COSI | 333 W. Broad St. | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.228.COSI |
Extension Activities
Recommended Grade Levels: Grades 1 - 6
Major Concepts
Simple machines
Key Words
Energy In science, we say that energy is the ability to do work, but by ‘work,’ we can
mean a lot of different things! Lightbulbs use energy to do work, but what kind of ‘work’
does a lightbulb do? What about a radio? A car? Energy is ‘at work’ whenever
something lights up, makes noise, or moves. Can you think of something else that lights
up? What about something that uses energy to make noise? To move?
Potential Energy The energy stored when an object is at rest. All objects have the
potential to move in some way, but they can’t until another force acts on them, such as
gravity. Think of a roller coaster. At the top of the first hill, it’s filled with potential
energy it could do something, it’s just not doing it yet.
Kinetic Energy Energy released in motion. As the roller coaster crests the hill, what
happens next? It flies down the hill! More potential means more kinetic!
Circuit A circuit is a continuous line or route that starts and finishes at the same place.
Energy flows through circuits, but only when they’re complete and continuous.
‘Breaking’ a circuit at any point causes energy to stop flowing through the whole thing.
What other words can you think of that include the circ- prefix? What do you think circ-
means? (It means “around” as in the way you sit at a circus, a circle, its circumference,
how blood circulates, or how sailors circumnavigate the globe!)
Conductor Should you stand in a swimming pool during a lightning storm? Why not?
Conductors are objects that electrical currents can flow through freely. Good examples
of conductors are water, metals, and humans!
Insulator An insulator has a very high resistance to electrical currents, making it
difficult for electricity to flow through them. Examples of insulators are glass, wood,
plastic, and rubber. That’s why you’re safer in a car (supported by rubber tires) during a
lightning storm than you are standing outside.
Robot In science, we classify robots as tools that can do work that’s too dirty, too
dangerous, or too distant for humans to do. Can you think of a robot that does work
that’s too dirty for a human? Too dangerous? Too distant?
COSI | 333 W. Broad St. | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.228.COSI |
COSI Connection
COSI’s GADGETS exhibition explores how simple machines, force and motion, energy,
and engineering power the world around us.
Energy is at work in the world around us wherever things light up, make noise, or move.
Can you find something that lights up inside of Gadgets? Something that makes noise?
Something that moves?
At the exhibit’s entrance, you have the chance to design, build, and test your own
floating contraption in the Gadgets Wind Tubes. Create a challenge for yourself (for
example, construct an object that can float for 8 seconds) and test it out. If it doesn’t
work the first time, change something about your design and try again! What does it
take to build an object that can complete your challenge?
Electricity and magnetism are closely related. Check out the Ring Thrower inside the
exhibit where a push of a button electrifies a metal coil, creating an electromagnetic
field that repels (or pushes) an aluminum ring. How can this relationship between
electricity and magnetism a non-contact force be used on a roller coaster to either
speed it up, or slow it down?
The Ball Wall allows you to rearrange pieces of a magnetic ball ramp to create your own
roller coaster route. Experiment with the track pieces and the wheels that alter the
coaster’s course to see what the ball can do. How can you make the ball move quickly?
How can you slow it down? How does altering its path change its speed or motion?
Engineering isn’t always easy! Check out the Build-a-Duck interactive. Your goal is to
construct a rubber duck that will improve sales for the company. But how do you
balance the input of engineers, designers, market researchers, and more? Can you build
a duck that improves sales for the company?
COSI’s ENERGY exhibition challenges you to become an Energy Explorer to see how
energy is at work in the Product Zone, the Home Zone, and the Transportation Zone.
Follow the red track overhead to the Home Zone packed with appliances microwaves,
refrigerators, laptops, ovens, and more. Your goal in the exhibition is to predict which
appliances you think are “energy vampires,” using energy even when they’re not in use.
But which appliances are robots and which ones aren’t?
Additional Resources
The Marvelous Thing that Came from a Spring by Gilbert Ford (Grades 1 2)
Beautiful Oops by Barney Saltzberg (Grades 1 3)
Newton and Me by Lynne Mayer (Grades 1 3)
Science Verse by Jon Scieszka (Grades 3 5)
Make Amazing Toy and Game Gadgets by Amy Pinchuck (Grades 4 8)
Girls Think of Everything: Stories of Ingenious Inventions by Women by Catherine
Thimmesh (Grades 5 6)
COSI | 333 W. Broad St. | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.228.COSI |
ACTIVITY A: Construction Cups
Objective: Students are challenged to solve how to engineer sturdy structures
with light-weight materials.
Time: 15 20 minutes
Grade Levels: Grades 1 6
Plastic cups (x100 150)
Key Words
Potential Energy The energy stored when an object is at rest. All objects have the
potential to move in some way, but they can’t until another force acts on them, such as
gravity. Think of a roller coaster. At the top of the first hill, it’s filled with potential
energy it could do something, it’s just not doing it yet.
Kinetic Energy Energy released in motion. As the roller coaster crests the hill, what
happens next? It flies down the hill! More potential means more kinetic!
There can be many types of engineers: chemical engineers help create new medicine,
electrical engineers work with electricity. Civil engineers are scientists who design and
build structures like skyscrapers or bridges, and that is the role we will take on today.
Engineers always face challenges of where they are building, what materials they are
able to use, or how much time they have to build something.
They also have to think about potential and kinetic energy. Tall buildings have a lot of
potential to fall over. If the engineer does their job, even the strongest winds won’t be
able to knock the tower down, making that potential energy turn into kinetic energy.
Let’s try to solve some problems that can come up while designing and building
What To Do
Split students into groups of 3-4.
Pass out an even number of cups to each group.
COSI | 333 W. Broad St. | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.228.COSI |
Now, come up with 2 or 3 challenges for the students to complete, and give them
about 5 minutes to complete each challenge. Here are some examples:
o Try to build the tallest and sturdiest tower. Test the towers by creating
wind from a fan, or by waving a paper or poster board.
o Can your group build a tower over 10 cups tall using only one cup as the
With each challenge, have a small discussion about the limited materials and
time constraints. Now add in another material such as cardstock and allow the
groups another 5 minutes to recreate one of the challenges. Did the added
material help in any way?
Bonus: Have the entire class build one giant structure together!
Discuss some of the problems that groups had to solve in order to complete their
challenge in time. Working together is important, especially when working on large
scale projects like building skyscrapers. Ask students if they have seen a construction
site, and if they know about the different people that work there? There may be
different types of engineers, architects, plumbers, welders, masons, electricians, etc.
who all have to communicate with each other in order to build an amazing, but safe,
COSI | 333 W. Broad St. | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.228.COSI |
ACTIVITY B: Energy Demonstration
Objective: Students will see the difference between potential and kinetic
energy as well as the transfer of energy between objects.
Time: 15 20 minutes
Grade Levels: Grades 1 6
10 12 playground balls / beach balls
Key Words
Potential Energy The energy stored when an object is at rest. All objects have the
potential to move in some way, but they can’t until another force acts on them, such as
gravity. Think of a roller coaster. At the top of the first hill, it’s filled with potential
energy it could do something, it’s just not doing it yet.
Kinetic Energy Energy released in motion. As the roller coaster crests the hill, what
happens next? It flies down the hill! More potential means more kinetic!
This demonstration with easily identifiable sports equipment can help anyone
understand the meaning of potential energy (stored energy), kinetic energy (energy in
motion), and transfer of energy.
What to Do
First, ask for a volunteer to hold up the tennis ball in their hand about shoulder-
height off the ground. Explain that the tennis ball has potential energy, or energy
that is stored. When an object has potential, it has the ability to do something.
Right now, the tennis ball has the ability to fall to the floor and bounce, but you
haven’t dropped it yet. That’s because potential energy can’t turn into kinetic
energy until another force has acted on it.
Now, have the student drop the ball. What happened to the potential energy of
the tennis ball? What force acted on the ball to cause the potential energy to
turn into kinetic energy? Repeat a couple of times and have students observe the
bounce of the ball.
COSI | 333 W. Broad St. | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.228.COSI |
Repeat demonstration with another student and a larger ball, like a basketball.
What was different, what was the same? Gravity is the force acting on the tennis
ball and basketball. When they are let go, the force of gravity is pulling them
towards the center of the Earth.
Now that you have a better understanding of potential energy and kinetic energy,
let’s experiment with the transfer of energy. Ask a student to come hold the
basketball in one hand at shoulder-height, and with the other hand, hold the
tennis ball on top of the basketball. What happens when the basketball and the
tennis ball are let go?
The energy from the basketball transferred to the tennis ball causing it to bounce
higher than when it bounced by itself. This is an example of a transfer of energy.
Potential and kinetic energy, transfer of energy, and gravity are all important factors
that engineers have to think about when they are designing and building new structures
and gadgets. Even tennis balls and basketballs that you play with everyday had to be
engineered and tested before you could go buy them at the store. What are some
gadgets that had to be engineered?
COSI | 333 W. Broad St. | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.228.COSI |
ACTIVITY C: Circuits, Conductors, and Insulators
Objective: Students will examine how a circuit works and hypothesize and
experiment with various conductors and insulators
Time: 30 minutes
Grade Levels: Grades 3 6
At least four pieces of coated
electrical wire (preferably with
alligator clips on each end of
D battery
Small light bulb
Bulb holder (optional)
D battery holder (optional)
Various household items to test:
o paper clip
o toothpick
o aluminum foil
o banana
o pop can
o playdough
o copper penny, etc.
Key Words
Circuit A circuit is a continuous line or route that starts and finishes at the same place.
Energy flows through circuits, but only when they’re complete and continuous.
‘Breaking’ a circuit at any point causes energy to stop flowing through the whole thing.
What other words can you think of that include the circ- prefix? What do you think circ-
means? (It means “around” as in the way you sit at a circus, a circle, its circumference,
how blood circulates, or how sailors circumnavigate the globe!)
Conductor Should you stand in a swimming pool during a lightning storm? Why not?
Conductors are objects that electrical currents can flow through freely. Good examples
of conductors are water, metals, and humans!
Insulator An insulator has a very high resistance to electrical currents, making it
difficult for electricity to flow through them. Examples of insulators are glass, wood,
plastic, and rubber. That’s why you’re safer in a car (supported by rubber tires) during a
lightning storm than you are standing outside.
Circuits are continuous lines that energy, like electricity, can travel on. When a line in a
circuit is broken, or interrupted, the electricity cannot travel through to do the job it is
supposed to, like turning on a computer or a light bulb. Circuits are an important part of
COSI | 333 W. Broad St. | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.228.COSI |
our daily lives, powering places like schools and homes, or gadgets like computers and
In order for a circuit to work, it needs to have a conductor that connects the power
source to the object it is trying to give electricity to. Any type of metal, like copper wires,
are good conductors that allow electricity to flow freely. What do you think are some
other examples of conductors?
Insulators are the opposite of conductors. They make it very difficult for electricity to
flow through them. Can you think of any insulators? Plastic, glass, and wood all resist
NOTE: Humans are conductors! Wires are usually wrapped in a plastic coating that
makes it safe for people to touch them in case there is an electrical current running
through. If we were to touch a “live wire” without an insulator between us, we would
get shocked.
What to Do
Show the students the circuit created by the battery, the wires, and the light
bulb. Demonstrate turning the light bulb on and off by touching the wire to the
light bulb and then pulling the wire away from the light bulb.
Ask the children what they notice about the circuit. When is it complete, and
when is it broken? Do they see any conductors or insulators?
Now it is time to present the various materials and ask students to hypothesize,
or guess, whether each object is a conductor or insulator. They can mark these
down on a sheet of paper.
Add another wire between the battery and the light bulb. Conduct your
experiment by asking students to come up and choose an object, then test their
object in the circuit to see if it completes the circuit or breaks it. The class can
mark down whether that object is, in fact, a conductor or an insulator.
Try offering some objects that may not be so obvious. For example, playdough is
a conductor because of the high salt content.
Compare findings and discuss with the class what they discovered during the
experiment. Can your class hypothesize how flipping a light switch might complete a
circuit? How are humans conductors? Ways we can be safe when working with circuits
include wearing gloves, using coated wires, and allowing tools to help us work with
COSI | 333 W. Broad St. | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.228.COSI |
ACTIVITY D: Human Programming
Objective: Students will create, test, and refine a step-by-step set of
instructions to program a “robot” to complete a simple task.
Time: 15 20 minutes
Grade Levels: Grades 1 6
Masking tape
Yard sticks / rulers
Key Words
Program A program is a multi-step set of instructions coded for the automatic
performance of a particular task.
Robots don’t always speak English. If we want a robot to do something, we need to give
it directions in a way it understands. We call that programming. When we instruct a
robot with a program, we give it a set of coded instructions to follow one-by-one.
What To Do
Explain to students that, today, they’re going to learn how to program robots by
programming you, the teacher! Their mission is simple: to get you to sit down in a chair.
At the front of the room, set out a chair and use masking tape to mark off its position,
then stand several feet behind it and use tape to mark your “starting” position.
Have students pair up. Instruct them to work together to develop a step-by-step
program to get you to sit down in the chair. Remind them that you can’t do anything
impossible, like vault over the chair or fly. You may also provide a hint that they should
number their steps and that the last step should be “Sit.”
Stand in place and allow students to work together for 3 5 minutes to develop their
program. Call one pair at a time to read their program aloud. You may wish to have the
pair move to a set of chairs in the back of the room facing away from you, instructing
COSI | 333 W. Broad St. | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.228.COSI |
them to read word-for-word without watching what you do (so that they don’t alter
their program as they go).
As students read one step at a time, you should act it out. However, when students say
“take three steps,” take three ENORMOUS steps; if they say “turn right,” spin in a
clockwise circle; when they say “take two steps,” take two tiny, itty-bitty steps. When
they say “sit,” sit wherever you are! Reset yourself to the starting point marked out on
the ground after each attempt and select another pair to read their program aloud
Allow a few pairs to try this.
Importantly, stop the session for a moment to question students about what they see.
If you tell a robot to take three steps, how far does it go? Is a giant step a step? Is a tiny
step a step? Yes! Both are “steps,” and a robot doesn’t know what we mean by “step.”
What does a robot do when we say to turn to the right or left? It just spins in place! We
haven’t told it when to stop!
Now, have students flip the paper over and work with their partner to re-write their
program, this time encouraging them to be specific. It may help to give an example of
walking x number of floor tiles, or giving students yard sticks to physically come up and
measure. Test with a few students.
If we want a robot to do something, we need to give it directions in a way it
understands. We call that programming. When we instruct a robot with a program, we
give it a set of coded instructions to follow one-by-one… but we have to be specific! We
have to define what we mean by “move,” “turn,” or “go.”
COSI | 333 W. Broad St. | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.228.COSI |
ACTIVITY SUITE E: Playground Physics
Objective: Students will explore the relationship between potential and kinetic
energy as it relates to momentum and motion.
Time: 30 minutes
Grade Levels: Grades 3 5
Key Words
Potential energy “Stored” energy, relative to an object’s location or stresses within
itself. Potential energy is energy that could do something, and just isn’t doing it yet.
Kinetic energy Energy in motion.
Friction A contact force that one surface encounters when moving over another.
Friction is the force that resists movement.
Energy powers the world around us! Anytime something lights up, makes noise, or
moves, it’s using energy to do it. With roller coasters, potential energy is built up as a
roller coaster is pulled up the lift hill, then turned into kinetic energy when it crests the
hill and begins its descent. From that point on, gravity alone powers the ride through its
course, pulling the train toward the center of the Earth while its kinetic energy is
gradually lost to friction, sound, and heat.
Experiment 1: Potential and Kinetic Energy
Playground slide
Playground ball
3 4 cones
What to Do
Explain to students that they’re going to become scientists to test the relationship
between potential and kinetic energy by making observations.
Bring students out to the playground to experiment with the slide. Have a student carry
a playground ball to the top of the slide. We want to experiment with potential and
kinetic energy, so note to the students that, resting at the top of the slide, the ball’s
potential energy is at its highest! Instruct the student to simply inch the ball forward
COSI | 333 W. Broad St. | Columbus, OH 43215 | 614.228.COSI |
until gravity takes over, being careful not to apply force by pushing the ball. Allow the
ball to roll until it stops, then mark the spot with a cone.
Repeat the experiment, this time lifting the ball only halfway up the slide. Mark its
ending spot with another cone. When you lifted the ball halfway up the slide, did it
travel half as far as the first ball? Why or why not?
Ask students to make a prediction: how far do you predict the ball will roll if it’s lifted ¼
of the way up the slide? What about ¾?
If the resulting ratios aren’t perfect, why? How does friction affect this experiment?
Experiment 2: Friction
Playground slide
Wax paper (or nylon jackets)
What to Do
Allow students to ride the slide from the top to the bottom.
Then, ride again but this time, while seated on a piece of wax paper (or a nylon jacket).
Which ride is faster? Why would that be? Wax paper helps to reduce friction, meaning
less energy is lost to its resistance. Can you think of other ways you could decrease
friction? How can roller coasters minimize friction? (HINT: Think of which part of the
roller coaster train is actually touching the tracks. What kinds of materials could the
wheels be made of to reduce friction that would slow the train and wear away at the
track? Engineers work to answer this question, and today many steel roller coaster
manufacturers make their wheels out of polyurethane or nylon!)
The same energy forces that power roller coasters also power the world around us!
Potential and kinetic energy, friction, and momentum are areas of study in physics,
which explores the force and motion that surround us. Engineers work to build more
efficient systems and objects using these same forces to their advantage!