Collective Agreement between West Midlands Fire Service / West Midlands Fire
Authority and the Fire Brigades Union
This document is a collective agreement between West Midlands Fire Service / West Midlands
Fire Authority and the Fire Brigades Union.
The collective agreement is an outcome of discussions that have taken place in respect of a
trade dispute registered on 11 April 2018. While this agreement resolves a number of issues
it is recognised that there are some issues still outstanding, and therefore this agreement does
not resolve the trade dispute in its entirety. It is recognised as a significant contribution to an
overall resolution.
For the purposes of this document the contract issued to entrants from 21 July 2017 is
referenced as the New Entrants’ Contract (NEC).
This collective agreement arises from the trade dispute which exists between the FBU and
WMFS/A. All and any agreements referenced and required by this collective agreement refer
to agreements between WMFS and the FBU. Agreements made with the FBU will not be
constrained by/ dependent upon or shaped by any agreements or understandings the
WMFS/A might agree with other staff associations/ trade unions/ representative bodies.
The italicised wording which prefaces each of points 1- 5 is to provide a context for the
subsequent paragraphs and reflects the wording of the trade dispute.
1. Matters in respect of Point 1 in the trade dispute
The immediate withdrawal of all contracts of employment which are outside of the Grey Book or which contain
changes which have not been agreed with the FBU. Members issued with such contracts to be provided with new
terms and conditions which are consistent with and subject to the Grey Book and national and local agreements
with the FBU and no further such contracts to be issued to FBU members. To be clear the contracts to be withdrawn
and no longer issued include those which suggest the Grey Book role maps are not exhaustive, permit changes to
working hours outside the Grey Book procedure, allow management in discipline cases to suspend members with
no provision for pay during the suspension, require members to work at non Service sites or which expand on the
right of management to make deductions from members’ pay.
1.1 WMFS has already suspended the clauses related to health activities contained in the
Job Description element in the contract issued to new entrants from July 2017 and this
suspension has and will remain in place until the NEC is withdrawn and replaced.
1.2 WMFS has confirmed that from 6 June 2018 no further new entrants will be provided
with the NEC.
1.3 The agreed replacement contract is shown as appendix one to this collective
agreement. It will be sent by post to affected ‘new’ entrants and provided to WMFS
workplaces by 11.00am Monday 25 June. The covering letter will explain that they are
asked to sign the contract which is the product of a collective agreement with the Fire
Brigades Union and return it to WMFS within 7 days and that they are advised to retain
a copy for their own use. The letter will be clear that in the absence of an objection to
the contract by the employee, it will be deemed that the employee will have accepted
the new contract and that an employee may wish to discuss the matter further with a
WMFS HR person/union representative.
1.4 Both parties to this agreement will present the replacement in a positive light reflecting
the Fire Authority position with encouragement to the affected employees to accept
the replacement contract.
1.5 It is acknowledged that as is usual with employment contracts change may occur from
time to time as a result of local / national agreements and/or legislative requirements.
1.6 Any future contractual changes that the employer wishes to introduce in respect of new
entrants will be discussed with a view to seeking agreement with the Fire Brigades
Union in advance of their introduction.
1.7 Any future contractual changes that the employer wishes to introduce in respect of
existing personnel, up to and including the role of Area Manager, shall be subject to
appropriate negotiation or consultation with the Fire Brigade Union.
2. Matters in respect of Point 2 in the trade dispute
Agreement that firefighter (control) members will only be required to handle calls within the role maps of firefighters.
Specifically, this means they will not be required to handle falls response calls, emergency medical response or
other calls outside of those role maps.
2.1 Firefighter (Control) staff will only be required to handle calls within the role maps of
Firefighters (Control). There will be no expectations for them to manage calls outside
of those role maps.
2.2 For the avoidance of doubt, that commitment means that WMFS/A control staff who
have not volunteered will not be required to deal with any emergency response calls
that firefighters would not normally be required to respond to in line with the principles
of the activity which can be required under the Firefighter (Control) rolemap.
2.3 The NEC recently issued to Firefighter (Control) new entrants will be withdrawn and
replaced with agreed contracts by 10am on 25 June 2018.
2.4 WMFS/A will inform control staff in general and individually that no-one is required to
deal with Telecare or other health-related calls, but they may choose to volunteer to
do so. This will be completed by no later than 11.00am on Monday 25 June 2018.
2.5 Control staff not trained and deemed competent to deliver this activity (Telecare or
other health-related calls) will not be eligible to volunteer.
2.6 Both sides recognised that the issue of requirement will be discussed nationally
through the NJC discussions on broadening the role.
3. Matters in respect of Point 3 in the trade dispute
Agreement that there will be no more attempts by management to interfere with members’ legitimate trade union
activities and an undertaking to enter discussions with FBU West Midlands officials with a view to agreeing a new
joint protocol preventing further interference in trade union activities and providing specific safeguards where
discipline is proposed against FBU officials or representatives.
3.1 WMFS/A recognises that the FBU will undertake its duties and responsibilities as an
independent trade union. It would not wish to interfere in that process and has no
intention to seek to undermine that through alternative consultation with staff. WMFBU
recognise that it is appropriate for the WMFS/A to engage with staff on strategic
3.2 Reasonable trade union leave will be provided in order for the FBU to carry out its
duties and relevant activities.
3.3 This agreement recognises that the proper place for negotiation/consultation is through
an agreed industrial relations process and a joint review of the Employee Relations
Framework will be undertaken as soon as possible.
3.4 WMFS/A agrees that in circumstances where it legitimately believes that an employee
who is an FBU representative or an official should be subject to disciplinary
investigation it will bring the matter to the attention of the FBU Brigade Secretary and/or
Brigade Chair. Should the Brigade Secretary or Chair be the subject of suspicion
notification will be provided to the FBU Executive Council member and/or Regional
Secretary. In either case, subject to any confidentiality or other legal restrictions placed
on WMFS/A, such notification will include that it has sufficient information/grounds to
warrant an investigation.
4. Matters in respect of Point 4 in the trade dispute
Confirmation that, in the absence of local or national agreement with the FBU, there will be no more attempts to
offer members inducements, financial or otherwise, to accept changes which are inconsistent with the Grey Book
such as additional duties outside role maps.
4.1 WMFS/A is committed to collective bargaining and confirms that it understands its
responsibilities under Section 145(B) of TULRCA 1992.
4.2 Notwithstanding that WMFS/A is firm in its view that it has not offered inducement and
would not wish to do so, WMFS/A reaffirms that it will not offer inducements, financial
or otherwise, to accept changes which are inconsistent with the Grey Book such as
additional duties outside role maps.
4.3 However, it is content to raise awareness of what inducement means with relevant
groups of staff.
4.4 As part of this process WMFS/A commits to
Provide a statement/section within the Employee Relations Framework (ERF) as
part of the ERF review that clearly sets out guidance in relation to our approach
on collective bargaining and inducement.
Provide the appropriate level of development and guidance for managers and staff
Implement joint training and communications as an outcome of the ERF review.
4.5 The proper place for negotiation/consultation is through an agreed industrial relations
process and a joint review of the Employee Relations Framework will be undertaken
as soon as possible. Both parties commit to agree a process relating to the ERF
including a timeline which will be quicker than has been the focus in joint discussions
with the FBU on this matter to date.
5. Matters in respect of Point 5 in the trade dispute
An undertaking that the Fire Authority will address the problem of repeated and systematic dictatorial management
by those they employ as senior managers. This will include entering into discussions with FBU West Midlands
officials with a view to reaching a collective agreement on consultation, negotiation, openness, and on prioritising
health and safety rather than focussing on finding fault by staff and rushing to discipline against our members in
West Midlands.
5.1 WMFS/A will be commissioning an objective cultural review to be carried out by an
independent external body or person. The Fire Brigades Union will be consulted to
agree the Terms of Reference and associated matters.
5.2 As part of this process WMFS/A will carry out an internal review that will provide a
‘snap shot’ picture of the Service and focus on areas such as:
decision making and
performance management
5.3 WMFS/A will agree the Terms of Reference and associated matters with the Fire
Brigades Union.
5.4 WMFS/A note the level of ‘yes’ response to the recent FBU ballot of its members and
that WMFBU believe it reflects a wider level of dissatisfaction amongst its members.
5.5 WMFS/A wish to explore about the causes of this dissatisfaction and, at this stage,
believes it may be largely reflective of uncertainty around the future and potential
change. It will therefore undertake initial soundings in order to inform the scope of a
cultural review which will then take place as soon as possible. The proposed method
will be discussed and agreed in advance with the Fire Brigades Union as will the
5.6 It is agreed that further discussion will take place on the application of the SRSC
Regulations in West Midlands Fire Service. The aim is to complete this work by 31 July
2018. As a start to this wider process, WMFS/A is committed to a joint review of the
Health and Safety Framework to ensure it remains aligned to the Health and Safety at
Work Act and in particular health and safety representatives activities. Further, the
Service is ensuring that Health and Safety Risk Assessments will be undertaken for
new projects along with Equality Impact Assessments. This will be required at the
consultation stage of projects when they are presented at the Joint Consultative
Committee where the FBU is represented.
5.7 It is agreed that discussions will take place to ensure that the principles and
requirements of the respective parties in the NJC Joint Protocol for Good Industrial
Relations are meaningfully implemented in the Fire Service in the West Midlands. The
aim is to complete this work by 31 July 2018.
6. Next steps and matters left out-standing
6.1 In making this agreement it is acknowledged that further discussion needs to take
place to address the matters in the trade dispute not yet resolved, these are:
Re: Point 1 clarification and then discussion around the matter of ‘existing
firefighters’, which refers to staff joining the service who have been issued with
contracts with elements which had not been discussed with the FBU;
Re: Point 5 the application of the SRSC Regulations in West Midlands Fire
Service. As a start to this wider process, WMFS/A is committed to a joint review
of the Health and Safety Framework to ensure it remains aligned to the Health
and Safety at Work Act and in particular health and safety representatives
activities. Further, the Service is ensuring that Health and Safety Risk
Assessments will be undertaken for new projects along with Equality Impact
Assessments. This will be required at the consultation stage of projects when
they are presented at the Joint Consultative Committee where the FBU is
Re: Point 5 - to ensure that the principles and requirements of the respective
parties in the NJC Joint Protocol for Good Industrial Relations are meaningfully
implemented in the Fire Service in the West Midlands;
6.2 For the avoidance of doubt, until those matters are resolved, the trade dispute notified
on 11 April 2018 remains in place.
6.3 Both parties agreed that discussions to resolve the dispute in its entirety will continue.
6.4 Contingent upon this collective agreement being made prior to 24 June 2018 (which
includes the matter of inducements) the FBU will take the necessary steps to end its
current legal action re section 145B of TULRCA 1992.
6.5 In respect of the legal action referred to in 6.4 above, in the event that the legal action
is ended as described in 6.3, both sides agree to bear their own costs in respect of any
costs incurred in connection with that case.
6.6 Contingent upon this collective agreement being made prior to 25 June 2018, and the
contract matters in points 1 and 2 implemented before 11.00a.m. on 25
June, the
FBU will take the necessary steps to cancel the notified strike action planned for 30
June and 4 July 2018.
Signed on behalf of Chief Fire Officer ASSISTANT GENERAL
West Midlands Fire Service Fire Brigades Union
The following statement of Terms and Particulars is issued in accordance with the
provisions of the Employment Rights Act 1996.
Parties to the Agreement
Name and Address of employer: West Midlands Fire and Rescue Authority
99 Vauxhall Road
B7 4HW
Name of Employee: «M_8_Full_Name»
Roll Number: «M_9_Roll_N
Date on which particulars given: <DATE>
This is previous continuous service with an organisation covered by the Redundancy
Payments (Local Government Modification) Orders, which covers local authorities and
related bodies, this will be included when calculating your entitlement to: occupational
maternity leave, redundancy, sickness absence, annual Leave & notice period.
Following some breaks in service, previous service in a local authority or related body
may also count as continuous service for calculating annual leave, occupational
maternity pay and occupational sick pay.
No previous employment with another previous employer, other than those cited
above, counts as continuous employment with West Midlands Fire Service.
The duties of your position will be in accordance with your rolemap and the activities
will be those agreed by the NJC or variations agreed locally through collective
bargaining. The roles used shall be as the Fire Authority considers necessary and
reasonable activities within your rolemap will be determined by the Authority to meet
the local needs of the Service based on risk. The activities are subject to the type of
work which it is agreed can be undertaken.
Development: This phase would normally last up to 3 years. During this time you
will be assessed against the different functions and behaviours that make up the
role in delivering prevention, protection and response activities until you have
proved your competency.
The development period will be in accordance with the NJC agreement and will
be managed under The Services existing polices. The aim of this is to ensure
consistent and fair treatment for all employees. If you do not satisfactorily
complete your development period your appointment may be terminated by The
Service giving the required notice period.
You will be required to work from any of the Service’s locations as appropriate. Moves
to other locations will be in the interest of the Service on either a permanent or
temporary basis but will be in consultation with yourself and in line with Service policy
and will be contained within West Midlands Fire Service borders. This does not
necessarily apply where temporary secondment arrangements are put into place.
Secondments are voluntary. Your normal place of work will be: _____________
The scheme of conditions of service applicable to your role are collectively negotiated
by the National Joint Council (NJC) for Local Authorities’ Fire Brigades and is
commonly known as the Grey Book.
Your terms and conditions of employment (including certain provisions relating to your
working conditions) are covered by existing local and national collective agreements
negotiated and agreed with a specific trade union or unions and recognised by this
Service for collective bargaining purposes.
These agreements are embodied in the National Joint Council for Local Authority Fire
Authority Fire and Rescues, Scheme of Conditions of Service Sixth Edition (Grey
Book), as well as in other documents, which are equally available to you. If you wish
to have sight of these documents they are available on the Intranet.
From time to time, variations in your terms and conditions of employment will result
from local and national negotiations and agreement with the recognised trade unions.
Where legislation requires The Service to make individual agreements to implement
its responsibilities as an employer, an individual and The Service may modify those
specific areas within the collectively-agreed arrangements.
The principal conditions at the time of issue of this statement are set out below. For
any subsequent amendments to these particulars, please refer to the agreements
mentioned in this paragraph.
All uniformed personnel undertaking an operational role have a responsibility to ensure
that they maintain their levels of fitness to an operationally accepted standard. This is
outlined in the Service’s Fitness Policy. Failure to maintain fitness may result in a
referral to our capability policy and could impact on your continued employment.
As a public sector organisation the public is entitled to expect the highest standards of
behaviour and conduct from all our employees. Further details of these expectations and
standards can be found in the Service’s Code of Conduct policy which include the
Services Core Values. These will be a focus of the induction and throughout your career
with the Service.
5. Diversity, Inclusion , Cohesion and Equality
It is the responsibility of every employee to understand our equality and diversity
commitments and statutory obligations under current equality legislation including the
Equality Act 2010. The Service has a clear set of Core Values which outline the
expectations on employees to:
Act in ways that support equality, diversity, inclusivity and cohesion and
recognises the importance of people’s rights in accordance with legislation,
policies, procedures and good practice.
Value people as individuals and treating everyone with dignity and respect,
consideration and without prejudice, respecting diversity and recognising peoples
expressed beliefs, preferences and choices in working with others and delivering
appropriate services.
Recognise and report behaviour that undermines equality under Service policies.
Be consciously aware of own behaviour and encourage the same levels of
behaviour in colleagues.
Acknowledge others’ different perspectives and recognise the diverse needs and
experiences of everyone they come into contact with.
Support the inclusivity objectives of the Service as a priority.
Your basic pay is <£Salary> per annum. Your salary will be pro-rated if you work part
time and will be paid monthly into your Bank or Building society account on or around
the 25
of each calendar month subject to normal payroll deductions.
Salary scales may be increased annually each year, following appropriate negotiations
at the National Joint Council and normally payable from 1
July backdated where
required. Any allowances in addition to your salary will be indicated above if specific
to the role or available on the Intranet site.
It is your responsibility to inform the HM Revenue and Customs of any changes in
circumstances that impact on your tax coding or benefits e.g. Marriage, Divorce and
Retirement etc.
The Service will seek to deduct any monies owing from you to the Service. This could
include overpayment of allowance or annual leave or when requested by you. Such
deductions can be made from any relevant salary payment provided that you are
notified of the deduction and of the reason. When your employment terminates The
Service will deduct from your final salary payment any amount which you owe to The
Your hours of duty are 42 per week.
Development firefighters may undergo training in a variety of places and ways to support
them in their development.
The Service operates a variety of shift patterns/rota systems as outlined on the
WorkForce Planning Intranet site. These may be amended, through local agreement
with the recognised trade unions only.
You will not be required to work paid overtime for this post.
You may from time to time be required to work casual overtime as detailed in the Grey
Overtime will be paid at the appropriate rates in line with your conditions of service and
local arrangements.
Additional Allowances
Once you gain competence and can demonstrate you are actively maintaining your
continual professional development you can apply for CPD payments. These payments
are not retained on promotion. Further and full details please refer to the CPD policy
contained on the intranet.
For the duration of this contract, you must not undertake any other paid employment
without the express agreement of The Service. You must also not engage in any other
outside activity, paid or unpaid, which might interfere with the effective discharge of your
duties or adversely affect The Service in any way. You are required to disclose any
outside employment to the Service. When disclosing any outside employment, you must
disclose the nature of it and advise the Service of the number of hours worked.
Permission or consent from the Service will then be considered. The Service reserves
the right to withdraw its permission/consent at its absolute discretion. The Service
requires that you must declare membership of any organisation which has secrecy about
rules or membership or conduct.
You are entitled to 22 days annual leave with an additional 5 days for long service after
completing years ‘continuous service’. In addition you are entitled to 8 statutory and
public holidays. The leave year runs in line with leave policy and leave will be balanced
across the year and taken only in agreement with The Service.
You will be paid your normal basic remuneration during such holidays. If you are
contracted to part time, these hours will be pro-rated. If you start working, leave or
amend your working hours your entitlement will be adjusted accordingly.
Working on a statutory or public holiday will be paid in accordance with National Joint
Council for Local Authority Fire Authority Fire and Rescues, Scheme of Conditions of
Service Sixth Edition (Grey Book).
Under normal circumstances you cannot carry over holiday entitlement from one holiday
year to the next. Any holiday entitlement not used in a holiday year will be forfeited
except where specific exception agreed or in cases of maternity leave. Please refer to
our policy on leave.
If at the termination of your employment you have holiday accrued but untaken, you will
normally be required to take that leave during any period of notice given to or by you, in
accordance with the needs of the Service. If this is not feasible, then you will be entitled
to a payment in lieu of any accrued but untaken holidays. Any excess of leave taken will
be adjusted in your final salary.
If you are absent from work through sickness or injury you must comply with The
Service’s requirements for reporting your absence. Further details are contained
in the Managing Attendance Policy.
The Service will pay an employee occupational sick pay for periods of authorised
absence for injury and sickness in line with the Attendance Management Policy.
The Service reserves the right, at any stage of absence to require employees to provide
medical certificates or attend medical examination by a doctor specified by the Authority.
Costs will be borne by the FRA.
Where an absence results from an incident which gives rise to a third party claim, The
Service will make payments in accordance with the sick pay scheme. However, where
monies can be and are recovered as a result of the third party claim, then the employee
is expected to repay the related sick pay that has been received.
The period of notice that an employee is required to give to terminate their employment,
on or after 4 weeks service will be 1 calendar months notice in writing.
Except in cases of gross misconduct termination of employment the minimum period of
notice that the employer will give to an employee will be;
Minimum Notice
1 week (subject to a minimum of
4 weeks service)
1 week for each complete year
of continuous service
12 weeks
The Service reserves the right to make a payment in lieu of notice upon termination of
your employment (rather than you working out your notice period). This provision, which
is at the employer's discretion, applies whether notice to terminate the Contract is given
by you or by The Service.
The Service reserves the right to require you not to attend the workplace during the
notice period. The contract of employment will remain in force during this period and you
are not permitted to take up employment elsewhere during this period.
You are eligible for membership of the 2015 Fire Fighters Pension Scheme/LGPS
(delete as appropriate) and a scheme guide was provided to you with your letter of offer.
Should you require further information on the scheme and the benefits of membership
please contact Pension[email protected].
The Service, as your employer, advises you to be a member of a Trade Union.
The Health, Safety and Wellbeing Team can assist you in taking care of your health and
safety at work, as well as your wellbeing and fitness. Any accident/injury, near injury
(Near Hit) or incidence of violence much be reported. All new employees must
complete the e-cademy health and safety induction, as this is a legal requirement.
The Health & Safety Policy and relevant Standing Orders No.19 are available on the
intranet. It is expected and important that you put your safety first and familiarise
yourself with the safety procedures and safe systems of work and comply with these.
You will also be responsible for ensuring that you do not act in a way that endangers
your own health and safety or endangers the health and safety of others.
The Authority undertakes to comply with all Health and Safety legislation as a minimum
standard to provide and maintain as far as reasonably practicable a working
environment for employees that is safe and without risk to health. Your responsibilities
as an employee are outlined in the Services Health and Safety policy.
All employees are subject to the policies and procedures (Standing Orders) of the Service.
A full list of the applicable Standing Orders can be found on the Intranet.
The discipline procedures, which are applicable to all employees, are detailed in The Service’s
Disciplinary Policy and Procedures. This Policy identifies the procedures that are to be
followed in the event of you wishing to appeal against any disciplinary action that affects you.
The Disciplinary Procedure is available on the intranet as Standing Order 02/01. Where it is
considered necessary to suspend an employee during an investigation the suspension will be
on full pay unless the employee commences sick leave then the pay will be in accordance
with the rules of the sick pay scheme.
The Grievance Policy and Procedures, which are applicable to all employees, are detailed in
The Service’s Grievance Policy and Procedures. The Grievance Procedure is not contractual
in effect and available on the intranet as Standing Orders 02/02.
Specific conditions regarding discipline and grievance are contained in the Scheme of
Conditions of Service applicable to your role commonly known as the Grey Book.
You are required to comply with the Services rules and procedures governing the acceptance
of gifts and hospitalities which can be found on the Intranet.
This appointment is subject to satisfactory evidence of your right to take up employment within
the UK. In this respect you will be required to produce satisfactory evidence prior to, and during
your employment within The Service.
Should your right to work status be limited or require renewal or extension during the course
of your employment, then it is your responsibility that any application or request is submitted
in a timely manner in order to ensure that you have the legal right to work in the UK at all
If your employment is dependent on a valid work permit please ensure that you notify your
manager when your work permit is due for renewal. If, for any reason your right to work in the
UK is revoked, you must inform The Service immediately and your continued employment with
The Service will be considered.
Should your right to work status be dependent upon sponsorship from The Service, additional
information may be requested, stored on file or incidences need to be reported in order to
comply with our legal obligation as a sponsor.
It is the policy of the Service to undertake disclosure checks via the Disclosure and Barring
Service as appropriate under Service policy in line with current legislation. Any criminal
records will be taken in to account for recruitment purposes only when the conviction is
relevant to the post applied for.
The offer of this post and continuation of the appointment is subject to a satisfactory DBS
disclosure if the post is listed as an exemption on the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act or is
deemed necessary under current government legislation.
The Service retains the right to request that a further disclosure be sought at any time
throughout your employment in line with new and changing legislation.
If you are notified that criminal proceedings shall be, or may be taken due to an alleged criminal
offence arising from any incident, it is your duty to notify your line manager in writing at the
earliest opportunity.
Notification of any criminal charge or charges
Charges as a result of driving fire service vehicle whilst on duty
Motoring offences whilst off duty
Offences other than motoring whilst on or off duty
Instances where civil or criminal proceedings are taken as a result of a fire or a fire
Contravention of Fire Safety Legislation
Instances where civil proceedings are taken as a result of the actions of operational
Such notification should be via the appropriate line management structure together with any
supporting documents giving full details of any arrest and alleged offence. If you are
involved in criminal proceedings concerning a matter which has no direct connection with the
Fire Service, or civil proceedings connected with the Fire Service, you must notify your
manager at the earliest opportunity.
It is a condition of your employment that you comply with Service policy on the above and that
you agree to wear/display/carry your identity/security badge on your person at all times when
on Service premises or carrying out Service business.
You are required to update the relevant employee system of any changes to your personal
circumstances, for example, name, address, emergency contact and marital status.
You are required to comply with the Service’s policies and procedures. All policies,
procedures and guidelines can be accessed via the Intranet, or copies can be obtained from
your line manager.
As part of being a responsible employer The Service is a non-smoking organisation.
Employees are not permitted to smoke within or on Service premise other than in line with our
Smoke Free Policy 0204.
All Service employees are required to act in such a way that at all times safeguards the health
and wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults. Familiarisation with and adherence to Service
Safeguarding policies is an essential requirement for all employees as is participation in
mandatory/statutory training relevant to the duties you undertake.
If at any time you are concerned by any potentially unlawful conduct or practice which you
witness during your employment you must raise this concern with the relevant person as
determined in The Service’s Public Interest Disclosure Policy (Whistle Blowing Policy). A copy
of this policy is available on the intranet site. Please note that this policy is not to be used
where you have a personal grievance or feel you or others are being subjected to perceived
bullying and harassment. Any concern of this nature should be submitted in accordance with
The Service’s Grievance or Bullying and Harassment Policies.
I hereby accept the offer of appointment on the terms and conditions set out above and with
specific reference to the letter of appointment.
Signed ................................................... Date ................................