Export Controls Quiz
1. Which of the following statements apply to Export Controls (EC) laws?
a. They have been in place for decades
b. Criminal sanctions apply for violations
c. Universities are covered by the regulations
d. All of the above
2. Which of the following is not an export under the EAR and / or ITAR?
a. Shipment of covered goods or articles out of the country
b. Verbal or visual disclosure of covered technology/software/data to a foreign national
c. Shipment of covered goods or articles to a U.S. citizen at a destination in the U.S.
d. Electronic or digital transmission of covered goods or articles to a foreign national or
3. What statement below describes a “dual-use” item?
a. An item that has been used by more than one person
b. An item that has both commercial and military applications
c. An item that takes more than one distinct manufacturing step in production
d. An item that has more than one specific function for use
4. What is a “deemed export?”
a. Shipment of covered goods or articles to a foreign destination
b. Traveling out of the U.S. carrying a laptop with covered information on it
c. Release of covered technology or source code to a foreign national in the U.S.
d. Attending a scientific conference in a foreign country
5. Fundamental research is “exempted” from the export controls regulations, and is broadly defined as:
a. Preliminary research that is used as a basis for future projects or products
b. All research activities that are performed in academic settings
c. Research that is performed by a small and exclusive team of scientists
d. basic or applied research where the resulting information is ordinarily published and shared
broadly in the scientific community
6. Which of the following actions will negate the fundamental research exemption?
a. university or researcher accepts any restrictions on publication of information
b. university or researcher has accepted a transfer of information from another sponsor or
provider and have agreed that the sponsor or provider may restrict university publication
c. Research is federally funded and specific access and dissemination controls have been
accepted by the university or the researcher
d. All of the above
7. True or False: The simple operation of a device that has covered or controlled technology by a foreign
national constitutes a deemed export violation under export controls laws.
8. Which of the following is false about taking some covered items when you travel out of the country?
a. usual and reasonable kinds and quantities of tools (commodities and /or software) for use by
the exporter (faculty) or employees of the exporter while out of the country are called “tools
of the trade”
b. Laptop computers are not considered controlled commodities so there are no restrictions to
their transport or use overseas.
c. You may not sell or discard a covered item while traveling out of the country
d. The tools of the trademust remain under effective control of the exporter i.e. retain physical
possession of the item, locked in the hotel safe, or otherwise guarded
9. Regarding biological and biotechnology materials, which of the following statements about export
controls (EC) is true?
a. EC laws do not regulate the domestic use of pathogens
b. EC laws do regulate export production (know how to replicate) or development (design)
technology that is not in the public domain
c. EC laws do control the physical export of the pathogens to another country,
d. All of the above
10. Which of the following statements about the Bona Fide Employee Exemption (ITAR 125.4(10) is false:
a. It is a specialized benefits package for non-US citizens working on ITAR covered technologies
b. It allows “Disclosures of unclassified technical data in the U.S. by U.S. colleges to foreign
persons who are their bona fide and full time regular employees.”
c. Employees must be in permanent residence in the U.S. during the period of the activity to be
eligible for the exemption.
d. The recipient of the exemption is not a student or a national of a prohibited country
11. What do I do if it is determined that I need an export control license one for my covered
a. Call the Board of Regents
b. Contact the Preawards Services / University Research Compliance Office for assistance in
preparing the Multipurpose Application Form (BIS Form 748P)
c. Take your chances that no one will find out you are going to violate the Export Controls Laws
d. Delegate the responsibility for export controls compliance to one of your graduate students
12. What is the purpose of a written Technology / Export Control Plan (T/ECP) for export controlled
a. Define the long-term goals of your covered activity
b. Use it in the body of your extramural funding application
c. Keep all of your multi-national research team informed about specifics of your laboratory
d. Prevent exportation of covered items, products information or technologies to unauthorized