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Question 6
In an
attempt to rescue a small isolated population of snakes from decline, a few male snakes from several
larger populations of the same species were introduced into the population in 1992. The snakes reproduce
sexually, and there are abundant resources in the environment.
The figure below shows the results of a study of the snake population, both before and after the
introduction of the outside males. In the study, the numbers of captured snakes is an indication of the
overall population size.
(a) D
escribe ONE characteristic of the original population that may have led to the population's
decline in size between 1989 and 1993.
Description (1 point)
Lacked genetic diversity/variation
Was an aged/post-reproductive population/not enough young snakes
Had unfavorable sex ratio/too few males
Possessed a harmful mutation/disease
(b) Propose ONE reason that the introduction of the outside males rescued the snake population
from decline.
Proposal (1 point)
Increased genetic diversity in the population
Increased reproductive success
Established beneficial sex ratio/sufficient proportion of males for reproduction
Introduced resistance to disease that was affecting the original population
(c) Describe how the data support the statement that there are abundant resources in the
Description (1 point)
Population can/does grow
If resources are limited population would not grow
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©2015 The College Board.
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©2015 The College Board.
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©2015 The College Board.
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©2015 The College Board.
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©2015 The College Board.
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Question 6
Question 6 was written to the following Learning Objectives in the AP
Biology Curriculum Framework: 1.5,
3.28, 4.19, and 4.26.
This question focused on possible evolutionary mechanisms underlying changes in population size. Students
were presented with a graph representing changes in the size of a small, isolated population of snakes before
and after the introduction of outside males. Students were asked to use the data to describe one
characteristic of the original population that led to the population decline. Students were then asked to
propose a reason to explain how the introduction of snakes from an outside population rescued the
population from decline. Finally, students were asked to use the data to support the claim that the snake
population inhabited an area with abundant resources over the entire course of the study.
Sample: 6A
Score: 3
The response earned 1 point in part (a) for describing that limited genetic variation of the original population
may have led to the decline of the population.
The response earned 1 point in part (b) for proposing that the introduced males increased genetic variation
and could have rescued the population from decline.
The response earned 1 point in part (c) for supporting the presence of abundant resources by describing that
the population is growing.
Sample: 6B
Score: 2
The re
sponse earned 1 point in part (a) for describing that the original population may have been very
unbalanced in terms of gender and had significantly fewer males.
The re
sponse earned 1 point in part (b) for proposing that the introduced males balanced out the male-to-
female ratio and could have rescued the population from decline.
Sample: 6C
Score: 1
The r
esponse earned 1 point in part (b) for proposing that the introduction of outside males could have
introduced favorable alleles into the population.
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Visit the College Board on the Web: www.collegeboard.org.