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USDOJ Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Settlement Provisions:
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. and Wells Fargo & Company
In exchange for a full release of the United States’
potential civil claims under the
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (“SCRA”), 50 U.S.C. app. § 501, et seq., arising prior to the
date of this agreement against Servicer
with respect to the servicing of residential mortgages,
under the provisions of the SCRA related to (a) mortgage foreclosure and (b) the prohibition
against charging more than 6% interest on SCRA-covered mortgaged debt after a valid request
by a servicemember to lower the interest rate and receipt of orders, Servicer agrees to the
provisions set forth below.
I. Servicer shall comply with all the “Protections for Military Personnel” provisions in the
Settlement Agreement (“Article V”). In addition, Servicer shall undertake additional
remedial action and agree to the policy changes set forth below.
II. Compensation for Servicemembers and Co-Borrowers
a. Violations of Sections 533 and 521 of the SCRA related to completed
foreclosures on active duty servicemembers: Servicer will engage an independent
consultant whose duties shall include a review of all completed foreclosures from
January 1, 2006 to the present to evaluate whether the completed foreclosures
were in compliance with Sections 533 and 521 of the SCRA. Servicer shall
The following claims are specifically reserved and not released: Any action that may be taken by the appropriate
Federal Banking Agency (FBA), as defined in 12 U.S.C. § 1813(q), against Servicer, any of its affiliated entities,
and/or any institution-affiliated party of Servicer, as defined in 12 U.S.C. § 1813(u), pursuant to 12 U.S.C. § 1818,
and any action by the FBA to enforce the Consent Order issued against Servicer by the FBA on April 13, 2011.
For purposes of the agreement in this exhibit, “Servicer” shall mean Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. and Wells Fargo &
Company, and their successors and assignees in the event of a sale of all or substantially all of the mortgage
servicing related assets of (1) Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. or Wells Fargo & Company, or (2) any of Wells Fargo Bank,
N.A. or Wells Fargo & Company’s division(s) or major business unit(s) that are engaged in servicing residential
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propose an independent consultant and submit the independent consultant’s
proposed methodology to DOJ for approval within 30 days after the entry of this
agreement. The independent consultant shall begin its review within 30 days after
receiving the above-referenced approvals by DOJ. The independent consultant
shall submit the results of its review to DOJ within 150 days after it receives the
data necessary for its analysis from the Department of Defense’s Defense
Manpower Data Center (“DMDC”) providing relevant periods of military service
of borrowers for completed foreclosures from January 1, 2006 to present. Based
on the information gathered by the independent consultant, information submitted
by Servicer, and DOJ’s independent investigation, DOJ shall make the
determination reasonably based on the information it has received and its
investigative conclusions whether or not a completed foreclosure was in
compliance with the SCRA. In the event Servicer disagrees with the DOJ’s
determination, Servicer shall be afforded 30 days to produce evidence of
compliance, which DOJ shall consider in good faith. Where DOJ determines that
a foreclosure was not in compliance with the SCRA, Servicer shall compensate
the borrowers (i.e., any individual(s) who signed the note with respect to a
foreclosed property) by providing:
(1) an amount of $116,785.00 to the servicemember-borrower or an amount
consistent with what was provided under the OCC Consent Order Independent
Review Process for similar violations of Sections 533 or 521 of the SCRA,
whichever is higher;
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(2) any lost equity in the foreclosed property, as calculated by: subtracting:
(a) any outstanding principal, interest, and other amounts owing by the
borrowers (excluding any fees associated with foreclosure) plus any
junior liens at the time of foreclosure and any disbursements made to
the servicemember or a third party other than a junior lien holder from
the proceeds of the foreclosure sale (exclusive of any fees associated
with the foreclosure) from
(b) Either:
i. a contemporaneous appraisal reflecting the value of the
home at the time of foreclosure;
ii. a BPO or other desktop determination of property valuation
that results in property valuations reasonably consistent
with those contained in contemporaneous appraisals; or
iii. a retroactive appraisal reflecting the value of the home at
the time of foreclosure; and
(3) interest accrued on this lost equity, calculated from the date of the foreclosure
sale until the date payment is issued, at the rate set forth in 28 U.S.C. § 1961.
While the amount described in subsection (1) shall be paid entirely to the
servicemember-borrower on the note securing the mortgage, the amounts
Before Servicer may rely on a BPO or desktop determination for purposes of this subsection, Servicer must first
obtain DOJ approval that the methodology for the BPO or desktop determination results in property valuations
reasonably consistent with a contemporaneous appraisal. DOJ shall not unreasonably withhold such approval.
The independent consultant shall calculate the lost equity and interest described herein as part of its review.
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described in subsections (2) and (3) shall be distributed among all owners
(including non-servicemember owners) on the deed.
In cases where Servicer has
already taken remedial actions with respect to a foreclosure which DOJ
determines did not comply with Sections 533 or 521 of the SCRA, DOJ shall
consider such remedial actions and adjust the compensation to be awarded to the
subject borrower or mortgagor.
DOJ will submit lists or electronic links to, the
Servicer identifying servicemembers or co-borrowers to be compensated, and
Servicer must notify each identified servicemember or co-borrower (using best
efforts to locate each person) by letter (using Exhibit 1 or a modified version
mutually agreeable to Servicer and DOJ) within 45 days of receiving this list.
Any letters returned with forwarding addresses must be promptly mailed to the
forwarding address. Servicer shall issue and mail compensation checks no later
than 21 days after receipt of a signed release from the servicemember or co-
borrower aggrieved person. Every 6 months for a period of two years following
entry of this agreement, Servicer shall provide the DOJ with an accounting of all
releases received, checks issued (including copies of issued checks), credit entries
If information is available regarding percentages of ownership interest in the subject property, the amounts
described in subsections (2) and (3) will be distributed in amounts proportionate to the ownership interests.
Otherwise, amounts described in subsections (2) and (3) will be distributed equally among owners.
In determining the amount of compensation due to any servicemember or co-borrower pursuant to Subsection II.a,
DOJ will credit any monetary compensation or other remediation efforts, including returning the home to the
borrower, already provided to any servicemember or co-borrower for alleged compliance issues pursuant to Sections
533 or 521 of the SCRA and arising from the same mortgage. In the event that a servicemember located through
the OCC Independent Consultant review process elects to receive the return of his or her home in lieu of a flat fee
damages payment pursuant to the OCC Consent Order remediation plan (which payment shall not be less than the
amount provided in Section II.a.(1))for violations of Sections 533 or 521 of the SCRA and arising from the same
mortgage, the servicemember shall be compensated pursuant to the terms of the OCC Consent Order remediation
plan rather than Section II.a of this agreement.
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repaired, and notifications without responses or that were returned as
b. Violations of Section 527 of the SCRA related to failing to limit interest rates to
6% on SCRA-covered mortgage debt: Servicer will engage an independent
consultant whose duties shall include a review of either all or a sample of
mortgage loans where a borrower on the note securing the mortgage submitted a
request either orally or in writing for protection under Section 527 of the SCRA
from January 1, 2008 – present to evaluate whether the Servicer complied with
Section 527 of the SCRA. The DOJ shall determine whether a sample or a
comprehensive review, or some combination thereof, would be more appropriate
to locate potential violations by the Servicer. The consultant’s methodology must
be submitted to DOJ for approval within 60 days after entry of this agreement.
DOJ’s approval of the methodology will be based on, among other things, DOJ’s
evaluation of the Servicer’s SCRA policies in and around the time period in
question, Servicer’s search capabilities for determining which individuals
requested, either orally or in writing, interest rate protections based on their
military status, the servicing platform, and the number of individuals who
requested such protection. The consultant shall submit the results of its review
within 180 days after DOJ’s approval of the methodology. Based on the
information gathered by the consultant, information submitted by the Servicer,
and DOJ’s independent investigation, DOJ shall make the determination,
reasonably based on the information it has received and its investigative
conclusions, whether or not potential violations of Section 527 occurred. In the
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event Servicer disagrees with the DOJ’s determination, Servicer shall be afforded
30 days to produce evidence of compliance, which DOJ shall consider in good
faith. Where DOJ determines that a mortgage loan was not serviced in
compliance with Section 527, Servicer shall: (1) refund (with interest, as
calculated pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1961) all interest and fees charged above 6%;
and (2) provide an additional payment of $500 or triple the amount of the refund
referenced in subsection (1), whichever amount is larger.
The compensation
described in subsection (1) shall be distributed equally among all borrowers
(including non-servicemember borrowers) on the note secured by the mortgage.
The compensation described in subsection (2) shall be paid entirely to the
servicemember. In cases where Servicer has already taken remedial actions with
respect to a mortgage which DOJ determines did not comply with Section 527 of
the SCRA, DOJ shall consider such remedial actions and adjust the compensation
to be awarded to the subject servicemember, borrower, or mortgagor.
DOJ will
submit lists or electronic links to the Servicer of identified servicemembers or co-
borrowers to be compensated, and Servicer must notify each identified
servicemember or co-borrower (using best efforts to locate each person) by letter
(using Exhibit 2 or a modified version mutually agreeable to Servicer and DOJ)
within 60 days of receiving this list of servicemembers or co-borrowers to be
compensated. Any letters returned with forwarding addresses must be promptly
The independent consultant shall calculate the amounts described herein as part of its review.
In determining whether any compensation is due to any servicemember or co-borrower pursuant to Subsection
II.b, and, if so, ,the amount DOJ will consider the timing of any remedial actions and will credit any monetary
compensation already provided to any servicemember or co-borrower for alleged compliance issues pursuant to
Section 527 of the SCRA and arising from the same mortgage, and/or provided under the OCC Consent Order
Independent Consultant review process for violations of Section 527 of the SCRA and arising from the same
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mailed to the forwarding address. Servicer shall issue and mail compensation
checks no later than 21 days of receipt of a signed release from the
servicemember or co-borrower aggrieved person. Every 6 months for a period of
two years following entry of this agreement, Servicer shall provide the DOJ with
an accounting of all releases received, checks issued (including copies of issued
checks), credit entries repaired, and notifications without responses or that were
returned as undeliverable.
c. Concurrent with providing financial compensation to the servicemember-
borrower, Servicer must request that all three major credit bureaus remove
negative entries for the servicemember(s) and any co-borrower(s) attributable
specifically to the wrongful foreclosure or interest overcharges and Servicer shall
not pursue, and must indemnify the servicemember and his or her co-borrower(s)
against any third-party pursuing, any deficiency that was remaining on the
servicemember’s SCRA-protected mortgage or junior lien after a foreclosure was
completed in violation of the SCRA.
d. Servicer shall have 10 days after DOJ’s final determination that a foreclosure was
not in compliance with the SCRA or a mortgage loan was not serviced in
compliance with Section 527, to seek judicial review on the ground that DOJ
made a clearly erroneous factual determination.
III. SCRA Compliance Policies
a. Servicer shall submit SCRA mortgage foreclosure-related policies to DOJ for
review and approval. If the Servicer decides to make a material modification to
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these policies, Servicer will provide the modified policies for review and
approval. DOJ will advise Servicer of the results of DOJ’s review within 60 days
of receipt of a complete submission of all SCRA mortgage foreclosure-related
policies and any subsequent material modifications. In addition to the areas
covered under the “Protection of Military Personnel” provisions in the attached
document, these policies must address:
i. Prior to referring a loan to foreclosure, the Servicer shall review any orders
it has received from borrowers
and check borrowers’ names and social
security numbers against the DMDC website as provided in the
“Protections of Military Personnel” provisions in the Settlement
ii. If Servicer pursues a foreclosure action in court and the borrower fails to
answer the action, Servicer and/or its agent will file a military affidavit
with the court as required by Section 521(b)(1)(A). After the borrower
fails to answer and prior to seeking entry of default, Servicer and/or its
agent will query the DMDC and review information in its possession or
control for orders to determine if the borrower is on active duty. If
Servicer and/or its agent learns that the borrower is on active duty or was
on active duty at the time of his or her failure to answer Servicer and/or its
agent will file an affidavit stating that “the defendant is in military service”
or “was in military service at the time of his or her failure to answer” prior
For the purposes of locating orders to be reviewed pursuant to Sections III.a.i and III.a.ii of this agreement, it shall
be sufficient for the Servicer to flag or code accounts upon receipt of orders and rely on that system.
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to seeking default judgment and attaching the most recent certificate of
service from the DMDC or a copy of the military orders.
iii. If Servicer initiates and pursues a waiver under a written agreement as
provided in Section 517 of the SCRA, Servicer must initiate the waiver
process with the servicemember at least 30 days in advance of any
anticipated foreclosure sale date by sending a notice and a copy of the
proposed waiver to the servicemember. To the extent Servicer exercises
this right, Servicer shall utilize a notice and proposed waiver in the form
attached as Exhibit 3. This provision may be modified based on changes in
servicing requirements from government-sponsored entities or the
Department of Housing and Urban Development.
b. Servicer shall submit SCRA mortgage loan interest rate-related policies to DOJ
for review and approval. If the Servicer decides to make a material modification
to these policies, Servicer will provide the modified policies for review and
approval. DOJ will advise Servicer of the results of DOJ’s review within 60 days
of receipt of a complete submission of all SCRA mortgage loan interest rate-
related policies and any subsequent material modifications. In addition to the
areas covered under Article V of the Settlement Agreement, these policies must
i. Servicer shall accept servicemembers' requests for reduced mortgage
interest rates pursuant to the SCRA via electronic mail, facsimile, U.S.
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Mail, Federal Express or other overnight/express delivery to facsimile
numbers and addresses designated by the Servicer. Within six months after
entry of this agreement, Servicer shall also accept servicemembers’
requests for reduced mortgage interest rates pursuant to the SCRA via in-
person delivery at the Servicer’s full-service branch locations, should the
Servicer maintain branch locations.
ii. When a servicemember requests interest rate relief under the SCRA,
Servicer shall accept orders as defined in the Settlement Agreement or any
other document that the DOD shall deem sufficient as a substitute for
official orders.
iii. Servicer shall seek only orders identifying the beginning date of the
applicable period of military service from the requesting servicemember
and may not condition providing SCRA benefits on the servicemember
submitting orders that include an end date.
iv. Before concluding that the SCRA permits raising the interest rate on the
servicemember's loan higher than six percent, the Servicer shall access the
DMDC website to determine the dates, where available, of active duty
military service of those servicemembers who request reduced interest rates
pursuant to the SCRA. If DMDC indicates that the individual is still on
active duty, the Servicer must continue to limit the charges pursuant to
Section 527 of the SCRA.
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v. For those servicemembers who request a reduced interest rate pursuant to
the SCRA, but are determined not to be eligible for the reduced rate,
Servicer shall notify the servicemembers in writing of the reasons for the
denial and that they may provide additional documentation or information
to establish eligibility for the reduced interest rate.
c. In the event that DOJ requires a change or modification pursuant to this
agreement that is in conflict with a policy required by the appropriate Federal
Banking Agency (FBA), as defined in 12 U.S.C. § 1813(q), under the Consent
Order issued against the Servicer by the FBA on April 13, 2011, and the FBA will
not consent to the change, DOJ shall meet and confer with the FBA to resolve the
conflict. Nothing in this agreement prevents DOJ from requiring Servicer to
adopt policies that provide additional protections beyond the policies required by
the FBA.
IV. Training and Monitoring Program
a. Within 45 days after entry of this agreement, Servicer shall provide its proposed
training on the SCRA and this settlement to DOJ for approval. After receiving
DOJ’s approval, Servicer shall provide and require training on the SCRA and this
settlement for employees (including management officials): (1) providing
customer service to servicemembers, (2) involved in mortgage servicing,
including adjusting interest rates for mortgage loans, or (3) with significant
involvement in the foreclosure process, within 60 days of DOJ’s approval (if
already employed in such a position), or within 30 days of his or her hiring,
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promotion, or transfer. Servicer shall also obtain confirmation from third-party
vendors, law firms, and/or trustee companies involved in conducting foreclosures
that their employees who are involved in the foreclosure process have been
trained on their obligations to comply with this settlement and the SCRA.
b. Servicer shall implement a monitoring program approved by DOJ designed to
ensure compliance with this settlement and the SCRA. At a minimum,
monitoring will include a quarterly report to be submitted to DOJ
within 60 days
after the end of each quarter containing an analysis of a sample of foreclosures
and a sample of mortgages where a borrower or mortgagor submitted orders
seeking protection under Section 527 of the SCRA to determine compliance with
the SCRA and this settlement. If Servicer learns that despite the policies required
by Section III a violation of Section 521, 527 or 533 has occurred, Servicer will
take corrective action as set forth in Section II of this agreement.
V. Term of Agreement
This agreement shall retain full force and effect for three and one-half years from
the date it is entered (the “Term”). Servicer’s obligation pursuant to Section III to
submit quarterly reports and DOJ’s review of the same shall continue for the six
months following the Term, after which time Servicer shall have no further
obligations under this agreement.
All materials required by this Order to be sent to the Department of Justice shall be sent by commercial overnight
delivery service addressed as follows: Chief, Housing and Civil Enforcement Section, Civil Rights Division, U.S.
Department of Justice, 1800 G Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20006, Attn: DJ 216-16-4..
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Name of Servicemember
123 Main Street
City, State Zip code
Re: Loan Number [Insert]
Dear [Servicemember]:
We write to inform you that ________________ (the Bank), entered into a settlement on
_______________, with the United States Department of Justice regarding alleged violations of
the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). This settlement resolves the Department of
Justices allegations that the Bank foreclosed on properties without approval by a court when the
SCRA required that the foreclosures be approved by a court.
In connection with this settlement, the Department of Justice identified you as a person
who may be eligible for financial compensation with respect to your loan [add loan number(s)].
Please read and carefully review the declaration attached to this letter. If it is accurate, please
sign and return to us the release and declaration attached to this letter in the enclosed postage
paid envelope. After we receive these documents, we will send you a check in the amount of
[insert amount]. This amount includes any equity remaining in your home at the time of the
foreclosure and monetary damages. In addition, the Bank will request that all major credit
bureaus remove any negative entries on your credit report resulting from the foreclosure. This
release and declaration must be returned by __________.
You should be aware that the money you are eligible to receive may have consequences
with respect to your federal, state, or local tax liability, as well as eligibility for any public
assistance benefits you may receive. Neither the Bank nor the Department of Justice can advise
you on tax liability or any effect on public assistance benefits. You may wish to consult with a
qualified individual or organization about any possible tax or other consequences resulting from
your receipt of this payment.
If you have any questions concerning the declaration, release or settlement or if anyone
seeks to collect a debt arising from your mortgage, please contact [Insert Independent Consultant
Name] at [Insert Contact Information including a phone number].
We deeply appreciate your service to our country. We are committed to serving the
financial needs of our customers who serve in the military, and we regret any error that may have
occurred on your account.
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Enclosures: Release and Declaration
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In consideration for the partiesagreement to the terms of the Consent Order entered
in_________________________________ , and the Defendants payment to me of
$______________, pursuant to the Consent Order, I hereby release and forever discharge all
claims, arising prior to the entrance of this Order, related to the facts at issue in the litigation
referenced above and related to the alleged violations of Section 533 of the Servicemembers
Civil Relief Act, that I may have against the Defendant, all related entities, parents, predecessors,
successors, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and all of its past and present directors, officers, agents,
managers, supervisors, shareholders and employees and their heirs, executors, administrators,
successors or assigns.
Executed this day of , 20 .
Print Name
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Name of Co-borrower
123 Main Street
City, State Zip code
Re: Loan Number [Insert]
Dear [Co-borrower]:
We write to inform you that ________________ (the Bank), entered into a settlement on
_______________, with the Department of Justice regarding alleged violations of the
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). This settlement resolves the Department of Justices
allegations that the Bank foreclosed on properties without approval by a court when the SCRA
required that the foreclosures be approved by a court.
In connection with this settlement, the Department of Justice identified you as a person
who may be eligible for financial compensation with respect to your loan [add loan number(s)].
If you sign and return to us the release attached to this letter in the enclosed postage paid
envelope and your co-borrower signs and returns the declaration and release that will be sent
separately to your co-borrower, we will send you a check in the amount of [insert amount]. This
amount represents your portion of any equity remaining in your home at the time of the
foreclosure. In addition, the Bank will request that all major credit bureaus remove any negative
entries on your credit report attributable to the foreclosure.
To receive this payment, you must return the attached release within six months of the
date of receipt of this letter. The release, if signed, releases any claim to lost equity that you may
have under Section 533 of the SCRA; however, it does not release any other claim you may have
under the SCRA, including Section 533, or other laws.
You should be aware that the money you are eligible to receive may have consequences
with respect to your federal, state, or local tax liability, as well as eligibility for any public
assistance benefits you may receive. Neither the Bank nor the Department of Justice can advise
you on tax liability or any effect on public assistance benefits. You may wish to consult with a
qualified individual or organization about any possible tax or other consequences resulting from
your receipt of this payment.
If you have any questions concerning the release or settlement or if anyone seeks to
collect a debt arising from your mortgage, please contact [Insert Independent Consultant Name]
at [Insert Contact Information including a phone number].
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We are committed to serving the financial needs of our customers who serve in the
military, and we regret any error that may have occurred on your account.
Enclosure: Release
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In consideration for the partiesagreement to the terms of the Consent Order entered
in_________________________________ , and the Defendants payment to me of
$______________, pursuant to the Consent Order, I hereby release and forever discharge any
claim under Section 533 of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act for lost equity in the property
related to the litigation referenced above and arising prior to the entrance of this Order, that I
may have against the Defendant, all related entities, parents, predecessors, successors,
subsidiaries, and affiliates, and all of its past and present directors, officers, agents, managers,
supervisors, shareholders and employees and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors or
Executed this day of , 20 .
Print Name
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Name of Servicemember
123 Main Street
City, State Zip code
Re: Loan Number [Insert]
Dear [Servicemember]:
We write to inform you that ________________ (the Bank), entered into a settlement on
_______________, with the United States Department of Justice regarding alleged violations of
the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). This settlement resolves the Department of
Justices allegations that the Bank foreclosed on servicemembers through default court
proceedings without filing accurate affidavits notifying the court of the servicemembersmilitary
In connection with this settlement, the Department of Justice identified you as a person
who may be eligible for financial compensation with respect to your loan [add loan number(s)].
Please read and carefully review the declaration attached to this letter. If it is accurate, please
sign and return to us the release and declaration attached to this letter in the enclosed postage
paid envelope. After we receive these documents, we will send you a check in the amount of
[insert amount]. This amount includes your portion of any equity remaining in your home at the
time of the foreclosure and monetary damages. In addition, the Bank will request that all major
credit bureaus remove any negative entries on your credit report resulting from the foreclosure.
This release and declaration must be returned by __________.
You should be aware that the money you are eligible to receive may have consequences
with respect to your federal, state, or local tax liability, as well as eligibility for any public
assistance benefits you may receive. Neither the Bank nor the Department of Justice can advise
you on tax liability or any effect on public assistance benefits. You may wish to consult with a
qualified individual or organization about any possible tax or other consequences resulting from
your receipt of this payment.
If you have any questions concerning the declaration, release or settlement or if anyone
seeks to collect a debt arising from your mortgage, please contact [Insert Independent Consultant
Name] at [Insert Contact Information including a phone number].
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We deeply appreciate your service to our country. We are committed to serving the
financial needs of our customers who serve in the military, and we regret any error that may have
occurred on your account.
Enclosures: Release and Declaration
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In consideration for the partiesagreement to the terms of the Consent Order entered
in_________________________________ , and the Defendants payment to me of
$______________, pursuant to the Consent Order, I hereby release and forever discharge all
claims, arising prior to the entrance of this Order, related to the facts at issue in the litigation
referenced above and related to the alleged violations of Section 521 of the Servicemembers
Civil Relief Act, that I may have against the Defendant, all related entities, parents, predecessors,
successors, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and all of its past and present directors, officers, agents,
managers, supervisors, shareholders and employees and their heirs, executors, administrators,
successors or assigns.
Executed this day of , 20 .
Print Name
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Name of Co-borrower
123 Main Street
City, State Zip code
Re: Loan Number [Insert]
Dear [Co-borrower]:
We write to inform you that ________________ (the Bank), entered into a settlement on
_______________, with the United States Department of Justice regarding alleged violations of
the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). This settlement resolves the Department of
Justices allegations that the Bank foreclosed on servicemembers through default court
proceedings without filing accurate affidavits notifying the court of the servicemembersmilitary
In connection with this settlement, the Department of Justice identified you as a person
who may be eligible for financial compensation with respect to your loan [add loan number(s)].
If you sign and return to us the release attached to this letter in the enclosed postage paid
envelope and your co-borrower signs and returns the declaration and release that will be sent
separately to your co-borrower, we will send you a check in the amount of [insert amount]. This
amount represents your portion of any equity remaining in your home at the time of the
foreclosure. In addition, the Bank will request that all major credit bureaus remove any negative
entries on your credit report attributable to the foreclosure.
To receive this payment, you must return the attached release within six months of the
date of receipt of this letter. The release, if signed, releases any claim to lost equity that you may
have under Section 521 of the SCRA; however, it does not release any other claim you may have
under the SCRA, including Section 521, or other laws.
You should be aware that the money you are eligible to receive may have consequences
with respect to your federal, state, or local tax liability, as well as eligibility for any public
assistance benefits you may receive. Neither the Bank nor the Department of Justice can advise
you on tax liability or any effect on public assistance benefits. You may wish to consult with a
qualified individual or organization about any possible tax or other consequences resulting from
your receipt of this payment.
If you have any questions concerning the release or settlement or if anyone seeks to
collect a debt arising from your mortgage, please contact [Insert Independent Consultant Name]
at [Insert Contact Information including a phone number].
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We are committed to serving the financial needs of our customers who serve in the
military, and we regret any error that may have occurred on your account.
Enclosure: Release
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In consideration for the partiesagreement to the terms of the Consent Order entered
in_________________________________ , and the Defendants payment to me of
$______________, pursuant to the Consent Order, I hereby release and forever discharge any
claim under Section 521 of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act for lost equity in the property
related to the litigation referenced above and arising prior to the entrance of this Order, that I
may have against the Defendant, all related entities, parents, predecessors, successors,
subsidiaries, and affiliates, and all of its past and present directors, officers, agents, managers,
supervisors, shareholders and employees and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors or
Executed this day of , 20 .
Print Name
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Name of Servicemember
123 Main Street
City, State Zip code
Re: Loan Number [Insert]
Dear [Servicemember]:
We write to inform you that ________________ (the Bank), entered into a settlement on
_______________, with the United States Department of Justice regarding alleged violations of
the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). This settlement resolves the Department of
Justices allegations that the Bank charged servicemembers interest higher than six percent on
mortgage loans that the servicemembers originated prior to entering active duty, despite
receiving requests for interest rate relief and orders.
In connection with this settlement, the Department of Justice identified you as a person
who may be eligible for financial compensation with respect to your loan [add loan number(s)].
Please read and carefully review the declaration attached to this letter. If it is accurate, please
sign and return to us the release and declaration attached to this letter in the enclosed postage
paid envelope. After we receive these documents, we will send you a check in the amount of
[insert amount]. This amount includes any interest charges in excess of six percent and monetary
damages. In addition, the Bank will request that all major credit bureaus remove any negative
entries on your credit report resulting from the higher interest rate. This release and declaration
must be returned by __________ .
You should be aware that the money you are eligible to receive may have consequences
with respect to your federal, state, or local tax liability, as well as eligibility for any public
assistance benefits you may receive. Neither the Bank nor the Department of Justice can advise
you on tax liability or any effect on public assistance benefits. You may wish to consult with a
qualified individual or organization about any possible tax or other consequences resulting from
your receipt of this payment.
If you have any questions concerning the declaration, release or settlement, please contact
[Insert Independent Consultant Name] at [Insert Contact Information including a phone number].
We deeply appreciate your service to our country. We are committed to serving the
financial needs of our customers who serve in the military, and we regret any error that may have
occurred on your account.
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Enclosures: Release and Declaration
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In consideration for the partiesagreement to the terms of the Consent Order entered
in_________________________________ , and the Defendants payment to me of
$______________, pursuant to the Consent Order, I hereby release and forever discharge all
claims, arising prior to the entrance of this Order, related to the facts at issue in the litigation
referenced above and related to the alleged violation of Section 527 of the Servicemembers Civil
Relief Act, that I may have against the Defendant, all related entities, parents, predecessors,
successors, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and all of its past and present directors, officers, agents,
managers, supervisors, shareholders and employees and their heirs, executors, administrators,
successors or assigns.
Executed this day of , 20 .
Print Name
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Name of Co-borrower
123 Main Street
City, State Zip code
Re: Loan Number [Insert]
Dear [Co-borrower]:
We write to inform you that ________________ (“the Bank”), entered into a settlement
on _______________, with the Department of Justice regarding alleged violations of the
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (“SCRA”). This settlement resolves the Department of
Justice’s allegations that the Bank charged servicemembers interest higher than six percent on
mortgage loans that the servicemembers originated prior to entering active duty, despite
receiving requests for interest rate relief and orders.
In connection with this settlement, the Department of Justice identified you as a person
who may be eligible for financial compensation with respect to your loan [add loan number(s)].
If you sign and return to us the release attached to this letter in the enclosed postage paid
envelope and your co-borrower signs and returns the declaration and release that will be sent
separately to your co-borrower, we will send you a check in the amount of [insert amount]. This
amount represents your portion of any interest charges in excess of six percent. In addition, the
Bank will request that all major credit bureaus remove any negative entries on your credit report
attributable to the higher interest rate.
To receive this payment, you must return the attached release within six months of the
date of receipt of this letter. The release, if signed, releases any claim to the return of excess
interest that you may have under Section 527 of the SCRA; however, it does not release any
other claim you may have under the SCRA, including Section 527, or other laws.
You should be aware that the money you are eligible to receive may have consequences
with respect to your federal, state, or local tax liability, as well as eligibility for any public
assistance benefits you may receive. Neither the Bank nor the Department of Justice can advise
you on tax liability or any effect on public assistance benefits. You may wish to consult with a
qualified individual or organization about any possible tax or other consequences resulting from
your receipt of this payment.
If you have any questions concerning the release or settlement, please contact [Insert
Independent Consultant Name] at [Insert Contact Information including a phone number].
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We are committed to serving the financial needs of our customers who serve in the
military, and we regret any error that may have occurred on your account.
Enclosure: Release
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In consideration for the parties’ agreement to the terms of the Consent Order entered
in_________________________________ , and the Defendant’s payment to me of
$______________, pursuant to the Consent Order, I hereby release and forever discharge any
claim under Section 527 of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act for the return of excess interest
for my loan, ___________[insert loan number], related to the litigation referenced above and
arising prior to the entrance of this Order, that I may have against the Defendant, all related
entities, parents, predecessors, successors, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and all of its past and
present directors, officers, agents, managers, supervisors, shareholders and employees and their
heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns.
Executed this day of , 20 .
Print Name
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Attached to this notice you will find a waiver of rights and protections that may be applicable to
you and your dependents pursuant to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 50 App. U.S.C. §
501, et seq. (the “SCRA”). The SCRA provides military personnel and their dependents with a
wide range of legal and financial protections. Among other benefits and protections, the SCRA:
Upon request by the servicemember, imposes a maximum rate of interest that may
be charged on debt obligations incurred by an eligible servicemember before the
servicemember began his or her current military service.
May restrict or prohibit the sale, foreclosure, or seizure of real estate pursuant to a
pre-service debt obligation, except where the lender has obtained a valid court
order approving the sale, foreclosure, or seizure of the real estate.
May prohibit a landlord or lender from evicting a servicemember or the
servicemember’s dependents from his/her residence, except where the lender has
obtained a valid court order approving the eviction.
May, in a court action, give the servicemember the right to postpone the case
under certain conditions.
May, in a court action, give the servicemember the right to have the terms of the
mortgage obligation adjusted under certain conditions.
[Judicial State / Non-Judicial State Paragraph - Insert Applicable Paragraph]
[Judicial State] If you choose to sign the waiver, the bank will have the option to proceed with a
foreclosure, sale and eviction without the protections of the SCRA. If you do not sign this
waiver, the Bank will be required to provide you the protections of the SCRA. You may be able
to seek a postponement of any foreclosure or eviction action, and, in the case of foreclosure, an
adjustment of the mortgage obligation. Additionally, the court should take steps to ensure that a
judgment is not entered against you if you are unable to appear.
[Non-Judicial State] If you choose to sign the waiver, the bank will have the option to proceed
with a foreclosure, sale and eviction without going to court. If you do not sign this waiver, the
bank will be required to obtain a court order in order to foreclose (if you incurred your debt
before you went into military service) or to evict you from your home. You may be able to seek
a postponement of any foreclosure or eviction action, and, in the case of foreclosure, an
adjustment of the mortgage obligation. Additionally, the court should take steps to ensure that a
judgment is not entered against you if you are unable to appear.
Before waiving these important statutory rights, you should consult an attorney regarding
how best to exercise your rights or whether it is in your interest to waive these rights under
the conditions offered by the bank.
As an alternative to foreclosure, the bank may offer its borrowers the options of pursuing a short
sale of their property or executing a deed in lieu of foreclosure. Borrowers in default may find
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these options to be preferable to foreclosure. Any negotiation for a short sale or deed in lieu of
foreclosure is not a threat of current or future litigation, and should not be considered as such.
For More Information:
ONSULT AN ATTORNEY: To fully understand your rights under the law, and
before waiving your rights, you should consult an attorney.
EGAL ASSISTANCE: Servicemembers and their dependents with questions
about the SCRA should contact their unit’s Judge Advocate, or their installation’s
Legal Assistance Officer. A military legal assistance office locator for all
branches of the Armed Forces is available at
ILITARY ONESOURCE: “Military OneSource” is the U.S. Department of
Defense’s information resource. Go to
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I ______(NAME)_____ am a [servicemember] [dependent of ______(NAME)_______, a
servicemember], and I am aware that I have protections available to me under the
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). This includes, but is not limited to, legal rights
relating to the property securing my mortgage loan, including protection against a sale,
foreclosure, seizure, eviction or unlawful detainer action related to the property listed below.
I acknowledge that:
By signing this waiver, I am waiving the SCRA protections related to the property
listed above, including any protections against a sale, foreclosure, seizure,
eviction or unlawful detainer action, as well as relating to the right of redemption.
This waiver applies to any form of proceeding or transaction through which
someone else receives ownership and/or possession of the property securing my
loan, including a foreclosure short sale, deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, cash-for-keys,
etc. This waiver applies not only to any such proceedings or transactions that are
in process at the time I sign this waiver, but also to proceedings or transactions
that are started after I sign this waiver.
The above described property secures my mortgage loan, account number:
In exchange for waiving my SCRA rights with respect to this property, the Bank
has agreed to provide _____________ (insert one - a short sale, cash for keys
agreement, deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, or other valuable consideration). This
waiver does not become effective until _____________ (insert item listed above)
is executed and completed. If for any reason, the __________ (insert item listed
above) is not executed and completed, this waiver shall become null and void.
Subject to the above provisions, I hereby waive and give up the right to these protections under
the SCRA with respect to the above listed property and any right I may have had to a stay of
proceedings or adjustment of the mortgage obligation in a foreclosure action.
__________________________________ Date:_____________________
Printed Name
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