Are Game Design and User Research
Guidelines Specic to Virtual Reality Effective
in Creating a More Optimal Player
Experience? Yes, VR PLAY
Heather Desurvire
and Max Kreminski
User Behavioristics + University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, CA 90230, USA
University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA
Abstract. Virtual reality (VR) presents new usability, human-computer inter-
action, and playability challenges for developers, user-experience researchers,
and designers. In addition to facing the traditional challenges, developers and
researchers of VR games and VR experiences must contend with issues of
physicality (including physical activity and physical discomfort), spatiality, and
new or intensied physiological, psychological, and social considerations.
However, many existing resources intended to help designers and game-user
researchers work through usability and playability issues do not address these
VR-specic challenges. This paper introduces the Virtual Reality PLAY (VR
PLAY) guidelines, a set of guidelines intended to help developers, designers,
and user researchers create more usable and playable VR games and experiences
by optimizing the user and player experience for virtual reality.
Keywords: Player experience
Heuristics Game principles VR PLAY
PLAY Game design Game-user research Game usability
Virtual reality
1 Introduction
The VR PLAY guidelines have been created to assist in evaluating and designing an
improved virtual reality (VR) user experience. They are based on experience with
previous VR development and design; multiple research sessions on consumer VR
games and other playful or creative VR experiences; a review of existing research in
the eld of VR; and discussions with colleagues who study VR. Based on our success
in developing and utilizing design principles for use by researchers and designers of
AAA games to optimize the player experience, we developed an understanding of some
of the unique challenges of VR not covered by previous work. This motivated the
creation of the VR PLAY guidelines.
© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018
A. Marcus and W. Wang (Eds.): DUXU 2018, LNCS 10918, pp. 4059, 2018.
The VR PLAY guidelines are intended to assist designers and game-user
researchers of VR games when working through usability and playability issues that
are unique to, or intensied by, VR. The guidelines can be found on a public site, They consist of ve categories:
Usability, Playability, VR Immersion, Creative VR, and New Player Experience. Each
guideline contains a short summary suggesting a principle that designers and
researchers may use to gain insight into their own games; a longer explanation of the
reasoning and principles behind the guideline; and examples of existing VR games and
software that adhere to or violate the guideline, demonstrating how the guideline may
be used. This paper introduces the guidelines, describes how they were developed, and
presents a study that lends support to the validity of the guidelines as a design tool.
In our study, the guidelines were introduced to the designer of an existing VR
experience developed for the Vive VR system. The experience was sponsored by and
developed for Steelcase in conjunction with the Mobile & Environmental Media Lab at
the University of Southern California. After being introduced to VR PLAY, the
designer created a revised version of the experience. Each player in the study was
exposed to two versions of the VR experience: Version A (designed without use of the
guidelines) and Version B (designed with the guidelines in mind). We conducted
interviews with the designer to evalua te his understanding of the VR PLAY guidelines,
and we performed a side-by-side evaluation of player experiences in the tw o versions to
determine if the guidelines had a signicant positive impact on the designers under-
standing of player-experience issues and the usability and playability of the revised
design. These ndings support the utility of the VR guidelines in improving the player
The study identied many useful principles. These included UI design, spatiality,
physicality, and some playability components. Most of these were specic to VR and
not found in other guidelines. Two guidelines concerning the halo effect and VR ethics
were found to be not directly actionable but nevertheless helpful to the designer in an
advisory context. In addition, several guidelinesespecially those concerning chal-
lenge, pace, and intermediate and long-term goals of the gamewere not applicable in
this study. These guidelines pertained to specic gameplay experiences not present in
the current studys VR design. To evaluate these guidelines, the authors plan to conduct
a study with a VR game that includes the relevant gameplay experiences.
Altogether, the study found the guidelines to be signicantly useful when evalu-
ating the usability and playability of existing games and when designing and opti-
mizing the player experience in new VR games.
1.1 Motivation for VR PLAY
Virtual reality is an emer ging medium with signicant potential to enrich experiences
in elds ranging from games and entertainment to health and creativity tools. As VR
technology becomes increasingly accessible and affordable, the medium is undergoing
a process of rapid expansion.
VR experiences, in comparison to traditional game console and computer player
experiences, pose severa l unique usability and playability challenges. The increased
immersion has the potential to accentuate the negative and positive aspects of an
Are Game Design and User Research Guidelines Specic to VR Effective 41
experience, for inst ance by inducing physical discomfort or motion sickness [34] even
as the higher delity of the experience instills in players a greater sense of satisfaction
and delight [1]. In addition to considering all the usability and playab ility issues already
known to exist in other digital games, designers of VR experiences must contend with
issues of physicality (including physical activity and physical discomfort), spatiality,
and new or intensied psychological and social phenomena [15]. Moreover, users and
players of VR software and games are impacted by these new issues in a variety of
ways. Some players may nd they are especially sensitive to certain novel issues while
for other players these very same issues may pass entirely unnoticed.
Usability and playability in video games are well-studied subject areas. There are
resources [2, 68, 21] available to designers who want to improve the usability and
playability of thei r game designs. Despite the growing popularity of VR, however, few
of these resources have been designed with VR in mind. As a result, designers and
evaluators of VR games and other VR play experiences have largely been left to their
own devices in dealing with some of the novel challenges posed by VR.
To address such issues, we have created the VR PLAY guidelines . These guidelines
for usability and playab ility can be used in two ways: as a set of heuristics against
which existing VR games and play experiences can be evaluated, and as a design tool
intended to inform the development of new VR games. To demonstrate the effec-
tiveness of these guidel ines as a design tool, we have employed them in a case study
involving the revision of a work-in-progress playful VR experience.
1.2 Development of VR PLAY
In developing the VR PLAY guidel ines, we drew on existing research in usability and
playability for games and other software and on research in VR itself, including
physical, psychological, social, and ethical perspectives on VR. We also conducted our
own user research on VR games, have extensive experience with player research on VR
games, and gleaned further information from discussions with other VR researchers.
We divided the information we collected into severa l categories, each of which we
concluded the guidelines should represent.
GAP and PLAY Principles. The Game Approachability Principles (GAP) [6, 14] and
the Playability Principles (PLAY) [7] are two sets of heuri stics or principles pertaining
to general game usability and playability. The GAP heuristics deal primarily with
issues of new-player experience and the processes by which players learn how to play a
new game. The PLAY heuristics are broader in scope, encompassing a wide variety of
issues that range from enduring play and player motivation to usability and user
interface design. Both sets of principles have proven useful in our own research on over
60 games with AAA clients over the last several years, and countless other companies
have used them successfully too. They have also been taught to over 150 students at the
University of Southern California, one of the top universities that offer interactive
media and games as a major. The students report using them in their own work now,
including work for AAA publishers and indie studios.
42 H. Desurvire and M. Kreminski
VR PLAY Guidelines. Due to their generality, both the GAP and the PLAY heuristics
are largely platform agnostic. Consequently, most of the advice they offer is applicable
to VR. At the same time, however, these principles do not specically address usability
or playability issues that are unique to VR. Thus, adherence to these principles could be
described as necessary but not sufcient for designers who wish to create positive
player experiences in VR. In assembling the VR PLAY guidelines, we chose to include
adapted and consolidated versions of the most important GAP and PLAY heuristics to
highlight the general usability, playability, and new-player-experience issues that are
likely to have the greatest impact on VR games.
Presence. One advantage of VR experiences over traditional video games and other
software is the users or players increased sense of presence: the subjective perception
that they are physically present in the virtual environment [5, 22]. Several forms of
presence have been proposed, including social presence [10 ] and behavioral and
cognitive presence [11, 24]. Presence can also be measured in several ways [3, 12, 17,
24, 27, 29, 34].
Presence is a key element of immersion, as more coherent experiencesin which
multiple aspects of the experience, such as visuals and audio, work together to create
the illusion of a real continuous worldare generally perceived by players as more
immersive overall. Players who experience a heightened sense of presence feel that
their experiences in the virtual environment are more real and thus more enjoyable
when the experience itself is a positive one. They may also feel that their actions are
more meaningful or consequ ential. As a result, creating and maintaining a sense of
presence can be an important tool for improving the player experience in VR and
non-VR games alike.
Embodiment. A factor closely related to presence is embodiment: the extent to which
the player in a virtual environment identies with the body of the player character and
feels as though they are truly inhabiting it. Embod iment of the player character can be
facilitated in a variety of ways, including by allowing the player to observe the way
their actions directly map to equivalent actions by the player character (e.g., in a virtual
mirror) [30 ]. Embodiment of certain characters may a lso pose ethical concerns, such as
when a player inhabits the body of a character who commits violent actions [19].
Embodiment, like presence, is a key element of immersion. It can serve to further
engage players in the experience by presenting them with the opportunity to embody
characters they nd particula rly compelling. Many players nd it enjoyable to engage
in role-playing by temporarily taking up some of the attitudes and decision-maki ng
strategies of the character they are currently embodying, rather than maintaining their
own real-life perspective during gameplay. In this sense, embodiment can be seen as a
key contributor to player delight [2].
Ethics. Due to the heightened sense of presence and embodiment, VR environments
often feel more similar to the real world than virtual environments in traditional video
games. This greater sense of reality is accompanied by increased ethical issues [9, 19,
30]. For instance, research has shown that playing a rst- person shooter game with a
realistic gun-replica controller rather than a traditional mouse can lead to heightened
levels of aggression in players [16]. Because players in VR experiences may experience
Are Game Design and User Research Guidelines Specic to VR Effective 43
bleed between the real and virtual worlds to a greater degree than players of traditional
video games, it is especially pressing that designers of VR experiences take ethical
aspects into consideration [2].
An especially acute example of an ethical issue related to VR can be found in the
interaction between VR and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Due to their per-
ceived reality, VR experiences may trigger PTSD ashbacks, causing players to
suddenly and unexpectedly relive their memories of past traumatic events. Since a player
who is experiencing a PTSD ashback may not have the presence of mind to remove the
VR headset or otherwise disengage with the VR experience, it may be necessary to
provide an in-game safe space where players can recover. However, for the same reasons
that VR experiences may act as triggers, they may also be applied to the treatment of
PTSD in the form of exposure therapy taking place in a VR environment [26].
Physicality. Unlike traditional video games, which generally do not requi re high levels
of physical activity or exertion, VR experiences often involve a signicant degree of
physical activity. Designers of VR experiences must consider the player s physical
comfort; their physical ability to perform the actions that the game asks of them; their
need for breaks or cooldown time between periods of intense physical activity; and their
differing physical traits and capabilities, including physical tness, height, and physical
disability [21, 33]. For instance, since VR games often require players to exert them-
selves physically, it is possible for a VR game to ask players to perform physical feats
that are beyond their actual capabilities. If players are not conditioned for intense
physical activity, but the game encourages them to keep playing anyway, players who
are not aware of their own physi cal limits may nd themselves taking on more than they
can handle in terms of physical exertion. Simultaneousl y, physical activity can be used
to increase player immersion by giving them the sensation that they are performing the
same physical actions that the player cha racter performs in the game worldfor
instance, physically wielding a motion controller as if it were a gun or a sword to control
a weapon of this type in the game.
Organization into Categories. We organized the information gathered from these
resources into ve broad categories: Usability, Playability, VR Immersion,
Creative VR, and New Player Experience. We synthesized the information in each
category to create between 4 and 9 specic guidelines, for a total of 33 guidelines
across all ve categories. Each guideline includes an overall explanation of a principle
for designers to follow, followed by examp les of the principle being adhered to and
violated. This way, it demonstrates the outcome both with and without the principle.
The nalized VR PLAY guidelines were then published on a website to be easily
accessible for designers.
2 Procedure
2.1 Study Design
We created a study with two phases to test the impact of the VR PLAY guidelines on
the design of an example VR experience.
44 H. Desurvire and M. Kreminski
In Phase 1, a designer without prior knowledge of the guidelines created an initial
version, Version A, of the VR experience. He was then introduced to the guidelines and
given a period in which to revise the VR experience using the guidelines. This cul-
minated in the design of Version B of the same experience.
In Phase 2, a user study was conducted to identify which of the two versions
adhered more closely to the VR PLAY guidelines, and which was closer to an optimal
player experience overall. Both versions were evaluated on all ve of the top-level
criteria addressed by the guidelines. This user study followed a within-subject design
and included eight players, all of whom played through both Version A and Version.
The order in which each player went through these versions was counterbalanced to
randomize any order effects.
2.2 Hypotheses
Within this study, we tested two hypotheses: Hypothesis A and Hypothesis B.
Hypothesis A was that the designers overall understanding of issues related to VR
experience, user experience, and player experience would improve between Version A
and Version B. This could be determined by examining the designers impressions of
user- and player-experience issues through the interviews and surveys, as well as by
comparing the number of guidelines that were adhered to and violated in Version A and
Version B. Note that the designer had to complete Ver sion A as their best effort at
creating an optimal player experience.
Hypothesis B was that Version B would consequently contain fewer violations of
and more adherences to the VR PLAY guidelines than Version A across all ve of the
categories. Thus, we also predicted that Version B would be closer to an optimal player
experience overall.
2.3 Phase 1. VR Experience: Designer Study
The existing VR experience that was revised within this case study is known as the
Tracked Chair ex perience because it makes use of VR spatial tracking to create a
virtual counterpart of a physical (real-world) ofce chair. The virtual chair is co-located
with and follows the movements of the physical chair, meaning that a participant who
is wearing a VR headset can see and sit down in the chair. This experience was
constructed for the Vive platform and makes use of a Vive controller to track the
location of the physical chair.
In the Tracked Chair experience, the participant must rst unveil the chair by
removing a virtual cloth covering. Then, they must sit in the chair and make use of
several virtual interface elements: a set of virtual screens attached to the chair that can
be displayed and hidden at will and a button that can change the color of the virtual
The Tracked Chair experience was one entry in a larger series of VR experiences
created within a University of Southern California resear ch lab in cooperation with
industry partners at the furniture company Steelcase. The experiences in this series
adapt existing industrial design processes at Steelcase into a ctional future world in
which virtual and augmented reality technologies have become deeply integral to the
Are Game Design and User Research Guidelines Specic to VR Effective 45
Steelcase design process. The Tracked Chair scene portrays a nal unveiling or
presentation stage in the design process in which a nished furniture design is
presented to a larger audience (outside the original design team) for the rst time.
Altogether, this series of experiences forms an immersive design ction intended to
inspire innovative thinking about the potential future of industrial design. This
immersive design ction uses VR to realistically portray a vision of the future that
would currently be thought of as science ction, allowing designers to directly interact
with simulated mockups of futuristic design tools and social practices that could not
otherwise be realized today [20].
Preliminary Interview with Designer. The designer of the existing VR experience
had no prior exposure to usability or playability guidelines of any kind. We conducted
a preliminary interview with the designer to discover what kinds of changes he already
intended to make to the design, and whether he believed a set of VR-specic usability
and playability guidelines would aid him in making these revisions.
Exposure to VR PLAY Guidelines. We then introduced the designer to the
VR PLAY guidelines and provided him with a brief explanation of how the guidelines
could be applied. To gauge any change in his perception of the guidelines potential
utility, we asked him several addit ional questions. Then, we instructed him to spend a
week revising his existing design with the guidelines in mind.
After Exposure to VR PLAY Guidelines; Before Revisions. Immediately after
being introduced to the guidelines, but before having a chance to apply them to the
revision process, the designer stated that he could now think of many specic
improvements he wanted to try. Many of these potential improvements made reference
to ideas or language drawn from individual guidelines; in particular, while continuing
to talk about feedback (using terminology introduced by guideline A1, Provide
Feedback), he began to adopt terminology from other guidelines, framing several of the
improvements using terms like demonstration (E4, Build Self-Efcacy through
Demonstration & Practice); knowledge transfer (A5, Build on Real-World Knowl-
edge + E1, Design for Knowledge Transfer); goals (B4, Provide Clear Goals); and
error prevention (A2, Prevent Player Error) for the rst time. He found these
guidelines especially helpful because they gave him the vocabulary he needed to
discuss issues he had noticed in some form already but did not previously know how to
coherently express.
After Revisions. After a week-long revision process incorporating the guidelines, the
designer rated Version B as 2.5 (where 1 = totally unlike the desired player experience
and 5 = exactly like the desired player experi ence) in closeness to the desired player
experience, noting that there had been substantial improvement over Version A, but
that he would still not want to present Version B as a nished product. He rated the
usefulness of the guidelines as 5 overall (where 1 = not useful and 5 = very useful),
while rating their usefulness for the specic tasks (a) and (b) at 4.5 and 5, respectively.
Overall, he felt that the guidelines had been especially useful in inspiring ideas for
changes, but that the limited timeframe of the revision process meant that if I went into
46 H. Desurvire and M. Kreminski
Unity [the game design tool] again for ve minutes with the guidelines, Im sure Id
come up with a whole bunch of other stuff to address. He also stated that he intends to
use the guidelines from the very beginning of the design process when working on
virtual reality projects in the future.
The designers rating of his own understanding of how to use the guidelines
dropped slightly, from 5 to 4.5 (where 1 = no understanding and 5 = complete
understanding). He suggested, however, that this was because his initial assessment
was over-optimistic, and that he still denitely understood how to use them overall.
The guidelines, in his mind, discussed problems that everyone [designing for virtual
reality] deals with, and thatalthough it sometimes took a bit of searchinghe was
able to identify at least one applicable guideline for every design problem he
encountered during the revision process.
Debrieng Interview with Designer. At the end of the revision proces s, we met with
the designer to conduct a debrieng interview. The purpose of this interview was to
develop an understanding of his design thinking and to gather evidence regarding
whether and how his thinking had changed as a result of exposure to the VR PLAY
guidelines. The designer was asked about any changes he made to the design, his use of
the guidelines during the revision process, how useful he perceived the guidelines to
be, and why he found them useful.
Overview of Designer and Design Portion of the Study. Altogether, the designers
involvement in the study can be summarized as a sequence of several distinct steps:
Initial interview and survey (before exposure to guidelines)
Design of Version A
Initial exposure to VR PLAY guidelines
First post-exposure interview and-survey (immediately after exposure to guidelines)
Design of Version B (with access to guidelines)
Second post-exposure and -survey (after nishing the design of Version B)
2.4 Phase 2. User Study Prep
Following the revision process, two versions of the designers VR experience existed.
To determine what impact the VR PLAY guidelines had on the revisions that were
made, we used the guidelines to conduct a comparative heuristic evaluation of the two
versions [13, 23].
User Study of Tracked Chair Experience. To test whether the guidelines resulted in
signicant improvements to the overall usability and playabili ty of the VR experience,
we conducted a user study. We recruited eight participants with levels of VR experi-
ence ranging from none to experienced.
To acclimate participants to the experience of being in a VR environment, each
participant was rst given a few minutes in an empty VR world. This was intended to
mitigate any rst-time-experience issues, including difculties with the Vive con-
trollers. Participants were then inst ructed to play through Versions A and B of the VR
experience. To minimize (counterbalance) order effects, odd-numbered participants
played through Version A rst while even-numbered participants played through
Are Game Design and User Research Guidelines Specic to VR Effective 47
Version B rst. After playing through both versions, each participant took part in a
debrieng interview and lled out a survey about their experiences.
Hypotheses. Our rst hypothesis (H:A) was that, after working with the guidelines for
a week, the designer would have a greater overall understanding of user- and
player-experience issues. This hypothesis was supported by the interviews with the
designer and by the comparative heuristic evaluation of Versions A and B. In later
interviews (both immediately after being introduced to the guidelines and after an entire
week of working with the guidelines), the designer began to use terminol ogy from the
guidelines to articulate a more sophisticated understanding of the reasons for certain
player-experience issues, and how these issues co uld potentially be solved. Addition-
ally, Version B was found to contain substantially more instances of adherence to the
guidelines and fewer violations of the guidelines than Version A. (Version A had 43
instances of adherence and 28 violations; Version B had 79 instances of adherence and
15 violations.) This suggests that the designer understood the guidelines, internalized
them, and successfully applied them to the design revision process.
Our second hypothesis (H:B) was that Version B would contain fewer violati ons of
and more adherences to the VR PLAY guidelines than Version A across all ve of the
issue categories (Usability, Playability, VR Immersion, Creative VR, and New Player
Experience) that the guidelines address, and, thus, that Version B would be closer to an
optimal player experience overall. This hypothesis was mostly supported by the
comparative heuristic evaluation of the two versions, which found that Version B
performed better (i.e., had more instances of adherence and fewer violations) than
Version A in four of the ve categories (Playability, VR Imm ersion, Creative VR, and
New Player Experience). The one exception to this hypothesis was in the Usability
category, which saw a decline in both the total number of adherences and the total
number of violations from Version A to Version B; this is believed to be largely the
result of a bug in Version B that was absent from Version A and had a negative impact
on usability but was not part of the intended revisions to the design. (See Table 2 for
the exact changes in total numbers of adherences and violations across each category
from Version A to Version B.)
Analysis of User Study. Players went through the experience one at a time, observed
by three coders. The coders took notes on what happened during the players time in
each version of the experience, which they then used to identify VR PLAY guidelines
that had been adhered to and/or violated. To ensure inter-rater reliability, all coders
were experienced in using the VR PLAY guidelines and were given the same guide-
lines on how to code the player experience.
Each coder submitted a single set of data, documenting how many players had
experienced each guideline being adhered to and/or viol ated within each version of the
VR experience. These sets of data were then aggregated by taking the mean, median,
and mode of each value. Since there was little variance between these values, we report
only the means (see Table 1).
48 H. Desurvire and M. Kreminski
Table 1. VR PLAY adherences and violations, Version A vs. Version B (
Dark gray
= clear
improvement from A to B;
light gray
= all zeros/not applicable) N = 8 Players.
Adherences Violations Adherences Violations
A. Usability 21 [A1,
A5, A8]
8 [A1] 18 [A1, A5] 7 [A2, A5,
A1. Feedback 8 8 14 0
A2. Error prev 0 0 0 2
A3. Burden 0 0 0 0
A4. Status 0 0 0 0
A5. Real-World 5 0 4 2
A6. Review 0 0 0 0
A7. UI 0 0 0 3
A8. Navigation 8 0 0 0
B. Playability 3 [B1] 3 [B4] 11 [B3, B6] 1 [B4]
B1. Control 3 0 0 0
B2. Challenge 0 0 0 0
B3. Engage 0 0 8 0
B4. Goals 0 3 0 1
B5. Variety 0 0 0 0
B6. Social 0 0 3 0
C. VR Im-
11 [C5,
4 [C3] 15 [C1, C7] 4 [C3]
C1. Presence 0 0 7 0
C2. Embody 0 0 0 0
C3. Side Ef-
0 4 0 4
C4. Comfort 0 0 0 0
C5. Safe
3 0 0 0
C6. Inclusion 0 0 0 0
Are Game Design and User Research Guidelines Specic to VR Effective 49
3 Analysis
3.1 Highly Impactful Guidelines
List of Impactful Guidelines. The data show an especially clear improvement from
Version A to Version B in adherence to the following specic guidelines.
A1. Provide Feedback. Four out of eight players experienced violation of this guide-
line in Version A, reporting that the buttons used to deploy screens around the chair
were either too subtle to notice (a slight shift in color from gray to black) or occurred
out of the players line of sight (as players looked down at the buttons to use them, they
missed the screens appearing and disappearing around the chair). These violations were
absent from Version B, which used gestures to deploy and hide the screens. Some
50 H. Desurvire and M. Kreminski
supplementary feedback, such as bursts of confetti on successful completi on of certain
actions, was added to Version B, increasing player delight.
B3. Encourage Player Engagement. In Version B, all players (8/8) found that
exploration was rewarded with new and engaging feedback that did not appear in
Version A. Two interactions that players found especially engaging in Version B were
swiping to remove the cloth covering from the chair and spinning the chair to cali-
brate it, neither of which were present in Version A.
C1. Create a Sense of Presence. Version B adds several features that highlight the
physicality of the virtual environment, including the two interactions discussed under
B3. In addition to encouraging player engagement, these improvements helped to
create a sense of physical presence in the world.
E4. Build Self-efcacy through Demonstration and Practice. Version A contained no
demonstration of any of the mechanics player s needed to use to interact with the chair.
Version B demonstrated how to use all these mechanics, showing a transparent ghost
version of the Vive controller repeatedly acting out the motions the player would need
to perform. This made players substantially more condent in the knowledge that they
were performing the actions correctly.
E5. Integrate Tutorial with Gameplay. Version A did not make any explicit attempt to
teach players how to interact with the various mechanics. Version B added introductory
text and demonstration for severa l of these mechanics and integrated them smoothly
with gameplay, alternating sections of explanatory scaffolding with sections in which
players could freely practice with the mechanics they had learned so far.
E6. Teach Mechanics One Thing at a Time (Stepwise Learning). Version A of the
experience introduced several new interactions in quick succession (revealing the chair,
interacting with it as a mixed physical/virtual object, sitting in it, and using the buttons
to raise and lower screens) without pausing to explain any of them in further detail.
Version B, on the other hand, clearly separated these steps by displaying introduct ory
text each time a new interaction was introduced.
What Does This Mean? The clear improvements in adherence to these guidelines
between Version A and Version B indica te that the designer both understood and
internalized the principles of usability and playability that these guidelines introduce.
He was successfully able to use the guidelines to revise Version As design for
improved player experience in Version B.
3.2 Guidelines Not Applicable
List of Non-applicable Guidelines. Several of the guidelines were not applicable to
this design and, as such, were not observed to be violated or adhered to during the user
study. These included the following:
A3. Avoid Burden on Memory. Neither Version A nor Version B required players to
remember things they had learned for more than a few minutes at a time, and there were
Are Game Design and User Research Guidelines Specic to VR Effective 51
relatively few things to remember in both versions. As such, players had no difculty
remembering the things they did need to recall, and no hints were needed to mitigate
burden on memory in either version.
A4. Show Player Status and World State. In both versions, all elements of player status
and world state were immediately visible in the virtual environment at all times.
The VR experience did not keep track of any hidden, intangible, or abstract elements of
status or state (such as a health bar, score, or inventory). As such, the visualization of
these abstract elements did not pose any usability or playability concerns.
A6. Let Players Review What Theyve Learned. As with guideline A3, there was little
for players to review in either version. Both versions were only a few minutes long, and
players had no difculty remember ing how to use the few mechanics they needed to
remember, even without any kind of review.
B2. Ramp Up Challenge Gradually. Unlike many games, neither Version A nor
Version B featured any kind of scaling difculty. There were no enemies for players to
defeat, scores for players to earn, or time limits on players exploration of the virtual
B5. Support a Variety of Players. The brief duration of the experience and relatively
simple mechanics present in both Version A and Version B ensured that most players
would be able to play without difculty.
C2. Facilitate Embodiment of Character. Neither Version A nor Version B attempted
to show or tell players whom they were playing as. However, players did not seem to
notice or comment on this, possibly suggesting that they did not notice, or mind the
fact, that they did not know whom the player character was meant to be, or they might
have assumed it was themselves.
C4. Keep the Player Comfortable. Player discomfort was not a signicant issue in
either version, due to the limited duration of the experi ence and the relative ease of
performing the few physical gestures required. Neither version required any kind of
strenuous physical exertion on the part of the players.
C6. Provide a Safe Space. Since neither version of the experi ence gave players the
impression they were under any kind of threat, the entirety of both experiences could be
seen as a safe space. Players could stop playing at any time without exiting the
experience and would suffer no negative repercussions within the virtual world for
doing so.
C8. Be Aware of the First-Time Halo Effect. Players will often be wowed by the VR
experience, even if the interface and/or game is poorly designed, so their perception at
rst-time play is likely to be more positive than with more experience in VR. There-
fore, a players unusual enthusiasm is to be discounted as rst-play enthusiasm. This
guideline is primarily advisory in nature and does not make any specic suggestions
about how the nal experience should work. As such, instances in which it is adhered
to or violated are not visible in the observation of player behavior. Inst ead, one must
ask designers or observe the design process directly to determine whether this guideline
was adhered to or violated.
52 H. Desurvire and M. Kreminski
C9. Design Ethically. To design ethically means, for example, to beware of triggering
events in a person, such as triggering a PTSD event, without an escape area. Like
guideline C8, this guideline is primarily advisory in nature . Instances of adherence to or
violation of this guideline are not directly visible in the observ ation of player behavior.
D2. Facilitate Performance and Social Creativity. Neither versi on of the experience
offered players the opportunity to perform for any kind of in-world audience. In
addition, the experience was not primarily intended to facilitate creative expression, so
player expression of creativity was sharply limited wi thin both versions.
D4. Provide Creative Inspiration. As with guideline D2, neither Version A nor Ver-
sion B was primarily intended to facilitate creative expression, and both versions
sharply limited player expression of creativity. As such, it would not make sense for
this experience to provide players with creative inspiration.
E2. Provide a Safe Place to Learn (Sandbox). As with guideline C6, neither Version A
nor Version B ever gave the players the impression they were under any kind of threat.
At no point were there signicant negative consequences for any player action,
meaning that players could stop to practice at any point without suffering any negative
What Does This Mean? Most of the guidelines that were found to be not applicable
to this design are associated with game-like features, such as overarching goals, status,
and scores. Due to this, these will likely be more applicable to games as opposed to the
Tracked Chair experience. Their limited applicability to this design is primarily a
consequence of the fact that this design lacks certain common game mechanics to
which these guidelines apply.
Two of these guidelines, however, represent a special case: guidelines C8, Be
Aware of the First-Time Halo Effect, and C9, Design Ethically. Both guidelines are
advisory in nature. Rather than making concrete, directly actionable statements about
the qualities of a successful game, they simply recommend that designers educate
themselves about and remain aware of certain potential pitfalls during the design
process. Thus, adherence to or violation of these two guidelines cannot readily be
determined throu gh observation of player behavior. In the future, it may be desirable to
rewrite these guidelines using more action-oriented language or move them into a
supplemental resource separate from (but attached to) the main guidelines list.
3.3 Player Perception of Changes Between Versions A and B
Usability. Due to the short time (one week) allotted for revisions, Version B contained
several bugs that impeded the functionality of key features. None of these bugs were
present in Version A. When players were asked to compare the usability of Versions A
and B, they made frequent references to these bugs in their descriptions of the usability
issues they encountered. As such, it is not possible to make a reliable direct comparison
between player usability ratings for the two versions. However, observation of their
experiences with the two versions demonstrated that, excepting the issues introduced
by the bugs, players generally found Version B easier to use. In particular, the players
who were least impacted by the bugs seemed to nd the gestural controls in Version B
Are Game Design and User Research Guidelines Specic to VR Effective 53
intuitive, and all players (even those impacted signicantly by the bugs) were imme-
diately able to intuit that the gestures in Version B could be reversed to perform inverse
Delight. In addition, players clearly felt that Version B was more delightful than
Version A overall, with 6/8 players stating that B was more delightful than A. Players
commonly cited the increased feedback, the physicality of the cloth-removal gesture,
and the overall sense that completing objectives felt more rewarding in Version B as
reasons for this preference.
Comfort. According to thei r responses, most players (5/8) felt that both versions were
equally comfortable to use, with no signicant differences between Versions A and B
in terms of physical comfort. However, there was a slight preference among some
players for Version B; 2/8 players said they felt B was more comfortable (as the
surrounding environment appeared to be physically open rather than enclosed), while
only one player felt A was more comfortable (as she felt the gestural interactions with
the chair in B could become physically tiring after a while). This players preference in
particular underscores the importance of principle C5, Provide a Safe Space: VR
experiences that ask players to perform physically demanding tasks as a regular part of
play should provide a safe in-world place where players may physically rest.
3.4 Categories of Each Guideline Adhered to and Violated
The guidelines are divide d into ve categories: Usability, Playability, VR Immersion,
Creative VR, and New Player Experience (see Table 2). We hypothesized that, for each
of these categories, Version B would violate fewer of the guidelines and/or adhere to
more than Version A. This was found to be true for four categories (Playability, VR
Immersion, Creative VR, New Player Experience and Usability). (See Table 2 for the
exact changes in total adherences and violations in each category from Version A to
Version B.)
By far the most signicant improvements were seen in the New Player Experience
category, with 27 additional instances of adherence to the guidelines and 9 fewer
instances of violation. This can largely due to the substantial improvements that were
made to the new-player experience in Version B, which added a variety of features
intended to teach players how to use the mechanics at their disposal. No such features
Table 2. Changes in VR PLAY adherences and violations by category from Version A to
Version B
D # Adherences D # Violations
Usability 3 1
Playability +8 2
VR immersion +4 ±0
Creative VR ±0 1
NPE +27 9
54 H. Desurvire and M. Kreminski
were present in Version A, which left players almost entirely to their own devices in
attempting to learn how to play.
The Usability category, meanwhile, was the only category to see an overall decline
from Version A to Version B: although it had 1 fewer violation in Version B, it also had
3 fewer adherences. This can largely be explained by the impact of a bug introduced in
Version Bdue to the brief period (one week) allotted for the second iterationthat
made certain gesture-based interactions in Version B function unreliably. For the players
impacted by the bug, this had a substantial negative effect on the usability of Version B
in comparison to Version A. Since the introduction of the bug in Version B was not
deliberate but did have a denite impact on usability, it is not po ssible to judge whether
the guidelines would have been shown to have a net positive effect on usability from
Version A to Version B if the bug had not occurred.
4 Conclusion
4.1 Impact of the VR PLAY Guidelines
Between Versions A and B of the VR experience considered in this case study, a
comparative heuristic evaluation found that Version B the version created after the
designer was introduced to the VR PLAY guidelinesviolated fewer of these guide-
lines (28 versus 15 total violations for Versions A and B, respectively) and adhered to
more (43 versus 79 total adherences). This indicates that the designer was successful in
applying the guidel ines to the revision process and conrms both Hypothesis A (that
the designers understanding of usability and playability principles increased with
exposure to the guidelines) and Hypothesis B (that Version B would contain fewer
violations of and more adherences to the guidelines than Version A).
Impact on the Designer. The results of the side-by-side heuristic evaluations of
Version A and Version B suggest that the designer both understood and internalized the
guidelines and was able to successfully leverage his understanding to improve the
usability and playability in the revised design. In addition, his statements in interviews
suggest that he acquired an expanded vocabulary for discussing usability and playa-
bility issues from his time spent with the guidelines as he continued to use terminology
he learned from the guidelines in his interview responses, even after the end of the
revision process.
In his own words, the designer felt that the guidelines were especially helpful as a
tool to help him generate solutions to problems he was already aware of but did not yet
know how to address. He also expressed a particular desire to use the guidel ines again
on VR projects in the futurethis time ideally from the very beginning of the design
process, and he rated the guidelines as 5 on a ve-point scale (where 1 = not useful and
5 = very useful).
Impact on Version B as Experienced by Players. When surveyed, 6/8 players found
Version B more delightful than Version A. This suggests that the change s made by the
designer when working with the guidelines resulted in signicant improvements to the
overall enjoy-ability of the VR experience.
Are Game Design and User Research Guidelines Specic to VR Effective 55
Due to the short playtime of the VR experience and the limited amount of physical
activity required, players generally did not feel that physical comfort was an issue for
them in either version. Consequently, 5/8 players expressed that the versions were
approximately equal in terms of physical comfort. However, 2/8 players did express a
slight preference for Version B over A while only 1/8 players expressed a slight
preference for Version A in terms of comfort.
4.2 Which Guidelines Are Most Impactful?
Between Version A and Version B, we found a clear and signicant improvement in
adherence to several specic VR PLAY guidelines, including A1, B3, C1, E4, E5, and
Notably, three of these highly impactful guidelines are from Category E (New
Player Experience). This speaks to the potential signicance of improvements in
new-player experience relative to improvements in other areas: because Version A of
the VR experience contained little to no guidance for new players, the addition of even
relatively minimal guidance in Version B was a basic issue, yielding substantial
improvements in overall player experience for relatively little investment in time and
effort on the designers part.
The absence of any guidelines from category D (Creative VR) from this list may be
accounted for by the sharply limited nature of the creative expression possible within
this VR experience. As the VR experience was not intended as a creative tool, players
had few opportunities to exercise their creativity, limiting the applicability of
creativity-specic guidelines. This leads us to conclude that some guidelines have more
impact for some applications than for others.
Given the positive effects of the guidelines, we have evidence they are helpful in
increasing the user experience.
4.3 Guidelines Not Applicable
Several guidelines, meanwhile, were found to be not applicable to the VR experience
evaluated in this study. These guidelines included A3, A4, A6, B2, B5, C2, C4, C6,
C8, C9, and D2.
The majority of these guidelines were not applicable because the VR experience
being evaluated did not contain certain common game mechanics to which these
guidelines apply. For instance, the experience did not include any form of ramping up
the challenge or difculty, did not track any kind of score, and took place over a very
short span of time, limiting the applicability of guidelines pertaining to certain kinds of
experiences and games. Almost all these guidelines would thus be applicable to games
of different types .
Two of the guidelines that were not applicable stand apart from the others that were
attributed to more game-like features not present in the current study. The guidelines
C8, Be Aware of the First-Time Halo Effect, and C9, Design Ethically, are advisory in
nature and do not make use of directly actionable language, instead merely recom-
mending that designers keep certain potential pitfalls in mind during the design pro-
cess. Adherence to and violation of these advisory guidelines thus cannot be
56 H. Desurvire and M. Kreminski
determined directly from observation of player behavior, making it difcult to apply
these guidelines in an evaluative capacity. This might be addressed in the future, see
4.4 Next Steps
In order to evaluate the utility of the guidelines that were found to be not applicable in
this VR experience study, we intend to perform follow-up studies that apply the
VR PLAY guidelines to other types of VR games and experiences where they might be
applicable. Candidates include strategy games, physical games (including exercise
games), action games, rst-person shooter games, and horror games. These game
varieties include mechanics that were not present in the VR experience evaluated by
this study, increasing the likelihood that the specic guidelines will be applicable to
these other games.
The advisory guidelines C8 and C9 are potential candidates for future revision
and reevaluation. They might be rewritten to use more actionable language, making it
possible to evaluate whether they have bee n adhered to or violated directly through
observation of player behavior. Alternatively, they could be moved to a supplementary
appendix attached to the main guidelines list but not presented as equivalent in form
and purpose to the other guidelines.
Acknowledgements. We want to gratefully thank all the brilliant and hardworking interns of
User Behavioristics, including Jordan Klein, Laura Doumad, Clerisse Cornejo, Shing-Hoi Lau,
and Eva Wierzbicki, and colleagues and reviewers such as Dennis Wixon, Charlotte Wiberg, and
Katherine Isbister, who provided helpful comments on previous versions of this paper. The
authors also gratefully acknowledge the support from Scott Fisher and Joshua McVeigh-Schultz
of the Mobile & Environmental Media Lab at the University of Southern California and Donna
Flynn, Mark Baloga, and Paul Noll from Steelcase Corporation, who partnered with us on their
Tracked Chair VR experience.
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