Credit Requirements
Local vs State Credit
State credit means the State of Texas recognizes the
course for credit. Local credit is awarded to students
taking courses that are locally approved and are not rec-
ognized by TEA for graduation.
Students involved in extra curricular
activities must be enrolled in ve classes that
are state or local credits -
Exception: Teacher Aide, Senior Mentor and
Lab Management do not count toward the
High School Courses Taught at
Junior High
High school credit courses taken at junior high are
not included in GPA or class ranking, but are reect-
ed on the high school transcript.
Grade level classications for students in grades 10-12 shall be earned by course credits. All students entering high school for
their rst year will be classied as a freshman. High school credits earned prior to entering high school will count in students
educational record.
Changes in grade level classication shall be made at the beginning of the fall semester, for students in grades 10-12. Students
keep their classication for the entire year except those students who move to the senior level for graduation purposes.
Classication Credits
Freshman Less than 6
Sophomore 6 - 12
Junior 12.5 - 18.5
Senior 19+