v i e w p o i n t
Successful Warehouse Slotting
Increased ROI using the right tools, strategy and management plan
Warehouse slotting, in simple terms, is the assignment of the proper item to the proper location, depending on slotting
criteria. To slot the right item to the right location may involve hundreds of permutations among the item, its attributes and
location storage medium types. The features and benets of a successful warehouse slotting plan are discussed here.
Slotting a very complex modeling exercise that drives
warehouse eciencies, including labor, space, and cycle times.
The objective of a slotting plan is to fully realize attainable cost
and space saving.
Why Slot a Warehouse?
The primary reason to engage in a warehouse slotting
project is cost savings in the form of labor and space. Slotting
represents the ne-tuning of the warehouse. If the warehouse
is a new design, slotting is an integral part of the engineered
design and implementation. Slot types and sizes need to
be calculated for rack conguration and items need to be
assigned their new locations based on a slotting strategy.
If the warehouse has been in operation for several years, the
slotting is probably out of date, as SKU and order proles
change through the course of the product life cycle and both
the rack conguration and the item slotting strategy become
outdated. This gradually causes ineciency, and eciency
costs money — more and more over time.
Essential Elements of a Slotting Plan
• Strategy
Tools and Analysis
• Criteria
• Ranking
• Implementation
• Re-slotting
These elements will now be discussed in greater detail.
v i e w p o i n t
Successful Warehouse Slotting
The rst element of success in a slotting
project is strategy — a slotting strategy
is the “high-level roadmap to a major or
minor slotting project. The strategy keeps
the project focused and on track. Slotting
is very complex and somewhat dicult to
implement. A high-level plan at the very
start of the project will greatly improve the
attainable success level of the project and
should include some of the following details:
• Project scope and objectives
• Short- and long-range facility planning
• Assumptions
• Project organization
Of particular importance at this point is to
answer a few strategic questions:
Is there a building expansion planned in
the one-to three-year timeframe?
Is signicant rack reconguration an
When can the slotting plan
implementation start?
Answers to these questions and others
relevant to the project will help guide the
nal slotting plan.
Tools and Analysis
Several tools and analysis are needed to perform warehouse slotting.
Material Flow Documentation — ow charts and process documentation that describe the
ow of the product through the warehouse, including picking, putaway, and replenishment
Material Flow Data — data analyses that describes SKU dimensions, unit and cube
throughput, velocity proles, order proles and order commonality, and all peculiar item data
as needed. enVista utilizes the Material Flow Analysis (MFA) Modeling Tool to produce most of
the required analyses.
Warehouse Conguration — includes facility CAD layouts, rack elevation layouts, and
quantities of existing slot types.
Modeling Tools — essential in order to build the material ow analysis described above
and to produce the nal slotting plan from the slotting criteria listed below. Modeling tools
may be a simple combination of Access database and advanced Excel spreadsheets (or
equivalent), or may take on a more sophisticated form such as a slotting module within a
WMS or a stand-alone slotting program.
Slotting Criteria
Slotting criteria includes slot type, ABC velocity rating, and additional criteria (identied
below). ABC velocity is the most commonly used slotting criteria; however, it is very short-
sighted to not analyze and recommend slot type based on cube throughput analysis.
Additional criteria are peculiar variables applicable to a particular operation or product mix.
Slot Type
Slot type denes the type and dimensions of
a storage medium. Typical slot types include
shelving, decked rack, case ow, pallet rack,
and pallet ow of varying dimensions. Slot
type is critical to slotting for space, equipment,
replenishment and picking considerations.
In a primary pick model, the number of
replenishments is a function of item cube,
throughput, and storage cube size. An
undersized pick face will cause excessive
replenishment, resulting in higher operating
costs. An oversized pick face is a waste of
space and the resulting operating cost of the
space. An oversized pick face, in
most cases, will also introduce
picking ineciencies in the form
of additional travel time. A balance
should be sought between
replenishment and picking labor
cost, space available and cost.
Additionally, slot type is a factor in
the pick rate. The overall cumulative
slot type prole is more or less
relative toward a higher density
or lower density pick zone. A high-density
pick zone is more ecient for picking, but will
hold less product. A low density pick zone will
require greater travel distance, and therefore,
is less ecient for picking, but will hold more
product. This is the third variable to factor into
the equation.
To determine slot type, use the output from
the material ow analysis and warehouse
conguration information, both current and
proposed, to determine a slot type by item.
This then becomes the primary slotting criteria.
ABC Velocity Rating
The ABC velocity rating is output from the
material ow analysis. The output represents an
ABC rating for each SKU with A representing
fast movers and “C” representing slow movers
in terms of “hits” or lines per day.
Velocity slotting primarily reduces travel time.
The objective is to minimize the pick path or
travel distance required to pick an order, a
cluster of orders, or a batch. This is done by
grouping product by ABC rating, with an A
representing the fastest moving items in the
warehouse, and “C the slowest. Additional
ratings are usually added for very slow “D”
items. ABC slotting is combined with slot type
and order commonality (discussed below) to
balance labor and space costs and produce the
optimal slot plan.
Additional Criteria
Order commonality is a group of items likely
to ship together on the same order. This
group is then slotted together or close by
within a specic slotting zone.
Base product applies to picking-to-pallet.
In a pick-to-pallet using an order picker,
pallet jack or lift truck, the challenge is to
build the pallet while picking and avoid
the double handling of pallet rebuild and/
or consolidation at the shipping dock. In
this slotting criteria, the base product that
is the heaviest and/or bulkiest is placed rst
within the pick path. The slotting may have
intermediate zones, but, in any case, the
lighter and/or smaller product ends up on
the top of the pallet. If base is a criterion, it is
usually the primary slotting criterion and all
others, including velocity, are subordinate.
Source slotting or slotting by vendor is
sometimes used to help minimize putaway
labor by grouping items together from the
same vendor. This applies more to mixed-
pallet receiving.
Customer slotting refers to grouping items
together that are more or less customer
v i e w p o i n t
Successful Warehouse Slotting
v i e w p o i n t
Successful Warehouse Slotting
specic. These may be picked together in
close proximity to ll a signicant portion of
the order.
Slotting by product type strives to place
similar product together, primarily as a way
to organize the warehouse — especially
one containing many SKUs. This is closely
related to source slotting, but considers many
sources for a product type or group.
Special storage requirements may include
temperature control and environmental
controls, hazardous material controls, oversized
items, special packaging requirements, etc.
These criteria must be taken separately and
handled as well as possible.
Criteria ranking is the primary slotting criterion
and will take on the most signicance. The
second and third slotting criteria will also
be important. However, after that, slotting
variables become exceptions, because more
than two or three slotting variables cannot be
incorporated into a single slotting equation.
Additional variables must be removed from
the equation and handled as exceptions. So
deciding on the ranking of the variables is of
highest importance to realize the most from
the exercise.
The strategy, tools and criteria together
facilitate the output of a slotting plan. The nal
section to a slotting plan is the implementation
plan. A well-designed slotting plan is usually
not easily implemented and bears a risk of
sitting on the shelf until it is out of date. A well-
crafted implementation plan greatly improves
the odds of success — that the slotting plan
will be fully implemented.
Finally, a slotting plan lasts only so long. As new
product is introduced, SKU proles change and
order proles change until eciencies in labor
and space start to erode. Reslotting on a timely
basis is critical. Once the initial slotting plan is
implemented, reslotting is much easier as it
is more of a tweak and requires less change.
However, if reslotting is not done periodically,
not only does the operation suer in terms
of lost eciencies, but when the reslotting is
done, it will be a major exercise.
A critical tool in reslotting is a labor
management system (LMS). A LMS that is
properly integrated to the slotting system will
provide information needed to determine if
components of the slot plan are justied in
terms of the labor performance. For example,
a slot plan output from the slotting system
may recommend certain moves, based on
the slotting rules, but are the moves worth
the eort? Since most of the time used in
picking activities is spent in travel, associate
performance can be increased by reducing
this travel distance by reslotting. These days an
LMS can capture associated costs because of
the distance between locations, so a reslot can
be proved to lower labor costs and increase
associate productivity by simulating this new
“map. An LMS will provide additional data
in terms of the resulting savings from the
recommended moves as well.
v i e w p o i n t
Successful Warehouse Slotting
Success occurs when a slotting plan is
implemented and when benets are being
realized. Success rst indicates that the slotting
plan was implemented. Secondly, that the
benets of slotting are being achieved. Benets
are summarized as follows:
Space maximization. Utilizing the
recommended slot sizes helps to maximize
the warehouse cube, thereby cutting the
square footage requirements.
Picking eciencies. ABC Velocity slotting, as
well as order commonality slotting, reduces
travel time. Slot size prole also contributes to
picking eciencies in terms of high-density
versus low-density pick paths.
Reduced replenishment. Replenishment
to the primary pick location is usually labor
intensive in less than full-pallet quantities.
A balance must be attained between
replenishment rate, which is a labor cost, and
cube size, which is a space and equipment
cost, and usually aects labor (pick rate) as well.
Putaway eciencies. Putaway from
receiving should be considered as part of
the labor equation. However, it is generally
a secondary consideration to picking and
Return on investment (ROI) depends on the
type of slotting being performed, such as a
new warehouse versus an existing warehouse.
ROI can, however, be signicant, especially
when the right slotting tools, strategy, and
management plan are utilized.
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C o py r i gh t © 2 01 1 en V i st a , L LC
This article is authored by Mike Patterson, a Project Manager at enVista. For more information,
contact us at 877-684-7700 or via email at inforequest@envistacorp.com.