e American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry intends these
recommendations to help practitioners make decisions concern-
ing appropriate use of uoride as part of the comprehensive
oral health care for infants, children, adolescents, and persons
with special health care needs.
This document was initially developed by the Liaison with
Other Groups Committee, adopted in 1967
and last revised
by the Council on Clinical Affairs in 2018
. To update this
guidance, an electronic search of the PubMed
database was conducted using the terms: uoride caries pre-
vention, fluoridation, fluoride gel, fluoride varnish, fluoride
toothpaste, uoride therapy, silver diamine uoride, and topical
uoride; elds: all; limits: within last ve years, English. Be-
cause 4077 papers were identified through these electronic
searches, an alternate strategy of limiting the information
gathering to systematic review using the term uoride caries
prevention yielded 116 new systematic reviews or trials since
2017. Expert opinions and clinical practices also were relied
upon for these recommendations.
Fluoride has been a major factor in the decline in prevalence
and severity of dental caries in the United States (U.S.) and
other economically developed countries. It has several caries-
protective mechanisms of action. Topically, low levels of
uoride in plaque and saliva inhibit the demineralization of
sound enamel and enhance the remineralization of demineralized
e topical eect may be enhanced when combined
with good oral hygiene practices at home and use of a uoride
Fluoride also inhibits dental caries by aecting the
metabolic activity of cariogenic bacteria.
High levels of uo-
ride, such as those attained with the use of topical gels or
varnishes, produce a temporary layer of calcium uoride-like
material on the enamel surface. e uoride is released when the
pH drops in response to acid production and becomes available
to remineralize enamel or aect bacterial metabolism.
uoride-rich enamel is less acid-soluble than enamel with less
fluoride, the topical and remineralization effects of fluoride
have been found to have a greater impact on caries prevention
than incorporation of uoride into developing teeth.
Community water uoridation
Fluoridation of community drinking water is the most equitable
and cost-eective method of delivering uoride to all members
of most communities.
As of 2018, 73 percent of the U.S.
population on community water systems had access to uori-
dated water.
Water fluoridation at the level of 0.7-1.2
milligrams (mg) uoride ion per liter (i.e., parts per million
uoride [ppm F]) was introduced in the U.S. in the 1940s.
Since community water is now one of several sources of uoride,
CaF: Calcium fluoride. F: Fluoride. FSIQ: Full scale intelligent quo-
tient. IQ: Intelligence quotient. mg: Milligrams. mg/kg: Milligrams
per kilogram. NaFV: Sodium fluoride varnish. ppm F: Parts per
million fluoride. SDF: Silver diamine fluoride. U.S.: United States.
Latest Revision
Fluoride Therapy
How to Cite: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Fluoride
therapy. The Reference Manual of Pediatric Dentistry. Chicago, Ill.:
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry; 2023:352-8.
This best practice provides information for practitioners regarding the use of fluoride as an aid in preventing and controlling dental caries in
pediatric dental patients. These recommendations address systemic fluoride (water fluoridation, dietary fluoride supplements), topical fluo-
ride delivery via professional application (acidulated phosphate fluoride gel or foam, sodium fluoride varnish, silver diamine fluoride), and
home-use products (toothpastes, mouthrinses) as well as the associated risks of fluoride agents. The standard level for community water
fluoridation (0.7 parts per million fluoride) helps balance the risk of caries and the possibility of dental fluorosis from excessive fluoride
ingestion during the early years of tooth development. Specific recommendations for dietary supplementation of fluoride for children ages
six months through 16 years are based on fluoride levels in the drinking water, other dietary sources of fluoride, use of a fluoridated tooth-
paste, and caries risk. The specific needs of each patient determine the appropriate use of systemic and topical fluoride products, whether
delivered in a professional clinical or a home setting. Fluoride has proven to be an effective therapy in reducing the prevalence of dental
caries in infants, children, adolescents, and persons with special needs.
Through a collaborative effort of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Councils on Clinical Affairs and Scientific Affairs, this best
practice was revised to offer updated information and recommendations to assist healthcare practitioners and parents in using fluoride
therapy for management of caries risk in pediatric patients.
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services revised
these recommendations in 2015 to a standardized level of 0.7
ppm F to balance the benets of preventing dental caries while
reducing the chance of uorosis.
Community water uoridation has been associated with the
decline in caries prevalence in U.S. adolescents, from 90 per-
cent in at least one permanent tooth in 12-17-year-olds in the
1960s, to 60 percent in a 1999-2004 survey,
with more
recent estimates of 35 percent caries reduction in primary teeth
and 26 percent in permanent teeth of children
. Additionally,
a Cochrane review found that water uoridation led to a 15
percent increase in caries-free children in primary dentition and
14 percent increase in caries-free children with permanent
Consuming fluoridated drinking water is both safe and
effective in preventing and controlling dental caries. Al-
though adverse health eects (e.g., decreased cognitive ability,
endocrine disruption, cancer) have been ascribed to the use of
uoride over the years, the preponderance of evidence from
large cohort studies and systematic reviews does not support an
association of such health issues and consumption of uoridated
water at the recommended concentration.
Regarding cognitive
ability, a recent study of mothers’ urinary uoride levels and
their child’s intelligence quotient (IQ) levels suggested an
association with exposure levels much greater than those rec-
ommended in the U.S. for water uoridation.
Also utilizing
maternal urinary fluoride levels, a multicenter prospective
cohort study
followed children born in Canada between
2008 and 2012. Forty-one percent of followed patients lived in
uoridated communities. is study assessed IQ at ages three
and four years using the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale
of Intelligence with Full Scale Intelligence Quotient (FSIQ) as
the primary outcome.
Results indicated that a one mg increase
in daily uoride intake (e.g., an extra six cups of optimally-
uoridated water each day) during pregnancy was associated
with a 4.49 point lower FSIQ score in boys but did not sig-
nicantly impact girls.
e study results suggested maternal
exposure to high uoride levels was associated with lower IQ
scores in boys and girls; however, it overlooked confounding
variables that did not adjust for dierences in socioeconomic
status or maternal IQ, and there was no IQ dierence when
evaluating the full population.
Moreover, a prospective study
in New Zealand did not support an association between uori-
dated water and IQ measurements
, and a national sample in
Sweden found no relationship between uoride levels in water
supplies and cognitive ability, noncognitive ability, and educa-
. e current evidence does not support that consuming
water fluoridated at the level 0.7 ppm F is associated with
reductions in IQ.
Repeated consumption of fluoride at levels higher than
those recommended in this document during enamel devel-
opment, however, can cause dental uorosis (children 15-30
months of age being most susceptible for fluorosis of the
permanent incisors).
The National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999-2004 study found 23
percent of the U.S. population aged six through 49 had very
mild or mild uorosis.
Very mild and mild levels of uorosis
are associated with decreased caries experience and presents
clinically as an increase in diuse or lacy appearing white opaci-
ties of the enamel and generally are not considered an esthetic
e Iowa Fluoride Study was a longitudinal study
that gathered data on fluoride intake from multiple sources
(water, beverages, foods, uoride supplements, and dentifrices)
on subjects from birth to 36 months.
Those subjects were
examined at about age nine to assess permanent incisors and
rst molars for uorosis using the Fluorosis Risk Index.
study found the prevalence of mild uorosis was 13 percent
among those children with average uoride intakes of 0.04 mg
per kilogram (mg/kg) body weight and increased to 23 percent
when intakes were between 0.04 to 0.06 mg/kg.
When uo-
ride intakes average 0.06 mg/kg or more per day, mild uorosis
prevalence was 38 percent.
A more recent study found mild
uorosis levels increased to over 60 percentfor adolescents ages
16 and 17 in 2011-2012 compared to 29.4 percent in 2001-
2002; this is a greater than 31 percent increase.
Fluoride uoridation, supplements, and infant formula
Fluoride supplements are eective in reducing prevalence of
dental caries and may be considered for children at high caries
risk who drink fluoride-deficient (less than 0.6 ppm F) wa-
(see Table). Fluoride supplementation schedules were last
revised in the early 1990s
and have not been adjusted since
1) uoride concentration in municipal water was standardized
and 2) recommendations to use fluoridated toothpaste with
the eruption of the rst tooth were promulgated.
Before prescribing supplements, determination of dietary
uoride intake from all sources can help reduce intake of ex-
cess uoride. Sources of dietary uoride may include drinking
water from home, day care, and school; beverages such as
, juice
, and infant formula
; prepared food
; and
toothpaste. Concentrated infant formulas requiring reconsti-
tution with water have raised concerns regarding an increased
risk of uorosis.
Infants may be particularly susceptible be-
cause of the large consumption of such liquid while the body
weight is relatively low
and the enamel is mineralizing. An
evidence-based review found that consumption of reconstituted
Age <0.3 ppm F 0.3 to 0.6 ppm F >0.6 ppm F
Birth to 6 months 0 0 0
6 months to 3 years 0.25 mg 0 0
3 to 6 years 0.50 mg 0.25 mg 0
6 to at least 16 years 1.00 mg 0.50 mg 0
Note: The recommendations in this table have not been revised since fluoride
concentration in municipal water was standardized and use of fluoridated
toothpaste for dentate infants was promulgated. All dietary sources of fluoride
should be taken into consideration before recommending fluoride supplements
for patients with fluoride-deficit community water.
infant formula can be associated with an increased risk of mild
uorosis but recommended the continued use of uoridated
One study has shown that dental uorosis levels do
not vary in fluoridated areas regardless of premixed versus
reconstituted formula.
Nevertheless, over-supplementation of
uoride, even for patients residing in areas with unuoridated
water, can cause uorosis.
Since standardization of the optimal
uoride levels in drinking water to 0.7 ppm F in 2015, dental
uorosis is less likely to occur. However, caution is indicated
when considering the use of uoride supplements for children
under age six due to their continued dental development and
consumption of uoride from a variety of sources.
Professionally-applied uoride varnish, gel, and foam
Professionally-applied topical uoride treatments are ecacious
in reducing prevalence of dental caries. e most commonly
used agents for professionally-applied uoride treatments are
five percent sodium fluoride varnish ([NaFV]; 2.26 percent
uoride [F], 22,600 ppm F) and acidulated phosphate uoride
([APF]; 1.23 percent F, 12,300 ppm F). Meta-analyses of 23
clinical trials, most with twice yearly application, favors the use
of uoride varnish in primary and permanent teeth to prevent
Fluoride varnish appears to be eective at preventing
caries in higher-risk children younger than ve years of age.
Unit doses of ve percent uoride varnish are the only pro-
fessional topical fluoride agent recommended for children
younger than age six for safety reasons.
Meta-analyses of
placebo-controlled trials show that fluoride gels, applied at
three-months to one-year intervals, also are ecacious in re-
ducing caries in permanent teeth.
Some topical uoride gel
and foam products are marketed with recommended treatment
times of less than four minutes, but there are no clinical trials
showing efficacy of shorter than four-minute application
Evidence that topical uoride foams are ecacious in
children is limited.
Children at risk for caries should receive
a professional uoride treatment at least every six months.
2014, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended
a schedule for uoride varnish application specically by non-
dental personnel to provide this preventive strategy to children
in medical settings, especially when children are more likely to
see a medical provider rather than a dental provider.
meta-analyses tried to determine whether professionally-applied
uoride can reverse incipient/white spot caries lesions
due to heterogeneity of studies included in the systematic
review coupled with home use of uoride dentifrices by research
subjects, a valid conclusion could not be made
. Yet another
study has shown that incipient enamel lesions (International
Caries Detection and Assessment System Code 2) can be
arrested with semiannual applications of ve percent NaFV.
Silver diamine uoride
irty-eight percent silver diamine uoride ([SDF]; ve percent
F, 44,800 ppm F) has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration as a dentin desensitizer in adults.
It currently
is used frequently to arrest cavitated caries lesions. SDF is
thought to arrest caries by the antibacterial eect of silver and
remineralization of enamel and dentin by fluoride.
ions have an antimicrobial eect mainly in the treated carious
, and the combination of silver and uoride in an alka-
line solution have a synergistic eect that creates an unfavorable
environment for collagen enzyme activation, thereby reducing
dentin degradation.
Clinical trials show caries arrest rates
ranging from 35 to 80 percent
, but such studies have a high
risk of bias and a high heterogeneity between them, leading to
conditional recommendations for its use.
Numerous clinical
trials conclude that biannual application of SDF results in
higher caries arrest in dentin caries lesions as compared to uoride
us, SDF is an important adjunct therapy in the
individualized comprehensive care plan for children and adoles-
cents for whom access to denitive dental restorative care may
be limited for a variety of reasons or preferentially postponed.
As the product is highly concentrated, less than a drop is
needed to treat several caries lesions, making it cost-eective.
SDF is best used as part of an ongoing caries management
plan within the context of a dental home.
SDF is safe to use in children and adults when delivered in
accordance with dosing and application criteria.
While current
data on the systemic eects of silver is limited
, data supports
a cytotoxic eect to the dental pulp cells when applied directly
on pulp tissue
. SDF solution, when applied to deep caries
lesions (0.25-0.5 millimeters dentin thickness remaining), can
be rapidly absorbed into dentin and produce a mild inam-
Whether tertiary dentin formation is a response to
cariogenic bacteria or to the SDF remains undetermined.
Two investigations
have evaluated SDF as an indirect pulp
therapy medicament. One study
found application of SDF
arrested further caries progression but did not significantly
increase the amount of reparative dentin radiographically.
Similarly, the other found no significant difference between
SDF, SDF combined with potassium iodide, and the control
(resin-modied glass ionomer) at preventing secondary caries.
e absence of postoperative pain and maintenance of tooth
vitality indicated that SDF did not adversely aect the pulp
when applied as an indirect pulp therapy agent.
e other
reported side eects of SDF are that caries lesions stain black
after treatment and skin and gingiva temporarily stain with
Home-use uoride products
The goal of home-use fluoride products for children is to
maximize the time uoride is in direct contact with the tooth
surface, in lower-dose higher-frequency approaches.
In chil-
dren having higher baseline levels of caries, utilizing higher
concentrations of fluoride in the toothpaste, brushing with
greater frequency, and having supervision of brushing were
ecacious in reducing the prevalence of dental caries in perma-
nent teeth.
A meta-analysis of eight clinical trials on caries
increment in preschool children also shows that toothbrushing
with uoridated toothpaste signicantly reduces dental caries
prevalence in the primary dentition.
Using no more than a
smear or rice-sized amount (0.1 mg F) of uoridated toothpaste
for children less than three years of age may decrease risk of
uorosis. Using no more than a pea-sized amount (0.25 mg F)
of uoridated toothpaste is appropriate for children aged three
to six
(see Figure). To maximize the beneficial effect of
fluoride in the toothpaste, supervised toothbrushing should
be done twice a day, and rinsing after brushing should be kept
to a minimum or avoided altogether.
Other topical uoride
products (e.g., prescription-strength home-use 0.5 percent F
gels and pastes; prescription-strength home-use 0.09 percent
F mouthrinse) have benet in reducing dental caries in those
patients at higher risk, such as adolescents, adolescents with
special health care needs, or patients with xed orthodontic
appliances; these products are recommended for use in chil-
dren six years or older.
Having children spit after brushing
and parents supervise the amounts administered to children
will help avoid over-ingestion. Over-ingestion of uoridated
toothpaste combined with other dietary uoride sources may
lead to daily intake greater than the recommended amount
and could lead to development of dental uorosis.
Over 20,000 reports per year regarding uoride ingestion
are received at poison control centers
, and over 80 percent of
suspected cases occur in the under-six-years age group
. e
probably-toxic dose for uoride is ve mg/kg body weight.
Lower dosage may result in gastrointestinal disturbances with
higher doses producing central nervous system side eects such
as seizures or tetany.
Fifteen mg/kg body weight of uoride
likely could be fatal for a small child.
toothpastes approved by the American Dental Association con-
tain at least 1000 ppm F and less than 1500 ppm F.
available prescription strength toothpastes may contain 5000
ppm F
or 605 mg F per 100 milliliters
. Parental dispensing
of toothpaste for use by children under the age of three,
supervised toothbrushing for all children unable to expectorate,
and keeping prescription uoride supplements and/or home-
use fluoride products out of reach of young children can
prevent unintended ingestion which has acute (toxicity) as
well as chronic (uorosis) implications.
e AAPD recommends:
1. the use of uoride for the prevention and control of
caries as it is both safe and highly eective in reducing
dental caries prevalence.
2. consumption of optimally-fluoridated community
water as a cost-eective method to prevent and control
caries at the population level.
3. toothbrushing at least twice daily with an age-
appropriate amount of over-the-counter fluoride-
containing toothpaste to prevent caries as rst line for
caries prevention.
4. professionally-applied topical uoride treatments such
as ve percent NaFV or 1.23 percent F gel preparations
at least twice per year to reduce incidence of dental caries.
5. 38 percent SDF be used to arrest cavitated caries le-
sions in primary teeth and permanent teeth as part of a
comprehensive caries management program.
6. prescription-strength home-use 0.5 percent F gels and
pastes and 0.02-0.09 percent F mouth rinses to reduce
dental caries in high-risk patients over six years of age.
7. decisions concerning the administration of uoride be
based on the unique needs of each patient, including
the risks and benets (e.g., risk of mild or moderate
uorosis versus the benets of decreasing caries incre-
ment and, in some cases, preventing devastating dental
8. uoride dietary supplements be cautiously considered
for children at caries risk who drink less than optimally-
fluoridated water as supplementation, in the face of
all other sources of uoride, could exceed the recom-
mended amount of daily uoride intake.
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