Basic New Testament Vocabulary List
Words used 50 or More Times in the NT
Numbers in (parentheses) = number of times the word occurs in the NT
Last Number = Lesson in Croy (0 = not in Croy)
Highlight = Word is not in BibleWorks list of 310 words used 50x or more
1. a;ggeloj( o` (175) messenger, angel - 6
2. a;gw (66) I lead, bring - 10
3. a;lloj (155) other - 8
4. a;n (166) conditional particle, not translated - 23
5. a;nqrwpoj( o` (548) human being, man - 4
6. a;rcw (85) I rule; mid. begin - 9
7. a;rtoj( o` (97) bread - 7
8. a[gioj (233) holy, sacred - 5
9. a`marti,a( h` (173) sin - 7
10. ai;rw (101) I lift up, take up, remove - 10
11. ai-ma( to, (97) blood - 17
12. aivte,w (70) I ask, demand - 21
13. aivw,n( o` (123) age, world - 17
14. aivw,nioj (70) eternal - 26
15. an,voi,gw (78) I open - 12
16. auvto,j (5,534) he, she, it; same; -self - 7
17. avdelfo,j( o` (343) brother - 4
18. avfi,hmi (142) I forgive; let go, send away; leave - 29
19. avga,ph( h` (116) love - 7
20. avgapa,w (141) I love - 21
21. avgaphto,j (61) beloved - 24
22. avgaqo,j (104) good - 5
23. avkolouqe,w (90) I follow - 21
24. avkou,w (427) I hear, listen - 2
25. avlh,qeia( h` (107) truth - 3
26. avlla, (635) but, yet, nevertheless - 4
27. avllh,lwn (100) one another - 22
28. avmh,n (126) truly, so let it be, amen - 11
29. avnabai,nw (81) I go up, ascend - 10
30. avnh,r( o` (216) man, husband - 17
31. avni,sthmi (107) I raise; arise, rise - 30
32. avpe,rcomai (116) I depart, go away - 10
33. avpo, (645) from - 6
34. avpo,llumi (90) I destroy, ruin, mid. perish, die - 29
35. avpo,stoloj( o` (79) apostle, messenger - 10
36. avpokri,nomai (231) I answer - 9
37. avpoktei,nw (74) I kill - 10
38. avpolu,w (65) I release; dismiss, send away - 13
39. avpoqnh,skw (113) I die - 10
40. avposte,llw (131) I send - 8
41. avrch,( h` (55) beginning; rule, authority - 24
42. avrciereu,j( o` (122) high priest - 25
43. avspazomai (59) I greet - 19
44. ba,llw (122) I throw; put, place - 6
45. bapti,zw (77) I baptize - 8
46. basilei,a( h` (162) kingdom - 3
47. basileu,j( o` (115) king - 25
48. ble,pw (132) I see, look at, watch - 2
49. ca,rij( h` (155) grace, favor - 20
50. cai,rw (74) I rejoice - 26
51. cara,( h` (59) joy - 28
52. cei,r( h` (176) hand - 19
53. cristo,j (529) annointed - 0
54. cro,noj( o` (54) time - 28
55. daimo,nion( to, (63) demon; divinity - 11
56. de, (2,771) but, and - 4
57. de,comai (56) I receive, take - 11
58. dei/ (102) It is necessary - 13
59. dexio,j (54) right, right hand - 32
60. di,dwmi (416) I give - 28
61. di,kaioj (79) righteous, just - 5
62. dia, (666) gen. through; acc. because of - 6
63. dida,skaloj( o` (59) teacher - 12
64. dida,skw (95) I teach - 2
65. dikaiosu,nh( h` (91) righteousness - 13
66. dio, (53) therefore - 31
67. do,xa,( h` (165) glory, splendor, fame - 3
68. doke,w (63) I think, believe; seem - 22
69. dou/loj( o` (124) slave - 4
70. doxa,zw (61) I glorify, praise - 12
71. du,namai (209) I am able, can - 9
72. du,namij( h` (118) power, ability, miracle - 25
73. du,o (136) two - 30
74. dw,deka (75) twelve - 30
75. e,rw/ (96) fut. of le,gw I say, speak - 0
76. e;cw (705) I have - 3
77. e;qnoj( to, (162) nation; pl. Gentiles - 25
78. e;rcomai (631) I come, go - 9
79. e;rgon( to, (169) work, deed - 4
80. e;scatoj (52) last - 5
81. e;ti (92) yet, still - 11
82. e;xw (62) outside - 27
83. e[kastoj (81) each - 22
84. e[teroj (98) other - 15
85. e[wj (145) until - 17
86. e`autou/ (320) oneself - 21
87. e`pta, (87) seven - 30
88. ei;te)))ei;te (65) if…if, whether…or - 0
89. ei-don (336) 2nd aorist of see, preceive - 14
90. ei-j( mi,a( e[n (337) one - 29
91. ei-pon (925) 2nd aorist of say, speak - 14
92. eiv (513) if - 12
93. eivj (1,753) into, to - 6
94. eivmi, (2,450) I am - 7
95. eivrh,nh( h` (91) peace - 8
96. eivse,rcomai (192) I enter, come in, go in - 9
97. evrwta,w (62) I ask - 26
98. euvagge,lion( to, (76) good news, gospel - 20
99. euvaggeli,zw (54) I bring good news, proclaim - 18
100. euvqu,j (54) immediately, at once - 28
101. euvri,skw (176) I find - 8
102. eva,n (343) if - 23
103. evgei,rw (143) I raise, wake - 8
104. evgw, (1,713) I - 7
105. evk( evx (915) out of, from - 6
106. evkba,llw (81) I cast out, send out, remove - 16
107. evkei/ (95) there - 13
108. evkei/noj (243) that (demonstrative) - 8
109. evkklhsi,a( h` (114) church, assembly - 3
110. evlpi,j( h` (53) hope - 27
111. evmo,j (76) my - 22
112. evn (2,713) in, among - 6
113. evntolh,( h` (68) commandment - 22
114. evnw,pion (93) before, in the presence of - 31
115. evpaggeli,a( h` (52) promise, pledge - 31
116. evperwta,w (56) I ask - 26
117. evpi, (878) gen. on; dat. at, on; acc. to, against - 11
118. evsqi,w (159) I eat - 7
119. evxe,rcomai (216) I go out, come out - 9
120. evxousi,a( h` (102) authority - 8
121. fe,rw (68) I carry, bear, bring - 12
122. fhmi, (66) I say - 30
123. fobe,omai (95) I fear - 21
124. fw/j( to, (73) light - 22
125. fwnh,( h` (137) voice, sound - 3
126. ga,r (1,036) for; certainly, so then - 5
127. genna,w (97) I beget, bear, produce - 21
128. gh/( h` (248) land, earth, ground - 3
129. gi,nomai (667) I become, come to be, happen - 9
130. ginw,skw (221) I know - 2
131. glw/ssa( h` (50) tongue, language - 24
132. gra,fw (190) I write - 2
133. grafh,( h` (50) Scripture, writing - 23
134. grammateu,j( o` (62) scribe, expert in law - 25
135. gunh,( h` (209) woman, wife - 17
136. h; (342) or; than - 31
137. h;dh (60) already - 13
138. h`me,ra( h` (388) day - 3
139. h`mei/j (856) we - 7
140. i;dioj (113) one's own - 13
141. i;sthmi (152) I stand, stop; place, set - 30
142. i[na (673) in order that; so that - 23
143. i`ero,n( to, (70) temple - 10
144. i`ma,tion( to, (60) coat, garment - 13
145. ivdou, (200) behold! Look! - 11
146. ka,qhmai (91) I sit - 18
147. kai, (8,947) and, also, even - 2
148. kairo,j( o` (85) season, time - 32
149. kako,j (50) bad - 5
150. kale,w (148) I call - 21
151. kalo,j (99) good - 5
152. kaqw,j (178) just as - 27
153. kardi,a( h` (156) heart - 3
154. karpo,j( o` (66) fruit - 26
155. kata, (471) gen. against, down; acc. according to - 7
156. katabai,nw (81) I go down, come down - 10
157. kavgw, (84) and I, I also - 0
158. kefalh,( h` (75) head - 13
159. khru,ssw (61) I proclaim, announce, preach - 12
160. ko,smoj( o` (185) world; adornment - 6
161. kra,zw (55) I cry out, scream - 13
162. kri,nw (114) I judge - 8
163. ku,rioj( o` (718) lord, master - 4
164. lale,w (298) I speak - 21
165. lamba,nw (258) I receive, take - 5
166. lao,j( o` (141) people - 8
167. le,gw (1,318) I speak, say - 2
168. li,qoj( o` (58) stone - 6
169. lo,goj( o` (331) word; matter; reason - 4
170. loipo,j (55) the rest; finally - 29
171. ma/llon (80) more, rather - 31
172. maka,rioj (50) blessed, fortunate, happy - 31
173. maqhth,j( o` (262) disciple, pupil - 6
174. marture,w (76) I bear witness, testify - 24
175. me,gaj (194) great, large - 28
176. me,llw (110) to about to, going to - 10
177. me,n (181) on the one hand, but; often untranslated - 11
178. me,nw (118) I remain, stay - 6
179. me,soj (56) middle, in the middle of - 32
180. meta, (467) acc. after; gen. with - 6
181. mh, (1,055) not (moods other than indic.) - 18
182. mh,thr( h` (84) mother - 19
183. mhde, (57) and not, but not; not even - 23
184. mhdei,j (85) no one - 29
185. mo,noj (66) alone, only - 31
186. nekro,j (128) dead - 5
187. no,moj( o` (191) law - 4
188. nu.x( h` (61) night - 17
189. nu/n (148) now - 12
190. o;cloj( o` (174) crowd - 7
191. o;noma( to, (228) name - 17
192. o;roj( to, (62) mountain - 25
193. o[j( h[( o[ (1,369) who, which, that - 27
194. o[loj (108) whole, entire, complete - 13
195. o[pou (82) where - 22
196. o[pwj (53) in order to; how, in what way - 23
197. o[soj (110) as great, as much, as far - 27
198. o[stij( h[tij( o[ti (154) whoever, who - 27
199. o[tan (123) whenever, when - 23
200. o[te (102) when, while - 23
201. o[ti (1,285) because; that (w. ind. disc.) - 2
202. o`( h`( to, (19,734) the - 5
203. o`do,j( h` (101) road, way - 6
204. o`ra,w (114) I see - 21
205. oi=koj( o` (112) house - 4
206. oi-da (321) I know - 27
207. oivki,a( h` (94) house - 0
208. ou;te (91) neither, nor - 11
209. ou[twj (208) thus, so, in this way - 8
210. ou=n (493) therefore, then - 8
211. ou-toj (1,388) this - 8
212. ouv( ouvk( ouvc( (1619) not - 5
213. ouvci, (53) not, no - 31
214. ouvde, (139) and not, but not, not even - 9
215. ouvdei,j( mi,a( e,n (226) no one - 29
216. ouvrano,j( o` (272) heaven - 4
217. ovfqalmo,j( o` (100) eye - 11
218. pa,lin (139) again - 11
219. pa/j( pa/sa( pa/n (1,226) all, every - 21
220. paidi,on( to, (52) child, little child - 24
221. para, (191) dat. beside, near ; gen. from; acc.
alongside - 10
222. parabolh,( h` (50) parable - 24
223. paradi,dwmi (120) I hand over, commit, pass on - 28
224. parakale,w (109) I comfort; exhort; request - 21
225. path,r( o` (415) father - 19
226. pe,mpw (79) I send - 6
227. pei,qw (52) I persuade; trust; mid. obey - 13
228. peri, (331) gen. about, concerning; acc. around - 6
229. peripate,w (95) I walk - 21
230. pi,nw (73) I drink - 14
231. pi,ptw (90) I fall - 14
232. pi,stij( h` (243) faith - 25
233. pisteu,w (241) I believe - 2
234. pisto,j (67) faithful - 5
235. plei,wn (55) more - 31
236. plhro,w (86) I fulfill, fill - 21
237. ploi/on( to, (66) boat - 7
238. pneu/ma( to, (379) spirit, wind - 17
239. po,lij( h` (161) city - 25
240. poie,w (565) I do; make - 21
241. polu,j (353) many, much - 28
242. ponhro,j (78) evil, wicked - 5
243. poreu,omai (150) I go, come - 9
244. pou,j( o` (93) foot - 19
245. presbu,teroj (65) elder, older - 28
246. pro,j (696) acc. to, toward; gen. dat. to, near - 6
247. pro,swpon( to, (74) face - 8
248. profh,thj( o` (144) prophet - 6
249. prose,rcomai (87) I approach, I come or go to - 14
250. proseu,comai (86) I pray - 12
251. proskune.w (59) I worship, fall down before - 22
252. prw/toj (92) first (adj.) - 5
253. prw/tou (60) first (adv.) - 5
254. pu/r( to, (71) fire - 22
255. pw/j (104) how?, in what way? - 16
256. qa,lassa( h` (91) lake, sea - 3
257. qa,natoj( o` (120) death - 4
258. qe,lhma( to, (62) will - 17
259. qe,lw (207) I wish, want - 2
260. qeo,j( o` (1,314) God, god - 4
261. qewre,w (58) I behold, see - 24
262. qro,noj( o` (62) throne - 13
263. r`h/ma( to, (68) word; thing - 17
264. sa,bbaton( to, (68) Sabbath - 19
265. sa,rx( h` (147) flesh - 17
266. shmei/on( to, (77) sign, miracle - 14
267. sofi,a( h, (51) wisdom - 24
268. spei,rw (52) I sow - 22
269. sto,ma( to, (78) mouth - 17
270. su, (1,057) you (sing.) - 7
271. su,n (127) with - 9
272. suna,gw (59) I gather - 10
273. sunagwgh, (56) synagogue, assembly - 19
274. sw/ma( to, (142) body - 17
275. sw|,zw (106) I save - 7
276. te, (201) and - 11
277. te,knon( to, (99) child - 4
278. thre,w (70) I keep, observe - 22
279. ti,j( ti, (552) who? what? - 27
280. ti,qhmi (101) I put, place - 29
281. tij( ti (518) someone, anyone (indef.) - 27
282. to,poj( o` (95) place - 11
283. to,te (159) then, at that time - 11
284. toiou/toj (56) such a kind, such as this - 32
285. trei/j( tri,a (67) three - 30
286. tuflo,j (50) blind - 20
287. u[dwr( to, (76) water - 22
288. u`mei/j (1,830) you (pl.) - 7
289. u`pa,gw (79) I depart, go away, withdraw - 26
290. u`pa,rcw (60) I exist, am - 18
291. u`pe,r (149) gen. on behalf of; acc. over, above - 10
292. u`po, (217) gen. by; acc. under, below - 9
293. ui`o,j( o` (375) son - 4
294. w[ra( h` (106) hour, time - 3
295. w[ste (84) so that (result); therefore - 24
296. w`j (505) as, like; when, while; about - 23
297. w-de (61) here - 26
298. yuch,( h` (101) life, soul - 7
299. za,w (140) I live - 21
300. zhte,w (117) I seek - 21
301. zwh,( h` (135) life - 3