eport of the Chief Fire Officer
THAT the Authority approves the Pay Policy Statement for the
financial year 2019/2020.
To inform the Authority of the new 2% local government
employee pay rates (appendix 1D)
To inform the Authority that there has been a restructure to the
pay spine to ensure that no local government employee earns
less than the Living Wage
To inform the Authority that WMFS gender pay gap
information has been published on the government website
This report is submitted for the Authority to approve the Pay Policy
Statement for the financial year 2019/2020.
3.1 Section 38 (1) of The Localism Act 2011 requires Fire and Rescue
Authorities to produce a Pay Policy Statement for each financial
year. The proposed Pay Policy Statement 2019/2020 is set out at
Appendix 1 of this report.
3.2 A Pay Policy Statement is expected to comply with the following
3.2.1 a relevant Authority must prepare a Pay Policy Statement
for each financial year.
3.2.2 a Pay Policy Statement for a financial year must set out
the Authority’s policies for the financial year relating to the
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remuneration of its Chief Officers.
3.2.3 the statement must include the Authority’s policies
relating to:-
(a) decisions on any pay, remuneration or severance
packages of Chief Officer roles and/or packages of
£100,000 or more being submitted to the Fire
(b) remuneration of Chief Officers on recruitment;
(c) increases and additions to remuneration for each
Chief Officer;
(d) the use of performance related pay for Chief Officers;
(e) the use of bonuses for Chief Officers;
(f) the approach to the payment of Chief Officers on their
ceasing to hold office under or to be employed by the
(g) the publication of and access to information relating
to the remuneration of Chief Officers;
3.2.4 in addition it must detail:
(a) the remuneration of its Chief Officers;
(b) the remuneration of its lowest-paid employees;
(c) the relationship between the renumeration of its
Chief Officers and all other employees. Appendix 1D
3.2.5 a Pay Policy Statement for a financial year may also set out
the Authority’s policies for the financial year relating to the
other terms and conditions applying to the Authority’s Chief
3.3 The term Chief Officer refers to those defined within the Localism
Act. For West Midlands Fire and Rescue Authority this covers the
posts of Chief Fire Officer, Deputy Chief Fire Officer and Assistant
Chief Fire Officer (Service Delivery).
3.4 The term ‘lowest paid employees’ is defined as a full time
employee on the bottom scale column point of the Green Book
pay scale and the lowest paid role for Grey Book employees.
These are the lowest paid employees other than apprenticeships
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which are paid less to reflect the nature of the training and
development role.
3.5 There are supplementary provisions relating to statements as
3.5.1 a relevant Authority’s Pay Policy Statement must be
approved by a resolution of the Authority before it comes
into force.
3.5.2 the statement must be prepared and approved before
the end of 31
March 2019.
3.5.3 each subsequent statement must be prepared and
approved before the end of 31
March immediately
proceeding the financial year to which it relates.
3.5.4 a relevant Authority may by resolution amend its
Pay Policy Statement, including after the beginning of
the financial year to which it relates.
3.5.5 as soon as is reasonably practicable after approving or
amending a Pay Policy Statement, the Authority must
publish the statement or the amended statement in such
manner as it thinks fit, which must include publication on
the Authority’s website.
3.6 There is a two-track approach for determining levels of pay for
Chief Officer roles. At national level, the National Joint Council
(NJC) shall review annually the level of pay increase applicable
to all those covered by this agreement. In doing so, the NJC will
consider affordability, other relevant pay deals and the rate of
inflation at the appropriate date. Any increase agreed by the
NJC will be communicated to Fire Authorities by circular.
3.7 Other decisions about the level of pay and remuneration to be
awarded to individual Chief Officer roles will be taken by the
local Fire Authority. (Advice on the implementation of a local
salary structure is contained within the Pay Policy Statement.)
3.8 Authorities are also required to produce information on the
salaries of their Chief Officers and the names. This is included in
the Statement of Accounts and also on the internet site
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3.9 If readers are to understand the information being presented
to them, they need to have an appreciation of the wider context
affecting the organisation. To this end the guidance requires the
West Midlands Fire Service to include some contextual
information such as a description of what it does, total spend,
budget responsibility, job descriptions and person specifications.
3.10 The information referred to above, including the expenses paid to
Chief Officers, is also available on the West Midlands Fire
Service website at www.wmfs.net.
3.11 As part of this report the Authority are also publishing their
approach to the use of discretionary arrangements in relation to
the Local Government Pension Scheme. During the current year
evolving case law may see changes to these policies which will
be published.
The mean gender pay gap is the difference between the average
hourly rate of pay for male and female employees.
When considering all employees, the mean gender pay gap as at
March 2018 is 10.4% or £1.57 per hour. This is a narrower
gap than the 14.2% reported for 2017.
The pay gap for operational employees (including Fire Control) is
4.7%. This has increased slightly from 2.8% due to the number of
female recruits employed in the reporting period. The gap for
support staff employees is 18.6% which has narrowed from 34.9%
reported for 2017.
The average hourly rate for female support staff has increased due
to 23 female staff increasing their grade, compared to 9 male staff.
More information is available on the government website.
In preparing this report an initial Equality Impact Assessment is not
required as there is no direct impact on individuals in setting out the
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Authority’s pay policy statements. Equality Impact Assessments will
be carried out on individual processes and decisions taken in the
application of the pay policy statement.
6.1 The recommendations provided enable West Midlands Fire and
Rescue Authority to continue to comply with the relevant sections
of the Localism Act and demonstrate its support for the
Government’s Public Sector Pay Policy.
6.2 To comply with the Localism Act 2011, the West Midlands Fire
and Rescue Authority must approve the Authority’s Pay Policy
Statement before 31
March 2019. The Service will then
complete a review of the Pay Policy Statement each year which
must be approved by the Authority before 31
March each year.
This is not a matter for consultation with the trade unions.
The Pay Policy Statement will be shared with the Trade Unions
for information following approval at the Authority meeting on
18 February 2019.
There are no direct financial implications arising from this report.
Localism Act 2011
The contact name for this report is Philip Hales, Deputy Chief Fire Officer,
0121 380 6907.
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March 2019
People Support Services
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Pay Policy Statement 2019/2020 9-14
Appendix 1A Statement of Policy - LGPS 15-20
Appendix 1B Statement of Policy - Firefighters
Pension Scheme 1992 21-23
Appendix 1C Statement of Policy- Firefighters
Pension Scheme 2015 24-50
Appendix 1D Remuneration and relationship
between Chief Officer’s and Lowest 51-52
Paid Employees
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Pay Policy Statement 2019/2020
The level and elements of remuneration for each Chief Officer
The basic pay details of all Chief Officers is available on the West
Midlands Fire Service website www.wmfs.net . The levels of pay will be
determined by both national and local review following the guidance set
out in the ‘Gold Book’ Terms of Conditions. All other payments will be
contained within the Authority’s statement of accounts which is also
published on the West Midlands Fire Service website. The new pay
awards will be published post April 2019.
Remuneration of Chief Officers on recruitment
On recruitment the Executive Committee is authorised to consider and
make recommendations to the Fire Authority on the conditions of
employment and salary of the Chief Fire Officer, Deputy Chief Fire
Officer and Assistant Chief Fire Officer. Considerations will be given to
the guidance contained within the Pay Policy Statement for determining
the level of salary for each Principal Officer.
Increases and additions to remuneration for each Chief Officer
There is a two-track approach for determining levels of pay for Principal
Officer roles. At national level, the NJC shall review annually the level of
pay increase applicable to all those covered by this agreement. In doing
so, the NJC will consider affordability, other relevant pay deals and the
rate of inflation at the appropriate date. Any increase agreed by the NJC
will be communicated to Fire Authorities by Circular.
Other decisions about the level of pay and remuneration to be awarded
to individual Principal Officer roles will be taken by the local Fire
Authority. This will be considered at the time of the Pay Policy
Statement Review. (Advice on the implementation of a local salary
structure is contained within the Pay Policy Statement).
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Remuneration of all other employees of the West Midlands Fire Service
Living Wage
The Fire Authority is an accredited Living Wage employer and is
committed to ensuring that all employees are paid, as a minimum, the
Living Wage. This is reviewed on a year on year basis and
amendments are made to ensure that are aligned to the Living Wage.
Green Book Employees
Salaries of ‘Green Book’ employees in the Service are set using locally
determined pay scales and utilising an Integrated Personal Development
System which is based around the nationally agreed Job Evaluation
Please see Appendix 1D for the salaries of Green Book Employees
including our lowest paid employees and the relationship between these
employees and our Chief Officers. For this purpose the relationship has
been made to the Chief Fire Officer’s salary. Any new changes to Green
Book salaries will be reflected in the Pay Policy Statement post April
Grey Book Employees
Salaries of ‘Grey Book employees in the Service are set using nationally
agreed pay levels.
National Pay Awards are also made to pay scales on an annual basis
and these pay awards are applied to all employees. This annual award
is applicable in April for Green Book Employees and July for Grey Book
Please see Appendix 1D for the salaries of Grey and Green Book
Employees including our lowest paid employees and the relationship
between these employees and our Chief Officers. For this purpose the
relationship has been made to the Chief Fire Officer’s salary.
The use of performance related pay for Chief Officers
The West Midlands Fire Service does not use performance related pay
for its Chief Officers.
The use of bonuses for Chief Officers
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The West Midlands Fire Service does not award bonuses to Chief Officers.
The approach to the payment of Chief Officers on their ceasing to hold
office or to be employed by the Authority
The payment to Chief Officers on the ceasing of their employment will
be in line with the benefits accrued through meeting the qualifying
requirements of the relevant Pension Scheme.
In the case of any redundancy payments to be made to Chief Officers
these payments will be set using the existing regulations for ‘Gold
Book’ employees and their appropriate pension scheme.
Redundancy payments for Chief Officers eligible to join the
Firefighters’ Pension Schemes will be calculated based on the
statutory maximum weekly pay. Gold book employees eligible to join
the Local Government Pension Scheme will receive a redundancy
payment in line with authority agreement under Regulation 7 of the
Local Government (Early Termination of Employment) (Discretionary
Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006. See
Appendix 1A.
Any settlement of £100,000 or more or any other payments will be
subject to the approval of the Authority on a case by case basis.
The approach to the payment of all other Employees on their ceasing
to hold office or to be employed by the Authority
Green Book Employees
The payment of Green Book Employees on the ceasing of their
employment will be in line with the benefits accrued through meeting
the qualifying requirements of the relevant Pension Scheme.
In the case of redundancy the guidance contained within the pension
policy statement will apply under the existing conditions of the Local
Government Pension Scheme.
Grey Book Employees
The payment of Grey Book Employees on the ceasing of their
employment will be in line with the benefits accrued through
meeting the qualifying requirements of the relevant pension
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In the case of any redundancy payments to be made to Grey Book
Employees eligible to join the firefighter’s pension scheme, these
payments will be set using the existing regulations for Grey Book
employees. Redundancy payments will be calculated based on
the statutory maximum weekly pay.
Employees in Fire Control
In the case of redundancy the guidance contained within the pension
policy statement will apply under the existing conditions of the Local
Government Pension Scheme.
The publication of and access to information relating to the
remuneration of Chief Officers
Details of the Chief Officer’s salary and remuneration including any
expenses will be made available on the West Midlands Fire Service
website. This information is contained within the Annual Report and
Statement of Accounts.
Discretions available to the Authority under the Local Government
and Firefighters Pension Schemes
In line with the regulations of the Local Government and Firefighters
Pension Schemes West Midlands Fire Service must formulate, keep
under review and publish their policies on certain discretions
contained within the Regulations. These regulations are included as
appendices to this policy.
Definitions used within the Pay Policy Statement
The term Chief Officer refers to those defined within the Localism Act.
In simple terms the policy covers the Chief Fire Officer and those
posts which report directly to him/her and also the next management
tier below (excluding any secretarial or clerical roles).
The term ‘lowest paid employees’ is defined as a full time employee on
the lowest paid role/rank for Grey Book employees and the bottom scale
column point of the Green book pay scale or employee subject to the
living wage if higher. These are the lowest paid employees other than
apprenticeships which are paid less to reflect the nature of the training
and development role.
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1. Both the Employers and Brigade Managers recognise the
importance of applying the appropriate skills and developing the
competencies necessary to support and embed the cultural
change inherent within these new terms and conditions.
Local Salary Structures
2. When determining the appropriate level of salaries for all Brigade
managers, the Fire and Rescue Authority should refer to the
relevant minimum salary of the Chief Fire Officer and the most
relevant benchmark data.
3. Normally the fire and rescue authority will wish to begin by
determining appropriate salary for their most senior manager.
4. When deciding how these posts should be remunerated the
following factors are to be considered:
a. the Chief Fire Officer’s salary and that of any senior staff not
covered by the Scheme of Conditions of Service (Gold
b. the relationship of current salary to the appropriate
illustrative national benchmark;
c. any special market considerations;
d. any substantial local factors not common to fire and rescue
authorities of similar type and size e.g. London weighting;
complex local, regional or national responsibilities which
bring added value;
e. comparative information to be supplied on request by the
Joint Secretaries on salaries in other similar authorities;
f. top management structures and size of management team
compared to those of other fire and rescue authorities of
similar type and size;
g. the relative job size of each post, as objectively assessed
through an appropriate job evaluation process or otherwise;
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h. incident command responsibility and the requirement to
provide operational cover within the employing authority and
The process for setting salary levels should include consideration
of the following criteria:
minimum salary levels for Chief Officers in relevant sized
local authorities;
market rates of pay for senior managers in a range of private
and public sector organisations; and
evidence of recruitment and/or retention difficulties with
existing minimum rates.
There are a range of schemes and approaches available for
authorities to use in assessing job size. To assist authorities,
advice can be obtained from the Employers’ Side Secretary of the
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Under Regulation 7 of the Local Government (Early Termination of
Employment) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales)
Regulations 2006, operative from 29 November 2006, each employer
must formulate, keep under review and publish their policies on certain
discretions contained within the Regulations.
This statement is applicable to all employees of the West Midlands Fire
and Rescue Authority who are eligible to be members of the Local
Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).
Regulation 5 - Power to increase statutory Redundancy payments
Employers have the discretion to resolve to use the employee’s
actual pay instead of the statutory maximum pay permitted under the
Employments Rights Act 1996, in the calculation of redundancy
The Fire Authority will always use the employees’ actual pay when
calculating redundancy payments.
Regulation 6 Discretionary Compensation
The Authority has the discretion to resolve to increase the lump sum
compensation payable under the Employments Rights Act 1996 to an
employee who loses their employment with the Authority, up to a
maximum of 104 weeks’ pay.
The Fire Authority will not exercise this discretion and therefore will not
increase the maximum payable beyond the statutory limit of 30 weeks
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Under Regulation 60 (1) of the Local Government Pension Scheme
(LGPS) Regulations 2013, each employer must formulate, keep under
review and publish their policies on certain discretions contained within
the LGPS Regulations.
This statement is applicable to all employees of the West Midlands Fire
and Rescue Authority who are eligible to be members of the LGPS.
1. Regulation 30 (8) Waiving of actuarial reduction
From age 55, members who have left local government
employment receive early payment of their retirement benefits and
do not need their employer’s consent. The pension benefits must
be reduced in accordance with guidance provided by the
Government actuary. Employers may determine on
compassionate grounds that the benefits are not reduced.
For a member who joined the scheme prior to 1 October 2006
where the member’s age and membership (in whole years)
satisfies the “rule of 85” then the benefits would be reduced,
unless the employer chooses to exercise the discretion within the
regulations. For a member who joined the Scheme on or after 1
October 2006, then reduced benefits would be payable if taken
before age 65.
Each specific case will be judged equally and fairly on its own
merits and would need to be funded by a lump sum contribution
into the Pensions Fund by the Fire Authority. This discretion will
only be exercised by the Fire Authority in cases where it can be
demonstrated that the Fire Authority can fund the cost of the
release within a 3-year period.
This discretion will be exercised by the Deputy Chief Fire Officer
as delegated by Chief Fire Officer in conjunction with the
Treasurer and Chairman to approve existing severance packages
and members will be notified where discretion is exercised.
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2. Regulation 31 - Power of the Employing Authority to award
Additional Pension
An employer may resolve to award a member additional pension
of not more than £6,500 a year, payable from the same date as
their pension is payable under any other provision of these
regulations. An additional pension may be paid in addition to any
increase to total membership resolved under Regulation16 so long
as the overall total does not breach the limits laid down within
these regulations.
Each specific case will be judged equally and fairly on its own
merits, having fully considered service delivery and financial costs.
3. Regulation 30 (6) - Flexible Retirement
A member who is aged 55 or over and with their employer’s
consent reduces their hours or grade can then, but only with the
agreement of the employer, make an election to the administering
authority for payment of their accrued benefits without having
retired from that employment.
Each specific case will be judged equally and fairly on its own merits
having fully considered service delivery and financial costs. This
discretion will only be exercised by the Fire Authority in cases where
it can be demonstrated that the Fire Authority can fund the cost of the
release within a 3-year period.
4. Regulations 16(2)(e) and 16(4)(d) - Funding of Additional
Where an active member opts to make Additional Pension
Contributions (APC) under Rule 16(2)(e) these may be funded in
whole or in part by the Employer. Under Rule 16(4)(d) the
employee may opt to pay APC as a Lump Sum and this may also
be funded in full or part by the employer.
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The Fire Authority will fund in whole or in part any APC operated
by themselves under a salary sacrifice arrangement.
The Fire Authority will, however, not fund in whole or in part any
other APC purchased either by periodical payments or Lump Sum
direct from a members Net Pay.
The Fire Authority is not obliged by the Regulations to publish a
statement on the following discretions contained within the LGPS
2013 Regulations but has chosen to do so.
5. Regulation 22(8)(b) - Re-employed and Rejoining Deferred
Where a deferred member becomes an active member again
before becoming entitled to the immediate payment of retirement
benefits in respect of their former membership, their former
membership will be aggregated with their current active
membership unless within 12 months from the date of the active
member’s pension account being opened they make an election in
writing to the member’s appropriate administering authority. The
period of 12 months may be extended at the discretion of the
employing authority.
The Fire Authority will extend the period of 12 months beginning
with the date that the active member’s pension account is opened
again to allow a member to choose not to aggregate his/her former
membership in exceptional circumstances or where it was beyond
the member’s control.
6. Regulation 100 (6) Inward Transfer of Pension Rights
A person who becomes an active member who has relevant
pension rights may request his fund authority to accept a transfer
value for some, or all, of his former rights. An election must be
made in writing before the expiry of the period of 12 months
beginning with the date that he became an active member or any
such longer period as his employer may allow.
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The Fire Authority will extend the period of 12 months beginning
with the date that he/she became an active member thereby,
allowing a member to transfer some or all of his/her rights from the
relevant transferor in exceptional circumstances or in
circumstances beyond the member’s control.
7. Choice of early payment of Deferred Pension
Where a member became a deferred member between
31 March 2008 and 1 April 2014, they can apply for early release
of benefits, and the Fire Authority can fund the costs of the release.
Each specific case will be judged equally and fairly on its own
merits and would need to be funded by a lump sum contribution
into the Pensions Fund by the Fire Authority. This discretion will
only be exercised by the Fire Authority in cases where it can be
demonstrated that the Fire Authority can fund the cost of the
release within a 3-year period.
This discretion will be exercised by the Deputy Chief Fire Officer
as delegated by Chief Fire Officer in conjunction with the
Treasurer and Chairman to approve existing severance packages
and members will be notified where discretion is exercised.
From 1 June 2004, an amended Internal disputes resolution
procedure applies to active members of the LGPS and to others
such as deferred and pensioner members, whose position may
be affected by decisions taken by their former employer or
LGPS administering authority.
8. The Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure
Responsibility for determinations under the first stage of the
procedure now rests with a ‘specified person’ appointed by your
(former) employer. The Fire Authority must specify the job title
and address of the person to whom applications should be
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The specified person for the West Midlands Fire and Rescue
Authority is:-
Phil Hales
Deputy Chief Fire Officer
West Midlands Fire Service HQ
99 Vauxhall Road
B7 4HW
The discretions within this Policy Statement will be reviewed at the
point of regulation change but no less than yearly in line with the
Authoritiy’s Pay Policy Statement.
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Appendix 1B
Under Rule B7 of the 1992 Firefighters Pension Scheme Paragraph 5
(A) a fire and rescue authority may, having regard to
(a) the economical, effective and efficient management of their
functions, and
(b) the costs likely to be incurred in the particular case
- pay a lump sum in excess of two and a quarter times the full amount of
the pension.
West Midlands Fire Service will formulate, keep under review and
publish their policy on the discretion contained within this rule.
Due to the rate of the commutation factors laid down within the 1992
Firefighters Pension Scheme it is possible for an unauthorised payment
to occur if a member commutes the maximum allowable portion of their
gross pension. In cases where this happens the Fire Authority will
become liable to a further charge. When using this discretion the
amount to which the lump sum will be increased will be limited to the
maximum authorised payment allowed by HMRC regulations.
This statement is applicable to all employees of the West Midlands Fire
and Rescue Authority who are eligible to be members of the 1992
Firefighters Pension Scheme.
Each specific case will be judged equally and fairly on its own merits and
would need to be funded by a lump sum contribution into the Pensions
Fund by the Fire Authority. It is the Line Managers responsibility to
ensure that the recommendation is made and submitted to their SET
managers for consideration. The value of the Lump Sum payment into
the Pension account will be provided by the Pensions section on request
and the remaining cost figures should be obtained from the Finance
Liaison Officer.
This discretion will only be exercised by the Fire Authority in cases
where it can be demonstrated that the Fire Authority can fund the cost of
the release within a 3-year period.
This discretion will be exercised by the Strategic Enabler of People
Support Services and Strategic Enabler of Finance & Resources.
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Under Rule K4 of the 1992 Firefighters' Pension Scheme:
A fire and rescue authority may, in their discretion, withdraw the
whole or any part of the pension, except a pension under Part C
(awards on deathspouses and civil partners), for any period
during which the person entitled to it is employed by any fire and
rescue authority in whatever capacity.
Part LA Section 9 of the scheme rules states that:
Where an authority exercises its discretion not to withdraw the
payment in whole or in part of any pension under rule K4
(withdrawal of pension whilst employed by a fire and rescue
authority), the authority shall in the financial year in which payment
is not withdrawn, transfer into the Firefighters Pension Fund an
amount equal to the amount of pension paid during that financial
year to that person which could have been abated or withdrawn.
West Midlands Fire Service will formulate, keep under review and
publish their policy on the discretion contained within this rule.
This statement is applicable to all employees of the West Midlands Fire
and Rescue Authority who are eligible to be members of the 1992
Firefighters Pension Scheme.
West Midlands Fire Service will withdraw the whole or part of the
pension, except a pension under Part C (awards on deathspouses and
civil partners), for any period during which the person entitled to it is
employed by any fire and rescue authority in whatever capacity.
The amount of Pension withdrawn will be calculated by reference to the
Aggregate Annual Pensionable Pay received in the twelve months prior
to retirement increased on the same basis as the pension in payment.
This figure will be known as the reference pay and will be increased
annually in line with the annual pension increase order.
The pension will be reduced by an amount equal to the amount required
so that the total income from the pension plus re-employment does not
exceed the reference pay calculated above.
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Pay in re-employment is the pay receivable under the contract of
employment for the hours worked and excludes any payments made for
non-contractual overtime. Where the pay in re-employment changes the
amount of pension to be withdrawn will be recalculated.
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The Firefighters’ Pension Scheme (England) Regulations 2014 contain
various regulations where the opportunity for alternative courses of
action arises. In these circumstances West Midlands Fire Service will
exercise discretion in line with this statement of policy.
This statement is applicable to all employees of the West Midlands Fire
and Rescue Authority who are eligible to be members of the Firefighters
Pension Scheme 2015.
Power to Delegate
1. Delegation (Regulation 5)
The scheme manager must ensure that delegated powers are
appropriate and current. [Regulation 5(2)]
Statement of Policy
The Fire Authority have recently confirmed that the Audit
Committee will function as the Scheme Manager.
Opting Out
2. Opting into this scheme (Regulation 12)
An optant-in will become an active member of the scheme with
effect from the beginning of the first pay period following the date
on which the option is exercised. There is an option for the
scheme manager to vary the date on which the person becomes
an active member, to such other time as the scheme manager
considers appropriate. [Regulation 12(5)]
Statement of Policy
The Organisation will not vary the date on which a member
becomes an active member.
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3. Opting out after the first three months (Regulation 16)
An optant-out ceases to be in pensionable service with effect from
the first day of the first pay period following the date on which the
option is exercised. If the scheme manager considers that day to
be inappropriate, it may vary the date to the first day of any later
pay period as the scheme manager does consider appropriate.
[Regulation 16(2)(b)]
Statement of Policy
The Scheme Manager will not vary the date on which an optant
out ceases to be a member.
Pensionable Pay
4. Pensionable Pay (Regulation 17)
The Scheme Manager has discretion if continual professional
development payments are to be treated as pensionable pay.
[Regulation 17(1)(d)]
Statement of Policy
Continual Professional development payments will be
Retirement Benefits
5. Active Membership (Regulation 19)
A person who is on unpaid authorised absence can count the
period as active membership if the Scheme Manager permits them
to be treated as an active member during that period.
(Presumably this would be linked to Regulation 111(4) and subject
to the member paying the appropriate contributions.) [Regulation
Statement of Policy
The Scheme Manager will permit a member on unpaid absence to
count the period as active membership subject to contributions
being paid.
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Pensions Accounts
6. Establishment of pension accounts: general (Regulation 28)
The Scheme Manager must establish and maintain pension
accounts for scheme members, but they may be kept in such form
as the scheme manager considers appropriate.
Statement of Policy
The Scheme Manager will maintain pension accounts within an
electronic Pension Administration System. The security and
operation of these accounts will be reviewed regularly by the Local
Pension Board.
7. Closure and re-establishment of active member's account
(Regulation 37)
If a member has more than two active members account and
ceases pensionable service with less than three months' qualifying
service in respect of one account, that account must be closed
and benefits aggregated with one of the others; the member may
select which one.
Statement of Policy
The Scheme Manager will use their discretion on a case by case
basis in the best interests of the member.
Retirement Benefits
8. Closure of deferred member's account after gap in
pensionable service not exceeding five year. (Regulation 49)
If a deferred member re-enters pensionable employment after a
gap of five years or less, the Scheme Manager must close the
deferred member's account and re-establish the active member's
account, transferring entries from the deferred account. If the
person had more than one relevant deferred member's account,
they must selection within three months of re-entering scheme
employment which one should close. If they fail to make a
selection, the Scheme Manager must make the choice for them.
[Regulation 49(3) and (4)]
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Statement of Policy
The Scheme Manager will use their discretion on a case by case
basis in the best interests of the member.
9. Employer initiated retirement (Regulation 62)
An employer can determine that an active member aged 55 or
over but under age 60 who on the grounds of business efficiency
is dismissed or has their employment terminated by mutual
consent, can receive immediate payment of retirement pension
without the early payment reduction. An employer may only use
this discretion if the employer determines that a retirement pension
awarded on this basis would assist the economical, effective and
efficient management of its function having taken account of the
costs likely to be incurred in the particular case. [Regulation 62(1)
and (2)]
Statement of Policy
The employer will use their discretion on a case by case basis with
the overriding control that any costs incurred in using this
discretion will be recoverable within a three year period.
10. Exercise of partial retirement option (Regulation 63)
An active member aged at least 55 who would be entitled to
immediate payment of pension if they leave pensionable service
and who claims payment of the pension, may opt to claim the
whole of their accrued pension but continue in pensionable
service. The person concerned must give appropriate notice to
the scheme manager and the partial retirement option is taken to
be exercised on a date agreed between the member and the
Scheme Manager. [Regulation 63(5)]
Statement of Policy
Where a member wishes to make an application for partial
retirement under Regulation 63 they must provide written notice to
the Scheme Manager. On a case by case basis the Scheme
Manager will agree a date with the member on which the option
shall be exercised.
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Ill-Health Benefits
11. Review of ill-health awarded or early payment of retirement
pension (Regulation 68)
The Scheme Manager must have a policy for reviewing, at such
intervals as it considers appropriate, the award of ill-health
pensions where the recipient is under deferred pension age and
has been receiving the award for less than 10 years, and for
reviewing the early payment of deferred pensions on ill-health
grounds for so long as the recipient is below deferred pension age.
[Regulation 68(1) and (2)]
Statement of Policy
The Scheme Manager will review the award of ill-health pensions,
where the recipient is under deferred pension age and has been
receiving the awarded for less than 10 years, and deferred
pensions in payment early on ill-health grounds and where the
recipient is below deferred pension age on a three yearly basis.
12. Consequences of review (Regulation 69)
If, following the review of a lower tier ill-health pension under
Regulation 68, the Scheme Manager determines that the recipient
is capable of performing the duties appropriate to the role from
which the person retired on grounds of ill-health, the employer
must consider whether or not to make an offer of re-employment.
[Regulation 69(3)]
Statement of Policy
The Scheme Manager will consider whether or not to make an
offer on a case by case basis.
13. Commencement of pensions (Regulation 70)
If a deferred member requests, and is entitled to, the early
payment of retirement pension on grounds of ill-health, the
scheme manager must determine the date of payment as being
the date on which the person became incapable of undertaking
regular employment because of infirmity of mind or body or, if that
date cannot be ascertained, the date of the member's request for
early payment. [Regulation 70(7)]
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If a deferred member requests deferral of payment of a deferred
pension beyond deferred pension age, or requests early payment
with an early payment reduction before deferred pension age, the
Scheme Manager will decide the payment date after the claim for
payment has been made.
Statement of Policy
The Scheme Manager will determine the date from which a
deferred pension will become payable in the situations described
in Regulation 70(7) and (8) on a case by case basis using
information provided by the claimant, any appropriate medical
professional, and with guidance from the Payroll and Pensions
14. Allocation election (Regulation 72)
The Scheme Manager must give consent for the allocation of a
portion of pension to a dependant, who is not the spouse, civil
partner or cohabiting partner of an active or deferred member.
(Consent can be withheld if the Scheme Manager is not satisfied
that the person nominated is not substantially dependent of the
active member.) [Regulation 72(3)(b) and (4)]
Statement of Policy
The Scheme Manager will give consent for the allocation of a
portion of pension to a dependent where acceptable evidence of
dependency is provided by the Scheme Member. At the time of
application the Scheme Manager will confirm to the member what
evidence is to be provided.
15. Adjustment of allocated benefit (Regulation 75)
If a member who has made an allocation election dies after
reaching age 75, and the amount of allocated pension does not
qualify as a dependant's scheme pension under section 167 of the
Finance Act 2004 (pension death benefit rules), the amount may
be adjusted in a manner determined by the Scheme Manager.
[Regulation 75(1) and (2)]
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Statement of Policy
The Scheme Manager will make any adjustments allowed under
Regulation 75(1) and (2) on a case by case basis.
Death Benefits
16. Meaning of "surviving partner" Regulation 76)
A cohabiting partner may be considered a "surviving partner" and
potentially qualify for a pension provided by meeting certain
conditions, one of which is that they must have been in a "long-
term relationship" a continuous period of at least two years at
the date at which entitlement needs to be considered. The
Scheme Manager has discretion to allow the person to qualify
where the period is less than two years. [Regulation 76(1)(b)(v)
and (2)]
Statement of Policy
The Scheme Manager will not use their discretion to allow a
person to qualify as a "Surviving Partner" where the relationship
has been in place for a period of at least two years.
17. Person to whom lump sum death benefit payable (Regulation
The Scheme Manager has absolute discretion as to the recipient
of any lump sum death benefit payable. [Regulation 95]
Statement of Policy
The lump sum death benefit will be paid to whosoever the Scheme
Manager decides it should be. The discretion will be operated by
the Payroll and Pensions Manager in consultation with the
Strategic Enabler for People Support Services.
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18. Payment of pensions under Part 6 "Death Benefits"
(Regulation 100)
If a child's pension is due in respect of an eligible child under age
18, the Scheme Manager will determine to whom it should be paid
and will give directions to that person as to how the payment
should be applied for the eligible child's benefit. [Regulation
Statement of Policy
The child's pension in respect of an eligible child over the age of 7
will be paid to that child. A child's pension for a child over the age
of 7 will be paid to that child's surviving parent with instruction that
it should be applied for that eligible child's benefit.
19. Surviving partner's pensions and eligible child's pensions:
suspension and recovery (Regulation 101)
A Scheme Manager has the right to cease paying a surviving
partner's pension and/or eligible child's pension and recover any
payment made in respect of a pension where it appears to the
Scheme Manager that the recipient made a false declaration, or
deliberately suppressed a material fact in connection with the
award. (This does affect the Scheme Manager's right to recover a
payment or overpayment under any other provision where the
Scheme Manager considers it appropriate to do so.) [Regulation
101(2) and (3)]
Statement of Policy
The Scheme Manager will cease paying a surviving partner's
pension and/or eligible child's pension and recover any payment
made in respect of a pension where it appears to the scheme
manager that the recipient made a false declaration, or
deliberately suppressed a material fact in connection with the
awarded except in cases where the Strategic Enabler for Finance
and Resources deems it to be financially counter productive to do
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20. Provisional awards of eligible child's pensions: later
adjustments (Regulation 102)
If children's pensions have been made to certain persons on the
basis that they were eligible children and there were no others,
and subsequently it appears that any of those children were not
eligible, or there was a further eligible child to whom no payment
has been made, or that a child born after the member's death is an
eligible child, the scheme manager has discretion to adjust the
amount of pensions as required in view of the facts as they
subsequently appear. The adjustments may be made
retrospectively. (This does not affect the scheme manager's right
to recover a payment or overpayment under any other provision
where the scheme manager considers it appropriate to do so.)
[Regulation 102(2) and (3)]
Statement of Policy
If children's pensions have been made to certain persons on the
basis that they were eligible children and there were no others,
and subsequently it appears that any of those children were not
eligible, or there was a further eligible child to whom no payment
has been made, or that a child born after the member's death is
an eligible child the scheme manager will adjust the amount of
pensions as required in view of the facts as they subsequently
appear. These adjustments will be made retrospectively where
21. Adjustment of benefits to comply with fA2004 where members
die over 75 (Regulation 104)
If a member dies after reaching age 75 and any part of a pension
to which a person becomes entitled on the death would not qualify
as a dependant's scheme pension for the purposes of section 167
of the Finance Act 2004 (the pension death benefit rules), the
scheme manager has discretion to adjust the benefit payable to
the person so that it would qualify under that section of the Act.
[Regulation 104(1)(a) and (2)]
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Statement of Policy
If a member dies after reaching age 75 and any part of a pension
to which a person becomes entitled on the death would not qualify
as a dependant's scheme pension for the purposes of section 167
of the Finance Act 2004 (the pension death benefit rules), the
scheme manager will adjust the benefit payable to the person so
that it would qualify under that section of the Act.
22. Member contributions (Regulation 110)
Where there is a change in scheme employment or a material
change which affects the member's pensionable pay in the course
of a financial year and the revised amount falls into a different
contribution rate band, the scheme manager must determine that
this rate should be applied and inform the member of the new
contribution rate and the date from which it is to be applied.
[Regulation 110(5)]
When identifying the appropriate contribution rate, a reduction in
pay in certain circumstances as listed in Regulation 110 are to
be disregarded. In addition, the Scheme Manager can specify
the circumstances in a particular case where a reduction in
pensionable pay will be disregarded. [Regulation 110(7) (h)]
Statement of Policy
Where there is a change in scheme employment or a material
change which affects the member's pensionable pay in the course
of a financial year and the revised amount falls into a different
contribution rate band, this rate will be applied from the first day
of the pay period following the date on which the material
change took effect. The member will be informed of the new
contribution rate and the date from which it is to be applied within
three months of the date when the new rate is first applied to their
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23. Contributions during absence from work due to illness, injury,
trade dispute or authorised absence (Regulation 111)
Where an active member is absent from scheme employment
because of illness or injury and not entitled to receive pensionable
pay, or because of trade dispute or authorised unpaid absence,
they may pay member contributions; if they do, the scheme
employer may require that they should also pay employer
contributions. [Regulation 111(2), (3) and (4)]
Statement of Policy
Where an active member is absent from scheme employment
because of illness or injury and not entitled to receive pensionable
pay, or because of trade dispute or authorised unpaid absence,
they will be allowed to pay contributions. The contribution payable
will be the total of both the member and employer contribution.
24. Deduction and payment of contributions (Regulation 114)
Member contributions due under Regulation 110 may be deducted
by the scheme employer from each instalment of pensionable pay
as it becomes due, unless another method of payment has been
agreed between the scheme manager and the member.
[Regulation 114(1)]
Contributions due in respect of absence from work on reserve
forces service leave may be deducted from any payment made
under Part 5 of the Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of
Civil Interests) Act 1951. [Regulations 114(2)]
Contributions which the member is required to pay, or has elected
to pay under Regulations 111 and 113 may be paid by a lump sum
or by deduction from instalments of pensionable pay as agreed
between the member and the scheme manager. [Regulation
Statement of Policy
Member contributions due under Regulation 110 will be deducted
from each instalment of pensionable pay as it becomes due.
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Contributions due in respect of absence from work on reserve
forces service leave will be deducted from any payment made
under Part 5 of the Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of
Civil Interests) Act 1951.
Contributions which the member is required to pay, or has elected
to pay under Regulations 111 and 113 may be paid by a lump
sum or by deduction from instalments of pensionable pay as
agreed between the member and Payroll and Pensions
Manager on behalf of the scheme manager.
25. Statement of entitlement (Regulation 135)
The scheme manager must specify in a statement of entitlement
the "guarantee date" date by reference to which the cash
equivalent or club transfer value is calculated; this date must fall
within the three months beginning with the date of the member's
application for the statement of entitlement and within ten days
ending with the date on which the member is provided with the
statement. The scheme manager has discretion, if it believes
reasonable, to extend this date to within six months of the date of
the member's application if, for reasons beyond the scheme
manager's control, the information needed to calculate the transfer
value cannot be obtained before the end of the three-month
period. [Regulation 135(4)]
Statement of Policy
The Scheme Manager will extend the “guarantee date” to within 6
months of the date of the member’s application if, for reasons
beyond the scheme manager's control, the information needed to
calculate the transfer value cannot be obtained before the end of
the three-month period.
26. Request for acceptance of a transfer payment (Regulation
There is a time limit of one year from becoming an active member
in which a person can request a transfer payment from a non-
occupational pension scheme. The scheme manager has the
discretion to extend this period. [Regulation 141(3)]
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Statement of Policy
The Scheme Manager will not extend the time limit in which a
person can request a transfer payment from a non-occupational
pension scheme.
27. Transfer statement (Regulation 142)
The Scheme Manager can require an active member to ask the
scheme manager of a previous non- club pension scheme to
provide a statement of the amount of transferred pension that
the member would be entitled to count provided that the transfer
date falls within two months of the date of the statement.
[Regulation 142(2)]
Statement of Policy
The Scheme Manager will require an active member to ask the
scheme manager of a previous non-club pension scheme to
provide a statement of the amount of transferred pension that the
member would be entitled to count where the transfer date falls
within two months of the date of the statement
28. Club transfer value statement (Regulation 144)
The Scheme Manager can require an active member to ask the
scheme manager of a previous club pension scheme to provide a
statement of the amount of transferred pension that the member
would be entitled to count provided that the transfer date falls
within two months of the date of the statement. [Regulation
Statement of Policy
The scheme manager will require an active member to ask the
scheme manager of a previous club pension scheme to provide a
statement of the amount of transferred pension that the member
would be entitled to count where the transfer date falls within two
months of the date of the statement
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Appeals and Determinations
29. Appeal concerning entries on the certificate (Regulation 148)
If a member is not satisfied with a certificate setting out the
details in their pension account(s) as required under Regulation
146, they can require the Scheme Manager to deal with their
disagreement under arrangements implemented by the Scheme
Manager in accordance with the requirements of section 50 of
the Pensions Act 1995 (resolution of disputes) and the
Occupational Pension Schemes (Internal Dispute Resolution
Procedures Consequential and Miscellaneous Amendments)
Regulations 2008. The Scheme Manager must have these
arrangements in place. [Regulation 148(1)]
Statement of Policy
If a member is not satisfied with a certificate setting out the details
in their pension account(s) as required under Regulation 146, the
scheme manager will deal with their disagreement under
arrangements implemented by the scheme manager in
accordance with the requirements of Section 50 of the Pensions
Act 1995 (resolution of disputes) and the Occupational Pension
Schemes (Internal Dispute Resolution Procedures Consequential
and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2008.
The process for dealing with such disagreements will be published
via the Intranet.
30. Determination by the Scheme Manager (Regulation 151)
It is the Scheme Manager that must determine whether a
person is entitled to an award or to retain an award.
[Regulation 151]
Statement of Policy
On a case by case basis the scheme manager will determine
whether a person is entitled to an award or to retain an award.
This determination will be made by the Payroll and Pensions
Manager in conjunction with the Strategic Enabler for People
Support Services.
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31. Role of IQMP in determinations by the Scheme Manager
(Regulation 152)
The Scheme Manager must select an Independent Qualified
Medical Practitioner to provide a written opinion in respect of
medical matters which may only be decided by having regard to
such an opinion. [Regulation 152(1)]
If a person wilfully or negligently fails to submit to medical
examination by the selected IQMP and the IQMP is unable to
give an opinion on the basis of the medical evidence available,
the Scheme Manager can make the determination based on
such medical evidence as the Scheme Manager thinks fit, or
without medical evidence. [Regulation 152(7)]
Statement of Policy
The Scheme Manager will select an Independent Qualified
Medical Practitioner to provide a written opinion in respect of
medical matters which may only be decided by having regard to
such an opinion.
Where a person wilfully or negligently fails to submit to medical
examination by the selected IQMP and the IQMP is unable to give
an opinion on the basis of the medical evidence available, the
scheme manager will make the determination based on such
medical evidence as the scheme manager thinks fit, or without
medical evidence. This discretion will be exercised by the
Strategic Enabler for People Support Services.
32. Review of medical opinion (Regulation 153)
Where a member requests a review of an IQMP's opinion in the
light of new evidence received by the scheme manager within 28
days of the member having received the opinion, the Scheme
Manager may agree to giving the IQMP the opportunity of
reviewing the opinion. [Regulation 153(1)]
Upon receiving the IQMP's response the Scheme Manager must
confirm or revise its original determination and advise the member
accordingly. [Regulation 153(4) and (5)]
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Statement of Policy
On a case by case basis, where a member requests a review of
an IQMP's opinion in the light of new evidence received by the
scheme manager within 28 days of the member having received
the opinion, the scheme manager may agree to giving the IQMP
the opportunity of reviewing the opinion.
Upon receiving the IQMP's response the Scheme Manager will
confirm or revise its original determination and advise the member
accordingly. The discretion will be exercised by the Strategic
Enabler for People Support Services.
33. Notice of appeal (Regulation 155)
If a member wishes to appeal against a determination made by the
scheme manager and their grievance lies in the medical opinion
upon which the determination was based, they can appeal to a
board of medical referees. The appeal must be made within 28
days of the date on which the member receives the relevant
documents under Regulation 154(4). If the appeal is not made
within this time limit and the scheme manager is of the opinion that
the person's failure to give notice within the required period was
not due to the person's own default, the scheme manager has a
discretion to extend the time limit for such period as the scheme
manager considers appropriate, not exceeding six months from
the date the Regulation 154(4) documents were supplied.
[Regulation 155(2)]
Statement of Policy
On a case by case basis the scheme manager will consider
extending the time limit during which a member can appeal to a
board of medical referees to a maximum of six months from the
date the Regulation 154(4) documents were supplied.
34. Reference of appeal to the board (Regulation 156 See also
Regulation 161)
Where a member has given notice of appeal to a board of medical
referees, before the board arranges a time and place for the
interview and medical examination a member of the board will
review the documents supplied to the board in accordance with
Regulation 156.
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If the board member is of the opinion that the board may regard
the appeal as frivolous, vexatious or manifestly ill-founded the
board member will notify the Secretary of State accordingly. This
will be copied to the scheme manager who must, in turn, send a
copy of it to the scheme member advising that if their appeal is
unsuccessful, the member may be required to pay the scheme
manager's costs and requesting notification from the member as to
whether, in the circumstances, they wish to continue with, or
withdraw, the appeal. [Regulation 156(8) to (12)]
Statement of Policy
If a member of a board of medical referees, who has reviewed
appeal documents provided by the member, is of the opinion that
the board may regard the appeal as frivolous, vexatious or
manifestly ill-founded the board member will notify the Secretary
of State accordingly. The Scheme Manager will send a copy of
this notification to the scheme member advising that if their
appeal is unsuccessful, they will be required to pay the Scheme
Manager's costs and requesting notification from the member as
to whether, in the circumstances, they wish to continue with, or
withdraw, the appeal.
35. Procedure where appeal to be pursued (Regulation 157)
The Scheme Manager must decide which persons will attend the
interview as its representatives. The Scheme Manager must also
decide whether or not to submit written evidence or a written
statement (and must decide a response to any written evidence or
written statement from the appellant). [Regulation 157(6) to (9)]
Statement of Policy
On a case by case basis where an appeal is pursued the scheme
manager will decide;
1. Which persons will attend the interview as its
2. Whether or not to submit written evidence or a written
3. How to respond to any written evidence of written statement
from the appellant.
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This decision will be made by the Strategic Enabler for People
Support Services.
36. Expenses of each party (Regulation 161)
If the medical appeal board determines in favour of the scheme
manager and states that in its opinion the appeal was frivolous,
vexatious or manifestly ill-founded, the scheme manager can
require the appellant to pay it such sum not exceeding the total
amount of the fees and allowances payable to the board under
Regulation 160(1) as the scheme manager considers appropriate.
[Regulation 161(2)]
If the appellant withdraws the appeal requesting cancellation,
postponement or adjournment of the date appointed for interview
and/or medical examination less than 22 working days before the
date appointed, the scheme manager can require the member to
pay it such sum not exceeding the total amount of the fees and
allowances payable to the board under Regulation 160(1) as the
scheme manager considers appropriate. [Regulation 161(3)(a)]
If the appellant's acts or omissions cause the board to cancel,
postpone or otherwise adjourn the date appointed or interview
and/or medical examination less than 22 days before the date
appointed, the scheme manager can require the member to pay it
such sum not exceeding the total amount of the fees and
allowances payable to the board under Regulation 160(1) as the
scheme manager considers appropriate. [Regulation 161(3)(b)]
Statement of Policy
If the medical appeal board determines in favour of the scheme
manager and states that in its opinion the appeal was frivolous,
vexatious or manifestly ill-founded, the scheme manager will
require the appellant to pay it a sum equal to the total amount of
the fees and allowances payable to the board under Regulation
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37. Appeals on other issues (Regulation 163)
If a member disagrees with a scheme manager's determination
of award under Regulation 151 and the disagreement does not
involve an issue of a medical nature, the member can require the
scheme manager to deal with the disagreement under
requirements which the scheme manager must have in place in
accordance with section 50 of the Pensions Act 1995
(requirement for dispute resolution arrangements) and the
Occupational Pension Schemes (Internal Dispute Resolution
Procedures Consequential and Miscellaneous Amendments)
Regulations 2008. [Regulation 163]
Statement of Policy
If a member disagrees with a scheme manager's determination of
award under Regulation 151 and the disagreement does not
involve an issue of a medical nature, the scheme manager will
deal with their disagreement under arrangements implemented by
the scheme manager in accordance with the requirements of
section 50 of the Pensions Act 1995 (resolution of disputes) and
the Occupational Pension Schemes (Internal Dispute Resolution
Procedures Consequential and Miscellaneous Amendments)
Regulations 2008.
The process for dealing with such disagreements will be published
via the Intranet.
Payment of Pensions
38. Commutation of small pensions (Regulation 167)
If the pension entitlement of a member of the scheme, or the
pension entitlement of a member's beneficiary, does not exceed
the small pensions commutation maximum the scheme manager
may pay the entitlement as a lump sum. This would, however, be
subject to the consent of the recipient and must comply with the
commutation provisions that apply in the circumstances.
[Regulation 167(3)]
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Statement of Policy
If the pension entitlement of a member of the scheme, or the
pension entitlement of a member's beneficiary, does not exceed
the small pensions commutation maximum the scheme manager
will pay the entitlement as a lump sum, subject to the consent of
the recipient and will comply with the commutation provisions that
apply in the circumstances.
39. Payments for persons incapable of managing their affairs
(Regulation 168)
If it appears to the scheme manager that a person other than an
eligible child who is entitled to benefits under the scheme, is by
reason of mental incapacity or otherwise, incapable of managing
his or her affairs, the scheme manager may pay the benefits or
any part of them to a person having the care of the person entitled,
or such other person as the scheme manager may determine, to
be applied for the benefit of the person entitled. If the scheme
manager does not pay the benefits in this way, the scheme
manager may apply them in such manner as it may determine for
the benefit of the person entitled, or any beneficiaries of that
person. [Regulation 168]
Statement of Policy
Where it appears to the scheme manager that a person other than
an eligible child who is entitled to benefits under the scheme, is by
reason of mental incapacity or otherwise, incapable of managing
his or her affairs, the scheme manager will pay the benefits or any
part of them to a person having the care of the person entitled, or
such other person as the scheme manager may determine, to be
applied for the benefit of the person entitled.
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40. Payments due in respect of deceased persons (Regulation
If, when a person dies, the total amount due to that person's
personal representatives under the scheme (including anything
due at the person's death) does not exceed the limit specified in
the Administration of Estates (Small Payments) Act 1965, the
scheme manager can pay the whole or part of the amount due to
the personal representatives or any person or persons appearing
to the scheme manager to be beneficially entitled to the estate,
without requiring the production of grant of probate or letters of
administration. [Regulation 169]
Statement of Policy
If, when a person dies, the total amount due to that person's
personal representatives under the scheme (including anything
due at the person's death) does not exceed the limit specified in
the Administration of Estates (Small Payments) Act 1965, the
scheme manager will pay the whole or part of the amount due to
the personal representatives or any person or persons appearing
to the scheme manager to be beneficially entitled to the estate,
without requiring the production of grant of probate or letters of
41. Forfeiture: offences committed by members, surviving
partners or eligible children (Regulation 171)
If a member, surviving partner or eligible child is convicted of a
relevant offence, the scheme manager can withhold pensions
payable under the scheme to a member, any person in respect of
the member, a surviving partner or an eligible child, to such extent
and for such duration as it considers appropriate. "Relevant
offence" is defined in this Regulation.
The definition includes offences injurious to the State (including
treason) or likely to lead to a serious loss of confidence in the
public service. There are certain conditions set out in the
Regulation, e.g. it is only the part of the pension that exceeds any
guaranteed minimum pension that can be withheld. [Regulation
171(1), (2), (3) and (5).]
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Where a pension is withheld, the scheme manager can at any
time, and to such extent and for such duration as the manager
thinks fit, apply the pension for the benefit of any dependant of the
member or restore it to the member. [Regulation 171(4)]
Statement of Policy
If a member, surviving partner or eligible child is convicted of a
relevant offence, the scheme manager will withhold pensions
payable under the scheme to a member, any person in respect of
the member, a surviving partner or an eligible child, to such extent
and for such duration as it considers appropriate, subject to a
maximum of the amount by which the pension exceeds any
guaranteed minimum pension.
On a case by case basis where a pension is withheld, the scheme
manager will consider at three monthly intervals, to any extent
and for such duration as the manager thinks fit, applying the
pension for the benefit of any dependant of the member or
restoring it to the member.
42. Forfeiture of pensions: offences committed by other persons
(Regulation 172)
If a surviving partner or eligible child is convicted of the murder of
a scheme member from whose benefits their pension would be
derived the scheme manager must withhold all of the survivor's or
child's pension otherwise payable. However, if a surviving partner
or eligible child is convicted of the manslaughter of the member or
any other offence, apart from murder, of which the unlawful killing
of the member is an element, the scheme manager has discretion
as to whether or not to withhold the pension to which they would
otherwise be entitled. The amount withheld must only be that part
of the pension which exceeds any guaranteed minimum pension.
If the conviction is subsequently quashed, the pension must be
restored with effect from the day after the date on which the
member died. If, after the conviction has been quashed, the
person is again convicted of murder, manslaughter or an
associated offence as outlined above, any restoration is cancelled.
[Regulation 172(1) to (5)]
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- 45 -
Statement of Policy
The discretion to withhold part of a pension under Regulation 172
(1) to (5) will be exercised on a case by case basis by the
Strategic Enabler for People Support Services.
43. Forfeiture of lump sum death benefit: offences committed by
other persons (Regulation 173)
If a person is convicted of a relevant offence, i.e. the murder or
manslaughter of the member, or any other offence of which the
unlawful killing of the member is an element, the scheme manager
must withhold all of any lump sum death benefit payable to that
If, however, the conviction is subsequently quashed on appeal, the
scheme manager may, to such extent and for such duration as it
thinks fit, restore to the person the amount of benefit withheld. If,
after the conviction has been quashed, the person is again
convicted of murder, manslaughter or an associated offence as
outlined above, any restoration is cancelled. [Regulation 173]
Statement of Policy
The discretion to restore part of a pension withheld under
Regulation 173 will be exercised on a case by case basis by the
Strategic Enabler for People Support Services.
44. Forfeiture: relevant monetary obligations and relevant
monetary losses (Regulation 174)
If a member has a relevant monetary obligation or has caused a
relevant monetary loss, the scheme manager may, to such extent
and for such duration as it considers appropriate, withhold
benefits payable to that person under the scheme. "Relevant
monetary obligation" and "relevant monetary loss" are defined in
the Regulation. There are certain limits, e.g. the amount withheld
may only be that which exceeds the person's guaranteed
minimum pension and the scheme manager may only withhold it
if there is no dispute about the amount or, if there is, there is a
court order or the award of an arbitrator.
Ref. AU/2019/Apr/92003192 Official WMFS - Public
- 46 -
The monetary obligation must have been incurred to the
employer after the person became an active member and arising
out of or connected with the scheme employment in respect of
which the person became a member of the scheme, and arising
out of the person's criminal, negligent or fraudulent act or
omission. The procedure is set out in Regulation 176.
[Regulation 174]
Statement of Policy
The discretion to withhold part of a pension under Regulation 174
will be exercised on a case by case basis by the Strategic Enabler
for People Support Services.
45. Set-off (Regulation 175)
A scheme manager has a discretion to set off a "relevant
monetary obligation" against a member's entitlement to
benefits under the scheme, subject to certain conditions which
are similar to those contained in Regulation 174 (Forfeiture).
The procedure is set out in Regulation 176.] [Regulation 175]
Statement of Policy
The scheme manager will set off any “relevant monetary
obligation” against a member’s entitlement to benefits.
Payment and Deduction of Tax
46. Payment on behalf of members of lifetime allowance charge
(Regulation 178)
At a scheme member's request, the scheme manager may pay on
the member's behalf any amount that is payable by way of the
lifetime allowance charge under section 214 of the Finance Act
2004. The scheme manager may only comply with the request if
the member pays it the amount in question on or before the date
on which the event occurs or the member authorises the deduction
of the amount from a lump sum becoming payable to the member
under the scheme at the same time as the event occurs.
[Regulation 178]
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- 47 -
Statement of Policy
At a scheme member's request, the scheme manager will pay on
the member's behalf any amount that is payable by way of the
lifetime allowance charge under section 214 of the Finance Act
2004. The scheme manager will only comply with the request if
the member pays it the amount in question on or before the date
on which the event occurs or the member authorises the
deduction of the amount from a lump sum becoming payable to
the member under the scheme at the same time as the event
47. Evidence of Entitlement (Regulation 184)
The scheme manager can require any person who is in receipt of
a pension or may have entitlement to a pension or lump sum
under the scheme to provide such supporting evidence as the
scheme manager may reasonably require so as to establish the
person's identity and their continuing or future entitlement to the
payment of any amount under the scheme. [Regulation 184(1)
and (2)]
If a person fails to comply with the scheme manager's
requirements in this respect, the scheme manager can withhold
the whole or part of any amount that it otherwise considers to be
payable under the scheme. [Regulation 184(3)]
Statement of Policy
The scheme manager will require any person who is in receipt of a
pension or may have entitlement to a pension or lump sum under
the scheme to provide appropriate evidence to establish the
person's identity and their continuing or future entitlement to the
payment of any amount under the scheme.
If a person fails to comply with the scheme manager's
requirements in this respect, the scheme manager will withhold
the whole or part of any amount that it otherwise considers to be
payable under the scheme.
Ref. AU/2019/Apr/92003192 Official WMFS - Public
- 48 -
48. Amount of accrued added pension may not exceed overall
limit of extra pension (Schedule 1, Part 1, Paragraph 4)
The total amount of accrued added pension must not exceed a
certain limit. If it appears to the scheme manager that a member
who has elected to make periodical contributions will exceed the
limit the scheme manager may cancel the election (by written
notice to the member). [Schedule 1 Part 1, Paragraph 4]
Statement of Policy
If it appears to the scheme manager that a member who has
elected to make periodical contributions will exceed the limit
prescribed in the regulations the scheme manager will, having
provided written notice to the member, cancel the election.
49. Member's Election to make periodical contributions for added
pension (Schedule 1, Part 1, Paragraph 7)
If a scheme member wishes to make periodical payments for
added pension, the scheme manager can set a minimum amount
which must be paid. [Schedule 1, Part 1, Paragraph 7(3)]
Statement of Policy
The scheme manager will not allow a member to make periodic
payments for added pension of less than £10 per month.
50. Periodical payments (Schedule 1, Part 2, Paragraph 8)
If a scheme member wants to make periodical payments for added
pension, but does not want them to be deducted from pensionable
pay, the scheme manager may agree another method of payment.
[Schedule 1 Part 2, Paragraph 8 (3)]
Statement of Policy
The scheme manager will not allow a member to make periodical
payments for added pension except by deduction from
pensionable pay.
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- 49 -
51. Periodical payments during periods of assumed pensionable
pay (Schedule 1, Part 2, Paragraph 10)
After a period of assumed pensionable pay or a period of
reduced pay, the member may give written notice to the scheme
manager authorising the employer to deduct the aggregate of
payments which would have been made but for the leave
from the member's pay during the period of six months from the
end of the period of reduced pay. The scheme manager can
extend this period of six months. [Schedule 1 Part 2, Paragraph
Statement of Policy
Where a member gives written notice authorising the deduction of
aggregate payments from their pay the scheme manager will
extend the period of repayment to a maximum of two years. This
discretion will be exercised by the Payroll and Pensions Manager.
52. Meaning of "tapered protection closing date" (Schedule 2,
Part 1, Paragraph 3)
The tapered protection closing dates for tapered protection
members are given in the 1992 scheme tables in Schedule 2
Part 4. In most cases the appropriate closing date can be
ascertained by reference to the band of dates in which the
firefighter's birthday falls. The tapered protection date for a
tapered protection member of FPS 2006 to whom paragraph 9(5)
or 21 applies (members returning to pensionable service) is
determined by the scheme manager. [Schedule 2 Part 1,
Paragraph 3(3); Schedule 2 Part 2, Paragraph 9(5); and Schedule
2 Part 3, Paragraph 21]
Statement of Policy
The tapered protection date for a tapered protection member of
FPS 2006 to whom paragraph 9(5) or 21 applies (members
returning to pensionable service) is determined by the scheme
manager. This determination will be exercised by the Payroll and
Pensions Manager.
Ref. AU/2019/Apr/92003192 Official WMFS - Public
Pay Policy Statement 2019-2020 - Remuneration and relationship between Chief Officer's and Lowest Paid Employees Appendix 1D
Base Salary Range
Pay Relationship to CFO
Chief Fire Officer **
Set by Appointments Committee
Deputy Chief Fire Officer **
Set by Appointments Committee
Assistant Chief Fire Officer (Service Delivery) **
Set by Appointments Committee
Lowest Paid Employees (Grey Book)
Firefighter (Control)
Lowest Paid Employees (Green Book)
Crew Manager
Watch Manager
Station Manager ***
Group Manager ***
Area Manager ***
Firefighter (Control)
Crew Manager (Control)
Watch Manager (Control)
Station Manager (Control)***
Group Manager (Control)***
Ref. AU/2019/Apr/92003192 Official WMFS - Public
- 51 -
Pay Point 102
Pay Point 101
Pay Point 100
Pay Band Manager 1 SCP 51-59
Pay Band Manager 2 and Professional 1 - SCP 36-50
Pay Band Manager 3, Professional 2 and Technical 1 - SCP 27-35
Pay Band Professional 3, Technical 2 and Administrative 1 - SCP 15-26
Pay Band Technical 3 and Administrative 2 - SCP 5-14
Pay Band Administrative 3 and Operative 1 - SCP 2-5
Pay Band Administrative 4 and Operative 2 - SCP 1
*WMFS is committed to ensuring all employees are paid no less than the
National Living Wage which on 5 November 2018 increased to £9 per
hour, equivalent to £17,364 per annum. Lowest paid employees salary
was increased in November to the Living Wage and they will continue to
benefit from this increase but will not be entitled to any increase applied
to NJC rates unless this results in their existing spine point exceeding
the National Living Wage.
All these figures are subject to change if/when pay
awards are determined. The NJC Pay award from 1
April 2019 has now made
the lowest pay point payable equal to the Living Wage. The lowest paid
employees will however to continue from increases to the living wage as these
become payable and exceed the NJC rates.
**Salaries incorporates on-call/continuous cover
*** Salaries inclusive of 20% Flexi Duty Allowance
Ref. AU/2019/Apr/92003192 Official WMFS - Public