30/07/2023, 12:54
Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
JUL 29, 2023
As engineering teams look for ways to streamline their
processes and enhance their development workflow, the
adoption of CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous
Delivery) pipelines has become quite the norm. Azure DevOps
was one of the first platforms to offer YAML based CI/CD
templates and quickly became the favorite tool amongst a lot
of developers. After Microsoft's acquisition of Github, they
quickly introduced the much-desired enterprise-grade CI/CD
Should you
migrating CI/CD
pipelines from
Azure DevOps to
GitHub Actions?
30/07/2023, 12:54
Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
With the increasing popularity and capabilities of GitHub Actions (GHA), many teams
are considering migrating their CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps (ADO) to GitHub
Actions. This article aims to provide an outline of the advantages of GHA, and a general
roadmap for the migration process, highlighting key considerations and steps.
Why Migrate to GitHub Actions?
GitHub Actions has seen rapid adoption since its introduction due to its tight integration
with GitHub repositories and its event-driven model. With this model, workflows can be
triggered on almost any GitHub event, enabling highly flexible and customizable
While both ADOand GHAare YAML using relatively similar YAML templates , certain
characteristics and features may make GHA a more appealing choice for most teams
or projects. Here are a few key advantages of GitHub Actions over Azure DevOps.
Marketplace And Custom Actions
GitHub Actions marketplace is more extensive and active, with thousands of actions
available for various tasks. This contrasts with Azure DevOps, where task extensions are
tooling in GitHub Actions, and it quickly rose to popularity.
While Azure DevOps remains a feature-rich tool, with GitHub's
continuous upgrades and versatile features, an increasing
number of developers are migrating from Azure DevOps to
GitHub Actions.
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Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
less numerous and community contribution is not as robust.
Ease of Integration
GitHub Actions marketplace hosts a plethora of actions, ranging from setting up
different environments (like actions/setup-node for Node.js, actions/setup-python for
Python) to deploying code to different cloud providers (like aws-actions/aws-s3-sync
for syncing a directory to an S3 bucket). In comparison, Azure DevOps does offer an
extensions marketplace, but it's not as comprehensive or user-friendly as GitHub's.
For instance, consider the action of deploying a Docker image to a Kubernetes cluster.
The GitHub marketplace has an action like azure/k8s-deploy, which simplifies the
process to a few lines of YAML.
While Azure DevOps can achieve similar results, it usually requires a more complex
series of tasks to accomplish the same goal.
Community Contributions
GitHub Actions benefits greatly from being built on the most popular platform for open-
source software. Many actions in the marketplace are contributed by the community
and go beyond mere CI/CD tasks, including actions for automating the management of
issues, pull requests, and project boards. For example, the actions/stale action marks
1 - name: Deploy to Kubernetes
2 uses: azure/k8s-deploy@v1
3 with:
4 namespace: mynamespace
5 manifests: |
6 manifest1.yml
7 manifest2.yml
8 images: |
9 myimage1:$(IMAGE1_NAME)
10 myimage2:$(IMAGE2_NAME)
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Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
issues and pull requests that have not seen activity for a specified amount of time as
stale, encouraging more effective project management.
Triggers And Event-Driven Workflows
GitHub Actions supports a broader range of event triggers. Any event that happens
within a GitHub repository can be used to trigger a workflow. On the other hand, Azure
DevOps primarily focuses on push and pull request events for CI/CD workflows.
Pull Request Triggers
The workflow runs whenever a pull request is opened, synchronized, or closed.
For example, with ADO, you have to do a lot of PowerShell magic to trigger a pipeline for
a pull request closure.
1 - name: Mark stale issues and pull requests
2 uses: actions/stale@v4
3 with:
4 days-before-stale: 60
5 days-before-close: 7
1 - task: PowerShell@2
2 inputs:
3 targetType: 'inline'
4 script: |
5 # Call REST API and set the result to $pr
6 $token = "{PAT}" # Replace it with your PAT
7 $token = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetByte
8 $url="https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/git/pullrequests/{pu
9 $head = @{ Authorization =" Basic $token" }
10 $pr = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Get -Headers $head -ContentType appl
11 # Pass the status result to future tasks. You can also pass it to future jobs/s
12 $status = $pr.status
13 Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=prstatus;]$status"
15 - task: ... # The task you use to destroy apps
16 condition: eq(variables.prstatus, 'completed')
30/07/2023, 12:54
Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
With GHA, there are pre-build actions, and conditions to do this quite easily.
Issue Comments Triggers
The workflow runs when a comment is added to an issue in the repository.
While ADO also has support for comment-based triggers, this is only supported if you
are using GitHub as the source repository. ( in most instances, if you are using ADO
Pipelines, you are likely to be using ADO Git repos, so this feature is actually useless).
With GHA, this is straightforward to do.
Release Triggers
In Azure DevOps, this is typically done using Release Pipelines, which are designed to
handle the deployment of your application. You can create a release manually, or you
can configure the release pipeline to automatically create a new release when it
detects a new build artifact (which could be created by a build pipeline when you
create a GitHub release, for example).
1 name: Pull Request Closed Workflow
3 on:
4 pull_request:
5 types: [closed]
1 on:
2 issue_comment:
3 types: [created, edited]
1 trigger: none
30/07/2023, 12:54
Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
In GitHub Actions, you can trigger a workflow directly from your YAML file when a release
is created by using the release event. You can further specify the types of release
events that will trigger the workflow, such as created, edited, published, etc.
Parallelism And Matrix Builds
Both platforms support running jobs in parallel and matrix builds. However, GitHub
Actions offers a more intuitive syntax and configuration for matrix builds.
Azure DevOps has the concept of a "Matrix Strategy" that allows you to run jobs in
parallel with different configurations. Here is an example:
3 stages:
4 - stage: Deploy
5 jobs:
6 - deployment: DeployToAzure
7 displayName: Deploy to Azure
8 pool:
9 vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
10 environment: 'Production'
11 strategy:
12 runOnce:
13 deploy:
14 steps:
15 - script: echo Deploying!
1 on:
2 release:
3 types: [published, created, edited]
1 jobs:
2 - job: Build
3 strategy:
30/07/2023, 12:54
Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
GitHub Actions also supports a similar feature, also known as "Matrix Strategy". However,
GitHub Actions provides a more flexible approach, allowing you to combine different
sets of variables. Here is an example:
Runner Environment
GitHub Actions and Azure DevOps both offer self-hosted runners, allowing you to run
workflows on your own hardware and in your own environment. Self-hosted runners can
be used when you have specific requirements that aren't met by the hosted runners, like
4 matrix:
5 linux:
6 imageName: 'ubuntu-latest'
7 windows:
8 imageName: 'windows-latest'
9 pool:
10 vmImage: $(imageName)
11 steps:
12 - script: echo Hello, world!
1 jobs:
2 build:
3 runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
4 strategy:
5 matrix:
6 os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest]
7 node: [12, 14]
8 steps:
9 - name: Checkout code
10 uses: actions/checkout@v2
11 - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node }}
12 uses: actions/setup-node@v2
13 with:
14 node-version: ${{ matrix.node }}
15 - run: npm ci
16 - run: npm test
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Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
when you need a specific OS or tool that's not available on the hosted runners, or when
your code needs to access resources that are only available in your local network.
However, GitHub Actions goes a step further by offering the ability to run actions in
Docker containers on their hosted runners. This means that you can create a Dockerfile
to specify the exact environment that your workflow needs, and this Dockerfile will be
built and run on the GitHub-hosted runner.
Here's an example of how this work:
First, you create a Dockerfile that specifies the exact environment your workflow
requires. For instance, if your workflow requires `Node.js` and a specific version of the
AWS CLI, your Dockerfile might look like this:
Next, you define a custom action in the same repository as your workflow. This action
uses the Dockerfile you just created. The `action.yml` for this custom action would look
like this:
Finally, you use this action in your workflow:
1 FROM node:14
3 RUN curl "https://d1vvhvl2y92vvt.cloudfront.net/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64-2.1.30.zip" -o
4 unzip awscliv2.zip && \
5 sudo ./aws/install
1 name: 'Custom Action'
2 description: 'Run my scripts in a custom environment'
3 runs:
4 using: 'docker'
5 image: 'Dockerfile'
1 jobs:
30/07/2023, 12:54
Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
In this setup, the custom-job job will run on a GitHub-hosted runner, but the action will
run in the Docker container that you've specified. This gives you the ability to specify the
exact environment that your action needs, without the need to set up and manage your
own self-hosted runner.
GitHub Advanced Security
Although Microsoft now owns GitHub, and there's a lot of feature parity between the two
platforms, Microsoft has announced that the Advanced Security service will not be
available for ADO. GitHub's advanced security features definitely add significant value
to the platform and can serve as compelling reasons to consider migration from Azure
DevOps to GitHub Actions. Here are some key features:
Code Scanning: This feature scans your code as soon as it’s pushed to GitHub, and can
surface and help prevent vulnerabilities before they reach production. The tool is built
on the open-source project Semmle’s CodeQL, allowing you to explore your source
code as a database. It's a powerful tool for identifying security vulnerabilities in many
popular programming languages.
Secret Scanning: Formerly known as token scanning, this feature scans repositories for
known secret formats to prevent fraudulent use of credentials committed accidentally.
Once it finds potential secrets, it alerts the provider or the repository owner, ensuring
quick action can be taken.
2 custom-job:
3 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
4 steps:
5 - uses: ./.github/actions/custom-action
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Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
Dependabot Alerts and Security Updates: Dependabot pulls in information from the
GitHub Advisory Database and other sources to identify dependencies with known
vulnerabilities. It can alert you to the problem and can even automatically create a pull
request to update to the fixed version, subject to your configuration.
Private Instances: For businesses that need to meet complex security, compliance and
policy constraints, GitHub provides private instances. It is a fully managed offering from
GitHub, which provides enhanced security, simplified administration, and scalable
performance to serve large or regulated organizations.
These features integrate seamlessly into the developer workflow. Since everything
happens within the GitHub ecosystem, there's no need to manage and maintain
multiple tools or jump from one platform to another to manage your code, which saves
time and reduces complexity.
Step-by-Step Migration Guide
Step 1: Assess Your Current Azure Pipelines
Before diving into the migration, it's important to understand your existing Azure
Pipelines in detail.
Which tasks are being performed?
What dependencies exist between tasks?
How is the pipeline triggered, and what conditions lead to its execution?
This analysis will provide a blueprint for recreating your pipelines in GitHub Actions.
Step 2: Understand GitHub Actions Structure
GitHub Actions are composed of workflows that respond to events on your GitHub
repository. Each workflow consists of one or more jobs, which are sets of steps that
perform individual tasks. Steps can run commands or actions, which are pre-built
pieces of code.
30/07/2023, 12:54
Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
Understand the key components:
Workflow: Defined in a YAML file in the .github/workflows directory in your
Jobs: Run on separate instances of the GitHub-hosted runner.
Steps: The smallest unit in a job, can run commands or actions.
Actions: Prebuilt pieces of code to perform common tasks.
Step 3: Create An Equivalent GitHub Actions
Create a .github/workflows directory in your GitHub repository, and add a new YAML file
to define your workflow. Use your analysis from Step 1 to guide the definition of jobs and
Consider using prebuilt actions from the GitHub marketplace to replace custom scripts
in your Azure Pipeline, but be aware of versioning and potential security concerns.
Step 4: Handle Secrets And Environment
GitHub Actions provide mechanisms to handle secrets and environment variables. Use
the GitHub web interface to configure secrets at the repository or organization level.
Environment variables can be set at the workflow, job, or step level within the YAML
workflow file. They can also reference secrets, providing a way to securely handle
sensitive data.
Step 5: Implement Conditional Logic
GitHub Actions supports conditional jobs and steps, using a syntax similar to Azure
DevOps. Conditional statements are written in JavaScript expression syntax, providing
flexibility for complex logic.
Step 6: Testing The Migration
30/07/2023, 12:54
Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
Before fully transitioning to GitHub Actions, make sure to thoroughly test your new
workflows. This can be done by manually triggering the workflow or pushing changes to
your repository that would trigger the workflow.
Migrating Azure functions deployment
from ADOto GHA
This example is a simple comparison of what an Azure Function deployment using Azure
DevOps and GitHub Actions.
Azure DevOps YAML pipeline for Azure Function Deployment
1 trigger:
2 - main
4 variables:
5 # Azure Resource Manager connection created during pipeline creation
6 azureSubscription: 'my-azure-subscription'
8 # Function app name
9 functionAppName: 'my-function-app'
11 # Agent VM image name
12 vmImageName: 'ubuntu-latest'
14 stages:
15 - stage: Build
16 displayName: Build stage
18 jobs:
19 - job: Build
20 displayName: Build
21 pool:
22 vmImage: $(vmImageName)
30/07/2023, 12:54
Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
GitHub Actions Workflow for Azure Function deployment
24 steps:
25 - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
26 displayName: Build
27 inputs:
28 command: build
29 projects: '**/*.csproj'
30 arguments: --output $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/publish_output
32 - stage: Deploy
33 displayName: Deploy stage
35 jobs:
36 - deployment: Deploy
37 displayName: Deploy
38 environment: 'production'
39 pool:
40 vmImage: $(vmImageName)
42 strategy:
43 runOnce:
44 deploy:
45 steps:
46 - task: AzureFunctionApp@1
47 displayName: 'Azure functions app deploy'
48 inputs:
49 azureSubscription: '$(azureSubscription)'
50 appType: functionApp
51 appName: $(functionAppName)
52 package: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/publish_output
1 name: Build and Deploy to Azure Functions
3 on:
4 push:
5 branches:
6 - main
8 env:
9 AZURE_FUNCTIONAPP_NAME: my-function-app # set this to your application's name
10 AZURE_FUNCTIONAPP_PACKAGE_PATH: './publish_output' # set this to the path to your a
11 DOTNET_VERSION: '3.1.x' # set this to the dotnet version to use
30/07/2023, 12:54
Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
In the GitHub Actions workflow, we're also doing two main tasks: Building the app and
deploying it. The build is done with a run command that directly uses the dotnet CLI,
and the deployment is done with the Azure/functions-action@v1 action.
13 jobs:
14 build-and-deploy:
15 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
17 steps:
18 - name: 'Checkout GitHub Action'
19 uses: actions/checkout@main
21 - name: Setup DotNet ${{ env.DOTNET_VERSION }} Environment
22 uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
23 with:
24 dotnet-version: ${{ env.DOTNET_VERSION }}
26 - name: Build with dotnet
27 run: dotnet build --configuration Release --output ${{ env.AZURE_FUNCTIONAPP_PA
29 - name: 'Login via Azure CLI'
30 uses: azure/login@v1
31 with:
32 creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
34 - name: 'Run Azure Functions Action'
35 uses: Azure/functions-action@v1
36 id: fa
37 with:
38 app-name: ${{ env.AZURE_FUNCTIONAPP_NAME }}
41 - name: 'Logout of Azure CLI'
42 run: az logout
30/07/2023, 12:54
Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
As you can see, both the Azure DevOps pipeline and the GitHub Actions workflow
achieve the same goal, and the syntax and structure are quite similar, so the migration
process is relatively simpler.
GitHub Actions offer significantly better DevOps/DevSecOps tooling. Migrating from
Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions involves translating Azure Pipelines YAML to GitHub
Actions YAML, while mapping tasks to actions. While the sample provided here is
specific to Azure Function App deployment, the process is similar for other applications.
It's worth noting that the convenience and increasing capabilities offered by GitHub
Actions make it a compelling option. However, the decision should be based on the
specific needs and context of your projects.
Feel free to reach out if you need help with preparing a migration strategy to GitHub
Further readings:
Side-by-side comparison of ADO ( left) and GHA (right)
deploying an Azure Functions App.
30/07/2023, 12:54
Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
Understanding GitHub Actions
Migration from Azure Pipelines to GitHub Actions
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30/07/2023, 12:54
Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
30/07/2023, 12:54
Should you consider migrating CI/CD pipelines from Azure DevOps to GitHub Actions?
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