28 West Flagler Street, Suite 600 Miami, FL 33130
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Graves Amendment Car Rental Issue
Outline for Fallback Arguments
The following is an outline to follow to seek recovery of
at least $10,000 in required insurance (or other financial
responsibility proceeds) against car rental companies and
possibly much more, even though the Supreme Court of Florida
has rejected our argument in Vargas v. Enterprise that the
provisions of § 324.021(9)(b)2 are within the financial
responsibility or insurance requirement exceptions to immunity
of car rental companies under the Graves Amendment. These
arguments were not briefed in Vargas and have not yet been ruled
upon by any appellate court in Florida, so they may help you keep
your cases against rental car companies alive.
The following are the exceptions to immunity under the
Graves Amendment for a non-negligent rental car company:
Trial Law
Roy D. Wasson’s
TIP #73
is board certified in Appellate Practice
with extensive courtroom experience in more than 750
appeals and thousands of trial court cases, civil, criminal,
family and commercial. AV-rated.
28 West Flagler Street, Suite 600 Miami, FL 33130
(305) 372-5220 [email protected]
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(b) Financial responsibility laws. Nothing in
this section supersedes the law of any State or
political subdivision thereof—
(1) imposing financial responsibility or
insurance standards on the owner of a motor vehicle
for the privilege of registering and operating a motor
vehicle; or
(2) imposing liability on business entities
engaged in the trade or business of renting or leasing
motor vehicles for failure to meet the financial
responsibility or liability insurance requirements
under State law.
49 U.S.C. §30106(b)
As required by Section 324.011 and 324.051, Fla. Stat.
(2003), all operators of motor vehicles involved in crashes are
required to “show proof of financial ability to respond for
damages in future accidents.” Section 320.02(5)(b), Fla. Stat.
provides that “proof of compliance with financial responsibility
requirements [must be made] at the time of registration of any
such motor vehicle . . . [or t]he issuing agent shall refuse to
register a motor vehicle if such proof of purchase is not provided
or if one of the other methods of proving financial responsibility
as set forth in S. 324.031 is not met.” These are requirements of
compliance with Florida’s financial responsibility laws as a
condition of licensing or registering a motor vehicle that bring
Florida law within the exception to federal preemption applicable
to “the law of any State or political subdivision thereof (1)
imposing financial responsibility or insurance standards on the
owner of a motor vehicle for the purpose of registering and
operating a motor vehicle.” See 49 U.S.C. §30106(b) (2005).
All car rental companies have had cars they own involved
in accidents before the accident involving your client. Such prior
accidents require the defendant to obtain liability insurance or
otherwise comply with financial responsibility requirements on
all vehicles it owns, not just on the car involved in that prior
accident. See § 324.051(2). Therefore, the rental company was
28 West Flagler Street, Suite 600 Miami, FL 33130
(305) 372-5220 [email protected]
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required to comply with the applicable financial responsibility
requirements on the car involved when your client’s accident
The question of how much insurance or other security a
rental car company must have in place is very complicated. The
starting place for the inquiry should be the first paragraph of §
324.031. The last sentence of that paragraph provides three ways
in which a vehicle owner may prove compliance with financial
responsibility, provided that the vehicle is not a “for-hire
passenger transportation vehicle.” I will address those three
methods of compliance first, and then return to deal with the
situation applicable if a rental car is found to be a “for-hire
passenger transportation vehicle.”
Under that last sentence of the first paragraph of §
324.031, the amount of financial responsibility a vehicle owner
must demonstrate depends on the manner in which the owner
satisfies the financial responsibility requirement. Under
subsection (1) of that statute, the owner may satisfy its financial
responsibility obligation by “holding a motor vehicle liability
policy as defined in §§ 324.021(8) and 324.151.” The required
amount for such a policy is $10,000.
Second, financial responsibility may be demonstrated by
posting a bond or a cash deposit. See §324.031(2) & (3). If those
forms of financial responsibility compliance are exercised, the
bond amount must be “equal to the number of vehicles owned
times $30,000, to a maximum of $120,000.” In addition, “any
such person other than a natural person, shall maintain insurance
providing coverage in excess of limits of
$10,000/$20,000/$10,000 or $30,000 combined single limits,
and such excess insurance shall provide minimum limits of
$125,000/$250,000/$50,000 or $300,000 combined single
limits.” Id. at (4). In other words, you could have an available
bond or certificate of deposit of $120,000, plus excess coverage
of $125,000, for a total available of $225,000. I assume that the
excess layer would be in between the first $10,000 available from
the bond or CD, with the balance from the bond or CD kicking-
28 West Flagler Street, Suite 600 Miami, FL 33130
(305) 372-5220 [email protected]
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in again for damages over $135,000. Of course, you would have
the caps established by section 324.021(9)(b) to deal with.
The third way that the owner of a vehicle that is not a “for-
hire passenger transportation vehicle” can prove compliance
with these financial responsibility requirements is by
[f]urnishing a certificate of self-insurance issued by the
department in accordance with s. 324.171.” § 324.031(4). One
way in which that self-insurance can be maintained by a
corporation which owns vehicles is for the owner to “[m]aintain
sufficient net worth, as determined annually by the department .
. . to be financially responsible for potential losses.” There is no
set cap on that amount of financial responsibility, as it depends
on factors including the amount of “excess insurance carried by
the applicant.”
The alternative self-insurance method is for the owner to
“[p]ossess a net unencumbered worth of at least $40,000 for the
first motor vehicle and $20,000 for each additional motor
vehicle.” Thus, a rental car company that owns 1,000 vehicles
would have to demonstrate a net worth of $20,040,000. There is
nothing in the statute to indicate that less than the entire amount
would be available to a single plaintiff, again being perhaps
limited by the caps in section 324.021(9)(b).
Next I will turn to another financial responsibility statute
which may apply to a rental company. §§ 324.031 & 324.032,
Fla. Stat. apply to “[t]he owner or operator of a taxicab,
limousine, jitney, or any other for-hire passenger
transportation vehicle.” Id. (emphasis added). The term “for
hire passenger transportation” is not defined in Florida statutes.
However, the plain meaning of those words would apply to a
short-term rental of a passenger motor vehicle. The rental car is
“for hire” in the sense that the renter must pay the lessor a fee to
There is a definition of the similar term “for-hire vehicle”
within § 320.01(15)(a), Fla. Stat. That definition would appear to
apply to rented vehicles. It “means any motor vehicle, when used
for transporting persons or goods for compensation; let or rented to
another for consideration.” (Emphasis added).
28 West Flagler Street, Suite 600 Miami, FL 33130
(305) 372-5220 [email protected]
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use the vehicle. A rental car constitutes a road vehicle used for
“passenger transportation,” as opposed to hauling cargo.
The interplay between §§ 324.031 & 324.032 is extremely
confusing, but a skillful practitioner could make the argument
that the two statutes require a rental car company to provide
insurance of at least $125,000/$250,000/$50,000. The first
sentence of §324.031 seems to permit the owner of a for hire
passenger transportation vehicle to satisfy financial
responsibility requirements by purchasing only a $10,000 policy,
wherein that statute states that such an owner “may prove
financial responsibility by providing satisfactory evidence of
holding a motor vehicle liability policy as defined in s.
324.021(8) or s. 324.151, which policy is issued by an insurance
carrier which is a member of the Florida Insurance Guaranty
Association.” On the other hand, subsection (1)(a) of §324.032
seems to increase the insurance requirement for the owner of a
for-hire passenger transportation vehicle, by stating that
“[n]otwithstanding the provisions of s. 324.031 . . . [such an
owner] may prove financial responsibility by furnishing
satisfactory evidence of holding a motor vehicle liability policy,
but with minimum limits of $125,000/$250,000/$50,000.” Thus,
§324.032(1)(a) expressly increases the insurance requirement
from $10,000 permitted by §324.031(1).
The matter becomes more confusing, however, when
subsection (b) of §324.032 is considered. That section provides:
“A person who is either the owner or a lessee required to maintain
insurance under s. 324.021(9)(b) and who operates limousines,
jitneys, or any other for-hire passenger vehicles, other than
taxicabs, may prove financial responsibility by furnishing
satisfactory evidence of holding a motor vehicle liability policy
as defined in s. 324.031.” That provision takes us back to the
$10,000 insurance requirement referenced in §324.031.
It does not seem to make any sense to require limits of
$125,000/$250,000/$50,000 in subsection (1)(a), then permit the
owner to choose to only obtain a $10,000 policy under (b). One
argument that can be made is that subsection (1)(a) applies to
rental cars, because rental cars are “required to maintain
28 West Flagler Street, Suite 600 Miami, FL 33130
(305) 372-5220 [email protected]
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insurance under s. 627.733(1)(b),” as stated in subsection (1)(a).
The lower limits under (b) must, therefore, be available only for
the owners of a for-hire passenger vehicle that is not required to
have insurance under 627.733 and is not a taxicab.
Subsection (2) of §324.032 also permits the owner of more
than 300 for-hire passenger transportation vehicles to comply
with financial responsibility by obtaining a certificate of self-
insurance pursuant to §324.171. As explained above, where self-
insurance is obtained, the owner has to establish sufficient net
worth “to be financially responsible for potential losses.” Thus,
there may well be much more in financial responsibility available
against a rental car company, even though we have not prevailed
in our argument that the limits of §324.021(9)(b) are applicable.
Everyone with cases against rental car companies should
move to amend their complaints to plead the foregoing as
financial responsibility exceptions to the Graves Amendment
that were not addressed in Vargas, because even though we lost
that case, we have to:
Keep Tryin!