U n dergraduate
for admission and
Application for Undergraduate Admission and Scholarships
Instructions and Special Information
Please print or type the information on this application. Be sure to use your legal name. If your high school or college records may appear under a
different name, please indicate that name in item #1.
For additional information about admission, campus visits, financial aid, and scholarships, visit iastate.edu or call 515-294-5836. Students with disabilities
may obtain information about support services available at Iowa State University at sdr.dso.iastate.edu or by writing to
the Student Accessibility Services office, 1076 Student Services Building, 2505 Union Drive, Ames, Iowa 50011-2030, or by calling 515 294-7220.
To be considered for many of Iowa State University’s scholarships, you need only complete this application. However, because some scholarships
require additional information, you should refer to financialaid.iastate.edu. Early applicants are more likely to receive scholarship consideration.
Go to iastate.edu/apply for admission application deadline information.
Disclosure of your Social Security Number (SSN) is requested for the student records system of Iowa State University. Federal law requires that you provide your SSN if you are applying for
financial aid or desire to claim federal educational tax benefits. Although an SSN is not required for admission to Iowa State, your failure to provide an SSN may delay the processing of your
application. Your SSN is maintained and used by Iowa State for financial aid, internal verification, and administrative purposes, and for reports to federal and state agencies as required by
law. The privacy and confidentiality of your SSN is protected by federal and state law, and Iowa State will not disclose your SSN without your consent for any other purposes except as
allowed by law.
Iowa State University requests the information on this application for the purpose of making an admission decision. No information from the application is routinely provided to persons outside
the university except those items which are defined as public information. Responses to items marked “optional” are optional; responses to all other items are required. If you fail to provide
the required information, the university may not consider your application.
Iowa State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. veteran.
Inquiries can be directed to the Office of Equal Opportunity, 3350 Beardshear Hall, (515) 294-7612.
If you are still in high school:
Complete Section A of the High School Course Requirements Report Form on the next page.
If you wish to have your ACT or SAT scores factored into your admission decision, please request your test scores be sent to Iowa State directly
from the testing agency. The ACT code for Iowa State is 1320 and the SAT code is 6306.
IMPORTANT: If you have attempted any college coursework while enrolled in high school, you must do the following:
1) List in item #15 the name of the college(s) from which you are taking coursework.
2) List in item #15 the college courses you are now taking or will take prior to your planned entry to Iowa State.
3) Request that the college or university send an official copy of your transcript to Iowa State University’s Office of Admissions.
If you are enrolled in another college or university or you are not presently enrolled in high school or college:
Do not complete the High School Course Requirements Report Form of this application.
For item #15, list all of the colleges from which you have attempted college coursework. If you are transferring from an Iowa community college
and you will not complete your associate’s degree, diploma or certification prior to entering Iowa State, you may request that your Iowa State
transcript for each of your first three terms be automatically sent to the community college you designate for purposes of completing your degree
or other certification. (Note: To be considered for participation in this program, you must have completed a least 30 transferrable semester credits
from the community college you indicate prior to entering Iowa State.) To participate in the program and request that your transcripts be sent for
this purpose, please indicate the Iowa community college from which you intend to complete your degree, diploma or certification.
For item #15, list the college courses you are now taking or will take prior to your planned entry to Iowa State.
Request that an official copy of your transcript be sent to Iowa State from each college from which you have attempted college coursework. If you
have earned fewer than 24 transferable semester credits, an official copy of your high school transcript and your ACT or SAT scores are also
required. If you have earned 24 or more transferable semester credits, you are strongly encouraged to have your high school transcript and
test scores sent for the purposes of advising and placement.
After you have completed your final term of study at another college or university, you must request that an official copy of your final transcript be
sent to the Office of Admissions.
IMPORTANT: Complete this page only if you
are still enrolled in high school. If you have
already graduated, please skip this page.
High School Course Requirements Report Form
Name_____________________________________________________________________ SS # _____________________________
(Last) (First) (Middle)
High School Core Courses
Indicate the core courses you have completed or will complete before you graduate high school, including AP courses. Use whole numbers and decimals to indicate the
credit you will receive (1 for one year, .5 for one semester, etc.). Note: one semester of coursework in a block scheduling system is typically equal to one academic year.
Four years required, emphasizing writing, speaking, and reading, as well as an
understanding and appreciation of literature.
Social Studies
Two years required for admission to the colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences,
Business, Design, Engineering, and Human Sciences. Three years required for
admission to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Three years required, including one year each of algebra I, geometry, and algebra II.
Three years required, including two years which emphasize elements of biology,
chemistry, or physics. Note: 9th grade physical science is categorized as general
World Language
Two years of a single world language are required for admission to the colleges
of Engineering and Liberal Arts and Sciences. World language is not required for
admission to the colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Business, Design, or
Human Sciences. Note: You may list your 8th grade world language courses
only if your high school counts it as high school-level world language.
Computer Science
While computer science coursework is not required for admission, completion of any
of the specific courses listed below is factored into the admission decision.
9 10 11 12 COLLEGE
9 10 11 12 COLLEGE
9 10 11 12 COLLEGE
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
OTHER ___________ _____ YEAR(S)
8 9 10 11 12 COLLEGE
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
OTHER ____________ _____ YEAR(S)
8 9 10 11 12 COLLEGE
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
OTHER ____________ _____ YEAR(S)
Please be sure to report your GPA on a 4-point scale. If your school provides more
than one GPA (e.g., weighted GPA and non-weighted GPA), please use the best GPA.
If your school does not calculate or report GPA, leave the box below blank.
Test Scores
If you wish to have your ACT or SAT scores factored into your admission decision, you may list them below:
OUT OF 4.00
If English is not your primary language (one of
the first languages you learned as a child), please
list your TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English scores
Academic Information
Do not estimate. Provide the data requested below as report to you at the end of
your most recently completed semester or trimester.
8 9 10 11 12 COLLEGE
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
_____ YEAR(S)
1. Name* ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Last First Middle Other last names that may appear on previous academic transcripts
2. Social security number _________________________ Email _____________________________________________________________
3. Permanent home address _________________________________________________________________________________________
Number and street City* State* Zip code
________________________________________________________ In the last 12 months, have you lived outside of Iowa? Yes No
County, if in Iowa
4. Current address ________________________________________________________________________________________________
(if different from above) Number and street City State Zip code
5. Primary phone (________) _____________________________ Secondary phone (________) ____________________________________
6. When do you plan to enter Iowa State University? _______________________________ Entering Iowa State as a:
Freshman Transfer
Go to iastate.edu/apply for admission application deadline information.
7. Have you ever enrolled in Iowa State coursework (including off-campus or intensive English)? Yes No If yes, when? _________________
8. Date of birth _____________________ Gender Male Female
9. Is English your primary language (first language learned as child)? Yes No If no, what is your primary language? ______________________
10. Are you Hispanic or Latino/a?† Yes No
To which racial group(s) do you belong? Alaskan Native American Indian - list tribal/nation affiliation _____________________________
Asian African American or Black Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White
11. Family Data
Father Spouse Other ___________________________________________________________________________ Deceased
Last name First Middle
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Number & street City State Zip code
Email Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Received 4-year college degree? Yes No Iowa State University Graduate? Yes No
Mother Spouse Other __________________________________________________________________________ Deceased
Last name First Middle
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Number & street City State Zip code
Email Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Received 4-year college degree? Yes No Iowa State University Graduate? Yes No
Have any of your grandparents graduated from Iowa State University? Yes No
12. Please indicate the major and/or preprofessional program you have selected (refer to Undergraduate Programs of Study list).
13. Name of high school _________________________________________ Graduation date (mm/yyyy) _____________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________ Phone number (________) ________________
14. If you are admitted, do we have permission to release your high school academic information to university recognized organizations or activities for
membership selection purposes? Yes No
Please select your application type:
U.S./Domestic International
15. If you have completed, or plan to complete, courses from other colleges or universities prior to entering Iowa State, please enter the name of each
Request that each college send an official transcript to our office. (Incomplete information may result in the denial of this application or dismissal.)
School City/State ACT Code
From (mm/yyyy) To (mm/yyyy) Degree
Iowa Community College Degree Completion Institution _______________________________ (See application instructions for more information)
For the colleges indicated above, please list all of the courses you have already completed as well as those courses you plan to complete prior to
entering Iowa State. This does not include Advanced Placement (AP) courses.
(Please attach additional sheet if necessary.)
Course Name Term and Year Course Number Semester(s) or Credits
Example: Intro to Psychology Fall 2023 PSY 101 3 semester credits
16. If you have already graduated from high school, please give a chronological statement of your major activities for the two-year period immediately
preceding your proposed entry to Iowa State.
From (mm/yyyy) To (mm/yyyy) Activity (Employment, Education, Etc.) City and State
17. Are you a veteran of, or currently serving in, the United States armed forces?
Yes No
If yes, check all that apply.
US Veteran National Guard Reservist
Currently serving active duty in a branch of the US military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard)
Are you a child or spouse/domestic partner of a US Veteran or a currently serving US military member? Yes No
Are you eligible to receive military education benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs? Yes No
18. You must respond to these questions or your application will not be processed. If your answer to either of the following two
questions is yes, you must submit a full statement of relevant facts on a separate sheet attached to this application.
a. Have you ever been charged with or subject to disciplinary action for scholastic or any other type of misconduct at any
educational institution?
Yes No
b. Do you have a pending criminal charge OR have you ever been convicted of a crime, made a plea of guilty or no contest,
accepted a deferred judgment, or been required to register your name and home address with a local or state law
enforcement agency? (Misdemeanor traffic offenses and charges which have been expunged pursuant to applicable law
are exempt.) Yes No
Note: Failure to fully disclose all criminal charges or disciplinary actions may result in withdrawal of admission. In addition, failure to report
to the Office of Admissions any criminal charges or disciplinary actions that occur after you submit this application may also result in withdrawal
of admission.
19. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this application is complete and true. I understand that falsification or omission
of information is sufficient cause for denial of my application or dismissal from the university.
_________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________
Signature of applicant Date
Submit this application, your application fee ($55), and all required transcripts to:
Office of Admissions Enrollment Services Center Ames, Iowa 50011-2011
*These items are considered public information unless you request otherwise.
Responses to these items are optional and will not be used in admission consideration.
Below is a list of our undergraduate programs of study. To help you easily locate the program you’re interested in, we’ve listed some of them in
parentheses, immediately following the title that is commonly used for those programs.
Undergraduate programs are offered in six colleges: agriculture and life sciences (AGLS), business (BUS), design (DSGN), engineering (ENGR), human
sciences (H SCI), and liberal arts and sciences (LAS). If you’re not sure what you want to study or major in, you may want to begin your studies as an
open option student. Or if you have a general idea of the academic area you’re interested in, but not a specific program, choose the undecided option
in the appropriate college. NOTE: The information provided here was accurate at the time of printing; for the most up-to-date list of programs, go to
Actuarial Science
Aerospace Engineering
Agricultural Communication
Agricultural and Life Sciences
Education—Teacher Education
Agricultural and Rural Policy Studies
Agricultural Business
Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural Studies
Agricultural Systems Technology
Animal Ecology
Animal Science
Apparel, Merchandising, and Design
Art and Design
Art History (Art and Design)
Athletic Training
Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology
Biological/Pre-Medical Illustration
Biological Systems Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Business Administration
Business Analytics
Business Economics
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Classical Studies (Interdisciplinary
Climate Science
Communication Studies
Community and Regional Planning
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Construction Engineering
Criminal Justice
Culinary Food Science
Cyber Security Engineering
Dairy Science
Dance (Performing Arts)
Data Science
Diet and Exercise
Early Childcare Education
and Programming
Early Childhood Education*
Earth Science*
Electrical Engineering
Elementary Education
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies**
Event Management
Exercise Science
Family and Consumer Sciences
Education and Studies
Fashion Design/Merchandising (Apparel,
Merchandising, and Design)
Financial Counseling and Planning
Fine Arts (Integrated Studio Arts)
Food Science
French (World Languages and Cultures)*
German (World Languages
and Cultures)*
Global Resource Systems
Graphic Design
Healthcare Management
Hospitality Management
Human Development and Family Studies
Human Resource Management
Industrial Design
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Technology
Integrated Studio Arts
Interior Design
International Agriculture**
International Business**
International Studies**
Journalism and Mass Communication
Kinesiology and Health
Landscape Architecture
Latino/a Studies, U.S. Program
(Interdisciplinary Studies)
Liberal Studies (on-campus)
Liberal Studies (online)
Management Information Systems
Materials Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Nursing (RN to BSN)^
Nutritional Science
Open OptionUndecided
Performing Arts
Physical Education (Kinesiology
and Health)
Political Science
Public Relations
Religious Studies
Seed Science**
Software Engineering
Spanish (World Languages
and Cultures)*
Supply Chain Management
Teacher Education*
Technical Communication
Theatre (Performing Arts)
and Life Sciences
UndecidedHuman Sciences
UndecidedLiberal Arts and Sciences
UndecidedOpen Option
Women’s and Gender Studies
World Languages and Cultures*
Zoology (Biology)
Minors Only
African American Studies
American Indian Studies
Athletic Coaching
Beverage Management
Biomedical Engineering
Business and Technology Consulting
Chinese Studies
Critical Studies in Design
Cyber Physical Systems
Design Studies
Digital Media
Educational Services in Family
and Consumer Sciences
Energy Systems
Engineering Sales
Exercise Science
Feed Technology
Food and Society
Food Safety
Global Health
Health Promotion
Landscape Management
Leadership Studies
Learning and Leadership Sciences
Learning Technologies
Meat Science
Middle Eastern Studies
Military Studies
Music Technology
Nondestructive Evaluation
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Sport and Recreation
Teaching English as a Second Language
Textile Design
Textile Science and Product Performance
Wind Energy
World Film Studies
Preprofessional Programs
Clinical Laboratory Science/
Medical Technology
Health Information Management
Hospital and Health Administration
Human Medicine
Library and Information Science
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Physician Assistant
Theology or Religious Studies
Veterinary Medicine
Undergraduate Programs of Study
*Students preparing
to become school
teachers usually
major in the discipline
they intend to
teach. Teaching
certification is offered
in these areas.
majors only.
^Must be a licensed
registered nurse
(RN) to be eligible.