
Twanna LaTrice Hill, policy analyst prepared the report with the assistance of Michael
Allen, program director and Charles Coble, executive director.
January, 2003
The need for an insurgence of new teachers to counteract the effects of the teacher
shortage is well-documented. Numerous articles, reports, and studies cite figures from the
National Center for Education Statistics that two million new teachers will be needed by
2010 due to increased growth in the student population, the graying of the current teacher
workforce and attrition of teachers.
Some 29% of teachers leave the profession after
their first three years, and 39% leave after five years.
These reports and studies also
highlight the fields and subject areas of greatest shortage – special education, bilingual
education, mathematics and science. The situation is even more dire for hard-to-staff
schools, particularly those in inner city urban and isolated rural. Nowhere, however, is
the shortage more keenly felt than in the dearth of teachers of color in our nation’s
classrooms. While 40% of students are of color, only 13% of teachers are. Some 40% of
schools have no teachers of color on staff.
The percentage of students of color in public
schools is expected to increase; the percentage of teachers of color is not.
While there is some limited research that suggests educator diversity is of great benefit to
all students, it certainly makes common sense. It is important for students of color to have
role models they can look up to, role models who look like them, who have come from
similar backgrounds, and who are important and influential in their lives. In an article
published by The Record Online, Ana Maria Villegas, a professor at Montclair State
University who has published reports and literature reviews about teachers of color,
succinctly identifies one of the key reasons all students need teachers of color. She
“Teachers tend to be the one person and authority figure outside of the home that
have a lot of influence on children. When they see only white people as teachers,
that can reinforce the negative stereotype – in white students and students of color
– that people of color are not capable of holding positions of authority. To
students of color, it’s even more damaging because it sends a message they
shouldn’t even bother.
Teachers of color can also serve as cultural brokers, able to not only help students
navigate their school environment and culture, but also to increase the involvement of
their students’ parents. When there is a lack of teachers of color in a school, higher rates
of absenteeism among students of color have been observed and more of them end up
placed in special education. White students benefit from exposure to people of color in
positions of authority and influence. This will better equip them to thrive in an
increasingly diverse United States.
Many states have enacted policies to recruit teachers. This report, however, reviews only
those state-funded policies which explicity establish the recruitment of teachers of color
as a goal. So, for example, while some 47 states have passed enabling legislation to create
alternative routes to teacher certification, this report will address only those 3 states that
specifically target the recruitment of teachers of color. A companion report entitled
Recruiting Teachers of Color: A Program Review explores programs that exist to recruit
teachers of color but that are not state funded.
Avenues Used by States to Recruit Teachers of Color
There are a variety of avenues through which states operate to recruit teachers of color.
This section describes these avenues, which are also used to organize the table below. A
following section provides a state-by-state overview of specific policies to recruit
teachers of color.
Alternative Programs
Alternative programs are those in which teacher candidates are appointed as the teacher-
of-record in a classroom after an initial training period of six months or less or are
appointed as the teacher-of-record without initial training while enrolled in a collateral
teacher preparation program. Alternatively trained teachers usually complete their
preparation program while employed as teachers—often through an induction and
mentoring program with additional coursework—and usually do not receive a standard
beginning teaching credential until they have completed the preparation program.
Community Colleges
Community Colleges can be distinguished from 4-year institutions by the fact that they
exist to serve the communities in which they are based. As a result, they have an open
door admissions policy. They generally offer 2-year programs resulting in an associate’s
degree, however, a few community colleges are permitted to offer 4-year teacher
preparation programs leading to a bachelor’s degree. Community colleges already help
prepare new teachers and some 20% of the current teacher workforce began their
education in community colleges
Early Outreach/Precollegiate Programs
Programs have been developed to expose students to teaching as a profession while they
are still in middle and high school. These programs try to have an influence on a
student’s career decisions before they enter college and communicate the message that
teaching is a viable, important, and long-term career opportunity. Such programs also, in
some instances, provide guidance and support to potential first generation college
Scholarships, Grants and Fellowships
Providing financial incentives is one of the most popular strategies to recruit teachers.
Scholarships, grants and fellowships represent funding sources that pay for part or all of a
student’s education. They generally do not have to be repaid, but recipients may be
required to work in the state or designated school districts for a specified period of time
as a condition of the award.
Loans/Loan Forgiveness
Several states offer loans to prospective teachers to help them defray the cost of their
education. These funds generally have to be repaid and the interest rates on these loans
vary widely. In some cases, loans are forgiven if the recipient teaches for a specific
period of time in the state or in designated schools or school districts.
Paraeducators (often referred to as paraprofessionals or teachers’ aides) are school
employees who assist in the classroom and perform both administrative and instructional
services under the supervision of the teacher. Programs have been developed to help
paraeducators become fully licensed teachers.
Recruitment Program
Recruitment programs are designed to attract individuals who may not have considered a
career in teaching. They target a variety of populations including precollegiate students,
college graduates, and career changers.
Teacher Preparation Programs/Institutions
Grants Awarded to Institutions: In some cases, states have awarded funds to
institutions of higher education and teacher preparation programs to support their
teacher recruitment efforts.
Program Approval Requirements: In order to receive state approval for their
teacher preparation programs, institutions are often required to explicitly
articulate their teacher recruitment efforts.
Preparation Partnerships or Consortiums: States use grants and other
incentives to encourage institutions of higher education and teacher preparation
programs to establish collaborative efforts among state agencies, school districts
or schools. An example would be policies that call for joint efforts at teacher
recruitment and continued assistance by districts or schools (e.g. by providing
mentors, advising and assistance with licensure tests).
Preparation for Teacher Licensure Assessments: More and more states are
holding teacher preparation programs accountable for the performance of their
graduates on assessments required for certification. Many teacher preparation
programs provide coaching and remediation services to prepare their students for
these assessments.
Recruitment Plans: Teacher preparation programs are generally required to
develop plans detailing their teacher recruitment efforts.
Other Relevant Areas
Centers/Institutes: Centers or "institutes" as they are called in some states
provide a variety of services to schools, school districts and even colleges of
education. Such assistance may include, but is not limited to:
o Assisting in formulating minority recruitment plans that are required by state
o Coordinating support services among various state agencies (e.g., local
educational agencies, institutions of higher education including community
o Hosting workshops or conferences relative to the issues surrounding minority
teacher recruitment.
Reports/Data: Many states require governing entities to collect data on teacher
demographics; some states require this information to be published in formal
District Recruitment Plans: Some states require school districts or educational
governing bodies to develop and, in some cases, implement plans to recruit
teachers from underrepresented populations.
Administrator Recruitment: It has been maintained that the performance of
schools can often be tied directly to the effectiveness of the school’s leadership.
Some states have begun to focus their recruitment efforts on identifying, training,
hiring, and placing high quality, effective administrators in their schools.
Grants to School Districts: School districts are able to use state grants to
enhance their teacher recruitment efforts.
Governance: In some states, the governing body of state educational agencies
are charged with the responsibility for coordinating the teacher recruitment efforts
in the state.
States Policies to Recruit Teachers of Color
Alternative Route Programs
Community College
Early Outreach/Precollegiate
Scholarships, Grants, and
AR, CA (as part of the New Careers Program), CT, FL
(2), IL (3), IN, KS (2), KY (2), MN, NC, OK, TN (2), VA,
Loans/Loan Forgiveness
AK, CA (as part of the New Careers Program), KY, MA,
CA (2), IL
Recruitment Program
Teacher Preparation
Grants Awarded to Institutions
Program-Approval Requirements
Preparation for Teacher Licensure Assessments
Recruitment Plans
District Recruitment Plans
AR, CT, IL, KY (2), MA, SC, SD, TN, WA
Reports/Data Collection
Minority Administrator Recruitment
IL (scholarship)
Grants to School Districts
MN (2), WI
States with no policies specific to
minority recruitment
Note: Numbers in parenthesis by the state abbreviations indicate the number of “different” policies in that
specific category.
State-by-State Policy Overview
Teacher Preparation (Preparation for Teacher Licensure Assessments)
If the administration of Alabama’s pre-certification examination results in fewer minorities being
licensed to teach in Alabama, the commission shall develop a remedial plan to be implemented
by teacher preparation institutions.
Ala. Code § 16-23-16.1
Alternative Route Programs
A limited teacher certificate may be issued to a candidate to teach Alaska Native language or
culture. A candidate must demonstrate instructional skills and subject-matter expertise sufficient
to ensure competency as a teacher.
The state board may require a person that is issued a limited certificate to undertake academic
training; however, coursework or hours required is not prescribed.
A limited teacher certificate may also be issued to a teacher candidate that:
Has at least three years of successful employment as an instructional aide
Demonstrates expertise in the local Alaska Native culture
Is currently enrolled in an approved baccalaureate-degree teacher education program at a
regionally accredited institution.
Mentor teachers provide supervision and assistance to candidates with the application of
teaching theory and methodology in the classroom.
AS 14.20.025
4 AAC 12.044
Other (Centers/Institutes)
The Alaska Native Language Center at the University of Alaska trains Alaska’s native-language
speakers to work as teachers and aides in bilingual classrooms.
AS § 14.40.117*/doc/{t5005
The Alaska Native Language Center,
Loans/Loan Forgiveness
Alaska’s Teacher Education Loan Program provides incentives to rural high school graduates
to pursue teaching careers in rural elementary and secondary schools in the state.
§14.43.610 and § 14.43.600*/doc/{t5787}/pageitems={body*/doc/{t5787}/pageitems={body
Other (Recruitment Plans)
The Arkansas Minority Teacher and Administrator Recruitment Plan requires school districts
with more than 5% African-American or other minority students to establish recruitment plans that
emphasize minority teacher and administrator recruitment and encourage minority students to
pursue a career in education.
Plans must be filed with the state department of education’s Equity Assistance Center.
Note: Ends in 2003.
A.C.A. § 6-17-1901 and § 6-17-1902
Other (Centers/Institutes)
The Equity Assistance Center provides technical assistance to school districts in developing
recruitment plans and designated equity assistance coordinators to serve in each school district.
Districts are required to establish a minority teacher/administrator recruitment goal that is
reflective of its percentage of minority students.
A.C.A. § 6-17-1902
Other (Reports/Data Collection)
As soon as possible after each semester, all state institutions must file a report with the
department of education regarding its minority students (African American, Hispanic American,
Asian American and Native American). This report must list each minority student who has:
Completed college/university requirements to receive a recommendation for licensure as a
public school teacher administrator, counselor or other endorsed areas
Signed a consent form authorizing the college or university to report such information to the
A.C.A. § 6-61-124
Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships
The Critical Needs Minority Teacher Scholarship Program provides scholarships to minority
teachers who teach in the Delta or other geographical areas of the state where a critical teacher
shortage exists.
A.C.A. § 6-81-131, A.C.A. § 6-82-1501
Community College/Paraeducators
The New Careers Program, beginning with the 2004-05 academic year, will establish model
teacher preparation curriculum at the community college level, provide financial incentives
(grants, loans, loan forgiveness) and guarantee the transfer of students who successfully
complete the community college teacher preparation curriculum to appropriate status in teacher
preparation programs at the California State University.
§ 44380, 44520 and 44524
5 CCR s 13001, 5 CCR s 13007
§ 78275.
The California School Paraprofessional Teacher Training Program provides financial
assistance to paraprofessionals for books, fees and tuition while they attend an
approved teacher preparation program.
Participants must:
Graduate with a bachelor’s degree from an institution of higher education
Complete all certification requirements
Complete one school year of classroom instruction in the district/county office of education for
each year that assistance was received.
CA EDUC § 44393
Other (Recruitment Plans)
The state board of education and local boards are required to develop five-year implementation
plans that emphasize minority staff recruitment and compare the racial diversity of school staffs to
racial diversity of the region where the school is located.
Plans must include proposals for minority staff recruitment, including, but not limited to:
Alternative certification
Mentoring programs
Involvement of the community-technical colleges
Efforts by regional educational service centers.
C.G.S.A § 10-4p
CT ST § 10-220
Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships & Community Colleges
The CT Minority Teacher Incentive Program, administered by the Department of Higher
Education, provides grants for up to 50 minority students entering teacher preparation programs
in their junior or senior year at any four-year institution of higher education or are enrolled in the
alternative route to certification program.
Grants may not exceed $5,000 per year for up to two years. In addition, upon graduation, a grant
recipient teaching in a state public school is eligible for reimbursement of federal/state loans up to
a maximum of $2,500 per year for up to four years of teaching. At least 10% of grant recipients
must be minority students transferring from a state regional community-technical college.
§ 10a-186. Scholarship aid for teachers of children requiring special education
§ 10a-186a. Minority Teacher Incentive Program
Other (Reports/Data Collection)
The Connecticut State Board of Education must compile information about minority and female
teachers, including employment applications and résumés.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 10-4-9 (Not available online.)
Local and regional boards of education must provide annual reports to the state board about the
number of minority teachers employed.
§ 10-226a (Not available online.)
Teacher Preparation (Program-Approval Requirements)
Connecticut teacher preparation approval standards require institutions to evaluate efforts to
recruit underrepresented minority faculty and students to their teacher preparation programs and
to establish affirmative action plans to recruit minority faculty and students.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 10-145d-10 (Not available online.)
Other (Governance)
The Delaware Department of Education coordinates and facilitates efforts among the department,
districts and agencies, including postsecondary institutions and professional associations, to
recruit, prepare and retain qualified personnel, including minorities and persons with disabilities.
Code Del. Regs. 14 900 - 23.8.5
Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships
The “Chappie” James Most Promising Teacher Scholarship provides $1,500 scholarships to
a top graduating senior from each public secondary and from each nonpublic secondary school in
the state.
At least 15% of the scholarships awarded must be to minority students.
Scholarships may be renewed contingent upon a recipient earning a 2.5 cumulative gradepoint
average and 12 credit hours per term.
The Florida Fund for Minority Teachers, Inc. is a not-for-profit statutory corporation housed in
the College of Education at the University of Florida.
Florida’s Minority Teacher Education Scholars Program is a collaborative, performance-
based scholarship program for African-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American and
Native-American students.
Program participants include community colleges and both public and private universities that
have teacher preparation programs. Funds are available to institutions to assist in the recruitment
and retention of minority teacher scholars and in the administration of the Florida Fund for
Minority Teachers, Inc.
Annual scholarships of $4,000 are available to minority education scholars enrolled in a state
public/private institution and admitted into a teacher preparation program. Students may receive a
scholarship for three consecutive years if they remain enrolled full time and make satisfactory
progress toward a bachelor’s degree. Scholars may repay the entire scholarship amount by
remaining employed in a Florida public school for one year for each year the scholarship was
FSA § 240.4128 Minority Teacher Education Scholars Program
§ 1009.60 Minority Teacher Education Scholars Program
1009.70. Florida Education Fund
FSA § 240.4129 Florida Fund for Minority Teachers, Inc.
Teacher Preparation Programs (Grants Awarded to Institutions)
Public and private institutions with approved teacher preparation programs, in collaboration with
school districts and community colleges may submit proposals for a teaching profession
enhancement grant to the commissioner of education. Proposals must include, among other
things, innovative programs designed to achieve recruitment of individuals into the teaching
profession with priority given to proposals that emphasize minority recruitment and the
recruitment of men.
§ 240.529 and § 240.5291
Early Outreach/Precollegiate
Universities and community colleges may establish preteacher education and teacher education
pilot programs to encourage promising minority students to prepare for careers in education. Pilot
programs must be designed to recruit and provide additional academic, clinical and counseling
support for students that have the potential to be successful teachers, but may not meet teacher
education program admission standards.
Priority consideration is given to pilot programs jointly submitted by community colleges and
§ 240.529 and § 1004.04
Other (Governance)
The Georgia Professional Standards Commission is authorized to create innovative programs
designed to increase the number of minority teachers entering the profession.
Code 20-2-984 (Not available online).
Other (Recruitment Plans) & Paraeducators
The state board of education must develop and implement the Illinois Minority Recruitment
Policy aimed at recruiting and hiring minority teachers, other certified employees and noncertified
employees, including teacher aides.
ILCS 105 § 5/10-20.7a, ILCS 105 § 5/34-18.10
Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships (3)
The Illinois Minority Teacher Incentive (MTI) Program provides $5,000 scholarships to
minority students who are pursuing teaching careers and are enrolled at least half time in an
institution of higher education and students who are seeking graduate degrees in teaching.
Recipients must begin teaching within one year after graduation, or all scholarship money must
be repaid. At least 30% of the funds appropriated for minority scholarships must be reserved for
qualified male minority applicants.
23 IL ADC 2763.10 Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship Program
The ITEACH Teacher Shortage Scholarship, formerly the David A. Debolt Scholarship,
provides annual maximum scholarship awards of up $5,000 to academically talented students,
especially minority students, pursuing teaching careers in teacher shortage disciplines.
Recipients are selected based on:
Academic excellence
Status as a minority student
Financial need.
Repayment may be made by teaching one year for each year that scholarship assistance was
awarded or through monetary repayment plus interest.
110 § 947/52
23 IL ADC 2762.10, 2762.20, 2762.30 and 2762.40 (Administrative Code not available online.)
The Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarship Program (PDTS) offers scholarship awards of $5,000
annually if the student is enrolled for the full academic year. Applicants can meet one of several
criteria. One of the criteria is that applicants are from disadvantaged backgrounds (low-income
families, racial and ethnic minorities).
110 § 947/52
23 IL ADC 2762.10 , 2762.20 , 2762.30 and 2762.40 (Administrative Code not available online.)
Other (Minority Administrator Recruitment)
The Illinois Consortium for Educational Opportunity Program (ICEOP) and the Equal
Opportunity Scholarship Program provides scholarships to female and minority applicants who
agree to take courses at recognized Illinois institutions of higher education ito prepare as
education administrators.
23 Ill. Adm. Code 2400.30, § 2772.500 and § 2772.510 (Administrative Code not available
Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships
The Minority Teacher/Special Education Scholarship helps Indiana minority students seeking
teacher certification, who have already been admitted to an eligible institution as a full-time
student, participate in the Minority Teacher/Special Education Scholarship program. The
maximum annual scholarship is $1,000, however, students demonstrating financial need may be
eligible for $4,000 per year. Scholarship candidates must:
Maintain a 2.0 gradepoint average throughout their academic career
Agree to teach at least three of the five years following certification.
IC 20-12-21.7-1, 20-12-21.7-5, 20-12-21.7-6, 20-12-21.7-7, 20-12-21.7-8, 20-12-21.7-9, 20-12-
21.7-9.1, 20-12-21.7-10, 20-12-21.7-11, 20-12-21.7-12
Teacher Preparation Programs (Grants)
Iowa’s Math and Science Grant Program provides for the allocation of grant money to public
school corporations and to contract for the development of statewide program models and
recommendations relative to math and science education.
One program goal is to develop and implement strategies for the recruitment and retention of
females and minorities in math and science education.
I.C.A. § 256.36 Math and Science Grant Program
Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships
The Teacher Service Scholarship Program provides up to 50 scholarships per year with
special consideration given to minority applicants based on:
ACT/SAT score(s)
Rank in high school graduation class
Cumulative high school or college gradepoint average
Other indicators of scholastic ability as determined by the state board of regents.
K.S.A. § 74-32,102
K.A.R. 88-22-1 and 88-22-2 (Not available online)
The Kansas Ethnic Minority Fellowship Program enables the state, in cooperation with state
institutions of higher education, to grant financial assistance in the form of fellowships to qualified
ethnic minority graduate students as a means of recruiting and retaining minority students in the
graduate programs and to enhance the diversity of the student population.
Qualified ethnic minority graduate students shall:
Complete the requirements of the graduate program in which enrolled
Enter into the full-time employment in Kansas at an accredited elementary or secondary
school or an accredited institution of postsecondary education and continue in such
employment for a period of time not less than the period for which financial assistance was
provided under the program or enter into the part-time employment in Kansas of an
accredited elementary or secondary school or an accredited institution of postsecondary
education and continue in such employment for a period of time that is equivalent to full time,
as determined by the state board of regents, multiplied by the period for which financial
assistance was provided under the program
Enter into the full- or part-time employment in Kansas of an accredited elementary or
secondary school or an accredited institution of postsecondary education within six months
following completion of the graduate program requirements or within six months after
completion of the requirements of such program and certification to teach if necessary,
whichever is later, and continue such employment for the period of time required by the
Maintain records and make reports to the executive officer as required by the executive
officer to document the satisfaction of the obligations under this act and the agreement
Failure to satisfy obligations results in repayment of grant.
K.S.A. 74-32,112, 74-32,115 and 74-32,117
Other (Recruitment Plans)
Any time that a vacancy occurs in the district the superintendent is required to conduct a search
to locate minority teachers to be considered for the position. In addition, annual reports must
document the district’s recruitment process and activities used to increase the number of minority
teachers in the district.
KRS § 160.380
704 KAR 7:130
Other (Recruitment Plans - statewide) & Early Recruitment
The Kentucky Department of Education in cooperation with the Education Professional Standards
Board, the Kentucky Board of Education, local school districts, institutions of higher education
and the Council on Postsecondary Education shall review and revise, as needed, the strategic
plan for increasing the number of minority teachers and administrators in the Commonwealth.
The plan shall include, but not be limited to, recommendations on ways to:
Identify methods for increasing the percentage of minority educators in proportion to the
number of minority students
Establish programs to identify, recruit and prepare as teachers minority persons with earned
college degrees in other job fields
Create awareness among secondary school guidance counselors of the need for minority
Have the department of education and the standards board promote programs that increase
the percentage of minorities who enter and successfully complete a four-year teacher
preparation program and provide support to minority students in meeting qualifying
requirements for entrance into a teacher preparation program at institutions of higher
KRS § 161.165 Recruitment of Minority Teachers
Teacher Preparation Programs (Grants Awarded to Institutions)
Institutions of higher education are not eligible to receive funds from the Council on
Postsecondary Education for the purposes of teacher education or model programs of teaching
and learning unless an active recruitment plan for attracting and retaining minority faculty and
students has been established, particularly in the department, school or college of education.
KRS § 164.097
Loans/Loan Forgiveness
Math and Science Incentive Loans are awarded to students enrolled or accepted for enrollment
in an approved teacher education program full time and who declare the intent to teach in critical
shortage fields in a state public school or currently certified teachers. As a condition of the loan,
recipients agree to repay the loan or render qualified teaching service (within six months following
program completion.)
The NTE or GRE scores of minority applicants are measured relative to the average scores for
such minority population groups, when available.
Loan information must be disseminated to high school counselors/school superintendents and to
freshmen and sophomores enrolled at institutions of higher education. In addition, participating
institutions must actively recruit minority students.
11 KAR 7:010
Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships
The Teacher Scholarship Loan Program is a general teacher/scholarship loan program open to
all teacher candidates who are enrolled on a full-time basis at participating institutions and who
meet pre-established criteria. Maximum loan awards are not to exceed $20,000 per individual and
may be cancelled (loans and interest accrued) if scholarship recipients render qualified teaching
service in a state public school.
Test scores of minority applicants will be measured relative to the scores of such minority
population groups.
11 KY ADC 8:010, 8:020, 8:030 and 8:040
The Congressional Teacher Scholarship Program/Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarship
Program provides maximum awards of $20,000 to full-time undergraduate students in programs
leading to initial teacher certification at the pre-kindergarden, elementary or secondary school
level. Although this scholarship is not specific to minority candidates, students from low income,
economically disadvantaged and minority population groups are actively recruited.
11 KAR 10:010 and 10:020
Other (Recruitment Plans)
The Massachusetts Board of Education provides technical and other assistance in the formulation
of mandatory school/regional district plans to reduce or eliminate racial imbalance in schools
or regional school districts. Plans must include minority teacher/administrator recruitment
M.G.L.A. 15 § 1I
Loans/Loan Forgiveness
The Attracting Excellence to Teaching Program, a student loan repayment program,
encourages outstanding students to teach in the state’s public schools by providing financial
assistance for the repayment of qualified education loans. Affirmative action policies and specific
affirmative action goals have been established for this program.
MA ST 15A § 19A
Teacher Preparation Programs/Institutions (Recruitment Plans)
Institutions offering teacher preparation programs are required to actively recruit and have plans,
policies and practices for admission and retention of a diverse candidate population.
Minnesota Rule 8700.7600 Subp. 5, D
Other (Grants to School Districts)
The Minnesota Teacher of Color Program grants awards for professional development
programs to recruit and educate people of color in the field of education, including early childhood
and parent education. Grant applicants must be a school district with a growing minority
population working collaboratively with a state institution of higher education with an approved
teacher licensure program or an approved early childhood or parent education licensure program.
Grant recipients must:
Recruit persons of color to be teachers (elementary, secondary, early childhood or parent
Provide support in linking program participants with jobs in the recipient’s school district
Establish an advisory council that reflects the diversity of the community
Recruit high school and other persons, including educational paraprofessionals, support them
through the higher education application and admission process, advise them while enrolled
and link them with support resources in the college or university and the community
Award a stipend to students of color enrolled in an approved licensure program to help cover
the costs of tuition, student fees, supplies and books (based on a student’s financial need)
Students must agree to teach in the grantee school district for at least two years following
If the district has no licensed positions open, the student may teach in another Minnesota
school district.
The following criteria are considered in awarding grants:
Whether the program is likely to increase the recruitment and retention of minority teacher
Whether grant recipients will recruit paraprofessionals from the district to work in its schools
Whether grant recipients will establish or have mentoring programs for students of color.
M.S.A. § 122A.64
The Minority Teacher Incentives program provides reimbursements to school districts that have
a minority enrollment of more than 10% or have a desegregation/integration plan approved by the
state’s commissioner. Districts are eligible for reimbursement for each year a minority teacher,
aide or education assistant is employed. Employee reimbursements must equal one-half of the
salary and fringe benefits, but may not exceed $20,000. Employees eligible for reimbursement
Minority teachers that have not taught in a Minnesota school district during the school year
prior to being employed
Minority aides or education assistants not employed in a Minnesota school district during the
school year prior to being employed.
M.S.A. § 122A.65
Teacher Preparation Programs/Institutions (Partnerships) & Scholarship, Grants,
Fellowships & Loans/Loan Forgiveness
Minnesota’s Grants to Prepare Indian Teachers program was established to encourage
American Indians to pursue teaching careers. Joint applications must be submitted to the
Commissioner of Children, Families and Learning and must be developed in collaboration with
the Parent Advisory Committee and the Indian Advisory Committee at the postsecondary
institution. Joint grants may be awarded to select postsecondary institutions and K-12 district
partners. Grant amounts (decided by the commissioner) include money for several activities,
including the provision on student scholarships and loans.
Students eligible for scholarships/loans include:
Students and teacher aides employed by a district receiving a joint grant, who intends to
become teachers and are enrolled in a postsecondary institution receiving a joint grant
Licensed employees of a district receiving a joint grant, enrolled in a master of education
Students that have applied for federal/state financial aid and an Indian Scholarship, but still
have unmet financial needs (including actual living expenses).
Loan forgiveness:
One-fourth of the principal of the outstanding loan amount shall be forgiven for each year of
eligible employment or a pro rata amount for eligible employment during part of a school
year, part-time employment as a substitute teacher or other eligible part-time teaching.
Loans for $2,500 or less may be forgiven at the rate of up to $1,250 per year.
Several categories of schools and programs are eligible for loan forgiveness, including a tribal
contract school eligible to receive aid and a program providing educational services to K-12
American Indian students.
M.S.A. § 122A.63
Other (Reports/Data Collection)
The state board is required by the general assembly to report on the recruitment and retention of
teachers in the state’s schools.
The report includes, but is not limited to:
Numbers of teachers entering and leaving employment in the state’s public schools
Analysis of the issues affecting teacher recruitment, including the need to identify specific
segments of society that show interest in becoming teachers such as:
African Americans
Other minority students
Ways to recruit such students as prospective teachers
Methods for providing financial aid to such students
Suggestions for meeting predicted needs of numbers of teachers and in areas of certification.
V.A.M.S. 161.098.
Loans/Loan Forgiveness
The state provides a loan-for-service program to teacher candidate’s that declare an intent to
teach in specifically designated counties (Lea, Chaves, Otero, Eddy and Roosevelt).
Loan recipients must be a member of an underrepresented ethnic group or physically challenged.
Loan amounts may not exceed $4,000 per year, up to five consecutive years.
N.M. Admin. Code 5.7.17
Alternative Route Programs
The Teacher Opportunity Corp recruits teacher candidates, including minorities, from four-year
institutions that have state-approved public or independent degree-granting programs, approved
by the Board of Regents and trains them to teach high-risk students.
The program also recruits from graduate programs and provides support services, including
counseling, academic advising and summer research experiences.
8 NYCRR 55.2 (Not available online).
Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships
The Teaching Fellows Program provides four-year scholarship loans of up to $6,500 per year to
high school seniors preparing to teach in the state’s public schools and, whenever possible, every
effort is made to identify and encourage minority students to participate in the program.
N.C.G.S.A. § 115C-363.23A
Other (Centers/Institutes)
The Minority Teacher Recruitment Center provides several services, including:
Coordinating support services to teacher training programs in state institutions, including the
funding of grants for campus-based recruitment, retention and placement programs that
assist minority students interested in the teaching profession
Establishing and developing recruitment programs for potential minority teachers, including
pre-collegiate curricular courses that emphasize school success and the opportunity to
investigate teaching as a career choice, future teacher clubs and collegiate programs
designed to recruit students making transitions from other careers and other areas of study
Hosting conferences dealing with issues that effect minority teacher recruitment, retention
and placement
Creating activities in the public and private schools of Oklahoma that enhance the image of
the teaching profession
Creating and developing placement services that provide assistance to both minority
educators and school districts seeking to hire qualified minority teachers.
70 Okl.St.Ann. § 6-129.1 and § 6-130 (effective until July 2004)
Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships
The Oklahoma Incentive Scholarship Program provides scholarships of $1,500 per year to
prospective teachers, including minorities, who agree to pursue an undergraduate degree or
become qualified to teach after earning a bachelor’s degree in a critical shortage area and agree
to teach for a minimum of three years upon graduation and licensure.
70 Okl.St.Ann § 698.1 and § 4704
Teacher Preparation Programs/Institutions (Program-Approval Requirements)
Teacher preparation program-approval standards require institutions to report the number and
percent of minority faculty and students.
Okla. Admin. Code 712:10-5-4 (Not available online).
Teacher Recruitment Programs (Recruitment Plans)
All public state institutions of higher education offering teacher preparation programs are required
to prepare plans with specific goals, strategies and deadlines for the recruitment, admission,
retention and graduation of minority teachers.
O.R.S. § 342.447 and O.R.S. § 351.077
Other (Incentives)
Rhode Island’s Teacher Reward Program encourages eligible persons (bachelor’s degree
holders, certified teachers, current teachers) to teach full time in an accredited public or nonprofit
state school. Eligible persons who teacher certain subject full time in an accredited public or
nonprofit school in the state will receive an interest benefit on their Stafford student loans.
Special consideration is given to minority candidates that apply.
RI Code R. 96 220 003 (Not available online).
Other (Recruitment Plans)
The South Carolina Education Improvement Act of 1984 ensures that minority educators and
minority school districts receive equal and fair treatment.
§ 59-1-510
Early Outreach/Precollegiate & Other (Centers/Institutes)
The South Carolina Center for Teacher Recruitment, in cooperation with the Commission on
Higher Education, has implemented a program to expand the number of high-achieving minority
students entering teacher education programs through various routes.
Programs include, but are not limited to:
Identification of minority high school students interested in teaching
Recruitment of such students into the teacher cadet program
Personal counseling of minority students in teacher cadet programs regarding high-demand
certification areas and college opportunities.
§ 59-25-55
Other (Recruitment Plans)
The state will recruit, prepare and retain qualified personnel, including personnel with disabilities
and personnel from groups that are underrepresented in the fields of regular education, special
education and related services.
ARSD 24:05:16:01.03
Other (Recruitment Plans)
The commissioner of education shall recommend, and the board shall adopt, rules urging each
local board of education to establish reasonable, incremental goals for recruitment, employment
and retention of African-American teachers in numbers reflective of the percentage of African
Americans within the community served by the local educational agency.
T.C.A. § 49-1-302 (Not available online.)
Other (Reports/Data Collection)
Local school boards are required to file periodic progress reports with the commissioner of
education regarding their success in minority recruitment.
Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs 0520-1-2-.14
Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships
Tennessee’s Teacher Loan/Scholarship Program encourages outstanding
students to pursue careers in teaching. The loan/scholarships are designated for persons
planning to teach math or science in Tennessee’s public schools. Scholarships may also be
awarded to currently employed teachers of subjects other than math or science.
First priority for receiving a loan/scholarship is first given to renewal applicants making
satisfactory progress toward certification/endorsement.
Second priority is given to minority students previously awarded the Community College
Education Recruitment Scholarship for Minorities.
Loans may not exceed the cost of tuition and other mandatory fees.
Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1640-1-15-.01 , 1640-1-15-.02 , 1640-1-15-.03 and 1640-1-15-.04.
The Community College Education Recruitment Scholarship for Minorities provides $2,000
scholarships to minority students enrolled in teacher preparation programs at state-funded
community colleges.
Scholarship recipients pursue an associate-degree program, which will enable them to enter a
baccalaureate-degree program leading to licensure as a teacher.
Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1640-1-15-.01 , 1640-1-15-.02 , 1640-1-15-.03 and 1640-1-15-.04.
Alternative Route Programs
Virginia offers a traineeship program in the area of special education with the goal of increasing
diversity in the classroom. The amount of each traineeship shall be $450 for a minimum of six
semester hours of coursework in areas relating to special education to be taken by the applicant
during a single semester or summer session. Candidates must be graduates of a recognized
college or university and completed field-based training.
Va. Code Ann. § 23-38.10:1
Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships
The Diversity in Teaching Initiative, established within the Virginia Teaching Scholarship
Loan Program, focuses solely on increasing diversity among teachers by providing incentives for
students of diverse backgrounds to pursue careers in teaching. Scholarships are provided to
students of diverse background enrolled in approved undergraduate and graduate teacher
education programs.
Va. Code Ann § 22.1-290.01
Recruitment Program
The Minority Teacher Recruitment Program is designed to recruit future teachers from targeted
groups, including students in grades 9-12 and adults in other occupations interested in a career
change. Goals of the programs include:
Providing a teaching force that reflects the rich diversity of the students served in the public
schools, as certain groups (characterized by ethnic background) are traditionally
underrepresented in the teaching profession
Increasing the number of people from underrepresented groups entering the teacher
RCW 28A.415.200, 28A.415.205 and 28A.415.250
WAC 250-65-010 to 250-65-060
Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships
The Future Teachers Conditional Scholarship Program encourages outstanding students to
enter the teaching profession, including those from targeted ethnic minorities. The loan is forgiven
in whole or in part if the recipient renders services as a teacher in a state-approved school.
RCWA 28B.102.010, 28B.102.020 and 28B.102.040
WAC 250-65-020 and 250-65-040
Other (Recruitment Plans)
Washington’s Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement Program seeks
improvement in the number of minorities working and teaching in these fields. The program is
administered through the University of Washington and is designed to, among other things,
promote the awareness of career opportunities of teaching and the skills necessary to teach in
the fields of science and mathematics.
RCWA 28A.625.200 and 28A.625.210
Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships
The Underwood-Smith Teacher Scholarships provides scholarships of up to $5,000 for each
academic year of higher education in preparation for becoming a preschool, elementary, middle
or secondary teacher in the state. Scholarships are available to candidates that have expressed
interest in teaching mathematics and science and are underrepresented in those fields.
W. VA. Code § 18C-4-2 and § 18C-4-5
0&request=Underwood-Smith+Teacher+Scholarships+ (copy and paste this link into URL box)
West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, Underwood-Smith Teacher Scholarship
Other (Grants to School Districts)
Wisconsin’s Minority Student Participation and Retention Grants are available to district
boards of education for the purpose of creating or expanding programs that:
Provide counseling and tutoring services for minority students
Demonstrate innovative approaches to increasing minority student placement and retention in
technical education programs
Provide internships to minority students enrolled in programs that prepare their graduates for
admission to a teacher education program within the university of Wisconsin system
Combine basic skills and occupational training as a means of expediting basic skills
remediation and increasing retention of minority students
Use community-based organizations to assist in the recruitment, training and retention of
minority students.
WI ST 38.26
Loans/Loan Forgiveness
The Minority Teacher Loan Program provides financial resources of up to $2.500 per year to
minority college juniors or seniors or candidates already holding a bachelor’s degree and enrolled
in a program of study leading to teacher licensure.
Loans are forgiven when the borrower is employed in an eligible Wisconsin school district.
W.S.A. 39.40
Wis. Admin. Code s HEA 11.01, 11.02, 11.03, 11.04, 11.05, 11.06, 11.07 and 11.08
Henke, Robin R., et al. (1997). America’s Teachers: Profile of a Profession. Washington, DC: National
Center for Education Statistics.
National Teacher Recruitment Clearinghouse Web site (2002, December 7, accessed online). Available
Eubanks, Segun (2002, November 17, accessed online). “African American Teacher Recruitment: An
Urgent Issue,” The Black Collegian Online. Available from
Rimbach, Jean and Gebeloff, Robert (2002, December 12, accessed online). “Wanted: Minority
Teachers,” The Record Online, July 2, 2000. Available from
National Teacher Recruitment Clearinghouse website [available online] (accessed 11 November 2002)
available from