E-Filing in Michigan Courts
Policies and Standards: No. 2, effective September 1, 2019
Revised 7/17/2020
These standards do not apply to filings in the 3rd, 6th, 13th, 16th, and 20th Circuit Courts until
these courts are fully implemented on MiFILE. See those courts’ websites for specific filing
guidelines. These standards apply to the SCAO-approved court forms and forms generated by
MiCSES as of January 1, 2022.
Preparing Electronic Documents for Filing
1. General Pleading Requirements
All documents electronically filed with Michigan courts must, at a minimum, comply with
MCR 1.109(D)
and be prepared in accordance with the general pleading requirements of
MCR 2.111. Depending on the type of case, there may be other court rule or statutory
2. Signature
Every document filed with the court must be signed by the person filing it or by at least one
attorney of record. A party who is not represented by an attorney must sign the document.
If a document is not signed, it will be rejected by the court. MCR 1.109(E)
An electronic signature means an electronic sound, symbol, or process attached to or
logically associated with a record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to
sign the record. The following form is acceptable: /s/ [printed name].
In probate proceedings the following also applies:
(a) When a person is represented by an attorney, the signature of the attorney is
required on any paper filed in a form approved by the State Court Administrator only if
the form includes a place for a signature.
(b) An application, petition, or other paper may be signed by the attorney for the
petitioner, except that an inventory, account, acceptance of appointment, and sworn
closing statement must be signed by the fiduciary or trustee. A receipt for assets must
be signed by the person entitled to the assets.
3. Electronic Document Format Standards
All documents electronically filed with Michigan courts must be prepared in accordance with
these standards. Deviation from these standards may result in a submitted filing being
rejected. MCR 1.109(D) and MCR 8.119(C). See standard rejection reasons and solutions
With the exception of redacting protected personal identifying information, these standards
do not apply to documents being filed with the court that: 1) the filing party did not create or
2) the filing party created for a reason other than filing with the court. Such documents are
typically attached to or accompany a document that the filing party has specifically prepared
for filing with the court. Examples include, but are not limited to:
E-Filing in Michigan Courts
Policies and Standards: No. 2, effective September 1, 2019
Revised 7/17/2020
leases, bank statements, wills, codicils, trusts, or other testamentary documents;
copies of documents from a court file that preceded these standards or a printout of
a register of action from a court’s records;
documents created by local, state, or federal government agencies, such as a local
tax bill, marriage license, birth certificate, or death certificate; and
documents prepared, executed, acknowledged, or proved outside the state of
Michigan, such as a copy of a foreign judgment.
These standards also do not apply to the Michigan Uniform Law Citations.
Each document filed with the court must be in English. MCR 1.109(D)(1)
Caption, Titling of Documents
The caption must comply with specific court rule requirements, including
capitalized statements for appellate documents. MCR 1.109(D)
The title of a motion and subsequent order must be specific and include the
name of the party filing the motion (e.g., Defendant [NAME]’s Motion for
Summary Disposition). MCR 2.119
Personal Identifying Information
Personal identifying information protected under MCR 1.109(D)(9)
as of January
1, 2021 must be provided to the court as required by MCR 1.109(D)(2) in an
appropriate SCAO-approved method or form. If by form, the form must be
completed and filed with the document to which it pertains.
If a party is required to include protected personal identifying information in a
public document filed with the court after January 1, 2021, the party shall file the
document with the protected personal identifying information redacted, along with
a personal identifying information form approved by the State Court
Administrative Office under MCR 1.109(D)(9)(b)(i)
Page View/Size
8 ½ x 11 inch view. Must be capable of being printed on 8 ½ x 11 inch paper per
single page without manipulation. MCR 1.109(B)
Cannot reduce 8 ½ x 14 inches to fit into an 8 ½ x 11 inch view.
No multiple transcript pages on a single document page. MCR 1.109(B)
Any attachment, graphic, or photograph larger than 8 ½ x 11 inches must be filed
in its original size in paper format unless the judge directs that it can be filed
electronically in its original size. MCR 1.109(D)(4), MCR 1.109(G)(3)(c)
Any attachment, graphic, or photograph smaller than 8 ½ x 11 inches may be
filed in its original size.
E-Filing in Michigan Courts
Policies and Standards: No. 2, effective September 1, 2019
Revised 7/17/2020
Type Face and Font
Type face must be without ornament, serif or sans serif. Preferred are: Arial,
Calibri, Constantia, Georgia, Tahoma, and Times New Roman. Limit use of font
attributes such as italics, capitalization, and bolding.
Font must be 12 or 13 point for body text and no less than 10 point for footnotes,
except with regard to forms approved by the State Court Administrative Office.
MCR 1.109(D)(1)
One-inch top and bottom margins; one-half inch side margins; side margins for
date and time stamps; top margin for other court-use-only stamps.
These margin standards do not apply to transcripts.
Two and one-half inch top margin for documents prepared for recording in the
register of deeds. MCL 565.201
No text or image shall be placed in the margin except a court’s date and time
Line and Paragraph Spacing
Except as otherwise provided by court rule, one and one-half or double line
spacing, except with regard to forms approved by the State Court Administrative
Office, quotes, and footnotes.
Paragraphs must be numbered.
Document Volume/Number of Pages
Motion Practice combined length of motion and brief cannot exceed 20 pages,
double spaced. Excludes attachments or exhibits. MCR 2.119
Case Evaluation Summary cannot exceed 20 pages, exclusive of attachments,
unless otherwise permitted by the court. MCR 2.403
Motion for Relief from Judgment combined motion and any memorandum of
law cannot exceed 50 pages. Excludes attachments or exhibits. MCR 6.502(C).
File Format, Quality, Metadata, Orientation
Documents must be searchable/Optical Character Recognition (OCR) PDF and
capable of being printed.
When the filing party has control of the creation of a document, the document
must be converted to PDF directly from the program used to create the
document. A scanned image of a document is prohibited except for documents
the filing party did not create electronically or when a required signature on the
document was signed by hand.
Scanned documents must be a minimum 300-400 dpi, black/white mode.
Permissible formats are PDF, DOC and DOCX, RTF, TIFF, TXT, JPG, and PNG.
E-Filing in Michigan Courts
Policies and Standards: No. 2, effective September 1, 2019
Revised 7/17/2020
Each page of a document must be oriented so that the text is not upside down or
sideways and can be read without manipulation.
Multiple documents (including attachments) cannot be combined into a single
PDF unless authorized in these standards. In summary proceedings case types
(LT and SP), a document with attachments must be combined in the same file
with the lead document.
Each document must contain no blank pages.
Color photographs or graphics must be filed in color.
All metadata must be removed from the document, including information
referencing drafters, reviewers, javascript, or macros.
Bar codes affixed by a filer are permissible provided they are within the
prescribed margins.
File Size; Multiple-Part Documents
File size shall not exceed 25 MB. Files larger than 25 MB may be filed
electronically in separate 25 MB (or smaller) segments.
Multiple-part documents are a single document split apart by necessity because
of file size limitations. The document must follow the naming convention in these
standards. Multiple-part documents are not connected filings.
Connected filings are lead documents with attachments. The filer is responsible
for dividing the document into appropriately sized parts and labeling each
segment (e.g., 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3).
File Name
The file name must identify the title of the document.
There is a 100 character limit.
Abbreviations are permitted.
Do not use special characters.
Attachments (previously referred to as exhibits)
Attachments the filing party creates for filing with the court must comply with
these standards. In addition, each attachment accompanying a document must
be separately attached (connected) and referenced to the lead document to
which it relates as follows:
o The last page of the lead document to which attachments pertain must
contain an index subtitled “Index to Attachments” and must list the title of
each attachment and its associated file name(s).
o Each attachment must be identified as an attachment to the lead document,
be numbered, and contain the title as follows: Attachment 1 [title of
attachment, e.g., Lease] for [name of lead document, e.g., Complaint for
Each attachment must conform to the file size limit. To the extent an attachment
exceeds the size limitation, each portion must be separately described as being a
E-Filing in Michigan Courts
Policies and Standards: No. 2, effective September 1, 2019
Revised 7/17/2020
portion of the whole attachment (e.g., Attachment 1 [title of attachment] for [name
of lead document] Part 1 of 3; Attachment 1 [title of attachment] for [name of lead
document] Part 2 of 3; Attachment 1 [title of attachment] for [name of lead
document] Part 3 of 3).
Multiple attachments can be combined as a single attachment when the
documents are of a like kind (e.g., multiple account statements that span a period
of time).
Exception for Summary Proceedings (LT and SP) Cases: If a document has
attachments, the document and all attachments must be combined into a single
Each filed document must be self-contained. Hyperlinks embedded within a
document must refer only to information within the same document.
Embedded audio or video files are prohibited.
4. Preparing Appellate Documents
In addition to the above general document standards, documents prepared for filing with the
Court of Appeals and Michigan Supreme Court must also comply with certain standards.
See Subchapters 7.200 and 7.300 of the Michigan Court Rules and the Appellant Manual
and the Appellee Manual for details.
Source: Michigan Trial Court Records Management Standards
, Standard Minimum Filing
Requirements. Established by the State Court Administrative Office, July 31, 2019, revised October,