Use of External Debt Statistics
15.1 The creation of debt is a natural consequence
of economic activity. At any time, some economic
entities have income in excess of their current con-
sumption and investment requirements, while other
entities are deficient in this regard. Through the cre-
ation of debt, both sets of entities are better able to
realize their consumption and output preferences,
thus encouraging economic growth.
15.2 The creation of debt is premised on the as-
sumption that the debtor will meet the requirements
of the debt contract. But if the income of the debtor
is insufficient or there is a lack of sufficient assets to
call upon in the event of income proving insuf-
ficient, debt problems ensue; the stock of debt will
be such that the debtor cannot meet its obligations.
In such circumstances, or in the expectation of such
circumstances, the benefits arising from inter-
national financial flows—for both creditors and
debtors—may not be fully realized. Hence, the need
at the country level for good risk-management pro-
cedures and the maintenance of external debt at sus-
tainable levels.
15.3 This chapter considers tools for sustainability
analysis such as medium-term scenarios and the
role of debt indicators in identifying solvency and
liquidity problems. This is preceded by a short dis-
cussion of the solvency and liquidity aspects of
15.4 From a national perspective, solvency can be
defined as the country’s ability to discharge its ex-
ternal obligations on a continuing basis. It is rela-
tively easy, but not very helpful, to define a coun-
try’s theoretical ability to pay. In theory, assuming
debt can be rolled over (renewed) at maturity, coun-
tries are solvent if the present value of net interest
payments does not exceed the present value of other
current account inflows (primarily export receipts)
net of imports.
In practice, countries stop servicing
their debt long before this constraint is reached, at
the point where servicing the debt is perceived to
be too costly in terms of the country’s economic
and social objectives. Thus, the relevant constraint
is generally the willingness to pay, rather than the
theoretical macroeconomic ability to pay. To estab-
lish that a country is solvent and willing to pay is
not easy. Solvency is “very much like honesty: it
can never be fully certified, and proofs are slow to
15.5 In analyzing solvency problems, it is neces-
sary to take into account the different implications
of public and private sector debt. If there is a risk
that the public sector will cease to discharge its ex-
ternal obligations, this in itself is likely to sharply
curtail financial inflows to all economic sectors
because governments can issue moratoria on debt
repayment and impose exchange restrictions. Siz-
able public external indebtedness may undermine
the government’s commitment to allowing private
sector debt repayment. Also, if private defaults take
place on a significant scale, this too is likely to lead
to a sharp reduction in financial inflows, and gov-
ernment intervention may follow—in the form of
exchange restrictions, a general debt moratorium, or
bailouts. But problems of individual private sector
borrowers may be contained to the concerned
15. Debt Sustainability: Medium-Term
Scenarios and Debt Ratios
This chapter draws on IMF (2000b), Debt- and Reserve-
Related Indicators of External Vulnerability (Washington: March
23, 2000), available on the Internet at
np/pdr/debtres/index.htm, as well as work at the World Bank.
In considering imports, it is worth noting that these are endoge-
nous and subject to potentially severe compression (reduction).
Calvo (1996), p. 208.
External Debt Statistics Guide
15.6 Liquidity problems—that is, when a shortage
of liquid assets affects the ability of an economy to
discharge its immediate external obligations—
almost always emerge in circumstances that give rise
to insolvency or unwillingness to pay. But it is also
possible for a liquidity problem to arise indepen-
dently of a solvency problem, following a self-
fulfilling “run” on a country’s liquidity as creditors
lose confidence and undertake transactions that lead
to pressures on the international reserves of the
Liquidity problems can be triggered, for
example, by a sharp drop in export earnings, or an
increase in interest rates (foreign and/or domestic),
or prices for imports. The currency and interest rate
composition of debt, the maturity structure of debt,
and the availability of assets to pay debts are all
important determinants of the vulnerability of an
economy to external liquidity crises; these are all
considered in the next chapter. Mechanisms—such
as creditor “councils”—by which creditors’ actions
can be coordinated can be useful in preventing or
limiting the impact of liquidity crises by sharing in-
formation and coordinating responses.
Medium-Term Debt Scenarios
15.7 External-debt-sustainability analysis is gener-
ally conducted in the context of medium-term sce-
narios. These scenarios are numerical evaluations
that take account of expectations of the behavior of
economic variables and other factors to determine
the conditions under which debt and other indicators
would stabilize at reasonable levels, the major risks
to the economy, and the need and scope for policy
adjustment. Macroeconomic uncertainties, such as
the outlook for the current account, and policy
uncertainties, such as for fiscal policy, tend to domi-
nate the medium-term outlook and feature promi-
nently in the scenarios prepared by the IMF in the
context of Article IV consultations and the design of
IMF-supported adjustment programs.
15.8 The current account balance is important be-
cause, if deficits persist, the country’s external posi-
tion may eventually become unsustainable (as re-
flected by a rising ratio of external debt to GDP). In
other words, financing of continually large current
account deficits by the issuance of debt instruments
will lead to an increasing debt burden, perhaps un-
dermining solvency and leading to external vulnera-
bility from a liquidity perspective, owing to the need
to repay large amounts of debt.
15.9 One advantage of medium-term scenarios is
that borrowing is viewed within the overall macro-
economic framework. However, such an approach
can be very sensitive to projections for variables
such as economic growth, interest and exchange
rates, and, in particular, to the continuation of finan-
cial flows, which are potentially subject to sudden
Consequently, a range of various alterna-
tive scenarios may be prepared. Also, stress tests—
“what if” scenarios that assume a major change in
one or more variable—can be helpful in analyzing
major risks stemming from fluctuations of these
variables or from changes in other assumptions
including, for example, changes in prices of imports
or exports of oil. Stress tests are useful for liquidity
analysis and provide the basis for developing strate-
gies to mitigate the identified risks, such as enhanc-
ing the liquidity buffer by increasing international
reserves, by establishing contingent credit lines with
foreign lenders, or both.
Debt Ratios
15.10 Debt ratios have been developed mostly to
help indicate potential debt-related risks, and thus to
support sound debt management. Debt indicators in
medium-term scenarios can usefully sum up impor-
tant trends. They are used in the context of medium-
term debt scenarios, as described above, preferably
from a dynamic perspective, rather than as “snap-
shot” measures. Debt ratios should be considered
in conjunction with key economic and financial
variables, in particular expected growth and inter-
est rates, which determine their trend in medium-
term scenarios.
Another key factor to consider is
the extent to which there is adequate contract
For a discussion of self-fulfilling crises, see Krugman (1996)
and Obstfeld (1994).
Such as when domestic rates rise because of an economy’s per-
ceived deterioration in creditworthiness.
An analysis of key indicators, such as the current account of
the balance of payments, budget deficits, etc., can be particularly
useful in identifying the possibility of reversals in financial flows.
If barter trade is significant, and debt payments are in products
that are not easily marketable, this could affect the interpretation
of debt ratios, since the opportunity cost of this form of payment
is different from a purely financial obligation.
15 Debt Sustainability: Medium-Term Scenarios and Debt Ratios
enforcement—that is, creditor rights, bankruptcy
procedures, etc.—that will help to ensure that private
debt is contracted on a sound basis. More generally,
the incentive structure within which the private sec-
tor operates could affect the soundness of borrowing
and lending decisions; for example, whether there
are incentives that favor short-term or foreign cur-
rency financing.
15.11 As a result, there are conceptual problems in
defining on a general level what are the appropriate
benchmarks for debt ratios; in other words, the scope
for identifying critical ranges for debt indicators is
rather limited. While an analysis over time, in rela-
tion to other macroeconomic variables, might help to
develop a system of early warning signals for a pos-
sible debt crisis or debt-service difficulties, compar-
ing the absolute value of overall debt ratios across
heterogeneous countries is not very useful. For in-
stance, a high or low debt-to-exports ratio in a par-
ticular year may have limited use as an indicator of
external vulnerability; rather, it is the movement of
the debt-to-exports ratio over time that reflects the
debt-related risks.
15.12 For more homogeneous country groupings
and for debt of the public sector, there is more poten-
tial to identify ranges for debt-related indicators that
suggest that debt or debt-service ratios are approach-
ing levels that in other countries have resulted in sus-
pension or renegotiations of debt-service payments,
or have caused official creditors to consider whether
the debt burden may have reached levels that are too
costly to support. For example, assistance under the
HIPC Initiative is determined on the basis of a target
for the ratio of public debt to exports (150 percent),
or the ratio of debt to fiscal revenue (250 percent). In
these ratios, the present value of debt is used, and
only a subset of external debt is taken into consider-
ation, namely medium- and long-term public and
publicly guaranteed debt.
15.13 Several widely used debt ratios are discussed
in somewhat greater detail later. Table 15.1 provides
a more comprehensive list. Broadly speaking, there
are two sets of debt indicators: those based on flow
variables (for example, related to exports or GDP)—
these are called flow indicators because the numera-
tor or denominator or both are flow variables; and
those based on stock variables—that is, both numer-
ator and denominator are stock variables.
Ratio of Debt to Exports and Ratio
of Present Value of Debt to Exports
15.14 The debt-to-exports ratio is defined as the
ratio of total outstanding debt at the end of the year
to the economy’s exports of goods and services for
any one year. This ratio can be used as a measure of
sustainability because an increasing debt-to-exports
ratio over time, for a given interest rate, implies that
total debt is growing faster than the economy’s basic
source of external income, indicating that the coun-
try may have problems meeting its debt obligations
in the future.
15.15 Indicators that use the stock of debt have sev-
eral shortcomings in common. First, countries that
use external borrowing for productive investment
with long gestation periods are more likely to exhibit
high debt-to-exports ratios. But as the investments
begin to produce goods that can be exported, the
country’s debt-to-exports ratio may start to decline.
So for these countries, the debt-to-exports ratio may
not be too high from an intertemporal perspective
even if in any given year it may be perceived as
large. Therefore, arguably this indicator can be
based on exports after the average gestation lag—
that is, using projected exports one or several time
periods ahead as a denominator.
More generally,
this also highlights the need to monitor debt indica-
tors in medium-term scenarios to overcome the limi-
tations of a “snapshot.
15.16 Second, some countries may benefit from
highly concessional debt terms, while others pay
high interest rates. For such countries, to better cap-
ture the implied debt burden—in terms of the oppor-
tunity cost of capital—it is useful to report and ana-
lyze the average interest rate on debt or to calculate
the present value of debt by discounting the pro-
jected stream of future amortization payments in-
cluding interest, with a risk-neutral commercial ref-
erence rate. As noted above, in analyzing debt
See Andrews and others (1999); available on the Internet at
Appendix V discusses the HIPC approach and includes informa-
tion on the debt ratios monitored.
To average out idiosyncratic or irregular swings in export per-
formance, multiyear period averages are frequently used, such as
the three-year averages used in the debt-sustainability analysis for
External Debt Statistics Guide
sustainability for HIPCs, the IMF and World Bank
use such a present value of debt measure—notably
present value of debt to exports, and to fiscal rev-
enue (see below). A high and rising present value of
the debt-to-exports ratio is considered to be a sign
that the country is on an unsustainable debt path.
Ratio of Debt to GDP and Ratio
of Present Value of Debt to GDP
15.17 The debt-to-GDP ratio is defined as the ratio
of the total outstanding external debt at the end of
the year to annual GDP. By using GDP as a denomi-
Ta b le 15.1. Overview of Debt Indicators
Indicator Evaluation/Use
Interest service ratio Ratio of average interest payments to export earnings indicates terms of external
indebtedness and thus the debt burden
External debt to exports Useful as trend indicator closely related to the repayment capacity of a country
External debt over GDP Useful because relates debt to resource base (for the potential of shifting production
to exports so as to enhance repayment capacity)
Present value of debt over exports Key sustainability indicator used, for example, in HIPC Initiative assessments
comparing debt burden with repayment capacity
Present value of debt over fiscal revenue Key sustainability indicator used, for example, in HIPC Initiative assessments
comparing debt burden with public resources for repayment
Debt service over exports Hybrid indicator of solvency and liquidity concerns
International reserves to short-term debt Single most important indicator of reserve adequacy in countries with significant but
uncertain access to capital markets; ratio can be predicted forward to assess
future vulnerability to liquidity crises
Ratio of short-term debt to total Indicates relative reliance on short-term financing; together with indicators of
outstanding debt maturity structure allows monitoring of future repayment risk
Public sector indicators
Public sector debt service over exports Useful indicator of willingness to pay and transfer risk
Public debt over GDP or tax revenues Solvency indicator of public sector; can be defined for total debt or for external debt
Average maturity of nonconcessional debt Measure of maturity that is not biased by long repayment terms for concessional
Foreign currency debt over total debt Foreign currency debt including foreign currency indexed debt; indicator of the
impact of a change in the exchange rate on debt
Financial sector indicators
Open foreign exchange position Foreign currency assets minus liabilities plus net long positions in foreign currency
stemming from off-balance-sheet items; indicator for foreign exchange risk, but
normally small because of banking regulations
Foreign currency maturity mismatch Foreign currency liabilities minus foreign currency assets as percent of these foreign
currency assets at given maturities; indicator for pressure on central bank reserves
in case of a cutoff of financial sector from foreign currency funding
Gross foreign currency liabilities Useful to the extent that assets are not usable to offset withdrawals in liquidity
Corporate sector indicators
Leverage Nominal (book) value of debt over equity (assets minus debt and derivatives
liabilities); key indicator of sound financial structure; high leverage aggravates
vulnerability to other risks (for example, low profitability, high ratio of short-term
debt/total debt)
Interest over cash flow Total prospective interest payments over operational cash flow (before interest and
taxes); key cash flow indicator for general financial soundness
Short-term debt over total term debt In combination with leverage, indicator of vulnerability to temporary cutoff from
(both total and for foreign currency only) financing
Return on assets (before tax and interest) Profit before tax and interest payments over total assets; indicator of general
Net foreign currency cash flow over total Net foreign currency cash flow is defined as prospective cash inflows in foreign
cash flow currency minus prospective cash outflows in foreign currency; key indicator for
unhedged foreign currency exposure
Net foreign currency debt over equity Net foreign currency debt is defined as the difference between foreign currency debt
liabilities and assets; equity is assets minus debt and net derivatives liabilities;
indicator for balance sheet effect of exchange rate changes
15 Debt Sustainability: Medium-Term Scenarios and Debt Ratios
nator, the ratio may provide some indication of the
potential to service external debt by switching re-
sources from production of domestic goods to the
production of exports. Indeed, a country might have
a large debt-to-exports ratio but a low debt-to-GDP
ratio if exportables comprise a very small proportion
of GDP.
15.18 While the debt-to-GDP ratio is immune from
export-related criticisms that mainly focus on the
differing degree of value added in exports and price
volatility of exports, it may be less reliable in the
presence of over- or undervaluations of the real ex-
change rate, which could significantly distort the
GDP denominator. Also, as with the debt-to-exports
ratio, it is important to take account of the country’s
stage of development and the mix of concessional
and nonconcessional debt.
15.19 In the context of debt ratios, the numerator in
the present value of debt-to-GDP ratio is again esti-
mated using future projections of debt-service pay-
ments discounted by market-based interest rates
(that is, a risk-neutral commercial reference rate).
Ratio of Present Value of Debt
to Fiscal Revenue
15.20 The ratio of the present value of debt to fiscal
revenue is defined as the ratio of future projected
debt-service payments discounted by market-based
interest rates (a risk-neutral commercial reference
rate) to annual fiscal revenue. This ratio can be used
as a measure of sustainability in those countries with
a relatively open economy facing a heavy fiscal bur-
den of external debt. In such circumstances, the gov-
ernment’s ability to mobilize domestic revenue is
relevant and will not be measured by the debt-to-
exports or debt-to-GDP ratios. An increase in this
indicator over time indicates that the country may
have budgetary problems in servicing its debt.
Ratio of Debt Service to Exports
15.21 This ratio is defined as the ratio of external
debt-service payments of principal and interest on
long-term and short-term debt to exports of goods
and services for any one year. The debt-service-to-
exports ratio is a possible indicator of debt sustain-
ability because it indicates how much of a country’s
export revenue will be used up in servicing its debt
and thus, also, how vulnerable the payment of debt-
service obligations is to an unexpected fall in export
proceeds. This ratio tends to highlight countries with
significant short-term external debt. A sustainable
level is determined by the debt-to-exports ratio and
interest rates, as well as by the term structure of debt
obligations. The latter may affect creditworthiness
because the higher the share of short-term credit is in
overall debt, the larger and more vulnerable is the
annual flow of debt-service obligations.
15.22 By focusing on payments, the debt-service-
to-exports ratio takes into account the mix of conces-
sional and nonconcessional debt, while its evolution
over time, especially in medium-term scenarios, can
provide useful information on lumpy repayment
structures. Moreover, a narrow version of the debt-
service ratio, focused on government and govern-
ment-guaranteed debt service, can be a useful indi-
cator of government debt sustainability and transfer
risk (the risk that exchange rate restrictions are im-
posed that prevent the repayment of obligations) be-
cause it may provide some insight into the political
cost of servicing debt.
15.23 The debt-service-to-exports ratio has some
limitations as a measure of external vulnerability, in
addition to the possible variability of debt-service
payments and export revenues from year to year.
First, amortization payments on short-term debt are
typically excluded from debt service,
and the cov-
erage of private sector data can often be limited, ei-
ther because the indicator is intentionally focused on
the public sector or because data on private debt ser-
vice are not available.
15.24 Second, many economies have liberalized
their trade regimes and are now exporting a larger
proportion of their output to the rest of the world.
But at the same time they are importing more, and
This ratio, in addition to the total debt-to-exports and the total
debt-to-GNP (national output) ratios, is provided for individual
countries in the World Bank’s annual Global Development
Finance publication.
A version of this indicator that focuses on official debt is used,
for instance, in the HIPC Initiative.
This is the approach taken in the World Bank’s World Devel-
opment Report and Global Development Finance, and the IMF’s
World Economic Outlook. Lack of data, as well as the assumption
that short-term debt mainly constituted trade credit that was easy
to roll over, contributed to this practice. As experience shows, this
assumption is in some cases questionable.
External Debt Statistics Guide
the import content of exports is rising. Thus, a debt-
service-to-exports ratio not corrected for the import
intensity of exports is biased downward for econo-
mies with a higher propensity to export;
this argu-
ment applies similarly to the debt-to-exports ratio.
15.25 Finally, the concept summarizes both liquid-
ity and solvency issues, which may make it analyti-
cally less tractable than measures that track only sol-
vency (such as the ratio of interest payments to
exports) or liquidity (the ratio of reserves to short-
term debt).
Ratio of International Reserves
to Short-Term Debt
15.26 This ratio is a pure liquidity indicator that is
defined as the ratio of the stock of international re-
serves available to the monetary authorities to the
short-term debt stock on a remaining-maturity basis.
This could be a particularly useful indicator of re-
serve adequacy, especially for countries with signifi-
cant, but not fully certain, access to international
capital markets.
15.27 The ratio indicates whether international re-
serves exceed scheduled amortization of short-,
medium-, and long-term external debt during the fol-
lowing year; that is, the extent to which the economy
has the ability to meet all its scheduled amortizations
to nonresidents for the coming year using its own in-
ternational reserves. It provides a measure of how
quickly a country would be forced to adjust if it were
cut off from external borrowing—for example,
because of adverse developments in international
capital markets. All scheduled debt amortization
payments on both private and public debt to nonresi-
dents over the coming year are covered in such a
ratio under short-term debt, regardless of the instru-
ment or currency denomination. A similar ratio can
be calculated focusing on the foreign currency debt
of the government (and banking sector) only. This
may be especially relevant for economies with very
open capital markets, and significant public sector
foreign currency debt.
15.28 Interestingly, in most theoretical models the
maturity structure of public debt is irrelevant be-
cause it is assumed that markets are complete.
markets are rarely complete, even in developed
countries. And, as several currency crises in develop-
ing and emerging market countries in the mid-to-late
1990s have shown, the risk associated with an exces-
sive buildup of the stock of short-term debt relative
to international reserves can be quite severe, even in
countries that were generally regarded as solvent.
One conclusion drawn has been that countries with
excessively large short-term debt in relation to inter-
national reserves are more susceptible to liquidity
15.29 However, various factors need to be taken
into account when interpreting the ratio of interna-
tional reserves to short-term debt. First, a large stock
of short-term debt relative to international reserves
does not necessarily lead to a crisis. Many advanced
economies have higher ratios of short-term debt to
reserves than many emerging economies, which
have shown vulnerability to financial crisis. Factors
such as an incentive structure that is conducive to
sound risk management, and a proven track record
of contract enforcement, can help develop credibil-
ity, and help to explain this difference. Moreover,
macroeconomic fundamentals, in particular the cur-
rent account deficit and the real exchange rate, play
an important role. Consideration should also be
given to the exchange rate regime. For example, a
flexible regime can reduce the likelihood and costs
of a crisis. Finally, the ratio assumes that measured
international reserves are indeed available and can
be used to meet external obligations; this has not al-
ways been true historically.
See Kiguel (1999) for more reasons why the ratio of debt ser-
vice to exports may not be a highly reliable indicator of the exter-
nal vulnerability of a country under special circumstances.
The potential importance of other residents’ external assets in
relation to debt is highlighted in the table for the net external debt
position presented in Chapter 7 (Table 7.11).
See Lucas and Stokey (1983) and Calvo and Guidotti (1992).
See Berg and others (1999); Bussière and Mulder (1999); and
Furman and Stiglitz (1998).
16.1 The type of debt ratios discussed in the pre-
vious chapter focus primarily on overall external
debt and external debt service and the potential to
meet debt obligations falling due on an economy-
wide basis. However, in assessing the vulnerability
of the economy to solvency and liquidity risk aris-
ing from the external debt position, a more detailed
examination of the composition of the external debt
position and related activity may be required. In this
chapter, the relevance of additional data on the com-
position of external debt, external income, external
assets, financial derivatives, and on the economy’s
creditors is explored, drawing particularly on data
series described in Part I of the Guide. The discus-
sion in this chapter, however, is not intended to be
Composition of External Debt
16.2 The relevance for debt analysis of the different
data series presented in the Guide is set out below. In
particular this section focuses on the following
•Who is borrowing?
What is the composition of debt by functional
What type of instrument is being used to borrow?
What is the maturity of debt?
What is the currency composition of the debt?
Is there industrial concentration of debt?
What is the profile of debt servicing?
16.3 Traditionally in debt analysis, the focus has
been on official sector borrowing, not least in the
form of loans from banks or official sources. But the
1990s saw a tremendous expansion in capital market
borrowing by the private sector. This has had signifi-
cant implications for debt analysis, including the
need to gather and analyze external debt data by the
borrowing sector.
16.4 If there is a risk that the public sector will
cease to discharge its external obligations, this is
likely in itself to lead to a sharp curtailment of finan-
cial inflows to the economy as a whole, in part be-
cause it also casts severe doubt on the government’s
commitment to an economic environment that al-
lows private sector debt repayment. Thus, informa-
tion on public sector total, and short-term, external
debt is important. Especially in the absence of capi-
tal controls or captive markets, information on short-
term domestic debt of the government is important,
since capital flight and pressure on international re-
serves can result from a perceived weak financial
position of the public sector.
16.5 Also, beyond its own borrowing policies, the
government has a special role to play in ensuring
that it creates or maintains conditions for sound risk
management in other sectors; for instance, avoiding
policies that create a bias toward short-term foreign
currency borrowing.
16.6 Most of the financial sector, notably banks,is
by nature highly leveraged—that is, most assets
are financed by debt liabilities. Banks may take on
liabilities to nonresidents by taking deposits
and short-term interbank loans. These positions
can build up quickly and, depending also on the
nature of the deposits and depositors, be run down
quickly. How well banks intermediate these funds
has implications for the ability to withstand large-
scale withdrawals. More generally, information
on the composition of assets and liabilities is impor-
tant for banks (and nonbank financial cor-
porations)—notably information on the maturity
structure and maturity mismatch (including in
foreign currency)—because it provides insight
about their vulnerability to such withdrawals and
16. External Debt Analysis: Further
External Debt Statistics Guide
their sensitivity to changing exchange and interest
16.7 As mentioned in Chapter 15, large-scale defaults
by nonfinancial corporations that borrow from
abroad, depending on their importance to the econ-
omy, could result in financially expensive government
intervention, an impact on the credit risk of the finan-
cial sector, and an undermining of asset prices in the
economy. In any case, the debt-service needs of cor-
porations will affect the economy’s liquidity situation.
As with banks, the regulatory regime and incentive
structure within which the corporate sector operates is
important. For instance, overborrowing in foreign
currency, particularly short-term, in relation to for-
eign currency assets or hedges (be they natural hedges
in the form of foreign currency cash flow or through
derivatives products such as forwards), exposes the
corporate sector to cash-flow (liquidity) problems in
case of large exchange rate movements. Overborrow-
ing in foreign currency in relation to foreign currency
assets could potentially expose corporations to sol-
vency problems in the event of a depreciation of the
domestic exchange rate. Ensuing corporate failures,
in the event of sharp exchange rate depreciation, can
reduce external financing flows and depress domestic
activity, especially if contract enforcement is poor or
the procedures are overwhelmed.
16.8 The provision of guarantees can influence eco-
nomic behavior. Invariably, the government provides
implicit and explicit guarantees, such as deposit insur-
ance, and sometimes also guarantees on private sector
external borrowing (classified as publicly guaranteed
private sector debt in the Guide). Also, domestic cor-
porations may use offshore enterprises to borrow, and
provide guarantees to them, or have debt payments
guaranteed by domestic banks. Similarly foreign cor-
porations may guarantee part of domestic debt. Where
possible, direct and explicit guarantees should be
monitored because they affect risk assessment.
16.9 The functional classification of debt instru-
ments is a balance of payments concept, grouping
instruments into four categories: direct investment,
portfolio investment, financial derivatives, and other
investment. Direct investment takes place between
an investor in one country and its affiliate in another
country and is generally based on a long-term rela-
tionship. Recent crises have tended to support the
view that this category of investment is less likely to
be affected in a crisis than other functional types.
Portfolio investment, by definition, includes tradable
debt instruments; other investment, by definition, in-
cludes all other debt instruments. The relevance of
financial derivatives instruments for external debt
analysis is discussed below.
16.10 The type of instrument that a debtor will
issue depends on what creditors are willing to pur-
chase as well as the debtor’s preferences. Borrowing
in the form of loans concentrates debt issuance in the
hands of banks, whereas securities are more likely to
be owned by a wider range of investors. Trade credit
is typically of a short-term maturity. Although equity
issues are not regarded as debt instruments, declared
dividends on equity are included in debt servicing,
and so it remains necessary to monitor activity in
these instruments. At the least, sudden sales of eq-
uity by nonresidents or residents can have important
ramifications for an economy and its ability to raise
and service debt.
16.11 The maturity composition of debt is impor-
tant because it can have a profound impact on liquid-
ity. Concentration of high levels of short-term exter-
nal debt is seen to make an economy particularly
vulnerable to unexpected downturns in financial
For instance, an economy with high levels
of short-term external debt may be vulnerable to a
sudden change in investor sentiment. Interbank lines
are particularly sensitive to changes in risk per-
ception, and early warning signals of changes in
investor sentiment towards the economy might be
Banks are subject to moral hazard risk through explicit or im-
plicit deposit insurance and limited liability. The potential moral
hazard risk arising from deposit insurance schemes is that by “pro-
tecting” from loss an element of their deposit base, banks might be
provided with an incentive to hold portfolios incorporating more
risk, but potentially higher returns, than they otherwise would.
Monitoring the risks taken by banks is a central element of banking
supervision, a subject beyond the scope of the Guide.
However, direct investment enterprises may place additional
pressure on the exchange rate in a crisis situation through the
hedging of domestic currency assets. Moreover, foreign investors
can repatriate rather than reinvest profits, thereby effectively in-
creasing the domestically (debt) funded part of their investments.
In analyzing the securities transactions, both debt and equity,
changes in prices (rather than in quantities) may equilibrate the
The compilation of average maturity data might disguise
important differences in the sectoral composition of debt and in the
dispersion of maturities. However, data on average maturity by
sector and by debt instrument might alert policymakers and market
participants to maturity structures that are potentially problematic.
16 External Debt Analysis: Further Considerations
detected through the monitoring of the refinancing
(“rollover”) rate.
16.12 Debt analysis needs to make a distinction
between short-term debt on an original maturity
basis—that is, debt issued with a maturity of one
year or less—and on a remaining-maturity basis—
that is, debt obligations that fall due in one year or
less. Data on an original maturity basis provides
information on the typical terms of debt and the debt
structure, and monitoring changes in these terms
provides useful information on the preferences of
creditors and the sectoral distribution of debtors.
Data on a remaining (residual) maturity basis pro-
vides the analyst and policymaker with information
on the repayment obligations (that is, the liquidity
structure). For the policymaker, to ensure sufficient
liquidity, such as indicated by an appropriate ratio of
international reserves to short-term debt, requires
avoiding a bunching of debt payments.
16.13 The debtor will be interested in the nominal
value of its debt because at any moment in time it is
the amount that the debtor owes to the creditor at that
moment. Also, the debtor is well advised to monitor
the market value of its debt. The market value and
the spreads over interest rates on “risk-free” instru-
ments provide an indication to the borrower of the
market view on its ability to meet debt obligations as
well as current market sentiment toward it.
This is
important information because it might influence fu-
ture borrowing plans: whether it is advantageous to
borrow again while terms seem good, or whether
there are early warning signs of possible increased
costs of borrowing, or even refinancing difficulties.
However, for those countries with debt that has a very
low valuation or is traded in markets with low liquid-
ity (or both), a sudden swing in sentiment might cause
a very sharp change in the market value of external
debt, which might also be reversed suddenly. Because
it would be unaffected by such swings, information
on the nominal value of external debt would be of
particular analytical value in such circumstances.
16.14 The currency composition of external debt is
also important. There is a significant difference be-
tween having external debt payable in domestic cur-
rency and having external debt payable in foreign
currency. In the event of a sudden depreciation of the
domestic currency, foreign currency external debt
(including foreign-currency-linked debt) has poten-
tially important wealth and cash-flow effects for the
economy. For instance, when public debt is payable
in foreign currency, a devaluation of the domestic
currency could aggravate the financial position of the
public sector, so creating an incentive for the govern-
ment to avoid a necessary exchange rate adjustment.
Information on the currency composition of debt at
the sectoral level, including resident and nonresident
claims in foreign currency, is particularly important
because the wealth effects also depend on foreign
currency relations between residents.
16.15 But any analysis of the foreign currency com-
position of external debt needs to take account of the
size and composition of foreign currency assets, and
income, together with foreign-currency-linked finan-
cial derivatives positions. The latter instruments can
be used to change the exposure from foreign to do-
mestic currency or to a different foreign currency.
16.16 The interest rate composition of external
debt, both short- and long-term, may also have signifi-
cant implications. Sharp increases in short-term inter-
est rates, such as those experienced in the early 1980s,
can have profound implications for the real cost of
debt, especially if a significant share of debt pays
interest that is linked to a floating rate such as LIBOR.
As with the foreign currency position, it is necessary
to take account of financial derivatives positions, since
these may significantly change the effective interest
composition of debt. For instance, interest-rate-based
financial derivatives can be used to swap variable-rate
obligations into fixed-rate liabilities, and vice versa.
The relevance of financial derivatives in analyzing ex-
ternal debt is considered in more detail below.
16.17 The industrial concentration of debt should
also be monitored. If debt is concentrated in a partic-
ular industry or industries, economic shocks such as
a downturn in worldwide demand for certain prod-
ucts could increase the risk of a disruption in debt-
service payments by that economy.
This type of monitoring is discussed in more detail in Chapter
7, Box 7.1.
Increasingly, information from credit derivatives, such as de-
fault swaps and spread options, also provides market information
on an entity’s credit standing.
While the Guide does not explicitly include guidance for the
measurement of the industrial composition of external debt, these
data can be compiled using the concepts set out in the Guide to-
gether with the International Standard Industrial Classification
(1993 SNA, pp. 594–96) as the “sector” classification.
External Debt Statistics Guide
16.18 To monitor debt service, the amounts to be
paid are important, rather than the market value of
the debt. Debt servicing involves both the ongoing
meeting of obligations—that is, payments of interest
and principal—and the final payment of principal at
maturity. However, it is most unlikely that the debt-
service schedule will be known with certainty at any
given time. Estimates of the amounts to be paid can
vary over time because of variable interest and for-
eign currency rates, and the repayment dates for debt
containing embedded put (right to sell) or call (right
to buy) options that can be triggered under certain
conditions add further uncertainty. So, in presenting
data on the debt-service payment schedule, it is im-
portant that the assumptions used to estimate future
payments on external debt liabilities be presented in
a transparent manner along with the data.
16.19 One indication of an economy that is begin-
ning to have difficulty servicing its external debt is
when the level of arrears is on a rising trend both in
relation to the external debt position and to the
amount of debt service falling due. In such circum-
stances, detailed data by institutional sector and by
type of instrument might help to identify the sources
of the difficulty.
The Role of Income
16.20 In analyzing debt, the future trend of income
is clearly relevant because it affects the ability of the
debtor to service debt. Traditionally, the focus has
been on earnings from exports of goods and ser-
vices. To what extent is debt, or are debt-service
payments, “covered” by earnings from the export of
goods and services? Diversification of products and
markets is positive because it limits exposure to
shocks, in turn limiting the possibility that the pri-
vate sector as a whole will get into difficulties, and
that the public sector will lose revenues, thus affect-
ing the willingness to pay. The currency composition
of export earnings may also be of relevance.
16.21 While the willingness to pay is an important
factor in determining whether debt-service payments
are made, the use of external borrowing will affect
the future income from which those payments are
If debt is used to fund unproductive activity,
future income is more likely to fall short of that
required to service the debt. The question to address
is not so much the specific use of the borrowed
capital but rather the efficiency of total investment in
the economy, considered in the context of indicators
for the economy as a whole, such as the growth rates
of output and exports, and total factor productivity—
all data series potentially derivable from national
accounts data. From another perspective, if an econ-
omy is unwilling to service its debts, and defaults,
production losses might ensue as the economy
ceases to be integrated with international capital
The Role of Assets
16.22 As indicated above, the external debt position
needs to be considered in the context of external as-
sets because these help to meet debt-servicing re-
quirements—assets generate income and can be sold
to meet liquidity demands. In the IIP, the difference
between external assets and external liabilities is the
net asset (or liability) position of an economy.
16.23 For all economies, international reserve
assets are, by definition, composed of external
assets that are readily available to and controlled by
the monetary authorities for direct financing of pay-
ments imbalances, for indirectly regulating the
magnitude of such imbalances through intervention
in exchange markets to affect the currency exchange
rate, and for other purposes. Because of this role, in
March 1999, the IMF’s Executive Board, drawing
on the work of the IMF and the Committee on
Global Financial Systems of the G-10 central banks,
strengthened the Special Data Dissemination Stan-
dard requirements for the dissemination of data on
international reserves, and foreign currency liquid-
ity. A data template on international reserves and
foreign currency liquidity was introduced that pro-
vides a considerably greater degree of transparency
in international reserves data than was hitherto
Dragoslav Avramovic and others (1964, p. 67) noted that while
the debt-service ratio “does serve as a convenient yardstick for
passing short-term creditworthiness judgments, that is to say,
judgments of the risk that default may be provoked by liquidity
crises,” in fact “the only important factor, from the long-run point
of view, is the rate of growth of production.” Indeed, “it is only in
the interest of the borrowers as well as of the lenders that output
and savings be maximized, since they are the only real source
from which debt service is paid.
See Kester (2001).
16 External Debt Analysis: Further Considerations
16.24 But as private entities in an economy become
increasingly active in international markets, they
are likely to acquire external assets as well as lia-
bilities. The diverse nature of private sector external
assets suggests that they are of a different nature
than reserve assets. For instance, private sector
external assets may not be distributed among sec-
tors and individual enterprises in such a way that
they can be used to absorb private sector liquidity
needs. But the presence of such assets needs to be
taken into account in individual country analysis of
the external debt position. One approach is to pre-
sent the net external debt position for each institu-
tional sector, thus comparing the institutional attri-
bution and concentration of external assets in the
form of debt instruments with external debt (see
Chapter 7).
16.25 But in comparing assets with debt, it is neces-
sary to also consider the liquidity and quality of as-
sets, their riskiness, and the functional and instru-
ment composition of assets.
16.26 Most important, assets should be capable of
generating income or be liquid so that they could be
sold if need be, or both. The functional compo-
sition of assets provides important information
in this regard. For instance, direct investment assets
may generate income but are often less liquid,
especially if they take the form of fully owned non-
traded investments in companies or subsidiaries.
Typically, direct investment assets are either illiquid
in the short term (such as plant and equipment) or,
if they are potentially marketable, the direct in-
vestor needs to take into account the implications
on direct investment enterprises of withdrawing
assets. The latter will be a countervailing factor to
any selling pressures. Nonetheless, some direct
investment assets may be closer to portfolio invest-
ments and relatively tradable—such as nonmajority
shares in companies in countries with deep equity
16.27 Portfolio investment is by definition tradable.
Investments—such as loans and trade credit—while
generating income can be less liquid than portfolio
investment, but the maturity of these investments
may be important because the value of short-term
assets can be realized early. Increasingly, loans can
be packaged into a single debt instrument and
traded. Trade credit may be difficult to withdraw
without harming export earnings, a very impor-
tant source of income during situations of external
16.28 In assessing assets in the context of debt
analysis, the quality of assets is a key factor. In prin-
ciple the quality of the assets is reflected in the price
of the assets. Some knowledge of the issuer and the
country of residence may provide a further idea of
the quality of the asset and its availability in times of
a crisis; availability is often correlated with location
or type of country. Knowledge of the geographic
spread of assets can help one to understand the vul-
nerability of the domestic economy to financial diffi-
culties in other economies.
16.29 The currency composition of assets, to-
gether with that of debt instruments, provides an
idea of the impact on the economy of changes in the
various exchange rates; notably, it provides informa-
tion on the wealth effect of cross exchange rate
movements (such as changes in the dollar-yen
exchange rate for euro-area countries). The BIS
International Banking Statistics (see next chapter),
and the IMF’s Coordinated Portfolio Investment
Survey (see Chapter 13), at the least, encourage the
collection of data on the country of residence of the
nonresident debtor, and the currency composition of
Relevance of Financial Derivatives and
Repurchase Agreements (Repos)
16.30 The growth in financial derivatives markets
has implications for debt management and analysis.
They are used for a number of purposes including
risk management, hedging, arbitrage between mar-
kets, and speculation.
16.31 From the viewpoint of managing the risks
arising from debt instruments, derivatives can be
both cheaper and more efficient than other tools.
This is because they can be used to directly trade
away the specific risk to be managed. For instance, a
foreign currency borrowing can be hedged through a
foreign-currency-linked derivative and so eliminate
part or all of the foreign currency risk. Thus, aggre-
gate information on the notional position in foreign
currency derivatives is important in determining the
wealth and cash-flow effects of changing exchange
rates. Similarly, the cash-flow uncertainties involved
in borrowing in variable interest rates can be reduced
External Debt Statistics Guide
by swapping into “fixed-rate” payments with an in-
terest rate swap.
In both instances the derivatives
contract will involve the borrower in additional
counterparty credit risk, but it facilitates good risk-
management practices.
16.32 Derivatives are also used as speculative and
arbitrage instruments.
They are a tool for undertak-
ing leveraged transactions, in that for relatively little
capital advanced up front, significant exposures to
risk can be achieved, and differences in the implicit
price of risk across instruments issued by the same
issuer, or very similar issuers, can be arbitraged.
However, if used inappropriately, financial deriva-
tives can cause significant losses and so enhance the
vulnerability of an economy. Derivatives can also be
used to circumvent regulations, and so place unex-
pected pressure on markets. For instance, a ban on
holding securities can be circumvented by foreign
institutions through a total-return swap.
16.33 Derivatives positions can become very valu-
able or costly depending on the underlying price
movements. The value of the positions is measured
by the market value of the positions. For all the
above reasons, there is interest in market values,
gross assets and liabilities, and notional (or nominal)
values of financial derivatives positions.
16.34 Risk-enhancing or -mitigating features that
are similar to financial derivatives may also be em-
bedded in other instruments such as bonds and notes.
Structured bonds are an example of such enhanced
instruments. These instruments could, for example,
be issued in dollars, with the repayment value de-
pendent on a multiple of the Mexican peso–U.S. dol-
lar exchange rate. Borrowers may also include a
put—right to sell—option in the bond contract that
might lower the coupon rate but increase the likeli-
hood of an early redemption of the bond, not least
when the borrower runs into problems. Also, for
example, credit-linked bonds may be issued that
include a credit derivative, which links payments of
interest and principal to the credit standing of an-
other borrower. The inclusion of these derivatives
can improve the terms that the borrower would oth-
erwise have received, but at the cost of taking on
additional risk. Uncertainty over the repayment
terms or the repayment schedule is a consequence,
so there is analytical interest in information on these
structured bond issues.
16.35 Repurchase agreements (repos) also facili-
tate improved risk management and arbitrage. A
repo allows an investor to purchase a financial in-
strument, and then largely finance this purchase by
on-selling the security under a repo agreement. By
selling the security under a repo, the investor retains
exposure to the price movements of the security,
while requiring only modest cash outlays. In this ex-
ample, the investor is taking a “long” or positive po-
sition. On the other hand, through a security loan,a
speculator or arbitrageur can take a “short” or nega-
tive position in an instrument by selling a security
they do not own and then meeting their settlement
needs by borrowing the security (security loan) from
another investor.
16.36 While in normal times all these activities add
liquidity to markets and allow the efficient taking of
positions, when sentiment changes volatility may in-
crease as leveraged positions may need to be un-
wound, such as the need to meet margin require-
ments. Position data on securities issued by residents
and involved in repurchase and security lending
transactions between residents and nonresidents help
in understanding and anticipating market pressures.
These data can also help in understanding the debt-
service schedule data. For example, if a nonresident
sold a security under a repo transaction to a resident
who then sold it outright to another nonresident, the
debt-service schedule would record two sets of pay-
ments to nonresidents by the issuer for the same se-
curity, although there would be one set of payments
for the one security. In volatile times, when large po-
sitions develop in one direction, this might result in
The risk might not be completely eliminated if at the reset of
the floating rate the credit risk premium of the borrower changes.
The interest rate swap will eliminate the risk of changes in the
market rate of interest.
Speculation and arbitrage activity can help add liquidity to
markets and facilitate hedging. Also, when used for arbitrage pur-
poses, derivatives may reduce any inefficient pricing differentials
between markets and/or instruments.
Leverage, as a financial term, describes having the full bene-
fits arising from holding a position in a financial asset without
having had to fund the purchase with own funds. Financial deriva-
tives are instruments that can be used by international investors to
leverage investments, as are repos.
A total-return swap is a credit derivative that swaps the total
return on a financial instrument for a guaranteed interest rate, such
as an interbank rate, plus a margin.
While the Guide explicitly presents data only on the notional
(or nominal) value for foreign-currency- and interest-rate-linked
financial derivatives, information on the notional value of finan-
cial derivatives, for all types of risk category, by type and in aggre-
gate, can be of analytical value.
16 External Debt Analysis: Further Considerations
apparent very significant debt-service payments on
securities; the position data on resident securities in-
volved in cross-border reverse transactions could in-
dicate that reverse transactions are a factor.
Information on the Creditor
16.37 In any debt analysis an understanding of the
creditor is relevant because different creditors have
different motivations and influences upon them.
16.38 The sector and country of lender are impor-
tant factors in debt analysis. Debt analysis has tradi-
tionally focused on sectors—in particular, on the split
between the official sector, banking, and other,
mostly private, sectors. The importance of this sec-
toral breakdown lies in the different degrees of diffi-
culty for reaching an orderly workout in the event of
payment difficulties. For instance, negotiations of
debt relief will differ, depending on the status of the
creditor. The official sector and the banks constitute a
relatively small and self-contained group of creditors
that can meet and negotiate with the debtor through
such forums as the Paris Club (official sector), and
London Club (banks). By contrast, other private cred-
itors are typically more numerous and diverse.
16.39 Also, the public sector may be a guarantor
of debts owed to the foreign private sector. Often this
is the case with export credit, under which the credit
agency pays the foreign private sector participant in
the event of nonpayment by the debtor, and so takes
on the role of creditor. These arrangements are in-
tended to stimulate trade activity, and premiums are
paid by the private sector. In case of default, the ulti-
mate creditor is the public sector, if the credit agency
is indeed in the public sector. The country of credi-
tor is important for debt analysis because overcon-
centration of the geographic spread of creditors has
the potential for contagion of adverse financial activ-
ity. For instance, if one or two countries are main
creditors, then a problem in their own economies or
with their own external debt position could cause
them to withdraw finance from the debtor country.
Indeed, concentration by country and sector, such as
banks, could make an economy highly dependent on
conditions in that sector and economy.