The Origin of Species
Revised March 2018
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The Origin of Species:
Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree
Film Guide
Educator Materials
Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree is one of three films in HHMI’s Origin of Species collection. This film describes how
the more than 700 islands of the Caribbean are home to about 150 species of anoles, a closely related group of
lizards (genus Anolis) that occupy diverse habitats and niches. Research on these lizards is enriching our
understanding of evolutionary processes, such as adaptation by natural selection, convergent evolution, and the
formation of new speciesand it is helping to illuminate how and why there are so many different kinds of living
organisms on Earth.
A. An adaptation is a structure or function that confers greater ability to survive and reproduce in a particular
B. Islands are good natural laboratories for scientists to conduct experiments on the role of natural selection in
driving adaptations in populations because they are isolated and have relatively simple ecosystems.
C. Microevolution refers to evolutionary changes or adaptations that occur within populations, and
macroevolution refers to changes leading to the formation of new species.
D. The biological definition of a species is a group of interbreeding individuals that are reproductively, and thus
genetically, isolated from other groups.
E. When two groups within one species become geographically isolatedseparated by a physical barrier, such
as a river, canyon, or mountain rangegenetic changes in one group will not be shared with members of the
other, and vice versa. Over many generations, the two groups diverge as their traits change in different ways.
F. For two groups to become distinct species, traits must change in ways that will keep members of each group
reproductively isolatedmeaning that they will not mate or produce fertile offspring with members of the
other groupeven if they come to be in the same geographic location.
G. DNA sequence comparisons among different populations and species allow scientists to determine how
distantly related different species are and how long ago they shared a common ancestor.
H. Organisms in different evolutionary lineages can independently evolve similar traits as a result of adapting to
similar environments or ecological niches, a process known as convergent evolution.
I. One reason there has been and continue to be so many different species on Earth is that there are so many
different types of habitats and niches.
Figure 1. Diverse anoles share common features.
Anolis cristatellus is a common anole species found
in Puerto Rico. It has a colorful flap of skin under its
throat that it uses to communicate. All but two of
the nearly 150 known species of Caribbean anoles
have this flap. These species live in diverse habitats
and vary greatly in size and other obvious physical
features such as leg and tail length. (Photo courtesy
of Luke Mahler, University of California, Davis.)
The Origin of Species
Revised March 2018
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Film Guide
Educator Materials
Curriculum Connection
NGSS (2013)
LS2.A, LS3.B, LS4.B, LS4.C
AP Bio (2015)
1.A.1, 1.A.2, 1.A.4, 1.B.2, 1.C.1, 1.C.2
IB Bio (2016)
5.1, 5.4, C.1
AP Env Sci (2013)
IB Env Systems and Societies (2017)
Common Core (2010)
ELA.RST.9-12.4, WHST.6-12.9, MP2
Vision and Change (2009)
CC1, CC5
Students should
have a basic understanding of natural selection, evolution, and adaptation;
be familiar with the concept that organisms fill specific niches in their environments; and
know that genes and their respective traits are inherited and that some traits provide organisms with a
reater chance to survive and reproduce.
The film may be viewed in its entirety or paused at specific points to review content with students. The table
below lists suggested pause points, indicating the beginning and end times in minutes in the film.
Content Description
Review Questions
Anole lizard species living in different habitats have
different body types.
An adaptation is a structure or function that confers
greater ability to survive and reproduce in a particular
Differences in leg length and toe pad size are adaptations
that enable anoles to live successfully in different habitats.
In what environment is
long leg length an
advantage for a lizard?
Why have anoles
evolved different toe
Experiments in the Bahamas reveal that frequency of traits
in an anole population can change within a few
generations when the environment changes.
Does evolution happen
quickly or slowly? Does
it happen at the level of
the individual or the
Two groups of individuals are defined as different species
when members of one group do not interbreed with
members of the other group. Reproductive isolation can
result in speciation.
Different anole species have different dewlaps, which they
use for courtship and defining territory. Changes in certain
traits result in reproductive isolation and speciation.
Microevolution refers to evolutionary changes or
daptations that occur within populations, and
macroevolution refers to changes leading to the formation
of new species.
Once new species are formed, competition drives the
evolution of different body types. On the four major islands
of the Caribbean, anoles living in the same habitat have the
same basic body type.
What is the definition of
a species?
How does speciation
Why is a change in
wlap considered an
important step in the
formation of new anole
What is the difference
etween microevolution
and macroevolution?
The Origin of Species
Revised March 2018
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Film Guide
Educator Materials
“[W]e can clearly understand why analogical or adaptive character, although of the utmost importance to the
welfare of the being, are almost valueless to the systematist. For animals, belonging to two most distinct lines of
descent, may have become adapted to similar conditions, and thus assume a close external resemblance.”
Charles Darwin (1859)
In this excerpt from On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin reasoned that when species with different
evolutionary histories occupy similar habitats and are exposed to similar environmental conditions (e.g., climate,
food, and interactions with other species), they are likely to evolve similar traits due to natural selection. The
phenomenon is known today as convergent evolution: the independent evolution of similar features in organisms
belonging to different evolutionary lineages.
The HHMI short film The Origin of Species: Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree follows Harvard University evolutionary
biologist Jonathan Losos and his colleagues as they study the convergent evolution of lizards called anoles that
live in the grasses, bushes, and trees on the islands in the Caribbean. On different islands, similar traits have
evolved again and again as different populations of lizards adapted to similar environments. The film presents
many factors that play into the evolution of the anoles, including natural selection, sexual selection, and genetic
Losos has been studying the ecology and evolutionary biology of anoles for almost 30 years and has published
over 125 scientific papers on this work. Much of his
research focuses on the anoles that live on the
larger Caribbean islands, including Puerto Rico,
Jamaica, Cuba, and Hispaniola (see Figure 2).
Species that are closely related have very few differences
in their DNA; distantly related species have more
differences in their DNA.
In a phylogenetic tree, a node represents a common
DNA sequencing data indicates that lizards on each island
tend to be more closely related to each other than to
similar species on other islands, indicating that the same
types of anoles evolved independently on different islands.
Evolution can repeat itself in similar habitats.
Each habitat offers different ways to survive. One reason
there have been and continue to be so many different
species on Earth is that there are so many different types
of habitats and niches.
How did each island end
up with each of the four
anole body types?
What evidence indicates
that the same types of
anoles evolved
independently on
different islands?
Figure 2. Caribbean islands are home to the anoles. The
anole species featured in the film live on the islands of
Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola (which comprises Haiti and
the Dominican Republic), and Puerto Rico.
(Reproduced with permission from Losos, J. Lizards in
an Evolutionary Tree. UC Press, 2011).
The Origin of Species: Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree
The Origin of Species
Revised March 2018
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Film Guide
Educator Materials
Species of Caribbean anoles can be categorized into six groups according to their body characteristics
(morphology) and the ecological niches they occupy. The groups are referred to as ecological morphotypes, or
ecomorphs. For example, in the film we first meet the grass-bush anoles, which live on grass and small bushes.
These anoles are small and have long legs and strikingly long tails that help them balance on thin branches and
blades of grass.
Table 1 below lists the six anole ecomorphs found in the Caribbean islands and their body features. (Note that the
film only discusses four of the ecomorphs: the crown-giant, trunk-ground, twig, and grass-bush anoles. Not all of
the four larger Caribbean islands have species of lizards belonging to each of the six ecomorph categories.)
Table 1: Six Ecomorphs of Anole Lizards Found on the Caribbean Islands
Body length
Limb length
Toe pad
Tail length
130-191 mm
High trunks and
44-84 mm
Very large
branches, leaves
40-58 mm
41-80 mm
Very short
Narrow twigs
55-79 mm
Lower trunk and
33-51 mm
Very long
Bush and grasses
*Lamellae are scales found on the lizards’ toe pads. In general, the greater the number of lamellae, the larger the
toe pad.
The body features of the six ecomorphs are adaptations that enable the lizards to be successful in their particular
habitats. (See Figure 3 for an illustration of the habitats the different types of lizards inhabit.) For example, Losos
shows in the film how the long legs of the trunk-ground anoles enable them to move faster on the ground than
the short-legged twig anoles. The long-legged adaptation helps the trunk-ground anoles not only catch prey on
the ground but also avoid predators that live in their habitats. However, when placed in the habitat of the twig
anoles, where twig anoles can move easily with their short legs, the trunk-ground anoles are clumsy. Losos also
illustrates how the canopy anoles, with their large toe pads, are adapted to living on leaf surfaces in the canopy.
Figure 3. Anoles occupy a variety of ecological niches.
Different types of anole lizards have evolved adaptations that
enable them to be successful in different ecological niches
different parts of trees, grasses, and bushes. The figure shows
the six ecomorphs of anole lizards found in the Caribbean islands
in their respective habitats. (Reproduced with permission from
Losos, J. Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree. UC Press, 2011).
The Origin of Species: Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree
The Origin of Species
Revised March 2018
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Film Guide
Educator Materials
More than 400 species of anoles have been described worldwide, and about 150 of them are found on the
Caribbean islands. In the Caribbean, the number of species on any particular island is roughly related to its size.
Cuba, the largest island, has 63 species, and Hispaniola, the second largest, has 41. Many of the species on each
island fall into one of the six ecomorphs listed below in Table 2. Note that not all the islands have species that
belong to each of the six ecomorphs.
Table 2: Ecomorphs Found on Each Caribbean Island
Puerto Rico
Figure 4. Each species of anole belongs to one of six different body types.
Anole species in the Caribbean belong to one of six ecomorphs: crown-
giant, trunk-crown, trunk-ground, trunk, twig, and grass-bush. Anolis
ophiolepis on the left is a grass-bush anole found in Cuba. It has a very long
tail that helps it balance on blades of grass and thin twigs. Anolis sagrei
below is a trunk-ground anole found on the island of Hispaniola. It has long
legs that enable it to run to catch prey on the ground and escape from
predators. (Photos courtesy of Luke Mahler, University of California, Davis.)
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Film Guide
Educator Materials
Two explanations for why similar ecomorph classes would be found on each of the different islands are possible.
One hypothesis is that each type of anole evolved on one of the islands and then migrated to the other islands,
where they found similar habitats; over time they speciated and maintained the same body type. Given this
hypothesis, you would predict that DNA analysis would reveal, for example, that the crown-giant anoles on all of
the islands are more closely related to each other than they are to the grass-bush, trunk-ground, and twig anoles
on the same island.
An alternative hypothesis is that the ecomorphs evolved repeatedly and independently on each island. A
prediction based on this hypothesis is that the anoles on each island would be more closely related to each other
than they would be to their ecomorphs on other islands. This is what Jonathan Losos and colleagues have
generally found to be the case.
When they examined DNA sequences from dozens of species of Caribbean anoles, they found that in general,
species on the same island tend to be more closely related to one another than to species with similar body types
found on different islands. This suggests that the same adaptations evolved independently in different anole
populations on each of the islands.
The phylogenetic tree shown in the film is a simplified version of the entire result Losos and colleagues obtained,
summarized in Figure 5 below. The common ancestor of all anole species probably came from the mainland and
established populations of lizards on different islands.
Figure 5. Lizard phylogenetic tree. Groups of related species that include a common ancestor and all the descendants (living and
extinct) of that ancestor are referred to as clades. In this illustration, horizontal black lines connect clades on different islands.
The island clades were established either by overwater dispersal or by ancient geological connections among islands. Colored
lines represent the four islands. For ease of presentation, the Jamaican clade (J) and Puerto Rican clades (P1, P2, and P3) are
shown separately. They fit into the phylogeny at the positions marked. The data show that in general, species on each island are
more closely related to each other than to species on other islands with few exceptions. For example, some species of lizards in
Puerto Rico are more closely related to species in Hispaniola than to other species in Puerto Rico; this suggests that on rare
occasions some lizard populations migrated from one island to another, perhaps carried there by hurricanes. (Image reproduced
with permission from Losos, B.J. and Ricklefs, R.E. Adaptation and diversification on islands. 2009. Nature 457:834.)
The Origin of Species
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Film Guide
Educator Materials
Once ancestral populations were established on each island, lizard populations independently multiplied and
diversified into the many species that exist today. This conclusion is consistent with the fact that in general most
anole species on each island share a more recent common ancestor with each other than with lizard species from
other islands. There are, however, some exceptions, which can be explained by a few interisland migration
While Charles Darwin could not have analyzed DNA among species, he observed that “animals, belonging to two
most distinct lines of descent, may readily become adapted to similar conditions, and thus assume a close
external resemblance.” Over 150 years later, Losos and his team have shown that indeed the forces of natural
selection can be so intense that the same traits can evolve again and again, resulting in repeated occupation of
habitats on each Caribbean island by anoles.
Physical differences among anole species, for example in tails, limb proportions, and toe-pad size, evolved as a
result of natural selection in different environments. But how did different anole populations come to occupy
different habitats in the first place, evolve these adaptations, and start on the path toward speciation?
One very important force for niche specialization is competition for limited resources, such as food. When
competition for resources is intense, there is positive selection for traits that favor the populations partitioning
the environment. The anoles, for example, have moved into various habitats ranging from the grasses and bushes
to the leaves in the forest canopy. Over many generations, natural selection favors those traits among individuals
that enable the populations to live more successfully in their different environments. By specializing in a particular
niche, each population can accrue a host of adaptations that enable them to better avoid predation, more easily
find mates, procure food not available to other populations, and even find shelter.
The different niches may not be completely separated from each other. For example, the habitats of the twig
anole and the canopy anole overlap high up in the trees, but when the two species encounter each other, they do
not mate. Therefore, adaptations that foster niche exploitation alone are not sufficient for speciation to occur. In
addition to those adaptations, traits that prevent mating and reproducing must also change.
In the film, Jonathan Losos describes how distinctive dewlap colors and shapes are traits that can keep different
species of lizards reproductively isolated. He notes that no two anole species living in the same geographic
location have dewlaps of the same color or shape. (Figure 6 shows a variety of dewlap shapes and colors.) Male
anoles display their dewlaps as a social signal and in particular to attract females. The females of most species
also have dewlaps, which are generally smaller than those of the males and are also used for signaling. Females
choose mating partners of the same species, based on a variety of physical characteristic including dewlap shape
and color.
Losos explains that if a group of anoles from a species with light-colored dewlaps migrated from dim forest
habitats and ended up in a habitat that was open and sunny, the light dewlaps would not be very useful for
communicating since they would be hard for other lizards to see. Over many generations, the lizards may develop
dull-colored dewlaps that stand out better against a bright background. If the male members of the population
then encountered females from the original forest population, the females would not choose them as mates
because they have no preference for dull-colored dewlaps. The two populations would now be reproductively
The Origin of Species
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hen lizards with different dewlap colors colonize neighboring niches such as the twigs or canopy of a tree, they
will not interbreed. As they adapt to their particular environments, they will not share genetic changes and the
two populations will be free to diverge even further in form and function. These processes have led to the
different body types and skin colors of lizards that exist today.
If your students also watched the related short film The Origin of Species: The Beak of the Finch, discuss with
them the similarities and differences between the two stories. Both films stress the role of geographic
isolation for establishing differences in traits between two populations. In the finch story, populations of birds
became isolated on different islands; in contrast, lizard populations became isolated within the same island,
as these islands are much larger than those of the Galápagos. In both scenarios, for speciation to happen, a
phase of geographic isolation must occur until reproductive isolation evolves. Then even if the two
populations share the same geographic location, they will not mate or produce fertile offspring. In the
finches, differences in song and appearance keep species separate; in the lizards, dewlaps play a key role.
Both finches and lizards have partitioned their habitats among different species. Different species of finches
eat different food, whereas the lizards have occupied different niches in trees, grasses, and bushes.
In an upper level biology course, students may learn about allopatric, parapatric, and sympatric speciation.
These are the three major mechanisms for speciation described in textbooks. Allopatric speciation takes place
when two populations are completely geographically isolated from each other and no gene flow occurs
between them. Genetic changes in one population are never shared with the other population. In parapatric
speciation, there is occasional gene flow between two populations that have adjacent geographic ranges.
Populations of finches on nearby islands may still have intermittent gene flow between them, but it is rare. In
sympatric speciation, gene flow is common because the two populations live in the same geographic area but
occupy different habitats. When speciation occurs in sympatric populations, one or more traits are likely
selected for that will keep the populations reproductively isolated. Such traits may include ones that affect
appearance, the ability to tolerate certain environmental extremes, and the timing of reproduction for the
two populations (e.g., spring or summer). In the case of the anoles, most researchers think that species
originally formed following geographic isolation (or allopatric speciation). For example, two groups may have
become isolated on different sides of a river or on one of the smaller islands that surround the large islands.
These different populations acquired different traits and became distinct species primarily due to behavioral
isolating mechanisms, such as a change in dewlap color, which kept members of different species separate if
and when they came into contact. The cichlid fish that have extensively radiated throughout freshwater lakes
in parts of Africa, Central America, and Asia may have undergone sympatric speciation. However, many
Figure 6. Different dewlap flavors. Male anoles use
colorful flaps of skin under their throats, called
dewlaps, to court females and confront other males.
In addition, the dewlaps help lizards distinguish
members of their own species from those of other
species. No two species of anoles living in the same
geographical location have dewlaps of the same size,
shape, or color.
The Origin of Species: Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree
The Origin of Species
Revised March 2018
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Educator Materials
biologists consider sympatric speciation very difficult to occur because ongoing gene flow prevents species
from evolving different features that would then preclude genetic exchange.
Stress to students that Losos has been able to do what few evolutionary biologists have done. He has been
able to conduct experiments to test how natural selection drives adaptations. Losos uses islands that have
recently been cleared of anoles by hurricanes as natural laboratories to test natural selection. In one
experiment, Losos and his team transplanted breeding pairs of male and female long-legged anoles from a
larger island to several small hurricane-scrubbed islands which had only bushes left. In the film, we see how
after only a few generations, the populations on islands where the anoles were introduced evolve shorter and
shorter legsadaptations driven by natural selection that help the anoles be successful in their new
Students may ask whether there are examples of convergent evolution in groups other than the anoles. Ask
students to come up with explanations for the torpedo body shape among groups of unrelated species like
dolphins, sharks, tunas, penguins, and extinct ichthyosaurs. Students may also find it fascinating that the
branching pattern found in trees today evolved independently in several groups of plants and evolved several
different times throughout the evolutionary history of plants.
The most famous case of repeated adaptive radiation is the cichlids of the East African Great Lakes, which
comprise approximately 2,000 species. In Lake Tanganyika, 250 cichlid species have evolved in the past 9
million to 12 million years, and in Lake Malawi 1000 species have evolved in the past 2 million to 5 million
years. Remarkably, Lake Victoria, which is less than 200,000 years old, has 500 to 1000 species. These lakes
have experienced independent evolutionary radiations and have each produced a dazzling array of similar
ecomorph classes, including plankton grazers, algae scrapers, sand filterers, egg predators, and so on, and
many of these ecomorphs have evolved convergently in two or all three lakes. However, our understanding of
this convergent evolution of cichlids lags behind that of anoles.
The film’s narrator, Sean Carroll, explains that two groups of organisms are defined as different species when
individuals from one group don’t mate with those from the other, or they do not produce fertile offspring if
they do. This is the biological species concept first introduced by evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr and the
definition most often taught to students. This concept emphasizes reproductive isolation. However, in
practice, evolutionary biologists focus more on size, shape, and color to group individuals into distinct species.
In general, they assume that species that look distinct are unlikely to interbreed. Differences in leg length,
body size, body color, and dewlap size and color distinguish different species of anoles. When studying the
fossil record, for example, morphological species criteria are the only ones available. For the most part, data
from various approaches for defining species, such as observing behavior, studying physical characteristics,
and even testing the ability to mate and produce fertile offspring, agree with one another. Species definitions
are trickiest for phyla other than animals, such as protozoans, plants, fungi, and of course bacteria.
Near the end of the film, the narrator, Sean Carroll, says, “The simple reason why there are so many species
in the world is that there are so many habitats. And each habitat provides myriad ways to survive.” Carroll
gives the example that in the Serengeti, zebras eat the tallest, coarsest grass, wildebeests the medium-height
grass, and Thomson's gazelles the shortest. Ask students to list as many different habitats as they can think of
that exist on the land that surrounds your city or town. Ask students to then list all the habitats they can think
of that were on that same land 200 years ago. What, if anything, has changed? Ask students how some of the
evolutionary processes they learned about in the film, like adaptation and natural selection, may have been
affected by changes in the local and regional habitats. You may also consider having students perform the
same exercise using your entire state as the landscape.
Jonathan Losos has shown that contrary to what Charles Darwin thought, species can evolve rapidly. When he
conducts his experiments on the islands, leg length changes within one or two generations. Even so, it is
important to help students understand that most speciation events are infrequent, and it often requires long
The Origin of Species
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Educator Materials
spans of geological timemillions of years—for two species to become truly distinct and genetically
incompatible with each other. However, sometimes speciation occurs at high rates, and the island
experiments Losos and others are conducting with the Caribbean anoles show that adaptations, the first steps
toward speciation, can arise rapidly, especially when the forces of natural selection are strong.
We designed the student handout as a learning assessment that probes students’ understanding of the key
concepts addressed in the film, which can be used to assess students’ prior knowledge before watching the film
or to guide students as they watch the film. We encourage you to choose the use that best fits your learning
objectives and your students’ needs. Moreover, because the vocabulary and concepts are complex, we encourage
you to modify the handout as needed (e.g., reducing the number of questions, explaining complicated vocabulary
for English learner students).
1. (Key Concept G) Puerto Rico, Cuba, Jamaica, and
Hispaniola have species of anole lizards with
distinct body types, including the grass lizards,
which have long tails; the canopy lizards, which
have large toe pads; and the twig lizards, which
have short legs. Anole species with each of these
three body types exist on each of the four islands.
The phylogenetic trees in the figure below
illustrate two hypotheses for how these types of
lizards may have evolved.
a. Select the pair of statements in the table
below that accurately describe the phylogenetic trees in the figure above:
Tree on the Left Side of the Figure
Tree on the Right Side of the Figure
The twig lizard on Puerto Rico evolved first and is
the ancestor of all the other lizards.
The twig lizard evolved first on all of the islands, and then the
canopy and grass lizards evolved from the twig lizard.
Body types evolved repeatedly and independently on
each island.
Different body types evolved once, and then populations of
individuals with those body types ended up on different islands
Different body types evolved only once, and then
populations of individuals with those body types
ended up on different islands.
There are two ancestors to all the lizards, the twig lizard and
the canopy lizard.
Puerto Rico is the origin of all three lizard body
Each body type evolved repeatedly and independently on each
b. Select which tree in the figure illustrates the most likely hypothesis for how the different species of anole
lizards evolved on the Caribbean islands according to the film:
X__ the tree on the left
_____ the tree on the right
c. U
sing evidence presented in the film, explain the reasoning behind your answer in the question above
(Part b).
In the film, Jonathan Losos and his colleagues sequenced the DNA of anoles from each island. The DNA revealed that
the lizards on each island tend to be more closely related to each other than to similar-looking lizards elsewhere.
That means that generally the same types of lizards evolved independently on each island
The Origin of Species: Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree
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2. (Key Concept F) Over many generations, natural selection favors those traits that enable populations to live
successfully in a particular habitat. A
scientist discovered two species of
anole lizards that live in different
habitats and display the
characteristics listed in the table
below. (The scientists based these
observations on a sample of 20
lizards from each species.)
a. Describe two differences between the two species of anoles.
Answers will vary. One difference is that species A lives high up on tree trunks and branches, whereas species B lives
lower down on trunks and on the ground. A second difference is that the limbs of species A are relatively short and
those of species B are long. The sizes of the two lizard species’ bodies and toe pads are also different
b. Formulate two hypotheses to explain why each of these differences may have evolved.
Answers will vary. Using the differences mentioned above, students may say that (1) by living higher up on the trunks
and in the branches of trees, species A avoids competition for resources with species B, and (2) longer limbs are an
adaptation for living lower in the trees and on the ground because individuals with longer limbs can run faster and
escape predators on the ground, whereas lizards with shorter legs can move more easily on thin branches high up in
the trees. Another answer may argue that toe pads make it easier for lizards to climb on the slick surfaces of leaves
c. Describe an experiment that would test one of your hypotheses stated above.
Answers will vary depending on the hypotheses presented above. A complete answer should include the hypothesis
being tested, a controlled method of testing the hypothesis, and a quantifiable prediction that supports the
hypothesis. Example:
Hypothesis Longer limbs are an adaptation for living on the ground because it enables lizards to run faster.
Method Lizard races. Create a rectangular enclosure on the classroom floor and compare the running
speeds of species A and species B.
Prediction Lizards with longer legs will run faster.
Students could also test the ability of the two species of lizards to climb a slick surface like glass or a mirror
3. (Key Concept D) Two organisms are considered to belong to different species if they
a. have differences in appearance, such as different color or leg length.
b. live in different geographical areas, such as on different islands.
do not mate or produce fertile offspring
d. eat entirely different types of foods.
4. (Key Concepts B and C) In the film, you saw Jonathan Losos place a male and female trunk-ground anole on an
island that did not have any trees but had short grass and shrubs. Losos and colleagues visited the island the
following year. What had happened?
a. The two anoles died because there were no trees for them to live in.
The two anoles reproduced and their offspring adapted to living in bushes
c. The legs of the two anoles got shorter and their offspring inherited shorter legs.
d. The two anoles reproduced and there were no significant differences in traits from one generation to the
5. (Key Concept B) Which statement best explains why islands can be used as natural laboratories?
Observations of Two Species of Anoles
High trunks and branches
Lower trunk and ground
Body length
130-191 mm
55-79 mm
Limb length
Toe-pad size
Tail length
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a. The climate among islands varies from very wet to very dry.
b. Islands are smaller in size than the mainland, so in that sense they are like a laboratory.
c. The islands have similar habitats, but they differ from the mainland habitat.
There are many small islands, meaning that researchers can repeat their observations and experiments on
several similar islands
6. (Key Concept C) Describe the similarities and differences between the terms microevolution and
Microevolution and macroevolution are similar in that both involve genetic changes in populations over time.
Microevolution and macroevolution are different in that microevolution involves changes within populations that do
not prevent breeding between one group and another. With macroevolution, changes within populations accumulate
until individuals from one group no longer recognize individuals from another group as potential mates or they are
no longer able to produce fertile offspring
7. (Key Concept F) List two lines of evidence that Jonathan Losos has gathered through observation and
experimentation that support the theory of natural selection developed by Charles Darwin.
A complete answer should include the following lines of evidence:
On each of the Caribbean’s four largest islands, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Cuba, and Hispaniola, Losos observed
the same distribution of similar-looking lizards.
Each island has lizards with the same basic body types: slender grass-bush anoles with long tails, long-
legged stocky trunk-ground anoles, small short-legged twig anoles, and canopy anoles with large toe pads.
Losos tested natural selection theory by transplanting breeding pairs of long-legged anoles from a larger
island to several small hurricane-scrubbed islands, which had only bushes left.
Losos collected evidence suggesting that after only a few generations, the populations on all of the islands
evolved shorter and shorter legsadaptations driven by natural selection that help the anoles be successful
in their new environment
Use the following information and figure to answer Questions 8-9.
In 2003, Jonathan Losos and his research team experimentally introduced curly-tailed lizards (Leiocephalus
carinatus) to islands populated by trunk-ground anoles that live primarily on the ground and have relatively long
legs (Losos, J. B., T. W. Schoener, and D. A. Spiller. 2004. Predator-induced behaviour shifts and natural selection
in field-experimental lizard populations. Nature 432: 505-508). The scientists wanted to know how the presence
of curly-tailed lizards, which are anole predators, would affect the habitat in which the anoles lived.
In one experiment, Losos and colleagues measured the “perch height” (or how high off the ground a lizard was
perched) for 24 individual anoles. They then placed either a curly-tailed lizard (experimental population) or an
inanimate object of the same size (control population) in front of individual trunk-ground anoles and measured
the perch height 10 minutes later. They then calculated the average change in the anole’s perch height in the
experimental and control populations. The results of this experiment are summarized in Figure 1.
The Origin of Species: Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree
The Origin of Species
Revised March 2018
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Educator Materials
8. (Key Concepts A and B) Based on the information above, what research question did the scientists ask that led
to this experiment?
How do ground anoles evolve in the presence of a potential predator?
Do ground anoles change perch height in the presence of a potential predator?
9. (Key Concepts A and B) Using the information in Figure 1, describe the results of the experiment.
In the presence of a live curly-tailed lizard, the ground anoles started living higher off the ground. The data show that
they shifted their perch height by an average of 0.6 meters. The average perch height did not change for the anoles
that were exposed to an inanimate object the same size as a curly-tailed lizard.
Additional Notes: Discuss with students why Losos and colleagues used an inanimate object in the control
experiment. To minimize the number of variables that change from the experimental to the control condition,
scientists try to use exactly the same protocol. In this particular experiment, both experimental and control protocols
involved placing something in front of the anoles and taking a measurement 10 minutes later. The only variable that
changed was the presence or absence of a predator
Use the following information and figure to answer Questions 10-12.
In another experiment, the scientists left the curly-tailed lizards on the islands for several weeks. They counted
the number of anoles living on the ground at the beginning of the experiment in May and then again in July and
November. The figure below shows the percentage of anoles living on the ground on islands with curly-tailed
lizards (experimental population) and without curly-tailed lizards (control population).
Figure 1.
Mean change in perch height (±1 standard
error) 10 minutes after introduction of either a
large predatory lizard (experimental) or an
inanimate object of the same size (control). (Image
reproduced with permission from Losos, J. B., T. W.
Schoener, and D. A. Spiller. 2004. Nature 432: 505-
Figure 2.
Differences in proportions of anoles
observed on the ground in experimental and control
populations. Values are mean and ±1 standard error
of the mean for all 12 islands. Only four islands were
surveyed in July. (Image reproduced with permission
from Losos, J. B., T. W. Schoener, and D. A. Spiller.
2004. Nature 432: 505-508.)
The Origin of Species
Revised March 2018
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Film Guide
Educator Materials
10. (Key Concepts A and B) Based on the information above, what research question did the scientists ask that
led to this experiment?
11. (Key Concepts A and B) Using the information in Figure 2, describe the result of the experiment.
12. (Key Concepts A and B) Provide a scientific explanation for the results of the two experiments summarized in
Figures 1 and 2. (Hint: Imagine that you are one of the anoles in each experiment.)
13. (Key Concepts CF) If the curly-tailed lizards were left on the islands for several years, predict how the bodies
of the trunk-ground anoles might change after many generations of living in the presence of curly-tailed
Darwin, C. 1867. Letter. In F. Burkhardt, D. M. Porter, S. A. Dean, S. Evans, S. Innes, A. M. Pearn, A. Sclater, and P. White, Eds.
2006. The correspondence of Charles Darwin: volume 15, 1867. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
Kocher, T. D. 2004. Adaptive evolution and explosive speciation: the cichlid fish model. Nature Reviews Genetics 5:288-298.
Losos, J. 2011. Lizards in an Evolutionary Tree. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Paul Strode, PhD, Fairview High School, Boulder, Colorado, and Laura Bonetta, PhD, HHMI; quiz by Paul Strode and Mary
Colvard, Cobleskill-Richmondville High School (retired), Deposit, New York
Edited by Susan Dodge, Laura Bonetta, PhD, and Dennis Liu, PhD, HHMI, and Ann Brokaw, Rocky River High School, OH;
copyedited by Linda Felaco
Reviewed by Jonathan Losos, PhD
Field tested by Marty Buehler, Hastings High School; Deborah Charles, Amityville Union Free School District; Robin Cochran-
Dirksen, Lead-Deadwood High School; Karen Davis, Canyon High School; David Knuffke, Deer Park High School; Noreen
Kohler, Phoenix Academy; Katie Lodes, St. Josephs Academy; Valerie May, Woodstock Academy; Patricia Richards, Walter
Johnson High School