Logistics Management Series, GS-0346 TS-78 January 1987
Position Classification Flysheet for
Logistics Management Series,
Table of Contents
SERIES DEFINITION....................................................................................................................................2
SERIES COVERAGE ...................................................................................................................................2
AUTHORIZED TITLES .................................................................................................................................8
OCCUPATIONAL INFORMATION...............................................................................................................8
GRADING POSITIONS...............................................................................................................................14
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Logistics Management Series, GS-0346 TS-78 January 1987
This series covers positions concerned with directing, developing, or performing logistics
management operations that involve planning, coordinating, or evaluating the logistical actions
required to support a specified mission, weapons system, or other designated program. The work
involves (1) identifying the specific requirements for money, manpower, material, facilities, and
services needed to support the program and (2) correlating those requirements with program
plans to assure that the needed support is provided at the right time and place. Logistics work
requires (1) knowledge of agency program planning, funding, and management information
systems, (2) broad knowledge of the organization and functions of activities involved in
providing logistical support, and (3) ability to coordinate and evaluate the efforts of functional
specialists to identify specific requirements and to develop and adjust plans and schedules for the
actions needed to meet each requirement on time.
Positions in this series require some degree of specialized knowledge of some or all of the
logistics support activities involved. The paramount qualification requirement, however, is the
ability to integrate the separate functions in planning or implementing a logistics management
program. (Positions in which specialized knowledges of logistics support functions are the
paramount requirement are classified to whichever specialized or general series is most
(This standard supersedes the series coverage standard for the Logistics Management Series,
GS-0346, issued in June 1972.)
The primary responsibilities of logistics management specialists are:
-- To identify all activities that will be involved in providing needed logistical support;
-- To integrate the actions required of each activity into a comprehensive logistics plan
in support of or to be incorporated into overall program plans;
-- To monitor progress toward meeting the logistics plan and to identify the cause and
impact of delays or other problems (varying degrees of responsibility for taking actions
to prevent or overcome such problems may also be included);
-- To adjust plans and schedules for all related actions as required by delays or changes
to logistics requirements; and
-- To evaluate plans for and provision of logistical support for feasibility, efficiency, and
economy, and to develop alternatives when required.
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The performance of this work requires the application of broad knowledges of a wide variety of
logistics support activities. These include, but are not limited to:
-- The determination of detailed requirements, within available or allocated resources,
for funds, manpower, facilities, equipment, supplies, and services;
-- The design and development, procurement, production, storage, distribution,
maintenance, transportation, utilization, and disposal of material;
-- The procurement or design and construction, operation, maintenance, and disposal of
-- The acquisition and training of personnel; and
-- The acquisition or furnishing of such services as communications and those required
to meet personnel needs (e.g., housing, commissary services, food services).
The logistics management specialist typically is concerned with most or all of these activities,
but is not required to be fully competent to the extent of being a specialist in each field. The
work is performed through consultation with technical specialists in each function on specific
requirements and capabilities, lead times, costs, and other matters affecting logistics planning.
However, the logistics management specialist must understand the functional fields involved in
sufficient depth to accurately understand and analyze the logistics management implications of
the information obtained.
Some logistics work includes responsibility for substantive decisions that require extensive
technical and specialized knowledges of one or more logistical functional areas. When these
knowledges primarily involve one occupation or occupational group, the position should be
classified in the appropriate series within that group (e.g.,
Contracting Series, GS-1102, General
Supply Series, GS-2001). When the specialized knowledges required involve two or more
occupational series or groups, with none predominant, the position is classifiable to this series,
provided that the ability to coordinate and integrate the specialized functions into a total logistics
management program is the paramount requirement.
NOTE: Some logistics management positions may involve logistics work which is unique to a
specific logistics program not delineated in this standard. The fact that the duties of a position
are not specifically described in the Series Coverage and Occupational Information does not
prohibit the use of the standard. The majority of positions classified to this series are found in
the military establishment. The information contained in this standard in large part addresses
logistics management work as it is performed in a military environment. This should not
preclude, however, the classification to this series of positions in any agency, military or civilian,
when the duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required meet the overall intent of the
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Logistics Management Series, GS-0346 TS-78 January 1987
The following types of positions are excluded from this series:
1. Positions which require the qualifications of a professional engineer. Such positions
are classified to whichever specialized or general series in the
Engineering and
Architecture Group, GS-0800, best represents the engineering discipline required.
2. Positions which have as their paramount qualification requirement a substantive
specialized knowledge of one or more supply occupations. Such positions are to be
classified to whichever general or specialized series in the
Supply Group, GS-2000, will
best identify the knowledges and skills required.
3. Positions for which the primary duties are to supervise, direct, plan, and coordinate a
variety of service functions that are principally work supporting. Such positions are to be
classified to the
Support Services Administration Series, GS-0342.
4. Positions which involve analyzing current or proposed operating programs to evaluate
their actual or potential effectiveness in achieving objectives, when the primary
qualification requirements are analytical ability and knowledge of a program other than
logistics management. Such positions are classified to the
Management and Program
Analysis Series, GS-0343.
5. Positions which involve examining or studying work processes, and devising methods,
procedures, organizational arrangements, and related matters for the purpose of
improving the effectiveness and economy of work programs or organizations. Such
positions, while similar to logistics management positions in methodology, do not require
knowledge of specialized logistics functional programs, and are classified to the
Management and Program Analysis Series, GS-0343.
6. Positions which involve two-grade interval administrative work for which no other
more specialized series is appropriate. Such positions are classified to the
Administration and Program Series, GS-0301.
Occasionally, a review of the duties and responsibilities assigned to a position may not result in
information explicit enough to determine proper series allocation. In such cases it becomes
necessary to consider such additional factors as the qualification requirements and sources of
recruitment, the line of progression, the mission of the organization in which the position is
located, the purpose for which the position was established, and the character and support
requirements of the mission, weapon system, or program being supported.
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Some positions which require extensive coordination and interrelationship with numerous
logistics functions may initially appear to be properly classified to the Logistics Management
Series. Analysis of such positions, however, often leads to the determination that the paramount
qualification requirement is possession of the knowledges, skills, and abilities identified with a
specialized functional series.
Professional engineers are often found in organizations which have missions oriented toward the
planning and management of logistics operations. This is particularly true in organizations
which are involved in acquisition logistics and Integrated Logistics Support. Work involving the
performance of duties which require the qualifications of a professional engineer in addition to
carrying out logistics management responsibilities should be classified to whichever series in the
Engineering and Architecture Group, GS-0800, best represents the engineering discipline
required. Conversely, work which is sometimes highly technical in nature, such as translating
design and engineering data into logistics support concepts and determining subsequent
requirements, but which does not require the knowledges, skills, and abilities of a professional
engineer, is logistics management work. This work is to be classified to the Logistics
Management Series, GS-0346, even though it is being performed by an employee who meets the
qualification requirements of a professional engineer.
Equipment Specialist
Some work requires the application of an in depth technical knowledge of a weapon system,
subsystem, or piece of equipment in combination with a working knowledge of a variety of
logistics support functions. For example, work of this type may involve the development of
technical data or the evaluation of contractor developed operation and repair manuals. When the
paramount requirement for such work is a technical knowledge of equipment and its inner
workings, it should be classified to the
Equipment Services Series, GS-1670.
Other work, such as that involving responsibility for the coordination of all the functions needed
to provide support to a weapon system or type of equipment, may typically require only a
general working knowledge of the system or equipment. This type of knowledge can generally
be learned on the job. When this is true, the work is properly classified to the Logistics
Management Series.
Supply Management
The supply occupations are sometimes confused with logistics management. Supply work
involves furnishing all types of supplies, equipment, material, and property (except real estate),
necessary to support a weapon system, program, or mission. Supply activities range from the
initial identification of requirements to the ultimate issue of items for disposal. Supply work
exists at many different levels of an agency's organizational structure. In a staff capacity, supply
specialists analyze, develop, evaluate, and plan supply systems and programs with the goal of
assuring that the necessary items are in the right place at the right time to meet required needs.
Other supply specialists are concerned with the management, direction, or administration of a
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supply program. In carrying out supply work, supply specialists apply in depth technical
knowledges typical of one or more of the occupations assigned to the
Supply Group, GS-2000.
These knowledges are gained through experience, education, and/or training in the various
supply occupations.
To accomplish the duties and responsibilities associated with the provision of supplies,
equipment, and material, many supply specialists have varying degrees of coordination and
involvement with other logistics functions such as maintenance, procurement, transportation,
fiscal management, and automated data processing. However, this coordination and involvement
are for the primary purpose of identifying and satisfying the need for providing supplies and
equipment where necessary and as planned.
Logistics management work can rarely be done without the specialist having some degree of
knowledge of supply systems, procedures, and programs. In fact, most logistics management
positions require the application of a broad general knowledge of supply systems, techniques,
and procedures. Overriding the requirement for supply knowledge, however, is a requirement
for integrating or coordinating supply activities with those of other functional specialties such as
maintenance, facilities management, and transportation. This is done for the primary purpose of
assuring that all support requirements are met. In this context, supply activities constitute one
element, albeit often a major one, involved in a total support effort. In carrying out this
coordinative effort the logistics management specialist need not have a comprehensive in depth
knowledge of supply functions to the extent required of supply specialists. When problems or
issues arise requiring a highly developed expertise in supply operations, the logistics
management specialist relies upon the supply specialist to provide input and take necessary
Experience gained while serving in some positions classified to occupational series included in
the Supply Group, GS-2000, can often provide an employee with sufficient general knowledge
of other logistics functions required by logistics management positions.
Inventory Management
In some organizational settings, especially at large supply centers, inventory management may
be confused with logistics management. In fact, some positions which are now properly
classified to the GS-346 series may have grown out of the inventory management occupation.
Inventory management, whether at the operational level or at the staff level, is specifically and
primarily oriented toward the control and positioning of material (supplies and equipment) to
meet identified material needs. This orientation, along with a requirement for specific technical
knowledges related to inventory management, constitutes the basis for the occupation. At the
operational level, inventory management is concerned with, among other things, supply items
("piece parts"), processing requisitions, reallocating or redistributing material, analyzing
requirements, and recommending procurement actions. At the staff level, inventory management
involves developing policy; developing and evaluating material management programs, systems,
procedures, and methods; and developing long-range plans.
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In contrast, logistics management involves activities which support the overall requirements of a
weapon system, such as a helicopter, a class of ships, a group of aircraft engines, or a group of
electronic systems. This work involves not only the coordination of material or supply
requirements for the assigned system, but also a concern for other functions such as maintenance
planning, securing adequate facilities for maintenance, managing support agreements, and
reviewing performance data to determine budgetary requirements. Such work requires a general
knowledge of inventory management as well as other logistics support functions in order to
integrate, coordinate, and analyze total support requirements. (This work is discussed in greater
detail in the "Occupational Information" section of this standard under the heading of "System
Some inventory management work involves considerable contact with other functional activities
similar to the contacts maintained by logistics management specialists. These contacts are
necessary to the coordination of material support requirements. The assumption should not be
made that the presence of such contacts automatically indicates a logistics management position.
The keys to series determination are (1) the nature of the qualifications required to do the job,
and (2) the line of progression to other positions. Inventory managers are primarily concerned
with meeting material support requirements, and logistics managers are primarily concerned with
planning for and coordinating material and other support requirements into an overall support
Support Services Administration
Work which involves providing support for organizations and employees primarily in an
administrative or office environment should not be confused with logistics management work.
Responsibility for coordinating with or supervising numerous functions and activities engaged in
obtaining office supplies, procuring equipment and services, arranging travel, managing an
administrative motor pool, planning for the utilization of space, and other similar functions is
properly classified to the
Support Services Administration Series, GS-0342.
Program Analysis
Both program analysis work and logistics management work require the ability to effectively
apply analytical principles and techniques combined with knowledge of operating programs and
their interrelationships. In addition, logistics management work involves the application of a
specialized knowledge and understanding of logistics support requirements and mission or
program goals. Some logistics management positions are assigned such responsibilities as
analyzing the relationships of logistics programs, developing and evaluating long- and
short-range support plans and policies, and coordinating overall logistics planning with the
specialized logistics functions.
Typically, such positions are filled by persons who have had experience in logistics management
and/or in one or more of the specialized logistics functions. The
Management and Program
Analysis Series, GS-343, excludes positions which require subject matter knowledges
classifiable to another series. Therefore, when there is an identifiable qualification requirement
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for the knowledges, skills, and abilities covered by the Logistics Management Series, that series
is to be used.
LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST is the title for nonsupervisory positions covered by
this series.
by this series which meet the criteria for titling as supervisors under the
General Schedule
Supervisory Guide.
LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT OFFICER is the title for supervisory positions with
responsibility for planning, organizing, and directing an overall logistics program. Such
positions will be few in number and will typically be senior positions located at the headquarters
level of a military department, command, and/or installation, or at the headquarters or regional
level of a civilian department or agency.
Logistics management work involves the coordination and integration of numerous activities and
functions into an overall efficient and effective support effort. Depending upon the mission or
program being supported, these activities may include such specializations as supply,
maintenance, procurement, transportation, inventory management, quality assurance, facilities
and property management, production control, and property disposal. Some logistics work also
involves such activities as housing management, food services, and management of test
equipment. Logistics management work also typically involves such other specialized activities
as resource and fiscal management, training, automated data processing, and manpower
management. The degree of involvement in any one or a combination of these functional
specializations is dependent upon the purpose for which the logistics work is accomplished and
the specific requirements of a particular position. Characteristic of all logistics management
work, however, is the overriding requirement to coordinate the activities of the individual
functional areas into a unified program which will meet total support requirements.
Logistics work is performed in numerous organizational structures and at various levels within
an agency or department. In the military establishment, logistics management work is carried
out to support many different kinds of missions, defense related programs, and weapon systems.
Because of the wide diversity among logistics programs and their individual requirements, this
standard does not attempt to describe all of the situations in which logistics work is performed.
However, discussed below are some of the more typical kinds of logistics programs in which
logistics management specialists are found.
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Integrated Logistics Support
The importance and complexity of maintaining weapon systems at an optimum state of readiness
led to the development of a logistics process known as Integrated Logistics Support (ILS). The
ILS process is used by the military departments to assure that the most effective and economical
means of support are considered and planned for during all stages of a weapon system's "life
cycle." A system's life cycle begins with its concept and design, extends through research and
development, production, transfer to the user, and ends with its disposal. The basic management
principle of ILS is that logistic support resources must be developed, acquired, tested, and
deployed as an integral part of the material acquisition process, and that these considerations are
continued through the system's ultimate use.
Because a system can be more easily influenced by considerations of support feasibility during
the design and research and development stages, ILS work is performed to a greater extent
during the acquisition phase of the life cycle. However, the ILS process is also employed during
modifications to an existing system. ILS work requires the logistician's consideration of such
"elements" as (1) the maintenance plan, (2) manpower and personnel, (3) supply support, (4)
support and test equipment, (5) training and training devices, (6) technical data, (7) computer
resources support, (8) packaging, handling, storage, and transportation, and (9) facilities. The
specialized functions of these ILS elements are carried out by specialists in each functional area.
It is the responsibility of the logistics management specialist performing ILS work to integrate
the activities of the functional specialties, or elements, according to the ILS Plan.
Logistics management specialists who perform ILS work may have responsibility for planning,
logistic analysis, and coordination for a portion of a major system's acquisition and transfer into
operational use; or their work may involve responsibility for a subsystem or group of like
smaller systems. The work is carried out through constant and extensive contacts with technical
specialists (e.g., engineers, supply and maintenance specialists, technical data experts, project
managers, mission planners, training specialists) and with contract personnel. Since many
military contractors also closely follow the ILS process, ILS work frequently involves close
contact and coordination with counterparts in industry.
The performance of ILS management requires the development and analysis of data to determine
logistic objectives and goals, to identify support requirements, and to establish the relationship
between the support system and the material system. The work involves the analysis of
budgetary and other resource limitations and the development of alternatives, or "trade-offs,"
when necessary. Changes to the design, mission, funding, and other aspects of a system require
flexibility to assure that necessary changes are made to support plans.
Unlike some types of logistics management work, the performance of ILS work typically
requires at least a practical knowledge of systems design, a familiarity with specifications, and
an understanding of maintenance requirements, especially during the acquisition stage of a
system. These knowledges assist the logistician in identifying potential support problems and
design deficiencies which would inhibit effective support.
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The ILS manager plays a role in a system's development from the earliest stages and continues
this involvement through the subsequent stages of acquisition and transfer into operational use.
The manager's responsibilities include developing logistic concepts during the earlier stages,
developing the ILS Plan, assuring that commitments are fulfilled, coordinating the resolution of
support deficiencies, and analyzing support effectiveness.
Foreign Military Sales
The sale to a foreign government by the United States of a defense system requires extensive
planning, analysis, and coordination. The logistics work performed to accomplish such a sale is
referred to as foreign military sales work, security assistance, or international logistics. The sale
item may be a weapon system such as an aircraft, missile system, or tank. Depending upon the
requirements of the foreign country, the sale may also include the provision of such services as
training, facilities, and long- or short-range support.
Foreign military sales work is usually carried out on a "case" basis. The work involves the
analysis of the sale requirements to determine what is needed to provide the item itself (e.g.,
production requirements), schedules for delivery, price and availability, spare parts needed,
training required, specific purposes for the system's use, facilities required, test equipment
needed for support, and types and levels of maintenance required. These determinations are
based on information which is gathered from functional and program specialists in such areas as
supply, production, inventory management, procurement, maintenance, transportation, training,
and funding. Schedules for delivery of items and services are planned to assure that sufficient
time is allowed to meet preset deadlines. In conjunction with financial management specialists,
decisions are made on the level of funds that must be maintained by the foreign government in
the sale account and how those funds will be managed. Additionally, the work involves
coordination with military advisory groups both in the foreign country and in the United States
concerning available facilities, local maintenance and supply capabilities, manpower resources,
and other support needs available in the country.
The progress of sales activities is monitored through formal and informal reports and through
contacts with foreign representatives, U. S. Government personnel, contractors, and functional
specialists. The work involves the identification of problems (e.g., lags in time, insufficient or
unavailable spare parts, poor facilities, and ineffective training). Further, it involves the
determination of resolutions to these problems and the coordination of ongoing activities with
functional and program specialists to assure that deadlines are met; obligations for production
and delivery of goods, services, and equipment are met; training is provided; and payment is
The coordination and fulfillment of the sales case requirements often necessitate travel to the
foreign country for negotiations and discussions of sale requirements and problems. Often these
visits are for the purpose of evaluating local facilities and support capabilities. Based on an
analysis of the data gathered, determinations are made on the necessity for further planning and
future action on material and service requirements, mission requirements and changes, and other
modifications needed because of local customs, security, environment, and political, social, and
economic implications.
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The work requires monitoring the status of requisitions through supply channels, control points,
and ports to assure that delivery schedules are met. It also requires monitoring the flow of funds
from the foreign country and determining the necessity for allotment changes when prices
change, and compiling and analyzing data concerning the management of these funds. As in
most types of logistics work, foreign military sales work often requires the formal presentation of
information concerning the sale, i.e., status of sale activities, problems encountered, and
potential impact of proposed actions.
Typically, logistics management specialists involved in foreign military sales work must develop
an awareness and understanding of the influences that political, social, and economic conditions
in the foreign country may have on various aspects of the sale. They must demonstrate tact and
diplomacy in their relationships with foreign government representatives.
System Management
System management work involves responsibility for the coordination and analysis of the total
support required by a weapon system, subsystem, or group of like systems, e.g., tank, electronic
test equipment, helicopter, class of ships. Logistics management specialists who perform this
type of logistics work are often functionally called "system managers." System management
work which is classifiable to the GS-0346 series should not be confused with work covered by
Inventory Management Series, GS-2010, which is primarily oriented toward the material
requirements of a system.
System management work is typically found in organizations responsible for logistics support of
systems which have passed the acquisition stage and are in operational use. The work requires
frequent interaction with the users (often referred to as customers) of the system in the field to
identify problems, deficiencies, and user capabilities and needs. System managers are involved
in such activities as developing information which leads to decisions on which facilities will be
used for maintenance of the system, planning for and negotiating inter- and intra-service support
agreements, analyzing performance data to identify additional training needs, securing repair
parts from other activities, making adjustments in support scheduling, analyzing work-hour
requirements to recommend the most economical use of financial resources, and identifying
possible "trade offs" to satisfy requirements.
The work requires continuing contacts with contractors, design personnel, maintenance facilities,
personnel in other agencies, and agency or major command headquarters staff to coordinate
efforts to satisfy support needs. System managers develop, analyze, and maintain management
information (e.g., reports, automated data) which serves as the basis for decision concerning the
use of and support provided to the system.
The system manager serves generally as the focal point within the agency, command, or support
center for the most immediate information and expertise on problems and requirements of the
assigned system or group of systems, with responsibility for assuring the coordination of
whatever support is required for full operational capability.
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Logistic Readiness
In order to maintain the highest levels of defense preparedness in the military establishment,
troops and material must be maintained at an acceptable state of readiness so that their
designated missions can be carried out. The efficiency and effectiveness of the material and
support provided to troops has profound influence on the military's capability to meet defense
needs. While all logistics management work performed in military departments leads, in the
broadest sense, to the realization of this ultimate goal, the work of some logistics management
specialists is devoted specifically to planning for and evaluating logistic readiness.
The evaluation of the state of logistic readiness is made through the compilation and analysis of
data which describes such factors as the availability and state of repair of material, the adequacy
of troop strength and training related to support missions, long- and short-range planning for
mission support, and the responsiveness of numerous program and logistics functions in meeting
support requirements. This analysis leads to the determination of trends; deficiencies in the
provision of spare parts, repair manuals, test equipment, and other necessary support items;
deficiencies in manpower and training; and unit capability to perform a specified mission.
In order to resolve deficiencies and to increase levels of readiness, extensive coordination is
made with logistics functional specialists, planning offices, other military services, and
representatives of such support functions as manpower, training, and budget. Causes for
problems and deficiencies are sought and corrective actions planned and coordinated.
Logistic readiness work involves contact and coordination with military units, often during
onsite visits, to analyze the levels of readiness being maintained, to identify problems and
deficiencies in logistics support, and to provide assistance in increasing support effectiveness.
The work involves developing and analyzing policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements;
evaluating their impact on current support operations; and planning and coordinating changes
and future actions with technical and program specialists and subordinate commands and units.
The work also involves the preparation and presentation of briefings, reports, analyses, and
recommendations which assist in the formulation of decisions regarding long- and short-range
logistics program planning and execution.
Inter- and Intra-Service Support Agreements
Requirements of an agency, military command, installation, mission, or program for a particular
type of support or service are often satisfied through inter- and intra-service support agreements.
For example, two military services may use the same aircraft electronics system, where the
support requirements for the system are highly specialized and maintaining duplicate large-scale
support programs would be both costly and inefficient. The support requirements may be
identified as scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, provision of spare parts and technical
manuals, the availability of test equipment, and training in the maintenance of the system. Under
the terms of an inter-service support agreement, one of the concerned services will agree to
provide the necessary support for all users.
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Intra-service support agreements are established between commands, installations, depots, or
units. They may be as limited as the provision of vehicle maintenance in one geographical area
or as extensive as the provision of total logistic support for a large tenant activity on an
installation. Inter- and intra-service support agreements are designed to assure maximum
efficiency and economy in logistic support. The management of such agreements involves the
identification of support requirements, an analysis of an organization's capacity to meet these
requirements, the development of guidelines to assure that the objectives of the agreement are
reached, and in some cases, the actual negotiation of the agreement. The work requires the
compilation and evaluation of performance data, the identification of problems and deficiencies
and the development of recommendations for their resolution, and the analysis of long- and
short-range logistic planning to determine future needs, objectives, and capabilities. (Excluded
from coverage by the Logistics Management Series are those positions responsible only for
coordinating the preparation of inter- and intra-service support agreements with no responsibility
for the kind of activities mentioned above.)
Logistics Information Systems
Automated data processing systems play a major role in overall logistics program planning and
execution. Logistics information systems are designed to provide data which facilitate the
activities of logistics functional and program specialties.
The maintenance of logistics information systems requires the logistics management specialist to
serve as an "intermediary" between the functional specialties, such as supply and/or
maintenance, and the automated data processing function. The work involves assistance and
coordination with functional specialists in the identification of operational requirements and the
subsequent "translation" of these requirements for information into the language and format
appropriate for computerized systems application. The work also involves the analysis of data
automation policies, regulations, and procedures to determine their impact on logistics
information systems and to identify changes in the maintenance and use of computerized data by
functional specialists. The work typically necessitates extensive contact with systems users (i.e.,
functional specialists) to provide guidance on the design, installation, maintenance, evaluation,
documentation, and standardization of requirements and procedures.
The work does not require the logistics management specialist to be a specialist in automated
data processing work. The primary requirement is a knowledge and understanding of logistics
functions and their operational needs. However, the work does require a practical knowledge of
computerized systems' applications and of equipment techniques, capabilities, and limitations
sufficient to assure the proper relationship between functional users and the automated data
processing systems.
Logistics Plans
The development of plans and strategies for military actions and training exercises includes
extensive analysis and planning for the support required. Some logistics work involves the
development, review, and evaluation of mobility and contingency plans for defense activities.
The work includes analyzing mission objectives to determine the kind and extent of support
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required, coordinating with functional specialists to assure adequate provision of manpower,
supplies, equipment, and services to meet specific support needs, and evaluating proposed plans
for impact and support feasibility. The work requires analyzing and coordinating the support
requirements of joint service, higher, and lower echelon strategic plans for specific unit or
organizational implementation. Logistics planning specialists often represent their employing
activities in joint planning sessions with agency functional and program specialists as well as
with personnel of other agencies. Based on evaluations of the support provided during military
exercises and other defense related activities, logistics planners identify deficiencies in support
planning and performance, make recommendations for resolution, and coordinate the activities
necessary to better achieve the goals for mission support.
Positions in this occupation must be evaluated by reference to standards which include grade
level criteria for analogous kinds of work. The diversity of work covered by this series may
require reference to one or more standards, depending upon the exact nature of the position to be
classified. When selecting standards for cross-reference, consideration should be given to the
similarity of the knowledge and skills required, the methodology used to perform the work, and
to some degree the similarity of the subject matter involved.
Logistics management work is typically staff work and requires the application of analytical and
problem solving techniques. Therefore, reference to the grade level criteria covering
management analysis work will prove useful in many instances. Standards for other kinds of
analytical occupations, such as those for the
Job Family Position Classification Standard for
Professional and Administrative Work in the Accounting and Budget Group, GS-0500, and the
Job Family Position Classification Standard for Administrative Work in the Information
Technology Group, GS-2200, may also provide useful guidelines.
Other standards which may provide criteria for work related to some logistics management
positions include those for the
Civil Engineering Series, GS-0810, Part IV; that portion of the
standard for the
Housing Management Series, GS-1173, which covers housing program
evaluation; the Supply Program Management Series, GS-2003; and the Inventory Management
Series, GS-2010. For positions involved in acquisition logistics and/or Integrated Logistics
Support, the portion of the
General Grade-Evaluation Guide for Nonsupervisory Professional
Engineering Positions, GS-0800, which covers Type III engineers may provide useful grade
level criteria. Caution and sound classification judgment must be exercised, however, when
comparing administrative work, (i.e., logistics management) to criteria for an occupation which
requires professional knowledges and skills. Logistics management work does not require the
same depth of knowledge as that described in standards covering professional engineering work.
Therefore, it is important to carefully balance the duties and responsibilities of the logistics
management positions with criteria for professional work and make whatever adjustments are
appropriate before arriving at a final grade.
As when using any standard for cross series comparison, care and judgment must be used to be
sure that the overall intent of a factor level or narrative description of a grade level is credited.
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Logistics Management Series, GS-0346 TS-78 January 1987
Positions and grade level criteria must not be matched on the basis of superficial similarities
between organizational echelon, scope of program goals and requirements, or degree of direction
or supervision received. Rather, a careful analytical comparison must be made of the
relationship of the duties and responsibilities assigned to the position being evaluated with the
intent of the criteria being used. The
Primary Standard may be used only in conjunction with
another FES standard and only when the position falls below the lowest factor level or exceeds
the highest factor level described in the FES standard.
Some logistics management specialists serve in a "team leader" capacity. These positions should
be evaluated carefully on the basis of the overall level of difficulty and responsibilities. These
positions may or may not be the same grade as those led.
Supervisory duties and responsibilities assigned to positions of Supervisory Logistics
Management Specialist or Logistics Management Officer are to be evaluated by reference to the
criteria contained in the
General Schedule Supervisory Guide.
This memorandum is published to provide interpretive/explanatory information regarding the
series coverage standard for this series. It does not cite or contain evaluation criteria.
Explanatory memoranda contain background information on the development of the standard
and guidance to help users of the standard better understand and apply its contents.
Draft revisions to the classification standard for the Logistics Management Series, GS-346, were
provided to Federal departments and agencies for review and comment. Work within the
occupation is found primarily in Department of Defense agencies and in a small number of
civilian agencies.
Substantive written comments were received from five components of the Defense Department,
two civilian agencies, and one employee union. The comments were comprehensive, and were
carefully analyzed to determine needed changes in the proposed standard. Based on the
comments, portions of the draft were deleted and other material was added before final
General Information
One of the major issues of this study was determining series coverage. For this reason, the draft
standard included material which identified and described various kinds of logistics management
work, expanded the information in the "Exclusions" section, and added guidance on
"Distinguishing Between Logistics Management and Other Occupations."
Most reviewers responded favorably to the series coverage and occupational information
presented in the draft and stated that it provided useful guidance in making proper series
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Logistics Management Series, GS-0346 TS-78 January 1987
determinations. Numerous suggestions for improvement were offered, many of which have been
incorporated into the final standard. The area which received the most frequent request for
modification was the material describing inventory management versus logistics management.
This issue and its resolution are discussed in the "Issues" portion of this memorandum.
Since separate grade level criteria have not been developed for the Logistics Management Series,
the grades of logistics management positions have been determined by cross series comparison
to standards for related kinds of work. The standard for the Management Analysis Series,
GS-0343, has frequently been used to determine grade level. Other standards, such as those for
the Supply Program Management Series, GS-2003, and the Inventory Management Series,
GS-2010, have also been helpful. The occupations covered by these standards require the
application of knowledges and skills similar to those required for logistics management work.
The new GS-346 series coverage standard amplifies the guidance on grading logistics
management positions. It suggests additional standards for cross series comparison and provides
guidance on how those standards should be treated. Prudent use of those and possibly other
standards, combined with sound classification judgment, should produce properly classified
While logistics management as an occupation is carried out in several agencies, the organization
and assignment of duties and responsibilities vary considerably among individual agencies.
Therefore, it may be appropriate for agencies to develop internal interpretative guidance specific
to their own needs. Also, because the new standard covers work which may have been
heretofore excluded from the Logistics Management Series, agencies may find it necessary to
modify some portion of their existing internal guidance.
Specific issues, problems, and recommendations, and the actions taken in response to them, are
discussed below in the general order in which they appear in the series coverage standard.
ISSUE: One civilian agency suggested that the standard make it clear that the logistics
management work, while predominantly carried out in military organizations, can also exist in
civilian agencies.
RESPONSE: We agreed and added a statement in the Series Coverage section to that effect.
ISSUE: Many reviewers in military agencies stated that the information addressing the
differences between logistics management work and the supply occupations, especially those
covered by the GS-2001, GS-2003, and GS-2010 series, needed to be more definitive.
RESPONSE: We expanded the discussion of supply management in the section on
"Distinguishing Between Logistics Management and Other Occupations." The material points
out that logistics management and supply management are discrete occupations, each having
different specialized qualification requirements. Since it is particularly difficult to discern the
differences between the Logistics Management Series, GS-0346, and the Inventory Management
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Logistics Management Series, GS-0346 TS-78 January 1987
Series, GS-2010, (especially as inventory management is described in those portions of the
GS-2010 standard which address Work Situation II: Material Coordination), we added further
material describing the differences between the two occupations. Logistics management work as
described under the heading of "System Management" in both the draft and final standards has
been, in some cases, classified to the GS-2010 series. Because of this, and to explain the system
management function more clearly, we also expanded the description of this type of work.
ISSUE: Some reviewers identified a need for additional material describing the differences
between the Program Analysis Series, GS-0345, and the Logistics Management Series, GS-0346.
RESPONSE: We added a discussion on distinguishing between the two occupations.
ISSUE: Several agencies requested the addition of the title of "Logistics Management Officer"
to cover top-level positions with substantial managerial responsibility for logistics management
RESPONSE: We added the title, limiting its use to those relatively few senior supervisory
positions which have responsibility for the management of an overall logistics program.
ISSUE: Use of the word "commodity" in the description of system management work caused
confusion in distinguishing between logistics management and inventory management.
RESPONSE: Since "commodity" is often used in a narrower sense to refer to an individual item
and does not convey the intent of the description, we deleted the word and used only "system."
ISSUE: The kind of logistics management work described as "Logistics Program Direction" was
unclear to some reviewers.
RESPONSE: Since positions covered under this heading are supervisory or managerial, we
concluded that the description was unnecessary to the standard and it was deleted. These
positions in many cases will be among those for which the title "Logistics Management Officer"
is appropriate.
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