Founded 
© 2018 University of Pennsylvania Law Review
VOL. 166 APRIL 2018 NO. 5
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are going to be big—not just for
gaming but for work, for social life, and for evaluating and buying real-world products.
Like many big technological advances, they will in some ways challenge legal doctrine.
In this Article, we will speculate about some of these upcoming challenges, asking:
William H. Neukom Professor, Stanford Law School; partner, Durie Tangri LLP. Article ©
2018 Mark A. Lemley & Eugene Volokh.
Gary T. Schwartz Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law; academic affiliate, Mayer Brown
LLP. Thanks to Sam Bray, Ryan Calo, Anupam Chander, Julie Cohen, Kristen Eichensehr, Nita
Farahany, James Grimmelmann, Rose Hagan, Claire Hill, Chad Huston, Sarah Jeong, Bill
McGeveran, Emily Murphy, Lisa Ouellette, Richard Re, Zahr Said, Rebecca Tushnet, Vladimir
Volokh, and the participants at the UC Davis conference on Future-Proong Law, the Stanford Law
School conference on regulating disruption, the Internet Law Works in Progress Conference, and
workshops at Stanford Law School, Duke Law School, the University of Minnesota Law School,
and the University of Washington for comments on prior drafts; and to Tyler O’Brien and James
Yoon for research assistance.
1052 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
(1) How might the law treat “street crimes” in VR and AR—behavior such as
disturbing the peace, indecent exposure, deliberately harmful visuals (such as strobe
lighting used to provoke seizures in people with epilepsy), and “virtual groping”?
Two key aspects of this, we will argue, are the Bangladesh problem (which will
make criminal law very hard to practically enforce) and technologically enabled
self-help (which will offer an attractive alternative protection to users, but also a
further excuse for real-world police departments not to get involved).
(2) How might the law handle tort lawsuits, by users against users, users against VR
and AR environment operators, outsiders (such as copyright owners whose works are
being copied by users) against users, and outsiders against the environment operators?
(3) How might the law treat users’ alteration of other users’ avatars, or
creation of their own avatars that borrow someone else’s name and likeness?
(4) How might privacy law deal with the likely pervasive storage of all the
sensory information that VR and AR systems present to their users, and that
they gather from the users in the course of presenting it?
(5) How might these analyses reect on broader debates even outside VR and AR,
especially order without law and the speech–conduct distinction?
NTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 1053
I. T
HE RISE OF THE MACHINES ............................................... 1058
A. The Technological Background ..................................................... 1058
B. The Practical Applications .......................................................... 1059
C. The Eect on our Interaction with the World ................................. 1063
1. Distraction ....................................................................... 1063
2. Immersion ........................................................................ 1064
3. Image ............................................................................... 1066
4. Data ................................................................................. 1069
RIME ON THE VIRTUAL STREET .......................................... 1070
A. What Would VR/AR Street Crimes Be Like? ................................. 1070
1. Disturbing the Peace and the Bangladesh Problem .............. 1071
2. Indecent Exposure ............................................................ 1076
3. Virtual Intrusion ............................................................... 1080
4. Strobe Lighting and Virtual Assault .................................. 1081
5. “Virtual Groping............................................................. 1082
6. Crimes that Cant be Easily Technologically
AvoidedExtortion, Threats, and the Like ....................... 1085
7. AR Crimes that Cant Be Easily Technologically
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1053
Avoided—Startling ........................................................... 1086
B. Diversity of Sensescape ............................................................... 1087
C. Defaults and the Initial Intrusion ................................................. 1091
D. Beyond the Audiovisual: Haptic Assault ....................................... 1094
E. Consent .................................................................................... 1096
F. Consent and Impersonation ......................................................... 1100
LIABILITY ................................................................................ 1101
A. Direct Tort Lawsuits Against Oenders: The Causes of Action .......... 1101
B. Direct Tort Lawsuits Against Oenders: Practicalities (and
Impracticalities) ......................................................................... 1103
C. Tort Lawsuits for Physical Injuries to Outsiders .............................. 1104
D. Using Tort Law to Draft VR/AR Operators into Preventing
Misbehavior by Users ................................................................. 1106
E. Copyright and Trademark Liability to Outsiders ............................. 1111
F. 47 U.S.C. § 230 as a Limit on VR/AR Operator Liability ................ 1113
G. Tort Liability for Physical Injury to Users; Terms of Use as
Contractual Limits on Liability .................................................... 1114
A. Your Role in Others’ Personal Sensescapes ...................................... 1117
B. Display to Others ....................................................................... 1120
C. Pervasive Display ....................................................................... 1122
V. P
ERVASIVE INFORMATION CAPTURE ...................................... 1125
OMPULSORY VR EXPERIENCES ............................................ 1128
RIVATIZATION ...................................................................... 1130
A. Monopolies ................................................................................ 1130
B. Free Speech ............................................................................... 1132
BROADLY ................................................................................ 1134
A. Order Without (Much) Law ........................................................1134
B. Virtual Reality and the Speech–Conduct Distinction ........................1136
C. The Virtual, the Real, and the Nature of Harm .............................. 1137
ONCLUSION ................................................................................. 1 138
In 2016, the world suddenly went crazy for Pokémon GO. Millions of
people were traveling to spaces public and private to catch, train, and ght
with monsters that only they could see. As the mania spread, cities and parks
1054 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
held Pokémon GO parties.
Hospitals and the Holocaust Museum put up
signs warning players that no Pokémon could be found there.
At least one
police station politely asked people who came searching for Pokémon to do
so outside the building.
Gamers and those nostalgic for the Pokémon card game loved the Pokémon
GO phenomenon. People whose property was invaded by dozens or hundreds
of Pokémon GO players hated it, or adapted to it, or tried to make money from
Many others were puzzled by it. And us? We’re law professors, so naturally
our first thought was “just imagine how many potential legal questions this
raises!Thats why lawyers are so much fun at cocktail parties.
Pokémon GO was the first exposure most of the world had to augmented
reality (AR). AR allows digital content to be layered over the real world. Using
special glasses or, more commonly for now, a smartphone, AR users can see
the real world as it actually exists, but with digital images superimposed on
the world so that they seem to exist as part of the world. And while gaming is
the first application to reach the mass market, it wont be the last. Our
experience of the real world will increasingly be overlaid with information and
images—sometimes related to what we physically see, sometimes not.
See, e.g., Irv Leavitt, Northbrook Police Plan Pokemon Go Hunt with Northbrook Kids, CHI. TRIB.
(Aug. 2, 2016, 4:56 PM), http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/northbrook/news/ct-nbs-pokemon-
walk-tl-0804-20160802-story.html [https://perma.cc/BW5E-R3CT].
Suzanne Baker, At Naperville Hospital and Schools, It’s Pokemon ‘No, CHI. TRIB. (Jul. 19, 2016, 6:20 PM),
story.html [https://perma.cc/L8KM-GSS4]; Andrea Peterson, Holocaust Museum to Visitors: Please Stop
Catching Pokémon Here, W
ASH. POST (Jul. 12, 2016), https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/
[https://perma.cc/TA4W-XYVK]. For a discussion of the clashing norms of Pokémon GO players and
memorial sites, see generally Elizabeth F. Judge & Tenille E. Brown, Pokémorials: Placing Norms in Augmented
Reality, 50 U.B.C.
L. REV. 971 (2017).
Ben Guarino, Australian Cops to Pokemon Fans: Do Not Come Looking for Pikachu in Our Police Station,
ASH. POST (Jul. 7, 2016), https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/07/07/australian-
See, e.g., Abby Ohlheiser, What Happens When Pokémon Go Turns Your Home into a Gym, WASH. POST
(July 11, 2016), https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/07/11/what-happens-when-
pokemon-go-turns-your-home-into-a-gym/?utm_term=.b1d42771f29a [https://perma.cc/M58L-ZE3N]; Alex
Schiffer & Paresh Dave, Aside from Investors, Who Else Can Cash in on the ‘Pokemon Go’ Craze?, L.A.
(July 12, 2016, 3:48 PM), http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-pokemon-business-20160712-
snap-story.html [https://perma.cc/4U9J-N7YB].
For a twist on augmented reality, see Beck Besecker, Diminished Reality Will Have as Much Power as AR
for Retailers, V
ENTUREBEAT (Oct. 26, 2017, 3:45 PM), https://venturebeat.com/2017/10/26/diminished-
reality-will-have-as-much-power-as-ar-for-retailers/ [https://perma.cc/GD5W-76Z2]. “Diminished reality
lets users who are shopping for furniture, art, and the like “digitally remove unwanted, inanimate objects from
their physical surroundings, to get an even more realistic view of how potential purchases will fit within the
context of their lives.Id.
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1055
Beyond AR, there is virtual reality (VR). While AR adds visible digital content
to a persons perception of the real world, VR replaces the real world altogether.
Using goggles and speakers, VR places people inside a virtual environment, letting
them move around in it and interact with it as if it were the real world.
In some ways, VR is a competitor technology to AR: business meetings and
social interactions with remote parties could happen either via VR or AR,
depending on which technology evolves most quickly. In other ways, VR can be
complementary, with people using AR technology for adding to physical-world
interactions, and VR for creating entirely fictional worlds.
VR also got big in 2016. Four major VR hardware platforms were
deployed; so were many applications—mostly games, but also immersive
news reporting and social experiments.
And the technology, already
impressive in its realism, continues to develop at a breakneck pace. While
most applications of VR today remain games, before long we will interact
more and more in virtual rather than real space (especially as avatars become
realistic enough, and begin to reliably track user facial expressions). Work,
training, sales, social life,
education, exercise,
even psychotherapy: VR will
aect all these and more.
AR and VR both present legal questions for courts, companies, and users.
Some are new takes on classic legal questions. People will kill and die using AR
and VR—some already have.
They will injure themselves and others. Some
will use the technology to threaten or defraud. Sorting out who is responsible
will require courts to understand the technology and how it differs from the
See, e.g., Signe Brewster, Behind the Numbers of Virtual Reality’s Sluggish Debut, MIT TECH.
REV. (Dec. 30, 2016), https://www.technologyreview.com/s/603208/behind-the-numbers-of-virtual-
realitys-sluggish-debut/ [https://perma.cc/UP9Y-YPQA]; Darrell Etherington, Google’s Daydream
View Made Me a Believer Again in Consumer VR, T
ECHCRUNCH (Nov. 10, 2016),
consumer-vr/ [https://perma.cc/56D7-ULMD]; PlayStation VR to Debut in October for $399, CNBC
(Mar. 16, 2016, 12:21 PM), http://www.cnbc.com/2016/03/16/playstation-vr-to-debut-in-october-for-
399.html [https://perma.cc/L32K-RQAA].
See, e.g., Adam Thierer & Jonathan Camp, Permissionless Innovation and Immersive
Technology: Public Policy for Virtual and Augmented Reality 15, 22 (2017) (unpublished manuscript),
v1.pdf [https://perma.cc/KYS7-X6DB].
See, e.g., Jamie Feltham, VR Health Group Is Rating How Many Calories Games Burn, UPLOADVR (Aug.
16, 2017), https://uploadvr.com/vr-health-group-rating-many-calories-games-burn/ [https://perma.cc/4YUW-
DKC3]; V
IRZOOM, http://www.virzoom.com [https://perma.cc/FL9L-23YT] (profiling a company that sells
stationary bicycles that interact with VR headsets to make exercise more entertaining).
See infra notes 48–53.
Charles Riley & Yoko Wakatsuki, Pokemon Go-Playing Truck Driver Kills Woman in Japan,
CNN (Aug. 24, 2016, 8:45 AM), http://money.cnn.com/2016/08/24/technology/pokemon-go-death-
japan/index.html [https://perma.cc/BU63-9UAE]; VR Glasses Blur Reality Leading to Death Blow for
Moscow Resident, TASS (Dec. 22, 2017), http://tass.com/society/982465 [https://perma.cc/V338-
NGW6]. The Moscow man apparently stumbled over a glass table while wearing a VR headset,
shattered the glass, and mortally wounded himself on the broken glass.
1056 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
world that came before. But it won’t necessarily require a fundamental
rethinking of legal doctrines. A death threat via AR or VR is legally the same as
a death threat via an oral conversation, a letter, an email, or a fax.
But AR and VR will also create new legal questions. Virtual interactions
will be conducted through privately owned and operated devices and
networks. Those interactions may therefore be subject to contractual terms
and conditions that users will likely never see or consider, but that
signicantly limit the privacy, property, and liberty rights of those users.
The interactions may not happen in any one physical jurisdiction, and
therefore may be harder to regulate eectively. This move—from conducting
most of our business in public spaces with public rules, largely located in a
single jurisdiction, to private spaces with private rules in which the parties
seem next to each other but are really physically in many jurisdictions—may
cause us to rethink just what constitutes a legally binding contract and what
things we want governed by public rather than private rules.
And AR and VR can also raise more fundamental questions. VR isn’t
real” in the way we normally use that term: It is bits cobbled together to
produce articial sounds and images that we observe. But it feels real in a way
that is hard to understand until you’ve experienced it. The same may be true
with AR, if it can overlay vivid and realistic images of people and objects over
the real reality that we see.
This gut feeling of realness can cast doubt on legal doctrines that tend to
distinguish between physical contact and physical danger and things that are
mere audio and visual communication. We base many rules on the
distinction between the mental and the visceral, between things we perceive
and things we experience. We also draw signicant legal lines between speech
and conduct. VR and AR will make it harder to draw those lines, and may
push us to think hard about why we punish certain kinds of conduct and not
others in the physical world. Indeed, they may even lead us to rethink the
notion of what is “real” in a world where more and more of our most
signicant and emotionally real experiences aren’t “real” in the classic physical
understanding of that term. But they feel real, and they can have real
physiological consequences.
VR and AR aren’t the first technologies to challenge legal doctrine. We can,
for instance, learn some important lessons from our efforts to apply legal rules
Because VR- and AR-mediated conversations are more likely to be recorded, the VR/AR
threat may be easier to prove than an oral threat; but in that respect, the VR/AR threat would be
much like a threatening letter.
We are increasingly learning that much of what is sometimes dismissed as “emotional” injury
does in fact aect us physiologically as well, from post-traumatic stress disorder to the eects of
abusive relationships. See, e.g., Jacqueline C. Campbell, Health Consequences of Intimate Partner
Violence, 359 L
ANCET 1331 (2002).
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1057
to the Internet over the past quarter century,
and from some cutting-edge
scholarship a decade ago on the law of non-immersive virtual worlds.
most of those legal rules developed haphazardly, not deliberately. Thinking
deeply now about how the law will apply to VR and AR requires us to tread
new ground. The reward—hopefully—will be not only a solid framework for
applying legal doctrine to some tricky new questions, but also a better
understanding of doctrines we take for granted in the physical world.
We begin in Part I by discussing the rise of VR and AR and how people
experience those technologies. We then turn in Part II to how the law is likely
to treat “street crimes” in VR—behavior such as disturbing the peace, indecent
exposure, deliberately harmful visuals (such as strobe lighting used to provoke
seizures in people with epilepsy), and “virtual groping.
Two key aspects of
this, we will argue, are the Bangladesh problem (which will make criminal law
very hard to practically enforce) and technologically enabled self-protection
(which will offer an attractive alternative to legal enforcement, but also a
further excuse for real-world police departments not to get involved).
In Part III, we consider tort lawsuits, by users against users, users against VR
and AR environment operators, outsiders (such as copyright owners whose works
are being copied by users) against users, and outsiders against the environment
operators. In Part IV, we discuss whether it is a tort to alter other users’ avatars
or create your own avatars that borrow someone else’s name and likeness.
We then consider in Part V the likelihood that VR and AR systems will
pervasively store all the sensory information that they present to their users (and
that they gather in the course of presenting it), and discuss the privacy
implications of such data collection and potential disclosure. We turn in Part VI
to some implications of the virtual street being privately owned, unlike most
public streets. And we close in Part VII by talking about three overarching
issues—order without law, the speech–conduct distinction, and the nature of
harm—that can reflect on broader debates even outside VR and AR.
Our article primarily aims to identify the interesting coming questions and
outline some possible answers. We will sometimes suggest which answers are
best, but that’s not the main value that we seek to add. Rather, we simply hope
that, by thinking ahead about such matters, all of us can better decide how both
Kevin Werbach, for instance, points out that the initial response to the Internet was to treat
the virtual as a separate space from the real, but that was a mistake. The virtual and the real
inevitably bleed over into each other. Kevin Werbach, The Song Remains the Same: What Cyberlaw
Might Teach the Next Internet Economy, 69 F
LA. L. REV. 887, 906-07 (2017).
Orin S. Kerr, Criminal Law in Virtual Worlds, 2008 U. CHI. LEGAL F. 415, 416-17 (asserting
that “games are articial structures better regulated by game administrators than federal or state
governments”); Lastowka & Hunter, infra note 20, at 73 (arguing that “virtual worlds are
jurisdictions separate from our own”).
We focus on U.S. law, since that’s what we know; but many of the questions we raise might
be helpful to scholars studying similar matters in other countries.
1058 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
VR and AR law and VR and AR technology should be developed, and perhaps
also learn something about the role of law in the physical world as well.
I. T
A. The Technological Background
How did 2016 come to be the year of VR and AR? From a technical
perspective, the success of AR and the ability to start deploying VR stem
from several trends coming together.
First, computer processing power continues to grow exponentially.
permits real-time processing of enormous amounts of data on ever-smaller
devices. It also permits highly realistic graphics, as anyone who has played a
modern computer game can attest.
Critical to VR, what was impossible with even a cluster of supercomputers
a decade ago—real-time rendering of a world that surrounds you and
responds as you interact with it—can now be done on a home PC and
deployed to a lightweight, fairly comfortable headset. Indeed, lower-quality
VR images without interactivity but with full surround video are already
being sent to your smartphone with a headset made of cardboard.
For the
moment, the best VR experiences require a cable connected to your PC, but
that’s likely to change soon, as onboard headset processing power and wireless
communications technology improve.
AR takes advantage of the same technological developments, but also some
additional ones. First, likely about two billion people in the world now have in
Moore’s Law observes that integrated circuit density and therefore (roughly speaking) computer
performance has generally been observed to double every 1½ to 2 years. See, e.g., Intel’s 22 nm Technology
Moves Transistor Into the 3
Dimension, INTEL, https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/silicon-
innovations/standards-22-nanometers-technology-backgrounder.html [https://perma.cc/76UL-A634].
Transistor shrinkage may be reaching its limit, but it seems likely that there will be other ways to boost
speed even if Moore’s Law runs out. See, e.g., Tom Simonite, Moore’s Law Is Dead. Now What?, MIT
REV. (May 13, 2016), https://www.technologyreview.com/s/601441/moores-law-is-dead-now-what/
[https://perma.cc/8TWT-749V] (proposing alternatives such as “working harder to improve the design of
chips and making chips specialized to accelerate particular crucial algorithms”); After Moore’s Law,
CONOMIST: TECH. Q. (Mar. 12, 2016), http://www.economist.com/technology-quarterly/2016-03-
12/after-moores-law [https://perma.cc/SSD6-DLKA] (discussing ways to dramatically advance the
functions of computers, such as using quantum mechanics, having computers “emulate biological brains,
and “diffus[ing] computer power rather than concentrating it”).
Marcus Wohlson, Google Cardboard’s New York Times Experiment Just Hooked a Generation on
IRED (Nov. 9, 2015, 5:32 PM), https://www.wired.com/2015/11/google-cardboards-new-york-
times-experiment-just-hooked-a-generation-on-vr/ [https://perma.cc/22FW-F5HH].
See, e.g., Paul Lilly, TPCast Wireless Adapter for HTC Vive Goes Up for Preorder in US, PC
GAMER (Sept. 6, 2017), http://www.pcgamer.com/tpcast-wireless-adapter-for-htc-vive-goes-up-for-
preorder-in-us/ [https://perma.cc/E2XZ-VFU4].
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1059
their pockets a computing device of incredible power.
Second, wireless
connectivity lets that device connect to the Internet and other devices in almost
all populated places in the world. Third, those devices come with very good
built-in location tracking services. Those factors put together mean that you
can send graphics and other information to a phone or other portable electronic
device and know where that phone is and where its looking when you do.
AR and VR also dier in the openness of the technologies they employ.
If you play Pokémon GO, the monsters you see on your screen are provided
by the game maker, Niantic. But the screen on which they appear is your
smartphone. The game can be played on any phone platform, and players
with iPhones can see and interact with players with Android phones. AR is,
at least generally, interoperable.
VR, by contrast, is not. VR is currently the province of a variety of
proprietary headsets—at the time we write this, the main players are the Oculus
Rift, the Vive, the Playstation VR, and the HoloLens, though that will
doubtless change. Each platform runs its own games, sometimes on different
computer hardware. While we expect that more games and apps will be written
to work on multiple platforms over time, for the foreseeable future those
programs will not work across platforms. If I want to interact with a friend in
a VR game or business meeting, we both have to wear the same type of headset.
B. The Practical Applications
So far, most uses of VR and AR have been in gaming. Pomon GO is a
good example of AR using phones plus location plus graphics processing to
generate images that are superimposed on the real world, allowing players to
go to real places to nd and capture virtual monsters. VR gaming oers far
more exciting prospects, because it takes the user into the game itself. Rather
than controlling an avatar on a screen, the user becomes the avatar, and the
physical movements of her body translate into the world she perceives around
her. Even at this early stage, the eects of the technology can be remarkable.
Some readers may be inclined to dismiss VR and AR as unimportant
because they are “just” gaming platforms. That would be a mistake.
gaming itself is an enormous and underappreciated business and social
phenomenon—worth studying in its own right,
and likely to become more
(Nov. 2016), https://www.ericsson.com/assets/local/mobility-report/documents/2016/ericsson-mobility-
report-november-2016.pdf [https://perma.cc/8K3Q-GUEC].
For discussion of the importance of law in multi-player virtual worlds, see F. Gregory
Lastowka & Dan Hunter, The Laws of Virtual Worlds, 92 C
ALIF. L. REV. 1, 8-12 (2004).
Edward Castronova, Virtual Worlds: A First-Hand Account of Market and Society on the Cyberian
Frontier 2 (Ctr. for Econ. Studies & Ifo Instit. for Econ. Research Working Paper No. 618, 2001), https://
1060 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
so over time, since it is growing far faster than other forms of media. About
25 million Americans identify themselves as active video gamers.
industry is a $30 billion annual business in the U.S., and $90 billion
It has spawned its own popular television network, Twitch.tv,
and in 2015 more people tuned in to watch the nals of a League of Legends
tournament than watched the NBA basketball nals.
Pokémon Go alone
generated over $1 billion in revenue in the last year.
And VR also changes the way people react to games. Kids playing violent
VR videogames, for example, have higher physiological arousal and aggressive
thoughts than those observing someone play the game on a 2D screen.
But the use and promise of AR and VR are also not limited to gaming.
Google’s entry-level phone-based VR app, Cardboard, launched with immersive
video news reporting, allowing users to visit a Syrian refugee camp and other news
hot spots around the world, looking around (though not interacting).
programs like Tiltbrush are letting artists create art in three dimensions by
papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=294828 [https://perma.cc/VV9V-UXFL] (“[E]conomists
believe that it is the practical actions of people, and not abstract arguments, that determine the social
value of things. One does not study the labor market because work is holy and ethical; one does it because
the conditions of work mean a great deal to a large number of ordinary people. By the same reasoning,
economists and other social scientists will become more interested in Norrath and similar virtual worlds
as they realize that such places have begun to mean a great deal to large numbers of ordinary people.”).
Maeve Duggan, Gaming and Gamers, PEW RES. CTR. (Dec. 15, 2015), http://www.pewinternet.org/
2015/12/15/gaming-and-gamers/ [https://perma.cc/6SFP-RQHZ] (finding that 10% of American adults
identify as “gamers”).
Press Release, Entm’t Software Ass’n, U.S. Video Game Industry Generates $30.4 Billion
in Revenue for 2016 (Jan. 19, 2017), http://www.theesa.com/article/u-s-video-game-industry-
generates-30-4-billion-revenue-2016/ [https://perma.cc/28BQ-LMUA]; Dean Takahashi, Worldwide
Game Industry Hits $91 Billion in Revenues in 2016, with Mobile the Clear Leader, V
(Dec. 21, 2016, 7:00 AM), http://venturebeat.com/2016/12/21/worldwide-game-industry-hits-91-
billion-in-revenues-in-2016-with-mobile-the-clear-leader/ [https://perma.cc/267T-74JX].
David Segal, Behind League of Legends, E-Sports’s Main Attraction, N.Y. TIMES (Oct. 10, 2014),
esports.html?_r=0 [https://perma.cc/W235-GRVR].
Ross Todd, Pokéstop: Judge Calls Timeout in Suit Against Pokémon Go Maker, RECORDER (July
27, 2017, 5:18 PM), https://www.law.com/therecorder/sites/therecorder/2017/07/27/pokestop-judge-
calls-timeout-in-suit-against-pokemon-go-maker/ [https://perma.cc/3S68-F5CX].
Sandra L. Calvert & Siu-Lan Tan, Impact of Virtual Reality on Young Adults’ Physiological
Arousal and Aggressive Thoughts: Interaction Versus Observation, 15 J.
PSYCHOL. 125, 136-37 (1994).
For an example of VR reporting by the New York Times, see, e.g., Susan Dominus, The
Displaced: Hana, N.Y.
TIMES (Nov. 5, 2015), https://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/08/magazine/the-
displaced-hana.html [https://perma.cc/9GN4-J5T2].
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1061
working inside their creations.
VR art has already appeared in major museums.
VR systems will allow a new generation of computer-aided design of products.
Other VR projects have included diversity training that lets people change
their race or sex and see how others interact with them when they look
dierent than they do outside VR.
VR will also doubtless be used for
training people for various physical tasks; think airplane simulators, but for
activities that have much more complicated and dynamic controls.
AR is technically quite interesting, and will become even more so when it
moves from cell phones to glasses. The rst well-known attempt, Google
Glass, failed,
but we think that was just a problem with this particular
implementation. The technology, when implemented right and socially
accepted, will be powerful and profoundly appealing, not just in gaming but
at work and in social life.
AR apps include the ability to superimpose relevant data over an image on a
computer screen. Google Glass offered a computer screen that projected
information over a real view of the world.
Other AR projects include heads-up
displays for pilots and drivers that let them access important information without
looking away from the road or the runway.
Frank Rose, The Making of Virtually Real Art with Google’s Tilt Brush, N.Y. TIMES (Jan. 4, 2017),
brush.html [https://perma.cc/4J4P-JXMZ].
Jilin Ye, Saurin Badiyani, Vinesh Raja & Thomas Schlegel, Applications of Virtual Reality in
Product Design Evaluation, in H
SERVICES 1190, 1193 (Julie A. Jacko ed., 2007).
Marco della Cava, Virtual Reality Tested by NFL as Tool to Confront Racism, Sexism, USA TODAY
(Apr. 8, 2016), https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2016/04/08/virtual-reality-tested-tool-
confront-racism-sexism/82674406/ [https://perma.cc/FW63-VPEA] (“‘Feeling prejudice by walking a
mile in someone else’s shoes is what VR was made for,’ says Jeremy Bailenson, director of Stanford
Universitys Virtual Human Interaction Lab.”); see also Thierer & Camp, supra note 7, at 46 (noting
that VR applications can generally make viewers empathize more with others).
Daniel Newman, Hyper-Training and the Future Augmented Reality Workplace, FORBES (Sept. 20,
2016), https://www.forbes.com/sites/danielnewman/2016/09/20/hyper-training-and-the-future-augmented-
reality-workplace/#1754b5e28b07 [https://perma.cc/88BT-U3UW]; Jonathan Vanian, Farmers Insurance Is
Using the Oculus Rift to Train Workers in Virtual Reality, F
ORTUNE (Oct. 25, 2017), http://fortune.com/
2017/10/25/oculus-rift-headsets-farmers-insurance/ [https://perma.cc/R2UH-YHBZ] (“[I]t’s impractical to
create a real-life house riddled with every possible problem. Thats where VR comes in.”).
Nick Bilton, Why Google Glass Broke, N.Y. TIMES (Feb. 4, 2015), https://www.nytimes.com/2015/
02/05/style/why-google-glass-broke.html?_r=0 [https://perma.cc/4MBA-2HHP].
Hayley Tsukayama, Everything You Need to Know About Google Glass, WASH. POST (Feb. 27, 2014),
google-glass/ [https://perma.cc/NJ7F-EHCS].
Matt Richtel, Windshield Devices Bring Distracted Driving Debate to Eye Level, N.Y. TIMES (May 29,
2015), https://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/31/technology/windshield-devices-bring-distracted-driving-debate-
to-eye-level.html [https://perma.cc/ZH2Q-XDQ8].
1062 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
AR glasses can help workers in their jobs, by pointing out extra information
about the objects they are manipulating, or alerting them to safety risks. They
can help people professionally by giving them instant access to information
they may need for their negotiations or other business conversations.
Most relevant to what we’ll be discussing below, they can help people
interact with coworkers, business partners, friends, and family who are not
physically present, by projecting the other persons image into the wearers
eld of view. Coupled with high quality audio, such video presence can create
much more lifelike interactions than currently available with Skype and
similar videoconferencing systems. Implemented well enough, it can save
billions of dollars in business travel costs (especially considering the cost of
traveler time as well as of transportation and hotels). And it can help people
maintain friendships and family life across distance.
And there is much more coming. Imagine that you walk into a cocktail
party and someone who looks vaguely familiar comes up to say hello to you.
AR oers the possibility that your glasses could run facial recognition
software, identify the person, and unobtrusively tell you who they are (and
remind you of the names of their spouse and kids, and the last time you saw each
Indeed, the Chinese police are already wearing facial-recognition
glasses to help them identify suspects.
VR and AR also oer the possibility of real-time interaction with people
from around the world—not just text chat, or even video conferencing, but
actual interaction. Interacting in a virtual space lets people behave naturally
in a way that a phone or computer screen will not permit. It also allows
collaborative design of art, architecture, or virtually anything else.
And then, inevitably with new technologies, there is sex. Realistic,
interactive pornography—whether with live remote participants or with
software constructs—is likely to drive a signicant amount of early VR
business, and also to push technical development in VR towards more realistic
Natasha Singer, Never Forgetting a Face, N.Y. TIMES (May 17, 2014), https://www.nytimes.com/
2014/05/18/technology/never-forgetting-a-face.html [https://perma.cc/PU8S-J9LP] (discussing Nametag,
an early app for Google Glass, which pulled up public Facebook profile information for strangers whom
wearers glanced at in passing). There is nothing new under the Sun: The ancient Romans had a special job
category for those who performed such services for politicians who wanted to pretend to know voters’
names—a nomenclator. C
ROMAN REPUBLIC 182 (2017); see also Cicero, Pro Murena, in ORATIONS OF MARCUS TULLIUS CICERO
106 (John Carew Rolfe ed. 1900) (63 B.C.) (mocking the supposedly always upright Cato for using a
nomenclator to deceive people into thinking that Cato actually remembered them).
Josh Chin, Chinese Police Add Facial-Recognition Glasses to Surveillance Arsenal, WALL ST. J. (Feb.
7, 2018, 6:52 AM), https://www.wsj.com/articles/chinese-police-go-robocop-with-facial-recognition-
glasses-1518004353 [https://perma.cc/AC4G-XDFB].
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1063
That will be important for reasons we discuss in Part IV. And the
development of sexual “haptics,” devices that can reproduce sensations and
not just sights and sounds, will take things far beyond mere pornography.
Many of these applications—such as gaming, education, shopping,
historical reenactment, tourism, and sex—can also be enhanced by the
presence of artificially intelligent characters with whom humans can interact.
(For a dark example, think Westworld, but without the difficulty of creating
physical robots.) But for this world to come about, we dont need to assume
that AI will develop to the point that there are realistic AIs that can sufficiently
emulate human behavior, especially in real time. The prospect of interacting
with fellow human beings in VR and AR should be enticing enough.
Likely because of applications such as these, Digi-Capital predicts that
AR and VR together will be a $150 billion business by 2020, with most of that
revenue coming from outside of games.
This will be big business, with big
possibilities—and at least medium-sized potential for extra legal problems
and legal complexity.
C. The Eect on our Interaction with the World
1. Distraction
VR and AR will not just oer new ways for us to interact with each other
(or to interact with constructed worlds with or without each other). Based on
what we know from existing VR and AR, both technologies will aect the
way people interact with the world around them.
Consider the distracting tendency of AR. It is no surprise that people nd
cell phones distracting. Trac deaths are up after years of decline,
likely in
large part because people are texting and driving.
Phones are attractive
nuisances, and we are generally less good than we think we are at splitting
our attention between them and the real world.
See, e.g., Alyson Krueger, Virtual Reality Gets Naughty, N.Y. TIMES (Oct. 28, 2017),
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/28/style/virtual-reality-porn.html [https://perma.cc/9A8C-LK64]
(“Pornography is what rushed along the first printing press, and spurred developments in the internet,
online payment systems and other technology. Now it’s time for virtual reality.”).
Chad Huston, IP Issues with Augmented and Virtual Reality: The Pokémon Eect (Feb.
2017) (unpublished paper) (on le with authors).
Neal E. Boudette, U.S. Traffic Deaths Rise for a Second Straight Year, N.Y. TIMES (Feb. 15, 2017),
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/15/business/highway-traffic-safety.html [https://perma.cc/H53F-C8LB]
(“[T]he two-year increase [from 2014 to 2016]—14 percent—is the largest in more than a half century.”).
Charles Fleming, Car Company Heads Say They’re Doing All They Can to Help Prevent
Texting-and-Driving Accidents, L.A.
TIMES (Nov. 17, 2016), http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-hy-
[https://perma.cc/Q5WM-FVCW] (reporting speculation by Ford and Chevrolet executives).
1064 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
But if a normal cell phone screen is distracting, AR has the potential to
be especially so. While some AR implementations—such as heads-up
displays—are designed to minimize distraction, the temptation to focus for a
moment on the latest alert rather than on the road is almost irresistible.
That temptation becomes even stronger when the alert doesnt signal you
from your hand or your pocket but actually overlays what you see with your
full eld of vision. There are already instances in which people playing
Pokémon GO have walked o a cli or into oncoming trac.
And the
distractions of AR are only likely to increase with time.
2. Immersion
If we react to AR by splitting our attention (badly) between the world
around us and the virtual world layered on top of it, we react to VR by
ignoring the real world entirely in favor of the world we experience inside the
headset. If you haven’t experienced true immersive VR for yourself, you
might nd it hard to believe just how real it feels inside the headset. But one
experiment may give some perspective.
In one VR application, you can walk out onto what appears to be a board
high in the air and jump o. You are not, of course, standing high above the
ground. Your mind knows this, because a minute ago you were standing in a
at room, because there are people standing right next to you talking to you,
and because you know you are in a VR experience.
Nonetheless, a large fraction of the people in this simulation wont even walk
out onto the board because it looks precarious. Some panic and have to take the
headset off altogether. Of those who do walk out, most aren’t willing to step off
the “plank” and appear to fall, even though the step is in reality only a single
step on a flat surface in a normal room. And even those who do step off—who
presumably let their intellectual awareness of their physical surroundings
control what their senses are telling them—invariably lean forward as they take
that one step, because their body is signaling them that they are falling.
Stephen Williams, As Head-Up Displays Become Common, Distraction Becomes an Issue, N.Y. TIMES
(Sept. 10, 2015), https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/11/automobiles/as-head-up-displays-become-common-
distraction-becomes-an-issue.html [https://perma.cc/95V9-VTZ8] (“To automakers, the technology
makes for safer driving because the driver does not need to look down for information . . . . But to skeptics,
head-up displays are yet another informational distraction for the already data-overloaded driver.”).
Veronica Rocha, 2 California Men Fall O Edge of Ocean Blu While Playing ‘Pokemon Go’,
TIMES (July 14, 2016, 3:45 PM), http://beta.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-pokemon-go-
players-stabbed-fall-o-cli-20160714-snap-story.html [https://perma.cc/P2TW-EPTB].
Liat Clark, Walking the Plank with the Oculus Rift is Stomach-Churning Stu, WIRED UK (May
30, 2013), http://www.wired.co.uk/article/oculus-vr [https://perma.cc/D4CS-WQPD].
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1065
There are many more examples of the very real feeling we get when we are
in VR. We experience what happens there as if it were really happening, whether
it is a close encounter with a whale, or enemies jumping out to take shots at us.
One study used VR to replicate the Milgram shock experiment—a famous
psychology experiment in which a subject is asked to press a button to
electrically shock a stranger in another room. There are no actual shocks
delivered with the button, but during the experiment, the stranger cries out
in pain and the subject hears those cries.
In the original Milgram experiment the test subjects thought they were
administering real electric shocks to real people.
Not so in this experiment. In
spite of the fact that all participants in the VR study knew that neither the stranger
nor the shocks were real, the participants “tended to respond to the situation at
the subjective, behavioural and physiological levels [as measured by skin
conductance and heart rate] as if it were real.
Those subjects who interacted
with the stranger via text screen did not produce comparable levels of response.
Many people cannot instantly separate their intellectual understanding of
what is happening from the very dierent signals their body is sending them.
And even for those who can, the body will not be ignored.
People in VR environments physiologically respond to actions done to
them in VR.
Subjects who see themselves getting slapped in VR respond
with skin conductance and heart rate levels as if they were actually getting
The results are replicable even when the subject is male and their
VR “body” is female so that they are well aware that it is not “their” body.
Of course, the eects of being virtually punched wouldnt equal those of a
real punch: there would be no lingering bruise or physical pain, and people
would intellectually understand that their body has not actually been touched.
But in the moment, the instant reaction to the virtual contact is, for many
people, much like the reaction to physical contact.
Benedict Carey, Decades Later, Still Asking: Would I Pull That Switch?, N.Y. TIMES (July 1, 2008),
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/01/health/research/01mind.html [https://perma.cc/L4XK-MKHC].
Mel Slater et al., A Virtual Reprise of the Stanley Milgram Obedience Experiments, PLOS ONE,
Dec. 2006, at 1, 1; see also Marcus Cheetham et al., Virtual Milgram: Empathic Concern or Personal
Distress? Evidence from Functional MRI and Dispositional Measures, F
NEUROSCIENCE, Oct. 2009, at 1,1 (nding that subjects’ responses indicated that the “objective
reality’ of pain is of secondary importance for this response”).
Slater et al., supra note 46, at 7.
Mel Slater et al., First Person Experience of Body Transfer in Virtual Reality, PLOS ONE, May
2010, at
Id. at 4, 6.
Id. at 1.
1066 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
Indeed, the realism of VR can be harnessed for therapy. VR has been
eectively used to treat stress
and brain damage
because the human
nervous system responds to stimuli in VR environments similarly to ones in
the physical environment. Several studies have particularly focused on the
treatment of anxiety disorders through exposure therapy in VR; though
overall anxiety was lower in VR environments, the magnitude of anxiety
decline in the VR treatment and real-world treatment was similar.
VR therapy has also been compared to imaginal therapy—asking patients
to imagine the anxiety-inducing situations. VR has even been used to treat
medical and psychological conditions, for instance by conditioning people to
lose their fear of heights.
Patients in VR therapy exhibited more anxiety
during therapy but a greater decline in anxiety as a result of therapy than did
patients in imaginal therapy.
VR made the experience seem more real.
VR is, in a word, a visceral experience. Things that happen there aren’t
physically real: if the bad guy shoots you in Bullet Train, you dont die in real
life. But they feel real indeed.
And those feelings can in turn have real physical consequences. You could
literally be scared to death (or at least into a heart attack) by a game that felt
sufficiently real. Even if you aren’t physically harmed, you will have
experienced what you saw and did in VR in a way that you do not on the
Internet or in a non-VR video game. And that fact has significant consequences
for how the law intersects with VR, as we will see in the next Part.
3. Image
VR and AR, when they show us to others, don’t show us as we actually appear.
Capturing our actual appearance in 3D, transmitting this video, and superimposing
Matilda Annerstedt et al., Inducing Physiological Stress Recovery With Sounds of Nature in a
Virtual Reality Forest—Results From a Pilot Study, 118 P
HYSIOLOGY & BEHAV. 240, 248 (2013); Youssef
Shiban et al., Trier Social Stress Test In Vivo and In Virtual Reality: Dissociation of Response Domains, 110
Mónica S. Cameirão et al., Neurorehabilitation Using the Virtual Reality Based Rehabilitation
Gaming System: Methodology, Design, Psychometrics, Usability and Validation, J.
& REHABILITATION, Sept. 2010, at 1, 12; see also Yoram Baram & Ariel Miller, Virtual Reality Cues
for Improvement of Gait in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis, 66 N
EUROLOGY 178 (2006).
P.M.G. Emmelkamp et al., Virtual Reality Treatment Versus Exposure In Vivo: A Comparative
Evaluation in Acrophobia, 40 B
EHAV. RES. & THERAPY 509, 510 (2002); Giuseppe Riva et al.,
Interreality in Practice: Bridging Virtual and Real Worlds in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorders,
13 C
See Jessica Vitkus, Can Virtual Reality Cure My Fear of Heights?, OZY (Mar. 16, 2017),
http://www.ozy.com/true-story/can-virtual-reality-cure-my-fear-of-heights/76264 [https://perma.cc/X2TN-
DUZ4]; Virtual Reality Immersion Therapy for Treating Psychological, Psychiatric, Medical, Educational and
Self-Help Problems , U.S. Patent No. 6,425,764 B1 (issued July 30, 2002).
Brenda K. Wiederhold et al., The Treatment of Fear of Flying: A Controlled Study of Imaginal and
Virtual Reality Graded Exposure Therapy, 6 IEEE
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1067
it on the receivers VR environment is too difficult even for modern technology. (It
requires not just extra bandwidth, but many cameras surrounding us.)
Instead, we appear through our avatars. Today, the avatars look cartoonish,
but they will become increasingly realistic-looking, and will include our facial
expressions, which will be captured in real time and superimposed on the
Indeed, realistic-looking avatars are primed to be a growth business
in their own right.
But realistic-looking need not mean real. They could, for instance, be nicely
dressed and coiffed versions of us, even if when we’re actually hooking into VR
in our pajamas before our morning shower. Naturally, they could be somewhat
younger and better-looking versions of us. Or if we’re young but want to seem
more mature in business interactions, we can use slightly older-looking avatars.
In any event, we will look like we want ourselves to look, no longer bound by
the limitations of our actual appearance (except insofar as social or business
conventions might treat sharp departures from our real appearance as
untrustworthy or manipulative).
Indeed, avatars could be largely or entirely disconnected from our real
appearance: of a dierent sex, of a dierent race, with dierent facial features,
lacking our disabilities. Or they could look like dinosaurs. This could be done
for experimentation, for pseudonymity, or to avoid hostility.
This malleability of visual identity has minuses as well as pluses. Easy
pseudonymity could mean less social accountability (just as physical distance
may mean less legal accountability—more on that later). People could also
feel professionally or socially pressured to take on personas that seem
inauthentic to them, but that seem more protable. Some people may feel
pressured to choose a more favored race and sex (and may resent having made
such a choice). Even more people will likely try to avoid having their avatar
replicate their physical features that our society views as ugly or oputting,
such as disgurements, wrinkles, or fat.
James Gorman, Manipulating Faces from Afar in Realtime, N.Y. TIMES (Oct. 26, 2015),
[https://perma.cc/P83U-77NU]; Cat Zakrzewski, Virtual Reality Takes On the Videoconference, W
(Sept. 18, 2016, 10:06 PM), https://www.wsj.com/articles/virtual-reality-takes-on-the-videoconference-
1474250761 [https://perma.cc/Z2MW-ANL6]; Mask, M
INDMAZE, https://www.mindmaze.com/mask/
[https://perma.cc/6ZCX-KXWM] (describing technology that is supposed to allow communication of facial
expressions in VR, but that is apparently not yet ready for distribution).
Taylor Mayol, Now You Too Can Live in a Simulation, OZY (June 17, 2016), http://www.ozy.com/fast-
forward/now-you-too-can-live-in-a-simulation/67657 [https://perma.cc/WT9N-LTAN].
CULTURE, AND POLITICS 260-61 (1973):
If this new, modern anonymity, and the freedom that accompanies it, were actually
brought to fulllment, all xed dierences in people would be dissolved. There would
be no Jews, no Frenchmen, no Catholics, except insofar as individuals elected to make
1068 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
At the same time, many people are likely to be quite enthusiastic about
the possibility of beauty—or just being aesthetically average—coming at next
to no cost and next to no investment of time. Many women spend hours each
week on makeup and hair for work; that may be a regrettable demand of our
culture, but its quite real: indeed, as some judges have noted, it seriously
burdens professional women.
If they can instead VR- and AR-commute, all
that time will be saved. Likewise, men wouldnt have to worry about shaving;
both sexes can save on dry-cleaning.
More importantly, many people who are self-conscious about their
appearance can be freed from that. Many who find themselves treated worse
because they are obese or otherwise socially stigmatized will be able to avoid
that. To be sure, there might be some social constraints; someone who looks
much better in VR than in real life might be looked down on by some real-life
coworkers or acquaintances who view such appearance modification as
themselves Jews, Frenchmen, or Catholics. Even racial identications, such as kinky
hair or a long nose, would be eliminated as an insuerable obstacle to free decision.
Humanity would appear as a raw material, physical and mental—from which
individuals would be constantly fabricating selves according to their tastes. A fantasy?
Perhaps . . . . But even those who do want a clean slate usually nd that some
particular form has been rather heavily, if not ineradicably, engraved upon them . . . .
The new anonymity of the human being, whether as a fact or as a possibility, puts
an enormous emphasis on the act of dening oneself.
Rosenberger was obviously writing without an eye towards VR in particular, but his analysis fits
well into what VR can offer, for better or worse. Thanks to Sam Bray for pointing us to this passage.
A related question is whether the malleability of appearance will lead to more conformity (as
people nd it cheaper and easier to conform to the appearance that customers, coworkers, or even
social acquaintances favor) or more individuality (as people nd it cheaper and easier to look the
way they want to look, and to show o their creativity and independent-mindedness). We suspect
there will be some of both.
See, e.g., Jesperson v. Harrahs Operating Co., Inc. 444 F.3d 1104, 1117 (9th Cir. 2006) (en
banc) (Kozinski, J., dissenting) (citation omitted):
Harrahs overall grooming policy is substantially more burdensome for women than
for men. Every requirement that forces men to spend time or money on their
appearance has a corresponding requirement that is as, or more, burdensome for
women: short hair v. “teased, curled, or styled” hair; clean trimmed nails v. nail length
and color requirements; black leather shoes v. black leather shoes. The requirement
that women spend time and money applying full facial makeup has no corresponding
requirement for men, making the “overall policy” more burdensome for the former
than for the latter.
Many businesses might not formally impose such requirements on their employees, but social
norms may step in even in the absence of formal work rules. To the extent that VR can let people
comply with these requirements by just designing their avatars, with no need to invest time each
day, that will ease this disproportionate burden on women.
To be sure, some of the time saved on grooming may end up being shifted to grooming the
avatar. But even if one spends some time designing avatars with dierent outts for dierent days,
such design should be quicker—and more easily reusable—than real grooming.
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1069
dishonest. But many professional and social relationships will be entirely
remote—virtual, telephonic, and email—and for those relationships the
parties’ “real” appearances will not be particularly important.
And as with much modern technology, VR and AR will be especially
useful for people who have some kinds of physical disabilities—not just
because they could conceal their disabilities, if they want that sort of privacy,
but because they could often much more easily “get around” in VR and AR
than they could in the physical world. Its not clear to us how much all this
will aect law as such, but it will certainly aect people’s experience of the
(Returning to a point mentioned in the previous section, it will
especially aect people’s online sex lives; but appearance unfortunately
matters in business and socializing as well.)
Indeed, the ability to obscure aspects of ones identity has proved socially
useful in other contexts. The percentage of women who won jobs in orchestras
went up dramatically after orchestras began blind auditions in which the
interviewers didnt know the race or gender of the person performing.
VR oers the same possibility for job interviews. We may be able to
signicantly reduce subconscious race and gender bias in interviewing (as
well as bias against the disabled, or for that matter against fat, bald, or ugly
people) if the interviewers see an avatar who doesnt look like the real
On the other hand, to the extent that the VR software lets one
modify the facial expressions that one is sending, that could hide potentially
valuable visual cues related to how much attention the interviewees are
paying, how much interest they are showing, and the like.
4. Data
The reality you feel in VR is made out of bits of data. And because of
that, it is owned and stored somewhere by a private company—or perhaps
several. Those private companies will invariably impose terms of use that
In some situations, employers and places of public accommodation that are legally required to
provide “reasonable accommodations” to disabled employees and patrons might offer VR or AR
presence as one such accommodation. Whether that should be viewed as legally adequate for companies
that continue to primarily operate in nonvirtual reality—e.g., “we don’t need to put in ramps for access
by people in wheelchairs, because they can just VR-commute instead of showing up in person”—or
whether some in-person accommodation needs to be made available may prove a complicated question,
which we won’t answer here. But to the extent that a business moves to an entirely VR-commuting
model, this would indeed equalize access for mobility-impaired employees and customers.
Claudia Goldin & Cecilia Rouse, Orchestrating Impartiality: The Impact of “Blind” Auditions on
Female Musicians, 90 A
M. ECON. REV. 715, 737 (2000).
For a related though potentially more pessimistic perspective on this, see Mary Anne Franks,
The Desert of the Unreal: Inequality in Virtual and Augmented Reality, 51 U.C.
DAVIS L. REV. 499, 502
(2017), which argues that prejudices in the real world could well be replicated in virtual realities,
based on the biases of their creators.
1070 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
purport to bind users of the hardware and software. Those terms may disclaim
liability for harm. They may assert ownership over the things we create in
VR. And they may require us to consent to having information about our
conduct in the virtual world recorded and shared.
Our movements and actions in the physical world are increasingly
observed, recorded, and tracked. But there are still spaces where we are not
followed and acts that are not recorded and searchable. In VR that will likely
not be true. Everything we do, we do before an audience—a private company
that may well keep and catalog that data, and may have lots of reasons to do
so (data mining, security, user convenience, and more).
Of course, the same is true of the Internet today. But we may do, say, and
experience things in VR we would not put in an email. That VR feels like the
real world may cause us to treat it like the real world. When we feel like we
are alone with someone, we may be more likely to share intimate secrets than
we would on a public street, or even in an email. But in VR those secrets are,
inevitably, being recorded somewhere, and are likely being retained.
That, then, is the likely technical and social reality of VR and AR. What
legal problems will it cause? Let us begin with the VR and AR equivalents of
street crimes.
A. What Would VR/AR Street Crimes Be Like?
Much traditional criminal law enforcement involves street crimes: in-person
misconduct, such as robbery, sexual assault, indecent exposure, or disorderly
conduct. Many such crimes literally happen on the street. Many others happen in
homes, businesses, or schools, but share many traits with traditional street crimes.
Many of the worst such crimes arent a problem in VR. You generally
neednt worry about being really murdered in a virtual space. Likewise, you
neednt worry (subject to some complexities that we’ll mention below) about
being really beaten or raped.
Indeed, this could be one reason people will shift some activities to VR.
Physically going out to drink with friends might be more fun in some ways
than getting a virtual drink, where everyone is physically at home but can see
each other in VR. You can hug your friends in a real bar. You can feel
physically close to them and not just emotionally close. If youre looking to
authors); Terms and Conditions of Use, V
IRTUAL REALITY CO., http://www.thevrcompany.com/terms-of-use/
See Gilad Yadin, Virtual Reality Surveillance, 35 CARDOZO ARTS & ENT. L.J. 707, 715 (2017).
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1071
pick up a sex partner for the evening, doing that in VR would require haptic
hardware that goes beyond what we have today.
Yet going out together for a virtual drink—to be precise, staying in for a
drink, but being virtually together—has its own advantages. You needn’t
worry about getting into a bar ght or getting mugged on the way home. You
neednt worry about driving home drunk or paying for a cab. Plus, the booze
is much cheaper at home.
Still, as we’ll discuss below, there may well be some kinds of “street crime”
in VR. How will the law likely deal with that? How should it?
1. Disturbing the Peace and the Bangladesh Problem
What sorts of street crime can there even be in VR? Todays VR is
basically audiovisual—you can see and be seen and hear and be heard, but you
cant be punched or shot or caressed. (Caressed is surely on its way, but not
here yet.
) We thus focus on crimes of sound or of sight.
A classic sound crime is disturbing the peace through loud noise, for
instance through screaming loudly in a public place.
That crime can pose
First Amendment problems when applied to speech that disturbs because of
its content,
but it’s pretty straightforward when applied to speech that
disturbs because its too loud.
Indeed, if you see someone standing on the sidewalk screaming, calling the
police is a standard response. You expect the police to come out, maybe talk the
guy into going away, maybe arrest him, maybe even have him prosecuted. Dealing
with such annoying street behavior is part of what police normally do.
Now say someone is screaming in a VR public place.
Let’s assume this
isnt in a game, but in a place where people need to congregate for economic
reasonsto shop at a VR store, or even go to their VR jobs. The harm caused
by the screaming is the same: it interferes with people’s other tasks.
Of course, people are working on changing this. See, e.g., Alex Hawgood, Interactive’ Gets a
New Meaning, N.Y.
TIMES (Dec. 24, 2013), http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/26/fashion/Sex-toys-
cybersex-high-tech.html [https://perma.cc/F7U6-C28W].
A drinkable $15 750-ml bottle of hard liquor contains about 15 shots’ worth (assuming each
shot is 50 ml, or about 1.75  oz), so that amounts to $1 per shot. Your VR headset can pay for itself
so quickly.
See supra note 66.
See, e.g., CAL. PENAL CODE § 415(2) (2015) (imposing jail time and/or ane on[a]ny
person who maliciously and willfully disturbs another person by loud and unreasonable noise”).
E.g., Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15, 26 (1971) (reversing conviction for wearing a jacket
that read “Fuck the Draft”).
See, e.g., Kovacs v. Cooper, 336 U.S. 77, 82-83 (1949).
By this, we simply mean a place that, in the VR environment, can be visited by any user (or
at least by a very large set of users), and where each user sees the other users who are visiting the
same place at the same time.
1072 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
So you call the police.
“Ocer, there’s this guy screaming and bothering my kids and
“What’s the street address?”
“It’s not on the street, it’s in this VR world.
“We’re playing a virtual game in the virtual park, and this guy is
bothering us.
“Where are you, really?”
“Well, I’m in my apartment, but that’s not what’s important! I’m
wearing my virtual headset, and it feels to me like Im playing with
my kids in the park—theyre with my ex across the country, but we’re
spending some time playing together, and this jackass is ruining it for
And where is he, really?”
“Oh, I clicked on his avatar, and it tells me that he’s hooked up
from Dhaka—you know, in Bangladesh. But it feels like he’s right
next to us.
Now maybe if you call a more technically savvy police agency, they’ll
understand your concerns more quickly. But their reaction is likely to continue
to be skeptical, because of what we label the “Bangladesh problem”: It will take
a lot to get domestic police interested in investigating a crime where the criminal
is in a foreign country.
(In Bangladesh, they might call it the Wyoming
problem.) Indeed, it will take a lot even if the criminal is in another American
state, or perhaps even in another city. Getting someone extradited is a hassle.
Even dealing with another jurisdictions police department to arrange an arrest
in that jurisdiction is a hassle.
We use Bangladesh because it’s a good example of a populous country that is very far away,
that contains millions of English speakers, that likely won’t make it trivially easy to extradite petty
oenders, and that has a fun polysyllabic name. Use “Ukraine problem” or “India problem,” if you
prefer. Indeed, even for police calls in the U.S., versions of the problem could happen even as to
more familiar places (the Nebraska problem? the Scotland problem?), though it is possible that the
more familiar places will also be ones that will be more open to extradition.
For extradition to be legally possible, the conduct would have to be a crime in the extraditing
jurisdiction as well as the requesting jurisdiction: “Under the principle of ‘dual criminality,’ no
oense is extraditable unless it is criminal in both countries.In re Extradition of Russell, 789 F.2d
801, 803 (9th Cir. 1986). Moreover, extradition often requires that the crime be suciently “serious,
which generally requires that the crime be punishable by at least one year in prison in both countries,
id. § 475 cmt. (c). But even if both conditions are satised, there remains the practical deterrent
created by the diculty of extradition even when it’s legally available.
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1073
Will they go through the hassle to investigate a murder? Maybe. But, “You
think I can get someone extradited from Bangladesh for disturbing the
peace?,” the police ocer might ask you. “Or even from Nebraska?” Indeed,
perhaps your state wont even have jurisdiction over such crimes committed
by people screaming in their rooms elsewhere in the world; but even if the
state is legally entitled to prosecute such crimes, it would surely be very hard
for local police and prosecutors to bring such a prosecution.
And VR street criminals would indeed likely live all over the world. There
are no oceans or borders in VRthat is one of its advantages. The VR
places” in which Americans will travel will be disproportionately
Anglophone (though good real-time translation might change that
), and
disproportionately (but not entirely) drawn from richer countries. Yet many
of the people who share the same VR street” will be oceans apart, and most
will at least be from dierent states.
The same problem already exists to a signicant extent on the Internet.
The people who harass you or even threaten you on Twitter or Reddit can as
easily be in New Zealand as in New York.
Courts handling civil cases have
struggled for decades with how to address the problem of people who cause
injury far from where they live. But criminal prosecutions for such
transnational threats appear to be vanishingly rare, even when the conduct is
something (doxing, swatting) that seems much more serious than simply
yelling in a public place.
Yet the illusion of physical presence that VR and AR bring is likely to
make potentially criminal incidents more common. It’s relatively rare for
someone in a foreign country to care so much about us that he would tweet
death threats about us; it happens, but generally just for pretty high-prole
people. Most threats seem likely to stem from personal, emotionally laden
interactions that usually require a sense of in-person connection—people
threatening their exes, rival gang members, schools, and the like.
See Kerr, supra note 14, at 426-27 (noting this problem with criminal enforcement in virtual
worlds). In principle, the foreign jurisdiction—in our hypothetical, Bangladesh—might itself
prosecute the malefactor, rather than extraditing him. See, e.g., James Eli Shier, Canadian Teen
Sentenced After “Swatting,” “Doxxing” Across North America, S
TAR TRIB. (Minn.) (July 25, 2015),
america/318537651/ [https://perma.cc/4K3Q-TKVW] (discussing Canadian prosecution of a
Canadian for crimes that injured U.S. citizens in the U.S.). But if persuading a country to extradite
someone for a relatively minor crime is hard, it may be even harder to persuade that country to
invest its own resources to prosecute someone who didnt harm anyone in that country.
See Alec Ross, The Language Barrier Is About to Fall, WALL ST. J. (Jan. 29, 2016, 9:32 AM), https://
www.wsj.com/articles/the-language-barrier-is-about-to-fall-1454077968 [https://perma.cc/HSX4-97R4].
Cf. Shier, supra note 75 (discussing conviction for international swatting and doxing).
For a rare example of a prosecution for swatting, see Shier, supra note 75.
See, e.g., Elonis v. United States, 135 S. Ct. 2001, 2005 (2015); Virginia v. Black, 538 U.S. 343,
350-51 (2003).
1074 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
But the crimes we describe in this subsection and the coming ones are
likely to be much more common. People scream and create a public
commotion in the real world; there’s no reason why they wouldn’t do the same
in a VR space. People sexually harass strangers and indecently expose
themselves in the real world; there’s no reason why they wouldn’t do the same
in VR (more on that below). Indeed, they may be more likely to do this,
precisely because they may reasonably infer that it will be hard for the police
to catch them. There likely will be more desire for criminal prosecution than
with comparable Internet misconduct, precisely because the feeling of
physical presence may make the victims of VR street crime viscerally feel
That desire, though, may be hard to satisfy.
To be sure, VR does tend to facilitate policing in one way, by solving some
problems of proof and identification. If the VR platform keeps good logs, it can
accurately report just which avatar was screaming, and just how loud he was. Some
VR platforms may require people to identify themselves, at least with a credit card,
before signing on. And even if the platform doesnt require such self-identification,
subpoenas might be used to trace the typical avatar to an Internet subscriber—a
complicated and imperfect process, but one that could work better at identifying
VR street criminals than we currently are at identifying real street criminals.
Still, the greater diculties of extradition are likely to exceed the greater
ease of proof. And many VR street crimes might thus be practically ignored
by traditional police departments.
Of course, this might yield pressure for VR operators to set up in-VR
police,who might be able to deal with transgressors quickly; and there
might be “courts” as well, for resolving disputes (especially disputes involving
in-VR commerce). But, practically speaking, the penalties will likely be, at
most, suspension or ejection from the VR environment. And it seems likely
that the ejected participants can just get back on by creating a new user ID.
Perhaps facial recognition or biometric identication might make the ejection
stick, but such security measures will likely be easily avoidable, or require all
users to have expensive hardware, and thus limit the VR environment’s
customer base. (Binding arbitration with the threat of money damages might
in principle be available, but in practice enforcement costs—especially across
continents—are often likely to preclude that.)
If a VR environment requires people to provide a credit card, or otherwise
supply a deposit, such new user IDs might become harder to create, and the
environment might even threaten nes or forfeited deposits for bad behavior.
How often this will happen will depend on economic factors that we can’t
To be sure, some other Internet misconduct does lead to understandable calls for prosecution
because it is viscerally frightening or humiliating in other ways. Death threats and revenge porn are
classic examples.
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1075
easily predict. We expect that many VR environments will want to allow free
access, or at least access that doesnt require a credit card (but might require
only some prepaid gift card), since the VR operators will want to harness
network eects by increasing their user bases. Presumably, those operators
will make money from in-VR purchases rather than through credit card
subscriptions. But we’re not certain whether this will be so; indeed, some
environments might want to require credit cards or elaborate identication
systems precisely to maintain a more orderly experience for their users.
So the real-world police are unlikely to intervene to stop the VR street
screamer, and in-VR policing institutions may not be effective. But there’s a
good reason why disturbing the peace is a crime: It affects people’s quality of
life, and tends to push them away from a place where they want to be, and where
we might want them to be (for instance, if we want them to work there or shop
there). And the creators of the VR environment will be keenly aware of this,
because lost quality of VR life means lost profits to them, especially since
different VR environments will likely be hotly competing with each other.
Code, as Larry Lessig put it, is law—maybe the most eective sort of
And VR environment operators can easily implement code that can deal
with the screamers. The operator could, for instance, allow each user to
control the perceived volume, for that user, of any other user. That’s good not
just to silence the screamers, but also to quiet down acquaintances who are a
bit too loud, or to amplify acquaintances who mutter. And this should be
technically trivial to code.
The instruments of the real world—real ears and real brains—dont have such
a feature. But the sensescape created by the VR software is more versatile and
more individually controllable than what mere human anatomy can provide.
AltspaceVR, a prominent program for social interaction in VR, already has such a feature. See How
Do I File an Abuse Report?, A
LT S P AC E VR (Nov. 11, 2017, 5:51 PM), https://altspacevr.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/
articles/115003528853-How-do-I-file-an-Abuse-Report- [https://perma.cc/U2XZ-GGM4] (Before you
submit [an abuse] report, you should be aware that you do have tools for dealing with any disruptive
user who is preventing you from having a positive experience. When you bring up a users Name
Tag by interacting with their avatar you will see several buttons. One of these tools will allow you
to mute the user, and another will allow you to block them. You will no longer hear the audio for
any user you mute. Blocked users will no longer be seen or heard, and they will no longer be able to
see or hear you. Additionally, if you are experiencing issues with other users invading your personal
space, you can activate your Personal Space Bubble, which causes others to become invisible if they
get too close to you.”). AltspaceVR has recently been acquired by Microsoft. Lucas Matney, Microsoft
Acquires Social Virtual Reality App AltspaceVR, T
ECHCRUNCH (Oct. 3, 2017), https://techcrunch.com/2017/
10/03/microsoft-acquires-social-virtual-reality-app-altspacevr/ [https://perma.cc/F86N-9UWP].
By “sensescape,we simply mean the array of sensory inputs that a VR environment provides to
users: today, mostly sights and sounds, but it could soon include touch, smell, temperature, pain, and more.
Riley Snyder, Getting Physical with Virtual Reality, L.A.
TIMES (July 18, 2014, 5:00 AM), http://
www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-virtual-reality-boom-20140718-story.html [https://perma.cc/8BSE-WP53].
1076 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
Taking advantage of this versatility can help prevent or quickly interrupt VR street
crime. Yet shifting to these in-VR remedies likely means shifting away from the
criminal law, and from the standard criminal law penalties.
2. Indecent Exposure
We can see the same if we consider another crime, this one visual rather
than aural: indecent exposure. (Quite a few of our examples in this article
will deal with nudity, because we think that many of the early legal ashpoints
in VR and AR will likewise involve nudity and sex.
There you are, minding your own VR or AR business, and you see this avatar
a few feet away from you—and he’s naked. Plus he’s unusually well-equipped; if
youre going to have an avatar, why settle for mere realism? Or maybe he’s naked
and deliberately grotesque. (Two penises?) Or maybe he’s masturbating. Or
having sex with someone.
You avert your eyes, but he pops right in front of you, wherever you look. And
this might happen even when you aren’t practically able to leave—for instance, if
your in-VR job requires you to be “present” in that particular VR “location.
If this were happening on a street, the exhibitionist would probably be
arrested for indecent exposure or public lewdness.
But whether this law can
be applied in VR turns out to be surprisingly complicated.
The Supreme Court has held that public nudity may be banned even in strip
clubs, where the patrons pay money to see such nudity.
But the Court has also
held that the First Amendment protects public displays of films containing
nudity, even on drive-in theater screens visible from the street, where unwilling
drivers and pedestrians may see the nudity (moving, in color, twenty feet high).
Even outside VR, this can be confusing enough that a Michigan appellate
court has upheld an indecent exposure conviction for a mans displaying his
penis on a public access cable television show that he produced.
This seems
That is consistent with the development of other new technologies, including the Internet and video
recorders. See, e.g., Geoffrey George Gussis, Website Development Agreements: A Guide to Planning and Drafting,
76 W
ASH. U. L.Q. 721, 722 (1998) (The vast majority of the early Internet law material focused on only a
few issues: First Amendment rights, child pornography, and the liability of online information providers.”).
He might also be deterred by social convention, or perhaps by the sense that he doesn’t look
that good naked. But in VR, he can look as good (or as grotesque) as he wants, and he doesnt have
to show his real face. There may be immediate and temporary social sanctions—for instance, if he
goes naked into a VR shop, he might get ejected—but then he can just quickly change his avatar to
something clothed, and then change it back when he’s done shopping.
Barnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc., 501 U.S. 560, 571 (1991).
Erznoznik v. City of Jacksonville, 422 U.S. 205, 217 (1975).
People v. Human, 702 N.W.2d 621, 625 (Mich. Ct. App. 2005). But see State v. Legassie,
171 A.3d 589, 596 (Me. 2017) (“[A] digital photograph transmitted over the internet is legally
insucient to constitute an ‘exposure’ . . . .”).
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1077
inconsistent with the drive-in case,
but it may just reect a deeper
inconsistency between the drive-in case and the public nudity cases.
This gets even more complex when we go beyond video of nudity to video
of sexual behavior. If the video is obscene, then it can theoretically be
punished even when the viewers are consenting.
And even material that is
not outright obscene enough but is nonetheless “obscene-as-to-minors” might
still be punishable when it is deliberately shown in public places where minors
may be present.
But the Court has held that the government cant ban such
obscene-as-to-minors material online, even in places that minors can access,
because a less restrictive alternative is to have parents use ltering software
to shield their children, if they so wish.
Perhaps the drive-in case and the public nudity case, though, can be
reconciled: public nudity is viscerally perceived as real and immediate in a
way that a video display is not, the theory would go; and public nudity thus
evokes reactions from which the law can legitimately protect people.
If that’s so, public nudity in VR and AR becomes a harder case. After all,
nudity in VR is technically a display of video (as in the drive-in case) but also
functionally aimed at emulating in-person presence (as in the public nudity
cases). And while the avatars so far are relatively cartoonish, it won’t be long
before a nude VR avatar—normal size, with normal movements, seemingly
standing next to you—feels a lot more like a physically present person than
it does like a picture on a screen.
One reason the law forbids indecent exposure is that such public nudity may
lead some observers to worry that the exposer may move on to sexual assault.
That is a serious worry when the exposer is physically nearby, but the law is less
likely to treat it as a real risk when the exposer is present only virtually.
Nonetheless, unwanted exposure to others’ nudity may cause feelings of unease
even when it is logically clear that no in-person assaults are possible. So whether
we should be more worried about indecent exposure in VR may depend on
One of us filed an amicus brief in Huffman supporting review by the Michigan Supreme Court,
but that court denied an appeal, by a 5–2 vote. People v. Huffman, 708 N.W.2d 95 (Mich. 2006).
This is an example of how VR can further blur the already sometimes blurry line between
speech and conduct. See infra Section VIII.B.
See generally Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15 (1973).
See Crawford v. Lungren, 96 F.3d 380, 384, 389 (9th Cir. 1996) (upholding a ban on
unattended coin-operated news rack sales of material “harmful” to minors); Am. Booksellers v.
Webb, 919 F.2d 1493, 1506 (11th Cir. 1990) (upholding a ban on display, in a place accessible to
minors, of any material thats “harmful to minors”); Davis-Kidd Booksellers, Inc. v. McWherter,
866 S.W.2d 520, 527, 529 (Tenn. 1993) (same).
Ashcroft v. ACLU, 542 U.S. 656, 669 (2004).
See Sharon Riordan, Indecent Exposure: The Impact Upon the Victim’s Fear of Sexual Crime, 10
FORENSIC PSYCHOL. 309, 313-15 (1999) (reporting this worry on the part of survey respondents).
1078 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
whether we think the primary focus of the law is on the unease that it creates
among passersby, or on public indecency as a proxy for future physical attack.
But maybe this legal conundrum is likely to stay academic. We’re back to
the Bangladesh Problem. How many police departments would relish the
prospect of trying to extradite someone from a foreign country, or even
another state, because his online avatar is nude?
The good news is that, as with loud avatars, VR users may be able to
protect themselves from unwanted nudity in many circumstances. VR
environments can easily be designed to let users change how others’ avatars
appear to them. “My avatar,” after all, is just a visual image that I would like
to present in displays that come up on others’ VR goggles, communicated
through the VR software on central computers and on the other users’
computers. Those users don’t have to perceive me as the avatar I chose.
They could, for instance, substitute another avatar; if my avatar is Adolf
Hitler and they dont like it, they could substitute Mahatma Gandhi (or vice
versa). Or they could just edit the avatar: If my avatar is naked and they dont
like it, they could color it solid green, or perhaps solid green except the face
(software permitting, but this shouldnt be hard to develop). Conversely, if
theyd like to see more nudity, they could replace my avatar with whatever
naked version—again, whether attractive or grotesque
—they prefer.
Indeed, they could probably use a program that automatically blacks out
all the naked parts of naked-seeming avatars.
Or the operator can require
people who select a nude avatar to also provide a clothed version, so that
For why we focus on these objections, rather than on the argument that public nudity should
be banned for moral reasons, see infra note 134 and accompanying text.
Allowing that sort of modification may create other legal problems, however, as we discuss below.
Grotesque alterations of a persons image were once actionable as defamation. See Burton v. Crowell
Pub. Co., 82 F.2d 154, 154-56 (2d Cir. 1936) (holding that an ad that appeared to portray a famous jockey as
having a “grotesque, monstrous, and obscene” penis, and that included text which could be read as
reinforc[ing] the ribald interpretation,” could be libelous, even if it wouldn’t reasonably be seen as making
factual assertions about the plaintiff); Reproduced Camel Ad, http://www.law.ucla.edu/volokh/vrcrowell.jpg
[https://perma.cc/5H37-M5AZ] (reproducing the ad, with the offending portion in the upper left-hand
corner). But today obvious nonfactual mockery would be viewed as nonlibelous, precisely because it lacks a
false factual assertion. See, e.g., Mink v. Knox, 613 F.3d 995, 1005-08 (10th Cir. 2010). Whether it might be seen
as a right of publicity infringement will be discussed in Part IV.
The VR operator might also let the VR store outside of which the nude avatar—or the
screamer—is standing exercise some control over such behavior.
See Simon Walden, Can O the Shelf AI Vision Systems Detect and Censor Art Nude
Photographs?, DIYP
HOTOGRAPHY (Dec. 1., 2016), http://www.diyphotography.net/can-o-shelf-ai-
vision-systems-detect-censor-art-nude-photographs/ [https://perma.cc/F62F-XEJ3] (reporting that
such programs are generally eective, though in close cases, human decisions are needed).
One program, VR Chat, has a “panic button” that deals with the problem of nudity by “turn[ing]
every avatar around you into a grey robot uniformly, so people can’t really spam you with nasty
avatars. Paul Stinson, Virtual Reality Platforms See More Harassment, Trolling, BNA
COMMERCE & LAW REPORT, March 21, 2018. One commentator describes this as “basically
muting” people visually. Id.
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1079
people who prefer to avoid seeing nudity can select that with just one global
switch. This might be useful if the automated editing yields results that are
too crude to yield an enjoyable VR experience, or if the operator wants to
minimize even the initial unwilling exposures to nudity.
Now lets play out again a conversation with the police, focusing on how
this technologically enabled self-protection might aect their decision.
There’s this avatar standing in the VR park, and he’s completely
“Why dont you just hit the ‘dress up the avatar’ button?” the
police ocer asks. (Again, we assume an ocer who knows something
about VR.)
“I shouldnt have to do that!” you say. “He’s violating the law, and
it shouldnt be up to me, the victim, to try to avoid that.
And that’s a plausible argument, in theory; as you point out to the ocer,
After all, ‘To say that one may avoid further oense by turning o the radio
when he hears indecent language is like saying that the remedy for an assault
is to run away after therst blow. One may hang up on an indecent phone
call, but that option does not give the caller a constitutional immunity or
avoid a harm that has already taken place.’ Justice Stevens said that, you know.
In FCC v. Pacica Foundation.
Same for nudity as for vulgar language.
But our police ocer is not a theorist. “Are you telling me that you could
have avoided this problem by clicking on a button, he says,and youre
bothering me? I have real crimes to deal with—ones in which the victims
really need me to do something that they cant do for themselves.
Or, if the ocer is a theorist, perhaps he is one of the economic rather
than deontological variety. “You are the cheapest cost avoider here,” he says.
“You can avoid the unwanted nudity with just a few clicks; I would have to
go through much more eort to get it prosecuted. I know that the criminal
law does not usually formally focus on that; but, practically, it makes me
reluctant to give your call a high priority.
Now of course there are limits to this “you should have avoided the
problem yourself” argument. Presumably if the crime is more serious—say,
burglarythe police wouldnt just refuse to investigate the case simply
because they thought you were somewhat foolish for having left your front
Presumably the operator would enforce this by threatening to delete nude avatars that lack
a clothed version and that yield complaints, and perhaps to delete the oending users’ accounts and
make it a hassle for them to create new ones. This won’t stop the determined repeat oender, but
given that it’s easy enough to create both a nude and clothed avatar, most users would likely choose
to comply with the operators policy rather than go to the trouble of repeatedly evading it.
438 U.S. 726, 748-49 (1978).
1080 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
door unlocked.
But for minor enough crimes, and ones where the main
worry is prevention going forward, the police are unlikely to invest many
resources into such prevention when citizens can more eectively prevent the
problem themselves. Or the police may simply not have the resources to
devote to something that they view as less serious than crimes of violence.
And this tendency only increases as a result of the Bangladesh Problem.
As arrest and prosecution become much more expensive for the police, and
technologically enabled self-protection simultaneously becomes less
expensive for citizens, the police are likely to become less interested in
intervening, especially in cases that (rightly or wrongly) dont seem to them
to involve any “real” harm. And if police indeed don’t take this problem very
seriously, VR users will have to fall back on self-help in most cases.
3. Virtual Intrusion
While we will sometimes interact with others in a public virtual place, many
VR interactions will take place behind virtual closed doors. Business meetings,
romantic assignations, and even gatherings of friends are often private rather
than public affairs. But VR, like the Internet, raises the prospect that interactions
we think are private may be spied on by others without our knowledge.
Typically that will happen through hacking or other cybersecurity breaches
in which the perpetrator gains access to the computer system of one or more of
the participants. But it might also happen in a public space that appears to be
empty but isnt. After all, if I can make my avatar appear however I want, I might
be able to make it invisible, or just really, really small, in order to avoid notice.
Hacking is a crime in its own right, and treating intrusion on a VR system
in the same way as an intrusion on any other computer system may be the
simplest way for the law to deal with the issue. But our computer crime
statutes have been justly criticized as vague and overbroad.
Some have suggested that treating VR spying as computer hacking is a
bad t, because the primary injury is the violation of private personal space.
Gilad Yadin argues that we should treat such intrusions as if they occurred in
physical space, where they would constitute trespass or burglary.
This is in
Or maybe they would—it happens too often with sex crimes where the police think the
victim failed to take proper precautions—but they shouldnt.
E.g., Orin S. Kerr, Norms of Computer Trespass, 116 COLUM. L. REV. 1143, 1146-47 (2016);
Orin S. Kerr, Cybercrime’s Scope: Interpreting “Access” and “Authorization” in Computer Misuse Statutes,
78 N.Y.U.
L. REV. 1596, 1597 (2003); Kerr, supra note 14, at 423; Jonathan Mayer, Cybercrime Litigation,
164 U.
PA. L. REV. 1453, 1457-58 (2016).
Gilad Yadin, Virtual Reality Intrusion, 53 WILLAMETTE L. REV. 63, 95 (2016); see also Gilad
Ya di n, Virtual Reality Surveillance, 35 C
ARDOZO ARTS & ENT. L.J. 707, 715 (2017) (discussing government
surveillance in virtual reality and arguing for a broader application of the Fourth Amendment).
Yadin, Virtual Reality Intrusion, supra note 104, at 97-99.
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1081
part simply an issue of perspective: Do we evaluate VR as it is or as it feels?
But it may also aect the willingness of police to react. Burglary sounds more
serious—and more tractable—than spying on a VR conversation, even if the
spying might in the long run be more harmful.
4. Strobe Lighting and Virtual Assault
Here’s a possible test case that does involve a serious harm that is harder to
avoid: About three percent of people who have epilepsy—disproportionately,
young peoplecan have seizures triggered by strobe lighting.
And at least one
person has already had an epileptic seizure while interacting with others in VR.
Though such seizures tend not to be fatal, or even greatly injurious, at least
when the person having the seizure is just sitting in his home in front of his
computer, they do involve a nontrivial risk of injury. This hasnt been seen as
reason enough to generally ban strobe lights, especially since such lights seem to
be entertaining for many people and are sometimes used as a safety feature.
deliberately creating a strobe effect precisely to play a nasty prank on someone
you know to be endangered by this would likely be tortious or even criminal.
But here, too, a program running on a users VR headset might be able to
detect strobe lighting and convert it to something nonstrobing. People who
know they are strobe-sensitive, or who even think they might be, could then
easily turn on this program.
Orin S. Kerr, The Problem of Perspective in Internet Law, 91 GEO. L.J. 357, 357-58 (2003)
(noting a similar problem in assessing Internet claims).
About one percent of the population has epilepsy. Rosemarie Kobau et al., Epilepsy in Adults
and Access to Care—United States 2010, M
ORBIDITY & MORTALITY WKLY. REP. 909, 910 (2010).
This 3% of 1% thus amounts to about 100,000 people in the U.S., and many more internationally.
Emanuel Maiberg, Virtual Reality Users Watch Helplessly as Another User Has In-Game Seizure,
OTHERBOARD (Jan. 19, 2018, 8:43 AM), https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/ne4myg/vrchat-
seizure [https://perma.cc/GU72-RXKN].
Derek Hawkins, Newsweek Trump Critic Says He Had Epileptic Seizure After Twitter Troll Purposely
Sent Him Flashing Image, W
ASH. POST (Dec. 21, 2016), https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-
user-purposely-sent-him-flashing-image/?utm_term=.56fb77671dc4 [https://perma.cc/ZR89-TDW3]; see also
Ashley Carman, FBI Arrests Alleged Attacker who Tweeted Seizure-Inducing Strobe at Kurt Eichenwald, T
VERGE (Mar. 17, 2017, 12:38 PM), https://www.theverge.com/2017/3/17/14959168/kurt-eichenwald-fbi-arrest-
strobe-epilepsy-twitter [https://perma.cc/3QUQ-FXT2].
For a pre-VR analysis of this, see How Is TV Made Safe for People with Epilepsy?, BBC (June 7, 2007),
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/6728071.stm [https://perma.cc/UBU9-4P8Q], which describes
various TV broadcasts that had inadvertently caused epileptic seizures in viewers. See also Photosensitive Epilepsy
Analysis Tool, U.
MD. C. INFO. STUD., TRACE RES. & DEV. CTR., https://trace.umd.edu/peat
[https://perma.cc/B5ZX-C5G4] (offering a free program that will analyze whether a video poses an epilepsy
seizure risk, and that could likely be easily adapted to provide real-time filtering of dangerous strobing);
Photosensitive Seizure—Monitor and Block Tool, GPII
DEVELOPERSPACE, https://ds.gpii.net/
challenges/photosensitive-seizure-monitor-and-block-tool [https://perma.cc/84HE-W6CJ] (proposing a
“Challenge” to software developers “to create a piece of software that can be installed in a display monitor (or
1082 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
The initial exposure—for those who have neglected to get and turn on such
a program, or for those who are unaware that they need it—is materially more
dangerous than in the disturbing the peace scenario: physical injury, not just
annoyance. And an attempt to deliberately trigger a seizure, as in our
hypothetical, is highly morally culpable. The purpose is to harm someone, even
if most of the time the purpose will be frustrated by the targets’ precautions.
Would this be enough to lead the police to be willing to intervene? Or
would they likely not think this to be worth triggering a possible interstate
or international investigation, when, at least going forward, the victim could
avoid such harms through technological means?
The strobe light example is the rare virtual hypothetical that combines
such culpability with the real risk of physical injury, but others might arise in
the future. Imagine, for instance, a hack that alters the VR camera positioning
information so that a user who thinks she is in the middle of her living room
is in fact standing at the edge of the stairs; or one that deliberately sends
someone using AR walking into a wall or o a cli.
The use of VR (or, more likely, AR) systems to deliberately cause physical
harm to a user is more likely to get the attention of police and courts than are
disturbing the virtual peace or virtual indecent exposure. Even accidental harm
might be criminal if it was grossly negligent and the harm was serious enough.
More likely it will be a tort, particularly if the AR system allows pop-ups that
obscure necessary views rather than, say, confining ads to defined spaces within
a virtual scenescape.
But the law will take it more seriously precisely because
the consequences are more obviously physical rather than virtual.
5. “Virtual groping
Harm, though, can also feel real without being physical. Only a few
months after commercial VR became broadly available, a woman named
Jordan Belamire (a pseudonym) was “virtually groped.” Belamire recounted
playing a multiplayer zombie shooter game when another player—who
recognized Belamire as female by her voicebegan to make gestures that
seemed like virtual groping:
In between a wave of zombies and demons to shoot down, I was hanging out
next to BigBro442 [the other player], waiting for our next attack. Suddenly,
BigBro442’s disembodied helmet faced me dead-on. His oating hand
box connected to a display) that will a) monitor the signal coming in to the display, b) detect visual events that
are known to trigger a seizure, and c) alter the signal to remove that stimulus”).
For a discussion of the problem and best practices for companies to deal with it, see generally
Kiron Lebeck et al., How to Safely Augment Reality: Challenges and Directions, in P
45 (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2873587.2873595 [https://perma.cc/4WWA-3P7F].
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1083
approached my body, and he started to virtually rub my chest . . . . [E]ven
when I turned away from him, he chased me around, making grabbing and
pinching motions near my chest. Emboldened, he even shoved his hand
toward my virtual crotch and began rubbing . . . .
And Belamire reports that BigBro442’s behavior, though utterly lacking in
physical contact, seemed so realistic as to be disturbing. Belamire had earlier in her
article described how realistic a VR cliff seemed to be, triggering her fear of heights.
The virtual groping,” she said, “feels just as real. Of course, youre not
physically being touched, just like youre not actually one hundred feet off the
ground, but it’s still scary as hell.
Her experience is consistent with the studies
we reported in subsection I.C.2 suggesting that people react physiologically to
touches in VR much as if they had happened in the physical world.
Under current law, virtual groping probably wouldnt be a crime. It isnt
sexual battery, because there’s no touching.
Tort law tends to define “assault”
as including an actors intentionally putting someone in “imminent
apprehension” of “offensive contact,
but criminal law tends not to outlaw
such behavior unless it actually causes injury or is an attempt to commit
And beyond that, it’s not clear that such imminent apprehension
would be present when the target consciously knows that no physical contact
is possible. While sexual threats by remote actors over the Internet have
sometimes been treated as crimes, those cases all hinge on the plausibility that
the threat made over the Internet will be carried out in the physical world.
Should the law be changed? Virtual groping might seem (at least to an
outsider) less serious than real groping because there is no “real” physical
contact. Nonetheless, Belamire is doubtless right that, because of the visceral
feeling created by virtual reality, such virtual groping will be highly upsetting
to many people. And the more visceral VR becomes, the more it feels to the
victim like a real assault.
(Compare the plank experiment we discussed
Jordan Belamire, My First Virtual Reality Groping, MEDIUM: ATHENA TALKS (Oct. 20, 2016),
See, e.g., CAL. PENAL CODE § 243.4(e)(1) (West 2018) (“Any person who touches an intimate part
of another person, if the touching is against the will of the person touched, and is for the specific purpose of
sexual arousal, sexual gratification, or sexual abuse, is guilty of misdemeanor sexual battery . . . .”).
RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS § 21 (AM. LAW INST. 1965). Likewise, one could
imagine this scenario being actionable as intentional iniction of emotional distress—but in this
Part we are specically considering how criminal law (not just tort law) should apply to VR and AR.
MODEL PENAL CODE § 211.1(2)(a) (AM. LAW INST. 1980).
See, e.g., Elonis v. United States, 135 S. Ct. 2001, 2011-13 (2015).
People who have followed the Internet for a long time may recall A Rape in Cyberspace, a
Village Voice article about a “virtual rape” in an early non-VR online environment. Julian Dibbell, A
Rape in Cyberspace, V
ILLAGE VOICE (Dec. 23, 1993), https://www.villagevoice.com/2005/10/18/a-rape-
1084 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
above, in which many people felt that walking on a virtual plank over a virtual
chasm did feel psychologically much like walking over a real chasm.)
And peoples’ reactions may well depend on how developed and
personalized their avatar is, something that diers from platform to platform
and game to game, and that is likely to change over time. Perhaps virtual
groping will be upsetting enough to treat it as the sort of action that criminal
law ought to, in principle, forbid, if not now then in the near future. This
question likely cant be resolved until we have more experience with how
people actually feel in such situations.
Nonetheless, here too, as in the indecent exposure scenario, it seems unlikely
that police will do much about it. Few police departments will be eager to
extradite someone from another country or even another state simply because
he made gestures, however disquieting, in a virtual reality game. Even if the
groper is nearby, police officers may not devote many resources to deal with
people who, after all, did not literally touch anyone. That might be a mistake
given the nature of the VR experience, but it is likely what will happen.
Absent an effective police response, VR users may again turn to
technologically enabled self-protection, protection that may be easier in VR
than in the real world. The physical structure of the real world is notoriously
tolerant of people coming very close to you. Protection from unwanted touch
has to rely on legal rules, social mores, and the threat of violent self-protection.
But the code-as-law of the VR world can easily forbid avatars from
approaching within some perceived distance of you, or forbid particular people
from doing it, or forbid this except in certain games. VR developers have
already offered this as a response to Belamire’s article; as the author of the VR
game that Belamire had been playing wrote,
We should have prevented this in the first place. While QuiVr is still in pre-release
alpha, we’d already programmed a setting into the game called your[] “Personal
Bubble,” so other players hands disappear if they come close to your face.
This way, the rare bad-apple player cant block someone else’s view and be
annoying. . . . We hadn’t, though, thought of extending that fading function
to the rest of the body . . . . [Jonathan, the original creator of QuiVr,] spent
the morning changing the game to extend the Personal Bubble; now, when
in-cyberspace/ [https://perma.cc/EW7K-T7X6]. We view the title as figurative: disturbing and
offensive as it may be to manipulate others avatars in sexual ways, without their permission, on a
computer screen, it’s far less harmful than actual rape. Nonetheless, a VR version of such behavior, in
an immersive environment, may be highly disturbing indeed—still likely not as harmful as physical
sexual assault, but harmful enough that people will rightly seek protection from such behavior.
See supra note 44 and accompanying text.
This is not an issue specic to groping. As we discuss below, courts are likely to be hesitant
to treat crimes and torts in VR asreal,” at least until they become more familiar with the technology.
See infra notes 182–183 and accompanying text.
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1085
the setting was turned on, other players faded out when they reached for you,
no matter their target, chest included. It was a possible solution; no one
should be able to treat another player like the author had been treated . . . .
Indeed, the VR games author suggested other technologically enabled
self-protection options, including ones that come across as more active
self-defense (or, if you prefer, retaliation)—perhaps, for instance, allowing a
player to “reach[] out with a finger, and with a little flick, sen[d the other] player
flying off the screen like an ant.
One can even design the game so that this
feature can only be used against those avatars who come too close to one’s own
(or else the flicking could itself become a form of unprovoked aggression). Or the
VR or AR company can set up a bubble feature that excludes some avatars but not
others that the participant has placed on a “close approach permitted” list.
If people behaved better, none of this would be needed. And we dont
intend to suggest that the ability to protect oneself makes the impact of the
behavior on the victim less severe or puts the moral onus on the victim to
avoid being groped. But given that people do behave badly, VR and AR
technologies sometimes oer better tools for dealing with bad behavior than
the physical world does. We discuss more implications of those tools below.
6. Crimes that Cant be Easily Technologically
Avoided—Extortion, Threats, and the Like
Technological protection only works for crimes that are indeed avoidable with
technical measures. Many will not be. For instance, there is no technical feature
that you can use to avoid someone trying to extort money from you in VR or AR
by threatening you with attack in the real world (“I know where you live in the
real world, and I’ll burn down your house if you dont pay me $10,000 worth of
VR goods”). There, you will have to rely on normal law enforcement and normal
criminal law, subject to the constraints imposed by the Bangladesh problem.
But it’s no accident that extortion is not usually seen as a street crime, in
the sense of a crime that is generally committed through physical presence (as
opposed to through potentially long-distance communication, even absent
VR). For a considerable amount of the street crime that has a VR analog,
technologically enabled self-protection is a possible protection—and failure to
use such self-protection may lead to the police having less sympathy for your
plight. Again, we arent endorsing that position for nontrivial offenses: It is
Henry Jackson & Jonathan Schenker, Dealing With Harassment in VR, UPLOADVR (Oct. 25,
2016), http://uploadvr.com/dealing-with-harassment-in-vr/ [https://perma.cc/F633-QZ79].
See infra notes 131–148 and accompanying text.
1086 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
not the way we approach (or at least ought to approach) serious crimes in the
real world. But we think it is likely how the police will instinctively respond.
7. AR Crimes that Cant Be Easily Technologically Avoided—Startling
Finally, lets note one crime that is especially likely to be dangerous in
AR: deliberately or recklessly startling someone in a way that’s likely to
dangerously interfere with his physical-world tasks.
Say I know that youre driving with your AR set engaged, and I
deliberately appear in your eld of vision—not just as me, but as a giant, loud,
re-breathing dragon (or perhaps as a very attractive naked person). Or
perhaps I happen to know that you have a fear of spiders, so that’s the avatar
I choose, in an attempt to startle you.
You are indeed startled and get into
an accident. Perhaps I did so as a stupid prank—the equivalent of shouting
“Look out! Snake!” at a jogger. Or I released malware that does this
Or maybe I even did so in hopes of harming you.
Doing so could conceivably be assault if I intentionally put you in fear of
bodily harm.
It may also be a crime, such as reckless endangerment,
negligent homicide or involuntary manslaughter if someone dies.
principle, this might happen even in VR, but the risks are greater when
people are using AR, which they might do even when driving or walking
down a busy street.
People immersed in VR games may be more
TECHNOLOGY AND POLICY PRIMER 7 (2017), http://techpolicylab.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/
Augmented_Reality_Primer-TechPolicyLab.pdf [https://perma.cc/ZU7L-ZQHE] (discussing a prank in
which a spider is digitally superimposed onto someone’s hand using AR).
For a discussion of this problem and how to solve it, see Kiron Lebeck et al., Securing
Augmented Reality Output, in IEEE
That is clearest when the startling is aimed at making the target feel momentarily “in fear
of imminent serious bodily injury,” M
ODEL PENAL CODE § 211.1(1)(c) (AM. LAW INST. 1980). But
it might be so, at least in some states, even if it is just “intended to place another in fear of immediate
physical contact which will be . . . insulting[] or oensive, coupled with the apparent ability to
execute the act.” I
OWA CODE ANN. § 708.1(2)(b) (West 2013). The question would be whether a
visceral fear of immediate contact should qualify even if, on a moment’s reection, the target would
realize that the “apparent ability to execute the act” was purely apparent and not real.
MODEL PENAL CODE § 211.2 (criminalizing “engag[ing] in conduct which places or may
place another person in danger of death or serious bodily injury”).
See Franziska Roesner, Security & Privacy for Augmented Reality (PowerPoint deck 2017, on
le with authors) (giving example of a giant spider projected onto a cars augmented reality display);
see also Franziska Roesner, Tadayoshi Kohno & David Molnar, Security and Privacy for Augmented
Reality Systems, 57 C
OMM. ASSN FOR COMPUTING MACHINERY 88, 91-92 (2014) (discussing this
and other AR security problems in more detail); Lebeck et al., supra note 125, at 320 (describing how
a “malicious or buggy AR application could potentially obscure real-world pedestrians, overlay
misleading information on real-world road signs, or occlude the virtual content of other AR
applications, such as collision warnings or other important safety alerts”).
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1087
conditioned to surprises, just as they are in a 3D movie.) And the behavior
can be tortious, especially if it leads to physical injury.
More likely than virtual spiders are virtual pop-up ads. Companies will
have a strong nancial interest in placing advertising in your AR space, and
AR makers will have a nancial interest to let them do so for a fee. That isnt
problematic in itself. But if you are logged into a data feed in your AR while
driving and the system pops up a huge ad that covers your screen, it may
cause you to get into an accident.
This would be one of the few scenarios—strobe lighting being the
other—which could actually cause physical injury. And it is also not easily
avoided through technological self-protection measures.
But as a practical matter, this is likely to be a special case of the broader
problem: AR can be distracting, especially for drivers
but also for people
walking near traffic and other hazards. AR designers will have to find some way
of dealing with such normal incidental distractions; that might likewise be useful
for dealing with deliberate but much more unusual distractions. If they dont—if
they pop up ads that block my view of the roadthey are likely to face tort
liability, though probably not criminal liability except in unusual circumstances.
B. Diversity of Sensescape
Technological self-protection options, if properly designed, can do more
than just make it unnecessary for police to intervenesuch options can make
possible a broader diversity of VR environments from which users can choose.
Indeed, they can make it possible to have a broader diversity of experience
within the same environment.
Consider the indecent exposure hypothetical. Some people may like being
in an environment where some of the avatars they see are naked, or where
they themselves come across as naked. They might be consciously seeking
titillation. But they may also want realism, for instance if they are engaged in
VR tourism to a nude beach.
Or they may want fantasy, if they want to visit a fictional world where nudity
taboos are absent (or are different), or where mythical but part-human creatures
(think satyrs or centaurs or mermaids) are normally nude. Or they may be nudists,
Stephen Williams, As Head-Up Displays Become Common, Distraction Becomes an Issue, N.Y.
TIMES (Sept. 10, 2015), https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/11/automobiles/as-head-up-displays-
See Jaclyn Seelagy, Virtual Violence, 64 UCLA L. REV. DISC. 412, 430-32 (2016).
1088 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
who feel more comfortable coming across as naked, and being around other people
who do the same. Or perhaps they support nudity as a political statement.
Leaving the policing of nudity taboos to each VR environment—or perhaps
to each user in a VR environment—can increase people’s options. Some people
will go to the nudist environments; others will go to nonnudist ones.
But beyond that, if the technologically enabled self-protection measures
are available, different users will be able to have different experiences in the
same VR environment. Those who like casual nudity could see nudists’ avatars
as nude. Those who dislike it could see the same avatars as clothed. So even if
you need to be in a particular VR environment (for instance, because your job
so requires), you could experience that environment without the nudity.
To be sure, some people have moral objections even to voluntary nudity;
consider the public nudity laws that ban nudity even in strip clubs.
But we
think these objections should not be particularly strong. Even if bans on
consensual public nudity are constitutionally permissible, we doubt that they
are good policy; it’s better, we think, to live and let live on such matters,
leaving people free to choose from a diverse range of environments and a
diverse range of options in each environment—so long as they are
participating in the environment voluntarily
The de facto legal toleration of nearly all online pornography throughout the
U.S., even of pornography that is likely theoretically punishable as obscenity,
supports our view. At least on the Internet, the Sexual Revolution is over, and sex
won: Where the sex is entirely online, without bricks-and-mortar stores that are
seen as potentially attracting bad elements, it is generally tolerated.
And if the
toleration stems from difficulty of enforcement as much as from thoroughgoing
acceptance, that would apply at least as much in VR as well.
The strobe example likewise shows how technologically enabled self-
protection can promote diversity of sensescape. Some people like strobe
See, e.g., Tagami v. City of Chicago, 875 F.3d 375, 379 (7th Cir. 2017) (concluding that the
Free Speech Clause doesn’t protect such a statement).
See Barnes v. Glen Theatre, Inc., 501 U.S. 560, 563-64, 572 (1991) (upholding such a law).
Among other things, there will doubtless be plenty of VR spaces, including foreign-hosted
ones, where one can appear nude among consenting fellow users; any attempt to protect people’s
morals from being degraded by presence in such spaces seems doomed, at least in modern society.
The better questions are whether (and how) potentially oended viewers should be protected. Many
people will likely feel strong social or professional pressure to participate in various VR
environments. But we dont expect that there will be similar pressure against using this sort of
sensescape-altering software, a choice that might generally be hidden from everyone but the user.
Jennifer Kinsley reports that obscenity prosecutions have continued to occasionally arise;
but the list of prosecutions gathered there involves almost exclusively oine distribution, suspected
child pornography, or, in a very few instances, commercial distribution of online porn that is seen as
unusually oensive (such as depictions of rape or bestiality). And even those rare prosecutions
appear not to have made much of a dent in the volume of pornography available online. See generally
Jennifer M. Kinsley, The Myth of Obsolete Obscenity, 33 C
ARDOZO ARTS & ENT. L.J. 607 (2015).
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1089
lighting, for aesthetic reasons. It’s also a good way of getting people’s
attention for things like alarms, especially for the hard of hearing.
epileptic seizures can be triggered by other near-strobe eects that are
likewise valuable for aesthetics or for verisimilitude.
Giving people an
option to decide whether to block or allow strobe eects will maximize the
number of possible virtual environment designs, while maximizing the virtual
environments’ accessibility to the small minority that suers from epilepsy
as well as the majority that doesnt.
Finally, though more controversially, diversity of options may be relevant
even for sexual touching. We assume very few people want to be groped by
strangers. But people’s preferences when it comes to sexual (and sexualish)
matters are notoriously diverse, and often unexpected to those who dont
share the preferences. And that is especially so when the sexual behavior is
relatively low-risk for the target: not sex in the absence of clearly
communicated consent; not even physical groping in the absence of clearly
communicated consent; but the visual perception of gestures that appear
similar to what physical groping would look like in the real world.
There might be VR spaces where people go to meet prospective sexual
partners (whether for in-person sex or for the VR equivalent of phone sex) in
which such behavior is accepted. Likewise, there might be VR games in which
this behavior is allowed. This could be for verisimilitude: If youre playing a
game set at the Bristol docks in 1750, you might want rude behavior, and the
reactions to the behavior, to be part of the gameplay. Or it could be for
titillation: We can imagine that some people might fantasize about rough or
nonconsensual sex and enjoy the fantasy even though they wouldnt enjoy the
See, e.g., Hearing Impaired Smart Strobe Light, FIRST ALERT STORE, http://www.firstalertstore.com/
store/products/sl177-hearing-impaired-smart-strobe-light.htm [https://perma.cc/74EK-T4N5] (advertising a
strobe light “that’s proven to be extremely efficient in providing assistance for individuals with
hearing impairments”).
See Photosensitivity and Seizures, EPILEPSY FOUND., http://www.epilepsy.com/learn/triggers-
seizures/photosensitivity-and-seizures [https://perma.cc/B7YZ-RJSP] (identifying “[n]atural light,
such as sunlight, especially when shimmering off water, flickering through trees or through the slats
of Venetian blinds,” “[t]elevision screens or computer monitors due to the flicker or rolling images,
and “[c]ertain visual patterns, especially stripes of contrasting colors” as potential triggers).
The Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure project has challenged developers to create a
“Photosensitive Seizure—Monitor and Block Tool” which would “create a piece of software that can be
installed in a display monitor (or box connected to a display) that will a) monitor the signal coming in to the
display, b) detect visual events that are known to trigger a seizure, and c) alter the signal to remove that
stimulus.Photosensitive Seizure—Monitor and Block Tool, GPII, https://ds.gpii.net/challenges/photosensitive-
seizure-monitor-and-block-tool [https://perma.cc/X67A-F5D6].
1090 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
physical experience;
a VR version may provide those people with the right
combination of realism and fantasy.
Of course, most people, like Belamire, wont want to be virtually
But the value of technologically enabled self-protection in VR
environments is precisely the possibility that people can control their
environment and consent to only what they want.
Unlike many spaces in VR that people enter just for fun, people may have
no choice but to use VR at their job or at school. Workers shouldn’t have to
put up with indecent exposure or sexual groping in their virtual workplace
any more than in their real workplace. Here too the ability to control the
terms of interaction has the potential to make things better in the virtual than
the real world. If you work in an online environment in which many
customers’ avatars are nude, and you dont like to see that, a properly designed
VR environment may allow you to block such nudity even while other
employees or customers—who may like such nudity—can see it.
Indeed, you may be able to do the same with avatars whose clothing bears
messages that you find offensive (either because of the viewpoints expressed
on it, or because of its vulgarity), or with avatars that aren’t nude but are
dressed in ways that you find immodest. In the physical world, many
employees have to deal with such offensive imagery, even in places where
outright nudity is illegal; but if the VR environment is designed to allow
diversity of sensescape for each individual participant, they may have much
more control of what they see or who can touch them. (To be sure, in some
situations, it is their employers that will have that control, which may not
amount to the same thing;
but often it will make sense for the employers to
leave such choices to employees, since that could be a good way to preserve
morale and avoid complaints, usually at little cost to the employer.)
Technological self-help remedies, and their ability to change your
audiovisual sensescape, generally work only where the asserted harm is itself
audiovisual. If the harmful thing is that you have to see nude customer avatars,
the technological self-help (the dress-up-the-avatar feature) will prevent that
harm, even if youre an employee and have to be there. But if the harm stems
from something external to your perception, as when someone libels you, or
from the very knowledge that people are spreading rumors about you, see
themselves groping you (even if you dont see it), and so on, then your ability
to control your audiovisual sensescape doesnt suffice. Criminal law may come
See, e.g., Leon F. Seltzer, Don’t Call Them “Rape Fantasies”, PSYCHOL. TODAY (Nov. 5, 2014),
See supra notes 112–113.
This control over the employee’s lived experience might or might not satisfy us. We discuss
that issue in more detail infra Part IV.
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1091
to reflect this, not punishing purely audiovisual misconduct that could instead
be controlled by users’ ability to control their own sensescape, but punishing
misconduct for which such control is seen as inadequate.
C. Defaults and the Initial Intrusion
Diversity of sensescape is an adequate substitute for a one-size-ts-all
prohibition only when the participants can meaningfully choose the
sensescape they experience and give real and informed consent to that
sensescape. Walking into a general interest game or other VR environment
isnt consent to be sexually assaulted; taking a job or going to school certainly
isnt. Such conduct should be impermissible outside of spaces where it is
clearly a part of the game and people understand what they are getting into.
And that leads us to the problem of dening the defaults.
If we set the default as freedom to interact, all the self-protection tools
involve the likelihood that people will often be exposed to misconduct—such
as loudness, public nudity, or virtual groping—once, or perhaps once per
oender, before they block the misconduct. To be sure, potential victims
might be able to prevent some of the misconduct at the outset, with the
proper conguration, but practically they will often not think about it until
the rst incident. The tools that will likely be available thus may allow what
one might see as an initial intrusion, but can stop recurrences.
Should that be considered acceptable? Or should the criminal law try hard
to prevent even the initial intrusion? Recall Justice Stevens’ specific analogies:
To say that one may avoid further oense by turning o the radio when he
hears indecent language is like saying that the remedy for an assault is to run
away after the rst blow. One may hang up on an indecent phone call, but
that option does not give the caller a constitutional immunity or avoid a harm
that has already taken place.
And indeed the law generally forbids unwanted physical “blow[s]”
(though not all unwanted touching) and all indecent telephone calls,
including the initial call.
On the other hand, the law doesn’t forbid
unwanted indecent mailings—rather, it lets residents demand that the mailer
stop sending them oensive material.
Likewise, the law cant categorically
forbid door-to-door leaeters from coming to your home, though it can forbid
FCC v. Pacica Found., 438 U.S. 726, 748-49 (1978).
47 U.S.C. § 223 (2012).
See Rowan v. U.S. Post Oce Dep’t, 397 U.S. 728, 737 (1970).
1092 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
them once you’ve put up a “No Soliciting” sign.
And many, including us,
dont think Pacica is a shining beacon of First Amendment jurisprudence.
Alternatively, we could dene the default interactions in VR in more
limited ways, and require people who want to engage in certain kinds of
conduct (nudity or sexual contact, but also perhaps the exchange of money or
personal information) to jointly opt into allowing such interaction in
individual cases.
That would reduce the freedom to interact with strangers,
but it would also reduce the harm strangers can do. And if the interaction is
one that is out of the norm between strangers, such as indecent exposure or
sexual touching, a default norm of exclusion seems preferable.
Even in circumstances where people can practice self-protection once a
threat is identied, then, the law can and should set defaults. A virtual
environment could be congured to permit strobing except for those who opt
out, or to forbid strobing except for those who opt in. Likewise for showing
nude avatars, or allowing physical approaches within some distance. The law
could thus take the view that even an initial intrusion of this sort is a crime
unless (1) the environment forbids the intrusion by default and (2) the user
has expressly allowed the intrusion. This might mean that:
See Martin v. City of Struthers, 319 U.S. 141, 147-49 (1943).
See FCC v. Fox Television Stations, Inc., 132 S. Ct. 2307, 2321 (2012) (Ginsburg, J.,
concurring); FCC v. Fox Television Stations, Inc., 556 U.S. 502, 533 (2009) (Thomas, J., concurring).
Indeed, Justice Stevens himself erred in trying to explain how Pacica was consistent with his more
recent opinion in Reno v. ACLU, 521 U.S. 844 (1997). “Unlike the regulation[] upheld in . . . Pacica,”
Justice Stevens wrote, “the scope of the [Communications Decency Act] is not limited to commercial
speech or commercial entities.Id. at 877. But the Pacica regulation was not limited either to
commercial speech or to commercial entities; the broadcast in Pacica itself was noncommercial
speech carried by a nonprot, noncommercial radio station. In re Application of Pacica Found., 50
F.C.C.2d 1025, 1025 (1975) (describing Pacica as “the licensee of noncommercial educational FM
Stations” including “WBAI, New York”); see also In re Citizen’s Complaint Against Pacica
Foundation Station WBAI (FM), 56 F.C.C.2d 94, 95 (1975), a d sub nom. FCC v. Pacica Found.,
438 U.S. 726 (1978) (conrming that the broadcast was indeed on WBAI). This helps show, we think,
how hard Pacica is to reconcile with modern First Amendment law.
We might even imagine automating that process, so that each avatar had a customizable set
of defaults that permitted some sorts of interactions and automatically refused others.
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1093
If the environment lets you supply
both a clothed avatar and a nude
avatar, and by default has others
only see your clothed avatar,
then there’s no indecent exposure even
when you create a nude avatar, since
only people who have affirmatively
chosen the see-nudity option will see
the nude avatar.
If the environment lets you supply
both a clothed avatar and a nude
avatar, but by default lets people see
the nude avatar,
then youre guilty of indecent exposure
for using a nude avatar, since people
are entitled to be shielded from even
the initial intrusion of nudity into their
visual field.
If the environment only lets you
supply one avatar, but allows a
clothe this avatar” feature on an
-avatar basis,
then youre likewise guilty of
indecent exposure for using a nude
Alternatively, the law could take the view that certain initial intrusions
aren’t a big enough deal to justify criminal punishment, so long as they can be
quickly dealt with by the offended user. That might be true of disturbing the
peace, for instance; only after someone is warned about their behavior and
persists are they likely to be arrested. Or the law could take the view—which
would yield the same result, though on a different rationale—that the decision
to enter the VR environment is consent enough to such quickly-dealt-with
initial intrusions like disturbing the peace, even when entering the VR
environment may be required by your desire to access important resources
(your VR job, your VR educational program, your access to VR shops).
We’re inclined to think that, so long as the initial intrusion is relatively
minor and can be quickly stopped through technological self-protection, and
so long as the user is there voluntarily, there’s no need to bring the machinery
of the criminal law into the matter. (Tort and employment law might be a
dierent story.) More serious intrusions, by contrast, require advance
consent. And some intrusions might be unlawful even with consent.
Some rare intrusions might be unlawful even with consent, especially if they involve haptics
or algics. See infra Section II.E. For instance, the law may punish commercial sexual contact using
haptics as prostitution (setting aside the question whether it is wise to criminalize prostitution).
Similarly, the law may forbid transactions in which, for instance, debtors promise to be periodically
put in serious pain using VR algics until they pay o the debt.
1094 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
But this judgment will often turn on just what intrusions the law thinks
are minor enough: Unwanted noise? Nudity? Strobe lights? Virtual groping?
We have views on the relative severity of these—the law should prohibit
virtual groping without explicit prior consent, but not unwanted noise;
nudity should depend on the context—but reasonable voters and legislators
can dier about where to draw the line. And these questions will become
especially complicated once we get to VR environments that go beyond the
merely audiovisual, a matter we will turn to below.
D. Beyond the Audiovisual: Haptic Assault
So far, we’ve talked about harms that can be caused by the audiovisual
features of VR—the only features that are well-developed now. But let’s now
turn to features that VR is likely to acquire soon: haptics.
Haptics are to touch what optics are to sight. Existing 2D games have
very simple haptics: a Playstation DualShock controller that vibrates when
you drive over bumps or run into something, for instance. But the immersive
nature of VR can oer quite a bit more.
Gloves that reproduce sensation on ngers are haptics. So are temperature
controls that can make VR tourism more realistic. So are devices that could
cause feelings of physical resistance, so that a virtual swordght would yield
realistic sensations when your virtual sword hits your virtual opponent’s. And
one can also embed haptics and remote control into sex aids, a technology
called teledildonics.
Teledildonics raises the possibility of haptic sex crimes, which might
trouble us even more than virtual groping because of the heightened realism
associated with physical sensation. Unconsented-to sexual touching is a
serious oense, and should be so even if the person doing the touching is not
in the room with you. True, some people may be less troubled by unwanted
remote fondling through their haptic interfaces than by unwanted in-person
fondling. But we think it likely that people will be justiably upset enough
by such unwanted touching that it would merit punishment.
Similar issues come up outside of sex. Say some people enjoy a particular
game that’s supposed to simulate a dangerous physical activity (battle,
mountain climbing, ying an airplane), but are frustrated that death or injury
in the game has no real consequences. They think it makes themselves and
other players reckless and distorts the game’s realism. Playing poker for
Getting to Grips with Haptic Technology, VIRTUAL REALITY SOCY, https://www.vrs.org.uk/virtual-
reality-gear/haptic/ [https://perma.cc/D88N-LF42] (describing how haptics technology “has the express
purpose of stimulating the sensation of touch” and noting that hapticsare sure to be a major part of . . . future
virtual reality experiences”).
Yes, that really is what it’s called. And no, we aren’t going to give you a link to find out more.
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1095
matchsticks, it is often said, isn’t the same as real poker. Likewise, playing at
sword ghting when being stabbed through the neck just means “Game
Over” or “restart from base camp” isn’t, they think, as realistic as it should be.
So they think that players ought to have skin in the game, as it were:
Certain events should trigger something bad—not death (theyre not that
hardcore) but physical pain. Indeed, paintball players sometimes take the
view that the painful sting of being hit enhances the game, by making players
work harder to avoid being hit, or just by making the game exciting.
Likewise, some social psychology experiments punish people who lose a game
by requiring them to consume an unpleasantly bitter substance, thus
encouraging participants to take the game seriously.
Imagine then that a VR setup can have an optional hardware feature: a
device that produces an electric shock that is not dangerous but is painful.
(One might call this “algics” rather than normal haptics.
) People who want
to play the hypothetical Extreme Swordghting must have the device
attached, and when they are hit with the virtual sword, they get a real shock.
Here, unlike in our previous examples, we do have actual physical contact
with the victims body, though triggered at a distance rather than by someone
standing next to you.
So long as the shock really doesnt pose any serious physical danger,
causing the shock by hitting someone in-game wouldnt be battery. Battery
generally requires nonconsensual touching, at least so long as it doesn’t
involve a public ght that risks spreading, or serious physical damage that
goes beyond mere pain. This is why a wide variety of often painful activities,
from football games to mild sadomasochism, are legal.
And you consented
See, e.g., How to Treat Paintball Welts, AC PAINTBALL (Apr. 22, 2015), https://acpaintball.com/
2015/04/22/how-to-treat-paintball-welts/ [https://perma.cc/KY3V-9EUZ] (“Most players consider paintball
well worth the risk of pain, some even welcome the risk to increase the adrenaline and excitement.”).
See, e.g., Don L. Coursey et al., Fear and Loathing in the Coase Theorem: Experimental Tests
Involving Physical Discomfort, 16 J.
LEGAL STUD. 217, 223 (1987).
-algia is the Greek root meaning pain, as seen in words such as “analgesic.
Cf. Priya Ganapati, Gaming Vest Makes Virtual Fights Real and Painful, WIRED (Mar. 26, 2010),
[https://perma.cc/P56W-BYEG]; Seelagy, supra note 131, at 418 (“[P]ain is just another sensation that
can add to the realism of a[] [virtual reality] environment or experience, and there may be reasons for
at least mild forms of it.”).
See, e.g., MODEL PENAL CODE § 2.11(2) (AM. LAW INST., Proposed Ocial Draft 1962)
(providing that consensual conduct is not criminal, even if “it causes or threatens bodily injury,” if
“the bodily injury consented to or threatened by the conduct consented to is not serious,” or “the
conduct and the injury are reasonably foreseeable hazards of joint participation in a lawful athletic
contest or competitive sport or other concerted activity not forbidden by law”). But see
Commonwealth v. Carey, 974 N.E.2d 624, 630-31 (Mass. 2012) (concluding that sadomasochism that
risks causing more serious injury remains punishable assault, even when consensual); Govan v. State,
913 N.E.2d 237, 242–43 (Ind. Ct. App. 2009) (likewise).
1096 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
to be hit by a virtual sword—or at least to run the risk of being hit.
contrast, triggering the haptics outside the game—for instance by hacking
someone’s VR rig to give them a surprise electric shock—presumably would
be nonconsensual.
So far, so good. But consent in a virtual world has some nuances that we
might not expect, as we see in the next Section.
E. Consent
Say that youre playing a game, whether VR or not. One of your fellow
players steals some of your in-game currency, embezzles it, or defrauds you
of it. That theft can have real-world nancial consequences. In-game currency
can often be bought and sold for real money, and you can even imagine a
system in which your in-game assets are replenished, when needed, directly
from your bank account or credit card. Indeed, many games have currency
top-up systems that let players put real money in and convert it to virtual
money when they run out.
One way to steal virtual money (or a magic sword, or anything else of
value) would be to hack into your computer, or physically threaten you in the
real world. That sort of behavior should be criminal, though of course it isn’t
easy to get police attention for violations of computer crime laws—or even
for thefts conducted through such violations—at least unless the crimes cause
substantial nancial loss.
But our hypothetical player didnt hack into anyones computer or do
anything else that was outside the understood possibilities of the game
(whether or not it was against the ostensible laws of the society set forth in
We’re assuming here that this is only a game, so if you don’t like it, you don’t have to play
it. If an employer required employees to accept painful shocks, for instance as punishment for poor
performance and thus as an incentive to do better, the analysis may well be dierent. (What happens
if you are making money this way, for instance by being a competitive Extreme Swordighting player,
is a more complicated matter. We suspect it will be decided chiey by the relevant leagues—much
as the NFL and professional boxing have dealt and are dealing with the more serious risks involved
in those sports—subject to legislative or Occupational Safety and Health Administration oversight,
as well as public pressure.)
Of course, if the algic device malfunctions and provides more painful shocks than anyone
expected—or causes electrocution, burns, or other lasting physical injuries—then the manufacturer
and seller of the device could be sued on a standard product liability theory. But we set aside such
malfunction-based claims here and focus on functioning that is intended by one player, and
understood by players generally as part of the game.
See, e.g., Hayley Tsukayama, Diablo 3 Auction House to Charge Real Money for In-game Goods,
ASH. POST (Aug. 1, 2011), https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/faster-forward/post/diablo-3-
Kristina Davis, Why Cybercrime is So Hard to Investigate, COMPUTER CRIME RES. CTR.
(Dec. 29, 2015), http://www.crime-research.org/articles/4002/ [https://perma.cc/7VVD-GV7S].
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1097
the game). Rather, he just cut o your (virtual) purse and ran o with it. Or
he threatened to have his character kill your character if you didnt give him
the money. Or you opened your virtual safe to let him take 10 gold pieces,
and he used the access to take 1000.
Games sometimes permit such actions. If I ght your character and win,
I may be able to loot his body. That sort of looting, if it istheft at all, is
theft contemplated by the rules of the game. By playing the game I accepted
the risk that I might lose virtual currency to an enemy, just as I consented in
the sword ghting algics scenario
to the possibility that I would feel pain
as a result of being hit by a virtual sword.
But now let us assume that what my thief did violates the rules of the
game itself. Should that be a crime from the perspective of American law? Or
should it be just one of the things that happens in the wolf-eat-wolf world
that is Game of Thrones: The Game?
Indeed, might it be a valued gameplay
feature, which helps create verisimilitude, extra strategic options, and
emotional tension? What kind of goody-goody nonsense would Game of
Thrones: The Game be if all players actually had to follow Westeros law?
Maybe the remedy for such theft within the game would be an attempt to
launch an in-game criminal prosecution, under whatever rules the game
environment allows. (Perhaps trial by combat?) Or maybe such thefts would
be deterred by the threat of blood feud, or of magical or divine retaliation, all
within the game. Just as the possibility of broken treaties is a valuable feature
of games such as Risk, Diplomacy, and Machiavelli,
the possibility of theft
may be a valuable feature of other games.
One way of conceptualizing this is that playing a computer game (VR or
otherwise) might by default amount to consent to everything that could physically
happen within the game, whether or not it is legally allowed within the game. This
has been labeled the “magic circle” excluding real law from virtual worlds.
A game could announce that it is departing from the default. For instance,
gamers are often frustrated if their opponents use bots or cheat codes to
See supra Section II.D.
See GAME OF THRONES: THE GAME, http://www.gameofthrones-rpg.com/
[https://perma.cc/4D7Q-9CZY]. We’re not sure whether outright theft is currently physically
possible in Game of Thrones: The Game; but if it isn’t, it should be.
Another game for which legally mandated honesty would be a ridiculous policy.
See Joshua A.T. Faireld, The Magic Circle, 11 VAND. J. ENT. & TECH. L. 823, 825 (2009)
(“The thrust of the magic circle metaphor is that actions that occur within virtual worlds are not
real, and thus cannot be sanctioned using real-world law. Following this reasoning, real-world law is
appropriately left out of virtual worlds.”); Mark A. Lemley, The Dubious Autonomy of Virtual Worlds,
2 U.C.
IRVINE L. REV. 575, 578 (2012).
1098 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
circumvent the limitations under which everyone else operates.
If game
makers ban the exploits,
players could presumably have a civil cause of action
against a cheater—or could even call for a criminal prosecution of the
cheater—just as they could pursue a computer hacker who took valuable data
off their laptops. And many games in fact do ban hackers and bots, presumably
because they think their players want a level playing field in some respects.
But a rule that violations of in-game laws must be dealt with, if at all,
using in-game justice (formal or otherwise) seems to us a sensible default for
many games. At least it should be an option, and if it is given as an explicit
option, it will be one that many games are likely to choose.
Yet VR involves more than just games. Some environments, including
some VR environments, are likely to be used for straight-up commerce, where
people shouldnt have to expect cheating, and where our legal system should
prohibit cheating. “Sure, my store is an elaborate fraud—we goblins are
notorious tricksters, and widely known within Middle Earth to be evil” may
be an acceptable explanation for a “let the player beware” response in a game,
but it shouldn’t apply when the store is part of a normal VR shopping mall.
Again, though, the distinction turns, we think, on consent: one consents
to more trickery when playing a game than when engaging in normal
commerce. Presumably in most cases it will be clear which environment is
one and which is the other. But perhaps there might be need for clear
statement rules, so that fraud and theft of in-VR resources would be
noncriminal only if something is clearly labeled as a “game,” perhaps with a
requirement that the users specically acknowledge the possibility of fraud
and theft as a condition of playing the game.
The existence of haptics and algics might also change the calculus. Return to
our example of virtual swordfighting, but now assume that someone deliberately
violates the rules of the game to inflict more pain than the rules allow.
Say, for instance, that one of the rules of Extreme Swordfighting is that you
dont hit someone who is already labeled as dead or disabled, or someone who has
surrendered. But say that you keep hitting me after I’m down, inflicting five shocks
See, e.g., Abby Ohlheiser, World of Warcraft Halted an Army of Cheaters with a Massive Player Ban,
ASH. POST (May 15, 2015), https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2015/05/15/world-of-
warcraft-halted-an-army-of-cheaters-with-a-massive-player-ban/ [https://perma.cc/TY2S-3X8W].
F. Gregory Lastowka & Dan Hunter, Virtual Crimes, 49 N.Y.L. SCH. L. REV. 293, 305-07 (2004).
See Faireld, supra note 163, at 834 (arguing that virtual property shouldn’t be outside the
scope of real-world laws); Lastowka & Hunter, supra note 20, at 29 (same).
(2010) (noting the risk of theft in virtual environments and the ways in-game rules might deal with it).
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1099
in succession rather than the officially allowed one. I’m very upset by your
deliberately sadistic behavior, and I try to have you prosecuted.
As with the theft in the previous subsection, one possible reaction is that
this is a crime: I have consented only to those shocks that are within the rules
of the game. You have violated the rules, and thus exceeded the consent.
But another possible reaction is that I’ve consented to a broader range of
behavior: by playing the game with my shocker enabled, I have consented to
anything that you can do (at least short of serious physical injury) with that shocker.
Indeed, the possibility of cheating may be an understood part of the game.
Here too self-protection may play a role. Algic devices, such as the electric
shockers, will likely come with an easy override, and may even be
programmable to (for instance) limit the shocks to no more than one every
ten seconds, so one will have the time to engage the override. Manufacturers
would have lots of incentive to provide such features and tout them to users.
And if you play a game in which repeated shocks are possible, and don’t
engage any override that blocks such shocks, that itself might be seen as
consent to the shocks, even when the shocks violate the internal game rules.
If you dont like it, shift to a dierent setting. This will make it possible for
you to enjoy more self-protective gameplay, while others can enjoy more
transgressive gameplay—again, diversity of sensescape.
In principle, sexual haptics have some similarities to algics and to other
haptics. One doesn’t have to place haptics on one’s erogenous zones, or to
enable them even if one has them, just as one doesn’t have to have algics, or
to turn on the algics. (VR and AR are better that way than real reality is: Our
bodies have biological haptic and algic interfaces that are accessible to
passersby, whether or not we want to turn them on.)
At the same time, if one walks into a party with one’s haptics turned on,
one might be expecting—as in the real world—that one’s lover would feel
authorized to, say, covertly rub one’s thigh, but that a stranger would not. And
because unauthorized sexual touching is much more intrusive and oensive
than even unauthorized pain in a swordghting game, there is good reason to
require overt opt-in before sexual touching (though again recall that this
Cf. R. v. McSorley, [2000] BCPC 0116 (Can. B.C.) (nding an NHL player guilty of
criminal assault for slashing his opponent in the head with his hockey stick during a game).
Not all physical fouls in sports, for instance, are treated as assault. “[T]he consent defense
[to a charge of criminal assault] is not limited to conduct within the rules of the games, rather it is
to the conduct and harm that are the reasonably foreseeable hazards of joint participation in an
athletic contest . . . . State v. Shelley, 929 P.2d 489, 490, 492 (Wash. Ct. App. 1997) (citing M
PENAL CODE § 2.11 cmt. 2 (AM. LAW INST., Ocial Draft and Revised Comments 1995) and
The manufacturers may well set the low-shock option (such as no more than one shock per
ten seconds) as a default, though there may be some pressure among players to disengage the default
in order to show how hard-core one is.
1100 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
touching will be felt only if one attaches haptics to those parts of one’s body).
Indeed, it’s possible that under existing criminal laws prohibiting unwanted
sexual touching, such triggering of anothers haptics might already be a crime:
much depends on whether courts would be willing to treat such
technologically intermediated behavior as tantamount to “touching.
These questions, of course, are already famously contested and complex
in the real world. We expect them to be similarly disputed in VR and AR as
well, especially when one moves away from the pretty clear taboos (you dont
touch someone’s genitals unless there are strong indications of consent) to
borderline questions (When is it OK to kiss someone? To caress someone’s
butt when dancing?).
At this point, without more knowledge about how sexual haptics are likely
to be used, we’re not sure what the right answer will be. The ability to dene
default consent in software can make VR safer than the real world—for
instance, well-designed software may let me consent in advance to certain
types of touching but not others, or touching by some people but not others,
and touching that isnt consented to wont even be felt. The question that
remains is to what extent, if at all, we should view it as the victims job to set
software consent boundaries; more on that below.
F. Consent and Impersonation
Consent in the physical world—to sex, to hitting, or to fraud—presents a
variety of legal issues. But VR and AR add a couple of new twists. The rst,
which we raised above, is that consent can always change with the
environment (game-playing vs. shopping, for instance), and people may
switch virtual environments more often than physical environments.
A second way VR complicates the picture, though, is that identity is
malleable. If I convince someone to have (virtual) sex with me by pretending
to be her boyfriend, that too seems like something at least tort law would be
inclined to punish. In the physical world some states treat physical sex by
impersonation as a crime,
but virtual sex may well not qualify because of the
absence of physical contact. Might the behavior be actionable as intentional
See infra Section IV.A.
Compare Suliveres v. Commonwealth, 449 Mass. 112, 118 (2007) (holding that sex by
impersonation is not rape), with C
AL. PENAL CODE § 261(a)(5) (West 2018) (treating sex as rape
when the victim “submits under the belief that the person committing the act is someone known to
the victim other than the accused, and this belief is induced by any artice, pretense, or concealment
practiced by the accused, with intent to induce the belief”).
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1101
infliction of emotional distress?
Perhaps the tort of battery, on the theory
that the consent defense is made unavailable because of the fraud?
Here, too, the possibility of technological self-protection might mitigate
some of the harm. In a world in which people can change their appearance at
will, experienced VR users will learn not to assume that we are who we say we
are, merely based on our avatars’ names (TaylorSwift? JaneSmith?) and
appearance. So before handing over money (or engaging in sex) you will
probably want to verify that your prospective partner is who he or she appears
to be, perhaps with a shared password or some sort of persistent actual identity.
But not all VR environments will want to require people to disclose their
real identities, just as some but not all web pages have “real name” policies. So
the law may want to police cases of intentional misrepresentation, at least when
there are significant consequences at stake. And, subject to the Bangladesh
problem, identity fraud that yields sufficiently serious losses may be one of the
acts in which the default legal rule doesnt give the perpetrator one free pass.
A. Direct Tort Lawsuits Against Oenders: The Causes of Action
So far, we’ve been talking chiey about criminal law; what about tort law?
Let us turn rst to the direct tort liability of some of the potential oenders
we described above.
In theory, such liability might be possible in many of the circumstances
we have identied, even if criminal law wont apply. For instance, using strobe
lights to deliberately cause a seizure in a person one knows is epileptic is likely
at least negligence, and possibly also the intentional tort of “purposeful
iniction of bodily harm.
For the other scenarios, tort liability would be more of a stretch, but not
implausible. Disturbing the peace might be recharacterized as nuisance, at
least in a suit brought by “nearbyVR or AR stores whose business is
interfered with by the screaming; but, especially as to VR, that would require
nuisance law to be modied, for instance by treating VR “places” as
tantamount to “uses of land” which nuisance law protects.
Nuisance also
See, e.g., id. §§ 18, 19 (stating that nonconsensual oensive touching can be battery); id.
§ 892B(2) (stating that consent procured by fraud may be invalid).
LAW INST., Tentative Draft No. 1 2015).
RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS § 822 (noting that one is liable fora private
nuisance” only if “his conduct is a legal cause of an invasion of anothers interest in the private use
and enjoyment of land, and the invasion is either (a) intentional and unreasonable, or (b)
1102 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
generally requires either long-term interference or especially serious
disturbing the peace law punishes even brief incidents.
Virtual groping might be treated as intrusion upon seclusion; though it
happens in “public” places, the intrusion tort can apply even there, to behavior
that is seen as intruding on one’s bubble of personal space.
Indecent exposure
might qualify as well. Both might also constitute intentional infliction of
emotional distress, even in the absence of physical touching, on the theory that
they are both “outrageous,
though that tort generally requires a showing of
severe emotional distress where there is no physical contact.
Tort law can also reach a wide array of conduct that wouldnt be a crime
even in the physical world. Defaming a VR avatar using false factual
assertions that injure the avatars reputation—and thus make it harder for a
person to engage in business and social life using the avatar—should be a tort,
even if the avatar is pseudonymous.
One of us has had an extended debate with a well-respected federal judge
who believed it was impossible to defame an avatar because avatars weren’t real,
so their reputation couldnt be injured.
This “it’s just a game” sense might
pervade VR for some time in the courts, in part because most judges are
unlikely to be early adopters of VR. But we think such a view is misguided.
And that is true even if the character in question is not “Eugene Volokh
but “Fredo the Bored Panda,
an avatar you made up but use persistently
in VR. Persistent avatars, like authorial pseudonyms, can constitute a part of
their users identity just as much as real names can, and their misuse creates
unintentional and otherwise actionable under the rules controlling liability for negligent or reckless
conduct, or for abnormally dangerous conditions or activities”).
Id. §§ 821D, 821F cmt. G.
See, e.g., supra note 69 and accompanying text.
See, e.g., State Rubbish Collectors Ass’n v. Silizno, 240 P.2d 282, 286 (Cal. 1952) (holding
that liability for “serious invasions of mental and emotional tranquility” was “clear” when threats to
give up a business account “caused defendant to suer extreme fright”); Bundren v. Superior Court,
145 Cal. App. 3d 784, 792 (1983) (nding a question existed as to whether intentional iniction of
emotional distress occurred when defendant made telephone calls rudely demanding payment from
a person who the caller knew was recovering from surgery); Esposito-Hilder v. SFX Broad., Inc.,
665 N.Y.S.2d 697, 700 (N.Y. App. Div. 1997) (holding that allegations of radio talk show describing
plainti as the “ugliest bride” in a newspapers wedding announcement section could support claim
for emotional distress); R
§46 (A
M. LAW INST. 2012). Reasonable minds could dier over whether virtual groping should be
thought to involve “physical” touching, but the conduct might reasonably be viewed as outrageous
enough that it shouldnt matter.
Lemley, supra note 163, at 576. No, we won’t tell you who it was. What happens in the
hallways outside conferences stays in the hallways outside conferences.
Id; Lastowka & Hunter, supra note 20, at 72-73.
OK, we made that up. But feel free to make it your avatar if you want.
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1103
similar problems.
Corporations can sue for defamation, because people
invest time and money to create reputational capital for the corporation.
There’s no reason why the same wouldnt apply to a pseudonym that is used
to do business, in VR or otherwiseor to one that is used for ordinary life.
Surely falsehoods that damaged the reputation of Mark Twain were
defamatory even if they didnt expressly mention Samuel Clemens.
The damages to a pseudonyms reputation might be less in many situations
than the damages to a real persons reputation, because many pseudonyms have
built up less reputational capital, and people can take on new ones with little
loss. But they could be quite great in other situations, if—as is true in some
Internet circles and will likely be increasingly true in VR—the pseudonym or
avatar is better known than the persons name, which might be obscure or even
deliberately concealed.
Most readers probably couldn’t come up with the real
name of The Weeknd, but that doesnt mean we couldn’t defame him.
B. Direct Tort Lawsuits Against Oenders: Practicalities (and Impracticalities)
Tort lawsuits against VR and AR oenders have one important advantage
over criminal prosecutions: they are available even when the police are
unwilling to intervene. For example, even if the police don’t want to spend
their time on a dicult investigation—especially when they think the
complainant could have avoided the problem using technologically enabled
self-protection—the complainant can still demand his day in court.
Practically speaking, though, we doubt that people will often sue each
other for most VR or AR behavior. First, again, there is the Bangladesh
problem. VR torts might involve tricky jurisdictional questions; if youre
screaming in a VR forum from your apartment in Poland, is it fair to require
you to answer lawsuits led in San Francisco or in Buenos Aires?
People have litigated that question extensively in Internet cases.
even if a court in, say, California concludes that it has jurisdiction over the
Pole (perhaps because the Pole targeted strobe lights at a person who he knew
Lastowka and Hunter go so far as to suggest that the combination of an owner and her
virtual representation are a form of cyborg that might be entitled to its own set of rights, though
they conclude that granting such rights is ultimately unworkable. Lastowka & Hunter, supra note
20, at 51-72. We wouldnt go that far. But we dont have to; it is quite enough that a virtual persona
has the same attributes as a persistent pseudonym in real life.
See, e.g., Martin Marietta Corp. v. Evening Star Newspaper Co., 417 F. Supp. 947, 956
(D.D.C. 1976).
See Lastowka & Hunter, supra note 20, at 63-68.
Comparative negligence is generally not a defense to intentional torts, though of course
outright consent would be. R
See, e.g., Alan M. Trammel & Derek E. Bambauer, Personal Jurisdiction and the “Interwebs,”
100 C
ORNELL L. REV. 1129, 1163-73 (2015).
1104 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
to be in San Francisco), enforcing a judgment against someone half a world
away would likely be very hard, and in any event many defendants would lack
the money to satisfy a judgment.
Second, while police refusal to go forward wouldnt be a barrier to civil
lawsuits, the cost of such lawsuits might be. However distressed one might be by
virtual groping, it’s unlikely that one would be willing to spend tens of thousands
of dollars tracking down the culprit, suing him, and trying to recover the
judgment. Some people might, perhaps to send a message, but that would be rare.
And abbreviated procedures that are aimed at making lawsuits cheaper
and easier—such as small claims trials or restraining orders—won’t help
much. A small claims court might be reluctant to allow a lawsuit against
someone far away, even if jurisdiction is in principle available;
judgment, moreover, would still be costly to enforce. And the police may be
as reluctant to go after a remote restraining order violator as they are to go
after a faraway asher or screamer.
C. Tort Lawsuits for Physical Injuries to Outsiders
VR and AR users will sometimes also physically injure outsiders. A player
chasing a Pokémon might run into someone,
or might cause damage by
trespassing on someone’s property.
A VR user wearing a headset might
walk into a houseguest. AR users may also be injured by those onto whose
property they encroach. Indeed, one property owner has already shot at
Pokémon Go players wandering onto his property.
Some small claims courts’ jurisdictions are limited to local defendants. See, e.g., N.Y. CITY
CIV. CT. ACT § 1801 (2016).
Mara Faccio & John J. McConnell, Death by Pokémon GO: The Economic and Human Cost of Using
Apps While Driving (Nat’l Bureau of Econ. Research, Working Paper No. 24308, 2018), http://
www.nber.org/papers/w24308.pdf [https://perma.cc/C8YV-426E]; Hayley Tsukayama, Pokemon Go’s
Unexpected Side Effect: Injuries, W
ASH. POST (July 10, 2016), https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-
switch/wp/2016/07/08/pokemon-gos-unexpected-side-effect-injuries/ [https://perma.cc/XBZ4-H5GV].
Richard Winton, Police Fear the Dark Side of ‘Pokemon Go’, L.A. TIMES (July 12, 2016, 5:15
PM), http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-pokemon-cops-20160712-snap-htmlstory.html
[https://perma.cc/GR4J-42MM]. We set aside VR or AR defects that cause trespass without
damage. Negligent trespass is generally not actionable absent damage. R
TORTS § 165 (AM. LAW. INST. 1965). Likewise, a manufacturers negligence in leading someone
to trespass should generally not be actionable without damage, either. For a discussion of the
property law issues raised by Pokémon GO, see, e.g., Molly S. Van Houweling, Tem pt i ng Tr espas s or
Suggesting Sociability? Augmented Reality and the Right to Include, 51 U.C.
DAVIS L. REV. 731 (2017);
Samuel Mallick, Note, Augmenting Property Law: Applying the Right to Exclude in the Augmented Reality
Universe, 19 V
AND. J. ENT. & TECH. L. 1057, 1065-73 (2017).
In Florida, naturally. See Lee Moran, Man Opens Fire on Two ‘Pokemon Go’ Players in Florida,
UFFINGTON POST (July 17, 2016, 9:14 AM), http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/shots-pokemon-go-
florida_us_578b6de5e4b03fc3ee512f13 [https://perma.cc/44A9-UXUX].
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1105
Those injuries will often be the fault of the user herself, or someone else
using the system. But sometimes the injury may result from aws in the
design of the VR or AR hardware or software itself. And in the case of
Pokémon GO, the trespass itself may result from the intentional design of
the system, not from errors. After all, Niantic “put” desirable Pokémon “in
private spaces.
And that opens a second, more practical possibility: suing
the hardware or software designer itself.
These design defects should be analyzed using normal tort law rules.
Just as
a car or bicycle manufacturer may be liable for physical injuries caused by defects
in the device, so too a VR or AR equipment manufacturer may be liable. If a defect
in an AR headset, for instance, causes it to flash a very bright light that temporarily
blinds users and leads them to run into people, that sounds no different from a
defect in a bicycle’s brakes that leads the rider to run into someone.
Many such defects would stem from the VR or AR system providing
incorrect information to people—for instance, an AR system defectively
instructing you to turn in the wrong place, or a VR system that claims to sense
whether someone walks into your room but then defectively fails to properly
report it. The fact that information is involved complicates things, because the
publication of information—even false information—might implicate the
First Amendment. For instance, the leading case on false information in
reference books held that the publisher of the Mushroom Encyclopedia isnt
strictly liable when you poison yourself because the Encyclopedia had bad
On the other hand, the publisher of a flawed aeronautical chart
is strictly liable when you use the chart to fly into a mountain.
Even if the Mushroom Encyclopedia case is correct, we think incorrect
directional information provided by VR and AR that makes you walk into a
wall is more like the incorrect directional information provided in
aeronautical charts. Even more than with charts, people generally rely on
instructions provided by their VR and AR headsets automatically, with no
opportunity for reection. Indeed, that is the whole point: If a VR headset
shows a pathway for you to walk down, youre supposed to walk down it. That
For discussion of the trespass issues Pokémon Go raises, see Donald J. Kochan, Playing with
Real Property Inside Augmented Reality: Pokémon Go, Trespass, and Laws Limitations, 38 W
REV. (forthcoming 2017); Andrew L. Rossow, Gotta Catch . . . a Lawsuit? A Legal Insight into the
Intellectual, Civil, and Criminal Battleeld ‘Pokemon Go’ Has Downloaded onto Smartphones and Properties
Around the World, 16 J.
MARSHALL REV. INTELL. PROP. L. 329, 340-42 (2017). Those lawsuits have
already begun. See, e.g., Candy Lab Inc. v. Milwaukee Cty., 266 F. Supp. 3d 1139 (E.D. Wis. July 20,
2017) (adjudicating a lawsuit challenging a city ordinance requiring companies oering AR games
to secure permits and garbage collection, among other services).
Leave aside for now the immunity for Internet intermediaries in 47 U.S.C. § 230; we return
to that below.
Winter v. G.P. Putnams Sons, 938 F.2d 1033, 1037 (9th Cir. 1991).
Brocklesby v. United States, 767 F.2d 1288, 1296-97 (9th Cir. 1985).
1106 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
assumes that the VR system is supposed to know where walls and other
obstacles are, but they generally do.
The Ninth Circuit’s eort to distinguish aeronautical charts from the
Mushroom Encyclopedia is a little opaque, but it supports our position:
Aeronautical charts are highly technical tools. They are graphic depictions of
technical, mechanical data. The best analogy to an aeronautical chart is a
compass. Both may be used to guide an individual who is engaged in an
activity requiring certain knowledge of natural features. Computer software
that fails to yield the result for which it was designed may be another. In
contrast, The Encyclopedia of Mushrooms is like a book on how to use a compass
or an aeronautical chart. The chart itself is like a physical “product” while the
“How to Use” book is pure thought and expression.
Even if a mushroom encyclopedia is “pure thought and expression,
because it teaches how to do something, a VR or AR headset is far from that.
Instead, it’s an even more automatic “guide” than a compass: It oers visual
cues that the user is meant to follow without thinking. It is like a physical
product, albeit one composed in large part of information.
D. Using Tort Law to Draft VR/AR Operators into Preventing
Misbehavior by Users
Plaintiffs often won’t want to limit suits against operators to errors in the
systems themselves; they may also want to hold operators liable for users’
misconduct. Individual users may be hard to sue, but VR and AR operators—both
software and hardware providers—will not be. They will usually be easily
identifiable, and will often have assets in many of the jurisdictions in which
their users live. Users who believe they have been harmed while participating
in a VR environment might thus sue, not just the primary tortfeasors, but also
the VR operators for negligently contributing to their injuries.
Generally speaking, American negligence law holds that people who
provide physical spaces—such as shopping malls—have a duty of reasonable
care to safeguard their business visitors from physical harm.
That includes
harm from criminal attack.
The theory is one of negligence, not of strict
liability or vicarious liability: a shopping mall owner wouldnt be liable simply
See, e.g., Oculus Guardian System, OCULUS DEVELOPER CTR., https://developer3.oculus.com/
documentation/pcsdk/latest/concepts/dg-guardian-system/ [https://perma.cc/D5H2-LWMD] (“The Oculus
Guardian System is designed to display in-application wall and floor markers when users get near boundaries
they defined.”).
Winter, 938 F.2d at 1036.
M. LAW INST. 2012).
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1107
because a visitor was criminally attacked by another visitor.
But if there
were reasonable, cost-eective, not unduly burdensome steps that the owner
could have taken to prevent reasonably foreseeable crime, and the owner
didnt take the steps, then the owner could be held liable.
This negligence theory would clearly apply to AR that is under a physical
property owners control. Say that a shopping mall provides an AR network
to its customers—perhaps so they can more easily nd their way to stores, or
see what’s available in a store, or just communicate with friends and thus
better enjoy the shopping experience. And say that someone uses the network
to target a customer for a strobe-light attack. If (1) the attack was reasonably
foreseeable, (2) the AR software could have easily and inexpensively provided
an option that customers could use to block strobing, but (3) the AR software
failed to do that, then the shopping mall owner might well be liable for any
damage that the attack caused. There would be no need for any extension of
existing law; that would already be the result today.
But what about VR that we use on our own physical property? Or what about
an AR system that is provided entirely by AR operators who are unrelated to any
shopping mall that we might happen to be visiting? There, the existing duty of a
property owner to business visitors wouldnt arise. Instead, courts would have to
consider whether to recognize a new duty, not based on ownership of real estate
but based on ownership of “virtual estate,” in the sense of a VR environment that
feels to people like a “place, even if it is not one, or an AR environment that is
superimposed on the places that people are visiting.
The rationale for such a duty might be that the VR or AR operator, like a
real estate owner, is uniquely situated to provide protections that users cannot
themselves provide.
Conversely, if the VR and AR environments are open
enough that people can easily buy and run their own apps that provide, say,
anti-strobing protection, that would cut against imposing such a duty on the
VR/AR operators.
Perhaps, though, such a new duty wouldnt even be necessary, because—unlike
in the physical world—VR and AR operators are, however unintentionally,
affirmatively contributing to VR and AR-based attacks, rather than just failing to
See, e.g., Castaneda v. Olsher, 162 P.3d 610, 613 (Cal. 2007) (holding that landlords have no
duty to reject tenants who may be gang members in order to protect others’ safety).
See, e.g., Kline v. 1500 Massachusetts Ave. Apartment Corp., 439 F.2d 477, 487 (D.C. Cir.
1970). If the attack was unforeseeable, then the attacker’s voluntary act would be viewed asbreaking
the chain of causation,” and the shopping malls actions would be seen as not being a proximate cause
of the attack. But if the attack was foreseeable, proximate cause would be seen as present even though
the immediate cause of the harm was the attack itself. See, e.g., R
See, e.g., Mills v. White Castle Sys., Inc., 421 N.W.2d 631, 633-34 (Mich. Ct. App. 1988).
1108 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
stop them. If I can send you strobing images via a VR system, the VR system is
itself an unwitting participant in the process, a factual cause of any injury you suffer.
This doesnt make the VR maker strictly liable, but perhaps it does impose
on it a duty of reasonable care to make sure that its system doesnt cause such
harm. As the Restatement (Third) of Torts: Liability for Physical and Emotional
Harm puts it, “An actor ordinarily has a duty to exercise reasonable care” when
“the actors . . . course of conduct results in greater risk to another than the other
would have faced absent the conduct,” including “by exposing another to the
improper conduct of third parties.
This duty is the foundation for many
negligence theories, such as negligent entrustment and negligent supervision:
If (1) I give you access to a car or a gun, (2) I should have known that
you couldn’t be trusted with such devices, and (3) you harm someone
by misusing the device, then I can be sued for negligent entrustment
(on the theory that I’ve affirmatively contributed to the harm by
lending you the device).
If (1) you are an independent contractor whom I’ve engaged, (2) I fail
to reasonably supervise you to make sure that you aren’t misusing
your powers under the contract, and (3) you do cause harm through
such misuse, then I can be sued for negligent supervision (on the
theory that I’ve affirmatively contributed to the harm by bringing you
into my project).
Likewise, if we cross negligent entrustment and negligent supervision, we
get the following duty, which is already long established in copyright
infringement as well as some tort cases:
If (1) I give you access to my flea market, (2) I fail to reasonably supervise
you to make sure that you aren’t selling copyright-infringing products, and
(3) you do sell such products, then I can be sued for contributory copyright
If (1) I give you access to my computer system, (2) I fail to reasonably
supervise your use of the system, and (3) you use it to distribute nude
photos of your stepdaughter, then I could be held liable for negligent
§ 7(a), cmt. O.
See, e.g., Bellere v. Gerics, 759 N.Y.S.2d 105, 107 (App. Div. 2003). We sayindependent
contractor” rather than “employee” to make clear that this involves negligent supervision, not the
strict liability theory of respondeat superior. See R
Fonovisa, Inc. v. Cherry Auction, Inc., 76 F.3d 259, 264 (9th Cir. 1996). This duty is limited
by statute for online service providers, though not entirely eliminated. 17 U.S.C. § 512(a) (2012).
Doe v. XYC Corp., 887 A.2d 1156, 1167 (N.J. Super. Ct. App. Div. 2005). That case involved
misuse of a computer system by the employee of the systems owner; but its logic didn’t turn on the
employment relationship and would apply to other system users as well. See also Howard v. Hertz
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1109
By the same logic,
If (1) I give you access to my VR environment, (2) I fail to reasonably
supervise your use of the environment, and (3) you use it to
tortiously injure someone, then I could be held liable for negligent
We think courts should hesitate to impose such liability, especially when
the proposed supervision or precautions would seriously interfere with other
users’ privacy or freedom. Say, for instance, that Tom defrauds Paul while
using the Delta Corporations VR environment; Tom had a past criminal
conviction for fraud; and Delta could have prevented the fraud by just doing
a background check on all its users (assume it has their names because it
requires them to provide nonanonymous credit cards to participate).
If Paul can successfully sue Delta for negligently enabling this
fraudessentially by negligently entrusting the system to the known
fraudster third-party Tom—then Delta would have a strong incentive just to
bar people with criminal histories from its system.
Or if Paul can
successfully sue Delta for negligently enabling the fraud by failing to warn
people of Toms criminal history, then Delta would have a strong incentive to
overtly label everyone with a criminal conviction who is using its system.
(Perhaps a scarlet F, for fraud, on the avatars chest?
Corp., No. 13-00645, 2014 WL 5431168, at *3 (D. Haw. Oct. 23, 2014) (holding a company could be held
liable for negligently failing to supervise employees’ use of work computers to post items that allegedly
inflicted emotional distress on a customer); Boston v. Athearn, 764 S.E.2d 582, 587 (Ga. Ct. App. 2014)
(holding that parents could be held liable for negligently failing to supervise a child’s defamatory use
of the family computer, at least after they were on notice that he was engaged in defamation); Lansing
v. Sw. Airlines Co., 980 N.E.2d 630, 632-33, 641 (Ill. App. Ct. 2012) (holding a company could be held
liable for negligently failing to supervise employees’ use of work computers to harass a customer); Gray
v. Schenectady City Sch. Dist., 86 A.D.3d 771, 773-74 (N.Y. App. Div. 2011) (similar). Boston involved
parents’ duty to supervise their children, 764 S.E.2d at 585, but cases such as Doe v. XYC Corporation
show that the same can apply to property owners’ duty to supervise users of their property. But see
Finkel v. Dauber, 906 N.Y.S.2d 697, 702 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2010) (concluding that New York law doesn’t
allow negligent supervision actions based on a parents entrusting a child with a computer, because in
New York “there is no cause of action for negligent supervision of a child, absent an allegation that the
parent entrusted the child with a dangerous instrument which caused harm to a third party,” and a
computer is not treated as a sufficientlydangerous instrument”).
The court in Doe v. Internet Brands, Inc., 824 F.3d 846 (9th Cir. 2016), allowed a claim
against a modeling networking site for negligently failing to warn users that particular viewers of
the site were drugging and raping users whom they found on the site. But there the allegation was
that the site operators were aware of the scheme. Id. at 848-49. The question we discuss in the text
is whether site operators should have a duty to perform criminal history checks on users, and either
eject or publicly identify those who have shown a propensity to commit crimes even when operators
have no reason to think that those people are likely to commit any particular future crime.
Or, with a dierent sort of criminal history, “Poor Impulse Control” on the avatars
forehead? See N
1110 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
Such an approach might be appealing to some, despite the burden it
imposes on user privacy and the extra burden it places on people with
criminal convictions even after they have served their sentences. VR and AR
environments might want to tout their background checks as a means of
attracting users, just as Uber publicizes that it does background checks on its
And perhaps a legislature might conclude that VR and AR
companies should have a duty to do this as well, though this might raise
interesting First Amendment problems.
But we dont think that juries should be making such decisions, especially
on an ex post basis, in cases when the plainti has been injured and the eects
of imposing liability will be felt by third parties who arent represented in
court. Courts ought to hold as a matter of law that there is no tort law duty
to impose such privacy- and liberty-compromising precautions, whether in
VR environments or otherwise.
If those precautions are to be legally required, they should be required only
as a result of legislative decision directed to specific kinds of precautions and
misconduct, not a jury verdict that could arise in any VR negligence case. The
law does not similarly require Internet service providers or cell phone providers
to supervise the conduct of their users, at least outside contributory copyright
infringement and child pornography.
And we worry that the consequences of
imposing such a duty would cause larger problems: restricting user privacy and
limiting what individuals can do even with consent.
At most, courts should allow such negligent supervision lawsuits only
when the defendant has failed to implement reasonably inexpensive and
eective technological self-protection measures that don’t involve excluding
users or disclosing information about them. Even then we’re not sure that
such measures should be required through the unpredictable tort liability
system, as opposed to through clearer, narrow regulations or through market
pressure. But at least such requirements would increase the diversity of
choices available to users, rather than decreasing them.
See Rachel Feintzeig & Rachel Emma Silverman, In the Uber Age, a Boom in Background Checks,
ALL ST. J. (May 10, 2016, 8:35 PM), https://www.wsj.com/articles/background-checks-are-booming-
1462926915 [https://perma.cc/FZQ6-ZM4G] (describing Ubers employee background checks).
See Eugene Volokh, Tort Law vs. Privacy, 114 COLUM. L. REV. 879, 948 (2014).
Congress is currently considering a third exception for sites promoting sex tracking. See
Stop Enabling Sex Trackers Act, S. 1693, 115th Cong. (2017).
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1111
E. Copyright and Trademark Liability to Outsiders
Let us now turn to liability that isn’t preempted by terms of use (because
it involves the rights of people who aren’t themselves VR or AR users) and is
expressly exempted from § 230 immunity: liability for copyright and
trademark infringement.
Say that you are designing your own avatar. You could make it look as
much like yourself as possible, receding hairline, love handles, and all. But, as
we mentioned above, one of the exciting things about VR is the malleability
of your identity. Why not make yourself just a bit younger and more
attractive? Or change your hair color?
For that matter, why not experiment with a different race, or gender, or
species? Freed of biology, and of the need for permanence, people will experiment
with all kinds of images to represent themselves. And while some will try to create
something new, some will just copy. Why not look like . . . Superman? Lara Croft?
The Cat in the Hat?
Copyright and trademark lawsuits against VR/AR users who create such
avatars, or companies that sell them, would likely operate much as they have
now, though with many of the uncertainties we see now.
characters’ images coupled with their unusual character traits are protected
by copyright. If you copy enough of the visuals, character traits, or both to be
copying expression and not just idea, you might be infringing. What if you
just wear a red-and-blue superhero costume with a cape but no S? What if
the game lets you have certain superpowers, and you also have your character
appear and disappear by seeming to y?
Answering questions like these is
why IP lawyers get paid the big bucks.
If your use is noncommercial, and licensed avatars arent already being
distributed by the copyright owner, your use might be a fair use. But if someone
In this Section we consider copyright claims based on uses of copyrighted works in a virtual
world. For a dierent issue on what aspects of the design of a virtual world are themselves
copyrightable, see Jack Russo & Michael Risch, Virtual Copyright, in T
AUGMENTED REALITY (Woody Bareld & Marc Blitz eds., forthcoming 2018).
47 U.S.C. § 230(c)(1) (2012).
For a detailed discussion, see Russo & Risch, supra note 213 (manuscript at 3), which concludes
that “traditional characters and animation” will likely not be “treated any differently in virtual reality.
This issue has been litigated before in Marvel Enters., Inc. v. NCSoft Corp., No. CV04-
9253RGKPLAX, 2005 WL 878090, at *1 (C.D. Cal. Mar. 9, 2005), when Marvel sued a company that allowed
users to design their own superhero avatars, though the case settled before a substantive ruling on the merits.
Ross Miller, Marvel vs. City of Heroes Lawsuit Settled, E
NGADGET (Dec. 14, 2005),
https://www.engadget.com/2005/12/14/marvel-vs-city-of-heroes-lawsuit-settled/ [https://perma.cc/9TM8-
EK36]. Disney also notoriously threatened legal action against daycare centers that featured murals of Disney
characters on their walls. Paul Richter, Disney’s Tough Tactics, L.A.
TIMES, July 8, 1990, at D1.
1112 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
goes into business selling such avatars without the copyright owners approval,
that would probably not be a fair use.
It might also be trademark infringement.
Copyright and trademark owners, though, might not want to go after
individual users, or even small-time fly-by-night avatar sellers. Instead, they
might sue the VR or AR operators as contributory infringers. The
environment operator might be immune under the Digital Millennium
Copyright Act (DMCA),
but only until someone sends the operator a
notice-and-takedown request; once the operator gets the request, it would have
to promptly block the allegedly infringing avatar or risk losing a lawsuit.
There is an established body of case law that sets out the limits of
intermediary liability under the DMCA.
There is less clarity on
intermediary liability for trademark infringement on the Internet, but that
law is also developing.
But the legal issues and their practical consequences
may dier somewhat in the VR and AR environments.
First, while there are certainly opportunities for outright copying of
works or logos in VR, we expect that many of the allegations will be against
user-generated works that incorporate or modify those works rather than
wholesale duplication of the kind that is common online. Those user-generated
works can still be infringing, but they are more likely to be transformative and
less likely to be commercial, complicating the copyright case and making it
likelier that infringement lawsuits will deter lawful uses.
Second, the use of AR is likely to generate some novel copyright issues
involving derivative works. One way to infringe is to combine your work with
another in a way that creates a new work or changes the market for the
original work. AR users may do exactly that when they place a virtual
Pokémon “in a work of sculpture, visually merge the copyrighted work that
appears in their phone or glasses with an actual work that appears in front of
them, or use lters that alter the appearance of copyrighted works.
True, those new derivative works are just passing things, not permanent
alterations, at least unless the user takes a photo. But some case law has
See, e.g., Marvel Enters., Inc., 2005 WL 878090, at *4; Carl Michael Szabo, Thwack!! Take
That, User-Generated Content!: Marvel Enterprises v. NCSoft, 62 F
ED. COMM. L.J. 541, 558 (2010).
17 U.S.C. § 512(c) (2012).
Id. § 512(c)(1)(A)(3).
See, e.g., Viacom Int’l, Inc. v. YouTube, Inc., 676 F.3d 19, 26-28 (2d Cir. 2012).
See, e.g., Tiany (NJ) Inc. v. eBay Inc., 600 F.3d 93, 96, 103-05 (2d Cir. 2010); Mark A.
Lemley, Rationalizing Internet Safe Harbors, 6 J.
TELECOMM. & HIGH TECH. L. 101, 106 (2007).
See, e.g., Lenz v. Universal Music Corp., 815 F.3d 1145, 1148 (9th Cir. 2016) (addressing the
problem of takedown notices directed at fair uses); Daniel Seng, The State of the Discordant Union:
An Empirical Analysis of DMCA Takedown Notices, 18 V
A. J.L. & TECH. 369, 441 (2014) (nding a
large number of vague or outdated takedown notices); Jennifer M. Urban & Laura Quilter, Ecient
Process or “Chilling Eects”? Takedown Notices Under Section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act,
22 S
ANTA CLARA COMPUTER & HIGH TECH. L.J. 621, 644-45 (2006) (same).
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1113
treated such ephemeral changes to a copyrighted work as infringing.
will have to decide whether and under what circumstances a users subjective
view of a derivative work not visible to others—or the facilitation of such an
act—constitutes copyright infringement.
Finally, the consequences of copyright infringement under the DMCA
may be more signicant for the infringer in VR than on the Internet. To
comply with the DMCA, intermediaries must agree to take down identied
acts of infringement and to terminate the accounts of repeat infringers.
the Internet, neither penalty is all that drastic or eective. It is easy enough
to repost a video that has been taken down, and frequently not dicult to
create another account from which to do so.
But it is harder to know what it means to “take down” a VR avatar that
infringes copyright or trademark law, so companies may err on the side of
caution by deleting the account altogether. And we think people will be more
invested in their VR accounts than in a particular online account, so the
consequences of being suspected of VR infringement may turn out to be more
signicant than on the Internet.
F. 47 U.S.C. § 230 as a Limit on VR/AR Operator Liability
Under current law, VR/AR operators would likely be immune from
liability for most misconduct by their users because of 47 U.S.C. § 230.
Section 230 bars any “interactive computer service” provider from being held
liable based on “information provided by another information content
This is why services such as Yelp, the Washington Post, YouTube,
and America Online arent liable for defamation, invasion of privacy, or
intentional iniction of emotional distress in content posted by their users.
The story of § 230 is long and oft-told, and we won’t repeat it here.
the upshot is that § 230 would probably immunize VR and AR operators from
oensive textual, audio, or visual communications by their users, likely
including indecent exposure, virtual groping, and such. It would probably
immunize them even from communications that cause physical harm, such as
the deliberately harmful use of strobe lighting.
See, e.g., Micro Star v. Formgen Inc., 154 F.3d 1107, 1109, 1114 (9th Cir. 1998); Lewis Galoob
Toys, Inc. v. Nintendo of Am., Inc., 964 F.2d 965, 968 (9th Cir. 1992); Atari, Inc. v. N. Am. Philips
Consumer Elecs. Corp., 672 F.2d 607, 617 (7th Cir. 1982).
17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(1)(C) (2012).
47 U.S.C. § 230(c) (2012).
See, e.g., Zeran v. Am. Online, Inc., 129 F.3d 327, 328 (4th Cir. 1997).
See Anupam Chander, How Law Made Silicon Valley, 63 EMORY L.J. 639, 650-57 (2014).
See Thierer & Camp, supra note 7, at 40-42.
1114 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
At the same time, some recent courts have read § 230 more narrowly, perhaps
because they sense that rampant misconduct online requires someone to control
it, especially when the misconduct appears in an environment where direct
lawsuits against those who are misbehaving are impractical and the police are
unlikely to step in.
It is possible that courts will take a similar view when it
comes to VR and AR operators, especially since the service they provide feels so
different in many ways—seeming so much more physical—than what the
paradigm beneficiaries of § 230 offer. And haptic torts seem unlikely to be
covered by § 230 at all.
G. Tort Liability for Physical Injury to Users; Terms of Use as
Contractual Limits on Liability
Finally, VR and AR defects are also likely to lead to injury to the systems
own users. Here, the analysis will be much the same as in the previous
subsection, but subject to any enforceable terms of use that might waive
liability to the users themselves.
Those limits, though, are likely to be substantial. The ubiquity of
consent” to terms of use may mean we will see relatively few VR and AR
legal disputes brought by users. Unlike in Section II.E, here we speak not of
informed consent to someone hitting you with a virtual sword, but rather the
ctional consent consumers give whenever they have agreed to terms of use
that exist somewhere in a box or on a web page.
All the VR and AR legal issues we have discussed are likely to arise, at
least in the foreseeable future, in the context of private, proprietary systems.
Everything you do in VR—both personal experiences in your own home and
interactions with others—occurs in a computer environment that is privately
designed, recorded, and controlled. The same is true for the overlays that AR
provides over your experience of the real world. For that reason, they are
likely to be covered by the VR and AR operators’ terms of use.
It is too soon to know exactly what this will mean for the law of VR and
AR. But we have some experience with so-called “walled gardens” in
electronic communications.
That experience suggests that makers of the
See, e.g., J.S. v. Village Voice Media Holdings, L.L.C., 359 P.3d 714, 717 (Wash. 2015); Jeff
Kosseff, The Gradual Erosion of the Law That Shaped the Internet: Section 230’s Evolution Over Two Decades,
18 C
OLUM. SCI. & TECH. L. REV. 1, 3 (2016) ([C]ourts have slowly eroded the once-absolute
immunity by concluding that some online service providers encouraged or contributed to the user
content, and therefore the user content was not ‘provided by another information content provider.’”
(quoting 47 U.S.C. § 230(c)(1))).
See, e.g., Joshua A.T. Faireld, Anti-Social Contracts: The Contractual Governance of Virtual
Worlds, 53 M
CGILL L. REV. 427, 429 (2008).
See, e.g., Greg Lastowka, Walled Gardens and the Stationers’ Company 2.0, REVISTA DE INTERNET,
DERECHO Y POLÍTICA, Nov. 2012, at 41, 43, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2204465
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1115
platforms have almost plenary authority to do what they want without legal
complaint from their customers, at least when it doesnt involve physical
This authority may give them the power to enforce rules or norms
when the police or tort law will not.
But it also means they will almost
certainly seek to insulate themselves from tort liability.
That is particularly true when it comes to potential economic loss. Users
of Apple phones, for instance, have access to the public internet and phone
networks, but Apple decides what apps they can and cannot run. Apps can be
dropped from the store, and if they are, users lose any investment they made
using the app.
Players of massively multiplayer online role-playing games
(MMORPGs) invest substantial time and resources in creating and leveling
up avatars and accumulating resources—but that investment exists only so
long as the game remains live, and only so long as the company doesn’t boot
the player o the system.
Technology companies routinely waive liability
for such economic damage in their terms of use, and VR environment
operators are likely to do the same.
Waivers of liability would probably also cover injuries to privacy or other
emotional distress.
If a VR or AR operation wanted to disclaim any liability
stemming from indecent exposure, virtual groping, and the like, it could
probably do so.
The question whether such operators are hypothetically
[https://perma.cc/G3R6-NMJT]; cf. Dan Hunter, Walled Gardens, 62 WASH. & LEE L. REV. 607,
611-12 (2005).
See Lastowka & Hunter, supra note 166, at 307.
See Kerr, supra note 14, at 424-25.
Apple periodically bans apps for actual or perceived violations of its terms of service, or
sometimes for no (disclosed) reason at all. See Lucy Black, Dash-Life Without the App Store, I
PROGRAMMER (Feb. 24, 2017), http://www.i-programmer.info/news/201-ios/10547-dash-life-
without-the-app-store.html [https://perma.cc/H3SN-GYMN] (“Kapeli Dash was summarily
removed by Apple with no prior warning . . . . This is by no means an isolated incident—Apple’s
decisions are generally nal, even when they seem harsh or even unfounded.”); Sarah Perez,
Controversial Crime Reporting App Vigilante Banned From App Store, T
ECHCRUNCH (Nov. 2, 2016),
store/ [https://perma.cc/3JHV-S6RY].
See Bragg v. Linden Research, Inc., 487 F.Supp.2d 593, 595 (E.D. Pa. 2007); Greg Lastowka,
User-Generated Content and Virtual Worlds, 10 V
AND. J. ENT. & TECH. L. 893, 915-16 (2008) (noting
that one MMORPG, World of Warcraft, “retains the right to terminate accounts and delete all data
present on the accounts forANY REASON OR NO REASON’”).
See, e.g., Eriksson v. Nunnink, 183 Cal. Rptr. 3d 234, 250 (Cal. Ct. App. 2015); Darnaa, LLC
v. Google Inc., 236 F. Supp. 3d 1116, 1123 (N.D. Cal. 2017) (“Perhaps regrettably, limitation-of-liability
clauses like Section 10 ‘have long been recognized valid . . . .” (citation omitted)); R
While the user might not be the person who bought the system, that likely won’t matter.
Putting on the headset is likely to be treated as agreeing to terms of use by most modern courts. See,
e.g., N
ANCY S. KIM, WRAP CONTRACTS (2014); Mark A. Lemley, Ter m s of Us e, 91 MINN. L. REV.
459, 467 (2006).
1116 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
liable under some negligent supervision or entrustment theory or have 47
U.S.C. § 230 immunity may thus prove to be largely moot.
You are also likely bound by the terms of use even when you havent read
them, and thus haven’t agreed to them in any normal sense of the word.
And precisely because those terms are not negotiated or read, they tend to
give the companies that write them lots of rights and few responsibilities.
The ubiquity of terms of use is not new, of course. The same problem
infects web sites. But the eect of those terms is likely to be greater in VR
and AR than it is in website visits. VR systems are likely to collect not just
data about you but other sensitive information, particularly if (as seems
likely) one use of VR will be for virtual sex. And as we have seen, the
importance of consent to physical contact and other behavior is likely to be
much greater in VR and AR than it is in website visits. And as VR is deployed
in education and the workplace, the nominal “consent” to terms of use gets
even more ctional. Students who want to continue attending school and
employees who want to keep their job may have little choice but to agree to
use the VR headset and software their employer provides—and thus to
agree” to the terms of use associated with that software.
VR and AR may thus represent the acceleration of a trend begun with the
Internet: the tendency of contract law to swallow property and tort law.
Unless the law changes, VR and AR legal obligations (or their absence) will
likely be determined mostly by the dictates of contracts written by VR and
AR companies. That is likely to mean, among other things, that even people
who think they have a vested interest in virtual avatars or possessions have
no such interest under current law. Instead, they possess something they may
view as integral to their identity but which the law views as subject to terms
of use that say the software company owns it all.
VR and AR operators’ liability for negligent physical injury or even
negligent property damage, though, may not be as easily waived. Many states
are less likely to enforce waivers that are part of nonnegotiable form
Many are also less likely to enforce waivers when an activity is
Lemley, supra note 237.
KIM, supra note 237; Florencia Marotta-Wurgler, What’s in a Standard Form Contract? An
Empirical Analysis of Software License Agreements, 4 J.
EMPIRICAL LEGAL STUD. 677, 680 (2007).
Lastowka and Hunter point out that the legal principles of property should apply just as
well to virtual as to real property but are unlikely to do so under current law. Lastowka & Hunter,
supra note 20, at 50-51.
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1117
seen as practically necessary—including medical care
or even auto
—rather than just as entertainment.
VR and AR might at rst seem like a form of recreation, which may cut
in favor of enforcing the waivers.
But as they become more important for
employment and business, they may indeed come to be seen as practical
So perhaps in the comparatively rare situations where physical
injury is possible in VR and AR, and the provider is seen as negligent for not
taking reasonable steps to prevent the injury, the waiver that the provider
requires users to sign might be ineective.
A. Your Role in Others’ Personal Sensescapes
So far, we have spoken of intrusions on VR or AR users own
sensescapes—actions that cause them to see, hear, or feel things that are
oensive or even harmful to them. But what if other users decide to include
you in their sensescape, even in ways that you might not directly perceive?
Our inclination is towards what we call “freedom of sensescape”: People
should generally be free to see and hear whatever they want in their own VR
displays, even when the material is offensive or may lead some people to behave
badly. (We would say the same as to AR, except for rules aimed at preventing
distracted driving and the like.) The contents of one’s own VR sensory feed are
very close to the contents of one’s thoughts and fantasies. Banning people from
displaying VR images to themselves simply because it offends others or may
lead to bad behavior should be as improper as trying to punish people for
unexpressed fantasies, or for notes written in their own diaries.
But what if my sensescape oends you because it refers to you in certain
ways, even if you don’t personally experience it? We suggested earlier that
users can engage in self-protection by turning down your volume if you are
too loud, virtually clothing your avatar as it appears on their AR or VR
See, e.g., Tunkl v. Regents of the Univ. of Cal., 383 P.2d 441, 447 (Cal. 1963) (holding a
waiver of negligence liability as to medical care, even charitable care, unenforceable partially on the
grounds that medical care is “a practical and crucial necessity”).
See, e.g., Gardner v. Downtown Porsche Audi, 225 Cal. Rptr. 757, 760 (Ct. App. 1986)
(holding a waiver exempting an automobile repair garage from ordinary negligence liability
unenforceable because, among other reasons, “it is virtually impossible to exist in the Los Angeles
area without a fully operational automobile”).
See, e.g., Randas v. YMCA of Metro. L.A., 21 Cal. Rptr. 2d 245, 247-48 (Ct. App. 1993)
(holding a waiver of negligence liability in a swimming class to be enforceable). But see City of Santa
Barbara v. Superior Ct. of Santa Barbara Cty., 161 P.3d 1095, 1097 (Cal. 2007) (holding a waiver of
gross negligence liability to be unenforceable even as to recreational activity).
See Gardner, 225 Cal. Rptr. at 760 (concluding that cars, which were a luxury just several decades
before, had become so necessary that car repair service had become “a vital, life-or-death function”).
1118 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
display, or keeping you out of their personal space, all without your consent
or perhaps even your knowledge, merely by changing their local software
But what if people use this not to prevent crimes or torts against
themselves, but instead to make your avatar appear ridiculous within their
VR display, without your knowledge or consent?
Or what if they want to make you appear naked to their eyes? Naturally, they
probably wont be able to make it look like what your naked body actually looks
unless they have photographs of your naked body. But they can just merge your
face and your gestures and motions with a generic computer-generated naked body
tailored to your physique and skin tone.
Or suppose your “personal space” bubble prevents you from perceiving
other avatars as groping you, but they can still see themselves groping you?
True, software companies might design a system so that all parties had to
share a common visual version of events. But there’s no guarantee that this is
the way systems will indeed be designed, and some reason to think that
software companies would want to give each user moreexibility. For
instance, if you go to a VR bar together with us, why not let each of us
perceive the decor of the bar in the way that we most like, for instance if you
like a loud, dark, crowded bar and we like a quiet, well-lit, uncrowded one?
What’s more, in AR, all this can happen when the people are physically
right next to each other. If they can load a software program onto their glasses
that reminds them of your name and your kids’ names while talking to you at
a cocktail party, what if they instead load your most embarrassing picture
from a social media site while looking at you, or a fake “nude” image of you?
From one perspective, we might react by saying, “you can’t see the naked
person or the groper; problem solved.You are not confronted with something
that offends you or that you perceive as an assault, so you do not suffer injury.
It’s creepy if you find out about this later, or if you see signs that this is happening
right now. But “creepy” doesnt mean illegal. No law, for instance, prevents
someone in the privacy of their own home from masturbating while thinking
about you or looking at your picture, even if you really don’t want them to.
On the other hand, you may well be upset when you learn that you are
being viewed (here, literally viewed) disrespectfully. And this might
especially trouble you when you are in virtual or real personal proximity to
the people who are viewing you that way: People who are (in their subjective
experience) virtually ogling or groping you may treat you dierently in that
See supra subsection II.A.2.
Fake celebrity porn—photoshopping someone’s head onto an image of a naked body—is a real
thing, and is likely to become even easier to make. See James Vincent, AI Tools Will Make It Easy to Create
Fake Porn of Just About Anybody, T
HE VERGE (Dec. 12, 2017, 12:54 PM), https://www.theverge.com/
2017/12/12/16766596/ai-fake-porn-celebrities-machine-learning [https://perma.cc/3NKX-5LZU].
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1119
interaction—physical interaction when it comes to AR, virtual interaction in
VR—than if they werent doing so.
Of course, if this is just what people themselves see in their individual
headsets, no one will be the wiser. But information about how theyve
congured their systems might come out, whether through discovery in
litigation, a search under a warrant, or a hack. And even if it doesn’t, the
possibility that people are doing this may aect how we interact with others
in VR, or even in the physical world with people who are wearing AR.
We think there may be good reason for companies and virtual societies to
ban or restrict some kinds of alteration or “touching” of others’ avatars, even
when the alteration or touching is visible only to the alterer and not to the
avatar owner. The easiest case involves the presence of third parties or one of
the parties recording the event and sharing it with others. If others perceive
you as groping me, and me as doing nothing about it, the fact that from my
perspective it never happened doesnt prevent harm to my reputation. But
whether such crimes that are seen solely within the perpetrators sensescape
should be illegal is a harder question.
To be sure, attempts, even unsuccessful, to inuence others’ sensescapes
might be punishable. Factual impossibility is rarely a defense to a criminal
charge of attempt.
I can be convicted of attempted murder even though it
was impossible to murder you because you were already dead.
assuming groping someone in VR is a crime, we might conclude that
attempting to grope someone (and from the perpetrators perspective,
succeeding) is a crime (attempt) even though the crime couldnt actually have
been carried out because the victim was wearing a personal space bubble.
But private access to images that dont substantially aect third parties is
generally not punishable. Thus, possessing child pornography depicting
actual children may be banned, the Supreme Court said, because the
possession itself stimulates a market for the creation of the speech, creation
that involves criminal harm to the children. Yet possessing speech that was
not created as a result of criminal conduct—such as sexual images of entirely
ctional children—is protected.
Indeed, the Supreme Court’s Stanley v.
See, e.g., John Hasnas, Once More unto the Breach: The Inherent Liberalism of the Criminal Law
and Liability for Attempting the Impossible, 54 H
ASTINGS L.J. 1, 3 (2002). This also extends to speech
crimes when the speech falls within a First Amendment exception. See, e.g., State v. Luther, 134 P.3d
205, 211 (Wash. 2006) (holding that there is no factual impossibility defense to a charge of attempted
receipt of child pornography, even when the actual images “turn out to be images that are not of
actual minors”). The Model Penal Code disallowed factual impossibility as a defense in all cases,
ODEL PENAL CODE § 5.01(1)(a), though not all states have adopted that approach.
Cf. United States v. Thomas, 13 U.S.C.M.A. 278 (1962) (upholding conviction of attempted
rape where defendants believed they were raping an unconscious woman who was in fact dead).
See, e.g., Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coal., 535 U.S. 234, 256 (2002).
1120 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
Georgia decision, which held that mere possession of obscenity cannot be
punished, ts well with this principle:
Whatever may be the justications for other statutes regulating obscenity, we
do not think they reach into the privacy of one’s own home. If the First
Amendment means anything, it means that a State has no business telling a
man, sitting alone in his own house, what books he may read or what lms he
may watch. Our whole constitutional heritage rebels at the thought of giving
government the power to control mens minds.
That argument reasonably extends to the contents of ones VR display.
And the law of disclosure of private facts, false light invasion of privacy, and
the right of publicity ts the freedom of sensescape as well: those torts dont
even apply to material shared with a few friends, and even more clearly dont
apply to material displayed just to oneself.
None of this is to say we shouldn’t be bothered by this sort of conduct. VR
and AR companies may want to ban or restrict it, or at least to warn people
that it is (or might be) happening.
And if it causes the victim injury it will
be tortious. But making it a crime would push the limits of Stanley v. Georgia.
B. Display to Others
Now let’s take a step away from purely individual decisions to view
anothers avatar dierently. Say that John decides to congure his own VR
system to substitute a dierent avatar for your own when he sees you in VR;
but say that he also shares this with Jack, Jerry, and Jane. And say that avatar
is in some way disrespectful.
Maybe John thinks that you are a fascist and decides to draw a little Hitler
moustache on you or put a swastika armband on his image of your avatar; and
all his friends then copy that design. Indeed, maybe John announces to the
world that this substitution is available to anyone who wants it (assuming the
VR/AR environment makes it easy for people to do that). John might view
that as a political statement, and so might the people who copy from him.
If youre of our generation, think back to the Doonesbury cartoons that
constantly represented Dan Quayle as a feather, Bill Clinton as a wae, and
394 U.S. 557, 565 (1969).
RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS § 652D cmt. a (AM. LAW INST. 1977). Libel law also
doesnt apply when the speaker displays material just to herself. See id. § 577(1).
In some situations, one can imagine employment law forbidding this as well, for instance, if the
very knowledge that a supervisor is using a sexually themed avatar at work to represent an employee is
seen as creating a hostile work environment even if no-one other than the supervisor actually sees the
avatar. But that is a separate, and controversial, issue that is beyond the scope of this Article.
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1121
Arnold Schwarzenegger as a giant groping hand.
What if VR and AR users
could do the same, not just in their sensescapes, but in the sensescapes of
others who were willing to follow the users lead?
And what can be done for political reasons can also be done out of
personal spite or cruel humor. John could share with his friends an avatar that
is a grotesque caricature of an acquaintances (say, Pat’s) appearance, perhaps
exaggerating some unattractive feature of Pat’s. Or John could share with his
friends an avatar of their acquaintance Chris apparently naked, which is to
say Chris’s face merged with a plausible-looking naked body.
Human nature being what it is, we expect there to be a good deal of this
sort of behavior. And while much of it would be sophomoric, we think that
on balance it should be protected by the First Amendment where it does not
mislead, especially since it can be used for political, social, religious, and
artistic commentary.
One question is whether publicizing sexually themed adaptations of
others’ avatars—avatars congured to look like the user naked, even when the
user has not chosen this—should be treated dierently. Should such
nonconsensual sexualization of others’ images be seen as a dignitary injury
forbidden by law, by analogy to the recent movement to forbid nonconsensual
distribution of real sexual images (often labeled “revenge porn”)? Or does the
fact that everyone understands the nudity to be faked lead the image to retain
its First Amendment protection? Courts are beginning to litigate this
question in the context of fake celebrity porn,
though those cases are
surprisingly rare, perhaps because none of the victims want to call more
attention to the oending sites.
If you want to consider a nonsexual version of this, consider the piñata
problem: Somewhere, someone is using your face on a piñata.
Should we
laugh it o? Be vaguely uneasy about it, but leave it as a matter for social
norms rather than law? Forbid sales of piñatas with images of famous people,
but not forbid noncommercial creation and use of such items? (That may well
See, e.g., James Barron, A Cartoonist Feasts on a President. So?, N.Y. TIMES (Aug. 31, 1994),
Tim Kenneally, Storage Wars’ Star Brandi Passante Files Lawsuit Over Porn Video, THE WRAP
(Sept. 21, 2013, 4:38 PM), https://www.thewrap.com/storage-wars-star-brandi-passante-les-real-
lawsuit-over-fake-porn-video-62856/ [https://perma.cc/LZ58-2NXM].
P. David Marshall, Celebrity Fakes—Where Porn Meets a Sense of Possession, THE
CONVERSATION (Dec. 11, 2013, 9:29 PM), http://theconversation.com/celebrity-fakes-where-porn-
meets-a-sense-of-possession-20829 [https://perma.cc/ZR5U-L32Z].
And denitely Donald Trumps face. We’ve seen it.
1122 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
be the rule under modern tort law.
) Should we treat the matter dierently
if the piñata is a full-on realistic egy, or its VR equivalent, where someone
can abuse an avatar who looks like their least favorite politician—or, to be
more sporting, can box against such an avatar?
On the legal merits, privacy torts like “false light” invasion of privacy (if
the images are fake), defamation (if they are fake but are presented as real),
or public disclosure of private facts (if the image is real) all seem plausible
responses to fake celebrity porn. But in VR, presumably no one thinks your
naked avatar is “real”—it is, after all, an avatar. That makes these tort theories,
focused as they are on factual assertions, much tougher to sustain. Yet it
doesnt mean there is no underlying emotional or dignitary harm. And there
may sometimes be actionable reputation harm as well, if reasonable observers
would believe that the avatar was actually your own creation.
C. Pervasive Display
So far, we’ve talked about how you choose to alter others’ avatars. But
what if you are designing your own avatar, and you deliberately choose
someone else’s name and appearance, perhaps to mock that other person, or
perhaps to impersonate them?
Say that someone creates an avatar in a popular VR environment. He calls the
avatar Eugene Volokh (or Mark Lemley), and he makes it look like Eugene
Volokh. (Recall that were assuming highly lifelike avatars, something that will
likely arrive within the next few years.) Then this “Eugene Volokh” starts traipsing
through the VR environment, saying and doing all sorts of foolish things.
Now maybe Volokh could sue for libel,
or even seek criminal
punishment under various state laws that ban impersonation.
But say that
it’s clear that this isn’t the real Volokh; for instance, say that the VR world has
a special marker for people who are admittedly pseudonymous (e.g., by
displaying a scarlet P for “pseudonym” on the front of their avatars).
Reasonable observers would therefore realize, on a moments reection, that
this is someone mocking Volokh, not Volokh himself.
If this were a movie, then this use of a real person as a character, as in
Forrest Gump or Midnight in Paris, would be permissible, even protected under
The right of publicity might well prevent commercial use of a persons image on such things.
But see Cardtoons, L.C. v. Major League Baseball Players Ass’n, 95 F.3d 959, 976 (10th Cir. 1996)
(suggesting that commercial uses of others’ images are permissible if they come across as parodies).
See, e.g., Yantha v. Omni Childhood Ctr., Inc., No. 13-1948, 2013 WL 5327516, at *5 (E.D.N.Y.
2013) (holding that impersonating someone in print in order to damage their reputation can be
defamation); Rall v. Hellman, 726 N.Y.S.2d 629, 631 (N.Y. App. Div. 2001) (same).
See, e.g., People v. Golb, 991 N.Y.S.2d 792, 799-800 (N.Y. 2014) (upholding a criminal impersonation
conviction for a defendant who posed as various other people online to damage their reputations).
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1123
the First Amendment, notwithstanding any possible “right of publicity
It might be parody, or a ctionalized account of real events, or just
entertainment, humorous or not. But so long as a reasonable person would
perceive it as something ctional, rather than as making factual assertions
about the real person, it wouldnt be actionable, either as libel, false light
invasion of privacy, or infringement of the right of publicity.
By the same logic, it may well be that designing an avatar that uses the
name and likeness of a real person as an obviously ctional character in a VR
or AR environment should likewise be permissible. This may indeed be the
right answer, and there is real value in such a conclusion. Letting people play
others online, especially when it’s clear that this is just a pseudonym, can be
a useful means of parody, commentary, and entertainment. There are all kinds
of fake celebrity Twitter accounts, for instance. So long as it’s clear they are
fake (say, the Twitter handle is “@fakeDonaldTrump”), their mimicking the
real celebrity is protected parody rather than deception.
But perhaps such avatar design should not be allowed unless the person
whose name and likeness are used consents, because the visceral quality of
VR might make a dierence. If you see a movie with a Eugene Volokh
character, you don’t just know you’re seeing a movieyou feel that youre
seeing a movie. Youre sitting in your armchair, with the movie visibly on a
screen in front of you. You have a popcorn bucket in your hand, or a snack on
the coee table. You probably see other viewers in front of you or beside you.
But if you see an avatar in a VR world, youre seeing it in a context
specially designed to mimic reality as much as possible. When you turn your
head, the illusion created by VR is reinforced, not broken. In more advanced
VR systems, you might be walking around on a two-dimensional treadmill
rather than just sitting in your armchair.
PUBLIC WORLD (forthcoming 2018); Stacey L. Dogan & Mark A. Lemley, What the Right of
Publicity Can Learn from Trademark Law, 58 S
TAN. L. REV. 1161, 1177 (2006); Eugene Volokh, Freedom
of Speech and the Right of Publicity, 40 U.
HOUS. L. REV. 903, 906 (2003).
At least, it shouldn’t be actionable. Some courts have (wrongly) held otherwise in the context of
video games and the right of publicity, perhaps because they view games as less artistic than movies or books.
See, e.g., Keller v. Elec. Arts Inc. (In re NCAA Student-Athlete Name & Likeness Licensing Litig.), 724 F.3d
1268, 1276 (9th Cir. 2013); Hart v. Elec. Arts, Inc., 717 F.3d 141, 170 (3d Cir. 2013).
See, e.g., New Times, Inc. v. Isaacks, 146 S.W.3d 144, 155-56 (Tex. 2004) (holding that
material purporting to quote a person as saying something ridiculous is not libelous if it comes across
as evident parody).
The Virtuix Omni is one such example that we’ve tested, though calling it a two-dimension
treadmill is a bit of an oversimplification. V
IRTUIX, http://www.virtuix.com/ [https://perma.cc/9BVM-
X79W]. Strider VR offers another option. See Dominic Brennan, Strider VR is an Intriguing New
Omnidirectional Treadmill Solution, R
OAD TO VR (Aug. 14, 2017), https://www.roadtovr.com/strider-vr-
intriguing-new-omnidirectional-treadmill-solution/ [https://perma.cc/HA3W-75M9].
1124 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
Moreover, youll see the avatar not in some special context that you bring up
just to see impersonations (e.g., a Saturday Night Live broadcast). Rather, you
might see the avatar in your ordinary “travels” in the VR environment. Even if
you logically recognize that the avatar is a pseudonym, it will feel like a person
named “Eugene Volokh.” And you might see the avatar fairly often, if he goes
to the same online conferences or chat rooms or bars that you frequent.
The danger, then, is that your experience of the ctional “Eugene Volokh
will color your perception of the real Volokh. Even if you intellectually know
that the dumb or rude things that “Eugene Volokh” says werent really said
by the real Volokh, when you actually meet the real Volokh those things may
still taint your view of him. Perhaps you wont take what he says as seriously.
Or perhaps youll work hard to try to put the fake “Eugene Volokh” out of
your mind while interacting with the real one, but that very process will
distract you from your real interaction.
This is much like the concern that animates the law of trademark dilution
by tarnishment.
The law prevents people from producing Dogiva dog
biscuits, even when consumers won’t likely be confused into thinking that the
dog biscuits are really from the people who make Godiva Chocolates. It’s
enough that the dog biscuits might taint the associations of the chocolates
and make the chocolates less appetizing.
To be sure, trademark dilution law is limited to commercial uses; the use
here is noncommercial, and perhaps that should be relevant. Moreover,
trademark dilution law is limited to “famous mark[s],” ones “widely
recognized by the general consuming public of the United States.
concern is actually with the opposite. If there is an avatar who is named
“Justin Bieber,” and who looks like Justin Bieber, this probably won’t color
your perception of the real Bieber: Youre more likely to viscerally perceive
the avatar as just a pseudonym or a reference because your mental image of
Bieber is going to be more molded by Biebers much larger media presence
and because it seems less likely that he is really there interacting with you.
Rather, our concern is for people who aren’t particularly famous; they are the
ones whose identity is most likely to be diluted by avatar impersonation.
If this argument is right, then perhaps the right of publicity should have
a broader scope as to VR and AR avatars than in other contexts, including as
See, e.g., 15 U.S.C. § 1125(c) (2012); CAL. BUS. & PROF. CODE § 14202(m) (West 2018).
Grey v. Campbell Soup Co., 650 F. Supp. 1166, 1175 (C.D. Cal. 1986), a d without op., 830
F.2d 197 (9th Cir. 1987).
15 U.S.C. § 1125(c).
Some have likewise suggested that truly famous names and marks are actually hard to dilute.
See, e.g., Louis Vuitton Malletier S.A. v. Haute Diggity Dog, LLC, 507 F.3d 252, 267 (4th Cir. 2007).
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1125
to noncommercial uses.
Or perhaps we should be satised with some form
of labeling, in much the way Twitter distinguishes “Real Donald Trump” from
other Donald Trumps by using a blue veried check mark.
We are inclined to be cautious in expanding both the right of publicity and
the trademark dilution theory. The right of publicity has generally excluded
noncommercial uses, and we think that this is an important safeguard that
prevents the right from trampling on much speech of social significance. The
scholarship on dilution is at best inconsistent,
and we have argued elsewhere
that dilution law, like right of publicity law, raises significant First Amendment
But at a minimum the visceral nature of VR presents an interesting
test of the theory of tarnishment; and as we learn more about how VR is
actually experienced, we might find that our views have to change.
V. P
Because VR software captures your motion and activities and responds to
them, there is a record of everything you do in VR. That record likely exists
not only on your computer but also in the cloud. The VR company probably
has broad access to it under the terms of use. Companies might or might not
store it depending on space and legal constraints.
True, such pervasive information capture happens with your Internet
browsing habits and data on your smartphone. The devices and sites you use
track and store more than you think.
But the data needed to make VR and AR work must not only generate a
record of where I am and whom I interact with at any given time but may
also save records of intimate acts and conversations. And the visceral, visual
nature of those records may make us more concerned about the privacy of
those records than we are about most of our texts.
VR systems are also likely to capture information that people may not
expect and would consider particularly private. For instance, VR companies will
Though the right of publicity is generally applied just to commercial uses, some older cases
suggest that even noncommercial appropriation of anothers name or likeness might sometimes be
actionable. See, e.g., R
see also Hinish v. Meier & Frank Co., 113 P.2d 438, 448 (Or. 1941).
Compare Rebecca Tushnet, Gone in Sixty Milliseconds: Trademark Law and Cognitive Science,
86 T
EX. L. REV. 507, 507 (2008) (“Though the cognitive theory of dilution is internally consistent
and appeals to the authority of science, it does not rest on sucient empirical evidence to justify its
adoption.”), with Dogan & Lemley, supra note 261, at 1197 (noting that “dilution properly understood
is targeted at reducing consumer search costs”).
Mark A. Lemley & Eugene Volokh, Freedom of Speech and Injunctions in Intellectual Property
Cases, 48 D
UKE L.J. 147, 221 n.325 (1998).
Jonathan R. Mayer & John C. Mitchell, Third-Party Web Tracking: Policy and Technology, in
SYMPOSIUM ON SECURITY AND PRIVACY 413, 415 (2012), http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/
6234427/?reload=true [https://perma.cc/C6BT-BPF5].
1126 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
want a detailed map of our bodies to allow us to interact realistically using
avatars. They also may want sensory data about physiological responses to apps,
both in order to rate games and to detect and fix errors making people sick.
They may want to track where my eye moves in order both to prevent
dizziness and to optimize display and rendering.
Oculus, for instance,
tracks users’ head, hand, and eye movements, as well as whether they are
sitting or standing. It shares that information with developers, and perhaps
with third parties.
Other companies may track, gather, and perhaps resell
information aimed at estimating users’ emotional responses.
There are
good reasons for companies to collect that data, but it is likely to be data that
people dont expect they are sharing with a private company.
Indeed, this sort of retention might be billed as a valuable feature for users,
who can then have a “life log” that they could review or search later to refresh
their memories or relive or show others interesting moments.
But it may
happen even when users would rather that it didnt happen, especially when it
comes to their interactions with others who do choose to keep such life logs.
And the retention might also be useful for in-system dispute resolution
systems, for instance if users dispute the terms of a commercial transaction
they entered into online or claim that they were libeled or otherwise injured.
Perhaps there might be, for instance, a form of internal subpoena, where
people can require the production of any conversations that involved them.
That oers the promise of helping resolve many of the kinds of disputes we
For a discussion of the legal issues with eye tracking technology, see BHAVISHYA RAVI,
16pvlr27.pdf [https://perma.cc/D4ZE-G869].
See Letter from Jordan McCollum, Gen. Counsel, Oculus, to Senator Al Franken (May 13, 2016),
https://www.franken.senate.gov/files/letter/160519_OculusRiftResponse.pdf [https://perma.cc/6J9Z-WCSB].
Lucas Matney, Looxid Labs is Combining Brain Waves and VR to Build an Analytics Super Engine,
ECHCRUNCH (Sept. 18, 2017), https://techcrunch.com/2017/09/18/looxid-labs-is-combining-brain-waves-
and-vr-to-build-an-analytics-super-engine/ [https://perma.cc/2QXM-LQT5]. For a different sort of
information gathering, see Camila Domonoske, Vibrator Maker To Pay Millions Over Claims It Secretly Tracked
Use, N
ATL PUBL. RADIO (Mar. 14, 2017, 1:52 PM), https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-
Query whether such life-logging can be restricted by law, in the name of protecting others
privacy, or whether the recorders have a First Amendment right to record information in order to be
able to communicate it later, whether for political purposes, entertainment, or autobiography. See U.
WASH. TECH POLICY LAB, supra note 124, at 6; Thierer & Camp, supra note 7, at 19-20, 39-40;
Daxton R. “Chip” Stewart & Jeremy Littau, Up, Periscope: Mobile Streaming Video Technologies, Privacy
in Public, and the Right to Record, 93 J
OURNALISM & MASS COMM. Q. 312, 320 (2016). For cases
recognizing some right to record—though often just limited to public spaces or the behavior of public
officials—see Turner v. Driver, 848 F.3d 678, 689 (5th Cir. 2017) (holding there is a constitutionally
protected right to videotape police carrying out their duties in public); ACLU of Illinois v. Alvarez,
679 F.3d 583, 608 (7th Cir. 2012); Glik v. Cunniffe, 655 F.3d 78, 82 (1st Cir. 2011); and Smith v. City of
Cumming, 212 F.3d 1332, 1333 (11th Cir. 2000).
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1127
discussed above, either by providing evidence in court or by facilitating
dispute resolution outside the legal system.
Maintaining such records, though, will also facilitate government investigations
in circumstances in which the law does seek to intervene. That will sometimes be
good, but it can also be abused. Presumably all such recordings would be subject to
subpoena—but only if theyre kept in the first place.
Should they be?
Under current Fourth Amendment law there is no constitutional barrier to such
subpoenas or even outright searches, on the (controversial) theory that one can’t
have a strong expectation of privacy in data one turns over to VR and AR
But should there be some sort of privilege, developed by common
law or by statute, either requiring a high showing of relevance for such subpoenas,
or perhaps even categorically banning them (as would be the case for most attorney-
client-privileged or priest-penitent-privileged information, for example)?
VR and AR operators need to consider all these questions, and VR and AR
users need to consider what they want, especially if different operators adopt
different policies. How long should the systems maintain records of in-system
interactions? Should they let individual users erase their own records? What
records should be kept for possible future dispute resolution?
Companies will have to take a position on these questions. A privacy-oriented
provider, for instance, might store most data locally rather than in the cloud. And
when the information is stored, the legal system needs to consider how broadly
such records should be made available to the government and to litigants.
Governments will also have to decide whether and how to regulate private use of
this data for marketing purposes.
To be sure, there may be practical limits to data capture. VR generates a
lot of data—too much to practically transmit and store on an ongoing basis, at
Some have argued that there should be a warrant required in such cases. See, e.g., Jonathan
Mayer, Government Hacking, 127 Y
ALE L.J. 570, 641-43 (2018); see also U. OF WASH. TECH POLICY
LAB, supra note 124, at 6 (suggesting that courts rethink the third-party doctrine, which is the reason
why warrants have generally not been required here). In some other countries, this information
might be even more easily available to the government. See, e.g., Stanley Lubman, China’s Social
Credit System: Turning Big Data Into Mass Surveillance, W
ALL ST. J. (Dec. 21, 2016, 12:20 PM),
mass-surveillance/ [https://perma.cc/R4A8-A2M3] (“The Chinese government is taking the rst
steps in an evolving plan to employ big data to establish a nationwide system of mass surveillance
of the entire population. This ‘social-credit system’ would mobilize technology to collect information
on all citizens and use that information to rate their behavior, including nancial creditworthiness
and personal conduct.”). And in other countries that have strong privacy protections, the
information may be less available.
See, e.g., United States v. Jean, 207 F. Supp. 3d 920, 931-33 (W.D. Ark. 2016) (summarizing
case law on the limits to Fourth Amendment protection in material that users communicate to
computer service providers).
For an argument for immediate regulation of the use of data gathered in VR, see Roya
Bagheri, Virtual Reality: The Real Life Consequences, 17 U.C.
DAVIS BUS. L.J. 101, 118 (2017).
1128 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
least today. That fact might itself mean that while everything that happens in
VR generates data, we may not keep much of that data for very long. But
perhaps as storage gets ever cheaper and quicker, even that will not be a barrier.
VR promises to provide especially effective training. What if the
government is so pleased with such training that it mandates its use—and not
just for teaching particular processes, but for changing attitudes and beliefs?
Researchers, for instance, have already developed a VR program aimed at
treating domestic abusers by virtually placing them into a victims shoes: having
them “experience the virtual scene as if they were the target” of domestic “verbal
abuse and intimidation.
One can imagine similar VR programs—whether
aimed at preventing domestic violence, sexual violence, workplace harassment,
or crimes or torts or rule violations more broadly—being mandated not just for
convicted abusers, but for high school students, entering college students,
government employees, or even private employees.
California law, for instance, already orders large employers to require their
supervisory employees to go through at least two hours of sexual harassment
training every two years.
We have had such training ourselves, and were
skeptical about how much the current version actually improves people’s
—but VR training, in which the trainee is made to play the part of
a victim, might well be much more effective. Could and should the
government mandate such training? Or should there be some restraints on
S. Seinfeld et al., Oenders Become the Victim in Virtual Reality: Impact of Changing Perspective
in Domestic Violence, 8 S
CI. REPORTS, Feb. 9, 2018, at 1, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-
19987-7 [https://perma.cc/KL6P-9FE9]. The study reports that the VR treatment appears to
signicantly increase the probability that the (male) oenders will correctly recognize fear on female
faces—something that such oenders are generally less likely than nonoenders to accurately do,
and that has been hypothesized to help cause domestic violence. See Amy D. Marshall & Amy
Holtzworth-Munroe, Recognition of Wives’ Emotional Expressions: A Mechanism in the Relationship
Between Psychopathology and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration, 24 J.
FAM. PSYCHOL. 21 (2010).
The study is of course far from denitive: It was based on a small set of experimental subjects (20
abusers and 19 control group members), and it’s not clear that its temporary eect on fear recognition
would translate into any lasting change in behavior. But it seems quite possible that the technology
would have such eects, and media coverage of the study suggests that there is enthusiasm for such
solutions. See, e.g., Shivali Best, Virtual Reality Is Used to Treat Domestic Violence Oenders by Placing
Them in Their Victim’s Shoes, M
IRROR (UK) (Feb. 26, 2018), https://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/virtual-
reality-used-treat-domestic-12090653 [https://perma.cc/CU5A-UDVW].
CAL. GOVT CODE § 12950.1 (West 2018).
“Remarkably little research has been performed on the effectiveness of employers’ efforts to raise
awareness.Vicki J. Magley & Joanna L. Grossman, Do Sexual Harassment Prevention Trainings Really Work?,
CI. AM. (Nov. 10, 2017), https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/do-sexual-harassment-
prevention-trainings-really-work/ [https://perma.cc/V9J3-ZN9W] (“To date . . . only one research study has
looked at [whether the training reduces sexual harassment]. And it found that the training was ineffective.”).
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1129
such government mandates, whether constitutional or statutory? Should there
even be statutory limits on some private employer VR training mandates?
These questions will be particularly important once haptics and, perhaps,
are developed. If someone suggested real-world training programs
(especially government-mandated ones) in which the subjects had to be
beaten or deliberately put in pain as a means of learning empathy or
“inuenc[ing] perceptions, attitudes and behaviors,
many would likely
oppose such programs, at least outside training aimed at preparing soldiers
or police ocers for real ghting or real pain.
Unwanted touching,
especially of breasts or genitals, seems objectionable as well, again unless the
training is for a job that requires touching (such as medicine).
But even if the VR is purely audiovisual, its visceral impact could make it
feel almost like real touching; indeed, that is one reason that VR training might
be so effective. If people perceive “virtual groping as highly intrusive, would
it be proper to require unwilling subjects to submit to virtual groping so they
know how it feels and thus learn not to inflict it—or real groping—on others?
And even in the absence of perceived physical touching, should there be
some limit on compelling people to have certain VR experiences when the
goal is to change their beliefs or moral attitudes? Can the government require
people to “live” in VR for some time as a dierent race or sex, as a means of
preventing racism or sexism? Can it require people to experience being a
police ocer in VR, so they can better empathize with the threats and hard
choices that police ocers face? Can it require people to spend time in a VR
representation of an ISIS-controlled city, or a North Korean prison camp, so
that people come to better appreciate the evils of particular foreign regimes
(and perhaps the merits of military actions against such regimes)?
Our sense is that the answers to these questions will likely turn on the
why, the what, and the who:
Training aimed at teaching specic skills (e.g., driving a car, if
people continue driving cars) may raise dierent legal issues than
training aimed at changing attitudes or beliefs.
See supra text accompanying note 153.
Seinfeld et al., supra note 280.
Many police officers are, for instance, required to get Tasered and pepper-sprayed as part of
their training, though there might be legal constraints on this when the officers have medical conditions
that make such training risky. See Lewis v. City of Union City, 877 F.3d 1000 (11th Cir. 2017).
There might be constraints on this even when it comes to medical training. See Doe v.
Valencia Coll. Bd. of Trs., 838 F.3d 1207, 1212-13 (11th Cir. 2016) (holding that transvaginal
ultrasound exams, which a state college required its sonography students to undergo as part of their
training, were searches for Fourth Amendment purposes, and remanding for an analysis of whether
the requirement was reasonable under the circumstances).
1130 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
Training involving perceived intrusion on one’s physical space,
especially with a sexual dimension, may be especially troubling.
So might training involving fear of human attack, which may lead
the subject to feel dominated by another person.
Training required for convicted criminals as a condition for
probation or early release may raise dierent legal issues than
training legally required of the public at large, or (say) all
supervisory employees at all large private companies.
On the other side of the “who,” it would matter whether the
imposition comes from a government, a private employer, a
private college, or a private K-12 school.
We suspect that it’s too early to tell what the law should do in such
situations; but we hope that identifying the issues, and the potential
distinctions, might be helpful as the VR training mandates begin to arise.
The virtual street is likely to be largely privately owned. The virtual
environment operators we discuss will generally be private companies. There
are some government-run environments, for instance set up by public
universities or for government services (imagine, for instance, a virtual
environment designed for military training). And those government servers
will be subject to some different rules, including the First Amendment. But
the dominant operators are likely to be the VR analogs to Facebook or Google;
indeed, some might be subsidiaries of the actual Facebook and Google.
We think this will generally produce competition and thus be good for
innovation. But it will likely yield at least two kinds of controversies.
A. Monopolies
The story of the Internet has been of intense competition followed by
consolidation. Google has emerged as the overwhelming leader in search
engines (at least in the U.S.); Facebook has done the same within its domain.
(Remember Myspace? Livejournal?)
Such dominance is not permanent; if someone builds a better search
engine, it may displace Google like Google displaced Yahoo!.
And even a
One of the major VR companies, Oculus, is owned by Facebook.
Mohit Aron, Why Google Beat Yahoo in the War for the Internet, TECHCRUNCH (May 22, 2016),
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1131
dominant company may feel a good deal of pressure to innovate in order to
make people use the product more. Social media, for instance, competes for
user interest and time with lots of other forms of social connection and
entertainment; Facebook may want to make its platform more engaging to
get people to spend more hours on Facebook and less on Netix, even though
Facebook’s and Netix’s products dont directly compete.
Nonetheless, consumers and regulators may well worry about monopolies
in this market as in others. Google has already attracted antitrust
Future VR environment operators may nd the same. So
might VR equipment manufacturers. (Recall the IBM antitrust case, which
lasted from 1969 to 1982.
There may also be pressures to mandate interoperability. One important
feature of VR hardware is that it should interact well with multiple VR
environments: Just as an Apple computer can be used to access either Google
or Bing, VR headsets should ideally be designed to work well with a wide
range of software and not just programs licensed by the headset designers.
That interactivity is even more important because of network eects. My VR
headset is more useful if many other people have headsets that will run the
same software and let me communicate with them.
Interoperable hardware systems have traditionally trounced their closed
counterparts in market competition. VHS beat out Betamax VCRs in the
1970s in large part because the open hardware standard allowed a wide variety
of companies to build products that worked with the format. The same is true
with PCs, which reduced Macs to a niche market in the 1980s.
The Mac
comeback didn’t happen until after the rise of the Internet made it possible
to run most programs on any platform.
But interoperability is far from inevitable. Most video game platforms are
closed, and many have exclusive content available on only one system. The
market will likely encourage interoperability, but if it doesnt, there might be calls
to require it as a matter of law, especially if one company emerges as dominant.
The current debates about “net neutrality” might also be duplicated in the
VR world: There may be a push to bar VR hardware producers from
discriminating against particular VR software producers, or to bar VR
shopping mall operators from discriminating against particular would-be VR
See, e.g., Mark Scott, Google Fined Record $2.7 Billion in E.U. Antitrust Ruling, N.Y. TIMES (June 27, 2017),
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/27/technology/eu-google-fine.html?_r=0 [https://perma.cc/SLW8-MCJT].
Edward T. Pound, Why Baxter Dropped the I.B.M. Suit, N.Y. TIMES (Jan. 9, 1982),
For a discussion of network eects, see Mark A. Lemley & David McGowan, Legal
Implications of Network Economic Eects, 86 C
ALIF. L. REV. 479, 590-91 (1998).
Id. at 592.
1132 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
storefronts” that want access to the shopping mall’s customers. Just as the
Internet works best as a neutral platform on which anyone can build, an
interactive VR network open to all will likely maximize adoption of the
technology by both software developers and users. At the same time, we want
private companies to have the incentive to improve the hardware technology,
making headsets smaller and lighter, improving resolution, and adding other
features that make the experience more immersive.
Whether such neutrality mandates really promote innovation or instead
slow it down is of course hotly disputed. The net neutrality debates generally
involve tradeos between incentives to invest in the hardware network and
incentives to develop software that runs on top of that network.
They also
present the curious situation of regulation designed to serve the purpose of
deregulation. The same issues will arise in VR.
We dont intend to express an opinion on how those issues should be
resolved in VR; its too early in the development of the technology for that.
But if we are right that access to VR devices and platforms will become as
critical to daily life as access to the Internet and that they are likely to be
dominated by one or a few private companies, these debates about promoting
competition and innovation will likely arise there as much as they do for the
Internet. At the very least, a dominant platform is likely to face calls to have
some sort of due process before banning users or apps from its system (and
hence eectively from the virtual world altogether).
B. Free Speech
Private environments are not state actors for First Amendment purposes.
They can, for instance, ban avatars wearing Nazi regalia, or expel users for
vulgarity or for virtual ag burning or blasphemy. That is true even if VR
environments are monopolies.
Of course, the more we experience private environments as “virtual streets” or
virtual parks or shopping districts, the more uneasy many people—including
judges—will be with this lack of constitutional constraint. Even in 1946, the
Supreme Court concluded that the private owners of a “company town
should be constrained by the First Amendment.
A few states have extended
the same reasoning to large privately owned shopping malls,
though most
For a discussion of this, see Barbara van Schewick, INTERNET ARCHITECTURE AND
INNOVATION 73-74 (2010).
See, e.g., Jackson v. Metro. Edison Co., 419 U.S. 345, 351-52 (1974).
Marsh v. Alabama, 326 U.S. 501, 509 (1946).
Robins v. PruneYard Shopping Ctr., 592 P.2d 341, 347 (Cal. 1979); Green Party of New
Jersey v. Hartz Mountain Indus., Inc., 752 A.2d 315, 328 (N.J. 2000); see also Bock v. Westminster
Mall Co., 819 P.2d 55, 61-62 (Colo. 1991) (adopting such a rule but only when the government uses
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1133
states have refused.
As people get used to “living” in VR, at least a good
part of each day, they may press for changes in the law that treat the virtual
street like a real street. As Richard Re put it, “Forget company towns—how
about a company reality?”
Some of these environments really will be companytowns. As VR is
increasingly adopted in education and the workplace, many people will have
no eective choice but to use VR—and not just VR, but the system and
software their school or employer provides.
At the same time, VR environment providers may credibly argue that they have
their own First Amendment rights to choose what to present as part of the
audiovisual content that they’re providing their customers. The Supreme Court has
held that state law may not require newspapers to provide a right of reply to people
they criticize: “The choice of material to go into a newspaper . . .—whether fair or
unfair—constitute[s] the exercise of editorial control and judgment,” and the First
Amendment protects that judgment.
A court has applied the same logic to a
search engine’s choice of what to include in search results.
The same logic should
apply to VR environment providers, who choose what material will appear in the
video and audio feeds that their users receive.
This brings us back, oddly enough, to the indecent exposure question
discussed in subsection II.A.2. If one views a VR environment as essentially a
highly interactive movie (or video game) presented to its viewers, then
government bans on nude avatars are bans on the display of nude images, and
thus unconstitutional. Likewise, requirements that the VR environment
operator provide access to speech and speakers that it doesnt want are
unconstitutional requirements that the producer of a speech product (whether
a newspaper, a film, or VR video and audio) include speech that it doesnt want.
But if one views a virtual street as the equivalent of a real street, then bans
on nude avatars are bans on public nudity, which are generally constitutional.
And requirements that VR operators provide open access to speakers are like
space in the mall for traditional government functions, such as a police substation); Batchelder v.
Allied Stores Intl, Inc., 445 N.E.2d 590, 595 (Mass. 1983) (adopting such a rule but only as to
signature gathering for elections).
Golden Gateway Ctr. v. Golden Gateway Tenants Ass’n, 29 P.3d 797, 802 n.5 (Cal. 2001)
(collecting cases in which courts declined to follow Robins).
Email from Richard Re, Assistant Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law to Eugene
Volokh, Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law (Mar. 14, 2017) (on le with author).
Miami Herald Publ’g Co. v. Tornillo, 418 U.S. 241, 258 (1974). The Supreme Court upheld
right-of-reply requirements for broadcasters in Red Lion Broad. Co. v. FCC, 395 U.S. 367, 396 (1969),
but that case has been limited to over-the-airwaves broadcasting, which has historically been
subjected to greater regulations. See Reno v. ACLU, 521 U.S. 844, 869 (1997); Turner Broad. Sys.,
Inc. v. FCC, 512 U.S. 622, 637 (1994).
Zhang v. Baidu.com Inc., 10 F. Supp. 3d 433, 443 (S.D.N.Y. 2014). One of us co-wrote a white
paper commissioned by Google supporting that view. Eugene Volokh & Donald M. Falk, Google: First
Amendment Protection for Search Engine Search Results, 8 J.L.
ECON. & POLY 883, 894 (2012).
1134 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
requirements that real estate owners—such as private shopping malls or
—provide such open access; those requirements have been upheld.
As promised, we have just sketched some of the more interesting legal issues
that VR and AR are likely to generate. But some of this analysis, we hope, can
also reflect on broader legal debates. Let’s briefly recap some such possibilities.
A. Order Without (Much) Law
For various reasons, we might see crimes, torts, and other problems arise in
VR without the legal system doing much about it. The Bangladesh problem will
mean that enforcement will often be too difficult, especially as to the less serious
crimes and torts that we’re likely to see in VR and AR. Because VR looks to an
outsider like something that isnt real, and because right now most potential
issues arise in the context of games, many courts and police departments may
instinctively conclude that misconduct is a private matter within the game or
The availability of technologically enabled self-protection will give
people a cheap alternative to calling the police and going to court, which will
in turn make police even more reluctant to intervene. VR and AR operators’
ability to contractually waive liability, coupled with 47 U.S.C. § 230, will
likely discourage lawsuits against the operators.
And this relative lack of government-imposed law may not be bad, at least
at the outset. There is a natural tendency for legislatures or courts to intervene
to try to solve perceived problems with new technologies. But the best way to
nurture a new technology can sometimes be for the law to leave it alone.
Anupam Chander has argued that a series of (largely accidental) decisions
in the early history of the Internet created safe spaces in which companies
could innovate without the fear of government regulation.
The same may
prove true of VR and AR. We don’t yet know how these technologies will
See, e.g., Rumsfeld v. Forum for Acad. & Institutional Rights, Inc., 547 U.S. 47, 70 (2006);
PruneYard Shopping Ctr. v. Robins, 447 U.S. 74, 88 (1980); State v. Schmid, 84 N.J. 535, 568 (1980),
dismissed as moot sub nom. Princeton Univ. v. Schmid, 455 U.S. 100 (1982) (recognizing a right to
access in open university spaces despite a university’s potential property right interests).
Kerr, supra note 14, at 416-17 (arguing against new laws to regulate conduct within virtual worlds
because virtual worlds “at bottom are computer games, and games are artificial structures better regulated
by game administrators than federal or state governments” (footnote omitted)).
Anupam Chander, How Law Made Silicon Valley, 63 EMORY L.J. 639, 642 (2014) (“[L]egal
innovations in the 1990s that reduced liability concerns for Internet intermediaries, coupled with
low privacy protections, created a legal ecosystem that proved fertile for the new enterprises of what
came to be known as Web 2.0.”); see also Mark A. Lemley, IP in a World Without Scarcity, 90 N.Y.U.
L. REV. 460, 506-07 (2015).
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1135
develop, both technologically and culturally. Setting legal rules too early risks
rendering those rules irrelevant as the technology moves in unexpected
Worse, legal rules can unduly channel or stie the development of
technology. So a generally hands-o approach to regulation of VR and AR is
probably good, at least for now.
At the same time, many of the problems we discussed above are (or are
likely to become) real ones. In the absence of legal regulation, VR and AR
communities can and should develop their own norms to govern permissible
and impermissible social interactions. VR and AR companies (both hardware
platforms and software companies) can also contribute by considering and
adopting best practices for behavior. Operators could set up dispute resolution
systems within the environment they run, whether for quality-of-life matters
or for commercial transactions.
There are, however, limits to private ordering as a solution to disputes
that arise in VR and AR. We are likely to see those limits tested when
operators seek to insulate themselves completely from liability for any sort of
injury (as they invariably will). Many of the potential harms involve the risk
of physical injury or at least serious psychological injury. That makes it
important that consent at least be actual, not merely a legal conclusion that
somewhere there is a terms of service contract posted and I am deemed to
have agreed to it by turning on my machine.
There is a good argument that courts have stretched the denition of
consent too far in the browsewrap cases generally.
But even if contract law
continues to enforce these terms in general, courts are increasingly pushing
back on specic provisions that seem unfair or surprising to consumers, and
that are contained in contract forms the consumer had no eective
opportunity to review.
Consent should mean informed consent with a
See, e.g., Jane Kaufman Winn, Open Systems, Free Markets, and Regulation of Internet
Commerce, 72 T
UL. L. REV. 1177, 1253 (1998) (discussing examples of legal regulation of emerging
technology that became irrelevant because the technology moved in an unexpected direction).
But see Werbach, supra note 13, at 902 (arguing in the context of the sharing economy that
treating the Internet as a separate place made governments too reluctant to regulate it).
Joshua Faireld argues that terms-of-use contracts cannot suce to create legal rules for
virtual worlds; we need some public law in those worlds. Faireld, supra note 230, at 459.
See, e.g., KIM, supra note 237, at 5 (“The rigid rules of traditional contract law simply ignore
the reality of modern day transactions. Realizing the limits of playing by formalistic rules, courts
have twisted contract doctrine to uphold certain agreements that made sense given [prior] business
environments.”); Lemley, supra note 237, at 465 (“[I]n today’s electronic environment, the
requirement of assent has withered away to the point where a majority of courts now reject any
requirement that a party take any action at all demonstrating agreement to or even awareness of
terms in order to be bound . . . .”).
For recent decisions narrowing the reach of browsewrap contracts, see Nguyen v. Barnes &
Noble, Inc., 763 F.3d 1171, 1178-79 (9th Cir. 2014); Specht v. Netscape Commc’ns Corp., 306 F.3d 17, 32
(2d Cir. 2002); Mohamed v. Uber Techs., Inc., 109 F. Supp. 3d 1185, 1204 (N.D. Cal. 2015).
1136 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
reasonable alternative, not simply a legal acknowledgement of the existence
of boilerplate somewhere. And in the real world even clear waivers of liability
often don’t apply to negligent or intentional physical harm.
B. Virtual Reality and the Speech–Conduct Distinction
VR and AR will also challenge our understanding of what is speech (or,
more precisely, communication)—and thus strongly protected by the First
Amendment and other norms—and what is non-speech conduct that merits
regulation. Is a nude avatar like nudity on a drive-in screen (speech) or like
indecent exposure (conduct)? Are avatars apparently having sex like a sex
scene on a drive-in screen (speech, though perhaps in some situations within
the obscenity exception) or public lewdness (conduct, and indeed a sex crime)?
Is virtual non-haptic groping like the display of an image (speech) or like
unwanted touching, or the threat of unwanted touching (conduct)? Is the
display of a scene that leads the user to walk o a cli, or even just into his
apartment wall, more like an error in the Mushroom Encyclopedia (speech)
or an error in an aviation chart (treated by the law as conduct)? Is a VR
environment operator like a shopping mall, and thus subject to possible
regulations requiring it to provide access to speakers, or like a lmmaker or
video game manufacturer, with its own First Amendment rights not to
include speech that it wants to exclude?
There are good reasons in the physical world to distinguish between words
and actions and between words and things. Some of the lines turn out to be
dicult to draw, and some of the results might not make a whole lot of sense.
But the basic distinction makes sense in the physical world because we think
the harm words can cause at a distance is generally less and easier to avoid
than the harm of physical contact.
VR and AR, though, are deliberately created to make communicated
images and sounds feel like real life. They challenge our perception of the
real because they blur the cognitive line between imagery and physical
presence. People initially react to a virtual slap as if they had actually been
The reaction is visceral; it doesnt involve real physical contact, but
it feels real in a way that words or images outside VR dont.
That requires us to consider why we restrict things like indecent exposure
when we dont restrain images of the same things, and whether the physical
See supra notes 226 and 228.
See supra subection I.C.2.
To be sure, courts in the last century worried about movies in much the same terms. See,
e.g., Joseph Burstyn, Inc. v. Wilson, 343 U.S. 495, 502 (1952) (rejecting the claim that “motion
pictures possess a greater capacity for evil, particularly among the youth of a community, than other
modes of expression”).
2018] Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality 1137
reality or the perception should be the driving force.
And that in turn raises
fundamental questions about what counts as harm, in VR and AR or outside it.
C. The Virtual, the Real, and the Nature of Harm
The self-protection options we discussed above, unlike systemic limitations
on what can happen, change only my lived experience and not yours. If I exercise
the option to avoid seeing you naked, you may not know about it. As far as you
know youre naked in front of me, but my experience is that you are clothed.
We might be fine, even happy, with that difference. It allows a sort of live-
and-let-live freedom of sensescape in which our vision of what happens differs.
We might even think that if freedom of sensescape should be a baseline legal
norm of VR, it will often require that different people perceive things differently.
But maybe that shouldn’t satisfy us. Does the ability to prevent my perception
of bad things mean that they dont injure me? That turns out to be a hard question
that gets at some pretty fundamental issues around the nature of harm.
If the harm is my physical or psychological experience of seeing you naked (or
my being virtually groped), much and perhaps all such harm can easily be avoided
by giving me control over how you appear to me and how you can interact with
my avatar.
Yet this subjective or unshared experience may have corrosive effects
on the real world. If I use my control over your appearance in my sensescape to
perceive you as naked when you are talking to me, I may treat you differently in
that conversation, and perhaps treat you differently afterwards.
Further, in other contexts we punish antisocial behavior like groping that is
intended to harm someone even if it doesnt, perhaps to deter actual harm but
perhaps because we view the culpability of the groper as an independent wrong
even if no one is injured and no one views or records the act. It is not clear that the
law should, or even can, regulate that behavior.
But whether or not we prohibit
it, we might reasonably worry about the effects of that behavior as a society.
Finally, we might find a dignitary injury in the mere knowledge that bad
things are happening to me even if I don’t experience them. As Judge Posner
For a similar discussion of whether Internet law should consider the way the Internet
actually works or the way it seems to work to users, see Orin S. Kerr, The Problem of Perspective in
Internet Law, 91 G
EO. L.J. 357, 362-64 (2003).
The exceptions will be things like defamation, fraud, and the right of publicity, because
they aect how I am viewed by third parties. My reputation is injured by your defamation even if I
never learn about it. Indeed, the harm might be worse in that case, since I have no opportunity to
respond to falsehoods I never hear about.
Stanley v. Georgia, 394 U.S. 557, 565 (1969) (“If the First Amendment means anything, it
means that a State has no business telling a man, sitting alone in his own house, what books he may
read or what lms he may watch. Our whole constitutional heritage rebels at the thought of giving
government the power to control mens minds.”).
Cf. Andrew Gilden, Punishing Sexual Fantasy, 58 WM. & MARY L. REV. 419, 431 (2016)
(discussing how the law treats sexual fantasy when it is revealed).
1138 University of Pennsylvania Law Review [Vol. 166: 1051
put it, “[i]magine if nude pictures of a woman, uploaded to the Internet
without her consent though without identifying her by name, were
downloaded in a foreign country by people who will never meet her. She would
still feel that her privacy had been invaded.
This in turn requires us to think seriously about some distinctions we take
for granted—between presence and remoteness, between speech and conduct,
and between what is real and what is “merely” perceived. If it turns out that
the reason we ban indecent exposure is in part about perception and psychic
harm rather than physical threat, that might cause us to rethink what it means
to be hurt in a way the law cares about. If it turns out that we care about the
perpetrators intended behavior (and, from his subjective perspective, his
actual conduct) even in the absence of any harm to the victim, as we do in
some but not all attempt law, that suggests a much broader notion of what we
would punish if we only knew about it. And that has implications not just for
the virtual world but also for the real world.
VR and AR will present challenging issues for the law. Many such issues will
require adapting existing doctrines to new circumstances or modifying legal rules
to take account of new facts. We dont have definitive answers to these questions;
our purpose in raising them is to begin the process of thinking about them.
But some themes stand out across legal doctrines. The visceral nature of
VR will challenge the lines the law draws between physical presence and
remoteness, between conduct and speech, and between physical and
psychological harm. The fact that VR occurs on private, proprietary systems
subject to terms of use and that people are disinclined to treat it as real means
that the law is likely to be reluctant to intervene in a number of cases. And
the ability to dene the terms of your interaction within the world in software
may change the prospects for self-protection.
The very existence of VR and AR poses existing legal questions in new ways,
ways that can illumine the assumptions the law makes about freedom and harm
in the physical world as well as the virtual world. For that reason alone, it is
worth paying attention to the developing law of virtual and augmented reality.
Northwestern Mem’l Hosp. v. Ashcroft, 362 F.3d 923, 929 (7th Cir. 2004).