National Guard Regulation 600-101
Personnel - General
Warrant Officers
Related Personnel
National Guard Bureau
Arlington, VA 22204
10 September 2018
*This regulation supersedes National Guard Regulation (NGR) 600-101, dated 3 September 2014.
NGR 600-101
Warrant Officers - Federal Recognition and Related Personnel Actions
This rapid action revision
Clarifies CW2s requirement to execute an Oath of Office and an Oath of
Office for subsequent promotions (paragraph 1-8(b)).
Changes the effective date of service obligation incurred upon
promotion for CW3 to CW5 (paragraph 1-9(c)).
Adds Gateway link (paragraph 1-9(c)).
Removes guidance relating to Enlisted applicants; replaced with
Graduates of WOCS (paragraph 2-6(c).
Paragraph 2-6(d) verbiage change to – High School to Flight School.
Amends verbiage pertaining to maximum age for incoming Aviators to
attend WOBC (paragraph 2-7(b)(1)).
Clarifies requirements regarding age eligibility limitations (paragraph
Removes guidance relating to General Education Development(GED)
(paragraph 2-7(e)(2)).
Removes verbiage relating to WOCS Regional Training Institute
(RTI)(paragraph 2-7(e)(4)).
References Army Regulation (AR) 350-1 and clarified alternate event
(paragraph 2-7(h)(4)).
Clarifies guidance relating to Security Clearance (paragraph 2-7(i)).
Clarifies line of approval authority when submitting pre-determination
packets (paragraph 2-8(a)).
Clarifies SAAOs as the authority for processing pre-determination
packets for Aviators(paragraph 2-8(c)).
Provides guidance for WOCs that do not have a position to be placed in
(paragraph 2-8(d)(2)).
Updates USAREC Form 3.3 reference (paragraph 2-8(e)).
Removes guidance relating to APFT results (paragraph 2-8(e)(12)).
Removes paragraph 2-8(e)(13)relating to guidance of DA Form 5500/5501.
Paragraph 2-8 (e)(14) shifts up to become (e)(12) – Which replaces
‘Security clearance verification Statement’ with ‘Interim
Clarifies length of time MOS Proponent pre-determination approval is
valid (paragraph 2-8(g)).
Removes paragraph 2-9(h) and combined with paragraph 2-8(g).
Removes verbiage relating to WOCS RTI (paragraph 2-9(a)(1)(b)).
Clarifies Exception to Policy concerning requirement relating to
promotion at two year anniversary date (paragraph 2-9(a)(1)(c)).
Adds verbiage relating to applicants enrolled in a commissioned or WO
producing program (paragraph 2-9(2)(c)) - lettering initially
Removes verbiage relating to MOS less than 100% strength (paragraph
Adds verbiage relating to Special Forces (SFC/E7)(paragraph
Adds guidance for separation due to alcohol related misconduct
eligibility (paragraph 2-14(o)).
Guidance regarding minor traffic violations are not inclusive of
convictions; and addresses accumulation of fees/fines guidance
(paragraph 2-15(b)).
Adds guidance relating to probation (paragraph 2-15 (4)(b)).
Removes ‘within three years of application for appointment (paragraph
Provides clarification relating to separating CNGB and TAG waiver
authority for convictions (paragraph 2-15(c)).
Provides clarification relating to RE code of LGB (paragraph 2-15(g)).
Removal of requirement for Certificate of Eligibility (COE)(paragraph
Correction relating to Conditional Release (paragraph 3-1(a)(11)).
Removes reference to Certificate of Eligibility (paragraph 3-3 (b)(2)).
Provides clarification when awarding initial accession MOS (paragraph
3-5 (i)).
Incorporates guidance from PPOM 15-038 – XZ coded positions (paragraph
Adds paragraph 4-3(c)- Coding relating to XZ coded positions.
Removes guidance relating to female Warrant Officers (paragraph 4-
Adds Title 32 (T32) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Warrant Officers and
updates information regarding retention policy (paragraph 4-7 (e)).
Removes requirement relating to DA Form 705 (paragraph 4-9(3)).
Addresses maximum age guidance (paragraph 4-10(b)(1)).
Clarifies guidance (paragraph 5-2(a)).
Removes reference to Warrant Officers assigned to XZ coded positions
(paragraph 7-2).
Clarifies guidance relating to Aviation Warrant Officers (paragraph 7-
Amends guidance for TIG for promotions (Table 7-1).
Removal of specific requirements for Military Education (para 7-9 (a)).
Updates WOES course names to reflect Professional Military Education
(PME) and Time in Grade (TIG) requirements for PME enrollment (Table 7-
Clarifies guidance for promotions concerning T10 AGR Tours (paragraph
Adds a paragraph updating mobilized Army National Guard (ARNG) Warrant
Officer information (paragraph 7-11).
Clarifies the composition of a Federal Recognition Board (FRB)
(Paragraph 9-4).
Removes verbiage relating to other Army Components (paragraph 9-11).
Remove verbiage relating to other reconsideration for FEDREC (paragraph
Adds a paragraph clarifying information on Warrant Officer Retirement
grade (paragraph 10-5).
Add paragraph 10-6 – Process for Warrant Officer Separation.
National Guard Bureau *NGR 600-101
Arlington, VA
10 September 2018
Personnel - General
Warrant Officers - Federal Recognition and Related Personnel Actions
By order of the Secretary of the Army:
Lieutenant General, USA
Director, Army National Guard
Deputy Chief of Staff, GS
Army National Guard
History. This regulation supersedes NGR 600-101, dated 3 September 2014.
Summary. This regulation establishes policies and procedures for Army National Guard (ARNG) Warrant Officer
personnel management. This revision incorporates previously published changes to include All States
Memorandums relative to Warrant Officer management policies and procedures. It also includes issues imposed by
the Warrant Officer Management Act of 1992 that relate to ARNG Warrant Officers.
Applicability. This regulation applies to the ARNG and the ARNG of the United States (ARNGUS).
Proponent and Exception Authority. The proponent for this regulation is the Personnel Policy Division (ARNG-
HRH) which has the authority to approve exceptions to this regulation that are consistent with controlling law and
Management Control Process. This regulation is not subject to the requirements of Army Regulation (AR) 11-2
(Managers Internal Control Program).
Supplementation. Supplementation of this regulation is prohibited without prior approval from ARNG-HRH,
Herbert R. Temple, Jr., Army National Guard Readiness Center, 111 South George Mason Drive, Arlington, VA
Suggested Improvements. Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on Department of
Army (DA) Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) directly to National Guard
Bureau, Personnel Policy Division, ATTN: ARNG-HRH, 111 South George Mason Drive, Arlington, VA 22204-
Distribution. A.
Contents (Listed by paragraph and number)
Chapter 1
Purpose • 1-1, page 1
References • 1-2, page 1
Explanation of abbreviations and terms • 1-3, page 1
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
Responsibilities • 1-4, page 1
Policy • 1-5, page 1
Rank Relativity • 1-6, page 1
Powers and Duties • 1-7, page 1
Commissioning of Chief Warrant Officers • 1-8, page 2
Service Obligations • 1-9, page 2
Chapter 2
General • 2-1, page 2
Federal Recognition • 2-2, page 2
Temporary Federal Recognition • 2-3, page 2
Appointment Policy • 2-4, page 3
Appointment as a Reserve Warrant Officer of the Army • 2-5, page 3
Procurement Sources • 2-6, page 3
Eligibility Criteria • 2-7, page 3
Predetermination • 2-8, page 5
Appointment Process • 2-9, page 6
Appointment Grade • 2-10, page 6
WOC Grade Designation • 2-11, page 7
Exercise of Command • 2-12, page 7
Wearing of the Uniform and Insignia • 2-13, page 8
Individuals ineligible for Federal Recognition and are not authorized waivers • 2-14, page 8
Individuals ineligible for Federal Recognition unless a Waiver(s) is Granted • 2-15, page 9
Waivers • 2-16, page 10
Chapter 3
Processing Applications for Appointment and Federal Recognition
Actions required by the applicant • 3-1, page 11
Actions required by immediate commander or coordinated by the Warrant Officer Strength Manager (WOSM)
3-2, page 12
Actions required by the office of the State G1 and the State CCWO on behalf of TAG • 3-3, page 12
Categories of personnel actions requiring FRB action • 3-4, page 13
Categories of personnel actions not requiring FRB action • 3-5, page 13
Procedures required by FRB • 3-6, page 13
Application process at CNGB • 3-7, page 13
Chapter 4
General • 4-1, page 15
Order to Active Duty • 4-2, page 15
Assignment Policies • 4-3, page 15
Limitations of Assignments/Re-assignments • 4-4, page 17
Assignment of WOC • 4-5, page 17
Additional TDA Assignment Policy • 4-6, page 17
Retention Policy • 4-7, page 17
Retention Criteria • 4-8, page 18
Retention Procedures • 4-9, page 18
Retention Procedures for Physical Disability Evaluation • 4-10, page 19
Transfer to an ARNG of another State • 4-11, page 19
Chapter 5
General • 5-1, page 22
Attachment Authority • 5-2, page 22
Administration and Records • 5-3, page 22
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*NGR 600-101
Chapter 6
Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) Re-designation
General • 6-1, page 22
Authority • 6-2, page 22
General Policy and Procedures for MOS Re-designation • 6-3, page 22
Unit Reorganization • 6-4, page 23
Exemption from FRB Appearance • 6-5, page 24
Award of an Skill Qualification Identifier (SQI), Additional Skill Identifier (ASI), and Language Identifier Code
(LIC) • 6-6, page 24
Chapter 7
Responsibility • 7-1, page 28
Promotion Criteria • 7-2, page 28
Promotion as a Reserve Warrant Officer of the Army • 7-3, page 28
Computation of Promotion Service to Determine Promotion Eligibility Date (PED) • 7-4, page 28
Personnel Security Screening • 7-5, page 28
Wear of Insignia • 7-6, page 28
Eligibility for Promotion • 7-7, page 29
Minimum Years of Promotion Service • 7-8 page 29
Military Education Requirements • 7-9, page 30
Promotion of ARNG Warrant Officers Serving on Title 10 AGR Tours • 7-10, page 31
Promotion of Mobilized ARNG Warrant Officers • 7-11, page 31
Exemplary Conduct Screening • 7-12, page 31
Chapter 8
Civilian Education
General • 8-1, page 33
Civilian education goals • 8-2, page 33
Chapter 9
Federal Recognition Boards
General • 9-1, page 33
Authority • 9-2, page 33
Appointment • 9-3, page 33
Composition • 9-4, page 33
Board Site • 9-5, page 34
Notification to applicants • 9-6, page 34
Procedure • 9-7, page 34
Examination • 9-8, page 35
Appraisal of Experience • 9-9, page 36
Appraisal of Promotion Qualifications • 9-10, page 36
Determination of Qualifications of Warrant Officers of other Army Components • 9-11, page 36
Findings • 9-12, page 36
Unanimity of Recommendations • 9-13, page 36
Reconsideration for Federal Recognition • 9-14, page 37
Procedures upon completion of examination by the FRB • 9-15, page 37
Disposition of Records • 9-16, page 37
Actions required by the Senior Regular Army Advisor (SRAAG) • 9-17, page 38
Actions required TAGs • 9-18, page 38
Actions required by the CNGB • 9-19, page 38
Chapter 10
Termination of appointment and withdrawal of Federal Recognition
Authority • 10-1, page 40
Criteria • 10-2, page 40
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*NGR 600-101
Reserve of the Army • 10-3, page 41
Records • 10-4, page 41
Warrant Officer Retirement Grade 10-5, page 42
Process for Warrant Officer Separation • 10-6, page 42
References, page 43
Documents Required by NGB for Federal Recognition Action, page 50
Documents required by NGB for Waivers and Exception to Policy in eTracker, page 53
Table List
7-1. Minimum Time-In-Grade for Promotion, page 30
7-2. Minimum WOES Requirements for Promotion, Time in Current Grade and Course Enrollment, page 31
Figure List
3-1. Security Clearance Statement, page 14
3-2. Evidence of Citizenship Statement, page 14
3-3. Social Security Number Verification Statement, page 14
3-4. Statement of Understanding, page 15
3-5. Certification of College Transcript, page 15
4-1. Sample DA Form 4187 to request a transfer to another State, page 20
4-2. Sample Change of State Memorandum, page 21
6-1. Format for Memorandum Requesting MOS/SQI/ASI/LIC Change, page 25
6-2. Format for Memorandum for Federal Recognition to CNGB Requesting MOS Change, page 26
6-3. Format for Memorandum Announcement Award of SQI, ASI, and/or LIC, page 27
7-1. Memorandum Example- Recommendation for Promotion, page 32
9-1. Statement of Understanding for Appointment as a Warrant Officer, page 39
Abbreviations, page 56
Terms, page 63
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
Chapter 1
1-1. Purpose
This regulation prescribes NGB policies and procedures governing the appointment, assignment, and
management of Warrant Officers in the ARNG.
Provides eligibility requirements, administrative procedures, application processing, and other related
Warrant Officer personnel actions to include Military Occupational Specialty Code (MOSC) re-designation,
promotion, civilian education, and federal recognition.
1-2. References
Required list related to publications, prescribed and referenced forms are in appendix A.
1-3. Explanation of abbreviations and terms
Required list of abbreviations and terms used in this publication are in the glossary.
1-4. Responsibilities
National Guard Bureau (NGB).
The Director, ARNG, under the authority of and at the direction of the Chief, NGB (CNGB), is
responsible for the overall development and management of Warrant Officers within the ARNG.
ARNG G1, utilizing the Personnel Policy Division (ARNG-HRH), acts as agent for the Director,
ARNG providing technical guidance for the overall development and management of Warrant Officers in the
ARNG. ARNG-HRH approves modifications to the Warrant Officer program, and authorizes any requested
changes made by the States. The States, without prior written approval from ARNG-HRH, are not authorized to
make changes to this regulation or related policies and procedures.
ARNG Command Chief Warrant Officer (CCWO) serves as the primary advisor to the Director,
ARNG regarding policies and actions affecting the management of Warrant Officers.
State Activities.
The Adjutant General (TAG) of the State, with advice from the State CCWO, will manage and develop
Warrant Officers in their State.
The State Military Personnel Management Office (MPMO) serves on behalf of TAG to manage the
overall control of assignments and use of Warrant Officers, and performs personnel actions required to support
established human resources policies, procedures, and statutory requirements.
State CCWO serves as a key advisor to TAG concerning all actions effecting Warrant Officer
accessions, career management, and leadership development. The State CCWO will prepare and execute local plans
to comply with applicable laws and regulations related to appointments, assignments, utilization, training,
promotions, and separations.
1-5. Policy
The Officer Personnel Management System (OPMS) and policies that the ARNG uses to manage the Warrant
Officer Cohort will result in providing Warrant Officers who are dedicated, competent, proficient and aggressive
leaders of high morals and integrity. The profession of arms requires a strong professional and ethical Warrant
Officer Cohort capable of making the decisions needed to sustain excellence. Personnel actions taken because of the
policies prescribed herein made without regard to race, color, religion, gender, or national origin.
1-6. Rank Relativity
Warrant Officers of the ARNG, when not serving in Federal service, will be placed in relative rank sequence
according to the law(s) of the state in which they have been appointed. When an ARNG Warrant Officer enters
active duty, or active duty for training, under any provision of law, they will be relatively ranked among Warrant
Officers of the same grade serving on active duty as per the provisions of AR 600-8-29 (Officer Promotions).
1-7. Powers and Duties
Warrant Officers are vested with the powers and duties as prescribed in AR 27-55 (Notarial Services), AR 600-20
(Army Command Policy and Procedures) and Department of the Army Pamphlet (DA PAM) 611-21.
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*NGR 600-101
1-8. Commissioning of Chief Warrant Officers
A Warrant Officer appointment or promotion to a Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) is made by commission per
10 U.S.C 12241(b) (Warrant Officers: grades; appointment, how made; term).
Execution of the Oath of Office, DA Form 71 (Oath of Office-Military Personnel) upon initial appointment
as a Warrant Officer One (WO1 as a Reserve Warrant Officer constitutes acceptance of this appointment). Warrant
Officers receiving initial appointment or re-appointment will execute an Oath of Office as a Reserve Warrant
Officer. A new Oath of Office, DA Form 71, is not required for subsequent promotions. The effective date of
commission will be the date of initial appointment as a Chief Warrant Officer or upon promotion to that rank,
regardless of when the actual Oath of Office was administered. Failure or refusal to accept such appointment is
cause for immediate separation from the ARNG (see paragraph 10-2a (18)).
When completing the DA Form 71 - place an “X” in the “Reserve Warrant Officer” box, as appropriate. The
completed form must be forwarded to CNGB, ATTN: ARNG-HRP. State commissioning orders are not required.
Warrant Officers flagged, per AR 600-8-2 (Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (Flags)) will not be
appointed until all flags have been removed.
1-9. Service Obligations
A detailed description of service obligations is contained in AR 135-91 (Service Obligations, Methods of
Fulfillment, Participation Requirements, and Enforcement Procedures) and AR 350-100 (Officer Active Duty
Service Obligations). In addition to obligations identified above and upon completion of Warrant Officer Candidate
School (WOCS), personnel appointed as a Warrant Officer will incur a Ready Reserve participation requirement.
This participation requirement may run concurrently with the statutory obligation incurred upon initial entry into the
Armed Forces. For Officers appointed from Officer Candidate School (OCS) (ARNG and United States Army
Reserves (USAR)), their participation requirement is set forth in AR 135-91, table 2-1.
Warrant Officers attending the Warrant Officer Education System (WOES) courses incur a two-year Ready
Reserve obligation. This service obligation is incurred upon the first day of attendance; however, the two-year
service obligation begins on the course completion date. This participation requirement may run concurrently with
other obligations. Individuals, who are unable to complete this obligation prior to the mandatory removal date, will
not be permitted to attend PME courses.
All other service obligations incurred for attendance at professional development courses are established by
published NGB policy memorandums (refer to the G1 Gateway Library for personnel policy memorandums at
Chapter 2
2-1. General
Per the Constitution of the United States, Section 8, Article 1, Warrant Officers of the ARNG are appointed by the
States, and are federally recognized through the CNGB. Appointments in the grade of CW2 or higher are made by
commission by the President of the United States (POTUS) in permanent Reserve Warrant Officer grades in the
same manner as prescribed for Regular Warrant Officer grades.
2-2. Federal Recognition
Federal recognition is the process that ensures Officers appointed by individual States meet the qualifications
required for service in the Federal Armed Forces. Prior to extending federal recognition, POTUS, or the Secretary
of Defense acting on behalf of the POTUS, must first approve the Reserve Warrant Officer of the Army
appointment. When the State appointment is federally recognized, an ARNG Warrant Officer is concurrently
appointed as a Reserve Warrant Officer of the Army.
2-3. Temporary Federal Recognition
Temporary federal recognition may be extended to an officer who has been found qualified by a Federal
Recognition Board (FRB) for appointment in the ARNG of a State pending receipt of permanent federal recognition
and appointment as a Reserve Officer of the Army. Temporary federal recognition may be withdrawn when
necessary at any time. Temporary federal recognition will automatically terminate one-year after the effective date
of the State appointment per 32 USC 308 (Federal Recognition of Officers: temporary recognition) unless sooner
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*NGR 600-101
withdrawn or if official orders are issued. However, should the initial period of temporary federal recognition expire
due to administrative processing delays, through no fault of the applicant, a subsequent FRB must convene to
consider granting another one-year period of temporary federal recognition.
Temporary federal recognition is not applicable to the following ―
United States Army Reserve (USAR) Warrant Officers transferring to the ARNG in the same grade and
Military Occupational Specialty (MOS).
ARNG Warrant Officers transferring between States in the same grade and MOS.
ARNG Warrant Officers transferring from the Individual Ready Reserves (IRR).
2-4. Appointment Policy
The effective date of federal recognition is the date the Warrant Officer executes the Oath of Office on
NGB Form 337 (Oath of Office).
Federal Recognition remains in effect, as long as the Warrant Officer continues to meet the requirements of
the grade and position or until such recognition is withdrawn based on requirements set forth in regulations or as
otherwise required by law.
Chapters 3 and 9 outline the personnel actions requiring examination for Federal Recognition and for the
conduct of an FRB.
2-5. Appointment as a Reserve Warrant Officer of the Army
Warrant Officers who are federally recognized in a particular grade and branch shall be tendered an
appointment in the same grade as Reserve Warrant Officers of the Army with assignment to the ARNGUS as
provided in 10 USC 12211 (Officers: Army National Guard of the United States). A Reserve Warrant Officer
appointment is for an indefinite period and is not contingent upon continued federal recognition (10 USC 12211 and
10 USC 12213 (Officers; Army Reserve: Transfer from Army National Guard of the United States)).
The Secretary of the Army (SA) has prescribed that Warrant Officers that have the status of a Reserve
Warrant Officer for the Army for service in the ARNGUS, must be transferred in the same grade to the USAR. This
action requires the consent of the Governor or another appropriate authority of a State. Unless an ARNGUS
Warrant Officer is discharged from the Reserve of the Army concurrent with withdrawal of federal recognition per
pertinent regulations, the officer will become a member of the USAR upon separation from the ARNG.
2-6. Procurement Sources
Appointments are made under the provisions of DA Pam 601-6 (Warrant Officer Procurement Program) the
following personnel may apply for a Warrant Officer appointment to fill authorized or projected position vacancies.
Enlisted applicants who meet the DA MOS Proponent prerequisites (see:
Former Officers and Warrant Officers, to include Officers of other uniformed services who have been
determined qualified for appointment by proper authority. NOTE: Warrant Officer applicants for rated aviation
positions are exempt from DA MOS Proponent approval provided the State Army Aviation Officer (SAAO) and an
FRB determine them fully qualified.
Graduates of WOCS.
09W High School to Flight School applicants for Aviator positions.
2-7. Eligibility Criteria
Applicants found eligible by a DA MOS Proponent to enter appropriate WOES and meet the qualifications listed
below may apply for appointment as an ARNG Warrant Officer Candidate (WOC) with a subsequent appointment
as a Warrant Officer. All waivers and exceptions to policy must be approved prior to appearing before an FRB for
Assignment. A Warrant Officer must be assigned to a Warrant Officer position in a federally recognized
unit of the ARNG or in an approved over-strength position as authorized in the published NGB Over-Strength
Policy Memorandum (refer to for the G1 Gateway Library for
personnel policy memorandums).
Applicants for technical specialties must be at least 18-years of age and not more than 46-years of age
on the effective date of initial appointment to WO1. Applicants must not have reached their 46th birthday prior to
appointment. In accordance with AR 611-110 (Selection and Training of Army Aviation Officers), applicants for
rated aviation specialties must be at least 18-years of age, but not have reached their 33
birthday at the convening
of an FRB.
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*NGR 600-101
An applicant eligible for appointment to the grade of CW2 must not have reached age 48 on the
effective date when Federal Recognition is extended (see provisions in paragraph 2-10b or 2-10c).
Commissioned Officers (current and former) meeting the requirement to be appointed as a W2 without
further training when certified by the DA MOS Proponent, provided they have met all the previous guidance per AR
135-100 (Appointment of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Army), must be able to complete three years
as a Warrant Officer prior to the their 60
birthday. Commissioned Officers required to attend WOBC by the DA
MOS Proponent must be able to complete five years as a Warrant Officer prior to their 60
The CNGB may increase the maximum age limitation for an applicant possessing unusual skills or
technical qualifications fulfilling a specific requirement. An applicant must meet all MOS eligibility requirements
prior to appointment.
Citizenship. The applicant must be a citizen of the United States - either by birth or naturalization.
Mental Capabilities.
An applicant must have a General Technical (GT) aptitude area score of 110 or higher.
If applying for an aviator MOS - flight training is required and the applicant must hold aptitude test
scores as listed in AR 611-110.
Each applicant must demonstrate understanding and proficiency of the English language. An applicant
whose native language is not English must achieve a minimum score of 80 on the English Comprehension Level
Be a high school graduate or equivalent.
Meet any additional DA MOS Proponent requirements.
Successfully complete all phases of the WOCS within two-years of appointment as a Warrant Officer
Candidate, except as indicated in paragraph 2-10b.
Complete the appropriate WOBC or certification by the DA MOS Proponent for classification in the
appointment MOS within two-years from date of appointment as a WO1.
Character. An applicant must be of good moral character.
Leadership. An applicant must possess traits as potential leaders and have the ability to deal effectively with
people. Such traits may be evaluated in terms of the applicant's background and experience.
Standards of Medical Fitness.
Physical standards for appointment as a Warrant Officer are prescribed in AR 40-501 (Standards of
Medical Fitness), chapter 2 and except as indicated in subparagraph (4) below. An application for initial
appointment must hold an acceptable medical examination concluded within two-years prior to date of appointment.
Physical standards for retention as contained in AR 40-501, chapter 3, apply for appointment of
Officers and Warrant Officers from any component of the U.S. Army who has not incurred a break in service.
In order to meet class 1A flying duty medical fitness standards and prior to entering WOCS, an
Aviation WOC must be granted an approved type B medical examination as set forth in AR 40-501, chapter 4.
Applicants must meet the height/weight standards of AR 600-9 (The Army Weight Control Program).
As an enrollment requirement, applicants directed to attend WOCS must be able to pass the standard Army Physical
Fitness Test (APFT) without modification. An approved DA G3/5/7 APFT exception to policy for the 2-mile run (a
2.5-mile walk) is the only acceptable alternate event. This is in accordance with (IAW) current AR 350-1 (Army
Training and Leader Development).
Final determination of medical qualification will be made by Chief, NGB, except where the authority
for determination has been delegated to the State Adjutants General or reserved to the Active Army.
Request for medical waivers will be submitted with all supporting documents to ARNG-CSG for
waiver determination.
All Aviation Commissioned Officers (O-grade) must complete DD Form 2808 annually as part of their
Flight Physical. This form is sent to Fort Rucker who will stamp the form as approved. Approved with restrictions,
etc. Aviators can request a copy of this form and any applicable attachments, if applicable.
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*NGR 600-101
Based on the MOS applied for, an interim secret or top-secret security clearance is required for
predetermination packet submission. Applicants may appear before the FRB and attend WOCS with an interim
security clearance. A valid final security clearance is required for appointment and attendance to WOBC.
DA Pam 611-21 may require applicants applying for certain MOS’s to undergo a security investigation
or hold status of above the standard secret clearance.
Each DA MOS Proponent sets its particular MOS prerequisites and requirements.
2-8. Predetermination
DA MOS Proponent certification is required for MOS classification of technical service Warrant Officers.
This requirement is excluded for applicants for Initial Entry Rotary Wing (IERW) training who are exempt from the
DA proponent predetermination requirements. All other requirements of this regulation are applicable to applicants
for IERW training. Prior to entry into the WOES, all applicants, including IERW must submit a predetermination
packet, through their State WOSM, State CCWO, TAG, and through ARNG HRR-AC to the specific
predetermination authority requesting a review of the applicant's technical qualifications. The DA MOS Proponents
will ―
Determine the applicant's qualifications for classification in the requested MOS.
Determine the applicant’s eligibility to attend the appropriate WOBC for MOS certification, upon
completion of WOCS and appointment as a Warrant Officer.
Approved applications, upon completion of the WOCS and appointment as a WO1, assures the applicant's
eligibility to enter the appropriate WOBC.
SAAOs are the pre-determination authority and will ensure applicants for aviation Warrant Officer positions
comply with the requirements of AR 611-110 (Selection and Training of Army Aviation Officers) and NGR 611-
110 (Selection and Training of Army Aviation Officers) in addition to this regulation.
The requirements of subparagraphs b and c above are not applicable to the following
Warrant Officers and former Warrant Officers possessing the MOS of application.
Soldiers who complete WOCS and are not immediately appointed can later be appointed for the same
MOS as approved on the DA MOS Proponent letter within five years. Soldier must remain in the enlisted MOS,
which supports the approved Warrant Officer MOS.
Rated aviator Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers who are determined to be fully qualified
for the assigned MOS by the State Army Aviation Officer and State CCWO.
Potential applicants are advised to know the MOS specifications in DA Pam 611-21 and verify aptitude
scores, qualifications, and possession of the required skills and knowledge for positions being considered. In
addition, U.S. Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) maintains a listing on their website
( for all Warrant Officer MOSs and mandatory prerequisites. These general criteria
represent the occupational demands imposed upon the Warrant Officers, to include new appointees, in each MOS.
The applicant's request for a technical qualification determination must be submitted on the Army National Guard
Predetermination checklist published by ARNG-HRR, and will be supported by the following documentation
Command recommendations – use HQ USAREC Form 3.3 (Letter of Recommendation).
State CCWO recommendation - use HQ USAREC Form 3.3 (Letter of Recommendation).
Senior Warrant Officer recommendation when applicable - use HQ USAREC Form 3.3 (Letter of
Certified copy of Enlisted Record Brief (ERB) or Officer Record Brief (ORB).
Resume - use HQ USAREC Form 3.3 (Warrant Officer Resume), if HQ USAREC Form 1935 is not
Transcripts documenting completion of required college level courses and courses supporting training
related to the applied Warrant Officer MOS.
Training certificates (leadership and MOS related).
Officer Evaluation Report (OER) or Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report (NCOER) covering
period of feeder MOS and leader experience required by the DA MOS Proponent.
Other documents as required by the DA MOS Proponent.
Any other documents (to include relevant civilian employment documents) which support training or
experience directly related to the MOS tasks as listed for the applicable MOS in DA Pam 611-21. (Example:
Applied for MOS is 915A (Unit Maintenance Technician) and applicant works as a full time mechanic. Submit a
copy of a detailed position description and the four most recent supervisor's evaluation of job performance).
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
Awards and Decorations - submit only those awards and decoration certificates, which specifically
address recognition of performance in the duties related to the sought after Warrant Officer MOS.
Security clearance statement (see figure 3.1). At a minimum, applicants are required to have an interim
secret or top-secret security clearance for predetermination depending on the MOS.
Requests for waivers of mandatory prerequisites for predetermination (i.e.: military/supervisory experience,
Noncommissioned Officer Education Systems, etc.) will be submitted as part of the DA MOS Proponent
predetermination action from the Soldier and endorsed in the State CCWO's Letter of Recommendation. Any
request for waiver(s) of items as identified in paragraph 2-15 are to be submitted as a separate action thru ARNG-
Unless otherwise specified any DA MOS Proponent predetermination approval will remain valid for two
years. If a Soldier does not become a WOC during the period specified within the proponent approval memo, a new
predetermination packet must be submitted. The Soldier must continue to hold the enlisted feeder MOS for which
approved if not appointed upon graduation from WOCS.
2-9. Appointment Process
A predetermination of the applicant's qualification to enter the DA MOS Proponent certification course must
be received for any individual seeking initial appointment as a technical service Warrant Officer before any other
part of the appointment process is initiated. The DA MOS Proponent approval for entry into the applicable MOS
certification course must be a part of the appointment packet submitted to the FRB.
Initial MOS classification occurs upon completion of a three-event appointment process.
Event one is the selection of a WOC by a FRB within two years or other period specified in DA
MOS Proponent memo.
Event two is the satisfactory completion of all phases of WOCS within two-years of appointment
as a WOC.
Event three is the receiving, within two-years of appointment as a WO1, the DA MOS Proponent’s
certification of completion of the appropriate WOBC. An extension for up to one year to complete WOBC may be
requested through ARNG-HRH when, through no fault of the Soldier, he/she is unable to complete technical and
tactical certification within the original two-years of the appointment. An ETP is not required when a WO1 who has
completed or attending WOBC at 24 months’ time in grade; or attending the final phase of WOBC. All
appointments are contingent on DA MOS Proponent certification or successful completion of WOBC. Applicants
who fail to receive DA MOS Proponent certification within the two-year time frame and/or prior to the end of a one
year extension will, per chapter 10 and AR 600-8-24 (Officer Transfer and Discharges), have their appointment to
Warrant Officer terminated and Federal Recognition withdrawn.
The FRB determines if applicant for an ARNG Warrant Officer appointment meets the medical, moral,
and professional qualifications to perform the duties of the grade and position for which examined and is
documented on NGB Form 89 (Proceedings of a Federal Recognition Examination Board). Excepting issues
relating to physical condition, if an applicant is appointed as a WO1 within two-years of the date of the original FRB
designating them as a WOC then Federal Recognition will be granted to them without further examination.
Current or former Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers may not be required to complete
WOCS for re-appointment; however, DA MOS Proponent approval for entry into the applicable MOS certification
course must be received prior to appointment.
Applicants who successfully complete WOCS or another commissioning course within the last
five-years and have not been appointed or commissioned at the time of completion, are not required to repeat WOCS
for appointment. The DA MOS Proponent’s approval for entry into an applicable MOS certification course for
these applicants must be received prior to being examined by the FRB.
Applicants on an Enlisted Promotion System (EPS) list at the time of entry into the resident portion
of an officer-producing course are removed from the EPS and will be reconsidered via EPS if appointment is not
2-10. Appointment Grade
Initial appointment will be as a WO1, except ―
Former Warrant Officers may be appointed in their previous highest held Warrant Officer grade if they are
fully qualified in the MOS being sought or being determined to be qualified (see paragraph 2-8). The applicable DA
MOS Proponent makes such determination by granting training opportunities for the new MOS.
Commissioned and former commissioned officers:
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Who have served a minimum of two-years in an active status in the rank of Captain (CPT) or above,
may be appointed to CW2 if certified by the DA MOS Proponent without further training. Any requirement to
complete WOBC is determined by the applicable DA Proponent.
The term "active status" is defined as military service completed in any status other than Inactive
National Guard (ING) or in the Retired Reserve.
Commissioned Officers, predetermined qualified only for entry into the Warrant Officer training
program (meaning they must attend a WOBC), will be initially appointed in the grade of WO1. Prior
Commissioned Officers may be considered for promotion to the grade of CW2 when certified by the DA MOS
Commissioned Officers in the rank below CPT appointed as a WO1 and must complete the WOBC for
the applied MOS as directed by the DA MOS Proponent.
Enlisted applicants in the grade of E8 or E9 may be appointed to CW2 in one of two ways
Enlisted applicants in the grade of E8 or E9 who are certified by the DA MOS Proponent prior to the
date of initial appointment (attendance at WOBC is not required) may be appointed in the rank of CW2 upon
completion of WOCS. Constructive credit for WOCS may be granted if the Soldier has satisfactorily completed
OCS within the previous five-years.
Enlisted applicants in the grade of E8 or E9 who are eligible for DA MOS Proponent training may be
promoted to CW2 upon completion of WOCS and WOBC. Constructive credit for WOCS may be granted if the
Soldier satisfactorily completed an OCS within the previous five-years. The following Statement should be placed
on the NGB Form 89 (Proceedings of a Federal Recognition Examining Board) for appointment: “Applicant is a
pay grade E8 or E9, upon completion of WOCS, is eligible for appointment as a WO1. Upon successful completion
of WOBC, applicant may be promoted to CW2; effective the day following graduation.” The effective date will be
no earlier than the day following graduation.
Enlisted applicants in the grade of E7 with a minimum of two-years TIG on the date of appointment as a
WOC, may be appointed to WO1 upon completion of WOCS, and upon completion of WOBC may be promoted to
CW2. The following Statement should be placed on the NGB Form 89 for appointment: “Applicant is an E7 with
two-year TIG at appointment as a WOC, upon completion of WOCS, is eligible for appointment as a WO1. Upon
successful completion of WOBC, applicant may be promoted to CW2 on the day following graduation.” The
effective date will be no earlier than the day following graduation.
Special Forces Warrant Officers in the grade of E7 with two years’ time in grade on the date of appointment
as a WOC, may be appointed to WO1 upon successful completion of WOCS training day 31, and be promoted to
CW2 the day following graduation of Technical and Tactical Certification. The effective date will be no earlier than
the day following graduation.
2-11. WOC Grade Designation
An applicant for WOC status must have attained the pay grade as established by the DA MOS Proponent as
a mandatory prerequisite in the DA Pam 601-6 (Warrant Officer Procurement Program).
Once determined qualified to enter the WOES by a DA MOS Proponent and an FRB, applicants may be
appointed as a WOC. Applicants appointed as WOC, to include those serving in AGR status, will remove any
enlisted rank devices/chevrons from uniforms and wear the WOC collar insignia. WOC insignia will be removed
and designation automatically terminated upon ―
Graduation from WOCS.
Dismissal from WOCS when the school commandant does not recommend re-admittance to WOCS.
Failure to complete WOCS within two-years from date of appointment/re-appointment as a WOC.
Upon termination of WOC status, applicants will revert to and wear the enlisted rank insignia for the grade
held prior to appointment as a WOC. A new FRB action, and as applicable DA MOS Proponent approval, is
required prior to any re-appointment as a WOC.
Effective on the date travel to WOCS begins, Warrant Officer Candidates who have not attained the enlisted
rank of Sergeant (SGT) (i.e.: Aviation Candidates) must be administratively promoted to rank of SGT under the
provisions of AR 600-8-19 (Enlisted Promotions and Reductions), paragraph 7-15a. Standard Name Line (SNL) on
orders published ordering a candidate to WOCS must reflect the rank of at least SGT.
Unit assignment positions for WOCs are defined in paragraph 4-5.
2-12. Exercise of Command
In addition to the exercise of command policies as prescribed in AR 600-20, the following items will apply ―
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Temporary federal recognition at the time of initial appointment, and permanent federal recognition in the
time of promotion establishes the authorized grade to be used by all Warrant Officers.
When referring to a Warrant Officer by grade, indicate the grade in which the Warrant Officer is currently
federally recognized, and ensure that it is displayed in the signature block or within the body of any communication
or official correspondence.
2-13. Wearing of the Uniform and Insignia
The authority of 10 USC 772(a) authorizes members of the Army National Guard to wear the Army’s uniform,
insignia, and accouterments as prescribed in AR 670-1 (Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia).
Warrant Officers promoted to a higher grade by the States will not wear the insignia of the higher grade until
permanent federal recognition of their promotion has been extended and orders published by CNGB. The practice
of frocking is not authorized.
All newly appointed Warrant Officers will wear the U.S. Army uniform and insignia of the grade appointed
when granted temporary federal recognition by an FRB.
Warrant Officer Candidates will wear W.O.C. insignia on all uniforms. The W.O.C insignia will be affixed
to the uniform in accordance with AR 670-1.
2-14. Individuals ineligible for Federal Recognition and are not authorized waivers
Applicants who have engaged in activities deemed subversive or disloyal to the U.S. Government as defined
in AR 380-67.
Applicants against whom proceedings have been initiated under AR 380-67 (Personnel Security Program)
and whose case(s) has not been concluded in their favor.
Applicants refusing to completely answer any pertinent question of conduct described in AR 380-67 during
the course of an official investigation, interrogation, or examination conducted for the purpose of ascertaining the
existence or extent of conduct described in that regulation.
Applicants who are currently serving probation resulting from a conviction by any type of military or civil
Applicants who are presently declare themselves conscientious objectors per AR 600-43 (Conscientious
Applicants dropped from the rolls, released from active duty, or separated from any component of the U.S.
Armed Forces for any of the following reasons ―
Under other than honorable conditions.
Unsatisfactory service.
Resignation in lieu of court-martial, elimination for any form of corrective or disciplinary action, or for
the good of the service.
Current and former Commissioned Officers of the U.S. Armed Forces who have been twice not
selected for promotion by a DA or Reserve selection board, who have attained 20-years of service creditable for
retired pay eligibility, or who are determined not qualified for a MOS without further training by DA MOS
Proponent. (See paragraph 2-15i).
Warrant Officers twice not selected for promotion by a Reserve selection board.
Deemed to be considered a security risk or for other than security reasons as determined while
undergoing a security investigation under the provisions of AR 380-67.
Any person, regardless of their prior service in a U.S. military component who has not been retained
through any qualitative management program to include Reserve Component Selective Retention Boards.
Persons on the retired list of the U.S. Army.
Reserve Officers who are members of a Retired Reserve and who are eligible for or have been retired
under 10 USC 3911 (twenty years or more: Regular or Reserve Commissioned Officers) unless prior approval has
been granted by the SA per AR 140-10 (Assignment, Attachments, Details, and Transfers), chapter 6.
Enlisted applicants retired under 10 USC 3914 (Twenty to thirty years: enlisted members).
Applicant currently on a retired list of another U.S. Armed Force (i.e.: members on a retired list of the
Active Components of the Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard).
Commissioned Officers of the U.S. Armed Forces separated due to length of service, time in grade, or age
Active duty (members of Active Components).
Active status (members of Reserve Components).
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Commissioned Officers, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted applicants separated from any component of the
Armed Forces by elimination procedures of a derogatory nature similar to those contained in AR 635-200 (Active
Duty Enlisted Administrative Separations), AR 600-8-24 (Officer Transfers and Discharges), AR 135-175
(Separations of Officers), or AR 135-178 (Enlisted Administrative Separations).
Former Regular Army (AA) Officers who have been denied appointment in the U.S. Army Reserve per
AR 135-100.
Commissioned Officers who are within 90-days of their mandatory removal date (MRD). Completed packets
requesting to convert to Warrant Officer, which require approval of waiver prior to appointment, must be received at
ARNG-HRH no later than 90-days prior to the Officer’s original MRD. Officers who have reached their MRD or
who have been retained past MRD, in accordance with 10 USC 14702 (Retention on reserve active-status list of
certain Officers in the rank of Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel or Brigadier General) are ineligible for
Applicants denied retired pay or annuities under the Hiss Act (5 USC 8312).
Applicants who are in the military service of a foreign government or who are employed by a foreign
Applicants processed for separation due to alcohol related misconduct IAW AR 600-85, Army Substance
Abuse Program.
Applicants with unauthorized tattoos in accordance with AR 670-1.
2-15. Individuals ineligible for Federal Recognition unless a Waiver(s) is granted
Except as stated below, waiver authority resides at the NGB or higher level. Requests will be forwarded to ARNG-
HRH-O, which exercises waiver authority on behalf of CNGB and further processes requests as necessary (see
paragraph 2-16).
Former conscientious objectors. A former conscientious objector required to furnish an affidavit expressing
abandonment of such beliefs so far as it pertains to an unwillingness to bear arms and to give full and unqualified
military service to the United States.
Applicants with a record of prior military or civil conviction(s) as follows
Applicants who have been adjudged youthful offenders or have a record of misdemeanor conviction(s)
of any type, either civil or military; including traffic violations involving a fine or forfeiture of $300 or more,
excluding court costs and fees.
Traffic violations involving a fine or forfeiture of less than $300 but more than $100 is The Adjutant
General (TAG).
Traffic violations resulting in a fine or forfeiture of an amount of $100 or less do not require waivers.
For waiver request purposes, the term “conviction” means a judgment of guilty or an accepted plea of nolo
contendere in a court’s records regardless of -
Whether or not sentence then was imposed, withheld, or suspended.
Later proceedings, except successful appeals, deleted an initial determination of guilt from court records,
based on rehabilitation, completion of a satisfactory probationary period or other reasons. Examples of later proceedings
include pardon, expungement, and amnesty. While such later proceedings may recognize rehabilitation or other issues
possibly relevant to the waiver decision, they do not change the fact that the offender was convicted of committing a
criminal act.
Waiver requests for the following offenses will be submitted with the application and evaluated with
the NAC:
to hard labor.
Conviction of a felony under local, Federal, or military law.
Conviction that resulted in sentence to confinement in prison, stockade, or detention area or in sentence
Conviction involving moral turpitude.
Applicants previously discharged for dependency or hardship. A person previously discharged from any of
the Armed Forces of the United States for hardship or dependency may not be accepted for appointment, unless it
has been determined by investigation conducted by the unit commander that the reasons for discharge no longer
exist. Waiver authority is delegated to TAG
Applicants who were previously separated from any component of the Army because of failure to complete
any required military education or course within the timeframe prescribed. This information may be obtained from
DD Form 214 (Report of Separation)/ DD Form 215 (Correction of DD Form 214) or from historical data in the
Army Training Resources and Requirements System (ATRRS).
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*NGR 600-101
Applicants unable to complete 20-years of creditable service for retirement or retired pay prior to mandatory
removal from an active status as prescribed by chapter 10. A waiver may be considered upon demonstration that an
applicant possesses truly outstanding qualifications. The waiver authority is delegated to the State’s Adjutant
General. Applicant must sign a Statement of understanding (see figure 3-4) that 20-years of creditable service for
retirement cannot be achieved before reaching mandatory removal date. Signed Statement must be included with
appointment packet forwarded to NGB for inclusion in the Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management
System (iPERMS).
Applicants exceeding the maximum age limits. Waiver may be considered under the conditions Stated in
paragraph 2-7b (3) and (4).
A Warrant Officer on the Active Duty List (ADL), with less than 20-years of Active Federal Service (AFS),
who is discharged for being twice non-selected for an ADL promotion or who has resigned in advance of such an
impending discharge. No waiver is required if the Soldier has an approved waiver for transfer to the Reserve
Components from U.S. Army Human Resources Command (HRC).
A Soldier previously discharged or separated for unsatisfactory participation or for personal or medical
reason(s). After one year from date of separation, an applicant may be considered for appointment/re-appointment if
the barrier(s) have been removed. The applicant must prove conclusively that a valid reason for having been
separated is no longer an obstacle and agree in writing to participate actively if appointed/re-appointed.
Commissioned and former Commissioned Officers of the U.S. Armed Forces non-selected for promotion by
a DA or Reserve selection board who have not attained 20-years of service creditable for retired pay eligibility.
Waivers will only be considered if the officer or former officer is predetermined by a DA MOS Proponent to be
fully qualified in the applied for MOS without requiring further training.
2-16. Waivers
All requests for waivers requiring a decision by the CNGB or higher authority will be forwarded through the
appropriate TAG to ARNG-HRH for review. A copy of the waiver approved by ARNG-HRH-O (on behalf of
CNGB) or TAG will be included as an enclosure in the appointment packet submitted to the FRB.
Decisions on all personnel actions considered under this chapter will be made after a complete review of the
entire record of the applicant. The requesting commander's recommendation (HQ USAREC Form 3.3) or
memorandum include favorable or unfavorable evidence as appropriate of the applicant's military and civilian
education, character, civilian employment status, and financial responsibilities. Discriminators, such as a record of
indebtedness, questionable character traits, non-judicial punishment, history of problems with civilian employment,
and lack of substantive support by the chain of command, lessen the chances for approval.
Applicants requiring waivers are not permitted to appear before a FRB prior to receiving approval of the
requested waiver.
A waiver for disqualifying factors, other than those authorized in paragraph 2-15, may only be granted by the
SA or designee. All waiver requests will be submitted through command channels and must fully justify the
circumstances as being in the best interest of the Army. The waiver request must clearly document the applicant's
experience and professional qualifications that uniquely suit the position to which appointment is requested. Waiver
requests require the recommendation of the CNGB and will be forwarded through HQDA.
Waiver requests for prior convictions will be considered only if the applicant's current conduct and character
are above reproach. The evaluation of the potential value of the applicant's service as a Warrant Officer must be
considered as very high. Requests will be submitted to ARNG-HRH via the eTracker application of Reserve
Component Management System (RCMS) and must be supported by a completed NGB Form 62E (Application for
Federal Recognition) up to first endorsement; official court documents citing the offense, court action, judgment
rendered; and a Statement of circumstances from the applicant.
Requests for medical waivers will be submitted with all supporting medical documents to ARNG-CSG.
Waiver requests for Warrant Officers on the Active Duty List (ADL), with less than 20-years of Active
Federal Service (AFS), who have been discharged for being twice non-selected for an ADL promotion, must obtain
waiver from HRC.
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*NGR 600-101
Chapter 3
Processing Applications for Appointment and Federal Recognition
3-1. Actions required by the applicant
This chapter provides the actions required by an applicant in order to receive an initial appointment. It also provides
actions necessary to obtain a re-appointment or transfer from the USAR. The WOSM at the State’s recruiting
command or administrative personnel familiar with the application process will assist applicants.
For initial appointment an applicant must provide the following-
NGB Form 62E. The applicant will retain a copy of this form for their personal record.
Aptitude test score required in paragraph 2-7 (d) would be entered in the remarks section on NGB
Form 62E.
Evidence of birth. Applicants not previously commissioned or appointed as a Warrant Officer in the
ARNG will provide a certified true copy of their birth certificate. Other documentary evidence such as a marriage
certificate, to substantiate the date of birth and name shown on the application and any allied papers to satisfy the
requirements of AR 135-100 and AR 600-8-104 (Army Military Human Resources Records Management).
Copies of Reserve of the Army appointment and promotion letters or memorandums, orders, or other
documents, which attest to officer status in another component, if applicable.
Security Clearance. Applicants will review those areas of DA Pam 611-21 applicable to their career
specialty and ascertain if additional security clearance investigation and access requirements are required. The
applicant will provide evidence they possess the necessary clearance(s), or obtain a Statement as shown in figure 3-1,
verifying that a security clearance of secret or higher, as granted by the U.S. Army Central Personnel Clearance
Medical examination - DD Form 2807-1 (Report of Medical History) and DD Form 2808 (Report of
Medical Examination). Applicants must successfully undergo an appointment medical examination within 24
months prior to the date of appointment per AR 40-501, chapter 2. A certified true copy of such examination may
be accepted in lieu of a new medical examination. The Aeromedical Center at Fort Rucker, AL must approve, prior
to appointment, the medical examinations for rated aviator positions per AR 40-501, chapter 4.
Civilian schooling. Provide a copy of the applicant’s high school graduation diploma or equivalency
certificate. If an applicant has completed courses beyond high school, submit a copy of an official certified copy of
the technical school or college transcript as provided by the institution’s authorized official (see figure 3-5).
Applicants must review DA Pam 611-21 for any additional educational requirements, which may be required for the
Warrant Officer MOS. In some cases, an associate degree or a baccalaureate degree may be required.
Military schooling. Applicants must provide evidence of satisfactory completion of any Army service
school courses. If applicable, applicants must also provide evidence of constructive credit granted for graduation
from WOCS, OCS, and all Warrant Officer professional development courses successfully completed.
Waivers of requirements. Approved waivers will be obtained prior to the applicant's appearance before
an FRB.
Requests for aeronautical aviation orders, if applicable, as stipulated in AR 600-105 (Aviation Service
of Rated Army Officers).
Applicants of other Reserve Components will provide a copy of DD Form 368, Conditional Release.
Applicants in the ARNG transferring to another State will provide a copy of the interstate transfer memo. Both must
be submitted from their respective organizations prior to their appearance before an FRB.
Certificate of service. An applicant with prior service in the Armed Forces of the United States must
provide copies of discharge/separation certificates and/or certificates of service (i.e.: DD Form 214/215 or similar
Evidence of citizenship. An applicant who is not a citizen of the United States by birth will submit a
signed or notarized Statement validated by a commissioned officer, commissioned Warrant Officer, or notary public
(see figure 3-2). Facsimiles, photocopies, or other means of reproducing naturalization certificates are not
authorized by law and will not be accepted.
Verification of a social security number. Each applicant must submit a facsimile of the statement
signed by a commissioned officer, commissioned Warrant Officer, or notary public (see figure 3-3).
Awards. Legible copies of orders and correspondence substantiating any decorations, citations, and
commendations earned by the applicant.
If applicable, a statement will be submitted stating the applicant understands they will be unable to
complete 20-years of creditable service for retirement prior to mandatory removal from an active status (see format
provided in figure 3-4).
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A signed statement will be furnished by former conscientious objectors thereby expressing
Abandonment of such beliefs as they pertain to their willingness to bear arms,
Affirming their intent to give full and unqualified military service to the United States of America,
Affirming they will not apply for separation for reason of conscientious objection during the period
of their contracted agreement.
Re-appointment or transfer from USAR. Applicants will include the following documents as applicable and
prepared as prescribed for an ARNG appointment
Documents listed in subparagraphs a (1), (4), (6) through (14), and (16) through (17) above.
A Soldier assigned to a USAR Troop Program Unit (TPU) is required to obtain a conditional release
from their USAR unit commander prior to being appointed in the ARNG. After their appointment, a DD Form 368
will be prepared and endorsed to the commander of HRC, 1600 Spearhead Division Avenue, Fort Knox, KY 40122.
This action will inform HRC of the officer's appointment in the ARNG, which correspondingly will result in a
USAR TPU vacancy. A copy of the DD Form 368 will be included with the application for federal recognition to
facilitate the release of the Amy Military Human Resources Record (AMHRR) from the USAR.
A non-unit Soldier assigned to a USAR control group may be appointed in the ARNG pending receipt
of final clearance from the commander of HRC. After appointment, NGB Form 60 (Request for Clearance from the
USAR for Enlistment/Appointment in the ARNG) or DD Form 368 (Conditional Release) will be prepared and
endorsed to the commander of HRC in accordance with DoDI 1205.05 (Transfer of Service Members between
Reserve and Regular Components of the Military Services). A copy of the NGB Form 60 or DD Form 368 will be
included with the application for Federal Recognition.
3-2. Actions required by immediate commander or coordinated by the WOSM
The commander initially receiving the application for any personnel action described in paragraph 3-1 will ―
Review applications for completeness and determine applicant's administrative eligibility to apply for the
desired personnel action.
Return the application to applicant if it does not meet the basic administrative prerequisites for appointment
giving reasons for rejection.
The commander must complete first endorsement portion of NGB Form 62E if the application appears to be
complete. Commanders will include appropriate remarks regarding position vacancy to be filled.
Retain and file a copy of NGB Form 62E, as required.
Forward application with appropriate recommendation through any intermediate commanders to the State’s
3-3. Actions required by the office of the State G1 and the State CCWO on behalf of TAG
TAG will ―
Review applications and allied papers for ―
Completeness and accuracy to include verification of prior National Guard service. When using NGB
Form 62E, verification will be either typed or stamped onto each copy.
Qualifications and standards for the requested personnel action.
The appropriate position vacancy exists, and assignment policies prescribed in chapter 4 have been
Confirmation that security requirements as prescribed in chapter 2 and in AR 380-67 have been met.
Perform the following additional actions when FRB examination is not required―
If the applicant is an ARNG Soldier of the State in which the personnel action is being considered,
examine evaluation reports and other documents that describe the applicant's qualifications and past duty
Attach NGB Form 337 (Oath of Office). The oath should be administered and dated on the effective
date of the officer's appointment in the ARNG of the State. The original will be included with the application
forwarded to ARNG-HRP to attain federal recognition.
Attach DA Form 71 (Oath of Office). The DA Form 71 is used to administer the oath of
commissioning for all WOs being considered for appointment to the ranks of CW2 or higher.
Issue the appropriate orders announcing the personnel action. A copy of the order will be made a part
of the application.
The endorsed application (i.e.: NGB Form 62E with additional papers prescribed by this chapter and
as listed at appendix B) will be forwarded to ARNG-HRP for permanent Federal Recognition action.
Perform the following additional actions when FRB examination is required ―
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If the position was previously occupied, attach a copy of the order, which vacated the position to which
the applicant is being considered for assignment.
Attach a copy of the order directing the applicant to appear before the FRB, if applicable.
Furnish the FRB copies of the applicant's evaluation reports and other documents, which attest to their
qualifications and past performance.
All requests for Federal Recognition actions will be submitted electronically. The application is web-
based (URL and is an electronic means to transmit
Federal Recognition actions. (NOTE: Under normal circumstances, hard copy packets are no longer accepted;
however, under special circumstances, the Federal Recognition Branch Chief (ARNG-HRP) will approve approvals
for hard copy packets).
3-4. Categories of personnel actions requiring FRB action
Initial appointment.
Promotions to CW3, CW4 and CW5.
Appointment of USAR Warrant Officers in a new MOS.
Transfer of ARNG Warrant Officers between States in a new MOS.
Except for rated aviators, change in a Warrant Officer’s first four characters of the primary or additional
MOS (see paragraph 3-6).
3-5. Categories of personnel actions not requiring FRB action
Appointment of Army Reserve Warrant Officers in the same grade and in an MOS designated as the Warrant
Officer's primary MOS or additional MOS.
Transfer of ARNG Warrant Officers between States in the same grade and MOS.
Transfer of an ARNG Warrant Officer from the USAR IRR in an MOS designated as the Warrant Officers
primary MOS or additional MOS (rated Aviators only).
Rated Warrant Officer Aviators who have been certified by an Instructor Pilot (IP) and the State Aviation
Officer, or by successfully completing training at a DA course on aircraft resulting in the award of a new MOS.
Acceptable source documents include: orders, certified DA Form 759 (Individual Flight Record and Flight
Certificate), DA Form(s) 1059 (Service School Academic Evaluation Report), or DD Forms 214/215.
Award of an SQI, ASI, or LIC (see paragraph 6-6).
When a MOS is re-designated/revised in accordance with DA Pam 611-21 or other DA Directives and when
no further training is required for the re-designation. Source document is an order announcing the change of MOS,
using the applicable references of DA Pam 611-21 or other DA Directives as the authority for the change. If DA re-
designation requires additional training, the conversion MOS order will not be published until training has been
completed. States will submit a copy of the DA Form(s) 1059 (Service School Academic Evaluation Report)
reflecting completion of required courses (or approved equivalent/constructive credit documentation) to the Federal
Recognition Section of the Officer Management Branch (ARNG-HRP) for awarding of the new MOS.
When a technical specialty MOS award or re-designation is approved by a DA MOS Proponent via Service
School Academic Evaluation Report(s) (i.e.: DA Form(s) 1059 or similar correspondence).
When awarding a MOS previously held by a Warrant Officer. Source document is the copy of the Federal
Recognition order previously awarding the MOS.
When awarding the initial accession MOS, states will publish the award order and submit a copy of the
DA Form(s) 1059 or DD Form 214/215 documenting course completion, plus a copy of the NGB Form 89
indicating the initial MOS board action.
Promotion to CW2. Effective date for promotion to CW2 is 24 months if fully qualified and recommended
for promotion. Recommendation for promotion to CW2 (NGB Form 78) should be submitted to ARNG-HRP, no
earlier than 120 days prior to eligibility date. ETP is not required based on the Warrant Officer being fully qualified
(see paragraph 7-2).
3-6. Procedures required by the FRB
Actions required of the Federal Recognition Board are prescribed in chapter 9.
3-7. Application process at CNGB
ARNG-HRP will review the application for Federal Recognition and make the final determination if the applicant
meets the prerequisites for the specific action requested. Requests for appointments will be staffed through DA,
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Assistant Chief of Staff, G-1. Federal Recognition orders will be published, upon approval from POTUS and
distributed to the State concerned. Applications, which do not meet the stated prerequisites, will be returned to the
State without action.
Figure 3-1. Security Clearance Statement
Citizenship by Naturalization
"I have this date seen the original certificate of citizenship, No. (or certified copy of the court order
establishing citizenship) stating that (Name) was granted United States of America citizenship by
the court of at (City and State) on (Date)
Citizenship through Naturalization of Parent
"I have this date seen the original certificate of citizenship, No. issued
to (Name) by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Department of Justice, stating that
(Name) has acquired U.S. Citizenship on (Date) ."
Figure 3-2. Evidence of Citizenship Statement
Figure 3-3. Social Security Number Verification Statement
(Date Si
(Records Custodian Signature)
Records Custodian Name
“I have seen the computer generated Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) clearance and/or Security
Determination issued by the Central Clearance Facility (CCF) on (date) stating that
(Full Name) , has a security clearance at the
The (JPAS) personnel summary clearance is on file in the Soldier/applicant's AMHRR.”
Date investigation completed:
Date final clearance granted:
"I (Notary Name) , have on this (Date) verified that the following (SSN) belonging to
(Name) is identical to the number listed on the Social Security Card provided by the Social
Security Office.
Stamped Official
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Figure 3-4. Statement of Understanding
Figure 3-5. Certification of College Transcript
Chapter 4
4-1. General
The assignment, re-assignment, retention, and utilization of Warrant Officers of the ARNG, other than those on
active duty under Title 10 United States Code, are a function of the State concerned. The State’s TAG and
Personnel Managers must follow management principles of the appropriate State’s laws and with Army and NGB
regulations, MOS assignment criteria, and the needs of the Army.
4-2. Order to Active Duty
This paragraph provides personnel accountability guidance to the States to account for Warrant Officers of
the ARNG who may be ordered to active duty without being on the active duty list or under the strength
accountability of the Regular Army or under various provisions of law.
Assignments. A Warrant Officer of the ARNG, who is ordered to federal active duty in the Active Guard
and Reserve Program under provisions of Title 10 United States Code for a period in excess of six-months, will be
transferred to and carried as an additional officer of the Joint Force Headquarters (JFHQ) for the period of such
active duty. Upon release from active duty, the Warrant Officer may continue to be carried as an additional active
status officer of the JFHQ for a period not to exceed six-months.
Disposition of Warrant Officers. Upon termination of the six-month period after separation from federal
active duty such additional active status, Warrant Officers who have not been assigned to a Modified Table of
Organization and Equipment (MTOE) or Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA) position vacancy will be
subject to termination of their Federal Recognition by the CNGB and transferred to the USAR or the IRR.
Extension requests from TAGs to the CNGB are limited to instances where assignment to an authorized position is
imminent or when all other alternatives have been exhausted, and the results would cause a severe injustice or
extreme personal hardship.
4-3. Assignment Policies
TAG is the approving authority for Warrant Officer assignments unless otherwise indicated below.
"I, the undersigned, understand that, upon appointment in the (State) Army National Guard and the Reserve
of the Army that I may not be able to complete 20-years of satisfactory Federal service for retirement purposes
under the provisions of 10 USC 12731 (i.e.: Eligible to draw retired pay at age 60), or Title 10, United States
Code, Section 3911, prior to being removed from an active status under applicable laws or Army Regulations."
(Sign full name)
(Print/type full name)
"I hereby certify that I have on this date seen the original/official raised seal transcript(s) issued by:
(Institution) stating that (Name) has acquired
college semester hours and/or a or equivalent degree. A certified copy of
these transcripts is/are attached herewith.
(Authorized Official)
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*NGR 600-101
Technical Warrant Officers will be assigned to fill authorized Warrant Officer MTOE/TDA positions in
federally recognized units of the ARNG. Prior to assignment, the DA MOS Proponent must certify the applicant as
qualified in the MOS for which the vacancy exists; or that they are eligible for entry into the appropriate WOES and
can qualify for certification within two-years of assignment.
Warrant Officers assigned to XZ coded positions may only be assigned if qualified company grade Officers
are not available. When a rated company grade Officer becomes available Warrants, filling these positions under
this policy, will be immediately reassigned. Assigning a Warrant Officers to a company grade officer position is not
intended to replace the need for a rated company grade officer; the Warrant officer is filling a temporary need in the
organization. These positions should be used for no longer than a three –year time frame. This guidance is also
applicable when Commissioned Officers are filling Warrant Officer positions
The Military Personnel Class (MPC) and MOS codes in the automated personnel system must reflect “W”
and “011A” to be approved and returned to “O” and “01A” upon the Warrant Officer being re-assigned elsewhere.
Once the Warrant Officer is assigned to the position in SIDPERS the MPC will be changed back to AOC o1A or
other AOC as required by the bae authorization document (TDA). No additional positions will be created on the
TDA; the Warrant Officer will be assigned directly to the officer position on the TDA as listed. The Warrant
Officers PMO will remain their PMOS during the duty assignment.
O3 (CPT) XZ coded positions may be filled by a W-2 or W-3. The maximum Warrant Officer
promotion grade for this position is W4.
O4 (MAJ/) XZ coded positions may be filled by a W-3 or W-4. The maximum Warrant Officer
promotion grade for this position is W4.
O5 (LTC) XZ coded position may be filled by a W-4 or W-5. The maximum Warrant Officer
promotion grade for this position is W4 unless an exception to policy (ETP) is approved by ARNG-HRH. This ETP
request must be approved through the Personnel Policy Division prior to consideration for promotion by a federal
recognition board.
Aviation Warrant Officers. For assignment to a rated aviation position vacancy, and to remain so assigned,
or considered for promotion in an aviation position, a Warrant Officer must be qualified as an Army aviator; or if
not currently qualified, must become qualified within two-years of appointment as a Warrant Officer.
If there is no change of the MOS, Warrant Officers may be re-assigned or transferred to other MTOE/TDA
Warrant Officer positions without the need for an FRB action.
Technical Warrant Officers should serve in Warrant Officer positions according to MTOE/TDA rank coding.
The WOES provides Warrant Officers with performance-based certification and qualification training. WOES
trains and develops Warrant Officers for difficult and complex assignments. It is recommended that Warrant
Officers be assigned progressively within the rank structure of MTOEs/TDAs along with promotion potentials. For
the assignment limitation of Warrant Officers in the grade of CW5, (see paragraph 4-4d).
Rated Aviation Warrant Officers whose flight status is withdrawn will not be considered for assignment
outside aviation specialties unless determined qualified by a DA MOS Proponent for reclassification into a technical
specialty. Approval must be obtained prior to re-assignment action.
Prior to approval of this paragraph's assignment exceptions, TAG will ―
Assure that there are no qualified Warrant Officers within commuting distance of the vacancy eligible
for assignment.
Coordinate with the Commander of HRC to provide a list of qualified USAR Warrant Officers
available in that geographical area, which are eligible to fill the vacancy.
TAGs will review annually the progress of DA MOS Proponent certification training of Warrant Officers
assigned under this paragraph to ensure completion within the specified timeframe.
Warrant Officers failing to obtain DA MOS Proponent certification within the specified timeframe will have
their State appointment terminated unless an extension waiver is granted per paragraph 2-9 a. (1) c. (See chapter
CCWO positions are coded as MOS 011A (Branch/MOS Immaterial), and may be occupied by a Warrant
Officer qualified in any MOS. An individual being re-assigned from a CCWO position must be qualified in the
MOS they are being re-assigned to or complete appropriate action for MOS re-designation (see chapter 6).
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4-4. Limitations of Assignments/Re-assignments
Former members of the Peace Corps will not be assigned duties in the military intelligence field, which
would preclude their use in the event of mobilization.
Applicants assigned as Military Police Criminal Investigators and Laboratory Technicians must be eligible
for accreditation as prescribed in AR 195-3 (Acceptance and Accreditation of Criminal Investigation Personnel).
A CW5 cannot be transferred, assigned, or re-assigned to a position which is not MTOE/TDA rank coded as
CW5, unless the W5 position has been eliminated due to a unit reorganization. In all cases to include reorganization
and mobilization requests for exception to policy to transfer, assign, or re-assign a CW5 to a position rank coded
other than CW5 must be submitted to CNGB, ATTN: ARNG-HRH, for approval prior to the assignment action.
The request for exception to policy must ―
Be fully justified to include supporting documentation.
Identify the new unit, paragraph/line, MOS, and grade of the position of assignment.
For mobilization actions, include the State’s efforts to fill the position from within the resources of the
State and any efforts to request a fill from other States (include dates for mobilization).
Be staffed through the States JFHQ and State CCWO.
Not applicable to the Deployed Manning Document (DMD).
A CW5 assigned to a position coded other than W5 will count as part of the cumulative total assigned to a
State as established in paragraph 7-2g. In the case of approved exceptions for mobilization purposes, vacated CW5
positions will remain vacant and the incumbent will be re-assigned to this position immediately upon Release from
Active Duty (REFRAD).
4-5. Assignment of WOC
This regulation does not apply to applicants serving on active duty, AGR tour, or full-time National Guard duty
under Title 10/32, United States Code. Their utilization and assignments are governed by the provisions of AR 614-
100 (Officers Assignment Policies, Details, and Transfers) and AR 135-18 (The Active Guard/Reserve (AGR)
Upon determination by DA MOS Proponent as technically qualified to enter certification training and being
found to meet all of the appointment criteria by a FRB, the State will appoint the applicant as a WOC.
The appointment order will indicate, "Appointment as a Warrant Officer Candidate" and "WOCS must
be completed within two-years of appointment as a Warrant Officer Candidate."
Code 09W00 will be used as primary and duty MOS to report and identify enlisted Soldiers appointed
as WOCs (DA Pam 611-21).
WOCs may be assigned and perform duties in one of the following positions if selected.
Vacant Warrant Officer position.
As over strength in a currently occupied position projected to be vacated within two-years.
Remain in current enlisted position until successful completion of WOCS and appointed as a Warrant
A WOC who is not appointed as a Warrant Officer upon successful completion of WOCS will immediately
remove all WOC Insignia and revert to the enlisted designation and grade previously held.
Special MOS reporting code 09W00 will be withdrawn for those WOCs who fail to complete the training
required for appointment as a Warrant Officer within two-years of appointment as a WOC. The Soldier will be re-
designated in the previously held PMOS, re-designated to the enlisted grade held prior to appointment as a WOC,
and assigned to a position appropriate to the Soldier’s PMOS and grade. If a position is not available, over strength
status is authorized for a period not to exceed twelve-months for the purpose of locating a position per NGR 600-
200 (Enlisted Personnel Management).
4-6. Additional TDA Assignment Policy
The ARNG Officer Strength Management memorandum establishes the policy on the management of Warrant
Officers assigned to temporary TDA positions at the State JFHQs. This memorandum is published by ARNG-HRH
and must be reviewed before requesting temporary TDA positions. Individuals assigned to temporary TDA
positions are ineligible for promotion.
4-7. Retention Policy
Unless retired under other provisions of law or regulations, Warrant Officers qualified for retired pay at age 60 per
10 USC 12731 (Age and service requirements) may be retained in an active status until they attain 62 years and 60
days of age per 10 USC 1164 (Warrant Officer; Separation for Age). AR 135-32 (Retention in an Active Status
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After Qualification for Retired Pay) provides criteria and procedures for requesting retention. Paragraph 4-9 below
provides supplemental guidance to request documentation required by AR 135-32.
Warrant Officers not qualified for retired pay per 10 USC 12731 at age 60 may request retention until
attaining age 62 and 60 days under the provisions of this regulation. If AR 135-32 will apply to the Warrant Officer
before reaching age 62 and 60 days the officer may request retention under this regulation and AR 135-32
Warrant Officers in the Retired Reserve or on the Retired list are not authorized restoration to an active
To be considered for retention, Warrant Officers must not have applied for or been granted retired pay.
Warrant Officers (other than Title 10 AGR) undergoing physical disability evaluation (Integrated Disability
Evaluation System (IDES)) may be retained under 10 USC 1164(b) if the evaluation will not be completed before
reaching age 60, or if retained beyond age 60, the evaluation will not be completed before reaching age 62 and 60
days. In accordance with the law, a Warrant Officer may be retained for not more than four months beyond age 62
and 60 days to complete physical disability evaluation.
Title 10/32 AGR Warrant Officers with 18 years or more but less than 20 years AFS when reaching age 60
will be automatically retained by the CNGB until reaching 20 years of AFS. Unless the Secretary of the Army, or
his designee, approves earlier release from active duty; the officer is retired or REFRAD under another provision of
law or regulation; or the officer voluntarily requests REFRAD (10 USC 12686). A request for retention from the
Warrant Officer is not required in this instance. A request is required to be retained past 20 years AFS not to exceed
62 years and 60 days of age.
4-8. Retention Criteria
In order to be retained, the MOS of the requesting officer must be a MOS determined by the appropriate
TAG, to be critical to the total Army mobilization requirements and to the tactical readiness of the unit of
assignment. The officer must be deployable, meet all retention medical fitness standards of AR 40-501, and meet
the body composition standards of AR 600-9.
In order to be retained to complete physical disability evaluation the Warrant Officer must have been
referred to a medical evaluation board prior to reaching the age the officer was required to be removed from an
active status.
4-9. Retention Procedures
Commanders will advise eligible officers under their jurisdiction who indicate a desire to be retained.
An application from the officer must be in memorandum format and sent through, and endorsed by, their
chain of command (including parent TAG for T10 AGR Officers) to arrive at ARNG-HRH not later than 120-days
before the officer's 60th birthday. The request for retention must include all of the following
Statement that retention is requested under the provisions of 10 USC 12308 (Retention after becoming
qualified for retired pay) and 10 USC 1164 (Warrant Officers-Separation for Age), and this regulation.
Documentation verifying that the officer is fully qualified in the primary/duty MOS in which retention
is requested.
A Statement indicating current height and weight plus identification of any existing medical conditions
for which the officer is receiving treatment.
A Statement signed by the applicant that they have not applied for or been granted retired pay. If an
applicant has submitted an application for retired pay to HRC, retention beyond age 60 is not authorized unless
approval is granted by HRC. This requires direct coordination between the individual and HRC. This is necessary
to ensure orders have not been published placing the individual on the appropriate Retired List.
A recommendation from the appropriate commander on whether retention of this officer is in the best
interest of the ARNG and is required to satisfy a current mobilization requirement shortfall in the officer's MOS.
Copy of NGB Form 23A (Army National Guard Current Annual Statement).
All requests for retention beyond age 60, must include State CCWO and TAG recommendation for approval
or disapproval. Requests shall be forwarded by the State to ARNG-HRH-O (via eTracker). As appropriate,
documentation will be reviewed by ARNG-HRH-O, appropriate ARNG G-staff, ARNG-HCM-PSB and the ARNG
CCWO (T10 refer to AR 135-18). ARNG-HRH-O will provide final approval (on behalf of CNGB). Upon
approval, a Federal Recognition order published granting retention.
TAG must personally sign all requests for retention.
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4-10. Retention Procedures for Physical Disability Evaluation
The separation or discharge of a Warrant Officer (not on AGR) may be deferred if the officer has been
referred for physical disability evaluation and the evaluation cannot be completed before the date the officer is
required to be separated or discharged. The DARNG is the approval/disapproval authority on behalf of the SA for
these requests. This authority may not be further delegated.
Commanders, with the written consent of the Warrant Officer, must initiate the retention request. The
request will be forwarded through the chain of command and TAG to the CNGB, ATTN: ARNG-HRH, and must
include all of the following 
A DA Form 4187 (Personnel Action) indicating “Request for Retention beyond MRD” in Block 8.
Section IV must indicate request is to complete Medical Evaluation Board/Physical Evaluation Board
(MEB/PEB)(IDES) and the requested retention period. The period of retention requested may not be longer than
four months beyond the date the Warrant Officer reaches age 62 and 60 days (thus, the maximum time authorized
will not exceed age 62 and 6 months). The form must be signed by the Warrant Officer and include the
recommendation and signature of the responsible commander.
A memorandum signed by the State Surgeon stating the diagnosis, treatment plan, estimated
completion date of the MEB/PEB, and contact information.
A completed DA Form 3349 signed by the profiling officer and the approving authority, with
supporting medical documentation as applicable attached. The Warrant Officer must have been referred to the
MEB/PEB before the date the officer is required to be separated or discharged.
A DD Form 2870 (Authorization for Disclosure of Medical or Dental Information) signed by the
Warrant Officer.
A copy of NGB Form 23A (Army National Guard Current Annual Statement).
The Director, ARNG must make each of the following determinations before he may approve a request:
That the evaluation of the Warrant Officer’s physical condition requires medical observation (via the
That determination of the Warrant Officer’s entitlement to retirement or separation for physical
disability requires medical observation; and
That such medical observation could not be completed with confidence in a manner consistent with the
Warrant Officer’s well-being before the officer’s established date for separation or discharge.
The DARNG’s approval is filed in iPERMS.
4-11. Transfer to an ARNG of another State
A qualified Warrant Officer will submit DA Form 4187 (Personnel Action) to initiate a request for transfer
to another State (see figure 4-1).
The losing State will take the following actions
When the interstate transfer is approved, the qualified Warrant Officer will be notified by a
memorandum (see figure 4-2). Enclosures to the memorandum will include the SIDPERS GPVS-1790 (PQR), a
copy of the ORB, DD Form 2807-1, DD Form 2808 (as appropriate), and NGB Form 23A (certified). Every attempt
must be made to ensure each line of data on the NGB Form 23A has been verified.
Provide the gaining State with a losing State MILPO point of contact (POC).
After appointment in the gaining State, forward all applicable transfer documents per AR 600-8-104.
After appointment in the gaining State, forward a copy of the transfer order (order format 465), to the
gaining State’s MILPO. The effective date will be the same date the Warrant Officer executes the oath of office,
NGB Form 337, when the gaining State appointed the qualified Warrant Officer.
NGB Form 22 (Report of Separation and Record of Service) is not required unless the Warrant Officer
fails to execute a re-appointment in the new State.
Officer Evaluation Report must be prepared for periods of any length while on conditional release per
AR 623-3 (Evaluation Reporting System).
The gaining State will take the following actions ―
Provide the losing State with a State MILPO point of contact.
Within 30-days, but no later than the expiration date of the conditional release/interstate transfer memo,
notify the losing State that the Warrant Officer has been appointed. Enclose a copy of the gaining State’s
appointment order and copy of NGB 337 (Oath of Office).
Request a copy of the losing State’s transfer order.
The gaining State will forward the documents indicated in Appendix B to ARNG-HRP.
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If the losing State does not receive verification that the qualified Warrant Officer has been appointed in the
gaining State within 90-days, the losing State will process the qualified Warrant Officer per State statutes,
AR 135-91, and chapter 10 of this regulation as appropriate. NGB Form 22 will be issued to the qualified Warrant
Officer for the service performed in the ARNG of the State prior to separation.
Figure 4-1. Sample DA Form 4187 to Request Interstate Transfer
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*NGR 600-101
MEMORANDUM FOR (Officer's grade, full name and current home address)
SUBJECT: Conditional Release/Interstate Transfer
This memorandum authorizes you 90-days from the above date to locate and be appointed in an ARNG
unit of another State to affect your interstate transfer.
You are responsible for obtaining an assignment within this period of 90-days. You may be considered
as an unsatisfactory participant if you are not re-appointed by (insert expiration date of this
authorization) and have not reported your status to the undersigned. Failure to be appointed in a new
State could lead to your transfer to the USAR, per AR 135-91.
You may get assistance concerning unit vacancies and locations at the nearest Army National Guard
armory in your new location or the State MILPO (enter new State MILPO POC and phone number). The
State MILPO POC will provide guidance on where to deliver or mail this transfer packet. Your new
State may request additional documents such as college transcripts or certificates of training. It is your
responsibility to comply with the requirements of the new State. If you are accepted, your new
commander or the new State’s MILPO will notify the undersigned.
Until you have been appointed in the ARNG of your new State, I highly recommend that you keep me or
my representative informed of any address/telephone number or status changes (include a telephone
number(s) for officer to call).
(Authority line when used)
Encls (Official signature block)
ERB/ORB (copy)
DD 2807-1, Report of Medical History
DD 2808, Report of Medical Examination
NGB Form 23A, RPAM (Certified)
Figure 4-2. Sample Change of State Memorandum
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*NGR 600-101
Chapter 5
5-1. General
Warrant Officers are normally expected to train with the unit to which assigned. If this is not practical, they
may be authorized to train with other units in an attached status provided such training meets the training standards
set forth in FORSCOM/ARNG/USAR Regulation 350-2 (Reserve Component Training). Attachments will be of the
shortest duration possible.
Warrant Officers in attached status may be considered for promotion and extended federal recognition in a
higher grade provided they meet the time-in-grade and military education requirements for the parent unit position
assigned in. The officer’s parent unit commander must initiate the recommendation for promotion.
5-2. Attachment Authority
TAGs are authorized to attach Warrant Officers under their jurisdiction within their State, and with the
consent of the appropriate TAG when attachment is to a jurisdiction outside their State. This authority may not be
further delegated. Except for personnel assigned as WOCS cadre, any period of attachment will not exceed one
year. The attachment of a Warrant Officer senior to a Warrant Officer Commander of the unit of attachment is not
authorized due to performance evaluation system requirements.
Warrant Officers will be relieved from attachment when ―
The Warrant Officer's unit of assignment or attachment is ordered to active duty under 10 USC 12302
(Ready Reserve) or is mobilized.
Completion of the period of attachment as Stated in published orders.
5-3. Administration and Records
For attachment within the same State, the commander of the unit of attachment is responsible for
administration, pay, and/or training as indicated in the attachment order. Attachments for less than 30-days will not
include attachment for pay. The commander of the unit of attachment will provide a certificate of training duty
performance/attendance to the unit of assignment, to support Soldier’s pay entitlement. Only attachments for
periods of 30-days or more will include attachment for pay.
For attachment in another State, and when attachment for periods concurred by both TAG’s, over 30-days
may include attachment for pay. Out of State attachments that do not specify a pay provision will be paid through
the parent unit based on certificates of duty performance. Current NGB directives will direct pay administration for
all applicants.
Attachment orders will cite this chapter as the attachment authority and will state whether the attachment is
for training, pay, and/or administration. The orders will be processed as directed by the TAG and uploaded to
iPERMS. Effective date of attachment must be at least one day later than the date the Soldier is assigned to the
parent unit.
Chapter 6
MOS Re-designation
6-1. General
This chapter provides policies and procedures for Warrant Officer MOS re-designation (first 4 characters), special
qualification identifiers (SQI), additional skill identifiers (ASI), and language identifier code (LIC) awards. This
section does not apply to initial MOS designations upon appointment in the ARNG. All Warrant Officers must
achieve qualification in their duty MOS, SQI, ASI and LIC, for the positions they are assigned. The appropriate DA
MOS Proponent as prescribed in DA Pam 611-21 establishes qualification requirements.
6-2. Authority
Authority for MOS re-designation is based on 32 USC 307 (Federal Recognition of Officers: Examination;
Certificate of Eligibility) and 10 USC 571-583 (Warrant Officer Management Act).
6-3. General Policy and Procedures for MOS Re-designation
Re-designation of a MOS will be accomplished by the appropriate TAG, based on the recommendation of
the State's Officer Personnel Manager (OPM), FRB action (when necessary), supported by the DA MOS Proponent's
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*NGR 600-101
certification, or verified prior service in the requested MOS in accordance with the standards prescribed in
DA Pam 611-21.
Authority to re-designate a MOS may be delegated by TAG to the State's OPM at the JFHQ or equivalent
An MOS re-designation will be necessary and should be accomplished only to comply with assignment
criteria and career progression.
An MOS re-designation will normally occur only when
A Warrant Officer requests re-designation to achieve military technician position compatibility or
changes residence to an area where unit vacancies in the held MOS are limited.
A change in a Warrant Officer's physical profile restricting performance in the current MOS.
The State CCWO or OPM recommends a change to meet State needs and long-term career
development of Warrant Officers.
Re-assignment caused by unit reorganizations (see paragraph 6-4).
No other qualified Warrant Officers are available for assignment to the position vacancy.
Prior to MOS re-designation, all Warrant Officers must be either certified by the appropriate DA MOS
Proponent or have creditable prior service as a Warrant Officer in the requested MOS in accordance with the
standards in DA Pam 611-21. All Warrant Officers without creditable service in the requested MOS will submit a
request for predetermination in accordance with paragraph 2-8 prior to MOS re-designation.
MOS re-designation will be initiated by or with the consent of the Warrant Officer concerned.
The action will normally be requested by the Warrant Officer or unit commander in memorandum
format (see figure 6-1) through channels to TAG. The memorandum will include evidence of the Warrant Officer's
qualification for the new MOS. This evidence will be in the form of a document from the appropriate DA MOS
Proponent certifying qualification in the requested MOS. Voluntary aviation related MOS re-designation is
authorized by exception through SAAO. Aviation re-designation for a different airframe requires a certification
from an Instructor Pilot (IP) that has been favorably endorsed by the SAAO and approved by the CCWO.
Evidence of this must be included in the request for exception. If MOS qualification is based on the Warrant
Officer having held the requested MOS previously, the Federal Recognition order previously awarding the MOS
will be provided as evidence of MOS qualification.
TAG will either approve or disapprove the request for FRB action (see figure 6-1). FRB action is not
required for Warrant Officer aviators who have become qualified to operate a different series, model, or category of
Upon the recommendation of the FRB and approval of TAG, the State will issue the MOS re-designation
orders (format 370). These orders become part of TAG’s recommendation to CNGB (see figure 6-2) for issuance of
permanent Federal Recognition in the new MOS.
The newly awarded MOS will become the primary MOS or an additional MOS. If the new MOS becomes
the primary designator, the MOS from which re-designated should be awarded as an additional or secondary MOS.
6-4. Unit Reorganization
In cases where a Warrant Officers duty position is deleted or duty position MOS changed due to unit
reorganization may be assigned to a position with a different duty MOS. Warrant Officers assigned to positions
with a MOS different from their primary or the appropriate DA MOS Proponent must certify additional MOS within
two-years of assignment in the new MOS. When it is for the purpose of attaining additional DA MOS Proponent
requirements needed to become MOS qualified a one-year extension may be granted if supported by the DA MOS
Proponent and approved by TAG.
Only the applicable DA MOS Proponent can determine the requirements for certification in the new duty
MOS. Affected Warrant Officers without creditable service in the new MOS must submit a request for
predetermination through the State MILPO or State CCWO (see paragraph 2-8). If possible, the individual should
initiate a request for predetermination in the new MOS prior to reorganization. If not submitted prior to
reorganization, the request for predetermination must be submitted no later than 90-days after the effective date of
reorganization. Failure to become fully qualified within two-years of assignment to the new duty MOS will
necessitate termination of the Warrant Officer’s State appointment per paragraph 10-2(b) (7). When it is for the
purpose of attaining additional DA MOS Proponent requirements needed to become MOS qualified a one-year
extension may be granted if supported by the DA MOS Proponent and approved by TAG.
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*NGR 600-101
6-5. Exemption from FRB Appearance
Applicants considered for an MOS re-designation do not need to appear in person before the FRB, unless they or the
president of the FRB, so desire.
6-6. Award of an SQI, ASI, and LIC
Upon determination that a Warrant Officer meets all of the special requirements of DA Pam 611-21, AR 611-6
(Army Foreign Language Program), and approval of TAG, the State OPM will issue a memorandum to the affected
Warrant Officer announcing the award of a SQI/ASI/LIC (see sample format at figure 6-3). A copy of the
memorandum will be filed in iPERMS.
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
SUBJECT: Re-designation (or award if appropriate) in Warrant Officer (Enter MOS, SQI, ASI, and/or LIC as
I request the following (enter MOS, SQI, ASI, and/or LIC as applicable) re-designation (or award if appropriate)
under the provisions of NGR 600-101.
Present grade:
Present MTOE/TDA unit title, position title, (enter MOS and SQI, ASI, and LIC as applicable), paragraph, and
line number.
Proposed MTOE/TDA unit title, position title, (enter MOS and SQI, ASI, and LIC as applicable).
Mailing address:
I possess the following qualifications for the (enter MOS, SQI, ASI, and/or LIC as applicable) and position
sought (attach evidence in accordance with NGR 600-101, paragraph 6-3 and 6-6).
# Encls (Signature Block)
Figure 6-1. Format for Memorandum Requesting MOS/SQI/ASI/LIC Change
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
MEMORANDUM FOR Chief, National Guard Bureau, ATTN: ARNG-HRH
SUBJECT: Re-designation in Warrant Officer MOS
I request that Federal Recognition, effective _(date)_ be extended to (first, middle last name ), (grade), in
MOS (first four characters), (title) with assignment to (MTOE/TDA Position and unit designation).
(Authority line when used)
3 Encls (Signature Block of TAG or delegating official)
State order
Request from WO with enclosures
NGB Form 89 (if required)
Figure 6-2. Format for Memorandum for Federal Recognition to Chief, NGB Requesting MOS Change
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
FOR (The affected Warrant Officer)
SUBJECT: Award of SQI, ASI, and LIC
In accordance with DA PAM 611-21 and/or AR 611-1 as applicable and entries on your personnel file at this
headquarters, you have completed the requirements for award of the following Special Qualification Identifiers,
Additional Skill Identifiers, and/or Language Identification Codes:
(Special Qualification Identifier) (Title)
(Additional Skill Identifier) (Title)
(Language Identification Code) (Title)
Congratulations on your accomplishment. I urge you to continue your education and enhance your effectiveness
at every opportunity.
If you have any questions concerning the above, or desire to submit documentary evidence of qualifications for
award of additional SQI, ASI or LIC, please contact the undersigned at your convenience.
DISTRIBUTION (Signature Block)
OPMS Manager
Figure 6-3. Format for Memorandum Announcement Award of SQI, ASI, and/or LIC
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
Chapter 7
7-1. Responsibility
The promotion of Warrant Officers in the ARNG is a function of the State. As in original appointments, a Warrant
Officer promoted by State authority has a State status in which to function in the higher grade. However, to be
extended Federal Recognition in the higher grade the officer must satisfy the requirements prescribed herein and the
POTUS, or the Secretary of Defense acting on behalf of the POTUS, must first approve the promotion as a Reserve
Warrant Officer of the Army. When the State promotion is Federally recognized, the ARNG Warrant Officer is
concurrently promoted as a Reserve Warrant Officer of the Army.
7-2. Promotion Criteria
Promotions will be based on
DA MOS Proponent duty MOS certification upon satisfactory completion or constructive credit of
appropriate level of military education.
Time in Grade (TIG).
Demonstrated technical and tactical competence.
Potential for service in the next higher grade as determined by a FRB.
Promotion will not be used solely as a reward for past performance. Neither a Soldier’s marital status, nor
the employment, educational pursuits, nor the volunteer service activities of their spouse may be considered when
determining whether to recommend a Soldier for Federal Recognition.
Except as provided in this chapter, promotions will be initiated only when an appropriate MTOE or TDA
position vacancy exists within the unit.
Officials granting promotions will adhere to the Army’s equal opportunity goals, and promotions will be
made without regard to race, color, religion, gender or national origin.
Warrant Officers must be qualified to the fifth digit of the DMOS for which assigned.
Warrant Officers may be promoted up to the grade of CW4 without regard to the Standard of Grades
limitations shown in TOE/MTOE/TDA documents or limitations listed in DA Pam 611-21.
For promotion to CW5, a Warrant Officer is required to be assigned to a MTOE/TDA duty position coded
W5 and be fully DMOS qualified. The total number of Warrant Officers in the grade of W5 assigned in any State
will not exceed the cumulative number authorized within that State.
An applicant may be examined for promotion no earlier than 120-days in advance of completing the
prescribed TIG requirements and all other requirements must be met by the time the FRB convenes.
7-3. Promotion as a Reserve Warrant Officer of the Army
A Warrant Officer who is promoted by the State and extended Federal Recognition in the higher grade will be
concurrently promoted to the higher grade in the Reserve of the Army with assignment to the Army National Guard
of the United States (ARNGUS).
7-4. Computation of Promotion Service to Determine Promotion Eligibility Date (PED)
An ARNG Warrant Officer's years of promotion service is computed by adding all service in an active status
performed in the current permanent Warrant Officer grade. A Warrant Officer released from active duty after 30
September 1986 will be credited with service performed in the equivalent temporary Army of the United States
(AUS) Warrant Officer grade held at the time of the Warrant Officer's most recent appointment in the Reserve of the
No period of service will be counted more than once.
7-5. Personnel Security Screening
A favorable security check is required for promotion per AR 380-67.
7-6. Wearing of Insignia
The wearing of insignia of the higher grade is not authorized until Federal Recognition has been officially extended
by CNGB.
All insignia of grade and branch will be worn as prescribed by AR 670-1.
The practice of frocking of Warrant Officers is not authorized.
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*NGR 600-101
7-7. Eligibility for Promotion
To be considered for Federal Recognition and concurrent Reserve of the Army promotion following a State
promotion to fill a unit vacancy, an ARNG Warrant Officer must
Be in an active status and DMOS qualified (see subparagraphs d and e below for exceptions).
Be medically fit in accordance with AR 40-501 and meet the height and weight standards prescribed in
AR 600-9.
Have completed the minimum years of promotion service indicated in table 7-1.
Have completed the minimum military education requirements prescribed in table 7-2.
Have passed an APFT within the timeframe prescribed below.
Six-months from promotion eligibility date for AGR Soldiers.
Twelve-months from promotion eligibility date for non-AGR Soldiers.
NOTE: A Warrant Officer who has failed the APFT or failed to take the APFT should be flagged in accordance
with AR 600-8-2. A Warrant Officer is not eligible for promotion and may not request Federal Recognition until
successfully completing an APFT (standard or alternate event) and sufficient documentation has been provided.
Must be recommended by the Warrant Officer's immediate commander (see figure 7-1).
Warrant Officers accessed from other components or services must meet the promotion requirements of this
regulation, regardless of their promotion eligibility prior to their Federal Recognition in the ARNG.
An ARNG Warrant Officer who has been appointed from the USAR serving in an inactive status will not be
considered for promotion to the next higher grade until at least one year (12-months) after the date of return to an
active status, regardless to time in grade served. (NOTE: USAR Reinforcement is not considered inactive status.)
Provided all education requirements of the previous MOS have been met, Warrant Officers who require re-
designation into a new MOS due to reorganization or inactivation remain MOS qualified for promotion purposes for
a period of one year from the effective date of the reorganization or inactivation.
Aviation Warrant Officers assigned XZ coded positions must be qualified in their primary MOS and meet all
other promotion requirements, prior to promotion.
7-8. Minimum Years of Promotion Service
To attain eligibility for promotion and receive Federal Recognition in the higher grade, a Warrant Officer must
complete the minimum years of promotion service as shown in table 7-1.
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*NGR 600-101
Table 7-1
Minimum Time-In-Grade for Promotion
Grade Years In Lower Grade
WOl to CW2
CW2 to CW3 5, See Note
CW3 to CW4 6, See Note
CW4 to CW5
Note: When considered for promotion to CW3 or CW4, Warrant Officers in grade positions coded higher than their
current grade may be considered for promotion one (1) year earlier.
7-9. Military Education Requirements
The military education levels shown in table 7-2 must be attained prior to consideration for promotion by a
Federal Recognition Board.
Warrant Officers assigned to positions for which they are not duty MOS qualified are not eligible for
promotion until determined so qualified by certification from the DA MOS Proponent . All Warrant Officers must
complete DA MOS Proponent certification requirements for the new duty MOS within two-years from the date of
assignment except as authorized in paragraph 7-7d and 7-7e (also see chapter 6 for MOS re-designation).
If equivalent type training has been completed while serving as a commissioned officer and such training is
properly documented on DA Form(s) 1059 (Service School Academic Evaluation Report) or DA Form 1059-1
(Civilian Institution Academic Evaluation Report), former Commissioned Officers subsequently appointed as
Warrant Officers may request equivalent credit for the appropriate WOES course per AR 350-1. The Warrant
Officer Career College at Fort Rucker, AL is the DA MOS Proponent for requesting credit for the WOILE and
WOSSE Courses. Aviation rated Commissioned Officers subsequently appointed as rated Warrant Officers may
request equivalent credit for the Warrant Officer Aviation Advanced Course, provided they have completed the
Aviation Officer Advanced Course within seven years from the date of appointment as a Warrant Officer. Requests
will be submitted through State command channels and the course DA MOS Proponent to CNGB, ARNG-HRH for
review and forwarding to HQDA, G-3/5/7 for approval (refer to requirements as defined in AR 350-1).
Military education for Warrant Officers must be commensurate with the Military Personnel Class (MPC). In
accordance with NG Pam (AR) 25-10 (Standard Installation/Division Personnel System Army National Guard
(SIDPERS-ARNG) Data Element Dictionary) Warrant Officers military education must reflect one of the following
codes ―
IAW ALARACT 046/2016 Completion of WOES courses with follow-on technical phases are not a
requirement for promotion but are required before enrollment to the next level of PME.
An extension for up to one year to complete WOBC may be requested through ARNG-HRH when through no
fault of the Soldier if he/she is unable to complete technical and tactical certification within the original two years
from appointment. A Warrant Officer who starts their final phase of WOBC prior to their 24 month does not require
an ETP.
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*NGR 600-101
Table 7-2
Minimum WOES Requirements for Promotion, Time In Current Grade and Course Enrollment
romotion to:
Military education requirement is: Time In Current Grade requirement fo
course enrollment is:
Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC), or
equivalent DA MOS Proponent certification within
2-years of date of initial appointment as WO1
CW3 Warrant Officer Advanced Course (WOAC) 2-years minimum TIG as CW2*
CW4 Warrant Officer Intermediate Level Education
3-years minimum TIG as CW3*
CW5 Warrant Officer Senior Service
4-years minimum TIG as CW4*
*States retain the authority to waiver minimum time in grade for enrollment of required WOES.
7-10. Promotion of ARNG Warrant Officers Serving on Title 10 AGR Tours
Upon determining that a Warrant Officer who is serving on a Title 10 AGR tour managed by NGB is eligible
for promotion, a memorandum prepared by the first line supervisor per figure 7-1 will be forwarded to Chief,
Human Capital Management, ATTN: ARNG-HCM, 111 South George Mason Drive, Arlington, VA 22204-1382.
Memorandums will include enclosed documents required as shown in appendix B.
The Title 10 AGR Manager (ARNG-HCM) will review the request and if it is determined to be valid will
forward the correspondence to the Warrant Officer's parent State recommending promotion action to the next higher
grade. ARNG-HCM will grant an additional TDA allocation commensurate to the higher grade and withdraw the
current grade. All CW4 request for promotion to CW5 must be forwarded to the ARNG CCWO by the ARNG-
HCM for concur or non-concur. If the State concurs with the requested action and the officer is determined
qualified for promotion by a FRB, the State will publish orders citing this regulation as the promotion authority.
If the State does not desire to promote the Warrant Officer, then ARNG-HCM will be notified in writing and
the promotion action will be terminated upon notification of the Soldier.
7-11. Promotion of Mobilized ARNG Warrant Officers
Mobilized Warrant Officers, regardless of the units to which they are assigned while mobilized, may be promoted
against vacant positions within their respective States provided they meet the following requirements:
a. The Warrant Officer must be eligible and fully qualified as outlined in this regulation.
b. The position to which the Warrant Officer will be assigned upon promotion must be a valid MTOE or TDA
position. Additionally, this position must be vacant and the officer must be the sole occupant (The position must not be
“double slotted”).
7-12. Exemplary Conduct Screening
All Warrant Officers recommended for promotion selection will be screened IAW 10 USC 3583, the requirement for
exemplary conduct. This screening will include, but is not limited to, a review of information maintained by the
U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID), The DA Inspector General (DAIG), and the restricted portion of
the AMHRR. If an individual is identified as having adverse information, they will be immediately removed
from the vacancy promotion scroll for further review. Warrant Officers who are found to meet the requirements of
exemplary conduct will be continued for Federal Recognition. Upon approval or confirmation of a vacancy
promotion scroll, NGB will publish Special Order announcing promotion and Federal Recognition within ten (10)
days of receipt from DA.
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
MEMORANDUM THRU (Intermediate commander(s)) (For AGR T-10, include Chain of Command, ARNG-HCM)
FOR Joint Forces HQ-State, G-1 (Office Symbol)
SUBJECT: Recommendation for Promotion of Warrant Officer
Under the provisions of NGR 600-101, chapter 7, the following named Warrant Officer is recommended for promotion in the
(State) Army National Guard:
Current Grade:
Present unit assignment, paragraph, and line number: PARA/LN, Title of Duty position, Grade, MOS, ASI, SQI, and
UIC. (ASI and SQI are not required for promotion to CW2).
Recommended Grade, position title, rank code recommended (include paragraph and line number): PARA/LN, Grade,
MOS ASI, SQI, Unit of assignment, and UIC.
Home mailing address:
This officer has clearly demonstrated the required fitness for the responsibilities and duties of the position, grade, and MOS
for which recommended.
The following periods of service are creditable for promotion to the higher grade: from xx XXX 20xx to xx
XXX 20xx.
The officer meets the minimum military education requirements (PQR and DA Form(s) 1059 attached).
The officer meets the height and weight standards of AR 600-9:
YES [ ] NO [ ], Height Weight .
(If applicable) Actual Body Fat percentage %, maximum allowable Body Fat percentage %.
Individual has passed the APFT with a total score of on date .
Soldier’s last physical exam: YYYY/MM.
Encls (# as required) (Signature Block)
DA Form(s) 1059 (if applicable) (commander/supervisor)
DA Form 705 (if not current on PQR)
DA Form 5500/5501 (if applicable)
Other documents as required
Figure 7-1. Memorandum Example - Recommendation for Promotion
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
Chapter 8
Civilian Education
8-1. General
Warrant Officers must achieve even higher levels of education as equipment, systems, training, and missions
become more sophisticated. Given the complexity of the operational environment and their highly specialized role,
Warrant Officers must commit to continuous self-development and life-long learning to remain current, and improve
their knowledge base.
8-2. Civilian Education Goals
Civilian Education degrees of the Associate level or higher are not required as of the date of this publication
(see DA Pam 611-21 for specific credit hour requirements and certifications for predetermination).
Warrant Officers should attain higher education for self-development and pursuit of higher learning related
to their specific MOS.
Chapter 9
Federal Recognition Boards
9-1. General
Warrant Officers of the ARNG are appointed and promoted by the States under Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S.
Constitution. In order for a Warrant Officer to be concurrently appointed, promoted, or receive an MOS re-
designation as a Reserve Warrant Officer of the Army, the State’s action must be federally recognized. Federal
Recognition is the process, which ensures that an officer appointed, promoted, or re-designated to an authorized
grade and position vacancy in the ARNG, meets the prescribed laws and regulations. This chapter outlines the
personnel actions requiring examination for Federal Recognition and for the conduct of a FRB. The Federal
Recognition Section (ARNG-HRP) is the functional DA MOS Proponent for e-packets and holds the approving
authority to grant individuals access to the program at the State level.
9-2. Authority
Under 32 USC 307 (Federal Recognition of Officers: examination; certificate of eligibility) and 10 USC 3583
(Requirement of Exemplary Conduct), a board of Officers will be convened to determine whether applicants for
Federal Recognition meet the medical, moral, and professional qualifications to perform the duties of the grade and
position for which examined. A Warrant Officer who is federally recognized is tendered an appointment as a
Reserve Warrant Officer of the Army with assignment to the ARNGUS (10 USC 12211).
9-3. Appointment
HQ, FIRST US ARMY, appoints FRB’s. These appointments are made on the behalf of the SA. The Senior Army
Advisor, Army National Guard (SRAAG) assigned in each State is the delegated authority to appoint Commissioned
Officers and Warrant Officers authorized to become members of a FRB and to sign the appointment order for the
FIRST US ARMY Commander. The appointment memorandum expires 12-months from the date signed.
9-4. Composition
A FRB will consist of a total of three Commissioned Officers of the Regular Army and the ARNG. In the selection
of Officers (which may include commissioned Warrant Officers) from the ARNG. TAG may also nominate
Officers to the SRAAG for membership.
All members of an FRB must be at least one grade senior to the applicant who is to be examined for
promotion. For other actions (such as appointment and MOS re-designation), all Officers on an FRB must be at
least a CPT or Chief Warrant Officer who is senior in date of rank to the applicant who is to be examined.
One, and preferably two, of the three Officers of the board will be drawn from the Regular Army. The
remaining officer(s) will be drawn from the ARNG and must be in an active ARNG status. When the FIRST US
ARMY Commander determines that Regular Army Officers are not available, ARNG Officers may be detailed in
their stead. If no Regular Army Officers are members of the board, at least one ARNG officer must be serving on
Full Time National Guard Duty (FTNGD) status authorized by either Titles 10 or 32 of United States Code. Each
ARNG officer must be federally recognized in the grade and branch required for membership on the board. The
assignment of ARNG Officers in place of Regular Army Officers should be used as a last resort.
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*NGR 600-101
The senior member of the board will serve as president of the board.
A minimum of one member, and preferably two, should be of the same branch (Federally recognized if
ARNG Officers) as the applicant to be examined.
A commissioned Army aviator will be included as a member of the board when considering applicant for
appointment with assignment to an aviation position. The State’s board manager will coordinate prior to
establishing a board with ARNG-HRH for procedural instructions when a State does not have ready availability of a
commissioned Army aviator.
Whenever possible board membership should include a minority group or female officer when considering
minority group or female applicants. The State’s board manager will coordinate prior to establishing a board with
ARNG-HRH for procedural instructions when a State does not have ready availability to a minority group or female
Whenever possible, boards will be convened using internal assets. When this is not possible/practical, TAG
may authorize the SRAAG to coordinate directly with other Regular Army activities or an adjoining State Army
National Guard headquarters.
State CCWO or their designee will be a member for all Warrant Officer FRBs.
9-5. Board Site
To provide a uniform basis of selection and to assure that only candidates possessing complete qualifications and
high potential for success as Warrant Officers are appointed or promoted, the FRB should be convened at State
JFHQ level. When geographical considerations warrant the designation of multiple board sites, then their number
should be strictly limited, and each board given identical guidance.
9-6. Notification to Applicants
Upon the board's receipt of applications and allied papers required by the regulations under which
individuals are applying for Federal Recognition, the president of the board will notify the applicant(s) of the time
and place to appear before the board, if required.
Applicants will be scheduled in such a way that no one will have to spend more than one day at the board
When possible, applicants for the same branch will be scheduled in sequence so that the board member(s) of
that branch may sit without interruption.
The applicant will be advised in advance of the board date of any additional information desired by the board
or required by regulations to correct or complete an application.
9-7. Procedure
Full membership of a board constitutes a quorum. If not all members are present, the board will adjourn until the
complete attendance of all members can be obtained. If not all members can be assembled within a reasonable time,
the president of the board will report that fact to TAG or their designee.
Conduct of the board. The board will assemble at the time and place designated and proceed as follows
The board recorder will read the order appointing the board.
If challenges are established, then follow procedures prescribed in subparagraph b below.
The recorder will administer the oath to all members of the board. The President in-turn, will
administer the oath to the recorder. Oaths are as follows ―
By the recorder to members of the board: “Do you, State your full name , solemnly swear
(or affirm) that you will, without prejudice or partiality, and having in view the special fitness of Officers and the
efficiency of the Army, and provisions of the Secretary of the Army’s memorandum of instructions, perform the
duties imposed on you, and further, that you will not divulge the proceedings or results thereof pertaining to the
selection or non-selection of individual Officers, except to proper authority."
By the president to the recorder: “Do you, State your full name , solemnly swear (or
affirm) that you will, keep a true record of the proceedings of this board, and further, that you will not divulge the
proceedings or results thereof pertaining to selection or non-selection of individual Officers except to proper
The recorder will brief the members of the board as to their responsibilities.
The president of the board will discuss the Memorandum of Instructions (MOI) with the members of
the board.
The board will interview all applicants in person for an initial appointment or when required, as
follows ―
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
Applicants being considered for promotion need not appear in person, unless the president of the
FRB so desires.
Applicants being considered for MOS re-designation need not appear in person, unless the
president of the FRB so desires.
In extreme circumstances, TAG may waive the board appearance of an applicant for initial
Challenges. Each applicant appearing in person will be given an opportunity to challenge any member or
members for cause, as follows
Only one challenge will be made at a time.
The applicant will declare the cause on which each challenge is based.
The board, exclusive of the challenged member, will determine the validity of the challenge.
When a challenge is sustained, the board will suspend proceedings and transmit the record of
proceedings to TAG or their designee, which may include the Senior Army Advisor.
TAG or their designee may ―
Approve the action of the board and replace the challenged member, or
Disapprove the action of the board and direct the board to proceed.
The president of the board will advise the applicant that all Statements made to the board and all forms
submitted in connection with the application for Federal Recognition will be verified against available records, and
the disclosure of any false or incomplete information may be cause for denial of federal recognition by CNGB.
The board will determine, from the records submitted, and/or personal interview, whether the applicant
meets all requirements for Federal Recognition in the grade and military, occupational specialty (MOS) for which
being examined (see paragraphs 9-8 through 9-11).
If at any time during the examination, it is determined, that the applicant is not qualified, the examination
will cease and the applicant excused. The findings and recommendations of the board will be indicated on NGB
Form 89 (Proceedings of a Federal Recognition Examining Board) per paragraph 9-12.
9-8. Examination
General qualifications. The board will determine the general qualifications of each applicant in accordance
with the provisions of this regulation, 32 USC 307, and 10 USC 3583, 12211, 12241(b), and 12242 to evaluate
suitability for military service in the grade and MOS for which federal recognition is being applied for by
considering the following ―
Military and civilian education, age, mental aptitude, citizenship, personal character, leadership traits,
and motivation.
Military, business, and professional experience.
Efficiency of military unit under applicant’s command, if applicable.
Responsibilities that placed upon the applicant.
Review of the applicant's enlisted or officer evaluation report file.
Security requirements and evidence that proper screening has been initiated or completed.
Medical qualifications. In determining the medical qualification of an applicant, the board will not be
limited to a review of the records submitted but may require additional medical evidence or examination. If any
records or other evidence indicates that the applicant is medically disqualified, the board will conclude its
examination and report the cause that produced the disqualification.
Physical fitness standards.
Weight/body fat standards in AR 600-9 apply for all Warrant Officers (to include applicants for initial
Warrant Officers who have failed the most recently administered APFT, or have not taken the
standard/modified APFT within the time frame prescribed in AR 350-1, will be flagged per AR 600-8-2 and be
placed in a non-promotable status (see paragraph 7-7a(5)).
Warrant Officers on temporary physical profile(s) may be examined by a FRB to determine if
otherwise qualified. The effective date of promotion will be contingent upon satisfying the APFT requirements.
Integrity and character. Throughout the selection process, consideration must be given to a Warrant
Officer’s integrity and moral character, which constitute the foundation of successful leadership. A Warrant Officer
must set a positive personal example and demonstrate an unequivocal commitment to the values of the professional
Army ethic as outlined in DA Pam 600-3 (Commissioned Officer Professional Development and Career
Management). Absolute integrity of word, deed, and signature is a matter that permits no compromise. An officer
who has sacrificed their integrity has forfeited the respect and trust of those with whom they serve. Accordingly,
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*NGR 600-101
each officer bears great responsibility for the establishment and observance of ethical and moral standards. The
board will inquire into the moral character of the applicant. They have authority to seek verification, in writing, of
the Statements made by the applicant. The board may seek additional information from reliable sources to clarify
any unfavorable situations. The applicant will be informed of any unfavorable statements of facts relative to moral
character and will be given an opportunity to refute or explain such statements.
Professional qualifications. If the records indicate that such is desirable, it is within the prerogative of the
board to prescribe such professional examinations, either written or by practical test, as deemed necessary to
validate the professional qualifications of the applicant(s). In determining an applicant’s professional qualifications,
the board will be guided by DA Pam 611-21 and technical certification documentation or appropriate military
education course completion certification from the applicable DA MOS Proponent.
9-9. Appraisal of Experience
Applicants without prior Warrant Officer Service who are not graduates of an OCS or WOCS course will be
examined in the following manner. After reviewing the application and allied papers, the board will then question
the applicant on personal history, training, and experience to supplement the facts shown in the application and
supporting papers. Technical competence will be determined from the DA MOS Proponent’s evaluation of the
applicant's predetermination packet. A favorable endorsement from the DA MOS Proponent on the
predetermination packet is evidence of the applicant’s technical competence.
Applicants with prior Warrant Officer Service, OCS, or WOCS credentials will be examined in the following
manner. The board will examine the application and allied papers and may question the applicant regarding
experience. Matters which are listed in paragraph 2-15, but which were waived by the CNGB prior to the
applicant's appointment, will not by themselves be the basis of finding the applicant unqualified for Federal
Recognition. Additionally, the applicant's evaluation reports, inspection reports, and Annual Training (AT)
evaluations citing the officer's manner of performance will be thoroughly reviewed to determine general fitness.
Only the appropriate DA MOS Proponent can determine if the applicant's technical competence is sufficient for
certification and award of an MOS.
9-10. Appraisal of Promotion Qualifications
Applicants for promotion will be examined as outlined in chapter 7 and the current MOI, which provides the SA
guidance for FRB members regarding standards for promotion of ARNG Warrant Officers as Reserve Warrant
Officers of the Army. All other promotion requirements of chapter 7 must have been met by the time the FRB
9-11. Determination of Qualifications of Warrant Officers
A favorable predetermination of the MOS has been received from the appropriate DA MOS Proponent, Warrant
Officers seeking appointments in the ARNG in an MOS other than those they currently held must appear before a
FRB for a determination of their qualifications.
9-12. Findings
The findings and recommendations of the board will be reported on an NGB Form 89. This form will be
regarded as privileged information, marked “FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY,” reviewed and signed by the SRAAG,
signed by all members of the board, and forwarded to TAG via the SRAAG. If the applicant is found "not
qualified,” the reasons will be indicated on the NGB Form 89.
After adjournment, members are encouraged to familiarize other officers with FRB procedures in general.
However, specific analysis of the board's proceedings pertaining to the selection or not selection of individual
Officers, whether recorded or unrecorded, will not be disclosed, except as directed by appropriate authority.
Board membership will not be revealed until the board adjourns. The board will not adjourn until authorized
by TAG or their designated representative.
9-13. Unanimity of Recommendations
A unanimous recommendation by the board is required for an applicant to receive a favorable recommendation for
federal recognition. A less than a unanimous recommendation by the board will be regarded as an unfavorable
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*NGR 600-101
9-14. Reconsideration for Federal Recognition
An applicant who is not recommended for federal recognition upon consideration by the FRB may be
authorized by TAG to be considered by a subsequent FRB. When the applicant meets all other requirements
specified for initial consideration and evidence indicates that a material error existed in the record and/or that the
deficiency for which the individual was initially rejected no longer exists.
Subsequent FRBs will not contain any member(s) of a board which previously examined an applicant and did
not recommend the applicant for the action requested.
9-15. Procedures upon completion of examination by the FRB
Upon completion of the examination of each applicant, the examining board recorder will prepare a written
record, in duplicate, of the proceedings, using the NGB Form 89. Include as exhibits any documents the board
deems pertinent to their findings and recommendations and as such are required to become a part of the record of
Temporary Federal Recognition.
Temporary federal recognition may be granted by the FRB to those eligible, as indicated in
paragraph 2-3, when the board finds that the applicant ―
Has successfully passed the examination prescribed herein.
Has subscribed to the oaths of office (NGB Form 337 and DA Form 71).
Has been appointed by a State order for assignment to a position vacancy in a federally recognized
unit of the ARNG.
Temporary federal recognition will be effective on the date that final action as prescribed by
subparagraph (1) above is accomplished.
In the case of an applicant, being found qualified for federal recognition as a WO1, except for the
successful completion of WOCS, the following statement will be entered on the
NGB Form 89: “The applicant is qualified for appointment as a Warrant Officer in the Army National Guard and is
selected for entry into WOCS. The applicant is extended temporary federal recognition as a Warrant Officer One
(WO1) as provided by NGR 600-101, to be effective from the date of successful completion of WOCS. Failure to
achieve DA MOS Proponent duty MOS certification within two-years of Warrant Officer appointment will subject
the applicant to withdrawal of Federal Recognition."
In the case of an applicant being found qualified for Federal Recognition as a CW2, in accordance with
paragraph 2-10b or 2-10c, credited with completion of WOES and DA MOS certified. The following Statement will
be entered on the NGB Form 89: “The applicant is qualified for appointment as a Chief Warrant Officer Two
(CW2) in the Army National Guard as provided by NGR 600-101, to be effective (Date).” The effective date will
be no earlier than the day following graduation.
In the case of an applicant being found qualified for federal recognition as a CW2, in accordance with
paragraph 2-10b or 2-10c, but is not DA MOS Proponent certified. The following Statement will be entered on the
NGB Form 89: “The applicant is qualified for appointment as a Warrant Officer in the Army National Guard and is
extended temporary federal recognition as a Warrant Officer One (WO1) as provided by NGR 600-101, effective
(Date). The applicant is promotable to the grade of Chief Warrant Officer Two (CW2) to be effective upon DA
MOS Proponent MOS certification without further FRB action." The effective date will be no earlier than the day
following graduation.
In the case of an applicant being found qualified for federal recognition as a Chief Warrant Officer
Two (CW2), in accordance with paragraphs 2-10 (c)(d)(e), except for the successful completion of the Warrant
Officer Candidate School and DA MOS certification. The following Statement will be entered on the NGB Form
89: "The applicant is qualified for appointment as a Warrant Officer in the Army National Guard and is extended
temporary federal recognition as a Warrant Officer One (WO1) as provided by NGR 600-101, to be effective from
the date of successful completion of WOCS. The applicant is promotable to the grade of Chief Warrant Officer Two
(CW2) to be effective from the date of the DA MOS certification without further FRB action." The effective date
will be no earlier than the day following graduation.
9-16. Disposition of Records
All records of the board are subject to review and approval by the CNGB acting on behalf of the SA.
The board will forward the following documents through the SRAAG to TAG for completion of the actions
indicated in paragraph 9-18 ―
NGB Form 89. Use of the DoD identification number for board members and applicants is required.
Use of the Social Security numbers is not authorized for other than the applicant.
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
All copies of application and allied papers.
Statement of Understanding for Appointment in the Grade of WO1, if applicable (see figure 9-1).
Membership, instructions, and recommendations of the board will remain "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY"
until after proper authority has made public announcement.
9-17. Actions Required by the SRAAGGs
SRAAG’s may designate themselves as President of a FRB (see paragraph 9-4).
If a SRAAG was not the President or a member of the FRB, and upon receipt of a board proceeding, acting
for the appointing authority, the SRAAG will review the board proceedings to ensure administrative accuracy and
completeness. If the proceedings are found to contain administrative errors or to be incomplete, they will be
returned to the board with instructions.
The SRAAG will endorse administratively correct and complete proceedings to TAG. The SRAAG
endorsement will indicate the board was conducted per this regulation and the current SA memorandum of
instructions to the Army National Guard FRB.
9-18. Actions Required by TAG
TAG will take the following action when ―
The applicant is favorably recommended by the board:
Examine the application for completeness of the NGB Form 89, NGB Form 337, and any other
documents entered into the record of the board, to include those related documents shown in appendix B.
Endorse the application to the CNGB, ATTN: ARNG-HRP. (NOTE: FRB actions relative to
examination of initial entry Warrant Officer applicants will not be forwarded to CNGB until after the candidate
successfully completes WOCS.)
Personnel actions forwarded to CNGB for award of permanent federal recognition will be assembled in
accordance with standardized checklists shown in appendix B.
If the applicant is not favorably recommended by the board, notify the disqualified applicant through the
channels used for submitting the application and furnish the reason for disqualification. If the reason for
disqualification is not a permanent bar to Federal Recognition, advise the applicant of the procedure and requirement
for future resubmission of the application.
9-19. Actions Required by the CNGB
Review the record of board proceedings (NGB Form 89) and the recommendations of the appropriate TAG
to determine if the application meets the qualifications and requirements for federal recognition.
Prepare nomination scroll for appointment or promotion as a Reserve Warrant Officer of the Army per DoDi
1320.4 and submit to the DCS, G-1, ATTN: DAPE-MPO, 300 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310-0300, for
approval of the POTUS, or the Secretary of Defense acting on behalf of the POTUS.
Upon approval of the Reserve Warrant Officer of the Army appointment or promotion nomination, extend
permanent Federal Recognition to the applicant in the grade and MOS for which qualified.
Concurrently issue memorandum to appoint the applicant as a Reserve Warrant Officer of the Army in
the grade in which federally recognized.
If upon review of all records, an applicant is not granted federal recognition, the appropriate TAG will be
notified and temporary federal recognition, if previously granted, will be withdrawn.
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
Statement of Understanding for Appointment as a Warrant Officer
"I understand that if I am appointed as a Warrant Officer in the ARMY NATIONAL GUARD of the State of
, I must successfully complete the Warrant Officer Basic Course within two calendar years of the
effective date of my appointment, unless so extended by the Chief, National Guard Bureau. I also understand that my
failure to achieve the MOS certification as specified above will result in the withdrawal of my federal recognition
from the ARNG and my appointment as a Reserve Warrant Officer of the Army."
(Typed Name)
Figure 9-1. Statement of Understanding for Appointment as a Warrant Officer
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
Chapter 10
Termination of appointment and withdrawal of Federal Recognition
10-1. Authority
Authority granting instruments for the termination of appointment and withdrawal of federal recognition is found in
32 USC 323 (Withdrawal of Federal Recognition) and 32 USC 324 (Discharge of Officers), AR 135-175
(Separation of Officers), and NGR (AR) 635-100 (Termination of Appointment and Withdrawal of Federal
The termination of a Warrant Officer's appointment in the ARNG is a function of the State.
The withdrawal of federal recognition of a Warrant Officer is a function of the CNGB.
The discharge of a Warrant Officer from their appointment as a Reserve Warrant Officer of the Army is a
function of the SA.
All appointments are automatically terminated upon death. In such cases, DD Form 1300 (Report of
Casualty) will be submitted to the CNGB, ATTN: ARNG-HRP, immediately upon receipt of the death certificate.
Issuance of a separation order is not required.
10-2. Criteria
The appointment of an ARNG Warrant Officer should be terminated for the following reasons
If the appointment is contrary to State law and regulation, the CNGB will be notified and Federal
Recognition withdrawn.
A Warrant Officer may tender a resignation through channels to the appropriate TAG. If accepted,
TAG will publish orders separating the Warrant Officer from the ARNG appointment and furnish copies to the
CNGB, ATTN: ARNG-HRP. The resignation may be concurrent both from the ARNG and as a Reserve of the
Army for Warrant Officers without a remaining service obligation if so requested by the affected individual. In such
cases, the AMHRR, with copies of the separation orders must be furnished to the Commander of HRC, 1600
Spearhead Division Avenue, Fort Knox, KY 40122 to separate them from Reserve of the Army status.
Revocation of the separation order will not be considered as a basis for restoration of Federal
Recognition when the resignation of an ARNG Warrant Officer has been accepted and Federal Recognition has been
withdrawn. If the Warrant Officer desires to be reinstated, it is necessary to apply for re-appointment in the ARNG.
Resignation in lieu of efficiency or physical fitness board action under NGR 635-101 (Efficiency
and Physical Fitness Boards) will be processed in accordance with that regulation.
Resignation will not be accepted from Warrant Officers against whom flagging action has been
initiated under AR 600-8-2, except for reason of failure to meet requirements of weight control program and/or
APFT and/or unless under (c) above. Under no circumstances should resignation be accepted from those Warrant
Officers suspected of/under investigation for being in default of property or funds.
Warrant Officers with a remaining service obligation are not eligible to tender a resignation from the Reserve of the
Army until completion of the obligation.
Unless retained by a federal recognition order, all Warrant Officers who are not removed from an
active status for other reason(s), must be removed from an active status in the ARNGUS on the last day of the month
in which they attain age 60.
Absence without leave or reported as unsatisfactory participant for three-months.
When dismissed pursuant to an approved sentence of a court-martial.
Upon conviction of a felony or sentence to confinement in a federal or State penitentiary or
correctional institution after having been found guilty of an offense by a court, other than a court-martial or military
court, and whose sentence has become final.
Upon order to active duty under the provisions of AR 135-210 (excluding ADOS) or acceptance of a
commission, appointment, or enlistment in the National Guard, another Armed Force, U.S. Public Health Service,
U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Air Force Academy or U.S. Coast Guard Academy. In
accordance with AR 135-175, chapter 5, this type of action is normally a vacation of appointment.
As a result of screening IAW AR 135-133 (Ready Reserve Screening Qualification Records System
and Change of Address Report) or NGR 600-2 (Army National Guard Screening).
Employment with any foreign government or any concern controlled in whole or in part by a foreign
government, unless prior approval has been granted by the Department of the Army and Department of State IAW
AR 600-291 (Foreign Government Employment).
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
When the State license, special accreditation, or qualification to include character investigation
(proper level of security clearance) required by the Warrant Officer's MOS is terminated, withdrawn or not renewed.
When the Warrant Officer becomes medically disqualified for further military service.
Upon expiration of the authorized period, a Warrant Officer has been ―
In an over strength status (see paragraph 6-4).
Carried as an additional Active Duty Warrant Officer under paragraph 4-2c and not assigned to an
authorized position vacancy in a Federally recognized unit, or transferred to the IRR .
Or, failed to comply with the 90 day authorized period to consummate an interstate transfer or
conditional release to the USAR.
Upon failure to qualify for permanent or continued flying status, unless transferred to an authorized
non-flying position for which the individual is otherwise qualified.
Upon failure to accept appointment as a Reserve Warrant Officer of the Army.
Failure to pass the APFT. (NOTE: When no medical reason exists, mandatory initiation of
separation proceedings is required for Warrant Officers who have two consecutive APFT failures.)
Failure of a Warrant Officer to complete within a designated timeframe the required military
education for the MTOE/ TDA position held.
Failure to achieve satisfactory progress after participation in an established weight control program
(see AR 600-9).
Failure to accept a commission upon promotion to CW2.
Withdrawal of Federal Recognition.
Federal recognition of a Warrant Officer of the ARNG will be withdrawn by the CNGB (or designee) for the
following reasons ―
Separation or discharge from the State appointment as a Warrant Officer of the ARNG.
Any reason in subparagraph a above that would require discharge or removal from an active status as
Reserve Warrant Officer of the Army.
Pursuant to the approved findings of a board convened under NGR 635-101 (Efficiency and Physical
Fitness Boards) or NGR 635-102 (Officers and Warrant Officers Selective Retention).
Withdrawal of Federal Recognition of the unit to which the Warrant Officer is assigned.
As the result of a determination of ineligibility to receive permanent federal recognition. In addition,
any temporary federal recognition, if previously granted, will be withdrawn.
When a Warrant Officer is assigned to a position for which there is no provision for Federal
When a Warrant Officer ceases to occupy an MTOE/TDA position appropriate to their MOS and fails
to qualify in any new MOS as provided for in paragraph 6-4.
10-3. Reserve of the Army
Unless discharged as a Reserve Warrant Officer of the Army, a Warrant Officer of the ARNGUS becomes a
member of the USAR when Federal Recognition is withdrawn.
Warrant Officers who are not extended permanent federal recognition and hold no Reserve of the Army
appointment do not become members of the USAR upon withdrawal of temporary federal recognition.
A Warrant Officer separated from the ARNG of one State and concurrently appointed, as a Warrant Officer
in the ARNG of another State remains a member of the ARNGUS, provided they have accepted appointment
therein, and does not become a member of the USAR.
Upon separation from the ARNG, State orders will specify the control group prescribed in AR 140-10
(Assignment, Attachments, Details, and Transfers) to which the individual is to be assigned. The Commander of
HRC will make further re-assignments between control groups. A Federal Recognition order transferring the
Warrant Officer to the USAR must be completed and placed in their iPERMS.
10-4. Records
Whenever a Warrant Officer continues to hold an appointment in the ARNG or USAR, their records will be
forwarded as prescribed in AR 600-8-104.
Resignations or requests from Warrant Officers for assignment to a specific USAR control group will, if
approved, be forwarded by endorsement by the appropriate TAG to the Commander of HRC with appropriate
records and State orders enclosed.
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
If a Warrant Officer is separated from the ARNG for cause (other than by unqualified resignation, mandatory
removal from an active status for age, or lack of MTOE/TDA position), copies of appropriate documents supporting
the separation will be included in iPERMS when forwarded.
10-5. Warrant Officer Retirement Grade
IAW Title 10, section 1371, unless entitled to a higher retired grade under some other provision of law, a warrant
officer shall be retired in the highest regular or reserve warrant officer grade in which the warrant officer served
satisfactorily, as determined by the Secretary concerned.
10-6. Process for Warrant Officer Separation
When processing a Warrant Officer for separation that requires approval by the CNGB (or designee) for Withdrawal
of Federal Recognition, States will offer the Soldier the option to undergo a Behavioral Health Assessment (BHA)
with a military behavioral health specialist. This review is optional and the Soldier may decline. The State Chief
Surgeon and Senior Medical Officer will review all BHAs for completeness. States will also include a
recommendation for separation characterization. The ARNG-Chief Surgeon’s Office will provide additional
guidance for the conduct of BHAs.
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
Appendix A
Section 1
Required Publications
AR 11-2
Managers Internal Control Program (Cited in cover page)
AR 27-55
Notarial Services (Cited in paragraph 1-7)
AR 40-501
Standards of Medical Fitness (Cited in paragraphs 2-7, 3-1, 4-8 and 7-7)
AR 135-18
The Active Guard/Reserve (AGR) Program (Cited in paragraph 4-5 and 4-9)
AR 135-91
Service Obligations, Methods of Fulfillment Participation Requirements, and Enforcement Procedures (Cited in
paragraphs 1-9)
AR 135-100
Appointment of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Army (Cited in paragraphs 2-14 and 3-1)
AR 135-133
Ready Reserve Screening Qualification Records System and Change of Address Reports (Cited in paragraph 10-2)
AR 135-155
Promotion of Commissioned and Warrant Officers other than General Officers (Cited in paragraph 9-8)
AR 135-175
Separation of Officers (Cited in paragraphs 2-14, 10-1 and 10-2)
AR 135-178
Enlisted Administrative Separations (Cited in paragraph 2-14)
AR 140-10
Assignment, Attachments, Details, and Transfers (Cited in paragraphs 2-14 and 10-3)
AR 195-3
Acceptance and Accreditation of Criminal Investigative Personnel (Cited in paragraph 4-4)
AR 350-1
Army Training and Leader Development (Cited in paragraphs 1-9, 2-7, 7-9 and 9-8)
AR 350-100
Officer Active Duty Service Obligation (Cited in paragraph 1-9)
AR 380-67
Personnel Security Program (Cited in paragraphs 2-14, 3-3 and 7-5)
AR 600-8-2
Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (Flags) (Cited in paragraphs 1-6, 1-8, 2-9, 2-14, 7-7, 9-8 and 10-2)
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
AR 600-8-19
Enlisted Promotions and Reductions (Cited in paragraph 2-11)
AR 600-8-24
Officer Transfers and Discharges (Cited in paragraphs 2-9, 2-14 and 6-4)
AR 600-8-29
Officer Promotions (Cited in paragraph 1-6)
AR 600-8-104
Army Military Human Resources Records Management (Cited in paragraphs 3-1, 4-11 and 10-4)
AR 600-9
The Army Weight Control Program (Cited in paragraphs 2-7, 4-8, 7-7, 7-12, 9-8 and 10-2)
AR 600-13
Army Policy for the Assignment of Female Applicants (Cited in paragraph 4-4)
AR 600-20
Army Command Policy and Procedures (Cited in paragraphs 1-7 and 2-12)
AR 600-43
Conscientious Objection (Cited in paragraph 2-14)
AR 600-100
Army Leadership (Cited in paragraph 2-14)
AR 600-105
Aviation Service of Rated Army Officers (Cited in paragraph 3-1)
AR 611-1
Military Occupational Classification Structure Development and Implementation (Cited in figure 6-2)
AR 611-6
Army Foreign Language Program (Cited in paragraph 6-6)
AR 611-110
Selection and Training of Army Aviation Officers (Cited in paragraphs 2-7 and 2-8)
AR 614-100
Officer Assignment Policies, Details, and Transfers (Cited in paragraph 4-5)
AR 623-3
Evaluation Reporting System (Cited in paragraph 4-11)
AR 635-200
Active Duty Enlisted Administrative Separations (Cited in paragraph 2-14)
AR 670-1
Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia (Cited in paragraph 2-13, 2-14 and 7-6)
DA Pam 600-3
Commissioned Officer Professional Development and Career Management (Cited in paragraph 9-8)
DA Pam 601-6
Warrant Officer Procurement Program (Cited in paragraphs 2-6 and 2-11)
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
DA Pam 611-21
Military Occupational Classification and Structure (Cited in paragraphs 1-7, 2-7, 2-8, 3-1, 3-5, 4-5, 5-2, 6-1, 6-3, 6-6, 7-2,
8-2, 9-8 and figure 6-2)
DA Pam 611-210
Selection and Training of Army Aviation Officers (Cited in paragraph 4-3)
DODI 1205.05
Transfer of Service Members Between Reserve and Regular Components of the Military Services (Cited in
paragraph 3-1)
DODI 1320.4
Military Officer Actions Requiring Approval of the Secretary of Defense or the President, or Confirmation by the
Senate (Cited in paragraph 9-19)
FORSCOM/ARNG/USAR Regulation 350-2
Reserve Component Training (Cited in paragraph 5-1)
NGR 600-2
Army National Guard Screening (Cited in paragraph 10-2)
NGR 600-100
Commissioned Officers - Federal Recognition and Related Personnel Actions (Cited in appendix B)
NGR 600-200
Enlisted Personnel Management (Cited in paragraph 4-5)
NGR 611-110
Selection and Training of Army Aviation Officers (Cited in paragraph 2-8)
NGR (AR) 635-100
Termination of Appointment and Withdrawal of Federal Recognition (Cited in paragraph 10-1)
NGR 635-101
Efficiency and Physical Fitness Boards (Cited in paragraph 10-2)
NGR 635-102
Officers and Warrant Officers Selective Retention (Cited in paragraph 10-2)
NG Pam (AR) 25-10
Standard Installation/Division Personnel System Army National Guard (SIDPERS-ARNG) Data Element Dictionary
(Cited in paragraph 7-9)
5 USC 8312
The Hiss Act (Cited in paragraph 2-14)
10 USC 571-583
Warrant Officer Management Act (Cited in paragraph 6-2)
10 USC 772(a)
Member of the Army National Guard or the Air National Guard may wear the uniform prescribed (Cited in
paragraph 2-13)
10 USC 1164
Warrant Officers – Separation for Age (Cited in paragraph 4-7 and appendix C)
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
10 USC 3583
Requirement of exemplary conduct (Cited in paragraphs 7-12, 9-2 and 9-8)
10 USC 3911
Twenty years or more: Regular or Reserve Commissioned Officers (Cited in paragraph 2-14 and figure 3-4)
10 USC 3914
Twenty to thirty years: enlisted members (Cited in paragraph 2-14 and figure 3-1)
10 USC 12211
Officers: Army National Guard of the United States (Cited in paragraphs 2-5, 9-2 and 9-8)
10 USC 12213
Officers; Army Reserve: Transfer from Army National Guard of the United States (Cited in paragraph 2-5)
10 USC 12241(b)
Warrant Officers: grades; appointment, how made; term (Cited in paragraphs 1-8 and 9-8)
10 USC 12242
Warrant Officers: promotion (Cited in paragraph 9-8)
10 USC 12302
Ready Reserve (Cited in paragraph 5-2)
10 USC 12308
Retention after becoming qualified for retired pay (Cited in paragraph 4-9)
10 USC 12731
Temporary special retirement qualification authority (Cited in paragraph 4-7 and figure 3-1.)
10 USC 14702
Retention on reserve active-status list of certain Officers in the grade of major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, or
brigadier general (Cited in paragraph 2-14.)
32 USC 307
Federal Recognition of Officers: examination; certificate of eligibility (Cited in paragraphs 6-2, 9-2 and 9-8)
32 USC 308
Federal Recognition of Officers: temporary recognition (Cited in paragraph 2-3)
32 USC 323
Withdrawal of Federal Recognition (Cited in paragraph 10-1)
32 USC 324
Discharge of Officers; termination of appointment (Cited in paragraph 10-1)
Section II
Related Publications
AR 25-50
Preparing and Managing Correspondence
AR 135-32
Retention in an Active Status after Qualification for Retired Pay
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
AR 135-101
Appointment of Reserve Commissioned Officers for Assignment to Army Medical Department Branches
AR 350-15
Army Physical Fitness Program
AR 600-8-22
Military Awards
AR 611-5
Army Personnel Selection and Classification Testing
AR 621-5
Army Continuing Education System (ACES)
AR 640-30
Photographs for Military Personnel Files
DA Pam 351-4
U.S. Army Formal Schools Catalog
DA Pam 351-20
Army Correspondence Course Program Catalog
DA Pam 600-8
Military Personnel Management and Administrative Procedures
DA Pam 600-11
Warrant Officer Professional Development
NGR 10-1
Organization and Federal Recognition of the Army National Guard Units
NGR 310-10
Military Orders
NGR 350-1
Training· Army National Guard
NGR 351-1
Individual Military Education and Training
NGR 600-5
The Active Guard/Reserve (AGR) Program, Management of Title 32, USC, Full Time National Guard Personnel
NGR 600-105
Aviation Service of Rated Army Officers
NGR 604-10
Military Personnel Security Program
NGR 614-1
In Regular Army National Guard (ING)
NGB Pam 37-104-3
Unit Level Military Pay Procedures
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
TRADOC Rag 351-13
Warrant Officer Training System
10 USC 1101-1132
Warrant Officer Management Act
10 USC 1293
Twenty years or more: Warrant Officers
Section III
Prescribed Forms
This section contains no entries.
Section IV
Referenced Forms
DA Form 71
Oath of Office-Military Personnel (Cited in paragraphs 1-8, 3-2, 9-15 and appendix B)
DA Form 705
Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard (Cited in paragraph 4-9 and figure 7-1)
DA Form 759
Individual Flight Record and Flight Certificate (Cited in paragraph 3-5)
DA Form 1059
Service School Academic Evaluation Report (Cited in paragraph 7-9 and appendix B)
DA Form 1059-1
Civilian Institution Academic Evaluation Report (Cited in paragraph 7-9)
DA Form 2028
Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms (Cited on cover page)
DA Form 4187
Personnel Action (Cited in paragraphs 4-10, 4-11, figure 4-1 and appendix B)
DA Form 5074-1
Record of Award of Entry Grade Credit (Health Services Officer) (Cited in appendix B)
DA Form 5500
Body Fat Worksheet-Male (Cited in figure 7-1 and appendix B)
DA Form 5501
Body Fat Worksheet-Female (Cited in figure 7-1 and appendix B)
DA Form 7349
Initial Medical review - Annual Medical Certificate (Cited in appendix B)
DD Form 214
Report of Separation
(Cited in paragraphs 2-15, 3-1 and appendix B)
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
DD Form 215
Correction of DXD Form 214 (Cited in paragraphs 2-15, 3-1 and appendix B)
DD Form 368
Conditional Release (Cited in paragraph 3-1 and appendix B)
DD Form 1300
Report of Casualty (Cited in paragraph 10-1)
DD Form 2807-1
Report of Medical History (Cited in paragraphs 3-1, 4-10 and appendix B)
DD Form 2808
Report of Medical Examination (Cited in paragraphs 3-1, 4-10 and appendix B)
NGB Form 22
Report of Separation and Record of Service (Cited in paragraph 4-11 and appendix B)
NGB Form 23A
Army National Guard Current Annual Statement (Cited in paragraphs 4-9, 4-10, 4-11 and figure 4-2)
NGB Form 60
Request for Clearance from the USAR for Enlistment/Appointment in the ARNG (Cited in paragraph 3-1)
NGB Form 62E
Application for Federal Recognition (Cited in paragraphs 2-16, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3 and appendix B)
NGB Form 89
Proceedings of a Federal Recognition Examining Board (Cited in paragraphs 2-9, 2-10, 3-5, 9-9, 9-12, 9-15, 9-16,
9-18, 9-19, figure 6-2 and appendix B.)
NGB Form 337
Oath of Office (Cited in paragraphs 2-4, 3-4, 4-10, 9-15, 9-18 and appendix B.)
HQ USAREC Form 1935
Warrant Officer Resume (Cited in paragraph 2-8 and figure 2-1.)
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
Appendix B
Documents required by NGB for Federal Recognition Action
ORDER TYPE Required Help Text
Initial Appointment
FedRec Appl(62E) Required Application for Federal Recognition(NGB Form 62E)
Oath(337) Required Oath of Office(NGB Form 337)
St Ord-Appointment Required State appointment orders
Oath (DA Form 71) if applicable Oath of Office Military Personnel
Mil Educ(DA1059) if applicable Military Education(DA Form(s) 1059 or completion certificates)
Civilian Educ if applicable College transcripts(Raised seal or Certified true copy)
MedCert/Physical if applicable
Medical History(DD Forms 2808 and 2807-1) or (DA Form 7349) (Initial
Medical Review)
SSN card if applicable SSN Card or Statement(Fig 3-3, NGR 600-100)
Birth Certificate if applicable Birth Certificate or Statement(Fig 3-1 or 3-2, NGR 600-100)
Security Clearance if applicable Verification of Security Clearance(Fig 3-1, NGR 600-100)
State FRB(89) if applicable State FedRec Examining Board Proceedings(NGB Form 89)
Sr Army Adv End
Senior Army Advisor endorsement(submit as NGB Form 89(pg2) above)
FRB Membership Required
Orders or memorandum appointing FRB(Members of the board)
20Yr Retire stmt if applicable
Statement of understanding if unable to complete 20yrs svc for
retirement (NGR 600-100)
Body Fat WS if applicable Body Fat Content Worksheet(DA 5500/5501)
Mil Srv Obligation if applicable Statement of Military Service Obligation per AR 135-91
Aviation SO Req if applicable(AV) Aviation Service order request
Warr Predetermin if applic(Warrant) Command Chief Warrant Officer Predetermination Memo
Statement WOBC
if applic(WO1
Statement of Understanding for WO1 Warrant regarding completion of
Init Appt order
Init Appt order from gaining unit
Mil Citation if applic(PriorSrv) Military award citations
ResArmy-Appt/Prm if applic(PriorSrv) Reserve of the Army appointment/promotion memorandums or orders
Rel/dischg fm NG if applic(PriorSrv) Certificate of release or Discharge from the National Guard(NGB 22(s))
Enlisted Dischg if applic(PriorSrv) Enlisted Discharge Orde
Rel fm USAR(368) if applicable Conditional Release from USAR(DD Form 368)
Prior Appt/Promo if applic(PriorSrv)
Prior Srv Appt and Promo Orders for each gr/rank held (NGB Form 22 or
State Order etc.)
Dischg AD /215
(DD Form 214/215)
if applic(PriorSrv) Certificate of Release or discharge from Active Duty(DD Form 214/215)
Waivers/Misc. if applicable
Submit waivers(medical, age etc.), misc. (policy chg req etc.) as one
multipage doc
Amended St Ord if applicable Amended State Orde
Promo FRB
St Ord-Promo Required State Promotion Orde
State FRB(89)
Required w/MOS
State FedRec Examining Board Proceedings-Branch Change
(NGB Form 89)
Promo FRB w/MOS Chg
St Ord-Br Xfer
Required w/MOS
State branch transfer order
St Ord-Promo Required State Promotion Orde
State FRB(89)
Required w/MOS
State FedRec Examining Board Proceedings-Branch Change(NGB Form
Branch/MOS Change
St Ord-Br Xfe
Required State branch transfer orde
Mil Educ(DA1059) Required Military Education(DA Form(s) 1059 or completion certificates)
State FRB(89) Required
State FedRec Examining Board Proceedings-Branch Change(NGB Form
Gr Br Verify if applicable
FedRec or other orders verifying officer previously held same grade and
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*NGR 600-101
Sr Army Adv End if applicable Senior Army Advisor endorsement(submit as NGB Form 89(pg2) above)
Amended St Ord if applicable Amended State Orde
Retention Past MRD
Extension Past
Required Request from State for Ext past MRD with ARNG-HRH approval
St Ord-Separation Required State Order - Separation
Death Certificate if applicable Death Certificate where FedRec Withdrawal due to death of Soldie
Amended St Ord if applicable Amended State Orde
Name Change
Cov Letter Req Nm
Required Cover Letter or memorandum requesting name change
Personnel Action Required Personnel Action(DA Form 4187)
Marr/Div Certificate Required Marriage, Divorce or other certificate authorizing name change
Amended St Orde
if applicable Amended State Orde
Chg of St(IST) w/Br Chg
St Ord-
Required State appointment order from gaining State
Oath(337) Required Oath of Office(NGB Form 337)
St Ord-Xfer(losing) Required State transfer order from losing State
Personnel Action Required Personnel Action(DA Form 4187)
Chg of St(IST) w/Br Chg (continued)
Security Clearance if applicable Verification of Security Clearance(Fig 3-1, NGR 600-100)
St Ord-Br Xfe
Required w/Br chg State branch transfer orde
State FRB(89) Required w/Br chg
State FedRec Examining Board Proceedings-Branch Change
(NGB Form 89)
Sr Army Adv End
Senior Army Advisor endorsement(submit as NGB Form 89(pg2) above)
Mil Educ(DA1059) Required w/Br chg Military Education(DA Form(s) 1059 or completion certificates)
Gr Br Verify Required w/Br chg
FedRec or other orders verifying officer previously held same grade and
FRB Membership Required w/Br chg Orders or memorandum appointing FRB(Members of the board)
Amended St Ord if applicable Amended State Orde
Transfer from USAR
FedRec Appl(62E) Required Application for Federal Recognition (NGB Form 62E)
Oath(337) Required Oath of Office (NGB Form 337)
MedCert/Physical Required Medical History(DD Forms 2808 and 2807-1) or (DA Form 7349)
St Ord-Appointment Required State appointment orders
Civilian Educ Required College transcripts(Raised seal or Certified true copy)
Mil Educ(DA1059) Required Military Education(DA Form1059 or completion certificates)
Required Certificate of Release or discharge from Active Duty(DD Form 214/215)
State FRB(89) Required w/Br Chg State FedRec Examining Board Proceedings (NGB Form 89)
Exception Req w/368 EITHER Letter of exception
Oath(DA Form 71) Req w/368 OR Oath of Office - DA Form 71
Rel fm USAR(368) if applicable Conditional Release from USAR(DD Form 368)
Security Clearance if applicable Verification of Security Clearance(Fig 3-1, NGR 600-100)
Mil Citation if applicable Military award citations
20Yr Retire stmt if applicable
Statement of understanding if unable to complete 20-yrs svc for
retirement(NGR 600-100)
Body Fat WS if applicable Body Fat Content Worksheet(DA Form 5500/5501)
Amended St Ord if applicable Amended State Orde
Citizenship Proof if applicable Proof of Citizenship, stamped certified true copy
EntryGrCred(5074) if applic(Medical)
Award Of Entry Grd Credit for Med Officers; attached to packet by
ARNG-GSS-Accessions (DA Form 5074-1- ROTC)
ROTC Appt Lette
if applic(Medical) Appointment Lette
Transfer from ING
St Ord-From ING Required State Orde
-Transfer from ING
Amended St Ord if applicable Amended State Orde
Transfer to ING
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*NGR 600-101
St Ord-To ING Required State Orde
-Transfer to ING
Amended St Ord if applicable Amended State Orde
Two Amends to SO
New amended doc Required New document showing change
New amended doc2 if applicable Another new document showing the second change to be amended
FedRec Ord(any) Required Federal Recognition Order (0122, 0122-1, 0123 or 0126) to be amended
Orig State Orde
if applicable Original State Orde
Amended St Ord if applicable Amended State Orde
Orders Revocation
St Ord w/revocation if initiated by St State Order showing revocation
Amended St Ord if applicable Amended State Orde
NOTE: Packet documents displayed on FEDREC ePacket entry site listed by order type. Appendix B is a living
document and is constantly changing. ARNG-HRP periodically makes changes and is the DA MOS Proponent for
the Federal Recognition system. The Federal Recognition Section of the Officer Management Branch (ARNG-
HRP) is the functional DA MOS Proponent for e-packets and the approving authority for access at the State-level.
ARNG-HRP has published guidance on e-packet submission.
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*NGR 600-101
Appendix C
Documents required by NGB for Waivers and Exception to Policy in eTracker
Case Type Required Document Description
Age Waiver
Birth Certificate Required Birth Certificate
DA DA MOS Proponent Letter Required DA MOS Proponent Letter
Justification for Request Required Justification for Request
Request from Soldier Required Request from Soldier
Request from State with Chain of
Command Endorsements
Request from State with Chain of Command
Other Supporting Documents If applicable Other Supporting Documents
APFT Waiver
Checklist Required Checklist provided by G3/5/7
Other Supporting Documents If applicable If applicable
Education Waiver
Waiver for Constructive/Equivalent Credit for formal
DA DA MOS Proponent Letter Required
Also known as a Recommendation from Warrant Officer
DA MOS Proponent
Request from Soldier Required Request from Soldier
Request from State with Chain of
Command Endorsements
Request from State with Chain of Command
Supporting Education Documents Required
DA Form(s) 1059, Certificates of Completion of Civilian
Schooling, Certifications, and/or Licenses
Other Supporting Documents If applicable Other Supporting Documentation
Civil Conviction Waiver
Waiver for Civilian Conviction
Disposition of Case Required Memorandum explaining disposition of each offense
NGB Form 62E Required Request for Initial Appointment form NGB Form 62E
Para/Line of Appointment Required
Request for Appointment in a paragraph and line number
on the TDA/MTOE
Request from State with Chain of
Command Endorsements
Request from State with Chain of Command
Request from Soldier Required
Memorandum from Soldier explaining the event and
outcome of each offense
Other Supporting Documents If applicable Other Supporting Documentation
2X Non-select
Assignment Wavier Required Waiver, Assignment
Checklist Required
Request from State with Chain of
Command Endorsements
Request from State with Chain of Command
Other Supporting Documents If applicable Other Supporting Documentation
Other - Waiver
Waiver, not otherwise specified
Request from State with Chain of
Command Endorsements
Request from State with Chain of Command
Other Supporting Documents If applicable Other Supporting Documentation
Extension to Complete WOBC
Exception to Policy
ATRRS Record Required
Complete printout from ATRRS showing history of
enrollment WOBC
Request From Soldier Required Memorandum from Soldier
Request from State with Chain of
Command Endorsements
Request from State with Chain of Command
Other Supporting Documents If applicable Other Supporting Documentation
Extension Beyond MRD
Exception to Policy
Birth Certificate Required Birth Certificate or Statement (Fig 3-2)
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
DA Form 705 Required
Army Physical Fitness Test(DA Form 705) w/in 6-mo for
AGR, w/in 12-mo for MDAY
Request from Soldier Required
Memorandum from Soldier requesting extension past
MRD w/Statement of current ht/wt and identification of
any exist medical conditions receiving treatment for
Request from State with Chain of
Command Endorsements
Request from State with Command Endorsement with
Justification for Ext past MRD w/Statement that retention
is per 10 USC 12308 and 1164, with documentation
verifying the WO is fully qualified in the primary/duty
MOS in which retention is requested.
DA Form 5500/5501 If applicable Body Fat Content Worksheet (DA Form 5500/5501)
Other Supporting Documents If applicable Other Supporting Documentation
Over Grade Assignment
Exception to Policy
Mobilization Orders Required Mobilization Orders
Request from State with Chain of
Command Endorsements
Request from State with Chain of Command
Unit and TDA Justification Required Justification for Request
Other Supporting Documents If applicable Other Supporting Documentation
Promotion – No MILED
Exception to Policy with No Military Education
Justification for Request Required
Request from State with Command Endorsement
showing justification for promotion without MILED
Request from Soldier Required Letter from Soldier requesting promotion with no MILED
Request from State with Chain of
Command Endorsements
Request from State with Command Endorsement
showing justification for promotion without MILED
Other Supporting Documents If Applicable Other Supporting Documentation
Promotion - MOB
Exception to Policy with No Military Education while
ATRRS Record Required
Complete printout from ATRRS showing history of
enrollment WOBC
Justification for Request Required
Request from State with Command Endorsement
showing justification for promotion without MILED while
Mobilization Orders Required Mobilization Orders
Request From Soldier Required
Letter from Soldier requesting promotion with no MILED
while Mobilized
Request from State with Chain of
Command Endorsements
Request from State with Command Endorsement with
Endorsement from Chain of Command
Other Supporting Documents If applicable Other Supporting Documentation
Promotion REAR - MOB
Exception to Policy for Promotion Against a REAR
Detachment (Mobilized)
Mobilization Orders Required Mobilization Orders
Request from State with Chain of
Command Endorsements
Request from State with Chain of Command
Unit and TDA Justification Required Also known as "Justification for Request."
Other Supporting Documents If applicable Other Supporting Documentation
Other - ETP
Exception to Policy, not otherwise specified
Request from State with Chain of
Command Endorsements
Request from State with Command Endorsement with
Endorsement from Chain of Command
Other Supporting Documents If applicable Other Supporting Documentation
Reconsideration for Approval
New Evidence Required Memorandum from State Explaining New Evidence
Request from State with Chain of
Command Endorsements
Request from State with Command Endorsement with
Endorsement from Chain of Command
Other Supporting Documents If applicable Other Supporting Documentation
Temp TDA Request
Exception to Policy Temporary TDA Request
Request from State with Chain of
Command Endorsements
Required Request from State with Command Endorsement with
Endorsement from Chain of Command
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
Other Supporting Documents If applicable
If applicable: each branch DA MOS Proponent has
different requirements; AOs have internal checklists for
some, not all of the branches.
NOTE: Appendix C is a living document and is changed periodically. ARNG-G1 is the functional proponent for
approval and management of the Reserve Component Management System of which eTracker is an application.
Packet documents displayed on eTracker entry site is listed by order type. ARNG-HRH is the action authority for
the eTracker application of RCMS. ARNG-HRH has published guidance on e-packet submission.
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
Regular Army
Active Duty List
Active Duty Operational Support
Active Federal Service
Active Guard Reserve
Regular Army
Active Duty List
Army Military Human Resource Record
Action Officer Development Course
Army Physical Fitness Test
Army Regulation
Army National Guard
Office of the Chief Surgeon
G1 - Human Capital Management
G1 - Personnel Policy Division
G1 - Personnel Policy Division, Warrant Officer Branch
G1 - Personnel Division
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G1 - Guard Strength Maintenance
Army National Guard of the United States
Additional Skill Identifier
Annual Training
Army Training (and Education) Network
Army Training Resources and Requirement System
Army of the United States
Command Chief Warrant Officer
Chief, National Guard Bureau
Certificate of Eligibility
Command Sergeant Major
Chief Warrant Officer
Chief Warrant Officer Two (a rank corresponding to the grade of W2)
Chief Warrant Officer Three (a rank corresponding to the grade of W3)
Chief Warrant Officer Four (a rank corresponding to the grade of W4)
Chief Warrant Officer Five (a rank corresponding to the grade of W5)
Department of Army
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Distance Learning
Department of Defense
Driving While Intoxicated
Enlisted Five (a grade that corresponds to ranks of SGT)
Enlisted Seven (a grade that corresponds to ranks of SFC)
Enlisted Eight (a grade that corresponds to ranks of MSG and 1SG)
Enlisted Nine (a grade that corresponds to ranks of SGM and CSM)
Enlisted Record Brief
Federal Recognition Board
Continental U.S. Army
Federal Recognition
Full Time National Guard Duty
General Education Development (test)
General Technical
U.S. Army Human Resources Command
Headquarters, Department of the Army
Initial Entry Rotary Wing
Inactive National Guard
Instructor Pilot
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*NGR 600-101
Individual Ready Reserve
Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System
Joint Force Headquarters
Joint Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational (environment)
Language Identifier Code
Military Decision Making Process
Military Education
Military Personnel Office
Military Personnel Class
State Military Personnel Management Office
Military Occupational Specialty
Military Occupational Specialty Code
Military Processing Class
Manpower & Reserve Affairs
Mandatory Release Date
Memorandum of Instructions
Master Sergeant
Modified Table of Organization and Equipment
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*NGR 600-101
National Agency Check
Noncommissioned Evaluation Report
National Guard Bureau
National Guard Regulation
Officer Three (a grade that corresponds to ranks of CPT)
Officer Four (a grade that corresponds to ranks of MAJ)
Officer Five (a grade that corresponds to ranks of LTC)
Officer Six (a grade that corresponds to ranks of COL)
Officer Candidate School
Officer Evaluation Report
Observation, Insights and Lessons learned paper
Officer Personnel Manager
Officer Personnel Management System
Officer Record Brief
Operating Under the Influence
Physician Assistant
Promotion Eligibility Date
Professional Military Education
Primary Military Occupational Specialty
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*NGR 600-101
President of the United States
Reserve Component
Reserve Component Management System
Release from Active Duty
Reserve Officers Training Corps
Retirement Point Accounting System
Secretary of the Army
State Army Aviation Officer
Sergeant (a rank corresponding to grade E5)
Sergeant Major
Standard Instillation and Division Personnel Reporting System
Standard Name Line
Special Qualification Identifiers
Senior Regular Army Advisor
Social Security Number
Senior Warrant Officer Training
The Adjutant General
Total Army Training System Courseware
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*NGR 600-101
Table of Distribution and Allowances
Time in Grade
Troop Program Unit (USAR)
Total Warrant Officer System
Unit Identification Code
United States Army Reserve
Army Recruiting Command
United States Code
Warrant One (a grade corresponding to the rank of WO1)
Warrant Two (a grade corresponding to the rank of CW2)
Warrant Three (a grade corresponding to the rank of CW3)
Warrant Four (a grade corresponding to the rank of CW4)
Warrant Five (a grade corresponding to the rank of CW5 or CCWO)
Warrant Officer One (a rank corresponding to the grade of W1)
Warrant Officer Advanced Course
Warrant Officer Basic Course
Warrant Officer Candidate
Warrant Officer Career College
Warrant Officer Candidate School
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Warrant Officer Candidate School - Regional Training Institute
Warrant Officer Education System
Warrant Officer Staff Course
Warrant Officer Strength Manager
Warrant Officer Senior Staff Course
Warrant Officer Technical and Tactical Certification
First Sergeant
Active Status
For the purpose of this regulation, applicants are in an active status when they are active participant members of a
Reserve component unit and not assigned to the Inactive Army National Guard (ING) or to the Standby Reserves on
an Inactive Status List.
Army Training Leader Development Panel (ATLDP) Phase III (WO Study)
Completed in 2002 in accordance with the Chief of Staff, Army charter for the Army Training and Leader
Development Panel, the Phase III (Warrant Officers) Report. Focus was on four areas: Army Culture, Training and
Education, Manning and Professional Development. The Chief of Staff approved some 63 recommendations.
Verification of MOS proficiency by a DA MOS Proponent. Each DA MOS Proponent establishes Method and
requirements. (Technical certification, MOS DA MOS Proponent technical certification, DA MOS Proponent
certification, MOS school DA MOS Proponent technical certification, MOS school DA MOS Proponent
certification and MOS certification are all synonymous in meaning.)
Commissioned Warrant Officer
A Warrant Officer who has accepted a commission in a Chief Warrant Officer rank of CW2, CW3, CW4 or CW5.
An officer is a member of an armed force or uniformed service who holds a position of authority. Commissioned
Officers derive authority directly from a sovereign power and, as such, hold a commission charging them with the
duties and responsibilities of a specific office or position. Commissioned Officers are typically the only persons, in
an armed forces environment, able to act as the commanding officer of a military unit.
A web based application within RCMS used to transmit, process, and manage military personnel actions and
requests for exceptions to policy conveyed between a State and the ARNG-G1 level. eTracker is template based.
Each template is unique to the case in question; its structure based on that particular office's business processes,
requirements, and approval/disapproval methods. Template basing makes each case functionally complete when the
drafter releases it - the go/no go function eliminates incomplete submissions from leaving the drafter level. Upon
release, the case is electronically logged and automatically routed for analysis and approval based on the unique
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
requirements of the case. eTracker is operationally accessible from any CAC reader enabled computer location via
the internet at the ARNG G1 Portal.
Federal Recognition
Federal Recognition is the acknowledgment by the Federal Government that a Warrant Officer who is appointed,
promoted, or transferred to an authorized grade and position vacancy in the ARNG meets the requirements
prescribed by law and regulations.
Initial appointment
The initial appointment in a Warrant Officer status in the ARNG, regardless of the status from which the individual
has been appointed, will always be the act, which coincides with the first time Federal Recognition as a Warrant
Officer is extended in the ARNG.
Initial Entry Rotary Wing (IERW) Aviator Training
Following WOCs, Aviation Warrant Officers will complete IERW training at Fort Rucker, AL. IERW is the
equivalent to Warrant Officer Basic Course for rated aviation specific Warrant Officers.
The act of appointing a Warrant Officer who was previously federally recognized as a Warrant Officer in the
State MPMO/G1 (Military Personnel Management Office /G1)
The term MPMO/G1 (Military Personnel Management Office /G1) includes the Military Personnel Management
Office and associated offices within including DCSPER (Deputy Chief of Staff Personnel), G1, MILPO (Military
Personnel Office), OPM (Officer Personnel Manager), and sub-sections within the MPMO. Additionally, all other
abbreviations and terms used in this regulation are explained in the glossary.
As referred to in this regulation, the term State or States referrers to either singularly or collectively as the 50 States
of the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Territory of Guam, and the
District of Columbia.
Temporary Federal Recognition
Temporary Federal Recognition is the interim status extended by a Federal Recognition Board (FRB) to a Warrant
Officer of a State who has been appointed in the ARNG. By law (32 USC 308), this status will not be extended for
longer than a one year increment.
Total Warrant Officer System (TWOS)
A Warrant Officer life cycle personnel management system recommended by the Total Warrant Officer Study group
and approved by the Chief of Staff, Army on 24 June 1985.
Warrant Officer
An officer appointed by warrant or commission by the Secretary of the Army, based on a sound level of technical
and tactical competence. A Warrant Officer is a highly specialized expert and trainer, who, by gaining progressive
levels of expertise and leadership, operates, maintains, administers, and manages the Army's equipment, support
activities, or technical systems for an entire career.
Warrant Officer Education System (WOES)
Warrant Officer training under the Warrant Officer Education System (WOES) has 5 levels that provide Warrant
Officers with performance-based certification and qualification training. The Warrant Officer Education System
trains and develops Warrant Officers for progressively more difficult and complex assignments. The levels of
Warrant Officer Training System incorporating the Warrant Officer Candidate School, Warrant Officer Basic
Course, Warrant Officer Advanced Course, Warrant Officer Staff Course, and the Warrant Officer Senior Staff
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS)
WOCS is the six-week Regular Army (RA) version resident school, which provides Warrant Officer Candidates,
training in the fundamentals of leadership and basic military skills. Training, Advising, and Counseling (TAC)
Officers conduct this training in a high-stress environment where candidates are subjectively evaluated. Candidates
are also evaluated by hands-on performance and written examinations. Attendance at the Active component resident
WOCS is optional although it is preferred.
Warrant Officer Candidate School - Regional Training Institute (WOCS-RTI)
WOCS-RTI is the six week Regular Army WOCS course condensed into two two-week phases conducted back-to-
back. WOCS-RTI is designed for Reserve Component Warrant Officer Candidates who are limited by time
constraints from attending the AC WOCS version.
Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC)
Previously known as the Warrant Officer Technical and Tactical Certification (WOTTC), WOBC is the Warrant
Officer entry-level certification of qualification and award of a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) by a DA
MOS Proponent. Upon graduation from WOCS and appointment to WO1, each Warrant Officer will attend
functional specialty training to become MOS qualified (MOSQ). WOBC is a functional specialty development
course taught at various DA MOS Proponent schools. Training is performance oriented and focuses on technical
skills, leadership, effective communication, unit training, maintenance operations, security, property accountability,
tactics, and development of subordinates. Warrant Officer Candidates (WOC) need to identify WOBC class dates at
time of enrollment into WOCS. Applicants should go directly from WOCS to WOBC when possible. WOBC
should be completed within 18-months of initial appointment. Failure to complete WOBC within 24-months of
initial appointment may result in discharge from the ARNG.
Warrant Officer Advanced Course (WOAC)
WOAC, previously known as the Senior Warrant Officer Training (SWOT) Course. This training provides addi-
tional training for Warrant Officers serving at company and battalion levels. Until on or about 1 October 1998, the
WOAC is the only ARNG requirement for promotion to the grades of Chief Warrant Officer, W3 and W4. WOAC
training provides additional MOS training for Warrant Officers serving at the company and battalion level. It is a 2-
phase course consisting of ―
WOAC prerequisite studies phase. This is a mandatory distance learning (DL) course, which must be
completed prior to attending resident WOAC training. The Action Officer Development Course (AODC) was
adopted as the resource for this distance-learning course. It provides Warrant Officers serving in CW2 or higher
duty positions relevant training in topics such as management techniques, communication skills, preparing and
staffing documents, meetings and interviews, problem solving, writing, coordinating, briefings, and ethics. To
enroll go to the Army Training (and Education) Network (ATN):
WOAC resident phase. This course is administered and conducted by individual DA MOS Proponents.
Attendance at WOAC may be approved with a minimum of two-years TIG as a CW2. In addition to AODC, many
schools require completion of a WOAC DL class that must be completed at least 2-4 weeks prior to attendance to
the resident phase. Course requirements are determined in ATRRS for each MOS.
Warrant Officer Intermediate Level Education (WOILE)
WOILE is a professional development course. Only the Army Warrant Officer Career College (WOCC) at Fort
Rucker, AL teaches WOSC. It is conducted in two phases: Phase I - DL and Phase II – Resident. Phase I (DL)
must be completed at least 30-days prior to attendance of the resident phase. Phase II (resident) provides
intermediate level professional military education (PME) leader development. It provides instructions on tactical
and operational scenarios in a joint interagency, intergovernmental and multinational (JIIM) environment with a
strategic overview. History and Battle Analysis provides in-depth understanding of the military decision-making
process (MDMP), staff systems integrator-manager skills training and education. Knowledge Management and
Project Management, with associated PEs, reinforce the learning objectives. Assigned readings, an Observation,
Insights and Lessons learned paper (OIL), as well as MOS briefings, must be completed to round out the course
Warrant Officer Senior Staff Course (WOSSC)
The Warrant Officer Senior Staff Course (WOSSC) is the capstone for Warrant Officer PME. It is a 2-phase course
consisting of Phase I – DL and Phase II resident phase. Attendance to the WOSSC is limited to a CW4 assigned to a
10 September 2018
*NGR 600-101
senior Warrant Officer position (CW4/CW5) and has at least four-years TIG. Attendance to the WOSSC is to
enhance professional development at the strategic level. It does not mean the Warrant Officer has been projected for
assignment to a CW5 position or will be promoted to CW5. Enrollment to attend the WOSSC must be validated by
the State CCWO. This is verified by the DCSOPS when the application has been placed in ATRRS. Only the
WOCC teaches the WOSSC. The educational goal is to provide senior CW4s with the master-level education,
knowledge, and influential leadership skills necessary to apply their technical expertise in support of leaders on
strategic level JIIM staffs during full spectrum operations. The curriculum focuses on topics relevant to today’s
Army such as staff skills, training doctrine, force integration, leader development, contemporary operational
environment, insurgency, counterinsurgency, creative thinking, and critical thinking techniques.