4 Credits of English
3 Credits of Math
3 Credits of Science
3 Credits of Social Studies
0.5 Credit of Health/
Physical Education
1 Credit of Integrated
4 Credits of Career and
Technical Education
2.5 Credits of Electives
English I, English II
Algebra I
Biology I
1 U.S. History
0.5 U.S Government
0.5 Mississippi Studies
0.5 Comprehensive
0.5 OR Physical Education
Technology Foundations,
ICT, 9th STEM, or
Computer Applications
and Keyboarding
From Students Program
of Study
4 Credits of English
4 Credits of Math
4 Credits of Science
4 Credits of Social
0.5 Credit of Health
0.5 Physical Education
1 Credit of Business &
1 Credit of Art
5 Credits of Electives
English I, English II
Algebra I
Biology I
1 U.S. History
1 World History
0.5 Geography
0.5 Economics
0.5 U.S Government
0.5 Mississippi Studies
0.5 Comprehensive
Technology Foundations,
ICT, 9th STEM, or
Computer Applications
and Keyboarding
4 Credits of English
4 Credits of Math
3 Credits of Science
3 Credits of Social
0.5 Credit of Health
1 Credit of Business &
1 Credit of Art
4.5 Credits of Electives
English I, English II
Algebra I
Biology I
1 U.S. History
1 World History
0.5 U.S Government
0.5 Mississippi Studies
0.5 Comprehensive
Technology Foundations,
ICT, 9th STEM, or
Computer Applications
and Keyboarding
2 Credits of English
3 Credits of Math
2 Credits of Science
2.5 Credits of Social
1 Credit of Health &
Physical Education
1 Credit of Business &
1 Credit of Fine Art
5 Credits of Electives
English I, English II
Algebra I
Biology I
1 U.S. History
1 World History
0.5 U.S Government
0.5 Mississippi Studies
OR approved SBE
equivalent courses
0.5 Comprehensive
0.5 Physical Education
Technology Foundations,
ICT, 9th STEM, or
Computer Applications
and Keyboarding
Electives should align
with postsecondary
admission standards.
Required Courses Required Courses Required Course Required Courses
Career Pathway Option*
21 Credits***
Traditional Pathway Option*
24 Credits Minimum
District Option**
21 Credits Minimum
MS Early Exit Exam Option****
(Applies only to students in a State Board of Education (SBE) approved
Innovative Program)
17.5 Credits Minimum
Mississippi High School Graduation Pathways
E ach student in Mississippi schools must have an iCAP that is p ers onalized to meet his or her educational and career goals. Students w ho choose the Career Pathway Option must complete 4 career and technical education
units and 2.5 elective units specied in the students iCAP.
e Subject Area Testing Program (SATP) consists of four academic, end-of-course tests (Algebra I, Biology I, English II, and U.S. History from 1877). A passing score in each of the four subject-area tests is required.
Subject Area Tests
Individual Career and Academic Plan (iCAP)
* Career and Traditional Pathway Options are State Board required.
** District Pathway is a local decision.
*** e Career Pathway Option is available for all students beginning in 2011-2012
**** e Mississippi Early Exit Diploma indicates that students are ready to do college level work without remediation and opens up a
variety of educational and career pathways within and beyond high school. In order to qualify for a Mississippi Early Exit Diploma, in
addition to earning the Carnegie Units listed, students must meet college and career qualication scores in all core content areas on a
series of End of Course (EOC) exams and/or the required benchmarks for college readiness on the ACT or Institution of Higher
Learning (IHL) approved college entrance exam.
August 2013