Variable Ratio Matching with Fine Balance in a Study of the Peer
Health Exchange
Samuel D. Pimentel
Frank Yoon
Luke Keele
June 25, 2015
In some observational studies of treatment effects, matched samples are created so
treated and control groups are similar in terms of observable covariates. Traditionally such
matched samples consist of matched pairs. However, alternative forms of matching may
have desirable features. One strategy that may improve efficiency is to match a variable
number of control units to each treated unit. Another strategy to improve balance is to
adopt a fine balance constraint. Under a fine balance constraint, a nominal covariate is
exactly balanced, but it does not require individually matched treated and control subjects
for this variable. Here, we propose a method to allow for fine balance constraints when
each treated unit is matched to a variable number of control units, which is not currently
possible using existing matching network flow algorithms. Our approach uses the entire
number to first determine the optimal number of controls for each treated unit. For each
stratum of matched treated units, we can then apply a fine balance constraint. We then
demonstrate that a matched sample for the evaluation of the Peer Health Exchange, an
intervention in schools designed to decrease risky health behaviors among youths, using a
variable number of controls and fine balance constraint is superior to simply using a variable
ratio match.
Keywords: Matching; Fine Balance; Observational Study; Optimal Matching; Entire Number
For comments and suggestions, we thank Paul Rosenbaum. Research for this paper was conducted with
Government support under FA9550-11-C-0028 and awarded by the Department of Defense, Army Research Office,
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship, 32 CFR 168a.
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Email:
Mathematica Policy Research, Princeton, NJ, Email:
Penn State University, University Park, PA and the American Institutes for Research, Washington D.C.,
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Pimentel, S.D., Yoon, F., and Keele, L.
(2015). "Variable-ratio matching with fine balance in a study of the Peer Health Exchange."
Statistics in Medicine, 34 (30) 4070-4082. doi:10.1002/sim.6593, which has been published in
final form at This article may be used for
non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.
1 Introduction
1.1 A Motivating Example: Peer Health Exchange
Many under-resourced high schools lack any curriculum on health education. Health education
courses cover such topics as sexual health, substance abuse, and instruction on nutrition and
physical fitness. Peer Health Exchange (PHE) is a nonprofit organization established in 2003
that seeks to provide health education in underprivileged high schools that lack such a curriculum
[1, 2]. Instead of providing curricular materials to schools, the PHE relies on a specific model
of health education. Schools that partner with PHE offer health education through the use of
trained college student volunteers. College student volunteers serve as peer health educators for
high or middle school students. Using peer educators to address sensitive topics such as sexual
health is thought to allow for a stronger connection between the students and educators. The
PHE model is designed to modify student behaviors and attitudes in the areas of substance abuse
(use of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs), sexual health (use of contraception, pregnancy, sexual
health risks), and mental health. The effectiveness of the PHE model has not been rigorously
tested. Early research has shown that peer health educators can be more effective than community
health nurses [3, 4]. A review of extant research by Kim and Free [5] found that peer-led sex
education improved knowledge, attitudes, and intentions, but actual sexual health outcomes were
not improved.
As part of a larger multiphase study to evaluate the effectiveness of the PHE model, schools
in a large Midwestern city were recruited to implement the PHE model. At the same time a
set of comparison schools were selected via a pairwise Mahalanobis match and recruited into the
study. Schools were matched on covariates such as enrollment, the percentage of students eligible
to participate in the free or reduced price lunch program, the percentage of African American
students, and average test scores.
Within these schools, students completed a battery of survey items on health behaviors before the
PHE curriculum was implemented in the treated schools. The PHE curriculum was implemented in
the treated schools during the Spring semester of 2014. In total 121 students completed the PHE
curriculum. From the control schools, a pool of 357 students were available as controls. Hereafter,
we interchangeably refer to treated students as “PHE” students. Outcomes are to be measured
through a follow up survey to be administered in the summer of 2015. The follow-up survey is
to be based on the same battery of items on health behaviors measureded at baseline.
Even though the schools that did not receive the PHE curriculum were similar to those schools
that did, the study design also called for matching students at the individual level. The student-
level match was included since differing outcomes among students may reflect initial differences
in student-level covariates between the treated and control groups rather than treatment effects
[6, 7]. Pretreatment differences amongst subjects come in two forms: those that have been
accurately measured, which are overt biases, and those that are unmeasured but are suspected
to exist which are hidden biases. Matching methods are frequently used to remove overt biases.
Matched samples are constructed by finding close matches to balance pretreatment covariates
[8]. Ideally, such matches are constructed using an optimization algorithm [9–12]. One important
advantage of matching is that statistical adjustments for overt biases be done without references
to outcomes. This prevents explorations of the data that may invalidate inferential methods [13].
In fact, Rubin [14] recommends that analysts always remove outcomes until statistical adjustments
for observed confounders are complete. In the PHE study, outcomes were not available at the
time of this writing, but we can still consider how to best adjust for overt biases between treated
and control groups.
1.2 An Initial Pair Match
This article discusses a new matching method. To motivate this new method, however, we begin
by describing the balance on covariates before matching students and after an initial pair match.
In all, 21 covariates were available describing student demographics and behaviors in four health-
related subject areas. Table 1 shows means and absolute standardized differences in means, the
absolute value of the difference in means divided by the standard deviation before matching, for
the unmatched sample. Before matching, the PHE students were much more likely to be African
American, less likely to be female, and more likely to be eligible for the free or reduced price
lunch program. The measure of eligibility for the free lunch program is a key covariate as it is
the sole indicator of socio-economic status for the students in the study, and it is substantially
imbalanced with a standardized difference of 0.616 in the unmatched data. PHE students were
also more likely to have a higher incidence of drug use and sexual activity.
To reduce overt bias due to these imbalances, we first implemented a pair match following which
might be considered standard practice in the literature following Rosenbaum [15, ch 8]. For
this match, we sought to minimize distances based on a robust Mahalanobis distance metric.
We also applied a caliper to the estimated propensity score through a penalty function. The
caliper restricts the absolute distance between a treated unit and potentially matched control.
For example, on the propensity score distance, a caliper penalizes or forbids a match between
two units whose estimated propensity scores differ by more than the width of the caliper. We
set the caliper to be 0.5 times the standard deviation of the estimated propensity score. See
Rosenbaum [15, ch 8] for an overview of both the distance metric and calipers enforced via
penalties. We estimated the propensity score using a logistic regression model with a linear and
additive specification. We implemented this match using the pairmatch function in Hansen’s
[2007] optmatch library in R.
For a number of measures, survey responses were missing. To understand, whether this pattern
of missingness differed across the treated and control groups, we use a method recommended
by Rosenbaum [15]. Under this procedure, we imputed missing values using the mean for that
covariate, but we then created a separate indicator for whether the value was missing. We
then checked balance on these measures of missingness to understand whether the patterns
of missingness were imbalanced across treated and control groups. This approach is desirable
because it focuses on the limited goal of balancing observed patterns of missingness. As such it
does not require additional assumptions about the missingness mechanism that would be required
under most methods of multiple imputation.
Table 1: Summary of covariate balance for unmatched data and a pair match for PHE evaluation.
–St-diff– = absolute standardized difference.
Unmatched Pair Match
Mean C Mean T –St-diff– Mean C Mean T –St-diff–
African American 1/0 0.580 0.802 0.470 0.868 0.802 -0.140
Multi-Racial 1/0 0.008 0.033 0.206 0.008 0.033 0.207
White 1/0 0.160 0.008 -0.472 0.008 0.008 0.000
Hispanic 1/0 0.143 0.149 0.017 0.107 0.149 0.117
Female 1/0 0.669 0.463 -0.432 0.570 0.463 -0.224
Disability type 1 1/0 0.042 0.033 -0.046 0.025 0.033 0.042
Disability type 2 1/0 0.011 0.017 0.048 0.008 0.017 0.074
Disability type 3 1/0 0.252 0.198 -0.046 0.149 0.198 0.042
Free or reduced price lunch 1/0 0.641 0.917 0.630 0.950 0.917 -0.075
Substance Abuse History
Marijuana use 1/0 0.096 0.208 0.342 0.140 0.208 0.206
Drunk in past 30 days 1/0 0.096 0.151 0.178 0.067 0.151 0.272
5 or more drinks in past 30 days 0.014 0.034 0.147 0.000 0.034 0.250
Drug use past 30 days 0.140 0.322 0.477 0.223 0.322 0.260
Number of drug types used (0–10) 0.235 0.512 0.285 0.231 0.512 0.289
Sexual Behaviors
Number of sexual partners 0.172 0.458 0.326 0.347 0.458 0.127
Ever had sex 1/0 0.154 0.349 0.503 0.263 0.349 0.222
Understand cause of pregnancy 1/0 0.812 0.757 -0.139 0.709 0.757 0.121
Can obtain contraception 1/0 0.406 0.440 0.071 0.438 0.440 0.004
Perception of sex safety 3.034 2.944 -0.150 2.945 2.944 -0.002
Other Items
Decision-making skill 3.084 3.048 -0.075 3.083 3.048 -0.073
Knowledge of healthy eating 0.882 0.799 -0.319 0.817 0.799 -0.068
Number of times eating healthy 2.447 2.507 0.057 2.446 2.507 0.058
Number of days physically active 3.692 4.129 0.192 4.008 4.129 0.053
We report means and absolute standardized differences after the pair match in Table 1. Table 1
omits summaries for the missing data indicators. Those results are reported in the Supplementary
Materials along with plots of the propensity score distributions. Although the results from the
pair match are an improvement over the unmatched data, the balance statistics are still less
than satisfactory, as a number of significant imbalances remained. Of the 21 covariates, 11 still
had imbalances in which the standardized difference exceeded 0.10, with the largest standardized
difference being 0.33. The five largest absolute standardized differences averaged 0.27. A general
rule of thumb is that matched standardized differences should be less than 0.20 and preferably
0.10 [15]. Is a better match possible?
1.3 Alternatives to the Initial Pair Match
We might seek to improve on the initial pair match in two ways. First, a substantial amount of
overt bias remains. That is, a number of covariates display imbalances that are larger than would
be produced in a randomized experiment. Second, we might seek to make greater use of the
controls. In the PHE data, there are nearly 3 times as many controls as treated units, and most
of those controls are discarded in a pair match. The use of additional controls can produce more
efficient treatment effect estimates. While efficiency may be a secondary concern in observational
studies, our goal is to produce an acceptable level of balance while using as much of the data as
possible to increase efficiency.
To further reduce overt bias in the match, a number of different strategies are available. These
strategies include checking for a lack of common support, exact matching on covariates, using
penalty terms, or using fine and near-fine balance constraints. Fine balance forces exact balance
at all levels of a nominal variable but places no restriction on individual matched pairs—any one
treated subject can be matched to any one control [17]. For example, a fine balance constraint
could require the same number of men and women be selected in the overall control group as
in the overall treated group, but in the resulting match men might be matched to women and
vice versa in individual pairs. Fine balance is not always possible and when this occurs near-fine
balance is one alternative [18].
Fine balance constraints may be especially useful in the PHE evaluation match. Matching in
observational studies balances covariates stochastically, but may not have much success in bal-
ancing many small strata on discrete covariates because such imbalances can occur by chance.
When this is the case, fine balance is often an effective way to remove biases of important prog-
nostic covariates that may have a nonlinear effect on the outcome. In the PHE evaluation match,
eligibility for the free lunch program is an important prognostic variable (as the sole proxy for
socio-economic status). Although it is reasonably well balanced by the pair match, its interac-
tions with other important variables may not be, and these are likely to be difficult to balance
stochastically. Fine balance provides a natural way to balance such interactions.
While improving balance is one goal in a match, we might also wish to improve efficiency. To
improve efficiency, we can match with multiple controls. Under a matching with multiple controls,
each treated subject is matched to at least one control and possibly more. We can match with
multiple controls in three ways. First, given the treated control ratio in the PHE data, we could
match every treated unit to two controls. Alternatively, we could match with a variable ratio of
controls where the number of matched controls possibly varies for each treated unit. Matching
with a variable number of controls often removes more overt bias than matching with a fixed ratio
of controls [10]. Another alternative would be a full match. A full match is the most general form
of optimal matching [11, 15, 19]. Under full matching, we create matched sets in which each
matched set has either 1 treated unit and a variable number of controls or 1 control unit with a
variable number of treated units. Full matching is the most general form of matching. Both a
pair match and any match with multiple controls are special cases of a full match [19].
Given the need to remove additional overt bias and the ratio of treated to control units in the
PHE data, one possible design for the PHE evaluation would be based on either a full match
or a variable control:treatment ratio match to make greater use of control units with fine or
near-fine balance to reduce overt bias. However, most matching algorithms do not allow one to
implement either a full match or a variable control:treatment ratio match with fine or near-fine
balance constraints.
For example, one widely used optimal matching algorithm is based on finding a minimum cost flow
in a network. Hansen’s [2007] optmatch library in R uses an algorithm developed by Bertsekas
[20] that solves the minimum cost flow problem. The fullmatch function in this library allows
for both full matches and variable ratio matches, but does not allow for fine or near-fine balance.
Other popular matching algorithms such as Coarsened Exact Matching [21] and Genetic Matching
[22] are also unable to perform a match of this type. It is possible to implement a variable ratio
match with fine balance using integer programming [12]. However, software for integer based
matching is not widely available and scalability for matching in very large datasets is often more
difficult. Below we develop a new algorithm that uses network flows to minimize the total distance
among treated and control units in a variable-ratio match, but also allows for fine or near-fine
balance constraints.
1.4 Outline
The article is organized as follows. Section 2 develops notation and reviews variable-ratio matching
and fine balance in greater detail. In particular, we introduce the entire number, a form of design-
based variable-ratio matching that will make incorporation of fine balance constraints possible
[23]. In Section 3 we detail the proposed algorithm. We first build intuition in Section 3.1
and then describe the general procedure in Section 3.2. Next, we demonstrate the use of our
method with the PHE evaluation data in Section 4. We then compare this match to two more
conventional matches. Section 5 concludes.
2 Review and Definitions of Variable-Ratio Matching, the
Entire Number, and Fine Balance
We begin with a review of variable-ratio matching via the “entire number.
2.1 Review: Variable-Ratio Matching and the Entire Number
To fix the concept of a variable-ratio match, we first define some notation. A match consists of
i D 1; : : : ; I matched sets. Each matched set i may contain at least n
2 subjects indexed
by j D 1; : : : ; n
. Within the matched set, we use an indicator Z
to denote exposure to the
PHE treatment, where Z
D 1 if a student attended the PHE program and Z
D 0 if the
student does not. Under the most general matching, there are m
students with Z
D 1 and
D l
students where Z
D 0 (with m
and l
> 0). Under variable-ratio matching, we
fix m
D 1 within each matched set, and l
is allowed to vary from matched set to matched set.
For each set i, we may also require each treated student to be matched to at least ˛ 1 and
at most ˇ ˛ controls, i.e. ˛ l
ˇ. If ˛ D ˇ D 1, the matched set is a pair match.
If we set ˇ D 3 and ˛ D 1 each treated unit may be matched to 1,2 or 3 controls. Often we
place an upper limit on ˇ since there are rapidly diminishing returns on efficiency as ˇ increases
[11]. In general there is little to gain from ˇ D 10 and generally ˇ D 5 is sufficient. See Ming
and Rosenbaum [10] for a more detailed discussion of the gains from larger matched sets. Under
variable-ratio matching, the size of n
is permitted to vary with i, and we wish to select the size
of each l
to minimize a distance criterion. Ming and Rosenbaum [24] presented one algorithm
to select the size of each matched set. One alternative to their algorithm for selection of l
the entire number [23].
We define x as a matrix of covariates that are thought to be predictive of treatment status, and
e.x/ D P .Z
D 1jx/ as the conditional probability of exposure to treatment given observed
covariates x. The quantity e.x/ is generally known as the propensity score [8].
The propensity scores is a balancing score in that achieving similar distributions of e.x/ in the
matching will result in balance on the covariates x. The propensity score can also tell us how
many controls are available for matching to a specific treated unit. Specifically, the ratio of the
joint densities P .X D x; Z D 0/=P.X D x; Z D 1/ equals the inverse odds of e.x/, which we
call the entire number .x/ D
. Define x
as covariate values for treated students, and
/ is the entire number for treated unit t. The entire number represents the average number
of controls that are available for matching to a treated subject with covariate value x
[23]. There
is an intuitive explanation for why the entire number represents the average number of controls
available. If e.x
/ D 1=4, treated unit t should be matched to l
D 3 controls. That
is, given covariate value x
the expected number of controls with the same x is equal to .x/ or
the inverse odds of the propensity score.
To use the entire number within the context of matching, we use the following procedure. Sup-
pose O.x
/ is a non-integer; let bO.x
/c denote the first integer immediately below O.x
/ (the
floor) and d.x
/e denote the first integer immediately above (the ceiling). For treated sub-
ject t with estimated propensity score Oe.x
/ and estimated entire number O.x
/ D
1 Oe.x
D maxf1; min .b O.x
/c; ˇ/g, so that each treated subject was matched to at least one but
at most ˇ controls; in between, the l
is determined by bO.x
/c. Yoon [23] showed that a
variable-ratio match based on the entire number will always remove at least as much bias as a
pair match and possibly more. One key advantage of using a variable-ratio match based on the
entire number is that it will allow us to include both fine and near-fine balance constraints, while
the algorithm developed by Ming and Rosenbaum [24] will not. Since the entire number is based
on the propensity score, which must be estimated, some care must be taken with its estimation.
See Stuart [25] for an overview of propensity score estimation.
2.2 Review: Fine and Near-Fine Balance
We now provide a brief review of fine balance and then discuss how near-fine balance may
deviate from fine balance. Assume there is a discrete, nominal variable, , with B 2 levels,
b D 1; : : : ; B. If T is the treated group and C is the control group we can represent the nominal
variable as a map W fT ; Cg ! f1; : : : ; Bg. Let B
fT ; Cg be the subset of units with level b
on the nominal variable, so B
D fi 2 fT ; Cg W .i / D bg. Then if M C is a matched control
group selected by fixed-ratio matching with controls per treated unit, we say that M satisfies
fine balance if
./ D
./ for all b 2 f1; : : : ; Bg
where the function 1
.i/ is equal to 1 if i 2 A and is equal to zero otherwise. In short, fine
balance requires exact balance at all levels of the nominal variable but places no restriction on
individual matched pairs-any one treated subject can be matched to any one control. Fine balance
constraints are not always feasible. A near fine balance constraint returns a finely balanced match
when one is feasible, but minimizes the deviation from fine balance when fine balance is infeasible
[18]. Yang et al. [18] showed that matches with fine and near-fine balance constraints can be
computed by running the assignment algorithm with an augmented distance matrix. In general,
fine and near-fine balance are often used to balance a nominal variable with many levels, a rare
binary variable or the interaction of several nominal variables. Fine balance is a useful alternative
to exact matching. Exact matching tends to restrict the possible matches on other covariates.
With fine or near-fine balance, we achieve near or near exact balance on the covariate but we do
not place any restriction on individual matches.
3 Variable-Ratio Matching with Fine and Near-Fine Bal-
Fine balance, however, is difficult to define and implement for standard variable-ratio matching
algorithms. The difficulty arises from the weighting that is necessary under a variable-ratio match
[11, 24, 26]. The usual practice is to weight each of the strata (containing one treated unit
apiece) so that controls in matched sets with many controls receive low weight and those in
matched sets with few controls receive high weight [15]. Specifically, the controls in a matched
set are weighted by the inverse of the number of controls in that set. Often these are referred to
as effect of the treatment on the treated (ETT) weights [11].
This varied weighting of control observations is used since a balancing algorithm that treats all
controls equally may not produce a covariate distribution similar to the treated population in the
re-weighted control population actually used for analysis. Speaking formally and taking T ; C; ,
and B
; : : : ; B
as defined in Section 2.2, we note that a matched control group M C selected
by variable-ratio matching has form
[ M
[ : : : [ M
where each M
represents the l
controls included in matched set i (in the sense of Section 2.1).
Such a match satisfies fine balance if
./ D
./ for all b 2 f1; : : : ; Bg:
In commonly-used network algorithms for variable-ratio matching, the control ratio l
for each
treated unit is not known in advance but is determined from the data as the match is computed, so
the weights for each control unit are not known a priori. Network formulations for matching with
fine balance, however, require all controls in a given matching problem to be weighted equally
and depend on a priori knowledge of the values for these equal weights. In order to conduct
variable-ratio matching with fine balance, we need an algorithm that defines control ratios for
each treated unit in advance so we can form matches within groups in which controls have equal,
known weights. As a function of the propensity score, the entire number provides a principled way
to stratify the population into groups with fixed control-to-treated-unit ratios before matching,
and is therefore a natural component of a fine balance algorithm for variable-ratio matching.
3.1 A Small Example
Consider the following example, in which there are 25 students, 8 of whom received treatment.
The students have entire numbers ranging from 1 to 3, and 12 of them have used drugs in the
past 30 days. The goal is to implement a variable-ratio match based on the entire number and
enforce a fine balance constraint on the indicator for past drug use. Table 2 summarizes the data.
In addition to the covariates shown in Table 2, we have pairwise distances between treated and
control units with the same entire number (perhaps derived from other covariates not provided
in the table). The three distance matrices in Table 3 summarize these distances within the three
entire number strata. To conduct variable-ratio matching based on the entire number, we perform
an optimal match within each of the three entire number stratum. In stratum 1, we perform an
optimal pair match, within stratum 2 we perform an optimal 1:2 match, and within stratum 3
we perform an optimal 1:3 match.
The left hand side of Table 3 summaries such a match. Within stratum 1, we match t
to c
to c
, t
to c
, and t
to c
for a total distance of 4.8. In stratum 2, we would match t
and c
, t
to c
and c
, and t
to c
and c
. In stratum 3, t
is matched to c
, c
, and
. This match produces a standardized difference of 0.16 for the measure of past drug use. To
improve balance on past drug use, we impose a fine balance constraint. In stratum 1, we select
only two controls that indicate the use of drugs in the last thirty days, while the treated group
contains 3 such units. To enforce the fine balance constraint, we now pair t
to c
and t
. This increases the overall distance from 4.8 to 10.5, but contributes to a smaller distance
on the indicator of past drug use. Within stratum 2, fine balance was achieved in the original
entire number match since a single treated unit has an indication of drug use in the past thirty
days. This means we that we require exactly two controls with the same status, and we selected
exactly two, c
and c
. Notice that the entire number match with fine balance cannot balance
drug use exactly in every stratum. In stratum 3, the treated unit t
is not a drug user, thus to
achieve fine balance we need three controls that have not used drugs in the past thirty days. The
optimal match selects c
, c
and c
as the three controls, two of which have used drugs in
the past thirty days. While fine balance is not possible, we achieve near-fine balance by selection
of c
instead of c
as one of the three controls. Thus under near-fine balance for drug use,
the absolute standardized difference for this covariate drops to 0.08 from 0.16, which indicates a
reduction in bias of 50%.
Table 2: Covariate information for the students in the small example.
Treatment Drug Use Entire Number
t1 1 0 1
c1 0 0 1
c2 0 1 1
t2 1 1 1
c3 0 0 1
c4 0 0 1
t3 1 1 1
t4 1 1 1
c5 0 1 1
c6 0 1 1
c7 0 0 2
c8 0 0 2
c9 0 1 2
c10 0 0 2
t5 1 1 2
c11 0 1 2
c12 0 1 2
t6 1 0 2
t7 1 0 2
c13 0 0 2
c14 0 1 3
t8 1 0 3
c15 0 0 3
c16 0 1 3
c17 0 0 3
Table 3: Treated-control distance matrices for each entire number stratum in the small example.
Subjects with drug use in the past 30 days are marked in bold. A near-fine balance constraint is
used for drug use in one of the matches. The grey shading indicates matched controls for each
treated unit within rows.
Entire # Without near-fine balance With near-fine balance
1 c
1.2 1.5 6.7 5.2 1.2 3.4 1.2 1.5 6.7 5.2 1.2 3.4
1.5 4.4 10.0 0.8 5.0 7.6 1.5 4.4 10.0 0.8 5.0 7.6
6.0 1.5 3.2 5.4 6.0 5.4 6.0 1.5 3.2 5.4 6.0 5.4
8.2 5.6 7.1 0.6 8.1 7.3 8.2 5.6 7.1 0.6 8.1 7.3
Entire # Without near-fine balance With near-fine balance
2 c
1.2 9.6 2.1 3.9 0.9 7.0 1.7 1.2 9.6 2.1 3.9 0.9 7.0 1.7
7.8 8.8 3.7 3.7 6.7 6.9 2.0 7.8 8.8 3.7 3.7 6.7 6.9 2.0
10.0 0.8 3.9 4.0 9.4 9.1 3.9 10.0 0.8 3.9 4.0 9.4 9.1 3.9
Entire # Without near-fine balance With near-fine balance
3 c
1.4 3.4 0.7 1.8 1.4 3.4 0.7 1.8
3.2 A General Procedure
The general algorithm for variable-ratio matching with fine or near-fine balance constraints is as
follows. Suppose we have a study with subjects j 2 f1; : : : ; N g, each receiving either a treatment
or control. Suppose also that we have fit an estimated propensity score be.x/ to the data and let
be the estimated propensity to receive treatment for subject j .
1. Choose a positive integer ˇ > 1 as the maximum number of controls that we will allow to
be matched to a single treated subject.
2. Define
; 1
k C 2
k C 1
for k 2 f2; : : : ; ˇ 1g where applicable
ˇ C 1
These sets S
form a partition of the unit interval. These intervals are chosen so that for
1 < k < ˇ each S
contains exactly the propensity scores that result in an entire number
of k
3. For each k 2 f1; : : : ; ˇg:
(a) Select all the study subjects with be
2 S
. For k 2 f2; : : : ; ˇ 1g, these are exactly
the subjects with entire numbers in the interval Œk; k C 1/. For k D 1, these are the
subjects with entire numbers in .0; 2/, and for k D ˇ they are the subjects with entire
numbers in Œˇ; 1/.
(b) Conduct 1 W k fixed-ratio matching with near-fine balance among the selected subjects.
Call the resulting match M
, a fixed ratio match within the k partition.
4. Return
as the final match.
Briefly stated, the procedure separates study subjects into strata based on their entire numbers
and conducts fixed-ratio matching with near-fine balance within strata, using the appropriate
control:treatment ratio suggested by the entire number.
Since the entire number is a transformed and coarsened version of the propensity score, variable-
ratio matching with the entire number is closely related to propensity score stratification [27].
Intuitively, our procedure improves upon the propensity score stratification design by enhancing
balance on a nominal variable within strata, uniting features of matching and propensity score
stratification. In particular, matching with near fine balance on a nominal covariate separately
within entire number strata is equivalent to matching with near fine balance on the interaction of
the nominal variable with the coarsened propensity score. Rather than simply ensuring propensity
scores of paired individuals are similar or balancing important covariates between groups, our
procedure does both and also addresses possible interactions between the two.
We also propose two refinements to variable-ratio matching based on the entire number. The first
refinement is in response to finite sample constraints that may arise. As n ! 1 for fixed ˇ, the
properties of the entire number ensure that each stratum will have sufficient controls to conduct
fixed ratio matching with the appropriate ratio. Within finite samples, however, it may be the
case that within some strata there are not a sufficient number of controls to form the appropriate
variable-ratio match. For example, when Oe.x
/ D 1=5, units within that entire number strata
should have four controls matched to each treated unit. Within a particular finite sample, we
may find that within this entire number strata there are 4 treated units and 15 control units.
Thus given finite sample constraints, we do not have enough control units for all four treated
units. When this situation arises, we can simply match to the highest ratio possible. Thus in this
strata, we would perform a match with a fixed 1:3 ratio of treated to control units.
Next, we alter entire number matching to deal with a lack of common support. A lack of
common support occurs when there are neighborhoods of the covariate space where there are
not sufficient numbers of treated and control units to make inferences about the treated. A lack
of common support manifests itself in a specific way when matching with the entire number.
When Oe.x
/ 1=2, entire matching results in a single stratum where all units are pair matched.
Within this stratum, it may be the case that the number of treated units exceeds the number
of control units. This will occur due to a lack of common support. Matching based on the
entire number makes a lack of common support readily transparent, since a pair match becomes
impossible within this strata when the number of treated exceeds the number of controls. A lack
of common support is endemic to the estimation of treatment effects with observational data and
can arise for any estimator of causal effects [28, 29].
When there is a lack of common support with entire matching, we can use extant methods to
reduce the sample to the region of common support. Crump et al. [28] recommend discarding
all units with estimated propensity scores outside a specific range, while Dehejia and Wahba [30]
suggest eliminating all treated units with propensity scores higher than the maximum propensity
score among controls, as well as trimming all control units with propensity scores lower than
the minimum propensity score among the treated units. We could also apply the method of
Traskin and Small [31] to identify and describe the population with insufficient common support
in order to exclude individuals in a more interpretable manner. Alternatively, we could use a
special case of optimal subset matching [29]. Under this solution, we relabel the control units as
treated units and allow for an optimal pair match given the fine balance constraints. This will
discard the treated units that are least comparable to the controls. As such, the algorithm will
discard treated units in an optimal manner, retaining the subset of treated units with the lowest
overall covariate dissimilarity among the candidate subsets (subject to fine and near-fine balance
constraints). Discarding treated units implies that we can only estimate the effect of a treatment
on marginal students, that is, students who might or might not receive this treatment. Such a
practice seems unobjectionable when the available data do not represent a natural population.
This is true in the PHE evaluation, since only one cohort of students happened to be exposed to
the intervention in the first year. As such, the study population is not representative of a larger
population of students.
4 Implementation with the PHE Evaluation Data
We next use this new algorithm with the PHE evaluation data. The algorithm was implemented in
R using functions from the finebalance library [18] and the RELAX-IV algorithm as implemented
in FORTRAN by Bertsekas [20]. This is the same algorithm used to solve the minimum cost
flow problem in Hansen’s [2007] optmatch library. For more on R, see R Core Development
Team [2014]. In this match, we matched using near-fine balance within entire number strata.
We used 5 entire number strata, with a maximum of ˇ D 5 controls per treated unit (for a
discussion of this choice of ˇ see the third paragraph under section 4.1). For this match, we
minimized covariate distances based on a robust Mahalanobis distance. We applied a caliper on
the estimated propensity score through a penalty function with the caliper set to be 0.5 times
the standard deviation of the estimated propensity score.
We experimented with several possible fine balance constraints (one of the advantages of matching
is that the covariate adjustment step is separate from the testing step, so multiple matches can
be examined without introducing multiple testing issues). In this process, we focused specifically
on closely balancing the indicator for free or reduced price lunch eligibility, since it is the lone
indicator for socio-economic status in the data set. One of the most effective constraints required
near-fine balance on an interaction of drug use in the past 30 days and the indicator for eligibility
in the free or reduced price lunch program. This interaction variable had four categories, one for
those who had free lunch but no drug use, one for those with both free lunch and drug use, one
for those with drug use but no free lunch, and one for subjects with neither. We also utilized
both of our proposed refinements to matching based on the entire matching. For the stratum
with k D 4, we reduced the match to a 1:1 match due to an insufficient number of control units.
The optimal subset procedure also discarded five treated units due to a lack of common support.
As such this match is based on a somewhat different sample than the pair match. However,
the number of treated units excluded is small enough that it is still reasonable to compare the
two matches. For variable ratio matches, we calculate the effective sample size. The effective
sample size is the sum of the harmonic means of the number units in treatment and control for
each matched group. This is necessary since ss matched groups become more unbalanced, the
effective sample size decreases. The match resulted in 116 matched sets with an effective sample
size equivalent to 135 matched pairs. In total there are 75 pair matches, 23 matches with a ratio
of 1:2, 7 matches with a ratio of 1:3, and 11 matches with a ratio of 1:5.
Table 4 contains a summary of the balance statistics for this match. The supplementary materials
contain detailed balanced statistics for all 21 covariates. As we noted in Section 1.2, the initial
pair match produced results with a high number of imbalances. A combination of a fine balance
constraint and variable-ratio matching is a substantial improvement over the pair match. For
this match only 3 covariates have a standardized difference of 0.10 or greater with the five
largest standardized differences average 0.15. In the pair match, 13 covariates had standardized
differences of 0.10 or greater with the largest being 0.35. Note that since we apply a near-fine
balance constraint the distribution of the free lunch measure and the use of drugs in the past 30
days is not identical as it would be under a strict fine balance constraint. In Table 4, we report
the average absolute standardized difference for the four categories of the free lunch past drug
use interaction measure as well as the proportion of treated and control units in the weighted
marginal distribution. In the unmatched data, this averaged standardized difference was 0.25,
with the near fine balance constraint it is 0.05.
Our match is based on a compromise. A pair match with similar near-fine balance constraints and
trimming for a lack of common support should reduce more overt bias than the entire number
match with the same constraints. The variable ratio match, however, will be more efficient. We
might ask whether we can judge the variable ratio match on an objective standard so that we
can be confident that we have removed enough overt bias such that we can safely use additional
controls and increase efficiency. One objective standard would be to compare the variable ratio
match balance to the balance we would expect if treatments were assigned randomly. In a
We also performed one additional match where we dealt with the lack of common support based on trimming
the propensity score. Balance for this match was slightly better, but three more treated units were discarded.
Table 4: Summary of covariate balance for three different matches with PHE evaluation data.
First match is based on entire number match with up to five controls per treated and near-fine
balance within strata on .free lunch drug use/. The second match (˛
in the text) is based
on entire number match with up to five controls per treated without any fine balance. The
third match (˛
in the text) is a variable ratio match with up to five controls per treated that
does not use the entire number. The bottom portion of the table compares the distribution of
.free lunch drug use/ in the treated and control groups for each match and the standardized
difference with fine balance categories. Cell entries are absolute standardized differences.
Entire Match with Entire Match Variable-Ratio Match
Fine Balance Only W/o Entire Number
African American 1/0 0.07 0.09 0.31
Multi-Racial 1/0 0.09 0.12 0.16
White 1/0 0.01 0.00 0.34
Hispanic 1/0 0.04 0.04 0.04
Female 1/0 0.16 0.19 0.16
Disability type 1 1/0 0.06 0.06 0.05
Disability type 2 1/0 0.02 0.00 0.07
Disability type 3 1/0 0.06 0.06 0.05
Free or reduced price lunch 1/0 0.01 0.09 0.41
Marijuana use 1/0 0.04 0.08 0.16
Drunk in past 30 days 1/0 0.06 0.08 0.10
5 or more drinks in past 30 days 1/0 0.15 0.17 0.11
Drug use past 30 days 1/0 0.09 0.12 0.22
Ever had sex 1/0 0.11 0.14 0.22
Understand cause of pregnancy 1/0 0.09 0.09 0.09
Can obtain contraception 1/0 0.01 0.01 0.05
Number of drug types used (0–10) 0.03 0.06 0.17
Number of sexual partners 0.06 0.07 0.14
Perception of sex safety 0.04 0.01 0.09
Decision-making skills 0.02 0.06 0.01
Knowledge of healthy eating 0.05 0.08 0.15
Number of times eating healthy 0.02 0.06 0.04
Number of days physically active 0.10 0.10 0.07
Near Fine Balance Summary
Weighted Marginal Distributions Treated Control Treated Control Treated Control
Free Lunch=0, Drug Use=0 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.06 0.21
Free Lunch=0, Drug Use=1 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.02
Free Lunch=1, Drug Use=0 0.65 0.69 0.65 0.71 0.62 0.55
Free Lunch=1, Drug Use=1 0.27 0.23 0.27 0.23 0.30 0.22
Free Lunch=0, Drug Use=0 0.00 0.04 0.43
Free Lunch=0, Drug Use=1 0.03 0.11 0.03
Free Lunch=1, Drug Use=0 0.08 0.14 0.20
Free Lunch=1, Drug Use=1 0.09 0.08 0.23
randomized trial, the p-values from the balance tests should follow the line of equality when
compared with the quantiles of the uniform distribution. In Figure 1 we compare the two-sample
p-values for all 35 covariates in the entire number match with near-fine balance to the quantiles
of the uniform distribution. We find that the two-sample p-values tend to fall above the line
of equality, which indicates that the match produced greater balance than if we had assigned
the students to treatment or control at random. Of course, randomization would also tend
to balance unobserved covariates, which matching cannot do. However, this implies that any
additional reduction of bias provided by a pair match is probably unnecessary.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Uniform Distribution
Sorted P−values
Figure 1: The quantile-quantile plot compares the 35 two-sample p-values from the match based
on the entire number and a near-fine balance constraint with the uniform distribution. We expect
p-values from a randomized experiment to fall along the line of equality. Balance on observed
covariates does not imply balance on unobserved covariates.
We now compare the variable-ratio match with near-fine balance to two matches possible with
existing algorithms. We denote these two more conventional matches ˛
and ˛
. Both ˛
and ˛
are variable-ratio matches based on minimizing the robust Mahalanobis distances with a
caliper on the propensity score. Neither has any fine or near-fine balance constraints. In ˛
, we
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Absolute Standardized Difference
Pair Match
Variable Ratio
Entire Matching
Entire Matching
With Near−Fine Balance
Figure 2: The distribution of absolute standardized differences for the four matches and the
unmatched data.
implement variable-ratio matching using the entire number. In ˛
, we implement a variable-ratio
match using the optmatch library [16]. In the statistical package R, the fullmatch function in
the optmatch library can be used to create an optimal match with a variable control:treatment
ratio based on a minimum-cost flow algorithm.
These additional matches allow us to compare the match with a variable control:treatment ratio
and a fine balance constraint to two matches that omit fine balance but use a variable con-
trol:treatment ratio. However, the match based on the entire number removes the same five
treated units that did not meet our common support constraint. The variable ratio match based
on network flows using the fullmatch function includes all observations. Specifically under this
comparison, we can isolate whether removing observations off the common support has a large
effect on imbalances.
First, we describe ˛
. Initially we used ˇ D 10 as the maximum number of controls per treated.
However, this resulted in many small strata (4 of the 10 strata produced had fewer than 20
subjects total) in which match quality was often poor. For example, in the stratum with entire
number 9 there were exactly 9 controls and one treated subject. This meant all the controls
were included in the match, even though the treated subject had used drugs in the past 30 days
and only one of the controls had. To avoid such imbalances we decided to reduce the value
of ˇ from 10 to 5. The resulting match used 13 fewer controls (202 total instead of 215) but
had far fewer small strata and allowed better-quality matches on average within each stratum.
Table 4 contains a summary of balance statistics with full results reported in the supplementary
materials. The ˛
match is a major improvement over the pair match. For this match, all of the
standardized differences were smaller in magnitude than 0.2 and only five were larger than 0.1.
With this match, we also removed 5 treated units due to a lack of common support. While the
match is a clear improvement over the pair match, the fine balance constraints are useful.
If we do not enforce the fine balance constraint two of the nearly fine balance categories have
standardized differences that exceed 0.10.
Next, we describe the ˛
match. Again Table 4 provides a brief summary of the results with full
results reported in the supplementary materials. The ˛
match used all 121 treated observations
which produced an effective sample size of 160 pairs. That is, variable-ratio matching based on
the fullmatch function does not remove observations when there is a lack of common support.
Including the additional 5 treated units comes at a considerable cost in terms of balance. In
the ˛
match, 13 covariates still have standardized differences above 0.10 just as in the pair
match. Without the fine balance constraint for this match balance suffers, as two of the nearly
fine balanced categories have standardized differences that exceed 0.20 and 0.50. We altered the
match to allow for up to 10 controls for each treated unit. This matched produced a much
wider variety of matched strata, and balance that is more comparable to the ˛
Figure 2 provides a final comparison of every match and the unmatched data. For each match,
we plot the distribution of absolute standardized differences. The results follow what theory
suggest. Both the pair match and the match with a variable control:treated ratio use the entire
sample. Therefore, the effective sample size—defined in the first part of this section—for the
pair match was 121 matched pairs, and the match with a variable control:treated ratio had an
effective sample size of 160 matched pairs. The lack of common support contributes to the poor
performance of both of these matches, however, we see that the pair match removes more bias.
The entire number match without a near-fine balance constraint drops five treated observations
which produces a substantial reduction in overt bias. Finally once we add the near-fine balance
constraint, we observe additional bias reduction targeted at an interaction of two specific nominal
covariates. The effective same size for both matches that use the entire number is 134.5 matched
pairs. As such, we make more effective use of the sample while also removing as much overt bias
as would be expected from a randomized trial.
Generally, we see that to improve on the initial pair match and produce the smallest set of
imbalances using the largest possible number of control units required three separate matching
strategies. First, we implemented a variable-ratio match using the entire number. We also
enforced fine balance constraints and removed five observations that lacked common support.
This final comparison, however, demonstrates that while the common support trimming was
necessary, so too were the near-fine balance constraints.
5 Summary
By using the entire number, one can construct a fine or near-finely balanced example with a vari-
able control:treatment ratio. In the PHE example, we produce near-fine balance on an interaction
of two nominal covariates while using a variable control:treatment ratio. Using both a variable
control:treatment ratio and a near-fine balance constraint allows us to remove overt biases while
increasing efficiency. While it should be possible to remove additional bias using a pair match
with a fine balance constraint, that match will necessarily use fewer controls. Moreover, our final
match produced standardized differences such that the amount of overt bias is less than we would
expect if units had been assigned to treatment and control via randomization.
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