September 2023
Guiding Notes
General Education
Course Review
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 1
These Guiding Notes have been developed based on recommendations from the faculty
and staff who review California community college (CCC) course outlines proposed for
lower-division general education credit in the University of California (UC) and the
California State University (CSU). They elaborate on state and systemwide policies,
adding guidance from experienced reviewers.
The Guiding Notes are in five parts:
Part One
Part Two
Course Outline of Record and
Submission Checklist
Part Three
GE Review Criteria by Area
Oral Communication
Written Communication
Critical Thinking and Composition
Physical and Biological Sciences
Math and Quantitative Reasoning
Arts and Humanities
Social Sciences
Lifelong Learning
Ethnic Studies
Language other than English
American Institutions
Part Four
Common Examples of Corrections to
Align General Education Courses
with Criteria
Part Five
Electronic Bibliography
We make these Guiding Notes available to the public so our colleagues can see what the
CSU and UC look for in proposals for general education courses. For California
community colleges, this may make for quicker and more successful course
This document is continuously shaped by the faculty and staff in California’s public
colleges and universities who serve as GE course reviewers. California’s Title 5, the
IGETC Standards, and CSU Policy remain the official documents for the general
education transfer curriculum. Links to those policies and to these annually updated
Guiding Notes are available in Part Five.
Quajuana M. Chapman Chase Fischerhall
CSU Office of the Chancellor UC Office of the President [email protected]
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 2
The Purpose of General Education
General education represents the universal curriculum of the degree, the learning
expected of all baccalaureate-level students inclusive of every background and major. It
develops these intellectual capacities and versatility that employers say they most value:
Effective oral and written communication
Critical thinking
Familiarity with styles of inquiry from a range of disciplines
Ability to work in groups
Skills to solve complex problems
Tolerance for ambiguity
An understanding of a variety of cultures and ethnicities, including one’s
The universities of the UC and CSU systems have each created a distinct general
education curriculum that meets these goals. Students who know which university they
will attend may be best served by the local GE curriculum but should check with the
receiving campus to see whether IGETC or CSU GE Breadth is preferred.
For transfer students planning to attend a California public university but who are unsure
of which one, the GE transfer curriculum establishes universally accepted minimum
requirements in different academic areas so that students know which courses will take
them closer to the degree, while maintaining consistent breadth in the baccalaureate
Students who transfer into the UC or CSU from California community colleges (CCC)
may be “certified” as having completed the lower-division requirements for general
Administration of the two statewide general education patterns is set by Title 5 of the
California Code of Regulations, and governed day-to-day by these policies:
For students bound for
CSU GE Breadth Any CSU
CSU GE Breadth
The Guiding Notes
Intersegmental GE
Any UC or CSU IGETC Standards
IGETC Standards
Version 2.4
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 3
Each curriculum is defined by the set of courses approved for its subject areas, as
published at and updated annually. The reviewers who use these Guiding Notes
are participating in the annual updates by evaluating CCC course outlines proposed for
GE credit in California’s public universities.
General Education Certification vs. Admission Requirements
Both CSU GE Breadth and IGETC will apply to any CSU, and IGETC will apply to any
UC or CSU. However, IGETC may not be acceptable or recommended for students in
some colleges or in high-unit majors (e.g., science or engineering). For these majors,
longer chains of prerequisites may make it more advantageous to take lower-division
coursework in the discipline, and then complete general education and major
requirements as matriculated students at the university. For more details on this process,
see “CSU GE Breadth and IGETC for STEM Majors within ADTs” below.
Community college counselors can help students choose the most efficient way to
complete their general education. Students and their counselors should remember that any
kind of GE certification before transfer is separate from – and does not guarantee –
admission: certification recognizes completed coursework, not eligibility to enroll.
For UC, see “Quick Reference Guide to UC Admissions” at
For CSU, see “Admission Handbook” at
“Golden Four” CSU GE Courses
Courses in GE Subareas A1, (oral communication in the English language), A2 (written
communication in the English language), A3 (critical thinking) and B4
(mathematics/quantitative reasoning) are referred to as the “Golden Four” or “Basic
Skills” courses. They are required for transfer admission to the CSU, and each of the four
courses must be passed with a minimum grade of C-, per Title 5 Section 40803.
“Golden Four” courses required for transfer to the CSU:
A1 Oral Communication
A2 Written Communication
A3 Critical Thinking
B4 Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning
GE policy does not prohibit students from satisfying the Golden Four requirements with
Pass grades as long as the “P” represents a letter grade of C- or better. However, we
recommend that students take these courses for a letter grade as some impacted majors
and campuses may require letter grades in all required courses as a function of
determining admission.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 4
Pass-Along CSU GE Breadth Certification
A CCC may certify coursework completed at another CCC if the courses are on the
approved certification list at the CCC. The course shall be certified in the CSU GE
Breadth area that is on the official certification list for the CCC at which the course was
A student is currently attending CCC #2. The student completed HIST 106 at CCC #1
which is approved in Area D (Social Sciences). However, HIST 106 is approved at
CCC #2 in Area C2 (Humanities). CCC #2 will “pass-along” HIST 106 from CCC #1
in Area D (Social Sciences) for CSU GE Breadth certification.
If so identified by a CCC, those courses shall contribute to qualification of a student for
either full certification or subject-area certification, as appropriate.
A CCC may include upper-division courses taken at regionally accredited institutions in
certification of lower-division CSU GE or IGETC.
Coursework completed at regionally accredited institutions shall be reviewed for
certification purposes by the CCC faculty in the discipline or their designee (e.g.,
Articulation Officer) to determine if the course is comparable to current CSU GE Breadth
A CCC may certify coursework taken at regionally accredited institutions if the faculty of
that CCC or the Articulation Officer determine that the coursework is equivalent to the
coursework on their college’s approved CSU GE Breadth certification list.
CSU GE Breadth vs. IGETC
Both the CSU GE Breadth and IGETC patterns are designed to educate students to think,
write, and speak clearly and logically; to reason quantitatively; to know about the human
body and mind, the development and functioning of human society, the physical and
biological world, and human cultures and civilizations; and to develop an understanding
of the principles, methods, and values of human inquiry.
They do so by grouping disciplines and modes of inquiry into areas such as science and
social science. Most areas and subareas in CSU GE Breadth match those in IGETC, and
so course outlines are routinely submitted for both. See the chart for a detailed
comparison of areas.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 5
GE Breadth
(CSU only)
(CSU and UC systems)
Oral Communication
[1C not UC
Written Communication
Critical Thinking
Physical Sciences
Biological Sciences
Laboratory Activity
Social Sciences
Lifelong Learning
no area
[not UC required]
Ethnic Studies
[not CSU required]
no area
Language Other than English
[not CSU required]
Certification via Completion of an Approved Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT)
For CSU: CCC students are considered fully lower-division general education certified if
they successfully completed CSU GE Breadth requirements or IGETC for CSU and are
awarded an ADT.
For UC: completing IGETC may satisfy the seven-course pattern requirement and
earning an ADT may be considered by some campuses in the comprehensive review
process. (For more information:
CSU GE Breadth and IGETC for STEM Majors within ADTs
Students pursuing Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental Science ADTs may complete
the following:
a. CSU GE Breadth for STEM (33 units); or
b. IGETC for STEM (31 units); and
c. Defer one lower-division course in Area C or Area 3 Arts and Humanities and one
lower-division course in Area D or Area 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences until
after transfer.
CSU GE Breadth for STEM and IGETC for STEM are only applicable to majors for
which the Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) specifies. A current list of TMCs that allow
CSU GE Breadth for STEM can be found at
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 6
A CCC preparing a CSU GE Breadth for STEM certification as part of an ADT shall
ensure that the student has completed the following before transfer:
1. All courses in Areas A, B, and E of the traditional CSU GE curriculum; and
2. One course in Area C1 Arts; one course in Area C2 Humanities; and
3. One course in Area D Social Sciences; and
4. One course in Area F Ethnic Studies
A CCC preparing IGETC for STEM certification as part of an ADT shall ensure that the
student has completed the following before transfer:
1. All courses in Area 1, 2A, and 5 of the traditional IGETC; and
2. One course in Area 3A Arts; one course in Area 3B Humanities; and
3. One course in Area 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences (the second Area 4
course from a different discipline after transfer).
4. One course in Area 7 Ethnic Studies
CSU GE Breadth and IGETC similarities and differences:
In practice, the IGETC pattern is more restrictive. Courses that are approved for IGETC
are automatically approved for the corresponding Area(s) or Subarea(s) in CSU GE
Breadth if the CCC also requests it in the course proposal. However, not all courses
approved for CSU GE Breadth are approved for IGETC. The exception to this rule is
CSU GE Subarea A1 (IGETC 1C). Approval for courses in this Subarea is based solely
on the CSU decision.
Topic GE Breadth (CSU only) IGETC (CSU and UC)
A single course may carry any
number of units. Physical activity
courses in Area E of less than 3
semester (or 4 quarter) may be
approved for CSU GE.
Stand-alone lab courses, which
have a prerequisite or co-requisite
of the corresponding lecture course,
must be a minimum of 1
semester/quarter unit.
Each course must carry a minimum
of 3 semester (or 4 quarter) units.
Stand-alone lab courses which
have a prerequisite or co-requisite
of the corresponding lecture course
must be a minimum 1
semester/quarter unit.
Minimum Grade
Any passing grade will count for
courses other than the golden four
which require a C- or better:
Written Communication, Oral
Communication, Critical Thinking,
and Quantitative Reasoning.
Only grades of C or better will
count for any courses.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 7
Topic GE Breadth (CSU only) IGETC (CSU and UC)
Ethnic Studies
One lower-division, 3 semester (4
quarter) unit course requirement in
Area F.
One lower-division, 3 semester (4
quarter) unit course requirement in
Area 7.
Requires Oral Communication
course for students transferring to
the CSU.
Does not require Oral
Communication course for
students transferring to the UC.
Mathematics and
Courses shall include a prerequisite
reflective only of the skills and
knowledge needed to succeed in the
Courses must have as their primary
purpose for students to demonstrate
the abilities to reason quantitatively,
practice computational skills, and
explain and apply mathematical or
quantitative reasoning concepts to
solve problems.
Completion of a baccalaureate
course mathematics, statistics, or
other quantitative disciplines.
Course will have its primary
purpose and content focused on
mathematics and quantitative
Courses approved to fulfill this
requirement must address students
ability to develop, present, use, and
critique quantitative arguments.
Lifelong Learning
Includes area in Lifelong
Understanding and Self-
No area in Lifelong Understanding
and Self-Development.
Does not require Language Other
Than English (LOTE).
Requires Language Other Than
English (LOTE) for students
transferring to the UC.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 8
Process Overview: Faculty and Staff Review
CCCs submit new or revised course outlines of record (COR) to the CSU and UC system
offices electronically via ASSIST. CORs must be approved by the college through the
local curriculum approval process. Intersegmental faculty and staff then evaluate the
outlines for alignment with CSU GE Breadth Requirements and IGETC Standards.
CCCs are responsible for submitting accurate and current course outlines. If a course has
a decrease in units or has changed substantially since its last review, a CCC should select
“Substantial Change” during the course submission process. For a description of what
counts as a “substantial change, see the COR Submission section below.
Figure 1: Annual Review Process
Figure 2: Review Cycle
CCC course
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 9
Course Design
Courses are developed by faculty at CCC. Before courses can be
offered (or submitted to a system office for GE transfer credit),
courses go through the standard process of local curriculum
approval, and only baccalaureate-level courses are eligible for
GE transfer credit. CCC courses must be UC-transferable
(approved for the UC TCA) to be approved for IGETC.
Subsequent determinations made by the UC and CSU relate only
to the suitability of a course to an area of a GE pattern, and even
high-quality courses may be denied.
A word of caution to the CCC faculty who design courses for
general education transfer credit in the UC or CSU: some
published approvals are better models than others. Until 1993,
courses were accepted without review by the four-year
institutions. When the public segments created the current review
process, those courses were “grandfathered in” without review.
Second, as knowledge and the needs of our graduates evolve, so
do our review criteria for general education. Creators of courses
are encouraged to choose as examples those courses approved
recently, and in no case earlier than 1993.
COR Submission
In the fall, CCC articulation officers submit courses by entering
new or substantially revised course outlines into ASSIST. Course
outlines submitted with “substantial changesmust include an
explanation of revisions.
Substantial changes for re-review include cross-listing courses,
changes in content, student learning objectives, modes of delivery
(only if student learning objectives or content are affected),
prerequisites, contact hours and/or decrease in units, or
methods/criteria of assessment.
Technical changes include prefix, number, increase in units, title
changes and/or updates of representative texts and/or resource
materials. Technical changes alone do not require re-review.
CSU GE Breadth and IGETC Review
Substantial Changes
(requires re-review in ASSIST)
Course content
Course objectives/learning objectives
Contact hours and/or decrease in units
Cross-listing courses
Methods of instruction and/or evaluation
Modes of delivery (only if student learning
objectives or content are affected)
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 10
Technical Changes (not requiring review)
Course number
Course prefix/subject change
Title change
Updates to representative textbooks
After the course outline data has been submitted in ASSIST, it is
then available to the CSU Office of the Chancellor (CSUCO) and
the UC Office of the President (UCOP).
Level Review
Every submitted course undergoes a 1
level review conducted by
at least two readers. All courses are reviewed comprehensively;
that is, if a course with current approval in biology is resubmitted
for additional approval in social sciences, then reviewers will
evaluate its fit for both areas of general education, and the pre-
existing approval in biology may be phased out. Each 1
review ends with a preliminary recommendation.
Level Review
For a minority of submitted courses, first-level reviewers are
unable to agree on whether to recommend approval. These
courses are referred to 2
level review by additional staff or by
faculty in the disciplines.
Reviewer recommendations for courses in CSU GE Breadth and
American Institutions are reconciled in the CSUCO.
Determinations of IGETC congruence are made in discussions
between the CSUCO and UCOP.
Decision and Notification
By May, CCC articulation officers view decisions within ASSIST.
CSU GE Breadth and IGETC certification course lists are
available at
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 11
Course Submission and Review
The UC and the CSU conduct an annual, joint review of CCC courses submitted for
IGETC. Submission decisions are announced annually in the spring to articulation
officers and updated on the ASSIST website each academic year.
If the course was active in the college’s curriculum at that time, approved courses
become effective the fall term of the academic year after the course was submitted.
Example: A course submitted in December of 2022, and approved in May 2023,
becomes effective on IGETC beginning Fall 2023.
If a course is not approved for CSU GE and/or IGETC inclusion, detailed reasons for
denial will be provided to the CCC. The CCC may then modify their outline of record
and resubmit in the following submission cycle.
Occasionally, during the CSU GE and IGETC review cycle certain existing courses are
reviewed to verify that they continue to meet the CSU GE and/or IGETC Standards.
Courses resubmitted for content review and no longer found to meet the CSU GE and/or
IGETC Standards will be allowed to remain on the CCC approved GE certification list
for at least two academic years. This allows the CCC time to submit a revised course
outline for review, if appropriate.
Example: A CCC is notified in Spring 2023 that ADJ 205 no longer meets CSU
GE and/or IGETC Standards. The course will have a phase-out term of Fall 2025
and remain effective on the GE certification list through Summer 2025.
Respecting Precedent vs. Responding to Change
Submitting CCCs sometimes point to comparable courses already approved at another
CCC and ask whether reviewers feel bound by precedent. For the most part the answer is
“no”: if a recently denied submission looks like longstanding approved courses
elsewhere, then we are more likely to reconsider and remove the originally approved
course than to extend similar approvals for the sake of consistency. The needs of the
state, guidance from disciplinary faculty, and our understanding of the world and how
best to learn about continue to evolve, and good articulation has to accommodate that,
even if progress does not happen everywhere at the same rate.
However, we also recognize that frequent changes in the statewide transferability of a
single course can disrupt enrollment, advising, and planning, and so very recent
approvals may be allowed to stand even over the valid objections of subsequent
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 12
COR Components
1. Course units
2. Course description
3. Total lecture hours per term
4. Total lab hours per term
5. Prerequisites, corequisites or advisories on recommended preparation (if any)
6. Course objectives
7. Course content in terms of a specific body of knowledge
8. Methods of instruction
9. Methods of evaluation
10. Required textbooks and readings
11. College-level assignments (e.g., writing, reading, outside-of-class)
Cross-Listed Courses
GE review requires CCCs to have curriculum approved (e.g., college curriculum
committee or college/district board) for cross-listing before submitting course outlines of
record. Course outlines are identical in title, description, objectives, content, methods of
instruction, methods of evaluation, textbooks/readings, and assignments but may have a
different prefix. All approved cross-listed courses must appear together or with an
annotation in official college publications.
COR Submission Checklist
CCCs will indicate the pattern, CSU GE Breadth and/or IGETC Areas (including
appropriate GE subareas) to which proposed courses are applied. Reviewers use area-
specific criteria as well as the following, which apply to all submitted courses:
Any course submitted for CSU GE Breadth or IGETC must be baccalaureate
level. For IGETC, courses must be UC-transferable (on the UC TCA).
Course has appropriate number of units for CSU GE Breadth or IGETC Area.
Course content should reflect a balance between breadth and depth appropriate for
lower-division work.
Variable-topics courses are excluded (directed-study or independent study).
Course outline includes at least one textbook; laboratory activities must include
lab manual.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 13
Representative textbooks are current and published within 7 years of submission
year or identified as a classic textor discipline classic”.
Course outline includes methods/criteria of assessment and college-level
Course outline contains enough detail to make a decision in proposed CSU GE
Breadth and/or IGETC Area.
Course outline should make sense to the reviewers.
Course outline is in English.
Course outline is complete.
Criteria Applying to All Areas
Courses in the IGETC shall be culturally broad in their conception. They should
help students understand the nature and richness of human culture and social
structures through a comparative approach and have a pronounced historical
perspective. They should recognize the contributions to knowledge, civilization,
and society that have been made by men, women and members of various ethnic
or cultural groups.
IGETC courses shall address the modes of inquiry that characterize the different
areas of human thought: the nature of the questions that can be addressed, the way
questions are formulated, the way analysis is conducted, and the validity and
implications of the answers obtained.
CCCs will indicate the pattern, GE Area and Subarea for which courses are
proposed. Reviewers use area-specific criteria as well as the following, which
apply to all submitted courses:
Any course submitted for GE must be baccalaureate level. Because CCCs
serve multiple constituencies, not everything they teach is comparable in depth
and rigor to courses at four-year universities; for example, some courses are
instead meant to train students for specific jobs, or to prepare them for college.
The UC faculty have asked to review every community college course proposed
for transferability, whether or not for general education. Community college
courses must be approved for the UC Transfer Course Agreement (UC TCA) in
order to be submitted and approved for IGETC.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 14
CSU faculty chose instead to let CCCs decide which courses should transfer. In
1973, the CSU adopted Transfer Credit (Executive Order 167) to define
transferability. Later the CSU’s faculty senate elaborated on the definition in a
document called What Constitutes a Baccalaureate Level Course”. Generally,
indications that a course is baccalaureate level include (1) a clear emphasis on
cultural, historic, aesthetic, or other intellectual facets of the subject taught
particularly in classes that otherwise would amount to skills development; (2)
stated requirements in reading and writing; (3) high demands of students,
substantial student-faculty interaction, and clearly distinguished entry- and exit-
level expectations; and (4) the existence of comparable courses at four-year
Courses must carry an appropriate number of units. In the IGETC pattern,
any course must carry at least 3 semester units or 4 quarter units of credit. In the
CSU GE Breadth pattern, physical activity courses in Area E of less than 3
semester units may be approved if the course outline is complete (see COR
Components). Courses of less than 3 semester units (other than physical activity
and lab science) do not provide the depth and breadth that is required for CSU
GE courses.
Stand-alone lab science courses that have a prerequisite or co-requisite of the
corresponding lecture course must be a minimum 1 semester/quarter unit). For
specific unit requirements, see CSU General Education Breadth Requirements and
IGETC Standards 2.4.
Course content should reflect a balance between breadth and depth
appropriate for lower-division work. While it is important for course outlines to
reflect the depth of university-level work, proposed courses may be denied if their
focus is too narrow. For example, an otherwise acceptable course in literature
(IGETC Area 3B Humanities) that focuses on a single book, or in self-
development (CSU GE Breadth Area E Lifelong Learning and Self-Development)
that focuses only on the first years of childhood, would not provide the breadth
expected of GE.
Variable-topics courses are excluded. Variable-topics courses (or directed-
studies courses) are not acceptable for IGETC or CSU GE Breadth regardless of
area. Work experience courses are not appropriate for general education. Courses
offered as variable-topics change too much from one term (and instructor) to the
next. However, not all the topics in a course have to be specified in detail. For
example, a course on Victorian-era English literature does not need to name every
novel assigned but must include a representative reading list. A course in
“Contemporary Controversies in Science” that examined a different controversy
every term would be denied.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 15
Courses may be approved in more than one area. One course may meet the
criteria for more than one GE area. However, ordinarily students will be able to
count it toward only one area.
Courses may be offered in any modality. The CSU allows online and hybrid
course offerings across all areas of CSU GE, as does IGETC provided that the
courses have been approved by the CSU and UC during the IGETC course review
Proposed courses shall include at least one textbook. Reviewers use the
representative text as a way to confirm their understanding of course content. It’s
understood that the instructor in a given section may choose a different text, but
the proposed one is still given close attention. It’s expected that the structure of
the text will be consistent with the course outline. Including additional reading is
a good way to demonstrate that multiple points of view will be evaluated, as a
means of developing critical thinking.
Textbooks must be dated within seven years of the course submission term or
clearly identified in the outline as a “classic text” or “discipline classicin the
course outline. Lab science courses must include a clearly identified lab manual in
the course outline.
Texts do not need to be published in hard copy. The UC and CSU welcome the
use of online texts and other Open Educational Resources (OER), so long as the
resource is a stable, bona fide textbook, and not just a collection of links to lecture
notes or other web pages.
Open Educational Resources (OER)
Many CCC courses already use online texts that are approved for CSU and
UC transferability, and for articulation with CSU and UC campuses.
OER or online/digital texts, are acceptable if they are stable and publicly
available as published textbooks, not a list of web links.
CORs must include title, author, and publication date.
Textbooks, both online and traditional, must be current and dated within seven
years for most course submissions. Older books should be included if they are
considered classics in the field and clearly identified as classics in the course
outline (e.g., “classic text” or “discipline classic”).
Lab science courses must include a clearly identified manual.
All CSU and UC campus departments consider the content of textbooks when
reviewing articulation proposals from the CCCs. The use of online texts is
reviewed by campuses on a case-by-case basis for articulation with CCCs.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 16
Courses and representative textbooks should be current. Course outlines
should reflect contemporary thinking in the discipline, for example by showing a
relatively recent date of approval from the department or campus curriculum
At least one text must be published within seven years of the submission date
(e.g., published in 2016 for course outlines submitted fall 2023).
Older books should be included if considered classics in the field and clearly
identified as classics in the course outline (e.g., “classic text” or “discipline
CORs must include title, author, and publication date.
Lab manuals are required and must be explicitly listed on the COR for all lab
science courses in IGETC Area 5 and CSU GE Breadth Area B.
“Home-grown” lab manuals, created by CCC faculty, are also acceptable.
Lab manuals from either a publisher or compiled by CCC faculty (e.g.,
“CHEM 001 Lab Manual, CCC Chemistry department, 2019”) are acceptable.
Course outlines lacking textbooks or with out-of-date textbooks will be denied
for CSU GE Breadth and IGETC.
Physical activity courses in CSU GE Area E may include textbooks but are
not required.
Course outlines should contain enough detail to make a decision possible.
Lists of topics or chapter headings rarely give the reviewers enough information
or detail on course content. Among the areas of information submitted, course
descriptions are considered the least reliable because descriptions are used to
market the course to students. Course objectives, content, methods of instruction,
methods of evaluation, and college-level assignments are more informative when
detailed and not boilerplate lists. Listed prerequisites are also good indicators of
course content, rigor, and disciplinary grounding. Reviewers are asked not to
make assumptions based on their own disciplinary background or knowledge of
the community college, course topic, or instructor.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 17
Course outlines should make sense to the reviewer. Occasionally courses are
not approved due to discrepancies in the course outline or has gaps or
contradictions in the submitted information.
Course outlines should be in Englisheven when the course is not.
CSU GE Breadth decisions should be consistent with IGETC. Because
transfer students count on courses that meet IGETC standards to work in the CSU
Breadth pattern, reviewers will approve courses in CSU GE Breadth for
Oral Communication (CSU requirement) IGETC Standards 2.4
Instruction approved for fulfillment of the requirement in oral communication is
to be designed to emphasize the content of communication as well as the form and
should provide an understanding of the psychological basis and the social
significance of communication, including how communication operates in various
situations. Applicable courses should view communication as the process of
human symbolic interaction focusing on the communicative process from the
rhetorical perspective: reasoning and advocacy, organization, accuracy; the
discovery, critical evaluation and reporting of information; reading and listening
effectively as well as speaking and writing. This must include faculty-supervised,
faculty-evaluated oral presentations in the presence of others (physically or
Interpersonal communication and debate courses are not a natural fit in the oral
communication area, but a few have incorporated significant faculty-supervised,
faculty-evaluated practice in speaking with others; added at least a small
component of traditional rhetoric; and won placement in the oral communication
The CSU asks that course outlines submitted for CSU GE Breadth Subarea A1 and
IGETC Area 1C clearly state how instruction and evaluation are conducted, so that it may
be determined that student presentations, no matter what modality the course is offered
in, will be made either in front of faculty and other listeners. Rhetorical principles must
be covered (e.g., study of effective communication in formal speeches or social
interaction is appropriate). To qualify in CSU GE Breadth Subarea A1, students must
speak their own words, not recite words written by others.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 18
CSU GE Breadth
Area A
Area 1
A1 Oral Communication
faculty-supervised, faculty-evaluated
oral presentations in the presence of
others (physically or virtually)
course outlines should be very specific
regarding methods of instruction and
methods of evaluation
student presentations will be made
either in front of faculty or other
listeners, or in online environments
rhetorical principles must be included
and specified in the course outline (e.g.,
example, the study of effective
communication in formal speeches or
social interaction would be
courses must require students to speak
their own words, not recite words
written by others
courses should provide an
understanding of the psychological
basis and social significance of
communication, including how
communication operates in various
courses should view communication as
the process of human symbolic
interaction focusing on the
communicative process from the
rhetorical perspective: reasoning and
advocacy, organization, accuracy; the
discovery, critical evaluation and
reporting of information; reading and
listening effectively as well as speaking
and writing
Interpersonal communications and
debate courses are not a natural fit
1C Oral Communication
faculty-supervised, faculty-evaluated oral
presentations in the presence of others
(physically or virtually)
course outlines should be very specific
regarding methods of instruction and
methods of evaluation
student presentations will be made either in
front of faculty or other listeners, or in
online environments
rhetorical principles must be included and
specified in the course outline (e.g.,
example, the study of effective
communication in formal speeches or social
interaction would be appropriate)
courses must require students to speak their
own words, not recite words written by
courses should provide an understanding of
the psychological basis and social
significance of communication, including
how communication operates in various
courses should view communication as the
process of human symbolic interaction
focusing on the communicative process
from the rhetorical perspective: reasoning
and advocacy, organization, accuracy; the
discovery, critical evaluation and reporting
of information; reading and listening
effectively as well as speaking and writing
Interpersonal communications and debate
courses are not a natural fit
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September 2023 19
English Language Communication and Critical Thinking
Areas A and 1 emphasize development of students’ communication and reasoning
skills. These require coursework in “communication in the English language, to
include both oral communication and written communication,” making them the
only areas in the GE patterns that must be taught in English.
Written Communication IGETC Standards 2.4
A first-semester course in English reading and written composition must include
substantial instruction and practice in expository essay writing at the college level
with a minimum of 5,000 words. Courses should also require a substantial amount
of reading of significant literature. Successful completion of the course in reading
and written composition (i.e., a course that satisfies English 1A) shall be
prerequisite to the course in Critical Thinking/English Composition.
“Stretch” or “intensive” English Composition courses (i.e., blended courses that
include both transferable content and remedial content) may be approved for the
English Composition Requirement if both/all courses in the “stretch” course
sequence are successfully completed with “C” grade (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) or higher
(or the equivalent); and the transferable content is comparable to a ‘standard’
English Composition course, i.e., the course requires a minimum 5,000 words of
writing; substantial instruction and practice in expository essay writing at the
college level; and substantial amount of reading of significant literature.
English Composition for ESL courses may be approved for the English
Composition Requirement if the course content is not solely remedial and is
otherwise comparable to a ‘standard’ English Composition course (i.e.,
the course requires a minimum 5,000 words of writing; substantial instruction and
practice in expository essay writing at the college level; and substantial amount of
reading of significant literature).
Reviewers look for evidence of assigned and graded student writing, both in class and as
assigned homework. The course must carry an appropriate prerequisite course (or SAT
score or placement score), distinguishing it from a basic skills course.
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September 2023 20
CSU GE Breadth
Area A
Area 1
A2 Written Communication
courses conducted in English
must achieve same objectives as
“freshman composition” found in most
explore rhetorical principles
independent of the application of
writing to a specific profession
no minimum number of words;
however, number of words should be
specified in the course outline
1A Written Communication
substantial instruction and practice in
expository essay writing at the college-
minimum 5,000 words of writing is
courses should require substantial
amount of reading and significant
prerequisite to course in Critical
Thinking/English Composition
Critical Thinking CSU General Education Breadth Requirements
In critical thinking courses, students will understand logic and its relation to
language; elementary inductive and deductive processes, including an
understanding of the formal and informal fallacies of language and thought; and
the ability to distinguish matters of fact from issues of judgement or opinion. In
A3 courses, students will develop the abilities to analyze, criticize, and advocate
ideas; to reason inductively and deductively; and to reach well-supported factual
or judgmental conclusions.
Critical Thinking and Composition IGETC Standards 2.4
Successful completion of the course in reading and written composition must be
prerequisite to the course in Critical Thinking/English Composition.
The second semester of English composition may be met by those courses in
critical thinking taught in a variety of disciplines which provide, as a major
component, instruction in the composition of substantial essays and require
students to write a sequence of such essays. Successful completion of the course
in reading and written composition (i.e., course that satisfies English 1A) shall be
prerequisite to the course in Critical Thinking/English Composition. Written work
shall be evaluated for both composition and critical thinking. Texts chosen in this
area should reflect an awareness of cultural diversity. A minimum of 5,000 words
of writing is required.
Instruction in critical thinking is to be designed to achieve an understanding of the
relationship of language to logic, which should lead to the ability to analyze,
criticize, and advocate ideas, to reason inductively and deductively, and to
identify the assumptions upon which particular conclusions depend. The minimal
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 21
competence to be expected at the successful conclusion of instruction in critical
thinking should be the ability to distinguish fact from judgment, and belief from
knowledge; to use elementary inductive and deductive processes; and to recognize
common logical errors or fallacies of language and thought.
CSU GE Breadth
Area A
Area 1
A3 Critical Thinking
courses in critical thinking, not writing
no minimum word count
courses include explicit instruction and
practice in inductive and deductive
reasoning and identification of formal
and informal fallacies of language and
literary criticism courses are typically
not accepted in this area
1B Critical Thinking and Composition
must have prerequisite of English
Composition (course that satisfies
English 1A)
written work evaluated for both
composition and critical thinking
minimum 5,000 words of writing is
texts chosen should reflect an awareness
of cultural diversity
Scientific Inquiry, Physical and Biological Sciences
These areas of IGETC and CSU GE Breadth call for three kinds of coursework: physical
science lecture, life science lecture, and a lab associated with a lecture.
Courses in these subareas of Areas B and 5 emphasize the perspectives, concepts,
principles, theories, and methodologies of the scientific disciplines. Those that have built-
in laboratory activity may also qualify for Area B3 and Area 5C, as long as the course
outline clearly distinguishes the laboratory activity from the lecture.
Some but not all course outlines submitted for these areas will refer to “the scientific
method.” Implicit inclusion of the scientific method is acceptable, especially for courses
designed for students majoring in science. Area B and Area 5 courses should enhance
students’ appreciation of how scientists do science, not just what scientists have
Scientific Inquiry CSU General Education Breadth Requirements
In Subareas B1-B3, students develop knowledge of scientific theories, concepts,
and data about both living and non-living systems. Students will achieve an
understanding and appreciation of scientific principles and the scientific method,
as well as the potential limits of scientific endeavors and the value systems and
ethics associated with human inquiry. The nature and extent of laboratory
experience is to be determined by each campus through its established curricular
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
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It is expected that campuses could offer the laboratory experience within:
• a 3 semester (4 quarter) unit lecture course;
• a lecture plus laboratory course of 4 semester (6 quarter) units; or
• a standalone laboratory course of 1 semester (2 quarter) units.
Physical and Biological Sciences IGETC Standards 2.4
Courses in physical and biological sciences must emphasize experimental
methodology, the testing of hypotheses, and the power of systematic questioning,
rather than only the recall of facts. Courses that emphasize the interdependency of
the sciences are especially appropriate for non-science majors.
The contemporary world is influenced by science and its applications, and many
of the most difficult choices facing individuals and institutions concern the
relationship of scientific and technological capability with human values and
social goals. To function effectively in such a complex world, students must
develop a comprehension of the basic concepts of physical and biological
sciences, and a sophisticated understanding of science as a human endeavor
including its limitations and power.
Laboratory Science IGETC Standards 2.4
The IGETC physical and biological science area requires a minimum of two
courses, at least one of the two must include a laboratory. The intent of the
IGETC laboratory science requirement is that students take at least one physical
or biological science course incorporating a laboratory component. Since the
experimental methodology and hypothesis testing taught in a lab builds on the
principles presented in the lecture portion of the course, the two must be related.
Therefore, the laboratory must correspond to one of the lecture courses taken to
fulfill this IGETC requirement. A student cannot use lecture courses in two
subjects and a laboratory in a third subject. It is expected that the lecture course is
a prerequisite or co-requisite of the laboratory course. Lecture and lab courses
may have separate course numbers. Lab science courses must include a clearly
identified lab manual in the course outline.
Unit Requirement for Laboratory Science Courses IGETC Standards 2.4
Three semester or four quarter unit laboratory science courses may be used on
IGETC to clear the laboratory science requirement as long as the minimum unit
value is met for this area (7 semester or 9 quarter units). Stand-alone lab courses
which have a prerequisite or co-requisite of the corresponding lecture course must
be a minimum of 1 semester/quarter unit.
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September 2023 23
Laboratory Activity
Courses meeting the requirements of this subarea must be associated with a
lecture component, either built into the laboratory section itself or connected as a
co-requisite or prerequisite.
In the course outline, it is especially important for colleges to clearly delineate
laboratory activity from the lecture topics.
A simple list of topics to be covered in the lab sections is seldom enough to tell
reviewers whether the activity warrants the additional lab approval.
Reviewers rely in particular on the choice of textbooks, checking that it is
appropriate for a course with lab activities.
Lab science courses must include a clearly identified lab manual.
Stand-alone lab courses are designated B3 or 5C only, and only when associated
with a lecture course as either a prerequisite or co-requisite.
Lab Manuals
Lab manuals are required, and must be explicitly listed on the COR, for all courses in
IGETC Area 5C and CSU GE Breadth Area B3.
CORs must include title, author, and publication date.
“Home-grown” lab manuals, created by CCC faculty, are also acceptable.
Lab manuals from either a publisher or compiled by CCC faculty (e.g., “CHEM 001
Lab Manual, CCC Chemistry department, 2019”) are acceptable.
CSU GE Breadth
Area B
Area 5
B1-B2 Physical and Life Sciences
students develop knowledge of
scientific theories, concepts, and data
about both living and non-living
courses emphasize the perspectives,
concepts, principles, theories, and
methodologies of the scientific
students will achieve an understanding
and appreciation of scientific principles
and the scientific method, potential
5A-5B Physical and Biological Sciences
one course in Physical Science (5A),
one in Biological Science (5B), with at
least one incorporating a laboratory
emphasize experimental methodology,
testing of hypotheses, and power of
systematic questioning, rather than only
recall of facts
focus on teaching basic concepts of
physical and biological sciences
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 24
limits of scientific endeavors, and the
value systems and ethics associated
with human inquiry
courses should enhance students’
appreciation of how scientist do
science, not just what scientists have
sophisticated understanding of science
as a human endeavor, including
limitations and power of scientific
emphasize major concepts of the
discipline, including biochemical and
physiological principles
B3 Laboratory Activity (lab course)
lab activity must be associated with a
lecture component, or stand-alone
laboratory course connected as a co-
requisite or prerequisite
course outline clearly distinguishes the
laboratory activity from the lecture
lab manuals are required, and must be
explicitly listed on the course outline
5C Laboratory Science (lab course)
must correspond to one of the lecture
lecture course is a prerequisite or co-
requisite of the laboratory course
lecture and lab courses may have
separate course numbers
lab manuals are required, and must be
explicitly listed on the course outline
Scientific Inquiry, Physical and Biological Sciences
This distinction of learning not just the conclusions of scientists but also how science is
practiced is the key to making review decisions in a few special cases:
Multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary science courses. Some community
colleges have designed courses to meet California’s credentialing standards for
prospective elementary school teachers, who will need to know something about
geology, astronomy, physics and chemistry. These “do-it-all” courses may be
acceptable, if they address science as a mode of intellectual inquiry and emphasize
the major concepts of the discipline.
Organic chemistry courses may also strike reviewers as interdisciplinary but are
ordinarily categorized in Physical Science Subareas B1 and 5A, where the subject
is frequently housed and taught.
Physical anthropology courses. Depending on the emphasis, a course in physical
anthropology may belong with other biological sciences in Subareas B2 and 5B.
Physical geography courses. These are almost always accepted in Subarea B1 and
5A. Other kinds of geography courses are closer to the Social Sciences and Social
and Behavioral Sciences and are instead approved in Areas D and 4.
Lower-division major preparation courses. These may work unless they are too
narrow; the question is whether students will achieve the “science literacy”
expected of educated citizens in any profession.
Lab manuals. Lab manuals are required, and must be explicitly listed on the COR,
for all courses in IGETC Area 5C and CSU GE Breadth Subarea B3.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 25
In defining “science literacy” for an educated populace, science faculty from across the
CSU agreed to this definition and course-scoring rubric, which reviewers of community
college courses may find helpful:
A student who achieves science literacy through a course that satisfies a general
education science requirement must master literacy in understanding both:
(a) science as the system of reasoning—the acquisition of testable knowledge of
the physical world, including explanations of the phenomena and
(b) the minimal foundational concepts and content of the science discipline(s)
addressed by the course.
This rubric addresses “a”:
Very Acceptable
Item 13 only or Item
13 plus omission of
any Items 1-7
Items 1-7, plus Item
Items 1-10 plus
Item 13
Items 1-13
Learning Outcomes for Science Literacy in Science as a Framework of Reasoning in
an Introductory Course
1. Student can articulate in her/his own words a reasonable definition for what constitutes science.
2. Student can describe, using at least two specific examples, how science literacy is important in
everyday life to an educated person.
3. Student can explain why the attribute of doubt has value in science.
4. Student can explain how scientists select which among several competing working hypotheses
best explains a physical phenomenon.
5. Student can explain how "theory" as used and understood in science differs from "theory "as
commonly used and understood by the general public.
6. Student can explain why peer review generally improves our quality of knowing within
7. Student can explain how science uses the method of reproducible experiments to understand
and explain the physical world.
8. Student can name one assumption that underlies all science.
9. Student can provide two examples of science and two of technology and use these to explain a
central concept by which one can distinguish between science and technology.
10. Student can cite a single major theory from one of the science disciplines and explain its
historical development.
11. Student can explain and provide an example of modeling as used in science.
12. Student can explain why awareness of ethics becomes increasingly important to a society
becoming increasingly advanced in science.
13. Student can meet the minimal learning outcomes specified by the discipline that address the
major ideas, concepts and content of the science discipline. The arbiter of "specified by
discipline" might range from locally at the scale of a department to internationally as
specified by the larger profession.
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September 2023 26
Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning, Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative
Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning CSU General Education Breadth
Through courses in Subarea B4 students shall demonstrate the abilities to reason
quantitatively, practice computational skills, and explain and apply mathematical
or quantitative reasoning concepts to solve problems. Courses in this Subarea
shall include a prerequisite reflective only of skills and knowledge required in the
course. In addition to traditional mathematics, courses in Subarea B4 may include
computer science, personal finance, statistics or discipline-based mathematics or
quantitative reasoning courses, for example.
Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning IGETC Standards 2.4
Area 2A, the Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning requirement, is
met by completing a baccalaureate course in mathematics, statistics, or other
quantitative disciplines. *An approved course will have its primary purpose and
content focused on mathematics and quantitative reasoning. Additionally, courses
approved to fulfill this requirement must address students’ ability to develop,
present, use, and critique quantitative arguments. For example, a course in
statistics must emphasize the mathematical basis of statistics, including
probability theory and estimation, application and interpretation, uses and
misuses, and the analysis and criticism of statistical arguments in public
discourse. Thus, Symbolic Logic, Computer Programming, Mathematics for
Teachers and survey courses are deemed unacceptable to fulfill the Mathematical
Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning requirement. However, Math survey and
Data Science courses may fulfill this requirement if the focus is on mathematical
concepts and quantitative analysis at the baccalaureate level. A sequence of
courses may be approved only if students are required to pass all classes in the
sequence and the transferable course content is equivalent to an approved Area
2A course.
Adherence to these guidelines will ensure that all graduates are equitably prepared
for an environment in which public and private decision making is regularly
expressed in quantitative terms. We routinely confront raw information that
requires quantitative calculation and analysis in order to make decisions and take
actions. Post-secondary graduates need to be able to participate in such
quantitative reasoning and have the capacity to critique quantitative arguments.
For this reason, a growing list of disciplines require a sound mathematical
foundation. The guidelines for the 2A requirement in Mathematical Concepts and
Quantitative Reasoning ensure that graduates are given a durable foundation
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 27
preparing them to respond effectively and flexibly to the quantitative challenges
they will face.
* The California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM)
specifies the content of the high school courses required for admission to the UC
and CSU. Baccalaureate level courses deepen and reach beyond the content in
these college prep courses.
CSU GE Breadth
Area B
Area 2
B4 Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning
courses shall include a prerequisite
reflective only of skills and knowledge
required in the course
courses must have as their primary
purpose for students to demonstrate the
abilities to reason quantitatively,
practice computational skills, and
explain and apply mathematical or
quantitative reasoning concepts to solve
may include computer science, personal
finance, statistics or discipline-based
mathematics or quantitative reasoning
2A Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative
fulfilled by completion of a
baccalaureate course mathematics,
statistics, or other quantitative
course will have its primary purpose
and content focused on mathematics
and quantitative reasoning
courses approved to fulfill this
requirement must address students
ability to develop, present, use, and
critique quantitative arguments
courses in statistics must emphasize the
mathematical basis of statistics,
including probability theory and
estimation, application and
interpretation, uses and misuses, and the
analysis and criticism of statistical
arguments in public discourse
Math survey and Data Science courses
may fulfill this requirement if the focus
is on mathematical concepts and
quantitative analysis at the
baccalaureate level
Given the ubiquity of quantitative and statistical information that the public encounters,
successful completion of a mathematics/quantitative reasoning course is an important
driver of equitable outcomes and social mobility. The requirement in Mathematical
Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning is designed to support students in their pursuit of
these goals. Courses approved to fulfill this requirement must have as their primary
purposes the development of a general understanding of how practitioners and scholars
build mathematical models and solve problems using quantitative methods, and the
development of quantitative skills leading to a proficient and fluent ability to reason
quantitatively in their subsequent courses and after graduation in the various contexts
defined by personal, civic, and professional responsibilities.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 28
Across all CCC courses approved for CSU GE Breadth (including Subarea B4), the
course content and outcomes must be baccalaureate level, requiring as prerequisite the
skills and knowledge developed in high school that are needed for the given course.
CSU GE Breadth Subarea B4 Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (QR)
Guidelines and Principles
Courses submitted for CSU GE Breadth Subarea B4 approval shall ask students to:
interpret and communicate quantitative information, and mathematical and
statistical concepts using language appropriate to the context and intended
make sense of problems, develop strategies to find solutions, and persevere in
solving them;
reason, model, draw conclusions, and make decisions with quantitative
information about problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace;
construct, critique, and evaluate quantitative arguments that utilize mathematical,
statistical, and quantitative information;
use appropriate tools strategically.
Statistics courses, in particular, shall ask students to:
produce and interpret graphical displays and numerical summaries;
recognize questions for which the investigative process of statistics is useful and
answer questions using that process
have a conceptual and computational understanding of descriptive and basic
inferential statistical methods;
recognize and explain the roles of variability in statistics and randomness in
designing studies and drawing conclusions;
demonstrate an understanding of concepts useful in building statistical literacy
such as correlation is not causation and the difference between statistical
significance and practical importance.
Courses that do not make significant use of quantitative reasoning are excluded from
Subarea B4. These include:
courses in the history of mathematics
computer programming courses
symbolic logic courses
These guidelines and principles align with the CSU Math Council, CSU GE Area B4
Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning Course Guidelines and Principles, approved 4/10/2020.
Drawn from Dana Center QR Learning Outcomes, Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice,
Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics Curriculum Guide 2004
Drawn from UC transfer regulations for courses in specific subject areas, Guidelines for Assessment and
Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) College Report 2016, CID Descriptor for Math 110
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 29
Computer Science courses that go beyond programming concepts, methodologies, and
fundamental techniques to meaningfully address quantitative information may be
Math Survey and Data Science courses may fulfil this requirement for CSU GE and
IGETC if the focus is on mathematical concepts and quantitative analysis at the
baccalaureate level.
Personal Finance courses for CSU GE require a mathematics prerequisite reflective only
of skills and knowledge required in the course and/or appropriate mathematics skills
For general QR courses such as Math for Liberal Arts, Mathematics for Practical
Purposes, Introduction to Mathematical Modelling, and more targeted introductory
courses such as Personal Finance, students should be proficient in a broad set of skills
and knowledge from 8th grade mathematics, geometry, and Algebra I (or equivalent).
Students enrolling in these courses should be able to:
demonstrate procedural fluency with real number arithmetic operations and using
those operations to represent real-world scenarios and to solve stated problems;
evaluate with the use of technology expressions that involve arithmetic with
signed numbers, square roots, squaring, exponents, factorials, and summation
demonstrate number sense, including dimensional analysis and conversions
between fractions, decimals, and percentages;
represent numbers, intervals, and inequalities on the number line;
make estimates and predications, understand when approximations are
appropriate and when exact calculations are necessary;
evaluate, and apply linear, quadratic, and absolute value expressions and
use information about functions and features of graphs to model relationships
between quantities (positive, negative, increasing, decreasing, etc.);
solve, graph, and interpret linear equations and inequalities; solve problems
modeled by linear equations;
demonstrate an understanding of displays of data such as tables, bar charts,
histograms, pie charts, and line graphs;
use data to calculate and interpret median, and mean;
solve application problems applying measurement and geometry topics such as
distance, area, perimeter, and volume
Courses in elementary statistics may be offered by multiple departments, including
business, economics, mathematics, social science, and science. Students should be
Drawn from Dana Center Quantitative Reasoning Course, Statement on Competencies in Mathematics
Expected of Entering College Students, California Common Core State Standards: Mathematics
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 30
proficient in a broad set of skills and knowledge from 8th grade mathematics, geometry,
and Algebra I (or equivalent). Students enrolling in these courses should be able to:
work with numerical information:
ordering decimals, order of operations, operations with fractions and
converting fractions to decimals and percentages,
representing numbers, intervals, and inequalities on the number line.
evaluate expressions with the use of technology that involve arithmetic with
signed numbers, square roots, squaring, exponents, factorials, and summation
solve simple linear equations in one variable;
model linear models;
interpreting slope and intercept;
graphing a line and points;
making predictions;
calculating vertical deviation of a point from the line;
approximate areas of specified regions given the area under a curve or histogram;
extracting information from graphs and tables;
understanding set notation and diagrams;
finding the complement of a set;
finding the union and intersection of two sets.
For courses that require stronger algebra skills, such as finite math, college algebra, or
precalculus, the prerequisite skills and knowledge will also include topics from
Algebra II. In addition to the topics listed for general QR courses, students enrolling in
these courses should be able to:
Evaluate and apply polynomial, rational, exponential, power, rational, and
trigonometric expressions and formulas;
solve, graph, and interpret quadratic equations; solve two linear equations in two
unknowns; solve problems modeled by quadratic equations;
perform arithmetic operations on polynomials and rational expressions; apply
factoring techniques to simplify expressions and locate roots;
understand the relationship between the multiple representations (variable, graph,
data, words) of various functions (quadratic, power, exponential, rational,
trigonometric functions);
find inverse functions;
create and interpret mathematical models, by building functions that describe a
given situation;
Drawn from UC Requirements for Transferable Courses and Dana Center Math Prerequisites for Success
in Introductory Statistics
Drawn from Statement on Competencies in Mathematics Expected of Entering College Students,
California Common Core State Standards: Mathematics, DCMP Reasoning with Functions II
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 31
use the concepts of congruence, similarity, and symmetry to demonstrate
relationships in geometric figures such as lines, triangles, circles, quadrilaterals,
and other polygons;
use trigonometric ratios to solve problems involving right triangles;
understand the graphs and properties of trigonometric functions;
analyze data to calculate center (mean and median), and measures of spread
(standard deviation and interquartile range);
describing data, interpreting summaries of data, and making predictions based on
the data;
demonstrate a basic understanding of inductive and deductive reasoning,
hypotheses and conclusions.
CSU GE Breadth: Math courses developed specifically for students preparing to teach
elementary school are excluded from IGETC but acceptable in CSU GE Breadth.
CSU math faculty have asked reviewers to check for inclusion of specific elements of
math instruction before granting approval.
Approving Math Courses for Elementary School Teachers (CSU GE Breadth
pattern only). Math courses designed as part of a teacher preparation or liberal studies
curriculum must meet specific criteria to qualify for Subarea B4 of CSU GE Breadth.
Faculty have asked that such courses include all of these elements listed in the March
2013 posting of the C-ID Math 120, “Mathematical Concepts for Elementary School
Teachers - Number Systems.”
Course Topics: In conformity with ESM standards, topics must include, but are not limited to:
1. Numeration systems: history, Hindu-Arabic numeration system, and place value systems;
2. Integers: structure and basic properties, computational algorithms;
3. Basic number theory: divisibility, prime and composite numbers, prime factorization,
fundamental theorem of arithmetic, least common multiple and greatest common divisor;
4. Rational numbers: structure and properties, ratio and proportion;
5. Real numbers: structure and basic properties, arithmetic operations, rational and irrational
numbers, decimal representation, number line representation;
6. Patterns, problem solving, communication, connections, modeling, reasoning, and
representation; and
7. National and state curriculum standards for elementary school math including Common
Core State Standards.
Student Learning Outcomes: In conformity with ESM standards, course outcomes must
include, but are not limited to:
1. Perform calculations with place value systems;
2. Evaluate the equivalence of numeric algorithms and explain the advantages and
disadvantages of equivalent algorithms in different circumstances;
3. Apply algorithms from number theory to determine divisibility in a variety of settings;
4. Analyze least common multiples and greatest common divisors and their role in standard
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September 2023 32
5. Explain the concept of rational numbers, using both ratio and decimal representations;
analyze the arithmetic algorithms for these two representations; and justify their
6. Analyze the structure and properties of whole, rational, and real number systems; define
the concept of rational and irrational numbers, including their decimal representation; and
illustrate the use of a number line representation;
7. Develop and reinforce conceptual understanding of mathematical topics through the use
of patterns, problem solving, communication, connections, modeling, reasoning, and
representation; and
8. Develop activities implementing curriculum standards.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 33
Arts and Humanities CSU General Education Breadth Requirements
Across the disciplines in Area C coursework, students will cultivate intellect,
imagination, sensibility and sensitivity. Students will respond subjectively as well
as objectively to aesthetic experiences and will develop an understanding of the
integrity of both emotional and intellectual responses. Students will cultivate and
refine their affective, cognitive, and physical faculties through studying works of
the human imagination. Activities may include participation in individual
aesthetic, creative experiences; however, Area C excludes courses that
exclusively emphasize skills development.
In their intellectual and subjective considerations, students will develop a better
understanding of the interrelationship between the self and the creative arts and of
the humanities in a variety of cultures.
Students may take courses in languages other than English in partial fulfillment of
this requirement if the courses do not focus solely on skills acquisition but also
contain a substantial cultural component. This may include literature, among other
Arts and Humanities IGETC Standards 2.4
Courses that have as their major emphasis the integration of history, theory,
aesthetics, and criticism. Performance and studio classes may be credited toward
satisfaction of this subject area if their major emphasis is the integration of
history, theory, and criticism (e.g., Dance History in Cultural Context, Film Art,
History of Architecture, History of Modern Art, Multi-Cultural Theatre, Music
History and Literature, The Jazz Experience).
Acceptable Humanities courses are those that encourage students to analyze and
appreciate works of philosophical, historical, literary, aesthetic and cultural
importance. Advanced foreign language and ESL courses (which do not have a
principal focus on skills acquisition) may be approved if they include substantial
literary or cultural aspects. Theater and film courses may be approved if taught
with emphasis on substantial historical, literary, or cultural aspects. Advanced
English Composition courses may be approved if they include significant literary
and humanities content and/or a methodological, epistemological, or theoretical
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 34
CSU GE Breadth
Area C
Area 3
C1 Arts: (e.g., Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music,
Arts include the visual arts, architecture,
design, music, dance, theatre, and film
courses should help students make
connections between the arts and
cultural and social issues, and serving as
an introduction to the arts as an
aesthetic and creative endeavor
skills development permitted, but only
when it contributes to a broader
contextual understanding of the arts
courses that exclusively emphasize
skills development are not appropriate
for general education
acceptable courses must have a
predominant focus on lecture vs. skills
development and practical activities
3A Arts:
have as their major emphasis the
integration of history, theory, aesthetics,
and criticism
develop and advance historical
understanding of major civilizations and
cultures, both Western and non-Western
recognize contributions to knowledge,
civilization, and society by men and
women, and members of various ethnic
or cultural groups
performance and studio classes may
satisfy this area if their major emphasis
is the integration of history, theory, and
CSU GE Breadth
Area C
Area 3
C2 Humanities: (e.g., Literature, Philosophy,
Languages Other than English)
students learn to analyze and appreciate
works of philosophical and cultural
course serves as a pathway to a broader
understanding of the human condition
course will help students confidently
understand and articulate their own
subjective intellectual experiences
creative writing courses if they include
significant attention to reading and
analysis of works of literature
geography, history, and art courses
(e.g., art history) if outline indicates a
strong cultural content and exploration
of subjective human experience
language courses should evoke a
sympathetic response to the acquired
3B Humanities:
encourage students to analyze and
appreciate works of philosophical,
historical, literary, aesthetic and cultural
advanced foreign language courses may
be approved if they include substantial
literary or cultural aspects
theater and film courses may be
approved if taught with emphasis on
substantial historical, literary, or
cultural aspects
Advanced English Composition and
English Composition for ESL courses
may be approved if they include
significant literary and humanities
content and/or a methodological,
epistemological, or theoretical focus.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 35
English as a Second Language courses
may be advanced enough to meet the
objectives of humanities, encouraging
students to analyze and appreciate
works of philosophical and cultural
Advanced ESL courses will have a
substantial cultural component to
qualify for humanities
courses in languages other than English
that contain a substantial cultural
component; not focused solely on skills
acquisition; this may include literature,
among other content
Arts for General Education
Studio and performance courses that develop technique or skills alone do not meet the
standards established for this area. Skills development is permitted, but only when it
contributes to a broader contextual understanding of the arts, such as helping students
make connections between the arts and cultural and social issues and serving as an
introduction to the arts as an aesthetic and creative endeavor. Reviewers look for more
time spent in lecture than in lab skills and activities. (Audition-based courses will not be
approved for GE.)
A note to faculty who create courses in this area: beware of emulating arts courses with
existing approvals in ASSIST. Approval for arts courses in particular is often
“grandfathered in” from years before 1993, when the current review process was put in
place. Skills-heavy courses are unlikely candidates for GE under the current procedure
and criteria. Skills courses are not appropriate for GE approval and are frequently denied.
In 2011, CSU faculty addressed the problem of these grandfathered courses in Subarea
C1 by removing those offered below two units. In the other areas of GE Breadth, courses
of any unit value may still appear grandfathered in.
To determine the degree of emphasis on skills acquisition in course submissions,
reviewers look at the time spent in lecture vs. activity (1.5 lecture hours vs. 4.5 lab hours
per week more than tips the scale to activity-based). For example, community college
courses in design and color often carry a heavy lab component to prepare students for
immediate employment; this is sound professional preparation but tips the course away
from the goals of GE.
On the other hand, a noteworthy course in ceramics did qualify. The course outline took a
historic approach to the study of ceramics, much as an art appreciation course would. The
students created ceramic works only as a reinforcement of the historic/cultural style (e.g.,
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 36
the students produced a ceramic piece in the Japanese raku style after studying the
historic and cultural influence of raku).
Special cases in Arts and Humanities:
Art for Teachers courses are frequently denied for GE, because they emphasize
pre-professional training for educators rather than great works of the human
Film studies courses (as opposed to film production) may qualify for either Arts
or Humanities, depending on the focus of the course. Sometimes film is used as a
means to study a particular time or culture, warranting a Humanities designation
appropriate. When the focus is instead on film as a medium of artistic expression,
the more appropriate placement is Arts.
Music Theory courses are primarily skills development courses (notation and ear
training) and are ordinarily excluded, even if they include some classical
Photography courses may qualify for either Arts or Humanities, depending on the
focus of the course. Sometimes the same distinction applies (as in film studies) to
courses in still photography rather than motion pictures. If the medium is merely
the means to examine the human condition, the approval will be in the Humanities
area; if the medium itself is the main subject of study, then the approval will be in
Humanities for General Education
These criteria are key to determining the suitability of courses in a range of disciplines:
Language courses should do more than impart vocabulary and rules of grammar;
they should use the second language to evoke a sympathetic response to the
acquired culture, to help students understand the “other” in the first person.
Courses must include more attention to the studied culture and less on topics
identifying holidays, foods, and lifestyle.
For most language courses in IGETC, the course should be equivalent to at least
the third year of high school to meet the criteria for Area 3B Humanities. Another
useful indicator of whether the course exceeds that threshold is in its prerequisite:
courses approved for Area 6A LOTE under the IGETC pattern are intended to
achieve that minimum proficiency level, and so if they’re listed as prerequisite to
a course submitted for Area C2 Humanities in CSU GE Breadth or Area 3B
Humanities in IGETC, then the more advanced course probably has a strong
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
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enough cultural component to qualify. The course outline should include this
cultural component content.
The prerequisite for language courses that satisfy Humanities may be:
a community college course that satisfies Area 6A of IGETC
two years of high school study of the language
some other measure of proficiency
English as a Second Language courses must be advanced enough to meet the
objectives of CSU GE Area C2 Humanities. Advanced ESL courses will have a
substantial cultural component to qualify since humanities courses encourage
students to analyze and appreciate works of philosophical and cultural
importance. ESL courses may also include advanced-level proficiency
development. However, courses that focus primarily on language proficiency
development are not appropriate for Area C2 Humanities.
Advanced English Composition and English Composition for ESL courses
proposed for IGETC Area 3B Humanities may be approved if they include
significant literary and humanities content and/or a methodological,
epistemological, or theoretical focus.
Art History courses are typically reviewed in Arts and Humanities, not in Social
Sciences or Social and Behavioral Sciences Areas D or 4.
Courses in geography, history, and art may satisfy Area 3B Humanities if the
outline indicates a strong cultural content and an exploration of subjective human
Courses in linguistics may also be a close call between Humanities and Social
Sciences. In addition to reviewing the content of the course outline, reviewers
may refer to the department prefix (typically Anthropology or English) to suggest
which mode of inquiry is dominant.
Creative writing courses are acceptable for CSU GE Breadth Area C2 Humanities
only if they include significant focus on reading and analysis of works of
literature. Students should be learning to “read as writers” (focusing on how
creative writing is developed, not just how readers interpret what is written),
which is a different process than literary criticism.
History courses, depending on their dominant mode of inquiry, may be
categorized as CSU GE Breadth Area C2 Humanities or IGETC Area 3B
Humanities, Areas D or 4 Social Sciences, or both.
Literature courses may be disallowed because they are too narrow. A course in a
single novel or literary movement (e.g., postmodern American fiction) is probably
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
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more suitable for upper-division work, since it may not incorporate literary
analysis from a variety of critical perspectives.
Logic courses are generally excluded from Area C2 and Area 3B Humanities.
Such courses are designed primarily to develop students’ reasoning technique and
skills, not their appreciation of “great works of the human imagination.” Logic
courses may be accepted, however, if the focus is not solely on technique but
includes the role of logic in humanities disciplines.
Mass communication or mass media courses are seldom accepted in Area 3B or
Area C2 Humanities. (However, courses that study the interaction of mass
communication and society are often appropriate for social science.)
Humanities and Social and Behavioral Sciences
Between them, these two areas cover Humanities and Social Sciences – the broad middle
ground of what most educated people consider liberal learning. Taken together, these two
areas have accounted for more than half of all course outlines submitted for GE credit in
California. To ensure the breadth of learning expected of a baccalaureate degree, it is
important that courses in these two areas be distinguished from each other:
Study in Humanities Study in the Social Sciences
A personal and singular focus on the human
condition: its limits, potential, and creative
Uses social scientific techniques of
experimentation and empirical evidence to
explore human experiences
Relies on critical analysis of specific texts or
works to support its claims
Focus on methodologies, examination of
society, social scientific techniques
A pathway to a broader understanding of the
human condition
Use empirical evidence to explore human
experiences in civilizations, groups of people,
social dynamics
Analysis and appreciation of works of
philosophical, historical, literary, aesthetics,
and cultural importance
Includes theoretical perspectives, methods of
the discipline including quantitative and
qualitative analysis
The CSU and UC systems take their cues from the discipline and may categorize history
in the humanities. However, if participating institutions submit a history course for
approval in Area D/Area 4 Social Sciences and the course outline supports the
designation, then that is where the course is approved.
History is among the hardest disciplines to categorize, by historians’ own admission:
Since the 1980s, the discipline of history, which has always straddled the
humanities and social sciences, has become more identified with the humanities.
Indeed, the American Historical Association has recently urged the National
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 39
Research Council (NRC) to classify history with the humanities in its periodic
ranking of departments. For the institutional purposes that motivate the NRC
rankings (and the methodologies used for them), the formal shift in category
makes sense. But this change of institutional location in the national organization
of research should not be understood as an intellectual abandonment of the
discipline's historical association with the social sciences. History should value
and maintain its Janus-faced position in the world of scholarship—looking to both
the humanities and the social sciences.
-- The Education of Historians for the Twenty-First Century
American Historical Association, 2004
CSU GE Breadth Area D and IGETC Area 4
Social Sciences and Social and Behavioral Sciences
Social Sciences CSU General Education Breadth Requirements
Students learn from courses in multiple Area D disciplines that human social,
political and economic institutions and behavior are inextricably interwoven.
Through fulfillment of the Area D requirement, students will develop an
understanding of problems and issues from the respective disciplinary
perspectives and will examine issues in their contemporary as well as historical
settings and in a variety of cultural contexts. Students will explore the principles,
methodologies, value systems and ethics employed in social scientific inquiry.
Courses that emphasize skills development and professional preparation are
excluded from Area D.
Social and Behavioral Sciences IGETC Standards 2.4
The pattern of coursework completed shall ensure opportunities for students to
develop understanding of the perspectives and research methods of the social and
behavioral sciences. Problems and issues in these areas should be examined in
their contemporary, historical, and geographical settings. Students who have
completed this requirement shall have been exposed to a pattern of coursework
designed to help them gain an understanding and appreciation of the contributions
and perspectives of men, women and of ethnic and other minorities and a
comparative perspective on both Western and non-Western societies. The material
should be presented from a theoretical point of view and focus on core concepts
and methods of the discipline rather than on personal, practical, or applied
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 40
CSU GE Breadth
Area D
Area 4
Social Sciences
students explore the principles,
methodologies, value systems, and
ethics employed in social scientific
students learn how to practice social
science, and not just understand what
social scientists have concluded
course leads to a broad understanding of
social science, and not just the
discipline within it
students are learning more than pre-
professional skills
at the extreme, courses proposed for GE
social science can look too much like
training for careers in criminal justice or
social work, with learning objectives
different from those of GE
Social and Behavioral Sciences
students develop understanding of the
perspectives and research methods of
the social and behavioral sciences
problems and issues examined in
contemporary, historical, and
geographical settings
comparative perspective on both
Western and non-Western societies
material presented from a theoretical
point of view and focuses on core
concepts and methods of the discipline
rather than on personal, practical, or
applied aspects
students gain basic knowledge of the
cultural and social organizations in
which they exist as well as the behavior
and social organization of their human
study of perspectives that have been
made by men and women, and members
of various ethnic or cultural groups
Administration of Justice courses
accepted if focus is on core concepts of
social and behavioral sciences
Special cases in Social and Behavioral Science Research Methodology:
A growing number of CCCs propose courses such as “Research Methods in
Psychology” or “Research Methods in Sociology” to satisfy both GE transfer
requirements in social science, and major requirements for ADTs. Reviewers have
found that for such courses to meet GE criteria, the challenge is often to “rise
above technique,” to develop the student’s analytical capacity and understanding
of social science in ways that would be useful to any educated citizen and
transferable to many walks of life in addition to those of professional social
scientists. Such courses often cover disciplinary fundamentals in addition to
statistical techniques, but unless the course outlines state both explicitly, it is
unlikely to be approved for Area 4 or D.
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September 2023 41
Courses that meet the learning objectives of Area E draw on findings from the biological,
behavioral, and social sciences to study humans from psychological, sociological, and
physiological perspectives.
Lifelong Learning and Self-Development CSU General Education Breadth
This requirement is designed to equip learners for lifelong understanding and
development of themselves as integrated physiological, social, and psychological
beings. Physical activity may be included, if it is an integral part of the study
elements described herein.
Content may include topics such as student success strategies, human behavior,
sexuality, nutrition, physical and mental health, stress management, information
literacy, social relationships and relationships with the environment, as well as
implications of death and dying or avenues for lifelong learning. Courses in this
area shall focus on the development of skills, abilities and dispositions.
There is no IGETC Counterpart to Area E. Students using the IGETC pattern to meet
their lower-division GE before transfer to the CSU are exempt from this systemwide
Military Service Credit Credit for Prior Learning
Credit for Prior Learning Policy requires CSU campuses to evaluate prior learning,
provide credit where appropriate, and shorten the time to academic objective accordingly.
Completion of basic military training (boot camp) may be used to satisfy Area E in the
university’s general education requirements.
Completed military courses and the schools at which the work was completed must be
documented on the veteran’s Joint Services Transcripts (JST) or Community College of
the Air Force (CCAF) transcripts. All CSU campuses have elected to honor CSU GE
Breadth transfer certifications that clear Area E Lifelong Learning and Self-Development
for completion of basic training as indicated on a JST or CCAF transcript.
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CSU GE Breadth
Area E
Lifelong Learning and Self-Development
With the exception of courses in physical activity (detailed below), reviewers expect
courses in Area E to include three kinds of inquiry: sociological, physiological, and
Courses should address all three areas for more than a few years of a human
lifespan. The course content does not need to extend from cradle to grave, but study
should include more than the collegiate years, early childhood experience, or the
octogenarian experience, in order to provide the breadth expected of general
Courses that focus on a single learning skill (e.g., library use, computer literary,
college skills, or first aid training) are not appropriate for GE.
In this context, the relationships between an individual and broader society.
The human body as an integrated organism with systemic functions such as
movement, nutrition, growth, reproduction, and aging.
The study of the mental processes that create consciousness, behavior, emotions,
and intelligence.
Note: Courses in personal finance are no longer considered for CSU Area E. Personal
Finance courses that are currently approved for Area E had their CSU Breadth GE status
removed effective fall 2018. CCCs may submit revised personal finance courses for Subarea
B4 Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning consideration during the yearly CSU GE Breadth
review period.
Physical Activity
Physical activity courses (except for special-topics or directed studies courses) are
acceptable in Area E.
Students may not complete Area E using only physical activity courses.
Participating institutions are asked to limit the number of physical-activity units
they count when certifying a student for Area E.
Area E Certification: CCCs may offer a three-semester-unit course in tennis and
qualify it for Area E. A CCC cannot apply all three units to a student’s Area E
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Ethnic Studies CSU General Education Breadth
Effective Fall 2021, revisions to CSU General Education Breadth Requirements describe
all CSU GE area requirements, including the newly established Area F Ethnic Studies.
To be approved for this requirement, courses shall have the following course prefixes:
African American, Asian American, Latina/o American or Native American Studies.
Similar course prefixes (e.g., Pan-African Studies, American Indian Studies, Ethnic
Studies) shall also meet this requirement. Courses without ethnic studies prefixes may
meet this requirement if cross-listed with a course with an ethnic studies prefix.
Area F Ethnic Studies
This lower-division, 3 semester (4 quarter) unit requirement fulfills Education Code
Section 89032. The requirement to take a 3 semester (4 quarter) unit course in Area F
shall not be waived or substituted.
To be approved for this requirement, courses shall have the following course prefixes:
African American, Asian American, Latina/o American or Native American Studies.
Similar course prefixes (e.g., Pan-African Studies, American Indian Studies, Ethnic
Studies) shall also meet this requirement. Courses without ethnic studies prefixes may
meet this requirement if cross-listed with a course with an ethnic studies prefix.
Courses that are approved to meet this requirement shall meet at least 3 of the 5
following core competencies. Campuses may add additional competencies to those
1. Analyze and articulate concepts such as race and racism, racialization, ethnicity,
equity, ethno-centrism, eurocentrism, white supremacy, self-determination,
liberation, decolonization, sovereignty, imperialism, settler colonialism, and anti-
racism as analyzed in any one or more of the following: Native American Studies,
African American Studies, Asian American Studies, and Latina and Latino
American Studies.
2. Apply theory and knowledge produced by Native American, African American,
Asian American, and/or Latina and Latino American communities to describe the
critical events, histories, cultures, intellectual traditions, contributions, lived-
experiences and social struggles of those groups with a particular emphasis on
agency and group-affirmation.
3. Critically analyze the intersection of race and racism as they relate to class,
gender, sexuality, religion, spirituality, national origin, immigration status, ability,
tribal citizenship, sovereignty, language, and/or age in Native American, African
American, Asian American, and/or Latina and Latino American communities.
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4. Critically review how struggle, resistance, racial and social justice, solidarity, and
liberation, as experienced and enacted by Native Americans, African Americans,
Asian Americans and/or Latina and Latino Americans are relevant to current and
structural issues such as communal, national, international, and transnational
politics as, for example, in immigration, reparations, settler-colonialism,
multiculturalism, language policies.
5. Describe and actively engage with anti-racist and anti-colonial issues and the
practices and movements in Native American, African American, Asian
American and/or Latina and Latino communities to build a just and equitable
IGETC AREA 7 IGETC Standards 2.4
UC’s definition of the Ethnic Studies Core Competencies requirement:
(1 course: 3 semester or 4 quarter units)
To be approved for the ethnic studies requirement, community college courses shall have
the following course prefixes: African American, Asian American, Latina/o/x American,
or Native American Studies (which reflect the specific named populations centered in
ethnic studies, hereinafter referred to as the “Populations”). Similar fields and course
prefixes (e.g., Black Studies, African Diaspora Studies, Pan African Studies, American
Indian Studies, Indigenous Studies, Asian American & Asian Diaspora Studies, Asian
American and Pacific Islander Studies, Chicana/o/x Studies, Latina/o/x Studies, Critical
Race and Ethnic Studies) shall also meet this requirement. Courses without ethnic studies
prefixes may meet this requirement if cross-listed with a course with an ethnic studies
prefix. Courses that are approved to meet this requirement shall meet at least 3 of the 5
following core competencies.
1. Analyze and articulate concepts such as race and racism, racialization, ethnicity,
equity, ethnocentrism, eurocentrism, white supremacy, antiblackness, racial
capitalism, self-determination, liberation, decolonization, sovereignty,
imperialism, settler colonialism, exploitation colonialism, xenophobia,
intersectionality, and antiracism as studied in any one or more of the
abovementioned fields.
2. Apply theory and knowledge produced by the above-mentioned Populations to
understand the critical events, histories, cultures, intellectual traditions,
contributions, lived experiences and social struggles of those groups with a
particular emphasis on subjection or subject formation, agency and group
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3. Critically analyze the intersection of race and racism as they relate to class,
gender, sexuality, religion, spirituality, national origin, immigration status, ability,
tribal citizenship, sovereignty, language, and/or age in the communities of the
abovementioned Populations.
4. Critically situated, in historical context, how struggle, resistance, racial and social
justice, solidarity, and liberation, as experienced and enacted by the above-
mentioned Populations are relevant to current and structural issues at the local,
national, international, and transnational levels. Such issues may include, for
example, immigration, reparations, settler colonialism, multiculturalism, and
language policies.
5. Describe and engage with anti-racist, abolitionist, and anti-colonial thought,
issues, practices, and movements in communities of the above-mentioned
Populations seeking a more just and equitable society.
CCC courses for Area 7:
1. CCC courses for Area 7 could be written with both CSU and UC Ethnic
Studies Core Competencies requirements in mind, but the courses must meet
either the CSU or UC Ethnic Studies Core Competencies requirement.
2. A course meeting the CSU Ethnic Studies Core Competencies requirement
will be deemed to have met the UC Ethnic Studies Core Competencies
requirement. Similarly, a course meeting the UC Ethnic Studies Core
Competencies requirement will be deemed to have met the CSU Ethnic
Studies Core Competencies requirement.
Language Other Than English (LOTE) IGETC Standards 2.4
Students must demonstrate proficiency in a language other than English equal to
two years or the second level of high school instruction. Students who satisfied
the UC freshman entrance requirement in a language other than English (LOTE)
have already fulfilled this requirement.
For students who did not meet the LOTE requirement in high school, they may
fulfill IGETC Area 6A by completing a college course/courses, or by demonstrating
proficiency in one of several other available methods. Language courses must
provide instruction in the written and oral language as well as history and cultural
traditions of the country associated with the language studied. Languages other than
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 46
English for Native Speakers are also acceptable for meeting this requirement.
Courses that are primarily conversational (content cannot be primarily for business
or travel-oriented language instruction) must have as a prerequisite a course
equivalent to the third year/third level of high school instruction or one year of
college level instruction in the language to be acceptable.
There is no CSU GE Breadth counterpart to Area 6A. Students using the CSU GE
Breadth pattern to meet their lower-division GE before transfer to the CSU are exempted
from this systemwide requirement.
Area 6A
Language Other than English (LOTE)
Equal to two years or the second level of high school instruction
Language courses must provide instruction in the written and oral language as well
as history and cultural traditions of the country associated with the language
Languages other than English for Native Speakers are also acceptable for meeting
this requirement.
Courses that are primarily conversational (content cannot be primarily for business
or travel-oriented language instruction) must have as a prerequisite a course
equivalent to the third year/third level of high school instruction or one year of
college level instruction in the language to be acceptable.
Courses approved for this area are deemed “proficiency,” (i.e., equivalent to two years’
high school foreign language). This means that language courses above this level could in
theory have a strong enough cultural component to qualify under Area C2 in CSU GE
Breadth or Area 3B in IGETC.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 47
CSU Graduation Requirements in United States History, Constitution and
American Ideals
Establishes for all CSU students a separate graduation requirement in United States
History, Constitution and American Ideals (informally abbreviated “American
Institutions” or “AI”). As with lower-division general education, transfer students may
fulfill six units in American Institutions coursework before or after matriculating to the
CSU. Typically, students take courses that count for both AI and GE.
U.S History, Constitution, and American Ideals
The CSU’s Graduation Requirements in United States History, Constitution and
American Ideals are established in (Executive Order 1061), separately from the areas of
CSU GE Breadth. EO 1061 implements Title 5 Section 40404 of California’s Code of
Regulations, which calls for study in three areas:
1. The historical development of American institutions and ideals (Area US-1),
2. The Constitution of the United States and the operation of representative
democratic government under that Constitution (Area US-2), and
3. The process of California state and local government (Area US-3).
While Executive Order 1061 does not set a unit or course minimum for these areas, it’s
unusual for a single course to adequately address all three. Instead, participating CCC
submit a sequence of courses – typically including courses from their history and/or
political science departments that together meet the graduation requirement in
American Institutions.
Following the Graduation Requirements in United States History, Constitution and
American Ideals, reviewers use these criteria for each of the three areas:
Area US-1: American History
Students are expected to learn significant events from U.S. history, as follows:
covering a minimum time span of approximately 100 years
occurring in the entire area now included in the United States of America
including the relationships of regions within that area and with external
regions and powers
the role of major ethnic and social groups
the “continuity of the American experience” (i.e., not a string of isolated
events) and its derivation from other cultures, including study of politics,
economics, social movements, and/or geography (at least three of the four)
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 48
Area US-2: The U.S. Constitution
Course outlines should reflect content that teaches:
the political philosophies of the framers of the Constitution
the operation of United States political process and institutions under the U.S.
the rights and obligations of individual citizens in the political system
established under the Constitution
Area US-3: California State and Local Government
Courses in this area will address:
the Constitution of the State of California
the nature and processes of California state and local government
the relationships between the U.S government and California’s state and local
Notice that these criteria are extremely detailed. Good courses are often turned down, as
reviewers must consider not only their quality but also how closely they meet these exact
criteria, as set by administrative law and CSU policy.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 49
Common Examples of Corrections Needed to Align Courses with CSU GE Breadth
and IGETC Criteria
All GE Areas
This outline contains insufficient detail in the content section for reviewers to
determine how the course meets the area requirements.
Outlines submitted for CSU GE or IGETC course approval must be in English.
The course is primarily a skills course or focused on the development of technique
and is not appropriate for general education.
The title does not match the course description or course content in the course
The elements of the course outline do not appear to fit together as a cohesive, focused
course. There appears to be a disconnect between the course objectives and the
course content.
Courses proposed for IGETC must have a minimum unit value of 3-semester or 4-
quarter units.
Textbook information should include the date of publication.
The texts appear to be outdated. At least one textbook must have been published
within the past 7 years or identified as a “classic text” or “discipline classic.”
Outlines with texts more than 7 years old may be denied if more recently published
texts are appropriate and readily available.
Incorrect lecture or lab hours per term on COR.
Variable-topics courses (or directed-studies courses) are not accepted for IGETC or
Oral Communication
Course outline must explicitly state and include faculty-supervised, faculty-evaluated
practice in oral communication presented in front of other listeners.
Rhetorical principles must be covered (study of effective communication in formal
speeches or social interaction is appropriate, for example).
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September 2023 50
Common Examples (continued)
Written Communication
Courses in this area must be conducted in English.
A revised outline should specify the approximate total number of words (counting
only final drafts) that students are expected to write and should specify writing
assignments required in class and outside the classroom.
Courses in news writing and reporting are excluded from Area A2.
This course focuses on the development of students’ creative writing skills and
techniques rather than the development of expository writing, which emphasizes
form, content, context, and effectiveness of communication.
Courses designed exclusively for skills development cannot be counted toward
fulfillment of the English composition requirement, whether they are in the CCC or
in the CSU.
Critical Thinking, Critical Thinking and Composition
The content section of the outline does not provide enough detail to determine
whether all elements of critical thinking required by CSU GE policy for Subarea A3
are present (e.g., whether students will be able to advocate ideas effectively and to
reason inductively and deductively).
Course does not appear to include sufficient explicit instruction and practice in
inductive and deductive reasoning or identifying formal and informal fallacies of
language and thought.
Literary criticism courses are typically not accepted in Area A3.
Area 1B courses must include evaluation of information.
Scientific Inquiry, Physical and Biological Sciences
B1/5A and B2/5B
Course emphasizes professional applications of chemistry rather than science as an
investigative tool; it does not address sufficiently the principles, theories, and
methodology of chemistry.
The course emphasizes technical skills rather than the scientific principles and
theories of physical or cultural geography, it is appropriate for neither Area 5A nor
Area 4.
Science courses should cover basic scientific principles and not just include
memorization of facts or skills practice.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 51
Common Examples (continued)
Laboratory Science
Lecture-and-Lab science outlines should distinguish and delineate the lecture content
from lab activity for approval in this area.
A lab manual is required for courses in this area, and none is listed on the course
Laboratory course is acceptable in Area B3/Area 5C only if the corresponding lecture
is adopted as its pre- or co-requisite.
Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning, Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative
This course is remedial work in quantitative reasoning or the first part of “stretch,”
co-requisite, or pathway portion of a quantitative reasoning course and is not
acceptable for CSU GE Breadth or IGETC.
This statistics course lacks conceptual or computational skills in basic inferential
statistical methods, probability as it relates to statistical inference, or attention to
statistical literacy.
Remedial work in mathematics, defined as work in topics from arithmetic, beginning
and intermediate algebra, high school geometry, or trigonometry if taught as a
separate course are not acceptable for CSU GE Breadth or IGETC.
Performance and studio classes may be credited toward satisfaction of this subject
area only if they include substantial integration of history, theory, and criticism.
Strong focus on technical and performance skills precludes its acceptance in Subarea
C1/Area 3A.
This course appears to be for Art majors, not general education students and is thus
denied for general education.
Courses for native (heritage) speakers must emphasize culture and cultural readings
in the language rather than a focus on grammar and written language skills
Children’s literature courses that appear to focus too heavily on how to select books
for children and how to read them to children, rather than on learning and applying
the techniques of literary analysis and criticism to literature written for children.
Course focuses on the development of students’ creative writing skills and techniques
rather than the critical analysis of literary genres.
Mass communication/mass media courses are unlikely to be accepted in IGETC Area
Strong focus on skills and techniques precludes it from being accepted for Subarea
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 52
Common Examples (continued)
Social Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Area D/4
Course emphasizes the application of social scientific findings in an occupationally
oriented context, rather than principles, theories, and methods of social science.
The course appears to be devoted to career-oriented preparation, rather than social
scientific concepts, theories, and methods.
Course appears to concentrate on the development of students' communication skills
rather than on social scientific principles, theories, and research methods.
The course outline does not make clear how sociological concepts, theories, and
methodology underlie the examination of marriage and the family as social
Lifelong Learning and Self-Development
Area E
Attention to the integration of physiological, psychological, and social considerations
does not appear to be sufficient; most of the course appears to be devoted to library
Courses that teach specific job skills are not considered appropriate for Area E.
Course does not appear to integrate physiological, psychological, and sociological
study to a sufficient extent to qualify for Area E.
The course is missing the three kinds of inquiry required for Area E: sociological,
physiological, and psychological.
Courses should address all three areas of inquiry for more than a few years of a
human lifespan.
Child development courses may qualify for Area E if they integrate physiological,
psychological, and sociological study beyond adolescence.
This course does not expand beyond the college years as a GE course. Lifelong
learning, physiological, social, and psychological integration is not the purpose of
this course.
Although there is some mention of "behavior" in the outline, the extent to which the
course integrates psychological and socio-cultural considerations with its
physiological content is not clear.
Course has some topics that draw clearly on findings and principles of psychology
and sociology, it hardly touches on physiological (e.g., health) considerations and
appears to be devoted to too great an extent to college-specific material and
educational planning.
This is a pre-professional training course.
This is a single learning skill course and not appropriate for GE.
Courses in Area E must not focus on a single learning skill (e.g., library use,
computer literacy, or first aid).
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 53
Common Examples (continued)
Ethnic Studies
Area F
Proposed course does not have an ethnic studies-related prefix (e.g., HIST 200
History of African Americans in the US would not be approved; unless it was cross-
listed with an approved course from ethnic studies).
Course must have an Ethnic Studies prefix.
To be approved for this requirement, courses shall have the following course
prefixes: African American, Asian American, Latina/o American or Native American
Studies. Similar course prefixes (e.g., Pan-African Studies, American Indian Studies,
Chicana/o Studies, Ethnic Studies) shall also meet this requirement.
At least 3 of 5 CSU core competencies for Ethnic Studies are not clearly stated in
course objectives or SLOs.
Course does not have a special focus on one or the four historically defined racialized
core groups: Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latina
and Latino Americans.
The course is not focused on the four historically defined racialized core groups.
The course does not focus on ethnic studies foundations, concepts, and theories.
Course content does not have a clear focus on ethnic studies frameworks and
No clear focus on Ethnic Studies throughout course (e.g., description, objectives or
SLOs, content, college-level assignments, and current textbooks, readings,
The course description and content appear more focused on sociology not Ethnic
Studies. What will students learn about Ethnic Studies?
Course textbooks and readings do not include Ethnic Studies references or classics.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 54
American Institutions
US-1: It is not clear if the course content covers a minimum time span of
approximately 100 years.
US-1: Course does not include enough attention to the major ethnic and social groups
in the United States.
US-1: The outline does not indicate a strong enough focus on the requirements
outlined in the Guiding Notes because it does not address: "the role of major ethnic
and social groups" and "the continuity of the American experience" (i.e., not a string
of isolated events).
US-1: The course content appears to focus largely on the American Southwest, not
the entire area now comprising the United States.
US-2: The course content section of the outline does not address the political
philosophies of the framers of the U.S. Constitution.
US-2: Course does not devote a significant amount of time to the study of the U.S.
US-3: This COR is very unclear as to what or how students learn about California
state and local government topics required for US-3.
US-3: Course does not include significant California state and local government
US-1, US-2, and US-3: It is unusual and highly unlikely for a single GE course to
adequately address all three areas with significant attention to the required topics.
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 55
These notes are available online at
The documents cited in these Guiding Notes are those in effect as of September 2023.
Readers are encouraged to refer to online sources, as these references are often revised or
Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum, CSU General Education
Breadth, and American Institutions
IGETC Standards Version 2.4
CSU General Education Breadth Requirements (December 2020)
CSU Graduation Requirements in United States History Constitution and
American Ideals
Curriculum and Articulation in California
ASSIST Resource Center
ASSIST Tutorials
California Community Colleges and Districts
CCC Program and Course Approval Handbook, 8
CCC Transfer Counselor Website
Community College Catalogs
Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)
CSU Area F Ethnic Studies Rubric
The Course Outline of Record: A Curriculum Reference Guide Revisited
Guiding Notes for General Education Course Review
September 2023 56
Transferability of Baccalaureate-Level Coursework
CSU Transfer of Credit
Baccalaureate-Level Courses (ASCSU May 1997)